Hearthstone Fire FestEVIL

Hearthstone Fire FestEVIL | Start and end date schedule, earning Saviors of Uldum card packs

With a new expansion on the horizon with Saviors of Uldum, Hearthstone has begun its nearly month long event bringing loads of surprises for those playing cards in the tavern. The Hearthstone Fire FestEVIL brings the League of E.V.I.L. to the forefront as they fight the bosses within Blackrock Mountain. Hopefully, it’s not as big of a disaster of a festival with a similar name that won’t be discussed in this guide.

What will be discussed is when the festivities will begin, what you’ll be doing for the month-ish long event, and how you can earn a few Saviors of Uldum packs.

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Hearthstone Fire FestEVIL start and end date schedule

I have some good news. The Hearthstone Fire FestEVIL has already commenced! From July 10 to 9:00 AM PT on July 31, you’ll be able to join the festivities. However, every week will have a new different event for you to partake in. Here is what the next three weeks will look like:

  • Blackrock Crash Week 1: July 10 – July 17
  • Blackrock Crash Week 2: July 17 – July 24
  • The Burndown: July 24 – July 31
  • Fireside Gatherings Tavern Brawls: July 10 – 31

Earn Hearthstone: Saviors of Uldum card packs

hearthstone fire festevil

So, what is the Blackrock Crash Weeks and the Burndown? Well, they are your ticket to earning packs for the upcoming Hearthstone expansion, Saviors of Uldum.

Blackrock Crash is a solo adventure where you’ll go toe-to-toe with Blackrock bosses as different members of the League of E.V.I.L. During the first week, there will be a total of eight bosses to defeat. But don’t worry, you won’t have to beat all of them to earn a Saviors of Uldum card pack. You’ll only have to defeat four of the bosses to receive the card back. If you do end up defeating all eight bosses, you’ll earn a Ragnaros card back.

Additionally, all completed runs are timed. Depending on how fast you defeat all of the bosses, you’ll earn a Golden card. Completing a run under one hour will earn you a Golden Bronze Herald card; achieving a run under 40 minutes will earn you a Golden Recurring Villain card.

Blackrock Crash Week 2 doesn’t deviate much from the first week. However, there will be a new Arch-Villainous hero to play as. Once again, you’ll be able to earn a Saviors of Uldum card pack by defeating four bosses. During the second week, beating all eight bosses using Arch-Villain Rafaam will garner you a Golden Rafaam’s Scheme card.

The Burndown, which begins on the last week of the Fire FestEVIL,  is when things get pretty wild. This week brings a new PvP Tavern Brawl where each player queues with a random deck. If you lose, you’ll receive the deck that defeated you for your next match. The idea is to see which random deck survives. This is also the last time you’ll be able to earn a Saviors of Uldum card pack, by winning your first match with one of the random decks.

It is important to note that the Saviors of Uldum packs you earn will not be immediately available. You will be able to open your earned backs when the expansion is live. Pre-release events will be happening between August 2 to 5, but it officially releases on August 6.

Other happenings during Hearthstone Fire FestEVIL

While earning new packs for Saviors of Uldum is the highlight of the event, there is plenty to do to keep you playing Hearthstone for hours. Some of which pertain to revealing cards from the upcoming Saviors of Uldum expansion.

I had previously mentioned the Fireside Gatherings Tavern Brawls in the event’s schedule. Lasting the duration of the Fire FestEVIL, the Big Bad Rag Raid will have you teaming up with people you meet at a Fireside Gathering (you can find one near you here) to defeat Ragnaros. Every time Ragnaros is defeated at a Fireside Gathering counts as 500 defeats for the Community Challenge.

The Community Challenge only lasts for the first two weeks of the Fire FestEVIL. By defeating bosses during the Blackrock Crash, you’ll be getting a step closer to revealing new cards from the Savior of Uldum expansion. If you and the rest of the Hearthstone Community defeat a total of 25 million bosses, you’ll unlock every card reveal. If not, well, you might see a few then. Here is how the unlocks are broke down:

  • 25% of goal: Card reveal 1
  • 50% of goal: Card reveal 2
  • 75% of goal: Card reveal 3
  • 100% of goal: Legendary card reveal

Lastly, Legendary Fire FestEVIL quests will unlock every day for the first week of the event in addition to the normal dailies. Completing these quest will earn you a card pack from one of the already releases sets or a whole lot of gold.

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