Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai PSP Cheats

Dragon Click mini-game:

Press L at the main menu. The words 'Dragon Click' will appear. Press R to play a mini-game where you hit R as much as possible.

Dragon Player:

After beating story mode, press L at the main menu. The words 'Dragon Player' will appear. It's a sound test that lets you play all the music from the game.

Unlocking Card Sheets:

There are five card sheets to unlock, one for each of the 5 chapters. To get them, you must get a Z rank on every fight in a chapter. Z rank is obtained when you finish a fight quickly, losing very little health.

Start Transformed:

Hold R at the character selection screen when choosing your character to start with them in powered-up mode. For example, selecting Goku will start you out as SSJ3 Goku.

Unlockable Characters:

Adult Gohan - Super Saiyan Form Defeat Frieza in Chapter 1 - 8
Adult Gohan - Super Saiyan 2 Form Defeat Broly in Chapter 2 - 6
Cell - Super Perfect Form Defeat Cell in Chapter 2 - 5
Goku - Kaioken Form Defeat Krillin in Chapter 1 - 2
Goku - Super Saiyan Form Defeat Janemba in Chapter 1 - 9
Goku - Super Saiyan 2 Form Defeat Fake Goku in Chapter 2 - 2
Gotenks Defeat Gotenks in Chapter 1 - 4
Gotenks - Super Saiyan Form Defeat Gotenks in Chapter 1 - 5
Piccolo - Fuse with Kami Form Defeat Cell in Chapter 2 - 1
Pikkon Defeat Janemba in Chapter 2- 9
Vegeta - Super Saiyan Form Defeat #18 in Chapter 2 - 3
Vegeta - Super Saiyan 2 Form Defeat Janemba in Chapter 2 - 7
Vegeto Choose the top path in the last chapter
Gogeta Choose the bottom path in the last chapter
Janemba Beat story mode

Thanks to Revolution Readers mikea, matttt and Munching_Bag!
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