World Series Baseball 2K2 FAQ

World Series Baseball 2K2 FAQ

Hello, welcome to my FAQ for WSB2k2.

As many of you know, I'm Vyse The Sports

Freak from the wsb2k2 boards, the self

proclaimed "True Vet". My name is Jason

Chung for all of you that don't know. I'm

a 15 year highschool sophmore and am

an avid fan of basketball, football, and

baseball. Therefore I am Vyse... The

Sports Freak! E-mail me if you have any

comments, suggestions, or questions

regarding WSB2K2 or me, you can do this


Lets start with some legal mumbo jumbo.


Legal Stuff


You know all the basic legal stuff. This FAQ

is written, owned, and copyrighted

by me, Jason Chung. If you want to post it

on you're site then e-mail me at:

I'll be glad to let you use this FAQ on

your site, if you ask me for

PERMISSION. Also, be sure not to sell this

FAQ to people. What kind of moron

are you, hustling people like that? Well lets

start with the game.




WSB2k2 is a sequel to baseball failure WSB2K1. The game's animations were

developed by Visual Concepts, and the game programming was done by Blue Shift.

It fails in extra options and modes, especially franchise, but the game play

itself is very fun and worth while. If you haven't already, I suggest you go

spend some cash and get this game NOW. Lets start with tips on creating



Creating Your Fielder:


Nothing to it here, if you have a problem with doing this I should back-hand

you. There are no stat limitations, so feel free to make a perfect 100 player.


Creating Your Pitcher:


Now this is where player creation some what becomes tricky. Lets look at the

types of pitcher you would want to create.

{Starting Pitcher/Long Reliever}

When creating a starting pitcher, you want to keep fatigue in mind as well as

pitching skills. This means that if you have every single one of your pitching

skills at 99, your pitcher will get tired VERY quickly. It's somewhat of a bug

in the game, when you're pitching you can hold down the A button for a stronger

effect. How ever, if you have lets say 3 pitches all at 99 and you continue to

throw your hardest, your pitcher's stamina bar will be half gone by the 2nd or

3rd inning. What you want to do is have one pitch that you are best at,

something reliable... say a fastball or curveball. You can put that as a 99.

Then, take 2 or 3 pitches and put them any where from 80-90. Try not to put

these other pitches above 95. This way, you will have one very strong pitch,

and a few pitches you can rely on and throw with out getting tired. I often put

my fastball or curveball to a 99. Then I put 2 or 3 pitches around the lower

90's or upper 80's. These pitches are often change-ups, sinkers, and sliders. I

tend to shy away from the more risky pitches like screwballs and knucklers, but

it's all your choice. You may want to put batting a bit higher then usual, but

I usually don't. I keep my batting stats low, around 30's so I can add more

power to my pitches.

{Relief Pitchers}

This is where you can risk getting tired a bit more. Instead of just having one

upper 90's pitch, you can try two, or try to put all your pitches into higher

levels, and even them out. Lets say you want to have 4 different types of

pitches for your relief pitcher. A smart choice would be putting 2 of them in

the upper 90's, and the other two in the upper 80's. The pitches that are in

the 90's can be anything like fastballs, change ups, sliders, and curves. The

upper 80's pitches can be pitches like screw balls, knucklers, forkballs, and

sinkers. If you want to put a knuckle ball on a relief pitcher, I suggest you

put it into the 90's though. You don't really get the ball twisting effect

until you put the stats high like that. Batting should be generally lower then

starting pitcher's.

{Set Up Pitchers/Closers}

These are the men you put in towards the 8th and 9th inning. This is where you

lay it on thick, and you can risk getting tired. Most times these pitchers will

only pitch 1 inning, 2 at the max. Drain your batting stat down to a 0, it is

most likely that you won't need batting at all for a closer/set up man. Pick

3-4 pitches that you like, and put all the pitches that you can at 99. Pitches

I suggest for closers and set up men are fastballs and curves. The rest is up

to you, a good closer should have those two pitches at 99, if not the curve

then atleast the fastball.


Now we get into the game play itself, lets begin with pitching!




Types: There are many types of different pitches in wsb2k2. Below are all the

pitches, their descriptions, and their usefullness in the game. You will learn

the speed, turns and movements, and how to get strikes and k's with the


- Fastball: The most basic pitch in baseball, the player throws the ball

straight and fast as possible. This basic-sounding pitch has been perfected by

players like Randy Johnson, Nolan Ryan, Pedro Martinez, Chan Ho Park, and so

many others. The blazing and incredible speed really makes the ball hard to

hit. This pitch is very usefull when you have some one that can pitch it well,

and it's good to fool the opposition. When you have a good fastball thrower,

you can throw it low and outside into the corners to really get the ball

moving. Try placing the ball cursor half on the end of the strike zone, it'll

really entice the batter to swing, and there is a good chance it will be a

strike. I often pitch this ball lower and outside. A good trick against the

comp is to have your first pitch against a batter a fastball in the middle.

Often times this will be enough to stun the batter and get the first strike. Be

sure it's a pitcher that can throw it hard though. Pitching these balls in the

corners should get you strikes. To get the final strike and get the strike out,

try and pitch the ball where the cursor is only 25% in the striking zone. If

the batter swings at it, it might be out of his reach, and if he lets it go

there is still a 50% or so chance that it will be a strike.

- Curveball: This pitch starts with a high arch and falls down, and a bit off

to the side. This pitch speed ranges any where from 75 mph, to 90 mph if it is

a practitioner like Pedro Martinez. The intensity of the curve all depends on

the skill of the pitcher, and how much energy is left in them. If a tired

pitcher is throwing the ball, often times it will lift into an arch, but will

not drop low enough to get the strike. When you place your cursor to throw this

pitch, understand that the ball will end up a bit lower, and a bit off to the

side of where you place the cursor. If the pitcher is left handed, I often

place the cursor a bit to the right of the striking zone, and a bit higher. The

ball will often times fall barely into the striking zone, to the side and

lower. If the batter is right handed, do the same on the opposite side. Another

good way to throw this pitch is to find the batter's cold zone, and place the

cursor a bit above the cold zone. The ball will land right on it, and the

batter will often times swing as the ball falls right below the swinging bat.

- Slider: This pitch starts way off to the side, and then slides back in

towards the catcher. It is really good at fooling the batter because they

aren't exactly sure when it's going to come in, and where it's going to come

in. Often times the ball will sail off to the side of the strike zone and the

batter will swing, completly missing. I like to throw this pitcher off to the

side of a batter's cold zone, that way the ball will land right past it. If you

can line the cursor up so that the ball ends up in a corner or barely into a

side, it will make it very hard for a batter to hit, and the strike will often

times look like a ball.

- Change Up: Ahh... good ole' change up. This pitch goes down and looks like a

fastball, but towards the end, the ball will rise back up higher. A perfect

example of a good change up is Greg Maddux's change-up. This pitch is very good

for fooling the batter, because it will seem to be a fastball but really change

at the last minute. Often times the batter will swing below the ball, or if

they are anticipating the change-up, then above it. My favorite way to pitch

the ball is low. If there is a batter with cold zones low in the strike zone,

you can really get to them. Take your pitching cursor and place it BELOW the

strike zone. Try to make the ball cursor fit between the bottom end of the

strike zone box, and the top end of the dirt. The ball will seem to go low, but

at the end will rise to perfectly make it in the bottom of the strike zone. Any

time you see a batter's cold zone, pitch it right below, and the ball will go

up into it.

- Splitter: I don't like using this pitch much. It is basically the same as the

fastball, but it moves towards one direction just a slight bit because it has

sort of a spin, and it travels to the plate in a bit different manner. Use this

pitch as you would a fastball, just make sure it is a bit more in the strike


- Sinker: In this pitch, the ball will at first travel like a fastball. But, in

the later stages of the pitch, the ball will begin to drop/fall, causing the

batter to over-swing. It is obvious where to place this pitch, right above

where you want it to land. Find the batter's cold zone and pitch it right above

the zone, the pitch will fall into it. I use this pitch often times against

batter's with cold zones that are high in the strike zone. I place the cursor

above the strike zone so the ball will drop onto the tip of the strike zone's

top. You can use these to fall into corners also, I don't suggest pitching

these in the middle, because the ball is going in a downwards spiral and it's

pretty easy to hit underneath the ball and get a slammer.

- Forkball: Some what like a splitter, has a bit more of a drop or break to it

from what I've seen. If you want to see a forkball you might want to see Hideo

Nomo's. I suggest using this pitch in the lower parts of the strike zone, if

the batter is red hot down there, then I suggest you go for another pitch.

- Knuckleball: Knuckleball! This pitch in one word is whack. It moves about

wildly and swerves to the sides, and some how manages to land some where near

the catcher. These pitches are usually slow, but very confusing at times. Since

this pitch has some what of an uncertinty to where it will land, I suggest you

don't pitch it too far off to the sides of the strike zone. If you have 0-2 on

a batter, then you might want to throw a knuckler off to the side, so it seems

to fall in as a strike but swerves outside at the end, out of the batter's

reach. I recommond this pitch in a 0-2 situation as I stated above, and as your

2nd striking pitch.

- Screwball: Umm... kinda' like a knuckleball. In the game, the ball tends to

fall onto one side. I found with right handed pitchres the ball usually falls

to the left at the end of the pitch. So place the ball cursor not TOO close to

the end of the strike zone, but relatively close to it. The ball will swerve

wildly and end up falling back to the side.

- Intentional Ball: Press the Y button and the pitch will sail way off to the

side. Use this to walk batters when you're too much of a sissy, or if it's Jose

Canseco at bat :-)

- Bean: Move your cursor towards the pitcher as much as possible, then press

the Y button. Your pitch will hit the batter and he'll be walked. Pretty cool

for beaning ass holes like Barry Bonds.


Multi-Player Pitching


No, not multi-player like on-line, I mean multi-player like competing with your

friend. There isn't much to say here. Just follow the advice above... with just

one more tip. I suggest you move your cursor about in a phsycotic manner as if

you are spazzing, hit the button and place your pitch when the cursor falls on

the spot you want it. Your friend won't know what in the hell you're doing and

it'll be atleast a bit harder to hit.





In batting, there are many aspects you must take into consideration. Here is

the list and the things you should do, to bat well.

-Cursor Positions/Physics: Many people complain that moving your cursor is too

slippery, and is way too sensitive. Not true at all. Just don't jam your analog

stick way off to the sides as hard as you can. Move it around and get a feel of

how it moves. That way you'll know how to place and move it. The spot where

your cursor is placed IS relative to where your bat will make contact with the

ball. Make sure you know WHAT type of hit you want. You want a bomber? Wait for

a bit of a lower pitch, and position your cursor right below the ball. Beware,

if the batter isn't a power hitter, the ball might be launched straight up into

a pop fly. If you're looking to hit it towards 3rd base, then position the

cursor on the left side of the ball, and of course if you want to sail it to

1st, position the cursor on the right of the ball. The physics for batting in

this game are remarkably well-done, if the ball is on the bottom part of the

cursor and you swing, the ball will most likely crack and travel 2-3 feet at

the most. My suggestion is to try to hit the ball with the ball around the

middle part of the cursor, and off to what ever side you want. Don't try to go

for bombers every time, it will most likely end up just being a high and easy

to catch hit. Only put your cursor under the ball when a banger like Manny

Ramirez or Gonzo is up.

-Calling Pitches: Be patient. Don't be like Ichiro and swing at everything that

comes to you. Many of the curves thrown in this game are very tricky, and will

run off course at last minute. Really wait for your pitch, and have good

judgement on if the ball is going to land in the strike zone. You should know a

bit of this from pitching. Don't swing until you're absolutely sure it's

hittable. Your best bet is to just loosen up, and be tentive of how the ball

travels in the beginning. You'll see slight movements toward the end of the

pitch which will indicate what type of pitch it is. Try and place your cursor

where you think the ball will end up ahead of time, this will make it much

easier to hit the ball.

-Timing: This goes with calling the pitches, once you know what type of pitch

it is and you can judge where it will land, you need to know WHEN to swing. Be

sure to judge the perspective of the ball to the bat. Some pitches will slow

down at the end when they turn or move, so take that into consideration.

-Judge Your Type of Hitter: Know what type of hitter you're playing with. Plain

and simple. If you're playing as Ichiro understand that he is contact, just try

and hit the ball, don't place your cursor under the ball expecting a bomber. If

you're playing as Vladdy then put the cursor under the ball. Plain and simple,

know what type of hitter your batter is, and implement their style.

Bunting: Bunting is only useful for one thing and one thing only in this game,

sacrifice bunting. Have your runner start stealing as soon as the pitcher steps

to pitch, by the time you bunt and the ball moves foward, your base runner will

already be at homeplate and it'll be impossible to stop the run. I suggest you

set it up a bit early to get your aim straight, try to hit with the meat of the

bat and angle it to one side.





Fielding is one of the more lack-luster parts of the game. The animations are

horrible but... oh well. Lets begin!

-Picking up Ground Balls: To do this you must be quick, as soon as the view is

changed and you see the ball blazing down, move your fielder quickly towards

the ball, don't hesitate because a split second can result in failiure.

-Diving for Ground Balls: In three simple words: don't do it. Instead of

sliding on the ground, your player leaps and leaves the floor. Your player will

leap OVER the ball, instead of skidding on the ground and getting it. If it's

out of a dive's reach... well you're out of luck. Have your outfieler sprint to

the ball as fast as possible.

-Diving/Leaping/Jumping Catches: Hard, as it is in real life. If you're going

to dive for a catch make sure you can estimate the length of your dive, and the

amount of space the ball is from you. If your leap is unsuccesful that means

the base runner will have 1-3 extra bases he can run, and most of the times

this will end up in runs scored by your opponent. As far as scaling walls and

jumping to catch the ball is concerened, it won't be required often at all. The

only way you'll steal a homer is if the ball is almost shy of a homer, or if it

is barely past the fance. Your outfielder will also have to be in line with the

ball, so you'll have to get into precise position before you can jump and steal

the would-be homer. Just keep calm and you'll do it when the chance comes to


-Throwing: USE YOUR BRAIN before you throw to a base. It is plain and simple

logic, throw to the base AHEAD of the base runner. If you're in the outfield,

and there is a runner on second, and you throw to second... they're going to

steal! But if you throw it to third and they attempt to steal, chances are

you'll get the out. It's so obvious. Also, be fully aware of your plan before

you pitch. Know where the base runners are, and what bases you'll have to throw

to if the batter makes a hit.

-Fielder's Positions: Take advantage of this! When Sammy Sosa steps up to the

plate, send your fielders back. Got a runner one first? Set your fielders to

double play. Have a runner on third with no outs? Prepare the fielders for bunt

guarding. It can all be done with the L and R triggers. Remember, there is a

bug in this game where the PITCHER has to get the bunts instead of the CATCHER,

and often short hits have to be picked up by the first basemen... just be aware

and prepared.



Base Running


Base running in this game is pretty damn fun, and despite what ass holes say

about every one being fast, it's not true. Want to see what I'm saying? Compare

Ichiro running the bases and McGwire running the bases, trust me... it is

WAAAAAAY different.

-Judging to Run or Stay: Use good judgement, you know the arm power of the

fielders, look and see how far you are to the next base. Take into

consideration what the fielder is doing, and if he's about to throw it. Also,

try and judge the direction the ball is thrown. Often times when you're

stealing for third the outfielder will throw it home, instead of immediatly to

third like they should. If you've already turned back, don't bother to turn

around again. Turning takes a lot of time when you're base running and chances

are it'll be enough time to get you out. Keep a keen eye for errors also, an

error by the defense is a guranteed one more base.

-Base Stealing: If you're going to have your player steal a base and it's less

then 2 outs, make sure your hitter doesn't hit the ball with the cursor under

the ball... unless he's a power hitter. If there is a pop out, there's a chance

you won't have enough time to return to your original base if you already

started to steal. Also, there is a specific time to steal. Look at the pitcher,

as soon as he lifts his glove and leg to pitch, hit the steal button. As soon

as he starts this process, he won't be able to throw to the base and pick you

off, so it's a good chance you'll get the steal. If you're Ichiro, you're

almost guranteed a steal.

-Playing Pickle: If you look like you're in trouble, don't think twice. Head

back. There is about a 95% chance that you will be safe. The computer at most

times just lets you back. Only on occasion the fielder will pitch it under hand

to the basemen and you'll be out. Also, remember that turning takes A LOT of

time, and you'll have to anticipate the opposition's throws.


That's about it folks! That's all of the gaming tips I have! If you want me to

do add anything about the game that people will need help on, tell me at:


This section is dedicated to possible questions people will ask me.

Q: Will you do an FAQ on franchise mode?

A: No, because franchise mode sucks and it's cluddered. Doing an FAQ on

franchise mode would be like writing a guide to suicide.

Q: Will you do an FAQ on on-line play?

A: No, all the aspects of the game play are listed above. On-line play takes

the fun out of the batting-pitching interface. My only tip for you would be to

anticipate the lag when you play.

Q: What are your favorite: basketball, baseball, and football teams?

A: Warriors, A's, and Buccaneers.

Q: What nationality are you?

A: Asian, Korean.

Q: Do you have AIM, MSN, ICQ, or Yahoo Instant Messenger?

A: Yes, I have all.

Q: Will you give me your screen name or number?

A: No, if you want it you can e-mail me at: and tell

me why you want it.

Q: Do you play any sports in real life?

A: Yes, I am in martial arts. I played football as a freshmen and might play

baseball for my highschool this year if I can.

Q: Where you is?

A: San Jose, California. 408!

Q: Are you a nerd?

A: **** you.

Q: How long is your ****?

A: It's 1# inches long. You can fill that # in yourself.


This section is for questions that are sent to me. The above are questions I

just put in myself, haha. You ask me a question I will post the answers here.


This section is my dedications.

This is dedicated to:

Tupac Amaru Shakur (Rest in peace homie where ever you is, I know you alive

though, I'm waiting for you to come back and punk some of these kids.)

Owen Hart (You were a great sports entertainer. You are deeply missed, and you

always will be.)

Korey Stringer (It's a damn shame you had to die this way. You'll be missed

dogg, rest in peace.)

My Grand Father, Sikyu Chung (I miss you and I love you, and I know you're

watching over me up there in the sky. Rest in peace.)

Nick Sgarlato (For bein' my homeboy through and through. You got the ***** on


Noah Hall (For being my homeboy, letting me go to his house and play games all


Mike Walters (For hustling those damned Indian jewelry dealers.)

Brent Schultz (For being my *****, lol j/k. For bein' my homie.)

To all the hoes, thank y... no wait... I 'aint thankin' ya'll fa' ****! Fuck

them hoes!!!


Well this is goodbye, I hope you enjoyed the FAQ and I hope it helped out.

Later guys.

Jason Chung 8/16/01

Extra Special thanks to Revolution reader Jason Chung!

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