
Hearthstone: Knights of the Frozen Throne – The Best Pro Decks

Hearthstone: Knights of the Frozen Throne is now here, along with dozens of new cards. You may be wondering what decks are competitive. Well, pro players have been experimenting with various results.

Below are some of the most powerful pro decks that you may want to try out.

Note: This guide is a work in progress.


Zalae’s KFT Infesting Plague Jade Druid

  • Innervate (2)
  • Earthen Scales (1)
  • Jade Idol (2)
  • Wild Growth (2)
  • Wrath (2)
  • Jade Blossom (2)
  • Fandral Staghelm (1)
  • Swipe (2)
  • Nourish (2)
  • Spreading Plague (2)
  • Jade Behemoth (2)
  • Balfurion the Pestilent (1)
  • Ultimate Infestation (2)
  • Jade Spirit (2)
  • Spellbreaker (1)
  • Aya Blackpaw (1)
  • The Black Knight (1)
  • Primordial Drake (2)


Neirea’s KFT Simulacrum Exodia Mage

  • Babbling Book (2)
  • Open the Waygate (1)
  • Arcanologist (2)
  • Primordial Glyph (2)
  • Sorcerer’s Apprentice (2)
  • Arcane Intellect (2)
  • Frost Nova (2)
  • Ice Barrier (1)
  • Ice Block (2)
  • Simulacrum (1)
  • Molten Reflection (2)
  • Cabalist’s Tome (2)
  • Blizzard (2)
  • Archmage Antonidas (1)
  • Doomsayer (2)
  • Novice Engineer (2)
  • Coldlight Oracle (2)


Weghuz’s KFT Midrange Divine Shield Paladin

  • Righteous Protector (2)
  • Equality (2)
  • Hydrologist (2)
  • Aldor Peacekeeper (2)
  • Howling Commander (2)
  • Rallying Blade (2)
  • Wickerflame Burnbristle (1)
  • Chillblade Champion (1)
  • Consecration (2)
  • Bolvar, Fireblood (1)
  • Spikeridged Steed (2)
  • Sunkeeper Tarim (1)
  • Tirion Fordring (1)
  • Argent Squire (2)
  • Stonehill Defender (2)
  • Corpsetaker (2)
  • Bonemare (2)
  • The Lich King (1)


Zetalot’s KFT EZ Big Control Priest

  • Circle of Healing (2)
  • Northshire Cleric (2)
  • Power Word: Shield (2)
  • Shadow Visions (2)
  • Shadow Word: Pain (1)
  • Shadow Word: Death (2)
  • Auchenai Soulpriest (2)
  • Eternal Servitude (2)
  • Greater Healing Potion (1)
  • Dragonfire Potion (2)
  • Archbishop Benedictus (1)
  • Obsidian Statue (2)
  • Doomsayer (22)
  • Wild Pyromancer (2)
  • Barnes (1)
  • Cairne Bloodhoof (1)
  • Skulking Geist (1)
  • The Lich King (1)
  • N’Zoth, The Corruptor (1)


J4ckiechan’s KFT Elemental Tempo Rogue

  • Backstab (2)
  • Swashburglar (2)
  • Edwin Vancleef (1)
  • SI:7 Agent (2)
  • Shadowcaster (2)
  • Vilespine Slayer (2)
  • Argent Squire (1)
  • Fire Fly (2)
  • Patches the Pirate (1)
  • Prince Keleseth (1)
  • Tar Creeper (2)
  • Fire Plume Phoenix (2)
  • Tol’vir Stoneshaper (2)
  • Servant of Kalimos (2)
  • Blazecaller (2)
  • Bonemare (2)


DisguisedToast’s KFT Evolve Token Shaman

  • Evolve (2)
  • Devolve (1)
  • Flametongue Totem (2)
  • Jade Claws (2)
  • Maelstrom Portal (2)
  • Primalfin Totem (2)
  • Mana Tide Totem (2)
  • Jade Lightning (2)
  • Bloodlust (2)
  • Thrall, Deathseer (1)
  • Thing From Below (2)
  • Bloodsail Corsair (2)
  • Fire Fly (2)
  • Patches the Pirate (1)
  • Rattling Rascal (2)
  • Doppelgangster (2)
  • Aya Blackpaw (1)


Boarcontrol’s KFT Control Warlock

  • Mortal Coil (2)
  • Defile (2)
  • Drain Soul (2)
  • Shadowflame (1)
  • Siphon Soul (2)
  • Lord Jaraxxus (1)
  • Mistress of Mixtures (2)
  • Ancient Watcher (2)
  • Bloodmage Thalnos (1)
  • Sunfury Protector (2)
  • Humongous Razorleaf (2)
  • Faceless Shambler (2)
  • Spellbreaker (2)
  • Twilight Drake (2)
  • Bonemare (2)
  • The Lich King (1)
  • Mountain Giant (2)


Purple’s KFT Dead Man C’thun Warrior

  • Armorsmith (2)
  • Battle Rage (2)
  • Dead Man’s Hand (1)
  • Execute (2)
  • Fiery War Axe (2)
  • Slam (2)
  • Sleep with the Fishes (2)
  • Ravaging Ghoul (2)
  • Shield Block (2)
  • Blood Razor (2)
  • Brawl (1)
  • Ancient Shieldbearer (2)
  • Scourgelord Garrosh (1)
  • Beckoner of Evil (2)
  • Acolyte of Pain (2)
  • Disciple of C’thun (2)
  • C’thun (1)
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