Metal Gear Acid 2 FAQ/Walkthrough

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|  /  |    | |      | |  / ____|                
|   / | ___| |_ __ _| | | |  __  ___  __ _ _ __ 
| |/| |/ _  __/ _` | | | | |_ |/ _ / _` | '__|
| |  | |  __/ || (_| | | | |__| |  __/ (_| | |   
|_|  |_|___|____,_|_|  _____|___|__,_|_|   

              _     _   ___  
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   /     ___| | __| |    ) |
  / /  / __| |/ _` |   / / 
 / ____  (__|_| (_| |  / /_ 
/_/    ____(_)__,_| |____|

			*** ATTENTION ***		      

At this early stage in the guide, I really appreciate any feedback I can get 
from people using it regarding pretty much any topic.  I'm particularly 
interesting in hearing if you came looking for information on a particular 
subject and didn't find it.  If you let me know what's missing it's almost 
certainly something I can still add at this point.  I'd also really like to 
know if you find any mistakes or errors so I can correct them as soon as 
possible.  Anything else you wish to send (email address below) is fine too.

| ||                Guide written and compiled by ResidentevilFL          || |
|                   Author: Brett Battle                                     |
|                   Began: April 14th, 2006                                  |
|                   Completed: Eventually                                    |
|                   Email: ResidentevilFL(at)gmail(dot)com    		     |
|                   Guide Layout: A I e x				     |
|		    Version: .2
| ||          Feel free to contribute anything you wish via email         || |
| || MG.TC ||                  Table of Contents                 || MG.TC || |
|               - Table of Contents.....................MG.TA                |
|               - Introduction..........................MG.IN                |
|               - Characters............................MG.CH                |
|               - How to play...........................MG.HP                |
|               - Walkthrough...........................MG.00                |
|                    - Tutorial 1.......................MG.01                |
|                    - Tutorial 2.......................MG.02                |
|                    - Tutorial 3.......................MG.03                |
|                    - Tutorial 4.......................MG.04                |
|                    - Tutorial 5.......................MG.05                |
|                    - Tutorial 6.......................MG.06                |
|               - Stage 1...............................MG.10                |
|                    - Sneaking.........................MG.11                |
|                    - Elimination......................MG.12                |
|                    - Trial............................MG.13                |
|               - Stage 2...............................MG.20                |
|                    - Sneaking.........................MG.21                |
|                    - Elimination......................MG.22                |
|                    - Trial............................MG.23                |
|               - Stage 3...............................MG.30                |
|                    - Sneaking.........................MG.31                |
|                    - Elimination......................MG.32                |
|                    - Trial............................MG.33                |
|               - Stage 4...............................MG.40                |
|                    - Sneaking.........................MG.41                |
|                    - Elimination......................MG.42                |
|                    - Trial............................MG.43                |
|               - Stage 5...............................MG.50                |
|                    - Sneaking.........................MG.51                |
|                    - Elimination......................MG.52                |
|                    - Statistics.......................MG.53                |
|               - Stage 6...............................MG.60                |
|                    - Sneaking.........................MG.61                |
|                    - Elimination......................MG.62                |
|                    - Trial............................MG.63                |
|               - Stage 7...............................MG.70                |
|                    - Sneaking.........................MG.71                |
|                    - Elimination......................MG.72                |
|                    - Trial............................MG.73                |
|               - Stage 8...............................MG.80                |
|                    - Sneaking.........................MG.81                |
|                    - Elimination......................MG.82                |
|                    - Trial............................MG.83                |
|                - Stage 9..............................MG.90                |
|                    - Sneaking.........................MG.91                |
|                    - Elimination......................MG.92                |
|                    - Trial............................MG.93                |
|                - Stage 10.............................MG.A0                |
|                    - Sneaking.........................MG.A1                |
|                    - Elimination......................MG.A2                |
|                    - Trial............................MG.A3                |
|                - Stage 11.............................MG.B0                |
|                    - Sneaking.........................MG.B1                |
|                    - Elimination......................MG.B2                |
|                    - Trial............................MG.B3                |
|                - Stage 12.............................MG.C0                |
|                    - Sneaking.........................MG.C1                |
|                    - Elimination......................MG.C2                |
|                    - Trial............................MG.C3                |
|                - Cheats...............................MG.CT                |
|		 - Card List............................MG.CL		     |
|                - Legal Stuff..........................MG.LS                |
|                - Contact Info.........................MG.CI                |
|                - Credits & Thanks.....................MG.CT                |
| || MG.IN ||                       Introduction                 || MG.IN || |
Hello and welcome to my Metal Gear Ac!d walkthrough. This game is the 2nd
one in the series and it is one of my favorite games. The battle system
is unique and is very rare to be put into this style of gameplay. Either
way I hope you enjoy this guide and everything in it. If you feel like there
is anything that needs to be added or said, feel free to send me an email.
It can be found at either the top or the bottom of the page.	

| || MG.CH ||                       Characters                   || MG.CH || |
Snake - Our protagonist and daring hero, Snake is a deadly force, and
confused. With amnesia, he searches for his past and everything that

Venus - Our heroine who joines Snake in his quest.

Dalton - Ex-FBI agent who drags Snake into doing his dirty work. He
has a past that he needs to be aveneged. He does all his work out of "justice."

Wiseman - Snake's commanding officer in this mission, he tells Snake what
his next mission is and any other useful information that he thinks.

B.B - His actual name is unknown but goes under the alias "B.B." because
of the first thing he saw which is Blackboard. He is a hacker who found
Snake's frequency and offers him help and whatnot.

| || MG.HP ||                       How to play                  || MG.HP || |

	Use the left and right buttons to select cards. Then a window will 
appear with USE, MOVE and so on in the screen. Use the up and down buttons to 
select an option. Press O to select your choice. If you select move, the area 
in which you can move will show up. Use the D-Pad to move. Your number of moves 
remaining are displayed at the bottom of the screen. To cancel a move, press 
the X button. The 00/00 displayed at the top of the screen is the numbers of 
cards the player is able to use in one turn. Once the number hits 0, the turn 
is over. The command menu will open and you will need to select END. 
You may still pick end by pressing the X button and ending your turn early.

| || MG.00 ||                       Walkthrough                  || MG.00 || |
      (, /
     ) /
+-- (_/ UTORIAL 1: MOVEMENT----------------------------------------- MG.01 --+

	Turn 1
Snake - Move 4 spaces up. Move 3 spaces up. END turn. 
	Turn 2
Snake - Move 1 space up. Mission complete.
|Results	    |
|		    |
|Cost:		7   |
|Found:		0   |
|Kills:		0   |
|Total Damage:	0   |
|PTS Earned:	500 |
|Total PTS:	500 |
|Rank:		S   |

      (, /
     ) /
+-- (_/ UTORIAL 2: ENEMIES AND FIELD OF VISION---------------------- MG.02 --+
	Turn 1
Snake - Move 4 spaces up. Move left 1 space and up 3. End turn.	
Guard - Waits and ENDs turn.
	TUrn 2
Snake - Move up 1, right 1, up 1. Mission complete.

|Results	    |
|		    |
|Cost:		7   |
|Found:		0   |
|Kills:		0   |
|Total Damage:	0   |
|PTS Earned:	500 |
|Total PTS:	1000|
|Rank:		S   |

      (, /
     ) /
+-- (_/ UTORIAL 3: CRAWLING----------------------------------------- MG.03 --+
	Turn 1
Snake - Move up 4 spaces then wait. Press square and move up one space, 
press square again to stand up, move up 1 space. Mission complete.

|Results	    |
|		    |
|Cost:		0   |
|Found:		0   |
|Kills:		0   |
|Total Damage:	0   |
|PTS Earned:	500 |
|Total PTS:	1500|
|Rank:		S   |

      (, /
     ) /
+-- (_/ UTORIAL 4: KNOCKING ---------------------------------------- MG.04 --+

	Turn 1
Snake - Move up 4 spaces, press left on the D-pad, press square, press right 
	on the D-pad. End turn.
Guard - Moves right 2, down 1. ENDs turn.
	Turn 2
Snake - Press square and move up 2 spaces, press square again and move 1 space.
	Mission complete.


|Results	    |
|		    |
|Cost:		4   |
|Found:		0   |
|Kills:		0   |
|Total Damage:	0   |
|PTS Earned:	500 |
|Total PTS:	2000|
|Rank:		S   |

      (, /
     ) /
+-- (_/ UTORIAL 5: WEAPONS ----------------------------------------- MG.05 --+

	Turn 1
Snake - Move up the ladder and go right, press up on the D-pad, wait. 
Select the MK11 and select the guard. It should kill him. Mission complete.


|Results	    |
|		    |
|Cost:		0   |
|Found:		0   |
|Kills:		1   |
|Total Damage:	0   |
|PTS Earned:	500 |
|Total PTS:	2500|
|Rank:		S   |

      (, /
     ) /
+-- (_/ UTORIAL 6: EQUIPMENT --------------------------------------- MG.06 --+

	Turn 1
Snake - Move up and around the top side of the wall. Next card, EQUIP an M4 
	to one slot. END turn.
Guard - Waits and ENDs turn.
	Turn 2
Snake - Move right behind him. Next card, EQUIP another M4 on the same slot 
	and it will change to LOADING. Select the guard and fire. 
	Mission complete.


|Results	    |
|		    |
|Cost:		11  |
|Found:		0   |
|Kills:		1   |
|Total Damage:	0   |
|PTS Earned:	500 |
|Total PTS:	3000|
|Rank:		S   |
| || MG.10 ||                       Stage 1                      || MG.10 || |

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/  TAGE 1: FIND THE TERMINAL-------------------------------- MG.10 --+

	Turn 1
Snake - Move left 3 spaces. Next card move up and into the door in the middle
	of the 3x3 square. END turn.
	Turn 2
Snake - Grab the top first. Next card, grab the other one and end in the 
	bottom right tile. END turn.
	Turn 3
Snake - Move up 1. right 1, up 1. Next card, move up 1 and left 2. END turn.
Guard - Moves up 3 spaces. END turn.
	Turn 4
Snake - Move left 1, up 1, right 1. Next card, move right 2, up 1. END turn
Top Guard - Moves right 3. END turn.
Right Guard - Moves up 1 and faces left. END turn.
	Turn 5
Snake - Move up 1, left 2. Next card, move left 1, up 1, left 1. END turn.
	Turn 6
Snake - Move down 1, left 2. Next card, move up 1 to the terminal. END turn.

Mission Change: Get through the gate
	Turn 7
Snake - Move right 3. Next card, move up 3. END turn.
Top Guard - Waits and faces up. END turn.
	Turn 8
Snake - Move right 3, you should be on the left side of the guard whose facing
	north. Next card, either put him to sleep, faint him, or kill him. 
	I killed him. END turn.Bottom Guard - Moves down 3 spaces. END turn.
Top Guard - Waits and faces easr. END turn.
	Turn 9
Snake - Move right 2, up 1, right 1. Next card, move right 2, up 1.
	Turn 10
Snake - Move left 3, up 1 and put your back against the wall to your right. 
	Next card, either kill or put the guard to sleep. I put him to sleep 
	with Mk22. I recommend killing him if you don't want to be spotted.
	Turn 11
Snake - Move up 2, right 1. Move right 1, up 2. END turn.
Guard - Wakes up. (Depending if you killed him or not, he will spot you when 
	you exit out of the door.)
	Turn 12
Snake - Move right 1, left 2. Next card, go down 2, right 1.
Results			    |
Cost:		Varies	    |
Found:		0 (or 1)    |
Kills:		0 (or 2)    |
Total Damage:	0	    |
PTS Earned:	3000(varies)|
Total PTS:	6000        |
Rank:		A (or less) |

        (, /
+-- (__ /    NTERMISSION ----------------------------------------------------+

Now we are introduced to the deck editor. Basically, you can just rearrange 
your deck and upgrade cards. What I would recommend is that you start by 
upgrading both AKMs that you got, and your M1911, and your C96. I would also 
upgrade your GRU Sld to allow you to move farther. You should have about 
500 points or so leftover. You can upgrade anything if you want, 
but these are necessities. 

You can also travel back to previous maps and complete little mini-games 
if you wish. But that will be covered later on. For now, lets save our game. 
After that select "Map Select", then go up to "Control Section."

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 1: SNEAKING --------------------------------------- MG.11 ----+

The object of this is to reach the end of the level without being detected by
guards. Much like the elimination mission, I completed it by killing all 
guards first then making my way towards the end. You can choose to sneak by 
all of them but I believe that this way is eaiser.

Start off by going down the stairs like the regular mission. The one guard will 
move up and face left. Go to the end of the yellow container and go out in the 
public. The guard on the right will continue to wait while the guard that moved 
before will make a square and just end up back where he started. I would 
recommend going behind the guard and to the left when he faces North and fire 
at the barrels to take him out. Make sure not to stand to close or you will 
caught in the flames also. When the guard dies, go to the bottom of the truck 
and to the right. The guard who stands above you will never come down unless 
you make a sound. So take him out however you want. Now go all the way along 
the left wall without being seen and from here you can explode the 2 barrels 
to either take out the 2 guards or just the one. Once they are done, there 
should only be 1 guard remaining on the top and you can kill him however you 
want. Then just go to the end and finish the mission.

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 2: ELIMINATION ------------------------------------ MG.12 ----+

This is by far the easiest mission there is. All you have to do is kill 
everybody and thats it.

Again start off by going down the stairs and standing behind the container, 
either leaning up against it or just behind it. The guards should be making 
thier rounds and you can start picking them off one by one. Use the M1911A1 
if you have it upgraded and it will do either 1.5 or 2x damage. If you find 
yourself getting surrounded, go back up the stairs and you can still attack 
from up there. Nothing too hard on this stage. If you have any other problems, 
do later missions and come back when you have better cards.

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 3: TRIAL-01 --------------------------------------- MG.13 ----+

I have yet to complete this mission, will update when done.

| || MG.20 ||                       Stage 2                      || MG.20 || |

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 2: ACCESS ALL TERMINALS---------------------------- MG.20 ----+
	Turn 1
Snake - If you did upgrade your GRU sld, you can move 5 spaces. 
   So go up 3, left 1, up 1. If you don't get a GRU Sld, then just continue 
   along the same path, but you will be 2 spaces short. Next card, go up and 
   stop right before the spinning box. Put your back against the wall. END.
Bottom Guard - Moves 5 spaces right, faces left. END turn.
Top Guard - Moves 2 spaces past the terminal up and faces down.
	Turn 2
Snake - Grab the MSG3 pack, go right one, and down 1. 
Bottom Guard - Moves 5 spaces left and faces right. Do it again.
	Turn 3
Snake - Use an equip card or something to boost up, then END your turn.
Bottom Guard - Moves right 5 spaces then faces left.
	Turn 4
Snake - Move up, left, down. Next card go down, down, right.
	Turn 5
Snake - Go down, right 2. Next card go right 3 spaces.
	Turn 6
Snake - Go right, down 2. Go right 3 spaces.
	Turn 7
Snake - Move right 3 spaces. Go right 2, up 1.
	Turn 8
Snake - Go up 3 spaces and put your back up against the wall.
Guard - Waits then ENDs turn.
	Turn 9
Snake - USE either a weapon or something to put the guard to sleep. END turn.
	Turn 10
Snake - Go up, left 2, up 2. Go left, up, left. END turn.
	Turn 11
Snake - Go left, up, up. Now if you upgraded your weapons use this turn to
   equip one of them. END turn,
	Turn 12
Snake - Now go up, right 3, and face up behind the guard. Equip the other one
   of your guns, and use it on the guard. END turn,
	Turn 13
Snake - Move right 2 to grab the pack, then go back left 1. Next card, go 
   left 3 spaces. END turn.
	Turn 14
Snake - Go 3 spaces left again.Go left, up, left. Next card go 
Guard - Goes 4 spaces down and faces up. 
	Turn 15
Snake - Go 3 spaces down. Then go down 2, left 1.
Guard - Goes 4 spaces up, faces down.
	Turn 16
Snake - If you have 2 more guns you wish to equip, now is the time to use it. 
   END turn.
	Turn 17
Snake - Go left 3 spaces. Now go up 3 spaces.

Mision Change: Find the Communications Tower
	Turn 18
Guard - Moves 2 spaces right, 1 down. Calls for backup. ENDs turn.
Snake - Move up 1 space, then right one. Attack and kill the guard.
	Turn 19
Snake - Move up 1 space to complete the mission. Mission Complete.
Results(all vary)   |
Cost:		230 |
Found:		3   |
Kills:		4   |
Total Damage:	0   |
PTS Earned:	2700|	
Total PTS:	3200|
Rank:		C   |

        (, /
+-- (__ /    NTERMISSION ----------------------------------------------------+

Just save, upgrade and get ready for either the extra misions or for the next 

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 1: SNEAKING --------------------------------------- MG.21 ----+

Start by going up the stairs and around the camera. Make sure you don't get 
spotted by it. The guard will just stay there so stand on the weird looking 
tile right before him and shoot him. Continue into the next big room but watch 
out for the camera again. Continue on down the stairs but watch out for the 
guard at the bottom. Move along the right side of the wall and the guard should 
make his rounds down. When he is on the bottom, step into the exit and thats it.
   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 2: ELIMINATION ------------------------------------ MG.22 ----+

Start off by killing the guard thats a little up and to the left of where you 
start. Then go up the stairs and kill the guard that waits for you there. 
You can either go around or you can crawl through the duct that sits on the 
weird colored thing. A guard will come from the right and attack you. Kill 
him and another guard will come from the north. Go to him or let him come to 
you, don't matter. There's only 4 enemies, nothing hard.

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 3: TRIAL-01 ------------------------------------ MG.23 -------+

I have yet to complete this mission, will update when done.

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 3: TRIAL-02 ------------------------------------ MG.23 -------+

I have yet to complete this mission, will update when done.

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 3: TRIAL-03 ------------------------------------ MG.23 -------+

I have yet to complete this mission, will update when done.

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 3: SPEICAL MISSION ----------------------------- MG.23 -------+

I have yet to complete this mission, will update when done.

| || MG.30 ||                       Stage 3                      || MG.30 || |

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 3: ACCESS THE COMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL--------------- MG.30 ----+

From the start, make your way to the top of the containers because on the next 
move the guard will turn around. From there go east until the stairs then go 
south. Proceed up the stairs and into the door on the left. Go towards the 
bottom of the shelf and wait for the guard to turn around. Dispose of him then 
exit the door on the right. If you want to get the Chaff Grenade that lays on 
the bottom then press square to start crawling under the infared sensors. Then 
go up the stairs and proceed towards the west side, up the ramp and into the 
bullseye. Mission complete.

        (, /
+-- (__ /    NTERMISSION ----------------------------------------------------+

We are now introduced to the card shop. Here you will be able to purchase card 
packs by using the points you get from completeing missions. There are 3 cards 
in each pack. When you complete a mission you also get new packs that are added.

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 3-2: ELIMINATE ALL GUARDS ------------------------- MG.30 ----+

Start out by going up the stairs and towards the right. 
DO NOT STEP IN THE LIQUID NEXT TO THE OIL BARREL. This is an oil spill and it 
will cover you in oil. Instead, go north and into the room and get the pack and 
exit the room. Go along the top part of the red container and kill one of the 
guards. You can use the container as shelter if you need, but just keep using 
surprise shots and and if they get close enoough, I believe you can shoot the 
oil barrel to do some damage. If not, someone will correct me. But once you 
kill them all, the mission will be over. Mission complete.

        (, /
+-- (__ /    NTERMISSION ----------------------------------------------------+

We are now introduced to the card shop. Here you will be able to purchase card 
packs by using the points you get from completeing missions. There are 3 cards 
in each pack. When you complete a mission you also get new packs that are added.

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 1: SNEAKING --------------------------------------- MG.31 ----+

Much like the regular mission, just go above the guard at the beginning, 
up the stairs. Go to the top of the shelf again and kill the guard.

| || MG.40 ||                       Stage 4                      || MG.40 || |

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 4: ADVANCE TO THE NORTH EXIT ---------------------- MG.30 ----+

First off, if you don't have Anti-Armor, you don't stand a chance. If you 
stay along the top path going north, you will run into 2 partrol bots who 
will alter more guards to come. Take them out either will surprise shots or 
just run down the stairs. If you do go down the stairs, grab the pack in the 
far right top corner. Then go back up the stairs you went down and take out 
the rest of the patrol bots. Then make a run for the exit or just finish of 
the bots. Whichever is more comfortable for you. Step into the white bullseye 
and thats it. Mission complete.

   / ___| 
    ___) |
+--|____/ TAGE 4-2: TRACK DOWN DR.TAKITAMA ----------------------- MG.30 ----+

Stage 4-2: Track down Dr.Takiyama

No break here so be ready. Go all the way east and into the door. Don't go all 
the way north or you will be spotted by a patrol bot. Instead, go a little east 
and then north and you will end up behind it. When you get rid of it, go into 
the west door into the purple room. Don't go up the ladder yet, pause right in 
front of it and let the patrol bot turn around, then dispose of it. Then go out 
the northeast door. Go all the way north and grab the pack, then go back south 
a little bit until you see a crawlspace. Press square and crawl left then up. 
Watch out for the patrol bot that is a couple of spaces directly in front of 
you. Take out the patrol bot then proceed into the room to find another pack. 
Go to the northwest corner and enter the door. Mission complete.

| || MG.LS ||                       Legal Stuff                  || MG.LS || |
This guide is Copyright of Brett Battle. Nothing in this guide may be taken, 
copied, reproduced, or sold for profit without permission of the author. If 
said happens, action will occur. This guide may only be used for or You may use guide on other sites but e-mail me first so that I 
know. If you would like to post it on a website, then give me the link so that 
I may see if it is satisfactory.

| || MG.CI ||                   Contact Information              || MG.CI || |
E-mail =
	 ResidentEvilFL (at) gmail (dot) com

Aim Screename = Lilkraziepimp88

IGN Username = ResidentEvilFl

| || MG.CT ||                   Credits and Thanks               || MG.CT || |
Thanks to Alex E for allowing me to use his outline format

Thanks to Everyone reading this guide

Thanks to Chris, Adrian, and Kio back at school

I hoped that you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it
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