Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Walkthrough Last Updated at 2:19 AM on 12-18-99 Verison 2.0 -Complete Walkthrough- !!!WARNING!!! Copyright 1999 Xaivier Dragon !!!WARNING!!! Do not use this Faq for the purpose of making a quick profit. This Faq took me a lot of time and effort to make, and I don't want it being used for someone elses profit. For the benefit of those less fortunate to know what this means, email me if you don't understand something about the above mentioned warning statement. *********************All Rights Reserved******************************* Should you choose to profit from my efforts,just know that Plagiarism is a punishable crime and you will be prosecuted under the Bill Of Rights. Ripping off other peoples work is reminiscent of what kids do when they don't get what they want. Don't act like a 3 year old and you won't have to be reminded of what profitting off of others efforts can truly do. You will get caught and you can be sued, so be aware. I have been told by some websites of people that have disguised my guide and tried to take cradit for it. Anyone that has done this and is reading this now has been recorded and I intend on reporting you so be prepared for a little trouble. If you would listen to what people try and warn you about you wouldn't be facing charges but now you must live up to reality. I don't give warnings at all so if you know you've done this you'll be hearing from my lawyer soon. Other Places you can find my walkthrough are posted at the following sites: Dave at: Dan at: Al at: X-Dragons Official html page at X Dragons Final all html site for Tomb Raider The Last Revelation (above). This is the final update to my Walkthrough in html format. It contains the same general information as this text document but makes it easier and quicker to download. Each page (16 all together) covers 3 levels of the walkthrough and is no bigger than around 30 KB each which means faster download time. So please visit it as it took me a long time to make as well. Look also for my new Dukes Of Hazzard FAQ/Walkthrough and my Medal Of Honor walkthrough all for Playstation exclusively on . I only do Playstation games because to me Sony is the best, only by my opinion. For any questions that regard other walkthroughs I'm working on at the moment than email me at I will answer the emails of what games I'm currently working on only at this email address so if you have questions about other games then ask me that and I will be glad to tell you. Also check my Tomb Raider 4 The Last Revelation walkthrough at the page listed below. With Tomb Raider is the same thing I'm done with the game I'm working on other walkthroughs and I will not respond to anymore emails unless you like being ignored, then please stop emailing me. I have finally completed an entire html page devoted to this walkthrough. Paste in There is 6 pages in all covering all 7 missions. This also is good for people with Web TV that sometimes doesen't download the entire text document like this one your reading. Also since I have already completed this game and some people still don't understand what to do in the game or your emailing me to ask me a question on how to get through a certain area when it was clearly covered in the walkthrough then I'm just going to say to save yourself some trouble by reading the damn walkthrough if your stuck. I get so many lazy people emailing me asking me what to do in such and such level and I simply don't and won't make the time to help you along. You have eyes to read so use them instead of lazying around and emailing me on what to do. Basically this walkthrough is done and I won't be adding any of the secrets since they are all listed in someone elses faq. Also all emails on this walkthrough are through as well so don't bother emailing me I promise I won't respond. To Check these sites out just drag across these sites with the mouse using the left mouse button and then right click over the site. After that, scroll down to the copy function and then press the left mouse button. Move the Mouse up to the address area where you enter in web addresses and right click and choose the paste function. Now press enter and wait for the site to load. These basic instructions on how to copy and paste sites and other such texts is made for newcomers to the internet that don't know what the copy/paste function does. This walkthrough wasn't made for Egyptian Heritage or historical reasons. If I screwed up the characters and offended some people then realize that this is just a game. I don't thrive off of entering every detail into a simple walkthrough. I actually have a life outside of playing video games and I don't have the time to add everything. I have seen some walkthroughs outside of mine with almost a research base of information which tells me that someone has too much time on their hands to actually live a real life. So to all those of you who have their entire lives invested in Tomb Raider this and Tomb Raider that then keep your comments to yourself. I'm not going to invest 80 hours a week to a dumb video game no matter how great either the game or the character really is or claims to be. I'm making a walkthrough here not a term paper so just read the faq and enjoy it or write one better. *********************PC Requirements*********************************** 266MHz Pentium II Windows 95/98 32 MB RAM 4 MB Video Card 4X CD-ROM *********************************************************************** Other requirements in game consoles: a Playstation and a controller and a memory card unless you can spare around a month of straight gameplay. Welcoming all the people who get this game for Christmas and wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy the game if thats possible. This Walkthrough was written while I played the game and some secrets might have been missed and I don't plan on adding all of them. If I missed something and you found it,then pat yourself on the back I can't possibly post all the secrets here. It'd be great for someone that knows where all the secrets are and can upload them to gamefaqs to go along with the walkthrough. As different as it may sound to most people that bend over backwards to find a secret,some people don't care about finding every single secret in the game. It would just take up too much page space and not be very helpful as in the rougher spots in the game. Please excuse the walkthrough of any errors or espicially run on sentances which I know happened. It's rather comical with the run-on sentances cause whenever someone mentions Run-on sentence I think of a cartoon. Ever see Speed Racer? That cartoon is nothing more than a bunch of voice actors that use run-on sentences the entire episodes. A problem has occured with the walkthrough and wondering if anyone that has solved the game already knows where to find the Eastern Shaft Key to place into the wall in the Inside The Great Pyramid level. I think I must have picked it up along the way and didn't add it to the walkthrough,unintentionally mind you. If anyone can remember what level this item is on so noone has a problem with this then please email me at If you get to this area and still have a problem there is a soultion but it will give you too many items to hold onto. Use the get all Items in the level trick,listed below and you will get the key,cause I went back and tried it. You can pass through then but it takes away 3 of your Holy Scriptures and messes the end part all up. When I find the real solution to where the Eastern Shaft Key really is, I'll have it listed with the walkthrough. ********************Weapons and Items Listing************************** Pistols- These are standard guns that Lara has used throughout every Tomb Raider Adventure. They have unlimited firepower, but are weak and have limited range. Shotgun-This gun shows it's face around level 3 and is a powerful weapon,but has a short range due to it's short barrel. There is 2 types of shotgun ammo, however. The super shotgun ammo is obvoiusly more powerful and has a bigger overspray versus the standard ammo. Uzis-This gun is a fun gun to shoot, I'll admit that, but it takes entirely too much ammo to kill most enemies. The benefit of this gun,however, is the fact that it has longer range than the Pistols and the Shotgun. Grenade Gun- This gun is a very cool gun to have, if you really want to just have fun blowing things and enemies up. It has 3 types of ammo which is the Normal Ammo for regular blowing of things up. The Super Ammo which is the most fun as when you shoot it and it blows up it spawns 3 fireballs which open like a flower,showering your enemies and others that are close by. The Flash Ammo,which shoots a shell and upon hitting an object or enemy shoots a blinding flash or bright white light. This ammo doesen't do any visible damage but I think it stuns the enemy for a short time. As with any Grenade style weapon,make sure your far away from enemies and objects, before shooting it. Crossbow- Obtainable to my knowledge only when you get to the Coastal Ruins level in the amusement house. This weapon is a great weapon to have with use of the laser sight attachement. When you need to hit enemies or objects from a distance or even when close up it works great. There is 3 types of Ammo with this weapon as well. The Normal ammo is great for really any situation or enemy that doesen't require extra firepower. The Poison Ammo is great for hitting enemies with a shot of poison and letting their life deplete away slowly. The Explosive Ammo is really like the standard Grenade Ammo and blows things up quite well. Revolver- I personally loved this weapon and used it quite often against enemies even though the Grenade and Explosive arrows were fun also. This gun also can use the sight attachment and is great for long range shots. This gun by far is the best gun to use against enemies at close range and far as most enemies only take 2 shots to knock down. ********************Items in the Game********************************** Binoculars- This excellent item is great for 2 things. The first is you can look at different terrain and also to find far away ledges that are hard to see with the standard look button. The second good thing about the binoculars is if you are fresh out of flares you can use these to see in hallways to find hard to find ledges and also items that are hard to see in the dark. Flares- These are like temporary flashlights but can also be used underwater as well. If you find yourself having a hard time navigating a dark area of a level,these come in handy to find your way out. Another great thing about Flares is that there is plenty to find and also if you keep lighting them and then drawing your weapon you can drop them on the ground. Throwing some into hard to see into pits or canyons or gaps is a great way to see whats down a dark hole. Small Medi-Pack- Good little items to have since they outnumber the Large Medi-Packs in the game they have 3 uses. They replenish lost health due to enemy resistance. They also are a great remedy for if you are bit by a Scorpion or Stung by a Giant Wasp. They also replenish lost health due to a large drop or fall when landing from high up. Large Medi-Pack- Pretty much does the same as a Small Medi-Pack but replenishes more health at any given time. It also works in the above listed uses for the Small Medi-Pack. To cure yourself from a poison status however it is only reccommended to use a Small Medi-Pack as the Large Packs are harder to come by. **********************Items In Levels Of The Game******************** **********************Table Of Contents****************************** WARNING- The following listed items could or could not spoil the gaming expierience for you. By reading further you are really wanting to know what an item does that you have in your possessions. The items Bestiary is for the purpose of reference only. I only reccommend looking at this section to see if you might have missed something and still managed to move on. I believe I've listed all the items in the game,but if I didn't then email me with missed items,thanks X Dragon. Rules Of Senet- This sheet of paper describes some rules to a game thats somewhat but not too similiar to Chess. Horsemans Gem- This item is found in the Lost Library after beating the Brass Horseman/Axeman. Crowbar- Found on the Desert Railroad level this item is a very handy thing to have. It not only pries things loose,it also acts as a switch handle when there isn't a handle present on a half round switch plate. Golden Skulls- These Mysterious Skulls are found in the Angok-Watt Level of the game. They don't actually do anything I'm aware of and are there for the sole purpose of adding to the secrets found. There is 5 to be found in the first level of the game Eye Of Horus- This object is in Level 3 and is used to progress further into the level The Timeless Sands- This is found in Level 3 of the game as well but is not used for anything I'm aware of. Torch- These unlit sticks can be used as light for a dark area(when ignited by a lit torch) or to pass through a puzzle. The Hand Of Orion- Found in the Burial Chambers level it's an object used to activate something. The Hand Of Sirius- Also found in the Burial Chambers level it doesen't do anything and I believe is just a secret item to find. Scarab Talisman- This is found in the Burial Chambers level and is used to activate something. The Golden Serpent- Found in Burial Chambers, it activates a door. Amulet Of Horus- Found at the Burial Chambers also,for right now this little into the game it serves as a relic. Ignition Key- Used To start the Jeep and found in the Valley Of The Kings Level. Canopie Jar 1- This Jar is found in the Temple Of Karnak and is numbered since there is 2 of them Hypostle Key- Found at the Temple Of Karnak and it's a standard door key. Sun Talisman- An item that activates something. Sun Disk- This item can be combined with the Sun Goddess to make the Sun Talisman and used to enter the small temple in Sacred Lake (Revisited) Sun Goddess- This item can be combined with the Sun Disk to make the Sun Talisman and used to enter the small temple in Sacred Lake (Revisited) Large Waterskin- This Skin is made of rabbits skin I guess and is great for storing water inside of. It's really just a canteen the size of 2 1/2 Pepsi bottles.(5 Liters) Small Waterskin- Actually you'll find this first but since it's smaller and can hold only 3 liters I listed it later Right Gauntlet- A piece of Horus' Armor Left Gauntlet- A piece of Hours' Armor Right Greave- A piece of Hours' Armor Left Greave- A piece of Hours' Armor Northern Shaft Key- A key used inside of a wall to activate an important event. Western Shaft Key- A key used inside of a wall to activate an important event. Eastern Shaft Key- A key used inside of a wall to activate an important event. Southern Shaft Key- A key used inside of a wall to activate an important event. Star- This is used in the Lost Library level to open up doors and move globes around. Marklar- Not much is known about this mysterious item. It's rumored to be a being of sorts from the popular Television show SouthPark. There really isn't an item called Marklar I just thought I'd mention it cause it was funny. Pharoh's Pillar- This is used in the Temple Of Isis to make a grand entrance. Pharoh's Knot- Theres actually 2 times when you use the Pharoh's knot,once at the Temple Of Isis and then again in Cleopatra's Palaces. Guardian Portal- This item is made when combining the items listed below this one. Hathor Effigy- A piece of the Guardian Portal used to exit the level. Using the combine option with Ornate Handle. Ornate Handle- A piece of the Guardian Portal used to exit the level. Using the combine option with Hathor Effigy. Weapon Code Key- This handy item is found at the Trenches level and is good cause it makes the automated Machine Guns, stop shooting at you. Valve Pipe- An item found in Trenches level thats combined with the Nitrous Oxide. Nitrous Oxide- This can of oxide is found behind the Jeep in Citadel level and is combined with the Valve to make the Nitrous Oxide Feeder. Nitrous Oxide Feeder- An item thats attached to the side of the Motorcycle that allows the cycle to go faster. It uses sprint energy like when Lara runs and goes down the same way Lara's energy does. Mine Detonator Body- This device is found on the Street Bazaar level and is used a max of 1 time to clear a mine field. Car Jack Body- An item used to pry open a hatch in a later level. Handle- This item is combined with the Car Jack Body to pry open a hatch door. Hook- This item is combined with the Wooden Broom Handle found in the Coastal Ruins level for retrival of the keys. Wooden Broom Handle- This item is combined with the Hook, found in the Coastal Ruins level for retrival of the keys. Metal Blade- This item is combined with a shovel handle to make a shovel. Shovel Handle- Combined with the Metal Blade to make a shovel. Shovel- Once put together it's used to dig a hole at the bottom of a grave to enter one of the pyramids. Black Beetle- Collected in the Pharoh's,Temple Of Isis and there is 4 in all. Broken Beetle- This object serves the purpose to make you think it will fit into the Black Beetle pyramid at the end of the TOI level. Mechanical Beetle- Found inside the beetle pyramid and used to set off spike traps. Winding Key- This item is combined with the Mechanical Beetle so it can be wound up. Ba Cartouche- This piece doesen't need to be found since there is different paths to take on the level it's on. Theres 2 pieces in all. Ra Cartouche- Same as the one above. Golden Vraeus- This item is used like a key in the Tomb Of Semerkhet when you must insert it in the wall to activate a laser beam. Guardian Key- An Object you obtain when activating the Laser Beam in Tomb Of Semerkhet. Bag Of Sand- This item is found in the later part of the game and it part of a door puzzle. Jerrycan- This item is a standard gasoline can thats also part of a door puzzle. Trident- 4 in all to collect and they activate a door section in a certain level. Laser Sight- A scope used on the Revolver or Crossbow that allows you to shoot things from a greater distance. Token- Obtained in the Coastal Ruins level,this item is used in the fortune teller behind the glass. Broken Glasses- These Glasses are found when later returning to Coastal Ruins level. Could They be Werner Von Croix'? Maybe, but then again maybe not. Roof Key- A key thats obtained later in the game for use with Hmm A door,yep thats it. Handle- Found in the Street Bazaar level,this item combines with the Car Jack Body to pry a door open with. Mine Position Data- An item found in the Street Bazaar level and combined with the Detonator Body item. Silver Key- A key obtained in the Sphinx Complex that you need to use to open a door. Guards Keys- These keys open 2 doors late in the game. Armory Key- This key is a great key to have when entering Khufu's Queens Pyramids. Old Scrap Of Paper- This piece of paper has some symbolic scriptures on it. It's used as a decoder for the Underneath the Sphinx level. Stone Of Maat- A stone Pendant used in exiting the Underneath The Sphinx level. Stone Of Kherpri- A stone Pendant used in exiting the Underneath The Sphinx level. Stone Of Re- A stone Pendant used in exiting the Underneath The Sphinx level. Stone Of Atum- A stone Pendant used in exiting the Underneath The Sphinx level. Holy Scriptures- These come in a set of 4 and are used to awaken Horus. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************Enemies**************************************** Standard Guards- These guys are usually in robed looking attire and usually equip either a shotgun or an uzi. Ninjas- These guys come in Green and Red Ninja uniforms. Some shoot with Uzis and some just carry swords which can make them immune to bullets as long as they are twirling their sword. Boar- These are found on the first level and never again,I guess cause they are weak. Bulls- Later in the game these ugly and nasty creatures show up and are some mean animals. Shark- Theres only 1 shark in the game and it is a hammerhead shark. He's pretty powerful if your taking your time. Scarabs- Nasty Beetles that appear throughout the game from time to time. These creatures eat away at your flesh and can make you a carcass in no time if they all band and stay together. Raptorhead- These Ugly Hellish looking creatures are just nasty things. They appear late in the game and are very strange looking. Minotaur- This guy appears at the Chambers Of Tulun and is a nasty foe. He is extremely tall as well as muscular in comparison to Laras tiny frame. Bats- Annoying is the best way to describe these things really, cause they are like pests more than anything. Giant Wasp- These appear late in the game and aren't that bad but they do cause a poisonous sting. Fire Spirit- This can be a nasty creature when it wants to be. Get hit by him too many times and it's barbecue Lara until you find some water to jump into. Water Spirit- This Spirit is not really a bad spirit but you must get into the game to see for yourself what this creature does and how he helps you. Ice Spirit- This spirit is another helper of Laras,but not till late in the game. Pharoh- These are really nasty birds and they shoot fire balls at Lara. They don't show up until late in the game as well. Amazon Guardians- These are a boss of sorts and don't appear till late in the game. Horus- Well if you haven't been following the story or if you're just starting the game I won't mention who this heathen is. Mutant Scorpion- These are much larger versions of the Small Black Scorpions and these are red in color. ********************Vehicles******************************************* Jeep- This vehicle is accessible in a later level and is 1 of the vehucles that Lara can drive around in. It's also a great weapon to run people and animals over with. Motorcyle- This old Fashioned looking thing gets Lara around in the later levels of the game and is also a good weapon for running people and animals over with. ************************Traps***************************************** Darts- This trap is another 1 timer for this game,only showing up in the Race For The Iris level. Either run really fast to avoid them or you can crouch to avoid them. Carosoel Blades- These are like leg loppers and are actually not that damaging. Mostly they just knock you off of ledges,but since there is only 1 in the entire game I would imagine they weren't too popular of a trap to use. Spike Traps- These traps are standard traps in about every Tomb Raider game. Usually they are inside of dark pits or holes that are hard to see down into. Steep Slopes- These aren't always traps Persay,but if your near a ledge thats steep you can slip on a steep slope and go tumbling into them. Retractable Spikes- Theres about 3 different kinds of these spikes. The first kind come up through floored ares with a shape of like a star on the floor. Another kind is a kind that pop up when you jump over or into holes. The last kind is when your on a pole sliding down and the spikes retract and then come back and are set on a 2 second interval. Retractable Flames- These are usually found around the blocks with hidden switches in them and usually you just wait for them to retract before hitting the switches inside of the blocks. Boulders- There isn't too many of these in this Tomb Raider game but usually when you hear a rumbling and see the screen shaking that it's time to move and hope you don't get squished. Saw Blades- Not seen until late in the game,these nasty blades spin around poles where you slide down and can cause serious health problems leading to death, if you don't time them right. Pyramid Debris- Don't appear until late in the game and are most like boulders in how they let you know they are close by. Retractable Stone Hammers- These nasty things can squish you if you aren't careful and also don't appear until late in the game. Oval Blade Teaser- This trap reminds me of jumping through a moving ring of fire and doesen't appear until late. It moves in a circle and the blades on it clamp down into the middle of the ring it's on. Torso Hacker- This nasty blade doesen't appear till late in the game and is an instant killer if you don't know where you are. It appears in halls and has a sensor so it knows when your around and gets activated. One swipe is all it takes as these blades are beyond razor sharp, OUCH!! Pillar Stompers- These are probably the nastiest,and most frustrating traps in the entire game. They shake the screen when you're close and since there is usually 2 or 3 more around you have no idea where to stand to be safe until it's too late. This trap has also a late appearence in the game as well. Pendulum- It acts just like a hypnotist' watch going back and fourth and has a giant axe-like blade attached. These aren't instant killers but they can cause some good amount of damage. Late in the game. Scissor Blades- These appear later in the game but not that late and are only on 1 room. When running across the ledges they sense your presence and come up chopping you to bits. Ball and Chain Blades- These are like a Morning Star type of blade that comes down from the ceiling when you get close and looks merely like a ball of steel. A few seconds later 4 blades pop out it's a really cool blade. This was my favorite trap in the whole game it just was super cool. Fires- Regular fires started in some way or another on the ground and when you step over them you catch on fire. Hand Slapper Blades- These blades pop up when your trying to grab a relic or treasure upon a pedastal. They don't do that much damage though. Hydraulic Machine Guns- These are super nasty weapons and they shoot bullets when your far away. When close up they shoot fire and this is blue flame fire which makes it worse. Appear late in the game. More traps on the way when I think of more to add. *******************Frequently Asked Questions************************** 1. Q. In Coastal Ruins level I got the keys out of the cage and they don't appear in my inventory, did I miss something? A. Well this is not hard to answer but apparently Core,The devolpers made a mistake here. It shows Lara going into her pack and it looks like she drops the keys inside of it. Actually she doesen't do that and I expierienced the same problem. The keys are behind Lara lying on the ground for some reason so you must get close to them and pick them up before going through the big gate to exit the level. 2. Q. Where is the Revolver for the game,I bought Primas guide http// and it says I need to use it in the Coastal Ruins level? Did I miss it cause I can't find it. A. I can't vouche for Prima and their saying you need the Revolver for this level. To my knowledge this weapon is not obtainable until Level 24, City Of The Dead. 3. Q. Do you have any Gameshark Codes for this game? A. I don't personally, but you can check out the ones listed on or 4. Q. Is there any in game tricks or codes for this game? A. Yes there is, and they are listed down below a small ways,keep scrolling and you'll find them. 5. Q. How do I get past the Serpent Room in the Lost Library level? A. It's a very simple process that is listed in the walkthrough. All you do is make certain that all the switches are in the down position and thats all you need to know. I have had people emailing me with their methods which were too long and didn't make much sense. I already listed the correct way to do this without racking your brain in the walkthrough and now I've listed it up here as well. ALL SWITCHES MUST BE IN THE DOWN POSITION IN THIS ROOM. As simple as that,I can't imagine anything more easier than that. 6. Q. How do I get past the Fire Symbol room and open the gate to get the Timeless Sands Hourglass? A. Again this is listed in the walkthrough and is simple as pie. You begin at the back of the room and you jump from 1 symbol to another using standard Lara jumps. You just jump to each symbol thats the next closest symbol to the last one you jumped from. Each time you jump and land on another symbol,it will set the last symbol you just jumped from on fire. When you land on the last symbol the gate opens and you can retrieve the Hourglass. (Below I will make a map to follow along step by step, as many people are having difficutly with this puzzle, still.) Directions: Walk to the first symbol on the floor and then jump (Standard Lara Jump here.) to number 2 symbol on the floor. Jump now to the number 3 symbol(Standard Lara Jump) Next jump from 3 to 4 symbol using a standard Lara Jump. From 4 jump to the 5th and final symbol and the gate opens. How more simpler can it get than that? If you still can't figure this one out then go buy the guide or call the hint line cause it doesen't get any simpler than this. X You enter here where the x is | The area to the left represents the chain, pull first 1- the 1 is right where the first symbol is. 2- This symbol marked 2 is close. Jump to 3 below from 2 3- 4-From 4 jump to 5th and final symbol to open 5- This is the last jump to make and the gate opens. Now I'll show the map without directions X | 1 2 3 4 5 Connect the Lara dots and your home free and you can get the Hourglass. 7. Q. Is there any Nude Codes for Tomb Raider? A. No and there never will be, so just quit hoping for them ya pervs. 8. Q. I'm on level 38 Under the Sphinx and I can't get the stone buttons to reset? How do I get them to reset? A. You must enter the gate that your last combination opened and go to the back of the room to activate the switch thats here. This will open the gate of the room you just entered and also reset the stone buttons. If you managed to save the game before entering the combination like I mention in the walkthrough then you can just reload and re-enter the combination. 9. Q. In the Lost Library level I can't find the gem that goes in the slot to open the gate where I pull the chain,where is it? A. This is very tedious, but you must kill the Brass Horseman/Axeman to receive the Horsemans Gem. 10. Q. In level 12 with the Chessboard I can't figure what way to go after clearing the board? A. There is 3 ways to win the game and clear the board. The first way takes you the easy route and the second way takes a medium route and the last way is the hard route. Basically the last way is if you totally failed at the game it's not really a win. The second way is if you did okay but not that great against the computer. The first way is pretty much if you totally dominated the game and your rewarded with the easy route out of the level. 11. Q. I'm on Saced Lake level and I read about the mirrored room with the flashing area to surface to. I can't find this flashing area so where is it? A. The area with the underwater mirror is a very hard area indeed, as it took me quite a while to find. Something tells me that this section is nothing more than a major bug in the devolpment of the game by where you surface at. As soon as you swim into the entrance of this Mirrored room take a left,immediately. The best way to find the flashing area which occured when I played the game is to just swim to where the rocky area is like you're actually going to surface. Keep swimming left and you'll surface eventually in a cemented area that looks like the rocky area your in and you can hop a ledge here. My 1 line Review of Tomb Raider: Last Revelation Shoddy Controls and confusing gameplay, as well as the same game engine, make this game a frustrating expierience. Rating: 5.5 -Complete Review By X Dragon- Where do I begin when saying that this game is very awkward and clumsy? First off if you liked the other Tomb Raiders in the series then this is one you might want to question. There isn't really much improvement from number 3 really. The graphics haven't changed at all as far as I can tell with hollowed out 2 and 3D graphics. There is also the problem with the controls that existed with pretty much all the Tomb Raider games. The camera and controls have a conflicting battle and seem to fight back and fourth making the game furstrating in the control department. The vehicles are even worse,making the gamer wonder which way he/she is going when driving around with them. The backup for the Jeep was done well but when you backup with the Motorcycle you might as well just be actually pushing a real motorcycle backwards. The turn around feature with both vehicles reminds me that they were the first vehicles ever invented cause they take forever to turn around in. Lara has some improved features and I don't mean her bust. She now can swing on vines which is a very cool feature,but you must be in perfect alignment to make the swings from vine to vine. If they would have just left it like the old Pitfall style where you just swing on 1 vine to make swings it would have been cool. The combine feature is kinda what Capcom started with Dino Crisis and it continued with RE3 and now in Tomb Raider. It's a different feature,but nothing much to add to gameplay. The actual gameplay is just plain confusing in alot of the later levels. It makes me think they programmed the last levels first and worked their way back maybe to lessen the strain on the final results of the game. The beginning levels which some still had some difficult puzzles were done nicely and worked well with the gameplay. The later levels where you must enter other levels to complete certain tasks is very confusing and tedious. The gameplay flows in a certain direction to where you complete all tasks in a level and then move on to the next level. Later in the game the gameplay switches it's pattern,making you look into entering other levels to complete tasks. This confused me because the gameplay flowed in a general direction to where leaving a level to complete something else and then returning to that level to finish it off seemed more confusing than anything else. The traps were generally the same as in previous games with a few new ones which presented a new challenge so for that I give new traps a thumbs up. The bosses which there is quite a few were a challenge as well with the exception of a few. The Minotaur in the Chambers Of Tulun could not be defeated and I thought this didn't add much to the story. If they would have had this villan killed off it would have enhanced the plot of what the Minotaur was on that level for and what his purpose was. Instead they just put him there with the sole purpose of preventing you from getting 1 level up. He doesen't guard anything of significant value to add to the story and seems like a pointless foe since he is immune to all attacks. Horus was another negative since he was immune to all attacks as well which contributed to the very dull ending of the game. There was tons of glitches in the game as well and lots of other discrepencies in the game that make this Tomb Raider game a kick in the pants. The sound was good but the same general music is used as in previous Tomb Raiders. In closing I'd like to say I did like the game but I would never play it twice since the replay value is a flusher. As earlier stated in my One liner review I give it a 5.5. A Decent review I saw on Something Old, Something New So what's new in Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation? Not much. It's the same old Lara running through exotic locales (in this case Egypt), jumping from ledge to ledge. The stakes are a little higher though: this time she has to save the world from Armageddon. You see, she discovers the lost tomb of the evil god Set and accidentally releases him. Lara must use her skills to reimprison Set and save the world. Yada, yada, yada. A key new feature of Tomb Raider: The Last Revion is the ability to "combine" objects in your inventory. For example, Lara picks up two halves of an Egyptian relic. In the Inventory screen, players can pick one half and combine it with another half to make a complete item to use in a puzzle. This gives the game added depth, but not much. New weapons include concussion grenades and a revolver with a laser gun sight. A new sniper mode allows Lara to zoom in and out. Lara also has new moves, including the ability to climb and swing from ropes. Not Too Revealing Graphically, The Last Revelation will fail to leave any lasting impressions on you. Pixelation is still an issue, and clipping is ever so annoying. The frame rate is decent in corridors and smaller rooms, but when Lara runs into an open space, the frames drop dramatically. The game engine started to show its age with Tomb Raider III, and judging from The Last Revelation, the developers haven't done much to improve it. Cut! Ever since the first Tomb Raider, we've experienced just how stupid the supposedly "intelligent" cameras are. Even after playing the game for only five minutes, players have to deal with shaky and awkward camera positioning. Can't the cameras anticipate your move so it can get the next-best camera angle ready for you? Is that too much to ask? Combine this with sloppy controls, and you have one frustrating gaming experience. You have to wonder, if Lara Croft is supposed to be this nimble little thing, then why does she turn so damn slowly? In addition, this whole business of pressing Action while in the air and pressing Crawl to make it in the tight areas is tedious and should be refined. It all comes down to this: new moves and weapons are all well and good, but does it warrant another Tomb Raider purchase? If you're fans of Lara Croft (and there are plenty of horny guys out there who are) then it's a worthwhile game to get. However, if you're sick of the Lara phenomenon altogether, you can bypass this one without feeling guilty. I found another trick while playing Tomb Raider but it's not that big of a deal. Hold down L1 L2 R1 and R2 and press select and Lara automatically lights a flare. Keep pressing select after every lit flare and she'll drop a flare each time a new one is lit. I guess if you wanted to light a room up this would be useful to do, but otherwise there isn't much use for it. News for 12-10-99 -Tomb Raider 5 RPG To Hit Playstation 2? Apparently, This is NOT the last game in the series of Tomb Raider and I also heard it was gonna be like an RPG You'll have more characters to choose from besides Lara and it will be in a Role Playing game style. It leads me to believe that there will continue the legacy of Lara Croft and friends. I kinda figured as much cause video game characters as well as cartoon characters don't need to age anyways and die out unless the next Tomb Raider is anything like 3 and 4. I'm wondering why they didn't call this Tomb Raider the Lost Revelation instead if they intend on bringing out a sequel. They also could have worded it like this as saying Tomb Raider The Last Generation that being the last stage of the 32 bit playstation system. I have no sites about the game and no screenshots, nothing, Nada. Just read it in a Playstation magazine recently is all I can say about it. No I don't have gameshark codes for it either LOL. I'd like to Thank a guy named Darren thats a friend of mine for helping me through this brain-racking pain in the butt game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This section is not about the walkthrough but since I can't let everyone know my opinion about some things video game related I'll post it here. Skip this section if you want to jump into the walkthrough although I'd rather you read it. The Poll that was put up on 12-10-99 asked what system you'd most like to see or have. The Microsoft X-Box was listed as one of the options and this is my opinion on the X-Box. Microsoft is a very greedy company and they'd be better off in the regular software industry and heres why. If they come out with the X- Box you'll never get to rent the games for the system as Microsoft would fear piracy of the games. They would make the system where no ModChip would be able to be installed on it or they would always put in copy protection. As for the backup question I totally agree people with younger children present in the house should be allowed willingly to make backups of their games. Now getting back to the renting portion of X-Box where I say Nay to renting of the games. If you couldn't rent a console game like say an X-Box game then would you even just dive in and buy it? I don't think anyone would really, which could explain why software sales are so low for computer titles. Why is this you might ask? Because Microsoft and many other companies that make windows based games want your money too much and since games usually require the more recent versions of windows then thats the only way you can play them. In closing I think Microsofts idea for a console system stinks and will never make it on the market. Microsoft already controls most of the software industry and I don't think people will splurge for their system. They will try and make lots of periperals for the system to make up for all the lost sales due to the fact that they won't rent the games. The copy protection however will finally make people start questioning copy protection since it is legal to make back-up copies of your software games. I believe Capcom and now Konami is getting all caught up in copy protection issues by adding in small annoyances to make gameplay more uninteresting. I know that Resident Evil 2 as well as Dino Crisis were copy protected and the reason why Resident Evil 3 wasn't is because they knew they were screwing around with the copy protection legalities and were starting to worry about what people would say if they continued copy protecting games On Resident Evil 3 a backup copy of an original would load all the FMV's just fine but would not have any sound. An annoyance? Of course and thats how they wanted to do it so people wouldn't make back-up copies of the game. As for Konami I know that Vandal Hearts 2 will use a copy protection in it which I think will start raising questions as to who will and who won't be in trouble for putting in the copy protection. The bottom line for copy protection is that there is patch codes being created all the time for copy protected games so people in the know will always have a way around any copy protection. The masses aren't great enough to make a difference to convince software companies otherwise to not put in copy protection so everyone loses as a result of this. I'm not supporting copy protection nor am I supporting back-up of any console or PC related software I'm just making people aware of whats right and whats wrong in putting in copy protection in video games. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- More Help with the City of the Dead Level. Check this out. In dead city, remember the dead man on the grait across from the two auto guns? Grab the scum by his ears in the direction of the blood on the floor. now go around the back of this building. The crawl on is on the left. Go down and left to swich. Now you can open graiting. Once up, turn around. This is way to roof. Just go up and throw switch. Go back out to the back. See the 2by4s blocking the way, and a dusty dirt ramp in front, take the bike for a ride. Keep going all the way around and bust through the door amd stop there. Go back inside, on your left is a water drop. So drop and follow the path. Lots of bats. Slide down and find the crack on the wall near the door and shimmy right. Pull up shoot the blue ball. Out comes what I call the ice spirut. Get down fast and run around the hall to some pink steps, up and around to jump in the water. The spirut will follow and freeze the water. I tried over and over, you can`t jump it. Swim to hole and up and over otherside to get back. Do not jump. Slide down and swict is in front of you. A door down from the steps will take you outside, but don`t fall. Shimmy right and up. Across is the gate switch. Open. Come back with bike and down you go. Up steps to top. Jump ramp and get off bike. Little dark hall back here with switch to pull. Raises grey block on first floor. Drive up black ramp and down steps to grey block. Climb up all the way to hall, follow around to dead auto gun. Jump to other side andgo through door. Stop when you get to brick block. Now walk out about a block or so, the 2 spitfires are in front of you, but they can`t see you unless you walk to for forward. TAKE out pistola, aim at red Explosive between guns and no more spitfires. Make your way over to the other side and pull main gate switch . Now drop down off roof and go get the bike. Everything and everybodys` dead. It really is dead city now. You have to run al the way back through the other gate you opened first. It was worth it for me. You should see your bike on the first floor by the block. Now how in do I get out. Well, take a trip back up to the top but no ramp. Drive out the opening up here, then make 2 right turns and out the main gate. Kiss this sorry level off. Note: I did not look for secrets or pick ups. You may change or use this info anyway you see fit. This is foryou so you can carry on. I finally made this trick work and got the unlimited everything trick to work. Actually ignore the transparent compass deal cause that doesen't mean anything. The real way to make it work was not entirely clear and now I'm going to make the directions very simple. Okay the compass goes back and fourth like a pendulum so what you must do is wait for the swimging guage to be right in perfect alignment of the N. At this point before pushing all the buttons this is what I did. Push all the buttons down except the d-pad for the last combo. Hold L1 L2 Ri R2 down but don't push up or down yet. Hold all the buttons but 1 and just wait for the guage on the compass to perfectly align with the N. When it does and as soon as it does push up or down depending on what you are trying to get either weapons or items and voila you now have unlimited everything and items if you choose to get them. Level Skip Trick: To make the level Skip Trick work you must face Directly North like the other tricks and then highlight the load icon looking memory card in the weapons/items menu. Keep the load icon highlighted and do the following: Hold down R1,R2,L1,L2 and also the up button on D-pad. When you think it's perfectly aligned with North push the triangle button and you can now skip levels. -While in the game,face Directly North. To face perfectly North will obviously take some practice. In order to face exactly North You must barely twitch the controller so all Lara does is makes a tiny movement right or left. Keep doing this for all the tricks to make them work. Go to the icon you want like for weapons and ammo trick press select and look at compass and get facing generally in a Northern direction. Try the button trick and if that doesen't work then exit the items/weapons screen and then move lara a teency bit more left or right and continue this process until you have made the trick work. I have done the tricks repeatedly without fail it just takes some patience and a bit of time but it is doable. FOR UNLIMITED ITEMS/WEAPONS/AMMO: -While in the game, face DIRECTLY NORTH. (This is a little difficult but you have to be facing EXACTLY NORTH!)(Red part of compass points north.) -Go into your inventory and notice that the compass is almost transparent. -Highlight the "SMALL MEDIPACK". -Hold down R1,R2,L1,L2 and line up with the North letter on compass icon. When you think it's perfectly lined up then push and hold the last button which is the up on the D-pad -You should now have "UNLIMITED INVENTORY ITEMS/WEAPONS/AMMO!! NOTE: This will not work unless you are facing DIRECTLY NORTH!!! NOTE: Whem done successfully, flares and medipacks will say unlimited, to get weapons to say umlimited exit and re-enter the inventory screen. FOR ALL THE ITEMS ON THE LEVEL: -Now highlight the "LARGE MEDIPACK". -Hold down R1,R2,L1,L2 and line up with the North letter on compass icon. When you think it's perfectly lined up then push and hold the last button which is the down on the D-pad -Exit the inventory and then re-enter. -You should now have "ALL ITEMS" for that level!! For gameshark codes for this game check or Copy and paste in browser to go to these sites. The better codes, although very buggy, are at There is 102 codes there and some are very cool and some aren't really worth mentioning. I do know when you use the level skip code just to get to say a level you might've had to restart for some reason can screw things up for you in the future. Say you goofed up a level somehow and saved in a spot where you couldn't get out of and needed to use the level skip gameshark code to access the level again. Okay say you needed to use the crowbar in the level where you goofed up at,well if you use level skip you can't bring that item back and then your only option would be to skip that level and go 1 level up to continue with the game. You'd miss seeing alot of that level and lets say that the next 3 levels you needed the crowbar to get into something. You could only play up to that point and then you'd have to skip the level once again cause you didn't have the crowbar. Maybe there is gameshark codes for vital items that you would need throughout the game when you got to certain points in the game where you needed those items. Once your past a certain level in the game even with the all items in the level trick it wouldn't work cause you had already passed that level. Well thats what happened to me and I thought I'd warn you about that. I did notice there is weapon modifier codes for the game and now I wonder if there is item modifier codes coming out. Trying to keep everyone up to date on all glitches and bugs that come along the different levels and this one stood out like a sore thumb. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *******************Levels Listed in order from first to last*********** 1. Angkor Watt 2. Race For The Iris 3. The Tomb Of Seth 4. Burial Chambers 5. KV5 6. Temple Of Karnak 7. The Great Hypostle Hall 8. Sacred Lake 9. Temple Of Karnak(Revisited) 10. The Great Hypostle Hall(Revisited) 11. Sacred Lake(Revisited) 12. Tomb Of Semerkhet 13. Guardian Of Semerkhet 14. Desert Railroad 15. Alexandria 16. Coastal Ruins 17. Catacombs 18. Temple Of Poseidon 19. The Lost Library 20. Hall Of Demitrius 21. Coastal Ruins(Rerevisited) 22. Pharohs,Temple Of Isis 23. Cleopatra's Palaces 24. City Of The Dead 25. Chambers Of Tulun 26. Citadel Gate 27. Chambers Of Tulun(Revisited) 28. Trenches 29. Chambers Of Tulun(Rerevisited) 30. Trenches(Revisited) 31. Street Bazaar 32. Trenches(Rerevisited) 33. Street Bazaar(Revisited) 34. Trenches(Rererevisited) 35. Citadel Gate(Revisited) 36. Citadel 37. The Sphinx Complex 38. Underneath The Sphinx 39. Menkaure's Pyramid 40. Inside Menkaure's Pyramid 41. The Sphinx Complex(Revisited) 42. The Mastabas 43. The Great Pyramid 44. Khufu's Queens Pyramids 45. Inside The Great Pyramid 46. Temple Of Horus 47. Temple Of Horus 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Personally I think Core Designed this game with the intent to confuse the crap out of the gamer. Cmon Core people want to be able to solve the game not have to spend every waking moment trying to figure out your confusing ways of making the game. A good example is how there is no indication of where the levels end at all. Another good example was the beetle section where you eventually had to get the last beetle. Why was it put on another level? Up to that point the way the gameplay went it was to where you did everything within a level in that level. I never would have thought of entering the next level to get the beetle and then gone back. The Other section is the Nitrous Oxide part. I don't understand why you are trying to confuse people by putting in puzzles that only geniuses can figure out. I like to spend maybe 5-10 minutes having to think of where to go next,anything after that is just frustration. Try making the next games or future Tomb Raider style games less confusing or at least more obvious as to what to do and where to go next. The only reason they made this game so hard is to promote their 900 line and to sell their guide cause they know you'll never figure the game out on your own. I played Medal Of Honor for example and I got stuck maybe 3 times the entire time while playing it. It never took me more than 3 tries to get past another section of the game and It makes you feel better knowing you didn't need help because you think you aren't smart enough for the game. I think This Tomb Raider requires all the infinite ammo and health packs you can get due to the difficulty with puzzles and all around not knowing where to go next or what to do next. I won't spend much time on a game if it's gonna take me 5,000 tries to get something right that seems impossible to do. There is too many other games to choose from besides this one. I got about half into this game and when I got to 1 level it was so hard I was ready to quit making the walkthrough and I've just about had it with the level I'm on now, and plus I've heard there is only 1 ending which is lame. Sounds like Core doesen't have much good in this game so it seems pointless to play a game that is so thought provoking. I will finish the walkthrough however because I'm almost done with it. A side note to those of you needing all the secrets in the game and to those who keep emailing me telling me the same secrets I missed over and over again. This walkthrough was intended to help people through the rough spots generally, and I will add some secrets that I find. If you find a secret that I didn't then pat yourself on the back cause I get tons of email telling me the same secrets that when I read the subject line of you missed a secret in such and such level it just gets deleted. I know I didn't get all the secrets but where in the walkthrough does it say or mention anything about secrets revealed too? I never added this because I want people to get through the game weather they find all secrets or none at all. If someone knows all the secrets out there then ftp them into to so people can see them if they want to. Not all people care about getting every single thing including me since I already know that the secret will just be a weapon or health pack. Big deal,but if it's a secret like showing say a demo or a movie to upcoming games or maybe a sequel to game then surely that would be deemed a true secret. Like I said if you want all the secrets heres an idea and you can do with it what you will. Find all the secrets whatever way you choose and then post them to and then all the people that care to know the secrets can have them,and those that don't care can just click on the walkthrough. *********************************************************************** :Alternate Routes for the Tomb Of Semerkhet Level: Explanation of the board game and also how to win and enter the next section: Here is a more detailed description: The object is to get all three colored pieces to the ankh at the end of the long path before the opponent gets his three white pieces there. The game is played by spinning the four blocks on the wall. When the blocks stop, the number of white blocks is how many spaces your piece will go. If none of the blocks are white you get another turn. After doing that, step on the red, green, or blue square to move that respectively colored piece. All colored pieces move like this: fin----- Whenever a piece lands on a space with an ankh, you get another turn. When a piece lands on a space occupying one of the opponent's pieces, the opponent's piece is moved back to the start. The reason you need to understand this is the level is much easier if you *win* this game. I can't really help you with where you are stuck because I reloaded after losing the game but if you have a save from before playing this game I'd suggest you use it. If not I guess this is just something for your FAQ. After you win, some platforms raise and you jump across, head down a ways and eventually end up in a room with a jewel and three beams of light. There's a pole you climb up to a spot where there are 3 pieces that look like the ones from the Semerket game, and three colored blockes with beams of light shining on them. Once you push the appropriately colored pieces in their proper places, a passage opens up underneath the jewel and the level's pretty much over after that. Very easy. Submitted by Jonathan Winkler Another way to go: TOMB OF SEMERKHAT - alternate route After you beat the face in the wall at the stupid chess-meets-sorry game, (and don't ask us how, we have no freakin' clue) you'll see 5 pillars rise up on the game piece, making a bridge to the other ledge up above. (the 5 pieces with the egyptian symbol for eternal life) Head back down the ladder, and go directly to the other side. Make a right at the ladders, up 2 flights of stairs, and halfway down the hallway, there will be an opening on the right. Go through the opening, and look to your left. You will see a ladder on the ledge on the left. Jump out to the little platform sticking out, and then to the ledge. Climb up the ladder, and you'll be taken to a tiny room which is a secret area. (There will be a blue s.g shells, and a med. medical pack) Climb back down and jump back to the platform with the opening in which you came through. There are 2 platforms, one slightly to the left, and one slightly to the right. Doesn't matter which one you chose to jump on. Walk to the edge of the platform, and just do a regular jump to the platform. Walk to the edge of that, hop back, and run jump to the next one. Let go of controller, and Lara will land safely in the middle. The next 2 platforms have the identical approach. Walk to the edge, hop back, run-jump-grab edge-and pull yourself up. Then a simple jump to the ledge infront, and through the opening. Go either left or right, again doesn't matter, they connect. Head down the stairs, fall through hole, and head down the small flight of stairs. Head down the hallway, and you will see a huge dorr with that same egyptian symbol again. As you approach the door, it'll automatically open, and two dogs (if you can call them that) will run towards you. Go through the door, down the stairway into a small room with 2 vases. (the vase on the right contains uzi bullets, and the one on the left is empty) Head down the next flight of double-stairs grabbing the red s.g shells out of the vase in the middle. As you approach the bottom of the stairwell, a dog will come charging at you from a distance. This time toss him a doggie treat and he'll forget about you. (kidding, you all know what to do to the pooch...) Turn left into a room with 2 coffins on either side, and follow the hallway to what appears to be a dead end, but there is a hole in the floor. Lower yourself down gently (big drop) then drop down the next hole. Now a little friendly advice, RUN (sprint) because a zillion of those flesh eating scarabs from the movie "the mummy" fall from out of the ceiling. Just sprint through the hallway avoiding the rocks that are embedded into the ground. You'll see the pole at the end on top of a slight incline. What you want to do is ease off the sprint when you get close to the incline and do a run-jump to get to the top of the incline, otherwise you'll be stuck at the bottom and the insects will get you. If you do make it on your first try, the scarabs are still rapidly approaching, so hurry and shimmy up the pole, until you get to the room with 2 vases. Hop off and get the lrg. medical pack out of the vase on the right. (the one on the left is empty) Turn around and head into the room, where you will once again see another scene straight from the movie "the mummy". (lights shining down from the ceiling into mirrors reflecting on something shiny on top of a tomb. And don't worry about the dogs. They're not on duty yet or something. Head to the back of the room, and to the left is an opening. Go all the way down that hallway, and you'll come to a pole. Shimmy up this one, but 2 bats will come and attack you. Just forget about them considering the damage is minimal. (or if they bother you that much, hop down and blast away) If you grabbed the pole dead on from the opening, (looking at her compass in the inventory the red arrow pointing east) there will be a room to the right and directly behind you. Hop off on the one behind you (which is the way to go) but make a quick stop in the room on the right to pick up 2 crossbow arrows of whatever kind they may be, behind the 2 box/coffins. Jump to the other opening, and head down the hallway where a door will open for you. Drop to the ground and you'll be in a room with those colored chess pieces you played with earlier. Notice the colored squares on the ground as well. Alright, now this is important. With Lara's compass facing north, (the red arrow pointing north) notice the 2 green gem-chess pieces?? One of them is a slightly lighter shade of green. The one on the left should be the lighter one, but just to make sure, pull out your binoculars and take a look at them and also turn your binocular lights on as you're taking a peak. You'll see the color difference better that way. Well, first things first. The object here is to move the gems to the beams of light, but into their individually color marked squares. So you're gonna have to push and pull the red gem first to clear the way for the others. Push-pull the red gem into the red square with the beam of light shining on it. If done correctly, you'll be shown a cut-a-way scene showing what you've effected. now, with the green ones, you want to push-pull them to the OPPOSITE corners from where you found them. For example, the one on the left (with Lara's red compass needle pointing north) you want to move it to the far right corner. You'll be shown a cut scene again if done correctly. (Oh, and a quick not. Pull the green gems onto the track in the middle where the red gem was, not around the track, because, well, you can't) After the 3rd jem is placed in it's correct spot you'll see the room with the 2 dogs, mirrors and tomb again, but this time you'll see the tomb moves forward revealing a hole. Also take note that the dogs have now punched in their time clocks... Obviously you need to get back to that room, so head towards the way that you came. (up the wall in the back on the left, down the pole, through the hallway where thankfully the indestructible scarabs have now disappeared, up the wall at the end of that hallway, down the corridor to the room with the mirrors and tomb. Kill the mutts, and jump down the hole. (forget about the shiny thing. it refuses to budge) and crawl through the tiny opening on the floor, until you come out into a room, which is the end of the level. Sit back, enjoy the FMV, and try and remember to save. You'll thank me for this one later. Most likely will die almost immediately starting the next level. Even if you make it through that, odds are in your favor to die, so do yourself a favor, and save. Shit, i'm getting ahead of myself here, so let's leave it at that... Happy raiding... This was also submitted by a walkthrough reader who is reluctant to have his name in print :/ ( This walkthrough is not completely finished yet and I will be adding more to it as I get more time to add to it.) A side note specifically for Core: No offense or anything cause maybe you had no intentions but why on the main screen after you die off it pops up and New Game is highlighted? I usually continue to press x button between load times it's just a habit and I have had to reset my machine umpteen times because of this. Is it that hard to make it like this for example. Lara dies and now the screen to load the main menu pops up and then finally the main menu pops up. I'm pressing x out of habit and the first thing that pops up is NEW GAME and I must reset the game. How hard would it have been to make it like this. Load Game while I'm continuing to press x button then the game does what I want it to do. Below load game would be new game or nothing at all if your memory card already should detect you have a game saved anyways. Alls I'm saying is did you do this on puprpose to make people mad or do you get jollies off of how many people will do this and get pissed off? Whatever it is and whatever turn you take with Tomb Raider if any can you please take into consideration this change? Thanks,X Dragon Now heres a completely idiotic email I received check it out if you want to be humored THANKS 4 YOUR LOVELY TOMB RAIDER 4 GUIDE.I AM THE PUBLISHER OF A COMPUTER MAGAZINE OF WHICH YOUR GUIDE WILL BE APPAERING AND IT WILL SAY IT WAS DONE BY US NOT YOU. HOW DO U FEEL THAT WE ARE MAKING A PROFIT FROM ALL YOUR HARD WORK AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN ABOUT IT AS WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO IT. MANY THANKS THE EDITOR@VIRGINGAMES.COM PLEASE FEEL FREE TO REPLY IF YOU HAVE THE SLIGHTEST PROBLEM WITH MY GREAT IDEA. looks like little kiddies trying to pull a stupid prank grow the Hell up ,Jesus. Send Mr. Jason Evans some emails and tell him what you think of his little prank. Another reader submission by Dan Folks Here are a few things i have found: (AngokWatt) The room were the guy tells you to make a normal jump and a jump and grab. You refered to this room as the on with the slope in the corner,(there is a waterfall on the left and 2 on the right). There is a skull head on the floor of this room. Go down the ramp, make a left go all the way to the last waterfall on the left, there it sits. I do believe there are more but I can't remember right now for sure where they are, I'll let you know. Level 2 (The Tomb Of Seth) After the dog cames after you, the big slope with the medipack. walk down the slope and go straight ahead to the wall use the binoculars (press the x button to make the room light up while using the binoculars) and check this wall. There is a secret room here with a small medipack. The next one is still in level 2: Go down the purple small hallway to a red lit up room. Upon entering this room before filling the room up with sand, go to the right down the slope in a room with the large hole that fills with sand, (This is the room you go into after you pull the switch that releases the sand into a room in your walkthrough), Across the big gap is the first EYE PIECE. Drop into the gap, there is a small room with shotgun shells here (a secret). After you pick up the shells draw your guns and shoot 2 scorpions. Now go back and pull the switches to fill the room up with sand. Next one: still level 2 The room with rope in the center, (where you use the Eye of Horus). Use the rope to swing into the greenish lit room. There is a giant revolving blade contraption here that keeps circleing the room. Turn to the right an climb and jump up to the safe spot straight ahead of you (it is off to the right a little bit). Continue climbing up this section being watchful of the blade, timing is everything here, at the top of this turn left and jump across the gap to the little safe spot on the other side, climb up the wall surface here to top. The blades won't hit you here, grab the shotgun shells (another secret), go forward to the edge, below you there is a room, slide down the slope midway through the slide jump. You will land in the room. There are 3 dogs in this room, kill them, and continue through this area it leads to the room that filled with sand. This was submitted by one of my Faq readers he Adds Here is another tip for your FAQ. (Sorry, I missed this the first time read it.) This is useful in the 3rd Level in the room with the spinning blades. This is how I got through this room without a scratch. Time your jump so that you jump over the blade, but land at edge of the raised platform area. Do a jump back, but push the action button so that you grab the edge. Now start shimmying to the right. Because of her new moves, Lara is able to grapple around corners. Continue doing this until you are hanging off the platform with the exit behind you. Use the look button to see where the blades are. Once it passes overhead, climb up and immediately do a back flip. You land safely and receive no damage. Another Reader adds his comments about the Training Level and other such levels. Submitted by SkrewdUp You missed a few secrets in the first part of you walkthrough. TRAINING LEVEL 1. the very beginnig on the left (you found this one) 2. in the water at the first jump you make (you found this one) 3. in the right rear corner of the area where you do a standing jump then a running jump and grab 4. in the large pool when the old man tells you to jump in (you found this one) 5. after the old man kills the two boars and you run down the narrow outdoor passageway from one open outdoor area to another; before going inside again, check the corners for one skull 6. in the crawl space when you go get the backpack (you found this one) 7. on the right side of the room with the spikes near the exit door (you found this one) 8. walkway before you turn right to enter the area with the rope sequence (you found this one) If you find all eight skulls, the old man will lead you to the left instead of the right. The room with the rope swinging task is the same except there is no water in the pool. The final obstacle course will be longer and much more difficult than the one you face if you don't find all the secrets. LEVEL 2 1. when you are in the cave, follow the right wall and there will be an area that branches off from the main path (there wil be a pit deeper than the others, but not so deep you can't climb out). jump the pit and look to the right. there will be a short pillar to climp on top of. then jump to the passage-way for a small med-pac (all of this is before the large med-pac on the ramp and before the dog comes after you) 2. before filling the room with snad using the switch, enter the sand room to get a small med-pac on the half submerged red block and to get the secret shotgun shells in the passage-way. when you enter the passage-way, two scorpions will approach from behind 3. in the room with the rope above the structure in the middle (outside the room with blades that fall from the ceiling) get on the rope and swing to the opening. you will have to jump from the rope (use square) to make it. climb up on the right and stay along the right wall. keep making you way up (jump over the slope, then climb up) to the small med-pac. be careful of the rolling blade thing on the ceiling; it passes overhead every 12 or 13 seconds Email: Any questions you might have, or, if I've left something out then email me at Thanks again for using my walkthrough. !!!WARNING!!! Copyright 1999 Xaivier Dragon !!!WARNING!!! Do not use this Faq for the purpose of making a quick profit. This Faq took me a lot of time and effort to make, and I don't want it being used for someone elses profit. For the benefit of those less fortunate to know what this means, email me if you don't understand something about the above mentioned warning statement. A side note for everyone that noticed something I didn't and that is you can shoot the vases in this game. Some vases contain powerup items like ammo for guns and health packs so if you see a vase then shoot it with your small guns as these are unlimited ammo. Some have things in them and some don't so by using the small guns to shoot at them you don't have to worry about losing precious ammo. I'd recommend when playing this game that you make 4 save slots available to save this game. It takes 2 slots to save but if you just save your game twice once where your currently at and then once at the beginning of the level you won't have to backtrack to the beginning of the game like I had to do in KV5. Level 1 (AngokWatt) Walk Forward and listen to the old man speak and then follow him. Before following him walk to the left ledge and get the Golden Skull. Walk forward now and listen to the old man as he rambles on. Walk down the steps here and go right, where the old man went. Now you'll be in a room with steps to the right and left sides of you with the old man and he will tell you to jump the small chasm here over the water. Don't jump the chasm, however,instead drop into the water and get the Golden Skull in shallow water. Get out of the water now and jump over the small chasm and go forward. In This next room go around the pillar here and there is a boar running around this section. Luckily,if you can avoid it the old man will kill it for you since you don't have any weapons yet. Next go around these pillars and now you should be in a section with a waterfall and the old man will ramble on once again. In this gap the old man tells you how to make the jump which is standard stuff for people that have played Tomb Raider games before. If you haven't played before and you still can't get across then I'd say consult your instruction booklet. If you don't make don't worry there is a slope on the right to go up and try again. There is really nothing to get in this room so just jump the chasm and then keep following the Old Man. Next again is a standard jump so if you miss then just run right and try again. Run left to the old man and jump right to grab the ledge and hold the x or action button and then shimmy right on this ledge. Follow the old man around the corner and listen to his instructions and do as he says. Again this is standard moves for Tomb Raider regulars,If you can't get it right then consult the directions. Drop down here and again listen to the old mans instructions he will speak twice here. Swim in this small pond and at the bottom of it to the left is another Golden Skull so get it. The area left of the part where you got the Golden Skull has a small opening so swim through here and get the small and large Med-Packs in the back and now swim out of there. Swim now out of that small area and go to your immediate right and get out of the water,get on the left side of the lever here and use the action or x button to activate it. The old man will run into the small hall in here so follow his lead. Walk left up the ladder for this next section using the x or action button to grab hold of it. Up the ladder is another lever so get on the right side of it and use it. Jump back down the ladder entering the small hallway to the right and follow the old man around. The next part is the monkey bars so make sure you jump up and press x or action to grab hold and then hold the x or action button down and then swing across like a monkey. Follow the old man to a room where there is a boar running on the left and some grates in the middle so now run left and avoid the boars right here and let the old man kill them off so keep running around avoiding them until he kills them off. Follow the old man around the structures here and enter another small hall at the end of this next room. Next you enter a room with 2 red I don't know what the hell statues on the right and left sides of the doorway and enter here. Go right here and next to the tall pillar is yet another Golden Skull so pick it up and then move through the next doorway. Make sure you avoid the spikes near the center and at the back of this room they hurt. Enter this next room and listen to the old man again and then use the crouch button to crawl through this crawl space. Go in here and take your first left around the area and get the Golden Skull near the grate. Head back to the section from before going left at the end and continue on through this crawl space. This next room has a skeleton of a person thats been speared by big spikes and is holding a small backpack that Lara eventually puts on herself. To the right of the spikes and skeleton is a top of some type of vase or a treasure the skeleton was after when it was a person but you can't pick it up so go left and use the lever. A good rule of thumb to go by when playing Tomb Raider games is to always save before activating any switches or levers cause you never know whats going to happen so go ahead and save here and then activate the Lever. It rolls the wheel forward so the old man and yourself can pass through the room previously blocked by it. Now head back into the room where the old man is and again listen to the old man and then leave this room. In this room next is some shooting darts and you must use the dive button to avoid being hit but luckliy even if you are hit it doesen't hurt much just crouch at this end part and crawl through and then stand up and continiue onward. Run up the slopes to where the old man is standing and then jump up on the ledge and follow it around to another Golden Skull on the floor. Listen to the old man once again near the 2 red I dunno what the Hell statues and a torch ahead on the wall. Follow the old man down the steps into a room with a pool of water and a big round deal on the wall behind it. Again you must assist this old guy by activating another section to open the big round door here. Turn around and go right up the small ledge and climb the brown wall here to get to the other switch. Kip up the ledge and when you get to the top press your crouch button to enter this small gapped area and crawl through. Run right when you get to the opening and follow the path around to a ledge with a golden looking vine that you must grab onto. Boy this is a new challenge for me swinging on the vine and then landing right. Save here before doing this you may need to reload a few times until you get it right. You must swing with your R2 button to get the swing going at a good pace and then release with the action or x button to land on the other side. The best method for doing the swinging is to press x button when getting on the vine and then slide down to near the bottom of it and then swing real far with R2 button and then release with the square button. It's actually kinda easy once you get the hang of it. Walk right here and hit the switch thats here to open the round doors below and then pass through them. Turn back around making sure your using the walk button to the edge and fall in the water here for a soft landing and swim out and enter the next room where the old man is now walking. Now run after the old man but don't worry about beating him cause it doesen't really matter. Listen to the old jerk and Lara will pull the lever and a big looking thing will open up like a flower and a bridge will go across and the old man crosses and gets trapped within the flower. You have no choice but to leave him and the scene goes on so just sit back and watch. Level 2 (The Tomb Of Seth)(Seth is Pronounced Set.) (Not the same Seth from the Bible that Lived 912 years either.) Finally in this level you get your guns and some flares. Immediately look right and pick up some Flares and then walk forward and turn left the spider webby looking doorway and get the Flares that are here. Drop down this same small section and pick up the shotgun here and then watch the red robed guy light another torch and then go left. Drop down this other section now and get the Large Med-Pack thats down here. Watch the red robed guy come in this room now and a small crab runs at him but don't kill it let him use his torch to kill it. This next room is rather dark so just shoot the small crabs in here and again the robed man enters here and lights a torch in this part. Turn right and let the robed guy go left and fall into the small hole here and shoot the crab. A scene will play after you jump out of the hole and a dog runs after you so kill it and then turn around and run up the sloped area and get a Large Med-Pack up here. Drop down now and go down the purple small hallway to a red lit up room. Upon entering this room the red robed guy lights something and then looks puzzled cause it didn't work. A crab crawls towards the guy so shoot it and then go to the right side of the room and there is a box looking thing in the wall so pull on it and you get a Large Med- Pack. Run to the left side of the room and the box in the wall closest to the red robed guy is what you must pull. It shows a cutscene where a room fills with quicksand. There is another wall thing to the left but it doesen't do anything so turn around and head left through a small hallway and head down it. Actually in this next room it's not quicksand but a way to get across to the other side and on the right pedastal is a small Med-Pack and on the left pedastal is a Golden looking object called the Eye Piece which opens the section the robed guy was lighting up before. The eye piece is now in your inventory so head back up to this room where the robed guy was at. Follow him down some steps and then watch him light a area on the floor in the next room and he deactivates some type of scissor contraption booby trap. Run up this section and grab the other eye piece thats on this pedestal. Combine the 2 sections of eye to create The Eye Of Horus. Walk back into the other room you were in and go right to where there is a symbol of an eye on the wall and use the eye in the slot here to open a door. Follow the red robed guy not getting ahead of him and help him kill the dogs that run in after you in this hall. Follow him up the hall into a large room and watch a cut-scene. Follow the Red Robed man into another room and now he's running at a good pace. Follow him to this new room which he lights up the water in this room and it turns into a stream of fire and the door opens so enter it. Once past the winding hallway go right at the end and drop down this small hole and get the Small Med-Pack and now turn around and jump out of the hole and head left. Enter this room and the red robed guy can't get through the gate so go right and follow the hall up to another room. In here there is a chain that you must pull to open the gate for the red robed guy to get through. Once he's through he lights the water on fire in the room you were in previous and goes to another cut-scene. Leave this room and now follow the hallway you folllowed to get in this room and you will get some shotgun ammo in a lit up hallway. Also in this hallway on a step is another chain you can pull like before so pull it and now you can enter the room that was closed before and now your back in that same room again. Here you must jump to each of the 4 sections highlighted going from the back or entrance of the room towards the door on the other side which contains the Timeless Sands Hourglass. The door opens and you can take it and now the other door will open so enter this new room. Exit this room down the steps and now your in a room with a type of sandy hill and a statue of a Ram lying down. Walk left out of this room and the red robed guy is waiting for you so once he starts walking then follow him. He will go into another room and use his torch here and the door opens and another cut-scene ensues and he just runs away. Enter now this new hall and follow it to another room with a big platform in the center of the room and another ledge on the other side of the room. Kip up the ledge and use the timeless piece here and the sands from the other room are removed revealing a very large statue underneath and a small path to follow. This is revealed in another cut-scene. Turn around now and run to the left side of the room jumping the small sloped area and then to the other side where you entered this room at. Kip up here and go back to where the statue was covered in sand and now enter this room and look for the mouth on the big head statue. Kip up this section and this area is small so you'll have to use the crouch button once you've grabbed the edge with the action button. Then follow the path to a very dark part of the hallway where you can stand now. Light a flare to see where your going and you'll slide down a steep slope and you end this level Level 3 (Burial Chambers) Keep sliding down the steep slope to a room with a switch and 2 Rams lying paralell to the switch and each other. Save here first before hitting the switch and then activate it. You'll hear a gate rise behind you so turn around and enter this next gate with 2 statues sitting across from each other. Slide down this slope and get the Hand Of Orion and be quick because there is spikes that stick out of the starry looking parts on this floor. Jump Left quickly to avoid being killed instantly. See saving really helped here if you listened to me, if you did, now you don't have to go back a level and redo stuff you already did. Slide down this slope here and get the shotgun ammo on the ground in front of this gate. Once you pick up the ammo the gate opens. Now your in a hall with the 2 statues staring at each other like in the room before so follow the path up The round looking section here is a dangerous place so don't run through it yet. This is yet another booby trap so save the game first and then attempt to get through the round spiky part. All you do is watch the pattern of the spikes poking out of the floor and then when the time is right leap over to clear the spikes. Go right at the hall and now your in a room with 2 vases on either side of one another. A small hallway is here so go straight through this hall. Go straight here and then stop once your in front of the spikes and then save your game. Another section of spikes like the ones earlier are here so time yourself right and leap over them. You'll automatically fall through a hatch to a small hallway below. To your left is a section to insert the Hand Of Orion so do that and some type of mechanical arms with helicopter looking blades starts spinning. Save here first before moving on and then if you manage to fall off the ledge which will probably happed then head back to square one kipping up the wall and retrying. You will probably get hit a few times but thats from the weaker blades which I just let them pass through me and did minimal damage. Head left here jumping to the ledge on the left and follow the path to a new room which looks like someones crypt. You will see a cut-scene showing the room and a big monster looking mummy lying on top of a very large casket and an anhk on his chest. Run past this room into another room straight ahead and then follow a small hall around to a room with 3 Sarcophagus' in it and another statue sitting down in the middle of the room. Go left and take the Small Med-Pack in front of the Sarcophagus . Turn right now and fall down the small drop thats over here to the area below. In this green floored area is a secret area with a Small Med- Pack and some shotgun shells so head back out of this area and go back to the room you were just in and walk up close to the Mummy and Lara will automatically hop on his chset and grab the ankh here and some light will portrude out of his chest and a red liquid pours out the bottom of the casket. This Ankh is called the Amulet Of Horus . Reenter this room where you found the secrets and then the Sarcophgus' will all open up so enter one of them to lure all the mummies out. Now in the sections where you could drop there is the red liquid that was last running out of the casket from earlier. If you fall in these sections it's no need to worry it doesen't hurt. There is mummies here so be careful. You also can't kill the mummies so don't bother trying. See the big statue sitting in the middle of the room? Notice how the statue sits on a round red shaped floor? There is another red shaped floor also in this room where you must move the statue to this red shaped round floor. The problem is that you have mummies running after you. What you must do is lure the mummies into the hall where you entered this room at to the end of the hall just before the hall turns light. Lure them as far back as possible cause they move slowly. Now move the statue with the action button to the small red floor on the other side of the room. Turn around now completely and the one sarcophugus has a opening for you to enter so enter here. Follow the hallway around to a slightly big drop and fall down here and then follow the dark cavey area to a big red room. On the left is a dog that runs out after you so shoot it and then on the right is another dog so shoot it also. Head to the left side of the room here and there will be a drop to a small area below. Here there is another secret which is another Large Med-Pack. Turn around and do 2 kip-ups the ledges to leave this area. Now go right to the center of the room where there is some depictions on the walls and a doorway here. Enter this area and hop over the block thats here dropping off the other side. In this area is a dead guy and what looks like a big doorknob on the right hand side. You can't do anything here so turn around and head back to the section where you fell and got the Large Medical-Pack. When you exit the entrance from earlier there is another dog around here so shoot it first and then head to where the pack was. Don't drop this time,this time go straight to a room where 2 statues sit and stare at each other and ahead is a big ladder to climb up. Climb here and then you'll be in a room with 2 vases on either side of each other near the big opening. Head left here going around the large vase to a room with a pedastal to the left and get the Golden Serpent. Immediately after taking this object 2 Mummies come out after you. Go right not bothering with them and climb the small ledge here to escape these guys. Here I order you to save the game cause the next part takes quick thinking otherwise you'll die. Slide down this sloped area and as soon as you land start hightailing it to the left side of the screen. Turn left and run all the way back and on the left side is a safe place to stand while the spikes are coming down on you. If you did get hit here then use a Med-Pack to recover your health and then jump up the small ledge and you should not only be safe but also in a purple looking cave. Save up here cause the next area ahead and to the right has a big drop and if you accidentially run too fast she breaks her neck and it's back to square one. In this section before the big drop to the right is a Large Med-Pack so follow the small walk around this area not falling here to get the pack. Now go around the walk back to the left side and do a back drop grab manuever and then let go of the action button to land safely. Do the same manuever here but before dropping move a tad to the right and then let go otherwise you'll land in the torch and die. Once down here take a right and you now know your in the room you were in earlier the big red room. Go back around to the where the big ladder where you climbed the big ladder and before getting there head left up some stone steps and a bridge crossing over the big red cavey room. Cross the bridge and go to a room where some big steps lead up. There is 2 black dogs in here so kill them off and then head up the steps. This next part has a big drop so do a backwards drop grab manuever and then release the action button to land safely. Now go down this hall and drop here into this room with some spikes sticking out and go right climbing up the 2 small ledges here. On the second ledge turn around and you can look across to another ledge in the distance that you must do a running jump and grab manuever to get to. Up above the sloped area is some shotgun shells and another secret is revealed. Jump back down this section and reclimb the ledges or just simply jump to it from the ledge you jumped to get the ammo. Go up the 2 ledges and then jump over one ledge and turn left. Now jump over this ledge and grab it. Once up this ledge look up and a higher ledge is just above you. This is a grabable ledge and so grab it and you can climb up it and once getting up here there is a switch in this room so save first and then hit it. A gate below you in this room to the right opens up so now do 1 safe backwards drop hold and then release to a safe landing. Jump over to the other ledge to the right and go back to the first section of the room where you entered. Here is a black gate that opened when you hit the switch. Enter this area and climb the ladder and then hit the switch in here that opens a small black hatch to the section below in the room you were just in near the spikes. Look left and you'll see a switch on the side of the wall but you must jump the slope to reach it but you can't so don't bother trying. The opening on your right once you turn around is ahead so enter here and leave this room. Enter a new room that looked just kinda like the other room with slight differences and a fire in the middle of the room. Fall down into this room and you'll see the small hatch that you switched open earlier. Use the safe backwards drop and fall into the room where the Hand Of Sirius is at and get it. Turn around to leave this room and then follow the small dark hallway up to a dark section where to the right is a ladder thats yellow looking. Climb the ladder and then enter the same room from before where the fire was and to the right will also be where you fell down the hatch to get the Hand Of Sirius. Jump up the ledges here and you'll have some spikes here so be careful. Jump to the left open section here it's a tad dark but there is plenty of room to make it. This next part is a little tricky so be careful. You must jump right to the small opening on the right so go to the far left side of this ledge and jump to the safe section and again once you make the jump there is plenty of room to land. Enter this hall and another tricky part lies ahead. Jump over here and grab the wall it's actually a ladder and you can safely climb down below. Here pull the chain and it opens another section. Careful when you turn right here as some mummies pop up from nowhere. Hurry to the right side of the room and climb the ladder here. Once above another tricky section is above where once atop the ladder you will go to climb and your near a steep slope part. Once she pulls herself up here use your d-pad back and press the jump button to backflip to safety. Turn right after getting up and crawl under the spikes here and now your back in the room from before. Go towards the back of the room and jump the ledges here. Jump across and go to where the switch was at in here but you already activated it so just get on the ledge just below the switch. Turn to your left and jump over to this other section from the high ledge your now on. Once in this room you will see another object on a pedastal and it's the Scarab Talisman so take it. Follow the red hall your now in to the left and there is 2 black dogs here so kill them quickly before they get to you. Keep following the path around to a big room with 4 big pillars in it. The area continues to the right but wait a minute and kill the dog that runs back and fourth on this path. Head on down the path and turn left and now your at the main red room or cave once again. Enter here and then go back to where the dead guy was and use your Golden Snake thing and the new Scarab Talisman in the 2 slots on the right and left sides of this section. Once the parts are in place the room begins filling with sand and that dead guy is a mummy and rises. All you do here is run in circles avoiding the Mummy since you can't kill it anyway and wait for the room to completely lift you up. Eventually you'll see an opening so jump up here and follow the path up to the light and exit the level. Watch the movies. Level 4 (Valley Of The Kings) This first part is pretty hard with around 5-6 guys to kill. The first appears on the ledge on the right and then another from behind the ledge the other jumped onto. Another in the back of him and then one from the right. 2 more from the left then pop out so try and use a jump around technique and use health packs when you get low. The best weapon to have here is the shotgun and make sure every shot counts and hits it's target. Once you kill them all get lots of ammo from these guys and 2 small med-packs a large Med-Pack and a set of keys to the blue vehicle. You eventually get to use the vehicle but don't yet it's hard. Instead go to the left side of the screen to a small ledge and there is a dark section back here once you climb up the ledge. Walk back here and get 2 shotgun ammos and 1 shotgun which equals 1 more ammo since you already have the shotgun. Get in the Jeep when you're done and stay away from the Green Jeep. He throws explosives at you and they hurt you,not the vehicle. Run over the guys you encounter and then when you get to an open section with big canyons on either side slow down. Drive slowly here following the main path here and a small ways up is the ending of the level. Level 5 (KV5) (Make sure you have your Jeep with you at all times during this level. When you open the black gate later on make sure you take your jeep with you otheriwse you actually have to restart the entire game as now you can't just go back and restart a level. I was very angry when this happened to me cause you must have the jeep to end this level. Seems as though I have found the first major bug in the game Great friggin work Eidos. Isn't that what "Game Testers" are hired for? apparently they aren't doing a very good job.) Get in the vehicle and try to avoid all gunfire here as possible,using med- packs when necessary and also avoiding the bombs the green vehicle throws out at you. Just let the Green vehicle get wayyy ahead of you and you only have to contend with the gunfire of the bad guys. Be careful when you get near a big drop and drive to the right on the small road between cliffs. A guy shoots here which makes it even worse so just take it easy and when you get past that section just gun it. Finally you load another screen and the Green Jeep is at a stop so stop your vehicle and get out. Get out by pressing the o button and pressing left on the control pad. In this cave area walk around the big ledge you should be parked next to and get the 2 wide-range shotgun shells and the large Med-Pack. Now thats done I'd recommend you save your game since that difficult part is over you don't wanna do it again thats for sure. Go now out to where the Green Jeep is at and step back a few paces and the Jeep will drive away slowly. Wait about 5 seconds and where the Jeep was parked at is a set explosive so staying clear of this will prevent disaster. Climb back in your vehicle and go past this section and past some statues in the deserty area on your right to a cave straight ahead. Just before the end of the cave get out of the Jeep and kill the guy up on the high walk here if you wish to do so and then get back in and drive the Jeep more straight on the main path. Check this section out if you want but the bridge is so brittle it falls apart completely which makes me wonder what was holding the guy up when he was standing on it. Head to the right here in this section and climb a small slope and then a small ledge to the right. In here you'll hear the secret music and a large med-pack. Well go back in the jeep and keep on going straight and following the path. When you get to the high rise scaffolding on the left of you take your first left at the opening towards a scaffolding thats brittle again and this time run into it with the Jeep to send the guy flying thats on here. Now up ahead is a big black iron gate so go left and up the small ledge for a large medical pack. Go now back and right from the ledge to the small opening in the scaffolding and climb up here. Go left after climbing up here and get the shotgun shells at the end of this walk. Turn back around and follow the path to the left near a large box and a guard will pop up over it so shoot him and then go over the big box to the other side and follow the walk. Walk a bit further and a small drop will be just ahead so fall here and you'll hear the secret music so walk right at the end and get the small med-pack closer now to you and further down the Large Med-Pack. Turn back around going back on top of the scaffolding and walking back across where you first entered. When you go to take your first right around the corner of the scaffolding look up and you can now climb up the upper scaffolding. Walk a small ways down and on the right in a small cranny is a large med-pack. Turn around now and look directly across to the other side of the scaffolding and you'll see a vine hanging there. Well looks like you'll have to do a running jump to grab hold of it. Remember try and get to the most bottom part of the vine to get a nice long swing and let go when your over the other side. Now look up and on the left side of the wall is a half wheel looking thing portruding out of the wall here. Make a big jump here and use the action button when you get near it. You'll now hear and see the big black gate open so fall down the scaffolding safely by doing a backwards grab drop manuever. Now head through the Gate and there is a ledge on the left and right but nothing to get. The other ledges have pillars surrounding them and they look climable actually but they aren't so head up the stone path staying left as there is a new obstacle to encounter on the right. A big tumbleweed-spike comes tumbling down the path crushing Lara if your not careful. It's actually a left right left right pattern for the tumbleweed-spikes. First stay left then after that passes immediately go right and run until the left one passes and then head left and that should get you past these things. Now slide down a slope area and go up this open section to the right and before going right stop for a minute and let some explosives go off. Go right after they are all done exploding and head up the main path. Look right here at this next drop and there is a very deep hole here and a small green hallway to the right. You need to do a running jump to get to this section and use action to grab the ledge. Once over to this part there is a long drop ahead so do a backwards drop grab the ledge manuever and this rock you can climb down so you'll be safe. Just climb down to a desired safe distance and then drop the rest of the way. Fall down another drop to a red looking floor. Ahead and left is a big hole thats just a spike pit so avoid falling in it. Go around the hole and now you have a steep slope to climb. Go to the left section where an area is a little darker this is where you can step and jump up the path to clear the steeper slope. In the distance you should see the green jeep from earlier pass by. Follow the path straight up and on the right is a big hole and a green hallway but don't bother going here I explored this entire area it's nothing bu confusing desert. Keep going straight and you'll see a big hole on the left and it's a spike pit so avoid it and head around it and now you'll see some steep cliffs on either side of you. Go around to a slope going down and stay on the left side of it cause on the right is a spike trap. Head up the path taking your first left to a deserty area. Watch out for the hilly area when you jump with the jeep as since there is only 1 way to jump close by is a spike pit you can easily get sucked into. Go slow and keep right up the hilly area and drive to where there is a cave to enter. When you get to the cave area enter it to end this level. Watch 3 long cut-scenes and go to the next level. Level 6 (Temple Of Karnak.) Start this level off by going right and climbing the 2 ledges here. Drop down here and kill the scorpion and you should see 2 steps leading up to a large looking tower and a medicinal canteen here oh damn I'm having Medal Of Honor Flashbacks again I meant the small med-pack here. Get it and then run left and then turn around and kill the scorpion here. Theres about 3 ways to go here so just go left first that'd be the second small opening area and follow the path. Look right once getting up the first ledge and another ledge is here. Go up here and jump the small gap here and take the small med-pack. Go across the way you came to the left side of the screen and enter the small entrance here. Fall down the small hole here and then to the right you should see an area where you can crouch and crawl through so do that. Crawl out to a big dark room with some tall pillars all around. You'll hear the secret music here and when you stand up shoot the scorpion thats heading your way. Go up here and take your first right where a tall black gate is and it is a small opening here. Enter here and then follow the path. Look immediately left and kill the scorpion here and then another lurks ahead so kill it also and then head forward. There is nothing more here so turn back around and go to the section where you entered and leave this section. Go back to the room with the really tall pillar in the middle and head straight across to the other side and climb the ledges here. Drop down and head left to 2 alcoves on the end and enter here. There is a scorpion here on the right so shoot it and then go left jumping the small gap here and the ledge on the right towards the back has some flares there so get them. Drop down the small gap now and climb out to a room with 2 sets of pillars and a stairway leading down to a small bowl. Save here just in case and go left falling down the ledge and kill the scorpion here and then head back up the ledge and go left to the other side where there is a ledge and drop there to get a small med-pack but be careful not to get bit by the scorpion thats now behind you. If you get bit then use a small med-pack to heal the yellow poisoned effect. Climb back up the ledge here and look above you and there is some monkey bar type rungs for you to swing across. Once across kill the scorpion here and then go left here climbing the ledge here. Hit the switch up above and then use the monkey rungs on this side to climb back to the beginning of this room. Right behind where the stairs leading down to the bowl was earlier a door has opened and you can walk in here and activate the switch. When you do a pillar a little bit revealing another bowl on top of it.Turn around completely now and where the bowl was leading down the stairs it has dissappeared so fall down the small hatch here. The pillar actually goes down and when you fall you see some water and the bowl is right behind you. Don't go in the water yet just turn around. Climb the ledge behind you and get the large med-pack here and now go right. Climb the wall leading to a small opening above and climb in here and follow the path around. To get off the ledge here turn around with laras back facing the ledge and climb down here. Follow the path and then climb up the ledge here and then turn right and climb another ledge. Once up here look at the first opening on the right and get the flares here. From the opening go left and crawl through another tiny space and follow it around. Eventually you'll see a room with a big hill to climb so jump the steep slope here and then enter another small crawl space here. Follow it around and then do the same as before when getting off the ledge and fall here. Turn around here and go to the other side to climb the tall ledge cause you must go this way the hills are too high to get past. Drop down this section and then go over the next ledge towards the middle of the screen and climb up. Drop down this ledge and head right to the opening thats this way and enter here. Walk into this area where there is some pillars and some more steps and walk past the narrow black gate up the path. Make you first right here when lara starts looking up. Jump in the water and get the flares in here and then get out. Go right and climb the ledge and then jump across the ledges up here. The first ledge once jumped look left and there is a switch here so push it and the gate behind you opens. Now turn around and push the switch over here to open the gate on the other side. Jump across again and get the shotgun ammo and the medpack. Jump across and enter the the gate to your right first and get the Canopie Jar 1 and watch the fmv show you the part I already walked you through. Now go to the left side and get the small med-pack here and the shotgun on the pedestal. Fall back down this section and go back to the room with the stairs leading to the bowl and fall down the hatch here. With the canopie jar 1 go right and then up the small ledge. Look right and there is a slot to put the jar into so do that and a door opens where you just were when you got the canopie jar. Go back to this section and go through the door there. Enter here and go down the sloped area to end the level. Someone emailed me saying something about getting another canopie jar and using it but I searched this level all the way through and as far as I know thats all there is to this level. If not then email me and tell me what I might've missed. thanks. Level 7(The Great Hypostle Hall) Start this area by going left up the ledge to an open area. Go right here and go over the small ledge thats here. Go right again and kill the 2 scorpions in this area. Go to the right side of the room and climb the small ledge and then you'll see an area with more openings in the floor. Jump left to the open area and kill the 2 scorpions here. Take your first left and get the UZI ammo thats here and now go back out going straight. Go up about 1 section and then look right and back there is some wide shotgun ammo. There is another scorpion here so shoot it and then go back straight. Drop off the ledge here and then follow the path around and you'll eventually see a cut-scene where the bad guys show up at the beginning of the last level and he says after her. Keep going until you get to a big gap with a far drop and you must jump the gap here and grab the other side of the ledge. Go right through a opening where there is a lot of rocky formations past them and into the next room. Get off the small ledge and follow the path around to the next room and go down the sloped area to end this tiny level. There could be more to this level and if there is then please help me out by submitting the sections to visit I might have missed to Level 8(Sacred Lake) First off leave this room by climbing the ledge here and then going left through the opening. Go straight here shooting the 2 bats on the right and then the Alligator on the left. The small ledge straight ahead has a small med-pack so get it and then go left. Get up the slanted ledge on the left and another Alligator comes after you but since your on the upper most ledge here he can only climb the lower ledge. Shoot him from a safe distance and then keep going left. Look up here and you should see a small crawl space type ledge so climb up it and crawl through it. Drop sown the other side killing 2 Scorpions and then drop down the left side of this room. Crawl through this area until you can stand up and then climb the small ledge down here. Up in this section you'll have 2 more Scorpions to deal with so shoot them and then You'll see some walls with some round looking yellow symbols on them. There is something that looks like a pencil in the middle part here and also a moat looking type of water surrounding. Jump in the moat and get the Shotgun Ammo down here and in a tiny section you can swim under is a small Med-Pack. Go back out to the area you were in before and then go around the the sloped area and get in the water. Swim straight and then right and go up a ways and now there will be 2 gators getting in the water with you so get out of the water via the small sloped area to the left. The other gator might just stay in the water but 1 is sure to follow you. When the one follows you run to the right and then turn around. Keep holding the d-pad back and shooting at the gator when moving bacwards. If you used the shotgun 2 shots kill him but if using the what I call the cap guns it takes quite a bit more. Walk now to the edge on your left and the other gator is in the water so look right at the edge of water and he should be hiding here so turn right and it's a free blast cause he gets stuck on a portion of the level. Now all gators in this section are dead and you can jump in the water. Jump in the water and at this point in the game you should be near a sloped area just to the left of you. Jump in and swim straight down into a hatched section of the water. It's kinda dark down here but swim all the way to the bottom and then head straight once to the bottom and follow the path. Take your first right in the opening and take the flares here. Swim now towards the center of the screen and there is a small aisle here with a small med-pack back here. Turn back around and swim back out the way you entered. Once to the main section of water you'll probably need some air. Get breathed up and then swim to the sloped section where the gators joined you for a swim. Get out here and follow the path right around to the section with some green foundations behind a cliffy wall. There is an opening here almost looking like a cave so enter here. Draw weapons and shoot 2 bats inside here. Go to the back of this room and drop down. Turn around here and drop down 3 more ledges using the walk button as a safety. Drop down the sloped section and then let go of the control completely. You'll land perfectly if you didn't touch the controller. Here there is 3 poles a new trick to master. Climb the pole your now on and climb towards the one on the right. You must use the jump button here BUT you only can jump backwards so you must hold the action or x button while turning on the pole. When your back is lined up with the other pole making sure you climbed high enough push the jump button. You'll land on the black platform on the right pole. Once up high enough you'll see a ledge on the right. Again turn backwards and then flip back to land on the ledge here. Jump up 1 more ledge to a small crawl space and follow it around to another ledge where you must turn backwards and use x button to get off the ledge to the green dark cave here. Drop into this room and there is a chain to pull and it opens the big gate underwater from earlier. If you didn't see this gate it's a big steel looking gate near the beginning of the level. Leave the way you entered and slide down the pole and jump regular to the other pole and then slide all the way down this pole. Drop down into the water and now your in the section where you got the flares and the small med-pack. Swim to the right and follow the path to the end and then swim all the way up to the surface, simple. When you swim to the surface here be careful there is the gator they showed in the cut-scene when you opened the gate. Swim straight when you get your breath and go out the right side where the sloped area is. Get some distance by running left or right and then fill that gator full of shells. Jump in the water and enter the now opened gate and swim straight ahead. Above a rusty looking block is a switch that you must activate so do that and then turn around and swim down the smaller of the 2 hatches the one on the left. Down here there is a door with a grey looking slab on it so open it and if you need to before moving on go up for some air and then continue onward. There could be a gator here if there is then shoot it and then move on. Also before entering this dark section and swimming around light a flare first so you can see where your going. Follow the pathway here and you'll eventually wind up near 2 sloped rocks in the water and you can almost barely fit to get through. Seems like Eidos was in wayyy too much of a hurry for this game cause it's mind-bogglingly hard to fit through here. Once through go ahead and surface and catch your breath. In this room is a large med-pack and seemingly nothing more what a task just to get a large med-pack. Head back the same way you entered and surface to get air back. Look up and left and you can exit the water and run left, jump a ledge, and get the shotgun shells on the next ledge. Go to the other side of the room now and get the other shotgun shells. Now head back to where you got the large med-pack in the hatch where the first big underwater gate opens. Swim up to where you originally got the large Med-pack and before entering the section where you have 2 sloped sides and very small area to swim instead go up here. There is a very small area here to swim through and when you get into the next part there is a large mirror on the wall and you can see yourself swimming on the other side. To the left and towards the entrance of this section is a flashing area thats barely seeable. You must swim up this flashing section and you will surface and get some air. Now hop up the small ledge here and follow the hallway down to another section to hop up. Get up this ledge and there is Canopie jar 2 sitting on a small pedestal. Take this Object and the gate from earlier finally opens. You can now go out that way and swim past the gate in the other small hatch. First though,Turn around and to the left of this room is some Uzi Ammo and to the right is some more Uzi Ammo. Take these 2 items and then haed back to the small hatch with the black gate. Swim through the gate to end the level. Level 9(Temple Of Karnak:(Revisited) Swim up to the open section and then climb the small ledge. Climb 2 more ledges straight ahead and then climb a third on the right hand side. Walk straight and to the opening and fall down taking your first right to the opening and then heading straight. Once up this section a ways you'll now see the other side of The Temple Of Karnak from before where now you can insert your Canopie Jar#2. It shows a cut-scene of the bowl on the pillar tipping over and then you control Lara again. Now you can jump in the water where before there was a strong current holding you back. Your actually floating on water is what it really is. Go to the back of the room here and climb the steps and get the UZI Ammo behind the monument. Turn around from where your standing and enter this opening following the path to the end. Go right or left whatever you choose here climbing the ledge. There is an opening on the right and the left to some big lake or water and if you look above there is a bolt of electricity shooting scross. Drop down right here and you should be on a ledge and be careful there is 3 Gators in this area. You should be able to hit 2 gators from up here on the ledge and the third I believe you need to fall in the water and then get him to leave the water and kill him. Once the gators are dead jump in the water and get the shotgun ammo lying on the floor of the water. Turn right and go up the small ledge and get another shotgun ammo up here. Run around the ledge to the left if you like and you can see some kind of Artifact in a cage here which you can't get yet. Jump back in the water and going towards where the cage is once in the water there is a small section to swim into. Swim in here and follow the path to the right and climb the small ledge here. On the wall here is a switch so hit it and the black cage surrounding the artifact rolls down so now you can go get it. Actually there is 2 objects here to get the Sun Goddess and the Hypostle Key. Take them both and then go back up the ledge on the right and leave this section. Fall down the hole and go back to the monument room. Enter the small crawl space up above and follow it out. When you make your final drop to the main room where the pillar first descended you will want to equip a weapon here. There is a bad guy up ahead so blast him and then move a small ways up to the opening. From the left is another bad guy so stand back a small ways and wait for him to come forward. You might have to step out a small ways to get him to notice you but then step back,wait for him,and then blast him. Go left now and look left now and there is a small passage in the sand under the structure here. Fall down here and then go left up the ledge and in this room to the right is a guard so shoot him. As soon as he dies turn around and shoot another guard now shooting you from behind. Go right to leave this area and hop the 2 small ledges here and then go right and here there is another guard so shoot him and then enter the area to the right. Take your next right in this next room past the door and exit thie level. Level 10(The Great Hypostle Hall:(Revisited) Climb the ledge here and go left being careful at the opening. There is a Ninja Looking Dude here and he takes about 5 shotgun blasts to kill so kill him fast. Take his UZI Ammo and then go left and kill the 2 Scorpions here. Back a small ways is a Small Med-Pack and some flares so take them and then turn back around and head the opposite way. When turned around go left towards the small ledge in the center here. Climb up the ledge and on a ledge to the left is some shotgun ammo so get it. Turn back around and then go up the ledge on the right and be prepared for another Ninja. The key to killing these guys is distance,keep as far away from them as possible and shoot them. Take a right here and go to the back of the room and climb the ledge here. Once climbed jump over the hole and then around to an area where you can do the monkey swing across. Look for grooves in the ceiling to find it. Go left a little bit until you can land on a platform up here. Look left and you can jump to another platform to get some shotgun shells. Look straight across now and jump to that side to get the flares. Jump back now to the center platform and use monkey bars and you'll eventually fall down. Enter this next room where the doorway is and now you'll get ganged upon by 2 Ninjas so be careful. When they draw their sword and twirl it they reflect bullets. Wait till they drop their guard and then blast them. Go left at the next area and jump the large chasm here by using the action button to grab the ledge and pull yourself up now. Go to the next opening and you should see an opening on the right but don't go this way yet. Towards the right hand side of this room is a small crawl space so go there instead. Follow the path around once past the crawl space and then you'll eventually find a keyhole that you can use the Apostle key in. Use it and then enter the now open doorway. Look left here and there is another Ninja waiting for you in here. Back up and wait for him to drop his guard and then blast him. If you don't wait for him to drop his guard you'll be wasting ammo. Turn around here and up in the center of the room is another Ninja Guard so blast him. Finally you get to wield the UZI go up and take the gun you've been longing for. Turn back around and walk to the back of this room where you'll see some ledges so climb up them. Once atop the ledge look left and jump to the center section here. You can use the monkey bars here so do that and a Ninja from the other room comes in and he'll knock you off the bars. Equip a good gun and then shoot him from a safe distance whenever he comes into Laras Field Of View. Enter the next room to the right and this is what I call the Pillar Graveyard room. Shoot the Ninja in this room and then run straight across this room and get the Flares in this room. Hop the small ledge and get the flares and right below you is a guard so shoot him. Turn left now and go up the small ledge or rock and when your on it look left. Jump to the ledge in the middle when looking left. Here you again can use the monkey bars so go to the back of the room and there is a black switch here. To activate it jump up and when Lara is up high enough use action button to switch it. It lowers a bridge somewhere above so now get back on the monkey bars and this time go left when you get to the center and enter this room via the bars. Once in this next room and at the edge you'll see some more monkey bars so use them to go across this section. If you were wondering where the bridge was it's off to the left and now you know where it was. Go right here past the platform with the 2 pillars and enter this area on the right. Land in this room and another Ninja pops up so kill him. Get back on the bars now and go back to where the bridge went down at. Go up to the edge of where you can no longer swing and then let go of action button. Immediately press action button again to grab the ledge here. Go left here and pick up the UZI Ammo and then turn around going to the ledge. Climb this ledge and then another ledge and turn around. Jump the ledge here and now you up above where the bridge is so cross it. Jump left or right it doesen't make much difference and then on the right is a pillar with a boulder on it. Shoot this boulder which makes a hole in the floor below and now you can fall down the hatch the camera so briefly hinted at earlier after shooting the boulder. Use the Drop Down Backwards Technique to fall down here and now you should see the boulder deeply embedded in the floor. Turn left now jumping the 2 ledges and take your first left into a darkish room. There is a chain here to the right but Lara Says No when you try pulling it. There is also a tower in this room as well as 3 paths to choose on each side of the room. 2 have ladders and one doesen't. The rooms on the right and left and center have giant looking lasers in them so check them out if you choose. Now when your done seeing the lasers go back to the main room where you just were and go back out the way you entered this main room and now go left along the path. Follow the path up to a small hatch above and a ladder. Jump up to the ladder and then enter this next red room. Go to where the stick looking thing is sticking out and use action button to make lara move it. The order of the lasers is the first room controls the right laser so push it once. The middle room controls the center laser push it twice. The final room controls the left laser push it once and now they are all lined up. If you have difficulty doing this part the best way to find out how to line them up is to get 1 of them lined up and then mark down what room it was in but since you already know what rooms control what laser you shouldn't have any problems. Good Luck with this part. The 3 lasers shoot the glass tower and you can now climb up the now grababble ledge and get the Sun Disk for use on the Sacred Lake level again. Once you get the Sun Disk fall off the ledge and now there is a small opening where the center laser was at so fall through here. Walk a small ways up to end the level. Level 11 Sacred Lake:(Revisited) Go out to the doors area here where the 3 small yellow looking things are that look like the sun disk. Combine the Sun Disk with the Sun Goddess to make the Sun Talisman and use it on the pointy looking thing sticking out of the ground. You can watch a cool cut-scene and then the 3 doors open up. Go to the left door first and fall down this section to some water. Get the Uzi ammo here and down below swimming underwater is a small section to swim in and some shotgun ammo here. Climb back up the ledge when you get shotgun ammo and climb the pole. Climb to the top of the pole and backflip to the ledge up here and get the flares. Now you can leave this area the way you entered. Go to the right door now and there is a small med-pack in here so get it and then go in to the only door left which is the center door. Enter this door and climb the ledge on the right thats kinda sloped but the highest one. Get up here and you can use the monkey swing so go straight and then eventually you can start going left so go this way. There is some bats in this area but they don't do any damage to you do don't worry about them. In this small crawl space get a small med-pack some uzi ammo and some shotgun shells. Now you can fall down here and shoot those blasted bats thay are like insects geez. Go back to the same ledge from before and grab the monkey bars and swing straight across to the other side. Let go of action here and quickly push it down again so Lara will grab the ledge. If you miss it's back to square 1. Use the crouch button to fit in this small area and crawl through so when you make it to the end there is 2 ways to go so go left first and get the uzi ammo first and then go right and then crawl into the small space. At the back area you can stand up and then climb up the ledge here. Go a small ways down and off to the left is a big gap to jump over to a ledge. Do the running jump to make it over and then sidestep right and line yourself up better for the fall of this upper section of the previous room. When you land I'd suggest using the walk button here as there is many places to fall down from. Go left when you enter here and climb the slopey ledge over there. It looks like a steep slope but she holds her ground just fine. Shoot the 2 bats in this room and then do a backwards drop manuever and fall to the next room below. Turn left and there is a room with 2 pedestals which has some flares on the left pedastal and an Uzi on the right. Now leave this room and take your first left to an opening room with some pillars and 2 very large statues guarding a gate. There is a keyhole on the right of the wall near the gate so approach it and then watch the movie. This level is now finished. Level 12 (Tomb Of Semerkhet) Beginning this level shoot the vase on the right and get the large Med-pack and on the left is some uzi ammo. Go straight here and slide down the slope and you will see a cut-scene. There is tons of spiders down here that kill quickly so look at the ceiling and you'll notice some monkey bars you'll need to jump up here to avoid them. They unfortunately to my knowledge can't be killed but someone will probably email me saying they can be killed. Let go at the end of the monkey bars and slide down the small slope and now your in front of a big pole. Jump on the pole and slide down 1 floor and jump off backwards here. Jump over the small gap here on the right and shoot the left vase for a small med- pack. Walk to the opposite side and there is a stick on the ground near a torch. Use the stick on the torch and now you have free light with the stick becoming a torch. Drop down the next room and try to avoid these pesky spiders they kill quickly. Unfortunately they can't be killed so avoid them as best you can. Hit all 3 switches in each alcove of this room and a door above the next room where you got the torch will open. Jump up the pole quickly to avoid being eaten to death and then climb the pole. Climb up the pole and now on the right is a doorway thats opened up. Look left when entering this next room and there is some big orange looking doors that you can push open with the action button. Climb the ledge here and go over it and continue to an area to drop down to. Drop down and you'll now be facing a bunch of structures and a doorway behind you. Turn left and jump to the left part of this room and there is a black ladder here. CLimb the ladder and you'll hear the secret music and some wide-shotgun ammo is here. Now go to the right side of the room the lower area and enter the opening here. If you'll look to the right wall in this hall there is a ladder to climb up and get to the next section. Drop down this next area and shoot the 2 dogs here and then in the area where flames shoot out of the holes on the far left hole is a small med-pack. Wait till the flame retracts and then go in and pull the lever. Go now to the right area and do the same waiting for the flame to retract and then pull the lever. This disables the flame in the center when pulled and now finally pull the center lever. To the right of the switches where the flames were is a new open doorway so enter it. Jump in the water here and get out to the left side. In this room there is 6 switches to push and the one at the back not lit up has some shotgun in it so do that one first. The next switch is to the left and a little more tricky. If you happen to catch on fire then quickly head left and jump in the water to douse the flames. Now turn around from where you got the shotgun shells and wait for the flame on the opposite side to retract and in this lever is a small med-pack. Walk now to the end switch and wait for the flame to retract and then hit this lever which Makes the flame in the middle on the other side to go out. Hit this next one in the middle and the one to it's right goes out now hit this one. Once you touch this switch a platform from higher above in the previous room where you killed the 2 dogs earlier. Turn around and now you can hit the middle switch by waiting for the retracting flame thats here. Go up the other side to leave this room as the door leading to this room is now shut. Jump up the ledge here and then use the monkey bars above you and swing your way into the next room. If you get anxious about entering this room without looking for the bars then plan on doing a reload cause the ledge here is high up. Now enter the room you were in previously where the dogs were killed and now your just on the opposite side of the room. Walk forward here and to the right behind the cage-like platform is a black block to climb on. Get up here and then you can turn right and climb the cage-platform. Once up here sidestep right until you reach the corner of the top part of the cage. There is a ledge over there so make sure you do a run jump and grab the ledge to get on it,you don't need to use the grab button but it makes sure you make it in case you jumped short or something. Walk up this path and look left and there is a flame that retracts after a time also. Wait for the flame to retract and then hit the switch to extinguish all the flames. Now the flames that were all around the pedestal are gone and you can now inspect this pedestal flame free. If you haven't saved in a while nows a good time to do it to make sure you don't have to backtrack doing things over and over. Now jump back to the cage-platform and do a back drop manuever and land safely to the ground. Go now to the sloped area in this room and follow it down to the pedestal. The pedestal has a switch on it and when you hit it it opens some doors on the one side of the main hallway where the Chessboard looking pieces were. Run back up the sloped area and then take a left or right around to the small ledge to leave the room. Climb the taller ledge now behind it and then follow the hallway out. Drop down after going right around the hallway corner and then drop again to the main floor of this hallway. Head over to the opposite side in the other hallway to climb the ladder here and enter the now open ceiling tiles or doors. Climb the ladder all the way up and drop on either side to land safely here. Walk in the next room and watch the cut-scene. Here you have a Red tile on the left a green tile in the middle and a blue tile on the right. The game works like this the way you move a piece is determined by what color tile you step on. To move a green piece for example you'd step on the green tile and then touch the rollers on the left wall. The piece will move and eventually get destroyed when it gets to the end of the board. The objective in the game is simply to get rid of all the pieces and stepping on tiles to determine which piece moves shouldn't be a hard task at all. Once thats all done and all pieces gone drop down the ladder area and run out to main part of the room. To your left is a hole to fall through so fall here. When you go in the slope here you will slide to other slopes automatically for a little while. Finally you will land past a pole a small ways and land right next to 10 crossbow poison arrows a new weapon. Turn around completely now and jump past the pole and over here is some shotgun ammo. Slide down the pole now and you will enter a room high up above. There is 2 vines in this area but head straight to the edge here and do a backdrop grab manuever. There is a ladder here you can safely climb down to the ground so do that and then fall down 1 more area to the very bottom. This room is not yet accessible as it needs 4 of some type of object to open up. Climb back up the ladder and then use your hand over hand technique to go back to this ledge you fell to earlier. Climb up the ladder and then go right to where you first entered this room. On this ledge looking left at the vine sidestep all the way to the corner of the ledge. Do a running jump here and grab the vine. This is the trickier part cause now you must line up with the other vine at the back of this room. Once you are lined up with the vine then jump and grab this vine. Once on this vine turn right and then swing really high and then let go when it's safe. Walk up the stairs here and then walk to the next opening and kill the 2 dogs before entering here. Hit the switch on the right and then it will go to a cutscene showing what the hammers do. Back a bit further in a hall is a Green board piece. Pull this piece all the way back to where the hammers are at and you guessed it hit the switch. It breaks the piece and you get the Cartouche Piece 1. Turn back around now and go back to the room where you swumg over where the 2 vines are at. Jump the ledge where the pole is and then climb the pole up midways till you get to a ledge. Turn your back and line it up and do a backflip here to get the small med-pack. Jump to the other side and get the Uzi ammo and then shoot the pesky bat here. Climb back down the pole now cause above you is just a sloped area that you fall to your death to. Go back down and then get to the small crawl space area I mentioned of earlier. In this room is 2 hammers and another Green game piece. You must pull the piece out until you can get behind it to puch it. Push it to the hammers and then backflip or jump back as fast as possible. The hammers will crush you also they show no mercy. Just in case save your game before doing this part so you can be in the right room to do again if you goof up. Once the green piece is smashed get the Cartouche Piece 2 and then combine the 2 halves. You now have the Ba Cartouche. Leave this crawl spaced area and fall to the main floor where the 2 large gates were at and use the Ba Cartouche on the one door try them both I can't remember which one it was. When the doors open 2 dogs run after you so shoot them. When you enter here turn right and you'll see a switch on the wall in the distance. You must do a running jump and grab the switch to open up another section. You'll fall to the floor and there is a small crawl space to the left of you but don't go here yet. Just go straight instead and get on the pole to the right and climb up it first. Jump backwards in this section and you have another gamepiece along with a fire on the path. The crawl space is used for reentry of the main room here. The switch from earlier turns the flames off on the path so you can move the game piece down the path. I'd recommend stopping before each time in front of the fire and saving that way you won't have to redo old moves. Once you smash this piece you have another Ra Cartouche to fit the other door and run up the stairs here and then turn left here and go up these stairs. There is a fire spirit here that will set you on fire so run off the ledge here and then go right. Go up the ledge hurry now into the next room where a switch is at. Hit the switch and a block opens up and a water spirit pops out. Now you don't have to contend with the fire spirit anymore. In the water spirit room to the left is a small med-pack on a ledge. Another small medpack is on the other side of the room. Go back to the Fire Spirit Room and now you get to swimg on the vines. Start at the entrance of the Fire Spirit Room and swing to the first vine. The key to swinging from one vine to another is how you keep the vines in line with the next. If you can see a perfectly straight line when swinging on the vine your okay to start swinging and hop to the next vine. If your the slightest bit off you have to restart and this is very frustrating. When you make it to the last vine in this room swimg your body left and face the left ledge. Land on this ledge and enter this next room. There is a main path here and 2 steep ledges on either side so don't fall off. Get near the ledge and there is a large block with a pole on it. Before jumping to the block you might wanna kill the bats that are here. Now jump to the block and climb the pole here. Climb up to an area where there is a ledge and it's kinda difficult here to make this jump. The key is stay away from the ceiling and you'll be fine. Just as you rise a small bit above the ledge on the pole is when you need to turn around and do your backflip. Line yourself up with the doorway your now facing as the door and this ledge are in perfect alignment with each other. Turn right and jump to hit the switch here. You'll fall down 1 level but you can jump right back to the box with the pole from here. Jump back the way you came in at and this time head left around the tiny ledge and reach in the switch box and get another torch stick. Follow the small path up to a ledge and jump the small ledge here to the other side and then turn left. Shoot the bats in here and then go back to where the black switch was at. Jump like your gonna activate but don't since you cant with a stick in hand. On this ledge below throw the stick to the ground and then do a backwards drop yourself and find the stick. Take the stick to the Fire Spirit Room,remember the flame in the middle that the fire spirit got made from? Well there is 2 unlit torches going back towards the big room you were just in. Before entering the big room you don't need to there is 2 ledges on the right and left with unlit torches. Take the lit torch and light the torches and you'll hear a gate open somewhere. Turn around now completely and fall through the hatch. Now follow the path to another drop and land here. You will hear the mystery music now and ahead a scissor like round booby trap. Run back to the first part of the small ledge back a small ways to make this work. Wait till the blades stop chopping for that brief 2-3 seconds. Start running and then use the dash button to begin running. When you get close to the trap use the jump button to dive through. You might get a little hurt but at least your not killed. In this room there is a bunch of pedastals so start with the ones on the right. The first one has some Grenadegun Flash Ammo and the one next to it has flares and now go to the other side. this side has some shotgun ammo and then some stupid spiders the kind you can't kill come after you. Grab the Large Med-Pack on the center pedestal and then run out towards the trap and there is now a trap door to fall down so fall here and then quickly jump the ledges. Follow the path back out to where you first entered this area at. Go back now to where you got the stick out of the secret switch and enter the dark hallway back here. You can jump up a ledge here to a higher area. Jump here and follow the small hall around. You should be at a opening where a black door is so fall down into the next room and then take your first left to finally exit this level. Level 13(Guardian Of Semerkhet) Watch the movie and then walk into the next room and drop down the hatch and slide down the slope. Ahead is a trap of a new kind depending on which way you went in previous level. If you followed my walkthrough you took the harder of the 3 ways to go and you should remember what to do with this next trap. For those who didn't go that way what you must do is stand near the beginning of where the sloped area is and wait for the trap to open up for about 3 seconds before closing again. Once you get the green light to start going in other words when the trap is closed start by using the casual run and then use the dash button a second later and when you get close enough push the jump button to get through safely. This trap might take some practice, so keep trying and follow my method, and you should get through. You might get scaved a small bit but if you don't die then use a small med-pack or a large depending on how bad you got cut. When you finally make it through you might want to save it and then move on ahead. Turn the corner left here and another trap is here so dive through and then save again if you choose. Fall down the sloped area and into the next room and behind you is a triangular looking pattern. Up the small ledge in this room is a 3-D model type map of Egypt where the Sphinx and a few other landmarks in the desert are. Once you check the map go left up the smaller slope and then turn right and enter the crawl space here and follow the small path to another room obviously. Here there is a big looking ships wheel but really it's a gear box. You must keep pulling on the gear to open a door at the end of this room. The area below has some holes down there and some of them have spikes in them so don't fall off the edge. The spikes are activated when you go in the hole but they don't do too much damage if you get hit by it. If you happen to fall down here go to the small ledge and purple looking hallway and climb a taller ledge here. An even taller ledge is to the right I believe and you need to use the crouch/crawl button to get through here. It takes you to the other side of the gear box but always turn the gear from the right side to get the big door open. This next section can be looked at as a map for where to go to get through the door. Once you Activate the gear box run left from the gear box to the ledge. You gotta be quick here but don't get careless cause you'll fall off the edge and then have to restart. If that happens then just keep practicing it till you get through. The arrows pointing towards the gear box represent which way you must run first. The door slowly shuts and you just might have to crouch to get through so do so if the need be. ___________ ______________________ _ ________ ___________________ | | |1st ledge | | Be fast | | | | This ledge has large blades GB(Gear Box Not Gameboy) ^ ^ | |More Blades here be quick Lara(Your Here) | | X | |_______ |__________Big Door here Once past the blue door keep on going cause there is more blades here and then jump right and you'll see an object on a pedestal. Don't run right up to it go around behind the pedestal instead to get the item cause there is 3 blades here as well. If you get the object from behind the pedestal the blades can't harm you. The object you got is the Golden Vraeus and can be used where the map room was at. Turn left here and then fall down here avoiding the holed areas that have blades in them. You could have gone back the ledge way for a challenge with the blades again if you choose it's really up to you. Enter the small crawl space once again heading out of this room and then drop back into the map room. Use the Golden Vraeus in the slot and a laser beam will melt one of the temples on the map revealing a Guardian Key that looks like a vampire. From where you got the key face right and use the key in the small indentation on the wall over here. To the right of you was a black floor panel thats now a hatch to fall into so fall in here. Follow the smaller slope down to the steeper slope and slide down into the next room. From where you landed in this hall turn right and you'll hear a shutter when you pass by a certain part of the hall. Walk by a little farther and another shutter you'll hear. Walk to the middle of this next room and get the small med-pack here on the ground. Walk left now and you'll hear 2 more shutters and a door is ahead and a switch on the right. You'll get closer here and a bull pops out of the door so you must hit the switch and then run like Hell through the door the Bull ran out from and follow the path using the run button gradually as to keep distance between you and the Bull. Go to this dark room in the back and go up the small ledge to a big black looking door. Use action button here and then you will grab a torch stick inside. Luckily the Bull can't hurt you from where your standing so don't worry yet. Run back to the door where the bull was in and at the end of this hall is a torch atop a ledge you must jump. Light the torch and head back towards the last area where you got the stick originally and in this room there is 2 torches to light so light them and a door opens. Fall down into this section and then you'll hear the mystery music. Here there is 3 pedestals which have blades on them and you can't avoid them. First go left and get the shotgun ammo. Then go any way you want and collect the rest. The others are the large Med-Pack on the center pedestal and on the right one is the Poison or normal crossbow ammo. Careful when leaving here cause a spiked ball drops to the center of the room and can stab you killing you instantly. Head back to the area you just were Run back to where the Bull first entered the room and the area where the small medpack was has some monkey bars to grab and now you can avoid the stupid bull. Swing across past the area where you first entered this entire area in the first place and eventually you'll see an opening on the left. Theres some pesky bats here but they don't do enough damage to harm you so face this small crawl space and release action button and then immediately hold again to grab the ledge. Enter this small crawl space and follow it around. Take your first left around the crawl space and you'll hear the mystery tone again and about the same time the bats finally leave(maybe the mystery tone scared them off.) Enter this next room and below a tall ledge is another flame room but how should you get in without being burnt to death? Run to the ladder on the back side of the room and do a jump grab manuever and grab the ladder and then use it to climb down safely. You might want to save down here cause you know how easy it is to catch on fire and there is no water to douse the flames here. Once safely down in this section of the room turn left and climb the stove looking ledge and get the shotgun ammo. Go back down and then wait for the flames to retract to your left and then hit the switch here in the box to Get the wide shot shotgun ammo. Now turn around and on the ledge on the right is some crossbow explosive ammo.(The Crossbow is in Coastal Ruins.) Go back to where the first switch in the wall was and wait for the flame to retract and reach in it again to make the flame on the opposite side of you to retract. Wait for it to retract and then get the Uzi ammo. Again wait for this same flame to retract and repush the switch in here. The one that goes out save for last so wait for the black walled switches flame to retract and get the large med-pack Turn right and this one torch goes out so now hit this one and run to the ladder cause this one makes the spiders flood in so leave here quickly. Go back out the way you came in to the room or hall where the monkey bars were at you used to get to the small crawl space. The door at the beginning area thats blocked is where you should stand. Wait till he comes charging and then move out of the way and the doors fly open. In this room there is 3 rather large buttons to big for Lara to push herself luckliy she has a trusty comrade called a Bull. Well maybe not a trusty comrade but willing to help if you can time the jumps just right before he comes crushing in to you. Have the bull charge at you 3 times to activate 3 switches in the room. This opens 2 doors in the back of the room so enter the right door first. Go in here and light a flare avoiding the bull and turn right twice and climb the ladder here. Follow the path around to a room with some shotgun ammo on a ledge. When entering here don't charge in to the center of the room as there is a ball that drops in and blades pop out a very bad thing. Get the shotgun ammo and then run along the ledge left to get the Uzi Ammo First and then the small med-pack. Head now back around to where the 2 doors first opened and head left now. Follow the path around and climb the ladder thats up here to end the level. Level 14(Desert Railroad) Watch the cool cut-scenes and now you are on a train level. Push the lever here to open the sliding door. Jump here being careful not to fall off cause you die right away and it sounds like you get pretty messed up when you die. Open the door with action button here and enter. Go around to the right and then shoot the Ninja that jumps out at you. Exit this next door and then jump to the railcar thats got sand or dirt on it and a cut-scene shows a Green Jeep drive beside the train and 2 Ninjas jump over to the car your facing. Wait for them to let their guard down and then blast them. Now jump over to the next railcar and on this next car is some ladders on the left and the right so choose which set you'd prefer to jump onto and then head up to the top railcar. This next section has a hatch in the top part of the car and another car in the distance has one also. 2 Ninjas pop out here so kill the closest one first and then kill the farther one. Fall into the first car and get the shotgun ammo thats down here. Run towards the other side of the railcar where there is a ladder and a Ninja runs out after you. Kill him and then climb the ladder to the top of the next railcar. This other railcar has nothing in it but jump in if you just wanna see it and then head back out to the main area of cars and head on. This next car is kinda deceiving in a way. They make you think you need to do a running jump to get up to the top part of this car but don't do that. Instead jump to this car and then head right and do a drop hold manuever to grab the side of the railcar. Hold x button down and then shimmy right until it's safe to get up. Watch the helicopter cut-scene and then look at this next car. This car is sorta deceiving also as the ladder on the left side of the car the rungs blend in with the color and texture of the railcar. Climb the ladder here and then kill the Ninja on this last car. On this last car do a backdrop safe manuever and grab the ledge here. A Door below slides open and now release the x button. Immediately hold the x button down to grab this crate. Pull yourself up and then continue on into this next car. To the left is a large med pack and to the right is some revolver ammo but I haven't found the revolver yet(Level 24 City Of The Dead). If you didn't get it already when falling to this car then pick up the normal crossbow ammo. Leave this car getting on the ledge and then shimmying to the right to where the ladder is at. Climb up the ladder here and then at the top start shimmying right using the hand over hand technique to get around the corner of the railcar. Keep shimmying until you see an opening to drop to where you must again release the x button and then immediately hold it to grab the crate here. Drop into this room and get the Crowbar and the ammo and then use the Crowbar on the half round gear in the floor near the back of the room to activate the switch beside it. Turn around completely now and kill the Ninja guy here and then a door is now open this way so head out of this area. Jump over the sand covered car and a door will open in the next car so shoot the ninja in this car. Jump now to this car and then climb up the tall back part of the car to get to the top area. Shoot the 2 Ninjas here and I believe one falls off the train if you shoot him one time and he's near the edge of the car. So jump back over the cars here and shoot the 2 Ninjas that come up with the Jeep. Another is waiting in the next railcar so shoot him as well. On the way back from this car is some doors you can enter and can use the crow bar on to get some good stuff. Go in the next car and next to the switch you first activated in this level is another gear box so use the crowbar in here to end the level. Watch the cut-scene for the next level now. Level 15 (Alexandria) Follow the path and take your first left at the steps and go up here. Head over to the main part of the town here and kill 2 scorpions and the guard in this area and then go to the right side of town. On the right is a building with a door that you can enter so go inside and kill the Ninja in here. Head to the left side of the town now where there is a small alleyway and some shotgun shells in front of a steel cage. Behind the steel cage is a Motorcycle you can't get to. Around the corner here past where you saw the motorcycle is another building you can enter, so enter here using action button. Go up the red steps here and visit Laras friend and watch the cut-scene. Don't worry you didn't end the level yet it's just a cut-scene. Walk to the left side of the room here and on the chest is the lasersight and some shotgun ammo and a normal crossbow ammo. Walk out to the right of you to the balcony and you'll hear some music so turn left immediately and then shoot the Ninja thats over here. Now if you enter the friends house 2 more times like leaving and then entering again there will be another cut-scene here and he will tell you more about what Von Croix' plans are. Back on the balcony look towards the library and there is a switch to activate from higher above. Go left on the balcony and jump over to the other side. Turn right here and jump and grab the roof of the library building your now facing. Shimmy along the side and do the hand over hand technique to go in front of the switch. Now release button and then hold again to activate the switch. Enter the Library again and a secret door is opened where you get a large med-pack and 2 arrow ammos. Go back to the small library where you killed the last Ninja and then go right when you pass by the building. There is an opening straight but don't go that way yet just go right. In this section is another Ninja who yields a small med-pack when you kill him. Turn back around not entering this hallway cause it ends the level. Go back now to the open section I warned you earlier to steer clear of. In this section go around the Pillar that says Todds on it and shoot the Ninja back here. Run back out this totally pointless building and when you are almost out of here you'll hear a hurl sound and a guard runs after you. Run back to where I mentioned earlier was the end of the level and enter here to end it. Level 16(Coastal Ruins) Run up the path to the opening where there is 2 palm trees and head up this path. There is an archway to enter to the right and shoot the blocked sign here to enter the Egyptian Adventure game. Go straight here and go down the stairs and look right and you'll see a big pyramid. Turn left and walk up to the coffin and a Mummie pops out and head turns but it can't hurt you. Go left here and follow the hallway around past the no entry point sign at this posted entrance. To the right is a fortune teller and a wicker basket I guess with a snake in it. Go back to the no entry room and enter here but don't fall off the steps or go to the bottom cause you'll get killed. Jump over the bottom section of the stairs towards the center part and then walk up using the walk button about maybe 3 walk paces. Sidestep once here and do a super jump over the spikes. Look in the mirror now and you just need to let it guide you to the crossbow now lying on the ground. The mirror shows you where the spike traps are at in the room but heres what I did now to leave safely. Turn around after getting the crossbow and then jump the spiked pit straight ahead. Now using the mirror I stepped backwards around the spiked traps. Then when your near the stairs do a regular jump forward and now you can exit this part freely. Go back to where the mummy and the pyramid were and go right where the pyramid is and you must do a shooting game. If you collected the explosive arrows then equip them with the crossbow and shoot and all targets get hit and you won't fall off getting hit by spikes. A Pharoh in the wall will spit out a token that you can use in the fortune tellers room. Head left now and climb the tall ledge here. Crawl back out and then go up the steps and take your second right to the fortune tellers room. The teller will activate when inserting the token and it will make a rope go up a tall ledge you can now climb up here. Now climb up here and get the broken handle and the hook in the wall. Combine the hook and broken handle and make the hook and pole object. Near the entrance is a black gated looking cage with some keys inside. Use the hook and handle deal here to grab the keys hanging inside here. Now Turn right and walk up here there is a left and a right archway to enter so go to the right one instead since the left one dead ends anyways. Jump in the water and surface on the small ledge on the right. Jump to the small ledge here and grab and climb in this small crawl space. Jump down here and then climb the ladder on the right. Run to the opening area and watch the cut-scene. WHen the cut-scene ends head right around the hills and then jump up a few small hills here. Enter this next opening and watch the scene with the extremely agile skeletons, uh oh. Equip the crossbow and make sure you have the explosive ammo equipped so you can kill these skeletons. Next head up the ledges and hop them to the other side. To the left of one of the ledges your on is another ledge with ammo on it. Here climb the ledge and get the wide shotgun ammo and the small med-pack. Now the next area below has a boulder hanging off of a rope. Go down the ladder here and there is a stick here and a flame on the right so light the torch and stand under the rope to burn it and make the boulder come falling down. Enter this small crawl space now and then use the crowbar on the big gate blocking the way here. Climb the ledge and then exit this level. The above was an alternate ending of the level of some sort and the next beginning of Catacombs which is the next level is totally confusing and I don't know how to get through there. The alternate way was to jump the cliffs where you first shot the skeletons with the crossbow and then jump the cliffs to the other side eventually and use the gate you got back at the amusement house to exit the level this way. This is a more direct route to going through the level and having a clear path of generally where to go when entering Catacombs. Well thats all for Coastal Ruins level. Level 17(Catacombs) Walk down the hall into a room with some broken pillars. To the left is 3 vases with nothing in them. Go right now and if you went the other way to try and enter this level from the previous level in this hallway is the grating to what was the ceiling to that part. Walk into this next room and to the right was or is the top of the pillar from the other route. Go left here and climb up the small ledge. Then push the block here and the floor from the previous route rises. Notice how the floor here where this pillar is rises and falls when you get on and off of it? Apparently you must now backtrack to the Coastal Ruins level and then use the other route the one where the boulder falls down and unblocks this other path. With the previous route risen you can now go back to where the pillar was and move it backwards onto the platform that rose. Now again back to the other section you go. When you get back to the other pillar have a look at the picture on it. There is a picture identical to this one on the pillar at the end of the other room. Pull heave and whatever else this large pillar over that picture on the ground. At that moment a bad thing happens and a evil spirit flies out after you but luckily a door also opens that had some weird scriptures on it when it was closed. Fall to the right here and avoid the very large drop in the middle of the room or you'll fall and die. Head to the right hallway and into this next room the spirit flies into a vase or something and dissappears. The 3 large vases to the left of you can't be destroyed and the 2 smaller and 1 larger in front of you have nothing in them. Walk right now and you'll see 2 regular vases which have nothing in them and a parrot on a pirch and a broken vase next to it, very strange. Turn right and in the back of this hall is another large vase that can't be destroyed. Run up this section next and now your on the other side of the room where the spirit followed you and there was a big drop here. In all the hubbub of telling you to run fast through the next room I forgot to mention that there was a pole here also. Now on this side of the room there is another indestructible vase. Hop on the pole now and then do a backflip so you can see the door on the left side of the room. The 3 small vases have nothing in them so save your ammo and then use the pole again to slide down this part. Run past a vase on the right and a big stone door opens up so enter here. The door slams back shut and now your in a room with a switch on the left side of the room so hit it. Wicked, the 4 walls rise and now you have an entire new area to explore. Your up really high here and walk to the edge on the right and the camera will reveal a vine that kinda blended in with the scenery. This might just be a good time to save if you haven't already. Jump to the vine now and then position yourself to line up with the vine here on the left side. Make sure before swinging your as far down on the vine as you can go or you won't swing far enough to reach it. If you die alot here or you know you missed the vine and are gonna die then press start before lara Touches ground and it saves on a load screen. Instead of laoding twice it only loads once. A good thing to do when swinging on vines is to climb to the very top it makes aiming between vines much easier and easier to land those impossible swings. When you finally get to the other vine line up here with the ledge over here and jump to land on the ledge here. The next part has a far drop but on the wall ahead is actually a rock ladder you can run and jump to and grab it to stay safe and climb down to the bottom. Land safely here and face left to see 3 vases but they have nothing in them sorry. Don't go straight here as the hallway just ends the level out. Enter this extremely large room where you swung on the vines and then head left here and climb the ladder and then follow the stairs and then fall down the sloped area into the water. Swim around here and look for a ledge thats small enough to get on and some stairs leading up. Go up the stairs and then jump to the other ledge to the right. In here is the undead so be careful and head right jumping to the other ledge and using the grab technique and then pull yourself up. Jump again to another ledge straight ahead and there is a lever here so push it. The lever makes the ledges a little higher just ahead so jump to them. Save here and then do a running jump to the next ledge but don't use action cause you will drift right on by it and into the water and then back to Square 1. To the next ledge do a regular jump and grab manuever to make this ledge. The next ledge has a vase on it so eguip your unlimited ammo guns and shoot the vase and it has some shotgun ammo in it so get it. Go to near the other side of this ledge and look up there some monkey bars Yahoo jump on them and cross here. On your way over the damn evil spirit returns and does damage to you. Keep crossing here and then hit the switch here to make some more ledges pop out like the ones before. Not too sure what gets rid of the stupid evil spirit but there is another parrot underwater on the right side of the room enter here and he seems to dissappear. Now he's gone and you must now contend with the 2 undead in the middle. Wait until both jump to the smaller ledge and then jump to this main section. Ready the Double wide shotgun and blast them so they fall in the water. When they do they are gone and you can finally jump across safely to the other ledges. Run and jump grab the ledge here and then the same for the one when you face right. Jump to this ledge and it looks like a dead end right? Well nope it's not just takes a little looking over to see the big picture. Jump in the green looking corner here and then do a drop grab manuever and shimmy on this edge and then hand over hand it to the other edge and now your in a new part how about that? 2 vases here but nothing in them that sucks. Go straight here to the end of this hall and follow left. In this new open section you'll hear some music and a undead thing appears on the right ledge. To the right of you shoot the vase using the crossbow and get the wide shot shotgun ammo. More vines await you ahead so jump to them when your lined up. Swing to the farthest ledge when the coast is generally clear and then make sure the skeletons are to the left of you when you land and also close to the cliff so you can shoot them off and have this area free to explore. The 2 vases back here behind you have nothing in them so don't bother. Jump to the middle platform and take the Trident off of the pedestal. Be careful here because remember seeing a skeleton that seemed like he was dead well he was pretending. As soon as you get the Trident he jumps over here and knocks you off the edge so get the Trident and then jump to safety and then blast this ungrateful Bastard Son. Get the trident facing the deneral direction of the ledge you were on earlier and do a runback and jump to the ledge. The skeleton will then jump over to your right and when he jumps over to your ledge when he's near the edge blast him over it and kill him for good. Jump the small gap here to the other ledge and there is 3 vases here. They have nothing in them so don't bother plus the one is broken already anyways. When you turn back around to leave this section to the left another Skeleton pops out so don't kill him just run to the left and jump the small gap here and climb the ladder and you'll be safe. Climb the long ladder to the top and then grab the ledge and pull yourself up. Run around this room entirely next and avoid the skeleton here and if you did it just right the skeleton will be stuck on the wall leaving you free to take the trident and then jump up the pole to escape. Now thats what I call an excellent glitch or bug when it works in your favor. Climb up this room to the vases and jump to the one vase on the left and shoot the one on the right only to get some crossbow explosive ammo ALLRIGHT. Hop back on the pole and climb your way up to the next area where you must do a backflip to make it to this area safey which is easier said than done. Only climb so you see laras Thighs and then backflip cause it's really tight in this space and one false move and it's all the way back down the hard and painful way. Not only that but you gotta reload. Follow this pathway to a door at the end that opens when you get close to it. In this room another skeleton appears so it's back to blasting him when he jumps over here near where the pole is. Now your back where you were from earlier. Now go back to the extremely large room from earlier and you can turn right and jump to the ladder to land safely onto the ground. This time you'll want to enter the right side of the area and enter a room with some skeleton soldiers. This room is a large room as well very high ceilings take your first left here and then go around this room all the way to the back part. 2 more skeleton guys are in this section and then get some wide-shotgun ammo here once you've climbed the rocky ladder here. Up here is another skeleton soldier so shoot him when he's near the ledge to knock him off by shooting him with shotgun. Jump right over the small gap and run to the back section here and get the Large Med-Pack once jumping the ledge. Turn back around and jump the ledge again heading right afterwards. Jump these next 2 ledges and 2 skeletons come out so blast them while they are near the ledge so they fall off and you can continue on. On the right side is some shotgun ammo so do a running jump grab manuever and get first the wide shot ammo and then the regular shotgun ammo. The left side has a ladder up here to climb when you make the ledge jump. When you make it over here there is a doorway on your right it's just a distraction so head up the ladder instead. Climb up the ladder and go left to have a safe place to land. Land here and then turn and get the shotgun ammo here. Walk back further into the hallway here and get another trident symbol. Jump the small gap here and then jump the one to the middle section and you'll see a skeleton coming for you ahead. Face right and let him jump his way over to you while you equip your shotgun and await his arrival. Flight 666 heading towards hell now departing depositing the undead below. Blast this guy and send him falling over the ledge. Jump right to the next platform and then jump the smaller gap here and head right. Jump over to the vine here and then swing over to the next platform and land safely here. Once you land safely turn left and now you'll see another skeleton soldier. Let him jump over to your platform and get shotgun ready and blast him off the ledge. Really the skeleton soldiers are like the bats they don't do much damage they are just pests. Now turn around and go back towards the ledge you just safely landed on. Look across this area and you'll see a doorway and an orange looking room with a pole in it. Jump to this room and climb the pole and then do a safe backwards jump and all the vases in here contain nothing. There is a skeleton decoy here so watch out. Climb the ladder thats back here and then you'll see some kind of metal debris and you can't get it so now jump diagnally across the ledge and then head straight. 2 vases on the right here of which both contain nothing so keep going straight. Back in this room is a decoy if ever I saw one there is 4 skeleton guards all playing dead. Take note where everything is so you can escape safely. There is a ladder a grey one towards the back here so when you snatch the last Trident then be hasty and climb that ladder quickly before the skeletons get you killed. Once up the ladder there is 2 vases in here of which none contain any items which sucks but oh well. Go up this hallway to exit this level. That takes you back to Coastal Ruins again and I don't know if thats the correct way yet or not. Reason I say this is cause I went back to Coastal Ruins and I don't have a clue where to go next in that section. You can swim underwater in this area and it brings you to the entrance to the Temple Of Isis of which the 4 Tridents don't work here. So what I did was remember back earlier on in this level Catacombs where you were in the Extremely Large Room and you could run up left to exit this level? I knew it was wayyy too early then but now this seems to be the only direct route to go. I'd go here if I were you unless you want to try and figure out where in the Hell to go next when all paths are generally closed. I will continue my walkthrough in this level since everything in this game reeks of confusion. Level 18(Temple Of Poseidon) Enter this small hallway and jump across to where the parrot on the perch is and then jump and grab the ladder going down here. Turn left here and ahead of you is a opening with a red looking hall so follow the hall. Head into a big looking room and 2 skeletons come at you so shoot them off the ledge. Walk around the ledge in this room to the opening at the back of this room and enter here. The next room has some pillars on both sides and a statue with it's tongue sticking out. There is also a small area to fall down into as well so fall in here and crouch into the dark area and crawl through here. Climb the ledge here and there is 3 vases here. Shoot the one to the right and get some Uzi ammo in it and the other 2 have nothing in them so get the ammo. Turn right after getting the ammo and in this room you must be careful cause there is black holes on the ground. These holes spew fire when you step over them so avoid these whenever possible. There is 3 vases in here too and the one on the right has some normal arrows and some wide shotgun shells and also some regular shotgun shells. After getting them you'll be cussing through your breath cause some skeletons come in after you trying to bump you into the fire so hurry and equip your shotgun. Best thing to do since the skeletons can't do much damage to you is to walk slowly after blasting them away from you a few times and then walk slowly avoiding the flames. When your near the middle make a big jump and then hightail it out of this dangerous room. The skeletons will follow you around so try and stay a pace or 2 ahead of them and head right to enter a room with a tall statue in it. Jump left when getting to this room and let the skeletons get ahead of you so they are close to the water. Shoot them here to knock them into the water and get rid of them for good. Jump over to the statue now and press action near the statues staff so Lara will climb him and place 1 of the 4 tridents on the staff. 1 staff down and 3 more to go so head out of this room and go to the section where you began this level when you fell down the rocky ladder. Notice where you entered at now has water in it? thats what placing the trident did. Also the room with the drop in the middle now also has filled with water so go around this room again and enter the red hall leading to the beginning area of this level. The water here is running into a very large area of this room like a waterfall so go right here and enter this other area where off to the left of the statue with tongue sticking out is a ledge to jump into. WAIT a minute before jumping up the ledge cause if you noticed you'd have seen a black hole in the floor the flaming kind. So use the walk button to walk to the left of the flame,it will arise but if you stay far enough left it won't hurt you. Once you crawl through you'll see 2 skeletons pretending to be dead and 3 vases ahead of which 2 are broken already and can't be shot at. Shoot the tall vase here and get a small med-pack and then keep going forward. Now in yet another room with a tall statue with a staff use another trident on this guy so another section of water can flow. You thought that by doing this it was gonna make the skeletons come alive didn't you? Well I did to so luckliy they didn't. Head back out here and now these idiots come alive and a bonus one pops out when you approach them. Go back into the water where you placed the last trident and fall in. Let the skeletons get in this room and then jump out making sure you have the shotgun equipped. Make sure they are near the water and then blast them so they die. Also when luring them over to the water you can do this with only 1 guy at a time until they are all dead to make it much easier for you. When you get to the area where you crawl through approach the edge and go down backwards and hold the action or x button and then shimmy left to where it's safe to land to avoid getting burned. Go under the archway here and now in this room with the big drop you have 2 flows of water flowing in here. Enter this room and then take a right here into a doorway. Go now around this path to a room that has a pole at the end of it and another statue with a tongue sticking out. Climb the pole to the top and do a backflip here to land safely. The next room has some vases here so the first one is empty and then in the next room 2 more and the taller one needs to be shot and has some wide shotgun ammo and some normal arrow ammo. Notice when turning around here that there is a pretending dead skeleton so when you place the trident in the next room be prepared with the shotgun by equipping it now and then drawing it when the time comes. In the statue room there is a skeleton here also so shoot him so he doesen't stand a chance. Now cross the small waterway here and use the trident here. Placing the trident triggers the skeleton to get up and since you have a far ways to climb down and must line up with the pole just right take care of this nuisance first. Lure him hear the water and wait till he's close to the edge and then blast him. Slide down the pole here and then enter the main room where the water is flowing into and now 3 streams flow and 1 more to go. When you reach the main room here where the water is flowing take a right into the next room where the statue is sticking it's toungue out. Walk to this back room and stay on the left side and take your first left and another left around the corner. Look here and there is a rocky ladder here that blends into the scenery. Climb the rocky ladder and land left and enter this area when you land up here. Go straight to the room with the statue in it is and a skeleton pops out from the right. Shoot him and knock him in the water to take care of him and now look right and see some vases. Shoot the taller vase on the right and get the blue wide shotgun ammo,the other vases have nothing in them. Climb the statue and place the final trident on the statues staff to make the final stream of water to flow into the big drop. Turn around and leave this room and jump to the rocky ladder and climb down safely now to the bottom. Once at the bottom the stupid white evil spirit comes out of the statues nose or something and bothers you again. Save here in case you don't want to redo these areas again if you haven't yet saved the game. Fall down the drop now as there is enough water filling this area to prevent a disaster of lara breaking her neck. Swim down until you see an opening and then enter it and swim your way around to an area where you can surface and then climb out of the water and onto the ledge here. When you enter this room also you will hear some music and the dumb evil spirit is still following you. Go up the right or left side of the steps and then a skeleton enter the picture not good. Ignore him and the spirit and drop into this next room. Here it gets even worse cause 2 more evil spirits join the fight and now you have 3 evil spirits and a skeleton on your tail. Will it ever stop lets hope so. Look at the right and left sides of this room and there is 2 vases large ones at that. Shoot these with the crossbow or shotgun and there is a parrot on a perch and now the evil spirits will enter these parrots and go away. Turn around and look up the ledge at the girly skeleton that won't jump down to where you are. Thats a good thing cause it saves you more ammo for another beast. In this middle section there is a big floor with a picture of someone who kinda looks like Ben Franklin. Cool to see he did other great things besides invent electricity, he's in Tomb Raider 4. Invent something and someday you might have you face plastered to a floor in a video game, I know I got my fingers crossed. Walk now the the left side of the room where the 1 parrot perch is and here there is a panel to push on. Once activated it opens a hatch on the opposite side of the room. Don't enter this area yet though cause there is another room with an opening I want you to visit first. Walk up to the casket here and use the action button to make Lara open it and receive the Left Gauntlet hand object. This also activates the door on the left side. The hatch from before is not the right exit I found this out by experimenting with the save feature so don't bother going this way it's wrong and very confusing once again. Enter this section to the left where the door opened up at and run around to the back part and look up and left here. Use action or x button to climb the wall and use the crouch button to enter this area. You can stand eventually and exit this level going the correct way. Level 19(The Lost Library) Thanks go out to a good new Tomb Raider friend of mine for helping me through this grueling level. Begin this level by going straight and then turning right to crouch and crawl through the small space here. Exit this area by falling down the small ledge and face left and you'll see a lit up lantern here. Go around the path here and enter this large opening and room. This room has 2 large vases on each side a blue door and many pillars lining up the right and left hand sides. On both sides of the room there is some blue doors that you can use the action button to open. Go ahead and go to each blue door and open them all up so you can have that done and over with. Start with the right side of the room going from right to left with opening the doors. Go now to the left side of the room and this time go from right to left again and when you get to the last door here enter it first. Back a little ways is a vase on the left so if you can't remember which one to enter first then just remember this vase on the left. Run down the path into a room with some torn banners hanging on a pole off the ceiling and then some brass axemen come running in after you. These guys don't mess around either when they hit you they have a bad blade that knocks your health down pretty far. The best method of killing them is look at their chests and see the gem embedded inside it? Thats the spot to hit them at to do damage but first hit you make must be exactly on the gem. To do this run away from them using the dash button and then quickly use the looking scope with the crossbow and try and hit the mark. When you do hit the mark the very first time it's a breeze killing them after that as after that every shot doesen't need to hit that mark anymore to do damage. It takes all together around 3-4 good hits to kill these guys. Once you kill them you can see a object that looks ghostly on a pedestal in the middle fo the room. There is nothing more to do here so head out to the main room where all the doors are at and then go 1 door over to the left and enter here. Go back to where the pole is at and jump up and grab it instead of just falling to it. Now this part is very hard as you must slide down just at the right time to avoid all 3 blades that are going around the pole. Once to the bottom you can climb back up again to the rooms where the blades were. Climb up to this first room and backflip off to get a large med-pack and some shotgun shells by shooting the vases here. Now just drop down the pole climbing quickly and avoiding the blade coming around to you. Go up this next section and shoot the vase here and get the small med-pack here. The section above was where you entered this section so go down now and back to the floor here. Follow the path around left to yet another pole and yet more blades going around the pole. Is this level a sign of things to come as far as difficulty with this game I give that a Hell Yeah. Lucky for you though there is only 1 section to climb up and then backflip up here to some stone steps leading out. In this room you have 2 large gears on the right and left sides of the room. When you enter a little bit more a Golden Axeman comes after you so aim for the gem in his chest with the crossbow and shoot him till he's dead and then Use the crowbar to pry loose the Golden Star symbol that inside the picture frame on the pillar. Go to the left gear and walk behind it at the back of the room against the wall. Do a backdrop grab manuever here and climb down the ladder here. Down here 2 more small drops is a mystery music with a small med-pack some Uzi Ammo and some handgun ammo. Head back up now. Go to the left side of this big archway and look on the left pillar and here there is a ladder to climb up. Walk along the small walk up here to another room. In this room on the left side is a pole that you need to slide down to get to the bottom part. Once in this room equip the crossbow and kill the 2 Brass Axemen and then go straight into the next portion of the room and to the right is a hole to fall into. Go to the left part of the hole and use the drop back grab manuever and climb down the ladder here. Save the game right here cause it's about to get difficult. There is a Brassman that runs out onto a Brass Horse and it is seemingly impossible to hit this ahole. I think the Core Team was seriously on drugs when they invented this enemy cause it just reeks of frustration. When you finally get the guy to leave his horse by shooting him on his gem 4-5 times it takes a million more hits to kill him and get the Horsemens Gem. I vote this enemy as most retarded enemy character in a video game for 1999. Go and explore some of the corners of this room and when you see a section with a steep slope and some ropes hanging down get your crossbow equipped. To the upper left is a rock hanging there that you need to shoot at using the laser sight attached to the crossbow. A secret door opens up beside the contraption and you can now enter this area. Climb up the ledge here and get the large Med-Pack,the shotgun shells and the Uzi Ammo. Leave this room now entering the small crawl space and climbing out of here via the ladder. Take your first left and then a small ways down on the right is the area where you place your gem into to open the gate here. In here there is a chain to pull which opens up another gate underneath the grate of the room your currently standing in. Now leave this room by going right to a opening and now your in a room with some big,swinging chains. Wait for the first chain to be out of sight and then jump forward to avoid it. Turn left now and then do the same here standing back a small bit further here cause if you stand too close you will hit your head on the doorway above and get hit by the chain twice. Enter another room now and another chain is here so get past it and enter a room with 1 gear and a 2 flames. Now go to the left side of the room where you killed the Golden Axemen. Here there is an Indians portrait in a round looking frame. This next room looks like the other one with the difference that here there is only 1 grating with no flame just smoke and a gear in the middle. There is also a brown floorboard here also which you can open now by walking up to it and pressing the x button. Jump in the water and swim down in the water and you'll see in the center of this more open section of water the area where you pulled the chain where the door rose. Swim up this section and then to the right of this room once surfaced,is a small ledge. Hop on the ledge and get 2 more stars by using the crowbar to pry them loose. Swim back the way you came or if you caught that you could have opened the brown trap door in the other room closer then swim to it instead. Go to the room now with the big archway where you killed the 2 Brass Axeman and go back down the pole just past the 2 gears in the next room. Remember that there is saw blades here so avoid them and go up the next pole to the right when you get down. Go back up the pole avoiding the saw blades once again and now go to the main room of blue doors. Go across the hall into the door on the far left and enter the globe room. In the Globe room use the star on the left globe this time and move this globe to the hole right behind you nearest to the door you got the globe out of. Now to the one thats now to your right and pull this globe out and move it behind the center globe this being the earth globe. If you haven't seen what this represents the way I get it is that stars are the key to keeping the Universe in balance. The center globe being Earth and the white being moon and others representing the closest neighboring planets to Earth. It's basically a big Solar System room aligning the planets. Open the final gate and get the last globe to the last hole. This in turn makes an electrical field between all the planets and moon hence opening the door that's on the left side of this room. Who says you don't learn nothing from the Library huh? Enter this new room and shoot the vase at the end of the hall for a Large Med-Pack. Go left and down the next hallway is another vase so shoot it and get the wide- shot ammo inside. Go around the hall here and follow it to a big room with snakes that have been crucified to a pole and a large pentegram in the middle of the room. This room will have to eventually be updated cause I don't exactly know the order if there is one to pull the switches in order to light up all the serpents. Just keep pulling switches in different areas of the room till they all light up. I know this doesen't help much but I need time to figure this room out. Really I just figured out what you must do. When they turn some on and some off don't even worry about it you just need to get all the switches in the down position very simple. Save here first cause the next part has a Fire Spirit that comes after you. 2 ledges rise out of the ground and this is where you need to jump up to. Climb the 2 ledges here and then in the room above here to the left is some water so jump in here and the Fire Spirit will follow you in and die. If by chance you caught on fire during this ordeal then either keep reloading and trying to find a pattern in avoiding the Fire Spirit or on the way up the ledges keep using medical packs to cure yourself until you jump in the water. Once the Fire Spirit is dead get out of the water and enter a new room with scrolls on the floor and a large ladder to the left. Climb the ladder and then go right and follow path around to 2 vases which are large. They have nothing in them so shoot them for fun if you like. There was also one downstairs in that other room but contained nothing also. Nothing more here and you're saying why did you mention this section if there wasn't nothing to get here? Well I know lots of people love exploring every corner of a game so I try and cover all I can to satisfy everyones needs in finding all they can in a game. Hop back down the ladder and follow the hall to another scroll room with nothing in it. Down the stairs you go into another hall so follow it out and you'll be on the 2nd floor of this Library. Open the doors and then go left to open the next set of blue doors on this side of the hall. Run now to the other side and open the rest of the doors getting it out of the way like you did on the bottom floor. Once you open the last door here on the very left side of the right side of the balcony head 2 rooms over to your right obviously. Enter here and slide down the sloped section. When Lara lands a cut- scene of the camera pans to a section thats up a steep sloped section. Heed the warning that a big shiny boulder comes rolling down this slope and rolling right towards you. When you gain control of Lara simply run forward a little ways and see to the right is a safe place to jump so jump here and the boulder rolls right on by you. Save after this cause as soon as you run to the left a Brass Axeman runs in after you. Kill it with crossbow and then go up to where the boulder fell down up the sloped path and look to the left and there is a switch here. Jump to the switch and activate it and a ledge rises in the middle of the room and now you can jump in the other statues mouth on this left side of the room. Before jumping right into it which you can't do at this point you must get on the upper ledge first. Once up here you'll see a ledge on the straight ahead of you once on top. Jump to this ledge and then another ledge is to the right of you. Jump up this ledge and then another small ledge and then around the small hall. There is an opening right here that you can walk to the edge to and jump on the statues head. Save here before attempting this difficult jump unless you like backtracking up all the ledges you just climbed. Walk all the way to the right of the ledge to make this jump a success otherwise you'll be pulling all your hairs out wondering what you did wrong. Land here on the statues head and pull the rope here and this makes the statues mouth open up so you can fit in it. Tap backwards on the dpad a few times and eventually you'll slide down the statues nose. Grab the ledge of the nose and release again and grab again. The next bug in the game is right here so be prepared. Climb the mouth and get inside and if you don't press crouch right away you'll fall out of the mouth and have to retry. The thing is you can stand in the mouth now but since you had to crouch to get in before it still thinks you must crouch and hence throwing you out of the mouth. Go through the mouth and climb up the pole here. When you get on to thenext section stay right don't go left as this brings you back to the main set of doors leading to the different rooms. Walk up to this closed gate ahead and it will open when you get close enough to it. In this room on the right is a pedestal with the Pharohs Pillar on it so get it. Leave this room the same way you entered it now going left and take your first left in this room and there is 2 grates on the right and left sides. Stand on one and then the other and the 2 pedestals in the room light up. Behind you is a torch lying on the ground unless you already saw it and picked it up then get it and use it on one of the lit up pedestals. Turn around and leave this room going left and following the hallway to another room. This room probably has the Fire Spirit in it so you may want to put the torch down and find the water section from before and jump in. This will get rid of this Fire Spirit and now you can return back to this room with some 2x4 looking boards on the floor. Get the lit torch and throw it on the 2x4's to blow this part up. When it clears then drop down here and get the Music Scroll on the floor. Turn and shoot the vase here and get some shotgun shells. Leave this room going right and climbing the small ledge here and open the blue doors here . Head back to the globe room and enter where the Serpents were at and reclimb back up here. Follow the hall out to the balcony and go left into the next room. Shoot the vase over here and get some Uzi Ammo. In this hall take your first right and in this room is a harp next to a stone podium. Use the music scroll on the podium and Lara will look at the notes. She will strum the Harp and a door will open on the left. Enter this door and walk around to the balcony. There is a chain here to pull so pull it and the big blue doors in the main lobby will open. Jump the railing of the balcony and exit this level. Level 20(Hall Of Demetrius) Follow the hallway around to a big room with portraits of some people on the back wall. There is 2 ways to go here so go right first. Follow the sloped area up to a small hall with a pedestal on the right and take the Pharos Knot. Now your up above the room you just entered so drop down here and head the other direction. Once up this room you will have to watch a cut-scene with Von Croix and his cronies when Lara starts reading a scroll on the floor. Lara jumps over the ledge and now you must shoot cronies. The best way to beat them is to leap around alot and shoot when in mid air so they can't hit you. Once they are dead return to the scene of the crime and move the Lantern to where I don't know I just kept pulling it around that section and a door opens on the left. Enter this doorway and end this extremely short level. Level 21(Coastal Plains:Rerevisited) You'll begin this level by falling in the water so excit the water and run right to get a Large Med-Pack and some Poison Arrow Ammo. About this time you'll hear some warning music. Hop up the small ledge here and you'll get Von Croixs' glasses that appear to have broken when he escaped this level AWWW Too bad. Seems like a dead end doesen't it? Well where you got Von Croixs' glasses there is a ladder above you to climb up so do that. Remember when you did this level earlier if you swam around to explore there is a small area underwater like a crawl space so when you find it enter here and avoid the shark here as best as you can. Now in the main section swim to the right and up the chute and surface here. Run back following the path and insert the Pharohs Pillar you got from the Library level. Now jump back in the water and swim to the left chute and insert the Pharohs Knot in this section. If you missed any of the 2 items from before you will unfortunately go all the way back through the Catacombs level and into Old Library to get the first object and then to the next level which was Demetrius Hall for the other. Level 22(Pharohs,Temple Of Isis) When you've placed both objects swim to the bottom of this water and a gate has risen a small ways up for you to enter into. Walk up the steps into a large room with a camel with horns on each side. Walk up a small ways and you'll now see the Skeletons are back so blast this guy off the edge behind him. Drop down where the Skeleton landed and there is more water here. Swim down into the next room and here there is 3 Green doors so 3 ways to go. Save on time by opening up all 3 doors and then go grab some air if you need it. Go right now and in this section is a mean bird known as a Pharoh hence the name of the level. Shoot the Pharoh with the crossbow/sight attachment and he takes quite a few shots to finally kill off. This room is different cause it has a pool in the middle to swim in I guess but not go anywhere and 4 tables that look like foosball tables and 4 sets of steps each going a different way. Go to your right set of steps and enter this room with an extremely large statue of a woman. There is a ledge to the right of this room so climb up here and use the crowbar on the object wedged in the wall. OH Dammit more beetles like from before. Anyways take the Black Beetle and drop off the ledge and run to the other side of this room and jump up this equally tall ledge and use the crowbar on the Broken Beetle and again more beetles come flooding out of this hole also. Getting these 2 objects made 2 ledges come out in the middle of the room so go up the right ledge and push the block forward here. Do the same for the opposite side of this room and then drop down the hole now in the middle section of the room. The beetles will follow when you drop so be alert. This room has some steep ledges at the back so when you get to the one on the right side you must grab the ledge and then pull yourself up. After that jump to the other ledge and then press jump again once on this ledge and Lara jumps safely to the left so now the beetles are gone for now anyways. Turn right once up here and get the winding key on the pedestal and then push the panel to the left here. This opens up the stone door that silently closed on you when you entered the room with the Tall statue lady. Leave this section returning to where you shot the Pharoh and a Skeleton pops up near the water so blast him. I just found out when shooting the skeleton that the foosball looking tables can be shot to reveal hidden items. Shoot them to receive Large Med- Pack,some wide shot shotgun ammo. The only one that has objects in it is the one on the left next to the stairs you just went up earlier. Don't go right here at all not yet cause up this way exits the level and theres more to do in this level. Go up the center set of steps now and then enter this next room turning left and shooting the Foosball table and getting the Uzi Ammo under here. The table on the right has nothing so head up the next section and there is 2 more tables here. Shoot the left table to get the wide shotgun ammo and the regular shotgun ammo. The right one has a Large Med-Pack. The next room has a blackish pyramid in the center that you can use one of your bettles on to activate a door. Also you have to deal with a skeleton here as well. Look for a area sloping down into some purplish looking water and go here. Down here is 2 more beetles to get. This water is totally flammable as 2 flames on each side of the slopes now roll slowly down inching closer to the water. It only ignites certain parts of the water though so if you catch on fire go to a part of the water thats flame free to douse the flames. If your fast enough to escape the flames then head right side and climb the small ledge here. You can now get the 2 beetles in the walls here. To my surprise and amazement that no bettles started flooding in after me hooray. Once you have both you can jump to where the steep slopey area was at and it has now turned into small ledges so you can leave this room. Don't forget that the Skeleton is still here so blast him and make your rounds around the bettle pyramid placing each one you just collected. There is only 1 that works in this set as one is broken so use the good one and then head to the other side of the room to get another one. Place it and now 1 more to go. Head back to the room with the steps in 3 directions and go right this time Entering the Cleopatra's Palaces level. This doesen't end the previous level but you do need to get the last black beetle here. Enter this level for a brief few moments to get the black beetle. Jump in the water where there is a fountain here and go through the small area down here. Surface to a ledge and up here is a hidden switch within the block. This switch activates a platform that goes down. Leave the fountain and surface. Now head inside the temple to the right generally up the tan looking steps. Once inside turn left and go up the slope (when up the slope to the right is the 2 types of shotgun shells to get.) to a room in the back where there is a door. Use the crowbar on the door and then enter this dark hallway and follow it up to another door that you can use the crowbar on. Once up this next path on the left is a hole that you need to fall into and slide down the slope. Go left quickly when you fall in the water before it ignites. Head to the left ledge and climb up it and then turn around and jump the small gap over the flammable water and use the crowbar on the final beetle. Save the game right here cause it could be difficult making the next set of jumps. Walk to the ledge your now standing on till you get to the edge of the ledge. Now move Lara a little bit sideways so she faces left obviously. Now do a standard jump to make it to the other ledge. The problem with this section is if your not faced just right Lara will bump her head on the wall above and fall right in the flames. Once on this ledge save again and then this is a more simple part than you could possibly imagine. Sidestep up to this ledge and then do a sideways jump getting as close to the left part of the ledge as possible and falling into the flames. You should not catch on fire at all in this section if you do the jump correctly and now you can jump and grab this ledge. Leave this level just as quickly as you entered it back to the Beetle Pyramid room. Once you've used the final black beetle item it opens up and reveals a Mechanical Scarab. Combine the Mechanical Scarab with the Winding Key you got. Once you've combined the 2 then you can leave this level. Level 23(Cleopatra's Palaces) Go past the fountain here and back to the Sloped area that lead you to the last beetle. Head right here and shoot the table and get a large med-pack. Go around this section to another open area and shoot the table straight ahead and get some revolver ammo. Once up here turn left and shoot the table and get the Standard Arrow Ammo. Head straight here and on the right here is a beetle marking on the floor. Use the mechanical beetle here and he will activate the spikes that are ahead. Save here before doing this cause the beetle will blow up after 3 turns. The spikes will stab upward 3 times each as the mechanical beetle crosses over them so run with the beetle staying a step behind him. Turn around now and pick the beetle back up and save here if you wish. The right gauntlet is around this section but I missed it somewhere by not writing it in the walkthrough so look around this area for a room with 2 blades that clack together and a casket in the room. Blast the skeleton after getting the Right Gauntlet and then leave this room. Go to the back of the hall here and turn right and notice a Skeleton here. To the left is a pool of water so lure him over there and then shoot him into the water. Head back to the right section and use the mechanical beetle once again for the spikes. Save the game again before doing this in case you mess it up. Go to the end of the path here and pick up the beetle again. Go up the steps when you turn the corner and take your first right into a room and be quick cause this room has some blades that clack together and it can do damage. Enter this room and there is a big casket here for you to open and get both types of shotgun shells out of. Turn right here right away and equip your shotgun cause a Skeleton pops out of the ground. Shoot the skeleton up against the far right wall and time your run just right to leave this room without getting hacked to death by the blades here. I think the blades must require a soul to activate them as the skeleton leaves the room without hesitation and the blades stop just in time not to get him. Leave this room going left and up the steps here and then right down another set of steps and now your in a decently large room. At the back of this room is another large casket for you to reach into. Get the small med-pack out of here and then turn around and a Pharoh and a skeleton run in after you. Lure the Skeleton to the right of the room where there is a drop and a box below. Knock him off the ledge and then kill the Pharoh with Crossbow/Sight. An easy way to kill the Pharoh is to make sure he's just above the casket where you got the small med-pack and he will just hover there and not do anything. This is your free chance to kill him off once and for all. Go left now and up a small set of steps into a tiny room where there is some shotgun ammo to the left. Head back to where you shot the skeleton off the ledge and use the crossbow to shoot the table down below. Drop now and climb the ledge and get some explosive Arrows. Turn around and jump the ledge and grab the other ledge to leave this area. Look up and left ahead and you'll see a switch above where the 2 doors are at. Jump up and use action button to activate the switch. Wowee the doors pop open and show you the way you just came when you entered this section. In the area where you got the shotgun ammo at in the tiny room is a spiked hall and then next to it is another spiked hall. Go up the first spiked hall using the mechanical scarab and get the explosive ammo here in the casket and around 4 regular shotgun ammos and 1 wideshot shotgun ammo. Go back one room across the 2 sets of steps and there is a block in this section so climb it. Look left now on top of the block and there is a area ledge to grab. Jump and grab it and shimmy all the way around until you get to a place thats an opening to pull Lara up. Pull up here and then shoot the table here with crossbow and get the standard arrows here. Enter this next room and some blades will clank together so turn left and there is a casket here so open it and get the Right Greave inside. Immediately when you get the Greave a Skeleton pops up so lure him back to the small pool near the center of the room near the entrance and blast him into the water. Right near where you got the Explosive ammo and other shotgun ammos go back towards this section. To the left on your way over to this part is now an open section to the left which was closed before. Enter here and then shoot the 2 tables here to get the large med-pack and the crossbow explosive ammo. In the casket to the right is a Pharohs Knot that can be used in the tiny room where you got the shotgun ammo wayyy earlier in the level. Head out of this room and take a left and go to the casket that had the small med-pack in it and from here take another left and up ahead on the right is the small hall where you can place the Pharohs knot into the slot in the wall. Now enter the room that the door opens up to. Hop up the small ledge here and grab the small med-pack. Right about this time a cut-scene shows a golden circular glow going around Lara. On the other small ledge is a Bronze clone of Lara. The circular part doesen't hurt you so jump down from the small ledge. Once you drop here head to the left ledge here and jump up it. Use the monkey bars to the other side now and back in this section is another ledge to grab hold of so puul up this ledge and then shoot the Pharoh. If ya can't shoot it and kill it from here then drop to the main floor and kill it. You'll have to go back up the ledges but at least the bird is dead. Head up the ledges and when on the highest ledge there is a table here with a Large Med-Pack. Actaully the energy being drained was the Pharoh so go back down and kill it and then head all the way back up here. When you get back to the platform stand directly in the center and then look to both sides right and left and look straight up in the middle. There is a switch to jump to on each side up here and when you jump to them make sure your health is completely full for when you drop it takes alot of energy out of you. Jump to the right switch first and then head back up once again and hit the left switch. Once you activate the first switch also when going back up make sure your at full health again. Turn around when you activate the first switch and the ledge is hear so hop up it and then activate the other switch. As soon as you drop from activating the left switch another Pharoh flies after you. Drop down the high ledge and kill this bird off too. Climb back up to the top part and then the 2 doors on the right and left sides are now open. Go to the right door first and there is a skeleton here so lure him out towards the ledge and then shoot him over the ledge. Now activate the hidden switch within the block to get the Ornate Handle. Head on over to the left side now and activate the hidden switch within this block and get the Hathor Effigy. Combine these 2 new items to get the Portal Guardian. Where the last door is up here has a handle looking thing next to the door so use the Portal Guardian in here to open this gate. A Skeleton pops out of the ground here so run around him and shoot him off the ledge you just jumped, to get through this door. Equip the Crossbow now and turn left to shoot the table here and get the Uzi Ammo. Go down the stairs and watch the cut-scene. 2 Amazon Guardians come out of 2 hidden doors and now you must do battle. Equip the Crossbow and the Explosive Ammo and shoot and destroy just 1 Guardian the one on the right and the other one freezes in place. Enter this section now and get the Left Greave. Enter the door on the other side and then put all the armor on and you get to be Super Lara. No just kidding. Towards the steps where Lara sat on the chair in the cut-scene there is 2 small gaps to drop down to. Choose one to fall into and then exit the level. Apparently Von Croix has Laras friend Hostage and wants Horaces' Aromor in return for his life and then somehow Von Corix Transforms himself into Seth and all the Grasshoppers get scared and leave his vehicle. Level 24(City Of The Dead) Start this level by turning left and shooting the guy on top of the building and then the guy to the left on a ledge. On the left ledge a guy had the Revolver so climb here and get the revolver. Get on the bike and run the next guy over and get his ammo. Run up left past the ramp and the Fenced off area above the ledge and shoot the guy here taking his shotgun shells. Back on the bike and and ride around past the machine gun thats shooting at you up to the small ledge in this section. You will get shot alot here so be careful and climb the small ledge here. Go up a small ways and in here there is a dead body on a grate. Go on the left side of the body to where the head is and use the action button to pull the body off of the grate. Go right now and get the small med-pack in this section. Get back on the bike and head left and straight a small ways taking another left and ride straight to the back of this section. On the left is a charcoal looking ledge to climb up. CLimb up the ledge and then crouch through the crawl space here. Drop down the 2 small ledges activating the switch back here and the area where you dragged the body away will now open. Climb the ledge here and up to the room with the dead body. Now you can jump to the ledge and pull yourself up and using the crouch button to crawl through this space Run back to the end of this dark hall and a birds eye camera will now show you a grate your just beneath. Activate the switch here and then the door up above the grate will now slide open. Turn around now and head back the way you came from and fall off the ledge where you activated the switch. Make you way back through this part as if you followed my walkthrough you would now have the bike just outside this area. Get on the bike and keep going straight until you reach a small yet steep looking hill. Make sure your at full acceleration when going over this hill so your bike will make it up the small ledge and break through the barricades up here. Once broken through the barricades the cycle will fall through the rocky area and now your in another dark section. Ride up this section and keep gunning it all the way around and you can crash through the wall here and it takes you around to where the first barricade was. Get off the bike at the first left and get the small med-pack on the floor. Climb the small ledge in this section and then fall a long ways into some water and exit the water just to the left of you. Follow the hall up and take your first right into another dark room with 3 bats in it. Shoot the bats and then get the Flares in the back left of this room and then the wide shotgun ammo to the right. Head right now falling down the sloped area to a room with a dead body to the right of you. This section had me stumped forever but I finally figured it out. There is some pink steps ahead and beyond the steps is a water pit with a switch on the other side. The switch is protected by water in the middle and 4 steep slopes that make you slide into the water no matter what you do to get around it. Go to where the pink steps begin and walk backwards about 3 large steps. Equip the Crossbow with the explosive ammo and shoot into the grated looking gate. The frost spirit will fly out at you so run up the stairs quickly and intentionally fall into the water. There is a storng current here that will bring you back to a surfaced area. Surface here and fall off the big ledge. Back in the room where the dead guy is now head back up the pink steps and voila the water is frozen and you can now cross the area to the switch. Activate the switch and a door opens where the dead guy is so leave here and go down the pink steps and enter this door. Go up the sloped area once past the door and enter a room with torches on the wall. The first right has another hall to go up but go back one section and get the small med-pack to the right and then turn around and enter that section. At the back of this room is a blue looking door that Lara uses the Crowbar on to get opened. Get the Large Med-pack in this secret area and then turn around and take your first left and hop the 2 tall ledges and go right. Straight back on this red wall use the jump button and grab the ledge here. Use crouch button to get through and then turn around and drop. You're at the beginning of this level again whopee. Drop the ledge here and then shimmy right to another opening and pull yourself up here. Once up here be careful cause some bugs fly in from nowhere and attack so shoot them and they will go away. It's hard to tell cause this level is dark bu on the wall near the beginning gate is a switch that you need to jump to,to activate the big black gate. There is a trick however to jumping this section. Save first so you can just reload if you miss and when you line up dead center using the camera as a guide to line you up jump towards the switch holding the action or x button. Now when your in mid-air start pressing the d pad left a little bit to make sure you land on the switch and open the large gate. When you land kill the guy thats here and head through the gates. Drop down the ledge here into a room with some red steps going down. Go down the steps first and then follow the path around and kill the guard back here. To the right of the back section is a crawl space that contains some arrow ammo so get it and turn back around and now head for the stairs leading up. The sections on the right of the 2 sets of stairs leading up don't lead to anything but maybe later they will. Go to the very top of the stairs and to the left is a type of slope/ramp. This section requires the use of the Motorcycle so go back to where you last left it which should be near the cave you crashed through. Bring the cycle to the ramp and go to the back section of this room to get a running start. Gun it and jump the ramp and then land here and follow the path to the right and get off the bike when you see a steeper slope going up left. Run back to the right here and jump the small ledge here and activate the switch here. The switch activates a wall opening or a block coming down hard to tell in the dark. Now head up the steep slope and your back at the main stairway. Head out straight from the opening and straight ahead is what just got activated by the switch. Hop the semi tall ledge here and then turn right and hop the taller ledge here. Follow the path here and up to a ledge with a big opening. Your just above where you first activated the switch where the dead guy was over the grate. On the other ledge to the left is a machine gun gone bad so don't worry about it shooting at you. To the right of it is some revolver ammo so get it. Run,Jump and grab the ledge over here and enter the door that you opened earlier with the switch. Once through the door you'll hear horror music for a second. Ahead is 2 machine guns and a Helicopter behind the guns. Shoot the helicopter and it will blow up and take the guns out with it. Jump over the ledge now and here there is a switch to the right. Hit the switch to the right and it opens the gates to the opposite side of town. Go exactly back the same way you came and this time grab the upper ledge on the opposite side of the ledge with the broken machine gun. Do a drop back grab manuever here and go ahead and let go to fall to the ground. Go all the way back and get the motorcycle once again. It should be near the steps where you entered the dark ledge. Get on the bike heading back up the steps where the ramp is. Go right here and then left and you can now go down the small slope here and head back towards the main part of the town. Go up to the steep hill and then go right up the path and then take your first right and then around through the gate and then right again to exit this daunting level. Level 25(Chambers Of Tulun) Ride the bike right to begin and run the guy over here. Get up acceleration and jump the gap here making sure you jump it staying to the left. Go past the steps since you can't make this jump yet and go left,hitting the giant bee here. Get off the bike now and go up the small ledge. Go left here at the large opening and take a left when you reach the second opening and get the small med-pack thats here. Now head to the right of the room and get the Grenade Gun thats in this right corner. Go back to the main path of the room and go right into a section where ahead is a opening and to the left is a tall ledge here. Climb the tall ledge and look with the look button straight ahead. Here is another ledge straight ahead so jump and grab this ledge and pull yourself up. Look up with look button and you'll see a vine thats wayyy too far up and out of range to reach. Look left and there is a ledge there so jump and grab the ledge here and shimmy right. At the opening pull up and face right to a ladder that seemingly cuts off but thats not so. Jump and grab the ladder and start shimmying and you'll shimmy around the ladder here. When you get to the ladder/ledge then keep shimmying right to get around the ladder and land on this upper ledge. When you land here head right around the small hallway and at the end use action button to pull up the tall ledge here. When you get up the ledge head right and follow the small hall to an opening. Enter this top roof area and activate the switch here and a cut-scene shows all the big red doors closing in this area. Basically this part up to this point doesen't make too much sense so either wait for the doors to reopen on their own or just hit switch again to open them up again. Get to the floor now by going back the way you got up here and then run out the left side out the bigger opening. Head left around the path and then on the right back here is a switch wheel that you need to push on to open the large door on the right and enter quickly as the door slowly closes. Hop the ledge and then climb the ladder in the back and surface the ledge here. Follow the small hall around to exit this level for now. Level 26(Citadel Gate) Enter this level dropping down the big ledge and then turn right and hop the small ledge and watch a long cut-scene with a dude lying on the ground. Fall down the small ledge now and get the revolver ammo, then follow the path right and then left and when you get to a big opening head left. Back here is a end wall but also has some grenade ammo as well. Turn back around and keep following the path. When you go a small ways up a giant Fire Breathing Hydra pops out of the ground and another cut-scene ensues. When you have control of Lara get outta Dodge. Run up past the Hydra using the dash button to go faster. When the Hydra is on your left side you'll be heading in the right direction. Run around this section going towards the left path and then follow it around to a small ledge on the right to climb up. Climb the ledge and in the back of this section is a crawl space with Alligators coming out of them. Shoot 2 alligators here and then go right up a small ledge. A cut-scene will show a camera panning around this room with 2 large caskets. Turn right here and ahead is 3 levers on a wall labeled in roman numerals 1,2, and you guessed it 3. Hit the middle switch first. Turn around now and to the right hand side of the room about 5 steps is a small ledge. Stand on this ledge and then turn around and grab the ledge up above this area and pull yourself up. Turn around after pulling up and activate this switch marked with Roman Numeral 4. Turn around and drop back down the ledge and head back to the 3 switches. This time activate the Roman Numeral 1 switch and you'll hear the casket directly behind you slide open and a hole will be revealed. FInally activate the 3rd switch and the other casket will slide aside revealing another hole to fall down to. Turn around and the hole farthest from the switches is where you need to drop so save first and then fall down here. Run to the back of this hole and use the crowbar on the switch slot which will open the door at the end of the other hole. Now enter the other hole and at the end of this area is another lever to activate so save again first. Hit the deck after activating the lever,cause some freakin swarm of bugs will come flying after you so turn around and get out quick. Climb out of the hole here and head left and this is where the door opened when you activated the switch so run in here. Follow the hallway up the small sloped area to the top and then watch a small cut-scene. Once at the top shoot the 2 or 3 bats thats here and then save your game again. Align yourself up using the looking button and then jump to the vine thats ahead. Swing across this area and land on the small ledge on the other side. Turn left now and jump to the sloped looking roof ahead. Walk to the edge of this roof and now you must save the game and then jump to the ledge slightly left and then turn around and kill the giant wasp thats flies up to you. Jump one more ledge left and then turn right and face the climable ledge and jump on it and grab here. Climb a small ways down and then shimmy around the wall here using the hand over hand method and then drop down this section to the area below. Turn left now when on the area below and jump and grab this ledge and get on top of it. Once on this ledge immediately turn around and kill the Giant Wasp that flies up to you. Now that you are already turned around go ahead and jump up and grab the monkey bars above you and swing across. Another glitch in the game is to the left of you and it's the small ledge. If you try jumping on it like I did you fall through it and to the bottom. Once across you will encounter a Giant Wasp Mid-ways so ignore it for now is all you can do. Get to the other side and release action button and then press and hold again to grab this ledge. Shimmy left now and use the crouch button to enter this small opening and get the small med-pack. Drop down the ledge and then look left and there is another ledge there so jump to it. Straight ahead is another ledge so use the run jump grab combo to get in here and you'll hear theme music. When you follow the hallway to the next small opening get to the ledge here. Never a better time to save then right now and I mean it cause this next jump is a doozy. Not really that hard of a jump really I only failed once but then again thats just me. When you finally land there is 2 Giant Wasps and 2 bats to kill here so finish them off. When you land here please dont head right like I did and catch on fire (DUH Dragon Dumb.) Head to the left side of the Jeep and behind it is the Nitrous Oxide Cannister. Get it and then save once again cause this next part is an easy kill if ya aint careful. Walk up to the ledge and see the dark section surrounded by real steep slopey areas? Thats a giagantic drop for you to fall into and die like the bug that you are. Jump out and over slightly to the left to avoid falling in. Go back now to where the Fire Hydra is and when you get just to the left of him where he's at turn left. Go up to a wall here and you will now have bugs after you so ignore them or shoot them. Climb up this wall using the crouch button and then drop off this other side and light a Flare. In this small dark cave area when you drop down is some more flares and then just ahead some Arrow Ammo and then a Large Med-Pack. Follow the small hallway up and to the right is a small crawlspace/ledge so crouch and climb here. Drop off the ledge and now you have gotten around the Fire Breathing Hydra without catching fire. Go left when you land and follow the main path back to the dude lying on the ground for another cut-scene. Leave this level the way you entered and now back to the Chambers Of Tulun. Level 27(Chambers Of Tulun:Revisited) Walk straight here and drop down the ladder ahead. Go right at the hall and then take another right to a tall ledge with a steep slope on the other side. By now the Minotaur with Sledge hammer will probably be running around so just run past him cause he can't be killed. Run up the path to the left and then follow it around right. Fall down the small ledge with the large structure to your right and hop on your cycle. Once on the cycle head right to the big opening and over the steep slope to exit this level now entering the Trenches level. Level 28(Trenches) On the bike ride over the first slope and then get off the bike and head right. Climb the small ledge here passing the Palm Tree sticking out of the box in the middle of the opening. Follow the path around to an area where you make your last left and stop here and proceed up slowly equipping a good weapon. Behind the white wall on the right is a guard with a machine gun so kill him and then keep following the path up. When approcahing the next opening to the right is a machine gun none too reluctant to let you know it's there. Quickly run right into this room and then get right behind the tall crate so the gun can't detect you. Use the crouch button and crawl until you see a hole to the left side where you can now see the machine gun. Get up now and allow the gun to shoot at you for a brief moment. Now that the gun has turned all the way right it will stay positioned that way. Crouch down now from here and stay very close to the crates so the gun won't detect you. Crawl to the large crate and then stand up and sidestep left a tiny step. Equip your revolver with laser sight attachment and use your aimer button to get the Gas cannister lined up prefectly. The cannister is the white looking can on the back of the gun that controls where the guns movements are. Once you shoot it the gun gets destroyed and you can now jump this high crate and jump straight over to the ledge and pull up. Drop down the ledge and follow the dark,foggy path to a small crawl space on the left of you. Crouch down here and then enter the crawl space avoiding the Cold Air that comes shooting out of the leaking pipes down here. Make sure you wait for the steam stream to retract before crawling forward. Once past the first steam stream a guy in another room ahead is shooting at you. Try and tolerate his shots until you get passed the second steam stream. Get through here,stand up,avoid the fire on the left and pull out the revolver with 2 quick shots this guy is down. Get the small med-pack here and then turn around and make your first left into a blue hall. Climb up the left ledge and equip the revolver again and ahead of you is the back of another machine gun in another room. Aim for the white cannister and shoot it to destroy this machine gun. Go back through the crawl space and avoid the steam traps and when you stand in the hallway you entered this way earlier head left. Once up the path at the opening immediately face right and kill the guard here. If you'll look left you'll notice this was where the machine gun was you destroyed from earlier. Head right where the guard was and then it seems appropriate to save up to this point so do so if you choose and then head on. When you get to the end where there is a wall head right crouching here and another steam stream/crawl-space is here. Avoid the steams and then crawl out until you can stand up. When you stand up on the ground is the Weapon Code Key so pick it up and you'll see a dead guy to the left here. Nothing else back here but a fire so turn around and head back through the crawl space/steam streams. When you can stand up go straight by using the walk button to left side tall ledge. Use action button to climb the tall ledge and then shimmy here using the hand over hand method. Don't lose your grip here as in if you need to go to the bathroom then wait till you finish this ledge first otherwise it's bye bye. There is a very steep ledge here and it hurts when you land on your neck too. Shimmy around the next ledge and drop here seeing there was a machine gun non- operative to the left here. Since you got the Weapon Key Card it disabled the gun and thats why it didn't fire at you.Once past here and you've landed correctly then save here and then continue on. When you see a Jeep on it's side up ahead don't go rushing in after it slow down. To the right before getting to the Jeep is a guard so shoot him first and then head over to the Jeep. The camera will now try and hint to you that you need something off the Jeep but what and where you're thinking? Walk to the left of where the engine is and use the Crowbar here to get the Valve Pipe in the engine. Combine the Valve Pipe with the Nitrous Oxide to get the Nitrous Oxide Feeder. Where you shot the dude earlier head back this way around the hallway and back here to the right is another guy to shoot. Shoot him and then get the Large Med-Pack here. Leave this area and then head back to the ledge where the Machinegun was to the left of you. Jump and grab the ledge here and on the left is a Large Med-Pack behind the Machinegun. Turn around now and then jump to the ledge here and grab it and then shimmy left and back around to the safe area to land. From here just head back to the cycle and then use the Nitrous Oxide Feeder item on the bike so Lara will attach it. Now when you want to go hyper fast you can just push the dash button Lara ususally requires to run faster to get a speed boost. Turn back around and then jump back to the Chambers Of Tulun for the last time I promise. Level 29(Chambers Of Tulun: Rerevisited) Once you fly into this level head right to where the steps cut off and is really a ramp. Get back a small ways near the ledge of the other large gap and then turn here with gas and dash button held down. Jump this section and then to the left is a small ledge to hop up so go this way. The door to the right has a guy that has a grenade gun equipped so shoot him and then enter this area. Go right and you'll see a door here with a pattern on it. Make a left now and slide down the slope thats here. Go straight here and take your first right,shooting the guy thats here and then entering the next room. To the left behind the small ledge is a unlit torch/stick so pick it up. Turn back around and then enter the room where you slid down the slope into and take a right down the next hall. Follow the hall till you go left and stop mid-ways down the sloped area. Draw a good weapon which means throwing the stick away for a minute. If you stand too close to the wall at the end of this area the stick will get lost in the wall. Another fine bug from the Team Of CORE. Anyways draw a good weapon and go left here,shooting a guard here. Pick the stick back up and then head down the path through a door. Stop mid-ways here and throw the stick away again near the first left hall. There is a dark blue door here that Lara will kick in when she drops the stick first. Go back after kicking the door in and get the unlit stick and enter this new door. In this door there is a guy to the left shooting at you so don't drop the unlit stick cause everywhere you draw weapons and throw the stick it dissappears:( Tolerate the bullets and then light the unlit stick then turn around and go to the middle of other room from before and drop the torch. Shoot this guy if you choose and then turn back around and follow the path back up to the main room. The ledge straight back in this room is where to head to next. Go up the small slope and then get under the sprinkler system and press x or action to activate the sprinklers. This opens the door here and now you can enter this door. To the left,when entering this door there is a switch over here so activate it and watch the Cut-scene of the big crate being dropped. Turn around now and then enter this door and take your first right and go down the sloped area and back to the main room. Go back to where the torch was and now go right when entering this room. Climb up the block in this room and then turn left facing a ledge here. Do a run jump grab manuever to this ledge and pull up here. Drop down the small ledge here and shoot the blue box ahead and collect the arrow ammo here. To the left of the room is yet another Blue Box to shoot. Shoot it and then a gate will be ahead of this with a lock on it. Head right first and get the wide-shotgun ammo and then stand in front of the gate. Equip your revolver with laser sight and aim at the lock and shoot the lock off the gate. The lock is to the right on the gate and takes around 8-10 rounds to finally shoot it off and proceed through the gate. This back section has a box with a hidden switch. Use action button here and get the Roof Key thats back here. Go back out leaving this section and drop to the main floor. Head back to the room with the sprinklers and go up this section taking your first right. Enter this door and then go left out this door,taking your first left and dropping down to your momocycle. Get back on the bike and turn back around going back down the jump here. Land here and take the bike around right and then when on the main path take your first right to once again leave this level and reenter Trenches YAY. I just love all this back and fourth Crap between levels, don't you? Level 30(Trenches: Revisited) From the beginning of this level drive the bike straight up the steps and get off in the middle section. Go right up the small ledge and then drop off the small once up here. Walk backwards off the smaller ledge until all the way back and jump and grab here with action button to activate a switch on the roof. This will make the door on the roof swing open and now you must jump and grab left using the crouch button to fit in the small space. Turn around and get off the ledge here and pick up the arrow ammo here. Turn right after getting the ammo and then climb with crouch button into the small space ahead here. When you crawl on through crawl backwards here and get to the ledge and then shimmy right. You'll notice there is a blocked section up here that I intentionally told you to go to cause you need to crawl back to where you can draw the revolver weapon. Aim at the obstructed object and shoot to be able to pass by. Shimmy a small ways and then drop this ledge and get back on my bike. Go back to the ledge and then continue shimmying right. Keep shimmying and you'll do a hand over hand manuever twice around the ledge,eventually landing in an area where you can stand up. When you land then Save the game for all you've done so far in this level. Walk to the middle of this walkway and then jump and grab the monkey bars here and swing across to the other side. Land as soon as you can and avoid the damn bugs or tolerate them as best as possible. Land here and in the next opening and below and to the left here is a guy with a machine gun so equip the revolver and shoot him twice to take care of him. It's odd that it takes in some cases more shots with the shotgun then with the revolver. I know range has a lot to do with it but even close up it still takes more with the SG. Anyways head left when the guy is dead and get the small med-pack back here a small ways on the left. Turn around now and then head to the back part of this room and on the right is 2 large doors that you'll need to use the Roof Key In inventory on to enter here. Enter this red lit hallway and go to the ledge here. Ahead is a small area to jump and grab to so do that and then shimmy left to an opening and then pull up. You'll hear some music and then walk back this area and face left. Shoot the guy over here twice with the revolver and then Look with the scope to the right generally is a button you can shoot with revolver/sight so shoot it. Turn back around and drop safely off the ledge here and then go left around to where you last left the bike. Get on the bike and then ride around going left and look for 2 sets of stairs going up and enter the first set to the right. Save the game before attempting this jump. Get back a small ways and use x and dash button to fly past the small opening here. If you fall off or don't make the jump then you'll fall to the other side where the other stairs are and can head back over and try again till you get it right. It takes practice a little due to the shoddy controls they give all the vehicles in this game. Once you make the jump you're presented with the stupidest sideways camera angle in the entire game thus far. You'll hear some theme music now and you can get off the bike now. Head right now and then climb the ladder here to exit this level. Level 31(Street Bazaar) Drop down the ladder and to the right will be a cut-scene of a guy thats injured badly. In the Cut-scene he'll throw you the Mine Detonator Body so pick it up. Go to the small table with various objects on it to the left and get the Handle. The small blue car to the right is where to go next and get the Car-Jack Body behind it. Turn back around to where the guy is at on the ground and to the right wall is a Red looking device to push. Once pushed you can enter the door this device activated. Go right now and then climb the small ledge using the crouch button too to enter here. When you can stand take the Large Med-Pack and then fall back down the crawlspace/ledge. Turn right here and climb the ladder going up this way. When above the ladder walk to the ledge up here. Jump right here using the action button at the peak of the jump to grab the monkey bars. Swing a small ways to a ledge you can fall to and you'll now hear some more music. Turn right here at the end of this small hall and climb using the crouch button and crawl through the space here. When you get ready to let go on the ledge here a camera angle hints at what you are to do generally. Combine the Car-Jack Body and the Handle you collected and use it on the back wall once up the ledge here. A Cut-Scene will play and the Jack will break the door open. Use sidestep after facing right here where the door is and then use jump and grab manuever here to get to the ledge above. Up here is a lightning bolt striking a surface so head right avoiding the bugs when hearing the music. Back here is a few boxes that can be moved. Move the box thats blocking the way near the bolt back to the section behind it. Take the box to the right and move it to where the lightning bolt is and watch a cut-scene. Somewhere else a door moves or something so jump forward past where the box was placed and take a left to a ledge and cross a Blue Bridge with Green lights on it. Walk to the edge of the bridge and then do a jump grab manuever to the ladder straight ahead. Once you grab the ladder press left on the D-pad to shimmy and do the hand over hand manuever twice around the ladder ledge. Drop when it's safe and this section is fairly dark and then turn left and just ahead is a path with 2 sloped sections on right and left sides. Jump to the path here saving first just in case and run up the middle path here. Run back to the right here and hear the mystery music. Get the Large Med-Pack,Grenade Ammo and the Arrow Ammo thats here and then head back to the ledge you were originally on past the bridge and around the ladder ledges. Go right and enter up this section by walking to the ledge. Fall down backwards and grab the ledge here and then let go holding the action button down. Lara will slide a little ways and then if your still holding the x button down will grab a ladge and swing a little. Let go here and she'll slide down the rest of the way to the ground to safety. Turn around here and walk to another hallway and take your first right and go down a sloped area here to enter the next room. You'll hear some more music and now in a room with some boxes in it. Head to the right here down another sloped area and down here is a dead body decapitated. Take the Mine Position Data item from where the head was and combine it with the Mine Detonator Body and now you finally have just a Mine Detonator Item. Lucky you, for when you turn around a Bull enters the area to wreak havoc. See all the boxes in this room? Stand in front of each box and have the bull ram them to reveal Flares,Small Med-Pack and a Uzi Ammo Clip. See now the boxes that are stacked on the ledge to the left? Go beside these boxes and lure the Bull into charging you here to knock them down and then climb the ledge and enter here. Enter this newly unobstructed area and head left at the opening and kill the guy here. Go left now and then a path to the left again with a big hole over the opening will be the way you'll go next. Follow this path up and right to exit this level and enter Trenches again YIPEE. Damn I just can't get enough of Trenches I love it so much I just gotta visit it 2 million times. Level 32(Trenches:Rerevisited) Here again walk straight to where the Palm Tree is inside the box. Hop the small ledge and then go right up the steps. Follow the path around until you get to a main opening on the right with some gold looking steps on the right. Enter this room atop the steps and then hop the small ledge on the right. Jump the small ledge wedged in the sand here and turn right when on the ledge. Distance yourself a small ways back on the ledge and then jump the ledge and pull yourself up and back a small ways your bike sits waiting on you. Reclimb the ladder and return to the Street Bazaar level. Level 33(Street Bazaar: Revisited) When you enter the level do a drop back grab manuever and land below. Turn around completely and head through the door straight ahead. Follow the small hallway and kick the door in and enter here. As soon as you enter a bad guy is waiting for you so kill him and then turn left and walk ahead a small ways. Turn right here and get the Uzi Ammo clips on the ground here. Head back out the main path and shoot the guy to the right and then head left to an opening over here. This ends this level again and returns back to that lovely Trench Level. Why bother even leaving this level it's so lovely. Level 34(Trenches: Ready? Rererevisited) Thats right Rererevisited In this section use the Mine Detonator Item to clear out all mines in the immediate area. Jump over the gate with the Skull and Crossbones and then activate the switch on the left side of the wall here. This opens a gate or door just to the right of the left wall the red switch was on. Enter the now open doorway and get on your bike and then ride back through this opened door. Run the guy over here and then head right over the steep slope and exit this level. Level 35(Citadel Gate: Revisited) Enter this section by jumping the ramp here and stay to the left using the Nitro button and land safely. Stay on the bike here when you land and a alligator comes up to you. Use the backup by holding back on d-pad and the gators magically die off. Follow the road around here and then meet up with the one guy and watch the cutscene. Level ends with Fire Breathing Hydra dying off. (You must be on your motorcycle to make this end part work, otherwise, the cut-scene won't load to end the level.) Level 36(Citadel) Walk forward here about 3-4 steps and watch the long cut-scene with Von Croix being possessed by Seth,pronounced Set. Run back to the end of this room here and take a left up the stairs. Once in this room take a right and in this next room is a switch to activate which will open some large doors on the main room where you started. Turn right and over here is a unlit stick/torch on the ground so get it. Light the torch now off of the torch on the wall and then go back into the main room where you started going back down the steps. Once back to the main room there will be a rope extending across the room. Jump with the torch where the rope is attached to the wall near the opening to set it on fire. Walk 1 room up and there will now be a hole in the floor you can drop down into. Drop in there and make sure you still have the torch in hand and enter the right side that is a hallway that you can follow. Go to the back of this cavey room and to the left is some wide shotgun ammo so now turn around and enter this other area. A cut-scene will now show one of Von Croix' resurrected baddies running towards a switch. When you have control again then jump to the ledge on the left with torch still in hand. Throw the torch away now and then drop grab this ledge to the left. Shimmy all the way left and release and then hold action or x to grab the ledge below. Shimmy all the way right to the end of the ledge and then let go of action and then hold it again to grab ledge below. Shimmy all the way around the ledges using the hand over hand technique until you get to an area to use crouch button and pull up into the small space. Fall in the shallow water and walk through it and then go right and grab the ledge up here also using the crouch button. Crawl through here and then have your legs facing the ledge here and wait before dropping. Save first off and then when you drop you'll immediately want to press the jump button and then you'll jump to another steep slope so jump once again and after this jump hold action or x down and grab the ledge over here and pull up. If you miss you can swim to the right and surface into the next room on the ledge to the left. Jump right using the run jump grab manuever and then climb the ledge and steps here and restart by the top area where you had to shimmy your way back down into the next room. Or you can just reload your saved game I mentioned earlier and save all those bloody steps. You'll actually land on a ledge and have to shimmy left here and then pull up to this ledge and get the small med-pack here. When you get the small med-pack turn around and walk to the small ledge you just pulled up to. Do a run jump grab manuever to the ledge on this side of the room and then equip a decent weapon. Look up the stairs and another of Croix' cronies is shooting at you. Kill him and then head on up the steps. Walk to the right and then kill another cronie thats over here 2 cronies down and 1 more to deal with. Follow the walkway up to the switch up here and when you activate the switch the final cronie shows his face so blast him. Turn left where the switch is and then drop down this ledge. Once you land then collect the Large Med-pack and now you'll notice the flames have been deactivated here. Follow the path up here and go down the 2 sets of steps here and a cut-scene will play. Enter the Compass Room and then you'll notice 3 blocks here that are all off of their round platforms. Each block has a letter on the top of it for North East West and South. Simply move each block to it's corresponding direction and then a door will open when you are done moving all blocks into place. If you're not good with directions then look at your compass in the select screen for a helpful guide. The door is on the left side of the room so head left and enter this new direction. When entering this dark room light a flare and don't fall in the hole in the middle yet. Go left and fall into the small hole and get the Flares and head back out now falling into the hole. When you fall in the water there is a big pipe down here and a passage to the right. Swim through this area and surface to a chain sticking out of the water. Go right when exiting the water to get a box of revolver ammo and then re-enter the way out here and it takes you back to the compass room where you'll need to take a right now and then enter this room with 2 bad guys on left and right and a switch in the middle. Kill cronies and then activate the switch back here that'll make bubbles gurgle out of the big pipe from earlier. Return to the room in the Northern passage and then fall down here and swim back to a room with a switch on the ceiling and activate it. The door closes so now head back to the main room with the big pipe and the water has drained. Hop up the western Ledge and activate the switch back down this hallway. This opens a door for you to drop down to and then you can walk up this section. The chain from earlier has been uncovered from removing all the water. Jump up here first and kill the guard here and then pull on the chain. Hop the ledge now and enter the door that got opened when you activated the chain. Save here and then enter the door and follow the path to the right using the crouch and action button to enter the small crawl space. You'll automatically drop here and see a cut-scene of 2 Giant Knights possessed by Seth. Go up the small sloped section until you see some big pieces of wood blocking the way. Let the Skeletons smash through this area for you by moving out of the way just in time. Jumnp the ledge back here and go right getting the Uzi Ammo here. Further back here is some flares and your up on a high walk up here. Fall to the middle section here and walk up to where some water is reflecting off the wall and a cut-scene plays and the level ends. Level 37(The Sphinx Complex) Run up here and to the right are 2 guards here so shoot them and then take the Silver Key they leave behind. Take a right and use the key in the side slot to open the tall door. Walk through the door and kill 2 more guards here and then go right to the back of this section on the right and left sides is 2 ledges. Climb the ledge on either side and jump the big gap on both sides and activate the 2 switches over the gap to open the door near the back of this section. Enter the door and then kill the Ninja here and face right to a large gap with steep slopes. Slide down the right side of the slope and slide safely onto the ledge sticking out here. Turn right now and then jump up the sloped area and you'll slide down here. Grab using the x or action button onto the ledge/slope and then quickly press jump here to do a backflip to this other flat surfaced area. When you land turn around and jump a regular jump forwards to make it past this treacherous Gap. Another Big Gap now so head left to where you can do a small jump to the ledge over this way. Land on this ledge and then draw your weapon and kill the guy to the right of the gap. Once you kill the guy then use walk button to walk caddy corner to the ledge facing right here and do a run jump here to make it over the large gap here. Once to this side jump up the right small sloped area and then kick the blue door open. Once in this nifty looking room you can shoot the boxes to the right and get some uzi ammo. Go now to the left side of the large metal shelf and you can use action button to push it to the right. Once done you'll see a metal grating behind it for you to shoot. Shoot it and then crouch into the crawl space and crawl through. At this end is another metal grating so shoot it and then enter this next room. Get up and immediately face right and shoot the guard thats in here. There some more shootable boxes here so shoot the one more to the left to get the Metal Blade thats in it. Great Record company also by the way. Run to the switch on the right and get some shotgun shells here and on the other side is a box with nothing in it. Activate the button now and 2 guards run in so stand where you are and use 4 revolver bullets to kill them off. The revolver works great against regular human enemies by the way. Go through the big door and save here if you choose and now your at the section you jumped over from the first gap. Jump back over the gap from before and now head over to the left Gap. Slide down to the left ledge and then jump straight to the other ledge on the left here. Turn right now and then jump to the other ledge and then jump the small slope to leave this gap section. I would suggest saving the game everytime you jump another gap just in case you don't feel like backtracking. In this section is a do not enter set of big doors so instead head to the right and keep following the main path here and make your first right to a gravestone and watch the cut-scene of Lara reading the stone. Don't see how she read all that blurry part of the stone though but oh well. Save right now cause the next Gap is hard at time to get over. Go to the right side and slide down the slope to the ledge and then jump to the right ledge next. Turn here and go the edge of this ledge to the right side to make the jump. Land here and draw a weapon and kill the Ninja that walks down towards you. Hop up the ledge and then draw weapon again and kill the Ninja up here as well. In the back left is 2 boxes so shoot the box farthest away from you and get the Handle item. Combine the Handle and the Metal Blade to get the shovel. Go to the right side where the rounded brick layered section is to where Lara read the scripture off of the gravestone and use the shovel here where the gound looks weakest. Wait for her to finish digging and fall down the hole to end the level. Level 38(Underneath The Sphinx) Run a small ways and shoot a few bats in the area up here. Go past the metal gate and it closes behind on you. In this next room 2 bulls are laying down and they are guarding some buttons behind them. What you must do is to the back of the room is 2 gates and 2 rooms. Lure the bulls into these rooms and when they bury their horns into the wall hightail it out of there and oress the switch to close the gate on them. Go now to the left side of the room and get the flares next to the skeleton lying on the ground. An old scrap of paper lies down on the ground here so pick it up. You can examine the paper which has the alphabet on it with pictures of different sybols of animals and objects next to each letter. Look at the piece of paper and it will show you which letters go with which buttons on the wall where the bulls were. Go from right to left for the entrance of the first room. When you walk up to the push buttons push them in this order hit the bird button first on the right. Now hit the Blades looking button the left one and then hit the middle which looks like a scientific beaker. Turn around and then head right and go straight into this gate. Enter this room and jump over the ditch here and to the right kill some bats. Head right now and then jump another small ditch. Walk up this way and kill 2 bats in this area and now you should be faced by 2 Sphinxy looking statues and a gate in the middle of them. Also there is 4 colored lights shining down through 4 steep slopey areas. Get the Binoculars out now and look up each slopey section and at the back of each of these sloped areas is a letter combo. Write them all down and each of these combos represents each door needed to be opened in the part with the buttons. Leave this room and then back to the button section and try figuring out what buttons to push on your own but I'll have the combo listed below to help. For door 2 the combo is Bird first Then Beaker and then the Blades Push Right button first and then the middle button and then the blades which is left. Turn around now and head to towards where the skeleton is and go right and enter this door now. The true name of this level should have been changed to SAVE it's very necessary here. Enter this door killing some bats and head to the right side and jump up the ledge here. Walk to the left part of this ledge and do a regular jump to the other ledge. Turn right and to the left is a small portion to jump to. Land here and then jump up the steeper part to get to the top. Go left now lighting a flare if you choose and enter this small crawl space and crawl on through. and crawl until you can go left so go left and in this back section is the Stone Of Maat. Head back out of this crawl space cause the rest of it just leads you to traps that kill instantly. Leave out the main section you jumped here too and enter now,the right crawl space. Enter here and take your first left avoiding going all the way back here as there is a trap here. Go left again and you can stand up back here and activate the switch to open the gate that closed on you when entering this section. Leave this area now as all other directions lead to more death traps and go back to the part with the 3 stone buttons. The next room's combo is Beaker,Blades,Bird Push the Middle button first and then the left button and finally the right button to open this door. Turn around and head to the left side of the screen where the skeleton is and take a left through this door. Enter this section by jumping over the ditch and you'll hear some music and see some water ahead. Shoot 4 gators coming out of the water here and then activate the 4 hidden switches in this room on all sides. Once they have all been activated you can drop down the center Island area and get the Stone Of Kherpri. Turn around after jumping out of the hole and jump across West to the switch and activate it to open the gate back up to leave this area. Head back now to the main room with the 3 stone blocks with symbols on them. The next door is Blades,Beaker,Bird or left button first then middle and then the right button to make the next door open. Turn around now and go left and go straight up the path to enter the next door. Over here you have 9 different switches to add some intrigue to this puzzlish level. Turn left when you get to this room and start with that side of the room with your switch pushing. Start by pushing the switch on the right first and this will open the gate you entered this part at so you don't need to think about how to leave.(Note: Be aware of the Beetles in this area when you hit the switches they have a bad habit of making you a carcass in no time.) Turn around from this set of switches and go left to the set of switches on this back wall. Go to the right switch here and collect the Stone Of Re. Nothing more in any of the other switches so head on back to the main room now and go over to the pushable stones with the symbols again. Having a tough time with avoiding the beetles then save the game now and try avoiding them the best you can they are nasty creatures. The next and final door goes like this: Beaker,Bird,Blades or Middle first and then right and finally the left button to open this final door. Turn around and head straight up the path towards the door you just returned from and this time take a right to enter the final door. Also I'll use the entrance of this section as a kind've landmark for all the directions you'll be swimming in. It keeps things sane cause this puzzle is most baffling and frustrating eh? (NOTE: I totally recommend the air gameshark code which I will list for those of you fortunate to have a shark. If you don't have one then ask for one for Christmas or whatever and make sure it's version 3.2 otherwise the codes won't work. In other words don't buy one used or you will probably will end up with the wrong version.) (Gameshark version 3.2 only)Infinite Oxygen Code 800ac3oe0588 When you get to the ditch you have a task right here to jump over it so jump right first. Now walk to the edge of this ledge facing caddy corner and left to make this difficult jump. I failed 3 times trying to make this jump so it's definetely doable. Shoot the bats over here and then jump in the water and let me remind you you'll be in the water for quite some time so save here first. It may take a few tries to get the swimming pattern in the water down pat so save and then reload if you keep drowning to retry till you get it right. When you get to the bottom of the water head right first and swim down to the next set of turns and when there go left next. Don't go up here just turn right and keep on swimming. At the next set of turns keep going straight and follow it around to the first switch. When you get up here activate the switch and then save the game. Jump back into the water and head back to the entrance using all the lefts and rights I said before and just reverse the order of left and right to return to the main entrance near the ditch. Once back to the main entrance save the game and then jump back in the water. When getting to the bottom head left this time and swiw around going up a little and when you have a right/left area to swim head left and collect the small med-pack here. From there turn around and head up straight across and then you'll see a symbol block. Swim up this section and surface to activate this switch and then save the game. Head back to the entrance reversing the directions again to find the entrance and go up again and save the game. Jump in the water again adn go to the bottom and head straight up this section to an area that goes right and also up and go right here. Keep going a small ways and then go left heading down now and then when at this set of turns keep going straight till you get to another turn to the right. Don't go right though keep going straight here. Swim to the bottom of this section now and follow the path swimming right. Just ahead now you'll see the bird symbol stone so swim up here and activate this switch. Save the game and then head back into the water. Going back to the entrance go the same way you came but again reversing the directions. Get to the entrance and save the game again. Jump back in and go left first and then at the next set of turns go right and the switch is here so push it and save once again. Head back to the entrance and this is simple 2 reversal of directions and you're right back to the entrance. Save if you choose and then jump back in the water. At the bottom go right and then head up when you see the section going up. Keep going straight all the way until you see the final switch to activate. Hit the switch here which opens the gate to the main section and then turn around and run to the other side. Get the Stone Of Atum and then head back to the entrance reversing all directions I mentioned and you're finally done with this really putrid excuse for a puzzle. Anyways head back out of this room and then slide down the slopey area to the ledge and then jump back over the first ledge and then jump over the slight slope to leave this section. The final door is more of a test and you don't need to do it or enter it so just skip it it's just a bunch of traps and all and is very frustrating to do. All you do is just go through the traps which most are almost impossible to do cause of the different ways the blades go that you're better off just not doing it. Since all thats at the back is just a switch to open the dumb door and not a blasted thing to pick up back there it's better left alone. Anyways head back to the main room with the 3 pushable stones. When you get to the stones go to the side of the room with the skeleton lying on the ground and go up the door thats right in the middle here. Jump the ditches and go to this part where there is slots for each stone to fit in. Just walk up to each slot in the wall and Lara already knows which stone goes where so just do that to all 4 slots and the gate here will open. Don't get all excited that the gate is open either cause the level ain't over yet. Run past the gate and stop at the end of this room and then do a jump and grab here to grab the monkey bars here. Swing across the big gap here and now you know why I told you to hold your horses cause she'll fall down here. I got to the gate thinking the level was done and all proud of myself and then Lara falls down a dark friggin pit I was like Damn no way. Oh well. Shoot the bats when you reach the other side and then turn right and enter this room. Grab all 4 Holy Scriptures here and leave via the gate that opens when you get the last scripture. This room has some tentacles coming down from the ceiling that would have sucked your life bone dry if you hadn't gotten out fast enough. Save here when past this gate and then jump left in the next room and then jump right and to the middle to avoid the blades coming out of the floor here. Run to this next part and stop right where you are cause there is another 5,000 story drop here so jump and grab the monkey bars here to get across. I think Core has succeeded at pissing me off more than any game I have ever played. SAVE when you get to this side and then head right to enter another area where the level finally ends GEEZ. Level 39(Menkaure's Pyramid) Walk forward a small ways and to the left is some ledges to climb so climb to the top ledge. Make sure you face North here so you can grab and open the door above you or you'll never get it to open. Turn ledt and then jump up the ledge here and grab and pull up. As soon as you get up here equip a decent weapon and kill the Mutant Scorpion that is heading towards you. Turn left when you get to the opening past the rocks and kill the Mutant Scorpion here as well. You'll also notice there is blood coming out of the scorpion and thats cause a bad guy is shooting it also. Kill the Scorpion and then kill the guy,grabbing the revolver ammo he drops. Nothing more this way so turn around and head back the opposite direction and take a left at the rocky ledges here. Take a right when entering this area and recieve the Large Med-Pack and then head back out of here. Go left at the rocky ledges and then walk to the ledge here with a semi large gap going over. The next jump over the gap is difficult so save first and then go caddy corner here and get as close to the ledge on the left as possible. The ledge won't off- set you in any way fortunately so walk to the edge left side going caddy corner. Do a run jump manuever and you don't need to grab unless it helps your momentum in making the jump. Once you've made it successfully then walk slowly up this small path in the middle of the 2 rocky ledges and a Mutant Scorpion will pop out from the right so shoot it. Head right now and then your first left to a large gao again but this one isn't so hard luckily. You probably noticed a section towards the back right with an opening and I did too. I checked it out and it was the other side of the last gap you jumped but nothing was there. Jump this other gap using the grab and pull up technique and then immediately face left. Kill the Mutant Scorpion here and then without even moving face right and kill the Giant Wasp to your right. If you kill the Wasp now it doesen't have time to attack you if you were to have moved towards it. Head right now where you killed the Giant Wasp and another big gap awaits you and looks pretty tough to get over so save the game before attempting this one. This gap is actually quite simple and I failed only twice doing it. See the Steep sloped section to the left? Notice the pattern of how the different slopes would go in a general direction leading to the exit of the gap? Stand on the edge being as far left as possible and do a standard jump to the first ledge. Hold jump button and then when you land on the next steep slope press the button again. This will propel you to the last steep slope on the right so hold jump button and press when you land and all of a sudden your over this gap. Actually these kind of jumps from one slope to another are really automatic if you can get the angle of your jumps down just right. Now over this gap draw your weapon and shoot the Giant Wasp thats sitting on the ground up ahead like before so he doesen't even stand a chance of attacking you. Save right here and now walk up to yet another gap but I'll call this one a canyon cause it's damn huge. Don't worry about the canyon so forget I mentioned it. Go right instead and open the green door here and enter this structure/building. You'll hear some evil music and if you'll turn right you'll see a Mutant Scorpion fighting with a guy. Equip or make sure you have a weapon with the sight attachment and kill the scorpion quickly before the guy dies. By killing the Scorpion off it takes you to a cut-scene with the guy who gives you 2 types of keys One is the Armory Key and the other is the Guards Keys that the guy left behind now and go left and in this back section is a small med- pack. You could've let the Scorpion kill the guy but then you don't receive the Armory Key. Go right and there is some standard shotgun shells. Turn around now and head right back past the door you entered and explore this side of the room In this back section to the right is some wide shotgun ammo and the left another small med-pack. Go back to the gap from earlier you jumped where it was a series of jumps and then on the right of this gap now is a ledge. Use action button to climb the ledge and shimmy your way across towards the Giangantic Pyramid. Drop down here when you reach the end and she'll slide back a small ways but don't worry she's not gonna fall. Go to the first area where you can use the hop and once on this area you must then jump to each area thats not too steep of a slope. Now jump in a diagnolly to the other part you can land without falling off the pyramid. Walk to the left side of this edge and then do a run back a step and jump manuever to make it to the next even area. I believe you slide down to some flat part below but you won't fall off the pyramid. Face left and then head on up the next few flat areas using the action button to go up it. Yahoo your now at the entrance of the Pyramid. Kill the Giant Wasp now guarding the entrance of the Pyramid and then walk up to the keyhole on the left and use the guards keys to enter. Enter the entrance (How original!!) and now walk down a small ways to end this fairly quaint, yet short level. Level 40(Inside Menkaure's Pyramid) Nice introduction to the level eh? Pendulums galore and a bat knawing on my leg I feel right at home. Avoid the Pendulums and then walk forward to a staircase with some torches on the walls. Shoot the bat back here to the left and then stand at the top of the stairs and look straight up. A star is up here that needs to be shot at using the sight with a gun. The star Shatters and it opens a hole in the floor in the next room. Go down the steps and equip your crossbow with explosive ammo and shoot the mummies to kill them off for good. Where was this weapon wayyy back on level 2 I wonder? Down here is also a giant tub so jump in it and Lara takes a bath, Heh yeah right. Do a sideways jump into the giant tub and drop into the hole thats now here. Walk down this area and when you enter the next room you should see a ditch and a vine hanging off the ceiling. Save here first and then line up with the vine and jump to it. Some spikes pop out below so that now promotes it from a ditch to a spike pit. Anyways don't let go here unless you plan on having LaraKebobs for dinner. Swing across this Spike Pit and then land on the other side. Walk up this opening and equip your crossbow explosive ammo and shoot the 2 mummies and bat here. Now your tempted by a decision of going right or left so go right first and swing across the Spike Pit. Once across this pit you can activate a switch which opens a door where? On the left hand path so now you must jump this pit again and then the left pit also. Get past this first pit you swung over a minute ago to get to the switch and then save when you make it back across. Make across the left spike pit and then save the game again and then head to the back hopping over the ledge back here. If you have any good Grenade Ammo like super ammo or at least some explosive arrows you'll need them equipped for this next dude. Kill the Ali Baba Wannabe and then go up to the giant star back behind where the guy was. Use the Crowbar here and pry out the Western Shaft Key from the wall which opens up a door somewhere. Go back across the Spike Pit AGAIN and go back to the Pendulum area at the beginning of the Pyramid. When you make it to the other side of the Spike Pit then save the game,I know saving gets tedious but so is the way the games been programmed. Swing across this spike pit again and back up to the tub thing. Side jump back out of the tub and then head back up the stairs. Notice all the torches have been doused out up the stairs thats weird. Look at the top of the stairs at the right side of the room and this is a new way to go. Go this way and then slide down the steep sloped area and down here it's really dark. Light a flare here and use the crouch button to crawl through this section unless you like being cut in 2 equal pieces by the revolving blades. Hold the crouch button down and use d-pad up to get through this hallway. Save right here and another dark hallway is ahead so light another flare if you need to. A door is here like one in a previous level where you must be facing North and jump and use action button to flip it down. Climb out the back section and now you're back outside behind the Pyramid. Shoot the 2 Mutant Scorpions and then go right and follow the pathway around and now you can see the canyon from previous level and door from the building. Head around this section and on the left is a switch to activate so hit it and the top of the pyramid falls down. Turn back and go back to the beginning of this outside part killing the Mutant Scorpion along the way. The Pyrimid to the right of the one you weren't in yet has a flat area to walk onto near the big canyon. To the left of the canyon is an area to jump onto so jump here. Save here and then hop up the next ledge ahead. Jump up and right to the next flat surfaced area hop the small area now and the last jump is kinda tricky but not bad. Face left sideways actually and do a sidewards jump to make it to the next flat area. Once up here Save again and then do a drop back grab manuever and climb down this section of the pyramid. Once at the bottom go up and head left to a spike pit and stop at the edge. Do a standard jump and grab manuever here to grab the ledge to this other side and then pull up. This next part is reminiscent of another level I did called the Underneath The Sphinx. Jump here and grab the monkey bars overhead and then swing across here. Save right here and thats an order cause the next Spike Pit also has a friend called the Pendulum to aid it in killing you. Wait for the pendulum to be in the section so you can run back and jump and grab the ledge on the other side. I will not lie here in saying I got it right on the first try just be patient and wait for the damn thing to swing out of the way and then jump and grab this ledge. Save here if you choose cause the traps get even harder than this. Back here is 2 more Pendulums with the spike pit so time it right and jump over the 2 pits first straying the monkey bars path for right now. Past the second set of Spike Pits is a chain back here so pull the chain and somewhere a gate raises. Go back across the one pendulum/spike pit and then you can do the monkey bar swing across. After landing here Save the game and go up this path to where the gate was and enter here. Light a flare first and then draw weapons to let a few flares land in the spike pit then light one and hold it to see where your going and then slide down here and a spike pit is ahead so jump when you get close to an edge to avoid the spikes. This trap reminds me of Level 1 in Tomb 3. Jump over this next hole in the ground and then hold x when over it to grab the ledge of this hole. Let go and land safer and not take that much damage. Walk straight up this hilly area and you'll exit this level. Level 41(The Sphinx Complex: Revisited) Back to the hole you had dug in this level so jump out of here using x button. Now heres the canyon once again so slide down the slopey area to the flat ledge. Turn left now and jump to this smaller ledge and then jump up the steeper slope ahead. Back here is a large gate and a keyhole to the left so use the Guard Keys here to enter this gate and run up the dark path to exit this level again. Level 42(The Mastabas) Go straight up this way and a wolf will approach from the left so kill it and then shoot through the Danger sign here. Just a bunch of bats in the danger section nothing much to see so head out of here and go right. Go up to a large truck parked and a Wild Wolf will emerge from behind it so shoot it. Near the Gas Pumps is a Jerrycan so pick it up and then notice the big rusty door is locked? Never knew you had to keep such a big door on a Gas station in the middle of nowhere. Are they afraid the Wild Wolves might break in and steal stuff? Leave here and then take your first left to an area around some cliffs. To the left is a door for you to kick open so do that and enter this building. There is a hatch door here in this room so walk up to it and open it up. Fall down the hatch and shoot the Wild Wolf down here god I hate the sound of dogs crying it just makes me sad. Follow the path up here and eventually you'll need to light a flare to see. Follow the path until there is a fork and head right instead of left and keep following the main path up. Kill the 2 Wild Wolves along the way up here and keep following the main path. Go to the end of the path and hop up the ledge here and shoot a bat and a Black Scorpion. Follow the path up and make a right near the 2 canyons and kill the Wild Wolf up this way and then continue on. This is looking like a dead end so head back inside the main cave and walk back to the fork in the path and this time go left. Now you'll eventually be in a room with 2 wolves so kill them off. There is 4 wolf heads in this room each above 2 torches with the exception of the 1 over the doorway. You must use the revolver and sight attachment to shoot into each wolf heads mouth so it closes. This will open the door behind you and also make 2 Mummies pop out so shoot them with explosive arrow ammo and then get the arrow ammo next to the sloped section going through the door. Turn around now and head through the door and pick up the Small Waterskin. Go back to where the dead and was and then jump the cliff to the right to the other side and then shoot the danger sign down to the right and enter this door. Shoot the Wolf and 3 bats in this room and then go left and lift the hatch to this room. Drop in here and follow the path around until you can make your first right. Enter this doorway and 2 more wolves will greet you when you get to the next room by following the main path. Another room with 4 wolves heads so shoot into the mouthes to make the door open. Shoot the 2 mummies with the explosive ammo and then get the Bag Of Sand in this room. Go back to the area where you first made the right to get back to this section and now go left. When you see a path to the left turn that way and shoot the wolf but then turn back straight and follow this path instead. At your first left is another wolf so kill it and then continue on the path. Go to the end part here and climb the small ledge and pull up. Kill the 2 bats in here and then go out the door. When you go outside again save the game. Walk up to the middle part of this ledge where the one part pokes out the farthest and jump right doing a jump back run jump to the right ledge. Do a running jump for the next section facing slightly right and make this jump. Now you have a section thats got 2 cliffy rocks on each side a narrow path to follow. Enter here and kill the 2 Scorpions. Walk forward now and open the hatch thats over here and then drop down into it. Go forward until you reach a right left path and head right and then make another right and kill a wolf. Go to the dead end wall and pick up the torch lying on the ground back here. Head around all the way straight just following the path the rest of the way to a room with 3 Wolves heads again. You'll be greeted by 3 wolves this time and a few bats. Drop the torch when you get to the middle of the room and watch where it lands so you can find it again. Shoot the 3 dogs and the bats and then shoot the 3 wolves heads to make mouthes close and open the door. Light the torch in the next room and then when you need to drop it next it'll stand out. Shoot the bats in this room and then pick the torch back up. Back behind some scales is a small puddle of water which you need to use the waterskin on to fill the thing. Use the waterskin on the left scale and then the bag of sand on the right scale. Pour the Jerrycan into the middle scale and then take the lit torch and light the middle scale igniting the gas and a door will open up. Go left where the door opened and then go right when you enter this doorway. Some more mummies lurk in this room so shoot them with your explosive arrow ammo or just try to ignore them if you have none. Now pry the Northern Shaft key from the wall and then a door opens. Shoot the Wolves heads and make their mouthes close. Leave this room and go back to the sand gasoline and water room with scales going straight across into this newly opened room. Another room with Wolves heads so shoot to make mouthes close again. Go through the next hall and kill the 2 wolves here and then go up the stairs. Make sure you have the torch so it will help light up the dark halls here and follow the path until you can make your first left astray from the main path. Get the large med-pack back here and then turn around and kill 2 more wolves back here. Go back to the main path and follow it to the end and make sure you still have the torch. Jump up with the torch standing a small ways back from the dead end wall and use triangle to throw the torch up here. Climb up here now and then shoot the black scorpion. Before getting the torch again go around to this path and shoot another scorpion and then go back and pick up the torch. When around this section save the game and then drop the torch down the big canyon so you have a general idea of how far down this thing is. Face left here at the ledge of the big canyon and then do a sideways jump left to make this next ledge. This is a bit difficult which is why I said to save the game earlier. What you wanna do to make this jump a success is sidestep left all the way until you can't no more being totally against the cliff here. Once you have done that line up well with the pointing out part of the other ledge and then jump. This is one jump that just barely makes it so when you are in mid air don't touch the controls. If you do she'll fall down the canyon every time. When you make the jump turn right now and do a run back jump and grab the ledge and pull yourself up. Over here is another door to kick in so do that and enter this room. Shoot the 2 bats in this room and then open the hatch back here and drop on in. Follow the path up and shoot the scorpion up here and take your first left and shoot another scorpion in here. Grab the Revolver ammo and then make your way back to the main path going left when you reach this doorway. Keep following the path to the end and shoot a scorpion here and then grab the ledge and pull yourself out of here. Turn around here and shoot the wolf thats walking down the path in front of the danger sign. Shoot the sign down and then enter this room shooting 3 bats. Open this hatch again and then fall down the hole. Follow the path till you reach a right left area and turn left and follow the path into yet another crazy Wolves head room. Kill the 2 wolves and the 3 bats and then repeat this process by shooting the damn heads if you've forgotten. Enter this room and you're looking at another puzzle yipee. Just use the Crowbar on the right monkey statue and it'll work out. The monkey will open the right door and you can enter. Guess what you got thats right mister another Wolves head room. SHoot the zombies if you choose to with explosive arrow ammo if ya got it. Shoot the Wolves heads again and then pry the Southern Shaft Key out of the wall and the door on the other side of the room earlier now slides open. Go to this other now open door and shoot the 3 wolves heads in AGAIN. Leave this room to the right and enter here by going up some steps and climbing some ledges and sliding down a slope not necessarily in that order cause I'm really tired now and the level ends. Level 43(The Great Pyramid) Follow the path around until you reach the end and climb the ledge up here. Enter the next doorway and then shoot the wooden sign ahead. When you go past this part you'll want to turn right immediately and you'll hear some music and a guard is here shooting so kill him. Turn around now looking left and use your sight attachment to shoot the sign over the other side of the canyon. If you hang around for a bit a small ways back is another enemy so use the sight attachment and zoom in and blast this guy too. Walk up the edge of the canyon here and face left saving the game before attempting this jump leftward. Jump left and immediately turn around and shoot the guard shooting you from behind on the other side of the canyon. Turn right now and get a decent weapon equipped but don't draw it yet. Kick the door in first and then draw right away and kill the guy behind the door and then walk forwards a little and kill the Giant Wasp too. The floor back here in the middle is actually a hatch you can open. Open it up and then walk right instead of falling down the hole where the hatch opened. Walk to the next door and kick it in and draw quickly and kill the guard back here. Open this hatch now and then head out the door further up and head around here and ahead is a HUGE PYRAMID. Go around here and there is a sign to shoot down so do that and enter the room. Shoot the 2 Giant Wasps in here. Do the same here as before lifting the hatch door and now head wayyy back to the first hatch and save But don't drop in yet unless you fathom the idea of a broken body. With all that done and you save the game you now don't have to go through the task of opening each hatch and dealing with all the enemies with each new hatch you open. Once back to the very first hatch throw a flare down it and you'll notice it's a big drop. Do the drop back grab maneuver and climb down the ladder on the back of the hatch. Once you get on ground take the Grenede Ammo and you'll hear the myetery music. Turn around now and head back up the ladder and head towards the next hatch. Don't even think of falling down here as there is no ladder rungs to grab onto. Basically this is a invitation to a broken neck they are testing how impatient you are. Head around this DEATH TRAP and on to the next one just to the right of the Giant Pyramid. How many times are they gonna psyche you up by putting in seemlessly dead ends? Save here even though you accomplished nothing with the exception of the Grenade ammo and walk out of this room. Head generally to the left of the canyon going towards the Giant Pyramid and walk to the edge of the ledge sticking out here. Make the small jump here and then turn left and slide down the steep slope over here. Do a running jump grab to this other ledge and then pull up. Go straight and then turn right and hop this small ledge. Save the game up to this point in case you goof up. Go right and climb this next ledge and then head right and stand a small ways back and jump up this ledge. The edge of that ledge was shaped in such a way that you couldn't simply climb it to get up it. Turn right and now make a jump straight across to another flat area. Do a hop back and then jump to this area being extremely careful of the piece of pyramid that falls right where your standing. Take a quick hop backwards to let that large piece of pyramid to slide on by. Save the game now after doing that since you don't wanna redo that part again. Jump forward now to the next small flat part and then save once again here. Jump straight after saving and then another block will fall down at you so hop back one to avoid it. Right where the piece of pyramid landed is where you need to hop up to next. Jump up straight 2 more jumps and the second jump looked like the earlier parts where a piece of pyramid would come down at you but it fooled ya this time since nothing falls. Over here seems like a dead end but what you must do is face the East which is still straight from the direction you just jumped from. Do a standard jump forward and Lara will slide down and now you'll hear a boulder coming as soon as you stop sliding. DON'T Panic here just stand still and let it pass by you. If ya panic you'll end up in the canyon deader than a doornail. Save here and then turn around and face the canyon and make a quick fall down by tapping forward on the d-button. Once you land here do a running jump and grab the ledge over here and then pull up to this ledge. When you turn left on a steep slope sticking out of the ground ahead will be a Giant Wasp. Kill that and then jump to the ledge sticking out where the Wasp was. Turn left now and walk to the edge of this ledge and to the right and ahead is a small ledge sticking out. It doesen't look like you can make it at all and I debated going a different route cause I thought I did something wrong. However this jump is possible so do a running jump and then grab this ledge and pull up. Climb the ledge just ahead and then turn right and then jump to the ledge (Standard jump) with the Large Med-Pack on it. Get the Large Med-Pack and then save the game up here. Turn around and then jump back one ledge and hop up the ledge here back on the pyramid. Immediately after pulling up this ledge jump backwards and hug the ledge here cause a piece of pyramid comes falling down. Jump back up the ledge and pull up and then make a series of jumps going in a diagnol pattern. You'll be heading in a North Westerly direction so keep on jumping diagnol. You'll probably do around 2 jumps diagnol and when you land after the 2 jumps do a sideways jump left to the next safe ledge and kill the Giant Wasp here. Jump forward to the next ledge and then pull up the next ledge. You've made it up a long ways so go ahead and save progress again so you won't have to redo all of this. Turn right now and jump 2 ledges straight and another piece of pyramid comes towards so quickly do a backjump to the previous ledge . It was a very close call when I did this cause the debris missed me by inches. Jump back to the other ledge now where debris landed at and then turn left. Hop up this next ledge by standing a good ways back to make it. Use x for the next ledge and Lara will pop herself up this ledge. Turn left up this big ledge and shoot the 2 well-positioned Giant Wasps anticipating your move. CLimb up the next small ledge ahead and then do a running jump when you reach the end part of this long ledge. She'll slide down a small ways and eventually come to a stop. Turn west and do a running jump to this next ledge and then kill the Giant Wasp. Do a running jump here which will be cut short but you'll land safely on a ledge. Turn left and face diagnolly and jump to this ledge. Do a standard jump here facing West and you'll slide to a safe ledge. Turn now North West and do a jump up to this ledge. Turn North now and jump up one ledge and kill the Giant Wasp over here. Hop up 2 more ledges now and Save the game. Next face NorthWest for the next jump and this one is kinda difficult to make. When you make the jump save the game if you want to. Turn left now facing West and make a single standard jump and another piece of Pyramid Debris falls towards Lara. Do a backflip jump to previous ledge and then jump back to this one. Do a run and jump forward the direction you're already facing and Lara will slide her way out of this weird level. Level 44(Khufu's Queens Pyramids) Run right a small ways and kill the 2 guards and Mutant Scorpions up here. Go left now and actually enter the door instead of kicking it in like in previous levels. Turn right here and shoot the box and get the small med-pack. There is another box on the left with nothing in it at all. Go into the gated area and turn right and shoot the first box on the right and get some revolver ammo. The box right behind that one you just shot has some arrow ammo and the one to the left has some grenade ammo. Turn around and head to the left side and the first box to the left has some super shotgun ammo. The one behind it has some Uzi Clips and the one to the right of it has some more grenade ammo. Next enter the door to the right and enter here by opening the door. To the right is 2 empty boxes and a gate just ahead thats closed. Enter here if you only have the Armory Key and if you don't have it you're pretty much SOL. Shoot all the boxes here with the first one to the right being a Crossbow and the one behind it a Grenade Gun. The one right behind it is a standard Shotgun Ammo. The last one to the left is the Revolver. Turn around and shoot the first box to the left and get some Arrow Ammo. The one just behind it is a Shotgun and the last one to the right is some Uzis. (A note to the previous section that was just raided with all the ammo and stuff. If you didn't get the armory key or if the gate is closed and you can't get through you now know what all you just missed out on. You now also know the reason why the gate won't open. Boy if you really wanted those items and didn't follow my advice in the Mastabas level that'd be a lot of backtracking even if you saved it just before shooting that one Scorpion killing the guy.) Turn around now and leave the building and a Mutant Scorpion awaits your presence just outside the building. Kill it and then head to the left where the ledge poking out like a sore thumb is. When on this ledge face a small bit left where you'll be jumping towards the left where part of the 1 pyramid sticks out. Jump over here and kill the Mutant Scorpion over here. Turn around after killing the thing and walk to the edge of this ledge. Do a running jump and grab manuever and pull up this ledge. Turn right now and jump to the ledge over here and kill the Giant Wasp over here. Turn left and climb the ledge here and save the game cause it's gonna get hard now. Sidestep this ledge all the way to the left facing North. Do a running jump and land on the next ledge. The next ledge over requires nothing more than a standard jump and when you land let go of the D-pad. Turn left now and you get to jump to the other side of the canyon and grab the ledge over here and pull up. Walk straight to the edge of this ledge and have a good weapon handily equipped for drawing quickly. When you jump and grab this ledge,pull up,draw a weapon, and kill the Giant Wasp and Mutant Scorpion that seem to magically appear on the ledge to bump you off. Use the walk button up this rocky path just to be on the safe side and when you get to a clearing to the left save the game if you choose. Run back to the right now and take the small med-pack thats on the ground. Turn around now and notice the ledge that's out of place? It's a rock on the right side of where the pyramid slopes down. Pull this ledge/boulder until you can't go back any farther. Get on the other side of it now and push it the rest of the way as far back as possible. Turn left now an you'll notice a door has been revealed up a small lege so enter here. Light a flare here so you can see where your going an you'll see a hatch with a handle like from previous levels. Open the hatch and then fall down it by using the back drop/grab manuever and climb down the ladder here. Go into the big gate and it will slam shut behind you. Turn right at the intersection and keep heading right the entire time whenever you get past one part you'll always head right. Eventually you'll walk into a room that looked just like the one where you obtained the Western Shaft Key and the same type of boss awaits you in here. Equip your explosive arrow ammo or your grenade gun to make short work of this guy. At the back of the room is the Eastern Shaft Key that you can pry loose with the use of the crowbar. Head back now and leave this section to the ledge you jump over here to from earlier. Turn right now and head back towards the canyon and jump to the ledge out here. Jump to the next ledge by running and jumping. Now with the ledge thats kinda sloping out do a standard jump to it. Kill the Giant Wasp that descends and then hop up the ledge going back up another pyramid. Hop the ledge above this one and then do a diagnol jump to the North West. Do another jump the same way ad before and just stand there for a minute. 2 Pyramid Debris fall down again but not where your standing if you listened to me and stood still. Jump again kinda North West once the Debris passes and kill the 2 Giant Wasps here and now you'll see the entrance to this pyramid. Use the Guard Keys on this lock on the left and make a grand entrance. WOW a Pyramid with railings, cool. This level now comes to a surprisingly abrupt conclusion. You know you love it when a level ends admit it. Level 45(Inside The Great Pyramid) Begin here by walking down a small ways and then hopping the ledge on the right to the ledge over the gap to ledge on the left. When you land draw a good weapon,preferably the revolver with the sight attachment and kill the guy back further and then walk to where he stood and get his uzi clips killing the Ninja to your right on the way there. Turn back around to where the Ninja popped out from and enter this hallway making your first left and shooting the guard up here. (The area straight ahead if you were wondering has weird camera angles and is hard to judge jumping distance. Besides it's just a dead end with a red hallway, a very large hole to fall into thanks to a locked gate.) When you go right after shooting the guard enter a opened gate and now your in a very large, yet strangely shaped room. Walk in this room a small ways and up ahead a door opens and a Ninja comes running out so blast him with the revolver/sight. Go up towards,where the Ninja popped out and kill a bat up here if you want to and then turn back around and head towards the bottom path. When you walk a small ways up this path you have a brand new booby trap. It's Giant Stone Revolving Hammers and boy they will crush you like a bug. Save the game here before attempting to get through here. The key to getting by these revolving hammers is to wait for the hammer to be aligned perfectly in the middle of the screen. Jump when they are right in the middle doing a standard Lara jump. Do the same for the next hammer and voila you're through this trap. I failed 1 time attempting this trap so it's definetely passable. Once past the Stone Hammer Trap enter the next room and Kill the 2 Wolves in here. ARGH I hate the sound of dogs crying it's so sad. Walk around the right or left side of the room and then kill the final wolf in this room. Once around this walled area the camera angle changes hinting at something but what? Get the small med-pack on the left and pick up the unlit torch/stick on the right. Light the unlit torch on the 1 lit torch and then light all the other unlit torches in this room and now head to the west side of the room and enter this small hall. To the left first is a super shotgun ammo and to the right is a switch to activate. Activate the switch and then the door from the previous large but oddshaped room opens a large door where you killed the Ninja. That means you must repeat steps from before with the revolving hammers to get through. As soon as you activate the switch turn to the left where the super shotgun ammo was and go here. There is 3 wolves that approach and if your over here in this hall they all get stuck on the wall leaving you with an easy kill on all of them. Head back to the hammers and then save the game first just in case. Once past here run up to this upper room and you're in a room with a big star on the floor and 4 star slots 2 on the North wall and 1 on the East and West walls. There is a switch at the back of this room so activate it and 2 guards come running up through the gate that was closed once you entered that previous room for the first time. Wait for their arrival equipping the Revolver and shoot these 2 guys and grab some shotgun ammo from 1 of them. Turn back around and enter the star room and walk to the North wall and press x on the right slot and insert the Southern Shaft Key. Walk to the left or sidestep to the other slot and insert the Northern Shaft Key and this will cause a Chemical Waterfall behind you to start. You only have 1 more key left here to use and thats the Eastern wall so use this key and you'll hear a type of explosion and the star emblem on the floor will now be a hole in the ground. Head back out of this room now to the room where you lit all the torches again so that means back through the hammer area. Save first before trying this again just in case and jump on through. When you reenter this room some of the rocky structure has been blown apart and a rock to the left is billowing black smoke. The wall to the east has now been opened and you can turn right and get a large med-pack and turn around now and activate the switch behind you. This activates the opening of a gate back where I said earlier to avoid cause it was a dead end. Guess what that means? Yep you gotta go back through the hammer trap,isn't this game such fun? Head back now to this main path and when you get to the main path shoot the guy ahead and to the right. Turn around now and shoot the blue suited Ninja thats equipping a sowrd. Take the small med-pack he leaves behind and then head to the edge just ahead when you turn around. Walk to the edge using the walk button and then save the game before jumping. The jumps aren't at all hard here but you can overjump some areas and fall down the ledge. The first ledge walk to the edge and just do a standard Lara jump and then when your close to landing let go of d-pad up,otherwise you'll stumble over the edge and die. Walk now to this next ledge,again doing a standard jump and walk up to the next ledge. A guard is on the other side so shoot him first and use a standard jump over the gap here as well. Walk to the last edge here and you can drop down a ledge here and then walk to it's edge. Save here first if you choose and then make the final jump with a standard lara jump. When you make this jump kill 3 bats in this room with the weird sounding pitch. Head to the right side of the room and do a backdrop,down the hole here and there is a ladder descending down. Climb down the ladder and then face West and jump a small ledge up here and pull yourself up. Walk forward a small ways and fall down a semi-large drop but not damaging to the health. Walk forward and 1 second later the level ends. Level 46( Temple Of Horus) Walk up a small ways and to the left is the most oddest video game character I have ever seen. I'll call it Raptorhead for reference purposes. Turn around now and you'll be faced with an alter of sorts with the Amulet Of Horus on the wall behind a scale and 2 torches on either side. To the left on the ground is another waterskin which is Large. My first thought was Okay you must combine the large and small waterskins but lara says No with both combos. Large to Small and Small to Large. On the scales to the right is a feather with blood on it or maybe it's ketchup,HEH. On the left is some type of vase so use the large waterskin in one of the shallow fountains along the right and left wall. This puzzle is an odd one but is solvable just the same,you must fill the Big Waterskin first,leaving the small one empty. Combine the full large waterskin with the small empty waterskin and then the large waterskin will now only have 2 liters in it. Pour the large waterskin into the left side which is the vase and the scale evens out kinda. If you pour in too much water it opens the gate where the Raptorhead is. (If that happens then kill Raptorhead and he will turn into flames and the gate will be closed and also be replaced with another Raptorhead.) Okay once done correctly this will open a hole in the floor directly behind you so fall on in. Walk up to the next room and here and kill the 2 bats and then you have a pole to slide down with some spikes that stick you if you arent careful. I timed the spikes to exactly 2 seconds apart when they retract and then come back in. Time it correctly and then slide down a little farther,ignoring the bats and wondering why they don't get killed by the spikes. Once you get off the pole nail the pesky bats and then head out of this room via the doorway ahead. It appears like this room doesen't seem to end doesen't it? Well you're right actually it never ends this is the end of the game. Just kidding,actually you must repeat this same process 1 more time after this one so get used to it. This puzzle is a little tricky so take the small waterskin and fill it with 3 liters and combine with the large. Fill the small waterskin and again combine it with the large leaving 1 litre in the small waterskin. Dump out all the water in the large waterskin. Combine the 1 liter with the large waterskin and then again fill the small waterskin again. Combine the small waterskin with the large now and you'll have 4 liters of water the right amount to make the door in the middle of the room open. Save the game now from all your efforts and then drop down the hole below. Enter this room just like before and slide down the pole and enter this same room like before. Next take the small waterskin and fill it up and combine with the large skin. Fill the small one again and combine the 2. Empty out the large waterskin and then combine the small one with the large one. Add the water to the vase now and the grate in the floor now opens so save the game. Drop down here and enter this next white noise area and walk to the ledge here. Do a jump forward and grab the wall over here and climb your way down the rungs until you can shimmy to the right and climb up a ledge. Once up the ledge turn around and do a running jump off the ledge and also use x button to propel yourself high enough and over enough to land in the water and not on the concrete. Swim in the water here and look for a ledge to surface up to and surface here. I imagine this statue is of Horus or some other such God or being thats being held in suspense by the rays of light. There is 4 small pillars surrounding Horus oops I gave it away okay this is Horus. Use the 4 Holy Scriptures on the small pillars and then watch the cut- scene and the level more or less ends. Final Level(Temple Of Horus:Again) Turn North and jump in the water and at the bottom of the water is the Amulet that fell in the water. Get the Amulet and then run surface where Horus is and quickly run to the other side jumping and grabbing the ledge over here and enter the door here. Activate the switch here and now the door on the opposite side opens. Turn around now and avoiding Horus go to the next ledge doing a regular jump over to it. Run now around to a ledge sticking out again and run jump and grab it and pull up here. Jump the next ledge now and fall off the blue section to the area below. Make your first right into this room and then activate the switch and a cut-scene plays briefly. Go back the exact same way you did to activate the last switch but when you get to the middle jump where the ledge hangs out and it's flat jump to the next section. In this section is an area to the right thats got a slight slope to jump up. Jump up here and get the small med-pack to the left and now turn around. Walk to this ledge and do a running jump and grab the ledge over here ignoring Horus and avoiding him the best you can. When you get here walk to the ledge and go to the left side of this ledge and do a running jump and grab the sloped ledge but don't let go. Shimmy right and use the hand over hand technique and pull up here. Face right and walk over to this ledge and do a running jump and then use crouch to climb in here. Crawl to the end of this small crawlspace and then use the drop back method to climb down this ledge. Walk back to this ledge and do a running jump and then grab and pull up here and now you'll hear the white noise again. Keep avoiding Horus the best you can here. Walk to the ledge now and see the wall over here with the weird design and remember you can grab these they are just like ladders. Shimmy around to the ledge where you jumped into the water from before and climb up it. Once up here go to the darker green texture and climb it. Shimmy left and climb this area where you climbed down from before. Climb up a little ways and a cut-scene plays so watch it. Turn around now and enter this gated area and you have some more hammer traps here so go through here and in the next room the screen shakes and you hear a rumbling what could it be? Whatever you do don't continue forward instead jump back to the ending of the hammers and a big pillar will fall down to your right. Walk a small ways forward and you'll hear it again so jump back and 3 more pillars fall down here. I could imagine that would be painful yeah EWW. Walk up to the next ledge cause it's a friggin spike pit so when at the ledge do a standard jump and then grab the ledge and pull up here. Make one step after getting to this ledge and no more cause another pillar drops on down where you would have been standing if you didn't listen to me. Basically if you're reading up to this point and are slapping your head it's cause you didn't listen to my instructions. You got squished didn't you? Go around to the left side of the ledge and do a running jump over a spike pit and stop. Go right this time cause if you went left your slapping your head again HEHE. Go to this ledge on the right and do a running jump and grab the ledge here and run up this doorway quickly don't stop cause the pillars will crush you. This is the end and what a damn sorry ending it truly is but I guess it's better than hearing crappy voice acting thats for sure. Finally complete after all these years it seems like it's been years I been playing this frustrating game. I want a refund cause the ending sucked. Many thanks to Revolution reader Xaivier Dragon!
![Star Wars Outlaws Review 1](
Explore the galaxy in the franchise's first open-world game.