Onimusha: Dawn Of Dreams FAQ/Walkthrough

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_ || __ ______ "You are the holder of a most terrifying power." _______ __ || _

|| | ________________________________________________/ | ||

// | Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams | //

| | | | | |

| ## | | FAQ/Walkthrough | | ## |

| ## | | | | ## |

| ## | | Version 2.9 | | ## |

| ## | | | | ## |

| ## | | Last updated: October 24, 2007 | | ## |

| ## | | | | ## |

| ## | | Authored by: Berserker | | ## |

| ## | | | | ## |

| ## | | berserker_kev@yahoo.com | | ## |

| ## | | | | ## |

| ## | | This document Copyright 2006 Kevin Hall (Berserker) | | ## |

| | | | | |

/ | Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams Copyright Capcom CO. INC., 2006. | /

_ / __|_______________________________________________________________|__ / _


- - - - - Winner of the May 2006 FAQ of the Month Contest on GameFAQs - - - - -



_________________________________/ Sections __________________________________


Press Ctrl + F and type in the code to the side of any section in the search

box to go directly to that section.

Section I: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [INTR00]

Section II: Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [BSCS00]

Section III: Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTGH00]

- Stage 01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST01]

- Stage 02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST02]

- Stage 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST03]

- Stage 04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST04]

- Stage 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST05]

- Stage 06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST06]

- Stage 07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST07]

- Stage 08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST08]

- Stage 09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST09]

- Stage 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST10]

- Stage 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST11]

- Stage 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST12]

- Stage 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST13]

- Stage 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST14]

- Stage 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST15]

- Stage 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST16]

- Stage 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WTST17]

Section IV: List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LIST00]

Section V: Enemies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ENMS00]

Section VI: Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [SCRT00]

- Mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [SCRT01]

- Dark Realm Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [SCRT02]

- Oni and Dragon Charms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [SCRT03]

- Special Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [SCRT04]

- FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [SCRT05]

Section VIII: Everything Else . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [EVEL00]

- Version History

- Copyright

- Special Thanks

- Contact Info

- About Me

- About Shadow of Rome

__________ _________

Section I __________________________________________________________/ [INTR00]


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"One has fallen, without realizing the final hope. One has fallen clinging to

his fate. One has fallen leaving the fate of the future to his companions.

History is riddled with the waves of destruction and rebirth. These waves roll

onward far into the future. Much has been destroyed. Many have perished."

And so a new chapter opens in the Onimusha series! Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams

takes place several years after Nobunaga's demise at the hands of Samanosuke

Akechi. Nobunaga's retainer, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, is now gathering cherry trees

that he is blossoming from around the land for some unknown purpose with the

help of Mitsunari Ishida. Soki, known as the "Oni of the Ash" and also the

"Black Oni", travels throughout Japan to stop Hideyoshi and burn his cherry

trees every time that he comes across one, but why? What significance do these

strange cherry trees hold? While on his journey, Soki will meet with allies

who share a struggle of their own that will ultimately involve him. Soki will

learn, through his companions, that he has the ability to control a most

terrifying power that will help him and his friends greatly in their journey,

but will his immediate struggles stand in the way of that which could help him

achieve victory? The saga of the Black Oni now begins.

This guide will give you a full walkthrough for the main game, revealing every

item, puzzle box solution, along with boss strategies. Check the Basics

section for a full list of all the characters moves, special attacks, and Oni

Awakening powers. In the List section I have layed out all the weapons and

items found in the game and be sure to check out the Enemies section for every

enemy along with their respective attacks and item drops.

As in my other walkthroughs, I have stayed away from anything dealing with the

plot, but if you consider boss names a spoiler, then tread carefully. Please

enjoy this FAQ and give me an email if you have any questions, comments, or if

you find anything that I missed. Any comments, suggestions, questions, etc.

are always welcome. Email me at berserker_kev@yahoo.com. Also, if you find

any errors in this FAQ (I don't care how little of an error), then please email

me about it.

Update and Thanks: I would like to thank all the readers that emailed me thus

far. I have received over 300 emails so far from the Onimusha community and

have enjoyed hearing the thoughts of Onimusha diehards! Thanks to everyone

that emailed me and to those that offered their help. This is definitely a FAQ

to remember for me!

___________ _________

Section II _________________________________________________________/ [BSCS00]


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= Controls =


-- Default Control Setup

X: Absorb Souls

Square ([]): Attack

Triangle (/): Magic Attack

Circle (O): Examine/Kick (While holding R1)

L1: Guard

L2: Switch Characters

R1: Target Lock-on/Strafe

R2: Special Attack (Secret Technique)

L3 + R3: Oni Awakening

Left Analog: Move Character

Right Analog: Move Camera

Start: Pause

Select: Brings up Area Map if Acquired

-- Partner Orders

D-pad Up: All-out Attack

D-pad Left: Special Order (Exclusive to each character)

D-pad Right: Follow and Attack

D-pad Down: Wait and Recover


= Character Actions =


== == ==

* Soki *

== == ==

Weapon Variety (Broadsword)


-- 5-hit combo ([], [], [], [], [])

Soki's quickest weapon variety that combines good recovery with fast swings.

The only downside is that the final swing leaves Soki open to attack.

-- 4-hit combo ([], [], [], [])

The most well rounded of Soki's weapon varieties. The swings cover a large

area in front of Soki and have good range per swing.

-- 3-hit combo ([], [], [])

The most powerful of Soki's weapon varieties, which yields great damage upon

his enemies at the cost of a hefty recovery time between swings. The last hit

of the 3-hit combo will hit multiple times and Soki cannot be knocked out of

the last strike, but will still take damage.

Moves (Hold R1 while performing the following moves)


-- Whirlwind (Back, Forward + [])

Soki will step forward with a spinning horizontal strike that will lead into an

overhead strike.

-- Thrust (Forward + [])

Soki will stab forward with his sword.

-- Blade Jab (Forward + [] during Thrust)

Soki will step forward and unleash a multiple-hitting stab.

-- Lift (Back + [])

Soki will uppercut the enemy with his sword.

-- Slam (Forward + [] during Lift)

Soki will perform a shoulder ram. This can be done a maximum of three times

after each Lift. The Slam must be timed so that you press Forward + [] as Soki

lifts his blade above his head - you have to pause just a bit after the Lift to

get the Slam move off.

-- Finisher ([] near a grounded enemy)

Soki will stab the enemy with his sword. Tap the [] button and Soki will drive

the sword deeper into the enemy's chest after the first stab.

-- H. Splitter ([] + X)

Soki will hold his sword into the air and unleash a powerful overhead strike on

his enemy. This move is extremely powerful if you level it up enough.

-- Kick (O)

Soki will hit the enemy with a kick as he steps forward.

-- Phoenix (Forward, Back + [])

Soki will jump into the air and perform a powerful horizontal slash as he hits

the ground.

Special Attack - Sword of Purification


-- Coil (R2)

Soki's purifying sword will spin around him and hit any enemies near him.

-- Stab (Forward + R2)

Soki throws the purfying sword at whatever is directly in front of him. The

range is much greater than the other two purifying moves.

-- Flight (Back + R2)

Soki will spin the purifying sword in front of him just a bit before stabbing

it into the ground in front of him. This is mainly for hitting a grounded


Oni Awakening - Onimusha Transformation


While Soki is transformed, every attack that he inflicts upon the enemy will

draw out souls and he will automatically absorb the souls.

-- Oni Cutter (/)

The Oni Cutter will take the place of the usual Oni Magic while Soki is

transformed. This uppercut attack will hit multiple times.

**** Exclusive Partner Special Order - Absorb Souls

(D-pad left while controlling another character)

Soki will stand and absorb all souls from around the area.

= == == =

* Jubei *

= == == =

Weapon Variety (Katana)


-- 6-hit Combo ([], [], [], [], [], [])

Jubei will slash the blade horizontally in front of her five times then will

end with a spinning horizontal strike.

-- 5-hit Combo ([], [], [], [], [])

Jubei will slash the blade horizontally in front of her four times then end the

combination with a jumping sideways slice.

-- 4-hit Combo ([], [], [], [])

Jubei will quickly unsheath her blade and perform three slashes then end the

combination with an upward swing.

Moves (Hold R1 while performing the following moves)


-- Flurry ([] + X)

Jubei will spin forward and slash horizontally. If the move connects, Jubei

will unleash two extra horzontal slashes followed by an uppercut slash.

-- Thrust (Forward + [])

Jubei will poke the enemy with her sheath.

-- Chaser (Forward + [] during Thrust)

Jubei will spin around and unsheath the blade then stab the enemy as she turns.

-- Lift (Back + [])

Jubei will uppercut the enemy with her sheath.

-- R. Dragon (Back, Forward + [])

Jubei will unsheath her blade and quickly leap into the air while attacking

with a spinning slash. This move can also be done directly after the Lift move

by pressing Forward + [] afterwards.

-- Finisher ([] near a grounded enemy)

Jubei will plunge her sheath into the enemy and unleash a series of five

standing kicks ultimately leading to a punt kick on the grounded enemy. Tap

the [] button to keep the full finisher going.

-- Moon Blade (Back, Forward + [])

Jubei will leap backward and throw three small blades forward.

-- Kick (O)

Jubei will perform a standing roundhouse kick.

-- Cresent ([] as a kick connects)

Jubei will kick the enemy and perform an uppercutting somersault kick that will

send the enemy flying into the air.

Special Attack - Quick Draw


-- Beacon (R2)

Jubei will enter a counter attack stance and will counter any hit with a 3-hit

kick combo.

-- Skim (Forward + R2)

Jubei will enter the same counter attack stance as mentioned above while moving


-- Pinwheel (Back + R2)

Jubei will enter the same counter attack stance as mentioned above while moving


Oni Awakening - Demon Eye


While Jubei is transformed, everybody on the screen except for her will move

very slowly.

-- Shadow Cast (/)

Jubei will quickly slice through the enemy while dashing then stop to sheath

her sword. This will strike through multiple enemies.

**** Exclusive Partner Special Order - Distract Enemy

(D-pad left while controlling another character)

Jubei will attack a little and lure the enemy away.

= == == == =

* Ohatsu *

= == == == =

Weapon Variety (Firearm)


-- Normal ([], [], [], [])

The normal variety has the best rate of fire out of all of Ohatsu's weapons

allowing you to easily chip away at an enemy's life bar quickly, but the

distance is lacking. Four shots can be fired at a time and she can move from

side to side while shooting.

-- Spread ([])

The most powerful of Ohatsu's weapons yet the range is lacking severly. This

will hit a wider range of enemies when compared to the other varieties and

Ohatsu will be able to move while firing.

-- Slug ([])

These are grenade guns. The shots have some great power, but Ohatsu has some

major recovery after each shot. She cannot fire and run with this weapon.

-- Laser ([])

Combining good range with a good rate of fire, this gun is the most well

balanced in Ohatsu's arsenal. Ohatsu can also move while firing with this


-- Piercing ([])

The longest-range weapon of Ohatsu's arsenal and she can fire while moving.

The piercing variety have just as much recovery time as the Slug if you stand

still, but Ohatsu can move while firing with this type so it doesn't have to

have recovery time.

Moves (Hold R1 while performing the following moves)


-- Charge-up (hold [] then release)

Ohatsu will fire out a big blast from her gun.

-- Thrust (Forward + [])

Ohatsu will poke the enemy with her gun. Press Forward + [] once again and she

will step forward and kick the enemy.

-- R. Kick (Forward, Back +[])

Ohatsu will leap backward and fire out a long-range blast from her gun.

-- Lift (Back + [])

Ohatsu will hold her gun downward and quickly move it upward while firing.

-- Meteor Drop ([] + X)

Ohatsu will point her gun upward and fire four shots into the air. The shots

will rain down in her current area.

-- Finisher ([] near a grounded enemy)

Ohatsu will point her gun down at the enemy and fire one shot at the enemy.

-- Fireworks (Back, Forward + [])

Ohatsu will dig the barrel of her gun into the ground and fire four shots. The

shots will rise up near the current enemy.

-- Kick (O)

Ohatsu will perform a roundhouse kick.

-- Stinger (Forward + [] during a kick)

Ohatsu will step forward with a kick. This move can also be performed during

Ohatsu's Thrust.

Special Attack - Explosives


-- Gunpowder (R2)

Ohatsu sprays gunpowder in the area in front of her then backs away as an

explosion occurs in front of her.

-- Bomb Toss (Forward + R2)

Ohatsu tosses a grenade in front of her. The move has some really good


-- Time Bomb (Back + R2)

Ohatsu places a bomb on the ground. The bomb will detonate in a few seconds or

when an enemy steps over it.

Oni Awakening - Demon Blood


-- Demon Shots (/)

Ohatsu will wave her hand to send her laser pods toward an enemy and the laser

pods will attack the enemy.

**** Exclusive Partner Special Order - Cover Fire

(D-pad left while controlling another character)

Ohatsu will stand back and fire out electrical shots that will stun the enemy.

= == == == =

* Tenkai *

= == == == =

Weapon Variety (Stave)


-- 5-hit Combo ([], [], [], [], [])

Tenkai will attack with two stabs, an uppercut, an overhead strike, and then a

horizontal strike.

-- 4-hit Combo ([], [], [], [])

Tenkai will perform two normal stabs followed by a series of three stabs

ultimately leading to horizontal strike.

-- 3-hit Combo ([], [], [])

Tenkai will attack the enemy with a series of spins from his spear and end the

combination with an overhead strike.

Moves (Hold R1 while performing the following moves)


-- F. Drill (Back, Forward + [])

Tenkai will lean back and unleash a multiple hitting drill attack as he steps

forward with his spear.

-- Thrust ([])

Tenkai will poke his spear forward.

-- Hell Jab (Forward + [] during Thrust)

Tenkai will unleash a series of stabs upon the enemy. Tap [] to keep the

flurry of stabs going.

-- Lift ([])

Tenkai will uppercut the enemy with his spear.

-- Nirvana (Forward + [] during Lift)

Tenkai will unleash a series of stabs upward. Tap the [] button rapidly to

keep the stabs going and tap the [] button slowly to end the combination with a

powerful overhead strike.

-- Finisher ([] on a grounded enemy)

Tenkai will stab the enemy and lift himself over the enemy's body.

-- Thunderclap ([] + X)

Tenkai will stab his spear into the ground making all the Genma souls currently

on the screen burst into a light explosion that will damage any enemies near

the souls. Please note that you forfeit all the souls currently on the screen

when this move is used.

-- Kick (O)

Tenkai will attack with a jumping kick.

-- Enlightenment (Forward, Back + [])

Tenkai will rapidly spin his spear above him. Tap [] to keep spinning the


Special Attack - Art of Purification


-- Charm (R2)

Tenkai will throw a charm at the enemy that will explode and purify the enemy

after a few seconds.

-- Enchanted Dagger (Forward + R2)

Tenkai will stab a dagger into an enemy that will make a purifying explosion

and will temporarily make the enemy act as an ally. The full attack must be

finished without interupption for the enemy to be charmed. This will only work

on a weak enemy.

-- Space Warp (Back + R2)

Tenkai will stab a dagger into the ground, which will set off a purifying

explosion that will damage any nearby enemies.

Oni Awakening - Oni Gauntlet


-- Light Arrows (/)

Tenkai will dash directly into the enemy with his spear. If the enemy is a big

enemy, then Tenkai will stab him and throw the enemy over his shoulder.

**** Exclusive Partner Special Order - Pray

(D-pad left while controlling another character)

Tenkai will stand and pose while praying. This will charge Soki's sword with a

purifying light that will allow him to take off greater damage while Tenkai is

still praying. If Tenkai gets knocked out of his prayer pose then the

purifying light will fade until Tenkai has a chance to pray again.

== == == ==

* Roberto *

== == == ==

Weapon Variety (Gloves)


-- 3-hit Combo ([], [], [])

Roberto will attack with two hooks followed by a turning punch.

-- 4-hit Combo ([], pause, [], [], [])

Roberto will perform a series of three punches followed by a punch to the gut.

-- 5-hit Combo ([], pause, [], [], [], [])

Roberto will perform a series of four punches followed by a turning punch.

Moves (Hold R1 while performing the following moves)


-- Hook Storm ([] while swaying from left to right during a guard)

Hold L1 and move the left analog either to the right or left to make Roberto

sway then tap the [] button to make him attack with a hook punch. Keep tapping

the [] button after doing so to have Roberto deliver a series of left and right

hooks to your foe.

Also, Roberto has a dash move that can be done out of any sway (left, right,

up, or down). Tap the X button while swaying from a guard to perform this.

-- Body Blow (Forward + [])

This is Roberto's Thrust attack. Roberto will step forward with a straight


-- Top Spin (Forward + [] during Body Blow or Back, Forward + [])

Roberto will step forward with a multi-hitting straight punch.

-- Uppercut (Back + [])

This is Roberto's Lift attack. Roberto will unleash an uppercut.

-- Flare-up (Back + [] during Uppercut or Forward, Back + [])

Roberto will step forward and release a powerful uppercut.

-- Finisher ([] near a grounded opponent)

Roberto will attack the enemy with a series of punches then end the combination

with an overhead punch with both fists.

-- Nova (Hold [] then release)

Roberto will charge his fist and create a light shockwave in front of him as he

punches forward.

-- Kick (O)

Roberto will perform a standing roundhouse.

-- Strikedown ([] + X)

Roberto will attack the enemy with a powerful quick straight punch that will

send the enemy rolling backward.

Special Attack - Death Grip


-- Throw (R2)

Robeto will grab the enemy with his energy grapplers. Tap Up or Down on the D-

pad to throw the enemy.

-- Yank (Forward + R2, [])

Roberto will grab the enemy with his energy grapplers, pull the enemy toward

him and perform a dashing punch directly into the enemy.

-- Overflow (Back + R2, [] rapidly)

Roberto will grab the enemy with his energy grapplers and flood his opponent

with energy, which will unltimately drain the enemy's life.

Oni Awakening - Exorcising Fist


During Roberto's Oni Awakening, every attack will chain into a multi-hit combo.

In other words, every attack from the [] button will hit multiple times.

-- High Rush (/)

Roberto will attack the enemy with a series of punches ultimately leading to an


**** Exclusive Partner Special Order - Berserk

(D-pad left while controlling another character)

Roberto will attack madly and will take off more damage then usual while



= Skills =


Each time a level is gained one point will be added to allow you to upgrade

your skills for that specific character. Each Exclusive Move is unlocked by

upgrading the skill above it to Level 3. Once the move appears, it must be

activated by using a point in order to use it. Any attack with 10 slots will

only have the first 5 slots available, 5 slots will only have 3 slots

available, 3 slots will only have 2 slots available until after Stage 8.

Here's a look at the way the skill menu will look after Stage 8:


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Attack |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| Critical |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Exclusive Move 1 |_|_|_|_|_| Chain |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Thrust |_|_|_|_|_| Deflect |_|_|_|_|_|

_ _ _ _ _

Exclusive Move 2 |_|_|_|_|_| GUARD

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Lift |_|_|_|_|_| Evade |_|_|_|

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Exclusive Move 3 |_|_|_|_|_| Roll |_|_|_|

_ _ _ _ _

Finisher |_|_|_|_|_| ABSORB

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Exclusive Move 4 |_|_|_|_|_| Vacuum |_|_|_|

_ _ _ _ _

Kick |_|_|_|_|_|

_ _ _ _ _

Exclusive Move 5 |_|_|_|_|_|

_ _ _ _ _

Special Attack |_|_|_|_|_|


= Oni Magic =


Press / to unleash an Oni Magic attack. Different weapons will have different

elemental magic attacks. The different elements are Fire, Ice, Light, Dark,

Wind, and Earth. Some weapons do not have an element and will not allow you to

use Oni Magic.

-- High Level Magic Attacks

Press and hold / to switch to a higher level of magic. The longer you hold

the button down, the more powerful the Oni Magic attack will be and the more MP

it will consume. You must power up each weapon to a certain level in order to

unleash the higher level magic attacks.

-- Co-op Magic Attack

When you have charged up to a level 3 magic attack, if you have a partner with

you, an icon will appear in the upper left hand corner that will tell you to

press L2 for a Co-op attack. Press L2 during this time to unleash a

combination of two level 3 magic attacks based on the current weapon that each

character has. The camera will automatically switch to the partner once the

Co-op attack has been initiated to confirm the attack.


= Oni Awakening =


Press R3+L3 after a certain sequence that takes place after Stage 8 to perform

an Oni Awakening once you have collected enough Purple Souls to charge your

Overdrive Meter. While the Oni Awakening is initiated, each character will

have access to a new variety of moves and abilities, their life will gradually

recover, they will take more damage off enemies than usual, and they will be

invincible. If a controlled character dies while the Overdrive Meter is

charged up enough for an Oni Awakening then the character will automatically

perform the Oni Awakening and will be revived. If a partner dies, their Oni

Awakening will not activate.

* If you have a Charon's Bell equipped, the Charon's Bell will bring you back

to life and the Oni Awakening will not be initiated upon your death.


= Special Attack (Secret Technique) =


After the same sequence of events that enact the Oni Awakening has taken place,

each character will also have access to a Special set of Attacks by using the

R2 button. Special Attacks can be done by pressing either R1, Forward + R2, or

Back + R2.


= Critical Attack (Issen) =


For Dawn of Dreams, a critical attack can be done in four ways:

-- Counter (Attack before an enemy attack ([]))

This is the true critical attack of the game and will reward you with the most

souls and damage out of all the critical attacks. The timing for the counter

will vary depending on the enemy. Sometimes you have to attack right before

the enemy attack connects, and sometimes you have to attack a bit early. This

type of critical attack is also known as a True Issen.

-- Kick out of Guard (Kick (O) the enemy while he is guarding then attack ([]))

The Kick will break the enemy's guard, allowing you to perform a critical

attack while they stagger.

-- Deflect (Attack right after deflecting an attack)

While the enemy is staggering from the deflect (L1 right before an attack)

press the attack button to perform a critical.

-- Oni Magic (Use Oni Magic (/) then attack ([]) while the enemy staggers)

The Oni Magic will stun the enemy and allow you to perform a critical attack.

Please note that the enemy must survive the Oni Magic hit in order to hit them

with a critical attack. This cannot be done with ice elemental magic.


= Critical Chain =


From any type of critical attack, you can perform a critical chain that will

allow you to slice through multiple enemies, depending on your chain level

under the skill menu. Tap [] multiple times after performing a critical attack

to chain the critical.


= Rapport =


This is the friendliness between Soki and his current partner. Look under the

"Next LV" display under the current partner's stats in the pause menu to view

that partner's current Rapport level. A higher Rapport will lead to the

combining of more items, friendlier responses, and more available questions

during hideout areas for each of your partners. Having a partner fight

alongside Soki will raise that partner's Rapport.

____________ _________

Section III ________________________________________________________/ [WTGH00]


__ __ _ __ _____ __ ___ ___

/ / / /_ / / / //__ / //__ /___/ / / _ / /

/ / //_ / / / //_/ / // /_/ / // // // / / /_// /_/ /

/ / _ / /___/ __ / / / __ / _ / _// _/ / /_/ __ /

/ /_/ _/____// / / / /_// _/___/ ___/____// /_/



For the walkthrough, I have listed each stage with a backtrack section that

will help you whenever you decide to go back to that specific area. It is best

to backtrack to the stages when you have all of your characters together.

Ohatsu will not be available for backtracking to earlier stages until after

Stage 8. While viewing the puzzle solutions, please note the asterisks (*'s)

are the correct stones that you should turn in that grid.

/ /

[WTST01] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ _____ STAGE 1 ______

____________________________/ Dawn of Nightmares ___________________________/


Plenty of Genma soldiers will ambush you in this first area. Use this chance

to get used to the controls of the main character. Hold R1 to lock-on to an

enemy and press [] to attack. Right now you can only do a basic four hit combo

with your sword and you have two additional attacks that every weapon will

share: Thrust (Forward + []) and Uppercut (Back + []). Press X to absorb souls

after defeating each enemy. Unlike previous Onimusha's, the O button is now

for kicking. Notice that the camera will only show a behind view of your

character, tap the right analog down to zoom out and tap it upwards to zoom in.

It's best to fight off as many Genma soldiers as you can to get your soul count

up. They will eventually stop coming from the purple meteors. Break the pot

down the alley to your right at the first turn for a MEDICINE LV.1. Continue

down the main path for a cutscene.

After the cutscene fight off the Genma soldiers on the rooftop until the Genma

Giant destroys the building you're currently on. Soki will jump to the next

building so continue your fight there. Eventually the Genma Giant will destroy

the second building and Soki will be forced to leap atop another building.

Three Genma Soldier elites will ambush you on the third building. They are

slightly more aggressive and have more life, but fall prey to your normal sword

combo pretty well. Fight them off until the Genma giant interrupts the battle

in your favor.

Boss - Genma Giant

At the beginning of the battle Soki will transform into his Onimusha state.

The Genma Giant will start the battle by burying his sword into the building

you're currently on - this is the only time you can hit him for the moment. Do

normal combos or use the / button to do a new uppercut attack (Oni form only)

to take off a good chunk of his life per swing. There's no need to worry about

absorbing souls at the moment since the Oni form will automatically absorb

souls for you. He will eventually lift his sword out of the building and Genma

soldiers will attack. Fight off the Genma soldiers until you see the Giant

Genma lean his sword back to attack. Block when you see him do this to avoid

taking damage from his swing. When he leans back and starts to fire his chest

guns, you can avoid the gunfire by blocking. He will eventually sink his sword

back into the building allowing you to hit him some more. That same sword

slice can hit you so be sure to keep your distance or block.

Eventually you will knock away his sword. He will launch purple meteors at you

in between attack during this phase. Step to the side to avoid them. When he

slams his fist into the building, run up and hit him just like before. He will

still have the same horizontal swing as well, only this time without the sword.

When he ducks out of site, run to the side to avoid taking damage from his

double fist crush - you can't block it. This will also give you another chance

to attack him.

/ /

[WTST02] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ ___ STAGE 2 ____

______________________________/ The Blue Demon _____________________________/


******************************** Suruga Outpost *******************************

Boss - Danemon

This battle is easy since all of the boss' attacks are blockable and slow.

Many of his attacks will break your guard after blocking them however so make

sure not to get surrounded by him and his minions. Genma Soldiers will try to

crowd around as you fight the main boss but they are not too much of a bother

because of their limited attacks. Focus on the boss since he will be

constantly attacking you. The main attack you need to watch out for is his

overhead flame attack since it will take off quite a bit of life. Watch for

him to charge this attack then get ready to block. Attack him in between his

attacks with a magic attack or normal combo. A magic attack will stun him for

a bit.

If you want to make this fight really quick, wait for him to strike, then press

[] the moment before his attack connects to counter him and take off half of

his life. It only takes two to kill him and he is very easy to counter with

his slow attacks. After you take his life all the way down be on the lookout

for his final sword swing that he will do if you are still next to him - just

block it if you're close.


When the battle is over you will enter the Hideout. Take this chance to power

up your items with souls and power up your skills with the points you have

gained from leveling up. Do all of your leveling up, saving and shopping at

the Enchanted Mirror to the side. I would suggest powering up your attack

first under the skills menu. When powering up your items (Sword and Armor),

remember that powering up your armor will give you a greater defense (enemies

won't take off as much) and powering up your sword will give you a greater rate

of damage per sword swing and will give you extra bonuses when a certain level

is reached per weapon.

/ /

[WTST03] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ _____ STAGE 3 ______

____________________________/ Jubei Has Arrived! ___________________________/


******************************* Plains Highway ********************************

= Wrecked Road =

Pick up the GRASS in the back of all the wreckage and break the pots near

Minokichi to find a MEDICINE LV1. There's nothing useful up the ladder at the

moment (you'll have to backtrack for the item there) so enter the door next to


= Monster Show =

Three Genma soldiers will teleport into the room and attack. Enter the door

next to the Enchanted Mirror after the battle.

= Wrecked Road (left) =

DRUNKARD'S DIARY 1 will be on the ground to the character's right as you exit

the building. Continue ahead to where Minokichi appears and grab the ONI MED

LV1 from the wooden plate at the stand. Enter the door next to Minokichi.

= Behind the Buildings =

Soldier Genma will continually teleport into this area. Break the pots near

Minokichi to find a MEDICINE LV1 and FANGS. Walk down the steps and grab the

MEDICINE LV2 on the left, DRUNKARD'S DIARY 3 between the two boxes in the

middle, and you will find a treasure chest with a puzzle on it to the right.

For these puzzle boxes you can either solve the puzzle or break the chest and

appraise the item later for a fee. If you break it, the item will remain "???"

until you appraise it at a shop.

PUZZLE BOX #1 - Plains Outpost - Behind the Buildings

(1) ----------- (2) -----------

| * * o | | o o o |

| | | |

| * * o | | * * o |

| | | |

| o o o | | * * o |

----------- -----------

The chest contains Soki's FIRE DANCE sword. Looking at the three ladders,

climb up the ladder on the far left and run across the rooftop to find a

FOOTSOLDIER'S CHOKER in the chest on the front rooftop. Climb back down and go

through the door behind Minokichi.

= Wrecked Road (further left) =

Two Genma Archers will teleport into the area. Make sure to stay blocking

until they fire an arrow then attack them as they reload. Genma Archers are

very weak so always make sure to defeat them first when they are in a crowd.

Look near the wreckage to the left to find an ONI MED LV1 on the ground. Enter

the door near Minokichi when you're ready.

= Back Road =

Defeat the archers off to the left first then fight off the Genma Soldiers.

Grab the PLAINS OUTPOST MAP off the ground. Check the hole near the map for a

cutscene that will lead into a boss fight.

Boss - Jubei

All of Jubei's moves are blockable, but she will constantly pressure you with

weapon strikes and combos that will break your guard. She will usually retreat

shortly after breaking your guard. The moment she retreats will be your best

time to hit her as she prepares for another wave of attacks. Use you Oni Magic

(/ then tap toward her and []) to quickly put an end to her (2 hits). Make

sure to keep her targeted so you'll know where she is. Don't worry about her

hits if you're guarding when she moves around you and attacks since you will

guard her attacks no matter which way you are facing. As long as you stand and

guard she cannot hit you at all. Be on the lookout for her kick, which she

will randomly do following a combo. If she keeps trying to kick you, dash

backward and attack her during her kick. As long as you don't dash into her,

you will avoid damage by blocking. Only move toward her while attacking or


******************************** Plains Town **********************************

= Back Road =

Directly after the battle, Genma soldiers will appear and attack you and Jubei.

Fight them off and hurry ahead. A cutscene will play which will show a purple

meteor raining down from the temple up ahead. The meteors that rain down

afterward will spawn Genma every time they hit the ground. The game will

explain the partner controls after the cutscene. Always remember that "Wait

and Recover" will cause your ally to regain health up to half of their health

bar - this will be extremely useful in later stages. If a partner dies then

the game is not over. Your partner will revive with a small bit of health

eventually after dieing. You cannot switch to control Jubei at the moment.

Hurry down the road ahead to find an Enchanted Mirror. Run toward the gate up

ahead to start a cutscene that will take you to the next area.

= Under the Bridge =

Soldier Genma will ambush you and Jubei at the bottom of the bridge. The Genma

will continually teleport into the area so be careful when you go to absorb

souls. Follow the river to the back and a cutscene will introduce you to the

Spear Genma. Be sure to block when the Spear Genma dash toward you to guard

their spear then attack them when they stop. This type of Genma can be very

annoying in a group with other enemies since you will constantly have to watch

for their dashes. There's a puzzle box off to the right side with a TIGER EYE


PUZZLE BOX #2 - Plains Town - Under the Bridge

(1) ----------- (2) -----------

| o * * | | o o o |

| | | |

| o * * | | o * * |

| | | |

| o o o | | o * * |

----------- -----------

Follow the river further down and climb up the ladder at the end.

= Front Road =

An Axeman Genma will appear and initiate the beginning of TEST OF VALOR #1.


TEST OF VALOR #1 - Plains Town - Front Road

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Target: Axeman

Time Left: 1:00

Set your ally on "All-out Attack", equip your most powerful weapon, and try as

much as you can to knock the Axeman down (use Oni Magic) then stab him with a

finisher while he is on the ground. Be sure to block his attack if he starts

to lean his axe back.

Gold: Secret Med LV2

Silver: Medicine Lv1

Bronze: Grass


There is an Enchanted Mirror hidden behind the building next to the bridge (not

a savable one). Climb up the ladder next to the gate and grab the MUSHROOMS on

the other side of the roof then climb down the next ladder.

= Back Road =

An Enchanted Mirror will be across from the ladder you just got off of. Check

the gate to see where to go next. Climb up the ladder next to the second gate.

Directly after climbing it, your partner's path will be cut off due to a Genam

meteor. Run to the other side of the rooftop and unfold the ladder by

examining it. Climb down to find an Axeman and Acher Genma. Rush toward the

bridge and defeat the Archer first then deal with the Axeman. Be sure to block

his axe swing if you see him preparing to attack. Unbar the door to find Jubei

on the other side with three Axemen. TEST OF VALOR #2 will now start.


TEST OF VALOR #2 - Plains Town - Back Road

Eradicate the Genma within the time limit!

Time Left: 1:00

Just like the last Test of Valor, put your partner on "All-out Attack" and

slash away or use Oni Magic with your most powerful weapon. Take out the

Archer first with normal slashes, then use a chained Oni Magic attack to knock

down all three Axemen at once.

Gold: Oni Jewel

Silver: Medicine LV1

Bronze: Grass


Now that you have reunited with Jubei, take her back through the gate with you.

Grab the POWER JEWEL from the bridge and climb down the ladder to the side of

the building (not the bridge yet). At the bottom you will face the usual Genma

soldiers along with a new Door Guardian Genma. The Door Guardians can be a

major pain if you do not block their laser attacks. Stand next to the Door

Guardian and hit it sparingly with combos. The moment it starts its laser

attack, be sure to hold the guard button or you will suffer quite a bit of

damage. On higher levels these enemies can kill you if they manage to catch

you one time because of the multiple-hitting laser. After the Genma is gone,

the door will be ready to open.

Drain the Red Soul Altar of its red souls and solve the puzzle box to find a


PUZZLE BOX #3 - Plains Town - Back Road

(1) ----------- (2) -----------

| o o o | | o * * |

| | | |

| o * * | | o * * |

| | | |

| o * * | | o o o |

----------- -----------

Leave the room and go down the ladder connected to the bridge. Fight off the

next Door Guardian Genma just like the first.

= Old Temple =

The door to the left side requires a key to open. Run across the bridge and

defeat the Archers first. The Genma soldiers will constantly respawn from the

purple meteors so run across the bridge until you stumble into a new enemy that

will activate TEST OF VALOR #3


TEST OF VALOR #3 - Plains Town - Old Temple

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Target: Gacha

Time Left: 3:00

As long as you use your Oni Magic on the Gacha and concentrate solely on him

then you will get a good ranking. Be sure to set your partner to "All-out


Gold: Kogarasu

Silver: Secret Med LV1

Bronze: Mushrooms


Always make sure to concentrate on the Gacha first when they appear with other

enemies. All of their attacks can be blocked, but they get really aggressive

and have great distance with each attack. Enter the area where the Gacha came

from to find a SWEET HERB and an Enchanted Mirror to the side. Walk down the

forest path across from the area with the save point. Collect the TAKEZO

CONFESSION file from the ground and continue up the path.

= Back Road Entrance =

Break the middle pot off to the side to find an ONI MED LV1 and the other two

pots inside the building to find an ONI JEWEL. A Gacha will teleport into the

area eventually. Climb the ladder next to the gate and run across the rooftop

to find the --ANCIENT KEY-- at the end of the roof. Go all the way back to the

temple and use the key on the locked door.

= Block Room =

Ignore the Gacha for now - get rid of the archers on the other side of the

bridge first then go after the Gacha. There is an Enchanted Mirror across the

bridge (nonsave). The chest contains --TEMPLE GATE KEY R.--. Go back to the

old temple and enter the door next to the forest path.

= Old Temple =

Be sure to save before entering the door. Grab the LANTERN TRICK file and the

MEDICINE LV1 from off the ground. In order to get the second gate key you will

need to light up each torch by striking each of them three times with your

weapon (doesn't matter which weapon). Once all the torches are lit, the left

middle torch will slide away to reveal --TEMPLE GATE KEY L.--. Place both of

the gate keys on the sealed blue door to trigger a cutscene.

Boss - Crab Walker

This boss looks frightening, but he is really no problem if you look out for

his attacks. This will be your longest battle yet since he has some really

good armor. Stay right next to him no matter where he jumps - preferably

behind him so he cannot hit you with his front leg. If you are far away, he

will try to shoot a purple meteor at you. The purple meteors will spawn Genma

soldiers throughout the entire battle. Stay close to him and attack him

constantly but make to watch for his front leg swipe. When he raises his left

leg back be sure to block and you will not take any damage from his swing.

When he jumps straight up, be sure to block as he falls to the ground. He will

constantly leap around the area, but if you keep up with him you should be able

to take him down easily. When he jumps above the middle door you will just

have to wait for him to land. Set Jubei to "All-out Attack" while he is on the

ground and she will help you take quite a bit of damage. The boss will most

likely kill her, but she will revive shortly. The main thing to remember about

this battle is to not get too deeply involved in a combo since he will most

likely strike you with his front leg if you do. It's best to avoid performing

the final hit of a combo because of the delay. If you can time it just right

you can do a magic attack right as he attacks with his front leg and avoid

damage to yourself while damaging him. Fight some Genma Soldiers if your life

gets too low and one of them will eventually cough up some yellow souls for



You now have to option to revisit any of the previous stages you have been to

by talking to Minokichi. Choose "Hideout" from any Enchanted Mirror in that

area to return to the Hideout. Refer to the backtrack section of each area to

find some of the items you may have missed. You can use the backtrack option

to level up your character for now as well. There will be a better option for

leveling up later though. Some new items are available in the shop. Talk to

Jubei and choose "Combine" to mix some of those seemingly useless items that

you have collected into some worthwile items. Make sure that you power up

Jubei a little as well as Soki. You will need to power up each of your allies

throughout the game since you will eventually be in control of them without the

help of Soki. Talk to both of the characters to get some extra info about

them. Always be sure to talk to them for some interesting dialogue at times.

Exit the Hideout when you're ready to depart for the next stage.

************************** Plains Highway (Backtrack) *************************

= Back Road =

Switch to Jubei and crawl under the hole to the side of the door across from

where you start.

= Behind the Buildings =

Travel to the right (Jubei's left) and climb the ladder to get on the roof.

Rush all the way across the rooftops until you reach another ladder then climb

down. Head to the right and unlock the door so Soki can get through. While

back in control of Soki, head to the Enchanted Mirror to the left and change

your partner to Roberto. Change to Roberto and go down the steps, then push

each of the blocks over to the indented area of the ground beside each block.

All three blocks will lock into place once you move them into the indented

area. You now have access to the rest of the area above thanks to the blocks.

Switch your partner back to Jubei. Use the blocks to cross over to the door at

the far right end. Don't climb up the ladder just yet.

= Destroyed Bridge =

Move to the left side of the bridge - there's a path to the side of the railing

next to the building. Go down the steps and walk across the drained river to

find a treasure chest containing INVENTION NOTES near an Enchanted Mirror. Go

back behind the building and climb up the ladder next to the door you come


= Rooftops =

At the top, move around the side of the roof and have Jubei move along the

narrow board to reach the puzzle box on the other side. Open it to find


PUZZLE BOX #4 - Plains Highway (Backtrack) - Rooftops

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) -----------

| o * * | | o o o | | * * o |

| | | | | |

| o * * | | o * * | | * * o |

| | | | | |

| o o o | | o * * | | o o o |

----------- ----------- -----------

Move to the rooftop across from the one you just came from then go across it

and climb down the ladder at the end.

= Wrecked Road (left) =

Enter the door to the side.

= Monster Show =

Test of Valor #4 will start as you walk into the area.


TEST OF VALOR #4 - Plains Highway (Backtrack) - Monster Show

Eradicate the Genma within the time limit!

Time Left: 5:00

You have five minutes to kill 100 Genma Soldiers. Use chained critical magic

attacks anytime that you can. You are bound to run into a Genma that will

eventually block your attacks, so kick him and start a critical chain on him to

kill the surrounding Genma. Only absorb souls if there are no Genma currently

on the screen.

Gold: Red Bell

Silver: Ultra Med LV3

Bronze: Sweet Herb


In order to get through the other door, change your partner to Roberto via the

Enchanted Mirror and use him to push the block in the back into the hole in

front of the door.

= Destroyed Bridge =

Walk up to the treasure chest and open it to get a PHOENIX NECKLACE.

*************************** Plains Town (Backtrack) ***************************

= Backtrack =

Make sure to have Tenkai with you at the start then turn directly around and

head toward the path in the back.

= Waterway =

Defeat the Genma Soldier and Gacha then talk to the dead body with Tenkai to

receive an ONI JEWEL. Go back the way you came and head all the way back to

where Test of Valor #1 was. Climb down into the ditch then climb up the ladder

on the other side.

= Front Road =

Switch your partner to Ohatsu (there's a Yellow Enchanted Mirror to the side of

the bridge) then use her to grapple and swing across the bridge. Solve the

puzzle box on the other side for Ohatsu's SKY RIFLE.

PUZZLE BOX #5 - Plains Highway - Front Road

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| o * * | | o o o | | o o o | | * * o |

| | | | | | | |

| o * * | | * * o | | o * * | | * * o |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | * * o | | o * * | | o o o |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Head back to the other side and switch your partner to Jubei. Climb the ladder

next to the gate and walk over the narrow board on the rooftop while

controlling Jubei. Head to the right and pick up the SECRET MED LV2. Keep

Jubei with you and climb down the ladder at the other end of the roof. Go

through the gate to the broken bridge area ahead.

= Back Road =

Climb the ladder next to the Archer Genma with Jubei and run to the left end.

Cross the narrow board above the gate and let the folding ladder down on the

other side. Go back through the gate and change your partner to Tenkai. Open

the gate again, and use Tenkai to talk to the dead body up the folding ladder

and you will receive a TRUE TIGER EYE. Head to the Old Temple via the ladder

on the bridge.

= Old Temple =

Enter the first gate to your left.

= Block Room =

Switch to Roberto as your partner and use him to move the block off the side of

the bridge. Head back to the Enchanted Mirror and switch to Jubei as your

partner then have her crawl through the small hole in the wall across from the

block. Open the chest to find a PAWN RING. Keep Jubei with you and go back

through the gate.

= Old Temple =

Head down the path across from the destroyed wall. Climb the ladder to get to

the rooftop then walk across the board on top of the gate. Head across the

left side of the roof to find a PURPLE RING lying along the rooftop.

/ /

[WTST04] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ ___ STAGE 4 ____

______________________________/ Ohatsu's Tears _____________________________/


****************************** Fortress at Suruga *****************************

= Mountain Road =

Now we're in control of Jubei. Run up the path ahead until a cutscene plays

and Ninja Genma attack you. These enemies love to slip in attacks when you

least expect it so make sure to keep an eye on the other Ninja Genma while

attacking one. If one of them jumps toward you then get ready to block. Run

across the bridge ahead to find some more Genma (Archer and Soldier) on the

other side along with a PAWN RING in a chest next to them. The door across

from them is locked and you won't find the key until much later in the game.

Continue down the path to find a MOUNTAIN FORTRESS MAP lying on the ground.

Run up the stairs and fight off the Ninja Genma that appear. The door to the

side needs a combination to open, but you need to backtrack to this stage to

get it. If you want to know it now then visit the backtrack section for this


Walk up to the board at the side of the cliff and examine it twice to walk

across it. Jubei's unique aspects allow her to cross narrow spaces or crawl in

areas that Soki could normally not get through. On the other side save at the

Enchanted Mirror and run down the right path to find a MEDICINE LV2 at the end.

Ignore the dead body for now (you will need to backtrack later with a certain

character). A Genma Axeman will appear in the path behind you. Defeat him and

run back to the Mirror and take the left path. On the bridge a Genma Axeman

will appear on each end to block you off. Fight through the Genma Axemen and

enter the path to your left on the other side of the bridge.

= Cliffside =

Run to the character's left and step across the fallen tree that leads to the

fortress wall. Run down the ramp.

= Inside the Wall =

Grab the FANGS and SENTRY'S DIARY 2 to the side and hurry down the path ahead.

A cutscene will play and Spider Genma will ambush you. Like the Ninja Genma,

Spider Genma love to sneak in attacks when you least expect them as well. Make

sure to block if you see a Spider Genma jump into the air and hang from a web.

The Spider Genma will jump toward you and slash at you after suspending

himself. They will usually remain suspended in their web until you come close

enough for them to lunge at you. Try to lure them away from the middle path

and fight them at the entrance you just came from since there is an archer in

the background. After disposing of them, run down the path (past the Axeman)

and defeat the Archer Genma. Grab the ONI MED LV1 off the crate to the side

and save your game at the Enchanted Mirror after defeating the enemies. Climb

the ladder to trigger a cutscene.

= Front of Warehouse =

Now you can actually switch between both of the characters at will. Press the

L2 button to switch between them. Always remember that if the controlled

character dies then you die. TEST OF VALOR #1 will start immediately after the

reunion of Soki and Jubei.


TEST OF VALOR #1 - Fortress at Suruga - Front of Warehouse

Eradicate the Genma within the time limit.

Time Left: 3:00

If you use Magic Attacks here and stay aggressive you will gain an easy gold.

Don't worry about the souls! While controlling Soki, use your Oni Magic with

Fire Dance to slice through a whole group of Genma at once then attack them

while they lay on the ground to finish them off.

Gold: Black Sword

Silver: Secret Med LV1

Bronze: Mushrooms


After the fight, check the chest near the wagon to find an ACOLYTE'S RING. To

the right of the Enchanted Mirror, collect the SENTRY'S DIARY 1. Save your

game and enter the path in the middle of the road.

= Side of the Warehouse =

Many Genma will spawn in this area as you run down the path ahead. Ignore the

ladder for now and run down the path ahead. Various Genma will teleport into

the area along the way. Grab the POWER JEWEL from the barrels about midways

down the path. Run all the way to the end path and use Jubei to crawl under

the hole in the gate at the end.

= Back of the Warehouse =

Carefully fight off the Genma and climb the ladder on the left. Walk across

the wall and grab the --CASTLE GATE KEY-- from the other end of the framework.

When you climb back down the ladder some Ninja Genma will attack. Crawl back

through the side of the gate.

= Side of Warehouse =

Run back to the door that you passed and use the Castle Gate Key on the door.

Climb up the ladder inside the room.

= Cliffside =

Grab the BLACK BLADE from the left chest and solve the puzzle on the right

chest to receive a GEM OF VALOR.

PUZZLE BOX #1 - Fortress at Suruga - Cliffside

(1) ----------- (2) -----------

| o o o | | o * * |

| | | |

| * * o | | o * * |

| | | |

| * * o | | o o o |

----------- -----------

There is nothing else to do here for the moment so go back to the area where

you came from.

= Side of Warehouse =

Climb the first ladder near the front of this area and make sure to have Jubei

follow you if you are not controlling her already. Near the ramp of the

framework you will find a FRAMEWORK MEMO. Continue up the ramp until you reach

a section of boards that blocks the way. Sadly the proud Black Oni cannot cut

through wood so you must have Jubei crawl under the wood for him. With Jubei,

climb up the ladder on the other side after crawling through the space then

pull the lever to move the structure to the side away from the ladder. Examine

the folding ladder to let it fold downward and Soki will be able to climb up.

Run down the side of the framework ahead to find a puzzle box. Many Genma

Soldiers will teleport onto the framework along the way.

PUZZLE BOX #2 - Fortress at Suruga - Side of the Warehouse)

(1) ----------- (2) -----------

| * * o | | o o o |

| | | |

| * * o | | o * * |

| | | |

| o o o | | o * * |

----------- -----------

Soki's GLACIER SONG sword will be inside of the puzzle box. Have one of your

characters wait by the first switch then climb up the next ladder with your

other character. The second switch on the left needs some oiling, so you can't

use the switch yet. Switch to your other character and pull the switch below

then switch back to the top character. Lower the ladder at the other end so

your bottom character can join you. Run down the path until you get to the

switch at the end. Have a character wait by the switch then backtrack to the

ladder that you passed and climb down it. Fight off the Genma and run toward

the structure that is blocking your way. Have the top character pull the lever

then grab the --LUBRICATING OIL-- with the bottom character. Go back to the

lever that needs oiling and use the oil on it. Pull the lever and grab the

CROW FEATHER from the floor of the framework. Talk to Jubei to learn a little

about the crow feather. Before you leave this area, I would recommend that you

go back and pull the lever on the first switch so that the wall is on the top.

This will make your backtracking a bit easier when you come back later. Climb

up the ladder to the side.

= Roof of Warehouse =

Here you will be introduced to the Genma Crows. Use Soki's uppercut attack

(Back + []) while locked on to one of them to easily knock them out of the sky

when they fly low. Further ahead an Archer and some Ninja Genma will attack.

When you make it to the tree trunk walk over the tree trunk to the other side

of the roof to find a SECRET MED LV1. Walk across the tree trunk to the other

building and run across the side of the roof to the ladder. A cutscene will


= Inside Warehouse =

Save your game at the Enchanted Mirror to the left and climb down the ladder

for a cutscene.

Boss - Ohatsu

The only aspect that really makes this battle annoying are the Genma trees.

Ohatsu will always stand right next to a Genma tree while attacking you. If

you try to hit her while she stands next to one, your blade will most likely

bounce off of a Genma tree allowing her to attack you. Stand back and block

her gunfire then rush toward her as she reloads. Lock on to her and kick her

when you get close to knock her away from the Genma trees then attack her with

a combo or Oni Magic. She will use her grappling hook to move to another side

of the warehouse eventually. You will have to scope her out and perform the

same method of attack once again. Every now and then she will sneak in her big

burst attack which is unblockable but it is close range - be on the lookout for

her to duck and charge her gun then quickly get away. You can use the trees as

cover to avoid her shots also instead of blocking.

= Roof of Warehouse =

Notice the Shadow of Rome music playing in the background? Ah yes, what a fine

game that was - such sweet memories...what, you never played Shadow of Rome!?

Go play it. NOW!

Anyway, climb the ladder to get back on the rooftop. An Axeman and Archer

Genma will appear near the tree. Defeat them (archer first) and run across the

tree. Run along the roof toward the ladder and some Ninja Genma will attack.

Defeat them with Oni Magic since they can be quite deadly when there are more

than two then climb down the ladder.

= Side of Warehouse =

Move across the framework and climb down the second ladder. Climb down the

next ladder closest to you for a cutscene.


Now we're back at the hideout once again. Be sure to level up your skills and

items before departing. There are also some extra items in the shop.

************************ Fortress at Suruga (Backtrack) ***********************

= Front of Warehouse =

You'll start in the same area that Soki started after Jubei's little quest from

last time. Go ahead and choose Jubei from the start since you'll need her

first. Enter the path to the right as you run to the back.

= Side of the Warehouse =

Climb the first ladder and rush all the way to the next ladder on the

framework. You will need to crawl under the wood and raise the wooden platform

with Jubei so Soki can get through. After raising the platform, go back down

the ladder and run to the very end and go up the ramp to the Enchanted Mirror.

Choose Ohatsu as your partner and run all the way back to where you were.

Climb to the very top of the framework on the left side and pull the switch at

the top. Grapple across the gap at the end with Ohatsu and open the chest on

the other side for an ONI JEWEL. If you go up the ladder to the side, you can

engage in Test of Valor #2 on the rooftop.


TEST OF VALOR #2 - Rooftop - Fortress at Suruga

Carry out the technique within the time limit!

Technique: Chain Critical X5

Time Left: 3:00

This is one battle where it really helps to have a weak weapon! Equip the

weakest weapon you have (Dragon Offer most likely) and use Oni Magic Critical

Chains on the Genma Soldiers. Try to move to the correct side of them so that

you will slide toward another Genma when you do the first Critical Chain. Only

a Critical Chain of two or more enemies will count toward the goal.

Gold: Naga Ring

Silver: Secret Med LV1

Bronze: Mushrooms


Go back down the ladder and rush to the far right side of the framework and

grapple over the gap to find a GOLD NUGGET in a chest. Climb all the way back

down and bomb the gate next to the bottom ladder with Ohatsu.

= Inside the Wall =

Turn right and go up the ladder then rush to the end of the top area to find

Tenkai's DRAGONFLY in a chest at the very end. Travel back down the ladder and

go back through the door. Enter the door down the path on the right side

(where the Ninja Genma appear).

= Cliffside =

Move across the bridge with Ohatsu and bomb the rock on the other side. Go

down the path ahead.

= Mountain Road =

Turn to the character's left upon entering and use Ohatsu to swing over the

gap. You'll find the --MOUNTAIN SHRINE KEY-- on the ground and a WARRIOR'S

CODE in the treasure chest. Swing back to the other side and continue down the

path ahead. Approach the Enchanted Mirror across the bridge and switch your

partner to Tenkai. Talk to the dead body down the path beside you and he will

tell you a story, which will help you solve the lock puzzle on the gate ahead.

He will only say it once so be sure to listen. Oh wait, I typed it out for


"One time I faced off against three evil bandits. I cut them all down and left

six pieces behind. You should've seen the look on their leader's face."

** The correct code is 1 - 3 - 6 **

Go back to the Enchanted Mirror and change your partner to Jubei. Use her to

walk across the fallen tree and get to the locked door on the other side.

Enter the code and run down the path ahead for a RARE ANTLER. Travel down the

steps to the character's right and use the Mountain Shrine Key on the door at

the bottom. Walk to the end of the path beyond the door for a RARE SHELL.

/ /

[WTST05] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ ___ STAGE 5 ___

______________________________/ The Red Demon ______________________________/


**************************** Sawayama Castle Town *****************************

= Fox Gate =

As the stage opens you will be immediately ambushed by Genma Soldiers. Defeat

them and run up ahead. A new Genma will be introduced in a cutscene. Like the

other Onimusha's, these Soul Absorber Genma will steal all the souls in the

area for themselves. Bring them down close to you by using your soul absorber

on your Oni gauntlet then attack them. Spear Genma will charge down the path

at you after the Soul Absorber cutscene. Block as they dash by, then knock

them down or just let them run by. Run to the very back and get rid of the

Archer Genma then focus on the rest of the enemies. Grab the S. CASTLE GROUNDS

MAP from off the ground next to the second blue sealed door. Walk toward the

door at the other end (Exit) near the Enchanted Mirror and grab the --RED PEARL

V-- from the fox statue's mouth. This pearl will cause all the red seals to be

removed from the surrounding doors. In order to open the exit door, you will

need to go through the surrounding doors and find six pearls that can be

obtained from the statues inside. The only catch is that you have to collect

them in a specific order. Keep in mind that the same group of enemies that you

just fought will always respawn in the Fox Gate area every time you reenter.

Below is a diagram of all the doors to make this a bit easier to explain.


| I E I |

| I I |

| I I |

|I 4R) (5B IV|

| I I |

| I I |

| I I |

|II 3B) I V|

| I I |

| I I |

| I I |

|III 1R) (2R VI|

| I I |

| I I |

| I e I |


Enter door 2R to start things off. A word of warning: Make sure to set your

partner to "Wait and Recover" unless you want your partner to trigger some

tough fights behind each door.

= 2R Room =

Two metal statues (actually Armored Genma) will be inside with spiked maces in

their hands. These enemies will be in every room. Usually, they will not

attack you unless you hit one of them. They are heavily armored so you will

have to stop your combos to block their attacks while hitting them. Once you

have stripped them of their armor you'll be able to knock them down. When all

there life is gone, MAKE SURE to get away from them since they will die in a

quite damaging explosion. Grab the MEDICINE LV2 from the lantern off to the

right. Open the doors to your left.

= V Room =

Grab the PAIR SCARF from the chest between the Armored Genma and examine the

fox statue with the pearl in its mouth on the left side. You will gain --BLUE

PEARL II--. Now the red doors will be sealed once again and the blue doors

will be open. Examine the statue on the right to get the --FOX GEM (GHOST)--.

An Axeman and Soldier Genma will attack as you remove the second pearl. Fight

them off (away from the Armored Genma) and enter the door that used to be


= 5B Room =

Grab the POWER JEWEL from the wagon and TAKUAN'S DIARY 2 from the ground and

exit the room. Enter door 3B next.

= 3B Room =

One of the Armored Genma will attack as you walk toward the fox statue. It is

best to fight them without your partner's help since your partner will only get

owned with his/her constant attacking without the slightest thought of guarding

unless you give the command for him/her to guard. Your partner does make for

some good bait however. Use Jubei's "Distract Enemy" command to help out a

bit. Examine the fox statue with the pearl to get --RED PEARL VI--. Be sure to

grab --FOX GEM (EARTH)-- from the right statue. Three Spear Genma and Archer

Genma will teleport into the room. As usual, defeat the archer first. Suck

some souls out of the Yellow Soul Altar to the side, but don't drain it. Try

to get just a few at a time so you will have some more left over if you need

extra life later. Solve the puzzle box in the middle to get Jubie's MIKAZUKI.

PUZZLE BOX #1 - Sawayama Castle Town - 3B Room

(1) ----------- (2) -----------

| o * * | | o o o |

| | | |

| o * * | | * * o |

| | | |

| o o o | | * * o |

----------- -----------

Enter through the small doors on the right to exit the room.

= 4R Room =

Grab TAKUAN'S DIARY 1 from the shrubbery and solve the puzzle box in the middle


PUZZLE BOX #2 - Sawayama Castle Town - 4R Room

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) -----------

| * * o | | * * o | | o o o |

| | | | | |

| * * o | | * * o | | o * * |

| | | | | |

| o o o | | o o o | | o * * |

----------- ----------- -----------

Exit the room and enter Room 2R.

= 2R Room =

Defeat both of the Armored Genma in the room before messing with the pearls -

trust me on this! Grab --RED PEARL I-- from the left statue and --FOX GEM

(HELL)-- from the right statue. After grabbing both pearls TEST OF VALOR #1

will start.


TEST OF VALOR # 1 - Sawayama Castle Town - 2R Room

Carry out the technique within the time limit!

Technique: Critical X 5

Time Left: 3:00

The best way to approach this battle is to have a high Critical Chain level

with your skills. Chained attacks using Oni Magic will give you a critical per

chain. You can get three chains right off the bat with the Gacha that will

teleport into the room with two Genma Soldiers. Chain them with one Oni Magic

Critical attack then hit the Gacha with another Magic Attack as he gets up.

Run over to the archer and the soldier to the side and use an Oni Magic attack

to gain the gold!

Gold: Ice Rifle

Silver: Medicine LV2

Bronze: Grass


Leave this room and travel over to door 4R.

= 4R Room =

The left Armored Genma will attack as you walk up to the fox statue. After

defeating him, examine the left fox statue to gain --RED PEARL III-- from its

mouth then grab --FOX GEM (HEAVEN)-- from the right statue. Like clockwork,

three Genma will teleport into the room near the entrance. Fight off the Ninja

Genma and Axeman then exit. Room 1R is the next destination.

= 1R Room =

Grab the SECRET MED LV1 from the well off to the side and suck the Red Soul

Altar dry. Do the usual fox statue examining to get --BLUE PEARL IV-- and --

FOX GEM (TITAN)--. Spider Genma and an Archer will teleport into the room.

Both of the types are just as bad, so try to knock the Spiders down then rush

toward the Archer and defeat him. The next destination is Room 5B. You will

have to enter room 3B to the side to get there though.

= 5B Room =

Both of the Armored Genma will assault you as you run toward the statues. Give

Jubei the order to "Distract Enemy" so you can fight one at a time. Hit them

carefully while remembering to block their attacks! Grab --FOX GEM (ANIMAL)--

from the right statue after placing Blue Pearl IV in the left statue's mouth.

Crows and an Archer will teleport into the room. Use uppercut attacks to

defeat the crows easily. Go back out to the Fox Gate.

= Fox Gate =

Save your game at the Enchanted Mirror and place all six gems on the middle

door to enter.

Boss - Tenkai

Tenkai is an extremely easy boss if you take advantage of him when he blocks.

Stand back while blocking and wait for him to move into you. He will most

likely do his full combo then block. Kick him while he blocks and unleash a

critical hit by pressing toward him and the [] button. Attack him while he

falls. You will defeat him in no time with the constant critical attacks that

you can get on him. His combos can be easily sidestepped as well and he has

some lag after performing a combo so you can easily hit him after blocking one.

The only move that is unblockable is his magic attack, which is short range so

it shouldn't cause you too much trouble. Beware his great distance with the

spear - if you allow him to hit you then you may fall victim to his entire


Boss - Genma Bug

Stay to one of the sides (near a door) when the Genma starts to shoot a

shockwave of electricity along the ground. He only opens up right after an

attack. When he stops moving after performing his electric shockwave (the

razors will stop) or whenever he buries his razor blade sphere into the ground

give Tenkai the order to "Go All-out" and run over to the boss and attack.

After about two combos you will need to retreat to the nearest door and tell

Tenkai to "Wait and Recover" since the boss will retaliate with an attack. If

he buries his razor sphere into the ground, he will bring it up from the ground

and perform a pendulum-type swing with the razor sphere. If you stand in front

of the Genma Bug at any time he will try to swing his razor sphere at you as

well. Keep to the sides and only attack the boss when he stops. Keep in mind

that the first hit of any razor from his sphere will break your guard so you

can't very well just stand underneath him while the razors are moving. When he

sticks his sphere in the ground it is best to run behind him since he will have

electric shots spread along the path in front of him. You will sometimes have

to block his razor sphere as he scurries down the path since it will move from

the side to side but it will not hit you if you remain blocking. Sadly you

can't switch over to Tenkai during this battle, but you can equip him with an

accessory to boost his attack a bit. Always have him "Wait and Recover" while

the Genma performs its attacks then issue the "Go All-out" command when the

boss is open to attack. This shouldn't be too long of a battle if have Tenkai

help you when the boss staggers. When the Genma Bug nears his last bit of life

he will start to shoot out more electric shockwaves than usual per attack.


Some new items are now available in the shop. Be sure to power up Tenkai a bit

since you will need him the most on the next stage. His skills can also be

powered up dramatically at the moment in order to keep him on the same level

with the other characters.

*********************** Sawayama Castle Town (Backtrack) **********************

The only reason to backtrack to this area is for Test of Valor #2.

= 4R Room =

As you walk into the back of the room Test of Valor #2 will start. Recognize

the two guys in the cutscene? They're the same two that assaulted Jubei at the

beginning of the game.


TEST OF VALOR #2 - Sawayama Castle Town (Backtrack) - 4R Room

Protect the target!

Time Left: 3:00

This is a hard one to get a gold rank on. You must protect the two guards from

the Genma. Genma Soldiers and Gachas will constantly enter the area. Set your

partner to guard so that he will not take any extra damage that will lower your

rank. Make sure to take out the Gacha as soon as he teleport into the area.

He will always teleport into the area near the entrance. Use an Oni Magic

Critical to defeat him quickly or he will spin his club straight toward the two

guards. Make sure to watch for the Gacha and kill him every time one of them

teleport into the area. Don't worry about the Soldier Genma that much. Very

minimal damage must be suffered in order to get a gold rank.

Here's some helpful strategy that I have received from an email:

"I have found that for all the 'Protect the Target!' TOVs, having Jubei as a

partner and commanding her to 'Distract Enemy' seems to greatly improve one's

chances at getting a Gold Ranking, simply because the enemies will be focused

on Jubei rather than the two hapless samurais. Then, it will simply be a matter

of protecting Jubei and making sure she doesn't take damage."

(Thanks to Boone)

Gold: Horin

Silver: Purple Ring

Bronze: Mushrooms


/ /

[WTST06] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ _____ STAGE 6 _____

____________________________/ A Child's Revenge ____________________________/


****************************** Sawayama Dungeon *******************************

= Cave Entrance =

From the start of the area, switch to Tenkai and run up to the dead body in the

background. Use O to talk to the dead spirit inside of the body and you will

receive an ANTIDOTE. In order to proceed down the path to the right you will

need to find a gear to lower the bridge. Run down the left path and a new

Genma will teleport into the area. These Mushroom Genma will constantly spawn

other Genma while they remain alive. Always focus your attacks on these

whenever they appear. As they start to shake they will release a poison gas

that will cause a poison state if it touches you. The Mushroom Genma are

heavily armored so you will spend quite a bit of time hitting them. Be sure to

back off when you see them shake to avoid the gas cloud. The first Mushroom

Genma will summon Soldier Genma and the second will summon Spear Genma. Axeman

Genma will teleport into the room when you try to leave. Grab the S. CASTLE

DUNGEON MAP to the side of the elevator shaft before going further into the


= Stone Pillar Room 1 =

Grab the ONI JEWEL from the side of the wall and save your game at the

Enchanted Mirror. Walk across the two bridges up ahead and talk to the dead

body near the second bridge. He will tell you how to work the lift. Position

one of your characters on the dark square in front of the switch with the blue

glow and tell him to wait. Switch to your other character and step on the

switch to raise your other character to the area above. Switch back to your

other character and have him stand on the square to the right of him. Switch

back to the top character and step on the purple switch to raise your other

character to the top. Switch back once again and have your other character

step on the final switch to move the block in front of him downward revealing a

door. Position one of your characters on that stone pillar that you just

lowered and then step on the switch once again to make it rise into the air.

Switch to the character on the pillar to find a POWER JEWEL on a lantern at the

very top. Solve the puzzle box to the side before leaving to get Soki's

CUTTING WIND sword. Go through the door when you're finished.

PUZZLE BOX #1 - Sawayama Dungeon - Lift Room 1

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) -----------

| * * o | | o * * | | o o o |

| | | | | |

| * * o | | o * * | | * * o |

| | | | | |

| o o o | | o o o | | * * o |

----------- ----------- -----------

= Stone Pillar Room 2 =

Step into the cave and grab the STONE PILLARS file. Take both characters down

the ladder then position Tenkai on the blue stone pillar and step on the blue

switch with Soki so Tenkai is lifted upward. With Tenkai, talk to the dead

body next to the second stone pillar to get the --CAVE DOOR KEY--. Have Soki

run all the way to the end of the bottom section to grab the MEDICINE LV2 off

the ground. Step on the second blue switch so Tenkai can cross all the way

over to the other side on the top. Lower the second blue stone pillar then

stand on it with Soki and have Tenkai step on the top switch to bring Soki up

to the second level. Now you can leave this room by unlocking the door at the

end. Save your game at the Enchanted Mirror next to the door before leaving.

= Cave Entrance =

Lower the folding ladder to the side and tell Soki to wait while you climb down

the ladder with Tenkai. Fight off the enemies that appear then stand on the

stone pillar in between the shaft across from the ladder you just climbed down.

Switch back to Soki and have him step on the switch to raise Tenkai upward.

Talk to the dead body to get Tenkai's YAMA spear. Talk to the other dead body

next to the shrine at the end of the path to engage in a Genma battle. An

Invisible Genma will attack you. Use your Soul Absorption to make the Genma

reveal itself then attack it when it appears. The Genma is totally invincible

otherwise. Grab the COPPER GEAR from near the dead body after the fight.

Stand on the stone pillar and have Soki lower it for you. Bring Soki down the

ladder then head back to the very beginning. Take the right path this time,

next to the very first dead body, and place the Copper Gear on the device to

lower the bridge. An Axeman Genma will try to stop you. Open the door across

from the bridge.

= Cave Lake =

Two Ninja Genma will attack as soon as you enter and an Archer will be shooting

arrows from the other side of the hole in front of you. Defeat the Archer

first then go after the Ninja Genma. Use Tenkai to talk to the spirit of the

dead body afterward for a bit of info about the Westerner. You'll need Jubei

to get to the treasure chest next to the dead body (you'll need to backtrack).

Another gear is needed for the bridge off to the left side of the cave. Enter

the path directly across from the door you just came through. The Mushroom

Genma down the path will summon Axeman Genma. Use Oni Magic to make quick work

of them all, then grab the ONI MED LV2 off the crate to the right. Enter the

doorway up ahead to find TAKUAN'S DIARY 3 off to the side and an Enchanted

Mirror further down the path. The small door is shut so enter the large door.

= Westerner's Cell =

Boss - Roberto

Roberto is a bit harder than the other character bosses that you have fought

mainly because his combo will cause you to stagger. Stay locked on to him and

wait for him to step toward you. Step back as soon as he steps forward then

move to either side of him as he starts to unleash a series of jabs. Attack

him with a combo or Oni Magic from the side while he is open. The attacks will

not cause him to stagger until about the second hit so be sure to start early.

One good thing about this battle is that you will only have to look out for his

combo since that's all that he will do, but the straight punch after the series

of jabs will always cause you to stagger and allow him to hit you with the rest

of the combo so you will have to dodge it, counter it, or deflect it.

Thankfully, he will always step forward before doing the combo so you can use

that as a warning. If he ever stands and blocks, kick him and unleash a

counter just like you did with Tenkai.

After the battle Soldier Genma will attack. Kill them and be sure to absorb

the souls quickly since this sequence will not last too long.

Boss - Sakon

Rule #1: DO NOT hit Sakon from the front since he will always have a fire

shield in front of him unless you can manage to stun him with the help of


Rule #2: DO NOT let Sakon corner you. If he manages to work you into a corner,

you are dead. His flames will murder you as you try to escape.

With those two rules in mind Sakon is actually not that hard of a boss since

his attacks are limited for the moment. He will walk around the room and stab

at you three times. Run around the area without locking on to avoid them or

block (last hit only). After the third stab, circle around him and hit him

from the back with one combo. You may be able to sneak in two more hits after

the combo, but don't do any more than that. He will turn around and start to

walk toward you once again. Get far away from him and wait for him to do his

three stabs again. Get behind him once again after the third stab and hit him.

Sometimes you can circle Sakon and hit him from the back even if he doesn't

attack you. Don't do a full combo if he hasn't attacked since he will recover

faster. If you tell Tenkai to "Go All-out" while Sakon is trying to hit you

with spear thrust then Tenkai may be able to stun Sakon momentarily. Run up

and hit Sakon while he is stunned since he will lose his shield, but back off

as he summons another flame shield. You can also order Tenkai to "Pray" so

your attacks will take off more. The only bad thing about fighting Sakon

aggressively with the help Tenkai is that he will start to do his horizontal

spear attack that is likely to murder you in such a small room.

= Above the Prison =

Grab the MEDICINE LEVEL 2 from behind you and continue up ahead with your new

partner. In order to get past the barricade, switch to Ohatsu and use her

special ability (O) to grapple across the barricade. On the other side, open

the double doors. Grab TAKUAN'S DIARY 4 and go through the next set of doors


= Castle Courtyard =

Head off to the right side and unlock the door to let Soki through. Spear

Genma and Soldier Genma will attack. Take control of Ohatsu and shoot the

Archer Genma at the top of the building in the back to start things off, then

switch back to Soki and set Ohatsu to "Cover Fire" and she will help you

greatly. Grab the FOSSILIZED BONE from near the tree and enter through the

double doors in the middle (the door down the ramp is locked).

= Outer Gate =

The chest contains a WARRIOR'S CODE. Save your game at the Enchanted Mirror

and use it to power up Ohatsu. Enter the next door when you're ready.

= Castle Entrance =

This room can be deadly with the Door Guardian's wide range laser. Defeat the

Spider Genma first then concentrate on the Door Guardian. It's best to use Oni

Magic to chop through all three enemies to speed up the battle. ELEVATOR NOTES

are laying on the ground to the left. Enter the door up ahead since the others

are locked. Enter the door on the left and go up the ladder then use Ohatsu's

grapple ability to swing over the spikes and get the --1F EAST DOOR KEY-- on

the other side of the room. Go back down the ladder and enter the middle room.

= Folding Screen Room =

Solve the puzzle box to the side to get Ohatsu's DECADENCE and save your game

at the Enchanted Mirror.

PUZZLE BOX #2 - Sawayama Dungeon - Folding Screen Room

(1) ------------------- (2) ------------------- (3) -------------------

| * * o o o | | o o o o o | | o o o o o |

| | | | | |

| * * o o o | | o * * o o | | o o * * o |

| | | | | |

| o o o o o | | o * * o o | | o o * * o |

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

(4) -------------------

| o o o * * |

| |

| o o o * * |

| |

| o o o o o |


Grab the --1F MACHINE LEVER-- from the other side of the room. There is

nothing else to be done up the ladder for now so exit the room.

= Castle Entrance =

Position Ohatsu next to the lever on the right, then place the lever on the

left with Soki and have them both pull the levers at once. Two Ninja Genma

will attack from behind. Defeat them and use the East Door Key on the right

door then grab the SAWAYAMA CASTLE MAP off the floor and climb the ladder.

= Second Floor =

Solve the puzzle box to the side for a SAMURAI RING.

PUZZLE BOX #3 - Sawayama Dungeon - Second Floor

(1) ----------- (2) -----------

| o o o | | * * o |

| | | |

| * * o | | * * o |

| | | |

| * * o | | o o o |

----------- -----------

Walk up to the door in the back and switch to Ohatsu. Stand on the wooden

floor and use her special ability (O) to shoot the rope holding the plank. The

door to the side is locked for the moment. Go across the plank and climb down

the ladder to find the --2F CENTRAL DOOR KEY--. Run back and use the key on

the door in the middle. Soldier and Axe Genma will teleport into the room -

nothing major.

= Second Floor Corridor =

Switch to Ohatsu and bomb the gate (O) to your right upon entering. Enter the

next room to find --3F MACHINE LEVER-- and VASSAL'S MEMO 1. Go up the ladder

to find a SECRET MED LV2. Backtrack to the room where you bombed the door and

climb the ladder at the other end.

= Third Floor =

Collect VASSAL'S MEMO 2 from the back and solve the puzzle box to get a S.


PUZZLE BOX #4 - Sawayama Dungeon - Third Floor

(1) ----------- (2) -----------

| o o o | | o o o |

| | | |

| o * * | | * * o |

| | | |

| o * * | | * * o |

----------- -----------

A few Genma will teleport into the room. Use Ohatsu to shoot the Archer.

Switch to Ohatsu once again and have her grapple to the other side of the third

floor. Walk over to the right side and grab the --3F CENTRAL DOOR KEY-- and

vacuum the red souls out of the Red Soul Altar. A few Genma will teleport into

the room once again. Position Ohatsu next to the lever on her side then switch

to Soki and place the lever on his side then get each of them to pull the

lever. Unlock the door in the middle.

= Third Floor Save Room =

Solve the puzzle box to get a MAGICIAN'S RING.

PUZZLE BOX #5 - Sawayama Dungeon - Third Floor Save Room

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) -----------

| o o o | | o * * | | * * o |

| | | | | |

| * * o | | o * * | | * * o |

| | | | | |

| * * o | | o o o | | o o o |

----------- ----------- -----------

Don't use any of your souls to power up Ohatsu this time - only level up Soki

for the moment because you will definitely need it. Save your game at the

Enchanted Mirror then bomb the door with Ohatsu and enter.

Boss- Munenori

This fight is not hard if you use the right weapon. DO NOT use the Cutting

Wind or any other 5-hit combo sword because Munenori will always counter the

fifth hit with a Reverse Air Slash that will be a guaranteed hit for him since

you will be recovering when he does it. He will sometimes counter a 3-hit

combo sword as well since the final hit will hit him multiple times. Use a 4-

hit combo blade (Fire Dance, Glacier Song, Lamentation) and you will be fine.

The 4-hit combo will always knock him down. Make sure to block his sand attack

if you stand near him while he is down or he will stun you with the sand,

leaving you open to his combos. Don't every go for a finisher while he is on

the ground or Soki will be coughing up sand - combo slashes are ok, though

slightly risky. The safest time to hit Munenori is directly after his 4-hit

combo or while he is taunting you.

His attacks range from a 4-hit combo, a Reverse Air Slash, a Double Slash, and

a move where he will summon his crows after you (watch for the whistle) all of

which can be blocked. Some of the attacks will break your guard, but they will

not hit you as long as you block. The only move you have to watch out for is

his Slash then Thrust combo since the Slash will break your guard as he chains

into the Thrust. Watch for him to hold his sword to do the Slash then back

away from him or move to the side before he can catch you or attack him. Try

to beat him without losing any life if at all possible.

Grab the MEDICINE LV3 from the chest after the battle and climb back down the

ladder to save your game once again. Reenter the room and climb up the ladder

next to the giant bug in the background for a cutscene.

Boss - Genma Wasp

This boss appears hard and can actually be quite a pain if you don't see the

warnings for his attacks, but all you have to do is watch his head. The wasp

will always hiss right before it does an attack. He will do one of three

attacks after hissing. He will either release poison from his mouth in the

area next to him, try to slice you with his arm, or release a gust of wind from

his mouth. The gust and arm are both blockable, but you must move away from

the arm so it does not hit you twice since the first hit will break your guard.

You will have to move away from the area around its head when it spews poison.

The good thing about its attacks is that it will hit the Genma around the area

and most likely kill them releasing tons of souls around the room. The boss

will constantly drop eggs from its egg sac, which Genma will hatch out of. The

eggs can be destroyed but it really doesn't matter whether you destroy them or

not since there will be about five eggs at a time.

Hit the wasp in the head with any weapon of your choosing to damage it. It can

be hit at any time, but make sure to back off and prepare for its attack

whenever it hisses. Issue out the order for Roberto to "Wait and Recover"

whenever the wasp hisses in order for him to last a bit longer. Keep an eye on

the Genma around you as well while attacking the wasp, since they can sometimes

block you off when you try to dodge the wasp's attacks. It's best not to even

worry about the Genma and just let the wasp kill them. As long as you watch

the wasp very closely and react when it hisses you won't have any problems.


As usual some new items are available at the item shop. If you are confused on

what partner you should upgrade with souls for the next stage then upgrade

Tenkai. Now would be a good time to go back to any of the previous stages and

get some of the extra items that you missed with your partners.

/ /

[WTST07] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ ______ STAGE 7 ______

___________________________/ Temple of Bloodshed ___________________________/


************************************ Kyoto ************************************

= Main Street =

Turn around and use the Enchanted Mirror to get an ally. It doesn't matter

what ally you choose, but it is a very good idea to have one for this stage.

Run past the wooden carts to the left of the Enchanted Mirror to find a path

leading to an ONI JEWEL. As you rush down the main road up ahead, tons of

Genma Soldiers will charge at you and they will keep teleporting into the area.

These Genma Soldiers are much more aggressive than the ones you have been

fighting. They each will do a three hit combo after charging at you with their

weapon raised. Grab the KYOTO AREA MAP from the first stand on the right and

the MEDICINE LV 3 from the second stand on the left then go through the door at

the end.

= Connecting Road =

Rush to the left and get rid of the first Door Guardian on the wall before

dealing with the Soldier Genma. There is another Door Guardian guarding the

exit. Use the Soldier Genma as starters for Oni Magic chains so you can hit

the Door Guardians with part of the chain if you have trouble defeating them.

An ONI MED LV 2 is on the stand to the right.

= Bridge =


TEST OF VALOR #1 - Kyoto - Bridge

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Target: Genma General

Time Left: 2:00

The Genma General is heavily armored and can be hard to knock down, but that is

nothing that a little Oni Magic Critical can't fix. Rush toward the Genma

General in the back as the test starts and set your partner to "Go All-out".

Watch out for the archer's arrows as you run toward him. As you make it next

to any enemy, use Oni Magic and chain a critical hit on all of them to knock

them all down then slash away at the Genma General while he falls. Do not let

up for a second.

Gold: Ice Sword

Silver: Medicine LV2

Bronze: Wildflower


Run back to the middle of the bridge to find a puzzle box with Jubei's EARTH

BLADE inside and return to the beginning of the bridge to find an Enchanted


PUZZLE BOX #1 - Kyoto - Bridge

(1) ------------------- (2) ------------------- (3) -------------------

| o o o o o | | * * o o o | | o o * * o |

| | | | | |

| o o o * * | | * * o o o | | o o * * o |

| | | | | |

| o o o * * | | o o o o o | | o o o o o |

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

(4) -------------------

| o o o o o |

| |

| o * * o o |

| |

| o * * o o |


= Connecting Road =

Run up ahead to find a sleeping Gacha. Genma Soldiers and another Gacha will

teleport into the area so you will most likely awake the sleeping Gacha. Use

Oni Magic to chop through them all at once. There is a GAMBLER'S THIMBLE on

the stand to the left. Open the door across from the stand.

= Alleyway =

Three Armored Genma will be waiting as you walk down the street. They will

automatically attack so you can't slip past them. If you have Jubei, her

"Distract Enemy" command will really come in handy here. Genma Soldiers will

teleport into the area after the Armored Genma are defeated. Go down the small

alley to the right and grab TAKUAN'S DIARY 5 and the POWER JEWEL near the

Enchanted Mirror. Run down the road and three Door Guardians will appear at

the end. Be extremely careful while hitting the Door Guardian on the exit door

since you have to go up on a ramp and you will have to stay in front of him,

directly in the path of his laser, in order to hit him. All the Door Guardians

have a wide range with their lasers so make sure to watch them closely. Check

the chest off to the right for a TRUE TIGER EYE. Equip the True Tiger Eye to

Soki since he will need it in just a bit.

********************************* Daigo Temple ********************************

= Path to Daigo Temple =

Now you are in control of Soki alone. A cutscene will play and will introduce

the Tunneler Genma. These Genma have an intense tunneling attack that will

take off great damage if you do not block the moment they shoot up from the

ground. While they are burrowing under the ground you can stab them with a

finisher for a one hit kill if you time it just right. A few Soldier Genma

will join the Tunneler. Grab the DAIGO TEMPLE MAP from the left side of the

path. As you move up the path, fireballs will float down from ahead. Dodge

them or block as they go by. The first cherry tree that you go by will have a


= Path to Daigo Temple (continued) =

More Tunneler Genma, Soldier Genma, and Fireballs will be after you while

running up the path. The Fireballs will actually destroy the Genma if they hit

one. Check near the cherry tree right before the Enchanted Mirror to find a

chest with a WARRIOR'S RING inside. Save your game at the Enchanted Mirror and

continue upwards.

= Path to Daigo Temple (continued) =

KIYOMASA'S MEMO will by lying by the first tree as you continue along the path.

The Fireballs start to really pour down at this part so make sure to stop and

block them even if you are fighting Genma. Archer Genma will try to stop you

once you reach the second tree. The Archers now shoot out three arrows so they

will take more damage than what you are used to from prior stages. Near the

second tree you will find a POWER JEWEL. Run up the stairs to the next area.

= Juntei Hall =


TEST OF VALOR #2 - Kyoto - Juntei Hall

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Target: Don Gacha

Time Left: 1:00

The Fireballs will make this challenge harder than it should be. Start off

with Oni Magic to knock the Don Gacha down then slash at him while he is down.

Make sure to keep a sharp eye on the Fireballs that will float down from the

stairs. They will damage the Don Gacha as well as you, so they are like a

blessing and a curse at the same time. In order to get a gold, stay locked on

to the Don Gacha at ALL TIMES and use Oni Magic while you block the fireballs.

You can afford to get hit once and still get a gold.

Gold: Black Rifle

Silver: Purple Ring

Bronze: Red Mushrooms


This is an excellent place to Soul farm if you need some extra souls for

upgrades, just exit the area and reenter for some more Soldier Genma to spawn.

The Test of Valor will yield some decent soul amounts as well. Save your game

at the Enchanted Mirror and head up the stairs.

= Stairs to Daigo Temple =

Run up the stairs and dodge the Fireballs that float down. Near the middle you

will find a SECRET MED LV2. Near the top, the Fireballs will become quite

intense for such a narrow stairway so you will be forced to block at times. A

cutscene will play once you reach the top.

Boss - Sakon

Now we're back in control of Tenkai. This boss fight is basically the same as

the last time you fought Sakon only this time you have a bigger area to fight

him in, which is a major blessing! In fact there is so much space this time

that you do not even have to worry about blocking if you follow the method

below. At the start of the battle run directly behind him and start attacking.

He's much easier to stun this time so you'll be able to hit him a bit more than

the last battle, but be sure to back off when he resummons his fire shield

around him after stunning him. Run to one of the ends of the stage and wait

for him to do three swings then run behind him and attack him. Run away when

he starts to summon his fire shield once again then wait for the three hits.

Get behind him again and attack. Wash, rinse, repeat and you'll have him down

in no time! If you hit him with Tenkai's Hell Jab while he is stunned you can

wear him down very quickly. Tap the [] button to keep the Hell Jab going.

Boss - Genma Generals

With the power of the Oni activated, you will be invincible during this fight

so you can't lose. Use / slices to speed up the battle.

Boss - Hideyoshi

For the first part of this battle you will be invincible once again. Use /

slashes to quickly take Hideyoshi's life down.

Once he nears half of his life, the real battle will begin. He will summon

more power and his attacks will become more aggressive plus they will now take

damage from you. Use / to hit him, but be sure to guard immediately after

hitting him since he will most likely retaliate with an energy shot. He will

release a bunch of energy spheres around the area during the fight. The energy

spheres are the main things that make this battle annoying since you will

constantly have to watch out for them while chasing him and they will break

your guard to where his other moves will hit you. He may sometimes stop and

shoot some of his power into the energy spheres, which will connect them all

with electricity as they move around the area. The electricity is blockable,

but the spheres will break your guard to where the electricity will hit if they

pass by you, so it is best to try to hit Hideyoshi while he charges the spheres

with his power if possible. If you keep hitting him, the energy spheres will

eventually disappear and he will have to summon more. The more aggressive you

are during this battle, the easier the battle will be. This battle takes

patience, but if you block directly after hitting him and dodge his spheres

well then you will not have to use any recovery items to defeat him.

/ /

[WTST08] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ ____ STAGE 8 ____

_____________________________/ Onimusha Awoken _____________________________/


********************************** Mount Hiei *********************************

= Forest Path =

Rush down the path ahead and a cutscene will play that will introduce you to

one of the more annoying enemies in this game, the Disc Thrower Genma. These

enemies will constantly hop around the area and toss energy disc from long

range. They can be hard to catch at times, but they will annoy you pretty

badly when mixed with other enemies, so try to hunt them down first. Genma

Soldiers will accompany them this time. Set Ohatsu's command to "Cover fire"

to help you out a bit. Grab the RARE MUSHROOMS near the bottom of the fallen

tree and continue forward.

= Ancient Forest =

Solve the puzzle box to the side to get a CHARON'S BELL and save your game at

the Enchanted Mirror.

PUZZLE BOX #1 - Mount Hiei - Ancient Forest

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| * * o | | o o o | | o o o | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | * * o | | o o o | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | * * o | | o * * | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | o o o | | o * * | | * * o |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | o o o | | o o o | | * * o |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

When you run through the tunnel up ahead a Don Gacha will appear behind you.

Further ahead more Disc Thrower Genma will appear.

= Forest Clearing =

A MEDICINE LV2 is lying off to the side. Soldier Genma will teleport into the

area and attack. Walk down the path in the back to continue. You will reach

another clearing. There is a puzzle box in the back of the left path with

Soki's ONI CUTTER inside, but a Gacha and a Don Gacha will teleport into the

area after you approach it. Be sure to have Ohatsu set to "Cover fire" and use

Oni Magic to chain kill them. Try to work them away from each other for the

best results. Make sure to get the Oni Cutter since you will definitely need

it! When you enter the next area a cutscene will start.

PUZZLE BOX #2 - Mount Hiei - Forest Clearing

(1) ----------- (2) -----------

| * * o | | o o o |

| | | |

| * * o | | o * * |

| | | |

| o o o | | o * * |

----------- -----------

= Ruins =

Walk up each side of the destroyed building to find a puzzle box containing a

LANCE RING on the left side and a MT. HIEI MAP and an ONI JEWEL on the right


PUZZLE BOX #3 - Mount Hiei - Ruins

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) -----------

| o o o | | o * * | | o * * |

| | | | | |

| * * o | | o * * | | o * * |

| | | | | |

| * * o | | o o o | | o o o |

----------- ----------- -----------

If you awaken the sleeping Don Gacha (hit them) you will engage in TEST OF

VALOR #1. I would highly suggest waiting until you have a partner and a bit

more magic before attempting this one.


TEST OF VALOR #1 - Mount Hiei - Ruins

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Target: Don Gacha X3

Time Left: 2:00

Oni Magic Critical Chains are the key to winning this battle. Work on the two

Don Gacha's on the right side first. Knock them down with a Critical Chain

then slash at them while they get up. You just basically have to be leveled up

enough to take off some good damage to finish this test of valor. If you see

that a Don Gacha is about to hit you then quickly use Oni Magic on him. Your

partner can help out a bit, but make sure to have him guard if the Don Gachas

continually knock him down.

Gold: Ground Gloves

Silver: Secret Med LV2

Bronze: Wildflower


In the back of the building you will find a FRIENDSHIP SCARF in the chest to

the right and a Red Soul Altar to the left. Run up the stairs.

= Pagoda Remains =

Near the top of the stairs a MT. HIEI LEGEND 1 file will be lying on the

ground. At the very top you will find a chest with Ohatsu's GUARDIAN inside,

some RARE MUSHROOMS off to the right side, and an Enchanted Mirror to the

right. Start powering up the Oni Cutter now! The Bomber Genma will be

introduced after you collect the Guardian from the chest. These enemies will

lay down bombs near you then run off as the bomb explodes. The bomb is

unblockable so you must keep your distance from it. Disc Thrower Genma will

jump down from the trees eventually. Head to the left path.

= Forest Path =

Bomber Genma will teleport into the area eventually as you run down the path

along with some Soldier Genma.

= Temple Entrance =

Grab the FOSSILIZED BONE in the chest to the left and go through the shrine

door to find plenty of Bombers and Soldier Genma.

= Lazuline Hall Courtyard =

A file on MT. HIEI LEGEND 2 will be lying next to the tree to the right. Run

up the stairs and grab the SECRET MED LV1 to the left and save your game at the

Enchanted Mirror then enter the temple. Make sure to power up the Oni Cutter.

** For the parts below, make sure to look at your map on the game (Select) when

comparing it to the diagrams to help you out. Please note that the Exit

Portal will be random and will be one of the three portals on that floor. You

must go to the Candle Room on each floor in order to know what portal to use in

order to make it to the next floor. The RED candle will show you the correct

portal and BLUE candle will show you your current room.

= Oni Mansion First Floor =

Collect the ONI MANSION MAP from the side because you definitely will need it.

Move up one room and grab the --ORANGE KEY-- from the floor. The candles will

show you which room you need to get to in order to reach the next level. You

will need to enter the correct portal in the correct room in order to proceed

deeper into the Oni Mansion. If you choose the wrong portal then you will be

teleported back to the current floor. From the candle room, turn right and go

all the way to the room marked with the Orange Key at the bottom. There will

be an Invisible Genma inside along with a chest that contains some FANGS. Go

all the way to the top right room on the map and grab the MEDICINE LV 2 then

make your way to the Exit Portal as shown in the Candle Room (it is one of the

three portals on this floor).

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | | | |

| |-| - |-| Medicine |

| |-| - |-| Lv2 |

| | | | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | | | |

| - CANDLE - - |

| - ROOM - - |

| | |Orange Key | | | | |

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

| | | | | | | |

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

| | | | | | | |

| - * START - - |

| - - - |

| | | | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | | | |

| |-| <-ORANGE - - |

| |-| <- KEY - - |

| | | | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------


| ALL CAPS = Important Room, Important Enemy, Barred/Unlockable Door |

| |

| Lowercase = Item, Puzzle Box |

| |

| * = Start |


= Oni Mansion Second Floor =

A Mushroom Genma will appear and summon electric spheres to guard the doors all

around you. Use thrust attacks with the Oni Cutter to cut the Mushroom Genma

down quickly. Make sure to move back when it starts to shake to avoid the

poison. You need to make it to the room on the right side of where you start

to get the last Mushroom Genma and to get rid of the electric spheres in the

other rooms. The door to your right is barred so go left and go all the way

around to it. Fight off the second Mushroom Genma to get rid of the rest of

the electric spheres. Unbar the door that leads back to the start. Grab the

ONI MED LV2 in the bottom right room and the --ORANGE KEY-- from the top right

room. Use the Orange Key to unlock the door on the right side labeled below to

enter the Candle Room. The treasure chest in the Candle Room will contain a

WOLF NECKLACE. Scope out where the Exit Portal is and run to that room.

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | | | |

| | | |-| | | Orange |

| | | |-| | | Key |

| | | | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | MUSHROOM1 | | MUSHROOM2 | | |

| |-| * START |-| |-| |

| |-| |-| <-UNBAR |-| |

| | | | | DOOR | | |

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----------

| | | | | |

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----------

| | | | | | | CANDLE |

| - - ORANGE-> |-| ROOM |

| - - KEY -> |-| Wolf |

| | | | | | | Necklace |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | | | |

| |-| | | |-| Oni Med |

| |-| | | |-| Lv2 |

| | | | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

= Oni Mansion Third Floor =

From the start, run and grab the ORANGE KEY in the left middle room then run to

the room containing the Mushroom Genma and defeat him. Solve the puzzle box in

the room with the Mushroom Genma to receive a KNIGHT RING (solution is below

map). Sadly, all the enemies will still be present even though the Mushroom

Genma is gone. Be on the watch for the Invisible Genma in the room with the

Bomber on the right side. The Candle Room on the right will have an Enchanted

Mirror in it. Grab the ULTRA MED LV2 before moving to the Exit Portal.

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | | | |

| |-| |-| |-| Ultra |

| |-| |-| |-| Med Lv2 |

| | | | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | ORANGE | | EM (SAVE) |

| - UNBAR -> |-| KEY |-| <-UNBAR |

| - DOOR -> |-| || |-| <-DOOR |

| | |(other side| | vv | |CANDLE ROOM|

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | | | |

| - Orange - MUSHROOM |-| |

| - Key - Puzzle |-| |

| | | | | Box | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- ----- -----

| | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- ----- -----

| | | | | | | |

| * START |-| |-| <-UNBAR |-| <-UNBAR |

| |-| |-| <-DOOR |-| <-DOOR |

| | | | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

PUZZLE BOX #1 - Oni Mansion - Level 3

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| * * o | | o o o | | o * * | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | o * * | | o * * | | * * o |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | o * * | | o o o | | * * o |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

= Oni Mansion Fourth Floor =

Run straight ahead of where you start and defeat the first Mushroom Genma. Try

to maneuver the Armored Genma in the room to one side then thrust attack the

Mushroom Genma. Another Mushroom Genma will appear in another room after the

first has been defeated. Don't continue into the room with the Invisible Genma

yet, go to the room on the right (look at map) and pick up the --PURPLE KEY--

in the far right middle room. Unbar the door and head to the room with the

Invisible Genma. Unlock the door on the south side using the Purple Key.

Unbar all the doors on the south side and collect the --ORANGE KEY-- and the

INVENTION NOTES in the chest. A word of warning, when you unlock the door with

the Orange Key, prepare to block when you enter the next room since two

electric spheres joined by an electric current will be moving around the room.

As long as you are blocking they cannot hit you. Enter the room with the

Mushroom Genma and defeat him to get rid of all the electric spheres and grab

the WARRIOR'S CODE from the chest. Travel to the North Room to find the Candle

Room. Find the correct portal and exit.

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

|CANDLE ROOM| | | | | | |

| UNBAR-> |-| * START | | |-| |

| DOOR-> |-| | | |-| |

| | | | | | | |

----------- ----- ----- ----------- -----------

| | | | | | | |

----------- ----- ----- ----------- -----------

| ^^ | | | | | |Purple Key |


| MUSHROOM 2| | |-| |-| <-DOOR |

| War Code | | | | | | |

----------- ----- ----- ----------- -----------

| | | |

----------- ----- ----- ----------- -----------

| | | | | | | |

| UNBAR |-|<ORANGE KEY|-| |-| Invention |

| DOOR |-|PURPLE KEY |-| |-| Notes |

| vv | | vv | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | ^^ | | ^^ |

| UNBAR-> |-| UNBAR-> |-| UNBAR-> |-| UNBAR |

| DOOR-> |-| DOOR-> |-| DOOR-> |-| DOOR |

| | | | | | |Orange Key |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

= Oni Mansion Fifth Floor =

And so the nightmare continues...sorry, I meant welcome to the Fifth Floor of

the Oni Mansion! First off, save your game at the Enchanted Mirror. Run up

two rooms and then run to the right quickly to avoid the electric spheres and

Door Guardian. Defeat the Door Guardian blocking the locked door and go down

two room to find the --ORANGE KEY--. Run back up two rooms and unlock the door

with the Orange Key to find the --PURPLE KEY-- and a puzzle box containing a

BLUE BELL in the next room. Run back to the room with the spinning electric

sphere and the Door Guardian. Stand to either side and defeat the Door

Guardian VERY carefully. Make sure to watch for his laser! Unlock the door

with the Purple Key and go up one room to find the --BLUE KEY--. Go down two

rooms to find a Door Guardian guarding a barred door and a Mushroom Genma in

the room right beside you. Defeat the Door Guardian and unbar the door then

take out the Mushroom Genma by standing in the doorway and thrusting at him. A

Bomber will teleport into the room after you destroy the Mushroom Genma. Solve

the puzzle box north of that room to find a DRAGON OF PEACE charm. Go down to

the middle south to find the --GREEN KEY--. Return to the room across from the

Candle Room to unlock the door and enter the Candle Room. Run back to the room

where you found the Purple Key and use the Blue Key on the locked door. Grab

the MEDICINE LV3 from the chest, but don't go through the portal in that room.

Run all the way to whichever of the three portals is the Exit Portal to exit

the fifth floor and start a cutscene.

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | | |Purple Key |

| CANDLE |-| <-GREEN | | Medicine |-| <-BLUE |

| ROOM |-| <-KEY | | Lv3 |-| <-KEY |

| | | | | | |Puzzle Box2|

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | | | ^^ |

|Puzzle Box3 - |-| <-PURPLE - ORANGE |

| - |-| <-KEY - KEY |

| | | | | | | |

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

| | | | | | | |

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

| | | | | | | |

| MUSHROOM - UNBAR-> |-| - |

| - DOOR-> |-| - |

| | | | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | | |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

| | | | |(SAVE) | | |

| |-| Green | | * START |-| <-UNBAR |

| |-| Key | | |-| <-DOOR |

| | | | | | |Orange Key |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

PUZZLE BOX #2 - Oni Mansion - Fifth Floor

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| o * * | | o o o | | o o o | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| o * * | | * * o | | o o o | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | * * o | | o o o | | o * * |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | o o o | | * * o | | o * * |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | o o o | | * * o | | o o o |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

PUZZLE BOX #3 - Oni Mansion - Fifth Floor

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) -----------

| o o o | | o o o | | o * * |

| | | | | |

| * * o | | * * o | | o * * |

| | | | | |

| * * o | | * * o | | o o o |

----------- ----------- -----------

= Oni Mansion Top Floor =

Boss - Gargant

Use the Oni Cutter for this battle. In order to hit this boss you will have to

break his weapon. When the battle starts, run up and hit him until he jumps

away or jumps behind you, then hit him a few more times until he jumps again.

Usually he will jump away after three hits, sometimes less. NEVER do the full

combo in this battle or he will most likely hit you while you recover. You

will have to constantly follow this boss around the room as you hit him. He

will block each hit as long as he has his sword.

Eventually his sword will break and you will be able to hit him. This is where

you can totally murder him if you know just how to hit him. Hit him with just

enough hits to where you are about to go into the final hit of your combo then

pause and use a thrust on him. Continue the combo after the thrust then right

before ending the combo do another thrust. So your combo should be [], [], [],

[], pause, forward + [], repeat. If you can keep this up, you can nearly kill

him before he gets his weapon back. This method works even better with a 4-hit

combo blade, but your most powerful blade will most likely be the Oni Cutter so

I would suggest using that weapon instead. Eventually he will parry your

attacks and his weapon will start to form in his hands again then you will have

to break it like before. If you do normal combos (and knock him down) while he

is weaponless he will regenerate his sword much faster, but if you never knock

him down, like I suggested, then you will be able to get in plenty of hits

before he regenerates the sword. All of his attacks can be blocked except for

his force field move that he will do at the end of combos and while weaponless.

Not all of his combos end with the force field, but there is no warning as to

what move he will do at the end of each combo. Try to beat him without losing

too much life since you have another battle after this one.

Magic attacks work well against him when he doesn't have his blade as well.

Hit him with a level 1 Oni Magic attack then follow it up with a critical

attack to stun him - you can do another Oni Magic Critical while he is stunned.

If you have enough Oni Meds you can actually kill him by doing continuous Oni

Magic Criticals while he is stunned. This is actually easier than the other

way, but you're going to need some Oni Meds to keep your magic gauge filled.

Depending on how leveled up your blade is, you might need quite a few Oni Meds.

Soki will gain the ONI ORB after defeating the boss. A cutscene will take

place then another boss battle will start.

Boss - Genma Ohatsu

This battle is much like the last battle with Ohatsu except this time there is

no cover for you or her. Block her bullets as you move toward her then attack

her with a combo or a thrust attack (if you have the extra thrust move). Don't

stand next to her as she gets up or she might hit you with a burst round. If

she fires normally again, then hit her afterwards. Eventually she will grapple

to another side of the room and you must make your way to her once again while

blocking her bullets. She relies on burst rounds toward the end of the battle

so make sure to watch out for them by keeping your distance until she fires

normal rounds. Once you take all of her life you will have a split second to

do a Sword of Purification move on her to purify her. It will say "R2: Purify"

on the top right of the screen. Make sure to wait for that message to appear

before performing the purification. Ohatsu will be dazed during the message.

Use the Stab (Forward + R2) to easily hit her while she's dazed and end the

battle. If you miss, she will regain all of her life and you will be forced to

wear her down again. The Purifying Sword will always recharge after a while so

you can perform the move again.


Much more is now available! First of all, if you have a Warrior's Code and

Invention Notes, allow Ohatsu to combine them to receive a Merchant Stamp for

20% off all of the Merchant's items while equipped. Your skills can now be

fully upgraded. Attack has 10 slots available and every other command that was

once transparent can now be filled to max level by upgrading your skills. Some

new items are available in the shop. Talk to Minokichi and you will see that

you now have a new "Dark Realm" option. Be sure to save before choosing it.

The Dark Realm will allow you to go through 100 levels of Genma fighting and

will provide you with a special item at the end of every ten stages. You can

exit the Dark Realm at any time after clearing one level of enemies by entering

the portal and choosing "Hideout". You should use this as you main source of

leveling up for the coming stages. Be sure to keep a backup save at your

Hideout just in case you feel that you need to level up more to make your way

through the current stage. You also have access to the Oni Awakening Powers,

which are exclusive to each chacter. Fill the Overdrive Gauge around the

current Magic Element to use the Oni Awakening. Walk to the open door and try

to exit to start the next stage.

**************************** Mount Hiei (Backtrack) ***************************

Return to the very end of this area, right in front of Lazuline Hall for the

second Test of Valor.

= Lazuline Hall Courtyard =


TEST OF VALOR #2 - Lazuline Hall Courtyard - Mount Hiei (Backtrack)

Absorb souls within the time limit!

Souls: 2000

Time Left: 3:00

The best way to finish this Test of Valor with a good ranking is to not worry

as much about the Soul Absorber Genma that will float above you. Concentrate

on getting as many Oni Magic Critical Chains on the Soldier Genma as you can to

help increase the souls. Drain the souls immediately afterward before the Soul

Absorber gets a chance to absorb the souls. It is best not to have your

partner help you out since they will just mess up the chains. Ohatsu might be

able to help you take down the Soul Absorber with her long distance attacks if

you decide to go after him.

Gold: Battle Rifle

Silver: Pearl Ring

Bronze: Red Mushrooms


/ /

[WTST09] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ ____ STAGE 9 ____

_____________________________/ Storming Azuchi _____________________________/


******************************** Azuchi Castle ********************************

= Gate =

As Minokichi explains at the beginning, you can kick the Cannon Genma to make

them change their firing direction. You can actually make them fire on other

Genma if they are facing the right way. Here you will be swamped by an endless

amount of Soldier Genma that will constantly teleport into the area. This is

an excellent place to build up your Overdrive Gauge. Use Soki's Purifying

Sword to kill the enemies and get Purple Souls to quickly fill your Overdrive.

Defeat the Cannon Genma to get rid of the force field in front of the gate.

The chest on the left contains a POWER JEWEL and you will find an A. CASTLE

GROUNDS MAP next to the Enchanted Mirror. Go through the gateway ahead.

= Open Area =


TEST OF VALOR #1 - Azuchi Castle - Open Area

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Target: Crab Walker

Time Left: 5:00

Stay away from the middle since the Cannon Genma will be firing constantly in

the middle portion. This is a hard one, and you'll most likely have to

backtrack to get a gold here. Take control of Ohatsu and fire constantly at

the Crab Walker while you have Soki set to "Go All-out". Quickly change Soki

to wait and recover when you see the Crab Walker readying an attack with his

arm or jumping. Keep your distance with Ohatsu and keep firing. If you have a

high level gun then you should finish him quickly. The annoying part about

this test is that the Crab Walker will constantly jump to different areas so

you will have to follow him quite a bit. You must beat him within the first

two minutes for a gold.

Gold: Gleam

Silver: Ultra Med LV2

Bronze: Wildflower


The puzzle box to the right side of the exit contains a WOLF RING.

PUZZLE BOX #1 - Azuchi Castle - Open Area

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) -----------

| * * o | | o o o | | o * * |

| | | | | |

| * * o | | o * * | | o * * |

| | | | | |

| o o o | | o * * | | o o o |

----------- ----------- -----------

= Old Battleground =

Mushroom Genma will release Spear Genma as you enter this area. The Spear

Genma will rush you, but make sure to let them come to you so more Spear Genma

do not come behind them. Grab TAKUAN'S DIARY 6 to the side of the Enchanted

Mirror and switch to Ohatsu. Equip a weapon that will reach the Mushroom Genma

in the back and shoot him from a distance. Do this for the next Mushroom Genma

down the path ahead and this will save you a few headaches. Any type of rifle

works well. A Don Gacha will appear as you move to the right. He's not much

of a problem by himself if you have already defeated the surrounding Mushroom

Genma and have Ohatsu set to "Cover Fire". Switch control to Ohatsu and move

toward the area far down to the left of the folding ladder and you should be

able to grapple up to the area above from there. Look for the blue glow.

While on top with Ohatsu, run over to the folding ladder and unfold it so Soki

can climb up. With Ohatsu, target the Genma Mushroom in the back and destroy

it. This thing will summon Spider Genma if you allow it to. Two Don Gacha

will teleport into the area - the second will not appear until after the first

is destroyed. Grab the SECRET MED LV2 from the side and go through the gate at

the end.

= Mountain =

Take control of Ohatsu and shoot the Archer all the way in the background on

the side of the mountain before you go up the ladder.


TEST OF VALOR #2 - Azuchi Castle - Mountain

Carry out the technique within the time limit!

Technique: Finisher X5

Time Left: 3:00

Equip your lowest level sword then hit the Tunneler Genma until you knock them

down. Rush over and use a finisher to stab them while they are on the ground

and keep tapping []. If Soki drives his sword deeper into the grounded Genma

that will count as a finisher as well, so you can get a total two per knockdown

if you tap the button. Don't forget that you can stab the Tunnelers while they

burrow under the ground! If you return (from backtracking) to this mission

with too high of a level, then try equipping your worst weapon.

You can also use the Lift (Back +[]) move to uppercut the Tunnelers' into the

air then stab them while they are on the ground.

Another useful technique to do this quickly is to use Roberto's ground attack.

Each of his attacks will count as a finisher. This means that you will have to

backtrack to this stage after you get him however.

Gold: Flame Blade

Silver: Pearl Ring

Bronze: Red Mushrooms


After the battle switch to Ohatsu and shoot at the crows until they stop

teleporting into the area. They will stop eventually. Move to the area to the

right of the folding ladder (stand away from the wall a bit) then grapple to

the area above with Ohatsu. Run over to the folding ladder and unfold it for

Soki then grab the ONI JEWEL next to the door. Go through the door to enter

Azuchi Castle.

= Castle Entrance =

Run ahead and Soki will notice the force field down the hall and comment on it.

Switch to Ohatsu and position her on the red block to open the shell above the

door. Use O to shoot the inside of the shell and the force field will

deactivate. "That damn Munenori..." indeed, since you will have to use Ohatsu

to deactivate force fields like this one throughout Castle Azuchi. Run down

the hall and defeat the Genma up ahead - use Ohatsu for the Genma in the

distance and behind the force fields. Use the pole and grapple to the area

ahead with Ohatsu then shoot the archer on the other side. Grapple again to

reach the door on the other end. Ohatsu will comment on having good sight of

the shell above the door. Stand in that place (it's actually further back) and

have Soki step on the green square on his side to open the shell then shoot it

with Ohatsu. Now Soki can get across to Ohatsu's side. Position one of your

characters next to the lever and then the other next to the barred door. Pull

the lever to lower the bars in front of the door then quickly switch to your

other character and enter the door.

= Elevator Room =

Soldier Genma and a Disc Thrower will attack as you enter this room. Fight

them off and grab the ONI MED LV3 next to the Enchanted Mirror. After saving

your game, pick up the EMERGENCY PROCEDURE file next to the elevator. Don't

you just love how madmen always leave their most important files lying around

in the open in action games nowadays? Move toward the door with the Genma on

it and blow it up with Ohatsu. Ohatsu will mention that she can see another

device in the background that she can get a clear shot at. You can go either

way and you'll eventually have to go both ways, but I'll start with the area

behind the door you are closest to.

= East Rooftop =

Ninja Genma will attack as you walk along the roof. Pick up the NECKLACE OF

PEACE in the chest on the outer edge and grab the AZUCHI CASTLE MAP near the

lever. Take control of Ohatsu and move up the ramp in the roof to the right of

the lever until you see a blue glow. Grapple to the pole and pull yourself

across. Lower the folding ladder to make things easier when you backtrack to

this stage later. Like before, position one of your characters near the barred

door at the top and position the other in front of the lever. Pull the lever

with one character then go through the door with your other character.

= East Trap Room =

Fight off the Soldier Genma then position Ohatsu on the top of the ramp and

position Soki on the yellow square where the light is shining. Shoot the shell

in the back with Ohatsu to disable the force field past the blades. Quickly

switch to Soki and run over to the blades. The blades are set to where you can

run past the last two in one run. Stay on the left side while running past

them. Wait for the first blade to move all the way into the floor on the left

side then run past it and stop. Wait for the second blade to do the same and

then run past the last two blades in one run. If you are not fast enough then

the force field will reappear. Grab the MEDICINE LV2 on the ground and operate

--MACHINE 1-- in the background. One more to go. Don't worry about the stuff

to the side, you'll have to get that when you backtrack. Return to the

Elevator Room.

= Elevator Room =

Leave Ohatsu on the ramp as you enter then defeat the Genma and stand on the

red square. Shoot the open shell with Ohatsu to get rid of the red force

field. Move to the other side and shoot those annoying Genma on the floor

below then position one of your characters next to the lever (look behind you)

and the other character next to the barred door. You know what to do.

= West Rooftop =

A pole and lever will be shown to you as you enter the area. There are some

INVENTION NOTES in the chest on the outer edge, next to the bottom door.

Switch to Ohatsu and shoot those annoying crows on your way up the left side of

the ramp leading to the pole. Grapple to the pole to swing to the top of the

roof. Lower the folding ladder for Soki then do the usual for the lever and

unbarred door. Position, pull, open door!

= West Trap Room =

Get rid of the Armored Genma first then take care of the Soldier Genma. Just

like the East Room, have Soki stand on the yellow square and have Ohatsu shoot

the shell in the background past the blades. Run over to the blades with Soki

and move to the left side like before. Wait for the first blade to go in on

the left side then run past the first two blades and stop at the third. Wait

for the third to do the same then run to the other side. Collect the MEDICINE

LV2 and operate --MACHINE 2-- then leave.

= West Rooftop =

Ninja Genma will attack this time. Go through the door below the ladder.

= Castle Entrance =

As you enter, a few Genma will spawn. Switch to Ohatsu to defeat the soldier

Genma. Position Soki on the blue square then shoot the blue open shell with

Ohatsu from the top of the ramp. This will disable the blue force field, but

don't go that way just yet. Enter through the door near the blue square.

= Elevator Room (Bottom Floor)

In here you will find some more Genma, the --TOYOTOMI CREST-- next to the door,

a LUCKY CHARM in the chest off to the right, and a puzzle box containing Soki's


PUZZLE BOX #2 - Azuchi Castle - Elevator Room (Bottom Floor)

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) -----------

| o * * | | o o o | | o o o |

| | | | | |

| o * * | | * * o | | o * * |

| | | | | |

| o o o | | * * o | | o * * |

----------- ----------- -----------

Return to the Elevator Room top floor via the Castle Entrance you were just at.

= Elevator Room =

Power up Soki's Victory Gale as much as you can so you'll have a weapon as

powerful as the Oni Cutter, plus you'll be able to use Oni Magic with it - not

a bad combination. Walk up the elevator door below the rotating gears to the

side and enter the elevator.

= Walkway to Roof =

Place the Toyotomi Crest on the door in front of you and enter the door for a


= Rooftop of Azuchi Castle =

Boss - Munenori

This fight is very similar to the last battle and if you are using Soki's

Victory Gale it will be just as easy since Munenori will not be able to counter

you with his jumping counter. Like last time, if you do not use a 4-hit sword

then he will counter your fifth hit with his reverse jumping slash. He will

still have all the same moves from last time - the usual combo, crow attack,

slash then unblockable stab, sand attack while getting up, etc. Use Oni Magic

with your weapon to really flood him with damage. Hit him as he falls from the

Critical Slash of the Oni Magic. You can set Ohatsu to "All-out attack" and

she will help to slowly take his life down from a distance. He will not attack

her unless you are controlling her or if she is right by you.

He will have a surprise for you once his life reaches a little below the

halfway mark. He will remove his eyepatch and will gain a teleport. This does

not make him any harder than he was before except for the fact that you might

lose sight of him for about two seconds. He will usually reappear somewhere

right next to you after teleporting. If you unleash your Oni Awakening you can

make very short work of him with / slashes, but it's really not needed.


A few new items are now available at the shop. Don't forget to level up

Jubei's skills at the Enchanted Mirror.

************************** Azuchi Castle (Backtrack) **************************

The Castle part is the only area that has some extra items, so head all the way

back to the castle from where you start. Bring Jubei with you.

= Castle Entrance =

Switch to Jubei as you enter the castle and run down the hall ahead. Turn to

your right and you will see a board that Jubei can cross. Cross the board and

pick up the DRIVE MED LV2 from the piece of floor below. Go through the door

that is on the west side of the room and head to the West Trap Room from the

Rooftop outside (climb the ladder).

= West Trap Room =

Head to the back of the room with Jubei, next to the machine, and crawl under

the wreckage in the back. Enter the door on the left side and climb over the

piece of floor against the wall. Unbar the door at the end. Take control of

Soki and go back through the door that Jubei just came through. Switch to

Roberto as your partner and use him to push the block into the hole in the

floor. Switch your partner to Ohatsu and go through the door on the other side

of the block. Bomb the door off to the side with Ohatsu and enter it. Grab

the ONI OF PEACE charm from the right chest and the ROSARY OF HEALTH from the

left puzzle box on the rooftop outside. The left puzzle box blends in well

with the rooftop.

PUZZLE BOX #3 - Azuchi Castle - West Trap Room (Rooftop)

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| o o o | | o o o | | o * * | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | o * * | | o * * | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | o * * | | o o o | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | o o o | | o o o | | * * o |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | o o o | | o o o | | * * o |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Switch your partner to Tenkai and head all the way back to the Castle Entrance,

then go to the East Rooftop.

= East Rooftop =

Take control of Tenkai and climb the folding ladder above the entrance. Talk

to the dead body at the top to receive a GEM OF BRAVERY. If the folding ladder

is not down, then you need to bring Ohatsu back here so she can swing across

the rooftop and let it down. Go back to the Enchanted Mirror and change your

partner to Jubei then enter the East Trap Room via the East Rooftop.

= East Trap Room =

Walk to the back, near the machine, and walk across the board with Jubei. Open

the door on the other side. Walk across the piece of floor next to the wall

then walk across the board on the other side to find a puzzle box. Open the

puzzle box to find Jubei's ODENTA blade.

PUZZLE BOX #4 - Azuchi Castle - East Trap Room

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) -----------

| o o o | | o o o | | o * * |

| | | | | |

| o * * | | * * o | | o * * |

| | | | | |

| o * * | | * * o | | o o o |

----------- ----------- -----------

Walk back across the board and unbar the door then head to the area where you

fought Munenori. Switch to your best partner at the Enchanted Mirror.

= Rooftop of Azuchi Castle =

Walk toward the left side to start Test of Valor #3.


TEST OF VALOR #3 - Azuchi Castle - Rooftop of Azuchi Castle

Absorb souls within the time limit!

Souls: 2000

Time Left: 4:00

It is best to equip your worst weapon so that you will not kill the Genma

Soldiers by hitting them with an Oni Magic attack. Hit the Genma Soldiers with

Oni Magic Critical Chains. Try to work them together so that you can hit a

bunch of them at once. Don't worry too much about the Soul Absorbers. If you

manage to pull one near you then quickly change to your best weapon and defeat

him, then switch back to your worst weapon for more critical chains. Genma

Mages will start to appear in the last few minutes of this battle. If you see

them, then you have taken too long and will not be able to get a gold rank.

Gold: Horn of Susano

Silver: Ultra Med LV2

Bronze: Lizard


Grab the GEM OF VALOR from the chest on the left side of the roof after the


/ /

[WTST10] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ ___ STAGE 10 ___

______________________________/ The Mad Doctor _____________________________/


******************************* Western Hospital ******************************

= Entrance =

As you walk into the room ahead, a new enemy will appear. These Genma Mages

will float around the room and summon Genma Zombies while they remain alive.

Defeat the Mages as quick as possible with a Lift attack followed by constant

slashing. The Zombies are similar to normal Genma Soldiers except they take a

few hits to stagger. Grab the WESTERN HOSPITAL MAP from the small bookcase on

the left and the ULTRA MED LV2 from the seat on the right. The handle next to

the middle door cannot be used at the moment so enter the door on the right.

= Bedroom =

Collect TAKUAN'S DIARY 7 from the floor as you enter the room and the WARRIOR'S

CODE from off the drawers next to the bed. When you walk to the back of the

room a Big Genma Zombie will appear behind you. These enemies are much like

the Gacha's with their attacks - they attack slowly, but their attacks take

quite a bit off and they are nearly unstoppable. Get in the back of him and

attack or prepare to block whenever the Zombie starts to vomit. Set your

partner to "All-out Attack" then attack him yourself in order to knock him

down. In the back of the room you will find a MEDICINE LV2 and the --POWER

ROOM KEY--. Return to the Entrance and enter the other door across from you.

= Patients Room =

A POWER JEWEL is on the chair to the side of the Enchanted Mirror. Unlock the

door to the right with the Power Room Key.

= Power Room =

Run up the stairs and push the button on the device up ahead. This will

activate the handle back at the Entrance.

= Entrance =

A Big Genma Zombie and several smaller Zombies will teleport into the room.

Defeat the Big Zombie first then focus on the smaller ones. After the fight,

pull the handle next to the middle door to open it. Enter the elevator up


= Surgery Corridor =

Grab the HOSPITAL REGISTER from the floor up ahead and walk down the corridor.

A Genma Mage along with a few Zombies will teleport into the area if take too

long to activate TEST OF VALOR #1 by entering the middle of the hall.


TEST OF VALOR #1 - Western Hospital - Surgery Corridor

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Target: Dark Puppet X2

Time Left: 3:00

You can damage these enemies normally with any attack, but you must use Soki's

Sword of Purification to finish them off for the final hit or they will regain

all of their health and attack again. These enemies are extremely vicious when

there is more than one, so make sure to use a partner. Tell your partner to

defend once he or she is about to kill a Dark Puppet. Ohatsu with "Cover Fire"

or Jubei with "Distract Enemy" works well for this part. Distract Enemy is by

far the best, however, since Jubei will lead both Dark Puppets away from you.

Gold: Meteor Shower

Silver: Indigo Ring

Bronze: Red Mushrooms


Be sure to save your game at the Enchanted Mirror, then open the door at the

end of the hall for a cutscene.

= Surgery =

Boss - Luis Frois

When the battle starts run up to him and attack. Set your partner to "Go All-

out" and slash away! He will teleport around the area, but if you stay right

on top him you shouldn't have any problems hitting him. If you hit him with an

H. Splitter ([] + O) as the first hit after he teleports you can knock him down

then stab him afterwards. It doesn't really take off that much more than

normal attacks but it sure is funny as hell how fast he hits the floor. The

battle seems easy doesn't it? Wrong.

When you've taken around 25% of his life he will teleport your partner up to

the second floor of this room (on the catwalks) then he will disappear and some

knives will appear. The knives will float for a few seconds upright, then

point toward you and fly at you. Deflect the knives with a sword attack and

they will fly back and hit Luis while he is invisible. He will keep

teleporting to different areas and will throw knives until you deflect a set at

him. When he appears, start attacking him as quick as you can. He will most

likely do his Sudden Death move where a transparent orange clock will appear

around you and your partner. When the clock runs all the way out, you and your

partner will die unless you have hit him enough times to cancel the move. The

catch to this part is that you will have to use both characters to hit him.

Hit him on the bottom floor until you cannot find him anymore. When he is

nowhere to be found, that means he is on the second floor so switch to your

other character (L2) and attack him while on the catwalks. You MUST stay

totally offensive when he does this Sudden Death attack or you will die. If

you have an Oni Awakening fully charged then that will save you one time if the

time runs out. Make sure to keep your partner on "Rest and Recover" while

they're on the top floor or the partner will loose health and might die from

trying to attack Luis. Both Jubei and Ohatsu work well for this battle.

Ohatsu can hit Luis while he is on the bottom floor however.

He will keep up this same pattern of hurling knives at you and countering with

a Sudden Death attack throughout the entire battle, only sometimes he will

unleash an electric sphere that will float around the area or just go back to

throwing knives around the room without the Sudden Death move. The sphere can

be blocked. Toward the end of the battle he will have about six sets of knives

around the area. You will need to watch the sets that turn toward you since he

will sometimes try to trick you by turning two sets toward you at the same time

then place one set back down and attack you with the other. He will always

laugh as he points a set at you so use that cue when looking through the sets

of knives. He will only throw one set of knives most of the time. If you ever

see more than two sets pointing at you then all of the sets are aiming at you,

and you will need to block or suffer major damage as they all collide into you.

Even if you reflect one of the sets of knives it will do nothing to Luis when

they all move toward you.

HIDEOUT 8 (Lazuline Hall)

New items are available at the shop.

************************* Western Hospital (Backtrack) ************************

= Entrance =

Take Roberto with you as you enter this stage again. Push the block inward on

the left side to find a Red Soul Altar and Ohatsu's BLACK INFERNO inside a

chest. Push the block on the right side to find an ONI JEWEL lying on a desk.

Keep Roberto with you and walk into the elevator up ahead.

= Surgery Corridor =

Walk directly ahead after exiting the elevator and push the block with Roberto

until it falls in the hole. Grab Roberto's LIGHT GLOVES from the chest on the

other side. Switch to your best partner and enter the room where you fought

Luis Frois.

= Surgery =

Test of Valor #2 will start as you walk into the room.


TEST OF VALOR #2 - Western Hospital - Surgery

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Target: Diamond

Time Left: 3:00

Soldier Genma will sit on the top floor and watch this match. Oni Magic

Critical Attack the Boxer Genma at the beginning and slash at him while he gets

up. If you try to attack him normally, he will either block your attack or

counter. If he blocks, kick him then Critical Attack him as he staggers. The

Soldiers above will jump down and attack at times. Your partner might help out

some, but using a critical attack is the key to winning this battle.

Gold: Enma Gloves

Silver: Indigo Ring

Bronze: Wildflower


/ /

[WTST11] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ _ STAGE 11 __

_______________________________/ Dark Castle _______________________________/


******************************* Sawayama Castle *******************************

= Outside the Castle Walls =

There's an Enchanted Mirror to the side if you need to change partners. Run

over to the right side and grab the MEDICINE LV2 off the ground. Now, switch

to Roberto and push up against the right side of the block to move it out of

the way and reveal a door. Switch your ally to Ohatsu for now, then go through

the door.

= Castle Dam =

With Ohatsu, bomb the door to the left and enter. On the other side you will

find an ANTLER in a chest. Go back to the Enchanted Mirror and switch to


Go back through the door and pull the lever to the side of the first bridge to

lower it. The device to the left is missing a lever and the lever next to the

bridge is too heavy for Soki to move, so use Roberto to move the lever next to

the bridge. Run across the bridge and grab the --FLOODGATE LEVER-- from the

chest off to the right. Run back across the bridge and use the Floodgate Lever

on the device on the wall in the middle strip. This will drain the water from

the dam. Keep one of your characters on the middle strip then take control of

the other and raise the bridge on the left strip via the handle so you can

collect the DRIVE JEWEL from the ditch. Lower the gate back down with the

other character. Have Soki stand on the right strip and have Roberto pull the

switch to raise the bridge on the middle strip and collect the --WATERWAY DOOR

KEY-- from the chest in the ditch. Have Roberto pull the lever again to lower

the bridge then unlock the door on the right strip.

= Castle Courtyard =

Tunneler Genma and a Don Gacha will attack as you enter this area. An archer

will be on the rooftop. Don't forget that you can stab the Tunneler Genma as

they burrow through the ground. Switch to Roberto and push the block with the

torch, closest to the door that you just came through, to reveal a door leading

to a hidden cave - push on the side closest to the castle entrance. If you

look on the ground, you can see where the block has been pushed once before;

push toward that direction.

= Hidden Cave 1 =

Defeat the Axe Man - watch for his 2 hit swing. Walk to the back of the cave

to find a puzzle box containing Robero's BRINNHILDE gauntlets.

PUZZLE BOX #1 - Sawayama Castle - Hidden Cave 1

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| o o o | | o * * | | o o o | | o * * |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | o * * | | * * o | | o * * |

| | | | | | | |

| o * * | | o o o | | * * o | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| o * * | | o o o | | o o o | | o o o |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Climb back up the ladder and push the other block with the torch on top to

reveal another secret door leading to another hidden cave.

= Hidden Cave 2 =

You will surprise three Genma Soldiers in the back of the cave. Open the chest

on the right to get a GOLD NUGGET and open the puzzle box on the left to

receive the EMBOSSED MALLET.

PUZZLE BOX #2 - Sawayama Castle - Hidden Cave 2

(1) ------------------- (2) ------------------- (3) -------------------

| o o o * * | | o * * o o | | o o o o o |

| | | | | |

| o o o * * | | o * * o o | | * * o o o |

| | | | | |

| o o o o o | | o o o o o | | * * o o o |

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

(4) ------------------- (5) -------------------

| o * * o o | | o o o o o |

| | | |

| o * * o o | | o o * * o |

| | | |

| o o o o o | | o o * * o |

------------------- -------------------

Climb back up the stairs and enter the castle.

= Castle Entrance =

A Warrior Genma will appear as soon as you step into the castle. This can be a

very dirty fight with the range of the Door Guardian and his laser if you stand

in the path of his laser. Try to lure the Warrior Genma out of the path of the

laser and tackle him with Oni Magic to knock him down. Defeat the Door

Guardian very carefully after the Warrior has been taken care of. The doors to

the sides cannot be used anymore so enter the middle door after fighting the

Door Guardian.

= Folding Screen Room =

Save your game. The door through the hole in the wall will need a key to open

so climb the ladder in front of the hole.

= Second Floor =

Change to Roberto and have him pull the lever to lower the gate blocking the

way then grab the --EMERGENCY EXIT KEY--. Climb back down the ladder to the

Folding Screen Room and use the Emergency Exit Key on the locked door at the


= Garden =

A few Spider Genma will teleport into the area - nothing you can't handle by

now. Climb up the ladder.

= Third Floor =

Rush to the walkway and take out the Soldier and Archer Genma. Switch to

Roberto and punch the iron door (O) next to the ladder you just climbed. Just

a little head's up, if you like to control Soki, change back to him right after

pressing the O button when punching these iron doors - Roberto will still punch

the door and you'll automatically go through.

= Vase Room =

The door in the back of this room will lead to nothing except for a few Ninja

Genma fights. Climb up the to the left ladder and enter the room up above then

switch to Roberto so you can pull the lever and lower the gate. Grab the DRIVE

MED LV2 on the other side of the gate and have Roberto punch the iron door next

to it.

= Third Floor Save Room =

The door to the left can't be open since the elevator isn't there anymore.

Save your game at the Enchanted Mirror and enter the room up the ramp.

This is where you previously fought Munenori and that damn Genma Wasp, except

this time you will face...


TEST OF VALOR #1 - Sawayama Castle - Third Floor Save Room

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Time Left: 2:00

Set your partner to "Go All-out" then storm the Genma General with an Oni Magic

attack. It might be best to wait just a few seconds after he gets done with

his Summoning Magic so you can knock him down and slice through all of his

Spear Genma Reinforcements with one Oni Magic chain. Do not let up on

attacking him! Use Oni Magic only when he gets up so that you will have a

chance to slice through him. The General is built like a brick wall so you

will have to pound, pound, pound!

Gold: Time Gem

Silver: Medicine LV3

Bronze: Lizard


If you waited too long to activate the Test of Valor or exit and reenter the

room then you will face a Genma Mage that will summon Spear Genma. Grab the

ONI JEWEL from off the floor and climb up the ladder on the right side of the

room next to the webbing.

= Castle Balcony =

MITSUNARI'S DIARY 1 is near the railing. Notice the two paintings on the wall?

That looks like that Man in White that Soki keeps meeting depicted on the left

side doesn't it? The other painting is some sort of "Hideous Monster". What

do they mean? Anyway, examine the hole in the wall to find a shortcut to the

dungeon of Sawayama Castle.

= Secret Room =

Grab the POWER JEWEL from the desk to the side and climb down the ladder.

= Lopsided Room =

Walk up to Fireballs carefully and snatch MITSUNARI'S DIARY 2. Don't forget

that you can block the Fireballs. Carefully maneuver through them and defeat

the Archer that will spawn at the other end. Climb down yet another ladder.

= Kitchen =

You'll interrupt a meeting between three Genma Soldiers. Apparently they know

something we don't and they're not telling, so make them suffer! After walking

down the ramp, run to the end of the room next to the ramp to find a Puzzle

Box. Maybe those Soldiers knew the combination...damn! Never fear though,

Berserker is here!

PUZZLE BOX #3 - Sawayama Castle - Kitchen

(1) ------------------- (2) ------------------- (3) -------------------

| o * * o o | | o o * * o | | o o o o o |

| | | | | |

| o * * o o | | o o * * o | | o o o * * |

| | | | | |

| o o o o o | | o o o o o | | o o o * * |

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

(4) ------------------- (5) -------------------

| o o o o o | | * * o o o |

| | | |

| o * * o o | | * * o o o |

| | | |

| o * * o o | | o o o o o |

------------------- -------------------

You will get Soki's ENRYU sword from the puzzle box. This is one awesome

blade, especially with the attack waves that it dishes out per slash. Use it!

Onimusha vets should recognize this sword. Climb down the ladder near the end

of the ramp. A message will state that once you go down, you can't return to

the room above, so make sure you have everything that you need before climbing


= Roberto's Cell =

On the floor you will find --ROBERTO'S PENDANT--. Well, now it's time to

leave, so go through the cell door up ahead.

= Front of Cell =

Some Genma Soldiers will charge down the path to the left so be ready. Save

your game at the Enchanted Mirror. Power up Enryu if you have enough souls.

Change your partner to Jubei if you want to get to an extra chest in just a


Run down the path ahead and enter the room at the end to activate TEST OF VALOR



TEST OF VALOR #2 - Sawayama Castle - Front of Cell

Carry out the technique within the time limit!

Technique: Chain Critical X10

Time Left: 3:00

You should be a pro at this critical chaining by now. Be careful when dodging

the new Axeman's attack since he will do two attacks in a row instead of just

one. Just use Oni Magic on the enemies and chain together 10 hits. It will

probably take a quite a few Oni Magic attacks to do this, but an enemy will

always cough up a blue soul to refill your magic gauge. Tell your partner to

wait, then stand at one end and start the attack on one of the Genma Soldiers

then chain and repeat as they telport into the room. You don't need to be

extremely fast to get a Gold Rank on this one.

Gold: Sky Sword

Silver: Drive Med LV3

Bronze: Wildflower


Lying in the doorway you will find --COPPER GEAR A--. Now we can lower that

bridge that we previously left in this stage (from Stage 6). A Disc Thrower

and two Spider Genma will teleport into the cave as you enter the Cave Lake

area. Defeat them and run over to the path with the narrow strip and a chest

at the end (left of the dead body). Switch to Jubei in order to cross it and

pick up a PAIR SCARF from inside of the chest. Move to the right two rooms and

place the Copper Gear on the device next to the bridge across from the doorway.

Cross the lower bridge and enter the door.

= Stone Pillar Room =

Run down the path to the right to find a Puzzle Box containing Jubei's MASUMUNE


PUZZLE BOX #4 - Sawayama Castle - Stone Pillar Room

(1) ------------------- (2) ------------------- (3) -------------------

| o o o o o | | o o o o o | | o o * * o |

| | | | | |

| o * * o o | | o o o * * | | o o * * o |

| | | | | |

| o * * o o | | o o o * * | | o o o o o |

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

(4) -------------------

| * * o o o |

| |

| * * o o o |

| |

| o o o o o |


Enter the cave directly behind your character after solving the puzzle box.

= Waterway =

Run all the way down the waterway and climb up the ladder. Move to the right

and cross the bridge then you will find an Enchanted Mirror. Switch to Roberto

so you can move the block next to the ladder you climbed just a few moments

ago. Push the block into the waterway then run back to the Enchanted Mirror

and switch to Jubei once again. Lower the stone pillar by stepping on the

glowing square with Soki, then move Jubei on top of the stone pillar and switch

to Soki then step on the switch again. At the top, grab the DRIVE JEWEL then

use Jubei's special ability (O) to move through the crack to the right. Grab

--COPPER GEAR B-- from the altar then leave. Run back to the bridge - keep

Jubei with you - and place the Copper Gear on the device to lower the bridge.

Cross over to the other side but make a turn to your left as you go across the

drawbridge. Switch to Jubei and crawl through the hole on the side of the wood

bridge (look to the left). Climb down the ladder to find a SMALL GOLD NUGGET

in each chest to the right and left. Go back the way you came - change

partners if you want - then enter the cave on the other side of the drawbridge

that you lowered a few moments ago.

= Cave Entrance =

A Menteith will appear up ahead and you must defeat him in order to get rid of

the force field guarding the path ahead. If you have Soki's Enryu powered up

and you use your partner to distract the two Ninja Genma then you will not have

any problems. Ohatsu's "Cover Fire" and Jubei's "Distract Enemy" work well for

this part. Block the shockwaves while moving toward the Menteith. When you

make it to him the first time, I would suggest using Oni Magic to knock him

down. Pound him with constant Enryu combos and you should be able to knock him

back down each time he gets up. The attack waves from Enryu really help out

for this fight. After the fight, run back and switch to Roberto, if you do not

have him with you already, then climb up the ladder to the side and go through

the door at the top. Tunneler Genma will teleport into the Cave Entrance so

either fight or run.

= Stone Pillar Room 2 =

Switch to Roberto and have him push the block to the left off the side. Now

have Roberto get on the stone pillar to the right and have Soki step on the

glowing square to take Roberto down a floor. Push the block into the waterway

below and cross the block then climb the ladder to enter the cave above. This

is that chest that you could always see from the Cave Entrance, but could never

get to. Open the chest to find a FRIENDSHIP SCARF. Go back to the Cave


= Cave Entrance =

Run all the way up ahead and a cutscene will play that will take you out of the


= Fox Gate =

Grab the SECRET MED LV2 from off to the right. Be sure to choose one of your

favorite allies at the Enchanted Mirror since you have boss fight coming up. I

would recommend Ohatsu because of her long range.

Boss - Genma Bug

Didn't we just own this boss earlier...? Anyway, now you have to fight the

same Genma Bug from earlier once again. He has the same exact pattern and has

the same tough armor that you will have to pound away on. One good thing about

this battle is that you will actually be able to change to your partner unlike

the last battle with this bug. If you have Ohatsu you will not have any

problems whatsoever since she can basically hit him anytime she wants to if you

have a long range rifle equipped. Keep Ohatsu and Soki together but have them

in a doorway. Shoot with Ohatsu while he attacks and then switch to Soki then

tell Ohatsu to "Go All-out" whenever he stops moving his razors or sinks his

razor sphere into the ground. Attack him with Soki's Enryu while he is stunned

and Ohatsu will be blasting him from a safe distance. Instead of that, you

could also stay in control of Ohatsu and tell Soki to "Go All-out" while you

fire from a safe distance. Whichever way make sure that Soki backs off after a

while to keep the boss from hitting him. The battle will still take a while

but with Ohatsu's long range it will be very easy. Make sure to keep both

characters set to "Wait and Recover" and only switch Ohatsu or Soki to "Go All-

out" when the bug is stunned. Also, keep both characters in a doorway when the

boss is not stunned.

HIDEOUT 9 (Lazuline Hall)

A few new weapons are available at the shop. Be sure to pick up Raizan!

/ /

[WTST12] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ ____ STAGE 12 _____

_____________________________/ Mitsunari's Pride ___________________________/


******************************** Sakai Facility *******************************

= Research Facility Entrance =

The group will use Roberto's Pendant, collected from the last stage, to gain

entry to the Research Facility. You'll automatically start with Roberto as a

partner. Rush ahead and grab the SAKAI FACILITY MAP. A Warrior Genma will

teleport into the room. Try to lead him away from the Armored Genma in the

back, unless you want to deal with all three at the same time. Lure him down

the ramp by guarding his attacks then get in the back of him and knock him back

toward the entrance. Put Roberto on "Berserk" if needed. Now defeat the two

Armored Genma, which shouldn't be much of a problem by themselves. Enter the

door after the battle.

= Research Lab =

Save your game on the left side if needed. Grab the SAKAI C. TOWER file from

the floor in front of the next door. For this area ahead, you will need to

find four control devices in each of the rooms and destroy them in order to

access the elevator to the right in the Research Lab. Take Roberto with you.

Go through the door in front of you.

= Main Lift Room =

Look around at the doors and notice how they all have four colored dots above

each of the doors. For this area and the areas ahead, I will always have the

color of the circles above the door in parentheses to help make it easier on

the reader. Please note that the lever on the lift is to be used to swing the

lift around once you go up, the switch will take you up. Remember that the

door you just came from with the save point has a red circle above it. The

door (blue) across from you is locked for the moment so go ahead and position

both characters on the lift then push the switch. Switch to Roberto and have

him punch the door ahead so you can get through.

= Control Device (Red) Room =

Defeat the Spear Genma and the Soldier Genma that spawn afterwards and destroy

--CONTROL DEVICE (RED)-- (rotating gears) with normal attacks. Grab the

MAGICIAN'S RING from the chest behind the control device. Climb up the ladder

next to the door you just came through and walk to the end of the walkway to

find a puzzle box containing a PHOENIX RING. A Soldier and Archer Genma will

teleport onto the walkway behind you.

PUZZLE BOX #1 - Sakai Facility - Control Device (Red) Room

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| o o o | | o * * | | o * * | | * * o |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | o * * | | o * * | | * * o |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | o o o | | o o o | | o o o |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

The door at the front of the walkway has nothing and the ladder that goes to

the floor below will only lead to a locked door. Go back out of the area and

pull the lever on the lift to swing across to the next door.

= Control Device (Blue) Room =

Climb the ladder to the side and grab the WARRIOR'S CODE and --GREEN CREST--

from the sides of the walkway. An Axeman will appear after you retrieve the

Green Crest. Nothing else to do but exit. Ninja Genma will ambush you as you

try to leave. Run back outside and pull the lever to go to the next room.

Punch the door with Roberto to gain access.

= Control Device (GREEN) Room =

TAKUAN'S DIARY 8 is lying to the right. Fight off the Armored Genma in the

back and destroy --CONTROL DEVICE (GREEN)-- behind them. Two Ninja Genma will

appear after the Armored Genma have been disposed of. Check behind the Control

Device to find a puzzle box containing Roberto's CLASS ZERO GLOVES.

Puzzle Box #2 - Sakai Facility - Control Device (Green) Room

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| o o o | | o o o | | o * * | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | o o o | | o * * | | o * * |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | * * o | | o o o | | o * * |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | * * o | | o o o | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | o o o | | o o o | | o o o |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Climb down the ladder across from the door that you used to enter this area

then place the Green Crest on the door at the bottom. Go through the door to

find the --PURPLE CREST-- then exit and go back to the lift. Spider Genma will

attack on the way back. Pull the lever on the lift and then press the switch

to go back down. The door (Red) to the right will lead you back to the

Enchanted Mirror in the Research Lab. Enter the door (Green) to the left.

= Green Room =

A Mushroom Genma will teleport into the area below but ignore him for now.

Enter the room next to the Yellow Enchanted Mirror then go up the ladder.

Ninja Genma will attack as you enter the next room so be ready. Climb up the

next ladder and go through the door to find a Red Soul Altar. Go back to the

room with the Yellow Enchanted Mirror. Several Genma will teleport into the

room next to the one you're going to. Switch your partner to Ohatsu at the

Yellow Enchanted Mirror and use her to shoot at the Genma Mushroom from above

or just take it down with Soki's Enryu. Let both of the folding ladders on the

sides down. Use Ohatsu to grapple to the other side to let down the second

one. Climb back up the middle ladder (in front of the Green Crest Door).

= Control Device (Green) Room =

Go up the ladder to the left and enter the door. You will find a MEDICINE LV3

in the chest. Exit the room and use Ohatsu to grapple to the other side of the

walkway in front of you. The chest on the other side contains INVENTION NOTES.

Go back down the ladders and get back to the room with the folding ladders and

Mushroom Genma.

= Green Room =

Go ahead and switch your partner to Roberto. Climb up the right folding ladder

and climb up the ladder to the right on the other side.

= Control Device (Yellow) Room =

Two Invisible Genma will attack. Destroy --CONTROL DEVICE (YELLOW)-- then

check behind the device to find another puzzle box containing Ohatsu's CRAG


Puzzle Box #4 - Sakai Facility - Control Device (Yellow) Room

(1) --------------- (2) --------------- (3) ---------------

| o o o o | | o * * o | | o o o o |

| | | | | |

| * * o o | | o * * o | | o * * o |

| | | | | |

| * * o o | | o o o o | | o * * o |

| | | | | |

| o o o o | | o o o o | | o o o o |

--------------- --------------- ---------------

(4) --------------- (5) ---------------

| o o o o | | o o o o |

| | | |

| o o * * | | o o o o |

| | | |

| o o * * | | o * * o |

| | | |

| o o o o | | o * * o |

--------------- ---------------

Climb back down the ladder and switch to Roberto so you can punch the iron door

in front of you.

= Main Lift Room =

You still can't open that blue door yet. Position both character on the lift

and press the switch to make it go up. Don't enter the first door. Pull the

switch one time so it will move to the left. Use Roberto once again to punch

through the iron door. Go down the ladder in the room ahead and collect the

POWER JEWEL from the floor and use the Purple Crest you got from earlier on the

Purple Crest door. Rush straight ahead and grab the --CONTROL DOOR KEY--. Oh,

great, now we have to get back to that locked blue door. Go back to the lift.

A Don Gacha and two Disc Throwers will ambush you on the way back. Pull the

lever to move the lift to the left then press the switch on the wall. Enter

the door (Green) to the left.

= Green Room =

Climb down the folding ladder and climb up the next ladder then punch the door

on the other side with Roberto. That Mushroom Genma in the middle will spawn

every time you enter this room unfortunately. Use the Control Door Key on the

door (Blue) to the right as you exit through the iron door. Climb the ladder

and then destroy --CONTROL DEVICE (BLUE)--. You should receive a message on

the screen telling you that all of the machines (Control Devices) have been

destroyed and the elevator in the Research Lab is working. Grab the FRIENSHIP

SCARF in the chest behind the Control Device before exiting the room. On the

way back a Genma Warrior and two Armored Genma will attack. Return to the room

with the Mushroom Genma and climb up and down the folding ladders and open the

door on the other side. Enter the door (Red) on the side to get back to the

Research Lab.

= Research Lab =

Finally! Save your game and switch to Ohatsu, then open the elevator door

across from the Enchanted Mirror. Once again, make sure to take Ohatsu with

you if you want some extra items!

= Room to Experiments =

As you enter, walk forward and Test of Valor #1 will begin.


TEST OF VALOR #1 - Sakia Facility - Room to Experiments

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Target: Genma General X6

Time Limit: 2:00

Enryu is your friend here because of its attack waves. Rush to one side and

use Oni Magic on the General on that side AFTER he summons the Genma Soldiers.

This will net you a good soul increase every time and will charge your magic

gauge as it gets lower. You will have to use constant Oni Magic attacks in

order to get a gold here. Slash away at the Genma Generals while they recover

from each magic attack. The Genma Generals will always appear two at a time on

each side of the room.

Gold: Ortlinde

Silver: Oni Med LV3

Bronze: Red Mushrooms


When the chaos dies down from the Test of Valor, switch to Ohatsu and grapple

across the hole to the Yellow Soul Altar and then to the items on the other

side. You will find an ANTLER on the left side and a DRIVE MED LV3 on the

right side. When you drain the souls from the Yellow Soul Altar, try to barely

tap the absorb button with Ohatsu then quickly switch back to Soki to drain a

yellow soul if he needs it.

= Experiment Room =

Several various Genma are waiting for you here. Travel up one of the sides and

defeat the Archer on the bridge first, then go after the rest. Open the door

on the other side of the room.

= Experiment Room 2 =

Run up either side and defeat the Mushroom Genma to get rid of the Invisible

Genma. On the other side of the room a Door Guardian is attached to the door

you need to open. Use Enryu with Soki or stand back and shoot with Ohatsu to

get rid of him. Be extra careful of his laser! Grab the DRIVE JEWEL on the

floor in front of the exit when finished.

= Experiment Room 3 =

A Boxer Genma will be up ahead. These Genma are extremely agile so it can be

hard to hit them with normal combos because of there constant dodging. Hit him

with an Oni Magic attack if he keeps dodging then hit him while he recovers.

If you're running low on magic, block his attacks and wait for him to guard,

then nail him with a kick followed by a critical attack - he will always guard

eventually. Grab the GEM OF BRAVERY from the chest and go up one of the sides.

An Armored Genma will be waiting on each side. On the other side of the room

another Boxer Genma will appear. The chest next to him contains a BLESSED ONI

EYE. Enter the door next to you.

= Control Room Stairway =

There is an ONI JEWEL to your left. Climb down each staircase and you will

fight an assortment of Soldier Genma on your way down. A MEDICINE LV2 will be

near the bottom along with an Enchanted Mirror. Ohatsu will assist you greatly

for the battle ahead especially if you have a well-powered Guardian Rifle.

Roberto cannot be used for the upcoming battle for reasons that the upcoming

cutscenes will explain. Open the door at the end of the stairway for a


Boss - Mitsunari

Mitsunari will start the battle by spewing dark essence in a row in front of

him. He will do this throughout the battle. The dark essence will be spread

either in a row vertically or horizontally or he will spread the dark essence

in a circle around you. As he spreads it throughout the area, absorb the dark

essence with your gauntlet when you get next to it just as you would absorb

souls. Move out of its path whenever he spreads it in a row, but you can stand

still when he spreads it in a circle - be sure to absorb it afterward however.

If the dark essence touches you then you will be poisoned for a few seconds.

Use an Antidote to cure the poison state or switch to another character. He

will mix the dark essence spewing with a centipede arm attack where he will

grab you, take quite a bit of damage, and stun you for a moment. Make sure to

watch for his left arm to glow before the attack starts then block the

centipede arm. Try to drain as much dark essence as you can from the field

since he will have two other moves involving the available essence. For one,

he will move to one side of the room then recite a one-liner as dark essence

appears around him, he will release the essence toward you as well as any other

essence you have not absorbed on the field. If you are close enough to him

when he starts this move you can drain all the essence that appears around him

then attack him while tries to shoot it at you. For his other attack involving

the essence, he will move to the back and absorb the remaining essence on the

field, which will refill his life gauge. He can be knocked out of this attack,

but it doesn't work all the time. I knocked him out of it one time with

Ohatsu's lift attack. Make sure to keep the essence VERY low when he nears his

last 25% of life or he will regain nearly half his life if you don't stop him.

His only other attack is a fan attack in which he will throw his fan and

teleport away as the fan spins throughout the area - just block the fan. It is

a good idea to use both characters for this fight. Have one character "Wait

and Recover" while you attack with the other. You can actually use your

partner as bait for when he starts the centipede arm attack by attacking him as

your partner blocks the centipede arm. Use Soki's Enryu (mainly for the attack

waves) and use Ohatsu's Guardian to slowly drain at his life bar. Your best

bet for attacking him with Soki is right after his centipede arm or after he

summons the essence around him then shoots it at you (drain it before he shoots

then attack). Another good opening that doesn't appear as often is directly

after his fan attack. With Ohatsu, you can run and fire at just about any time

to attack him if you switch to her. If you want the battle to end very

quickly, use Soki's Oni Awakening and attack him with constant / attacks.

This battle will take a little while to get used to, but once you have learned

Mitsunari's attacks you will mainly only have to look out for his constant

spewing of dark essence. Keep him targeted at all times and always step out of

the way when you see the essence falling.

HIDEOUT 10 - Lazuline Hall

Some new items are available in the shop. If you haven't been doing so already

then be sure to level up in the Dark Realm since the next stage starts some of

the more unfriendly stages of the game. The normal enemies for the next few

stages are basically all elite enemies and will take you down in seconds if

given the chance. Actually I'd make a backup save at this checkpoint if I were


*************************** Sakai Facility (Backtrack) ************************

There is only one reason to backtrack to this area and that is found in the

third Experiment Room (down the elevator). Make sure to save your game before

attempting this Test of Valor.

= Experiment Room 3 =

Walk to the back of the room to start Test of Valor #2.


TEST OF VALOR #2 - Sakia Facility - Experiment Room

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Target: Genma General

Time Left: 3:00

There is only one Genma General to defeat. Simple enough eh? No, no it isn't.

This general is built like a brick wall and has one unblockable move that will

take half of your life if you allow it to hit you. When you see him raise his

sword behind his back, back off! He will jump into the air and slam the ground

with his sword, creating a vortex of darkness that will take off over half your

life if you step in it. Unfortunately, the dark vortex will stay on the ground

for quite a while and he will be able to attack you while it remains. If the

dark vortex catches you, be sure to block his attacks since the vortex will

keep you contained inside. To make matters even worse he will summon Elite

Ninja Genma the entire time.

You are going to have to have a VERY powerful weapon mixed with tons and tons

of equipment to boost your attack to get a Gold Rank on this one. Equip your

most powerful character with a Fudo Horn, Horn of Susano, Commander's Ring, and

a Wolf Ring (have him in critical condition). Have your partner set to "Go

All-out" at the beginning and try to stay on top of the Genma General and wait

until he summons his Ninja Genma followers. Hit him the whole time he summons

them and after he summons the Ninja Genma, right before they attack you, use an

Oni Magic Critical Attack and slice through the Genma General and all three

Ninja Genma. While the Genma General is down, switch to your most powerful

character while having your partner "Go All-out" and slash away! You must beat

him within thirty seconds to get a gold ranking. When there is still a Ninja

Genma left on the screen while the Genma General is standing, he will not

summon any more - this is when he may do his vortex attack.

I used Tenkai with a maxed level Fudo spear mixed with the above equipment to

boost his attack in order to get a gold ranking.

Here is another method that I received via email:

"I simply equipped Jubei with the best weapon and attack increasing items that

I had, then had her use her Oni Awakening as soon as the test began. I kept

locked on to the Genma General, and simply used normal attacks to defeat him.

I did have to use two Drive Med LV 1 to keep my my Oni Awakening activated, but

the Slo-Motion effect slowed down the timer, too, so I had no problem

completing in less than 30 seconds."

(thanks to Alex Black)

Gold: Gem of Will

Silver: Medicine LV3

Bronze: Salamander


/ /

[WTST13] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ ___ STAGE 13 __

_______________________________/ Wild Boatride _____________________________/


********************************* City of Sakai *******************************

= Entrance =

Grab the TOWN OF SAKAI MAP off the barrel and the ULTRA MED LV1 off the boat.

Run straight ahead and start mopping the floor with the Genma ahead. Beware

the tough Spear Genma guarding the archer. Make your way across the bridge and

defeat the Soldier, Archer, and Axemen Genma that appear then enter the door.

= Drawbridge Area =

Bomber Genma and Disc Throwers will attack as you enter this area. Rush ahead

to start Test of Valor #1.


TEST OF VALOR #1 - City of Sakai - Drawbridge Area

Target: Hell Spider X4

Time Left: 2:00

This one is not bad at all if you use Oni Magic on the Hell Spiders and rush

through them quickly while chaining the magic attacks. Only one Hell Spider

will teleport into the area at a time. Ninja Genma will swarm the area and

will try to pressure you. You can still take a good bit of damage and get a

Gold so don't give up.

Gold: Orochi

Silver: Drive Med LV3

Bronze: Wildflower


Save your game at the Enchanted Mirror before exiting. Be sure to open the

chest to the left of the exit gate to find a CONTENTMENT CHARM.

= Waterway =

When you enter the area, step on the first boat at the turn and grab the ONI

JEWEL from the end of the boat. Run ahead and cross the boats in the water. A

Disc Thrower and an Axeman will appear on the boats. Two Soul Absorber Genma

will appear near the exit gate. Be careful when you go to pull them in with

your gauntlet since these will attack as they get closer to you. Watch for

them to perform a sudden rush while pulling them in then block. Check near the

boat of the exit gate to find a puzzle box containing Ohatsu's TWILIGHT laser


PUZZLE BOX #1 - City of Sakai - Waterway

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| o o o | | o o o | | o * * | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | * * o | | o * * | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | * * o | | o o o | | o * * |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | o o o | | o o o | | o * * |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

= Near the Harbor =

A Don Gacha and some Soldier Genma will be waiting ahead for you. If you want

to make this battle easier, immediately rush behind the Cannon Genma at the

very end of the path and let him shoot all the Genma for you as you attack him

from the back. Another Don Gacha will attack and Soldier Genma will spawn into

the area continuously afterwards. Save your game and rush up the stairs next

to the Enchanted Mirror. Enter the door of the building.

= Building Roof =

Defeat the crouching Soldier Genma and grab the HISTORICAL DOCUMENT from off

the crate. Solve the puzzle box to find a G. GENERAL RING.

PUZZLE BOX #2 - City of Sakai - Waterway

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| o o o | | o o o | | o * * | | o * * |

| | | | | | | |

| o o o | | o o o | | o * * | | o * * |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | o * * | | o o o | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | o * * | | o o o | | o o o |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

(5) -----------

| o o o |

| |

| * * o |

| |

| * * o |

| |

| o o o |


Go back the way you came after solving it and enter the next gate outside the

building. A Don Gacha and a few Soldiers will spawn, but the Soldiers will not

repeatedly respawn this time.

= Buildings Puzzle Area =

Rush to the back and defeat the Warrior Genma and Cannon Genma quickly. A few

Disc Throwers will try to interrupt you. Use Oni Magic to speed things up.

After all of the enemies are gone, Bomber Genma will start to teleport into the

area and they will not stop. Grab the MEDICINE LV2 from the crate near the

entrance and enter the various building around the area. You will need to

figure out the keycode for the exit gate up the stairs. Use the Unlocking Memo

A to find clues as to how the puzzle works.


I ___ ___ ___ ___ I Bldng = Building

I | B | | B | | B | | B | I

I | l | | l | | l | | l | I EM = Enchanted Mirror

I | d | | d | | d | | d | I

I | n | | n | | n | | n | I Exit = Exit Gate (puzzle gate)

I | g | | g | | g | | g | I

I | | | | | | | | I E = Entrance

I | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | I

I --- --- --- --- I

I ___ I

I | B | I

I | l | _________ I

I | d | ( Bldng 4 | I

I | n | --------- I

I | g | I

I | | E --- I

I | 3 | M | B | I

I --- * | l | I

I | d | I

* Exit | n | I

I | g | I

I _________ | | I

I| Bldng 1 ) | 2 | I

I --------- |___| I

------------------- E -------------------

Building 1 = Nothing

Building 2 = Paiting (6 Butterflies)

Building 3 = OFFICIAL'S DIARY 1

Building 4 = PORT OF SAKAI MAP and Painting (3 Bears)

Building 5 = Painting (2 Elephants)

Building 6 = nothing

Building 7 = [bomb with Ohatsu] UNLOCKING MEMO A file

Building 8 = [punch with Roberto] RARE ANTLER, --LUBRICATING OIL--

In order to open the gate, you need to find the three pictures from the

warehouses and arrange the number of animals represented on each picture in

order from largest to smallest to get the code. Check the diagram above to

find where the paintings are.

Hmmm, let's see.

6 butterflies, 3 bears, and 2 elephants

** The correct code is 6 - 3 - 2 **

From what I understand, this code is random much like the second code for the

second set of buildings below, but all you have to do for this first one is

find all three paintings and place them in order from largest to smallest as

show above. Simple.

= Above the Harbor =

Notice the two levers off to the side of the drawbridge? Position your partner

next to one, then pull the other with Soki to lower it. You need the

Lubricating Oil from Building 8 in the last area as well. When you reach the

middle of the bridge, Machine Gunner Genma will appear on each side. Use your

Oni Magic to slice through the one ahead of you before he has the chance to

shoot. All of their attacks can be blocked, but they attack quite frequently

and can get very aggressive so always deal with them first in a crowd. Slash

them as they try to get up from a magic attack then attack them again with

Magic if needed. Enter the building in front of the exit gate to find a Red

Soul Altar along with the UNLOCKING MEMO B file. Walk toward the Enchanted

Mirror once you exit the building to find another puzzle box containing Jubei's


PUZZLE BOX #3 - City of Sakai - Above the Harbor

(1) --------------- (2) --------------- (3) ---------------

| o * * o | | o * * o | | o o * * |

| | | | | |

| o * * o | | o * * o | | o o * * |

| | | | | |

| o o o o | | o o o o | | o o o o |

--------------- --------------- ---------------

(4) ---------------

| o o o o |

| |

| * * o o |

| |

| * * o o |


Enter through the gate to continue.

= Buildings Puzzle Area 2 =

Spider Genma will jump down from the roof of the buildings as you enter.

Defeat them quickly while dodging the cannon shots from the Cannon Genma in the

very back. The Cannon Genma will most likely awaken some of the Armored Genma.

Rush down the path and take out the Cannon Genma first then work on the Armored

Genma. As long as you don't bother the Armored Genma they will not bother you.

They will reappear every time you exit a building. Grab the POWER JEWEL off

the barrel to the side of the Enchanted Mirror then explore the buildings.

Take a look at the Unlocking Memo B file from earlier to figure out how to get

the code for the exit gate. By the way, set your partner to "Wait and Recover"

unless you want to deal with Armored Genma each time after exiting a building.


I _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ I Blding = Building

I | B | | B | | B | | B | | B | | B | I

I | l | | l | | l | | l | | l | | l | I EM = Enchanted Mirror

I | d | | d | | d | | d | | d | | d | I

I | n | | n | | n | | n | | n | | n | I Exit = Exit Gate(puzzle)

I | g | | g | | g | | g | | g | | g | I

I | | | | | | | | | | | | I E = Entrance

I | I | | II | | III | | IV | | V | | VI | I

I ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- I



I E | ------------------------- Exit -I

I M | |

I * | |

------------ E --

Building I = Painting (6 Butterflies)

Building II = Painting (2 Elephants)

Building III = Painting (5 Birds)

Building IV = OFFICIAL'S DIARY 2 and Painting (4 Wolves)

Building V = [bomb with Ohatsu] INVENTION NOTES and Painting (3 Bears)

Building VI = [punch with Roberto] DRIVE JEWEL and Painting (1 Whale)

Please note this code is totally random and you will have a 99% chance of

getting a different code then what I have.

[Step 1]

You will need to arrange the numbers from the paintings in each of the

warehouses, along with there respective warehouse number, in order from

smallest to largest based on the painting number.

VI-1, II-2, V-3, IV-4, III=5, I-6

[Step 2]

Then you will need to take the numbers from the paintings out of the list. The

first three remaining numbers from the warehouses will be the correct code

combination for the exit gate.


| VI, II, V | IV, III, I


** So the correct code is 6 - 2 - 5 **

Please, feel free to print this out and fill out your setup:

Building I = ___ _____________

Building II = ___ _____________

Building III = ___ _____________

Building IV = ___ _____________

Building V = ___ _____________

Building VI = ___ _____________

If you just figured out the code and you want to get on with the rest of the

walkthrough then hit Ctrl+F and type in the statement "I did it Berserker!" to

read the next section; if not then read below.

Alright, if you still do not understand the above explanation then look at this

SUPER descriptive method below. I have used a new painting setup for this

description so the code will be different.

(look back at my diagram to figure out which building is which)

[Step 1]

Write down your building and painting setup as shown below:

My setup: Your setup:

Building I = 4 Wolves Building I = ___ _____________

Building II = 1 Whale Building II = ___ _____________

Building III = 2 Elephants Building III = ___ _____________

Building IV = 5 Birds Building IV = ___ _____________

Building V = 6 Butterflies Building V = ___ _____________

Building VI = 3 Bears Building VI = ___ _____________

[Step 2]

Arrange the setup so that the paintings are in order from least to greatest

with their respective building numbers as shown below:

My setup: Your setup:

Building II = 1 Whale Building ___ = ___ _____________

Building III = 2 Elephants Building ___ = ___ _____________

Building VI = 3 Bears Building ___ = ___ _____________

Building I = 4 Wolves Building ___ = ___ _____________

Building IV = 5 Birds Building ___ = ___ _____________

Building V = 6 Butterflies Building ___ = ___ _____________

[Step 3]

Take the paintings out of the setup completely so that only the building

numbers remain:

My setup: Your setup

Building II = Building ___ =

Building III = Building ___ =

Building VI = Building ___ =

Building I = Building ___ =

Building IV = Building ___ =

Building V = Building ___ =

[Step 4]

Remove the last three building numbers and the three remaining building numbers

will be your code.

My code: Your code:

Building II Building ___

Building III Building ___

Building VI Building ___

My code is ** 2 - 3 - 6 ** Your code is ** ___ - ___ - ___ **

Basically you just take the first three building numbers from the setup after

you have put them in order from least to greatest based on the painting numbers

and that is your code.

If you still didn't figure out, then email me at berseker_kev@yahoo.com with

your building and painting setup and I will solve it for you. I don't mind

solving it for you at all and will not get mad at you for emailing me, BUT if

you dare to email me asking for the code without any kind of setup whatsoever

then there is no hope for you and you have saddened me greatly in more ways

than one - the Berserker face at the bottom of this guide also grits its teeth

at you.

[I did it Berserker!]

= On the Docks =

Defeat the Axeman Genma then use the Enchanted Mirror to the side to change

your partner to Ohatsu. The door up ahead is locked from the other side.

Switch to Ohatsu and walk to the middle of the dock then use her special

ability (O) to grapple on the pole and swing to the other side. Take care of

the Spear Genma that appears then unlock the door for Soki. Switch your

partner to Roberto at the Enchanted Mirror. Soldiers will appear on Soki's

side and Archers will appear as you go through the door. Open the chest to the

left for a MEDICINE LV3 and the puzzle box to the right for a ROSARY OF HEALTH.

Equip that Rosary of Health item now since it will be Soki's best friend for

the rest of the game!

PUZZLE BOX #4 - City of Sakia - On the Docks

(1) ------------------- (2) ------------------- (3) -------------------

| * * o o o | | o o o o o | | o o o o o |

| | | | | |

| * * o o o | | o * * o o | | o o * * o |

| | | | | |

| o o o o o | | o * * o o | | o o * * o |

| | | | | |

| o o o o o | | o o o o o | | o o o o o |

| | | | | |

| o o o o o | | o o o o o | | o o o o o |

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

(4) ------------------- (5) ------------------- (6) -------------------

| o o o * * | | o o o o o | | o o o o o |

| | | | | |

| o o o * * | | o o o o o | | o o o o o |

| | | | | |

| o o o o o | | o o o * * | | o o o o o |

| | | | | |

| o o o o o | | o o o * * | | o * * o o |

| | | | | |

| o o o o o | | o o o o o | | o * * o o |

------------------- ------------------- -------------------

Punch the iron door of the building off to the side to find the --DOCK KEY--

inside. Run back outside and be sure to save your game at the Enchanted Mirror

behind the doors. Let me repeat that, SAVE YOUR GAME ONCE AGAIN at the

Enchanted Mirror! Let your health fully recover with Soki while the Rosary of

Health is equipped. Alright, now use the Dock Key on the door.

= Dock =

A cutscene will start as you walk to the dock. It doesn't matter what partner

you have for this next battle since you will have to fight the boss with Soki


Boss - Sakon

Remember how you could literally mop the floor with Sakon on that past battle

because of all the space in the area? Well, this time you have VERY little

space to move around in making the battle much harder. The battle has not

changed a bit from last time except for the fact that he will be stunned

randomly at times as if he is fighting off the mind control that he is under.

That will be your cue to attack him with whatever you have available to you.

Here is the way that I do this battle, and it will work with whatever sword you

have equipped as long as it has a critical magic attack (not freeze). You

might want to equip a Contentment Charm to decrease the charge of the Sword of

Purification. Use the Stab move (Forward + R2) to throw your purifying sword

at Sakon from about mid-distance after (ONLY after) he has charged his flame

shield. If the sword hits him three times, rush directly behind the sword and

hit him with an Oni Magic critical attack to take off quite a bit of damage.

Hit him as he recovers with either Enryu or Raizan, whichever of your choosing.

Now move away from as he readies his fire shield. While he moves toward you

with swipes from his spear your purifying sword should charge back up.

Immediately throw the purifying sword from a safe distance when it charges and,

if it hits him three times, start the above steps once again.

If the purifying sword does not hit him three times you will have to back off

as far as you can and hopefully avoid or block his strikes (last strike only).

Get behind him like the battle before and hit him. This battle has a certain

degree of luck involved with it since the purifying sword will sometimes only

hit once or twice. The sword will usually hit him three times if you stand

mid-distance from him. Only by hitting him three times will you stun him

enough to perform an Oni Magic attack. If he manages to hit you with one of

his spear attack then you will probably be swamped by the rest of his attacks

and his fire. Recovering with the X button will sometimes save you and give

you a half second of invincibility while getting off the ground but it doesn't

help that much because of his flame shield. If he traps you in a corner, you

are basically done for, unless he knocks you out. As usual, Soki's Oni

Awakening will help you out greatly at this part if you use / attacks, but it

is possible to beat him without it. The battle is not hard if you know how to

approach it by using the right attacks, but if not, then he will slap you silly

with his highly damaging spear attacks while you lie on the ground helpless.

HIDEOUT 11 (San Felipe)

Ah, the gangs all back together, but we can't cue the Grease song just yet!

I'm sure you know this by now, but some new items are now available at the shop

as usual. Step into the ship's cabin to begin the next stage. Level up Tenkai

a bit since he should be incredibly low in level (weaponwise) compared to the

rest of the party. Make sure to boost his skills in the skill menu.

************************** City of Sakai (Backtrack) **************************

Head all the way back to the area where you fought Sakon for Test of Valor #2.

= Dock =


TEST OF VALOR #2 - City of Sakia (Backtrack) - Dock

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Target: Giga Menteith

Time Left: 2:00

This Giga Menteith can take your life down very quickly with his attacks, but

like a normal Menteith, he is very slow. Use Oni Magic at the very beginning

to knock him and his Genma Disc Thrower companions down, then slash at him

while he is down. If you want any easy gold ranking, then you should equip

your most powerful character with items that will raise his attack (Fudo Horn,

Horn of Susano, etc.) Set your partner to "Go All-out" after knocking the

Menteith down.

Gold: Gundari

Silver: Oni Med LV3

Bronze: Red Mushrooms


/ /

[WTST14] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ ___ STAGE 14 ___

______________________________/ Yodo's Arrival _____________________________/


****************************** Abandoned Village ******************************

= Village =

Cool looking stage huh? Rush straight ahead and blast through the Zombie Genma

horde. Look off to the right of where you started to find a treasure chest

with a BROTHERLY SCARF inside. Check the fallen corpse beside the house before

exiting the area to find an ABANDONED VILLAGE MAP. Walk up the trail past the

Enchanted Mirror.

= Mountain Path =

Test of Valor #1 will start as soon as the Big Zombie rises out of the ground.


TEST OF VALOR #1 - Abandoned Village - Woods

Carry out the technique within the time limit!

Technique: Chain Critical X5

Time Left: 1:00

The best way to approach this Test of Valor is to equip your worst weapon since

you are no doubt leveled up enough by now to kill the normal zombies in one

chain. Equip the Dragon Offer then use Oni Magic and chain your attacks to

slice through multiple zombies. Only chain two hits per Oni Magic chain and

get five chains to complete this Test of Valor. As usual, set your partner to

"Wait and Recover". You have to be quick to get a gold!

Gold: Sky Blade

Silver: Medicine LV3

Bronze: Salamander


Grab the POWER JEWEL from near the dead tree and run down the path toward the

Enchanted Mirror. Save your game and continue down the path.

= Side of Mountain =

A whole horde of Zombies will be waiting for you as you enter the area. Watch

out for the Zombie throw attack from the bigger Zombies. They will dig up a

zombie from the ground and throw him at you - it can be blocked, but it will

cause you to stagger. Use Oni Magic to chain through multiple Zombies and get

tons of souls in the process. Off to the left you'll find a puzzle box

containing Tenkai's EARTH LORD.

PUZZLE BOX #1 - Abandoned Village - Side of Mountain

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

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(5) -----------

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= Cave Entrance =

Test of Valor #2 will start right when you enter this area.


TEST OF VALOR #2 - Abandoned Village - Cave Entrance

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Target: Menteith

Time Left: 1:30

This Test of Valor shouldn't be much of problem by now since you should be

leveled up enough to do some major damage with Soki. Run up to the Menteith

and use Oni Magic to chop right through him. Attack him while he is down or,

if a zombie gets close enough, use Oni Magic on the Zombie and use him to chain

an attack into the Menteith while he is down. This should be an easy gold if

you pressure the Menteith enough.

Gold: Star Killer

Silver: Azure Ring

Bronze: Wildflower


Grab the SECRET MED LV3 to the side of the cave then enter the cave. An

Enchanted Mirror is to the side so make use of it for it will be your last on

this level!

= Side of the Cave =

Walk up the path ahead to trigger a cutscene.

Boss - Yodo

As you may have noticed a swarm of Zombies will attack you at the beginning.

Fight off all the Zombie Genma then the characters will speak a bit after the

battle. A cutscene will start after the conversation. Oh, don't worry the

battle is far from over.

Boss - Ophelia

Now the true battle begins. Much like the Mitsunari battle from earlier you

will have to absorb Ophelia's dark essence, only this time you must absorb it

in order to hit her. The dark essence will float around her and will poison

you if you manage to touch it. She will attack and summon Ninja Genma with her

dark essence the whole time that you try to absorb her dark essence. Make sure

to watch out for her flying kick. She will stab both insect arms into the

ground right next to you then fly toward you while you absorb her dark essence.

It's blockable, but it will cause you to stagger so I would recommend dodging

it by stepping to the side since it's pretty easy to see coming, then go back

to absorbing her dark essence. After you absorb all of her dark essence, she

will be stunned, but don't hit her just yet - strike down the remaining Ninja

Genma quickly then hit Ophelia. Use the Ninja Genma to chain an Oni Magic

attack on Ophelia if you are next to her while fighting them off.

Eventually she will recover and this is where the most dangerous part starts.

She will run around the area and attack you with combos. The beginnings of her

combos are blockable, but she will add a move into the combo that will break

your guard so that the final attack will hit you. Make sure to keep pressing

either to the right or left while blocking one of her combos so that you can

sidestep the breaking hit. It is best to keep stepping to the side throughout

this phase because of her unpredictable attacks. Attack her from behind while

she finishes the combo. I usually set my partner to "Go All-out" during this

phase. You can also set you partner to "Wait and Recover" then sit back and

use your partner to bait Ophelia into attacking, then attack her. When she

laughs, that is a warning that she is about to summon dark essence again, so

get ready to absorb! This will be a long fight and a dangerous fight at that,

because she is quite damaging, but if you learn her attacks you should come out

victorious. Be sure to switch between your characters if one gets low in life.

As usual, Oni Awakening will totally own her so use it if all else fails.

Soki's Oni Awakening will absorb her dark essence for you when she summons it

and will allow you to hit her even while she has dark essence around her.

HIDEOUT 12 - Higo Outpost

Some new items are available in the shop. If Jubei is at a low level, go ahead

and start to level her up now so you won't go through some hardships on Stage

16 and the stage after that. If you want the boss battle of the next stage to

be a breeze then go ahead and level up Soki's H. Splitter skill to max. The

next stage is similar to Stage 13 in that you will use all of your characters

for something eventually. Head to the stairs on the side when you're ready to


************************* Abandoned Village (Backtrack) ***********************

Return to the area where you fought Ophelia for Test of Valor #3.

= Side of the Cave =


TEST OF VALOR #3 - Abandoned Village - Side of the Cave

Protect the target!

Time Left: 1:30

Our friends from earlier are in trouble again, and it's up to you to save them.

This test of valor is much easier than the last one where the two soldiers were

in trouble. Only normal zombies will appear throughout this battle and they

will usually only appear three at a time. Use Oni Magic Critical Chains to

slice through a bunch of them in one slice. Protect the two soldiers as much

as you can and this one should be an easy gold rank for you.

Gold: Ice Lord

Silver: Crimson Ring

Bronze: Red Mushrooms


/ /

[WTST15] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ ____ STAGE 15 _____

_____________________________/ Shimabara Assault ___________________________/


****************************** Shimabara Facility *****************************

= Courtyard =

A little too quiet isn't it? Rush and grab the SECRET MED LV2 from off the

floor in the middle and the two MEDICINE LV1's from the two chests off to the

side. When you make it to the front door a Genma General and two Genma Mages

will teleport into the area setting the stage for Test of Valor #1.


TEST OF VALOR #1 - Courtyard - Shimabara Facility

This is a tough one, mainly because of the Genma Mages with the General. Equip

Enryu, preferably at max level, and rush straight ahead then use Oni Magic on

the General to knock him down. Pound away as much as you can on the General.

If you see the Magic Seals from the Mages start to form around you then try to

run to the side or use Oni Magic right when they begin to close to avoid

damage. If a magic seal catches your main character then switch to the other

character. You're main enemy will most likely be damage for this battle.

Gold: Raphael's Gauntlets

Silver: Secret Med LV3

Bronze: Salamander


Open the big gate after the Test of Valor.

= Entrance =

The chest to the right contains a BISHOP RING. Rush straight ahead and fight

through the Soldiers then push the Machine Gunner Genma down the ramp so as not

to awaken the Armored Genma in the back. Defeat the Armored Genma after the

Machine Gunner then grab the ROOK RING from the chest to the side and exit the

area. These new Armored Genma have a three hit combo that is very slow and

very damaging. The final hit will break your defense. They have some

incredibly tough armor as well so you may want your partner to help out.

= Research Lab =

MITSUNARI'S DIARY 3 is next to the elevator entrance, which is out of order for

the time being, and the SHIMABARA FACILITY MAP is next to the Enchanted Mirror.

Just like the last research facility, you will have to destroy some Control

Devices to activate the elevator. Open the door up ahead to find the path to

the main lift room.

= Path to Lift Room =

This room can be quite hard with the Boxer Genma matched up with the constant

barrage of shockwaves from the Menteith in the back. Use Oni Magic to take out

the Soldiers and try to knock the Boxer down. Leave your partner in the back

under a "Wait and Recover" command and the Boxer should try to attack him.

Rush toward the side of the Menteith and slash away. It's going to take a

while to defeat him, but at least you want have to worry about the Boxer if he

attacks your partner. Watch out for the Menteith's attack when it covers its

body since it will be preparing a guard-breaking hit. After the Menteith is

defeated, the force field blocking the path ahead will disappear. Grab the

SHIMIBARA C. TOWER file from the floor and head into the lift room.

= Main Lift Room =

The elevator is not working at the moment so go through the door (Green) to the


= Green Room =

Switch to Ohatsu at the Enchanted Mirror. Walk over to the area on the left

and an Invisible Genma will appear on your side and a Disc Thrower will appear

on the other. Defeat them both and let the folding ladder down then stand to

either side of the folding ladder and swing to the other side with Ohatsu.

Switch to Roberto after lowering the ladder with Ohatsu then make your way to

the other side while using Roberto and punch the door. Enter the door (Blue)

to the side.

= Blue Room =

A few Soldier Genma will attack in here. Grab the --1F ELECTRIC PLUG-- and the

--RED CREST-- from near the controls then leave the room. Punch through the

iron door once again.

= Green Room =

Switch to Tenkai at the Enchanted Mirror then place the Red Crest on the middle

door at the bottom of the folding ladders to unlock it. Switch to Tenkai on

the other side of the door and talk to the dead body to receive the --BLUE

CREST--. Go back through the door and enter the door to the left of the

Enchanted Mirror.

= Lift Control Room =

An Invisible Genma will appear. Place the 1F Electric Plug on the control

device to the side to activate the lift outside. Take the 1ST FLOOR DEVICE

file from the floor and the COMMANDER'S RING from the chest. Go back through

the door and switch your partner to Ohatsu then enter the Main Lift Room.

Position both characters on the lift and press the button on the wall. Enter

the first door that the lift stops at.

= Puzzle Box Room =

Defeat the Disc Thrower and climb the ladder to the left. Switch to Ohatsu and

grapple over the broken part of the walkway. A puzzle box containing Ohatsu's

MOON GAZE will be on the other side.

PUZZLE BOX #1 - Shimabara Facility - Puzzle Box Room

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| * * o | | o o o | | o o o | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | o * * | | o o o | | o o o |

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| o o o | | o * * | | o * * | | * * o |

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| o o o | | o o o | | o * * | | * * o |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Enter the door next to where you climbed the ladder.

= Control Device (Green) Room =

Go through the door at the end of the walkway to find a S. DRIVE MED LV2 lying

on the floor. Go back through the door and climb down the ladder. The control

unit to the side cannot be used just yet, but we'll come back to it later.

Grab the 2nd FLOOR DEVICE file from the floor and destroy

--CONTROL DEVICE (GREEN)-- in the back of the room. Check behind the control

device to find a chest containing a BROTHERLY SCARF. Go back to the main lift


= Main Lift Room =

Pull the lever. We will need Roberto for the first door that you move to so

press the lever again. Enter the second door you come to.

= Control Device Room (Yellow) =

A few Soldier Genma will teleport into the room. Head to the right and destroy

--CONTROL DEVICE (YELLOW). Climb down the ladder after destroying it.

= Soul Altar Room =

Drain the Red Soul Altar and fight off the various Genma that teleport into the

room. Grab the --2F ELECTRIC PLUG-- from the control unit then unbar the door

to the side. Go all the way back to the Lift Room, pull the lever a total of

two times then enter the door you come to. Climb the ladder inside then enter

the door on the walkway.

= Control Device Room (Green) =

Run to the end of the walkway then go down the ladder. Place the 2F Electric

Plug in the control unit. Now you can return to the bottom floor! Return to

the lift room.

= Main Lift Room =

Pull the lever three times then press the button to return to the bottom floor.

Enter the door (Green) to the side. Change your partner to Roberto then get

back on the lift, press the button, then pull the lever twice. Punch the door

you come to with Roberto.

= Control Device (Red) Room =

Destroy --CONTROL DEVICE (RED)-- to the side and check behind it to find a

puzzle box containing a FUDO HORN.

PUZZLE BOX #2 - Shimabara Facility - Control Device (Red) Room

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) -----------

| * * o | | o * * | | o o o |

| | | | | |

| * * o | | o * * | | * * o |

| | | | | |

| o o o | | o o o | | * * o |

----------- ----------- -----------

Switch to Tenkai at the Enchanted Mirror, then go down the ladder. An

Invisible Genma will be waiting at the bottom. Place the Blue Crest on the

door to unlock it. Talk to the dead body with Tenkai and it will give him the

BACKUP POWER KEY. Go back the way you the came and climb the ladder to reach

the walkway overhead. Open the door at the top then run all the way to the end

of the walkway to find a DRIVE JEWEL. Switch back to Roberto as your partner

then reenter the Main Lift Room.

= Main Lift Room =

Pull the lever twice then press the switch to return to the bottom floor.

Switch to Roberto and have him punch the iron door to the side. Get to the

Enchanted Mirror on the other side of the folding ladder and switch your

partner to Jubei. Unlock the door on the side across from the Enchanted Mirror

using the Backup Power Key. Climb up the ladder to your right upon entering

the next room.

= Control Device (Yellow) Room =

Crawl through the hole off to the left with Jubei and destroy --CONTROL DEVICE

(BLUE)--. You should receive a message on the screen telling you that all of

the machines (Control Devices) have been destroyed and the elevator in the

Research Lab is working. Check behind the control device for a puzzle box

containing a WAR CHARM.

PUZZLE BOX #3 - Shimabara Facility - Control Device (Blue) Room

(1) ------------------- (2) ------------------- (3) -------------------

| o * * o o | | o o o o o | | o o * * o |

| | | | | |

| o * * o o | | * * o o o | | o o * * o |

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| o o o o o | | * * o o o | | o o o o o |

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(4) -------------------

| o o o * * |

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| o o o o o |


Go back to the Research Lab. Head down the ladder, make a right, a left, then

enter the door (Red) across from you. Walk to the end of the path.

= Research Lab =

For god sakes, save your game! Now enter the elevator across from the

Enchanted Mirror.

= Wooden Floor Room =

As you walk into the room, Soldier Genma will attack. Walk forward some more

and a Don Gacha will appear then Test of Valor #2 will start right afterwards.


TEST OF VALOR #2 - Shimabara Facility - Wooden Floor Room

Absorb souls within the time limit!

Souls: 3,000

Time Left: 5:00

The quicker you get rid of the Soul Absorber Genma that appears midway into

this battle, the quicker you will win this Test of Valor. Use Oni Magic to

knock the Don Gacha down then uppercut the Genma Mage to knock him out of the

air. Try to get rid of the Genma Mage first then use Oni Magic on the Don

Gacha again to defeat him. Use Oni Magic to chain a critical through all the

Genma Soldiers that appear then start to absorb their souls and keep absorbing

afterward and you should start to pull in a Soul Absorber Genma. Once you take

out that Soul Absorber Genma then you will have no problems collecting the rest

of the souls and that gold rank should be yours. While pulling him in make

sure to block his attack as he rushes you, then attack him from the back.

Gold: Wolf Fang

Silver: Secret Med LV3

Bronze: Wildflower


Collect Soki's HABAKIRI sword from the chest after the battle then go through

the next door.

= Cherry Tree Room 1 =

As you enter the room an Invisible Genma will appear. The fireballs will hit

the Invisible Genma if you use your absorption to make him appear. You need to

move along the sides of the room and avoid the Fireballs or block them as they

go by. On the left side is a chest containing a POWER JEWEL. On the right

side, you will find an ONI JEWEL in a chest. Go through the door across from


= Cherry Tree Room 2 =

You need to do the same thing for this room - run by the fireballs. Other than

the Fireballs, there are no enemies in this room. There are two ANTIDOTES in

the chests on the left and a WARRIOR'S CODE and another ANTIDOTE in the chests

on the right.

= Cherry Tree Room 3 =

A Boxer Genma will teleport into the room on your side and a Gacha will

teleport to the other side. The Gacha will not step out into the fireballs

like the Invisible Genma did earlier so you must go to him. A RARE ANTLER is

in the chest on the left side and be sure to grab LUIS FROIS' DIARY from the

second bridge on the left side.

= Control Room Stairway =

Plenty of Genma will be waiting down the stairs for you. Most of them are

Soldier Genma, but a few Dark Puppets will appear as well. Be sure to grab

Jubei's SHISHIO blade from the chest off to the left at the first turn. Save

your game at the Enchanted Mirror at the bottom. Charge up Soki's Habakiri as

much as you can and use any extra skill points to level up H. Splitter. Take

Ohatsu with you (charge up her Twilight laser) and open the door for a


Boss - Mitsunari

What more can I say about this boss than what I did the last time you fought

him? He is exactly the same. Use Soki's Habakiri on him and use H. Splitter

if you're sure that you can get the attack on him. H. Splitter will take off

quite a bit if fully leveled. If you switch to Ohatsu, then use her Twilight

Laser. I'll go ahead and warn you that there is another boss fight after this

one, but it's not near as bad as the current one. Don't be afraid to use your

Oni Awakening to make the battle with Mitsunari shorter.

Boss - Claudius (Centipede)

Claudius is a very easy boss with predictable patterns. He will start the

battle by moving around in the background and will eventually charge at your

main character suddenly. The charge will break your guard, but he will not hit

you afterward, so all you have to do is block. He will leave behind some

standing dark essence that will poison you if you touch it. Run over to the

dark essence during the breaks, in between his charges, and absorb it with your

gauntlet. You can hit him with Ohatsu while he is moving around in the

background thanks to her long-range attacks. He will charge you a few more

times while leaving behind dark essence and will eventually stop and disappear.

When he disappears move around the area in circles and wait for a portal to

form. Right when the portal forms he will move through it into another portal

and try to attack you in the process. Wait for his head to go into the portal

then quickly hit him with a combo. If you catch his tail he will be stunned

for a few seconds allowing you to get plenty more hits. Use an H. Splitter, if

you have it leveled up enough, for some major damage.

After a few more portal attacks, he will bring his tail up out of the portal by

itself and will try to charge a laser and shoot it at you. Run up and attack

him whenever you see the tail by itself. The laser that he shoots is

blockable. He will switch back to dashing through portals after showing his

tail a few more times then he will start the same pattern all over again from

the start with the charging from the background. If your H. Splitter is fully

leveled you can totally own this boss in about ten hits using the H. Splitter,

if not, the battle will be a bit longer, but with his easy patterns he is

nothing to be feared. Oh, how the mighty have fallen!

HIDEOUT 13 (Higo Outpost)

Some new items are available at the shop, yada, yada. I would very much

recommend that you take Jubei through the dark realm just a bit to level her up

for the next two stages. The next stage won't be too bad for her, but you will

go through some hardships if she is not leveled up enough for the final stage.

It's a good idea to equip her with an item that will boost her magic since her

magic will be quite helpful for the battles in the next two stages. Keep her

equipped with a weapon that can do a critical chain from the Oni Magic attack

and it is good idea to equip her with a War or Contentment Charm since her

special attack (secret technique) will be extremely useful in the battles

ahead. Minokichi will give you MINO GORO'S THREAD as you depart. The uses for

this item will be shown later in the game.

/ /

[WTST16] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ __ STAGE 16 _

_______________________________/ One Way Out _______________________________/


******************************** Nagoya Castle ********************************

= Entrance =

Spear Genma will rush you at the very beginning of this stage. They could at

least give us time to listen to the narrative. Anyway, these Spear Genma are

quite tough so chop through them with a Critical Magic attack if you have to.

Up ahead a cutscene will show you plenty more Spear Genma along with two

Tunnelers. Make sure to block when the Tunnelers go under the ground if you

can't stab them. The treasure chest to the side holds a GENERAL'S CHOKER. The

door in the back has a Door Guardian attached to it so carefully drain its life

with attacks AFTER you have defeated the rest of the enemies. H. Splitter

takes it down quickly, but make sure to watch for its laser.

= Dried Up Well Area =

Soldier Genma will continually teleport into the area ahead as you defeat them.

Don't let them surround you because they can get quite vicious in groups. A

MEDICINE LV3 is on top of the well and the NAGOYA GROUNDS MAP is across from

the Enchanted Mirror. Make sure to have Ohatsu as your partner for the area

ahead. Down the path ahead you'll run across two more Tunneler Genma. A

puzzle box containing URIEL'S GAUNTLETS will be waiting for you to the left of

where the second Tunneler appears.

PUZZLE BOX #1 - Nagoya Castle - Dried Up Well Area

(1) ------------------- (2) ------------------- (3) -------------------

| o o o o o | | o o * * o | | o * * o o |

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------------------- ------------------- -------------------

After the third Tunneler Genma pops up, you will run into a Warrior Genma

standing next to a force field. Two more Tunneler Genma will pop up as well.

Look out for the Warrior's long grappling shot - it has gotten much more long-

range than in previous stages. Take care of the Archers behind the Warrior

Genma first, and then focus on the Warrior Genma to remove the force field.

= Castle Courtyard Entrance =

A continuous assault of Genma Soldiers will pour in once you make it down the

ramp. Two Don Gachas will appear next to the Enchanted Mirror. Grab the DRIVE

JEWEL from near the Enchanted Mirror and rush ahead. Up ahead two Cannon Genma

will stand along the side of the exit door and a Menteith will be blocking the

door. Wait for the Cannons to fire, then rush behind them and kick them so

that they fire upon the Menteith. Stand back and defeat the Soldiers while the

Cannons slowly drain the Menteith. Check behind the right Cannon Genma to find

a puzzle box containing Soki's TIZONA sword.

PUZZLE BOX #2 - Nagoya Castle - Castle Courtyard Entrance

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| o * * | | o o o | | o * * | | o o o |

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(5) ----------- (6) -----------

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----------- -----------

Don't worry about the Soldiers since they will keep spawning. Open the castle


= Castle Courtyard =

Spider Genma and Disc Throwers will be waiting up ahead for you. Rush toward

the bridge to activate Test of Valor #1.


TEST OF VALOR #1 - Nagoya Castle - Castle Courtyard

Destroy the target within the time limit!

Target: Dark Crow X3

Time Left: 5:00

This is where you will definitely need Ohatsu! Target the Dark Crow

immediately as the first one appears and then blast away with a laser gun.

After one drops, immediately target another. Do not worry about the souls if

you want a gold rank! The hardest part about this challenge is firing on an

actual Dark Crow without hitting a normal crow or a Spider Genma. Keep trying,

and boost your gun with souls at the nearby Enchanted Mirror if you must.

Gold: Ususama

Silver: Ultra Med LV3

Bronze: Sweet Herb


Check behind the wall near the wagon after the battle to find a RARE SHELL.

Save your game and enter the castle.

= Castle Entrance =

The Genma Soldiers will continually pour into this area. First of all, run

behind the wall to your left and dispose of the Warrior Genma since he will try

to hit you from behind the wall if you don't. Run back to the main entrance

and fight the Armored Genma or run by them toward the puzzle boxes in the back

of each of them. The puzzle box on the left contains a LOW KING RING.

PUZZLE BOX #3 - Nagoya Castle - Castle Entrance

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| * * o | | o * * | | o o o | | o o o |

| | | | | | | |

| * * o | | o * * | | * * o | | o o o |

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| o o o | | o o o | | * * o | | * * o |

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| o o o | | o o o | | o o o | | * * o |

----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

(5) -----------

| o o o |

| |

| o * * |

| |

| o * * |

| |

| o o o |


The puzzle box on the right contains a HIGH KING RING.

PUZZLE BOX #4 - Nagoya Castle - Castle Entrance

(1) --------------------------- (2) ---------------------------

| * * o o o o o | | o o o o o o o |

| | | |

| * * o o o o o | | o o * * o o o |

| | | |

| o o o o o o o | | o o * * o o o |

--------------------------- ---------------------------

(3) --------------------------- (4) ---------------------------

| o o o o o o o | | o o o o * * o |

| | | |

| o * * o o o o | | o o o o * * o |

| | | |

| o * * o o o o | | o o o o o o o |

--------------------------- ---------------------------

(5) --------------------------- (6) ---------------------------

| o o o * * o o | | o o o o o o o |

| | | |

| o o o * * o o | | o o o o o * * |

| | | |

| o o o o o o o | | o o o o o * * |

--------------------------- ---------------------------

Grab the NAGOYA CASTLE MAP from the familiar-looking statue in the middle then

go up the stairs to the left and through the elevator door.

= Stairwell (Right) =

Switch to Ohatsu and use her to take out the Disc Thrower and Archer in the

area. There's a Yellow Soul Altar to the left if you need it. Grab TAKUAN'S

DIARY 9 from the crate to the left and climb the stairs.

= Top of Stairwell =

Get rid of the Disc Thrower and chop down the Mushroom Genma then grab the

POWER JEWEL next to where he was. Climb down the next set of stairs.

= Stairwell (Left) =

Once again, switch to Ohatsu to defeat the Archer in the back as you go down

the stairs. You can also use her to shoot at the Warrior Genma on the other

side (Mwahaha!) At the bottom of the stairs you will find another puzzle box

containing Ohatsu's CLASS ZERO laser.

PUZZLE BOX #5 - Nagoya Castle - Stairwell (Left)

(1) ------------------- (2) ------------------- (3) -------------------

| o o o * * | | o o * * o | | o o o o o |

| | | | | |

| o o o * * | | o o * * o | | o * * o o |

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| o o o o o | | o o o o o | | o * * o o |

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------------------- -------------------

Enter the elevator.

= Castle Entrance (Right) =

This room can be cheap. The Disc Throwers will constantly attack while a

Warrior Genma will try to reel you in from behind the wall with his grapple

shot. Grab the YELLOW BELL in the puzzle box near the staircase and hurry up

the ladder.

PUZZLE BOX #6 - Nagoya Castle - Castle Entrance (Right)

(1) --------------- (2) --------------- (3) ---------------

| * * o o | | o * * o | | o o * * |

| | | | | |

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(4) ---------------

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| o * * o |


= Second Floor =

A Warrior Genma will be happy to you see you as you climb into the room. Use

some H. Splitters to help calm him down. Switch to Ohatsu to defeat the

Archers. Climb up the ladder to the left.

= Third Floor =

Walk around the side of the crates to find a puzzle box containing Jubei's

KAMUDO blade.

PUZZLE BOX #7 - Nagoya Castle - Third Floor

(1) --------------- (2) --------------- (3) ---------------

| o o * * | | o * * o | | o o o o |

| | | | | |

| o o * * | | o * * o | | o o * * |

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| o o o o | | o o o o | | o o * * |

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(4) --------------- (5) ---------------

| o o * * | | * * o o |

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| o o * * | | * * o o |

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| o o o o | | o o o o |

--------------- ---------------

Save your game at the Enchanted Mirror and prepare Jubei for battle. Give her

a War Charm if you have one available and anthing to help increase her magic.

Equip her with Masumune (max level preferably). Go up the stairs and grab the

ULTRA MED LV2 along the way right before you reach the top.

= Top Floor =

Boss - Munenori

As you probably have already realized, you will have to fight Munenori with

Jubie alone. There are two ways you can approach this battle with Jubei. You

can equip the Masumune for the best attack power and bigger damage with

critical hits, but you will have to remember that he will always counter you

after the fifth hit of the Masumune combo. You can counter his hit with

Jubei's special attack (R2) if you stop the combo after the fifth hit. Instead

of using Masumune, you could use Sky Blade and not have to worry about

countering his hits since the Sky Blade will knock him down after four attacks.

Either weapon is useful, it just depends on if you can handle countering him

when you use Masumune.

The battle has not changed that much since you last fought him with Soki.

Toward the end of the battle he will start a new move in which he will make

another image of himself and both images will attack you. The best way to stop

this is to do an Oni Magic attack on either image and critical chain both of

them to get rid of the fake image and knock Munenori down. Slash repeatedly on

Munenori while he is falling from a critical attack. This battle is not hard

if you prepare for it and have enough magic power for when he starts his image



This will be the final save point where you will be able to journey back to the

other stages and find any items you may have missed. Basically, it is the

final hideout in the game. Make sure to keep this save as a separate save.

The fights ahead will be very difficult so it is good to keep this save as some

insurance just in case you find out that you are not leveled up enough. Make

sure to have all of your characters equipped with the best weapon and have

their armor leveled up to about level 35-40. There are new items available at

the shop as usual. Make sure to buy Tenkai's Fudo spear, as it will assist him

greatly for the battle ahead. Have Jubei equipped with a Blessed Oni Eye or

anything that will raise her magic. Soki should be on about level 70 before

you begin this stage. All of the Rosaries are now available in the shop. It's

a good idea to pick up a Rosary of Heart. The Rosary of Heart will help to

make the final battle a bit easier. You will find one in the stage ahead, but

it's good to have one for you and you're partner.

************************** Nagoya Castle (Backtrack) **************************

Go all the way back to the area where you fought Munenori. Yes ALL THE WAY

back there!

= Top Floor =


TEST OF VALOR #2 - Nagoya Castle - Top Floor

Protect the target!

Time Left: 2:00

Well, those two are at it again! Now they have an uber Genma General chasing

after them and you have got your work cut out for you while you protect them

this time. The Genma General will start the battle by summoning two Grenade

Launcher Genma. At the beginning of the battle, use Oni Magic to slice through

all three of the enemies to knock them down. Equip your partner with a Fudo

Horn, Horn of Susano, Wolf Ring (have him low in life), and anything else that

will raise his attack then unleash Soki's Oni Awakening. Have your partner set

to "Go All-out" during Soki's Oni Awakening. Defeat the two Grenade Launcher

Genma very quickly before they have a chance to fire much then concentrate all

of your attack on the Genma General. Keep him grounded with / attacks. When

Soki's Oni Awakening wears off, quickly switch to your powered up partner and

slash away at the General to finish him off while you have Soki set to "Go All-

out". Knock the General down with an Oni Magic Critical attack if he gets up.

This test of valor is very easy to fail if the Genma General decides to go

after the two targets since he will basically kill them with one hit. It is an

extremely good idea to have all three Rosaries during this battle.

Gold: Lucifer's Gauntlets

Silver: Diamond Ring

Bronze: Rare Salamander


/ /

[WTST17] // //

_________________________/ /________________/ /________________________

/ ___ STAGE 17 __

______________________________/ Twisted Kyoto ______________________________/


= Main Street =

Take either Tenkai or Ohatsu with you for the areas ahead. Three Armored Genma

will be awaiting your arrival at the entrance to Kyoto. Oni Magic is a must in

this stage so use it freely. Get rid of the Archers first. Soldier Genma will

be constantly spawning from the purple meteors being launched toward you. A

SECRET MED LV2 is lying on the first stand to your right as you enter through

through the entrance. Two more Armored Genma will be waiting at the end for


= Connecting Road =

Use Oni Magic on the Warrior Genma then grab the TAO MASTER'S RING out of the

chest to your left and run to the exit. Soldier and Ninja Genma will be

constantly launched into the area.

= Bridge =

Rush ahead as soon as you get into this area and start hacking away at the

Menteith from behind. Use Oni Magic to knock him down then continually slash.

Watch for the Dark Crows lasers while attacking. After you defeat him the

force field behind him will disappear. Open the left puzzle box for Roberto's


PUZZLE BOX #1 - Twisted Kyoto - Bridge

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| o * * | | o o o | | o o o | | o o o |

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----------- -----------

Open the right puzzle box for Tenkai's ITHURIEL spear.

PUZZLE BOX #2 - Twisted Kyoto - Bridge

(1) ------------------- (2) ------------------- (3) -------------------

| o o o o o | | o o o o o | | o o o o o |

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(4) ------------------- (5) ------------------- (6) -------------------

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(7) -------------------

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= Connecting Road =

Zombies and Big Zombies will continually spawn in this area. This is an

excellent place to build up souls and levels for the final battle ahead.

= Alleyway =

Enter the alley to the right and pick up the GENERAL'S RING from the chest then

save your game at the Enchanted Mirror. If you want to make any last minute

adjustements to any of your four characters then now would be the time to do

it. Up ahead you will face some Grenade Launcher Genma and a Warrior. Oni

Magic Chain your way through them. I usually leave Tenkai in his "Prayer"

command while in the alleyway to help boost Soki's attack for this part. Make

sure to hit the Grenade Launcher Genma with an Oni Magic attack if you see them

charging an energy shot since it is unblockable.

= Cherry Tree Road =

Midways down the road a cutscene will begin. Roberto will leave the party

after the cutscene. When the cutscene ends, run back the way you came into the

area behind you. Run to the camera's left side (up the stairs) and grab the

ONI OF FATE charm from inside the chest on the left. Go back the way you came.

Run up to the Genma Beetle in the back (nevermind the Cannon Genma) and get

behind him then use thrust attacks to take him down slowly. It may take a

while, but you will be safe from the Cannon Genma if you stay behind him. Run

up the stairs and check behind the left wall to find a puzzle box containing a

PROSPERITY CHARM. Open the door afterwards.

PUZZLE BOX #3 - Twisted Kyoto - Cherry Tree Road

(1) ------------------- (2) ------------------- (3) -------------------

| * * o o o | | o o * * o | | o o o o o |

| | | | | |

| * * o o o | | o o * * o | | o * * o o |

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(4) ------------------- (5) -------------------

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| o o o o o | | o o o * * |

------------------- -------------------

= Juntei Hall =

Save your game at the Enchanted Mirror and approach the stairs for a cutscene.

Tenkai will stay behind as the rest of party journies forward. Climb the

stairs to Daigo Temple to trigger another cutscene.

= Road to Fushimi 1 =

After the cutscene you will be in control of Soki alone. Grab the FUSHIMI

CASTLE MAP to the side and save your game. Journey up the path ahead to find

three Axemen along the way with a neverending stream of Soldier Genma

constantly teleporting into the area. When you make it to the Archer near the

top, solve the puzzle box to the left of him to get a ROSARY OF MAGIC. Equip

that to Soki now.

PUZZLE BOX #4 - Twisted Kyoto - Road to Fushimi 1

(1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) ----------- (4) -----------

| o o o | | o o o | | * * o | | * * o |

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----------- -----------

= Road to Fushimi 2 =

Two Dark Puppets will attack at the start. Don't forget that you have to use

the Sword of Purfication as the final hit to defeat them. Hack and slash your

way all the way up to the Machine Gunner Genma to find another puzzle box

containing Soki's DURANDAL sword.

PUZZLE BOX #5 - Twisted Kyoto - Road to Fushimi 2

(1) --------------- (2) --------------- (3) ---------------

| o o o o | | * * o o | | o o o o |

| | | | | |

| o * * o | | * * o o | | o o o o |

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(4) --------------- (5) --------------- ---------------

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-------------- --------------- ---------------

A Genma Mage will appear near the top. Grab CLAUDIUS MEMO 1 near the entrance

to the castle.

= Castle Interior =

Save your game at the Enchanted Mirror then walk around the left side. When

you reach the crack in the right wall use your gauntlet to absorb the souls

from the hidden Red Soul Altar inside the crack.

= 2nd Floor =

Grab CLAUDIUS MEMO 2 and the MEDICINE LV3 up ahead. Two Hell Spiders will

approach you eventually. An Armored Genma will be blocking the way to the

final puzzle box of the game containing a ROSARY OF HEART. Equip this Soki.

Walk through the hole in the wall to exit.

PUZZLE BOX #6 - Twisted Kyoto - 2nd Floor

(1) ------------------- (2) ------------------- (3) -------------------

| o o * * o | | o o o * * | | * * o o o |

| | | | | |

| o o * * o | | o o o * * | | * * o o o |

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| o o o o o | | o o o o o | | o o o o o |

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(4) ------------------- (5) -------------------

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| o * * o o | | o o o o o |

------------------- -------------------

= Road to Fushimi Castle 3 =

Recognize the narrator statements? It's the same words from the first stage.

Rush ahead and plow through the Don Gacha and Warrior Genma on your way to

picking up the ULTRA MED LV3 near the top. Fight through another Don Gacha and

Warrior Genma to reach the top and a cutscene will play.

Boss - Rosencrantz (Fly)

You will have to fight this boss with Roberto only. He seems nearly unhittable

at the beginning of the battle, but that will change once you see his weakness.

He will start the battle by spreading purple meteors around the area, which

will release Soldier Genma. These Soldier Genma must be defeated in order to

hurt Rosencrantz. If you take too long to defeat them then he will release

some more and you will have to fight through them as well. He will move to

both sides of the area and unleash poisonous gas on each side. Move away from

the side that he unleashes poison on immediately while you fight the Genma

Soldiers. If his mouth ever starts to glow a bluish color, block IMMEDIATELY

since he will unleash a series of electric shots toward you. If Soldier Genma

are surrounding you, he will hit them as well. If this hits you, make sure to

press X immediately afterwards to get up or he will bombard you with the rest

of the shots.

After all the Soldiers are gone he will try to fly above you and land on you.

This move is quite damaging so make sure to move out of the way. When he

lands, run up and attack him. He will fly back into the air and do the same

once again. Eventually he will fly a bit longer than normal then suddenly hit

the ground and remain stuck for about five seconds. Be sure to get in plenty

of attacks during the final fall. You will mainly have to watch out for his

rearend (aka. his ass) when he lands since it sticks out so much. He will go

back to his normal attacks after this phase. Defeat the Genma Soldiers once

again to make him try to land on you.

You can also use Oni Awakening and constantly spam him with / attacks when he

lands. You'll be invincible so there is no need to move away as he lands.

Here is another method that a reader emailed me with:

"My strategy is the same as yours, to a point. After he shoves his bottom into

the ground, immediately lock on and hit back + R2, then jam on Square. I had

Roberto's R2 moves up to the highest level, and it did ridiculous amounts of

damage to Rosy, not to mention that he paused every time he got hit, which

slows his traveling speed to Roberto, and allows him to get out of the way in

time easily."

(Thanks to Kamisamaa Pendragon)

Boss - Cladius (Centipede)

Now for Tenkai's battle. This fight is very easy if you have a 3 hit combo

spear! Like last time, block his charge attacks and absorb his dark essence

when he leaves it behind. Equip the Fudo spear and wait for him to charge

through the portal from the air and go through the portal in the ground and

then hit him. You will take off tons of damage per combo, especially if you

hit his tail. Nothing has changed whatsoever since the last battle.

Boss - Munenori

Now we are thrown into Jubei's struggle. I sense a pattern here. The only

thing that has changed about this battle from the last time you fought Munenori

is the fact that he will constantly do his image attack from the start. He

will not wait until half life this time. Make sure you have something equipped

that will give Jubei more magic since Oni Magic will help you a lot when he

does his image attack. Hit either image with Oni Magic and chain that attack

so that you hit the other image as well. You will still need to use Jubei's

counter or a 4 hit combo sword to stop the counter move of his. The more

aggressive you are during this battle, the easier it will be. Hit him from the

side while he is on the ground to take his life down faster, but be sure to

block the sand attack.

Boss - Ophelia

Now for Ohatsu's fight. This fight is easy if you can dodge her attacks well.

Drain her essence like you did the last time you fought her. Drain, sidestep

the flying kick, drain, sidestep. If you start absorbing from the very

beginning and keep draining nonstop (avoid the kick of course) then she will

not get a chance to summon Ninja Genma. After draining the dark essence, it is

all a matter of moving and shooting. Use a laser or a shotgun and keep

blasting her. If a Ninja Genma appears from her dark essence then kill him

first. The only hard part about this battle is dodging her combos that she

will do after she wakes up from the stun. Block most of the combo and sidestep

the last few hits then blast away as you run to the other side.

= Outside Fushimi Castle =

Well, it's all up to Soki now. Will our hero prevail? Move along the right

side of the tree up ahead to find a DRAGON OF FATE charm in the treasure chest.

Enter through the hole in the middle of the building.

= Castle Keep =

Open the sliding door ahead of you to begin a cutscene.

Boss - Hideyoshi w/Mech

Block the Mech's gunfire at the beginning then target a leg and run to it then

begin slashing it (or use an H. Splitter). If he tries to kick you then block

quickly. If he leans over then back away since he will do an unblockable sword

slice. All of his other attacks are unblockable. As you slice away at the

legs, they will start to malfunction. Watch out for the electricity around the

legs since it can hit you. Hit both of its legs enough times and the mech will

fall over on its back. That is your cue to combo away at the Mech's top half

while Hideyoshi lies helpless. A powered-up H. Splitter will murder him while

he is down! When the Mech gets up it will sink its sword into the ground and

release a power shockwave around it. Be sure to back off to one of the far

corners of the room to avoid it! Go back to slicing his legs afterward then

attack when he falls. This should be an easy battle with how slow his attacks

are. Use Sword of Purification's Stab if you can't get close to him at times.

Boss - Yodo (Cha-Cha)

You will have the choice of a partner at the beginning of this battle. I would

choose your most powerful character to join you. Tenkai with a leveled up Fudo

spear would be an excellent choice.

Alright, powerful and terrifying Onimusha, at the start of the battle tell your

partner to "Go All-out" so your partner will hit Yodo as you avoid her attacks.

Be sure to put on your running shoes with Soki since Yodo will unleash a

powerful (and unblockable) twin laser directly at you. The twin laser will

follow you wherever you go and will last for about five to six seconds per

blast. Run in big circles around the room to avoid the lasers while your

partner attacks her. She will do about three laser blasts (sometimes four)

then she will summon tentacles from the ground to shield her from your attacks.

She is invincible during this phase. She will summon Genma enemies (either

three Spider Genma or two Genma Generals) and will try to catch you with her

tentacles. When the ground below you starts to stir, run! If a tentacle

catches you then switch to your other character and try to break your main

character free of the tentacle's grip. The tentacle grab can be blocked, but

you will stagger afterward allowing the tentacle to knock you down. Set your

partner to "Wait and Recover" during this phase and use Oni Magic critical

chains to defeat the enemies. After you have defeated the summoned enemies,

she will go back to shooting lasers and repeat the phases.

When she gets down to her last 25% of life she will start to summon purple

fireballs from the ground that will daze you if they manage to hit you. Look

for the purple fire puddle below your character. If she hits your partner with

this then he/she will turn against you and try to attack. You may have to kill

your partner if this happens. If you use Oni Awakening during this battle, you

can basically own her with Oni / slashes while you are invincible, but there

is no need if you have Tenkai with a leveled up Fudo spear as a partner. The

computer AI of Tenkai will go crazy with that spear! If your Tenkai is not

taking off enough then equip him with everything at your disposal to boost his

attack. Equip him with a Wolf Ring since he will most likely spend much of the

battle in critical condition anyway. A Fudo Horn may help, but remember that

you need him to block during the enemy summon phase.

= Castle Keep =

I don't think I have to tell you, but just in case, SAVE YOUR GAME! Let the

Rosary of Health, Magic, and Heart fully replenish you if you have them

equipped while you set your ally to "Wait and Recover". Walk through the

opening in the wall for a set of cutscenes.

Boss - Fortinbras

This battle freaking rocks and is an epic masterpiece of a boss battle! You

will gain a whole new set of attacks for this battle. / will now unleash what

is referred to as an "Ultimate Attack". You will want to constantly hit

Fortinbras to gain more magic for this attack when you run out of magic. Most

of Fortinbras attacks are unblockable. His phsyical attacks are the only moves

that can be guarded against and even those will sometimes break your guard. He

will start the battle with a projectile-type attack most likely. If he starts

to breathe fire then move to the sides since he will unleash a huge flame from

his mouth. This move will likely hit you a few times since there is apparently

an invisible wall that will keep you from moving all the way to the side at

times. Try to keep to one side and move all the way to other side while

avoiding his fire breath. You can unleash an ultimate attack at any time while

getting hit with the fire breath to escape it. He will shoot energy spheres

throughout the area that will sometimes interfere with your dodging. If he

shoots energy waves toward you then move toward him and you'll move under them.

When he holds one of his fists back to hit you, guard his attack. If you ever

see an attack coming that you do not have time to avoid or guard then unleash

your ultimate attack at that time since you will be invicible for that moment.

Eventually he will move to the background and fire ice shots at you from his

fingertips. Move to the sides and stay away from the area that he is aiming

at. If you block the attack then it will eventually break your guard and hit

you. You will be frozen if you get hit by a shot and then Fortinbras will

prepare a charge punch to hit you. The only way to get away from this attack

while you are frozen is to unleash your ultimate attack right before his punch

connects. If you keep tapping the button then you will be able to unleash the

ultimate attack seconds before he hits you. Sometimes he will do the charge

punch without stunning you. Keep stepping to the side to avoid it. He will be

stunned for a minimal amount of time after the charge punch. If he ever holds

back both of his hands and growls into the air with his head tilted up then he

is pissed and is about to unleash what I like to call the ultimate smackdown.

He will start out by punching at you with a constant barrage of punches - this

is the only blockable part. He will then raise his hands into the air and fire

ice shots at you then stop and breathe fire - dodge to the sides. He will end

the combination with a two-handed smash that is unblockable and will totally

own you if it catches you. Luckily, if you dodge the fire by stepping to the

side, then you will most likely dodge the final hit also since he will only

smack what is directly in front of him. If you get hit with the fire, then

unleash an ultimate attack as he starts the final attack and you will avoid

damage. He will be stunned for a very long time after this attack and you

should take full advantage by hitting him with constant slashes to regain your

magic and health. The Rosary of Magic and Health will help you out a bit

during this fight so equip them if you have them.

Boss - Fortinbras (Human Form)

This is the true final battle. No really, it is the last battle in the game

and it is definitely the hardest! Don't be afraid to use all of your recovery

items since you will most likely need a few. This battle gets harder and

harder as you take down this bosses life gauge. It's ironic how easy the

battle appears to be at the beginning compared to the madhouse you face at the

end when you go for the final few hits. Be sure to pick your best character

for a partner and set them to "Wait and Recover" while the boss attacks. Have

all the Rosaries Equipped and give your partner a Rosary of Heart so that both

of your OP gauges will recharge if you happen to use Oni Awakening with either


Alright, for starters, here is the way to attack the boss. Wait for him to

charge his ultimate attack ("Feel the power building in me!") and an icon will

appear in the upper right hand corner telling you to "Dissolve Barrier" by

tapping X. Start absorbing some of the power from his attack as he charges

then wait for him to hurl the meteor. The meteor should be small when he

throws it so deflect the meteor back with your sword. Try to use an uppercut

(Back + []) to deflect the meteor. The meteor will hit him and stun him. DO

NOT stand still while waiting for him to throw the meteor or he will hit you

with an attack from his magma rocks. Attack the small rocks that are on the

screen around you after reflecting the meteor. You can have your partner help

you for this part. There are only two at the beginning but there will be more

later. Once you have destroyed all the rocks, he will start to float down from

above. This is your big chance to unleash hell upon him by attacking him with

your most powerful moves while telling your partner to "Go All-out!" Hit him

with endless H. Splitters as your partner attacks. You will hardly take any

damage from him while hitting him, but that is always the case. He will always

summon more magma rocks after he recovers.

If he ever yells, "I am the god of light!" then he is about to unleash a

barrage of light shots at you. Release your targeting and run around in

circles around the area when he does this to avoid it. Try as much as you can

to watch for attacks from the magma rocks as they move around the area while

avoiding this attack. When he yells, "You will not live defying the will of

god" then purple bolts will rain down from the sky eventually. The purple

bolts will break your guard if you block them so try to stand to the side so

that no other attacks will connect with them.

Magma Rock Attacks:

Ice Shot - run to the sides. It will freeze you for a couple of seconds if it


Fire from ground - stand in the middle area between the flames (it will not hit

you) or move to the sides.

Laser rays - Block. He loves to pin you down with this attack.

Blue energy currents - avoid by running to the sides or in between them. This

is the most annoying attack.

He will start his BS mode that I mentioned previously once the screen flashes.

The area will be utter chaos and you will most likely have to start using some

items or unleash your Oni Awakening. You will have to start absorbing his

power very early as the battle wages on since you will be required to absorb

more to stop his attack. The magma rocks will have no mercy during his last

25% of life and will attack anytime, even during the light shots or ultimate

attack. If you fail to stop his ultimate attack then he will most likely hit

you and take half of your life.

After the battle, the ending cutscenes will play.

Be sure to watch the credits for an extra cutscene, then save your game after

the cutscene to start with all your weapons and levels on your next game.

___________ _________

Section IV _________________________________________________________/ [LIST00]


__ _____ __ _____

/ / _ / _/__

/ / / // / //

/ /___// /_ _ / /

____/____/ __/ /



This section highlights every item found in the game. The descriptions in

parentheses are the location of each weapon in the weapons section and the

locations are outlined under the general "Location(s)" title for the rest of

the items. Pause the game and choose "Items" then choose "List" to see the

different items in the same format of each table shown below. For the weapon

lists, the Joke Weapons are listed for each character even though they will not

appear on the weapon list in the main game and have no number.

* For the apparel and supplies, some of the locations are not specific because

there are too many to list. Use Cntrl + F and type in the name of the item to

find it in the walkthrough. Also, when I say, "Buy from Shop" that means that

that item will be available after a certain point in the game is reached. By

the time you reach the final Hideout (before stage 17), all of the listed

apparel said to be in the shop will be there.


= Soki's Weapons =


-- Soki's Weapon Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |


| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |




Lamentation (starting weapon)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP20 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP22

Lv.3 - AP24 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP26

Lv.5 - AP28 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP31

Lv.7 - AP33

Lv.8 - AP35 - Max HP +500

Lv.9 - AP37 - Max MP +500

Max - AP40 - Max OP +500



Broadsword (In shop after Stage 2 boss fight)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP27

Lv.2 - AP29

Lv.3 - AP32

Lv.4 - AP35

Lv.5 - AP38

Lv.6 - AP41

Lv.7 - AP44

Lv.8 - AP47

Lv.9 - AP50

Max - AP54 - Attack +20



Black Sword (Test of Valor #1 Gold - Fortress at Suruga - Front of Warehouse)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP30 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP33

Lv.3 - AP36 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP39

Lv.5 - AP43 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP46

Lv.7 - AP49

Lv.8 - AP53

Lv.9 - AP56

Max - AP60 - Light Resistance +50%



Light Sword (In shop after Stage 4 boss fight)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP28 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP31

Lv.3 - AP34 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP37

Lv.5 - AP40 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP43

Lv.7 - AP46

Lv.8 - AP49

Lv.9 - AP52

Max - AP56 - Max MP +300



Flame Sword (In shop after Stage 6 wasp boss fight)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP34 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.2 - AP37

Lv.3 - AP41 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP45

Lv.5 - AP49 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP52

Lv.7 - AP56

Lv.8 - AP60

Lv.9 - AP64

Max - AP68 - Max MP +500



Sky Sword (Test of Valor #2 Gold - Sawayama Castle (Stage 11) - Outside the


Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP62 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP68

Lv.3 - AP75 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP82

Lv.5 - AP89 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP96

Lv.7 - AP103

Lv.8 - AP110

Lv.9 - AP117

Max - AP124 - Attacks Against Earth Enemies +50%



Ice Sword (Test of Valor #1 Gold - Kyoto - Bridge)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP38 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP42

Lv.3 - AP46 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP50

Lv.5 - AP54 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP59

Lv.7 - AP63

Lv.8 - AP67

Lv.9 - AP71

Max - AP76 - Attack +20



Earth Sword (In shop after Stage 3 boss fight)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP25 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP27

Lv.3 - AP30 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP33

Lv.5 - AP36 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP38

Lv.7 - AP41

Lv.8 - AP44

Lv.9 - AP47

Max - AP50 - Max HP +300



Red Sting (In shop after Stage 10 boss fight)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP41 - Draws more red souls out

Lv.2 - AP45

Lv.3 - AP50

Lv.4 - AP54

Lv.5 - AP59

Lv.6 - AP63

Lv.7 - AP68

Lv.8 - AP72

Lv.9 - AP77

Max - AP82 - Normal Attacks +20%



Raizan (In shop after Stage 11 boss fight)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP52 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP57

Lv.3 - AP63 - Oni Magic LV2 - Attack +10

Lv.4 - AP69

Lv.5 - AP75 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP80 - Oni Magic +50%

Lv.7 - AP86

Lv.8 - AP92

Lv.9 - AP98

Max - AP104 - Max MP +1000



Gleam (Test of Valor #1 Gold - Azuchi Castle - Open Area)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP32 - Oni Magic LV1 - MP Consumption -50%

Lv.2 - AP35

Lv.3 - AP39 - Oni Magic LV2 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.4 - AP42

Lv.5 - AP46 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP49

Lv.7 - AP53

Lv.8 - AP56

Lv.9 - AP60

Max - AP64 - Oni Magic +100%



Fire Dance (Puzzle Box #1 - Plains Highway - Behind the Buildings)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP22 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP24

Lv.3 - AP26 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP29

Lv.5 - AP31 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP34

Lv.7 - AP36

Lv.8 - AP39

Lv.9 - AP41

Max - AP44 - Attacks Against Ice Enemies +50%



Victory Gale (Puzzle Box #2 - Azuchi Castle - Elevator Room (Bottom Floor))

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP45 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP49

Lv.3 - AP54 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP59

Lv.5 - AP64 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP69

Lv.7 - AP74

Lv.8 - AP79

Lv.9 - AP84

Max - AP90 - Max OP +500



Glacier Song (Puzzle Box #1 - Fortress at Suruga - Side of Warehouse)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP24 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP26

Lv.3 - AP29 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP31

Lv.5 - AP34 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP37

Lv.7 - AP39

Lv.8 - AP42

Lv.9 - AP45

Max - AP48 - Attacks Against Fire Enemies +50%



Dragon Offer (In shop after boss fight in Stage 8)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP15 - Oni Magic LV1 - Experience +100%

Lv.2 - AP16

Lv.3 - AP18 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP19

Lv.5 - AP21 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP23

Lv.7 - AP24

Lv.8 - AP26

Lv.9 - AP28

Max - AP30 - Attack +50



Oni Cutter (Puzzle Box #2 - Mount Hiei - Forest Clearing)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP40 - Thrust Attacks +40%

Lv.2 - AP44

Lv.3 - AP48

Lv.4 - AP53

Lv.5 - AP57

Lv.6 - AP62

Lv.7 - AP66

Lv.8 - AP71

Lv.9 - AP75

Max - AP80 - Max HP +500



Onyx Sword (In shop after Stage 15 boss fights)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP70 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Normal Attacks +20%

Lv.2 - AP77

Lv.3 - AP85 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP93

Lv.5 - AP101

Lv.6 - AP108

Lv.7 - AP116

Lv.8 - AP124

Lv.9 - AP132

Max - AP140 - Max HP +500



Habakiri (Chest - Shimabara Facility - Wooden Floor Room)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP65 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.2 - AP72

Lv.3 - AP79 - Oni Magic LV3 - Dark Resistance +50%

Lv.4 - AP86

Lv.5 - AP93

Lv.6 - AP101 - Attack +20

Lv.7 - AP108

Lv.8 - AP115

Lv.9 - AP122

Max - AP130 - Max MP +500



Enryu (Puzzle Box #3 - Sawayama Castle (Stage 11) - Kitchen)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP42 - Oni Magic LV1 - Generate Attack Wave

Lv.2 - AP46

Lv.3 - AP51 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP55

Lv.5 - AP60 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP65

Lv.7 - AP69

Lv.8 - AP74 - Attacks Against Ice Enemies +50%

Lv.9 - AP79

Max - AP84 - Max HP +1000



Cutting Wind (Puzzle Box 1 - Sawayama Dungeon - Stone Pillar Room 1)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP24 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP26

Lv.3 - AP29 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP31

Lv.5 - AP34 - Oni Magic LV2 - Normal Attacks +20%

Lv.6 - AP37

Lv.7 - AP39

Lv.8 - AP42

Lv.9 - AP45

Max - AP48 - Generate Attack Wave



Leviathan (In shop after Stage 13 boss fight)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP58 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.2 - AP64

Lv.3 - AP70 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP77

Lv.5 - AP83 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP90

Lv.7 - AP96

Lv.8 - AP103

Lv.9 - AP109

Max - AP116 - Max OP +1000



Star Killer (Test of Valor #2 Gold - Abandoned Village - Cave Entrance)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP64 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP71

Lv.3 - AP78 - Oni Magic LV2 - Lift Attacks +20%

Lv.4 - AP85

Lv.5 - AP92 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP99 - Lift Attacks +20%

Lv.7 - AP106

Lv.8 - AP113

Lv.9 - AP120

Max - AP128 - Lift Attacks +40%



Tizona (Puzzle Box #2 - Nagoya Castle - Castle Courtyard Entrance)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP75 - Generate Attack Wave

Lv.2 - AP83

Lv.3 - AP91

Lv.4 - AP99

Lv.5 - AP108

Lv.6 - AP116

Lv.7 - AP124

Lv.8 - AP133

Lv.9 - AP141

Max - AP150 - Max HP +1000



Balmunk (Rare item drop from Black Genma Generals)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP94 - Oni Magic LV 1 - Oni Magic LV 2

Lv.2 - AP104

Lv.3 - AP114 - Oni Magic LV 3

Lv.4 - AP125

Lv.5 - AP135 - Thrust Attacks +40%

Lv.6 - AP146

Lv.7 - AP156

Lv.8 - AP167

Lv.9 - AP177

Max - AP188 - Max HP +1000



Excalibur (Soki's level 50 Dark Realm item)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP90 - Oni Magic Level 1 - Oni Magic LV2 - +20% VS Dark Genma

Lv.2 - AP99

Lv.3 - AP109 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP119

Lv.5 - AP129 - Dark Resistance +50

Lv.6 - AP139

Lv.7 - AP149

Lv.8 - AP159

Lv.9 - AP169

Max - AP180 - Attack +50



Fallen Angel (Rare item drop from Blue Genma Generals)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP78 - Oni Magic LV 1 - Oni Magic LV 2

Lv.2 - AP86

Lv.3 - AP95 - Oni Magic LV 3

Lv.4 - AP103

Lv.5 - AP112 - Normal Attacks +50%

Lv.6 - AP121

Lv.7 - AP129

Lv.8 - AP138 - Fire Resistance +50%

Lv.9 - AP147

Max - AP156 - Dark Resistance +50%



Durandal (Puzzle Box #5 - Twisted Kyoto - Road to Fushimi 2)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP76 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Oni Magic +50%

Lv.2 - AP84

Lv.3 - AP92 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP101

Lv.5 - AP109 - Max MP +500

Lv.6 - AP118

Lv.7 - AP126

Lv.8 - AP135

Lv.9 - AP143

Max - AP152 - Max OP +1000



Dainslief (Rare Item Drop from Warrior Genma)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP82 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.2 - AP91

Lv.3 - AP100 - Oni Magic LV3 - Thrust Attacks +20%

Lv.4 - AP109

Lv.5 - AP118 - Lift Attacks +20%

Lv.6 - AP127

Lv.7 - AP136

Lv.8 - AP145

Lv.9 - AP154

Max - AP164 - Normal Attacks +20%



Anguish (In shop after Stage 16 boss fight)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP90 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Defense -20

Lv.2 - AP99

Lv.3 - AP109 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP119

Lv.5 - AP129 - Attack +20

Lv.6 - AP139

Lv.7 - AP149

Lv.8 - AP159

Lv.9 - AP169

Max - AP180 - Max MP +1000



Gokumonji (Soki's level 100 Dark Realm item)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP100 - Generate Attack Wave

Lv.2 - AP111

Lv.3 - AP122

Lv.4 - AP133

Lv.5 - AP144 - OP Consumption -50%

Lv.6 - AP155

Lv.7 - AP166

Lv.8 - AP177

Lv.9 - AP188

Max - AP200 - Attack +100


[Joke Weapon]

Steel Pipe (Enter the code in the Secrets section for Soki)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP20

Lv.2 - AP22

Lv.3 - AP24

Lv.4 - AP26

Lv.5 - AP28

Lv.6 - AP31

Lv.7 - AP33

Lv.8 - AP35

Lv.9 - AP37

Max - AP40



= Jubei's Weapons =


-- Jubei's Weapon Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |


| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |




Miike Tenta (starting weapon)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 6 Combo

Lv.1 - AP18 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP19

Lv.3 - AP21 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP23

Lv.5 - AP25 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP27

Lv.7 - AP29

Lv.8 - AP31

Lv.9 - AP33

Max - AP36 - Max HP +300



Martial Blade (In shop after the boss fight in Stage 12)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP60

Lv.2 - AP66

Lv.3 - AP73

Lv.4 - AP79

Lv.5 - AP86

Lv.6 - AP93

Lv.7 - AP99

Lv.8 - AP106

Lv.9 - AP113

Max - AP120 - Attack +50



Black Blade (Puzzle Box #1 - Fortress at Suruga - Cliffside)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP18 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP19

Lv.3 - AP21 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP23

Lv.5 - AP25 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP27

Lv.7 - AP29

Lv.8 - AP31

Lv.9 - AP33

Max - AP36 - Max MP +500



Light Blade (In shop after Stage 5 Genma Bug boss fight)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP28 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP31

Lv.3 - AP34 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP37

Lv.5 - AP40 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP43

Lv.7 - AP46

Lv.8 - AP49

Lv.9 - AP52

Max - AP56 - Dark Resistance +50%



Flame Blade (Test of Valor #2 Gold - Azuchi Castle - Mountain)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP37 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.2 - AP41

Lv.3 - AP45 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP49

Lv.5 - AP53 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP57

Lv.7 - AP61

Lv.8 - AP65

Lv.9 - AP69

Max - AP74 - Max MP +500



Sky Blade (Test of Valor #1 Gold - Abandoned Village - Mountain Path)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP62 - Oni Magic LV1 - MP Consumption -25%

Lv.2 - AP68

Lv.3 - AP75 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP82

Lv.5 - AP89 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP96

Lv.7 - AP103

Lv.8 - AP110

Lv.9 - AP117

Max - AP124 - Earth Resistance +50%



Ice Blade (Puzzle Box #3 - City of Sakai - Above the Harbor)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP42 - Oni Magic LV1 - MP Consumption -25%

Lv.2 - AP46

Lv.3 - AP51 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP55

Lv.5 - AP60 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP65

Lv.7 - AP69

Lv.8 - AP74

Lv.9 - AP79

Max - AP84 - Attacks Against Fire Enemies +50%



Earth Blade (Puzzle Box #1 - Kyoto - Bridge)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP32 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.2 - AP35

Lv.3 - AP39 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP42

Lv.5 - AP46 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP49

Lv.7 - AP53

Lv.8 - AP56

Lv.9 - AP60

Max - AP64 - Max MP +500



Kogarasu (Test of Valor #3 Gold - Plains Town - Old Temple)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP26

Lv.2 - AP28

Lv.3 - AP31

Lv.4 - AP34

Lv.5 - AP37

Lv.6 - AP40

Lv.7 - AP43

Lv.8 - AP46

Lv.9 - AP49

Max - AP52 - Max HP +500



Odenta (Puzzle Box #4 - Azuchi Castle - East Trap Room)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP40 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP44

Lv.3 - AP48 - Oni Magic LV2 - Attack +20

Lv.4 - AP53

Lv.5 - AP57 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP62 - Defense +20

Lv.7 - AP66

Lv.8 - AP71

Lv.9 - AP75

Max - AP80 - Generate Attack Wave



Semimaru (In shop after Stage 3 (beetle) boss fight)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP24 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP26

Lv.3 - AP29 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP31

Lv.5 - AP34 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP37

Lv.7 - AP39

Lv.8 - AP42

Lv.9 - AP45

Max - AP48 - Defense +20



Onimaru (Dropped by Ninja Genma and Hell Spiders)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP15 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP16

Lv.3 - AP18 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP19

Lv.5 - AP21 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP23

Lv.7 - AP24

Lv.8 - AP26 - Attack +100

Lv.9 - AP28 - Normal Attacks +40%

Max - AP30 - Generate Attack Wave



Mikazuki (Puzzle Box #1 - Sawayama Castle Town - 3B)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP26 - Oni Magic LV1 - Normal Attacks +20%

Lv.2 - AP28

Lv.3 - AP31 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP34

Lv.5 - AP37 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP40

Lv.7 - AP43

Lv.8 - AP46

Lv.9 - AP49

Max - AP52 - Max MP +500



Dojigiri (Puzzle Box #3 - Plains Town - Back Road)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP20 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP22

Lv.3 - AP24 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP26

Lv.5 - AP28 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP31

Lv.7 - AP33

Lv.8 - AP35

Lv.9 - AP37

Max - AP40 - Attacks Against Fire Enemies +50%



Juzumaru (Combine Warrior's Code + Antler with Jubei)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP20 - Oni Magic LV1 - Experience +100%

Lv.2 - AP22

Lv.3 - AP24 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP26

Lv.5 - AP28 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP31

Lv.7 - AP33

Lv.8 - AP35

Lv.9 - AP37

Max - AP40 - Max HP +500



Usumidori (In shop after boss fight in Stage 9)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 6 Combo

Lv.1 - AP27 - Money Found +100%

Lv.2 - AP29

Lv.3 - AP32

Lv.4 - AP35

Lv.5 - AP38

Lv.6 - AP41

Lv.7 - AP44

Lv.8 - AP47

Lv.9 - AP50

Max - AP54 - Attack +50



Muramasa (Combine Warrior's Code + Rare Shell with Jubei)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 6 Combo

Lv.1 - AP72 - Oni Magic LV1 - Critical Attacks +40%

Lv.2 - AP79

Lv.3 - AP87 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP95

Lv.5 - AP103 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP111

Lv.7 - AP119

Lv.8 - AP127

Lv.9 - AP135

Max - AP144 - Attack +100



Masamune (Puzzle Box #4 - Sawayama Castle (Stage 11) - Stone Pillar Room #2)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 6 Combo

Lv.1 - AP50 - Oni Magic LV1 - Critical Attack +40%

Lv.2 - AP55

Lv.3 - AP61 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP66

Lv.5 - AP72 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP77

Lv.7 - AP83

Lv.8 - AP88

Lv.9 - AP94

Max - AP100 - Attack +50



Oni Devourer (In shop after the boss fight in Stage 11)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 6 Combo

Lv.1 - AP44 - Oni Magic LV1 - Draws more yellow souls out

Lv.2 - AP48

Lv.3 - AP53 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP58

Lv.5 - AP63 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP68

Lv.7 - AP73

Lv.8 - AP78

Lv.9 - AP83

Max - AP88 - Attack +20



Raving Moon (In shop after Boss fight in Stage 9)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 6 Combo

Lv.1 - AP41 - Oni Magic LV1 - Finisher Attacks +40%

Lv.2 - AP45

Lv.3 - AP50 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP54

Lv.5 - AP59 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP63

Lv.7 - AP68

Lv.8 - AP72

Lv.9 - AP77

Max - AP82 - Max OP +500



Ice Shade (In shop after boss fight in Stage 8)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 6 Combo

Lv.1 - AP36 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP39

Lv.3 - AP43 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP47

Lv.5 - AP51 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP55

Lv.7 - AP59

Lv.8 - AP63

Lv.9 - AP67

Max - AP72 - Fire Resistance +50%



Stone Cutter (Puzzle Box #4 - Plains Highway (Backtrack) - Rooftops)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 6 Combo

Lv.1 - AP22 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP24

Lv.3 - AP26 - Oni Magic LV2 - Attack +10

Lv.4 - AP29

Lv.5 - AP31 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP34 - Attack +20

Lv.7 - AP36

Lv.8 - AP39

Lv.9 - AP41

Max - AP44 - Attack +50



Wolf Fang (Test of Valor #2 Gold - Shimabara Facility - Wooden Floor Room)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP72 - Normal Attacks +40%

Lv.2 - AP79

Lv.3 - AP87

Lv.4 - AP95

Lv.5 - AP103

Lv.6 - AP111

Lv.7 - AP119

Lv.8 - AP127

Lv.9 - AP135

Max - AP144 - Max HP +1000



Chimera's Bite (In shop after Stage 14 boss fight)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP45 - Oni Magic LV1 - MP Consumption -50%

Lv.2 - AP49

Lv.3 - AP54 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP59

Lv.5 - AP64 - Oni Magic LV3 - Oni Magic +100%

Lv.6 - AP69

Lv.7 - AP74

Lv.8 - AP79

Lv.9 - AP84

Max - AP90 - Max MP +1000



Shishio (Chest - Shimabara Facility - Control Room Stairway)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 6 Combo

Lv.1 - AP64 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Oni Magic +50%

Lv.2 - AP71

Lv.3 - AP78 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP85

Lv.5 - AP92

Lv.6 - AP99

Lv.7 - AP106

Lv.8 - AP113

Lv.9 - AP120

Max - AP128 - Max MP +1000



Phoenix Claw (Combine Warrior's Code + Rare Antler with Jubei)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP65 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Thrust Attack +40%

Lv.2 - AP72

Lv.3 - AP79 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP86

Lv.5 - AP93

Lv.6 - AP101

Lv.7 - AP108

Lv.8 - AP115

Lv.9 - AP122

Max - AP130 - Max HP +500



Garnet Edge (In shop after Stage 16 boss fight)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP82 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Generate Attack Wave

Lv.2 - AP91

Lv.3 - AP100 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP109

Lv.5 - AP118

Lv.6 - AP127

Lv.7 - AP136

Lv.8 - AP145

Lv.9 - AP154

Max - AP164 - Max HP +1000



Kamudo (Puzzle Box #7 - Nagoya Castle - Third Floor)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 6 Combo

Lv.1 - AP70 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.2 - AP77

Lv.3 - AP85 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP93

Lv.5 - AP101 - Max MP +500

Lv.6 - AP108

Lv.7 - AP116

Lv.8 - AP124 - Max OP +500

Lv.9 - AP132

Max - AP140 - Max HP +1000



Arondight (Jubei's level 50 Dark Realm item)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP86 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Elemental Resistance +20%

Lv.2 - AP95

Lv.3 - AP105 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP114

Lv.5 - AP124 - Normal Attacks +20%

Lv.6 - AP133

Lv.7 - AP143

Lv.8 - AP152

Lv.9 - AP162

Max - AP172 - Max OP +1000



Moonlight (Jubei's level 100 Dark Realm item)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 6 Combo

Lv.1 - AP94 - OP Recovers Over Time

Lv.2 - AP104

Lv.3 - AP114

Lv.4 - AP125

Lv.5 - AP135 - Attack +50

Lv.6 - AP146

Lv.7 - AP156

Lv.8 - AP167

Lv.9 - AP177

Max - AP188 - Max OP +1000


[Joke Weapon]

Racket (Enter the code in the Secrets section for Jubei)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 6 Combo

Lv.1 - AP18

Lv.2 - AP19

Lv.3 - AP21

Lv.4 - AP23

Lv.5 - AP25

Lv.6 - AP27

Lv.7 - AP29

Lv.8 - AP31

Lv.9 - AP33

Max - AP40



= Ohatsu's Weapons =


-- Ohatsu's Weapon Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |


| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |




Tanegashima (starting weapon)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP20 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP22

Lv.3 - AP24 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP26

Lv.5 - AP28 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP31

Lv.7 - AP33

Lv.8 - AP35

Lv.9 - AP37

Max - AP40 - Max HP +300



Battle Rifle (Test of Valor #2 Gold - Mount Hiei (Backtrack) - Lazuline Hall


Attribute: None ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP50

Lv.2 - AP55

Lv.3 - AP61

Lv.4 - AP66

Lv.5 - AP72

Lv.6 - AP77

Lv.7 - AP83

Lv.8 - AP88

Lv.9 - AP94

Max - AP100 - Attack +10



Black Rifle (Test of Valor #2 Gold - Kyoto - Juntei Hall)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP36 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.2 - AP39

Lv.3 - AP43 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP47

Lv.5 - AP51 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP55

Lv.7 - AP59

Lv.8 - AP63

Lv.9 - AP67

Max - AP72 - Max MP +300



Light Rifle (Dropped from Genma Archer [rare])

Attribute: Light ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP25 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP27

Lv.3 - AP30 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP33

Lv.5 - AP36 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP38

Lv.7 - AP41

Lv.8 - AP44

Lv.9 - AP47

Max - AP50 - Dark Resistance +50%



Flame Rifle (Combine Warrior's Code + Fossilized Bone with Ohatsu)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP44 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.2 - AP48

Lv.3 - AP53 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP58

Lv.5 - AP63 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP68

Lv.7 - AP73

Lv.8 - AP78

Lv.9 - AP83

Max - AP88 - Max MP +500



Sky Rifle (Puzzle Box #5 - Plains Town (Backtrack) - Front Road)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP55 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP61

Lv.3 - AP67 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP73

Lv.5 - AP79 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP85

Lv.7 - AP91

Lv.8 - AP97

Lv.9 - AP103

Max - AP110 - Max HP +500



Ice Rifle (Test of Valor #1 Gold - Sawayama Castle Town - 2R Room)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP29 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP32

Lv.3 - AP35 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP38

Lv.5 - AP41 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP45

Lv.7 - AP48

Lv.8 - AP51

Lv.9 - AP54

Max - AP58 - Fire Resistance +50%



Earth Rifle (In shop after Stage 5 Genma Bug boss fight)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP25 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP27

Lv.3 - AP30 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP33

Lv.5 - AP36 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP38

Lv.7 - AP41

Lv.8 - AP44

Lv.9 - AP47

Max - AP50 - Defense +20%



Aurora (Combine Warrior's Code + Antler with Ohatsu)

Attribute: None ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP33 - Money Found +100%

Lv.2 - AP36

Lv.3 - AP40

Lv.4 - AP43

Lv.5 - AP47

Lv.6 - AP51

Lv.7 - AP54

Lv.8 - AP58

Lv.9 - AP62

Max - AP66 - Attack +50



Oni Rage (Ohatsu's level 50 Dark Realm item)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP94 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.2 - AP104

Lv.3 - AP114 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP125

Lv.5 - AP135 - Max OP +500

Lv.6 - AP146

Lv.7 - AP156

Lv.8 - AP167

Lv.9 - AP178

Max - AP188 - Max HP +500



Guardian (Inside chest - Mount Hiei - Pagoda Remains)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP40 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP44

Lv.3 - AP48 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP53

Lv.5 - AP57 - Oni Magic LV3 - Defense +50

Lv.6 - AP62

Lv.7 - AP66

Lv.8 - AP71 - Elemental Resistance +20%

Lv.9 - AP75

Max - AP80 - Max HP +1000



Shiranui (In shop after Stage 13 boss fight)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP34 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - MP Consumption -50%

Lv.2 - AP37

Lv.3 - AP41 - Oni Magic LV3 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.4 - AP45

Lv.5 - AP49

Lv.6 - AP52

Lv.7 - AP56

Lv.8 - AP60

Lv.9 - AP64

Max - AP68 - Oni Magic +100%



Meteor Shower (Test of Valor #1 Gold - Western Hospital - Surgery Corridor)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP54 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP59

Lv.3 - AP65 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP71

Lv.5 - AP77 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP83

Lv.7 - AP89

Lv.8 - AP95

Lv.9 - AP101

Max - AP108 - Attack +20



Blizzard (In shop after Stage 15 boss fights)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP75 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.2 - AP83

Lv.3 - AP91 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP99

Lv.5 - AP108 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP116

Lv.7 - AP124

Lv.8 - AP133

Lv.9 - AP141

Max - AP150 - Max HP +1000



Nio (Dropped from Genma Cannon)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP45 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP49

Lv.3 - AP54 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP59

Lv.5 - AP64 - Oni Magic LV3 - Defense +20

Lv.6 - AP69

Lv.7 - AP74

Lv.8 - AP79

Lv.9 - AP84

Max - AP90 - Max HP +1000



Decadence (Puzzle Box #2 - Sawayama Dungeon - Folding Screen Room)

Attribute: None ----- Type: Slug

Lv.1 - AP32

Lv.2 - AP35

Lv.3 - AP39

Lv.4 - AP42

Lv.5 - AP46 - Attack +20

Lv.6 - AP49

Lv.7 - AP53

Lv.8 - AP56

Lv.9 - AP60

Max - AP64 - Attack +50



Black Inferno (Found in the chest on the left side of the entrance area to

Western Hospital (Backtrack). Use Roberto to move the block)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: Slug

Lv.1 - AP53 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP58

Lv.3 - AP64 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP70

Lv.5 - AP76 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP82

Lv.7 - AP88

Lv.8 - AP94

Lv.9 - AP100

Max - AP106 - Attack +50



Divine Spark (Combine Warrior's Code + Rare Shell with Ohatsu)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: Slug

Lv.1 - AP75 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.2 - AP83

Lv.3 - AP91 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP99

Lv.5 - AP108 - Attack +20

Lv.6 - AP116

Lv.7 - AP124

Lv.8 - AP133 - Attack +20

Lv.9 - AP141

Max - AP150 - Attack +50



Red Pyre (Combine Warrior's Code + Fangs with Ohatsu)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: Piercing

Lv.1 - AP32 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP35

Lv.3 - AP39 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP42

Lv.5 - AP46 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP49

Lv.7 - AP53

Lv.8 - AP56

Lv.9 - AP60

Max - AP64 - Attacks Against Ice Enemies +50%



Divine Wind (In shop after boss fight in Stage 8)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: Piercing

Lv.1 - AP40 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP44

Lv.3 - AP48 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP53

Lv.5 - AP57 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP62

Lv.7 - AP66

Lv.8 - AP71

Lv.9 - AP75

Max - AP80 - Magic +500



Ice Break (Combine Warrior's Code + Rare Antler with Ohatsu)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: Piercing

Lv.1 - AP62 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP68

Lv.3 - AP75 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP82

Lv.5 - AP89 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP96

Lv.7 - AP103

Lv.8 - AP110

Lv.9 - AP117

Max - AP124 - Fire Resistance +50%



Crag (Puzzle Box #4 - Sakai Facility - Control Device (Yellow) Room)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: Piercing

Lv.1 - AP52 - Oni Magic LV1 - Defense +20

Lv.2 - AP57

Lv.3 - AP63 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP69

Lv.5 - AP75 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP80

Lv.7 - AP86

Lv.8 - AP92

Lv.9 - AP98

Max - AP104 - Max HP +1000



Class Zero (Puzzle Box #3 - Nagoya Castle - Stairwell (Left))

Attribute: None ----- Type: Laser

Lv.1 - AP80

Lv.2 - AP88

Lv.3 - AP97

Lv.4 - AP106

Lv.5 - AP115

Lv.6 - AP124

Lv.7 - AP133

Lv.8 - AP142

Lv.9 - AP151

Max - AP160 - Defense +50



Moon Gaze (Puzzle Box #1 - Shimabara Facility - Puzzle Box Room)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: Laser

Lv.1 - AP68 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.2 - AP75

Lv.3 - AP83 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP90

Lv.5 - AP98

Lv.6 - AP105

Lv.7 - AP113

Lv.8 - AP120

Lv.9 - AP128

Max - AP136 - Max OP +500



Twilight (Puzzle Box #1 - City of Sakai - Waterway)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: Laser

Lv.1 - AP60 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP66

Lv.3 - AP73 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP79

Lv.5 - AP86 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP93

Lv.7 - AP99

Lv.8 - AP106

Lv.9 - AP113

Max - AP120 - Max OP +500



Resolution (In shop after Stage 16 boss fight)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: Spread

Lv.1 - AP81 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.2 - AP89

Lv.3 - AP98 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP107

Lv.5 - AP116

Lv.6 - AP125

Lv.7 - AP134

Lv.8 - AP143

Lv.9 - AP152

Max - AP162 - Max MP +1000



Flying Dragon (In shop after Stage 14 boss fight)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: Spread

Lv.1 - AP67 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Lift Attacks +20%

Lv.2 - AP74

Lv.3 - AP81 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP89

Lv.5 - AP96

Lv.6 - AP104

Lv.7 - AP111

Lv.8 - AP119

Lv.9 - AP126

Max - AP134 - Lift Attacks +40%



Ice Fang (In shop after boss fight in Stage 10)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: Spread

Lv.1 - AP50 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP55

Lv.3 - AP61 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP66

Lv.5 - AP72 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP77

Lv.7 - AP83

Lv.8 - AP88

Lv.9 - AP94

Max - AP100 - Fire Resistance +50%



Orochi (Test of Valor #1 Gold - City of Sakai - Drawbridge Area)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: Spread

Lv.1 - AP59 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP65

Lv.3 - AP72 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP78

Lv.5 - AP85 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP91

Lv.7 - AP98

Lv.8 - AP104

Lv.9 - AP111

Max - AP118 - Max HP +500



Supremacy (Ohatsu's level 100 Dark Realm item)

Attribute: None ----- Type: Laser

Lv.1 - AP100

Lv.2 - AP111

Lv.3 - AP122

Lv.4 - AP133

Lv.5 - AP144 - Max HP +1000

Lv.6 - AP155

Lv.7 - AP166

Lv.8 - AP177

Lv.9 - AP188

Max - AP200 - OP Consumption -50%


[Joke Weapon]

Piggy Bank (Enter the code in the Secrets section for Ohatsu)

Attribute: None ----- Type: Normal

Lv.1 - AP20

Lv.2 - AP22

Lv.3 - AP24

Lv.4 - AP26

Lv.5 - AP28

Lv.6 - AP31

Lv.7 - AP33

Lv.8 - AP35

Lv.9 - AP37

Max - AP40



= Roberto's Weapons =


-- Roberto's Weapon Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |


| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |




Knuckle Guards (starting weapon)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP28 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP31

Lv.3 - AP34 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP37

Lv.5 - AP40 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP43

Lv.7 - AP46

Lv.8 - AP49

Lv.9 - AP52

Max - AP56 - Max HP +300



Enma Gloves (Test of Valor #2 Gold - Western Hospital - Surgery)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP25 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP27

Lv.3 - AP30 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP33

Lv.5 - AP36 - Oni Magic LV3 - Generate Attack Wave

Lv.6 - AP38

Lv.7 - AP41

Lv.8 - AP44 - Attack +100

Lv.9 - AP47

Max - AP50 - Max HP +1000



Light Gloves (Inside the chest in the Surgery Corridor of the Western Hospital

(Backtrack). Push the block with Roberto)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP42 - Oni Magic LV1 - Max HP +500

Lv.2 - AP46

Lv.3 - AP51 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP55

Lv.5 - AP60 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP65

Lv.7 - AP69

Lv.8 - AP74

Lv.9 - AP79

Max - AP84 - Attack Against Dark Enemies +50%



Flame Gloves (In shop after Stage 12 boss fight)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP55 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP61

Lv.3 - AP67 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP73

Lv.5 - AP79 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP85

Lv.7 - AP91

Lv.8 - AP97

Lv.9 - AP103

Max - AP110 - Attacks Against Ice Enemies +50%



Sky Gloves (In shop after boss fight in Stage 10)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP47 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP52

Lv.3 - AP57 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP62

Lv.5 - AP67 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP73

Lv.7 - AP78

Lv.8 - AP83

Lv.9 - AP88

Max - AP94 - Attack +20



Ground Gloves (Test of Valor #1 Gold - Mount Hiei - Ruins)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP40 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.2 - AP44

Lv.3 - AP48 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP53

Lv.5 - AP57 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP62

Lv.7 - AP66

Lv.8 - AP71

Lv.9 - AP75

Max - AP80 - Max MP +500



Spine Tinglers (Combine Warrior's Code + Rare Antler with Roberto)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP68 - Thrust Attacks +40%

Lv.2 - AP75

Lv.3 - AP83

Lv.4 - AP90

Lv.5 - AP98

Lv.6 - AP105

Lv.7 - AP113

Lv.8 - AP120

Lv.9 - AP128

Max - AP136 - Max HP +1000



Gloves of Hades (In shop after Stage 5 Genma Bug boss fight)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP33 - Oni Magic LV1 - Defense -10

Lv.2 - AP36

Lv.3 - AP40 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP43

Lv.5 - AP47 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP51

Lv.7 - AP54

Lv.8 - AP58

Lv.9 - AP62

Max - AP66 - Attack +20



Class Zero Gloves (Puzzle Box #2 - Sakai Facility - Control Device (Green) Room

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP62 - Oni Magic LV1 - Defense -20

Lv.2 - AP68

Lv.3 - AP75 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP82

Lv.5 - AP89 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP96

Lv.7 - AP103

Lv.8 - AP110

Lv.9 - AP117

Max - AP124 - Attack +50



Redemption (Combine Warrior's Code + Fossilized Bone with Roberto)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP29 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - MP Consumption -50%

Lv.2 - AP32

Lv.3 - AP35 - Oni Magic LV3 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.4 - AP38

Lv.5 - AP41

Lv.6 - AP45

Lv.7 - AP48

Lv.8 - AP51

Lv.9 - AP54

Max - AP58 - Oni Magic +100%



Ortlinde (Test of Valor #1 Gold - Sakia Facility - Room to Experiments)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP42 - Draws More Red Souls Out

Lv.2 - AP46

Lv.3 - AP51

Lv.4 - AP55

Lv.5 - AP60

Lv.6 - AP65

Lv.7 - AP69

Lv.8 - AP74

Lv.9 - AP79

Max - AP84 - Max HP +500



Brunnhilde (Puzzle Box #1 - Sawayama Castle (Stage 11) - Hidden Cave)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP25 - Oni Magic LV1 - Experience +100%

Lv.2 - AP27

Lv.3 - AP30 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP33

Lv.5 - AP36 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP38

Lv.7 - AP41

Lv.8 - AP44

Lv.9 - AP47

Max - AP50 - Attack +50



Schwertleite (Combine Warrior's Code + Fangs with Roberto)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP45 - Oni Magic LV1 - Normal Attacks +20%

Lv.2 - AP49

Lv.3 - AP54 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP59

Lv.5 - AP64 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP69

Lv.7 - AP74

Lv.8 - AP79

Lv.9 - AP84

Max - AP90 - Attack +20



Helmwige (Combine Warrior's Code + Antler with Roberto)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP48 - Oni Magic LV1 - Generate Attack Wave

Lv.2 - AP53

Lv.3 - AP58 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP63

Lv.5 - AP69 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP74

Lv.7 - AP79

Lv.8 - AP85

Lv.9 - AP90

Max - AP96 - Max HP +1000



Siegrune (In shop after Stage 14 boss fight)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP67 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.2 - AP74

Lv.3 - AP81 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP89

Lv.5 - AP96 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP104

Lv.7 - AP111

Lv.8 - AP119

Lv.9 - AP126

Max - AP134 - Max MP +500



Cassiel's Gauntlets (In shop after Stage 16 boss fight)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP80 - Critical Attacks +40%

Lv.2 - AP88

Lv.3 - AP97

Lv.4 - AP106

Lv.5 - AP115 - Attack +20

Lv.6 - AP124

Lv.7 - AP133

Lv.8 - AP142

Lv.9 - AP151

Max - AP160 - Normal Attacks +40%



Lucifer's Gauntlets (Test of Valor #2 Gold - Nagoya Castle - Top Floor)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP95 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.2 - AP105

Lv.3 - AP116 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP126

Lv.5 - AP137 - Defense -50

Lv.6 - AP147

Lv.7 - AP158

Lv.8 - AP168 - Normal Attacks +40%

Lv.9 - AP179

Max - AP190 - Attacks Against Light Enemies +50%



Metatron's Gauntlets (Roberto's level 50 Dark Realm item)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP88 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.2 - AP97

Lv.3 - AP107 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP117

Lv.5 - AP127 - Thrust Attacks + 40%

Lv.6 - AP136

Lv.7 - AP146

Lv.8 - AP156

Lv.9 - AP166

Max - AP176 - Max HP +1000



Michael's Gauntlets (Puzzle Box #1 - Twisted Kyoto - Bridge)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP82 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Oni Magic +50%

Lv.2 - AP91

Lv.3 - AP100 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP109

Lv.5 - AP118 - Defense +50

Lv.6 - AP127

Lv.7 - AP136

Lv.8 - AP145

Lv.9 - AP154

Max - AP164 - Attack +50



Raphael's Gauntlets (Test of Valor #1 Gold - Courtyard - Shimabara Facility)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP73 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Oni Magic +50%

Lv.2 - AP81

Lv.3 - AP89 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP97

Lv.5 - AP105

Lv.6 - AP113

Lv.7 - AP121

Lv.8 - AP129

Lv.9 - AP137

Max - AP146 - Max MP +1000



Gabriel's Gauntlets (Combine Warrior's Code + Rare Shell with Roberto)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP78 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Oni Magic +50%

Lv.2 - AP86

Lv.3 - AP95 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP103

Lv.5 - AP112

Lv.6 - AP121

Lv.7 - AP129

Lv.8 - AP138

Lv.9 - AP147

Max - AP156 - Max OP +1000



Uriel's Gauntlets (Puzzle Box #1 - Nagoya Castle - Dried Up Well Area)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP76 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Oni Magic +50%

Lv.2 - AP84

Lv.3 - AP92 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP101

Lv.5 - AP109

Lv.6 - AP118

Lv.7 - AP126

Lv.8 - AP135

Lv.9 - AP143

Max - AP152 - Max HP +1000



Gloves of Covenant (Roberto's level 100 Dark Realm item)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP98 - Hp Recovers Over Time

Lv.2 - AP108

Lv.3 - AP119

Lv.4 - AP130

Lv.5 - AP141 - Generate Attack Wave

Lv.6 - AP152

Lv.7 - AP163

Lv.8 - AP174

Lv.9 - AP185

Max - AP196 - Attack +100


[Joke Weapon]

Boxing Gloves (Enter the code in the Secrets section for Roberto)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP28

Lv.2 - AP31

Lv.3 - AP34

Lv.4 - AP37

Lv.5 - AP40

Lv.6 - AP43

Lv.7 - AP46

Lv.8 - AP49

Lv.9 - AP52

Max - AP56



= Tenkai's Weapons =


-- Tenkai's Weapon Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |


| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |




Kurama (starting weapon)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP25 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP27

Lv.3 - AP30 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP33

Lv.5 - AP36 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP38

Lv.7 - AP41

Lv.8 - AP44

Lv.9 - AP47

Max - AP50 - Max MP +300



Horin (Test of Valor #2 Gold - Sawayama Castle Town (Backtrack) - 4R Room)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP34 - MP Consumption -50%

Lv.2 - AP37

Lv.3 - AP41

Lv.4 - AP45

Lv.5 - AP49

Lv.6 - AP52

Lv.7 - AP56

Lv.8 - AP60

Lv.9 - AP64

Max - AP68 - Max HP +1000



Dragonfly (In a treasure chest after you climb the top of the ladder in the

Inside the Wall area at the Fortress of Suruga (Backtrack).)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP54 - Oni Magic LV1 - Normal Attacks +40%

Lv.2 - AP59

Lv.3 - AP65 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP71

Lv.5 - AP77 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP83

Lv.7 - AP89

Lv.8 - AP95

Lv.9 - AP101

Max - AP108 - Attack +50



Kasen (Dropped from Spear Genma)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP30 - Oni Magic LV1 - Defense +20

Lv.2 - AP33

Lv.3 - AP36 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP39

Lv.5 - AP43 - Oni Magic LV3 - Attack +20

Lv.6 - AP46

Lv.7 - AP49

Lv.8 - AP53

Lv.9 - AP56

Max - AP60 - Max HP +500



Yama (Talk to the first dead body at the Cave Entrance on the second floor of

Stage 6)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP30 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP33

Lv.3 - AP36 - Oni Magic LV2 - Attacks against ice enemies +20%

Lv.4 - AP39

Lv.5 - AP43 - Oni Magic LV3 - Ice Resistance +20%

Lv.6 - AP46

Lv.7 - AP49

Lv.8 - AP53

Lv.9 - AP56

Max - AP60 - Max MP +300



Indra (Combine Warrior's Code + Fossilized Bone with Tenkai)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP41 - Oni Magic LV1 - Thrust Attacks +40%

Lv.2 - AP45

Lv.3 - AP50 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP54

Lv.5 - AP59 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP63

Lv.7 - AP68

Lv.8 - AP72

Lv.9 - AP77

Max - AP82 - Max MP +500



Vaisravana (In shop after Stage 5 Genma Bug boss fight)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP23 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - MP consumption -25%

Lv.2 - AP25

Lv.3 - AP28 - Oni Magic LV3 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.4 - AP30

Lv.5 - AP33

Lv.6 - AP35

Lv.7 - AP38

Lv.8 - AP40

Lv.9 - AP43

Max - AP46 - Max MP +300



Raksasa (In shop after boss fight in Stage 13)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP67 - Oni Magic LV1 - Defense -20

Lv.2 - AP74

Lv.3 - AP81 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP89

Lv.5 - AP96 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP104

Lv.7 - AP111

Lv.8 - AP119

Lv.9 - AP126

Max - AP134 - Attack +50



Varuna (In shop after boss fight in Stage 13)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP40 - Oni Magic LV1 - MP Consumption -50%

Lv.2 - AP44

Lv.3 - AP48 - Oni Magic LV2 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.4 - AP53

Lv.5 - AP57 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP62

Lv.7 - AP66

Lv.8 - AP71

Lv.9 - AP75

Max - AP80 - Oni Magic +100%



Isana (Combine Warrior's Code + Fangs with Tenkai)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP35 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP38

Lv.3 - AP42 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP46

Lv.5 - AP50 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP54

Lv.7 - AP58

Lv.8 - AP62

Lv.9 - AP66

Max - AP70 - Defense +50



Brahma (Combine Warrior's Code + Antler with Tenkai)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP44

Lv.2 - AP48

Lv.3 - AP53

Lv.4 - AP58

Lv.5 - AP63

Lv.6 - AP68

Lv.7 - AP73

Lv.8 - AP78

Lv.9 - AP83

Max - AP88 - Max HP +500



Bright Star (In shop after Stage 14 boss fight)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP63 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic +20%

Lv.2 - AP69

Lv.3 - AP76 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP83

Lv.5 - AP90 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP97

Lv.7 - AP104

Lv.8 - AP111

Lv.9 - AP118

Max - AP126 - Max MP +500



Monument (Combine Warrior's Code + Rare Antler with Tenkai)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP66 - Oni Magic LV1 - Draw More Blue Souls Out

Lv.2 - AP73

Lv.3 - AP80 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP87

Lv.5 - AP95 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP102

Lv.7 - AP109

Lv.8 - AP117

Lv.9 - AP124

Max - AP132 - Max MP +1000



Ice Lord (Test of Valor #3 Gold - Abandoned Village - Side of the Cave)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP68 - Oni Magic LV1

Lv.2 - AP75

Lv.3 - AP83 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP90

Lv.5 - AP98 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.6 - AP105

Lv.7 - AP113

Lv.8 - AP120

Lv.9 - AP128

Max - AP136 - Fire Resistance +50%



Earth Lord (Puzzle Box #1 - Abandoned Village - Side of Mountain)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP54 - Oni Magic LV1 - Defense +20%

Lv.2 - AP59

Lv.3 - AP65 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.4 - AP71

Lv.5 - AP77 - Oni Magic LV3 - Wind Resistance +50%

Lv.6 - AP83

Lv.7 - AP89

Lv.8 - AP95

Lv.9 - AP101

Max - AP108 - Elemental Resistance +20%



Fudo (In shop after Stage 16 boss fight)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP80 - Generate Attack Wave

Lv.2 - AP88

Lv.3 - AP97

Lv.4 - AP106

Lv.5 - AP115

Lv.6 - AP124

Lv.7 - AP133

Lv.8 - AP142

Lv.9 - AP151

Max - AP160 - Attack +50



Ususama (Test of Valor #1 Gold - Nagoya Castle - Castle Courtyard)

Attribute: Dark ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP70 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.2 - AP77

Lv.3 - AP85 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP93

Lv.5 - AP101 - Light Resistance +50%

Lv.6 - AP108

Lv.7 - AP116

Lv.8 - AP124

Lv.9 - AP132

Max - AP140 - Attacks against light enemies +50%



Gozanze (Combine Warrior's Code + Rare Shell with Tenkai)

Attribute: Light ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP78 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Oni Magic +50%

Lv.2 - AP86

Lv.3 - AP95 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP103

Lv.5 - AP112

Lv.6 - AP121

Lv.7 - AP129

Lv.8 - AP138

Lv.9 - AP147

Max - AP156 - Max OP +1000



Gongoyasha (In shop after Stage 15 boss fights)

Attribute: Fire ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP72 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Thrust Attacks +40%

Lv.2 - AP79

Lv.3 - AP87 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP95

Lv.5 - AP103

Lv.6 - AP111

Lv.7 - AP119

Lv.8 - AP127

Lv.9 - AP135

Max - AP144 - Max HP +1000



Gundari (Test of Valor #2 Gold - City of Sakia (Backtrack) - Dock)

Attribute: Wind ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP76 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2

Lv.2 - AP84

Lv.3 - AP92 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP101

Lv.5 - AP109 - Max HP +500

Lv.6 - AP118

Lv.7 - AP126

Lv.8 - AP135

Lv.9 - AP143

Max - AP152 - Generate Attack Wave



Ithuriel (Puzzle Box #1 - Twisted Kyoto - Bridge)

Attribute: Ice ----- Type: 5 Combo

Lv.1 - AP68 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - MP Consumption -50%

Lv.2 - AP75

Lv.3 - AP83 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP90

Lv.5 - AP98 - Oni Magic +100%

Lv.6 - AP105

Lv.7 - AP113

Lv.8 - AP120

Lv.9 - AP128

Max - AP136 - MP Recovers Over Time



Gae Bolga (Tenkai's level 50 Dark Realm item)

Attribute: Earth ----- Type: 3 Combo

Lv.1 - AP84 - Oni Magic LV1 - Oni Magic LV2 - Critical Attacks +40%

Lv.2 - AP93

Lv.3 - AP102 - Oni Magic LV3

Lv.4 - AP111

Lv.5 - AP121

Lv.6 - AP130

Lv.7 - AP139

Lv.8 - AP149

Lv.9 - AP158

Max - AP168 - Attack +50



Clarity (Tenkai's level 100 Dark Realm item)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP96 - Normal Attacks +40%

Lv.2 - AP106

Lv.3 - AP117

Lv.4 - AP127

Lv.5 - AP138 - Defense +50

Lv.6 - AP149

Lv.7 - AP159

Lv.8 - AP170

Lv.9 - AP181

Max - AP192 - HP, MP, OP Recover Over Time


[Joke Weapon]

Microphone Stand (Enter the code in the Secrets section for Tenkai)

Attribute: None ----- Type: 4 Combo

Lv.1 - AP25

Lv.2 - AP27

Lv.3 - AP30

Lv.4 - AP33

Lv.5 - AP36

Lv.6 - AP38

Lv.7 - AP41

Lv.8 - AP44

Lv.9 - AP47

Max - AP50



= Apparel =


-- Ring Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |


| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |


| 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 |




Phoenix Ring

Location(s): Puzzle Box #1 - Sakai Facility - Control Device (Red) Room), Buy

from Shop



Tortoise Ring

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Tiger Ring

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Dragon Ring

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Unicorn Ring

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Enma's Ring

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Footsoldier's Ring

Location(s): Item Drop from Genma Soldier and Spear Genma, Buy from Shop



Sergeant's Ring

Location(s): Item Drop from Genma Axeman and Spear Genma (red), Buy from Shop



Samurai's Ring

Location(s): Combine Invention Notes + Fangs with Jubei or Roberto, Buy from




Commander's Ring

Location(s): Chest - Shimibara Facility - Lift Control Room, Item Drop from

Genma General (Yellow), Buy from Shop



General's Ring

Location(s): Chest - Twisted Kyoto - Alleyway, Item Drop from Genma General




Warrior's Ring

Location(s): Chest - Kyoto - Path to Daigo Temple



Acolyte's Ring

Location(s): Chest - Fortress at Suruga - Front of Warehouse, Buy from Shop



Magician's Ring

Location(s): Puzzle Box #5 - Sawayama Dungeon - Third Floor Save Room



Tao Master's Ring

Location(s): Chest - Twisted Kyoto - Connecting Road, Combine Invention Notes

+ Rare Shell with Tenkai, Tenkai's Level 80 Dark Realm item



Pawn Ring

Location(s): Chest - Plains Town (Backtrack) - Block Room, Chest - Fortress at

Suruga - Mountains Road, Buy from Shop



Knight Ring

Location(s): Puzzle Box #1 - Oni Mansion - Level 3, Item Drop from Genma

Soldier (Elite) and Boxer Genma, Combine Invention Notes + Fossilized Bone with

Roberto, Buy from Shop



High King Ring

Location(s): Puzzle Box #4 - Nagoya Castle - Castle Entrance, Soki's Level 70

Dark Realm item



Lance Ring

Location(s): Puzzle Box #3 - Mount Hiei - Ruins, Combine Invention Notes +

Fossilized Bone with Tenkai, Buy from Shop



Rook Ring

Location(s): Chest - Shimabara Facility - Entrance, Item Drop from Boxer Genma,

Roberto's Level 70 Dark Realm item



S. General Ring

Locations(s): Puzzle Box #4 - Sawayama Dungeon - Third Floor, Combine Invention

Notes + Fossilized Bone with Jubei, Buy from Shop



G. General Ring

Location(s): Puzzle Box #2 - City of Sakai - Waterway, Item Drop from Boxer

Genma, Tenkai's Level 70 Dark Realm item



Bishop Ring

Location(s): Chest - Shimibara Facility - Entrance, Ohatsu's Level 70 Dark

Realm item



Low King Ring

Location(s): Puzzle Box #3 - Nagoya Castle - Castle Entrance, Jubei's Level 70

Dark Realm item



Flame Ring

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Earth Ring

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Wind Ring

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Ice Ring

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Light Ring

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Dark Ring

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Wolf Ring

Location(s): Puzzle Box #1 - Azuchi Castle - Open Area



Naga Ring

Location(s): Test of Valor #2 Gold - Rooftop - Fortress at Suruga, Item Drop

from Big Genma Zombie



Purple Ring

Location(s): On the roof - Plains Town (Backtrack) - Rooftop, Test of Valor #2

Silver - Sawayama Castle Town (Backtrack) - 4R Room, Test of Valor #2 Silver -

Kyoto - Juntei Hall, Item Drop from Gacha



Pearl Ring

Location(s): Test of Valor #2 Silver - Lazuline Hall Courtyard - Mount Hiei

(Backtrack), Test of Valor #2 Silver - Azuchi Castle - Mountain, Item Drop from

Don Gacha



Indigo Ring

Location(s): Test of Valor #1 Silver - Western Hospital - Surgery Corridor,

Test of Valor #2 Silver - Western Hospital - Surgery, Item Drop from Crow



Azure Ring

Location(s): Test of Valor #2 Silver - Abandoned Village - Cave Entrance, Item

Drop from Crow, Combine Invention Notes + Blue Ore



Crimson Ring

Location(s): Test of Valor #3 Silver - Abandoned Village - Side of the Cave,

Item Drop from Genma Mage, Combine Invention Notes + Yellow Ore



Diamond Ring

Location(s): Test of Valor #2 Silver - Nagoya Castle - Top Floor, Item Drop

from Crow (Red)


-- Necklace Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |


| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |


| 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 |




Phoenix Necklace

Location(s): Chest - Plains Highway (Backtrack) - Destroyed Bridge, Buy from




Tortoise Necklace

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Tiger Necklace

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Dragon Necklace

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Unicorn Necklace

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Enma's Necklace

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Footsoldier's Choker

Location(s): Chest - Fortress at Suruga - Behind the Buildings, Item Drop from

Spear Genma (Green), Buy from Shop



Sergeant's Choker

Location(s): Puzzle Box #2 - Sawayama Castle Town - 4R Room, Item Drop from

Spear Genma (Red), Buy from Shop



Samurai's Choker

Location(s): Combine Invention Notes + Fangs with Tenkai or Ohatsu, Buy from




Commander's Choker

Location(s): Item Drop from Armored Genma, Buy from Shop



General's Choker

Location(s): Chest - Nagoya Castle - Entrance, Item Drop from Armored Genma or

Genma General (Blue)



Necklace of Peace

Location(s): Chest - Azuchi Castle - East Rooftop



Tiger Eye

Location(s): Puzzle Box #2 - Plains Town - Under the Bridge, Buy from Shop



True Tiger Eye

Location(s): Talk to dead body with Tenkai - Plains Town (Backtrack) - Back

Road, Chest - Kyoto - Alleyway, Buy from Shop



Blessed Tiger Eye

Location(s): Item Drop from Menteith, Buy from Shop



Eye of the Oni

Location(s): Buy from Shop



True Eye of the Oni

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Blessed Oni Eye

Location(s): Chest next to Boxer Genma - Sakai Facility - Experment Room 3, Buy

from Shop



Dragon Eye

Location(s): Buy from Shop



True Dragon Eye

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Blessed Dragon Eye

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Flame Necklace

Location(s): Item Drop from Genma Archer, Buy from Shop



Earth Necklace

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Wind Necklace

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Ice Necklace

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Light Necklace

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Dark Necklace

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Wolf Necklace

Location(s): Chest - Mt. Hiei (Oni Mansion) - Oni Mansion 2nd Floor



Pair Scarf

Location(s): Chest - Sawayama Castle Town - V Room, Chest (use Jubie) -

Sawayama Castle - Front of Cell, Combine Invention Notes + Fossilized Bone with

Ohatsu, Buy from Shop



Friendship Scarf

Location(s): Chest - Mt. Hiei - Mt. Hiei Ruins, Chest - Sawayama Castle - Stone

Pillar Room 2, Combine Invention Notes + Antler with Ohatsu, Buy from Shop



Brotherly Scarf

Location(s): Chest - Abandoned Village - Village, Chest - Shimabara Facility -

Control Device (Green) Room, Buy from Shop



Tao Scarf

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Oni of Peace

Location(s): Chest (after bombing the door with Ohatsu) - Azuchi Castle

(Backtrack) - West Trap Room (Rooftop)



Oni of War

Location(s): Jubei's Level 90 Dark Realm item



Oni of Fate

Location(s): Chest (backtrack to prior area after Roberto leaves - Twisted

Kyoto - Cherry Tree Road



Oni of Joy

Location(s): Ohatsu's Level 90 Dark Realm item


-- Charm Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |


| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |




Longevity Charm

Location(s): Buy from Shop



Contentment Charm

Location(s): Chest (left of exit gate) - City of Sakai - Drawbridge Area, Buy

from Shop



War Charm

Location(s): Puzzle Box #3 - Shimabara Facility - Control Device (Blue) Room,

Jubei's Level 80 Dark Realm item, Buy from Shop



Lucky Charm

Location(s): Chest - Azuchi Castle - Elevator Room (Bottom Floor), Item Drop

from Genma Mage, Buy from Shop



Art Charm

Location(s): Ohatsu's Level 80 Dark Realm item



Prosperity Charm

Location(s): Puzzle Box #3 (walk around the left side of the exit door) -

Twisted Kyoto - Cherry Tree Road, Roberto's Level 80 Dark Realm item



Gem of Valor

Location(s): Puzzle Box #1 - Fortress at Suruga - Cliffside, Chest (left side)

- Azuchi Castle (Backtrack) - Rooftop of Azuchi Castle, Item Drop from

Invisible Genma, Buy from Shop



Gem of Bravery

Location(s): Talk to the dead body with Tenkai - Azuchi Castle (Backtrack) -

East Rooftop, First Chest - Sakai Facility - Experiment Room 3, Item Drop from

Invisible Genma



Gambler's Dice

Location(s): Item Drop from Bomber Genma, Buy from Shop



Gambler's Thimble

Location(s): Lying on a stand - Kyoto - Connecting Road, Item Drop from Bomber

Genma, Buy from Shop



Embossed Mallet

Location(s): Puzzle Box #2 - Sawayama Castle - Hidden Cave 2



Fudo Horn

Location(s): Puzzle Box #2 - Shimabara Facility - Control Device (Red) Room



Merchant Stamp

Location(s): Combine Invention Notes + Warrior's Code, Buy from Merchant



Yellow Bell

Location(s): Puzzle Box #6 - Nagoya Castle - Castle Entrance (Right), Jubei's

Level 40 Dark Realm item, Combine Invention Notes + Rare Antler with Roberto



Purple Bell

Location(s): Tenkai's Level 40 Dark Realm item, Combine Invention Notes + Rare

Antler with Tenkai, Item Drop from Genma Mage (Pink)



Red Bell

Location(s): Test of Valor #4 Gold - Plains Highway (Backtrack) - Monster Show,

Roberto's Level 40 Dark Realm item, Combine Invention Notes + Rare Antler with

Ohatsu, Item Drop from Genma Mage (Red)



Blue Bell

Location(s): Puzzle Box #2 - Oni Mansion - Fifth Floor, Combine Invention Notes

+ Rare Antler with Jubei, Ohatsu's Level 40 Dark Realm item



Charon's Bell

Location(s): Puzzle Box #1 - Mount Hiei - Ancient Forest, Item Drop from Genma

Mage, Buy from Shop



Rosary of Health

Location(s): Puzzle Box #3 - Azuchi Castle - West Trap Room (Rooftop), Puzzle

Box #4 - City of Sakia - On the Docks, Combine Invention Notes + Rare Shell

with Roberto, Buy from Shop



Rosary of Magic

Location(s): Puzzle Box #4 - Twisted Kyoto - Road to Fushimi 1, Combine

Invention Notes + Rare Shell with Jubei, Buy from Shop



Rosary of Heart

Location(s): Puzzle Box #6 - Twisted Kyoto - 2nd Floor, Combine Invention Notes

+ Rare Shell with Ohatsu, Buy from Shop



Rosary of Spirit

Location(s): Soki's Level 90 Dark Realm item



Dragon of Peace

Location(s): Puzzle Box #3 - Oni Mansion - Fifth Floor



Dragon of War

Location(s): Roberto's Level 90 Dark Realm item



Dragon of Fate

Location(s): Chest (right side of tree) - Twisted Kyoto - Outside Fushimi

Castle (after the partner boss battles)



Dragon of Joy

Location(s): Tenkai's Level 90 Dark Realm item



Horn of Susano

Location(s): Test of Valor #3 Gold - Azuchi Castle - Rooftop of Azuchi Castle



Time Gem

Location(s): Test of Valor #1 Gold - Sawayama Castle - Third Floor Save Room,

Soki's Level 40 Dark Realm item



Gem of Will

Location(s): Test of Valor #2 Gold - Sakia Facility - Experiment Room, Soki's

Level 80 Dark Realm item



= Supplies =


-- HP Medicine Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 |




Medicine LV1

Location(s): Various Areas, Various Mixtures, Buy from Shop



Medicine LV2

Location(s): Various Areas, Various Mixtures, Buy from Shop



Medicine LV3

Location(s): Various Areas, Various Mixtures, Buy from Shop, All Character's

Level 10 Dark Realm item



Secret Med LV1

Location(s): Various Areas, Various Mixtures, Various Test of Valor's (Silver),

Item Drop from Door Guardian and Invisible Genma



Secret Med LV2

Location(s): Various Chests, Various Mixtures, Various Test of Valor's

(Silver), Item Drop from Door Guardian and Invisible Genma



Secret Med LV3

Location(s): Near Enchanted Mirror - Abandoned Village - Cave Entrance, Test of

Valor #1 Silver - Courtyard - Shimabara Facility, Test of Valor #2 Silver -

Shimabara Facility - Wooden Floor Room, Item Drop from Invisble Genma



Ultra Med LV1

Location(s): On the boat - City of Sakai - Entrance



Ultra Med LV2

Location(s): Various Areas, Test of Valor #1 Silver - Azuchi Castle - Open

Area, Test of Valor #3 Silver - Azuchi Castle - Rooftop of Azuchi Castle



Ultra Med LV3

Locations(s): Along the road - Twisted Kyoto - Road to Fushimi Castle 3, Test

of Valor #4 Silver - Plains Highway (Backtrack) - Monster Show, Test of Valor

#1 Silver - Nagoya Castle - Castle Courtyard, Every Character's Level 60 Dark

Realm item


-- MP Medicine Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 |




Oni Med LV1

Location(s): On a plate in the stand - Plains Highway - Wrecked Road (left),

Near the wreckage - Plains Highway - Wrecked Road (further left), Break the

middle pot - Plains Town - Backroad Entrance, On a crate near the Enchanted

Mirror - Fortress at Suruga - Inside the Wall, Combine Mushroom + Mushrooms or

Mushrooms + Red Mushrooms, Item Drop from Archer Genma, Buy from Shop



Oni Med LV2

Location(s): On a crate - Sawayama Dungeon - Cave Lake, Bottom right room -

Mount Hiei (Oni Mansion) - Oni Mansion Second Floor, Buy from Shop



Oni Med LV3

Location(s): Near the Enchanted Mirror - Azuchi Castle - Elevator Room, Test of

Valor #1 Silver - Sakia Facility - Room to Experiments, Test of Valor #2 Silver

- City of Sakia (Backtrack) - Dock, Buy from Shop



Secret Oni Med LV1

Location(s): Combine Mushrooms + Salamander or Mushrooms + Lizard



Secret Oni Med LV2

Location(s): Combine Rare Mushrooms + Salamander, Rare Mushrooms + Lizard, Red

Mushrooms + Salamander, Red Mushrooms + Rare Salamander, or Mushrooms + Rare




Secret Oni Med LV3

Location(s): Combine Rare Mushrooms + Rare Salamander


-- OP Medicine Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 |




Drive Med LV1

Location(s): Combine Lizard + Salamander, Buy from Shop



Drive Med LV2

Location(s): Cross the board with Jubei - Azuchi Castle (Backtrack) - Castle

Entrance, Behind the gate - Sawayama Castle - Vase Room, Combine Lizard + Rare

Salamander or Salamander + Rare Salamander, Buy from Shop



Drive Med LV3

Test of Valor #2 Silver - Sawayama Castle - Front of Cell, Use Ohatsu to

grapple to it - Sakai Facility - Room to Experiments, Test of Valor #1 Silver -

City of Sakai - Drawbridge Area, Buy from Shop



S. Drive Med LV1

Location(s): Combine Grass + Salamander, Grass + Lizard, or Wildflower + Lizard



S. Drive Med LV2

Location(s): Through the door at the end of walkway - Shimabara Facility -

Control Device (Green) Room, Combine Wildflower + Salamander, Sweet Herb +

Salamander, Grass + Rare Salamander, Wildflower + Rare Salamander, or Sweet

Herb + Lizard



S. Drive Med LV3

Location(s): Combine Sweet Herb + Rare Salamander


-- Jewel Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 |




Power Jewel

Location(s): Various Areas, Soki and Roberto's Level 20 Dark Realm item and

Jubei's Level 30 Dark Realm item, Buy from Shop



Oni Jewel

Location(s): Various Areas, Jubei and Ohatsu's Level 20 Dark Realm item and

Tenkai and Roberto's Level 30 Dark Realm item, Buy from Shop



Drive Jewel

Location(s): Various Areas, Tenkai's Level 20 Dark Realm item and Soki and

Ohatsu's Level 30 Dark Realm item, Buy from Shop


-- Miscellaneous Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 |





Location(s): Various Areas, Item Drop from Mushroom Genma, Genma Mage, and

Genma Zombie



Small Gold Nugget

Location(s): Crawl through the hole near the wooden bridge with Jubei -

Sawayama Castle - Waterway, Item Drop from Fireball



Gold Nugget

Location(s): Grapple over to the chest with Ohatsu on the right side - Fortress

at Suruga (Backtrack) - Rooftop, Chest - Sawayama Castle - Hidden Cave 2, All

Character's Level 80 Dark Realm item (second time through only)



Large Gold Nugget

Location(s): All Character's Level 100 Dark Realm item (second time through



-- Material Table


| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |


| 16 | 17 | 18 |





Location(s): Various areas, Various Test of Valor's Bronze, Item Drop from

Genma Soldier and Spear Genma (Green)




Location(s): Various Test of Valors Bronze, Item Drop from Genma Soldier

(Elite) and Spear Genma (Red)



Sweet Herb

Location(s): Near Enchanted Mirror - Plains Town - Old Temple, Test of Valor #1

Bronze - Nagoya Castle - Castle Courtyard, Test of Valor #4 Bronze - Plains

Highway (Backtrack) - Monster Show, Item Drop from Menteith and Axeman (Elite)



Rare Mushrooms

Location(s): Near fallen tree - Mt. Hiei - Forest Path, On the ground - Mt.

Hiei - Pagoda Remains, Item Drop from Ninja Genma (Elite), Spider Genma (Hell),

Tunneler Genma, Big Genma Zombie, and Dark Crow



Red Mushrooms

Location(s): Various Test of Valors Bronze, Item Drop from Ninja Genma (Elite)

and Spider Genma (Hell)




Location(s): On the Roof - Plains Town - Front Road, Item Drop from Ninja

Genma, Spider Genma, and Genma Zombie




Location(s): Test of Valor #3 Bronze - Azuchi Castle - Rooftop of Azuchi

Castle, Test of Valor #1 Bronze - Sawayama Castle - Third Floor Save Room, Item

Drop from Genma Zombie




Location(s): Various Test of Valor Bronze, Item Drop from Genma Zombie and Big

Genma Zombie



Rare Salamander

Location(s): Test of Valor #2 Bronze - Nagoya Castle (Backtrack) - Top Floor,

Item Drop from Big Genma Zombie



Yellow Ore

Location(s): Item Drop from Armored Genma, Machine Gunner Genma, and Grenade

Launcher Genma



Blue Ore

Location(s): Item Drop from Genma Cannon and Armored Genma




Location(s): Various Areas, Item Drop from Gacha and Crow



Fossilized Bone

Location(s): Near the tree - Sawayama Dungeon - Castle Courtyard, Chest - Mount

Hiei - Temple Entrance, Item Drop from Gacha, Disc Thrower Genma and Bomber





Location(s): Chest (Behind door to bomb with Ohatsu) - Sawayama Castle - Castle

Dam, left area to swing to with Ohatsu - Sakai Facility - Room to Experiments,

Item Drop from Tunneler Genma and Disc Thrower Genma (Green)



Rare Antler

Location(s): Various Areas/Chests, Every Character's Level 40 Dark Realm item

(second time through only), Item Drop from Tunneler Genma (Elite), Disc Thrower

Genma (Red) and Dark Crow



Rare Shell

Location(s): On the ground behind the locked mountain shrine door - Fortress at

Suruga (Backtrack) - Mountain Path, Behind the Wagon - Nagoya Castle - Castle

Courtyard, Every Character's Level 90 Dark Realm item (second time through),

Item Drop from Dark Crow, Machine Gunner Genma, and Disc Thrower Genma (Red)



Warrior's Code

Location(s): Various Areas, Every Character's Level 70 Dark Realm item (second

time through only), Item Drop from Spear Genma, Armored Genma, Genma General,

and Grenade Launcher Genma



Invention Notes

Location(s): Various Areas/Chests, Every Character's Level 50 Dark Realm item

(second time through only), Item Drop from Genma Soldier and Spider Genma


__________ _________

Section V __________________________________________________________/ [ENMS00]


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This is a collection of all the enemies from the game along with their

respective attacks. I have listed whether each attack is blockable or not, or

if it breaks your guard. Attacks that break your guard will not hit you, but

if another attack hits directly after the guard break then you will get hit. I

have also listed the beginning animation for each attack so you will have an

idea of what to look for when the enemy attacks.


= Genma Soldier =


The Genma Soldier is your basic enemy in Onimusha (always has been). There are

a variety of Soldier types that will be found throughout the game, but they all

share the same basic attacks yet they will start to chain more slices together

in later stages. The normal soldier will yell before each attack, but the

later soldiers will not.




| Overhead Swing | Yes | Raises sword into the air |


| Side Swing | Yes | Holds sword to side |


-- Item Drop: Grass, Wildflower (Elite)

-- Rare Item Drop: Invention Notes, Footsoldier's Ring (Normal), Knight Ring



= Genma Giant =


This enemy will only appear in the first stage of the game. He can only be hit

at certain times while he is stunned.




| Horizontal Attack | Yes | Moves his left arm to the side |


| Vertical Attack | Yes | Moves right arm over you |


| Gunfire | Yes | Guns on chest start to fire on one side |


| Crush Attack | No | Ducks out of site behind the building |



= Genma Archer =


Usually about two or three archers will appear with a band of Soldier Genma and

try to pick you off from a distance with their flame arrows. Always defeat

these enemies first. Later in the game they will shoot three arrows.




| Flame Arrow(s) | Yes | Points bow and arrow toward you |


-- Item Drop: Medicine LV1, Oni Med LV1, Flame Necklace

-- Rare Item Drop: Black Rifle, Light Rifle


= Genma Axeman =


When you see these, try to knock them down as much as you can. When they raise

their axe back, get ready to block no matter what you are doing! Like the

Soldier Genma and Archers you will run into a more powerful version of the

Axeman later.




| Overhead Axe | Break | Leans axe back |


| Horizontal Axe | Break | Leans axe back |


| * Two Hit Axe | Break | Leans axe back |


* This move is for the Axemen that you will run into toward the end of the

game. Even though the attack will break your guard for each hit, it is slow

enough so that you will recover from each hit and be able to block the whole


-- Item Drop: Medicine LV1, Sergeant's Ring, Medicine LV2 (Elite), Sweet Herb



= Jubei =


Jubei will be the mid-boss of the Plains Outpost. There is little warning

before her attacks.




| Normal Combo | Yes | Usually starts it when close |


| Pressure Attack | Yes | Hits once then starts to circle you |


| Kick | Yes | Does this before or after combos |



= Door Guardian =


The door guardian will attach itself to doors found throughout the game and

attack you if you try to get near it. The door guardian must be defeated to

open the specific door it is attached to. Their laser attack can be quite

damaging if they manage to catch you on one side and drag you with the laser as

they fire.




| Laser | Yes | Eye will glow |


| Upward Swing | Yes | Tentacle hands will move downward |


| Side Swing | Yes | Tentacle hands will move to sides |


| Concentrated Laser| Yes | Eye will glow, laser stays in place |


-- Item Drop: Secret Med LV1

-- Rare Item Drop: Secret Med LV2


= Ninja Genma =


A very fast and agile Genma that loves to attack then run while you try to

counter. The Ninja Genma toward the end of the game will actually parry your

attacks while you attack them.




| Jumping Attack | Yes | Rubs claws together and jumps |


| Rushing Stab | Yes | Rushes toward you (not much warning) |


| Horizontal Slash | Yes | Rubs claws together |


-- Item Drop: Mushrooms, Onimaru, Red Mushrooms (Elite), Rare Mushrooms (Elite)


= Spider Genma =


These can easily be the most annoying type of Genma because they like to sit

and wait for a chance to attack from their webbing. Always make sure to block

when you see one of them in its webbing up above you. There are two types:

Hell and Normal Spider Genma.




| * Lunge Attack | Yes/Break | Fly's down from webbing |


| Claw Stab | Yes | Leans one arm back and stabs forward |


| Double Claw Strike| Yes | Leaps on back then quickly leaps forward|


* If he leaps up in his web while right next to you then it will break your

guard. Only from far away will it not break your guard. In other words, if he

is far enough way to where you have to approach him, then your guard will not

break while blocking the attack.

-- Item Drop: Mushrooms, Invention Notes, Red Mushrooms (Hell), Onimura (Hell),

Rare Mushrooms (Hell)


= Gacha, Don Gacha =


Oni Magic is your friend while fighting these types of enemies. Only a

powerful hit will knock them down.




| Spinning Club | Break | Gacha will yell then spin |


| Punch | Yes | Holds back left arm |


| Head Ram | Break | Gacha will yell then run |


-- Item Drop: Fangs (Gacha), Fossilized Bone (Gacha)

-- Rare Item Drop: Broadsword (Gacha), Purple Ring (Gacha), Pearl Ring (Don),

Enma Gloves (Don)


= Crow =


A very weak enemy, but it is hard to hit at times. Any upward slash or

projectile attack will usually kill them in one hit.




| Dive Attack | Yes | Squawks and flies downward |


| Vomit Attack | Yes | Squawks and flies straight |


-- Item Drop: Fangs, Azure Ring, Indigo Ring, Diamond Ring (Red)


= Ohatsu =





| Gunfire | Yes | Points gun and fires |


| Burst Round | No | Ducks and aims gun "This ends now!" |



= Spear Genma =


These are some very determined Genma when it comes to their spear charge - they

will hit something, whether it is the wall or you unless you knock them out of

their charge with a heavy hit. Always listen for their yells when fighting

them in a group so you'll know when to guard their spear charge.




| Spear Charge | Yes | Yells then charges |


| * Spear Twirl | Yes | Holds spear above head |


* Only the Spear Genma found in later stages will do this. They mainly like to

counter your hits with this move and they are resistant to normal attacks while

they spin their spear.

-- Item Drop: Footsoldier's Ring (Green), Sergeant's Ring (Red), Grass (Green),

Wildflower (Red)

-- Rare Item Drop: Footsoldier's Choker (Green), Sergeant's Choker (Red),

Warrior's Code, Kasen


= Armored Genma =


These Genma are heavily armored and cannot be properly damaged until their

armor is removed through constant attacks. They cannot be knocked down or

staggered until their armor is gone so you will have to avoid their attacks and

attack them while their armor is on.




| Horizontal Strike | Yes | Holds mace back to ready attack |


| Overhead Strike | Yes | Holds mace back to ready attack |


| Mace Lunge | Yes | Pats mace against hand |


| Explosion | * Break | Falls to the ground and explodes |


| ** 3-hit combo | Yes/Break | Holds mace back to ready attack |


* - Only one hit of the explosion can be blocked. The explosion will hit

multiple times if you are caught directly in the middle of it so you will most

likely get hit if you try to block it then. It's best to avoid if by stepping

to the side.

** The Armored Genma found later in the game will have this damaging three hit

combo. The final hit will break your guard.

-- Item Drop: Blue Ore, Yellow Ore

-- Rare Item Drop: Commander's Choker, Warrior's Code, General's Choker (Red)


= Tenkai =





| Spear Attack | Yes | Raises spear |


| Kick | Yes | Kicks (very quick) |


| Magic Attack | Yes | Holds spear to side and charges |



= Genma Bug =





| Razor Sphere | * Break | Razors rotate on sphere |


| Razor Sphere Swing| * Break | After lifting sphere out of ground |


| Electric Shockwave| Yes | Opens razor sphere |


* The first hit of any razor attack will always break your guard. A normal

razor hit will knock you away after breaking your guard, but a swing will hit

you multiple times after breaking your guard.


= Mushroom Genma =


These Genma are heavily armored and will usually take quite a pounding to

defeat. They will always summon some other type of Genma, but the summoned

Genma will automatically die once the Mushroom Genma has been defeated.




| Poison Gas | No | Starts to shake |


-- Item Drop: Antidote, Medicine LV1


= Invisible Genma =


These Genma will remain invisible until you use your gauntlet to reveal their

location. Use your Soul Absorption to reveal their location.




| Tentacle Attack | Yes | Leans back a tentacle and slaps |


Item Drop: Secret Med LV1, Secret Med LV2, Secret Med LV3, Gem of Valor

Rare Item Drop: Gem of Bravery


= Roberto =





| Punch Combo | * Break | steps forward and punches rapidly |


* The straight punch at the end of the jabs will cause you to stagger so the

end of the combo will always hit if he catches you.


= Sakon =





| Spear Thrust(s) | Break | Readies spear in both hands |


| Flame | Break | Flame is constantly in front of him |


| Horizontal Attack | Break | Holds his spear back, "You will die..." |


| Flame Overhead | * Break/No| Spear glows red as he prepares attack |


* The spear attack will only break your block, but the flames from the ground

are NOT blockable at all.


= Munenori =





| Sword Combo |* Yes/Break| No real warning |


| Double Slash | Break | Yells then swings both swords |


| Slash then Thrust |** Break | Holds sword back and prepares for slash |


| Air Reverse Slash | Break | Jumps behind you |


| Stomp | No | Stomps while you're grounded next to him|


| Crow Attack | Yes | Whistles |


| Sand Attack | Yes | While getting up if you're near |


* The final hit will break your guard but he will stop the combo after the

breaking hit.

** The first hit will break your guard allowing him to hit you with the thrust



= Genma Wasp =





| Arm Attack | Break | Hisses then moves arm |


| Gust of Wind | Yes | Hisses then shakes head |


| Poison Breath | No | Hisses |



= Fireball =


The Fireball is an actual enemy and can be destroyed, but it is heavily armored

even more so than an Armored Genma at times. Make sure to hit them sparingly

if you try to attack them.




| Fire | Yes | Anytime you come into contact with it |


-- Item Drop: Small Gold Nugget, Yellow Ore

-- Rare Item Drop: Large Gold Nugget, Blue Ore


= Genma General =


Much like the Gachas, these enemies take quite a pounding in order to knock

them down. Unlike the Don Gacha, they have some attacks that you cannot knock

them out of. The best way to fight them is with Oni Magic, but beware their

heavy attacks.




| Vertical Slice | Yes | Readies sword behind back |


| Uppercut Slice | Yes | Holds sword downward |


| Jumping Overhead | Yes | Prepares to jump (long range attack) |


| Shoulder Ram | Yes | Crouches and prepares ram (short range) |


|* Magic Overhead | No | Charges sword with elemental energy |


* Different color Genma Generals will have different elemental attacks. Blue =

Ice, Black = Dark, etc.

-- Item Drop: General's Ring (Blue), General's Choker (Blue), Commander's Ring


-- Rare Item Drop: Warrior's Code, Fallen Angel (Blue), Balmunk (Black), Flame

Sword (Yellow)


= Tunneler Genma =


Much like their names suggest, these Genma will dig into the ground and burrow

toward you. They will jump out of the ground from beneath you and try to hit

you with their claws. While they are in the ground, you can perform a finisher

with any weapon for an instant kill.




| Tunnel Attack | Yes | Burrows under the ground |


-- Rare Item Drop: Antler, Fossilized Bone, Rare Mushrooms, Rare Antler (Elite)


= Hideyoshi =





| Energy Shield | Yes | Holds up hand (close range) |


| Sphere | Break | Released throughout battle |


| Sphere Electricity| Yes | Pumps power into spheres making waves |



= Disc Thrower Genma =


These are some of the most annoying Genma in the game. They will constantly

run and throw energy disc from a distance. There are two types: Green and Red.




| Energy Disc | Yes | Disc appears on arm then Genma tosses it|


| Double Kick | Yes | Kicks with both legs (close range) |


-- Item Drop: Fossilized Bone, Antler (Green), Rare Antler (Red)

-- Rare Item Drop: Rare Shell


= Gargant =





| Jump Kick Combo | Break | No real warning |


| Slash Combo | Break | No real warning |


| Force Field Combo | * No | No real warning |


| Sliding Stab | Yes | Slides forward with sword out |


| Jumping Slash | Yes | Jumps and spins forward |


| Red Fireball | Break | Fist glows red (long range attack) |


| Red Fireballs (3) | No | Fist glows red (long range attack) |


| Force Field | No | Holds back hand and charges |


| Kick | Break | No real warning (weaponless) |


* The beginning of the combo starts out just like the jump kick and slash

combo, but the final hit will be a force field hit with his hand and will be

unblockable. There is no warning as to what move he will do at the end of his



= Genma Cannon =


These are armored similar to a Mushroom Genma, but their armor is not quite as

heavy. They will constantly shoot out cannonballs that will destroy anything

in their path. Kick them to make them turn while firing. If you point them

toward a group of Genma they can do all the work for you.




| Cannon Shot | No | Starts to shake then fires |


| Cannon Headbutt | Yes | Leans cannon top toward you |


Item Drop: Blue Ore, Nio


= Bomber Genma =


Bomber Genma like to sneak in their attacks while you fight other enemies.

They will run up next to you and plant a bomb on the ground near you then run

off. The bomb is unblockable so you must stop everything that you are doing

and move to avoid it. If you kill a Bomber before his bomb goes off then the

bomb may not explode, but it will sometimes still go off even after his death.




| Bomb | No | Lays down a bomb then runs |


-- Item Drop: Fossilized Bone, Gambler's Thimble

-- Rare Item Drop: Gambler's Dice


= Genma Ohatsu =





| Gunfire | Yes | Points gun and fires |


| Burst Round | No | Ducks and aims gun while moaning |



= Genma Mage =


These Genma can be a pain when in pairs. They will constantly try to trap you

within a vortex that will cast a spell on you. Run out of the way of the

vortex to dodge the attack. It is best to knock these Genma out of the air and

stab them while they lie on the ground.




| Zombie Summon | N/A | Summons Zombie |


| Circle of Fire | No | Blue fireballs circle character |


| Dark Circle | No | Dark spell surrounds character |


-- Item Drop: Antidote (Pink), Lucky Charm, Crimson Ring

-- Rare Item Drop: Charon's Bell, Purple Bell (Pink), Red Bell (Red)


= Genma Zombie =


These are much like the Soldier Genma, but they are a bit harder to knock down

and have more life.




| Fist Attack(s) | Yes | Zombie yells then runs |


| * Bite Attack | No | Zombie rushes toward you |


* They will only do this after you have been knocked down. They rush toward

you, fall on top of you, and bite.

-- Item Drop: Antidote, Mushrooms

-- Rare Item Drop: Lizard, Salamander


= Big Genma Zombie =


The Big Zombies are similar to Gachas, but slower. Use Oni Magic Critical

attacks to knock them down just as you would a Gacha.




| * Overhead Attack | Yes/Break | Leans back arm |


| Vomit Attack | Yes | Vomit starts to protrude from mouth |


| Zombie Throw | Break | Digs in the ground to pull up a Zombie |


* The later Big Zombies will sometimes add a kick attack to the end of the

overhead. The kick will break your guard.

-- Item Drop: Rare Salamander, Rare Mushrooms

-- Rare Item Drop: Naga Ring


= Dark Puppet =


These will appear in the form of your companions, so look up there moves if you

want to see the Dark Puppet's move set. They mainly stick with the basic

combos for that character and do not chain into special attacks.

-- Rare Item Drop: Black Inferno


= Luis Frois =





| Knife Attack | Yes | Knives point toward you |


| Sudden Death | * No | Transparent orange clock appears |


| Electric Sphere | Yes | No real warning |


* Attacking him is the only way to stop this move.


= Menteith =


Immensely powerful with moves that will travel great distances the Menteith

should always be taken out first when in a crowd.




| Tremor Punch | Break | Leans back arms and punches ground |


| Side Punches | Yes | Swings arms around his sides rapidly |


| * Two Punch Combo | Yes/Break | Punches with left hand first |


| Upward Side Punch | Break | Holds arms around body |


* The right hand punch will break your guard.

-- Item Drop: Sweet Herb, Medicine LV2, Blessed Tiger Eye


= Warrior Genma =


These Genma appear frightening, but much like the Gacha's, they fall victim to

Oni Magic Criticals very easily. Keep them grounded most of the time to keep

them from attacking.




| Electric Grapple | Yes | Sword glows red then he fires |


| Sword Drill |* Yes/Break| Sticks sword into ground (very sudden) |


| Sword Hits | Yes | Holds sword in back of him or side |


| Uppercut Swing | Break | Holds sword downward and charges |


* The final hit will break your guard.

-- Item Drop: Medicine LV2

-- Rare Item Drop: Dainsleif


= Boxer Genma =


These are the most annoying of all the Genma simply because you basically have

to use a critical in order to hit them. Use Oni Magic attacks or wait for him

to block then kick him and hit him with a critical. If you stand and block

then he will always block eventually. Fighting him with normal attacks is

suicide since he will dodge most of your attacks then counter.




| Drill Punch | Break | No real warning |


| 3-hit combo | Yes | No real warning |


| Fake Stun | N/A | * Stands motionless |


* DO NOT hit him or he will counter during the Fake.

-- Item Drop: Rook Ring, Knight Ring

-- Rare Item Drop: G. General Ring


= Mitsunari =





| Dark Essence | * No | One-liner, essence appears in air |


| Centipede Arm | Yes | His left arm will glow |


| Essence Gather | No | Teleport, essence gathers, one-liner |


| Life Refill | N/A | Teleports and absorbs essence |


| Fan Attack | Break | Throws fan then teleports away |


* Absorb the essence with the gauntlet.


= Machine Gunner Genma =


These enemies love to rapidly pick you apart with several gunshots from a

distance. Always keep these enemies grounded by using Oni Magic Criticals and

show no mercy when they hit the ground.




| Claw Strike | Yes | Leans arm to the side |


| Machine Gun Up | Yes | Points guns down |


| Machine Gun Side | Yes | Points guns diagnolly down |


-- Item Drop: Yellow Ore

-- Rare Item Drop: Rare Shell


= Soul Absorber Genma =


These Genma will constantly soak up all the souls that you get for killing

other Genma. Use the Soul Absorption with your gauntlet to reel these Genma in

for an attack. They are not really too bad, until you run into the red variety

on later stages. The red Soul Absorbers will fight your Soul Absorption until

they get right next to you, then suddenly lash out with a ram.




| * Ram | Yes | Moves toward you while you pull him in |


* Only the red Soul Absorbers, found later in the game, will do this.


= Ophelia =





| Dark Essence | No | She summons it throughout the battle |


| Flying Kick | Break | Implants insect arms into the ground |


| Throwing Knives | Yes | Jumps back and throws them |


| Slash Combo |* Yes/Break| No real warning (Close range) |


| Claw Attack |* Break | No real warning (Close range) |


| Kick Combo |* Yes/Break| No real warning (Close range) |


* The breaking hit of Ohelia's combos must be dodged or she will hit you with

the final hit. The Claw Attack is actually the last few hits of her Slash

combo so you will need to dodge after guarding the first hit or she will break

your guard with the second hit and attack you with the third hit.


= Claudius (Centipede) =





| Dark Essence | No | He will leave it behind after charging |


| Head Charge | Break | Dashes toward you from the background |


| Portal Charge | No | Portal appears and he dashes out of it |


| Laser | Yes | Whenever his tail appears by itself |



= Dark Crow =


These enemies are very dangerous because of their lasers. Run or use Ohatsu to

shoot them out of the air.




| Dive Attack | Yes | He will squawk then dive |


| Laser | * Yes/No | Charges laser |


* The first hit is blockable, but the second hit isn't. Dodge out of the way

of the second hit after blocking the first.

-- Item Drop: Rare Mushrooms, Rare Antler, Rare Shell


= Grenade Launcher Genma =


These will appear on the final stage of the game. They are basically the

Machine Gunner Genma with an unblockable attack. Just like the Machine

Gunners, keep them grounded most of the time. If you see them readying their

energy shot attack, quickly hit them with Oni Magic.




| Energy Shot | No | Charges a beam shot in both guns |


| Grenade Shots | Yes | Holds both grenade launchers toward you |


Item Drop: Yellow Ore, Warrior's Code


= Rosencrantz (Fly) =





| Dark Essence Spew | No | Flips in the air and releases it |


| Electric Shots | Yes | Mouth glows a bluish color |


| Falling Attack | No | Hovers above you then falls |



= Hideyoshi w/Mech =





| Hand Gunfire | Yes | The mech will raise its arms and fire |


| Kick | Yes | "Bow down!", Mech will lean a leg back |


| Sword Slice | No | Mech will crouch and Hideyoshi laughs |


| Rockets | No | Mech will release rockets from shoulders|


| Sword Power Slice | No | Mech will charge sword then swing down |


| Power Field | No | Mech will drive sword into ground |



= Yodo (Cha-Cha) =





| Twin Lasers | No | Yodo's eyes will glow, sound of charging|


| Tentacle Snatch |* Break/No | Dust will stir below your feet |


| Purple Fireball | No | She will hold her arms up (Yuna pose) |


* The actual Tentacle Grab can be blocked, but the tentacle will hit you

afterward after the break.


= Fortinbras =





| Fire Breath | No | Tilts head back and flames from mouth |


| Punch Combo | Yes/Break | Holds back arm to prepare swing |


| Ice Shots | Break/No | Holds up hand and fingertips light up |


| Energy Waves | No | Holds both hand back and charges |


| Energy Balls | No | Holds up one hand and releases a few |


| Tail Hit | Yes | His tail may hit you when he moves back |


| Two Fist Attack | Break | Yells quickly then attacks (close range)|


| Charge Punch | No | Holds one hand back and charges fist |


| Ultimate Smackdown| * Yes/No | Holds both hands back and growls |


* The first part of this attack (barrage of punches) is blockable


= Human Fortinbras =





| Big Bang | No | "I am the god of light!" |


| Purple Shots | Break | "You will not live defying the will..." |


| Fire from ground | No | (Rock attack) Rock charges with fire |


| Laser Rays | Yes | (Rock attack) Green spheres appear |


| Ice Shot | No | (Rock attack) Rock freezes |


| Blue Currents | No | (Rock attack) Rock charges w/electricity|


** If you find any extra items that are not listed as item drops then please **

***** email me about them. *****

___________ _________

Section VI _________________________________________________________/ [SCRT00]


__ __ ___ __ __ _____ __

/ _ /__/ __ /__ /__/__ / _

/_ / / / // /_ / //

_ //__/ /___/ _ //__ / / _

__/__/____// _/__/ / __/




= Mixtures =



-- Normal Mixtures

Grass + Grass = Medicine LV1

Grass + Wildflower = Medicine LV1

Grass + Sweet Herb = Medicine LV2

Wildflower + Wildflower = Medicine LV2

Wildflower + Sweet Herb = Medicine LV2

Grass + Mushrooms = Secret Med LV1

Grass + Red Mushrooms = Secret Med LV1

Wildflower + Mushrooms = Secret Med LV1

Grass + Rare Mushrooms = Secret Med LV2

Wildflower + Rare Mushrooms = Secret Med LV2

Wildflower + Red Mushrooms = Secret Med LV2

Sweet Herb + Mushrooms = Secret Med LV2

Sweet Herb + Red Mushrooms = Secret Med LV2

Grass + Salamander = S. Drive Med LV1

Grass + Lizard = S. Drive Med LV1

Wildflower + Lizard = S. Drive Med LV1

Wildflower + Salamander = S. Drive Med LV2

Sweet Herb + Salamander = S. Drive Med LV2

Grass + Rare Salamander = S. Drive Med LV2

Wildflower + Rare Salamander = S. Drive Med LV2

Sweet Herb + Lizard = S. Drive Med LV2

Sweet Herb + Rare Salamander = S. Drive Med LV3

Mushrooms + Mushrooms = Oni Med LV1

Mushrooms + Red Mushrooms = Oni Med LV1

Mushrooms + Salamander = Secret Oni Med LV1

Mushrooms + Lizard = Secret Oni Med LV1

Red Mushrooms + Lizard = Secret Oni Med LV1

Rare Mushrooms + Salamander = Secret Oni Med LV2

Rare Mushrooms + Lizard = Secret Oni Med LV2

Red Mushrooms + Salamander = Secret Oni Med LV2

Red Mushrooms + Rare Salamander = Secret Oni Med LV2

Mushrooms + Rare Salamander = Secret Oni Med LV2

Rare Mushrooms + Rare Salamander = Secret Oni Med LV3

Lizard + Salamander = Drive Med LV1

Lizard + Rare Salamander = Drive Med LV2

Salamander + Rare Salamander = Drive Med LV2

Yellow Ore + Yellow Ore = Power Jewel

Blue Ore + Blue Ore = Oni Jewel

Yellow Ore + Blue Ore = Drive Jewel

Invention Notes + Warrior's Code = Merchant Stamp

Invention Notes + Yellow Ore = Crimson Ring

Invention Notes + Blue Ore = Azure Ring

-- Exclusive Mixtures

- Jubei

Invention Notes + Fangs = Samurai's Ring

Invention Notes + Fossilized Bone = S. General Ring

Invention Notes + Antler = Embossed Mallet

Invention Notes + Rare Antler = Blue Bell

Invention Notes + Rare Shell = Rosary of Magic

Warrior's Code + Fangs = Earth Blade

Warrior's Code + Fossilized Bone = Flame Blade

Warrior's Code + Antler = Juzumaru

Warrior's Code + Rare Antler = Phoenix Claw

Warrior's Code + Rare Shell = Muramasa

- Tenkai

Invention Notes + Fangs = Samurai's Choker

Invention Notes + Fossilized Bone = Lance Ring

Invention Notes + Antler = Magician's Ring

Invention Notes + Rare Antler = Purple Bell

Invention Notes + Rare Shell = Tao Master's Ring

Warrior's Code + Fangs = Isana

Warrior's Code + Fossilized Bone = Indra

Warrior's Code + Antler = Brahma

Warrior's Code + Rare Antler = Monument

Warrior's Code + Rare Shell = Gozanze

- Ohatsu

Invention Notes + Fangs = Samurai's Choker

Invention Notes + Fossilized Bone = Pair Scarf

Invention Notes + Antler = Friendship Scarf

Invention Notes + Rare Antler = Red Bell

Invention Notes + Rare Shell = Rosary of Heart

Warrior's Code + Fangs = Red Pyre

Warrior's Code + Fossilized Bone = Flame Rifle

Warrior's Code + Antler = Aurora

Warrior's Code + Rare Antler = Ice Break

Warrior's Code + Rare Shell = Divine Spark

- Roberto

Invention Notes + Fangs = Samurai's Ring

Invention Notes + Fossilized Bone = Knight Ring

Invention Notes + Antler = Gem or Bravery

Invention Notes + Rare Antler = Yellow Bell

Invention Notes + Rare Shell = Rosary of Health

Warrior's Code + Fangs = Schwertleite

Warrior's Code + Fossilized Bone = Redemption

Warrior's Code + Antler = Helmwige

Warrior's Code + Rare Antler = Spine Tinglers

Warrior's Code + Rare Shell = Gabriel's Gauntlets


= Dark Realm Items =



---- -----

Soki Jubei

---- -----

Level 010 - Med LV 3 Level 010 - Med LV 3

Level 020 - Power Jewel Level 020 - Oni Jewel

Level 030 - Drive Jewel Level 030 - Power Jewel

Level 040 - Time Gem Level 040 - Yellow Bell

Level 050 - Excalibur Level 050 - Arondight

Level 060 - Ultra Med LV 3 Level 060 - Ultra Med LV 3

Level 070 - High King Ring Level 070 - Low King Ring

Level 080 - Gem of Will Level 080 - War Charm

Level 090 - Rosary of Spirit Level 090 - Oni of War

Level 100 - Gokumonji Level 100 - Moonlight

------ -------

Tenkai Roberto

------ -------

Level 010 - Med LV 3 Level 010 - Med LV 3

Level 020 - Drive Jewel Level 020 - Power Jewel

Level 030 - Oni Jewel Level 030 - Oni Jewel

Level 040 - Purple Bell Level 040 - Red Bell

Level 050 - Gae Bolga Level 050 - Metratron's Gauntlets

Level 060 - Ultra Med LV3 Level 060 - Ultra Med LV3

Level 070 - G. General Ring Level 070 - Rook Ring

Level 080 - Tao Master's Ring Level 080 - Prosperity Charm

Level 090 - Dragon of Joy Level 090 - Dragon of War

Level 100 - Clarity Level 100 - Gloves of Covenant

------ ----------------------------

Ohatsu Second Time (All Characters)

------ ----------------------------

Level 010 - Med LV 3 Level 010 - Med LV3

Level 020 - Oni Jewel Level 020 - Character Exclusive Jewel

Level 030 - Drive Jewel Level 030 - Character Exclusive Jewel

Level 040 - Blue Bell Level 040 - Rare Antler

Level 050 - Oni Rage Level 050 - Invention Notes

Level 060 - Ultra Med LV3 Level 060 - Ultra Med LV3

Level 070 - Bishop Ring Level 070 - Warrior's Code

Level 080 - Art Charm Level 080 - Gold Nugget

Level 090 - Oni of Joy Level 090 - Rare Shell

Level 100 - Supremacy Level 100 - Large Gold Nugget


= Oni and Dragon Charms =



-- Oni Charms

Equipping all four of these charms will give the wearer unlimited MP.


[ ] Oni of War - Jubei's Level 90 Dark Realm item.

[ ] Oni of Joy - Ohatsu's Level 90 Dark Realm item.

[ ] Oni of Peace - Found on the outside rooftop of the West Trap Room in Azuchi

Castle inside a chest. You must backtrack to get this since

you'll need Jubei and Robero's help (see walkthrough).

[ ] Oni of Fate - On the final stage, when Roberto splits up from the group,

run back to the prior area afterwards and walk up the stairs

on the left side of the screen to find this in a chest.

-- Dragon Charms

Equipping all four of these charms will give the wearer unlimited OP.


[ ] Dragon of War - Roberto's Level 90 Dark Realm item.

[ ] Dragon of Joy - Tenkai's Level 90 Dark Realm item.

[ ] Dragon of Fate - On the final stage, after all four of the partner boss

battles (directly after Ohatsu's), look around the right

side of the tree with Soki to find this charm inside of a


[ ] Dragon of Peace - Solve Puzzle Box #3 in the room to the north of the

Mushroom Genma in the Oni Mansion on Stage 8.


= Special Menu =



* For all the codes, you must enter the "Special" menu from the main menu and

highlight "Exit" then enter them.


Special Outfits 1


Complete all of the Test of Valors.


Special Outfits 2


Complete all of the Test of Valors with a Gold Rank.


Street Fighter Costumes (Special Outfits 3) [NTSC]


- Soki's Ryu costume:

Left - / - R2 - R3 - [] - R1 - R1 - Right - Left - L2

- Jubei's Cammy costume:

L2 - L2 - Right - Right - L3 - / - Left - L1 - L2 - []

- Ohatsu's Chun-Li costume:

R3 - Right - L2 - Left - Left - R3 - L1 - R1 - Right - R3

- Robero's Guile costume:

R2 - L2 - Left - L1 - Left - Right - R3 - [] - [] - /

- Tenkai's Ken costume:

L3 - L3 - R3 - R3 - R3 - Left - R2 - L1 - [] - Right


Street Fighter Costumes (Special Outfits 3) [PAL]


- Soki's Ryu costume:

R1 - [] - R1 - Left - / - R2 - R3 - Right - Left - L2

- Jubei's Cammy costume:

[] - L1 - R1 - R3 - Left - / - R1 - [] - / - L2

- Ohatsu's Chun-Li costume:

L2 - L2 - L3 - / - Left - Right - Right - L1 - L2 - []

- Roberto's Guile costume:

Left - R3 - Right - Left - R3 - L1 - L2 - R1 - Right - R3

- Tenkai's Ken costume:

L2 - R2 - Left - Right - R3 - Left - L1 - [] - [] - /


Joke Weapons


* After entering each of these codes, the joke weapon will be available on the

character's weapon inventory in the main game. These weapons will not appear

on the weapon list for each character, but I have listed them in the Weapons

section at the bottom of each list if you're interested in the AP. All of

these can be upgraded just like any normal weapon.

- Jubei's Racket:

L1 - R1 - Right - L2 - / - Right - L1 - Right - L3 - R1

- Ohatsu's Piggy Bank:

Right - / - Left - L3 - L1 - / - [] - R2 - [] - R2

- Roberto's Boxing Gloves:

/ - R3 - / - Right - R1 - L3 - / - L1 - Right - L3

- Soki's Steel Pipe:

L2 - [] - / - R1 - R1 - R3 - Left - [] - L1 - /

- Tenkai's Microphone Stand:

R2 - R3 - [] - Left - Left - Right - L2 - Left - R2 - Left


Onimusha Arena


Beat the game.


[] - L1 - R2 - [] - Left - L1 - L2 - L3 - Right - /


Two Player Mode


On the title screen (New Game, Load Game, etc.), Hold L1 + R2 on both

controllers and press Start on the second player controller.

This will allow you to play the main game with two players. The second player

will control your partner once the code is entered.




- Hard Mode

Beat the game on Normal mode.

- Oni Mode

Beat the game on Hard mode.


Street Fighter Music


Wear any character's Street Fighter costume (Costume 3) in the Dark Realm and

the corresponding character's stage music from Street Fighter II will play in

the background for the first 20 and last 20 levels of the Dark Realm.


= Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) =




Q: What is the Crow Feather found in Stage 4 used for? What about the Oni Orb

and Mino Goro's Thread?

A: It is there for story purposes. There is no use other than that. If you

talk to Jubei after collecting the Crow Feather she will mention that Munenori

must be there at the Fortress. That is the only use that I know of.

The Oni Orb is basically for story purposes as well since Soki needs this to

awaken the power of the Onimusha. Mino Goro's Thread allows Soki to choose

from the options that Minokichi had earlier in the game for the final hideout

before Stage 17, such as revisiting stages and traveling to the Dark Realm.


Q: What is the maximum level for armor?

A: Armor can be upgraded all the way to level 100 and it will be labeled as MAX

on the menu from then on and cannot be upgraded any more, much like a weapon.


Q: Is there an easier way to get Fallen Angel and Balmunk besides those damn

Test of Valors?

A: You're not going to like this, but the Dark Realm is really the way to go

since you fight multiple Genma Generals of all varieties there. The

unfortunate part is that you only fight them on the last 10 stages. Equip the

Gambler's Thimble, Gambler's Dice, something to increase your attack (Fudo

Horn, Horn of Susano) along with a weapon that is opposite their element (Black

= Dark, so use light, Blue = Ice, so use fire).


Q: Any tips for the Dark Realm?

A: Equip a Fudo Horn, Horn of Susano, Lucky Charm, and a Charon's Bell or

Rosary of Heart (but equip the Charon's Bell before you die). Wait until the

last few stages to equip the Horn of Susano. Use constant Oni Magic Critical

Chain and you can basically chain the whole room for the first few floors.

Stock up on as many Charon's Bells as you can carry and don't forget to equip

them right before you die. The Oni Awakening will save you from death, but if

you have a Charon's Bell equipped, the Charon's Bell will revive you first.

It's best to try to unleash the Oni Awakening manually before just before you

die if you plan on keeping a Charon's Bell equipped since the Charon's Bell

will give you a full OP gauge once again when it revives you. Make sure to

constantly check your equipment before you die to make sure that you have a

Charon's Bell equipped - I cannot stress this enough!

With Tenkai, use his Thunderclap while a bunch of souls are on the screen and

you will be able to literally own the whole area at times. Draw souls toward

heavily armored enemies and use Thunderclap as the souls reach them to take off

some massive damage. You forfeit all the souls on the screen while using the

Thunderclap, but the payoff in damage is totally worth it!

With Soki, you're going to need a bunch of Charon Bell's (I would say about 40

to be safe). Use his Sword of Purification Coil Attack (R2) while in the

middle of his Oni Awakening during the final few levels to take your enemies

down very quickly when they gang up on you. Use his Purification Coil often

during the last few stages and use other moves such as Whirlwind, H. Splitter,

and Phoenix to keep him standing even as the enemy attacks. As with any

character, Oni Magic Criticals is a must. When you come to the Genma Generals

equip a powerful weapon that is opposite their element to take them down

quicker: Blue, equip fire; Green, equip earth; Yellow, equip wind; Black, equip

light. The effects of different elements may not be too noticeable during

normal attacks but when you use a Level 3 Oni Magic attack it will take off

more than usual.

With Jubei, it would be best to have a fully upgraded Onimura blade or get to

Level 50 of the Dark Realm and collect the Arondight - exit the Dark Realm,

upgrade it fully then reenter (please note that you'll have to go through the

first 50 levels once again if you exit though). Some good items to equip are

the Rosary of Magic, Rosary of Heart, Low King Ring, General's Ring or

Warrior's Ring. For the final few stages, you will need to constantly chain

Oni Magic Criticals in order to stay invincible since the enemies will be very

unforgiving as usual. Since Jubei's combos are usually longer than the other

character's combinations, you might want to end the combo early at times to

avoid getting hit. As usual, an Oni Awakening will be a godsend.

(Thanks to Joao Augusto, NoLogo, and all the people that emailed me about


Still working on some strategies for the other characters at the moment.

I would like to have a tips section for the Dark Realm so if any of you have

any interesting character specific strategies and tips then email me.

This is an email that I received from a reader a few days after my last update.

I'll just copy and paste it from the email since it is very well written and


"Usual Equips:

Rosary of Health(Slow HP regen) <- Stays

Commander's Ring(+10 AP) <- Filler, didn't know what to equip

Commander's Choker(+10 DP) <- Ditto, and, is often replaced

Rosary of Heart(Slow OP regen) <- Replaced once OP is full, put on when it

isn't and during Awakening

Situational Equips:

[Animal] Ring(50% extra damage against certain elements)

-For Genma Generals, but not the Dark Element one

Tao Master's Ring(50% more magic damage)

-When spamming magic of course

Lucky Charm(-25% MP consumption)

-Goes with the above

Charon Bell(Revive with full HP/MP/OP)

-Equipped whenever Awakening is about to end or OP is below half

More stuff, but I forgot them <_<;

I dunno if people know this, but archer arrows turn into yellow souls when hit.

So, clear the floor of all enemies except the archer and heal using the arrows.

1. For Soki, I switched between spamming Oni Magic Lv. 3(Gleam) against flying

enemies, and Chain Criticals(Excalibur; Gleam is used beforehand) against

everything else. If MP becomes an issue, a weapon with the "Attack Wave"

property can be used in combination with Dodging(L1+Direction). Most melee

enemies can be taken down without a scratch like this, and the same applies to

some ranged enemies. Regular combat works wonders with a high AP

weapon(obviously). I used his Awakening when the action became too hectic.

2. Jubei...pretty much the same strategy above applies(minus the weapons :P). I

try not to use the Demon Eye unless if I really need to because it always ends

up wasted when there are flying enemies about.

3. Ohatsu has ranged weapons that can actually hit flying enemies without too

much of a problem. For the early levels, I suggest a normal type

shot(Guardian), and the lasers for floors beyond. All I did was shoot and

dodge, with the occasional use of her bugs to prevent death.

4. I had trouble with Roberto, so I decided to spam Light Magic. That's all I

have for him. Course, I used the magic criticals when they were more cost


5. Tenkai just uses one burst of Light Magic(Level 3), then thunderclaps the

rest, if all that was released were reds. I usually choose to absorb the blue

and purple souls.

Keep in mind I did not pause to recover inbetween floors. If a person is decent

enough at fighting, the Rosary of Heart should restore 1/4th of a character's

OP half-way through floors past 50. With a strong enough weapon, the character

should only spend about 1/3rd of the OP then move onto the next floor. This is

assuming no purple souls are released when enemies are killed.

As a standard, I never use a full combo against any heavy enemies(Armor things,

Gunners, those shockwave beasts...). I usually dash in, hit 3 times, and dodge

in the appropriate direction. For any level with "smart" cannons(they aim at

you!), I dodge all around, letting them do the killing. I try to leave the

tentacle enemies last, because revealing them in the heat of battle is quite


(Thanks to yugioh903)


Q: Why is this code not working?

A: Each region specific copy of Onimusha: DoD has its own specific code or way

to get the secret costumes. I have listed the codes for the PAL version so

check in the secrets section. For the Japanese version, you had to collect Oni

Charms that were spread throughout the game in select locations. There is an

in-depth FAQ on GameFAQs that points out the locations if you are interested.


Q: What other games can I find like Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams?

A: Check the "About Shadow of Rome" section under Everything Else. Also, Genji

and the other Onimushas (if you haven't played them of course) would be some

other great choices.


Q: How do I (a) equip my other characters besides Soki and (b) how do I equip

rings, necklaces, or any other items?

A: (a) Pause the game like normal then select "Equip". Cycle through the

available characters by pressing to the left or right with the D-pad

(Directional pad). Notice their names displayed at the very top. At the

hideout, all characters in your party can be equipped, but in a stage, only the

current partner can be equipped.

A: (b) Pause the game like normal then select "Equip". Highlight the slot that

you want to equip the accessory to and press X. From that screen, press the

left and right direction on the D-pad (Directional pad) to choose between

rings, necklaces, or other as displayed above the top table.

___________ _________

Section VII_________________________________________________________/ [EVEL00]


__ __ __ _____ _____ __ ___

/__/ //__/__/_//__ / /_ / / _

/_ / /_ / //_ _/ / // /_/ / / // / / /_/

//__ V //__/ _ / / / / __ // /_/ / / /_

__/ _/__// _/ _/ / / /_/____/_ /____/

__ __ __ __

/__/ / / _ /__

/_ / / /_

//__/ /____ //__




-- Version History

Version 0.8 - (April 28, 2006) - This guide is still not as complete as I'd

like it to be, but I'm releasing it early since it seems to be taking quite a

while to finish. Some sections are still a bit unfinished so you might see

some blank areas. A few sections haven't been proofread yet either, but I'll

get to that by the next update. The rest of the Test of Valors (and the

unfinished TOV's) will be added (and updated) soon.

Version 0.85 - (April 29, 2006) - Added all the info for backtracking up to

Stage 12. Also added a few more weapons and weapon stats.

Version 1.0 - (May 1, 2006) - For the most part the FAQ is complete. All

backtrack areas have been added. Still missing a few weapons that I will add

later and I plan to list the Dark Realm items eventually.

Version 1.1 - (May 2, 2006) - Added all the character moves and updated the

weapons section a bit. The Weapons section has now been moved to the bottom.

Added a note for the puzzles in the City of Sakai (Stage 13) level. Please

email me about that if you can.

Version 1.2 - (May 4, 2006) - Added tons of the weapon info for most of the

weapons in the game. Rapport is now listed in the Basics section. Jubei's

Dark Realm items are now up thanks to a reader. I also fixed up the FAQ here

and there to help make some sections easier on the eyes.

Version 1.3 - (May 5, 2006) - Added more codes for the second painting puzzle

on Stage 13. That is all.

Version 1.4 - (May 6, 2006) - A few more codes for the Stage 13 puzzle are now

available and few more item drops have been added to the Enemies section.

Spider Genma attacks were updated as well.

Version 1.5 - (May 9, 2006) - More item drops are now available in the Enemies

section and more codes were added to the Stage 13 puzzle. It seems as if that

puzzle is TOTALLY random. Changed "Oni" to "Gargant" for the Stage 9 boss


Version 1.6 - (May 13, 2006) - More items drops and two more codes for the

Stage 13 puzzle were added. If anybody can confirm some item drops that I am

missing then please email me. Thanks.

Version 1.7 - (May 15, 2006) - Tenkai's Dark Realm items are now available

along with some more items drops for enemies and two more Stage 13 codes.

Version 1.8 - (May 22, 2006) - More codes for Stage 13 were added and a few

corrections were made here and there.

Version 1.9 - (May 26, 2006) - More codes were added for the Stage 13 puzzle

making a grand total of 26 different codes so far. A few more item drops were

added and half of Ohatsu's Dark Realm item list is finished. Also added the

codes for the PAL Street Fighter outfits for the European readers. The title

ASCII art has been lowered and there is now an "About Me" section at the very

bottom for your reading pleasure.

Version 2.0 - (May 31, 2006) - Added the location for the Oni of Fate charm to

Stage 17. Ohatsu's Dark Realm items are now all available and there are some

more Stage 13 codes making a total of 35 codes.

Version 2.1 - (June 5, 2006) - Ohatsu's Dark Realm weapon stats are now up.

Roberto's Dark Realm items are now listed. There is also an extra puzzle box

location for the backtrack section of Azuchi Castle (West Trap Room Rootop) and

I have added an extra tip for the battle with Sakon while your Tenkai in Stage

8. Also, there is a new section under Secrets, revealing all the locations for

the Oni and Dragon Charms. I have some more codes for Stage 13, but I'll

address that issue next update... I'm thinking about taking them all out and

doing a REALLY descriptive solution for one or two codes since that big list of

codes in the Stage 13 area of this walkthrough is starting to annoy me. There

are probably over 200 solutions anyway and if I listed all of those, it would

really only provide extra work for the readers to go through them all. I'll

still gladly accept emails on the matter though.

Version 2.2 - (June 19, 2006) - As you may have noticed, the version history is

now down at the bottom. Added the locations for two new puzzle boxes in

Sawayama Castle (Stage 11). There you will find Roberto's Brinnhilde gauntlets

and the Emobossed Mallet. Might want to check that out if you skipped it.

Weapon stats are now added for all the Dark Realm weapons. I have finally

updated the Stage 13 code section also. All the codes except for two of them

have been removed and there is now a super descriptive method in their place.

If you still do not understand the code then email me with your building and

painting setup and I will help you out.

Version 2.3 - (June 22, 2006) - An explanation of Oni Magic has been added

under the Basics section. Added an Oni Jewel location found right at the

beginning of Kyoto (Stage 7) to the walkthrough section. The weapons section

has been totally revamped in the same order as the weapon list under the pause

menu. Joke weapons have been added at the bottom of each weapon list as well.

I'm still not totally sure on the numbering for Soki's Balmunk, Fallen Angel,

and Excalibur sword however. If you know the correct order, then please email


Version 2.4 - (June 26, 2006) - Added quite a few things this update. The

weapon stats and numbers for Balmunk, Fallen Angel, and Excalibur have been

added. I also added the weapon AP for Tenkai's Ithuriel spear - didn't even

notice that I had skipped that. Oni Magic LV1 is now listed for every weapon

as well. Added an extra tip for the Rosencrantz battle in Twisted Kyoto.

There is a new "FAQ" section in the Secrets section and an "About Shadow of

Rome" section under Everything Else. The first puzzle description in Stage 13

has an extra note about it being random.

Version 2.5 - (June 30, 2006) - Corrected a few areas here and there and

started adding a list for all the other items in the game below the weapons

list. The "Weapons" section will most likely be renamed the "List" section by

the next update.

Version 2.6 - (July 3, 2006) - Finished up the list items. Added a few more

item drops and some information to the FAQ sections for Soki's Dark Realm run.

Street Fighter Music was added to the Special Menu section under Secrets.

Corrected a few mistakes as well - it's amazing how many I can look over while


Version 2.7 - (August 4, 2006) - Added some tips for Jubei's Dark Realm

ascension and corrected a minor error.

Version 2.8 - (October 1, 2006) - Many strategies have been added to all the

sections. It would be best to visit the Special Thanks section to find the

latest editions.

Version 2.9 - (February 26, 2007) - Added one more question to the Frequently

Asked Questions section. Corrected an error for question #1. Big thanks to

that reader!



-- Copyright

This document Copyright 2006 Kevin Hall (Berserker)

Onimusha Dawn of Dreams Copyright Capcom CO. INC., 2006.

This document is for private and personal use only. Do not try to sell this

document for profit. This is a free document and should remain free. Do not

try to reproduce this document in any way, shape, or form. Do not alter this

FAQ in any way. Use of this guide on any other web site, besides the sites

that have contacted me, or as a part of any public display is strictly

prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

If you want to use this FAQ on your site, then contact me for permission first.

This FAQ can only be found on a few sites as of now and I am keeping a list of

those sites. Contact me if you want to use it.



-- Special Thanks

- my parents.

- to Capcom for making this addictive game. Very good job guys!

- CjayC (GameFAQs), Stephen Ng (IGN), Chris O'Rorke (Cheat Happens), and the

Neoseeker people for posting this FAQ.

- XxGhaleonxX, Kyme, Cantius, FNS, and yunamon for some of the secret info.

- Daemonic Lazoth for some of the Test of Valor items and for Soki's and

Jubei's Dark Realm items as well as some weapon info. You rock!

- All the people who have emailed me with their individual code for the puzzle

in Stage 13. There's too many to list names but you know who you are.

- Shadow47001 for the PAL codes and for the most helpful Equipment/Item

Location Guide on GameFAQs. Top job on that guide!

- JonC2001 for the correction.

- Marwan for the info on Ohatsu's, Roberto's, Jubei's, and Soki's Dark Realm

weapons. You rock as well!

- Alistair K for Roberto's Dark Realm item list.

- Oatmeal Batman for the extra puzzle box location at Azuchi Castle.

- CcXD for the Hell Jab tip on the Sakon boss battle with Tenkai (Stage 8).

- Razer for the extra Oni Jewel location in Kyoto (Stage 7).

- James Skemp for the Charon's Bell info listed under the Oni Awakening part

and the reminder of the second time Dark Realm items.

- Patrick for the extra item drops.

- Gungraver for the tip for Rosencrantz.

- KaYueP for the weapons stats and numbers that I was missing for Fallen Angel,

Balmunk, and Excalibur.

- Joao Augusto, NoLogo, and all the people that emailed me about Jubei's Dark

Realm runthrough.

- Haperitz for reminding me to enter the extra mixtures.

- Boone Wong for controller and Hook Storm corrections and the extra info for

the TOV's (see TOV #2 for Sawayama Castle Town).

- Alex Black for the alternate method for Test of Valor #2 at the Shimabara


- Stormrunner for the extra info on Test of Valor #2 outside Azuchi Castle.

- Kamisamaa Pendragon for the extra strategy for Rosencrantz (Rosy).

- yugioh903 for the extensive info in the FAQ section for all the characters.



-- Contact Info

I can be reached at my email address, which is > berserker_kev@yahoo.com <, so

please contact me if you have any questions, comments, etc. I don't mind

receiving emails at all. All I ask is for you to try to make the email decent.

I realize that some people do not speak perfect English or cannot type that

well, so that doesn't really matter to me, but all that I ask is that you try

to make it readable. If you found this walkthrough helpful, an email would be

most appreciated.

I would prefer you not to add me to your messenger, but if you do, at least

tell me a bit about yourself and why, or if I know you, tell me who you are.

One of my pet peeves is when people just add me to their messenger without

saying anything. I usually just deny their request.



-- About Me

Well, my name is Kevin. I'm 26 years old and reside in the US (Mississippi).

I've been an avid player of video games ever since I first got an Atari 2600

back when I was 6 years old. I've tried to escape into many other hobbies but

always wind up back to square one with video games. My favorite gaming series

is Resident Evil by far, then second would be Castlevania. Playing just about

any survival horror is a major high point in my gaming experience. A few of my

other interests include horror movies, anime, and I'm a complete message board

junkie. You can find me at Artic Nightfall (Berserker) or the Resident Evil or

Castlevania IGN message boards (berserker_kev). I'm also a big fan of viewing

artwork, though I can't draw myself. Even though I can't draw, I try to be a

creative person through writing, and hopefully that reflects in my guides. My

dream is to be a professional walkthrough writer, but until then I will

continue to publish guides for free on GameFAQs and the various other gaming


For any other info about me, please see my FAQ Writer of the Month interview at



-- My other work can be found at both IGN and GameFAQs.

http://users.ign.com/about/berserker_kev (IGN)

http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/21400.html (GameFAQs)


_-_ Cheat Happens Guides (www.cheathappens.com) _-_


This is a list of HTML guides with pics that I have done for Cheat Happens. If

you like my work in my FAQs found around the various gaming sites then you will

find that these are similar.

--> Lost Planet

A frozen wasteland. An alien menace. An extreme soldier. The battlefield is



--> God Hand

Have Fist Will Travel!


--> Dead Rising

Freelance photojournalist Frank West + a mall of full of zombies + tons of

stores where anything and everything is a weapon = the scoop of a lifetime!


--> Tomb Raider: Legend

Lady Croft's next big adventure crosses multiple platforms and delivers on all!


--> Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

"Come, and I will tell you a tale like none you have ever heard..."




-- About Shadow of Rome

I have gotten quite a few emails asking me if I know of any other games that

are like Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams. Well, I would like to direct your attention

to the little known game from the makers of Onimusha known as Shadow of Rome.

If you haven't ever played this game then you should definitely give it a try.

It has some really deep combat, deeper than Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, and the

combat is very, very addicting. There are plenty of weapons to choose from and

each weapon has it's own set of moves. Chop off limbs, cut enemies in half,

cut off their head, burn them alive, impale your enemy, break their arms before

you cut them off, beat your opponents with severed limbs and heads, the list

goes on. The game is hard and has a steep learning curve, but that's what

makes it fun!

The game is set in ancient Rome where you must take on the role of a general in

the Roman army known as Agrippa, who struggles through hardships and ultimately

gets drawn into fighting his way through the gladiatorial games to seek

vengeance on Decius, the man who killed his mother. Agrippa's father,

Vipsanius, is accused of murdering Caesar, and the prize for winning the

gladiatorial games will be the right to execute Vipsanius, so Agrippa plans to

fight his way to the top and save his father while exacting hiDecius.

Seriously, I wouldn't be making a section in an Onimusha: DoD walkthrough if

this game was in any way bad, so go pick up a copy today and email me if you

enjoy it. Check out my FAQ on GameFAQs if you have any problems. I think it

illustrates my obsession with that game very well.




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Thank you for reading!



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