Danganronpa V3

Danganronpa V3 – Chapter 3 Class Trial Spoiler-free Walkthrough

You’ve made it through two heart-pounding trials in Danganronpa V3 already, and now here you are for a shocking third. We’re sure you didn’t expect that mid-investigation twist. This creepy third chapter is frantic and intense, featuring a deep and complex murder case that may have you totally confused at who did it and what’s going on.

You almost have double the problems on your hand, so we’ve got you completely covered in the event you don’t know what to do. This is where Danganronpa V3 starts to become slightly more challenging, so that only makes things worse for you. Don’t worry, though, as here is the complete spoiler-free walkthrough for chapter three of Danganronpa V3.

Also: Danganronpa V3 Review – In a World of Pure Imagination

Danganronpa V3 – Chapter 3 Trial Walkthrough

Danganronpa V3

  • On fourth statement, choose last truth bullet and shoot away
  • Ninth statement- fourth bullet
  • Fifth statement- second bullet
  • Select option two
  • Minesweeper time. Find katana and confirm it as answer
  • Crazy taxi time. First answer- katana’s hilt
  • Second answer- katana was stabbed into effigy
  • Third answer- spinning it
  • Select option one
  • Move cursor to upper left corner of the room and confirm it
  • Sixth statement- fourth bullet
  • Seventh statement- white sheet bullet
  • Cut through all statements to advance to next section
  • Fourth statement- cut through with first bullet
  • Select number 14
  • Ninth statement- hold triangle on bullet “last moments” and shoot
  • Eighth statement- second bullet
  • Select loose floorboard
  • Eleventh statement- third bullet
  • Select third option
  • Statement “other rooms might be trapped too”- last bullet
  • Select magic circle
  • Select number seven
  • Select option two
  • Hangman word is “magic circle”
  • Select line coming out of the circle’s bottom left corner and confirm
  • Cut through and advance to next phase
  • Fifth statement- cut through with third bullet
  • First subject- Kiyo
  • Second subject- Angie
  • Third- lab
  • Fourth- blackened
  • Fifth- rule
  • Sixth- mystery
  • Mash correct buttons in quicktime event
  • Select dried blood under the floor
  • Select option one
  • Select option two
  • Eighth statement- third bullet
  • Select forehead injury
  • Cut through all statements to advance
  • Statement “no trace of evidence”- cut through with “bloody duct tape”
  • Select number seven
  • Select option one
  • Answer is in random order. It is “removed floorboard”
  • Closing argument time
  • Empty space two- removed floorboard
  • Three- stuck duct tape
  • Four- gold leaf katana
  • Six- hit the sliding lock
  • Eight- small stone
  • Nine- sickle
  • Eleven- path made with salt
  • One- cut crosspiece
  • Five- stabbed K’s effigy
  • Seven- Kokichi’s lockpicking
  • Ten- Shuichi extinguishes the flame
  • Twelve- Stomp hard
  • Thirteen- footsteps contaminating the scene
  • End closing argument
  • Vote for person number nine
  • Congratulations! End of trial number three
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