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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Split-Screen Online: Can I Play Co-Op Multiplayer?

Battlefront 2 has had its share of controversy, but at its core is a fun online shooter. It’s also one of the increasingly rare games to have split-screen gameplay. Inviting a friend over to blast stormtroopers is a blast, but what if you want to go online? It always stinks to have to swap a controller back and forth when you want to chill with a friend and still play online multiplayer. Below we’ll give you all the details on the Battlefront 2 split-screen co-op feature, and whether you can play online with a second controller or not.

Is There Couch Co-Op Split-Screen Multiplayer in Battlefront 2?

Fortunately, EA and DICE kept fans that like to play with their friends in real life in mind. You can access split-screen multiplayer through the Arcade mode menu. There you can team up with a friend for some co-op challenges, or fight against them in a custom skirmish.

There’s a lot to do together here, and the challenges have multiple difficulty levels, and it’s fun to keep going back to see if you can get a full three-star rank. Custom skirmishes are a blast too, and it lets you get the hang of all the units in the game without the pressure of 39 other people continually trying to kill you.

Does Battlefront 2 Have Split-Screen Online?

This is where the ball got dropped a bit. Unfortunately, you can’t go online with a second player. You’re limited to offline Arcade mode play only when playing local multiplayer.

Does Battlefront 2 Support 4-Player Split-Screen?

Unfortunately, even though consoles are more powerful than ever, Battlefront 2 joins the legion of games that only support 2-player split-screen local play. This is one (of several) ways the original Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is superior to the new version.

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If you want to get Star Wars Battlefront 2 gameplay with 4-player local multiplayer, dig up an original Xbox and a copy of the 2005 Star Wars: Battlefront 2. You can play split-screen multiplayer on that game no problem.

Does Battlefront 2 on PC Have Split-Screen Co-Op?

PC players usually get the short end of the stick when it comes to local multiplayer, and Battlefront 2 is no different. The PC version of the game has no local multiplayer options. As far as we can tell it doesn’t even have LAN capabilities. If you want to play with friends on Battlefront 2 for PC, your only option is to go online.

For more helpful info on Star Wars Battlefront 2 and other games, check our guide section.

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