Hot Shots Golf PS Cheats

All Golfers and Courses:

Remove all memory cards from the playstation. Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 on

Controller Two when the screen flashes just before the Hot Shots logo appears

during the opening sequence. Keep those buttons held, and press Up, Up, Down,

Up, Left, Right, Right, Left, Up, Up, Down, Up, Left, Right, Right, Left on

controller two while the Hot Shots logo is in motion. The sound of a wood driver

will confirm correct code entry

Change golfer’s hand:

Highlight a golfer at the character selection screen, then hold L1 and press


Reversed courses:

Highlight a course at the course selection screen, then hold L1 + L2 and press


GameShark Codes

Quick Level Up			80101f44ffff

Thanks to Revolution readers Manuel Quiles, Vickie Hull, Steve, Unforgiven

One, Evan Rigby, and Tommy!

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