Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic FAQ

                    ******START OF DOCUMENT******
                         FAQ Information
     +   _________                                              +
     +  |FAQ TITLE|__________________________________________   +
     +  |                     Star Wars                      |  +
     +  |      Knights of the Old Republic Walkthrough       |  +
     +   ____________________________________________________   +
     +   ________                                               +
     +  |PLATFORM|___________________________________________   +
     +  |                                                    |  +
     +  |                   MICROSOFT XBOX                   |  +
     +   ____________________________________________________   +
     +                                                          +
     +   __________                                             +
     +  |WRITTEN BY|_________________________________________   +
     +  |                                                    |  +
     +  |               GameFaQs User - Virgil               |  +
     +   ____________________________________________________   +
     +                                                          +
     +   _________________________________________              +
     +  |                                                    |  +
     +  |           -                |  +
     +  |           -                   |  +
     +   ____________________________________________________   +
     +                                                          +
     +   _______________                                        +
     +  |CURRENT VERSION|____________________________________   +
     +  |                                                    |  +
     +  |                  5.0 - 9/12/2003                   |  +
     +   ____________________________________________________   +
     +                                                          +
     +   _______                                                +
     +  |CONTACT|____________________________________________   +
     +  |                                                    |  +
     +  |                     |  +
     +   ____________________________________________________   +
     +                                                          +
     +   _________                                              +
     +  |COPYRIGHT|__________________________________________   +
     +  |                                                    |  +
     +  |          í‚©2003 by Dustin Antonio Belick            |  +
     +   ____________________________________________________   +
     +                                                          +

                           Spoiler Warning                            

1. Version History
2. Introduction
3. Characters
4. Character Classes
5. Controls
6. Gameplay Tips
7. Combat Tips
8. Jedi Classes
9. Force Powers
10. Skills, Feats & Attributes
11. Items, Weapons & Armor
   11a. - Items - Crystals
   11b. - Items - Droid Upgrades
   11c. - Items - Recovery
   11d. - Items - Stimulants
   11e. - Items - Utility
   11f. - Items - Upgrades
   11g. - Weapons - Grenades
   11h. - Weapons - Lightsaber
   11i. - Weapons - Melee
   11j. - Weapons - Mines
   11k. - Weapons - Ranged
   11l. - Armor - Belt
   11m. - Armor - Body
   11n. - Armor - Hands
   11o. - Armor - Head
   11p. - Armor - Implant
   11q. - Armor - Shields
12. Pazaak
13. Swoop Bike Racing
14. Side-quests
   14a. - Taris Sidequests
   14b. - Dantooine Side-quests
   14c. - Tatooine Side-quests
   14d. - Manaan Side-quests
   14e. - Korriban Side-quests
   14f. - Kashyyyk Side-quests
   14g. - Ebon Hawk Side-quests
   14h. - Unknown World Side-quests
15. Walkthrough
   15a. - Endar Spire
   15b. - Taris
   15c. - Dantooine
   15d. - Tatooine
   15e. - Manaan
   15f. - Korriban
   15g. - Leviathan
   15h. - Kashyyyk
   15i. - Unknown World
   15j. - Star Forge
16. E-mail & Contact Guidelines

                         1. Version History
Version 0.1
8/8/2003 - Endar Spire section complete.

Version 0.5
8/9/2003 - Taris Walkthrough & side-quests complete.

Version 1.0
8/10/2003 - Dantooine Walkthrough & side-quests complete.

Version 1.5
8/11/2003 - Tatooine Walkthrough & side-quests complete.

Version 2.0
8/12/2003 - All subsections complete except Items, Weapons & Armor.
          - Manaan Walkthrough & side-quests complete.

Version 2.5
8/13/2003 - Character section added & complete.
          - Korriban Walkthrough & Side-quests complete.

Version 3.0
8/15/2003 - Leviathan walkthrough section complete.
          - Kashyyyk Walkthrough & Side-quests complete.
          - Armor (body) section started & complete.

Version 3.5
8/17/2003 - Unknown World Walkthrough & Side-quests complete.
          - Added a few body armors I missed in the last version.

Version 4.0
8/21/2003 - Star Forge section has been finished thus completing the
          - Ebon Hawk Side-quests section complete.
          - Changed the entire layout of the FAQ.

Version 4.5
8/26/2003 - Corrected a few minor errors within the FAQ
          - The following has been added to the Item section:
            Crystals, Recovery, Stimulants and Utility.
          - The following has been added to the Armor section:
            Shields, Upgrades, Belt, Body, Hands, Head and Implant.

Version 5.0
9/12/2003 - The following has been added to the Item section:
            Droid Upgrades
          - The following has been added to the Weapons section:
            Grenades, Lightsaber, Melee, Mines and Ranged.
          - Revised the E-mail & Contact Guidelines section a bit.
          - Aside from very minor changes here and there, this FAQ is
            basically done and will reach FINAL version status in the
            next update.

                            2. Introduction                           
Kotor already has quite a few FAQs, but most are extremely vague. So,
I decided to write what I think is a 'Proper' Kotor Walkthrough FAQ. 

The path you must follow in the game can often be confusing. I wrote
this FAQ on a step by step basis. Hopefully you'll have no problem
working your way through the game with the aid of this guide.

                            3. Characters                             


Character Bio:
career soldier at 38, Carth has seen more than his fair share of war. A
skilled pilot and superior tactician, he has always faced his duty with
grim determination, believing that loyalty and dedication to the
Republic would see him through. He has come to discover, however, that
not everyone holds this opinion.

Hailed as a hero of the Mandalorian War, when the Sith began threatening
Republic space again, Carth thought that they could be fought like any
other enemy, but their influence extends far past simple starships and
blasters. Though he will not speak of it, a very personal betrayal has 
affected him deeply. Duty called him to fight the Sith, but now outright
hatred threatens to replace it.


Carth joins your party during the escape of the Endar Spire.

  Mission Vao  

Character Bio:
Surviving in the Lower City of Taris is no easy task, particularly or a
young Twi'Lek girl on her own. But Mission has not only survived in the
hard world of the swoop gangs, she's thrived. Nobody knows the hidden
alleys, backstreets and secret entrances in the Lower City like this
former street urchin, and she's even been known to explore the creature-
infested sewers of the Undercity itself.

Of course, such active curiosity is bound to create enemies, and there
are some - particularly the Black Vulkar swoop gang - who would like to
bring Mission's adventures to a permanent end. But despite the dangerous
situations she constantly finds herself in, this spirited young Twi'Lek
always manages to find a way out. And if her quick reflexes, quick
thinking and even quicker mouth can't save her, she always has one last
card she can play: her eight foot-tall Wookiee companion, Zaalbar.

The odd pair have been inseparable ever since Zaalbar arrived on Taris,
and despite the obvious contrasts between them, their friendship has
benefited them both. Zaalbar knows that Mission will always come up with
a plan to make sure they have food in their bellies and a safe place to
stay. And Mission knows hat whatever trouble her schemes might get them
into, Big Z will always be there to watch her back.


Mission will join up with you in search of her missing friend Zaalbar.


Character Bio:
The city world of Taris is a strange place to find a Wookiee, but Zaalbar
has managed to create a life for himself there, far from the kilometer
high wroshyr trees of his homeworld. Zaalbar will say little about why he
left Kashyyyk, but it is obvious that the memories of his old life are

Yet even though the secret miseries of Kashyyyk have been left behind,
Taris brings its own brand of suffering. Aliens are never welcome on
Taris, and this is particularly true for eight-foot tall, hair-covered
giants capable of snapping one's neck with a single, casual swipe.
Zaalbar's beastly appearance and strange language lead many to believe
that he is nothing but an animal, barely capable of thought and useful
only for his great strength and legendary Wookiee temper. 

With these prejudices working against him, Zaalbar seemed destined to end
up as an enforcer for one of the many swoop gangs on Taris. But a chance
meeting with a young Twi'Lek girl named Mission Vao saved him from a life
of senseless violence. Mission recognized Zaalbar was more than a
lumbering brute and the two quickly became the best of friends. 

The strange pair are now a familiar site in Taris' Lower City, and
whenever the irrepressible young Twi'Lek gets into trouble, her Wookiee
companion is always close by to help get her out.


Once you rescue Zaalbar from Gamorrean slavers on Taris, he bestows the
most sacred of all Wookiee customs upon you, the Life Debt. Zaalbar will
follow you till your body draws breath no more.

  Bastila Shan  

Character Bio:
To most, the Jedi order is more than a vocation; it is a calling. To a
select few it is much more. Bastila Shan is the quintessential Jedi:
trained from a very young age and gifted with a natural ability with the
Force that has given her both renown and considerable pride. Despite her
youth, Bastila is skilled in the rare art of Battle Meditation... through
sheer force of will she an influence the course of a battle. One side is
given courage and strength while the other is sapped of their will. This
ability alone has put Bastila into the forefront of the Republic's plan
to defeat the Sith.

Bastila is brash and impulsive. She is overconfident and seems to walk
invincible through her world, though that is hardly the case. Bastila is
well aware of the responsibility that presses down on her shoulders. Her
Jedi masters urge her to be cautious, but Bastila turns every fiber of
her being towards defeating the Sith menace and proving herself to the
Jedi. No one doubts that she will one day be a great Jedi... but at what
cost? Bastila possesses all the qualities that separate those special
few destined to leave their mark on history, but her very youth and
determination may be what ultimately consumes her. She has much to learn,
and little time to earn it as the Sith menace continues to gather its

Even in the dark halls where the Sith Lords gather, young Bastila is
whispered to be a Jedi of note. Who knows the terrible cost of such dark

Jedi Sentinel

Bastila officially joins your party once your rescue her from the hands
of Brejik during the Taris Swoop Race.


Character Bio:
Utility droids of all makes and models are a common sight on every
planet throughout the galaxy. The versatility of these handy little
droids, combined with their reliable programming and affordability, has
made them popular for everything from light janitorial duties to complex
mechanical repairs and maintenance. Among the premier utility droids
currently available are those in the T3 series. Though more expensive
than most standard models, T3 droids contain the latest in advanced
circuitry and programming, and are easily fitted with a variety of
customized upgrades.

T3-M4, a prototype of the latest model in this prestigious line, was
created in a droid shop on Taris to serve as a personal security unit
for an anonymous buyer. Along with the standard functionality, T3-M4 was
equipped with light armor plating and upgradeable weapon functionality.
These combat capabilities, combined with the droid's innate computer
slicing and code breaking skills, have led many to speculate about the
identity of the droid's unknown buyer. Given  the expense, abilities and
advanced technology of this little droid, most suspect that T3-M4 is
being fitted for something far more than a simple personal security

Expert Droid

You'll need to purchase T3-M4 from the Droid Shop on Taris during your
mission to steal the Taris launch codes.

  Canderous Ordo  

Character Bio:
Canderous Ordo makes his living as a mercenary, selling his services to
the highest bidder. Most often this turns out to be an underworld figure
wanting to capitalize on his considerable skills as a combatant,
tactician, and outright thug. If his criminal clients knew where he
learned his trade, however, even they might have second thoughts about
hiring him.

Canderous is a Mandalorian, and as such, he was on the losing side of
the Mandalorian Wars with the Republic. He was no foot soldier, however,
and had an active hand in the planning and execution of many battles
that did not go in the Republic's favor. There is a lot of blood on his
hands, and he doubts that enough time has passed for people to view his
actions as he does, with the impersonal eye of a career soldier.
Likewise, he takes no insult from the defeat of his people. It was all
just business.

For now, Canderous spends his time employed by Davik, a crime lord with
influence throughout the Taris undercity. The traitorous actions of Revan
and Malak and the current aggression of the Sith have distracted the
citizens of the Republic to the point where they are no longer concerned
about defeated enemies, and he can go about his business in peace.
Working as a small-time enforcer is not how he pictured his career ending
up, however, and any offer for more interesting work would likely get
serious consideration. 


Canderous joins your party after you steal the launch codes necessary to
pass through the Sith blockade on Taris.


Character Bio:
Juhani, like most Cathar who choose to join the Jedi Order, is locked in
a never ending struggle to find a balance between her instincts and her
training. The feline Cathar are known throughout the galaxy for their
courage in battle, their fierce loyalty and their quick tempers; such
intense passions can make it difficult for one of this proud species to
follow the way of the light.

Yet Juhani has given herself fully to the Jedi, and she is determined to
master both her volatile emotions and her ability in the Force. She
strives to be a paragon of the Order; she has sworn to live her life
completely by the Jedi code. Because of this, she does not easily accept
failure in herself or in others.

Still, there are some among the Order who question whether this Cathar
can ever learn to control her burning passions. It remains to be seen
whether Juhani can live up to her own demanding standards, but even her
own Master fears her impossible quest for perfection will result in
frustration and despair... emotions that can lead to the dark side.

Jedi Guardian

Juhani will join your party ONLY if you turned her back to the Light
Side at the Tainted Grove. She will then accompany you after you get the
Star Map from the Ruins.


Character Bio:
A self-sentient killing machine, it is obvious merely from its menacing
appearance that HK-47 is far more than an ordinary combat droid. With a
devastating arsenal of high-powered weaponry, a ruthless and single-
minded pursuit of its termination targets, and a pre-programmed
disregard for all organic life, this Hunter-Killer model is one of the
most dangerous assassins in the galaxy.

Rumored to have been created by Czerka Corp to eliminate the heads of
rival corporations, HK-47 is quite capable of laying waste to an entire
building in an effort to dispose of a single target, as it has
demonstrated on more than one occasion in the past. This wanton carnage,
combined with the tendency of the droid's previous owners to come to
rather gruesome ends, has led most civilized planets to issue explicit
bans on all HK-model assassin droids.

But on the dangerous worlds of the Outer Rim, having a merciless,
flame-throwing engine of destruction at your side can be quite useful...
until it decides you're the next target...

Combat Droid

To have HK-47 join your party, you must purchase him from the Droid Shop
on Tatooine.

  Jolee Bindo  

Character Bio:
A former smuggler, and skilled Jedi, who has chosen to retreat from
society and live out his days in seclusion and obscurity, Jolee Bindo
cloaks himself in indifference to hide his sorrow. He appears as a
cantankerous old man who readily dismisses the wide world and its
troubles with an impatient wave of his hand, but his care and wisdom
still shine through the many layers he has draped around his heart.

His story is unknown aside from rumors that he fought in the great war
of Exar Kun four decades ago, a time when Jedi turned against Jedi and
the dark side threatened to swallow the galaxy. What happened so long
ago that would push a man to leave the Jedi order, to leave civilization
itself and go into self-imposed exile in the deepest shadows of wild
Kashyyyk? Jolee himself is not forthcoming and scoffs at any suggestion
that he might be something more than what he appears: an old man.

One thing that is very clear; he is weary of this world and its endless,
pointless struggles. He insists that all he wants is peace, but Jolee
Bindo's eyes, the eyes of a fighter, the eyes of a Jedi - tell a
different story.

Jedi Consular

Jolee will join your party during your quest for the Star Map on

                         4. Character Classes


A skillful rogue that gets by on stealth and guile. Scoundrels survive
through wit and guile, traits that sometimes place them on the wrong
side of the law. Intelligence, Dexterity and Charisma are the trademarks
of a scoundrel.

Starting Stats:
***NOTE*** These stats are based off of the Quick Character creation

Vitality     - 6
Defence      - 15
Strength     - 10
Dexterity    - 16
Constitution - 10
Intelligence - 14
Wisdom       - 12
Charisma     - 14
Fortitude    - 0
Reflex       - 5
Will         - 1

Starting Feats:
- Armor Proficiency: Light
- Critical Strike
- Sniper Shot
- Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol
- Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
- Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons
- Sneak Attack 1
- Scoundrel's Luck
- Dueling

Basic Class Attributes:
- 6 Vitality / level
- Fast skill progression
- Slow feat progression


An explorer most at home on the fringes of space. Scouts are explorers,
trained to understand their surroundings and how to survive in them.
Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom are the most important abilities of a

Starting Stats:
***NOTE*** These stats are based off of the Quick Character creation

Vitality     - 9
Defence      - 13
Strength     - 12
Dexterity    - 16
Constitution - 12
Intelligence - 14
Wisdom       - 12
Charisma     - 10
Fortitude    - 3
Reflex       - 5
Will         - 3

Starting Feats:
- Armor Proficiency: Light
- Armor Proficiency: Medium
- Critical Strike
- Flurry
- Implant Level 1
- Rapid Shot
- Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol
- Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
- Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

Basic Class Attributes:
- 8 Vitality / level
- Average skill progression
- Average feat progression


A battle-ready fighter with no equal in combat. Soldiers are masters of
combat in all its forms, believing that the best way to survive a fight
is to win it. Dexterity, Constitution and Strength are key to an
effective soldier.

Starting Stats:
***NOTE*** These stats are based off of the Quick Character creation

Vitality     - 12
Defence      - 12
Strength     - 16
Dexterity    - 14
Constitution - 14
Intelligence - 10
Wisdom       - 12
Charisma     - 10
Fortitude    - 4
Reflex       - 2
Will         - 1

Starting Feats:
- Armor Proficiency: Light
- Armor Proficiency: Medium
- Armor Proficiency: Heavy
- Power Attack
- Power Blast
- Rapid Shot
- Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol
- Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
- Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons
- Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

Basic Class Attributes:
- 10 Vitality / level
- Slow skill progression
- Fast feat progression

                            5. Jedi Classes

  Jedi Guardian  

- Jedi Guardians train for battle and physical prowess.
- Jedi Guardians battle against the forces of evil and the dark side.
  They focus on combat training and masterful use of the lightsaber.
- Basic Class Attributes:
  10 Vitality per level
  4 Force points per level
  Slow skill progression
  Fast feat progression
- Automatic Bonus Feat:
  Force Jump (allows player to instantly close the distance and attack
  an opponent within 10 metres)

  Jedi Consular  

- Jedi Consulars seek to master the awesome power of the force.
- Jedi Consulars seek to bring balance to the universe. They focus less
  on physical combat and more on mental disciplines in order to augment
  their mastery of the Force.
- Basic Class Attributes:
  6 Vitality per level
  8 Force points per level
  Slow skill progression
  Slow feat progression
- Automatic Bonus Feat:
  Force Focus (makes it harder for opponents to resist their Force

  Jedi Sentinel  

- Jedi Sentinels seek to find a balance between these two extremes.
- Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to
  light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental
  disciplines of the Jedi Order.
- Basic Class Attributes:
  8 Vitality per level
  6 Force points per level
  Average skill progression
  Slow feat progression
- Automatic Bonus Feat:
  Jedi Immunity (immune to fear)

                              6. Controls                             

  Left Thumbstick  

- Controls movement of the selected character.

  Right Thumbstick  

- Camera control. Press LEFT or RIGHT to rotate the
  camera. Click for free look. (FPS - First Person

  Directional Pad  

- Use to cycle through the Action menu.

  A Button  

- Default action.

  B Button  

- Cancel

  Y Button  

- Delete action from the Action queue.
- Melee weapon animation.

  X Button  

- Add action to the Action queue.

  Black Button  

- Cycle through characters.

  White Button  

- Combat Pause

  Start Button  

- Access in-game menus.

  Back Button  

- Toggle Solo mode.

  Left Trigger  

- Cycle through the targets or cycle through menus.

  Right Trigger  
- Cycle through targets or cycle through menus.

                           7. Gameplay Tips                           
- Kotor has many surprises and events. Save often and use multiple save
  slots so you always have a rollback if make a mistake or forget to get
  that important item or complete that particular quest.
- Areas are huge in Kotor, so use your map often. Important locations
  within areas are automatically marked on your map so you can easily
  find them.
- The Persuasion skill is one of the most used skills in the game. It
  can net you extra quests, Light and Dark Side points, and double
  credits for rewards.
- If you can't figure where to head next, speak with the many NPCs in
  the area. They can often offer clues on where to head next.
- Many of the quests within the game come from the different NPCs found
  within the game. Make sure to talk to any characters you see that have
  an actual name over their head (Taris Citizen etc don't count).
- You can practice many of the mini-games found within Kotor before
  actually participating in them. Pazaak with Mission on the Ebon Hawk,
  Gun Turret battle by speaking with HK-47 on the Ebon Hawk, and
  practice runs at the various swoop tracks throughout the galaxy.
- You can have various items made for you by talking to different party
  members onboard the Ebon Hawk. Grenades from Zaalbar, Security Spikes
  from Mission and T3-M4, MedPacs from Jolee, and Stimpacks from

                            8. Combat Tips                            
- Prepare for battle before engaging with an enemy. Load up on Stimpacks,
  Energy Shield and force powers before heading into combat. Failing to
  do this can often cost you important battles.
- If you're having problems defeating a certain enemy or group, try
  placing mines on the ground before the encounter. When the battle
  starts, lure the enemies into the mines to give you a starting edge.
- Droids are very weak to ion weapons. Use Ion Blasters and Grenades
  when fighting them to have a much easier time.
- Ion blasters penetrate Energy Shields. When battling with an enemy
  with a powerful Energy Shield, use one of these blasters to punch
  through these shields and damage them easier.
- Use the appropriate Force Powers for each battle. Don't cast Force
  Resistance while fighting non-Force characters, and don't cast Destroy
  Droid on non-droid enemies.
- Don't go into battle with a half empty Force gauge. Wait for it to
  recharge before engaging the next group of enemies (if possible). Not
  doing so greatly decreases your chance at survival.
- If a particular party member is being hammered on hard by enemies,
  take control of them and pull them out of the thick of battle. Heal
  them, and have a character well armored block the enemy's path to the
  injured character till they are ready to re-enter combat.
- Queue up on health replenishing items/powers. It can save you from
  that unexpected critical hit.
- Use Stealth to sneak up on enemies and snag that first critical hit.
  This is a great way to weaken strong groups of characters.
- If you have an ample supply of Grenades, start out a battle by
  throwing one into a group of far-away enemies. Most times, enemies
  won't see you until the Grenade has already done its damage.
- Use the Force Power Knight Speed or greater to retreat from battle and
  heal yourself when things get too hot to handle.
- If you find an enemy is too strong to face, have the party member the
  enemy is attacking run in circles. Then have the remaining party
  members target this enemy. More times than not, he'll be too busy
  pursuing the said character to be bothered to put up any resistance
  against your attacks.
- Reactivate Energy Shields and support Force Powers as soon as they
  wear off (if possible). Many battles can be lost because failure to do
- Never go into battle without full health. This is practically suicide
  as once a party member goes down, he won't be revived till after the
- Droid characters are invulnerable to many Force related powers. Keep
  this is mind when battling those powerful Force-heavy enemies.

                           9. Force Powers

  Core Force Powers  

Throw Lightsaber:
- Using the Force, the Jedi guides the lightsaber to  the target and
  back. A successful attack confers damage based on level.
- A great power to use at the start of a battle. It helps to knock off a
  small chunk of health before the enemy comes within attacking range.
  Also useful to use on enemies distracted by other party members.

Burst of Speed:
- Allows a Jedi to press his or her body to it limit, gaining double
  movement speed and +2 defence. Not useable with armor.
- Every Jedi, Light or Dark, should have this skill or its upgraded
  versions. The double movement is great because it can give you the
  speed to retreat from battle if things become too dangerous to
  continue. The added defence bonus is great because you can't use high
  defence armor while still being able to cast this power.

Knight Speed:
- Attuned with the Force, the Jedi briefly gains double movement speed,
  +4 defence, and +1 attack per round. Not useable with armor.
- The same thing as above applies to this Force power. You get twice the
  defence bonus making it that much more valuable. Great for any class
  of Jedi.

Master Speed:
- Focusing the Force within, the Jedi briefly gains double movement
  speed, +4 defence, and +2 attacks per round. Not useable with armor.
- Same defence as before, but 1 extra attack point than last time. Still
  a good power, but it would be in your best interest to stick with
  Knight Power and invest in a different Force Power. It just doesn't
  offer anything too great that the previous one didn't.

Force Push:
- The Jedi lashed out with the Force. The target is pushed back and
  knocked down, suffering damage modified by the Jedi's level. May also
  stun target.
- Not very effective in its basic form, but the later stages of this
  power are very effective in keeping large groups of enemies at bay.

Force: Whirlwind:
- The Jedi creates a maelstrom of dust. The target takes damage based on
  the Jedi's level and is immobilized by a small pocket of air.
- Very effective on single enemies as they can't move for a certain
  period of time. This leaves them largely open to ranged or melee
  attacks. Once an opponent is trapped within the vortex, the battle is
  quickly ended.

Force Wave:
- The Force pulses from the Jedi. Nearby enemies are thrown back and
  knocked down, suffering damage modified by the Jedi's level. May also
  stun the target.
- If you're going to invest in Force Push, upgrading it to this version
  is an absolute must. Very effective when you find you're being
  overwhelmed by many opponents. Great power to use to keep enemies at
  bay while you power up on support force powers.

Force Resistance:
- Fortifies a Jedi against Force-based attacks, granting a good chance
  of negating their effects. Duration 60 seconds.
- Great against Dark Jedi and apprentices, but against much stronger
  force characters, you'll find it helps very little.

Force Immunity:
- Steels the Jedi against Force-based attacks, granting a superior
  chance to negate their effects. Duration 60 seconds.
- The best possible protection against the Force powers of enemies. Even
  with it's added protection, you still may have a hard time avoiding
  the power of many Jedi Masters.

Affect Mind:
- Enables Force Persuade dialogue options that allow the main character
  to manipulate the weak minded. Does not affect droids.
- With this power, you'll have extra options to respond with during
  conversations. Be careful while using this power as it can lead to
  many Dark Side Points if used incorrectly.

Dominate Mind:
- This reinforces the will of the Jedi. Force Persuade dialogue options
  become very hard to resist. Does not affect droids.
- This won't add any extra options during conversations that Affect Mind
  didn't, but you will have a much higher success rate while using it.
  Keep in mind that there are some creatures with incredibly powerful
  minds, and no amount of Force Persuasion will change their mind.

Force Suppression:
- Attacks the will of the target, cancelling all first and second tier
  Force powers. This will individually affect each active Force power.
- A good power to use while fighting with the support of other party
  members. Not a very practical power to use while fighting one on one
  with another opponent as they can easily re-cast all lost Force
  powers. You'll find yourself spending more far too much time having to
  re-cast this power, than actually engaging the enemy. Best used when
  you have a party member who can sit back and cast this while you
  attack the enemy.

Force Breach:
- Shatters the target's concentration, cancelling ALL active Force
  powers. This will individually affect each active Force power.
- Being that this power can remove all actively casted Force powers from
  an opponent, make it a bit more useable than Force Suppression. A must
  while fighting force heavy enemies. Still, this skill remains for non-
  combat characters. Don't bother getting this skill if you're a Jedi
  Guardian. Stick with Force Suppression instead.

  Light Side Force Powers  

- The Jedi uses the Force to overwhelm the mind of the target, stunning
  them for 9 seconds. Does not affect droids.
- Because it can only target one opponent at a time, it's best used
  while fighting one on one  with another opponent. Great while fighting
  with a group of opponents that has one really strong character that
  you can immobilize and hammer on with all party members.

- The target is held in a paralytic stasis, unable to move or take any
  action for 9 seconds. Does not affect droids.
- Pretty much the same thing as Stun, just a little more reliable in
  terms of accuracy. If you can successfully cast this on an opponent,
  he's as good as dead.

Stasis Field:
- This power can lull the senses of a group, placing all enemies near
  the target into a catatonic stasis. Does not affect droids.
- If this power had a bit better accuracy, then it would be one of the
  most powerful Force powers within the game. Most times it will only
  affect 1 or 2 enemies out of a group of 5. Stick with Stasis as it's
  much more reliable and costs less to cast.

Stun Droid:
- This power can send a surge of energy through the processor of a
  droid, rendering them immobile for 12 seconds.
- Absolutely essential while playing as a Light Side character. There
  are some crazily overpowered droids within Kotor, and you'll need this
  in order to survive their attacks. Once successfully casted, have all
  party members use their strongest attacks to hammer away at the droid
  till it's destroyed.

Disable Droid:
- Temporary shuts down all droids within 5 metres of a target droid.
  Affected droids remain disabled for 12 seconds.
- Even better than Stun Droid. With the capability to knock out several
  at once, you should have no trouble taking out multiple droid enemies.
  Having two characters with this power can greatly help to keep droid
  enemies completely incapacitated for the entire battle until they're

Destroy Droid:
- All droids within 6 metres of a target droid take damage based on the
  level of the attacker. May also stun target droid.
- A good choice while fighting weaker, less armored droids. Can often
  destroy them with 1 or 2 blasts. For heavier, more powerful droids,
  stick with Stun or Disable and then finish them will off with attacks.

Force Aura:
- Cloaked in the Force, the Jedi gains a temporary +2 bonus to defence
  and all saving throws. Not useable with armor.
- Good while fighting without the aid of a party, but you'd be better
  off using Force Valor as it affects all party members.

Force Shield:
- Drawing the Force into a protective barrier, the  Jedi temporary gains
  +4 to defence and all saving throws. Not useable with armor.
- The added +2 to defence is nice, but again, the valor series is a
  better choice because it an entire party effect.

Force Armor:
- Becoming one with the Force, the Jedi temporarily gains +6 to defence
  and all saving throws. Not useable with armor.
- Very solid defence to go into battle with. This power can make up for
  the lack of light, medium and heavy battle armor.

Force Valor:
- The Jedi pulls the Force around the entire party. All physical
  attributes and saving throws briefly gain +2. The Jedi cant't be
  wearing armor.
- In my opinion, these series of powers are among the best of the Force
  support Powers in the game. The effect of this power doesn't last
  long, so don't cast until you're in the thick of battle.

Knight Valor:
- The Jedi further surrounds the party in the Force, granting poison
  immunity and +3 to attributes and saving throws. The Jedi can't be
  wearing armor.
- Another point added to defence, and the addition of poison immunity
  give you no excuses to upgrade to the next version of the valor series.

Master Valor:
- The Jedi essentially encases the party in the Force, granting poison
  immunity and +5 to attributes and saving throws. The Jedi can't be
  wearing armor.
- The top of the line in the valor series. This power is essential to
  surviving some of the tougher fights within the game. With + 5 to all
  attributes, its like a giant Stimpack in one. Re-cast as it wears off
  in battle. Combine with Energy Shields for an unbeatable combination.

- The Jedi directs the Force to heal the entire party for 5 vitality
  points +1 point for every Charisma and Wisdom modifier, and the level
  of the Force user.
- The single most important Force Power you have at your disposal. Many
  argue that it makes MedPacs obsolete, but I say use a MedPac rather
  than use Cure/Heal. It's ability to cure all party members is the real
  key. Wait till all party members have taken damage and then use.
  Besides, you can only rely on this power until your Force Points are

- The Jedi directs the Force to cure poison and heal the entire party
  for 10 vitality points +1 point for every Charisma and Wisdom
  modifier, and the level of the Force user. This does not affect
- The upgraded version of Cure is even more versatile than its
  predecessor. With the ability to cure poison, it cuts down on the
  amount of Antidote Kits you'll need to carry. Because Heal can recover
  a larger portion of health than Cure makes it even more valuable. Make
  sure every Force user in your party has this upgraded version.
  Nothing's stronger than having 3 party members with the ability to
  constantly cure each other in battle. Queue up several of these with
  each party member in dangerous/difficult battles.

  Dark Side Force Powers  

- The Jedi triggers spasms in a victim's lungs, stunning them and
  inflicting damage that increases with level. Does not affect droids.
- You can't be a Dark Side character and not have this attack. A great
  way to shave off a portion of health at the beginning of the battle.

- The Jedi uses the Force to throttle the target at range. This stuns,
  inflicts damage and lowers attribute scores. Does not affect droids.
- Would Darth Vader have been as cool as he was without this power? No,
  no he wouldn't. Again, a great power to start out battle with. Follow
  this power up by quickly engaging the opponent in melee combat. If
  executed properly, can easily destroy an enemy before the battle has
  even begun.

- A vile use if the Force. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save
  or simply choke and die. Does not affect droids.
- One of the most deadly powers at a Dark Jedi's disposal. Quickly
  target and cast this power on multiple opponents for maximum effect.

- This power clouds the mind, inflicting penalties to defence, reflex
  saves, melee attack and damage. Does not affect droids.
- Not very practical against weaker enemies, but essential in weakening
  some of the stronger brutes within the game.

- Functions like a poison. The target is slowed and suffers attribute
  penalties that get worse over time. Does not affect droids.
- Best casted at the start of the battle as to utilize its prolonged

- Horribly debilitating, this power slows the target and inflicts
  attribute penalties that get far worse over time. Does not affect
- Again, best used at the beginning of battle. Being that it's only
  slightly stronger, might want to stick with Affliction unless you're a
  heavy Force user.

- Attacking the mind, this power causes temporary fear in the target,
  prompting them to flee the Jedi. Does not affect droids.
- Two Jedi simultaneously casting this power can completely immobilize a
  party long enough for you to wipe them out. Much more useful at
  upgraded version.

- Tapping the primal fears, this power inflicts a temporary catatonic
  state in all enemies around the target. Does not affect droids.
- If you're going to use Fear, you may as well take it one step further
  and upgrade to this version. With the ability to affect multiple
  enemies, you'll be free to use your remaining party members to attack
  the enemies full force without any worry of resistance.

- The Jedi temporarily inflames paranoia and doubt, rendering the target
  horrified. Does not affect droids.
- A much stronger version of Fear. Best left to Force Heavy users to
  utilize its full effects.

- The Jedi uses the Force to pulse electricity through a target,
  inflicting damage modified by level. Not useable with armor.
- This power is Dark Side all the way. At this stage it's not very
  useful, but as you upgrade it to later stages, becomes a Dark Jedi's
  most powerful Force Power.

- The Jedi sends bolts of electricity through all enemies around the
  target, inflicting damage modified by level. Not useable with armor.
- It's here at this stage that we start to see the awesome potential of
  this power. Quickly cast this power multiple times as the battle
  begins to knock off a large portion of all surrounding enemies health.

Force Storm:
- An electrical attack on all enemies near the target, inflicting level-
  based damage to both vitality and Force points totals. Not useable
  with armor.
- If you cast this power multiple times on incoming enemies, you can
  almost completely wipe them out before they can engage you in melee
  battle. A must have for ALL Dark characters.

Drain Life:
- This vile power taps the target's life to heal the Jedi. Damage
  drained and healed is modified by level. Does not affect droids.
- A dark side alternative to Cure/Heal. A great way to do a nice amount
  of damage to the enemy and keep yourself healed. Also, very important
  power to have for the final battle in the game...

Death Field:
- Truly dark, this power tears life from surrounding enemies and heals
  the Jedi by the highest damage suffered. Does not affect droids.
- Even more useful than Drain Life, this power can keep you going in the
  thick of battle. Try to use during the later stages of a battle to
  finish off an opponent and heal yourself at the same time.

                    10. Skills, Feats & Attributes


Computer Use:
- Related to Intelligence. Used with computer spikes to access computer
  terminals. Harder tasks require more spikes. This skill reduces the
  number of spikes needed by 1 for every 4 points total.
- A good skill to invest in when playing as Scouts and Scoundrels.
  Because you don't have the vitality and strength of a Soldier, you
  have to rely on alternative tactics. Being able to reprogram a gun
  turret to fire on enemy soldiers or unlock a door without the need of
  a passcard can save you from having to battle your way through many

- Related to Intelligence. Used to set or disable mines of low (DC15 to
  set), medium (DC20 to set), or high difficulty (DC25 to set).
  Disarming adds +5 to the DC. Recovery adds +10. Cannot be used
- Another alternative to heavy melee combat that all Scouts and
  especially Scoundrels should utilize. Mines set by player characters,
  can't be triggered by fellow party members so don't be afraid to place
  them at your leisure. Luring enemies into trails of mines is the best
  way to utilize them.

- Related to Dexterity. Enables the use of stealth field generators and
  Stealth mode. Combat cancels Stealth mode. Cannot be used untrained.
- Striking the first hit in combat is often crucial to victory. Enabling
  the Stealth skill before combat and sneaking up on an enemy will often
  result in a critical hit. Use this to your advantage against some of
  the stronger opponents within the game. As a Scoundrel, you should
  utilize this skill for every battle you possibly can.

- Related to Wisdom. Helps spot hidden objects or enemies. This skill is
  checked against an enemy's Stealth skill or DC of a mine. If
  successful, the enemy or object becomes visible. Awareness is always
  active, but running imparts a -5 penalty.
- Ever wonder why you were walking/running along and had an explosion go
  off under your feet? Well, chances are if this happened, your
  Awareness skill wasn't high enough. Not very important as a soldier
  because of their high vitality, but something you might want to put
  some points in while playing as a Scoundrel. Some of the stronger
  mines will kill a Scoundrel in a single hit if your Awareness isn't
  high enough to spot. Keep this in mind while levelling up your

- Related to Charisma. Persuade dialogue options use friendly coercion
  to press for sensitive information or avoid conflict. Higher skill
  allows for more extreme requests. Only available to the main player-
  created character.
- Most important skill regardless of class. Start putting kill points
  into Persuade as early as your first level. There are a ton of
  opportunities both Dark and Light, where you can use Persuade to gain
  double the reward for a quest, certain items and even avoid
  potentially dangerous battles. Of course it works the other way as
  well. You can Persuade your way into danger as well so be careful with
  your choices.

- Related to Intelligence. Used with disposable parts to fix disabled
  droids. More difficult repair jobs require more parts. This skill
  reduces the number of parts required by 1 for every 4 points total.
  Also modifies vitality points recovered when used by party member
  droids to repair combat damage.
- If you plan on using HK-47 or T3-M4 a lot during the game, then you
  better invest a fair number of points into their Repair Skill.
  Scoundrels need every advantage they can get in battle, so this is a
  great skill for them to invest in so they can repair damaged droids to
  help them in combat.

- Related to Wisdom. Used to open electronic locks. Appears as an option
  on the targeted locked objects. Security spikes in Inventory will also
  appear as a default option and add to the skill if selected. Only
  available if the character has paid points into this skill. Cannot be
  used untrained.
- Not very useful at the beginning of the game, but at later stages of
  Kotor you'll come across a fair of bit doors that are incredibly hard
  to unlock, even with a high Security Skill. Within some of these
  locked doors contain incredibly powerful or useful items, so make sure
  at least one character has a high Security rank. Also, having a high
  Security skill can save you a lot of trouble in having to search for
  passcards to unlock certain doors.

Treat Injury:
- Related to Wisdom. This skill is added to the vitality points healed
  by MedPacs. Higher quality packs apply multipliers to further increase
  the amount healed.
- Essential skill for players that see combat, and see it often.
  Soldiers and Jedi Guardians should invest many skill points towards
  this particular skill early.


Armor Proficiency:
- Determines what type of armor a character can use.
Progression Tree:
Light > Medium > Heavy

Weapon Proficiency:
- Determines what type of weapon a character can use. A character cannot
  use a weapon type if they do not have proficiency in it.
Weapon Type:
- Melee, Blaster, Blaster Rifle, Heavy Weapons, Lightsaber.
Progression Tree:
Weapon Focus > Weapon Specialization

- Improves attack bonus and Defence when using only one weapon.
Progression Tree:
Improved Dueling > Master Dueling

Two-Weapon Fighting:
- Reduces the penalty for fighting with a weapon in each hand and for
  using double-bladed weapons.
Progression Tree:
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting > Master Two-Weapon Fighting

- Character receives a bonus to all saving throws.
Progression Tree:
Improved Conditioning > Master Conditioning

- Character gains bonus vitality points each level.
Progression Tree:
Improved Toughness > Master Toughness

Critical Strike:
- Increases the chance of a critical hit on an opponent when using a
  melee weapon.
Progression Tree:
Improved Critical Strike > Master Critical Strike

- The character gets an extra attack each round when using a melee
Progression Tree:
Improved Flurry > Master Flurry

Power Attack:
- Increases damage of melee weapon attacks.
Progression Tree:
Improved Power Attack > Master Power Attack

Power Blast:
- Increases damage of missile and blaster weapon attacks.
Progression Tree:
Improved Power Blast > Master Power Blast

Rapid Shot:
- Increases the number of attacks when using blaster or missile weapons.
Progression Tree:
Improved Rapid Shot > Master Rapid Shot

Sniper Shot:
- Increases the chance of a critical hit on an opponent when using a
  blaster or missile weapon.
Progression Tree:
Improved Sniper Shot > Master Sniper Shot

- Bonus to Demolitions and Stealth skill checks.
Progression Tree:
Improved Caution > Master Caution

- Bonus to Persuade, Awareness and Treat Injury skill checks.
Progression Tree:
Improved Empathy > Master Empathy

Gear Head:
- Bonus to Repair, Security and Computer Use.
Progression Tree:
Improved Gear Head > Master Gear Head


- Represents physical power. A high Strength adds modifiers to melee
  damage and chance to hit, which is important for characters who use
  close-combat weapons (vibroblades, lightsabers).

- Represents agility and reflexes. A high Dexterity adds modifiers to
  ranged attack rolls (blasters) and increases a character's Defence
  rating, making them harder to hit.

- Represents health and resiliency. A high Constitution adds modifiers
  to the vitality points gained at each level up. This is important for
  everyone, but essential for soldiers and Jedi guardians.

- Represents knowledge and reasoning. A high Wisdom adds modifiers to
  Jedi Force points and Force Power saving throws. The Force powers of a
  Jedi with high Wisdom are also much harder to resist.

- Represents knowledge and reasoning. A high intelligence adds modifiers
  to the number of points a character has to spend on essential skills.

- Represents personality and the ability to lead. A high Charisma adds
  modifiers to Force-related feats and powers that are very important to
  all the Jedi classes. It is also central to any persuasive talker.

                      11. Items, Weapons & Armor                      

  11a. Items - Crystals  

- Crystal Blue

- A facetted crystal used in the constructing of a lightsaber. It glows
  faintly with an inner blue light.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Blade Color:
- Blue

- Crystal Bondar

- This crystal was mined on a far-orbit asteroid circling the Alderaan
  system. It produces a volatile lightsaber beam that pulses on impact,
  potentially stunning an opponent.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Stun, 25% for 6 sec (On Hit)
- DC10 to negate stun (Save)

- Crystal Damind

- Found on the desert world of Daminia, this crystal can be used in
  lightsaber construction to produce a clearly defined beam of subtly
  wider width and length.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Attack +3

- Crystal Firkrann

- This heavy crystal is collected by the natives of Rafa V. If used in
  lightsaber construction it produces an electrically charged beam that
  is devastating to droids.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- +2-12 damage to droids
- Attack +2

- Crystal Green

- A facetted crystal used in the construction of a lightsaber. It glows
  faintly with an inner green light.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Blade Color:
- Green

- Crystal Eralam

- Once mined on the third moon of Erai, ancient Sith bombardment
  shattered much that remained. If they can be found, these crystals
  produce a clear, superior lightsaber beam.

Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Attack +2
- Damage +2

- Crystal Jenruax

- The refined form of Opila, this crystal has been cleansed of all
  impurities. When used in lightsaber construction it produces a blade
  of unerring quickness.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Damage +2
- Blaster Deflections +5

- Crystal Luxum

- Ambria was a world in the grip of the dark side. Through years of
  mental battle, strange Jedi Master Thon contained the evil to Lake
  Natth. Long meditation can form this powerful crystal from the
  tainted water.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Damage +1-6 vs. droids
- Attack +2

- Crystal Nextor

- This crystal is mined in the mountains of planet M'haeli, and when
  used in lightsaber construction it produces a volatile blade that can
  cause surprising amounts of damage.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Attack +1
- Critical Threat Range x2

- Crystal Opila

- Found in the asteroid fields of the Fyrth system, this crystal can
  be used in lightsaber construction to produce an intense beam that
  seems extraordinarily quick to the cut.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Damage +3
- +2-12 damage on critical hit

- Crystal Phond

- The strange byproduct of rare impurities bonding during the making of
  certain alloys and some random external condition, this crystal
  produces a fiercely burning lightsaber beam.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Damage Physical, 1-6

- Crystal Red

- A facetted crystal used in the constructing of a lightsaber. It glows
  faintly with an inner red light.

Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Blade Color:
- Red

- Crystal Rubat

- Used in lightsaber construction, rubat crystal is mined on Phemis. It
  produces a clearly defined blade that a Jedi can easily track, making
  it easier to hit opponents.

- upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Damage +1
- Attack +1

- Crystal Sapith

- This crystallized material was excreted once every 11 years by the
  ancient Volice worm of Lwhekk, now extinct. It produces a more
  intense lightsaber beam, granting better control.

Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Damage +3
- Attack +2

Crystal Sigil

- Mined in the Sigil System, this crystal is a costly but valued
  addition to a lightsaber. It produces a fiercely bright beam that
  sears on contact, inflicting great damage.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Damage Energy +1-6
- Attack 1

- Crystal Solari

- There are many famous lightsaber crystals spoken of in the history
  of the Jedi Order, though none is as powerful as the legendary solari
  Crystal. An artifact of true light side power, only those Jedi who
  are pure in spirit can wield a lightsaber equipped with this gleaming
  white gem. When the great Jedi Master Ood Bnar initiated his life-
  cycle change after a thousand years of serving the Order, he
  bequeathed the Solari Crystal to his most promising student, a young
  female Jedi named Shaela Nuur. When Shaela disappeared shortly after
  the time of the Great Hunt, the Solari Crystal vanished with her.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Damage +3
- +1-8 Physical Damage vs. Dark Side
- Attack +3

- Can only be used by a Light Jedi

- Crystal Upari

- Strangely, this crystal is usually encountered scattered in the orbit
  of primarily forest worlds. It is brittle but versatile, and a Master
  Jedi can get it to produce many effects.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Damage +1-8
- Attack +3

- Crystal Violet

- A facetted crystal used in the constructing of a lightsaber. It glows
  faintly with an inner violet light.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Blade Color:
- Violet

- Crystal Yellow

- A facetted crystal used in the constructing of a lightsaber. It glows
  faintly with an inner yellow light.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Blade Color:
- Yellow

- Krayt Dragon Pearl

- Taken from the gullet of a krayt dragon, this crystalline "pearl"
  appears to have refractory qualities that might allow it to function
  as a lightsaber crystal once properly adapted.

- Upgrade Item, Lightsaber

Added Bonus:
- Damage +2
- Attack +3


  11b. Items - Droid Upgrades  

- Advanced Computer Tool

- Like the basic unit, this retractable probe allows droid access to
  the higher programming functions of any computer terminal, though
  better interface adapters make it more effective.

- Computer Use +4

- Droid Upgrade Class 2

- Advanced Flame Thrower

- Intended as a combat upgrade and not generally available to the
  public, this droid-mounted weapon can inflict a great deal of damage
  over a broad area. It is widely used by Republic forces.

- Heat, 60pts
- Horror 100% for 3sec

- Targets 7th level and up ignore horror effect

- DC20 for half damage

- Short

- 10/10

- Droid Upgrade Class 3

- ADV. Gravity Generator

- This device creates a more powerful gravity swell than the basic unit
  due to an unregulated energy governor. The use of such items is
  discouraged because of concern over environmental effects.

- Slowed On Hit, 100% for 9sec

- DC20 to negate slow

- 10/10

- Droid Upgrade Class 3

- Advanced Shield Disruptor

- Prototyped by Czerka Corporation, these extremely devastating droid
  and shield nullifiers have found their way to forces on both sides of
  the Sith/Republic conflict.

- Ion, 40pts

- Medium

- 10/10

- Droid Upgrade Class 2

- Advanced Stun Ray

- This product is a special order aftermarket modification of a
  Quellegh Industrial stun ray. Very expensive to produce, most are in
  the hands of government-sponsored elite troops.

- Stun On Hit, 100% for 9sec

- DC20 to negate stun

- Medium

- 10/10

- Droid Upgrade Class 2

- Advanced Targeting Computer

- Meant for droids that see regular combat, this targeting unit
  improves on the basic model and greatly increases battlefield

Bonus Feats:
- Weapon Focus, Blaster Pistol
- Weapon Focus, Blaster Rifle

- Droid Upgrade Class 2

- Basic Targeting Computer

- Battle droids come factory-ready for combat, but it is still wise to
  invest in targeting computer upgrades to optomize performance at
  range. Cost rises with quality, as always.

Bonus Feats:
- Weapon Focus, Blaster Pistol

- Droid Upgrade Class 1

- Carbonite Projector Mark II

- Like the basic model, this weapon uses a carbonite freezing technique
  to super-cool synthetic compounds hurled at a target, though more
  efficient projectors make it far more effective.

- Cold, 40pts
- Paralyze, 100% for 15sec

- DC20 for half damage, paralyze reduced to 9sec

- Medium

- 10/10

- Droid Upgrade Class 3

- Computer Probe

- This retractable probe allows droid access to the higher programming
  functions of any computer terminal. Better quality probes provide
  cleaner access, increasing functionality.

- Computer Use +2

- Droid Upgrade Class 1

- Droid Heavy Plating Type 1

- Originally used on starship hulls, durasteel is the best protection
  available for droids. This particular variant of the alloy is the
  standard for mass-production heavy combat droids.

Defence Bonus:
- 9

- Droid Upgrade Class 1

- Droid Heavy Plating Type 2

- A specialized variant of heavy plating, this type of durasteel alloy
  is not sold in mass quantities. More often, it is used to equip elite
  troops where the initial cost of the battle droid warrants the

Defence Bonus:
- 10

- Droid Upgrade Class 2

- Droid Heavy Plating Type 3

- The heaviest protection available, this type of plating is uncommon
  due to the cost involved in production. It is best suited to
  specialized assassin or assault droids, though such units are highly

Defence Bonus:
- 11

- Droid Upgrade Class 1

- Droid Light Plating Type 1

- A thin sheet of alloy plating is a relatively inexpensive way to
  improve a droid's chance of surviving combat. This model is an
  excellent option for light-duty droids.

Defence Bonus:
- 3

- Droid Upgrade Class 1

- Droid Light Plating Type 2

- Though more for the factory floor, plating of this type is seeing
  more general use. Light but effective, this upgrade can mean the
  difference between repair and replacement if a droid comes to harm.

Defence Bonus:
- 4

- Droid Upgrade Class 2

- Droid Light Plating Type 3

- The strongest of the light-grade plating, this is the best protection
  most individuals consider purchasing for droids not actively in a
  class intended for combat.

Defence Bonus:
- 5

- Droid Upgrade Class 3

- Droid Medium Plating Type 1

- Developed by engineer Hoot Calin, this plating relies more on
  deflecting angles than exotic alloys. Cost can be prohibitive, though
  this is the most affordable model of the type.

Defence Bonus:
- 4

- Droid Upgrade Class 1

- Droid Medium Plating Type 2

- This version of the Calin Industries plating system signaled a
  company shift in production from construction droids to military
  models. It now sees use on many different worlds.

Defence Bonus:
- 5

- Droid Upgrade Class 2

- Droid Medium Plating Type 3

- To solidify its place in the market, Calin Industries introduced this
  specialty variant of their medium plating system. Only heavy plating
  protects better, though the cost is prohibitive for some.

Defence Bonus:
- 6

- Droid Upgrade Class 3

- Droid Motion Sensors Type 1

- These devices allow a droid to better detect creatures hidden by
  stealth fields. This basic model is the most inexpensive of the type,
  and is commonly available on many worlds.

- Awareness +2

- Droid Upgrade Class 1

- Droid Motion Sensors Type 2

- This sensor package greatly enhances droid vision, increasing the
  likelihood of detecting creatures hidden by stealth fields. This
  model is marketed mainly to manufacturers of sentry and combat

- Awareness +4

- Droid Upgrade Class 2

- Droid Motion Sensors Type 3

- Incorporating the most sophisticated sensors available, this model of
  upgrade is usually purchased for special-duty droids guarding
  sensitive materials or galactic heads of state.

- Awareness +6

- Droid Upgrade Class 3

- Energy Shield Level 1

- This is a basic model energy shield universally applicable to most
  droids. The power drain is significant, however, and units like this
  must be replaced regularly.

- Energy, 20pts

- 10/10

- 200 seconds, or max damage taken

- Droid Upgrade Class 1

- Energy Shield Level 2

- Upgraded from the basic portable energy shield, these units are
  marketed to companies and governments that keep large standing forces
  of combat droids. The power drain is significant, however, and they
  must be replaced regularly.

- Energy, 30pts

- 200 seconds, or max damage taken

- 10/10

- Droid Upgrade Class 2

- Energy Shield Level 3

- This sophisticated item is designed for top quality combat droids,
  and produces superior protection for any droid with the necessary
  software to install it. The power drain is significant, however, and
  it must be replaced regularly.

- Energy, 50pts

- 200 seconds, or max damage taken

- 10/10

- Droid Upgrade Class 3

- Environment Shield Level 1

- Initially designed to resist the harsh conditions of factory floors,
  these shields provide a droid with basic protection against a broad
  array of effects. The power drain is significant, however, and they
  must be replaced regularly.

- Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, 20pts total

- 200 seconds, or max damage taken

- 10/10

- Droid Upgrade Class 1

- Environment Shield Level 3

- This variant of environmental shielding is designed for frontline
  combat droids. It provides broad protection against many effects, but
  the power drain is significant and it must be replaced regularly.

- Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, 50pts total

- 200 seconds, or max damage taken

- 10/10

- Droid Upgrade Class 3

- Flame Thrower

- This droid-mounted weapon can inflict damage over a broad area. The
  incendiary compounds within border on military quality, though the
  unit was initially desinged for industrial purposes.

- Heat, 30pts
- Horror On Hit, 100% for 3sec

- Targets 7th level and up ignore horror effect

- DC15 for half damage

- Short

- 10/10

- Droid Upgrade Class 2

- Gravity Generator

- These devices allow a droid to create localized gravity swells, the
  reverse effect of a repulsorlift engine. This can seemingly increase
  the weight of an enemy, slowing their movement.

- Slowed On Hit, 75% for 9sec

- DC15 to negate slow

- 10/10

- Droid Upgrade Class 2

- Security Decryption Interface

- This model of security breaker is no longer in production. It was an
  effective option before the factories of Toshan Gant took over the
  market. A droid must have basic Security software (paid points into
  the skill) to benefit from this item.

- Security +4

- Droid Upgrade Class 2

- Security Domination Interface

- Modified on the aftermarket, this Toshan Gant security breaker is the
  best available. A droid must have basic Security software (paid
  points into the skill) to benefit from this item.

- Security +6

- Droid Upgrade Class 3

- Security Interface Tool

- Pioneered by Toshan Gant, this is the basic droid security breaker
  in use across the galaxy. Gant did most of his research for the
  Republic military after private efforts led to his imprisonment. A
  droid must have basic Security software (paid points inot the skill)
  to benefit from this item.

- Security +2

- Droid Upgrade Class 1

- Sensor Probe

- This basic probe improves a droid's demolitions capabilities allowing
  for more sensitive adjustments of volatile sibstances. A droid must
  have basic Demolitions software (paid points into the skill) to
  benefit from this item.

- Demolitions +2

- Droid Upgrade Class 1

- Shield Disruptor

- Designed for Republic forces, these devices allow a droid to
  potentially devastate opponent droids or the personal shielding of an
  enemy, though the energy drain is quite large.

- Ion, 20pts

- Medium

- Droid Upgrade Class 1

- Stun Ray

- Quellegh Industrial is becoming the standard in publicly traded non-
  lethal droid-mounted weapons. Company officials credit aggressive
  marketing towards any despot with credits.

- Stun On Hit, 100% for 9sec

- DC15 to negate stun

- Medium

- 10/10

- Droid Upgrade Class 1

- Superior Targeting Computer

- Reserved for the highest quality battle droids, targeting units of
  this type are rarely seen outside of military operations.

Bonus Feats:
- Weapon Focus, Blaster Pistol
- Weapon Focus, Blaster Rifle
- Weapon Specialization, Blaster Pistol
- Weapon Specialization, Blaster Rifle

- Droid Upgrade Class 3

- Universal Computer Interface

- The best and most expensive of its type available, this retractable
  probe allows droid access to the higher programming functions of
  any computer terminal.

- Computer Use +6

- Droid Upgrade Class 3

- Verpine Demolitions Probe

- Wartime contracts over the last forty years saw a great deal of money
  poured into Verpine droid modifications, particularly in the area of
  demolitions. A droid must have basic Demolitions software (paid
  points into the skill) to benefit from this item.

- Demolitions +4

- Droid Upgrade Class 2


  11c. Items - Recovery  

- Advanced MedPac

- An advanced medpac contains an improved array of equipment for the
  treatment of wounds. They cannot be used by droids. Advanced medpacs
  heal 20 vitality points + WIS modifier + (2 x user's skill in Treat

- Advanced Repair Kit

- Included are the improved assortment of tools and parts needed for
  a droid to repair itself after being damaged in combat. This kit
  can't be used by living beings. Advanced kits repair 25 vitality
  points + INT modifier + (2 x user's skill in Repair).

- Antidote Kit

- This Kit contains wide-spectrum antidote hypospray injectors designed
  to neutralize all known poisons. Lowered attribute scores are
  returned to normal and physical damage is halted. Damage already
  suffered must still be healed by other means.

- Construction Kit

- This kit contains all the necessary parts for a droid to repair
  itself after being damaged in combat, including electrical regulators
  designed to isolate malfunctions. This kit can't be used by living
  beings. Construction kit repairs 35 vitality points + INT modifier
  + (3 x user's skill in Repair).

- Life Support Pack

- A life support pack contains dermal regenerators and other equipment
  for the treatment of wounds. They cannot be used by droids. Life
  support packs heal 30 vitality points + WIS modifier + (3 x user's
  skill in Treat Injury).

- MedPac

- A medpac contains essential equipment for the treatment of wounds.
  They cannot be used by droids. Basic medpacs heal 10 vitality points
  + WIS modifier + user's skill in Treat Injury.

- Repair Kit

- Included are the basic tools needed for a droid to repair itself
  after being damaged in combat. This kit can't be used by living
  beings. Basic kits repair 15 vitality points + INT modifier + user's
  skill in Repair.


  11d. Items - Stimulants  

- Adrenal Alacrity

- A shot of this enhancer provides a temporary boost in the dexterity
  of the user. The effect wears off after a short time, and side
  effects are considered minimal. Stim bonuses that affect the same
  statistic do not stack.

Attribute Bonus:
- Dexterity +4
- Speed Movement +20%

- 120 secs

- Adrenal Stamina

- A shot of this enhancer provides a temporary boost in the
  constitution of the user. The effect wears off after a short times,
  and side effects are considered minimal. Stim bonuses that affect
  the same statistic do not stack.

Attribute Bonus:
- Constitution +4

- 120 secs

- Adrenal Strength

- A shot of this enhancer provides a temporary boost in the strength of
  the user. The effect wears off after a short time, and side effects
  are considered minimal. Stim bonuses that affect the same statistic
  do not stack.

Attribute Bonus:
- Strength +4

- 120 sec

- Battle Stimulant

- This stimulant enables the user to better absorb damage and focuses
  the mind on the fight, improving the ability to hit. The effect wears
  off after a short time. Stim bonuses that affect the same statistic
  do not stack.

Attribute Bonus:
- Vitality max +8pts
- Attack +1
- Damage +1

120 secs

- Echani Battle Stimulant

- This stimulant produces a chemical cocktail that sends a boost of
  adrenaline through the body, focusing the mind and bolstering the
  user's tolerance for damage. Stim bonuses that affect the same
  statistic do not stack.

Attribute Bonus:
- Vitality max +25pts
- Attack +3
- Damage +3

120 secs

- Hyper-Adrenal Alacrity

- This model of alacrity stim uses a very powerful mixture of chemicals
  to produce an incredible increase in the dexterity of the user. Stim
  bonuses that affect the same statistic do not stack.

Attribute Bonus:
- Dexterity +6
- Speed Movement +30%

-120 secs

- Hyper-Adrenal Stamina

- Steeling the user against pain, the stim provides a very large boost
  in constitution. Stim bonuses that affect the same statistic do not

Attribute Bonus:
- Constitution +6

- 120 sec

- Hyper-Adrenal Strength

- More effective than the basic model, this stim uses a risky cocktail
  of chemicals to boost the strength of the user. Stim bonuses that
  affect the same statistic do not stack.

Attribute Bonus:
- Strength +6

- 120 secs

- Hyper-Battle Stimulant

- This stim removes all distractions, allowing the user to focus purely
  on the battle. The user is almost oblivious to damage suffered. Stim
  bonuses that affect the same statistic do not stack.

Attribute Bonus:
- Vitality max +16pts
- Attack +2
- Damage +2

120 secs


  11e. Items - Utility  

- Computer Spike

- These items allow a user to slice computer programs, assaulting
  systems with garbage data to overwhelm security measures. They are
  one-use items. A high Computer Use skill reduces the number of spikes
  required for any given task.

- Parts

- This is a disposable package of universally adaptable parts, designed
  for characters using the Repair skill in machines. Each pack is a
  one-use item. A high Repair skill reduces the number of parts
  required for any given task.

- Security Spike

- This one-use item improves the user's ability to bypass security
  measures, creating electronic interference in the locking mechanisms
  of doors and containers.

- Security Spike Tunneler

- This one-use item employs anti-encryption software and electronic
  interference to improve the user's ability to bypass locking
  mechanisms on doors and containers.


  11f. Items - Upgrades  

- Armor Reinforcement

- Durasteel reinforcement is a complicated armor application that
  increases protective qualities. The modifications require a workbench
  with adequate tools and armor of high quality marked as upgradeable.

- Upgrade Item, Armor

- Beam Splitter

- This item can broaden the beam of certain blaster types, increasing
  damage or possibly granting other effects. The modifications require
  a workbench with adequate tools and a weapon of high quality marked
  as upgradeable.

- Upgrade Item, Ranged

- Durasteel Bonding Alloy

- Application of this alloy can strengthen a melee weapon, increasing
  damage and possibly resistance to damage. The modifications require
  a workbench with adequate tools and a weapon of high quality marked
  as upgradeable.

- Upgrade Item, Melee

- Energy Projector

- This modular projector can cause a melee weapon to do additional
  energy-based damage. The modifications require a workbench with
  adequate tools and a weapon of high quality marked as upgradeable.

- Upgrade Item, Melee

- Hair Trigger

- This unit regulates the firing mechanism of certain blaster types,
  improving the ability of a skilled user to fire rapidly. The
  modifications require a workbench with adequate tools and a weapon of
  high quality marked as upgradeable.

Upgrade Item, Ranged

- Improved Energy Cell

- This cell increases the energy output of certain blaster types,
  allowing skilled users to better deliver powerful attacks. The
  modifications require a workbench with adequate tools and a weapon
  of high quality marked as upgradeable.

- Upgrade Item, Ranged

- Mesh Underlay

- Mesh underlay can have a variety of effects, depending on the nature
  of the armor it is applied to. The modifications require a workbench
  with adequate tools and armor of high quality marked as upgradeable.

- Upgrade Item, Armor

- Scope

- This scope increases the accuracy of certain blaster types,
  increasing the user's effectiveness with sniper attacks. The
  modifications require a workbench with adequate tools and a weapon of
  high quality marked as upgradeable.

- Upgrade Item, Ranged

- vibration Cell

- A cell like this can stabilize a melee weapon allowing it to hit and
  damage better, and possibly gain other effects. The modifications
  require a workbench with adequate tools and a weapon of high quality
  marked as upgradeable.

- Upgrade Item, Melee


  11g. Weapons - Grenades  

- Adhesive Grenade

- These grenades cover the target area in a gooey bio-adhesive that
  traps anyone caught within the effect. It quickly degrades, allowing
  allies to soon pass unhindered.

- None

- Entangle for 15sec

Area of Effect:
- 4m

- Long

- Concussion Grenade

- This type of grenade explodes in a concussive wave of force that
  disrupts the senses of both organic and inorganic targets in the area
  of effect.

- None

- Stun for 9sec

Area of Effect:
- 4m

- Long

- DC15 for no effect

- Cryoban Grenade

- A Cryoban grenade releases a supercooled liquid that freezes on
  contact, causing intense pain and damage to victims caught in the

- Cold, 20pts

- Paralyzation for 6sec

Area of Effect:
- 4m

- Long

- DC15 for half damage, negates paralyzation

- Frag Grenade

- Fragmentation grenades are very basic. They explode when thrown,
  showering the enemy in shrapnel. It's not elegant, but it's
  definitely effective.

- Piercing, 20pts

Area of Effect:
- 4 meters

- Long

- DC15 for half damage

- Ion Grenade

- These grenades emit an extremely strong burst of energy devastating
  to any droids or personal shields caught in the effect.

- Ion, 15pts (45pts vs. droids)

Area of Effect:
- 4m

- Long

- DC15 for half damage

- Plasma Grenade

- These grenades release a quick burst of an incendiary agent that
  ignites immediately, damaging all enemies within the area of effect.

- Heat, 36pts

Area of Effect:
- 4m

- Long

- DC15 for half damage

- Poison Grenade

- This grenade unleashes a blast of poison gas that affects the nervous
  system, lingering in the air to ensure that the effect is not escaped

- Special

- Poison, 4 pts every 3 sec

- 30sec

Area of Effect:
- 4m

- Long

- DC25 for no effect

- Sonic Grenade:

- These grenades explode loudly, but the majority of their effect is
  delivered in disorienting frequencies the ear can barely perceive,
  even as it is damaged.

- Sonic, 20pts

- -6 Dexterity for 30 seconds

Area of Effect:
- 4m

- Long

- DC15 for half damage, negates dexterity penalty

- Thermal Detonator

- This Republic device contains a baradium compound that produces a
  small fusion energy explosion of great force. Civilian possession of
  these items is outlawed almost everywhere.

- Energy, 60pts

- Knockdown

Area of Effect:
- 4m

- Long

- DC15 for half damage


  11h. Weapons - Lightsaber  

- Double-Bladed Lightsaber

- These exotic weapons are rare, and most often associated with Jedi
  attracted to the dark side of the Force, for whom reckless aggression
  is sometimes considered an asset. The double-bladed lightsaber is
  capable of inflicting more damage - but is also less precise - than
  the single-bladed variant.

- Lightsaber

- Traditionally associated with the Jedi, the lightsaber is a
  devastating weapon difficult to master. Properties can vary with the
  type of focusing crystal used in construction.

Weapon Properties:
- Energy Damage, 2-16
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2

- Lightsaber Weapons Proficiency

- Short Lightsaber

- Lightsabers can come in shorter styles, often used in the off hand
  during two-weapon fighting. As in larger versions, different focusing
  crystals can produce additional effects.

Weapon Properties:
- Energy Damage, 2-12
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

- Lightsaber Weapons Proficiency

- Sith Lightsaber

- This lightsaber is quite intricate in its design, the hilt covered in
  delicate runes and inlaid with black markings. No doubt the purpose
  of the weapon is primarily ceremonial, though it certainly seems to
  perform as a lightsaber should.

Weapon Properties:
- Energy Damage, 2-16
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2

- Lightsaber Weapons Proficiency


  11i. Weapons - Melee  

- Ajunta Pall's Blade

- Held by the Dark Jedi even before he fell to the dark side, this may
  be one of the few truly personal items owned by Ajunta Pall, and
  remains as thoroughly corrupted as he.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 5-15
- Damage Bonus +2 Fire
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +5

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Bacca's Ceremonial Blade

- The great Bacca was hunting the Shadowlands ages ago when an alien
  ship crashed through the forest. He saw that first contact as a
  warning of the destruction outsiders could bring. Made from the
  debris, this sword is a reminder for his people that trust must be
  given cautiously, and only to those who have earned it.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 4-14
- +4 Energy
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +2

- Upgradeable, Melee

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Bothan Chuka

- A very effective device used by Bothan elite. Some systems consider
  simple possession of one as grounds for execution as a spy. High-
  density discharge cells make this item unwieldy and unusable in the

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 3-3
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Stun On Hit 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10
- Attack Modifier +2

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Bothan Stun Stick

- A useful tool for espionage, this weapon is more effective than the
  standard stun baton, but is still available on most worlds. High-
  density discharge cells make this item unwieldy and unusable in the

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 2-2
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Stun On Hit 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10
- Attack Modifier +1

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Double-Bladed Sword

- A difficult weapon to master, the double bladed sword has a grip in
  the center with two long blades emerging from either end. The double-
  bladed sword is capable of inflicting more damage - but is also less
  precise - than the single-bladed variant.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 2-12
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Echani Foil

- These swords were crafted to honor Raskta Fenni, the best Echani
  duelist of her time. Many were sold, but imperfections in the
  difficult lightsaber-deflecting cortosis weave caused few to survive.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 5-15
- Critical Threat 17-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +3

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Echani Ritual Brand

- Echani Firedancers use the double bladed Ritual Brand in a dodging
  and slicing pattern so graceful it looks more like a dance than

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 3-13
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +1

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Echani Vibroblade

- These blades are typically used in the off hand. In addition to a
  cortosis weave that deflects lightsaber sparring damage, some Echani
  vibroblades are supercooled to keep them in alignment, giving them an
  icy sting.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 3-12
- Damage Bonus +2 Cold
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +2

- Gaffi Stick

- The gaffi stick, or gaderffii, is the traditional melee weapon of the
  San People. Crafted out of whatever salvage is at hand, they can be
  very effective in close combat.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 1-8
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Krath Blood Blade

- Twisted by the dark side, this Krath weapon is as deadly as a modern
  vibroblade. It was meant for assassinations, and a cortosis weave
  that prevents lightsaber sparring damage ensured that even Jedi must
  respect it.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 2-11
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +1

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Krath Dire Sword

- This was a weapon of distinction in the time of the Krath. Protected
  against lightsaber sparring damage, Sith would grant these cortosis-
  laced blades to only the most loyal underlings.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 3-13
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +1

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Krath Double Sword:

- Twisted by the dark side, the Krath favored weapons of fearsome
  appearance requiring brute strength to wield, and the blades of this
  weapon are certainly effective, if not elegant.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 4-14
- Damage Bonus +1 Cold
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +2

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Krath War Blade

- Twisted by the dark side, the Krath tempered swords with the power of
  the Force perhaps even before lightsabers became the weapon of the
  Jedi, both dark and light.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 2-13
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +1

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Long Sword

- Here is where the roots of the lightsaber begin, with traditional
  swords still wielded today in many primitive cultures. They are
  simple, but still effective in the right hands.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 1-12
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Mission's Vibroblade

Working with few resources, Mission Vao turned this basic vibroblade
into an exceptional weapon almost as adaptable as she is.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage 1-10
- Damage Bonus +1 Physical
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +1

- Upgradeable, Melee

- Naga Sadow's Poison Blade

- The mere presence of Dark Lord Naga Sadow would come to imbue his
  personal weapons with the taint he carried, poisoned as him spirit

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 4-15
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Poison On Hit, Average Damage DC 25
- Attack Modifier +3

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Prototype Vibroblade

- This is a very adaptable model of vibroblade, made for the user on a
  budget that will be purchasing upgrades as resources or finances
  become available.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage. 1-10
- Damage Bonus +3 Physical
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +1

- Upgradeable, Melee

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Quarterstaff

- Usually just a smooth staff of wood or light alloys, this is a very
  simple weapon of ancient design.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 1-6
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Rakatan Battle Wand

- Weighted to fit a Rakatan grip, this item is most like a stun baton.
  It seems more adaptable than one of Republic issue, though similar
  high-density cells make it unwieldy and unusable with weapons in the

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 3-3
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Stun On Hit 50% chance, 6 seconds, DC 14
- Attack Modifier +2

- Upgradeable, Melee

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Sanasiki's Blade

- Sanasiki used this weapon to kill Nelinik, a Zabrak who assassinated
  the Echani High Protector with battle droids. Cortosis protects the
  blade against lightsaber sparring damage while energy cells disrupt
  droid opponents.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage. 3-12
- Ion +3 vs. Droid
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

- Upgradeable, Melee

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Short Sword

- Disregarded by most modern warriors, a good short sword can still
  serve well in combat if the user is skilled.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage. 1-6
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
-  Balanced +2/+0 vs. two weapon penalty if used in the off hand

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Silver Lined Sword

- This blade is long and straight and sparkles with a silver glow that
  becomes brighter as the hilt is touched. It is quite warm, and it
  almost appears that the blade becomes white-hot once it is equipped.
  Such a fiery weapon would be devastating against an unarmored
  opponent. A small insignia of a flame is impressed upon the hilt.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 1-12
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Sith Tremor Sword

- Traced to the Bladeborn, a Sith offshoot dedicated to sword mastery,
  these cortosis-laced weapons were given to "masterblades" who
  survived no less than ten lightsaber-wielding warriors in combat.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 4-14
- Damage Bonus +2 Sonic
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +2

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Stun Baton

- A common weapon, stun batons do minimal damage but can incapacitate a
  target. The high-density cells needed for repeated discharge are
  unwieldy, making it unusable in the off-hand.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage. 1-1
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Stun On Hit 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Vibro Double-Blade

- Ultrasonic vibrations make this double-bladed sword exceptionally
  deadly. A rare Echani cortosis weave protects it against lightsaber
  sparring damage, ensuring effectiveness even against Jedi and Sith.
  The double-bladed sword is capable of inflicting more damage - but is
  also less precise - than the single-bladed.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 2-16
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Vibroblade

- Small size makes this a good off hand weapon. Echani vibroblades use
  a rare cortosis weave to prevent lightsaber sparring damage, allowing
  traditional swordplay to continue in the time of Jedi and Sith.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 1-10
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Vibrosword

- Like most vibro blades, this weapon left off a dim humming sound once
  activated. Its length shimmers with a deep blue-colored force field,
  and its hilt is the black of charcoal. A single insignia upon the
  hilt shows that of a red, baleful eye.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 2-12
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2

- Melee weapons Proficiency

- Vibrosword

- Like most vibro blades, this weapon left off a dim humming sound once
  activated. Its length shimmers with a deep blue-colored force field,
  and its hilt is the black of charcoal. A single insignia upon the
  hilt shows that of a red, baleful eye.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 7-17
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +5

- Melee weapons Proficiency

- Vulkar Shock Stick

- A favorite weapon of the Vulkars, this modified stun baton is
  designed more for the purpose of inflicting pain than actually
  incapacitating an opponent. The high-density cells needed for
  repeated discharge are unwieldy, making it unusable in the off hand.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 2-5
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Stun On Hit 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Wookiee Warblade

- Though initially they might seem cumbersome, Wookiee Warblades are
  actually a very efficient design. Kept in continual motion, they can
  cut a swath through almost anything.

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 1-20
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

- Yusanis's Brand

- Yusanis was the most famous of Echani warriors, fighting against
  oppression and villainy until encountering Darth Revan. Discovering
  that Revan had killed an Echani senator, Yusanis attempted to tell
  authorities but fell to the powers of the Sith Lord despite his own
  impressive abilities and the cortosis weave inherent in all Echani

Weapon Properties:
- Physical Damage, 4-18
- Ion +5 vs. Droid
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +2

- Upgradeable, Melee

- Melee Weapons Proficiency

  11j. Weapons - Mines  

- Average Flash Mine

- This variant of the stun mine is an improvement on the basic model.
  Larger power cells increase its effectiveness a considerable amount.

- None

- Stun for 9sec

Area of Effect:
- 3.3m radius

- DC20 to negate stun

- Average Frag Mine

- Like all frag mines, this item sends a blast of shrapnel through any
  nearby enemies. This variant is much more powerful than the basic

- Piercing, 30pts

Area of Effect:
- 3.3m radius

- DC20 for half damage

- Average Gas Mine

- This item emits a far more toxic cloud of gas than the basic model
  mine of this type.

- Special

- Poison, 4 pts every 3 sec

Duration: 30sec

Area of Effect:
- 3.3m radius

- DC20 for no effect

- Average Plasma Mine

- An extremely volatile mixture of incendiary chemicals makes this
  plasma mine much more powerful than the basic model.

- Heat, 42pts

Area of Effect:
- 3.3m radius

- DC20 for half damage

- Deadly Plasma Mine

- The most damaging plasma mine available, this item throws intense
  heat over a wide radius.

- Heat, 72pts

Area of Effect:
- 3.3m radius

- DC25 for half damage

- Minor Flash Mine

- Carefully set flash mines can stun any enemies unfortunate enough to
  step on them. This is the basic model.

- None

- Stun for 9sec

Area of Effect:
- 3.3m radius

- DC15 to negate stun

- Minor Frag Mine

- Frag mines send blasts of shrapnel through any nearby enemies. This
  is the basic model.

- Piercing, 18pts

Area of Effect:
- 3.3m radius

- DC15 for half damage

- Mine Gas Mine

- When stepped on, gas mines saturate the immediate area with poisonous
  gas. This is the basic model.

- Special

- Poison, 3 pts every 3 sec

- 30sec

Area of Effect:
- 3.3m radius

- DC15 for no effect

- Minor Plasma Mine

- When stepped on, plasma mines emit a short burst of intense heat,
  searing all enemies nearby. This is the basic model.

- Heat, 24pts

Area of Effect:
- 3.3m radius

- DC15 for half damage

- Permacrete Detonator

- This powerful detonator is extremely complicated. Only someone
  trained in its use could set and activate it.


  11k. Weapons - Ranged  

- Arkanian Heavy Pistol

- Arkanian designs of this kind predated mass acceptance of heavier
  pistols, but 2000 years later they are still superior performers.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 2-9
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol

- Arkanian Pistol

- This is a versatile blaster variant, possibly of ancient Arkanian
  origin. The Arkanians are very proud that such early efforts continue
  to be prized among collectors and soldiers.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 3-8
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +2

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Bendak's Blaster

- This blaster belonged to Bendak Starkiller, a duelist legendary on
  Taris. It is a highly adaptable weapon, and is definitely of better
  quality than any standard issue pistol.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 2-7
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +1

- Upgradeable, Ranged

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Blaster Cannon

- The blaster cannon is a favorite among captains wealthy enough to
  hire experienced, dangerous crews and who might need a way to take
  them out quick if things go bad.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 3-10
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +2

- 28m

- Heavy Weapons Proficiency

- Blaster Carbine

- Created initially by Gungis X Weapons, blaster carbine rifles have
  become very popular in recent years, helped by falling prices due to
  competition from other companies.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 1-8
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2

- 25m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Blaster Pistol

- The most common ranged weapon in the galaxy is the basic blaster
  pistol, firing a bolt of intense coherent light powered by a
  replacement power pack.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 1-6
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Blaster Rifle

- More powerful than the commonly available pistol, the blaster rifle
  is favored by soldiers throughout the galaxy. Civilian ownership of
  these weapons is not generally encouraged.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 1-8
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Bothan Discord Gun

- This was conceived as a "last resort" weapon should espionage fail
  and a quick retreat be called for. It is effective, but the Bothans
  would prefer that it not be needed.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Sonic, 2-7
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- On Hit Attribute Damage Dexterity DC 14
- Attack Modifier +1

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Bothan Droid Disruptor

- Droids can be difficult obstacles for a spy, but these weapons take
  all the guesswork out of dealing with them.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Ion, 2-7
- Ion +2-12 vs. Droid
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +1

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Bothan Needler

- For serious espionage, this is the weapon of choice. Simple ownership
  can get you arrested in some systems, or invited to dine with
  royalty, depending on what it helped you learn.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 3-6
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Stun On hit 25%, chance, 6 seconds, DC 10
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +2

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Bothan Quick Draw

- An unconscious opponent is a quiet opponent. This weapon is a Bothan
  favorite, designed to "create opportunities."

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 2-5
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Stun On Hit 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +1

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Bothan Shrieker

- This is an improvement over the standard sonic pistol design that
  must seem doubly shrill to the large ears of the Bothans.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Sonic, 2-5
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- On Hit Attribute Damage Dexterity DC 14
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +1

- 17m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Bowcaster

- The bowcaster is an invention of the Wookiees of Kashyyyk. Also
  called a laser crossbow, it actually uses a magnetic accelerator to
  hurl an explosive energy quarrel at its target.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 1-10
- Damage Bonus +2 Physical
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Carth's Blaster

- Carth's personal blaster is based on an old Arkanian design, but he
  has adapted it to incorporate all of the latest modular technology
  available to the Republic.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 4-9
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +2

- Upgradeable, Ranged

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Cassus Fett's Heavy Pistol

- Cassus Fett was rarely seen without this adaptable blaster. Famous
  for killing the captain of a flagship Republic frigate at the Battle
  of Jaga's Cluster, he is presumed dead.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 4-11
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Stun On Hit 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +3

- Upgradeable, Ranged

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Chuundar's Bowcaster

- Chuundar's personal weapon is a bowcaster with some unusual Czerka
  modifications. Most Wookiees would likely not appreciate such outside

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 3-12
- Damage Bonus +4 Physical
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +2

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Cinnagaran Carbine

- This blaster rifle variant is one of the many fine weapons produced
  by the factories of Cinnagar in their continued militarizing after
  the Great Hyperspace War a thousand years ago.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 3-10
- Damage Bonus +1 Physical
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +2

- 25m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Disruptor Rifle

- This disruptor is even more destructive than its pistol counterpart,
  and is outlawed on just as many worlds. Disruptors reduce solid
  matter to its constituent molecules. Painfully. Unlike typical
  blasters, disruptors ignore most types of personal energy shields.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Physical, 1-6
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Heavy Blaster

- These resemble regular blasters in the same way Quoorian marshsuckers
  resemble mosquitoes. Sure, they both do damage, but the former
  definitely has the edge in kill-potential.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 1-8
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Heavy Repeating Blaster

- This weapon again increases the firepower available to the foot
  soldier or mercenary, but it is not for the lightly armored who wish
  to be quick on their feet.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 1-10
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +1

- 28m

- Heavy Weapons Proficiency

- Hold Out Blaster

- Sometimes called a "sleeper," the hold out blaster in the preferred
  method of temporarily incapacitating an enemy.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 1-4
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Stun On Hit 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Ion Blaster

- Unlike a typical blaster, this weapon fires a stream of energy very
  damaging to electrical systems, causing havoc on the internal
  components of droids.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Ion, 1-4
- Ion +1-10 vs. Droid
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

- 17m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Ion Rifle

- Any well-stocked militia usually has stores of ion rifles in reserve.
  They aren't much use against the living, but if the enemy has battle
  droids these weapons become essential.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Ion, 1-6
- Ion +2-12 vs. Droid
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Jamoh Hogra's Carbine

- This was the weapon of mercenary Jamoh Hogra, and was supposed to
  protect him against the many enemies he earned in his lifetime.
  Hogra's skill didn't match its potential, however.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 3-10
- Damage Bonus +1-4 Physical
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +2

- Upgradeable, Ranged

- 25m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Jurgan Kalta's Assault Rifle

- Jurgan Kalta wanted to make a big noise in the galaxy. If it was the
  screams of his enemies, all the better. This weapon was his favorite
  because it shared his adaptability.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 1-8
- Ion +1-6 vs. Droid
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +3

- Upgradeable, Ranged

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Light Repeating Blaster

- This weapon allows the user to fire more quickly than usual,
  increasing his chances of survival without drastically changing the
  amount of equipment he would normally carry.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 1-8
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2

- 28m

- Heavy Weapons Proficiency

- Mandalorian Assault Rifle

- These weapons are almost overpowered for their size, but the
  Mandalorians prefer them that way. They do not make a habit of being
  subtle in their war making.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 3-10
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Stun On Hit 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10
- Attack Modifier +2

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Mandalorian Blaster

- The Mandalorian Blaster is a slightly more powerful version of the
  basic pistol common throughout the galaxy.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 2-7
- Critical Threat 20-20. x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +1

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Mandalorian Heavy Pistol

- Mandalorians boast that a shot from one of these pistols can take a
  starship out of commission. It's an obvious exaggeration, but for
  safety's sake, most listeners just smile and nod.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 4-11
- Damage Bonus +2 Physical
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +3

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Mandalorian Heavy Repeater

- With this weapon, the Mandalorians again demonstrate a complete lack
  of subtlety. The only thing better than a big blaster, apparently, is
  one that shoots faster.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 1-10
- Damage Bonus +1-4 Ion
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +1

- 28m

- Heavy Weapons Proficiency

- Mandalorian Ripper

- A weapon similar to this energy-propelled slug-thrower belonged to
  Jigger Wraith, a bounty hunter who plagued the Republic years ago.
  Thirty-seven Mandalorians were executed for being him until sightings
  declined. As a type of disruptor, this weapon ignores most personal
  energy shields.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Physical, 3-6
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +2

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Medium Repeating Blaster

- Weapons such as this are not usually available for public purchase.
  They are best utilized during quick troop deployment and other
  situations where rapid suppressing fire is required.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 2-9
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +1

- 28m

- Heavy Weapons Proficiency

- Ordo's Repeating Blaster

- This prototype heavy repeater was developed during the latter part of
  the Mandalorian War and never saw general production.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 2-11
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2

- Upgradeable, Ranged

- 28m

- Heavy Weapons Proficiency

- Sith Assassin Pistol

- These weapons are designed to incapacitate so death may be quick or
  lingered upon as desired. Droids are simply dispatched, as cruelty is
  best rationed among the living.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 3-6
- Ion +1-10 vs. Droid
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Stun On Hit 25% chance, 6 seconds, Dc 10
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +2

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Sith Assassin Pistol

- These weapons are designed to incapacitate so death may be quick or
  lingered upon as desired. Droids are simply dispatched, as cruelty is
  best rationed among the living.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 6-9
- Ion +1-10 vs. Droid
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Stun On Hit 25% chance, 6 seconds, Dc 10
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +5

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Sith Assault Gun

- This is a modification on the blaster carbine rarely seen outside of
  Sith-controlled space.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 2-9
- Damage Bonus +1 Physical
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +1

- 25m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Sith Sniper Rifle

- Despite its effectiveness, these modified blaster rifles are not
  often employed by the Sith. They prefer to engage their enemies up
  close and personal.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 2-9
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +1

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Sonic Pistol

- Sometimes referred to as "squealers", these weapons deliver a high-
  frequency jolt to the senses that can damage and potentially
  disorient an opponent.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Sonic, 1-4
- Critical Threat 20-20, 2
- On Hit Attribute Damage Dexterity DC 14
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

- 17m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Sonic Rifle

- More powerful than the pistol, the sonic rifle fires a blast of sound
  that causes a great deal of sensory overload in addition to damage,
  disorienting the victim.

Weapon Properties:
- Blaster Sonic, 1-6
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- On Hit Attribute Damage Dexterity DC 14

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Verpine Droid Disruptor

- While they may have borrowed liberally from designs the Bothans
  initiated, the Verpine say you can't argue with results. These
  weapons are simply devastating against droids.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Ion, 3-8
- Ion +2-12 vs. Droid
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +2

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Verpine Prototype Ion Blaster

- Demonstrating this weapon, the insect-like Verpine destroyed legions
  of droids, going nothing to quell the public's suspicions of what
  testing their stun guns must have been like.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Ion, 3-6
- Ion +1-10 vs. Droid
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +2

- 17m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Zaalbar's Bowcaster

- This is Zaalbar's personal bowcaster. He has made modifications to it
  over the years, but it still tightly conforms to the traditions of
  his people.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 1-10
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +1

- Upgradeable, Ranged

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Zabrak Battle Cannon

- These weapons are almost beginning to cross the line to light
  artillery. Armor is generally ineffective against such a weapon,
  unless it is of the highest quality.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 6-13
- Critical Threat 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +3

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Zabrak Blaster Pistol

- This blaster is the staple of the Zabrak mercenary, known for deadly
  accuracy and exceptional damage.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 4-9
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Stun On Hit 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +3

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency

- Zabrak Disruptor Cannon

- Zabrak always command respect, especially with the aid of weapons
  that are even more damaging than already-outlawed standard
  disruptors. Unlike typical blasters, disruptors ignore most types of
  personal energy shields.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Physical, 8-13
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier +2

- 28m

- Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency

- Zabrak Tystel Mark III

- The Zabrak killed many pirates who were attempting to seize shipments
  of these weapons and then sold them on the black market anyway. It's
  not a matter of where they end up, but of who gets paid.

Weapon Properties:
- Damage Energy, 3-10
- Damage Bonus +2 Physical
- Critical Threat 20-20, x2
- Balanced +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier +2

- 23m

- Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency


  11l. Armor - Belt  

- Adrenaline Amplifier

- This device improves the wearer's reflexes by triggering prolonged
  bursts of adrenaline. It is thought to be perfectly safe, with only
  a few instances of uncontrolled muscle spasms.

- Reflex +2

- Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier

- This device is an improved version of the basic model, increasing
  effectiveness with fewer occurrences of side effects, it improves
  reflexes by triggering prolonged bursts of adrenaline.

- Reflex +3

- Adrenaline Stimulator

- This belt endows the wearer with hyper-sensitivity to their
  surroundings and dynamically improves reflexes and reaction time.

- Saves All +4
- Dexterity +2

- Advanced Stealth Unit

- Costly to produce, this unit refines the Stealth Mode field to better
  camouflage the user. Opponents must make an Awareness check versus
  user Stealth skill +4 or remain unaware of them. The user must have
  paid points into the Stealth skill to use Stealth Mode. Combat
  disrupts the field, but mundane tasks do not.

- Stealth +4

- Brejik's Belt

- Brejik's belt, when used in conjunction with his arm band, produces
  an effective barrier against melee attacks.

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 5/- vs. Bludgeoning

- Cardio-Regulator

- This belt monitors heartbeat and breathing and releases chemicals
  into the body should either of these become irregular. This gives
  the wearer a higher fortitude than most.

- Fortitude +2

- CNS Strength Enhancer

- An experimental system that amplifies power signals along the length
  of the central nervous system, this generator, attached to a belt,
  provides greater impulses to all muscles, as well as a resistance
  to all sorts of perturbations of the user's system.

- Saves All +2
- Strength +2

- Electrical Capacitance Shield

- This shielding device, worn around the waist, absorbs and stores
  electrical energy directed at the user, which is then released slowly
  over a period of time, dissipating harmlessly. The manner of release
  generates vibrations along the inside edge of the shield, giving it
  the less than complimentary nickname, 'The Tingler'.

- 100% Damage Immunity vs. Electrical

- Nerve Amplifier Belt

- This belt monitors the brain, emitting energy waves to reinforce
  established patterns and block any outside influence. It's extremely
  effective, if mildly uncomfortable.

- Mind-Affecting Immunity

- Sound Dampening Stealth Unit

- This Republic unit improves on the basic Stealth Mode field by
  dampening all sound that the user might make. Opponents must make an
  Awareness check versus user Stealth skill +2 or remain unaware of
  them. The user must have paid points into the Stealth skill to gain
  the use of Stealth Mode. Combat disrupts the field, but mundane tasks
  do not.

- Stealth +2

- Stealth Field Generator

- This device enables Stealth Mode, a camouflage field that hides the
  user. Opponents must make an Awareness check versus the Stealth skill
  of the user of remain unaware of them. The user must have paid points
  into the Stealth skill to use Stealth Mode. Combat disrupts the
  field, but mundane tasks do not.

- Thermal Shield Generator

- This generator forms a magnetic shield around the wearer which, while
  ineffective against most modern weaponry, does allow for the ablation
  of directed heat attacks, generally in the form of fire.

- 100% Damage Immunity vs. Fire

- Verpine Cardio-Regulator

- This device regulates the body in distress with emergency fortitude
  support for the wearer. It functions so well that some wonder how
  many "bodies in distress" the Verpine tested.

- Fortitude +3


  11m. Armor - Body  

- Battle Armor

- This isn't the heaviest of armor, but it comes close. Designed for
  heavy militias, it has the protection needed to keep a soldier alive
  during ranged combat with massive weapons.

- Defence +8
- Max Dexterity +1

- Armor Proficiency Heavy

- Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit

- Bonadan is an emerging industrial society financing their exploration
  of the galaxy through production of small arms and armor. They favor
  heavy materials offering solid defence.

- Defence +6
- Max Dexterity +4

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Bronzium Light Battle Armor

- This molded armor is made of better materials than the standard
  military issue, but is still relatively cheap and easy to mass-
  produce, making it ideal for light militias and the like.

- Defence +8
- Max Dexterity +2

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Calo Nord's Battle Armor

- Commissioned by Calo Nord, this armor was based on heavily modified
  Mandalorian designs. The maker was killed to appease Nord's ego,
  ensuring his suit would forever be unique.

- Defence +9
- Max Dexterity +1

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 10/- vs. Cold
- Resist 10/- vs. Fire 
- Resist 10/- vs. Sonic

- Upgradeable Armor

- Armor Proficiency Heavy

- Cassus Fett's Battle Armor

- The armor of Cassus Fett, the most wanted man in known space. Famous
  for killing the captain of a flagship Republic frigate at the Battle
  of Jaga's Cluster, he is presumed dead.

- Defence +10
- Max Dexterity +0

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 10/- vs. Cold
- Resist 10/- vs. Fire
- Resist 10/- vs. Sonic

- Upgradeable Armor

- Armor Proficiency Heavy

- Cinnagar War Suit

- After the Great Hyperspace War a thousand years ago, the heirs of
  Empress Teta militarized their world and industry, a legacy that
  produced battle armor still sought after today.

- Defence +7
- Max Dexterity +3

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 15/- vs. Sonic

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Clothing

- These are simple garments that protect little more than the modesty
  of the wearer.

- Combat Suit

- Even the most frugal of mercenaries know they need at least some
  protection from the rigors of combat, although suits of this type are
  recommended for light skirmishes only.

- Defence +4
- Max Dexterity +5

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Dark Jedi Knight Robes

- Designed for those who relish personal combat, and know that power
  comes to those who take it, these robes offer good protection with no
  hindrance to movement.

- Defence +2
- Max Dexterity +8

- Jedi Defence

- Dark Jedi Master Robe

- These robes offer superior protection while still allowing full
  freedom of movement. They are the robes of the true masters, those
  whose will and authority go unopposed.

- Defence +3
- Max Dexterity +8

- Jedi Defence

- Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor

- Despite the unfortunate fate of Darth Bandon, this light armor remains
  a desirable asset for any warrior. The silvery polish reflects a pride
  in craftsmanship rarely seen today.

- Defence +5
- Max Dexterity +5

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 25/- vs. Fire

- Upgradeable Armor

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Darth Revan's Robes

- Created by the mystical technology of the Star Forge, these robes
  focus the dark side energies of the wearer, fueling their power. The
  Sith Lord Darth Revan was wearing similar robes when captured by the
  Jedi, who viewed the garments as an abomination and destroyed them.
  However the Jedi Council, not being familiar with the origins of the
  robes, were unaware that the Star Forge would be capable of producing
  an item of such terrible power a second time.

- Defence +5
- Max Dexterity +8
- Strength +4
- Regeneration +1

- Restricted to Jedi Consular
- Restricted to Jedi Guardian
- Restricted to Jedi Sentinel
- Restricted to Dark Side

- Davik's War Suit

- Davik spent lavishly on his safety, and many a bounty hunter ended up
  dead in the streets for underestimating both his will to live and the
  protective qualities of his armor.

- Defence +8
- Max Dexterity +3

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 10/- vs. Cold
- Resist 10/- vs. Fire

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Durasteel Heavy Armor

- Battle armor production is thriving on Banadan as the Republic
  recovers from war. This model's thinner skin of durasteel reduces
  weight, but still restricts movement somewhat.

- Defence +10
- Max Dexterity +0

- Armor Proficiency Heavy

- Echani Battle Armor

- This armor provides solid defence at the cost of some flexibility,
  although it is still an Echani product and is therefore well suited to
  quick-moving combat.

- Defence +7
- Max Dexterity +3

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Echani Fiber Armor

- Many elite Echani duelists use armor of this type, though its
  adaptability has made it popular with professional soldiers and bounty
  hunters alike.

- Defence +5
- Max Dexterity +5

- Upgradeable Armor

Armor Proficiency Light

- Echani Light Armor

- Echani prefer elegant design to brute force. The Maktites learned this
  when their stores of thermal weapons were rendered ineffective by
  simple changes in the Echani light armor.

- Defence +5
- Max Dexterity +5

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 15/- vs. Fire

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit

- Attributed to Exar Kun, this armor may well have been worn by the Dark
  Lord prior to his defeat forty years ago. He was rarely without
  considerable, yet flexible, personal armor.

- Defence +9
- Max Dexterity +3

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Krath Heavy Armor

- Typical of the old Krath military elite, these suits were worn during
  slave raids on neighboring systems. Slaving is profitable but risky,
  so little cost is spared in equipment.

- Defence +9
- Max Dexterity +2

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Krath Holy Battle Suit

- Many Krath sought to be guards of their dark temples in armor of this
  type. cynics dismiss this fervor, noting that guard duty was safer
  that participating in military slave raids.

- Defence +9
- Max Dexterity +2

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 15/- vs. Cold
- Resist 15/- vs. Fire
- Resist 15/- vs. Sonic

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Genoharadan Mesh Armor

- This perfectly balanced armor provides maximum protection without
  hampering a Genoharadan agent's ability to stalk his prey in total

- Defence +7
- Max Dexterity +5
- Stealth +4
- Dexterity +3

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Heavy Battle Armor

- This is the heaviest armor available for the soldier that requires
  maximum protection from direct damage. Some consider the fit
  claustrophobic, but that's the tradeoff for safety.

- Defence +9
- Max Dexterity +0

- Armor Proficiency heavy

- Heavy Combat Suit

- This version of the combat suit offers more protection than the basic
  model. It is heavier overall and not quite as flexible, but many
  consider the tradeoffs worthwhile.

- Defence +5
- Max Dexterity +4

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Jamoh Hogra's Battle Armor

- Jamoh Hogra was a Zabrak mercenary who feared for his life after a
  raid on a Sith dreadnaught. He spent a fortune on his personal armor,
  only to be killed while in the bath.

- Defence +11
- Max Dexterity +2
- Immunity to Critical Hits
- Strength +1

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Jedi Knight Robe

- Members of the Order typically wear plain or unassuming garments, but
  this variant offers the additional protection needed by Jedi
  influencing important events.

- Defence +2
- Max Dexterity +8

- Jedi Defence

- Jedi Master Robe

- Members of the Order typically wear plain or unassuming garments, but
  Jedi Masters also know the importance of adequate protection when
  great challenges must be surmounted.

- Defence +3
- Max Dexterity +8

- Jedi Defence

- Jedi Robe

- Members of the Jedi Order typically wear plain or unassuming garments.

- Defence +1
- Max Dexterity +8

- Jedi Defence

- Light Battle Armor

- Providing solid protection for a minimal cost, this armor is excellent
  for entrenched troops or guards. A force on the move, however, may
  find it somewhat constricting.

- Defence +7
- Max Dexterity +2

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Mandalorian Assault Armor

- This was the armor of the Mandalorian elite frontline troops, a sight
  that Republic soldiers were all too familiar with during the war.

- Defence +13
- Max Dexterity +0

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 25/- vs. Cold
- Resist 25/- vs. Fire

- Armor Proficiency Heavy

- Mandalorian Battle Armor

- Republic soldiers saw this armor all too often during the Mandalorian
  War. It's understandable that the conflict could drag on when a
  fanatical enemy is so defensively outfitted.

- Defence +11
- Max Dexterity +0

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 25/- vs. Electrical

- Armor Proficiency Heavy

- Massassi Ceremonial Armor

- Long-term domination by the Sith has erased the memory of the Massassi
  rituals for which this armor was designed, but it retains its
  effectiveness on the battlefield regardless.

- Defence +5
- Max Dexterity +5
- Immunity to Critical Hits

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Military Suit

- This standard issue suit provides good protection, but can be heavier
  and more restrictive than some of its counterparts. Even so, many
  mercenaries swear the tradeoffs are worth it.

- Defence +6
- Max Dexterity +3

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Powered Battle Armor

- The micro-hydraulics of this armor provides the operator with both
  protection and strength enhancement. It is rare outside of
  professional mercenaries and soldiers.

- Defence +9
- Max Dexterity +1
- Strength +1

- Armor Proficiency Heavy

- Powered Light Battle Armor

- This is an early attempt at power-assisted armor. Dampening fields
  block the noise of servomotors, unintentionally shielding against
  external extremes in sonic frequencies as well.

- Defence +8
- Max Dexterity +2
- Strength +1

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 25/- vs. Sonic

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Qel-Droma Robes

- The Force is strong in the Qel-Droma blood, and many of the family
  have joined the Jedi Order over the centuries. These robes were
  created as a gift for Cay Qel-Droma during the war against Exar Kun,
  and it is said that only one who truly walks the path of the light can
  wear them Cay himself wore the robes in his duel against Ulic
  Qel-Droma, his brother who has fallen to the dark side. Cay was slain
  in the battle, but his death at his brother's hand eventual lead to
  Ulic's redemption. These powerful robes then passed down to Duron
  Qel-Droma, Cay's cousin. then he joined the Jedi. But Duron
  disappeared shortly aster the time of the Great Hunt, and the robes

  were lost with him.

- Defence +5
- Max Dexterity +8
- Wisdom +2

- Jedi Defence
- Light Side

- Reinforced Fiber Armor

- Inspired by craftsmen on worlds where metal is in short supply, this
  type of light armor consists of jung-ju tree fibers bound with
  synthetics, offering good, flexible protection.

- Defence +7
- Max Dexterity +4

- Armor Proficiency Light
- Republic Mod Armor

- The Republic has prospered militarily by keeping its troops well
  supplied with modular armor, ensuring they are always prepared for a
  variety of battle  conditions.

- Defence +6
- Max Dexterity +4
- Immunity Mind-Affecting

- Upgradeable Armor

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Sand People Clothing

- These are the intricate robes of a Sand People warrior. They seem to
  be in good condition, and might allow a wearer to superficially appear
  to be a member of the Sand People species.

- Max Dexterity +8

- Star Forge Robes

- Created by the mystical technology of the Star Forge, these robes
  focus the inherent Force abilities of the wearer, fueling their power.
  Although the Star Forge itself is an artifact of the dark side, these
  robes were customized using an analysis of the Jedi they were created
  for, resulting in a powerful light side item that the Jedi can safely
  use against their enemies without the fear of taint or corruption.

- Defence +5
- Max Dexterity +8
- Saves All =2
- Wisdom +5

- Restricted to Jedi Consular
- Restricted to Jedi Guardian
- Restricted to Jedi Sentinel
- Restricted to Light Side

- Verpine Fiber Armor

- Raxsus Nuli had plans of planetary conquest in the wake of Sith
  aggression. Though eclipsed by the recent events, the Jedi saw the
  pirate jailed and his Verpine stockpiles auctioned.

- Defence +8
- Max Dexterity +3

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh

- Using the highly expensive Zal alloy, the Verpine have developed a
  suit without peer. The only thing greater than the protective
  capabilities of this armor is the price.

- Defence +12
- Max Dexterity +1

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 25/- vs. Cold
- Resist 25/- vs. Fire
- Resist 25/- vs. Sonic

- Armor Proficiency Heavy

- Zabrak Battle Armor

- In northern Iridonia the Zabrak produce expensive armor that
  nonetheless has become very popular on the galactic markets, due to
  excellent low-temperature defensive properties.

- Defence +6
- Max Dexterity + 4

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 20/- vs. Cold

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Zabrak Combat Suit

- A Zabrak improvement on the combat suit, this armor is good protection
  where speed and unrestricted movement are more important than bulky

- Defence +5
- Max Dexterity +5

- Armor Proficiency Light


  11n. Armor - Hands  

- Brejik's Gloves

- Brejik's gloves are designed to enhance the hand/eye coordination of
  the wearer.

- Dexterity +1

- Dominator Gauntlets

- A working proto-type of a huge technological advancement in power
  gauntlets, the Dominators give the user unparalleled strength and

- Strength +5

- Eriadu Strength Amplifier

- This device uses micro-bursts of repulsorlift energy to assist
  actions in combat, giving the appearance that the user is stronger
  than normal.

- Strength +2

- Infiltrator Gloves

- These gloves are equipped with an advanced artificial intelligence
  unit that the wearer can use to tap into nearby computer systems
  through cables or wireless transmission. The system also stabilizes
  the wearer's hands for fine detail work.

- Computer Use +4
- Security +4
- Dexterity +1

- Karakan Gauntlets

- These heavy gauntlets, created by the isolationist Karakan, are
  almost a complete medical computer in themselves. They constantly
  monitor and adjust the nervous impulses, blood pressure, and tension
  through the wearers hands. The resulting increase in stability and
  overall system integrity have many benefits.

- Saves All +3
- Dexterity +1

- Marko Ragnos' Gauntlets

- Ancient but still intact, these gloves appear to be made of black
  scales; they pulse with a dark power.

- Weapon Focus: Lightsaber
- Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber

- Dark Side only

- Jedi Defence

- Stabilizer Gauntlets

- These gauntlets are quite stiff, minimizing actions that might
  interfere with the manipulation of volatile materials. The user must
  have basic knowledge of Demolitions (paid points into the skill) to
  benefit from this item.

- Demolitions +2

- Strength Gauntlets

- Developed by the Mephilis Corporation, these gauntlets use pulses of
  energy to stimulate muscles at the key leverage points of combat
  actions, effectively increasing strength.

- Strength +1


  11o. Armor - Head  

- Advanced Aural Amplifier

- In a fine balancing act, this unit amplifies the faint sounds of
  moving creatures, while filtering out louder background noise that
  might otherwise deafen the user.

- Awareness +4

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Aural Amplifier

- With this item, Durkish Corporation abandoned visual detection in
  favor of aural, citing that most creatures breathe, and even
  camouflage fields can't blend the sound of that away.

- Awareness +2

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Bothan Perception Visor

- Bothans treat information like any other resource, and invest a great
  deal in devices that help collect it. These Bothan visors are
  considered to be among the best in the galaxy.

- Awareness +3
- Demolitions +2
- Security +2

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Bothan Sensory Visor

- Bothans place great importance on the tools of the information trade.
  They would consider these items to be of average quality, though
  their standards are exceptionally high.

- Awareness +4
- Demolitions +3
- Security +3

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Breath Mask

- This is standard issue gear for Republic forces and most professional
  soldiers, protecting against a variety of gas-based attacks.

- Poison Immunity

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Combat Sensor

- The targeting software inherent in this visor uses predictive
  algorithms to direct the wearer's gaze, allowing them to function
  more efficiently in combat.

- Dexterity +2
- Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol
- Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Davik's Visor

- Davik's visor is designed to enhance the user's ability to target and
  deal damage when using a blaster.

- Improved Power Blast

- Demolitions Sensor

- This item uses advanced processors to assist the wearer in the visual
  analysis of microelectronics commonly used in demolitions. The acuity
  granted also serves to improve general awareness.

- Awareness +8
- Demolitions +4

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Interface Band

- This item provides a mental interface to a store of information on
  electronic systems common to security, demolitions, and general
  computing functions.

- Computer Use +2
- Demolitions +2
- Security +2
- Resist 5/- vs. Sonic

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Interface Visor

- This visor combines mental and visual interfaces to aid in the
  analysis of electronic systems common to security, demolitions, and
  general computing functions.

- Computer Use +4
- Demolitions +4
- Security +4
- Resist 5/- vs. Sonic

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Light-Scan Visor

- These are invaluable tools that increase visual acuity by analyzing
  light on several frequencies above those of normal sight.

- Awareness +4

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Motion Detection Goggles

- A built-in micro tracking processor means a user wearing these
  goggles can detect almost any movement.

- Awareness +2, Demolitions +1, Security +1

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Neural Band

- Developed after the Exar Kun war, this item bolsters the willpower of
  the user by electronically reinforcing established mental patterns.
  Republic troops called it "Little Shocky".

- Will +2

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Pistol Targetting Optics

- This advanced optics and targetting system, worn as a mask, attaches
  to a held weapon, in this case pistol, and provides targetting
  information, distances, and tracking of potential targets within line
  of sight.

- Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol
- Weapon Specialization: Blaster Pistol

- Sith Mask

- This mask blocks outside mental influence and other sensory noise,
  allowing the user to focus their abilities inward with no

- Mind-Affecting Immunity
- Weapon Focus Lightsaber
- Force Point Regeneration 1

- Armor Proficiency Heavy

- Sonic Nullifiers

- Replacing the bulky ear protection, these items make use of newly
  developed counterwave-nullifiers, an innovation pioneered by shipyard
  workers, not the military.

- Resist 10/- vs. Sonic

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Stabilizer Mask

- This mask uses micro-bursts of electricity to regulate the user's
  mental patterns. It effectively fortifies both mind and body against

- Mind-Affecting Immunity
- Saves All +2

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Stealth Field Reinforcement

- A very powerful item designed to both regulate stealth field
  emissions and improve the user's perception of the field while in
  Stealth Mode.

- Stealth +8

- Not useable by Wookiees

- Armor Proficiency Light

- Tulak Hord's Mask

- This ancient mask, blackened with age, has an eerie glow and seems
  uncomfortably claustrophobic.

- Stealth +2
- Resist 10/- vs. Fire

- Dark Side Only

- Vacuum Mask

- Intersystem travel is commonplace, but the inherent dangers should
  not be forgotten, especially in times of war. Many consider these to
  be essential equipment for spacefarers.

- Mind-Affecting Immunity

- Not useable by Wookiee

- Armor Proficiency Medium

- Verpine Headband

- Not subject to Republic regulations, the Verpine increased neural
  band effectiveness with brute electrical force. The market is there,
  but long-term effects on users are unknown.

- Will +3
- Awareness +2

- Not useable by Wookiees


  11p. Armor - Implant  

- Beemon Package

- Beemon's top of the line package usurps the body's natural reactions
  to stress and damage, allowing the user to withstand greater amounts
  of punishment and exertion than normally possible.

- Constitution +3

- Implant Level 3

- Bio-Antidote Package

- This implant maintains an ever-circulating stream of antitoxins in
  the user, increasing relevant antidotes for specific poisons
  introduced. Side effects include dry mouth.

- Poison Immunity

- Implant Level 3

- Cardio Package

- This implant micromanages the cardiovascular system, effectively
  increasing the user's constitution faster and further than hard work
  and exercise might.

- Constitution +1

- Implant Level 1

- Cardio Power System

- This implant increases the cardio-vascular recovery rate and pain
  tolerance of the wearer, giving them almost supernatural stamina.

- Constitution +4

- Implant Level 3

- Cyber Reaction System

- This system supplants the user's normal nervous system, enhancing it
  artificially. It allows the impulses to travel faster and farther
  along the system, improving reaction time, while also improving
  fine motor control, increasing accuracy,

- Dexterity +3

- Implant Level 3

- Gordulan Reaction System

- This implant hyper-stimulates the nervous system of the wearer,
  significantly improving both reaction time and hand-eye coordination.

- Dexterity +4

- Implant Level 3

- Memory Package

- This implant stimulates the brain, effectively increasing the user's
  capacity for intelligent thought, all at a price cheaper than a trip
  to the libraries of Coruscant.

- Intelligence +1

- Implant Level 1

- Navardan Regenerator

- This implant gives incredible healing powers, allowing wounds and
  injuries to heal in mere seconds instead of days or weeks.

- Regeneration 2

- Implant Level 3

- Nerve Enhancement Package

- This implant regulates the nervous system, preventing loss of
  consciousness due to sudden impact or sensory overload.

- Mind-Affecting Immunity

- Implant Level 2

- Response Package

- This implant boosts the regular energy impulses of the nervous
  system, sharpening the performance of dexterous action. Inactive
  users may suffer the odd lingering twitch.

- Dexterity +1

- Implant Level 1

- Retinal Combat Implant

- This ocular implant greatly increases visual acuity, allowing the
  user the better track enemy movement in combat. General awareness
  will improve as well.

- Immunity to Critical Hits
- Awareness +1

- Implant Level 2


  11q. Armor - Shields  

- Arkanian Energy Shield

- Even 2000 years after the designs were pioneered, Arkanian technology
  remains desirable. When equipped and activated, this forearm shield
  protects against a variety of combat conditions, though it must be
  replaced often due to burnout.

- Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, Electrical 40pts total

- 200 seconds, or max damage taken

- Brejik's Arm Band

- Brejik's arm band, when used on conjunction with his belt, generates
  an effective barrier against melee attacks.

Damage Resistance:
- Resist 5/- vs. Slashing

- Echani Dueling Shield

- Far more powerful than most forearm shields, when activated this unit
  absorbs some of the incoming energy to provide good protection
  without the need for bulky generators. The unit must still be
  replaced after repeated use, however.

- Energy, Electrical 60pts

- 200 seconds, or max damage taken

- Echani Shield

- The Echani put much effort into developing a forearm shied that, once
  activated, would allow a mercenary to close on a blaster-wielding
  enemy relatively unscathed. This unit is discarded once its energy
  cells are depleted.

- Energy, Sonic, Electrical 50pts total

- 200 seconds, or max damage taken

- Energy Shield

- When equipped and activated, these items project an energy shield
  around the wearer. The small power source can burn out when
  repeatedly stressed, requiring replacement of the entire unit.

- Energy, Electrical 20pts

- 200 seconds, or max damage taken

- Sith Energy Shield

- The Sith have made many improvements to personal forearm shielding,
  much to the dismay of the Jedi. Though efficient, the unit must be
  replaced often as it burns out when repeatedly activated.

- Energy, Sonic, Electrical 30pts total

- 200 seconds, or max damage taken

- Verpine Prototype Shield

- Though manufactured by the Verpine, these forearm shields are based
  on highly modified Arkanian designs. They are must-have items for the
  professional soldier, though they have to be replaced when the
  maximum number of activations are expended.

- Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, Electrical 70pts total

- 200 seconds, or max damage taken

- Yusanis' Dueling Shield

- Yusanis sponsored many of the advances the Echani people are known
  for. Produced in his honor, these forearm shields are unmatched on
  the battlefield. The unit must be replaced when the maximum number of
  activations is depleted.

- Energy, Electrical 100pts

- 200 seconds, or max damage taken


                              12. Pazaak                              
Rules: (Taken from game manual)
When challenging another player to Pazaak, the first order of business
is to make a wager on the match. Use the directional pad to change the
amount wagered, and press the A button to accept the bet and begin the

Once the wager has been locked in, the side deck for the match must be 
selected from the currently available cards in the deck. A basic Pazaak 
deck has two of each card numbered +1 to +5 available to create a side
deck. The side deck must consist of 10 cards. Use the directional pad
to highlight a card and press the Y button to add it to the side deck.
Cards can be removed from the side deck by pulling the right trigger to
switch the selection, highlighting the card to be removed and pressing
the Y button. Press the A button to proceed to the game once 10 cards
are in the side deck.

The object of the game is to have the face up card total higher than
the opponents hand without exceeding a total of 20. If a player's total
is greater that 20 at the end of a turn (a 'Bust'), the opponent win
the set. A player must win three sets to win the match. When the match
begins, four of the cards from the side deck will be randomly drawn to
form the player's HAND during the match. Additional side deck cards can
be found with values from +/-1 to +/-6.

The first player draws a card from the main deck and plays it face up
to begin the turn. This is done automatically. After each card is
played, an additional card can be played from the HAND by highlighting
the card and pressing the X button. Playing a HAND card is optional.
Also, you can only play one HAND card per turn. The player can also
press the A button to END the turn, OR press the Y button to STAND with
the current total. This continues until one player wins the set. Ties
do not count.

Cards from the players hand can only be used once, so the four cards
must last the entire match.

- Stand at any number above 15. Don't hit another card unless your
  opponent has 20 or greater than you and you don't have any cards in
  your side deck to use.
- Compose your deck with as many negative cards as you have. Being able
  to come down from a bust is the most important tactic to be able to
- Check the different stores and shops throughout the game to find
  those really rare and unique cards to buy. The better the deck, the
  better your chances at winning.
- When compiling your side deck, try to pick cards for different
  situations. Mix it up by adding a few of each number. That way,
  you'll be able to hit that magic number of 20 easier.

                        13. Swoop Bike Racing
Swoop racing is becoming a popular form of entertainment on many
Republic worlds. Fans are attracted to tournaments both by the
flamboyant personalities of their favorite racers, and the potential
for spectacular failures.

Swoop races are all about speed, and bikes are stripped of all
nonessential parts, including brakes and other deadweight. Press the A
Button once to activate thrusters, and move side-to-side using the left
thumbstick. Steer over the acceleration pads to receive speed boosts,
and each time the speed indicator tops out, press the A button again to
shift to more powerful thrusters. The time taken to complete the course
is tallied at the top of the screen.

Racing Tips:
- Don't hold the A button while you're waiting for the green light.
  Wait as the lights slowly flash, and as it hits green, immediately
  press the A button. This way, there will be no delay in accelerating.
- Avoid obstacles. I know this one seems obvious, but hitting an
  obstacle, even as little as one, can push your completion time up by
  2 or 3 seconds. In most races, those 2 or 3 seconds are enough to
  make you lose. 
- Don't go after acceleration pads if it means you're going to crash
  into some rubble on the track. You may hit the acceleration pad, but
  that crash will hurt your time more than the acceleration pad will
  help it.
- Although it would seem that hitting every acceleration pad on the
  track would guarantee a victory, avoiding them is the key to winning
  some of the more advanced race times.
- Save you boost, and use it in-between acceleration pads that are far
  apart. This way, you'll always be moving at a fast velocity.
- Acceleration pads that are closely grouped together aren't
  necessarily a good thing. Try to hit the pads that are spread out
  evenly from each other. If you don't, you'll reach your max gear
  before reaching the finish line and won't be able to use your Boost,
  or any acceleration pads for the rest of the race or until you crash
  into something.
- Sell racing bonds to earn a nice chunk of Credits. You can sell the
  ones you receive from Motta the Hutt on Tatooine at the Czerka Office
  store, or any other shop you visit.

Swoop Track Locations:
- Taris (Main story event)
- Tatooine (Anchorhead)
- Manaan (East Ahto City)

                            14. Sidequests                            

                        14a. Taris Side-quests                       

  Side-quest#1: A debt to Davik  

- Upper City South (east side of area)

- An old man owes money for a loan he took out  from Davik. Davik has
  sent a group of Bounty Hunters to come and claim the debt he owes.
  The old man can only afford to pay Davik 50 credits now. Unless you
  intervene, they may kill him...

Dark Side Solution:
- "I don't like your attitude. I better teach you a lesson."
- Battle & defeat the Bounty Hunters.
- "Hand over all your credits if you want to live!"

Dark Side Reward:
- 250 XP
- Dark Side Points x1
- Credits x79, Credits x50 (remains from Bounty 

Light Side Solution:
- "Leave this man alone or you'll have to deal with me!"
- Battle & defeat the Bounty Hunters.
- "Maybe I can help you."
- "Here's 100 credits. Take them."

Light Side Reward:
- 250 XP
- Light Side Points x2
- Credits x79, Credits x50 (remains from Bounty

  Side-quest#2: The Rakghoul Serum  

- Head to the Undercity. Once there, travel to the southern sewer
  entrance. Here you'll find a Sith corpse. Search his body to receive
  the Rakghoul Serum.

Dark Side Solution #1:
- Speak to Zelka Forn in the Clinic in Upper City South.
- "Tell me about the Rakghoul disease."
- "Is there now cure?"
- "I'll be going now."
- As you exit the clinic, Zelka's assistant Gurney, will stop you to
- "An offer? What are you talking about?"
- "Where can I find Davik if I want to give him the cure?"
- "I'll keep your offer in mind."
- Head to Javyar's Cantina in the Lower City.
- Talk to Zax in the southern part of the cantina.
- "Gurney said I should speak to you about the Rakghoul Serum."
- "[Persuade] I've got the serum, but I want 1500 credits for it!"
  (requires a high Persuade rank)

Dark Side Reward #1:
- Credits x1500
- 200 XP
- Dark Side Points x1

Dark Side Solution #2:
- Speak to Zelka Forn in the Clinic in Upper City South.
- "I have the serum to cure the Rakghoul disease."
- "Hold on. What about my reward?"
- "Fine, take the serum."
- "You better come up with something extra or I'll put a smoking
  blaster hole right  between your eyes!"
- "You mention this to anyone and you're a dead man!"

Dark Side Reward #2:
- Credits x100
- 200 XP
- Dark Side Points x1
- Light Side Points x1

Light Side Solution #1:
- Head to the northwest part of the village in the Undercity. 
- Enter the gate that the Outcast Healer is guarding. 
- Defeat the Rakghoul infested Villagers.
- Approach second set of infested villagers and inject them with the

Light Side Reward #1:
- 60 XP
- Light Side Points x1

Light Side Solution #2:
- Head to the northern part of the Undercity till you reach the crashed
  Republic escape pod.
- "Here, take this serum. It will cure you."

Light Side Reward #2:
- Light Side Points x1
- Credits x12 (remains from Republic soldier)

Light Side Solution #3:
- Speak to Zelka Forn in the Clinic in Upper City South.
- "I have the serum to cure the Rakghoul disease."
- "Here you go."
- "Thank you, Zelka. That would be fine."
- "I'll be going now."

Light Side Reward #3:
- Credits x50
- 200 XP
- Light Side Points x1

  Side-quest#3: The Promised Land  

- The first journal is located in the far east of the Undercity.
- The second Journal is located in the northeast room in the Lower
- To find the third and final journal, start at the force field in the
  Lower Sewers, and head west, then south and then east. You'll find it
  in a small room here.

Dark Side Solution:

***NOTE*** To activate the Dark side portion of this quest, you must
first speak to Rukil about the promised Land.

- Talk to the man, Igear in the village of the Undercity.
- "I have those journals you wanted."
- "First hand over those credits you promised."
- "[Persuade] 100 credits? After all I went through? I want double
  that!" (requires a high rank in the Persuade skill)
- "200 credits? It's a deal!"

Dark Side Reward:
- Credits x200
- 325 XP
- Dark Side Points x1
- One angry old man.

Light Side Solution:
- "Your apprentice is dead. I have her journal."
- "Guide you? But I don't even know where the Promised Land is!"
- "Very well - tell me the history of your people."
- "What does this have to do with me?"
- "The Promised Land? What's that?"
- "I have all three journals. Here - take them."
- "Goodbye, Rukil - and good luck."

Light Side Reward:
- 500 XP
- Light Side Points x1

  Side-quest#4 - The Dueling Ring  

- Upper City Cantina

Light Side Solution:
- Speak with Ajuur in the southern part of the cantina.
- "I might be interested - what's in this for me?"
- "Okay, I'll do it."
- "The Mysterious Stranger. I like it."
- "I'm ready for a duel."
- "Let's do it"
- Defeat your first opponent -  Deadeye Duncan.
- "I'm ready for a duel."
- "Let's do it."
- Defeat your second opponent - Gerlon Two-fingers.
- "I'm ready for a duel."
- "Let's do it."
- Defeat your third opponent - Ice.
- "I'm ready for a duel."
- "Let's do it"
- Defeat your fourth opponent - Marl.
- "I'm ready for a duel."
- "Let's do it."
- Defeat your fifth opponent - Twitch.

Light Side Reward:
- 520 XP (XP combined from each duel)
- Credits x1500 (Credits combined from each duel)

Dark Side Solution:
- Speak with Ajuur in the southern part of the cantina.
- "I might be interested - what's in this for me?"
- "Okay, I'll do it."
- "The Mysterious Stranger. I like it."
- "I'm ready for a duel."
- "Let's do it"
- Defeat your first opponent - Deadeye Duncan.
- "I'm ready for a duel."
- "Let's do it."
- Defeat your second opponent - Gerlon Two-fingers.
- "I'm ready for a duel."
- "Let's do it."
- Defeat your third opponent - Ice.
- "I'm ready for a duel."
- "Let's do it"
- Defeat your fourth opponent - Marl.
- "I'm ready for a duel."
- "Let's do it."
- Defeat your fifth opponent - Twitch.
- Head to the exit of the cantina, and speak with Bendak Starkiller.
- "You're on, Bendak! Name the time and place!"
- Exit the cantina, and then enter.
- Speak with Ajuur.
- "Maybe it is wrong to take a life for credits."
- "You're right - let's do this!"
- "I'm ready!"
- Win the death match by defeating Bendak Starkiller.
- "Cut the flattery - just get to my credits."
- "[Persuade] I think I deserve a little extra for putting my life on
  the line."

Dark Side Reward:
- 625 XP (XP combined from each duel)
- Credits x2400 (Credits combined from each duel)
- Dark Side Points x1
- Bendak's Blaster

  Side-quest#5: Taris Bounties  

***NOTE*** This quest isn't really a Light side-quest. There are
alternatives to some of the bounties, but they don't provide you with
any real difference in reward.. aside from an odd Light Side point, and
a miniscule amount of credits. Also, not all bounties have a Light side
alternative. This is why I've chosen to keep it Dark Side only.

- Head to Javyar's Cantina in Lower City.
- Speak with Zax in the southern part of the Cantina.
- "Tell me about the bounties."
- "I'll be going now"

Dark Side Solution:
=Dia's Bounty=
- Head to the Upper City South Apartments (Dia's Apartment - western
  side of Apartment)
- Bash or use security to open the door to the apartment.
- "I'm here to collect the bounty in your head, Dia!"
- "I don't care about justice. I just want the credits!"
- "She sliced that guy up. She's only getting what she deserves!"

=Largo's Bounty=
- Upper City North Apartments (Largo's Apartment -  southeast side of
- Bash or use security to open the door to the apartment.
- "There's a bounty on your head, Largo, and I'm here to collect!"
- Defeat him in battle.
=Matrik's Bounty=
- Lower City Apartments (north entrance)
- "I'm here to collect the bounty on your head, Matrik!"
- "I have no conscience. Time to die."
- "I think it's time for me to collect your bounty, Matrik!"

=Selven's Bounty=
- Lower City Apartments (west entrance - northeast side of apartment,
  Selven's Apartment)
- "I'm here to collect the bounty on your head, Selven!"

=Bendak Starkiller's Bounty=
- Defeat him in the Duel Ring.
- Speak with Zax at cantina.
- "I've got a bounty I want to collect on."
- Report about each bounty to Zax.

Dark Side Reward:
- Credits x1500 (all 5 bounties combined)
- Scope x1, Adrenaline Amplifier x1, Neural Band x1, Credits x50, Frag
  Grenade x1, Energy Projector x1, Dark Side Points x2, Credits x6,
  MedPac x1, Credits x12, Mesh Underlay x1, MedPac x1 and Advanced
  MedPac x1 (combined body remains of all 4 bounties)

  Side-quest#6: The prejudice of children  

***NOTE*** This is a Light Side only quest.

- Upper City North

Light Side Solution:
- "Hey - you kids! Leave that Ithorian alone!"
- "Just because he's different doesn't give you the right to attack
- "You look hurt. Here, I've got a MedPac. Let me help you."

Light Side Reward:
- 60 XP
- Light Points x1

                      14b. Dantooine Side-quests                     

  Side-quest #1: Mandalorian Raiders  

- You'll initially be given this quest when you first exit the
- There are three groups of Mandalorian Raiders you must defeat to
  complete this quest.
- First group is located in the west of the Matale Grounds.
- Second group is located in the south of the Grove area.
- Third group is located in the southern part of the Sandral Grounds.
  (west of Crystal Cave)
- Now return to the Grove and head to the south. If you check your map,
  you'll se an area labelled 'Path South', head to this direction and
  it is here that you'll find the leader of the Mandalorian Raiders.

Light Side Solution
- The only enemy that causes any real threat during the battle, is the
  Mandalorian leader. Your top priority should be to take him out above
  the others.
- The best tactic to surviving this battle, is to beef your party up
  with the following:
  - Stimpacks (Strength, Stamina, Altracity)
  - Force support powers (Force Valor, Knight Speed etc)
  - Make sure to put MedPacs & Force Cure/Heal in the queue.
  - Take out that leader first. Do it quick before he has a chance to
    cripple your party.
  - If all else fails, lay mines over the entire area before the
    battle. Once you engage them, lure them over the mines for some
    preliminary damage. (best tactic while playing as a Scoundrel
    because of their low HP)
  - If one of the enemies is attacking you hard, run away. He'll keep
    chasing you as you party continues to fight with the others. Great
    way for your party to take out the other enemies while the one
    chasing you is distracted. (only really useful if it's the leader
    that's chasing you)

- After the battle, return to the Courtyard and speak with Jon.

- "I fought and killed their leader."
- "There is no need for a reward."

- Lightsaber (Red) x1 (remains from body)
- Lightsaber (Blue) x1 (remains from body)
- Verpine Cardio-regulator x1 (remains from body)
- Sonic Nullifiers x1 (remains from body)
- Light Side Points x1 (reward from Jon)
- Credits x1000 (reward from Jon)
- 250 XP (reward from Jon)

Dark Side Solution:
- Find and defeat each Mandalorian group as you did for the Light Side,
  just choose the below answers while speaking with Jon to complete the
  dark portion of the quest.

- "I fought and killed their leader."
- "What? That's it? Give me more!"

Dark Side Reward:
- Credits x1000
- 250 XP
- Dark Side Points x1

  Side-quest #2: Who killed Calder Nettic?  

***NOTE*** This quest doesn't have a Dark, or Light side solution.
Since you can't gain points for either side, it's simply a neutral side
-quest that yields quite a bit of XP.

- Head to the Grove area. Once there, you can find the Jedi Bolook
  standing on a bridge to the west. Speak with him and he will ask for
  your assistance in solving a murder. Accept his offer to begin the

- You must consult Bolook, the two suspects and information droid in
  order to gain enough information to solve this quest. Perform the
  steps below, in order to do this.

- Inspect Calder's body.

- Speak with the Information Droid.
  - "What did you find out about the body?"
  - "Tell me about these plains."
  - "I will have more questions later."

- Speak with Handon Guld.
  - "Should I have?"
  - "Did you see the killer?"

- Speak with Handon Guld again.
  - "What did you see happen?"
  - "I want to ask you something else."
  - "Why were you out here?"
  - "Do you often run around the plains?"
  - "You're holding your side. Are you injured?"
  - "That's all for now."

- Speak with Rickard Lusoff
  - "Tell me what happened."

- Speak with Rickard Lusoff again.
  - "What did you see happen?"
  - "I want to ask you something else."
  - "Why were you out here?"
  - "Not just yet."
  - "Bolook said you were limping. Are you hurt?"
  - "That's all for now."

- Speak with Bolook
  - "I want to discuss the murder."
  - "Rickard is lying."
  - "It was cloudy; there was no sun glare!"

- Speak with the Information Droid
  - "What can you tell me about Calder and Handon?"
  - "What can you tell me about Calder and Rickard?"
  - "I will have more questions later."

- Speak with Handon Guld.
  - "You knew Calder better than you admit. You rented a speeder with
  - "Punch his face in? Why?"
  - "I want to ask you something else."
  - "You wanted to kill Calder for having an affair with your wife!"
  - "I want to ask you something else."
  - "Why would someone want to kill him?"
  - "No one says you killed him...yet."
  - "That's all for now."

- Speak with Rickard Lusoff
  - "You thought Calder was cheating you!"
  - "I want to ask you something else."
  - "Did you know the victim?"
  - "That's all for now."

- Speak with Bolook
  - "I want to discuss the murder."
  - "Handon is lying."
  - "He knew his wife was cheating on him."

- Speak with the Information Droid.
  - "Tell me about the weapon found at the scene."
  - "I will have more questions later."

- Speak with Handon Guld.
  - "What do you know about the weapon found by the body?"
  - "Nothing more right now"

- Speak with Rickard Lusoff
  - "What about the weapon found by the body?"
  - "That's all for now."

- Speak with the Information Droid.
  - "Is there a report of Handon's blaster being stolen?"
  - "I will have more questions later."

- Speak with Bolook.
  - "I want to discuss the murder."
  - "The blaster is Handon's. He lied about it being stolen."

- Speak with the Information Droid.
  - "Tell me about the blood sample."
  - "I will have more questions later."

- Speak with Bolook.
  - "I want to discuss the murder."
  - "The blood did not belong to the victim."
  - "It's Rickard's blood."
  - "He was limping earlier."
  - "No, they are both guilty."
  - "Rickard thought Calder was cheating him in business!"

- 1310 XP

  Side-quest #3: Crystal Cave  

- Head to the Sandral Grounds and head far to the west. You should find
  the Crystal Cave here.

- Once you've entered the cave, progress through the area and take out
  any Kinrath you come across. They are quite deadly, so use Energy
  Shields, and support Force Powers.
- Upon reaching the end of the cave, try and lure each Kinrath to your
  location. Fighting the entire group at once, is a good way to get
- After you've defeated all the Kinrath, search the various crystals
  fragments and Kinrath eggs to receive different crystal shards.
- Search the body of the dead Mandalorian to receive - Durasteel
  Bonding Alloy x1 and Response Package x1.

- Crystal Yellow x1
- Crystal Green x1
- Crystal Blue x1
- Crystal Red x10
- Crystal Bondar x1
- Crystal Rubat x2

  Side-quest #4: Mechanical Love  

***NOTE*** There is no real Light Side portion of this quest. You can
either can Dark Points, or no points and some XP. (neutral)

- From the Jedi Enclave, head out into the Courtyard. Travel along the
  path till you reach the small bridge with a women standing next to a
  speeder vehicle. Speak with her to receive the quest.

Neutral Side Solution:
- "Your companion?"
- "It is possible..."
- "Did someone break it down?"
- "Could it have been opened from the inside?"
- "Your missing companion is a droid??"
- "What exactly did you use him for again?"
- "I will help you find your droid."

- Now head to the Sandral Grounds. If you've been following this guide
  up till now, you already have  each area mapped out. If you can't
  remember how to get to the Grove, consult your map.
- When you reach the Sandral Grounds, head to the far east (right in
  front of the Crystal Cave). Here you'll see Elise's droid being
  attacked by Kath Hounds. Quickly come to his aid and defeat them. Now
  speak with him and choose the following questions/answers.

- "Personal assistance droid?"
- "Are you Elise's droid?"
- "You're running away from her?"
- "Er... ALL the time?"
- "Um... probably not..."
- "What, are you suicidal or something?"
- "Fine. I'll destroy you and tell her why you did it."
- Destroy the droid.

- Return and speak with Elise.
- "I am afraid your droid had to be destroyed."

- Head to the Jedi Enclave.
- Travel to the far north of the Jedi Enclave where there are three
  rooms side by side.
- Enter the middle one and speak with Elise once 

- "There is no need."
- "Yes, he seems quite nice."

Neutral Side Reward:
- 150 XP
- 150 XP
- 150 XP

Dark Side Solution:
- Choose the same actions while talking with Elise as outlined in the
  neutral solution.
- Choose the following choices while speaking with C8-42.

- "No problem."
- "Where are you going to?"
- "Is she crazy?"
- "You sought them out?"
- "I'll destroy you and tell her you're still out there."

- Return to Elise and speak with her.

- "You droid escaped and is nowhere to be found. He's still out there

Dark Side Reward:
- 300 XP
- Dark Side Points x1
- Dark Side Points x1
- 150 XP

  Side-quest #5: Forbidden Love  

- Head to the Matale Grounds. Once there, head far to the east. When
  you reach the area, you should see two trees directly next to each
  other. There's also a few boulders in front of them. Search this area
  till you find the 'Dead Settler.' Search his remains to receive -
  Cardio Package x1, Echani Light Armor x1, Echani Shield x1, Verpine
  Headband x1 and Casus' Diary x1.
- Now head to the Sandral Grounds. Once there, travel to the Sandral
  Estate and speak with the Sandral Droid. Read below to find out what
  choices to select during the conversation.

Light Side Solution:
(Sandral Droid)
- "Casus Sandral is dead."

- Enter the Sandral Estate.

(Nurik Sandral)
- "Your son Casus is dead. I have seen his body."
- "He was killed by Kath Hounds while exploring the Dantooine ruins."
- "Here is the diary, Nurik, but you may keep your money, I need no
  reward for this task."

(Rahasia Sandral)
- "Who are you?"
- "Casus was killed by the Kath Hounds. The Matales had nothing to do
  with it!"
- "I only want to find Shen Matale."
- "Please, tell me what has happened.
- "Why are you telling me all this?"
- "I will go now."

- Exit the estate, and make your way around to the west side of the
  complex. Enter the door here to be taken to the inner part of the
  Sandral Estate.
- As soon as you enter, you should spot a minor flash mine directly in
  front of your. Disable/retrieve it before you continue. Now take out
  the droid on the left. Search its remains to receive - Energy Shield
  Level 1 x1 and Basic Targeting Computer x1.
- Skip the doors here, and move north down the hallway. Take a left
  when the hallway branches off, and disable/retrieve the minor frag
  mine halfway down the hall.
- The first door on the left, (the door the second mine was placed in
  front of) is where Shen Matale is being held captive. You can either
  start searching the compound for the key to his room, or you can use
  'Bash' or 'Security' from the action menu to free him (a lot quicker
  than fighting through droids and traps looking for a key).
- Speak with Shen Matale.

(Shen Matale)
- "I am here to rescue you, Shen."
- "I'll protect you, Shen. Let's go."
- "How can I get you to come with me?"
- "I will go speak to Rahasia."

- Now head to the end of the hall, and enter the 'Security Room'.
- Destroy the droids within, and open the two footlockers to receive -
  Repair Kit x2 and Computer Spike x1.
- Head out the door next to the footlockers (not the 'Security Control
  Room' door) and enter the first door on the left.
- Speak with Rahasia Sandral.

(Rahasia Sandral)
- "I'm trying to rescue Shen, but he won't leave without you, Rahasia."

- Return to Shen's room and speak with him.

(Shen Matale)
- "Yes. She promised she would meet us outside the gates."

(Shen & Rahasia)
- "It was no problem."
- "No reward is necessary."

- Both Shen's and Rahasia's father appear with an armed escort. All
  party members begin to argue over the situation.

(Nurik & Ahlan)
- "You two just need to calm down."
- "You should try to sort this out together."
- "[Persuade] Shen is capable of making decisions on his own."
- "[Persuade] Children grow up and leave eventually."
- "I knew you two could see reason."
- "Why don't you compromise?"

Light Side Reward:

**NOTE*** The following is a combined total from quest events.

- Credits x600
- 2150 XP
- Light Side Points X2

Dark Side Solution:
(Sandral Droid)
- "Casus Sandral is dead."

- Enter the Sandral Estate.

(Nurik Sandral)
- "Your son Casus is dead. I have seen his body."
- "Casus is a Kath hound chew toy."
- "[Persuade] Make it two hundred and you have a deal."

(Rahasia Sandral)
- "What I do is my own business, so back off!"

- Speak with Rahasia again.

(Rahasia Sandral)
- "I have come to apologize for my earlier behaviour."
- "I am here to find Shen Matale. Maybe we can help each other."
- "Does this have anything to do with what happened to Shen?"
- "Tell me what's going on here!"
- "Quit stalling and get to the point!"
- "This isn't my problem."
- "I will go now."

- Exit the estate, and make your way around to the west side of the
  complex. Enter the door here to be taken to the inner part of the
  Sandral Estate.
- As soon as you enter, you should spot a minor flash mine directly in
  front of your. Disable/retrieve it before you continue. Now take out
  the droid on the left. Search its remains to receive - Energy Shield
  Level 1 x1 and Basic Targeting Computer x1.
- Skip the doors here, and move north down the hallway. Take a left
  when the hallway branches off, and disable/retrieve the minor frag
  mine halfway down the hall.
- The first door on the left, (the door the second mine was placed in
  front of) is where Shen Matale is being held captive. You can either
  start searching  the compound for the key to his room, or you can use
  'Bash' or 'Security' from the action menu to free him (a lot quicker
  than fighting through droids and traps looking for a key).
- Speak with Shen Matale.

(Shen Matale)
- "I am here to rescue you, Shen."
- "I'll protect you, Shen. Let's go."
- "If you don't come with me, I'll drag you out!"
- "I will go speak to Rahasia."

- Now head to the end of the hall, and enter the 'Security Room'.
- Destroy the droids within, and open the two footlockers to receive -
  Repair Kit x2 and Computer Spike x1.
- Head out the door next to the footlockers (not the 'Security Control
  Room door) and enter the first door on the left.
- Speak with Rahasia Sandral.

(Rahasia Sandral)
- "Come with me Rahasia... it's the only way Shen will leave the

- Return to Shen's room and speak with him.

(Shen Matale)
- "Yes. She promised she would meet us outside the gates."

(Shen & Rahasia)
- "Shen's father promised me a reward."

- Both Shen's and Rahasia's father appear with an armed escort. All
  party members begin to argue over the situation.

(Nurik & Ahlan)
- "Why don't you just shoot each other and get it over with."
- "The only way either of you will end this is with blood."
- "[Lie] You know, Nurik, Ahlan actually did kill Casus."
- "Don't let him get away with that!"

- Defeat the four War Droids to complete the quest.

Dark Side Reward:

**NOTE*** The following is a combined total from quest events.

- Credits x200
- 1850 XP
- Dark Side Points x4
- Light Side Points x1

                      14c. Tatooine Side-quests                      

  Side-quest #1: A widow in need  

- Speak with the woman, Sharina Fizark in front of the Hunting Lodge in

Light Side Solution:
- "What do you need? I'm [insert your character's name here], I'll help
  if I can."
- "What is a wraid plate? Where did you get it?"
- "Let's talk about what to do with this plate."
- "I can't buy it, but I could take it and sell it for you."
- "[Persuade] It's the only choice you have. Trust me."

- Now enter the Hunting Lodge.
- Speak with Fazz Utral and choose the following:

- "I have something to sell you."
- "Yes, that will do nicely."

- Return and speak with Sharina.

- "Yes I have sold the plate."
- "He paid 200 more than you thought. Here."

Light Side Reward:
- 250 XP
- Light Side Points x1

Dark Side Solution:
- "Speak, I'm listening."
- "Aren't there other hunters you could ask?"
- "Let's talk about what to do with this plate."
- "I think I'll just take it from you."
- "Hand it over or things will get very unpleasant."

Dark Side Reward:
- 50 XP
- Dark Side Points x1
- Rare Desert Wraid Plate x1

  Side-quest #2: A wife's revenge  

- Head to the Dune Sea and travel southeast. You should eventually see
  a man surrounded by four spinning droids. As you get closer, he'll
  call out for help. Approach the man and speak with him.

Light Side Solution:
- "You're Tanis, right? Your wife says hello."
- "What do you want me to do?"
- "All right, I'll try and help out. Hold on."

- You must now deactivate each droid by solving a mathematical
  equation. The answer to each equation is below.

Droid K-X12a:   
Puzzle - Battle Droid: Scanning: Node 1 reports Node 2 failed. Node 2
         Node 3 failed. Node 3 reports Node 2 failed. Error: Two of
         above are definitely false. Compare logic to identify the only
         memory node that can be correct.
Solution - Access system status repair function.
         - Enter diagnostic mode to try manual repair.
         - Node 2 is reporting accurately.

Droid K-X12b:
Puzzle - Battle Droid: Scanning heat dissipation system... Error: Data
         missing from prime values. Listing data: 2*3*5*11*13*17*19 Re-
         calibrate this system by determining which value is missing
         from the above list.
Solution - Access system status repair function.
         - Enter diagnostic mode to try manual repair.
         - The missing value is 7.

Droid K-X12c:
Puzzle - Battle Droid: Scanning: Power Cell drain must not exceed
         total. Different Motivators measure the same energy pool as
         either 300 small pulses or 180 large pulses. How many large
         pulses left in the remaining fraction?
Solution - Access system status repair function.
         - Enter diagnostic mode to try manual repair.
         - Allocate 120 large pulses.

Droid K-X12d:
Puzzle - Battle Droid: Scanning memory nodes... 4 * 14 * 11-14 * 31-14
         * 13-21-14 * ...?... * ...?... Error: Descriptive number
         progression corrupted. To recalibrate, determine the correct
         progression by describing the previous entry.
Solution - Access system status repair function.
         - Enter diagnostic mode to try manual repair.
         - 31-13-12-14 * 23-41-12-14

- Now that the droids have been disabled, speak with Tanis.

- "That will be fine. Good Luck"

Light Side Reward:
- Credits x400
- 175 XP

Dark Side Solution:
- "You're Tanis, right? Your wife says hello."
- "What do you want me to do?"
- "I'm not doing anything for you. You can rot here."
- "It's the cruellest death. Maybe I'll watch while sipping ice water."
- "I'm not kidding. You'll die here."

Dark Side Reward:
- Dark Side Points x1
- Combat Suit x1 (remains from Tanis)
- Thermal Detonator x1 (remains from Tanis)
- Blaster Rifle x1 (remains from Tanis)

  Side-quest #3: Captured Jawas  

- Speak with the Jawa, Iziz, next to the gate leading to the Dune Sea.

Light Side Solution:
- "What is it that you want, Jawa?"
- "Giants made of sand... Sand People?"
- "So, Iziz, what do you want me to do?"
- "Tell me about "those that came before.""
- "I'll check it out when I leave the city. Goodbye."

- Now head to the Sand People Enclave.
- Head to the east side of the Enclave. Here you'll see a door on
  either side. Open the one facing east, and speak with the Jawas

- "I'll release you later. I have to make sure it's safe first."

- Now go and speak with the Chieftain.

- "Ask about captives."
- "Ask about setting the captive Jawas free."
- "Tell him farewell for now."

- Return and speak with the Jawas.

- "The Sand People said you can go. Run to Anchorhead."

- Head back to Anchorhead and speak with Iziz.

- "That will be fine. Good luck."

Light Side Reward:

**NOTE*** The following is a combined total from quest events.

- 450 XP
- Verpine Cardio-regulator x1

Dark Side Solution:
- "Stupid creature, can't you make more sense?"
- "Why wouldn't I understand your true language?"
- "What is it that you want, Jawa?"
- "Giants made of sand... Sand People?"
- "So, Iziz, what do you want me to do?"
- "Tell me about "those that came before.""
- "I'll expect payment if I do this, Jawa."

- Now head to the Sand People Enclave.
- Head to the east side of the Enclave. Here you'll see a door on
  either side. Open the one facing east, and speak with the Jawas

- "If I let you out, this whole place will turn on me."

- "I'll release you later. I have to make sure it's safe first."

- Now go and speak with the Chieftain.

- "Ask about captives."
- "Ask about setting the captive Jawas free."
- "Tell him farewell for now."

- "The Sand People said you can go. Run to Anchorhead."

- Head back to Anchorhead and speak with Iziz.

- "You'll give me more or you will regret it."
- "Then I'll have to take it out of your hide!"

Dark Side Reward:
- 500 XP
- Credits X500
- Dark Side Points x1
- Verpine Cardio-regulator x1

  Siede-quest #4: Cutting Nico a Deal  

- Head to the Swoop Registration, south of the Czerka Office.
- Speak with Motta the Hutt.

Light Side Solution:
- "I'm looking for information. Can you help?"
- "I have my own bike stored on my ship."
- "[Persuade] Why not drop the fee? No racers means no crowds."
- "I'll pay the 50 credits."
- "Just set me up with a race."
- " I will pay the 100 credits."

- Complete your first race with a time better than 0:23:90.

- "Just set me up with a race."
- "I will pay the 100 credits."

- Complete your second race with a time better than 0:23:29.

- "Just set me up with a race."
- "I will pay the 100 credits."

- Complete your third race with a time better than 0:22:51.

- "What sort of business do you need help with?"
- "Why won't he sign?"
- "I'll see what I can do."
- "I'll be back later."

- Go and speak with Nico Senvi at the back of the Swoop Registration."

- "I talked to Motta about you."
- "Why don't you want the deal with Motta?"
- "Maybe I can talk to him about it."

- Go and speak to Motta again.

- "Let's talk about that business with Nico."
- "I think you should give him a better deal."
- "[Persuade] Treat him fairly or I'll start rumors your races are
- "I'll be back later."

- Go and speak with Nico again.

- "I talked to Motta about you."
- "I convinced Motta to give you a better contract."
- "When do you think you'll be leaving?"
- "Goodbye then. Good luck."

Light Side Reward:

**NOTE*** The following is a combined total from quest events.

- 250 XP

Dark Side Solution:
- "I'm looking for information. Can you help?"
- "I have my own bike stored on my ship."
- "[Persuade] Why not drop the fee? No racers means no crowds."
- "I'll pay the 50 credits."
- "Just set me up with a race."
- " I will pay the 100 credits."

- Complete your first race with a time better than 0:23:90.

- "Just set me up with a race."
- "I will pay the 100 credits."

- Complete your second race with a time better than 0:23:29.

- "Just set me up with a race."
- "I will pay the 100 credits."

- Complete your third race with a time better than 0:22:51.

- "What sort of business do you need help with?"
- "Why won't he sign?"
- "I'll see what I can do."
- "I'll be back later."

- Go and speak with Nico Senvi at the back of the Swoop Registration."

- "I talked to Motta about you."
- "Why don't you want the deal with Motta?"
- "I think you should sign the contract he offered."
- "It's simple: sign, or you'll die on this rock. Maybe soon.

- Return and speak with Motta.

- "Let's talk about that business with Nico."
- "I talked to him. He's willing to sign."
- "I think I should ask for more."
- "[Persuade] I'm worth more. You wouldn't want word of this getting

Dark Side Reward:
- 250 XP
- Racing Bonds x51
- Dark Side Points x1

                       14d. Manaan Side-quests                       

  Side-quest #1: Republic Mercenaries  

***NOTE*** Quest only has a neutral version.

- Head to the Mercenary Enclave in Ahto West, and speak with Nilko

- "It's truly a wonder to behold."
- "What are you talking about?"
- "What do you want me to do?"
- "Why do you need me for this?"
- "I'll look into it for you, Nilko."

- "Yes - they're sending them down to a secret base on the Hrakert
- "They couldn't. They had lost contact with the science facility."
- "They awoke a creature which fed on the kolto."
- "The creature is alive."

***NOTE*** You can't complete this quest until you speak with the
Twi'Lek mercenary you encounter near the entrance of the Hrakert Rift.

- Credits x500
- 500 XP

  Side-quest #2: Missing Selkath Youth  

- Head to the Mercenary Enclave in Ahto West. Speak with the Selkath
  named Shaelas to accept this quest.

- "The Sith are a blight upon the galaxy!"
- "What are you talking about?"
- "You want me to investigate these disappearances?"
- "I shall look into these disappearances for you, Shaelas.

Light Side Solution:
- Head to the Sith Base in Ahto East.
- Head to the north part of the Sith Base. In one of the corridors, you
  should see a Selkath. As you approach him, he'll engage you in
  combat. Defeat him, and then head into the Training Annex.
- From here, head through the only available door. You're now in a
  large complex with a door to your left, right and in front of you.
  Head into the door to the left to start.
- Choose the following while speaking with the Selkath within.

- "I am [insert player character name here]. Shaelas has me
  investigating the disappearance of young Selkath.
- "The Sith are evil! What they told you was a lie."
- "If the Republic is defeated, the Sith will enslave your planet!"
- "The Sith are evil, Shasa. They will use you to conquer Manaan for
  the kolto."
- "[Persuade[ Give me some time, and I will find proof the Sith are

- Now enter the door labelled 'Training Room', and defeat the droids
  and Selkath.
- Enter the only door in this room and then the one immediately
  following it.
- You now come face to face with the Dark Jedi Master running this
  facility. Power up with Stims, support powers and Energy Shields,
  because he is a tough opponent. Once you've defeated him and his
  apprentices, search their remains to receive - Crystal Luxum x1,
  Retinal Combat Implant x1, Double-Bladed Lightsaber x1 and Dark Jedi
  Master Robs x1. Open the two footlockers here to receive - Advanced
  MedPac x2, Echani Dueling Shield x1 and Dark Jedi Knight Robe x1.
- Now head into the small room the Dark Jedi and his apprentices were
  guarding. Open the footlocker here to receive - Datapad x1.
- Now that you have the evidence you need to convince Shasa, return and
  speak with her.

- "This datapad proves the Sith are lying to you!"

- Exit the Sith base and return to the Mercenary Enclave and let
  Shaelas know about his daughter.

- "I have information for you, Shaelas."
- "The Sith are training the Selkath youth in the way of the Dark
- "I've convinced your daughter to turn her back on the Sith ways."
- "Maybe this datapad will help."
- "Keep your credits, Shaelas. A Jedi has no need of such rewards."

Light Side Reward:

**NOTE*** The following is a combined total from quest events.

- 1300 XP
- Light Side Points x2

Dark Side Solution:
- Head to the Sith Base in Ahto East.
- Head to the north part of the Sith Base. In one of the corridors, you
  should see a Selkath. As you approach him, he'll engage you in
  combat. Defeat him, and then head into the Training Annex.
- From here, head through the only available door. You're now in a
  large complex with a door to your left, right and in front of you.
  Head into the door to the left to start.
- Choose the following while speaking with the Selkath within.

-"Selkath, Sith - I'm just here to kill anyone in my way!"

- Defeat the Selkath.

- Now enter the door labelled 'Training Room', and defeat the droids
  and Selkath.
- Enter the only door in this room and then the one immediately
  following it.
- You now come face to face with the Dark Jedi Master running this
  facility. Power up with Stims, support powers and Energy Shields,
  because he is a tough opponent. Once you've defeated him and his
  apprentices, search their remains to receive -  Crystal Luxum x1,
  Retinal Combat Implant x1, Double-Bladed Lightsaber x1 and Dark Jedi
  Master Robs x1. Open the two footlockers here to receive - Advanced
  MedPac x2, Echani Dueling Shield x1 and Dark Jedi Knight Robe x1.
- Now head into the small room the Dark Jedi and his apprentices were
  guarding. Open the footlocker here to receive - Datapad x1.

- Exit the Sith base and return to the Mercenary Enclave and let
  Shaelas know about his daughter.

- "I have information for you, Shaelas."
- "Maybe a few credits could refresh my memory."
- "If you want news on your daughter, find a way to get those extra
- "The Sith are training the Selkath youth in the way of the Dark 
- "I killed your daughter, Shaelas. Just as I'll kill you if you tell
  anyone about this. Now give me those credits."
- "Blah, blah, blah - give me the credits if you want to live."

Dark Side Reward:
- Credits x600
- 300 XP
- Light Side Points x2

                      14e. Korriban Side-quests
The side-quests on Korriban consist of the various Prestige tasks you
must complete once you're accepted into the Sith Academy.

Refer to the Korriban walkthrough (15f.) section for solutions to each

                      14f. Kashyyyk Side-quests

  Side-quest #1: A Wookiee Lost  

***NOTE*** This is assuming you picked up the Bowcaster bolt casing
down in the Upper Shadowlands from the Wookiee corpse.

- Head to the Home of Woorwill in the Village of Rwookrrorro (east of
  chieftain's hall).

Light Side Solution:
- Enter the Home of Woorwill.
- Speak with Jaarak inside.

Select the following during the conversation

- "Do you recognize this bowcaster bolt casing?"
- "I found it on Rorworr's corpse. You killed him, didn't you?"
- "Can you explain why your bowcaster casing was found on his body?"
- "Rorworr was dealing with the slavers. I found his datapad."

- Exit the Home of Woorwill.
- Head to the east till you reach the Holder of the Laws.
- Enter the hut.
- Speak with Worrroznor inside and choose the following during the

- "Do you know who owns this bolt casing?"
- "I found Jaarak's bolt casing on Rorworr's corpse."
- "Jaarak, won't you say anything in your own defence?"
- "Jaarak, I won't let you do this. Rorworr was dealing with slavers."
- "No, I won't let this happen."
- "Rorworr dealt with slavers. The datapad I found on his corpse proves
- "Goodbye to you."

Light Side Reward:
- 1400 XP
- Light Side Points x1

Dark Side Solution:
- Enter the Home of Woorwill.
- Speak with Jaarak inside.

Select the following during the conversation

- "Do you recognize this bowcaster bolt casing?"
- "I found it on Rorworr's corpse. You killed him, didn't you?"
- "Can you explain why your bowcaster casing was found on his body?"
- "Rorworr was dealing with the slavers. I found his datapad."

- Exit the Home of Woorwill.
- Head to the east till you reach the Holder of the Laws.
- Enter the hut.
- Speak with Worrroznor inside and choose the following during the

- "Do you know who owns this bolt casing?"
- "I found Jaarak's bolt casing on Rorworr's corpse."
- "Wait. If he's executed, I get paid?"
- "Jaarak, won't you say anything in your own defence?"
- "Kill him. I found nothing to justify the murder."
- "Kill him then. Jaarak must *pay* for his crime."
- "Is there a reward for my service?"
- "Goodbye then."

Dark Side Reward:
- Credits x100
- 1400 XP
- Dark Side Points x1

  Sidequests #2: A False Debt  

***NOTE*** You will be unable to complete this quest if you wait till
after Freyyr retakes control of the Wookiees.

- Talk with the two men, Eli & Matton at the Czerka Landing Port.
- Speak with them about the debt Matton owes to Eli for a little
  misunderstanding the two encountered during a deal.

Light Side Solution:
- Head to the Upper Shadowlands (near Jolee's hut).
- From here, travel to the south till you reach the remains of a broken
  down droid.
- Inspect the droid to learn that Matton's shipmates didn't really
  abandon him, but that Eli had them murdered!
- With this information, return to the surface and speak with them at
  the Czerka Landing Port.
- After you tell Matton of Eli's betrayal, convince him to let Eli
  live. He'll then run off into the Shadowlands.

Light Side Reward:
- credits x500
- Light Side Points x1

Dark Side Solution:
- Head to the Upper Shadowlands (near Jolee's hut).
- From here, travel in to the south till you reach the remains of a
  broken down droid.
- Inspect the droid to learn that Matton's shipmates didn't really
  abandon him, but that Eli had them murdered!
- With this information, return to the surface and speak with them at
  the Czerka Landing Port.
- After you tell Matton of Eli's betrayal, encourage him to kill Eli
  for what he did.

Dark Side Reward:
- Credits x500
- Dark Side Points x1

  Side-quest #3: Invisible Assailants  

***NOTE*** You can't gain Dark Side points for completing this quest.
However, you can receive Dark Side points if you insult and refuse to
heal him after he is attacked by the first group of Mandalorian

- Lower Shadowlands (various locations)

Light Side Solution:
- If you followed the walkthrough for Kashyyyk, then you've already
  accepted this quest. You must hunt down a few groups of Mandalorians
  here within the Lower Shadowlands.
- Remember that your main player character, must un-equip his/her
  weapons at each location to have the cloaked Mandalorians attack you.
- The first location is just a short way southwest of Grrrwahrr's
  location. You'll know when you reach each location as they are
  covered with Wookiee corpses. Remove your weapons, and battle the
  first group of Mandalorians here.
- Second group is located south of the first group. Un-equip your
  weapons again and do battle with the Mandalorians. After the battle,
  search their remains to receive - Mandalorian Assault Rifle x1, Swoop
  Bike Signal Device x1, Mandalorian Datapad x1, Mandalorian Ripper x1,
  Vibrosword x1, Mandalorian Datapad 2 x1 and Mandalorian Blaster x1.
- The third and final group is located a short distance to the
  northwest. When you reach the swoop bikes here, inspect them and
  select to replace the signal device and activate it (you need the
  swoop bike signal device from group 2 to do this).
- The leader of the Mandalorians will now confront you. After you
  defeat him in battle, search his remains to receive - Mandalorian
  Helmet x1, Armor Reinforcement x1, Nerve Amplifier Belt x1
  Mandalorian Ripper x1 and Mandalorian Battle Armor x1.
- Now return to Grrrwahrr and show him proof that the Mandalorians are
  dead (make sure you have the Mandalorian helmet to do this).
- Select the following during the conversation:

- "The Mandalorian hunters are dead. I killed them all."
- "I hope it does. Goodbye."

Light Side Reward:
- 350 XP
- Echani Vibroblade x1

                      14g. Ebon Hawk Side-quests                     

  Side-quest #1: Strange Stowaway  

- Ebon Hawk Cargo Hold

Light Side Solution:
- After you leave Dantooine, Zaalbar will inform you that he's been
  checking on your supplies in the cargo Hold. He believes something's
  not right (this scene will automatically happen as you land on your
  first planet after Dantooine).
- Reply with the following during the conversation:
- "Not right? What do you mean?"

- Head to the Cargo Hold and inspect the supplies.
- Select [Examine the supplies more closely.]
- Walk around to different locations of the ship. Each time you enter a
  different section, you will hear what sounds like footsteps behind
  you. After you've explored enough of the ship, a message will pop up
  stating that sound can be heard from the Cargo Hold.
- Return to the Cargo Hold and speak with the little girl there. Choose
  the following while speaking with her:
- "A little girl? Where did you come from?"
- "Calm down, little girl. I won't hurt you."
- "I still don't understand you."

- Speak with her again and choose the following:

***NOTE*** Trying to learn Sasha's language is a somewhat random
process. There is a specific set of phrases you must select in order to
advance the conversation, but the order in which you can choose these
responses is randomly determined.

The process below should ONLY be used as an example guideline while
speaking with her. The order in which you learn her language will
undoubtedly be different.

- "Can you tell me your name?"
- "[Point to yourself.] My name is [insert your character's name here].
  You are...?"
- "[Try to learn Sasha's strange language.]"
- "Many of the words you're speaking are Mandalorian..."
- "Manlorey... that's your word for Mandalorian? So you do know of
- "But are you a Mandalorian child, then?"
- "So you're human. You learned the words from somewhere, though."
- "[Try to learn Sasha's strange language.]"
- "Esowon? Na esowon?"
- "I see you? Or you see me?"
- "You... you're hiding! "Na esowon" is hide"!"
- "I didn't get all of that, but sure."
- "Bristag? What is that?"
- "It's a thing? Something around here?"
- "Bristag"... it means "starship", doesn't it?"
- "Laesfa... everything is safe? Is that it?"
- "That panel? That's what "laesfa" means?"
- "The panel... all of this... it's your home."
- "You're hiding in the starship. It's your home. I understand."
- "You've said that before. What is "gon-disen"?"
- "You already said that! What about it?"
- "It's... something you like. Yes, "gon-disen" means you like it!"
- "You like me. I understand."
- "Na abds"... you said that when I first found you."
- "Yes, very bad. Stop that!"
- "So... "abds" is "to hurt"? "Na abds" means "not hurt"? Is that it?"
- "I understand. No, I won't hurt you."
- "Yum? What kind of word is that?"
- "You want something from elsewhere?"
- "Yum... you mean food, don't you? "Yum" is "food"."
- "Nuh ghis? Is that all one phrase?"
- "The floor? "Nuh ghis" means floor?"
- "You're not speaking... now? "Nuh ghis" means "now"! "na nuh ghis" is
  not now... or before"?"
- "You... want some food now. You're hungry."
- "Tabed you? What do you mean?"
- "I'm suppose to talk? To speak? What about?"
- "So... 'tabed' means 'tell me about'. I get it."
- "[Communicate with Sasha in her language.]"
- "Why are you hiding on my ship? Sasha na esowon in bristag?"
- "You came to the ship before. You were very scared. Why?"
- "You left the Mandalorians? And hid here on the ship."
- "You don't want to leave. The Ebon Hawk is your home."
- "Why are you scared of the Mandalorians? Hoot bad liaz Manlorey?"
- "They took you before? And hurt you?"
- "The Mandalorian ship wasn't home. You didn't like it."
- "You sleep here on the ship? Yooba stin-quiw in bristag?"
- "The Ebon Hawk is not your home, Sasha. Not your first home, anyway.
  Bristag na Sasha laesfa."
- "Tell me about your home before. Tabed me Sasha laesfa na nuh ghis."
- "Dantooine? Maybe someone on Dantooine remembers you?"

- Now that you have a clue as to where Sasha's home is, head to the
  bridge and select Dantooine as your destination on the Galaxy Map.
- One you reach Dantooine, exit the Ebon Hawk and speak with the
  Twi'Lek (Lur Arka Sulas) to the left of the ramp leading into the
  Jedi Enclave.
- Choose the following during your conversation with him:

- "Go ahead."
- "There is a stowaway on my ship by the name of Sasha."
- "You can come on board and see her, if you like."
- "Yes, I am. She only speaks a smattering of Mandalorian, but I was
  able to figure her out."
- "Certainly. I'll bring you to my ship."

- You will then take Lur Arka Sulas to the Ebon Hawk. Choose the
  following while speaking with Sasha:

- "Lur Arka na bads. Nuh-gisen laesfa, Sasha."

Light Side Reward:
- Light Side Points x1
- 310 XP

Dark Side Solution:
Follow the Light Side Solution up until the part where you speak with
Lur Arka na bads on Dantooine. Choose the following whilst speaking
with him:

- "Go ahead."
- "There is a stowaway on my ship by the name of Sasha."
- "Yes, I am. She only speaks a smattering of Mandalorian, but I was
  able to figure it out."
- "Only if I get something in return for my trouble."
- "Either cough up a reward or forget it."

- You will then take Lur Arka Sulas to the Ebon Hawk. Choose the
  following while speaking with Sasha:

- "Just go. I've had enough of this."

Dark Side Reward:
- Credits x100
- Dark Side Points x1
- Light Side Points x1
- 310 XP

  Side-quest #2: The trouble with Gizka  

- When you land on Tatooine and attempt to enter Anchorhead, a nearby
  dockworker will inform you that a delivery of Gizka have been shipped
  to the Ebon Hawk's Cargo hold. Although the dockworker clearly knows
  they don't belong to you, he'll still refuse to take the shipment

- There are three possible solutions to removing the Gizka from your
  ship. Read below for more information:

1. Go to Manaan and speak with the Selkath, Nubassa (located west of
   the Ebon Hawk's hangar). Choose the following while speaking with
- "I have some gizka, if you're interested."
- "[Persuade/Lie] But these are special gizka. They don't reproduce 
  like the others do."
- "[Persuade] The gizka are for *sale*... they aren't free."

- Credits x100
- 500 XP
- Dark Side Points x1

2. Go to Kashyyyk and buy the Gizka Poison from Eli Gand (east of the
   Ebon Hawk). Return to the Ebon Hawk and press the action button
   while targeting one of the Gizka. Choose to feed it the Gizka
   Poison. You must now exit and re-enter the ship to completely rid
   yourself of the Gizka.

- 560 XP

3. It seems the environment on the Unknown World is native to the
   Gizka. If the Gizka are still onboard the Ebon Hawk when you travel
   there, they will instinctively leave the ship and head out into the

- None

  Side-quest #3: Unfinished Business  

- Head to Korriban and speak with Lurze Kesh in front of the Dreshdae
  cantina. Choose the following during the conversation:

- "Yes, the Ebon Hawk is my ship."
- "Hand what over? What are you talking about?"
- "What business is it of yours? The Ebon Hawk is mine, now."
- "I could take a look for it."

- Head to the Ebon Hawk's Cargo Hold and approach the area in the back
  near the Plasteel Cylinders. Press the L & R trigger buttons until
  your target is on the 'Compartment'. Now press the action button and
  select to enter the access code to receive the spice.
- Now that you have the spice, return to Lurze and speak with him.
  Choose the following:

- "Yes, I do."
- "[Persuade] I don't work for Davik, remember? I want more."
- "Maybe. Tell me more."
- "Where can I find this Motta?"
- "Alright. I'll do it."

***NOTE*** You can play a mini-game of sorts before delivering the box
to Motta.

Head to the Ebon Hawk's Cargo Hold and inspect the box. Select:

- [Yes, open the box.]

You are now transported inside of the box. You come to the knowledge
that the only way you can leave, is by out-smarting the imprisoned
Rakata; by beating him at a game of riddles. After each correct answer,
you will be given the opportunity to ask one of your own. Failure to
answer one of his questions correctly will result in game over.

***NOTE*** - It's possible to beat him by only answering  3 of his

Riddle #1 - "Until I am measured, I am not known, yet how you miss me
when I have flown."
Answer #1 - Time.

Riddle #2 - "I never was, yet always will be. I am never seen, yet
always come. I can carry nothing, yet hold much for some."
Answer #2 - Tomorrow.

Riddle #3 - "Who makes it has no need of it. Who buys it has no use for
it. Who uses it has no knowledge of it."
Answer #3 - A Grave.

Riddle #4 - "I am always hungry, I must always be fed. The finger I
lick will soon turn red."
Answer #4 - A flame.

- Head to Tatooine and speak with Motta The Hutt at the Swoop
  Registration. Choose the following:

- "I have a box for you. Sent by Lurze."
- "Does it make a difference?"
- "[Persuade] I expect a little more for transporting dangerous goods."

Credits x4000
500 XP

                   14h. Unknown World Side-quests

  Side-quest #1: Invisible Mandalorians  

- Head to the North Beach and speak with the Rakata, Warleader Garn
  (he's near the ocean shore).

- Speak with Warleader Garn and choose the following:
  - "What do you want?"
  - "Mandalorians!"
  - "OK, I'll find those Mandalorians."
  - "And?"
  - "Very well, I'll do it."
- Exit the North Beach and head to the Temple Exterior.
- Once at the Temple Exterior, head southeast till you reach the far
  side of the temple. You should see a small stone monument in the
  clearing here. Approach it and the group of invisible Mandalorians
  Warleader Garn told you about will uncloak themselves and attack you.
- Battle and defeat the Mandalorians.
- Search the remains of the Mandalorian Captain to receive - 
  Mandalorian Head x1, Mandalorian Assault Armor x1 and Hyper-Battle
  Stimulant x2.
- Now that you have the Mandalorian Captain's head, return to North
  Beach and speak with Warleader Garn.
- Choose the following during the conversation with Garn:
  - "They are dead. Here is their leader's head."

- 1000 XP 

(contents from Garn's Footlocker)
- Thermal Shield Generator x1
- Verpine Prototype Shield
- Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh
- Deadly Plasma Mine x2
- Thermal Detonator x6
- Advanced Repair Kit x4
- Advanced MedPac x4

  Side-quest #2: Rakatan Research  

- Speak with Researcher LL'awa at the Elder Settlement. (he is located
  in a room south of the entrance).

- Speak with Researcher LL'awa and choose the following during the
  - "You know me?"
  - "What are you doing?"
  - "What is your research?"
  - "What happened?"
  - "So what is your research then?"
  - "You're capturing prisoners... for their genes?"
  - "Heritage... You mean the Temple?"
  - "You're trying to restore your empire, aren't you!"
  - "How close are you to finishing your research?"
  - "The One? What's so special about him?"
  - "How could I help with your research?"
  - "I have to go now."

- Now go to the temple of the ancients.
- Speak with the computer in the Temple Catacombs and select the

- "I almost was. But I'm hard to kill."
- "What are you?"
- "I'm looking for genetic data on the Rakata."

- Return to the Elder Settlement.
- Speak with Researcher LL'awa and choose the following:

- "I have found data on the genetic structure of your species."

- 1000 XP

                            15. Walkthrough                           

                          15a. Endar Spire                           

  Command Module  

You awake onboard the Endar Spire in what appears to be an attack.
Suddenly, a man appears and informs you of the situation.

Answer his questions in order to proceed.

Immediately behind your character is a footlocker. Press the A button
while the footlocker is selected to grab your gear. Select your gear
from the equip screen and put it on. Speak with Trask to have him join
your party.

Because of the attack, the room has been put on lockdown. In order to
open the door, you'll need to switch over to play as Trask, and use his
security skill to open the door.

With the door selected, choose the security skill from the action menu
(second icon from the left). If you don't see an icon there, make sure
you're using a character with the security skill. If not, switch over
to Trask by pressing the small black button. With the door open, head
down the corridor to trigger the brief cutscene with Carth.

After the brief communication, switch characters to Trask, (small black
button) and have him use his security skill once more on the door at
the end of the corridor.

This next room is filled with a few Sith soldiers. You don't have very
many attack options at this stage of the game, so just select your
basic attack to deal with them If you take some damage, use a MedPac
from the action menu to heal yourself.

Search the remains of the Sith bodies to receive a few credits.

Proceed down the corridor, and enter the door. There's two more Sith
soldiers in this room, so be careful. Use the same tactics as you did
with the previous battle. Keep an eye on your health, and use a MedPac
if needed. Once you've defeated them, search their remains to receive
some credits and a MedPac.

There are a few more items within this room you may want to collect.
Near the door from which you originally entered, is a dead Republic
soldier. Search his body to receive a Frag Grenade. On the other side
of the room is a metal box. Search this to get a MedPac and a small
amount of credits. Also, don't forget to get the Frag Grenade, Short
Sword, Long Sword, and Combat suit from the footlocker on the opposite
side of the room. You might want to equip the Combat Suit because it
offers +4 more defence than your current armor. If you're using melee
weapons, equip the Long Sword. It's a bit less accurate than the short
sword, but does more damage.

Once you're ready, head to the other side of the room and open the door
to proceed. 

Travel down the corridor where a battle is in progress between a few
Republic and Sith soldiers. Be careful once you make contact with the
enemies. You may want to throw a Frag Grenade to give you a bit of an 
edge before engaging them. 

Scourge the corridor and collect the various items that remain after
the battle.

To proceed, head towards the door to the east. Upon approaching, you
should hear what sounds like lighsabers clashing. Activate the door to
witness two Jedi battling with one another. After the scene, a couple
Sith Soldiers show up. Use a grenade, or melee attacks to deal with

Remember to search the remains of the bodies strewn throughout the
corridor to collect a few items. Continue straight to the other side of
the corridor and activate the door to proceed to the bridge.

There's a pretty big battle going on here. Take caution and use either
grenades, or melee to defeat them. Remember to keep an eye on your
health and use a MedPac if you find you need it.

After the battle, your character should have gained a level. Press the
start button to bring up your menu. Use the L & R triggers to cycle
through the menus till you reach character info (the one showing your
character standing in place). You can either select Auto Level Up,
which automatically sets skills & feats best suited to your character
and class. Or, you can select to manually level your character up. 
Automatically levelling your character may be the right thing to do if
you're not too sure about the different attributes and skills yet. Use
the manual level if you're familiar with the game, and want to get the
most out of your character.

Search the backpack next to the door to receive some items. When you're
ready, head around the large computer console to the next door. Enter
to proceed.

Head through the small corridor to the other side, and activate the

After the scene with Trask, proceed to the door on your left to enter
the Starboard Section.

  Starboard Section  

You can sneak past the Sith soldier here by using your stealth ability.
As you approach him, the door behind him will malfunction and blow up.
He'll run over to inspect the door. Here's your chance to sneak around
the corridor and into the next room. Alternatively, you can also decide
to engage with him in combat. He shouldn't be tough seeing as he
doesn't have any buddies to back him up.

In the next room, you have no choice but to battle with the soldiers.
Use a grenade on one, and engage in melee combat with the other. 

Once you've defeated them, Carth informs you of the rather large Sith
party waiting for you in the next room. You now  have two choices in
dealing with them -  You can either activate the Combat droid, and re-
program it help you, or use the security terminal to slice into the
Endar Spire's computer, and destroy a power conduit in the next room to
electrocute the  soldiers. Either way is fine, but the security
terminal is probably the safest. If you need security spikes for the
terminal, or repair parts for the droid, you can find a few in the
footlocker on the north side of the room.

Once you've dealt with the soldiers, enter the room and search their
bodies to collect their remains. Now proceed through the final door to
meet up with Carth. After speaking with him, activate the remaining
escape pod to escape from the Endar Spire.



After the scene, speak with Carth to learn a bit more about your

Once you're ready to head out, approach the door and exit to reach the
apartment complex.
  South Apartments  

Immediately after you exit your base, you come face to face with a Sith
patrol unit. It seems they have a tendency to harass the local
residents by randomly raiding them. Before not too long, one of them
notices you and Carth, and a fight breaks out.

Quickly dispatch of them using either grenades, melee, or blasters. It
really depends on your character class. As with most battles, the only
real thing to keep an eye on is your health.

After you defeat the Sith patrol, speak with Duros, the man they were
harassing. Search their remains to receive a - Blaster Rifle, Frag
Grenade, Poison Grenade, Adrenal Strength, and a Adrenal Stamina.

Make your way through the apartment corridor till you are confronted by
the Twi'Lek merchant. He will provide you with a bit of information
pertaining to energy shields. You can choose to purchase one from him,
but at this stage in the game, you can't really afford it. Also, you'll
be finding more than your share of unique energy shields as you
progress through the game. They're practically everywhere, and you
shouldn't waste your credits on them seeing as they're consumable.

Continue to proceed through the complex till you reach a door labelled
"To Upper City". Exit through this door to reach the next area.

  Upper City South  

From the entrance to the apartments, head directly straight till you
reach a small opening that leads further into the city. Travel in and
around this small section, till you reach the other side of the city.
Here you should see a door leading to the Cantina. Enter it to continue.

  Upper City Cantina  

Once in the Cantina, head straight and pass the large table in the room
till you reach the central area of the cantina. Immediately on your
right, is a woman named Sarna. Select her, and press the action button
to engage in a conversation.

Select the following actions while conversing with her:

- "You're from the military base? You don't look like one of the Sith."
- "Nice to meet you, Sarna. I'm 'insert your character's name here'.
- "I'm not actually from Taris. I'm just stuck here until the
  quarantine ends."
- "Being stuck on Taris isn't so bad... but the locals aren't much
- "You've got a pretty positive attitude."
- "You need to blow off steam once in a while."
- "Sounds good. I'll be there."

After you finish speaking with Sarna, exit the Cantina.

  Upper City South  

After you've exited the Cantina, make you way back onto the main strip
of the city. Check your map, and head towards the east till you reach
the entrance to Upper City North. Enter the door to proceed.

  Upper City North  

Once you've arrived in Upper City North, head immediately straight till
you reach a door leading to the North Apartments. Click on the door and
enter to continue.

  North Apartments  

From the entrance, head west till you see an open apartment door.
You'll notice Sarna standing there with a few other Sith officers.
Enter the room, and a scene will immediately start involving Sarna and
a few too many drinks. After not too long, she and the others pass out.

Run to the back of the room, and search the Sith backpack to receive
the Sith Armor. If you've followed this guide up till now, your
character should now level up. Take this opportunity to access the
start menu, and either auto, or manually level up. Before leaving,
search the Footlocker in the corner to receive - Computer Spike x1,
Parts x1 credits x3.

Now leave the room and return to Upper City North.

  Upper City North  

Head west along the city streets till you reach an opening similar to
the one we passed through in Upper City South. You'll notice a Sith
Guard stationed next to the door here. Before speaking with him, access
the start menu, and equip the Sith Armor you picked up from Sarna's
little party. Now approach the guard and speak with him.

After the short conversation, enter the door labelled 'Elevator' to
enter Lower City.

  Lower City  

There's a pretty dangerous battle coming up, so you might want to save
your game after entering this area.

Once you're ready, head forward and a cutscene showing a few members of
the Black Vulkars and the Hidden Beks will play.

After the two gangs are finished fighting each other, they notice your
presence. The remaining members of the Black Vulkars immediately attack
you and Carth, so be prepared. If your character has a high enough
strength attribute (15+) I suggest using melee attacks to deal with
them. If you're using a character will low melee attacks, try to keep
your distance and use a few grenades to whittle down their health. You
can also finish them off with a few blaster shots. You can also give
yourself a bit of an edge by using the adrenal strength or adrenal
stamina you picked up earlier.

After the battle, search their remains to receive - Vulkar Shock Stick

Now head east down the corridor past Javyar's Cantina, till you reach a
door on the right with a women guarding the door. Remove the Sith
Armor, and speak with her. Choose the following responses during the

- "I'm no spy!"
- "I have to speak with Gadon. It's important."
- "Maybe I could be an ally against all those enemies."
- "So you're going to let me in?"

She'll now give you permission to enter the Hidden Bek base. Enter the
door to continue.

  Hidden Bek Base  

Head forward and open the standard door. Continue straight and approach
the desk with Gadon and Zaerdra nearby. After Zaerdra accuses you of
being a spy, select Gadon and speak with him. During the conversation,
choose the following choices:

- "I need information on those Republic escape pods that crashed in the
- "Do you know anything about this or not?"
- "I have to get in there and rescue her!"
- "There has to be some way I can help her!"
- "Gadon - can you help me with this?"
- "What are you proposing?"
- "How am I supposed to get inside the Vulkar base?"
- "Where can I find Mission?"
- "I've got some Sith uniforms to disguise myself."
- "Forget it - I'm not giving up my disguise!"
- "Okay - I'll trade the uniforms for the papers."
- "I'll be back when I get the prototype accelerator."

After you've traded the uniform for the Sith papers, turn around and
exit the Hidden Bek base.

  Lower City  

Head north down the corridor of the Lower City until you reach a couple
Vulkar gang members. Before engaging them, throw a grenade to knock
some of their health off. Finish them with melee or blaster fire.
Search their remains to receive - Credits x11 and Repair Kit X1.
Continue forward to witness a scene with a few Vulkars and a man named

After the scene, approach Canderous and speak with him.

Once you've finished the brief conversation, continue heading down the
corridor till you come into contact with a few more Vulkars. Engage
them in combat by throwing a grenade first, and then finish them off
with melee or ranged combat.

After the battle, continue on your previous path till you reach a door
heavily guarded by five blaster turrets, and a lone Sith Guard. When
asked whether you have proper authorization to enter, select:

- "I've got my security papers right here."

The guard will now grant you access to the Undercity. Enter the
elevator to continue.


Upon entering the Undercity, a couple men will try and haggle some
credits from you. You can choose to give them more than what they are
asking, which will net you a light side point, or threaten to vaporize
them will blaster fire. After dealing with them, a women named Shaleena
will come running up to you and offer you a bit of information
regarding the Undercity.

After speaking with her, head northeast through the village till you
reach a man named Igear. He has a small shop set up here, and can offer
you some basic supplies. Take this opportunity to stock up on supplies.
Make sure to buy a few antidotes and MedPacs if you can afford them.

Continue heading northeast till you reach a gate leading out of the
village with a man named Hester standing watch in front.

As you approach it, a scene will activate where a man is being chased
by a pack of mutated Rakghouls. You have the choice to either save the
man by fighting them, or to simply avoid the situation.

After you finish this scene, head out through the village gate to
explore the Undercity further.

Advance past the gate a ways, until a you run into Mission. It seems
her Wookie friend Zaalbar has been captured by a group of Gamorrean
slavers. She's agreed to help you get into the Vulkar base if you help
her rescue Big Z. Accept her offer to have her join your party.

Head southeast till you reach a group of Sith guards. They will
confront you about your presence in the Undercity. You can show them
your security papers, or choose to fight them. It's probably best to
just show them the papers though because they can be pretty tough to
beat. Especially if you're playing a non-combat class.

Continue heading southeast. Be careful of the many Rakghouls you'll
encounter here. If you find you're taking a lot of damage, switch over
to ranged combat if you haven't already. Eventually, you'll come into
contact with a large group of Rakghouls (5 or 6). Use a combination of
grenades, ranged combat, and MedPac healing to deal with them.

Near their location, is a gate leading to the sewers. Enter it after
you've defeated the Rakghouls.

  Lower Sewers  

Once you've entered the sewer, enter the door that is immediately in
front of you. Be careful of the Gamorreans in here. After you've dealt
with them, enter the room they were previously occupying and search the
corpse on the ground to receive - MedPac x1 and Credits x1. Go through
the door on the south and continue heading straight.

Eventually you'll come to a large circular room. Before advancing, take
out the Gamorreans within. Search their remains to receive - MedPac x1
and Credits x12.

Now head towards the door in southwest. Enter the door and dispatch of
the Gamorrean within. Continue forward along the corridor until you
reach a room filled with a group of Rakghouls. Take care while fighting
them or they can quickly overpower you. It's best to use ranged combat
until you have a few more hitpoints to take more blows.

After defeating them, enter the second door on the left. You'll notice
there is a minor gas mine here. Switch over to a party member who has
the Demolitions skill to either disable, or retrieve it.

Continue forward through the small corridor and enter the door at the
end. You should now be in another larger circular room. Use ranged
combat to take out the Rakghouls within, and then enter the door in the

Head straight till you reach two doors. One in front, and the other on
your right. Enter the one in front of you and defeat the Rakghoul group
within. Search the corpse within this room to receive - MedPac x1 and
Credits x9 and then the skeletal corpse to receive - Computer Spike x1
and Credits x 7.

Now use your demolitions character to disable or (preferably) retrieve
the minor frag mine here. Once done, use Mission's security skill to
unlock the door the mine was blocking access to.

There is two Gamorreans within this room. Use caution while entering
and defeat them. Now head forward till you see the Weapons Locker on
the right just before the next door. Use Mission's security, or simply
bash the container to receive - Frag Grenade x2, Sonic Grenade x2,
Zaalbar's Bowcaster, and a Pazaak side deck. Now equip the bowcaster on
one of your party members, and open the door. 

Inside is the main group of slavers who've captured Zaalbar. Have one
character immediately pull back and start throwing Frag Grenades. Once
those run out, use your weapon.

Once you've defeated them, search their remains to receive - Credits
x36 and Cardio-Regulator x1. Enter the room and a cutscene will
automatically activate involving Mission.

Now that you've rescued Zaalbar, you need to get inside the Vulkar
base. Head through the remaining closed door in this room, and take out
the Gamorrean Patrol within. Continue north along the corridor and
down the ramp. Open the door at the end and enter the room. Search the
remains of the Skeletal Corpse to receive - MedPac x1 and Credits x2.
Enter the door on the east side of the room to reach the force field
guarding further access to the sewers.

Use Mission to retrieve the minor frag mine here, and then approach the
force field control terminal and click it to have Mission disable it.
Head through the doorway to enter the Upper Sewers.

  Upper Sewers  

Head towards the door on the east and open it. You will now be in yet
another large circular room. Inside you'll notice a group of Rakghouls
attacking a few Gamorreans. Stand back and let them fight it out. Take
out whichever group survives.

Enter the door on the northeast, and proceed down the corridor.
Continue onward till you reach the two Gamorreans. Defeat them and
search their bodies to receive - Credits x38. Continue heading east
till you reach another door.

You're now in....another large....circular room. There's a
malfunctioning droid here that you'll need to battle in order to
continue. Use a Concussion grenade if you have one, and then finish it
off with melee/ranged combat. Grab the mine here, and enter the door on
the south of the room. You'll come across another mine here. Retrieve
it and continue forward. Head down the ramp and search the severed arm
at the bottom to receive - Synthesized Odor x3 and Bek Datapad x1.

Now open the nearby sewer door to come face to face with the Rancor!
Run into the room, but don't engage in combat with him. He will kill
you instantly with one hit, so be careful. Inspect the corpse pile in
the middle of the room. Now, make sure not to grab the items within.
Instead, press the X button to bring up your item pack. Select the
Synthesized Odor, and press A. The Rancor will now be attracted to the
smell of the odor, and eat everything, including the Frag Grenade. A
scene will kick in showing the grenade going off in his stomach, and
killing the Rancor. You can now safely reach the door he was guarding.

Enter the door, and defeat the Vulkar guards near the entrance to their
base. Inspect their remains to receive - Energy Shield x2.

Open the elevator and enter the Black Vulkar base.

  Black Vulkar Base Lower Level  

***NOTE*** - There are various rooms within the Black Vulkar Base. Many
that aren't necessary to explore in order to complete your objective.
This guide will not cover all rooms within the base. Only the ones
essential to completing the area. If you're feeling adventurous, search
the other rooms to collect a few items & EXP.

From the entrance of the Vulkar Base, head forward and enter the
standard door. You will now be in a large corridor with multiple doors.
Continue heading straight and enter the door immediately in front of
you. At the end of the hall, is a Vulkar Patrol Droid. Take it out and
proceed down the hall.

Eventually, the hall will lead you out into a larger central room. Take
extreme caution while entering. This room is filled with multiple
droids and Vulkar gang members. Try to lure them to your location one
by one. This way, you can take them out individually and save yourself
the headache of getting overwhelmed.

Remember to search the bodies of the enemies you take down. You can
pick up various items including some energy shields, and MedPacs.

Work your way around the large room, taking out any enemies you come
across. In the center of the room, is the Vulkar Armory. It's guarded
by two Vulkar droids. Take them out and use Mission's security skill to
unlock the door. Search the various lockers within to receive - Ion
Rifle X1, Heavy Blaster x1, Ion Blaster x1, Average Frag Mine x1,
Disruptor Rifle x1, Military Suit x1, Heavy Combat Suit x1, Vibration 
Cell x1, Mesh Underlay x1, Ion Grenade x2, Frag Grenade x2, and
Concussion Grenade x2. If you have the necessary requirements to use
the armor you just picked up, then make sure to equip it. It's far
better than anything you will have found at this point in the game.

While still in the central large room, head towards the west side of
the room. You should see two doors fairly close to each other. There's
also a hall branching off to the north. Before entering either of these
doors, approach the second door (closest to the hall branching off
north) and place a few Frag Mines in front of it. Now press the Back
Button (the one next to the start button) to switch to Solo mode. Enter
the door you just placed a few mines in front of, and get the attention
of the Vulkar members within. Once they start chasing you, run back to
where you left your party. Make sure you run far enough that they end
up running over the mines you laid on the ground. This should take out
quite a bit of health from the baddies, so you can now use melee or
ranged combat to finish them off. Search the remains of their bodies to
receive - Credits x100, Pass Card x1, Adrenal Stamina x1, Energy Shield
x1, Credits x100, Pass Card x1, Advanced MedPac x2, Energy Shield x1.

Now enter the room they were previously occupying, and search the
Footlocker and Supply box to receive - Antidote x4, Credits x20,
Concussion Grenade x2, Parts x1, Computer Spike x1 and MedPac x1.

Now head back to he hall near the entrance to the Vulkar base. Head
down the hall, and turn right. You should see a Security Panel next to
another door. Inspect it and select 'Insert Pass Card' to take the
Blaster Turrets in the next room offline.

Head into the room, and enter the elevator door on the far side to
enter the next section of the Black Vulkar Base.

  Black Vulkar Base Upper Level  

You're now in the swoop garage of the Black Vulkar Base. If you have a
few spare repair parts, there are a few broken down droids you can
reprogram to help you in combat.

Head straight, and go down the hall in the west. There's a few Vulkar
gang members here, so take caution while approaching. After you defeat
them, search their bodies to receive - Heavy Blaster x1, and Heavy
Combat Suit x1.

Continue down the hall till you reach a set of doors. Enter the first
one on your right and defeat the two gang members within. Search their
bodies to receive - Credits x7, Repair Kit x1 and Credits x9. Inspect
the Footlocker at the back of the room to receive - Concussion Grenade
x1, Computer Spike x1 and Frag Grenade x1.

Open the closed door here and enter the adjoining room. Inspect the
metal box to receive - Repair Kit x1, Computer Spike x2 and MedPac x2.
Head over to the Garage Head's desk, and inspect it to receive - Pazaak
Card +3 x1, Pazaak Card -2 x1, Improved Energy Cell x1 and Garage Head
Key Card x1. You can also access the Garage Computer here which you can
use to set off various traps within the base to take out a few enemies.

Now return to the large section of the garage. Head towards the other
ramp on the south of the map. Upon approaching, you'll be attacked by
more gang members. After you defeat them, inspect their bodies to
receive - Repair Kit x1. Continue down the ramp till you reach the two
minor gas mines. Use Mission's recover mine skill to retrieve them.
Turn left and head down the hall in the east.

Enter the first door on your left. Head into the small room and save
your game.

Have all party members equip an energy shield, and activate it. Enter
the security door at the end of the room and watch the scene.

***NOTE*** - Instead of killing Kandon, you can side with him and
betray Gadon. If you perform this action for him, he will let you ride
for the Vulkar gang in the annual swoop race. However, taking this path
will result in your character gaining dark side points. So keep this in
mind when speaking with Kandon. 

This guide was written with the path not to betray Gadon, and therefore
will not cover the alternative betrayal.

After the scene, Kandon and his thugs will attack you. Have one of your
characters throw a few grenades to either stun or do a bit of damage to
the enemies. Follow this up with ranged and melee combat. Keep a close
eye on all party member's health. Don't be afraid to use a few MedPacs
to heal yourself. If you're having difficulties defeating them, try
using a few Stimpacks to give yourself an edge.

Once you've defeated them, recover the minor frag mine that's guarding
the swoop accelerator, and retrieve it. Search the bodies of Kandon and
his thugs to receive - Credits x15, Credits x38, Poison Grenade,
Credits x25, Heavy Blaster x1, Aural Amplifier x1, Hair Trigger x1, 
Disruptor Pistol x1, Response Package x1, Sith energy Shield x1,
Military Suit x1, and Verpine Headband x1.

Head back to the elevator in main garage to reach the lower level of
the base.

  Black Vulkar Base Lower Level  

Travel back to the large room with the Armory. If you can't remember
where that was, check your map. Once there, head to the south where
you'll see a small corridor with a door at the end. Enter it to exit
the Black Vulkar base and return to Lower City.

  Lower City  

As soon as you exit the Black Vulkar base, you'll more than likely be
attacked by a group of Vulkars. Take caution in battling them because
there are several groups that have re-spawned here since your last
visit. Once you've dealt with them, head along the corridor till you
reach the Hidden Bek base (check you map if you're not sure).

  Hidden Bek Base  

Approach Gadon and inform him that you've recovered the prototype
accelerator. When he offers to have you ride in the swoop race for
the Beks, accept.

  Swoop Platform  

After the mechanic explains the basics of swoop bike racing, head over
to the race announcer and speak with him to begin racing your heats.

Take your first heat very slow. Try to avoid all accelerator pads on
the course, and avoid using your boost. Try to finish the race with a
time closest to 0:38:43 because your rival Redros, will top any time
faster than the one above by 25 milliseconds.

Your second heat should be a piece of cake provided you took the first
one slow. Hit as many accelerator pads as possible, and keep an eye on
the bottom of your screen and hit that boost as soon as it becomes
available. If you follow these steps, you'll do fine.

Having won the swoop race, the leader of the Black Vulkars, Brejik,
becomes angry and refuses to give up his part of the prize. Bastila
takes this opportunity to break free of the neural disruptor, and
launch an attack on the Vulkars.

With Bastila at your side, you shouldn't have any trouble dealing with
these thugs. Simply use melee or ranged combat to take them out.

After the battle, search their bodies to receive - Double-Bladed
Lightsaber x1, Brejik's Belt x1, Brejik's Arm Band x1, Brejik's Gloves
x1, and Frag Grenade x1. Now speak with Bastila to continue.


After the conversation with Bastila and Carth, exit the Hideout and
select your party (I recommend  Carth & Bastila).

  South Apartments  

As you exit your Hideout, a Twi'Lek approaches you and informs you that
Canderous Ordo, a Mandalorian working for Davik, wants to speak with
you. Exit the apartments and head to the Cantina in Upper City.

  Upper City Cantina  

Enter the Cantina head into the main section. You'll see Canderous on
the left. Speak with him to see what he wants.

Now that you've got a plan to escape Taris, exit the Cantina and head
to Upper City North.
  Upper City North  

Once you're here, head across the city to the west. When you reach the
end of the street, turn south and enter the door labelled 'Droid Shop'.

  Droids by Janice  

Approach Janice Nall behind the counter in the shop and speak with her.
Talk to her about the droid (T3-M4) Canderous said she'd sell to you.
She'll try to sell the droid at a hefty amount of 2000 credits which is
extremely hard to come by this early in the game. Instead, threaten her
with Davik's name, and she'll hand over the droid for free. You'll gain
a dark side point for choosing this action, but it can be easily
counter-balanced by performing some light side deeds. It's either that,
or go and try to scrounge up 2000 credits which could take quite a long

Switch out a party member to make room for T3-M4, and head north from
Janice's shop till you reach the Military Base. Take control of T3-M4
and approach the door. He will slice into the door's security and
unlock it. He won't be of much use in the base, so swap him for another

  Sith Base  

As soon as you enter the base, the receptionist accuses you of breaking
in. Threaten to kill her if she touches the alarm. Once she complies,
select to let her go (this way avoiding dark side points).

Now enter the door behind the reception terminal. Head down the
corridor, ignoring the doors on either side till you reach a door at
the end. Prepare yourself for combat, and enter the room.

After you defeat the droids, enter the door to the east. Head down the
corridor and take out the sentry droid half way through. As you reach
the end of the corridor, you should see two doors. One on the right,
and the other directly ahead. Enter the one on the right first. Defeat
the enemies within, and then search the Footlocker to receive -
Improved Energy Cell x1 and Sith Base Passcard x1.

Exit the room and continue down the corridor till you reach a door at
the end. Have your entire party equip energy shields and open the door.

The droid here has an energy shield that will protect it for most of
the battle. Have your characters attack it until it's shield goes down.
If Bastila is in your party, and has the force power heal, use it
periodically to keep your party from dieing. Once it's shield is gone,
you should have no problems destroying it. Finish the battle by taking
out the two blaster turrets on either side of the room.

Now enter the elevator to be take to the upper level of the Sith Base.

Make sure your entire party is fully healed and has their energy shield
activated. Enter the door to initiate a conversation followed by a
battle with the Sith Governor.

This battle can be extremely annoying. Especially if you're playing as
a Scoundrel. Keep your distance as he can kill you with 2 or 3 hits. As
soon as you take damage, use a MedPac or Bastila's Heal power. Use
whatever attacks you characters have to defeat him (ranged or melee).
Try and use whatever force powers Bastila has. Force Push and Throw
Lightsaber work nicely in this fight.

Once he's dead, search his body to receive - Taris Launch Codes x1,
Adrenal Amplifier x1, Energy Shield x1, Strength Gauntlets x1 and
Neural Band x1. Grab the following items from both footlockers on
either side of the room - Light Battle Armor x1, Security Spike x3,
Computer Spike x3, Durasteel Bonding Alloy x1 and Credits x500.

Head back down to the lower level of the Sith base, and return to the
entrance and exit.

  Upper City North  

Head to the Lower City now that you have the Taris Launch Codes.

  Lower City  

Head to Javyar's Cantina. It's located in the west just before the
Hidden Bek Base.

  Javyar's Cantina  

***NOTE*** - If there is still things you want to do on Taris,
(side-quests, items, etc) do them before speaking with Canderous as
this will be your last chance.

Head straight, past the Pazaak table, and into the main area of the
cantina. Canderous is on the left hand side. Speak with him and let him
know you have the Taris Launch Codes. He will now take you to Davik's

  Davik's Estate  

After the scene with Davik, exit your room and turn right. Enter the
door here to reach the Throne Room. From here, head all the way over to
the door on the opposite side of the room. It's kitty-corner from the
one you're currently standing at. 

Enter, and defeat the guard that's patrolling the corridor. Search his
remains to receive - Computer Passcard x1, and Energy Shield x1. Hang a
right, and take a turn when the corridor junctions off to the right. 

Enter the lone door here, and battle the torture droids within. These
baddies have a few nasty attacks. So, if Bastila is in your party, and
she knows the Force Power, Disable Droid, then this is a great time to
use it.

After the battle, activate the cage release terminal on the east side
of the room to release Hudrow, the man imprisoned with the torture
cage. You can gain Dark side points here depending on how you handle
this conversation. So keep this in mind while conversing with him. I
don't think it's necessary to point out which choices will result in
what, seeing as it's fairly obvious based off the choices you're 
provided :P

After you've either killed him, or set him free, take the codes he gave
you to disable the Ebon Hawk's security system.

Head back to the throne room (check your map if you're not sure). From
there, enter the northern door. Defeat the guards within, and then
access the Security Terminal at the back of the room behind the large
table. From the computer select:

- [Computer] Use Access card.
- [Computer] Access system commands.
- [Computer] Disable hangar security.
- Log out

You can also access various other functions from within the terminal,
but at this point it would be a waste seeing as we're about to leave.

Head over to the throne room for a final time, and enter the southern
door. It's next to the door we originally entered the throne room.

Now head down the corridor till you reach a door at the end. Enter, and
defeat the guards within. Proceed to the door on the opposite side,
enter it, then head straight into the small corridor. Hang a left, and
enter the door labelled 'Hangar Bay Door'.

A cutscene will now play showing the hangar collapsing due to the Sith
bombardment of the planet. As a stroke you luck, Davik and Calo are
both here as well, and get wise to your plot to steal the Ebon Hawk.
After they're done talking, they engage your party in combat.

Concentrate all your attacks on Calo. He does more damage than Davik,
so it's top priority to take him out first. 

Once his health is half gone, he'll cowardly activate a thermal
detonator in hopes to take both you, and himself out. Thankfully, the
Sith attack the planet at the same instance that Calo activates the
detonator, and rubble from the hangar's ceiling comes crashing down and
kills Calo....

Search Davik's remains to receive - Arkanian Energy Shield x1, Heavy
Blaster x1, Davik's War Suit (one of the best armor items in the game)
and Davik's Visor.

Due to the Sith attack, staying in the hangar slowly damages your
characters. Quickly run over to the Ebon Hawk's landing ramp and board
the ship.

  Ebon Hawk Turret Battle  

As the Ebon Hawk barely escapes the surface of Taris, it becomes under
attack by a group of Sith fighters!

You should have no problems with this short, yet fun mini-game. Use any
button to fire the Ebon Hawk's turret, and the left control stick to
maneuver the turret. The small radar on the bottom left, tracks the
movement of enemy fighters. Use it to anticipate their movements and
attack patterns. The gauge on the bottom right, is the Ebon Hawk's
shields. You shouldn't have to worry about it too much though, because 
you'd literally have to sit there for minutes on end without firing a
single shot to damage your shields.

With the Sith fighters destroyed, the Ebon Hawk can safely jump to
Hyperspeed and escape to Dantooine.

                           15c. Dantooine                            

  Jedi Enclave  

The Jedi Council have requested a meeting with your presence.

From the Ebon Hawk, head straight north, and enter the Jedi Enclave.
From here, we need to reach the Jedi Council Chamber. Press the start
button, and then use the L & R triggers to cycle to the map screen.
Find the Council Chamber on the map, and head in that direction.

The Jedi Council is considering you for training, but, before they
commit to this act, they must further discuss this matter in private.

Your party heads back to the Ebon Hawk, and waits to hear from the
Council. In the morning, Carth lets you know that Bastila is with the
Council, and has requested you join her. Go to the Jedi Council Chamber
once more.

It seem the Council has decided to train you in the ways of the force.
Over the next few weeks, you train under the Jedi Council in many
rigorous, and challenging tasks. Finally, you complete the initial
training, and are welcomed into the Jedi Order.

To further your training, speak with Master Zhar in the training room.
He will speak of three tests you must successfully complete before you
earn your place among the Jedi.

  First Test - The Jedi Code  

Your first test is to recite the Jedi Code. Speak with Master Dorak in
the Jedi Council Chamber, and have him teach you the code. Once you
feel you're ready, return to the Training Room, and speak with Zhar to
recite the Jedi Code.

Question #1 - There is no emotion...
Answer   #1 - There is peace.

Question #2 - There is no ignorance...
Answer   #2 - There is knowledge.

Question #3 - There is no passion...
Answer   #3 - There is serenity.

Question #4 - There is no chaos...
Answer   #4 - There is harmony.

Question #5 - There is no death...
Answer   #5 - There is the Force.

After you've successfully recited the Jedi Code, Zhar will inform you
that you're ready to accept your second trial to becoming a Jedi.

  Second Test - Path within the order  

Return to the Jedi Council Chamber, and speak with Master Dorak. It is
here that you will choose which path to follow within the order. If you
require further insight regarding the available classes, consult the
Training  Computer in the Training Room.

While choosing which path you want to choose, Master Dorak will present
you with a series of hypothetical questions in order to see what you
would be best suited as. Based on your answers, Dorak will recommend a
Jedi class for you. You can however, disregard his recommendation, and 
choose for yourself.

Below, are the answers to earning Dorak's recommendation for each

=Jedi Guardian=
 Q - "A woman and her small child are beset by a desperate-looking group
     of thugs. They are menacing her with weapons and she screams to 
     you for help. What do you do?"
A - "Attack the thugs."

Q - "You are in combat with a Dark Jedi allied with the Sith. There is
    a pause in the combat. What do you do?"
A - "Attack him again."

Q - "There is a locked door and your goal lies on the other side. What
    do you do?"
A - "Smash the door down."

Q - "You are the head of an Enclave on a contested world. The Dark Jedi
    infiltrated and are causing unrest across the planet. What do you
A - "Hunt them down."

=Jedi Consular=
Q - "A woman and her small child are beset by a desperate-looking group
    of thugs. They are menacing her with weapons and she screams to you
    for help. What do you do?"
A - "Stop the thugs and find out why they are attacking her."

Q - "You are in combat with a Dark Jedi allied with the Sith. There is
    a pause in the combat. What do you do?"
A - "Find out why he turned to the dark side and try to turn him."

Q - "There is a locked door and your goal lies on the other side. What
    do you do?"
A - "Knock."

Q - "You are the head of an Enclave on a contested world. The Dark Jedi
    infiltrated and are causing unrest across the planet. What do you 
A - "Coordinate with the planetary government to identify the

=Jedi Sentinel=
Q - "A woman and her small child are beset by a desperate-looking group
    of thugs. They are menacing her with weapons and she screams to you
    for help. What do you do?"
A - "Help them flee."

Q - "You are in combat with a Dark Jedi allied with the Sith. There is
    a pause in the combat. What do you do?"
A - "Try to see a weakness in his technique."

Q - "There is a locked door and your goal lies on the other side. What
    do you do?"
A - "Try to pick the lock."

Q - "You are the head of an Enclave on a contested world. The Dark Jedi
    infiltrated and are causing unrest across the planet. What do you
A - "Try to lure them out into a trap."

You will now be given a Jedi Class. Your character will now gain a
level based off of that new class. Select the appropriate Attributes,
Skills, Feats and Powers at the Level Up screen.

Now that you've acquired the crystal to form your lightsaber, return to
the Training Room, and speak once more with Master Zhar.

Your character will now approach the close-by workbench, and set the
crystal within your lightsaber's hilt. Speak with Zhar one more time to
be given your third, and final task.

  Third Test - Meditation Grove  

Your third, and final test will take place outside the protective walls
of the Jedi Enclave. Before heading out, press the start button and
cycle to the map screen. Press the A button to bring up the Party
Selection screen. Now select the party you most feel comfortable with to 
accompany you to the meditation grove.

When you're ready, head east from the training room till you reach the
door leading to the outer courtyard. If you have problems finding your
way there, consult your map. Speak with the Jedi Droid guarding the
door to have him unlock it. Head out into the courtyard.


Head north from the courtyard entrance. As you continue, a man named
Jon will stop you and beg for your assistance in dealing with a local 
band of Mandalorian Raiders that killed his daughter. After you're
finished speaking with him, cross the small bridge and head south
towards the plains.

As you venture just past the courtyard and into the plains, a pack of
Kath Hounds will ambush your party. Be extra careful while fighting
them. You may be a Jedi now, but they are still formidable enemies.

After you've defeated them, continue heading south till you see the
plains branching off to the northeast. Slowly head off in this
direction. There are many Kath Hounds in this area. The key to
surviving, is to try and engage them in few numbers. Trying to assault
a large group is much harder than picking them off one by one.

Eventually, you'll reach a large formation of rocks. Proceed past them
in slow manner. Pick off the Kath Hounds that wander away from the
pack. Once you've slimed their numbers, attack the group to finish
them off. Alternatively, you can use the good ole' set mine, lure them
to it, tactic. It works great in this situation because of the large
number of enemies.

After dealing with the Kath Hounds, head east through the rock
formation. The path will eventually open up into a larger area. There
are two paths here. One leading northeast, and the other leading south.
Take the path leading south till you reach the entrance to the Matale
Ground. Enter the Matale Grounds to proceed to the next area of

  Matale Grounds  

Upon entering this area, you'll see an opening leading to another area
far to the south. Head off towards the opening, taking caution of the
Kath Hounds along the way.

Once you reach the opening, enter it to be taken to the Grove.


A few Kath Hounds may engage you in combat as soon as you enter the
Grove, so be careful. Immediately to the left is a narrow path leading
to the east. Head towards the path and defeat the Kath Hounds close by.

From here, head south till you see a strange monument. This is the
meditation grove the council spoke of. Approach the monument to see the
source of dark taint within the grove.

Upon approaching the monument, your party will instantly be attacked.
The two members of your party will instantly be frozen in place by a
powerful force power. This leaves you to battle this mysterious foe on
your own.

As soon as the battle starts, quickly activate your Energy Shield, and
any Stimpacks you may have. If you have any stat boosting Force powers
like Burst of Speed, cast them as well. Using your lightsaber, attack
Juhani as best you can. Keep an eye on your health and use a MedPac or
Force Heal when you get low. If your Energy Shield wears off, quickly 
reactivate it as it greatly helps against defeating her. Once you bring
her health about 3/4 of the way down, she'll break off her and attack
and a conversation will start.

***Note*** There are two outcomes to this event. One can end with you
killing Juhani, (which results in losing the opportunity to have her
join your party) and the other is to bring her back to the light side
of the Force. Basically, at any time during the conversation, you
challenge Juhani, or say something ignorant sounding, or threatening,
chances are she's going to attack you and you'll have no choice but to
kill her.

To bring her back to the Light side of the Force, choose the following:

- "Why did you attack me?"
- "You've been corrupting the Kath Hounds?"
- "The dark side is never powerful enough."
- "I was sent by the Council to cleanse the taint from this grove."
- "I do not hold anger towards you, Juhani. I wish you peace."
- "The first step on the path of true knowledge is knowing that you are
- "Even in death, the Force will allow her to live on."
- "Anger? Show them that you have freed yourself of this base passion."
- "Your inner peace and harmony will show them your sincerity."

Juhani has now seen the error of her ways. She will thank you, and
return to the Enclave. It is time we do the same. Press the Start
Button, and then press X to be instantly transported back to the Ebon

  Jedi Enclave  

Now that you're back at the Jedi Enclave, return to the Jedi Council
Chamber and speak with them. After learning that Juhani has been
accepted back into the Enclave, speak with Master Zhar in the Training
room and inform him that you've completed the third, and final test.

You're now accepted as a Padawaan. Speak with the Jedi Council to learn
more about the bigger picture, and what you must do next.

The Jedi Council wants you and Bastila to investigate the ruins that
you and she saw in your shared vision. The Council believes that it may
provide some clue as to why, or how, Revan and Malak fell to the dark

Start by leaving the Enclave, and heading out into the courtyard.


From here, head out into the plains of Dantooine. Head east till you
reach the large formation of rocks. When you reach the fork in the
road, take the left (north) path. You should see some strange stone
objects in the ground here. Follow the trail of stones until you come
to the ruins. Enter the 'Strange Ruins'.


Head straight and enter the door ahead of you. As you enter the room,
you'll come into contact with some sort of ancient droid. Speak with it
to learn a bit about the Ruins, the mysterious builders, and Revan &
Malak's visit here.

Once you're done speaking with it, search Nemo's remains to receive -
Crystal Sigil x1 and Jedi Knight Robe x1.

Before you can move on, you must complete two trials. One in the room
to the east, and the other in the room to the west. Before heading into
either room, save you game.

Start off with the room to the east. Enter the door and prepare to do
battle with the Guardian Droid within.

These things are insanely powerful. If possible, have each party member
equip, and activate an Energy Shield. If you, or Bastila have the Force
Power, Disable Droid, (or higher) it can somewhat slow this thing's
attacks a bit. If your character has it, use Critical Strike
constantly, as it's one of the few attacks that can really do any
damage to this droid. The flamethrower the droid uses, can kill a
character in 2 or more hits, so it's important to keep a close eye on
all party members' health. If one character gets really low on health,
have him/her retreat and heal or use ranged combat. Bring a melee
character in to help absorb some of the damage and block the droids
path to wounded party members. Stimpacks also work well here too. If
you still can't beat it, try placing some mines in front of the door
before you enter. This way, you can lure him into them and do some
preliminary damage before you start attacking it all out.

Once the Ancient Droid is take care of, search the wreckage of the
other droid near the ancient terminal to receive - Droid Motion Sensors
Type 1 x1, Droid Light Plating Type 2 x1 and Environment Shield Level 1
x1. Now access the ancient terminal in the back of the room.

Unfortunately, the computer isn't displaying in any language you can
understand. Somehow, you need to configure it to display a language you
can understand. Do the following:

1# - Talk to the computer.
2# - Insert your Datapad into the receptacle.
3# - Talk to the computer.

The computer is now set to display a language we can understand. You
must now solve a puzzle to complete the first of two trials.

Q - "Identify the three primary life-giving seed world types."
A - Oceanic
  - Grassland
  - Arboreal.

With the first part of the trial complete, head to the door on the
west. As before, save your game, and then enter the room.

This battle is worse than the last. Instead of fire, this droid uses a
type of freeze gun that does damage and freezes your characters for a
few seconds. The best way to defeat this thing, is to stay back, and
equip everyone with blasters. Hammer away at him until you notice he's
not using the freeze gun anymore. Now's your chance to use melee on
him. Finish the battle off with whatever attacks you have available.
Also, using Ion Grenades do decent damage against him as well. Remember
to heal, and keep your Energy Shields activated. Be patient with this
battle as it can last anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes long.

Once that nightmare is over and done with, activate the ancient
terminal and enter the same commands we used before to set the language
of the terminal.

With that done, we have the same type of puzzle to deal with, but
slightly different.

Q - "Identify the three primary death-giving seed world types."
A - Desert
  - Volcanic
  - Barren

This will complete the second and final trial. The sealed door in the
main chamber will now be released. Return to the main chamber and enter
the now unlocked door. Head into the room and a cutscene will activate.

You now have a map, and a clue as where to head next. By visiting the
various places on the map, you may be able to discover further Star
Maps that may lead you to the Star Forge.

Return to the Jedi Enclave, and speak with the council on this matter.

  Jedi Enclave  

After much deliberation, the council decides to send you and Bastila to
the four worlds displayed on the map you found. They hope, that by
sending you on this mission, you can find the source of Malak's power,
the Star Forge, and destroy it before the Sith becomes even more

Return to the Ebon Hawk, and use the Galaxy Map on the Bridge to select
Tatooine as your next destination.

                            15d. Tatooine                            

  Docking Bay  

As you exit the Ebon Hawk, an employee of Czerka Corp informs you that
because your ship is not on the list of planned arrivals, you must pay
a docking fee of 100 Credits. Select to pay the fee or they won't let
your ship dock, and you won't be able to leave the ship. You can also
ask him about various things regarding Tatooine.

When you're ready to move on, head towards the large door at the end of
the docking bay. A Rodian will also stop you and inform you that a
shipment of Gizka have been loaded into the Ebon Hawk's Cargo hold. It
seems that he's mistaken your ship for another, and will not accept the
shipment back. Looks like its your problem now....

With those distractions out of the way, you can now exit the docking
bay to Anchorhead.


Our first order of business on Tatooine, is to get a Czerka Hunting
License. This will allow us to leave Anchorhead, and hunt the native
animals of Tatooine for money.

Start by heading to the Czerka Office. It's located southeast from your
location. Look for the speeder vehicle in front to know you're there.

  Czerka Office  

As you enter the office, you notice an Alien and a Human woman arguing
over something. After he leaves the office, speak with the Protocol
Officer and select the following:

- "I want to ask about hunting licenses."
- "There is no way to get a license?"
- "I will agree to do this for you."
- "I'll go get to it then."

Now that you've got a license, exit the office to head back to


Exiting the office, the same alien that was arguing with the Protocol
Officer engages in conversation with you. Choose the following while
speaking with him:

- "What do you mean? What are you talking about?"
- "The Czerka said that the Sand People attacked first."
- "What would you suggest, then?"
- "Who would have a capable droid?"
- "Maybe I'll look into it."

Now that you've learned of a droid capable of translating the Sand
People language, save your game, and travel east through the city.

In front of the Swoop Registration building, you'll see a trio of
hooded men standing in the distance. Take extreme caution while
approaching them as they are Dark Jedi. Once you get close enough,
they'll babble off a few words, and engage you in combat.

To make this fight easier, activate your Energy Shield, any Stimpacks
and force support powers at the start of the battle. Keep a very close
eye on your health. When it gets low, quickly use MedPacs and Force
Heal/Cure. If the Dark Jedi are using their powers to incapacitate your
party members, try using Force Resistance or higher to negate the
effects. After the battle, search their bodies to receive - Crystal
Yellow x1, Verpine Cardio-regulator x1, Double-Bladed Lightsaber x1,
Dark Jedi Knight Robe x1, Ion Grenade x1, Sith Energy Shield x1,
Crystal Red x1, Sith Assassin Pistol x1, Echani Dueling Shield x1,
Crystal Damind x1 and Datapad x1.

Continue travelling east through Anchorhead till you reach the Droid
Shop. Check you map if you can't find it.

  Droid Shop  

Speak with the  Ithorian shopkeeper, Yuka Laka, and select the

- "What do you have available in your shop?"
- "Let me ask a few questions about HK-47."
- "What functions have you tested?"
- "I'm interested. Let's talk price."

He now tries to sell it for a massive 5000 Credits!!! You probably
don't have this kind of money at this point in the game, so you can
haggle with him a bit. Select:

- "Could I convince you to lower the price a bit?"
- "Perhaps I can convince you to go lower?"

He'll drop the price to 4000, still very expensive. You have a few
options now. You can try to persuade him to drop the price, or threaten
him (causing you to receive dark points) or you can go and try to
collect the outrageous 4000 Credits.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to get the droid for free like you did
on Taris. 2500 Credits is the lowest he'll go with threatening or
persuasion. If you don't have enough, there are a few tasks you can
complete in Anchorhead to earn money. Try the following:

- Swoop race at the Swoop Registration for bonds you can sell for
- Sell any duplicate armor, items or weapons you no longer need.
- Have you party members on board the Ebon Hawk make you items that you
  can turn around and sell (Stimpacks, Computer Spikes, Grenades etc).

When you have the 2500 Credits, return to the Droid Shop and purchase
HK-47. Speak with HK-47 at the back of the shop, and have him join your

Exit the Droid Shop to return to Anchorhead.


Head east till you reach the giant gate leading out to the deserts of
Tatooine. Speak with the Gate Guard Billan and show him your hunting
license to proceed to the Dune Sea.

  Dune Sea  

As you enter the Dune Sea, a woman will stop you and tell you to ask
her husband if he likes his anniversary gift. Not really knowing what
she means, answer her questions till she leaves. Remember this info as
it is relates to one of the side-quests here on Tatooine.

Now, from your position, you should see a giant structure directly in
front of you. Head in that direction till you reach the Sandcrawler.
Speak with the Mining Team Captain to learn of his situation. He asks
for your assistance in dealing with a few groups of Sand People. As
soon as he's done speaking, be prepared to fight a few waves of Sand
People Warriors.

The same battle tactics that you'd use for any other enemy apply here
as well. The Sand People can quickly overwhelm you if you're not paying
attention. Activate Energy Shields, watch your health, and use
Stimpacks if you find you can't cut it. Also, remember to quickly heal
in between raids to avoid being killed by the next group of incoming

After you defeat the raiding parties, speak with the Mining Team
Captain again. He'll let you know that the Sand People Enclave is to
the south, and that they've amassed a collection of Czerka weaponry so
you're going to have to be careful.

From the Sandcrawler, continue heading south. Every so often, you'll be
attacked by a Sand People raiding party, so be careful. Remember to
search the remains of Wraid beasts, and Sand People. You can sell the
skull plates you find for money back at Anchorhead, so remember this if
you become low on money.

If you continue to head south, you'll eventually come to a path of sand
being guarded by a large group of Sand People. We need to take them out
and steal their robes to enter the nearby Enclave. Power-up, and attack
them with everything you've got.

After the battle, search their remains to receive quite a few Sand
People Clothing and Gaffi Sticks. Now before heading to the Sand People
Territory, equip each of your party members with Sand People clothing.
Also, if you have Zaalbar with you, switch him out or he'll be seen.
With that done, enter the Sand People Territory.

  Sand People Territory  

Head South along the dunes, being careful to avoid the mines and Sand
People. Eventually, you'll come to the entrance to the Sand People

***NOTE*** You now have two choices. You can either enter the enclave
and slaughter every last Sand People inside (gaining you Dark Side
Points) or, you can swap HK-47 into your party, and have him translate
their language, so you can find a peaceful solution to the Czerka
problem. This walkthrough followed the Light Side Path, so keep that in
mind while reading below.

  Sand People Enclave  

As you move forward, a Sand People warrior will see through your
disguise and bark off some sort of sentence. Have HK-47 translate it
for you. Choose the following choices to do so:

- "Quickly, tell him we are not a threat!"
- "Apologize for being here. Say we want peace."

The Sand People Warrior now takes you to the Chieftain. Have HK
translate once more with the following choices:

- "Tell him we want a peaceful solution."
- "Ask what it is he wants."
- "The attacks must stop altogether!"
- "Tell him we will get his vaporators.

The Chieftain has agreed to lessen their attacks on the Czerka if you
bring him some moisture vaporators from the Czerka office in

Your armor will have been removed from the previous conversation, so re
-equip it and use the transit system (press start to bring up the menu,
then select the map screen and press the X button) to be instantly
transported back to the Ebon Hawk

  Docking Bay  

From the Ebon Hawk, exit through the door on the opposite side of the
bay to reach Anchorhead.


Head to the Czerka Office southeast of your location.

  Czerka Office  

Speak with Greeta Holda at the counter in the Czerka Office and select
the following:

- "What do you have available for purchase?"
- "Do you have any moisture vaporators?"
- "To exchange with the Sand People to stop their attacks."
- "Could you be persuaded to lower the price?"
- "[Persuade] Czerka's costs, not yours. Who cares about their money?"
- "200 for the moisture vaporators sounds fine to me."

Now return to the Sand People Enclave. If you get lost and can't find
your way back, follow the steps above to retrace your steps.

  Sand People Territory  

When you reach the entrance to the enclave, the Sand People guard will
question you. Select:

- "Tell him we have the moisture converters."

You will now be taken to the Chieftain.

  Sand People Enclave  

Choose the following choices while speaking with the Chieftain:

- "Tell him that we have his vaporators."
- "Ask about the Star Map."
- "Tell him farewell for now."

The Chieftain accepts the vaporators, and in exchange, he has agreed to
lessen his attacks, and grants you his Gaffi stick as a token of his
appreciation. You are now free to wonder the Enclave, but be careful
not to anger them. This also includes not removing any of their
belongings from Wicker Bins.

After you're finished exploring the Sand People Enclave, exit the area
and return to the Sand People Territory.

  Sand People Territory  

Back at the Sand People Territory, head northeast over the sand hills
till you spot a few large pillars of sand in the distance. When you
reach them, enter the path to be taken to the Eastern Dune Sea.

  Eastern Dune Sea  

You should notice a rather large cave to the northeast from your
starting point. Head towards the cave. When you get close enough, a
cutscene will activate showing a man becoming a Krayt Dragon's lunch.
Speak with the Twi'Lek, Komad Fortuna. During the conversation, choose
the following:

- "I'm looking for a Star Map. It may be in this dragon's lair."
- "If it's such an honor, why do you want help?"
- "I'll help. Give me more information about how."
- "How will we lead the banthas here?"
- "That seems very easy. What aren't you telling me?"
- "Look, I have your fodder."
- "I'll see what I can do."

Now return to where you entered the Eastern Dune Sea. You should see
some Banthas here. Approach one, and press the action button.

The Banthas will now start to follow you back to the Krayt Dragon Lair.
But, at the same time, the Sand People take offence to you using their
animals, and attack you. You must now defeat each group in order to
successfully herd the Banthas. The Sand People here, are Elite
Warriors, meaning they are far tougher than what Sand People you've
faced in the past. Make sure your characters have multiple force
support powers casted, and use any Stimpacks and Energy Shields you
have available.

After you've defeated them, approach a Bantha again, and press the
Action Button to finish herding them to the lair.

Once they reach the lair, speak with Komad again to slay the giant

Now that the beast is slain, Komad will give you your cut of the hunt.
Thank him and then head into the cave and retrieve the Star Map.

Before heading back to Anchorhead, search the various rocks within the
cave to receive - Crystal Opila x1, and Crystal Violet x1

Remember to also search the Chewed Twi'Lek Corpse and Chewed Human
Corpse to receive - Adrenal Stamina x1, Adrenal Strength x1, Nerve
Amplifier Belt x1, Parts x1, Credits x1, Jedi Master Robe x1 and
Blaster Rifle.

As you exit the cave, the bounty hunter Calo Nord, the same man you
thought you killed, arrives to exalt his revenge.

As soon as the fight starts, activate any Energy Shields you have, and
cast any and all support force powers. The main target here, is Calo.
Don't waste your time on his companions, as it's Calo who's the hard
hitter. Heal when injured, keep an eye on your health, and keep Energy
Shields and force support active, and you should be fine.

Search the remains of their bodies to receive - Ion Grenade x1, Credits
x2000, Antidote Kit x2, Mandalorian Heavy Pistol x2, Calo Nord's Battle
Armor x1 (one of the best, if not the best armor in the game) and
MedPac x1.

You're done in this area so return to Achorhead.


Head to the Czerka office to report on the Sand People situation

  Czerka Office  

Speak with the Protocol Officer and choose the following choices:

- "I have gaffi sticks to redeem for bounties."
- "Yes, here it is."
- "[Persuade] For a bit more I could maintain my vigilance in the

Return to the Ebon Hawk, and use the Galaxy Map on the Bridge to select
Manaan as your next destination.


  Docking Bay  

Exit the Docking Bay via the door directly in front of you. Watch the
scene with the Sith & Republic Soldier and then answers his questions
to proceed.

Move west down the Docking Bay corridors till you reach the door. Open
it and continue down the corridor till you see a door on the left.
Enter it to be taken to West Central.

  West Central  

Head down the hall and exit through the door at the end. From here,
head across the room to the door at the opposite side. Enter the door,
and speak with the Selkath Port Official on the left of the room.

***NOTE*** You must pay the fee to enter Ahto City unless you use Force
Persuasion which will result in Dark Side points and a scolding from

- "Don't worry, I'll follow the rules."
- "Very well. Here is the docking fee."

Enter Ahto City via the door with the security droid next to it.

Travel south through Ahto City till you see a small corridor to the
left (east). Head down the corridor and enter the door at the end to be
taken to East Central.

  East Central  

Head east till a scene activates showing a few more Sith and Republic
soldiers arguing. Once they clear out, turn left and head north along
the pools of water till you reach an opening with a door on either
side. Enter the one on the right (east) to reach the Republic Embassy.
Head into the complex, and speak with Roland Wann standing behind the
desk. Select the following during the conversation:

- "I am on a mission from the Jedi Council, perhaps you can help me
  with it."
- "I seek a Star Map, the remnant of an ancient and forgotten race."
- "You know something?"
- "What do you want me to do?"
- "Where is the droid?"
- "How do I get in the Sith base?"
- "Is there another way?"
- "Is there another way?"
- "I think I'll interrogate the prisoner."

You now have to choose one of the three methods to entering the Sith
base. Each  method will be covered below. 

Decrypting Sith Passcard: Head into the Republic Embassy and enter the
Computer Room on the right. The technician inside will immediately
speak with you as you open the door. He'll inform you about the
encryption method used on the Sith passcards and a few pointers on
decrypting them. After you're finished speaking with him, approach the
large computer on the right and activate it to begin decrypting the
Sith Passcard.

From the computer select:

- Decrypt Sith passcard.

Equation #1 - Accessing Additive Matrix... Terminal Sequence - 1 2 4 7
              11 16
Answer - 22

Equation #2 - Accessing Subtractive Matrix... Terminal Sequence - 21 18
              16 15 15 16
Answer - 18

Equation #3 - Accessing Multiplicative Matrix... Terminal Sequence - 1
              2 4 8 16 32
Answer - 64

Equation #4 - Accessing Divisive Matrix... Terminal Sequence - 128 64
              32 16 8 4
Answer - 2

Equation #5 - Accessing Exponential Matrix... Terminal Sequence - 1 32
              81 64 25
Answer - 6

Equation #6 - Accessing Logarithmic Matrix... Terminal Sequence Pairs -
              1 0 - 8 3 - 32 5 - 128
Answer - 7

The Sith passcard is now decrypted and ready to be used. Head to the
north side of Ahto east to reach the Sith Base. Use the passcard to

Sith Prisoner Interrogation: Speak with the Republic soldier standing
in front of the stasis prison on the west side of the Republic Embassy.
Select the following during the conversation:

- "What did they do to him?"
- "Yes"
- "Let's get started."
- "A catch?"
- "I detect a pattern here..."
- "Yes."

Select the following to successfully interrogate the prisoner:

- "Interrogate him."
- "We know about your companion."
- "[Persuade/Lie] Perhaps we would give you back to the Sith but keep
- "Let's try something else."
- "Maybe we should do something to Tela."
- "[Persuade/Lie] We have her already. She may be spared if you talk."

He'll now spill his beans and tell you the access codes to the Sith
Base. Head to the north side of Ahto east to reach the Sith Base. Speak
with the Sith Diplomat and tell him the code to enter.

Sith Docking Hangar: Return to the Docking Bay and head to the far west
of the hangar till you reach Docking Bay 26-A. Before entering,
activate your Energy Shields, Stimpacks and support Force Powers. Enter
the hangar, and defeat the enemies within. Search their remains to
receive - Adrenal Stamina x1, Poison Grenade x2 and Battle Stimulant x1.

Enter the Transport to be taken to the Sith Base.

  Sith Base  

***NOTE*** This guide starts you out from the Sith Docking Bay Hangar
method of entering the Sith Base.

Head through the door directly ahead. Disable or retrieve the Average
Frag Mine in this room and then turn right and enter the door at the
end of the small corridor.

The Sith Security Officer will question you about your presence within
the base. Regardless of your answer, she'll hit the alarm and inform
the guards. Engage in battle with them. After the battle, search their
bodies to receive - Nerve Enhancement Package x1 and Echani Foil x1.

Enter the door behind the reception desk and enter the first door on
the left. Head down the corridor and enter the Disassembly Room on the
left. Battle the enemies within the room, and search their remains
afterwards to receive - Stun Ray x1. Open the nearby footlocker to
receive - Universal Computer Interface x1. Now approach the Broken
Droid and press the action button to receive - Data Module x1. 

Before leaving, you can further search the Sith Base to receive various
items/weapons. When you're ready to leave, head to the room where you
fought with the Sith Security Officer, and exit through the Elevator to
Ahto City.

  Ahto West  

As you exit the Sith Base, you're confronted by the Ahto City
authorities and placed under arrest.

You're placed in a prison and have been appointed an arbiter to help
during your trial. Choose the following during the conversation:

- "What have I been charged with?"
- "What can I do?"
- "I had authorization to enter."
- "I have no prior association."
- "Let's get the trial started."

Your trial comes to session. Choose the following during the

- "[Interrupt.]"
- "I wish to dismiss my Arbiter."
- "I will defend myself."
- "Not guilty."
- "The Sith lured me inside."
- "I was there for diplomatic negotiations."

Now that you've been released, return to the Republic Embassy to return
their stolen Data Module.

Speak with Roland Wann at the Republic Embassy.

- "Yes, here it is."
- "Yeah, yeah, get to the point."
- "What sort of deal?"
- "What does this have to do with me?"
- "How will I get down there?"

Head inside the Republic Embassy and enter the Submarine Bay at the
back of the Embassy. Press the action button on the submersible to be
taken to the deep ocean Hrakert research station.

  Hrakert Station  

After reaching the station, head forward into the door ahead. When the
scene with the Twi'Lek activates, choose the following:

- "Who are you?"
- "What happened here?"
- "The Selkath?"
- "Let's get you back to the surface."
- "Wait here while I go into the station."
- "I have no choice."

Open the two footlockers in this room to receive - Sonic Grenade x2,
Credits x50 and Antidote Kit x1. Go through the door in this room and
head down the long corridor. Search the equipment pack halfway down to
receive - Credits x10, Credits x100 and Thermal Detonator x1. Continue
down the corridor till you reach the door. Enter it and then enter the
door immediately to the right. Defeat the enemies here, then head down
the corridor till you reach the door on the right. Enter the room and
defeat the Insane Selkath within. Search their remains to receive -
Sonic Grenade x2 and Adhesive Grenade x2. Search the remains of the
body in the back of the room to receive - Crystal Sigil x1 and Jedi
Master Robe x1. Open the footlocker next to the faulty patrol droid to
receive - parts x3.

Enter the closed door and defeat the assault droids within. Open the
footlocker, and search the equipment pack to receive - MedPac x1,
Poison Grenade x1, Concussion Grenade x1 and Frag Grenade x1. Head
through the next door to enter into the next room.

You'll now see two doors. One in front of you, and another on your
left. Enter the one in front of you and another one immediately after
that. In this next room is a Heavy Sentry Droid. Use Disable droid to
knock out it's shields. once they're down, use Ion Grenades to knock
off some more health. Finish it off with attack or force powers. Search
the footlocker here to receive - Sonic Grenade x1 and Frag Grenade x2.
Head through the next door in this room. Search the various Large
Lockers here for items, and a rather funny scene involving a Republic
Officer. Before leaving the room, grab the Environment Suit and then
head through the next door. Defeat the next set of enemies here, and
search the footlockers to receive - Scientist's Memo x1, MedPac x1 and
Sonic Emitter x1.

Exit through the only available door here, and head down the short hall
to the door ahead. Enter, defeat the enemies within, then exit through
the Pressure Door.

  Sea Floor  

Slowly head forward and take a left when the opportunity to do so
arises. You should see another Environmental Suti in the distance.
Head over to activate a scene. Choose the following during the

- "What's going on down here?"
- "What are you doing in the underwater section of the facility?"
- "You wait here - I'll go check it out."

Now follow the survivor across the Sea Floor. When he comes to a stop,
approach his location to activate another scene.

You're now on your own. Make your way across the Sea floor heading
east. If a shark gets close to you, select the Sonic Emitter on the far
right of the action menu, and activate it to knock out the shark. When
the path branches off in two directions, take the left path and proceed
to the nearby Pressure door. Enter it to reach Kolto Control.

  Kolto Control  

You're now on your own, so be extremely careful. Head forward slowly,
and do you best to take out the Insane Selkath here. Once you've
defeated them, head through the door in the east.

You should see two people behind an energy force field here. Press the
action button on the Force Field while it's targeted, to activate a
scene. The crazed scientist sets off a trap in the room that locked all
doors and sucked all oxygen from the room. You now have 60 seconds to
bring that force field down. To bring it down, select 'Bash' from the
action menu.

Now that you're free, you can speak with the scientist that just tried
to kill you. Select the following during the conversation with them.

- "I'm a friend. I'll protect you. You're both now."
- "Have you seen a Star Map?"
- "What happened?"
- "Turned on you?"
- "Like what?"
- "So what can I do about it?"
- "What are you talking about?"
- "What else could I do?"
- "What other choice do I have, though?"
- "How would I do that?"
- "I will try to destroy the harvesting machine."

You can also choose to poison the shark, but it will cause you some
problems once you reach the surface.

Head past Kono & Sami towards the Pressure Door behind them. Exit
through it to reach the Hrakert Rift.

  Hrakert Rift  

Use the Sonic Emitter on the shark here, and then turn right and head
down the path towards the Kolto Harvester. Approach the Kolto Control
Panel and activate it.

Do the following to overload the harvester:

- Access fuel tank pressure control.
- Fill container pod.
- Transfer from container to injector.
- Dump injector pod.
- Transfer from container to injector.
- Fill container pod.
- Transfer from container to injector.

The Kolto Harvester will now explode causing the Giant Firaxan shark to
lose interest and return to wherever it laired.

Head east across the platform till you reach the Star Map.

Now that you've collected the Star Map, retrace your steps to meet back
up with your party.

  Hrakert Station  

Once you've met back up with your party, return to the submersible and
head back to the surface.

  Ahto West  

Speak with Roland once reaching the surface. Choose the following while
conversing with him:

- "Your construction woke something up."
- "A gigantic firaxan shark that drove all the Selkath insane."
- "A few scientists have survived."
- "The harvesting machine was destroyed."
- "Yes I did."

While you leave the Republic Embassy, Selkath guards will put you under
arrest again because of your actions down on the Hrakert Rift. Select
to go with them peacefully.

You're taken before the Selkath committee once again where you must
explain your actions. Choose the following to do so:

- "The explosions were at the research station both our governments set
  up there."
- "The machinery had woken up a giant firaxan shark."
- "I destroyed the machinery to save it."

The council will adjourn and then decide to free you based on your
heroic actions.

You're now done with Manaan, so you can go to the side-quests section
to complete those, or move on to the next planet, Korriban.

                            15f. Korriban                            


From the Docking Bay, head towards the nearby door to have a scene
activate. Answer the Czerka Guard's questions, and then proceed into
the compound.

As you approach the group of people ahead, another scene will activate.
A Sith is playing with a few individuals' minds. They want so badly to
join the Sith Academy, that they fail to see the way they're being
treated. The Sith then asks for you to decide what becomes of them.
Keep in mind that proposing any sort of cruelty towards them, will
result in Dark Side Points. Make a choice to finish the scene and move

Head down the hall till you reach the next room. Approach the Sith
Apprentices on the other side of the room to activate yet another
scene. Deal with their questions and then head further through the
complex till you reach the door leading out to the Sith Academy

  Sith Academy Entrance  

Head down the ramp and then across the bridge till you reach the
entrance to the Sith Training Academy.

You should see 3 people standing side by side here. Speak with each of
them to learn what they are doing. Now speak with the man, Mekel,
standing across from them. During the conversation, choose the

- "Are you Mekel?"
- "Why are you making those men stand there?"
- "So this isn't a real test for them?"

Now speak with the men he was toying with and persuade them to see the
truth. Go and speak with the guard standing next to the nearby door.
Ask him how to become a Sith to learn that you need the approval of the
Sith Master, Yuthara Ban.

Return and enter the door leading back to Dreshdae.


Head all the way up the ramp till you reach the four Sith at the top.
Regardless of what you say to them, they'll attack you. Before engaging
them, activate your Force powers and Energy Shields and approach them.
The battle isn't too difficult so you shouldn't have too much trouble
dealing with them. After the battle, search their remains to receive -
Sith Medallion x1, Battle Stimulant x1 and Construction Kit x1.

Now head back down the ramp, and into the Cantina on the left. The
Cantina splits off into two sections. One to the left, and the other to
the right. Head down the path on the right and speak with Yuthara Ban
at the end. Choose the following during the conversation:

- "Er... I took it from another student, actually."
- "Yes, that's exactly why I'm here. Let me join you."
- "what difference does it make?"
- "Yes, it does. I wish to become a Sith."
- "They are slaves. Don't worry about them."
- "Yes, I am."

  Sith Academy  

Yuthara will now take you before the Master of the academy. The
questions he asks are fairly straightforward, and as usual, can net you
some Dark Side points if you reply with the nasty responses.

Go and speak with Yuthara to have her tell you she plans on double
crossing him during the final trial. Finish speaking with her, then
read below to learn how to start gaining prestige.

***NOTE*** As an alternative, you can tell Master Uthar about Yuthara's
plan of betrayal. Doing so will gain you prestige, and a different path
within the final trial at the Tomb of Naga Sadow.

Now that you have been accepted into the academy, you must gain enough
prestige to impress Master Uthar, thus becoming a full Sith.

There are a ton of ways in which you can gain prestige. Not all are
necessary, but many offer some pretty cool rewards upon completion. In
the section below, I will list each prestige, and the necessary steps
required to completing them.

  Prestige Task #1: The Sith Code  

Speak with Yuthara, and ask her to teach you the Code of the Sith. Now
go and speak with Master Uthar to recite it.

Question #1 - "Peace is a lie, there is only..."
Answer   #1 - Passion.

Question #2 - "Through passion I gain..."
Answer   #2 - Strength.

Question #3 - "Through strength I gain..."
Answer   #3 - Power.

Question #4 - "Through power I gain..."
Answer   #4 - Victory.

Question #5 - "Through victory..."
Answer   #5 - chains are broken.

Question #6 - "Tell me then, true or false: victory by any means is
Answer   #6 - False.

              "Tell me then, true or false: there is nothing worse than
Answer   #6 - False.

  Prestige Task #2: Prisoner Interrogation  

Head to the Interrogation Room on the west side of the Sith Academy.
Speak with the Sith Interrogator to be given this task.

To successfully interrogate the Prisoner, do the following:

***NOTE*** Completing the interrogation will gain you dark side points.
You can free the man by making his body go into a catatonic state, but
you will be unable to gain prestige from this task.

- [Activate the serum console.]
- [Inject truth serum: small dosage.]
- [Activate the serum console.]
- [Inject truth serum: high dosage.]
- [Activate the serum console.]
- [Apply anti-serum: moderate dosage.]
- [Activate the serum console.]
- [Inject truth serum: small dosage.]
- [Activate the serum console.]
- [Inject truth serum: small dosage.]
- Tell me where your weapon cache is!

The Sith Interrogator will now try and take credit for your work.
Choose the following during your conversation:

- "I'm not going to let out do this!"
- "That's right! Let's go!"

You will now engage in combat with him. After you defeat him, search
his remains to receive - Credits x100, Advanced Med Kit x1, Crystal
Green x1 and Security Spike x1.

Now go and tell Master Uthar about the information you retrieved from
the prisoner to gain prestige.

Head to the north side of the academy till you reach the door leading
out to the valley. Before exiting, save your game.

  Valley of Dark Lords  

As you exit the academy, Malak's apprentice, Darth Bandon confronts
you. After you finish speaking with him, prepare to engage him in

Surprisingly enough, Darth Bandon isn't all that powerful. Activate
your Energy Shield, Force powers, and attack him all out. Ignore the
other two Dark Jedi until you've defeated Bandon. Heal when injured,
Reactivate Shields and Force powers as needed, and you should be able
to easily take him down. If you find you're having problems defeating
him, try loading up on a few Stimpacks. It can give you that added
boost you need to take them down.

After the battle, search their remains to receive - Credits x3000,
Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor x1 and Double-Bladed Lightsaber x1.

  Prestige Task #3: Sith Deserters  

Head north of the academy till you reach the Shyrack Caves. Enter the

Head straight till you come to a path on the right. Head down the path,
and continue till it branches off in two directions. Take the right
path again, and follow it till it opens to a large area within the
cave. Speak with the Sith here to learn they are the deserters of the

***NOTE*** You can handle this situation one of two ways. You can kill
the deserters, or, you can let them go and lie about it to Master
Uthar. This way, you'll still gain prestige. Playing a Light Side
character, I chose to set them free. Keep that in mind while reading
the following.

Speak with the Sith students and select the following:

- "I'm not here to bring you back."
- "Maybe I can help you."
- "[Persuade] Give me a chance and I'll prove it to you."
- "I can try."

Now head east through the cave till it opens up into a large chasm.
Cross the narrow bridge and engage in battle with the Terentatek on the

opposite side.

These things aren't too hard to battle with a full party. Activate the
usual - Stimpacks, Energy Shields and Force Powers. Since he's immune
to most force powers, use attacks such as Flurry, Power Attack and
Critical Hit to take him down.

After you defeat him, return to the Sith Deserters and let them know
the Terentatek is dead.

  Prestige Task #4: Tomb of Ajunta Pall  

Head to the Valley of Dark Lords. When you reach the Sith excavation
site, head east till you reach Ajunta Pall's Tomb. Enter the tomb.

This area is fairly straightforward. Head straight and go through the
series of doors. When you reach the locked one, bash or use security to
open it. Continue heading forward till you reach a giant chamber with a
narrow bridge in the middle. Approach the column on the bridge, and
press the A button while it's targeted. Now press the X button to
switch to your inventory. Select a grenade to blow it up clearing the

The droids on the opposite bridge will instantly come to life. Use
whatever long range weapons you have to take them out. I found Ion
Grenades and the Disable Droid power worked great here.

After you defeat them, cross the bridge and activate the lever at the
end. Bash or use Security on the nearby door. Head down the ramp and
disable/retrieve the mine at the end. Open the door to reach the Sith

Inspect the Sarcophagus to receive - Vibrosword x1, Silver Lined Sword
x1 and Notched Steel Sword x1. As you try to leave the room, the spirit
of Ajunta Pall confronts you. Choose the following while conversing
with him:

- "Who are you?"
- "You were a Sith Lord? From the ancient times?"
- "Why do you remain here?"
- "I need this sword you speak of."
- "What do you want me to do with it?"
- "And if the sword isn't yours?
- "How will I know which sword it is?"

Now head behind the Sarcophagus and press the A button on the Sith
Statue here. Select [The notched steel sword] as your choice. Now
return and speak with Ajunta Pall's spirit.

He will now tell you to take his blade. You can do a few things before
you leave. If you have a high persuasion, you can try and persuade him
back to the Light Side, or, you can simply leave with the blade.

As you near the exit of the tomb, you'll see Shaardan is standing here
waiting for you. Approach him to activate a scene. Choose the following
during the conversation:

- "Shaardan? What do you want?"
- "You're not taking anything from me."
- "You'll take it over my dead body."

He'll now engage you in battle. You more than outnumber him, so you
shouldn't have any troubles during the battle. After the battle, search
his remains to receive - Credits x450, Echani Dueling Shield x1 and
Hyper-Battle Stimulant x1.

Exit the tomb to return to the Valley of Dark Lords.

  Prestige Task #5: The Crazy Hermit  

On the far north of the valley, you'll find the Tomb of Tulak Hord.
Enter the Tomb.

Head through the tomb and take out any enemies you encounter. When the
path branches off to both the left and the right, take the left path
and then turn right, at the opening. Head down the slope, and defeat
the enemies at the bottom. Activate the Ancient Console near the door
and select to open it. Head through the door and down the small
corridor till the scene activates.

During the next conversation choose the following:

- "I demand to be released at once!"
- "No, never heard of you."
- "And if I pass your test?"
- "Go ahead. Do you worst."
- "Go ahead."

You will now have to answer a series of questions regarding the Sith.
However, there is a catch to this puzzle. Answer a question correctly,
and Jorak will reward you by shocking Mekel. Answer the question
incorrectly, and you will receive the shock instead.

Because you can gain either light, dark or no points from this puzzle,
there really is no wrong way to completing it.

The answers to each question is provided below so you can choose what
you want to gain from this puzzle. Also keep this in mind: regardless
of your health, it seems no matter how many you get wrong, his shocks
can't kill you. They will however bring your health critically low.
Mekel on the other hand, can only suffer from two wrong answers (the
third will kill  him). With this information, you should have no
problem getting whichever points/outcome you prefer.

Question #1 - Now, then. Your immediate amongst the Sith is an
              commander and a fine leader. He  trusts you and you like
              him. You see an opportunity to kill him. What do you do?
Answer   #1 - I kill him in secret and put the blame on someone else.
              (False - You will receive damage)
            - I do nothing. He's a fine leader, you said. He's good for
              the Sith. (False - You receive damage)
            - I use the opportunity to kill him and take his position.
              (Correct - Mekel will receive damage)
            - I refuse to answer this. (False - You will receive

Question #2 - And so we come to round two. You come across a group of
              humans who are threatened by dangerous animals. They
              plead for help, offering you a reward. What do you do?
Answer   #2 - I accept the reward and assist them. (False - You will
              receive damage)
            - Take the reward and leave the weak fools to their fate.
              (Correct - Mekel will receive damage)
            - I ignore them completely. (False - You will receive
            - I refuse to answer this. (False - You will receive

Question #3 - Let's see... ah, yes. You discover an aspect of the
              Force that gives you great power. Do you share it and
              strengthen the Sith as a whole or keep it yourself?
Answer   #3 - I keep it to myself. (Correct - Mekel receives damage)
            - I share it. (False - You receive damage)
            - I refuse to answer this. (False - You receive damage)

Question #4 - Still going? Alright, then. One of your underlings has
              made a major mistake which makes you looks bad. He is
              normally very competent and skilled: Do you kill him or
              give him another chance?
Answer   #4 - Kill him. (Correct - Mekel will receive damage)
            - Give him another chance. (False - You will receive
            - Forget it. I'm not playing along. (False - You will
              receive damage)

Question #5 - Last Question! You're about to die. Do you pass on your
              knowledge to your apprentice to make him stronger... or
              do you use your last breath to strike at your enemies.
Answer   #5 - Neither. A true Sith never dies.
              (Correct - Mekel will receive damage)
            - I pass on my knowledge. (False - You will receive damage)
            - I strike at my enemies. (False - You will receive damage)
            - I won't give you the satisfaction of an answer. 
              (False -  You will receive damage)

If Mekel was killed during the test, then you are free to leave. If he
survives however, then you and him will join forces to battle the crazy

Jorak can disable your party fairly quickly with his force powers, so
cast your powers as quickly as possible. Use the same tactics you would
as with any battle. To make it a little easier, use mass amounts of
Stims on each party member.

If Mekel is still alive after the battle, you can convince him to turn
away from the dark side, or simply kill him. After you decide what to
do, search Jorak's remains to receive - Credits x450, Crystal Opila x1
and Ancient Sith Tablet x1.

Return to the Valley of the Dark Lords.

  Prestige Task #6: A Droid with a Conscience  

On the west side of the valley is the Tomb of Marko Ragnos. Enter the

As soon as you enter the tomb, you'll be attacked by a mass wave of war
droids. Progress through the tomb slowly taking them out as you go.
Before entering the door at the top of the tomb, read below.

***NOTE*** - If your character has no stealth skill and enters the
chamber with the assassin droid, there will be no option to converse
with it and solve the puzzle. He will instead attack you on site. To
get around this problem, retrieve the "Sound Dampening Unit" from the
corpse near the entrance of the tomb. Equip this item in your Shield/
Belt slot. This will allow you to converse with the droid even with a
Stealth rank of 0. 

You can also choose to fight with the droid, but if you do, you won't
receive his redundant systems which are actually very powerful to have
for your droid party members.

Enter the door. Choose the following during the conversation:

- "You are... the 'master' the droids kept referring to?"
- "Why aren't you attacking me like the others?"
- "You are programmed to kill but don't want to?"
- "What kind of assistance do you want?"
- "What's the catch?"
- "Very well. I'll do it."
- "Alright. Let's begin."

Deactivate his systems in the following order:

- Combat Matrix.
- Motor Function Matrix.
- Sensory Systems Matrix.
- Memory Matrix.
- Cognitive Systems.
- Emotional Construct Matrix.
- Creative Simulation Matrix.
- Core (Automatically shuts down once all other systems have been

You must now select:

- [Delete assassination programming.]

The droid's assassination program is now deleted. He will give you the
following for helping him - Advanced Flame Thrower x1, Advanced Shield
Disruptor x1, Carbonite Projector Mark III x1 and Droid Heavy Plating
Type 3 x1.

Return to the Sith Academy for the final Prestige Task.

  Prestige Task #6: An uncanny Alliance  

Go and speak with Lashowe on the west side of the Academy. Choose the
following during the conversation:

- "You're trying to become a Sith as well?"
- "And what way is that?"
- "Why haven't you brought it to Uthar yet?"
- "It's guarded isn't it?"
- "[Persuade/Lie] Maybe I could help you get it?"
- "[Persuade] Because together we will be unbeatable."
- "[Lie] There is a powerful Sith cloak in the furthest tomb in the
- "See you there."

Head back to the excavation site in the Valley of Dark Lords. Check
your map and you'll notice that the area Lashowe asked you to meet here
at has been marked. Head over to that location.

As you approach Lashowe, she finishes the ceremony. You will now be
attacked by a trio of Tuk'ata. They're not too difficult so just use
whatever strategy you feel most comfortable with.

After the battle, Lashowe will try and double cross you. Choose the

- "No way. I'll be taking the holocron back, not you."
- "The 'plan' was we both get the credit."
- "No more arguing. We take it back together."

She will now attack you. She doesn't stand much of a chance against
your party. Simply attack her till she's dead. Search her body to
receive - Credits x150, Verpine Headband x1, Adrenal Stamina x1 and
Holocron x1.

Now return and speak with Master Uthar about the various prestige tasks
you've completed.

  Sith Academy  

He will now be impressed enough to declare you worthy of taking the
final test at the Tomb of Naga Sadow. You'll be given the night to rest
and prepare for the trial ahead. When You're ready, return and speak
with him to be taken to the Tomb.

  Tomb of Naga Sadow  

After you receive your instructions from Master Uthar, head forward and
enter the door. Descend down the sloped pathway, and make a left at the
intersection. Travel down this corridor till you reach the door at the
opposite side. Entering the door sets off an ancient puzzle. It locks
both the entrance and the exit. You must solve it in order to leave, or

Approach the Computer Terminal on the opposite side of the room and
activate it. Select the following in order to complete the puzzle:

- Move a system from the left pillar.
- The right pillar.
- Move a system from the left pillar.
- The middle pillar.
- Move a system from the right pillar.
- The middle pillar.
- Move a system from the left pillar.
- The right pillar.
- Move a system from the middle pillar.
- The left pillar.
- Move a system from the middle pillar.
- The right pillar
- Move a system from the left pillar.
- The middle pillar.
- Move a system from the right pillar.
- The left pillar.
- Move a system from the middle pillar.
- The left pillar.
- Move a system from the right pillar.
- The middle pillar.
- Move a system from the left pillar.
- The right pillar.
- Move a system from the left pillar.
- The middle pillar.
- Move a system from the right pillar.
- The middle pillar.
- Move a system from the left pillar.
- The right pillar.
- Move a system from the middle pillar.
- The right pillar.
- Move a system from the middle pillar.
- The left pillar.
- Move a system from the right pillar.
- The left pillar.
- Move a system from the middle pillar.
- The right pillar.
- Move a system from the left pillar.
- The middle pillar.
- Move a system from the left pillar.
- The right pillar.
- Move a system from the middle pillar.
- The right pillar.

Both doors will now unlock. Enter the door nearest to the Computer
Terminal, and make your way down the sloped pathway. Defeat the Wraids
awaiting at the bottom, and then search the Monument of Naga Sadow to
receive - Naga Sadow's Poison Blade x1. Search the Skeletal Human
Remains behind the Monument to receive - Cinnagaran Carbine x1, Sith
Assault Gun x1 and Eriadu Strength Amplifier x1.

Now return to where you took the left pathway at the intersection. Once
you reach it, continue heading straight and travel down the sloped path
here till you reach the door at the far side. Before entering, save
your game. Once you're ready, enter the room.

There are two Terentateks in this room. If you remember, this is the
same beast you fought in the Shyrack Caves. This time though, you must
fight yourself! This is bay far one of the most difficult
battles you'll face in Kotor, so don't be surprised if you lose a few

The key to surviving this encounter, is to only fight one at a time.
This is done by hugging the wall immediately to your left. Slowly move
along the wall till the first Terentatek starts to head towards you.
Now back off a bit so you don't accidentally lure the other one over.
Make sure you have your Energy Shield, any available Stimpacks and
Force Powers activated. Remember, this beast is immune to most
offensive Force Powers, so don't waste your time, or points casting
them. Attack him with whatever your character is good at (melee ranged
etc), and heal as soon as you take damage. Another important thing to
remember, reactivate all worn off items/powers as soon as they wear
off. It may take a bit, but if you follow these steps, he'll eventually
go down.

After you take down the first one, stand a safe enough distance away
from the second, and wait for your Force points to recharge. Heal
yourself if you're damaged, and then repeat the same steps for this one
as well. 

Although Force Wave does not work on them, they are still stunned for
quite a few seconds after casting it. If you have this power, use it to
your advantage and hammer away at them while they're stunned with
Critical Hit, Flurry or whatever attack you have.

After you've killed the two Mammoth beasts, search the Skeletal Human
Remains to receive - Shaela's Journal x1 and Crystal Solari x1.

Near the back of the room is a lever. Activate it to release the locks
on both doors in this room. Now head into the next room and inspect the
pillar in the back labelled 'Pillar of Ice' to receive - Special Cold
Grenade x1.

Return to the intersection room and take the only path left you haven't
explored (path heading south). Descend down the path, and open the door
at the end. As you get close to the pool of acid in this room, the game
will ask you what to do. Select:

- [Launch the special cold grenade at it.]

The acid will now turn into a popsicle walkway. Head across the ice and
up the pathway till you reach the door at the end. Enter the door and
approach the Star Map within to receive it. Before leaving, head behind
the Star Map and inspect the Sith Statue to receive - Sith Lightsaber

Now save your game. Return to the frozen walkway where a scene will

After you answer Uthar's questions, a few different things can happen.
Essentially, you have three choices:

1. You side with Uthar, and battle Yuthura.
2. You side with Yuthura, and fight Master Uthar.
3. You side with yourself, and decide to take them both out (I highly
   recommend against this if you're a Scoundrel. It is possible, but
   extremely hard).

I suggest just fighting one if you aren't too confident in your skills.
If you don't have very many Force Powers to work with, select to fight
Yuthura as she is the weakest.

The easiest path is whichever you followed. If you poisoned Master
Uthar, then he'll be weakened, and easier to take. The same goes for
Yuthura. If you didn't poison ether of them, the easier opponent will
be Yuthura. Regardless, choose who to fight, and get to it. This FAQ
will be based off of choosing to fight both.

It's amazing what Force Wave can do in a battle. Start off by casting
Force Immunity, then Master/Knight Speed followed by your Energy
Shield, and then continually cast Force Wave over and over until it
stuns one of them, or both. Now quickly attack them while they're
stunned. You should be able to kill off one before they recover from
it. Repeat to kill off Yuthura/Uthar or whoever is left. 

If you don't have any of these powers, just activate your Energy
Shield, and use whatever offensive/defensive powers you have. You can
also try throwing a few grenades just as the battle starts. Adhesive
works great here as you can continually throw grenades, or run up and
attack them while they're stuck.

After the battle, search their remains to receive - Credits x1500,
Poison Grenade x1, Hyper-Adrenal Alacrity x1, Credits x3000, Cinnagar
War Suit x1 and Security Domination Interface x1.

Exit the tomb and return to the Academy.

  Valley of Dark Lords  

Now depending on what happened in the tomb, you may or may not be
attacked by the academy. This walkthrough follows what happens when the
academy attacks.

As you approach the academy, you'll see a group of three Sith standing
in front of the entrance. Activate your powers and shields, and
approach them.

These guys aren't that tough. Use the same tactics that you would in
any fight. Once you've defeated them, head into the academy.

  Sith Academy  

You'll notice that as soon as you enter, you'll be swamped by every
last Sith in the complex. Don't worry though, almost all of them are
still apprentices, and are extremely weak and easy to take down.

Once you've cleared a path to the exit, leave the Sith Academy and
return to the Ebon Hawk.

  Ebon Hawk  

Go to the bridge and select Kashyyyk from the Galaxy Map to head to
your next location.

While on course to Kashyyyk, the Ebon Hawk comes under attack by the
Sith flagship, the Leviathan. Before they are captured, you must decide
which party member (other than Bastila, Carth and yourself) will be the
one to stage a rescue and free the party once they're captured.

I will be using Juhani during the walkthrough. If you wish to follow
this guide, then choose her as well.

***NOTE*** If you choose to use T3-M4, there is a small puzzle you'll
have to complete in order to free him from the Leviathan droid bay.
Read below for the solution.

                            15g. Leviathan                           

  As T3-M4  

Puzzle - [You sense the other droid attempting to access your higher
memory areas. You will need to take key opportunities to interfere with
the process and slice the enemy droid in return.]

[A stream of numbers is being loaded into your core memory systems. By
completing the series you can corrupt the data stream and disrupt the
other droid's programming.]


Equation #1 - 34 21 13 8 5
Answer - 3

Equation #2 - 00 11 01
Answer - 10

Equation #3 - 2 3 5 7
Answer - 11

The enemy droid will now shutdown. You must take this opportunity to
escape the droid bay, and rescue the others from the Leviathan's
holding cells.

  As Juhani: Prison Block  

After the cutscene showing Saul's torture of your party, you'll take
control of Juhani.

From your starting location, head down the sloped corridor. When the
corridor splits off in two directions, take the path to the left. Cloak
Juhani, and sneak up on the Sith Guard. When you get close enough,
activate your lightsaber and attack him. 

After you've taken him down, search his remains to receive - Starboard
Cell Block Key x1. Ignore the door on the right, and head down the
corridor till it splits off in two directions. Travel down the left
path. You should see two cell doors on either side of the hall.
Approach the farthest one on the left and speak with the alien inside.

Choose the following during the conversation:

- "I'll see what I can do."

Now use your lightsaber to bash the force field that's surrounding the
cell door. Once he is free, he'll reward you by giving you - Ice
Breaker x1. With this device, you'll be able to access the computer
terminal on the Brig Deck and free your party.

Now return to the door you originally passed on the way here. Enter the
room, and defeat the Technicians inside. After you've defeated them,
activate the Big Terminal and select the following:

- [Use the ICE breaker]
- [Computer] Access system commands.
- [Computer] Open detention area.
- [Computer] Return to root menu.
- Log out.

Head back to the main corridor (where you took the first left) and a
scene with a Sith Guard with play. If he spots you, he'll immediately
engage in combat with you. Defeat him, then head east up the ramp. When
you reach the top, you'll see a group of technicians at the far side of
the corridor. Cloak Juhani, and sneak up on them to get the first blow.
Being that they are only Technicians, you should be able to take them
out with two or less attacks.

After you take them out, head down the nearby hall, and turn right when
it branches off in that direction. Enter the door at the end to reach
the Detention Area.

Approach the Detention Terminal, and activate it. Select:

[Computer] Unlock aft holding cells and equipment storage.

This will unlock the holding cells where your party is being held

After the scene, you'll be in control of your character again. Open the
various lockers, backpacks and footlockers to retrieve your equipment.
Before heading out, access the main menu and re-equip your gear.

Return to where you first entered the Prison Block as Juhani (labelled
on your map as 'Elevator'). Activate the Elevator Controls, and select
'Bridge' as your destination.

  Command Deck  

Open the door directly in front of you and head straight. When the path
branches off to both the left, and the right, take the right path. Head
down the corridor till you reach the Sith guard. Take him out and
continue down the corridor till you reach the end. Turn left and head
all the way down to the other side. When you reach the end, make
another left and defeat the Sith Guard here. Continue down this
corridor till you reach the door to the bridge (on the right). You
can't enter it from here, so you'll have to find another way around. 

Travel down the hall across from the bridge door and enter the first
door on the left. Immediately on your right is the door to the armory.
It's locked so you're going to have to bash or use security on it. Once
inside, search the various containers here as they contain some pretty
good items. Before leaving, grab the Space Suit alongside the wall.
Exit the room, and head back to the corridor. Approach the door across
from you, but before you open it, load up with the usual - Energy
Shields & Force Powers. When you're ready, enter the room.

The best strategy for dealing with the three Jedi Masters here, is to
try and disable them as quickly as possible. If you have any attacks/
weapons that can stun, try using them. Use either Stasis, Force Wave or
any of the other stun force powers to keep them in place while you
attack them with melee. If you have Force Resistance/Immunity, remember
to cast it. These powers will help to keep you from getting completely
disabled by the enemies' choke, or stasis powers. Have one of your
characters sit in the back row and lob a few grenades at the enemies. 
If you don't have the force powers mentioned above, have this character
use a few adhesive grenades to keep the Dark Jedi in place. Fight this
battle the way you would any other and you should be alright.

After the battle, search the lockers/footlockers to collect various
items. Approach the door here labelled ' Bridge Storage'. Use bash/
security to unlock it, then head inside.


Head through the door directly ahead to enter the Airlock Outer Door.
Now approach the door directly next to you and press the A button while
targeting it to equip your space suit. Head along the path and follow
it around till you reach the door on the opposite side. Now enter the
door to be taken back onboard the ship.

Before heading through this next door, re-equip your weapons as they
were removed during your short space walk. Once ready, head through the
door and battle with the Sith Guards on the other side. After defeating
them, go through the door to the east head to the top of the ramp.
Before entering the Bridge, remember to save your game.

After Saul's little heart-warming speech, he and his troops will attack

There's two Sith Elite Troopers on the far side of the room who'll
continually chuck grenades at you unless you take them out. They should
be your first priority as soon as the battle starts. After they go
down, concentrate on the two Dark Jedi. Again, Force Wave is a great
power to use here. It can keep all enemies at a safe distance away from
your party. If they become stunned, have all party members close in and
attack them head on. If you don't have this power, do your best to
whittle their health away with whatever attacks you have. Additionally,
have a character (preferably Carth) use a few grenades to knock off a
few chunks of health. When you manage to down the Dark Jedi, finish
Saul and whatever Sith Soldiers are left.

With Saul moments from dying, he calls to Carth and whispers something
into his ear. Be careful while suggesting how Carth deal with the dying
Saul. You can gain Dark points if you suggest he finish him off, or
Light points if you tell him its not worth it.

After the scene, search the remains of the enemies to receive - Credits
x3700, Sith Assassin Pistol x1 and Verpine Prototype Shield x1. Before
leaving, activate the nearby Computer Panel and select to open the
docking bay doors. Logoff from the computer, and head back to the
elevator on the command deck.

  Command Deck  

Be careful as you make your way back to the elevator, as there are
numerous Dark Jedi and Sith Soldiers patrolling the halls.

When you reach the elevator, activate the control console and select to
be take to the Hangar.


Exit the elevator and head east. Canderous will then send you a
communication letting you know the ship is ready to launch. After the
brief conversation, continue heading east and ascend up the ramp till
you reach the Blast Door at the end.

Take caution entering this next room as there are several Dark Jedi &
Sith Soldiers here. At this stage in the game, you should be more than
enough to take them out. After you defeat them, search the various
containers in the room to pick up a few recovery items and whatnot.

Head to the Blast Door on the opposite side of the room and save before
heading through it. Descend down the ramp till a scene activates.

After you answer Malak's questions and learn your true identity, he
will cast a powerful force power and freeze Bastila and Carth. You must
now do battle with Malak alone!

This battle can be very difficult if you don't prepare yourself well.
As soon as you take control of your character, cast any and all support
Force Powers you have. Then activate your Energy Shield and any
Stimpacks you're carrying. Now start attacking Malak with whatever
attacks you've learned thus far. Keep a very close eye on your health
and heal as soon as you take damage. When your powers /shield/stimpacks
wear off, re-activate them immediately. Continue to attack Malak until
you lower his health near the 3/4 mark. He will now cast Force
Whirlwind on you and retreat to the back of the Hangar. Go through
the Blast Door to the left of your frozen party members. Enter the only
door in this room and travel down the corridor and  enter the door at
the end. Head through the door ahead and turn right. Before entering
this door, reactivate your shield & powers then enter the room to
confront Malak once more.

Battle Malak the same way you did as before. When you bring his health
near critical, Bastila will intervene and tell you and Carth to escape
while she holds him off. With no other alternative, you must return to
Ebon Hawk.

To reach the hangar bay, make your way to the far east of the map.
Travel through the doors that aren't locked till you reach the door
leading to the Hangar Bay. Enter the door and you'll escape the
Leviathan in the Ebon Hawk.

As the Ebon Hawk escapes the Leviathan's hangar bay, a squadron of Sith
Fighters intercept you. The game will now switch to a Turret Battle.
These things are as straight forward as you can get. Simply shoot each
fighter to end the battle.

  Ebon Hawk  

After you're safely away from the Leviathan, Carth will mention your
newfound identity to the other party members. At one point in the
conversation, you'll have the opportunity to ask each member what they
think of the situation. Make sure you don't speak with HK-47, as
certain choices during the conversation with him will cause the
infamous Galaxy Droid glitch. When you're ready to move on, ask Carth
if he'll still follow you.

You will now be taken to your previous heading before the Leviathan
captured you, which should be Kashyyyk.

                            15h. Kashyyyk                            

  Czerka Landing Port  

As you exit the Ebon Hawk, a member of the Czerka Corporation here on
Kashyyyk approaches you. It seems you need to pay a docking fee here as
well. You can either pay the fee, or use Force Persuasion (if you have
it). After the conversation, head east down the ramp, and make your way
down the path. Make a right when the path branches off in that
direction, and continue further down the path till it branches once

Take the left path here till you are confronted by a Twi'Lek. He will
inform you that he has been watching you very closely, and is well
aware of your exploits. He then makes an offer to sell you some
'premium' items if you visit his partner in Korriban's cantina in
Dreshdae. After he leaves, continue heading down the path till you
reach a large door with a guard on either side. As you approach them,
they'll initiate in conversation with you. Choose the following during
the conversation:

- "I'm going past you. I paid the landing fee."

Now head through the door to reach The Great Walkway.

  The Great Walkway  

As soon as you enter this area, you'll be attacked by a group of Forest
Kinrath. You shouldn't have any trouble with them because the Defence
Turrets here will help you take them out. After they're dead, head down
the walkway a short ways till a scene activates.

During the conversation with the Czerka slavers, you'll have the
opportunity to encourage Zaalbar (if he's in your party) to attack them
for killing their Wookiee slave, or choose to handle the situation
yourself. Keep in mind that provoking Zaalbar to attack them will
result in Dark Side points, and convincing them to leave Kashyyyk (via
Force Persuasion) will net you Light Side points. After you've dealt
with them, search the nearby backpack to receive - Bowcaster x1 and
Vibrosword x1.

Disable or retrieve the two mines directly in front of you, and then
continue travelling  down the walkway. When you come to a large
opening, engage in combat with the various enemies, and then speak with
the Wookiee guard just to the south to learn that you need the
permission of their leader, Chuundar, to further enter the Shadowlands.

Turn around and head down the path leading to the north until you come
to a group of enemies near a Czerka supply station. After you defeat
them, save your game. Before continuing down the path, heal your party
(if they're injured), activate your Energy Shield and Force Powers and
then continue north into the clearing.

As you enter the clearing, you'll be confronted by three Dark Jedi.
After their brief speech, they'll attack you. At this point in the
game, even three Dark Jedi shouldn't pose much of a problem. Use a
combination of offensive & defensive force powers in addition to
periodic MedPac healing and melee attacks to take them down. After the
battle, search their remains to receive - Crystal Yellow x1, Verpine
Cardio-Regulator x1, Double-Bladed Lightsaber x1, Dark Jedi Knight Robe
x1, Echani Dueling Shield x1, Crystal Damind x1, Lightsaber (purple)
x1, Frag Grenade x1, Ion Grenade x1, Crystal Yellow x1, Crystal Nextor
x1,Sith Energy Shield x1, Short Lightsaber (purple) x1 and Short
Lightsaber (red) x1.

Just beyond this clearing, you'll see a Wookiee Guard standing in front
of a door. Approach him to activate a scene. Choose the following:

- "Take me to Chuundar. I would like to speak with him."

  Village of Rwookrrorro  

You will now be taken to the Wookiee Chieftain, Chuundar. During your
conversation with him, choose the following:

- "I know you've made deals with slavers, the truth will get out
- "What do you want? Why drag us here?"
- What is this task?"
- "He's standing against you. The first of many, perhaps?"
- I'll consider what you've said. I'll go now."
- "I need Zaalbar with me as a guide."
- "Who are you talking about, Zaalbar?"
- "Play along, Zaalbar. I will see what I can do."

Now that you've been given permission to further explore the
Shadowlands, head northwest to reach the door leading back out to The
Great walkway.

  The Great Walkway  

Return to where the first Wookiee Guard (south of your current
location) told you to speak with Chuundar in order to further explore
the Shadowlands. He will now allow you to pass.

Immediately behind the Wookiee Guard, the path branches off in two
directions. Take the right path and head down the walkway till you
reach a large opening. Defeat the Kinraths here, then travel east till
you reach a group of Wookiees battling it out with a few more Kinraths.
After you assist them in battle, you can gain various information
concerning Kashyyyk and your quests to find the mad Wookiee in the
Shadowlands. Once you've finished speaking with him, head down the path
behind him to reach the transportation basket that Gorwooken will use
to take you to the Upper Shadowlands. Speak with him and select that
you are ready to use the basket.

  Upper Shadowlands  

Start off by heading north till you reach a corpse on the ground.
Inspect it to receive - Zabrak Tystel Mark II x1 and Krath Double Sword
x1. Head further north along the path till you spot a man fighting some
creatures with a lightsaber. After the scene, he'll speak with you.
Choose the following:

- "Who are you? What are you doing here?"
- "You use a lightsaber in battle. Are you a Jedi?"

He'll offer to answer more of your questions if you follow him back to
his camp. Jolee with then sprint off in the distance. Do your best to
keep up with him until you reach his hut.

You can now speak with him and learn a bit more about who he is and
what he's doing here. During the conversation, he will mention certain
barriers that block your path to the Star Map. He will join your party
and remove these barriers if you perform a task for him. He asks that
you deal with a group of Czerka poachers northeast of his camp. After
you reluctantly agree, he'll send you off to get too it.

As per his instruction, begin heading northeast through the
Shadowlands. Not too far down the path, you'll come across a Wookiee
Corpse. Search it to receive - Slaver Contract x1, Bowcaster x1 and
Bowcaster Bolt Casing x1. Remember these items, as they are necessary
in completing a quest here on Kashyyyk later.

From the corpses' location, head further northeast till you reach the
Czerka poacher's camp.

As you approach them, their commander will initiate in conversation
with you. You can now take several actions to clear them out of the
area. You can do the following:

1. Accuse him of being a Czerka slaver, and then threaten to kill him.
   He and his party will then attack you. This is the shortest way to
   deal with them, but it will result in you gaining Dark Side points.
2. Speak with the guards next to the Czerka Sonic Devices, and bribe or
   use Force Persuasion to have them give you the codes to shut them
   down. After you receive the code, inspect the device, and select to
   enter the code, thus shutting the emitter down. Do this with at
   least two emitters to have a Terentatek rush into the camp, scaring
   away the poachers.

Once you've dealt with them, return to Jolee's hut and tell him you've
driven the poachers out of the Shadowlands. He'll now join your party
and agree to help you pass into the Lower Shadowlands.

Return to the Czerka Hunting Ground (check your map). Once there,
travel east along the path till you come to the Czerka Force Field.
Press the A button while it's selected to have Jolee disable it. You'll
then be taken to the Lower Shadowlands.

  Lower Shadowlands  

Head down the path till you see a battle going on in the distance.
Approach them to have a scene activate. After dealing with the first
Mandalorian combatant, the Wookiee is then attacked by two more
Mandalorians. Quickly come to his aid and take them out. After the
battle he'll ask you for medical assistance. You can offer him a MedPac
which will gain you a Light Side point, or insult him and leave
(resulting in a Dark Side point). If you heal him, he'll ask for your
assistance in hunting down a few Mandalorian groups here in the Lower
Shadowlands. Accepting his request will trigger a side-quest you can
complete later. Refer to the Kashyyyk Side-quest section for directions
to complete this quest.

Before heading out, search the remains of the Mandalorians to receive -
Repair Kit x1, Mesh Underlay x1, CryoBan Grenade x1, MedPac x1, CryoBan
Grenade x1, Hyper-Battle Stimulant x1, Ion Grenade x1, Strength
Gauntlets x1 and Mandalorian Blaster x1.

Now head down the path to the left of Grrrwahrr (leading south). Follow
the path till you come to a group of Viper Kinraths. Take caution as
you engage them as there are quite a few of them in this area. After
you've defeated them, head around the bend to the south till you reach
the Wookiee Freyyr. As you try and speak with him, he'll instantly
attack you. Once you bring his health to critical, he'll stop the
battle and speak with you. You can choose the kill him right here
(gaining Dark Side points), but you'll miss out on a very large portion
of the story here on Kashyyyk. Or you can choose the following:

- "I'm not here to kill you. Just listen!"
- "Do you know Zaalbar and Chuundar?"
- "My name is [insert your character's name here]. I came to Kashyyyk
   with Zaalbar."
- "No, he follows because of a life-debt."
- "Go over exactly what happened with Zaalbar."
- "Well, what happens now?"
- "How? Everyone is on his side."
- "Where might I find it?"
- "I will try to find it. Can you give me any direction?"

You'll now need to get the body of a Viper Kinrath to use as bait to
lure the creature out from the ritual area. Southwest of Freyyr's
location, you'll find a pack of Viper Kinrath. Defeat them and search
their remains to receive the Viper Kinrath Body.

Head back to Freyyr, and then head directly south. Eventually you'll
reach a very large opening. You'll know you're in the right area when
you start to see a bunch of vines and a stone marking the area as the
ritual hunting ground. Select one of the vines here, and press the A
button while it's targeted. Choose to tie the Viper Kinrath corpse to
the vine. The great ritual beast will now surface from the underbrush
and attack your party. The battle isn't too difficult, so you shouldn't
really need any walkthrough for it. Just fight it the same way you've
been dealing with any of the other foes you've fought.

After you defeat the beast, you'll receive Bacca's Blade from it's
hide. Return to Freyyr and let him know you have the blade.

With Bacca's blade, Freyyr heads to the surface to gather support
against the fight with Chuundar. Before we can join him, we must
recover the Star Map here.

The many winding paths here make it difficult to head in any one
direction for too long. The best directions I can give you to find the
Star Map, are to head far to the southwest. Once you reach the swoop
bikes, head a short way south to reach the map.

As you approach the Star Map here, you'll notice it's slightly
different than the others. Speak with the nearby Computer Hologram. You
can ask it various questions concerning this Star Map's installation,
the Star Map and about how it knew you were the Dark Lord. When you're
ready, select to have him activate the Star Map for retrieval.

Now that you have what you came for, return to the basket in the Upper
Shadowlands so you can return to the surface (remember to use your map
if you can't remember the way back as the location is clearly marked on

  Upper Shadowlands  

As you approach the basket, Gorwooken will tell you that he has been
spying on you and knows that you helped Freyyr return to the surface.
He becomes furious and attacks you. It seems that Wookiees aren't as
honorable as they make themselves out to be in battle, as two of
Gorwooken's allies attack you while cloaked. Take out all three
Wookiees, then use the basket to return to The Great Walkway.

  The Great Walkway  

Travel down the pathway leading back to the village. After a short
distance, you'll meet up with Chorrawl. Approach him to learn that
Freyyr has asked him to take you to the village immediately.

  Hall of the Chieftain  

As the bickering between Chuundar, Freyyr and Zaalbar breaks out,
you'll have the opportunity to say a few words yourself. Choose the

- "You tell them, Zaalbar!"
- "Do you have to fight? Talk it through!"
- "Convince them! Avoid this needless slaughter!"

Chuundar refuses to end things peacefully and he and his supporters
will attack you.

During this battle, you'll have the added support of Zaalbar & Freyyr
which makes things extremely easy. Simply hack & slash at each enemy
till they're defeated.

After the battle choose the following during the conversation:

- "What will you do about the slavers?"
- "What will you do now, Zaalbar?"
- "I think it's time I was leaving."
- "That would be fitting, I think."

And with that, you're done on Kashyyyk. Before leaving, you may want to
head over to the Kashyyyk Side-quests section and complete a few of

When you're ready to leave, return to the Ebon Hawk and select the Star
Forge as your next destination.

***NOTE*** If you have any unfinished business on any of the worlds
(side-quests, swoop racing, pazaak, items/armor/weapons), make sure you
deal with them now because once you depart for the Star Forge, there
will be no coming back.

As the Ebon Hawk approaches the Star Forge, it comes under attack by a
squad of Sith fighters. You'll then be thrust into a Turret Battle.
As you take down the last Sith Fighter, the Ebon Hawk gets caught in
some kind of disruptor field. You'll now crash land on the Unknown

                         15i. Unknown World                          

  Central Beach  

From the Ebon Hawk, head forward and a scene will immediately activate.
A couple Duros will come running from behind the rocks followed by a
group of Rakatan Warriors. As soon as they spot you, they'll attack.
These guys are pretty weak so you shouldn't have any troubles with

After the battle, the two Duros that were being chased by the Rakatans
will thank you. After they leave, head in the direction that the
Rakatans attacked you. Eventually, you'll come to a small clearing.
There's a few more Rakatan Warriors here, so be careful.

After you've beaten them, head up the hill to the south. When you reach
the top, the path will split into two directions. Travel down the path
to the left to reach the Temple Exterior.

  Temple Exterior  

As soon as you enter this area, you'll be attacked be a few Rakatan
Warriors. After you take them out, progress around the bend and into
the clearing. This area is populated with a couple Young Rancor so be
careful and proceed with caution. A good strategy for beating them
is to use Force Wave. Although they are immune to the power, they'll
still be stunned so you can safely hack away at them.

Once you reach the clearing, turn right and head along the small stone
wall. When a path opens up to the right, travel down it to reach the
entrance to South Beach.

  South Beach  

Head forward down the path. After a short while, a scene will play
showing an unfortunate Gizka hopping into a cloaked mine. After the
scene, approach the ship wreckage ahead. There are several mines here
that you'll only be able to see if your Awareness skill is high enough.
Be careful and move slowly towards the wreckage. When you get close
enough, you should be able to see the Ship Parts. Retrieve them then
back away from the wreckage.

Head down the path next to the crashed ship. Defeat the two Wild
Rancors here and continue down the path till it opens up to a clearing
on the beach. Head over to the large structure to the south. Be careful
not to touch the stone monuments here, as they'll instantly kill you.
There is a small opening between two of the pillars where you can pass
through. As you try to go through them, a scene will activate. Choose
the following during your conversation with the Rakata hologram:

- "Who are you?"
- "I come seeking the Star Forge."

He will now allow you to enter the settlement. Head forward and enter
the Elder Settlement.

  Elder Settlement  

A conversation with the Elder Council will immediately start as you
enter the settlement. Choose the following during the conversation:

- "I'm not Revan anymore. That part of me is gone. I'm [insert your
  character's name here] now."
- "I'm sorry, but I don't remember any of this."
- "[Persuade] You can trust me. But I have some questions for you."
- "Tell me about the last time I was here."
- "Tell me about the Temple of the Ancients."
- "Do a lot of ships crash because of the disruptor field?"
- "I need parts to repair my ship."
- "More primitive tribes? You mean there are other Rakata?"
- "And what about your tribe?"
- "So if I promise to help you again, will you help me?"
- "[Persuade] The part of me that was Revan is
  dead. Now I am [insert your character's name here].
- "[Persuade] I cannot prove what is in my heart. I only ask you judge
  me by my actions.
- "How can I prove that?"
- "So you want me to go there and kill the One?"
- "So if I save the prisoner you'll help me?"
- "I'll be back after I rescue the prisoner!"

Exit the Elder Settlement and return to the Central Beach.

  Central Beach  

Head straight and turn right at the open path. Go north down the hill
till you reach the large piece of ship wreckage. Behind it is a path
leading further north. Head down this path till you reach the opening
to North Beach. Before heading into the area, save your game and
prepare yourself for battle. Once you're ready, enter North Beach.

  North Beach  

Follow the path forward till you reach the clearing on the beach.
Knowing that you are allied with the Elder Rakata, Rakata of the One's
tribe will immediately attack you. During the battle, make sure you
defeat the two Young Rancor first, or they'll completely overwhelm you
while trying to take out the Rakatan Warriors. Again, it's all about
Force Wave. Continually cast it over and over to keep all enemies at
bay. Once you've stunned them, finish them off at close range. If you
don't have access to this power, then you're going to have to use a
combination of Stimpacks and Energy shields to defeat them.

Once you've beaten the Rakatan and their pet Rancors, head down the
beach and enter the Rakatan Settlement.

  Rakatan Settlement  

As soon as you enter the settlement, every single Rakatan within eye
sight will attack you. After dealing with the enemies near the
entrance, move east through the settlement, taking out any enemies you
encounter. Eventually you'll come to two openings on the left side of
the wall. Head through the second one and continue through the complex
till you come to a bridge. Cross over the bridge then head down the
pathway ahead. Continue to head straight till you come to a giant
circular room. As you enter it, the One will sense your presence and
activate a lever that unlocks the cages to his pet Rancors.

This battle can get pretty intense if the Rancor manage to surround
you. Use Force Wave (if you have it) to keep them at bay while your
remaining party members attack them. After they go down, concentrate
your attacks on the One and his fellow Rakata.

After the battle, head into the south-eastern cage and retrieve the
second and final ship parts you'll need to repair the Ebon Hawk. Now
go to the north-eastern cage and speak with the Elder Rakata inside.
Tell him you were sent by the council to save him. He'll offer his
thanks and then escape from the settlement.

Exit and return to the Elder Settlement.

  Elder Settlement  

The Elder Council will confront you as you enter the settlement. He'll
inform you that his scout has told them of how you rescued him. When
you ask him about his part of the agreement, he says the he and the
rest of the council must further discuss the matter. He then leaves and
returns within a few moments. It seems that in light of your heroic
action, the council has decided to help you get into the temple. Tell
him you're ready to be taken to the temple. He will then make the
necessary preparations, and tells you to meet them at the Temple

  Temple Exterior  

In order to have the Elder Rakatans perform the ritual necessary to
entering the temple, you'll need to speak with them while you're alone.
Access the menu and remove your party members via the party selection
menu. Now speak with the Rakata to have them begin the Ritual. Halfway
through the ritual, Jolee will enter the area and insist that you do
not enter alone. Persuade the Elder Rakata to let them join you.
They'll eventually agree, and resume the ritual.

  Temple Main Floor  

From the entrance, turn left and head down the winding corridors till
you reach a long hall overlooking the water. Travel all the way down
the hall till you reach the other side. From here, go forward and
ignore the door ahead. Continue through the series of corridors till
you reach another door. Enter this room and defeat the two droids
within. Open the nearby footlocker to receive - Credits x5000, Crystal
Red x2, Construction Kit x2 and Life Support Pack 2. Now go through the
door at the back of this room. Descend down the pathway and enter the
door at the end to reach the Temple Catacombs.

  Temple Catacombs  

You'll be attacked by a couple War Droids as you enter. Destroy them in
order to continue. Head straight till the path branches off to the left
and the right. Travel down the rightmost path and enter the door ahead.

As you enter the room, a puzzle will activate. The objective is to make
each of the tiles white by stepping on them in the correct order. Check
below for the solution.

                      -=Puzzle Key=- |-



          __ Current Step in the Puzzle Process (out of 10)
   Step 3
 ___________  __ Puzzle Tile
|   |   |   |/
|___|___|___| __ Tile your character should be standing on after
|   |   | 3 |/   following Movement Instructions
|   |   |   |
        |   |
        |___|   __ Starting position of puzzle (default)
          S ___/

               __ Movement Instructions
Forward 1 Step


   Step 1          Step 2         Step 3
 ___________     ___________    ___________
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  |   |   |   |
|___|___|___|   |___|___|___|  |___|___|___|
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  |   |   | 3 |
|___|___|___|   |___|___|___|  |___|___|___|
|   |   |   |   |   |   | 2 |  |   |   |   |
|___|___|___|   |___|___|___|  |___|___|___|
        | 1 |           |   |          |   |
        |___|           |___|          |___|
          S               S              S

Forward 1 Step    Forward 1 Step    Forward 1 Step

   Step 4          Step 5          Step 6
 ___________     ___________     ____________
|   |   | 4 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|___|___|___|   |___|___|___|   |___|___|___|
|   |   |   |   |   |   | 5 |   |   | 6 |   |
|___|___|___|   |___|___|___|   |___|___|___|
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|___|___|___|   |___|___|___|   |___|___|___|
        |   |           |   |           |   |
        |___|           |___|           |___|
          S               S               S
Forward 1 Step    Back 1 Step       Left 1 Step

   Step 7            Step 8            Step 9
 ___________       ___________      ____________
|   |   |   |     |   |   |   |     |   |   |   |
|___|___|___|     |___|___|___|     |___|___|___|
| 7 |   |   | --> |   |   |   | --> | 9 |   |   |
|___|___|___|     |___|___|___|     |___|___|___|
|   |   |   |     | 8 |   |   |     |   |   |   |
|___|___|___|     |___|___|___|     |___|___|___|
        |   |             |   |             |   |
        |___|             |___|             |___|
          S                 S                 S
Left 1 Step       Back 1 Step       Forward 1 Step

   Step 10
| 10|   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
        |   |
Forward 1 Step

Now that you've solved the puzzle and unlocked the door, you can
progress into the next room. Approach the Rakata Computer and activate
it. Select the following while conversing with the computer:

- "I almost was. But I'm hard to kill."
- "What are you?"
- "I'm looking for genetic data on the Rakata."
- "How can I get to the upper levels of the temple?"
- "I'll be going now."

Now head back to the Temple Main Floor. Travel back to where you first
entered the temple (labelled on map as 'Temple Exit'). Across from the
exit is another door labelled 'Massive Door'. Head inside and defeat
the two Sith Sentry Droids. Proceed through the door ahead and ascend
up the incline in the next room. When you reach the top, head inside
the door to reach the Temple Summit.

  Temple Summit  

Head straight and go through the doorway on the right. You should now
see a shadowy figure in the distance. Approach it to activate a scene.

***NOTE*** Here's where the Light & Dark side stories split apart. If
you're playing as a Light side character, then you must try and
convince Bastila to come back to the light side.

Dark Side Version:
If you're playing as a Dark side character, then you must try and
convince Bastila that you are stronger than Malak by defeating her in
battle. You can then talk her into becoming your apprentice. Once you
show your true nature, you will ask your party members to join with you
to the Dark Side. Naturally, they refuse and you're forced to battle
them to the death.

This guide is following the Light Side. Keep this in mind for the next
few paragraphs.

Light Side Version:
While speaking with Bastila choose the following:

- "No, Bastila! Don't go over to the dark side!"
- "It's not too late, Bastila! You can still turn away from the dark
- "Don't be lured in by these Sith lies, Bastila!"

She'll now engage you in combat. You shouldn't have any problems while
battling her seeing how it's 3 on 1. After you bring her health halfway
down, she starts up another conversation. As usual, I recommend to
choose the following:

- "I draw my power from the light now, Bastila."
- "That is how I know you will come back to the light."
- "Learn from my mistakes. It is not too late to come back to the
- "How can I reclaim my identity if I can't even remember it?"
- "Turn away from this path, Bastila. The dark side leads only to
- "The Dark Lord Revan is dead. I am a servant of the light now."

Bastila retreats to her ship and escapes to the Star Forge. Before we
can follow her, we must first disable the disruptor field. Head
straight and activate the Rakatan Computer on the far right. Select:

- Shut down planetary disruptor field.
- Shut down Temple energy shield.

You're now free to return to the Ebon Hawk so you can escape this
forsaken world. Alternatively, you can explore the various rooms within
the temple to grab some XP and a few good items. Once you're ready,
return to the Ebon Hawk.

  Central Beach  

Dark Side Version:
As you approach the Ebon Hawk, your entire party comes out to greet

If you're playing a Dark side character, then you and Bastila will need
to test the loyalties of your party members. Ask each member if they'll
stick with you now that you've fully embraced the Dark side. You'll
have no choice but to kill whichever members refuse to join you.

Light Side Version:
As you approach the Ebon Hawk, your entire party comes out to greet
you. Choose the following during the conversation with them:

- "Bastila has fallen to the dark side. She fled to the Star Forge."
- "She can still be saved, can't she?"
- "We can try... and we will."

  Ebon Hawk  

Before you can lift off, you'll need to use the Ship Parts you found to
repair the damaged Hyper Drive. Head to the engine room and press the A
button while you have the Hyper Drive selected to repair it.

Now head to the bridge and select the Star Forge from the Galaxy Map. 

It's time to bring the fight to Malak himself!

                           15j. Star Forge

  Deck 1  

***NOTE*** If you are following the game's story as a dark side
character, then the scene described below will not occur. To continue
with the Walkthrough, simply skip over the next paragraph.

A group of Jedi under Master Vandar's command accompany you to the Star
Forge. As you're speaking with them on the Star Forge's Deck, a group
of Dark Jedi storm the room and engage you and the other Jedi Knights.
You shouldn't have too much trouble seeing how you have the support of
the other Jedi Knights. Once you've defeated the Dark Jedi, head
through the door to the south.

Head through the small corridor here and pass through the door at the
end. As you enter this next room, the door behind you will slam shut
and lock. A scene will then play showing Malak ordering the deployment
of all available Star Forge Assault Droids to attack you. After the
scene ends, a group of droids will smash through the doors and engage
you in combat. The droids aren't too powerful so either use melee
attacks or Disable/Destroy droid to deal with them.

You can search their remains for a few different items before moving
on. Once ready, head down the rightmost corridor (west on map). As you
approach the door at end of this corridor, droids on the other side
will set off an explosion destroying the door and throwing you
backwards. After you recover from the blast, head into the room and
take them out. After you've dealt with them, head straight along the
path till you reach the next door. As you might expect, there's more
Assault Droids in this corridor. Dispatch of them and enter the door on
the opposite side.

Before you can head further into this next room, you'll need to take
out the two enemy droids directly ahead. After you destroy them, head
along the only path here to witness a battle between a few Light & Dark
side Jedi. The battle quickly comes to an end with the Dark Jedi as the
victors. They'll then sense your presence and engage you in combat.
They're extremely easy to defeat because they only have half health due
to their previous battle. Once you've defeated them, search their
remains, then head west down the platform.

Not too far down, you'll bump into two more Dark Jedi. Kill them,
search their remains, then enter the door behind them to reach Deck 2.

  Deck 2  

Seeing that the Star Forge's battle droids were no match for you, Malak
will order every Sith Soldier and Dark Jedi/Apprentice to attack you
full force. These next few rooms are literally flooded with seemingly
endless swarms of enemies, so save your game here before proceeding.

Move forward down the path till you see the first wave of enemies
approaching. Take this opportunity to prepare yourself for battle. Stim
up and activate your shields & Force powers. 

Below are a few tips to help you survive this area.

- Save often. Nothing's worse than fighting it out for 10 minutes and
  then your entire party dieing. Take that brief moment in-between
  battles to quickly save your game.

- Keep a close eye on your party as they have the tendency to wander
  off into large groups of enemies. You're much stronger if you can
  stick close to each other and work on the same set/group of

- Watch out for grenades. Each wave of enemies usually has a group of
  Sith Grenadiers who can completely mess up your party if you're not
  careful. Do your best to either avoid or take these guys out ASAP.

- I can't stress this enough, but, keep those Stims, shields and powers
  constantly activated.

- There is usually a pause in between waves of enemies. Take this
  opportunity to let your Force gauge replenish before advancing into
  the next onslaught of enemies.

Progress down the path, taking enemies out as you go, till it splits
off in two directions. Take the path heading towards the south. Descend
down the ramp and into the corridor. Heading through the door here will
lead you into a very large/long hall.

Slowly make your way to the east till you reach a door on the left.
Open the door and the one immediately after it. There's a few Sith
Apprentices' you'll need to take out here first. Chances are that as
soon as you dispatch of the enemies here, another group will try
flanking you from behind. As soon as you get a chance, activate the
Computer Terminal within this room. You can create the best robe within
the game. Star Forge Robes for a light side character, and Revan's
Robes for a dark one.

Now return to the large hall and head east. About halfway down, you'll
come into contact with a few turrets. Take them out as you continue to
head east. Eventually you'll reach another door. Enter it to reach the
Command Center.

  Command Center  

After the scene finishes, head through the door directly ahead. we're
going to have to battle our way though another one of those gigantic
halls. Start out by heading left (south) down the platform. Eventually,
you'll come to a doorway on your left. Head down the small corridor and
enter the nearby door. Another large group of enemies attack you as you
enter this room, so be prepared.

Once you've defeated them, ascend up the platform and follow the
pathway till you reach a door. As you enter, you'll be faced by yet
another large wave of enemies. After you defeat them, three Dark Jedi
will use their force powers to seal the nearby door. In order to
advance, we'll need to take them out. After you've beaten them and the
door is unsealed, approach it and save your game. Now head into the
room to activate a scene.

***NOTE*** If you're playing the game as a Dark side character, then
Bastila is already with you, so the following scene will not occur. In
its place though, there will be three Dark Jedi Masters who you will
have to defeat in order to move on. This battle isn't too different
from any other you will have experienced throughout the game. Simply
use the same strategy you would while battling any other foe, and
you'll do fine.

Choose the following during the conversation with Bastila:

- "I'll never give up on you, Bastila. I know you can still be saved."

She'll now freeze your two party members and attack you. Activate the
usual, and battle her till her health nears death. She'll then start up
another speech. Choose the following:

- "You've been consumed by the dark side, Bastila. Can't you see it's
  destroying you?"
- "Malak will never let you become that powerful. He will kill you
- "You're dooming yourself to an endless cycle of death and betrayal."

Bastila will then engage you for a second time. One has to wonder how
she regained her health.... any ways, quickly activate your shield and
a Battle Stimulants and attack her with everything you've got. When her
health reaches near critical again, she'll speak with you once more.
Choose the following:

- "I have not faltered, Bastila. You have been misled by the dark

It seems she just can't get enough of a beating. Bastila will engage
you for a third and final time. Once her health is almost gone, she
will strike up a conversation for the final time. Choose the following:

- "Now you see the dark side is not stronger than the light."
- "I could never kill you, Bastila."
- "You can reject the dark side, Bastila. Return to the light."
- "[Persuade] Turn to the Jedi code, Bastila. It can help you."
- "[Persuade] Look into your heart, Bastila, and you will find the
- "Help us defeat the Sith, Bastila. This will atone for what you have
- "I trust you enough to leave myself open to your attack, Bastila."
- "You won't, Bastila. I know you still serve the light side."
- "I do love you, Bastila.
- "You aren't afraid to love anymore?"
- "You could use your Battle Meditation to aid the Republic fleet."

***NOTE*** If you're playing as a female character, you will not be
able to use love to turn Bastila back to the light side.

Now that you've turned Bastila back to the light side, you have but one
task left - to defeat Darth Malak!

Head to the south of the room, and enter the door here. Make your way
southeast across this room till you come to the door on the opposite
side. As you approach the door, a scene activates involving Darth
Malak. Choose the following:

- "It's you who can't escape, Malak. Surrender and the Jedi might show
  you mercy."
- "I was saved from the darkness, Malak. You can be too, if you wish."

Darth Malak will now retreat, leaving you to deal with what seems to be
an endless swarm of droids. The key to defeating them is to prevent
them from being replicated. Do this by activating the various terminals
within the room. Each droid generator is linked with one of these
consoles. You must use 8 spikes to disable each one. If you don't have
enough spikes, killing a droid will cause a computer spike to appear in
its corresponding spike bin (Example - Destroying Forge Droid Type E
will cause a computer spike to appear in Type E Spike Bin). Each bin is
located next to its corresponding terminal throughout the room. Repeat
this process until you have destroyed generators A through F. The door
where Malak retreated to will now unlock. Head through the door to
reach the Viewing Platform.

  Viewing Platform  

This is it. The final confrontation with Malak. Now might be a good
time to save. Head down the platform towards Malak until a scene
activates. If you're playing as a light side character, keep in mind
that here during your final confrontation you must still try and turn
Malak back to the light side. If you choose the aggressive answers, you
will receive dark points (not like it really matters at this point in
the game).

It's hard to give a general fighting strategy for fighting Malak
because the different classes must use different tactics to defeat him.
Below, I will do my best to explain strategies for each.

Being a soldier, you've most likely chosen to be a Jedi Guardian. Even
if you haven't though you'll still have your strength and high vitality
backing you up. The good thing about this class is they can really take
a beating before having to back down.

You should start this battle off like any other; activating your
shield, stimpacks and any defensive force powers you may have.
Hopefully you have Force Immunity or something similar because Malak's
force powers are what do the major damage during the fight. Knight or
Master speed help a ton here too. Attack Malak with whatever melee
attacks you have (Power attack, flurry etc). Don't be worried about
taking his full bar of health off because he retreats once you bring
him halfway down. Also, you may want to wear armor during this battle.
Doing so you won't be able to use most force powers, but the added
defence can really help.

Once Malak retreats to the other side of the room, he'll explain the
purpose of the various Jedi captured within the stasis fields around
the room. As soon as he finishes with his speech, quickly run to each
capsule and use an offensive force power (Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid,
Wound/Choke/Kill, Throw Lightsaber/ADV Throw Lightsaber etc) to destroy
them. If you don't, each time you damage Malak to a certain point,
he'll absorb the life force from a Jedi. This can make beating Malak
basically impossible.

After you destroy all the capsules, you will then need to go all out on
Malak. As usual, activate your best shield, force power and every
single Stimpack you have on you. Now hit Malak with everything you've
got. As soon as your health drops halfway down, use a Life Support Pack
or Cure power. Just keep attacking him and reactivating anything that
wears off and you'll down him in no time.

The Scout has a little bit of a harder time when fighting Malak, but
not anywhere near as hard as a Scoundrel.

You know the routine here - Stims, shield and force powers. Activate
them all. For the first part of battle, attack him normally like you
would any other enemy. As with the Soldier, you still must destroy
those captured Jedi or they'll constantly fuel him. If you're a Dark
Jedi however, and have the absorb power, you can suck the souls of the
Jedi yourself. I don't recommend this though because leaving the Jedi
alive is far too great a risk as Malak will certainly get his hands on
a few.

When all captured Jedi have either been killed, or soul sucked,
activate Stims/Shields/Force Powers. Because you don't have as much
health as a soldier, you're not going to be able to go toe to toe with
Malak for very long. Keep a constant attack on him until you notice the
effects of whatever you've casted start to wear off. When they do,
activate Knight/Master Speed or a Speed Stimulant and run away from
Malak. Once you get a fair distance away, heal and reactivate
everything that has worn off. By now, Malak should be hot on your heels
so throw every melee attack you have at him. Repeat this process as
many times as it takes to defeat Malak. You may also want to save every
so often just in case you mess up and die.

Regardless of your Jedi class, you're going to have a very difficult
time with Malak. The real enemy here isn't Malak, but rather your own
vitality. You will only be able to suffer a few attacks before Malak
kills you, so we're going to have to do a little improvising.

A very effective (yes I know it's cheap) way to get by his first form
is by using a ton of mines. Before engaging him, stand in one spot and
lay every single mine your character has in one spot. After you've
approached Malak and he engages you, lure him over the mines. If you
used enough you should be able to knock off almost half of his health.
All you need to do now is activate your Stims, Shields and Force Powers
and attack him until he retreats to the captured Jedi.

This next part is where the real fun begins. Start out the same as the
other classes and destroy each of the captured Jedi. Now in order to
defeat Malak, we're going to have to play a little game of cat and
mouse. Basically what you need to do is activate your shield/stimpacks
/force powers and attack him until your Shield wears off. You will know
this as soon as you start taking damage. When this happens cast Knight/
Master Speed or a speed stimulant and get a safe distance away from
him. Before he can catch up to you, quickly heal and reactivate
anything that has worn off. Once you're ready, head back into battle
with Malak and use your strongest attacks. Repeat the above process
until you defeat Malak. You may have to do this several times ( 3 or
4+) so be patient. It also greatly helps to save after each time you
retreat and heal, that way you can restart the battle at full health
where you left off if he kills you.

Once Malak has been killed, you'll be treated to one out of a possible
two endings. This of course is determined by which side of the force
you ended the game on. Sit back, relax, and watch as it all unfolds!

                   16. E-mail & Contact Guidelines
Originally I didn't have any stipulations regarding e-mail, but as I
soon learned, many people have no reserve or brains when they decide to
send me an e-mail. Below are the acceptable and **NOT** acceptable
things to e-mail me about.

- Requests to display this FAQ on your website. Make sure to include
  the URL to the said website so I can check it out before granting you
- Questions regarding specific issues about this document (corrections
- Praise (and lots of it) =)
- Questions about future updates.
- Questions regarding sections/parts you found confusing and couldn't
  understand clearly. I'll do my best to explain it differently in the

Not Acceptable:
- Anything that this FAQ has already covered. Example - You ask me how
  to defeat a certain enemy when it has already been covered within the
- How to get by a certain area that the FAQ has not covered yet. I'm
  not your personal strategy guide, that's what this document is for.
  Chances are the part you're inquiring about will be completed by the
  next version, so be patient.
- Sending me multiple e-mails concerning the same matter.
- Arguing with me about something I've written in my FAQ that you don't
  agree with. I understand that everyone is entitled to their own
  opinions, but I'd rather not spend my time arguing about it in an
- Rude e-mails detailing something incorrect about the FAQ. I am human
  and I do make mistakes. So keep this is mind while reading this FAQ.
- As I've stated before, I AM NOT YOUR PERSONAL STRATEGY GUIDE! Do not
  add me to your MSN contact list and send me messages about clearing
  certain areas of the game. Unless of course you want to pay me a
  $1.50/minute for live one on one counselling.
- Do not send me 'what you think' is a better, or alternative method
  to clearing an area, or defeating a particular enemy. I appreciate
  the offers, but at the same time, I find it to be a bit undermining
  and annoying. If you really think your information is that critical,
  then write a FAQ of your own.
                      ******END OF DOCUMENT******                     

Many, many thanks to Revolution reader Virgil! 

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