Hitman: Blood Money FAQ/Walkthrough

Hitman: Blood Money (XBox360)

1.1 Introduction:

With all the commendations and praises I got for my first ever walkthrough
(Condemned), I was somewhat obliged to write another FAQ. As the title suggests
, this one covers another great X360 Game being Hitman: Blood Money. Turning 
point of this FAQ will be mission walkthroughs with Silent Assassin Ratings, 
basically meant to be played on professional difficulty(hardest). All of the 
Achievements for this game will be discussed in detail too, just like with 
Condemned. Have fun!

Most recent versions of this Gameguide can be found on www.gamefaqs.com and 

1.2 Table of Contents
..1.1  Introduction
..1.2  Table of Contents
..1.3  Things to know and Techniques
..1.4  The Art of the professional Silent Assassin
..2.1  How to use this walkthrough
..2.2  Walkthrough
..3.1  Achievements
..4.1  Legal stuff and Credits

1.3 Things to know and Techniques

Sneaking and killing as silent as possible is the whole point of this game. You
will be rewarded with more money and close to 0 notoriety when disposing of 
your targets inconspiscously and avoiding civilian casualties. So mastering the
following techniques is indispensable for attaining Silent Assassin Rankings!

1) Sneaking: By pressing the L-Trigger, 47 will start crouching, thus making no 
sound for possible targets to hear. For sneaking up on someone without that 
someone noticing, coming in from behind is of course essential. As good as this
works for still targets, as bad it does for moving targets since these are 
usually faster than the sneaking 47. Thats why this next strategy is the most 
import one:

2) Neutralising moving targets: Running or even moving without pressing the 
L-Trigger will make a nearby person turn around and face you. The trick is to
stand still until your target will get ahead of you. As soon as he passed you
(only so slightly!), readying your weapon, sneaking up on your target and 
finally neutralizing it needs to be done almost simultaneously, else your 
target will get out of reach again. This technique will furthermore be refered
to as Stop-Sneaking. Remember: your targets must not see any weapon in your 
hand(aside from the fibre wire) or else they will be alerted -> no silent 
assassin ranking for you. Practising this would probably be a good idea.

3) Semi-Alerted Targets: If your target noticed you immediatly beforehand(e.g. 
failed sneak), reentering sneak and drawing weapons as soon as they walk off 
again will most likely fully alert them, even when they got their back to you. 
To avoid this, neutralise the situation by running somewhat in front of them 
and applying point 2) like described above.

4) Unalerted Targets: Out of experience, I know that there are a few occasions
where some targets will be less cautious thus easier to sneak up on. This is 
out of the ordinary and you can't make a rule of this. However, I will exploit
these occasions in the walkthrough and will notify you when such a situation is
at hand.

Silent Weapons of choice: 
Neutralising people means either sedating/k.o.-ing civilians or poisoning or 
strangling mission targets. You could of course strangle civilians but that 
won't get you a silent assassin ranking. Sedating mission targets is non-sense, 
since you need to kill them anyways to successfully end the mission...

1) Sedating: You will be carrying 2 syringes with anasthetics around with you 
on every mission. Don't let anyone spot you with these in your hand!

2) Pistol-Grabbing and Knocking-Out: By sneaking up on someone with a drawn 
pistol or one-handed MP, you can grab this someone and use him as a human 
shield. Additionally, and more important, you'll be able to knock your 
unvoluntary shield out whenever you want. Before doing so you can slowly walk 
around with the person, which is preferable to dragging around stunned 
opponents. The act of grabbing someone makes a certain amount of noise, so 
make sure nearby doors are closed and your immediate surrounding is clear of 
possible witnesses. 

3) Poisoning: Just like with the anastethic syringes, you'll take 2 poison 
syringes along for every mission. Deadly!

4) Fibre-Wire: The assassin's fatal weapon of choice! This weapon can be 
carried around drawn completely unnoticed as long as you don't press the 
R-Trigger. This will tensen the wire and make 47 crouch. NEVER press the 
Right-Trigger! Only use the L-Trigger to sneak around and tip the R-Trigger 
only when actually behind your target to strangle it. This weapon greatly 
supports the "neutralising moving enemies" technique. Furthermore, elevators 
have climbable hatches that will let you climb on top of the elevator. 
Strangling a mission target in the elevator below from the roof is an unequaled
characteristic for a top-class assassin.

5) Accidents: Staging accidents is one of the more fun aspects of this game. 
Every mission usually has a well hidden plan for you to eliminate mission
targets in a completely unsuspicous manner. This usually involves large objects
dropping down or more discreet actions like...well you'll see. Additionally
sneaking up on someone standing close to a balcony and pressing the R-Trigger 
will result in a successful unvoluntary suicide attempt.

When having neutralised a target and standing over it, you will sometimes get 
the option to put on your target's clothes (waiters, fbi-agents, policemen, etc
...). If you don't want to sneak past every single guard you'll encounter while 
moving through a restricted area you'd better keep an eye out for a person who
is allowed walking through that specific area. Knock him out(or even better 
pistolgrab-walk around with him ), drag him someplace safe and put on his 
clothes (unfortunately no women's clothes can be put on...wouldn't make much of
a DISGUISE anyways I suppose).

Restricted Areas:
All throughout the game, you'll need to cross restricted areas. Whenever you
enter such an area without having an appropriate disguise, a guard that spots
you will ask you to leave immediatly. This won't affect your SA-Ranking! Just 
leave the area and look for a disguise.

Disposing of bodies:
Allright, you're a master of silent-killing now. But what to do with all those 
bodies lying around?! If a body is discovered, guards will be alerted and 
become more cautious. That's not important really, but you will be denied a 
silent assassin ranking if a body was found during the mission. additionally, 
if a body, whose clothes you are actually wearing, is found, your disguise goes 
poof! So how to dispose of these rating-killers? You'll see large boxes 
standing around throughout the missions. Bodies can be stashed in here, without
anyone ever noticing them. It's one body per box though! Or drag them somewhere
where no one will see them: Toilets, small rooms etc...You'll need to be 
certain no one will ever (e.g) walk into the small toilet cabin where you 
stashed that poor waiter earlier though.

Occasionnally, especially when passing guardposts, you'll be asked to stay put 
to be frisked with a small metal-detector. If you haven't disposed of any 
additional weapons (so this excludes syringes, ruap-mines, fibre-wire etc...but
includes the silverballer, knifes, mp's etc...) quickly run away an get rid of 
the stuff before attempting anew. Sniperrifles carried around in 
anti-metaldetector cases are of course allowed. There are occasions where you 
can conceal your weapon in a toolbox or catering box though, thus smuggling a 
weapon past the guards. Don't carry around a catering box while you're in your 
brand-new tuxedo though...

1.4 The Art of the professional Silent Assassin

It's so important I'll even give it a whole chapter! With the techniques 
described above, it oughtta be clear by now how to obtain a silent assassin 

1) No killing civilians or ANY other person for that matter BESIDE your mission
targets. Sedating yes.

2) No alerting. When you perform a neutralising action(or any other "illegal" 
action e.g. disposing of a body, changing clothes) always keep an eye out for 
the tension-meter on the bottom-left corner of the screen. If it quickly raises 
to yellow or even red you have been spotted by the person itself or by someone 
else that has been standing nearby. Restart the mission. Now!

3) Hide Bodies (well). By knowing patrol-routes and container-locations you 
will most efficently be able to complete your mission in a silent manner.

4) No shooting. I'm serious. I fired off exactly one shot (Last and next to 
last mission excluded) throughout the whole game and I was ashamed ever after 
because I couldn't find out how to end the mission without doing so. I got a 
silent assassin ranking anyways though (oneshot-kill, no alert, body not found)
. Ninja! Damn...I promised I'd never use that word. 

5) Retrieve your suit and your customized weapons before exiting a mission! 
Else you will not be awarded a SA-Ranking.

6) Clear all objectives and targets, main and optional. 

7) And last but not least: Patience! There is usually no need to rush a kill or
a knock out on a civilian. Unless there is an upcoming event which you mustn't 
miss. You get the idea...

2.1 How to use this walkthrough

A Mission's walkthrough will consist of 3 parts:

1) General Course of Action
2) Walkthrough
3) Mission Debriefing

First, I'll explain the general idea behind the mission and how you will need 
to proceed. In order to successfully complete a mission, knowing the map or at
least the paths, rooms and places I will use in the walkthrough is of the 
essence. Therefore, a little exploring on your own wouldn't be a bad idea since 
I can't really explain the whole map to you. However, I'll give my best to
explain the paths to walk as detailled as possible. Directions will always 
be ego-sensitive, thus I won't use the directions on the map itself, unless I 
specifically say so. Then for the actual walkthrough, mission beginning to end.
And finally, I'll do a quick debriefing with Money Earned etc...

A few shortcuts and terms to remember:

-CC = Change of clothes
-SS = Stop-Sneaking: To be waiting for a person to pass you, then immediatly 
 sneak behind him.
-UT = Unalerted Target: This person is easily snuck upon or somehow else easy
 to deal with. 
-Pistolgrab = The act of sneaking up behind someone with a pistol drawn and 
 grabbing them. 
-Walking your shield = When having grabbed a person, you can walk around with 
 him, before knocking him out.

2.2 Walkthrough

Mission 0: Death of a Showman

0-1 General Course of Action:
As this is a tutorial, I call this mission 0. There is no money to gain either,
so wreak some havoc. I'll rush trough here, since this is all explained in-game
anyways. No worries, the real missions walkthroughs will be better ;)
0-2 Walkthrough:
You start down at the pier. Run left and climb some crates and ledges till you
are in front of the parks' gates. As soon as the Agency Lady is done talking,
you'll eliminate the guard so you can enter the gift shop to the left. Throw
a coin out the open window and sneak out. Continue through the door and wire
the guy who's torturing the lawyer. Turn right and climb the red grating. Jump
over the ledge and pick up the shotgun. Open the door and shot the guys inside.
Dispose of their bodies and hide in the closet. Wait a moment for the scientist
to turn his back on you, then leave the closet and kill him. Take his clothes 
andkeycard, then proceed through the door. Walk past the first guard and enter
the next room. Drop your weapons but the Pistol and put it in the small box.
Pick up the box and continue to the next guard. When he's done frisking you,
continue through the door and retrieve your pistol. Jump down on top of
the elevator and strangle the guy below with your Fiber-wire. Jump down and 
break the utility box. Sneak through this next section till you'll reach the
toilets. Sneak up on the guy and pistolgrab him from behind. Move around the
corner and shot the guys here. Either turn around and wait for more folks to 
come in or quickly knock your shield out and rush up the ladder. Pick up the
sniper rifle case and select it in your inverntory to unpack the sniper rifle.
Shoot the 3 guys outside, one below, one on the wheel and another one on the
roof to the left of the wheel. Drop the sniper and run outside. Get down and
find the door that leads you to the target's office. First, pick up the syringe
lying in the weapon supply crate, go up the stairs and wait for the chat to end
. Sneak up behind the guy and pull the R-Trigger to push him over the rail.
Ready your poison syringe and empty it in the bottle on the secretary's desk.
Hide in the closet and wait for the secretary to drop dead. Get out of the 
closet and into the office. Kill him. Out of the window here, you'll see
another supply crate with a detonator and a RUAP-mine. Continue through the 
next window and place the bomb on the winch. Get out of the way and detonate.
Kill the surviving gangster and escape through the nearby door.

Mission 1: A Vintage Year

1-1 General Course of Action:
You are to kill 2 men, Don Fernando Delgado and his son Manuel. A Wine-testing 
is being held in the Chile mountains. Awesome Landscape. So expect a lot of 
people, that might disturb your actions towards Manuel. Papa will be playing 
his violins in his mansion, protected by pretty careless guards. Manuel will be 
patroling the wine cellar(with built-in cocain-lab) while occasionally 
retreating to a rather shady spot to draw a line of white stuff. 2 swift and 
easy clothes' changings will be of the order. Conclusion: Pathetically easy 
with 2 more or less risky pistolgrabs.

CC Guard -> Across the mansion courtyard into the mansion -> CC VIP Guard-> 
Fernando Delgado -> Wine Cellar via Cocain Lab -> Manuel Delgado -> CC Suit -> 

What to bring: No frisking here so take the Silverballer along for pistolgrabs.

Risks: low risk messing up Manuel's kill because of possible witnesses.

1-2 Walkthrough:
We will practice our first CC on the first guard to be seen. Sneak up on him 
from behind, wait for the 2 guests to go inside the courtyard and close the 
doors behind them, then grab the guard. To your back, you'll see a large double
door that is slightly open with a guard peeking out. Start walking your shield 
over to the high wall left of this large door, but only so far that you can 
spot the arm of the guard behind the door. It will take some time until he 
walks off, then walk behind the wall and move your shield all the way to some 
small niche to the right. K.O. him and take his clothes.

Run through the before mentioned doors and run northeast across the courtyard 
to a small backdoor that leads into the mansion. Run right and up some small 
stairs, open the door and alert the guard. Lure him back to the small door, 
when he walks off sneak follow him and pistolgrab him before or better when 
he's on the stairs(he is an UT, unalerted target, he will not turn around after
walking off even when running up to him). Walk him over to the nearby box and 
CC. Check for the mansions main stairs and go up on the second floor. Run left
and stop in front of the door to your right. As soon as the patroling guard 
walks away from you, unlock the door, walk up to Fernando Delgado while he's
playing his string-instrument and poison him (if he's in the neighbouring room,
wait till he comes over again). No one will ever enter this room, so leave him
where he is. 

Go back to where you alerted the guard and look for the staircase that leads 
down into the cocain-lab. Pass through the lab and enter the wine cellar via a 
secret wine-barrel door. Look for Manuel down here or at the exit of the cellar
. If you're out of luck, he'll be showing someone the lab before returning to 
his usual route. Wait for him in the cellar near the box and the table where 
he'll make a stop to draw a line. As soon as he'll start walking towards the 
door stop-sneak him and finish him off AROUND the door. Luckily for you there's
a box in the same room! Stash him and exit the cellar and go get you suit back. 
Now run all the way around these walls to find a small mountainpath leading 
down to your escape plane. Make a run for it and nevermind the guards that will
ask you to leave the area.

1-3 Debriefing:
Nicely done. This mission has most of what there is to know: Stop-sneaking, 
CC's, boxes, Pistolgrabs, etc....Now you're ready for the real action: Well 
planned Accidents. Hooray!

Money Earned: 400,000$ (Target) + 150,000$(SA-Ranking) = 550,000$ 

Mission 2: Curtains down

2-1 General Course of Action:
Ah, the Paris Opera! I love a classic tune from time to time. You have 2 
targets here: the actor Alvaro d'Alvade, who will be rehearsing for an upcoming
event and his loverboy, the U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican, Richard Delahunt 
who will be watching Alvaro all the time from his loge on the first floor. We
will CC into one of the workers that are currently all over the place to gain 
access to the basement and the back of the stage. We'll go up high to stage
accident number2 by placing a bomb on an unstable chandelier. Then we'll go
back down to the back of the stage where we'll CC into a CIA-Agent(?). And now
the Clou: Alvade is rehearsing an execution scene where he gets shot at with a
prop WWII weapon. We will exchange this prop with a real weapon which we 
retrieved at the beginning of the mission. We'll head back to in front of
the stage to eagerly await the starting shot(lmao) for the grand finale: The
chandelier is just above the main room in front of the stage. Exactly the place
where Delahunt will come screaming to because his love Alvade had a terrible 
accident beforehand...*Boom* and the chandelier will come down. Accidents do

Retrieve Real WWII Pistol -> CC Worker -> Backstage via basement -> Place bomb
for chandelier accident -> CC Agent -> Wait for actors' break -> Prepare 
pistol accident -> Back in front of the stage where we'll wait for execution 
scene -> Execute accident number2 -> Escape.

What to bring: Nothing really, since you'll get a pistol right at the start for

Risks: Very short time-shedule(see next segment), risk of messing up the 2nd CC
, risk being caught after triggering the RU-AP Mine.

2-2 Walkthrough:
First off: Time is of the essence here! If you don't do the 2 CC's fast enough,
you'll miss the actors' break and then you'll be up for a long wait for the 
next one. So proceed quickly through the basement.

Enter the lobby and check the reception to the left. The Guard will come to the
front where you'll be able to talk to him. You'll end up with the real WWII
pistol in your jacket, kindly provided by the Agency. Walk around to the right
of the reception to find the toilets. Enter and wait for 2 workers that will 
have a little chat in front of the toilet(quite a funny one, provided that you
understand french). One of them will enter the toilet where you'll be waiting 
for him to unzip. Pistolgrab, K.O. and CC him. There's a box in the same room.

Quickly now: Out of the toilets, down the stairs to the left, down the RIGHT 
corridor through the door near which a worker will paint another door. Down the
stairs until you enter a larger room. Immediatly right here, through the double
doors. A quick left and through the first door to the right(labeled Etape 
Stage). Proceed through some more rooms, doors and stairs leading up till you 
face 2 doors leading into the men's/women's shower. Take either door and run 
through. Now you're backstage. Remember the Agent sitting here for later. Take
a short right to find a double door with a huge staircase behind it. Go all the
way up and through the door here to find the chandelier's anchorage. Place your
Ruap-Mine and run down again to the Agent's chair. He entered the toilet and
will be coming out any moment soon. He's an UT when going back to his chair! 
Sneak beside the toilet door and wait for him to come out(don't go in).
Sneak-follow and pistolgrab him quickly before he reaches the chair. Walk him
back into the toilet room and close the door. Knock him down and CC him.

Allright, enough of the hazzle. Now it's a waiting game. First we'll wait for
the actors break. Alvade and the Executioner will walk into the rooms near the 
Agent's chair. Stand near the right star-labeled door and wait for the 
executioner to close the door behind him. Then walk in, ignore him running out
and quickly proceed to putting the real pistol down and picking the prop-one
up. Leave and take your sweet time going back to the first toilet via the 
basement to change back into your own tux because the next execution scene 
won't be any time soon. Now head into the audience room with the stage in it.
Don't stand in the middle of the room, rather place yourself under one of the 
sidedoors' frames. Ready your Detonator(no one will notice it in your hands). 
Eventually, d'Alvarde will get shot and after some fuss Delahunt will come 
running down only to stumble onto the carpet. Anticipate this and activate the
detonator very shortly before. Immediatly hide the detonator in your pocket and 
inconspiscuously walk to the exit.

2-3 Debriefing:
The statistics will only show 2 accidents. Like you had never been there.

Money Earned: 400,000$ + 150,000 (SA-Rating) = 550,000$

Mission 3: Flat Line

3-1 General Course of Action:
Piece of Cake really. You are to find an undercover CIA-Agent in the clinic, 
who knows of the identity of your main target in the same clinic. The Agent 
needs to be rescued by first putting him into a near death state so he will be
transported to the morgue outside the main complex. Then you need to give him
the antidote and kill your main target, whose identity you know by then. 
Additionally, 2 optional targets will unlock in the course of the mission. Easy

Steal Admission paper -> Check in -> CC Patient -> endure a frisk -> CC 
Therapist -> CC Orderly -> Find Agent and put him in near death state (Receive
main and optional targets) -> kill main and optional targets (2 accidents, 
1kill) -> Revive Agent - > Escape.

What to bring: You'll be frisked early, so don't bring anything.

Risks: The Orderly CC has to be well timed. 

3-2 Walkthrough:
Run up the hill until you see a smoking guy. His admission papers are lying 
behind him on a bench. Sneak and steal them. Run further up the hill and enter
the clinic. Put your admission papers on the reception desk and walk into the
room to the right of the desk. CC into the patients clothes and let yourself be
frisked by the guard. Open the doors and run up the stairs. Take a left and 
run into the left farmost room to find a therapist's clothes. Down the stairs 
again, run right through some double doors and take the next door to the right
to find the staircase that leads down into the basement.

To the right, you'll notice a box. An orderly will be coming along here and a 
guard will be patroling the main corridor up and down. Stopsneak the orderly 
near the box but before he goes through the door and when the guard will be 
walking down the corridor. CC and stash the orderly. Run down the corridor and
go up the stairs. Climb through the window and take the cell key from the 
nearby desk. Enter the cell-room and take the stairs down to find the Agent in
one of the cells. After some talk, give him the prepared syringe by looking out
the door's window, because there'll be another orderly patroling here. Now go
up the stairs and exit through the other door to find yourself out in the open
in front of the clinic. By now you will have obtained the main target's and the
2 optional targets' identity. Jump over the wall and head back into the clinic.
Dressed as an orderly you won't be frisked again.

As the 3 target's identities will change from game to game but the best killing 
method won't, I'll enumerate them generally. Head up the second floor west wing
and find a gas cooker in a room labeled "D". Sabotage the gas tank and leave 
the scene. This one will take care of himself so let's move on to the next: One
of the guys will occasionally visit a pool room to the right of the complex(on
the map 1F). However, another patient will come along so try to interrupt your 
target's walk for a few seconds. This way the other patient will leave the room
earlier and you can syringe your target while he's wetting his feet. There's a
chance this body will be found before you can escape so you should do this 
after having taken care of the next target. However, there is at least one 
other, safer, way to eliminate this guy: He'll rarely walk up the stairs and
sit down in a comfi-chair between the west and east wing rooms. No one will
ever enter here, so you can leave him where he died. The next target will be in
the training gym from time to time which is also located in the right part of 
the complex(1F). He'll lay down for some weightlifting. As soon as he lays back
the weight and you are standing next to his head, you will be able to drop it 
onto him . Watch out for the same patient that disturbs your plans with the 
second target. Don't be seen when dropping down the weight. This body may be 
found however, since this counts as an accident(hehe).

After you've taken care of the 2 last mentioned targets, go back to the 
reception and change back into your own suit. Head outside to the starting 
point and enter the morgue without the other orderly, that is occassionaly 
patroling here, seeing you. The guards may see you, they won't interfere.
By know the rigged gas tank should have exploded killing another target. Revive
the Agent, then you can leave through the backdoor in the morgue.

3-3 Debriefing:
Money Earned: 370,000$ + 150,000(SA) = 520,000$ 

Mission 4: A New Life

4-1 General Course of Action:
Vincent Sinistra who is currently in a witness protection program, is your next
target. In addition to Sinistra, we got a second objective: to retrieve a 
microfilm full of evidence that his "wife" will be carrying around in a 
necklace. Both will be in a house with a shitload of Agents around them. 
Fortunately, there'll be held a birthday party soon and Sinistra hired a clown.
We'll first gain entry to the house by CC'ing the clown, then switch to an 
Agent-Suit lying on the 1F of the house. We'll clear the 2nd floor of a single 
patroling agent, so we won't be bothered with disposing of Sinistra's body 
later on. Before taking care of our main target, we'll retrieve the microfilm
by sedating the wife and dragging her into the sauna. Sinistra will head up on
the 2nd floor to check his mail (or watch some porn...I can't really tell) in 
his office. He'll drag along his bodyguard, who'll be waiting outside the
small office-room where we have been waiting for Sinistra. Because we cleared
the 2F earlier, we can easily pistolgrab the waiting bodyguard, thus 
eliminating the chance of him finding Delgado's body. And then we're off.

Long wait for Clown to come out: CC -> Enter house with being frisked -> 
locating Agent-Suit in front of Sauna -> Clear guard on 2F -> Retrieving 
microfiche from wife near the indoor pool and hide her body -> Waiting in the
office for Sinistra -> Eliminating Bodyguard -> Escape.

What to bring: We're being frisked, so no guns! We'll find a SLP in the house.

Risks: Retrieving the microfiche is probably the most dangerous task since
there'll be an Agent patroling the pool/sauna area. You may take care of him
first though after having retrieved the Agent's Suit. He'll be in the SE living
room on the map, first right after entering the house from time to time. His 
body won't be spotted there.

4-2 Walkthrough:
Head over to the clown's ride and wait at the trunk for him to come out. This
will take a small eternity and the garbage man will probably be crossing our
plans, so interfere with the clown's walk to the car if necessary. He'll then
check his trunk for something to drink. Sedate and CC him here and now. Put
him in the trunk and run over to the front doors where you'll be frisked. Enter
and go through the next double-doors too. Take a quick right through this door
and a left to find the sauna room(NE Corner of map). There's a guard on patrol
here, which you shouldn't have alerted but if you have just walk back into the 
hallway and wait for him to go away. Your goal is an Agent's Suit that will be
lying in front of the sauna. 

When you got a hold of it, head over to the other side of the house and find a
small room with a weapon supply. Take the SLP and head upstairs. Vinnie will 
most probably be in his office at this moment, so you need to wait for him and
his bodyguard to go down again. The other guard will be staying for a smoke 
before taking his tour around the 2F again. As soon as Vinnie and his bodyguard
are gone(they need to have closed the door or else they'll hear the 
pistolgrab!), pistolgrab the guard and walk him into one of the rooms to the 
south(map). Knock him out and run down into the sauna/pool area where the wife
will be wetting herself. She is an easy target since she seems to be drunk. 
If you sedated the patroling guard here before, pistolgrab here and walk her 
into the sauna where you can kock her out and take her necklace. Else do the 
same, but first be sure that the guard isn't going to pop in when you walk her
into the sauna.

Time for Vinnie to say his prayers: Head upstairs and wait for Vinnie to come
to the office again. Finish him silently, and sneak out of the room to easily
pistolgrab the bodyguard waiting outside. Drag him into the office and go back
to the clown's truck to change into your own Suit. Then head for the exit 
near the starting point.

4-3 Debriefing:
Money Earned: 270,000$ + 150,000$ = 420,000$

Mission 5: Murder of Crows

5-1 General Course of Action:
This mission is impossibly difficult when you first play it. No clue what to do
and the mardi gras with like a thousand possible witnesses going on. Insane.
But I'll guide you through quite safely.

As said, the mardi is going on, and a politician is supposed to be killed. Not
by you though, because you're are to kill the killers. There are three targets:
The brain of the operation, Mark Purayah, who will be pulling the strings in a 
location in the NW Corner of the map. Then Angelina Mason, who will be scouting
around the square, and last but not least the soon-not-to-be-anymore sniper
himself, Raymond Kulinsky who can be found randomly in one of three possible
rooms. You're not exactly in a hurry, but don't let the politician 
die. In addition, a person dressed as a red bird will be walking from the hotel
(your starting point) to Purayah's place to deliver a case. This case is an 
optional target. There are shady backalleys all over the place, those will
be our trumps. First we'll CC the Red bird, then head over to Purayah, then 
Angelina. After we located Richard, depending on where he is hiding, we need
to either CC into a waiter or climb up some crates. When he's been taken care
of we can leave. It's important you stick to the case till the end of the 
mission, because if a guard finds it he will carry it somewhere you
probably won't find it.

CC Red Bird and retrieve Case -> Neutralize guard and Purayah -> Neutralize
Angelina -> Neutralize Richard -> Escape.

What to bring: Take your Silverballer along for pistolgrabs.

Risks: Apart from the usual risky stuff, missing Angelina at the large
back-alley or being spotted in the same place by a guard are situations to 

5-2 Walkthrough:
As the execution team is connected via Walkie talkie we'll need to find one 
of them to obtain the location of the others. We'll start by following the red 
bird guy who will either walk to the small backalley behind the hotel or the
large backalley between Rock and Salsa Bar. Follow him to either backalley
and be careful not to interfere with his walk. He'll take a short break, that's
the moment to pistolgrab him and walk him over to a nearby box(both alleys have 
boxes). Knock him out, CC and stash him. Take the case and run to Purayah's
location at the NW-Corner of the map: a yellow bird will be guarding the door.
Enter and take a left to find some stairs. Head up and sedate(no noisy 
pistol-grabbing!) the bird up here. Take your time and wait for him to stand 
still near the stairs. Drag him around the corner so Purayah won't accidentally
see him when you open the doors. Now head in and wait for Purayah to sit down
so you can easily poision him. Take his walkie-takie and the case and run over 
to the backalley between Rock and Salsa Bar, since Angelina will be on her way 
there coming in from the direction of the Salsa Bar.

Hope you made it in time, else I suggest restarting. Stop-sneak and pistolgrab
her and walk her over to the box(or if you had to dispose of the red bird here
take her inside the building through the nearby door in the backalley). Do it 
quick cause there's a guard patroling through here all the time. She's not 
dead yet, so finish her off with a syringe before putting her in the bin. Her 
walkie talkie will be lying where you grabbed her, not on her body. Check your
map for Raymond. If he's in the Rock bar, run over there and enter the back 
alley. Climb the crates and proceed through the window. It's important you take
this way back too, else you're in deep. For now head down the stairs and locate
a locked door in the toilet/kitchen room(how did this place ever pass a health
inspection?). When nobody's watching, unlock the doors and head up on the 3rd 
floor. Open this first door, and peek through the keyhole. When Raymond is 
walking away, pick the lock and quickly sneak up on him. When you're done, head
back the way you came from and make sure you got the case before leaving the 
scene. If Raymond is in the Salsa or Blues Bar you'll want to CC into a waiter
before entering the bar. They'll be bringing out the garbage from time to time,
so wait for one in the backalley of the respective bar. Some drunkards might 
interfere with your plans though, so be careful about them too. Sedate them too
or wait for them to leave. Dispose of any bodies in nearby boxes or if more 
bodies result from your actions, drag them into the back part of the bar. 
Locate Raymond, sneak up on him and leave the bar. Retrieve your Suit and exit
via the gates near the hotel entrance.

5-3 Debriefing:
Money Earned: 470,000$ + 150,000$(SA) = 620,000$

Mission 6: You better watch out...

6-1 General Course of Action:
Santa won't be bringing anything good this year. At least not for your 2 
targets here: Lorne de Havelland, porn magnat and blackmailer, and Chad 
Bingham. Havelland will be holding one of his porn parties in some cold 
mountain region. The poor bunnies are really frying there members off...In
addition to the 2 targets, you are to retrieve a certain tape.

After we've aquired one of the guard's suits, Havelland is easily killed in his
private rooms on the top floor, with no guards to be seen. Only his fluffy dog
will be around which you can completely ignore. The tape can be obtained 
somewhere on the upper floor as well. Chad will be lying in a pool, 
occasionally slapping *****es and drinking cocktails. So you will need to lure
him away by stimulating his sexdrive (nope, not by dressing up like a hottie).
He'll retreat to a more private room with a girl, where you will disturb the 
pair in their actions. He'll go out for a smoke where you'll push him over the
rail. Then you can go back to the starting point and end the mission.

Take elevator up to the party -> infiltrate kitchen and CC Santa (that sounds 
wrong) -> CC Guard -> Push Havelland over rail on top floor -> retrieve tape ->
mix aphrodisiac in Chad's drink -> wait for him to enter a private room -> 
disturb the pair -> push Chad over rail outside -> Back to the Pier and escape.

What to bring: Silverballer. 

Risks: None. 

6-2 Walkthrough:
Head over to the elevator by sticking to the wall, else you'll get caught on
camera. Go up to where the party's at and walk left through those first 
double doors. Take a left to find a door labeled "Staff only". Wait for a Guard
to come out, then sneak past and run left through the kitchen to find Santa
with a bottle in his hand. Pistolgrab, CC and stash him into that nearby box in
the kitchen. Find the sausage, inject some anesthetic into it and pick it up.
Walk through a door in the kitchen to find some stairs leading up and proceed 
to the second floor. Look for the camera observation room with one guard in it
and another guard patroling in from time to time. The door to the back is 
locked. When the moving guard leaves, quickly knock out the other guard, unlock
the door, then drag the guard up the first set of stairs. CC and leave him. 
Continue up the stairs till you get to the studio. Immediatly go left to find a
room with a guard and the tape lying on a desk. Take the tape without being 
seen, and continue to Havelands bedroom on the same floor. He will be or will
soon be on the balcony for a smoke. First open the doors and drop the sausage.
The dog will eat it up and daze away. Push Havelland over the rail or strangle
him if he's on his way already. 

Now get back down all the way to the party. Find the bar and talk to the
bartender. He will give you an aphrodisiac, which you need to put in that 
glass standing right next to you. A waiter will bring Chad this same glass and
after he drank its content Chad will retreat to a private room on the 
easternmost area on the map of 1f. Go there and wait for the pair to close the
door behind them. Then open it to disturb them. Chad will now go down the 
nearby stairs, that will lead to a balcony where you will push him over the 
rail. Retrieve your suit and go back down onto the pier to escape.

6-3 Debriefing:
Money Earned: 470,000$ + 150,000 = 620,000$

Mission 7: Death on the Mississipi

7-1 General Course of Action:
Excellent stuff this mission. We got a whole gang of targets on this mississipi
boat: The boss, Skip Muldoon and his 6 best-boys. Skip and 3 of his boys can
be found on the upper deck, a private place with Television, snooker, beer and
cream cakes...One more of the guys will be patroling just down the stairs from 
the upper deck. One will be dangerously leaning over a railing down in the 
machinery room. And the last one can be found on the main deck, occassionally
going out for a smoke where he just might end up going overboard. Smoking 
kills, I tell ya. Additionally, there'll be pictures to retrieve in Muldoon's
office. You'll come across there anyways.

KO Suiterand take his keycard -> CC VIP-Tuxedo(+VIP-Pass) -> CC 1st Class 
Waiter -> Poison Cake -> Kill 1st guard -> Kill Muldoon -> Kill 2nd Guard ->
Kill 3 Guard -> (Sedate Waiter) -> Kill 4th to 6th Guard -> Retrieve Suit and 

What to bring: Take your Silverballer along.

Risks: Silently cleaning the upper deck is quite a delicate affair. Don't get 

7-2 Walkthrough:
Up the stairs, through 2 sets of double doors, all the way down the corridor
and through these doors here. Now for action: See the white boy to the right?
Wait in the toilet to your left for him. Pistolgrab him and CLOSE THE DOOR 
behind you, since there'll be someone coming. Then knock him out and take his 
keycard. Leave and open the door next to where the white guy was just standing
a moment ago. You'll find a Vip-Tuxedo in here. Head upstairs and take an 
immediate left after the guard and the waiter. Go through the door here and 
find the light switch. As soon as the one guard walks off into a room, toggle 
the light and follow him. There'll be a 1st Class Waiter Costume lying behind 
the closet. Quickly put it on, and enter the kitchen next door. Pick up the 
cake, and walk outside through the nearby door. There'll be one of the targets 
patroling around this bow shaped deck but ignore him for now. Make sure he 
doesn't see you when dropping the cake and injecting poison into it. Before 
picking it back up put your silverballer in it, then head up the stairs for 
Muldoons private place.

Pass the frisk and enter. The frisking guard will stay in one place. There'll
be one guard in the main room with the snooker table and one circling outside
as inside. He's the problem here, cause he mustn't see muldoon lying dead on 
the floor. In addition, a waiter will be coming any time soon to bring some
food. This one will be staying in the main room for quite some time. So we're
taking care of the guard in the main room first. Drop your cake, ready your
wire and finish him off. Drag him through the doors and into the toilet where
you can leave him. Retrieve the silverballer from the cake and pick the cake up
. Take it over to Muldoon's office and put it on the table. He will be a goner 
soon and drop dead in front of the door to the bathroom next to his office. 
Don't mind the guy in there, he likes long showers.

The waiter should be in the main room by now, that's why we need to kill the 
circling guard when he's in the small room between outside, the main room and 
the toilets. Wire him and drag him into the toilets to his buddy. Remember
the waiter in the main room? If you wanna play real safe, sedate him. One more 
guard to go. To be sure drop all weapons that wouldn't get through a frisk, 
then go outside. The frisking guard will occasionally lean against the wall 
to the left of the door. Wait for this to happen, than strangle and drag him
either into the toilets or along the wall to the right of the door. Retrieve
your weapons, get the pictures out of the safe in Muldoon's office, then go 
downstairs. There's a target patroling here. He'll stop for a smoke everytime
he passes the stairs. Sneak up behind him and push him over the railing. Go 
back through the kitchen and check your map for the guard on the main deck. 
Don't kill him in his room. Rather follow him outside and wait for witnesses to
go away, then strangle him, drag him and throw him overboard (pushing him over 
won't work).

The last target is down in the machinery room. There's stairs on the main deck
near the last target's room, that will eventually lead you to the machinery.
Remember the outside part shortly before, because your escape boat is at the 
back here. Enter the machinery room, and wait for the last target to lean over 
the railing. No one should be looking, but be careful anyways when pushing him
into the gears (Yikes). Retrieve your suit and backtrack in the dirction of
the machinery room again, to find your escape boat at the back of the steamer.

7-3 Debriefing:
Money Earned: 470,000$ + 150,000$ = 620,000$

Mission 8: Till Death Do Us Part

8-1 General Course of Action:
Buddy Muldoon, son of the late Skip Muldoon, is about to wed the lovely yet 
terrifying Margaux Leblanc. Someone can't bear the thought and wants you to 
eliminate Buddy himself and Margaux's Daddy, John Leblanc too, while you're
at it. With a little exploit, you'll have this mission done in no time.

Apparently, Buddy has a liking to cream cakes too, so he'll be nibbling off the
wedding cake from time to time. I suppose you get the idea. Daddy will be 
crying over his soon-to-be-wed(or not) daughter in his room, BUT not before 
having paid a visit to a late family member at the back of the house on the 
cemetary. Where he will accidentally slip and fall into a hole...a shame. Well,
this way they won't have to carry him far for the funeral. They should pay you

CC Wedding guest (invitiation) -> Enter house and go to the backyard -> CC 
Guard -> Push Pappy Leblanc into the hole on the cemetary -> Poison the 
wedding cake in the kitchen -> Escape.

What to bring: Take the silverballer along (it's becoming dull saying that).

Risks: Absolutely none. Just be quick until you got the guard's clothes and
you're good.

8-2 Walkthrough:
We'll start at the piers. Go around the huts to the place in front of the 
house. You'll see a drunken Hillbilly(UT) stumbling towards a shady barn. When
he finally gets there knock him out and take his clothes/invitation. Run 
straight through the house and outside. Go left to see a guard sitting on a 
chair here. Sedate him, CC his clothes and drag him over to the box even 
further to the left. Daddy will be coming out a nearby door, so you'll have to
be quick up to this point, else he will spot you dragging the guy around. 
Locate the cemetary, or just follow Paps. Wait for him to eventually talk to 
the dead in front of a hole on the cemetary and push him in when none of the 
guards are looking(there's one one the pier that you need to be careful about).
Run back into the house and head for the kitchen(1F, right on map). Poison the 
cake and run back to the piers. Check your map to see when Buddy will be 
tasting the cake in the kitchen. Keep pressing A at the exit point when he's 
about to drop, so no one will have time to find his body.

8-3 Debriefing:
Money Earned: 500,000$ +150,000$ = 650,000$

Mission 9: House of Cards

9-1 General Course of Action:
Some sort of Exchange is about to happen in the casino here and you need to
eliminate all of the parttaking people, being: Tariq Abdul Lateef, who is 
supposed to verify the goods. He'll arrive by car at some point and then go 
straight up to room 807 where he will never arrive thanks to you. Hendryk 
Schmutz, the seller, who will be drinking at the bar up to the point where the
Sheik, the buyer and target number 3, will arrive. Schmutz will then take the 
elevator to his room to fetch the goods. Unfortunately, he won't notice you on
the elevator roof either. The Sheik will be lured out into the open, where you
will snipe him away while he's on the phone.

Climb left elevator hatch -> strangle Lateef -> Climb right elevator hatch ->
strangle Schmutz -> activate firealarm on 8F -> Enter Sheik's room and call 
his phone -> Snipe the Sheik from the balcony -> Escape.

What to bring: The W2000(Sniper) so spent some money on nice precision and
and scope upgrades.

Risks: You might end up missing the Sheik's head...

9-2 Walkthrough:
Walk up to the reception desk to the right of the lobby and talk to the
lady. Take the card, walk up the stairs and call the left elevator. Go in,
let the doors close and climb the hatch. Wait for Lateef to arrive and track 
him on the map to kill some time. When the elevator doors close behind him, 
strangle him from above(by pressing A) and take his 8F Keycard and the payment
case. Leave the Sniper case on the roof and go back down to the lobby. Check 
your map for the mission exit an walk over there. Drop the case around the exit
and go back to the other elevator(the right one). Close the doors and climb the
hatch. As soon as the Sheik arrives, Schmutz will be on his way to the elevator
. Wait for him and strangle him. Take the other elevator to 8F and retrieve 
your sniper case that is lying on the roof of the elvator. Before activating 
the alarm, make sure the Sheik has arrived in the lounge (just check the map).
Activate the alarm when you are unseen then run as fast as you can to room 803.
Find the cell phone in the bedroom and dial the Scheik's number. Go outside on 
the balcony and prepare your sniper rifle. Look down into this area and be 
ready to shoot the Sheik. The alarm will have worn off by then so this will be 
close call to shoot the Sheik, put the sniper back and get out of this room. If
the guards spot you while running to the elevator just ignore them. Go back to
the lobby and walk over to the exit. Now unpack your sniper and grab the 
payment case you dropped earlier. Escape. 

9-3 Debriefing:
Money Earned: 675,000$ + 150,000$ = 825,000$

Mission 10 - Dancing with the Devil

10-1 General Course of Action:
You have 2 targets for now: Vaana Ketlyn and Anthony Martinez. There's a party
going on, or rather 2: A "Hell-theme" party in the basement and a 
"Heaven-theme" party on the top floor. There will be a Laptop on the top floor,
that will provide you with 2 more targets: Maynard Johnson and a certain Eve.
To gain access to the parking lot, you need a guard's outfit first. Then you
can pick up a Heaven's Guest outfit in the parking lot. We can take the 
elevator to the Heaven party now, where we will eliminate the CIA-Agent and 
steal his clothes. Now we can go everywhere we want unbothered. First the 
laptop needs to be checked. With the 2 additional targets, we'll head down into
the basement where we'll take care of 2 of them and then back up where we'll 
finish off the last one. That's it. After we got our suit back we can escape 
via VAN in the parking lot.

CC Guard -> Steal Videotape(Caught on Camera) -> Put on Heaven's guest outfit 
-> Take elevator up -> Eliminate CIA Agent in the toilet -> Check Laptop ->
Take elevator down into basement -> Produce Accident to kill Ketlyn -> Kill
Maynard -> Back to the top floor -> Kill Eve -> Retrieve Suit and Escape.

What to bring: Silverballer.

Risks: There's gonna be a firefight, so be sure to have bought the 
health-boosts. Make sure not to cross Ketlyn's path when dressed up like the
CIA-Agent, else you're in deep. Don't run infront of Eve, the singer upstairs,

10-2 Walkthrough:
You'll start in front of the parking lot. Run straight through the double doors
and talk to the guard behind the desk. You have been recorded on Camera. For 
now, follow the guard(UT) to the room in the back and pistolgrab him. Walk him
into the small room and knock him out. Put on his clothes and drop your
silverballer because of an upcoming frisk. Head over to the parking lot 
entrance and open the door. Enter and check for the camera VCR. Grab the tape
when the guard is walking outside or looks out the window. Run down into the 
parking lot and take a right. Run past the elevators and take a left. Check
behind the truck to find a Heaven's Guest Suit. Make sure the patroling guard
is walking away, then put the Suit on. Head to the right elevator and pass the
frisk. Eventually, open the elevator and go up.

Run immediatly to the back of the stage and wait in the toilet room for the
CIA Agent. As soon as he unzips, sneak in and close the door before poisoning
him. Now put on his clothes. When the area outside the cabin is clear walk 
outside the toilet and to the other end of the floor to find a huge office with
a Laptop. Check the Laptop and go back down into the parking lot. Take the 
other elevator into the basement and walk up to the bar with a very red guy, 
Maynard, behind the counter. He's another target and he will be waiting in a 
room on the same floor. Leave him for now and continue down the corridor until
you enter a much less red room with a forklift. Walk right and find a console 
that says "Rig Pyroshow". Do so and check your map for Maynard. Do not cross
paths with Vaana Ketlyn! Head over to Maynard and be prepared for a firefight.
He'll turn the lights off but they will come back fast. While still in the dark
, look for a MP7 and some ammo on a nearby table. Ready the MP and run as far 
as goes, but keep hiding behind some shelves. After he has emptied about 3 
clips, a fence door further ahead will open and you can proceed to the next 
area. There's a concrete pillar between shelves that won't brake. Hide behind
here, and strafe when he's reloading. Fire a few rounds (preferably to the head
) until he drops. Shouldn't take you more than 2 clips. Heal if necessary.

Pick up the key he dropped and take the elevators back to the top floor
again. Out of the elevator, step through the door to the right and get into the
large office again. Crouch left of the door(on map), as the last target will 
enter the room ocassionally and stand still for a few seconds. Fiber-wire the
***** and look through her inventory. She had some nice surprise up her sleeves
for ya...too bad she'll never know what hit her. Retrieve your suit back at the 
reception and make a run for a van in the parking lot. Ignore the guards 

10-3 Debriefing:
Money Earned: 570,000$ + 150,000$ = 720,000$

Mission 11 - Amendment XXV 

11-1 General Course of Action:
So there we have it: The Vice President is a real baddie. Conspiring to kill
the President in the White House! So killing the Vice President, Daniel Morris,
and eliminating the assassin Mark Parchezzi is your top priority now. I, 
exeptionally, won't bother you with the details now already, so go ahead and 
read the walkthrough.

Smuggle Silverballer through Metaldetector -> CC Museum Staff -> Steal 
Videotape (Camera) -> Retrieve Silverballer -> CC Marine -> CC Agent -> Kill
Vice President -> Confront and hunt down Assassin -> Retrieve suit and Escape.

What to bring: The Silverballer with silencer. Spent money on upgrades(Fast 
Shooting, Damage and Precision mainly).

Risks: Uncountable. Or at least they were until I reduced the risks by coming
up with a better procedure. This mission was still a royal pain in the butt
to figure out though.

11-2 Walkthrough:
Out of the bus, notice the lady with the case. She'll walk behind the bus to
have a smoke and she will drop the case for this. Follow her and put your
Silverballer in the case when she starts smoking. Leave this situation for now
and run inside and through the metal detector. Walk straight into the toilet
room behind the guard near the double doors and sneak/hide behind the door.
Soon enough, one of the museum staff will enter the toilet. Close the door
behind him, then sedate him. You need to lay him down at the back of the room
rather than near the seat, the guard just outside may notice him else. Change
into his clothes and run through the double doors. Take a left here to enter 
the camera room. Take the Keycard from the desk and steal the videotape on the 
same table when the guard outside isn't looking. You might have noticed the 
fuss at the metal detector earlier. The case will be brought into the camera 
room for you to take it. Pick any unobserved spot to retrieve your silverballer
, holster it and drop the case.

Walk out the camera room and take a left to enter a sort of dining room. Walk 
through the doors ahead to find yourself in a long dark corridor with 2 marines
. The closer one will patrol out of the room at some point, leaving you alone 
with the guy who's slo-mo'ing up and down. As soon as the 1st marine closes the
door behind him(this will take a while...patience!), you can pistolgrab the 
marine that should be on his way to the far end of the room again. Walk him 
over to a sidedoor to the right and proceed outside. Close the door and knock 
him out. CC his clothes and get back inside. Open the doors with your keycard
and run all the way up to the 1st floor. We won't be staying here, so take the
stairs up to 2nd floor. Check your map: You'll see a round room. This is were 
the first lady and her lover will be meeting. You need to place yourself in the
room to the left(on map) of their meeting room because when they're done the
SecretService Guy(her lover) will be walking through here instead of walking 
out the meeting room's door. Stand as close to the linking door as possible, 
but the Secret Service Guy mustn't see you as long as the first lady is in the
same room. Eventually: Stop-sneak him by pistolgrabbing him as he walks towards
the door of this left room. Walk him back to the meeting room, knock him out 
and CC him. Now step over into the left room again and wait for a marine to 
enter. Sedate him and put both bodies behind the bed in this left room. Now 
these bodies won't be noticed anymore and that was the hardest part of this 

Immediatly head down the stairs and into the Vice-President's office(SW-Corner
of map). He will be back from taking "Justice" for a walk and be giving the dog
back to the first lady in the middle room. Bump into him to activate his route
through his office. It sometimes occurs that his route won't activate, so he'd
be staying in the middle room only to walk off with Justice again. But we want
him in either one of the two rooms to the left of the middle one. Stop-Sneak 
and Fibre-Wire him in either of these 2. Grab his Keycard and put him in the
box. If you missed him already, you can't help but wait a long time for him to
come back again. Check your map to track his path.

When he has been offed run down the stairs on the east side till you reach a
backyard (this is the place where the VP was walking the dog). Use your keycard
on the door and check your map for the oval office. Head there and enter to 
encounter Parchezzi. The bastard will be running off and up the stairs of this
complex to reach the roof. Follow him with patience and step outside on the 
roof. He has a nasty gun so stay crouched! Get behind one of those stony 
structures and give him some of your silverballers. Heal if necessary. If all
went well no guards will have heard the firefight, so no one will come running
and spot his body. Phew.

Climb the ladder near his body to reach 2nd floor again. Head back down to 
ground floor and walk through the metaldetector WITH YOUR SECRET SERVICE SUIT.
Drop your weapons around the corner or put them in the ICA-Box. No go get your
suit back and go outside again. Pick up at least the silverballer and holster
it, then walk through the gates to earn your final Silent Assassin Ranking.

11-3 Debriefing:
Money Earned: 400,000$ + 150,000$ = 550,000$


This is not a mission persíƒÂ©. There's no money nor a ranking to be earned. By 
beating it you will unlock the Redemption Achievement though. Thats why I 
discussed it in the Achievement Section. 

3.1  Achievement Awards

There are 24 Achievements for a total of 1000 Gamerscore Points waiting to be
unlocked, 6 of which are Secret Achievements(18-23). A Secret Achievements
description cannot be read unless it is unlocked.

1. 1st Mission Complete (25)
Complete "Death of a Showman" on any difficulty.

2. Tier 2 Kruger Schmidt (5)
These Weapon Upgrades will be unlocked in the course of the game.

3. Tier 3 Kruger Schmidt (15)
These Weapon Upgrades will be unlocked in the course of the game.

4. Tier 4 Kruger Schmidt (20)
These Weapon Upgrades will be unlocked in the course of the game.

5. Fully Customized Silverballers (25)
You purchased every available upgrade for the Silverballers. Upgrades will not
carry over to different difficulty settings!

6. Fully Customized SP12 Shotgun (25)
You purchased every available upgrade for the SP12 Shotgun. Upgrades will not
carry over to different difficulty settings!

7. Fully Customized SMG Tactical (25)
You purchased every available upgrade for the SMG Tactical. Upgrades will not
carry over to different difficulty settings!

8. Fully Customized M4 (25) 
You purchased every available upgrade for the M4. Upgrades will not carry over
to different difficulty settings!

9. Fully Customized W2000 Sniper (25)
You purchased every available upgrade for the W2000 Sniper. Upgrades will not 
carry over to different difficulty settings!

10. Rookie Mode Complete (25)
You've completed the mission "Amendment XXV" on Rookie Difficulty. "Requiem"
does not need to be finished to earn this award.

11. Normal Mode complete (50)
You've completed the mission "Amendment XXV" on Normal Difficulty. "Requiem"
does not need to be finished to earn this award.

12. Expert Mode Complete (75)
You've completed the mission "Amendment XXV" on Expert Difficulty. "Requiem"
does not need to be finished to earn this award.

13. Professional Mode complete (150)
You've completed the mission "Amendment XXV" on Professional Difficulty. 
"Requiem" does not need to be finished to earn this award.

14. Silent Assassin (25)
A Silent Assassin Ranking has been awarded. All of my Mission Walkthroughs are
written for SA Rankings.

15. Normal Silent Assassins (25)
5 Silent Assassin Rankings have been awarded on 5 different missions on Normal
difficulty. Easiest Missions in my opinion: 1(A Vintage Year), 4(A New Life), 
6(You better watch out...), 8(Till Death Do Us Part), 9(House of Cards).

16. Expert Silent Assassins (50)
5 Silent Assassin Rankings have been awarded on 5 different missions on Expert
difficulty. Easiest Missions in my opinion: 1(A Vintage Year), 4(A New Life), 
6(You better watch out...), 8(Till Death Do Us Part), 9(House of Cards).

17. Professional Silent Assassins (100)
5 Silent Asassin Rankings have been awarded on 5 different missions on 
Professional difficulty. Easiest Missions in my opinion: 1(A Vintage Year), 
4(A New Life), 6(You better watch out...), 8(Till Death Do Us Part), 
9(House of Cards).

18. 47 Kills (20)
You have killed exactly 47 people in the course of one mission. This can be
done easiest on Rookie Difficulty. Fully upgrade the SMG, the M4 and the 
silverballers and start "Murder of Crows" since this mission has close to 50 
targets including policemen, bar and hotel staff, drunkards, mission targets,
Bodyguards(on the parade wagon) and Yellow-Bird-Costumed Guys but excluding 
all mardi-gras people! Walk into a hotel room and shot some people. The police
will be coming for you. Shot them all with the awesome 100rounds M4. Repeat in 
one of the eastern bars and at Purayah's location, but watch out for policemen
while crossing the streets. Kill approximately 40 people including all mission
targets. Then save and escape. You will be able to see how many people you 
killed by looking at the Debriefing statistics. On the first screen of 
the debriefing, press Y (Restart Mission) and load your latest ingame-save. Now
kill the number of people that you were missing to get a 47 and exit the 
mission. Restart again if you still don't have the right number.

19. Accidents Do Happen (20)
You have successully staged an Accident. Complete "Curtains Down" or "You 
better watch out" following my walkthrough to obtain this achievement. 

20. Special Rating (20)

1) Insane Florist:

Apparently there's a few ways to earn a Special Rating. Mine was appropriately
called "Insane Florist". For this Rating start the mission "A New Life" on 
Rookie difficulty. Head over to the lady who's busy cutting her hedges. Grab 
her shears and go on a killing spree. You need to kill abolutely everyone with
the shears but the dog on this mission to get this rating (just let the dog 
alive). This can prove quite dicfficult as there's a lot of Agents here, I
suggest to start killing the guard to the left of the house and run into the
basement to let the agents spread a bit. After you've killed a few and
haven't lost too much health SAVE. If you're losing to much health load your
last save. Full Body Armor is a must as are the health boosts.

2) The Russian Hare: 

This one plays in New Life, too. Contrary to what people believe you mustn't 
do for this rating, there's only one condition to earn this rating and no other
restrictions(credits to me). All you need to do is reach a certain bodycount of
FBI-Agents which you killed with the Sniper and only the Sniper. Kill Civilians
, pick locks, jump up and down or run in cirlces...doesn't matter: just kill
around 20 FBI Agents through the zoom of the sniperrifle. It's important you
only kill the Agents through the Zoom! Get the Clip, Zoom and probably
silencer upgrades for the W2000 and start New Life. Run over to the treehouse
in the NE-Corner of the map and start sniping the Agents in the backyard. 
There'll be coming more into your line of fire as soon as that first body is
discovered so patience! When nobody is coming anymore, go infront of the house
and snipe a few more. Go in get the necklace and kill Sinistra(anyway you like)
and escape. If you killed enough Agents you0ll be rewarded with the special
rating russian hare.

I'll be glad to add your special ratings, so send me your strategy (explain in

21. High Roller (50)
You need to gather up to 5,000,000$ in one game. Unfortunately you must not 
spent any money until you got the 5,000,000$. I exclusively bought a few 
Sniper Upgrades for "A house of cards" and got the award afterwards (Silent 
Assassin Ranking on all missions before).

22. Notorious (50)
You need to attain a notoriety level of 100/100. Just start a new normal game 
and breeze through the missions by killing everyone standing in your way. You 
cannot play on Rookie, because Notoriety won't be in effect here. After 
probably 4-5 Missions on Normal you will have reached a level of 100 and 
receive the award. Naturally, don't spent money at a Mission Debriefing to 
lower your notoriety ...

23. Redemption (50)
You need to complete the last mission "Requiem" in order to obtain this
achievement. In my opinion, this mission is impossible to complete on
Professional. Seems like some people managed to complete it on pro anyways (go
look for this at the end segment for this Achievement). My way: Start a Rookie
game and breeze through the missions until you unlocked Requiem. Here's how you
should proceed:

You will be lying on your deathbed with the game's credits rolling. As the
Agency Lady will have given you the same poison you gave Agent Smith in "Flat
Line" you will be able to return from the dead by quickly moving your left
analog stick. The only problem is that you are surrounded by Security Guards
when raising from the deadbed and they will start shooting at you the moment
you move. That is why you need to quickly run for shelter(and that's why this
mission is impossible on Professional since you're dead before having made more
than a few steps). Either run outside the building and to the south of the map
to hide behind the cars parked there. Or run downstairs in the building itself
to reach a circular hallway where you need to try to take the storming Guards 
out one by one while they are coming around the corner. If you can make it to 
the cars you are (probably) all good, since the guards will have spread a bit.
They'll come down to the car one by one making them easy targets. Try to grab
their weapons whenever possible. Your goal is to kill absolutely everyone on 
this map. Watch out for the wheelchair-guy cause he packs a punch. When 
everybody is dead, the real ending will show and leave you hoping for Hitman 5.

Edit: I got a few mails, that told me it would possible to finish Requiem on 
Professional even: You have to wait for the priest to come to stand next to
you, then you awaken and grab him. Apparently you will be able to shoot
most of the FBI guys before the Priest will go down, in my case he never lasted
more than a few seconds and I'm not really much of a good aimer. So if you
really need or want to finish this one Professional this is probably the way to

24. All Firearms collected (100)
In addition to your customized weapons you will be able to find other weapons
during missions. When you enter the hideout, you will see some pillars with
weapon silhouettes to the left of the ammunitions table. These are all the
guns that can be found in the game. If you found a weapon and managed to take
it with you when leaving a mission, the weapon will be hanging on the wall from
where you can take it and practice shooting. Your goal is to find all these 
weapons to unlock the "All firearms collected" Award. 

You need to either have the weapon in your hand, in a case(in your hand), in 
your jacket or in an ICA-Box when escaping from a mission(check map for 
ICA-locations). I listed all weapons and their respective holder or location 
for you. If you played the game following my walkthroughs, you'll notice that 
all persons holding one of the weapons I told you to neutralize in the 
walkthrough. So check the walkthroughs for safe ways to achieve those weapons. 

You need to realize that your only goal will be to get the weapon out of the 
mission. This is important, because some weapons cannot be concealed or stashed
unnoticed in one of the ICA-Crates, so guards will immediatly start shooting at 
you. So play these missions up to the point to where you only need to escape 
then make a run for the exit. You WILL be shot at, so collecting all weapons
on any other difficulty than Professional is probably a good idea. Here we go:

SLP.40.: "A New Life" - The guard on the second floor of the house.
SLP.40.S.: "Murder of Crows" - Angelina Mason.
Bull.480: "A New Life" - Vinnie Sinistra.
Desert Eagle: "Murder of Crows" - Mark Purayah.
Snub Nosed: "A Vintage Year" - Fernando Delgado.
Sixshooter: "Till Death Do Us Part" - The drunken hillbilly.


TMP: "A Vintage Year" - Manuel Delgado.  
SAF SMG: "A Vintage Year" - The VIP Guard in the mansion.
MP5: "Dance with the Devil" - John Maynard will be shooting at you with it.
MP7: "Dance with the Devil" - This one is lying on the table during the 
""""  firefight with Maynard.

MP9: "Murder of Crows" The yellow bird at Purayah's location has one.


Shotgun: "A Vintage Year" - The first guard at the entrance will drop it when
""""""""  you knock him out. Change into his clothes, then pick it up and bring
          it to the ICA-BOX around the corner(check your map)

Airrifle: "A New Life" -  The Airrifle can be found in a treehouse in the 
"""""""""  SW-Corner of the map. Climb the ladder and take the rifle from the 
           table. You can't conceal this weapon! There is an ICA-Box not far, 
           but you would need to sneak around the woman in front of the house.
           It's up to you if you wanna make a run for it or try to stash it in 
           the ICA-Crate.


FN-2000: "A Dance With The Devil" - Anthony Martinez, the CIA-Agent, will be
""""""""  carrying around a case with this weapon in it. Since there's another
          cased weapon on this mission (Drugnov) you might wanna put it in the 
          ICA-Crate near the starting point as you can't be carrying around 2 
          cases at once.

SG522: "Murder of Crows" - This is one of 2 royal pains in the butt since it
""""""  can't be concealed nor stashed in an ICA-Crate. You'll find it leaning
        against the desk in Purayah's office. First clear all mission targets
        then go pick it up and make a run for the exit by running through the
        backalleys. Avoid the streets and keep your finger on X to use a health
        boost. If you play on Rookie just kill every officer and guard on the 
        level, then walk grinning to the exit with the weapon in your hand. 
M14: "Amendement XXV" - The Marine you will be knocking out drops it. Change
""""  into his clothes, then pick it up and walk outfront the White house where
      you started the mission. Stash the M14 in the ICA-Crate around the corner
      and continue your mission.


KAZO TRG: "Murder of Crows" - Here's the second pain in the butt: It's the 
"""""""""  sniper-rifle Raymond Kulinsky wanted to shot the politician with.
           You'll find it leaning against a wall at his hideout. It can't be 
           concealed nor stashed. Check the SG522 on how to proceed since it's
           exactly the same with the KAZO.

Drugnov: "A Dance With The Devil" - This weapon will be in a case to the side
""""""""  of the desk with the laptop on it(Top floor). If you stashed the
          FN-2000 before, you will be able to unlock both weapons in one go.

Elephant Rifle: "Till Death So Us Part" - This Rifle can be found in one of the
"""""""""""""""  western rooms of the first floor of the main house hanging on
                 a wall. Go look for it in your Guards Clothes. You can't 
                 conceal nor stash it, so make a run for the exit at the piers
                 after you killed John Leblanc and Buddy Muldoon.

4.1 Legal Stuff and Credits

Credits to:
-chappers for telling me the location of the KAZO.
-RealWeaponX and dyaballikl that mailed me the requiem strategy. 
-CaramelAndy for putting me on the right track for Russian Hare.

Legal Stuff:
If you got questions to ask, praises to place or if there is something 
important you want to see added: mail me or ring me up on LIVE. 

gamefaqs Username: khytomer
Gamertag Xbox360: Khytomer
Email-adress: khytomer@hotmail.com

This guide is copyright (c) 2006 Philippe Wagener, the author. 
Luxembourg, 25th of June 2006.

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