Prey FAQ/Walkthrough

                   PPPPPPPPPP    RRRRRR     EEEEEEE    Y   Y
                   P        P    R     R    E           Y Y
                   P        P    R     R    E            Y
                   P        P    RRRRRR     E            Y
                   PPPPPPPP      R  R       EEEEEEE      Y
                   P             R   R      E            Y
                   P             R    R     E            Y
                   P             R     R    E            Y
                   P             R      R   EEEEEEE      Y

                         F A Q  /  W A L K T H R O U G H

                             V E R S I O N  1 . 2

                          *LAST UPDATED ON: 7/29/2006

                           Written by: Jason Howell

  |                                                                           |
  |                           A1. Table of Contents                           |

         |Name of Section                                   |Search Number |
         |__________________________________________________|_____________ |
         |TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................|...........A1 |
         |VERSION HISTORY...................................|...........B1 |
         |THE BASICS........................................|...........C1 |
         |-Tommy, the Hero..................................|...........C2 |
         |                                                  |              |
         |WALKTHROUGH.......................................|...........D1 |
         |                                                  |              |
         |  -Last Call......................................|...........D2 |
         |  -Escape Velocity................................|...........D3 |
         |  -Downward Spiral................................|...........D4 |
         |  -Rites of Passage...............................|...........D5 |
         |  -Second Chances.................................|...........D6 |
         |  -All Fall Down..................................|...........D7 |
         |  -Crash Landing..................................|...........D8 |
         |  -Sacrifices.....................................|...........D9 |
         |  -There are Others...............................|...........DA |
         |  -Guiding Fires..................................|...........DB |
         |  -The Old Tribes.................................|...........DC |
         |  -Hidden Agenda..................................|...........DE |
         |  -Jen............................................|...........DF |
         |  -The Dark Harvest...............................|...........DG |
         |  -Following Her..................................|...........DH |
         |  -The Complex....................................|...........DI |
         |  -Ascent.........................................|...........DJ |
         |  -Center of Gravity..............................|...........DK |
         |  -Resolutions....................................|...........DL |
         |  -Oath of Vengeance..............................|...........DM |
         |  -Facing the Enemy...............................|...........DN |
         |  -Mother's Embrace...............................|...........DO |
         |                                                  |              |
         |WEAPONS...........................................|...........E1 |
         |MISC INFO.........................................|...........X2 |
         |-360 Achievements.................................|...........X3 |
         |-Frequently Asked Questions/Emails................|...........X4 |
         |COPYRIGHT/CONTACT INFO............................|...........X1 |

  |                                                                           |
  |                           B1. Version History                             |

     VERSION .01 (7/12/06): Bare-bones guide. Just started on main guide.
                            Finished "All fall down" and "Crash Landing"
                            levels of the guide, and added contact info.

     VERSION 1.0 (7/13/06): Whoo! Finally done with the main part of the
                            guide. Sorry if the later parts and some of
                            the beginning feel a bit underdetailed, i've
                            been working on this for the last two days
                            non-stop. New content in the next few days.

     VERSION 1.1 (7/16/06): No, I didn't forget about this guide. Mike Grave
                            sent in the solution to the Cube in the complex,
                            so I added it in his own words. Anywho, i'm
                            still taking a break from the guide, and I do
                            plan on updating Monday with a Weapon and
                            Enemy guide (Gamespot released a guide with
                            most of the names of the enemies, so I finally
                            know which ones are what).

     VERSION 1.2 (7/29/06): Sorry for the long wait, Prey fans. Got a few
                            new things for you:

                            -Weapons guide (No info on Multiprey weapon
                             strategies yet)

                            -Misc Info, 360 Achievements, and a Frequently
                            Asked questions section, due to the large
                            ammount of emails I get about Prey.

                            For you 360 Prey owners, I am going to rent
                            Prey sometime within the next few weels and
                            see if there is anything major that is
                            different. Also, a multiprey guide and
                            Enemy guide should be up in the next update.

  |                                                                          |
  |                           C1. THE BASICS                                 |

    *Please note: This was written based on the PC version. The 360 version
                  may be a little different, so please be aware. If anyone
                  has info on the 360 version they are willing to share,
                  please email me.

       /                                                            /
  - /__ /-/--------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                    -    /-/
    -  /-/               C2. TOMMY, THE HERO                    -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                      /_  /_
      /  ----------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                          |  |
       --                                                            --
       Ah yes, the hero of the game. Tommy, unlike many FPS heroes is a
       Native American, Army braggart, heritage hating, and all around
       emo man.

       Tommy is also a bit different then other FPS heroes. Instead of
       getting a number gage for helth, you get a life bar. Not only
       that, but you can resurrect Tommy once you get the Spirit Walk
       by playing a short bow and arrow mini-game.

    First, however, the controls:

   |The default controls  |
   |C                     |Crouch. Use when going into small portals.        |
   |F                     |Lighter. Use when it is too dark to see. Be aware |
   |                      |of the gage near the lighter icon when you use it.|
   |                      |The more it is used, the higher the gage goes.    |
   |                      |If it reaches to the top, you must let it cool    |
   |                      |down for a few seconds.                           |
   |E                     |Spirit Walk mode. Once you gain Spirit Walk in the|
   |                      |main game, you will be able to enter and exit this|
   |                      |mode by clicking the SWM button.                  |
   |Space                 |Jump. Use to reach high areas...Self evident      |
   |Right Mouse button    |Fires any weapon currently equipped. Also used to |
   |                      |activate switches                                 |
   |Left Mouse button     |Action sensitive button. Used in a variety of     |
   |                      |different situations. When the Hunter Rifle is    |
   |                      |equipped, you can go into zoom mode by clicking   |
   |                      |it.                                               |
   |                      |                                                  |
   |W,A,S,D or arrow keys |Move up, left, down, or right respectively.       |
   |                      |                                                  |
   |Mouse wheel           |Changes weapons                                   |

       As you can see, Tommy is pretty much similar to how the marines in
       Doom 3 and Rhino Squad in Quake 4 handled. However, it is also good
       to note that Tommy's guns also use a bar instead of a number, so you
       have to keep a more careful eye on that.

       So, what exactly is your goal in Prey? Well, in the 2006 version (Sadly,
       we may never know the full story of the canceled versions of Prey from
       more then a Decade ago), you are on a Indian Reservation with your
       very traditional grandfather Enisi, as well as trying to get your
       Girlfriend, Jen, to come off the reservation for a few days. However,
       all this is soon forgotten when (OMIGOSHSOORIGIANAL!) a evil alien
       race abducts various parts of Texas! Now, as a kickass Cherokee, it is
       up to Tommy...Oh, who am I kidding: You fight fleshy aliens
       on a fleshy ship with fleshy guns.

  |                                                                           |
  |                           D1. Walkthrough                                 |

       /      D2:                                                   /
  - /__ /-/--------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                    -    /-/
    -  /-/                    LAST CALL                         -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                      /_  /_
      /  ----------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                          |  |
       --                                                            --
       Ah, the beginning of the game. As you soon discover, you play the
       roll of a Rebellious Indian named Tommy! Much like the beginning
       of Silent Hill 2, you begin the game in the bathroom, over a

       Anywho, the first part is all story (Sadly, this are actually
       looks awsome. Too bad earth is always forgotten in Doom 3
       engine games...). You can look around, read the posters, play
       several of the games (Black Jack, Draw Poker, Video Slots, and
       a Pac-Man clone called Rune Man), and mess with the songs. Once
       you are ready to move on, stay near gen, and you will eventually
       pick up your wrench and hit the two guys drinking. Once that is
       done, you will get picked up by the aliens.

       /     D3:                                                    /
  - /__ /-/--------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                    -    /-/
    -  /-/                  ESCAPE VELOCITY                     -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                      /_  /_
      /  ----------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                          |  |
       --                                                            --
       Not much to say here. You pretty much go on a track until a
       explosion happends and lunges you into a fleshy pit. Right now,
       all you have is your trusty wrench, so that is all you can
       really use for now. Going forward, you will see your first
       hazard: the Cilia (The tentacle things growing out in random
       places that explode and damage you). You also meet your first
       enemy: The Fodder (The reddish, bug looking things that
       attack you in this area). Hit them with your wrench, and
       then press the button on the console (Most consoles have
       a button you can press that activates something, although
       some consoles are just displays).

       Next room have several Fodder, and a crowchable room you
       can go into. When you see gates like this, it means you
       can warp through them. Crowch, and then go through the back
       of the gate to get to the next section. Keep going on the
       path, and then when you reach two hallways, go right. You
       will also be introduced to Prey's health recovery, the
       Health Spores (These repair a little ammount of HP). When
       you see the gate, crowch down and go through the back.

       Next room is a bit dark, so use your lighter and kill the
       fodder walking around. Not much else to do...Just keep
       walking the path ahead until you see Enisi get strapped
       to one of those absorbing machines. Just then, a person
       will come and stop it, and open a portal to the next area.
       Go into it to go to the next level.

       /     D4:                                                    /
  - /__ /-/--------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                    -    /-/
    -  /-/                  DOWNWARD SPIRAL                     -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                      /_  /_
      /  ----------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                          |  |
       --                                                            --
       Right off the bat, you will get to see your first health basin
       (A grasshopper looking statue holding a bowl of purple liquid).
       Head up the ramp and down the path until you meet your first
       common enemy, the Hunter. Hunters usually carry a Hunter's Rifle,
       a sort of dual rapid fire/sniper rifle gun. Once you beat your
       first one, take the rifle for your own. Continue on through the
       ******* looking door (Hey, its a M-Rated game! Not to mention
       a accurate description) and continue forward.

       Several hunters in this room, as well as a portal that stays
       open (Nothing past it besides a healing spore). Go to the
       force field and press the switch to open it, then jump down into
       the pit. You should see a tumor-looking thing (a giant blob of
       round flesh) that you can push around. Push it to the green
       goo looking thing, and shoot at it several times to make it
       explode. Continue down the flesh hall.

       In the next room, you will find several flying enemies (Can't
       kill them at this point, and they don't attack) and several
       Hunters will warp in. Kill them, and take the wallwalk (The
       glowing pathway to the right). Head up the wallwalk, kill
       the Fodder, and go to the right. Kill any of the Hunters that
       warp in and avoid the Cilia, and go up the Wallwalk. Before
       dropping down at the end, take care of the Fodder on the celing
       so you don't have to get ambushed in a second. If you continue
       up the stairs, another fodder will tumble over a warp box and
       attack you. Kill it, then go through the box.

       Next room shows a small rock in a case, and another warp box
       on the left. Go in the warp box, and you will be on the
       rock you just saw! Worse, several hunters will warp in. Kill
       them, then go forward until you see a gate that contails a
       warp. Drop down.

       Next section shows a alternate to the anus hole dores,
       VOMITING anus holes! While they do not do much damage, they are
       sort of annoying and comming in the first few areas. Head
       through the warp, and then head through the second warp on
       the right.

       Continue on the path, avoiding the vomiting anus holes, and
       you will be in a hall with a new enemy: The Mutilated Humans.
       If you leave them along and not shoot your gun near them, they
       won't attack. Continuing on, the path leads into a room with
       several hunters, so kill them. Keep going on the path
       and you will face a new enemy: The Hounds (A Aliens "The movie"
       looking enemy, only brown). Kill them, and continue.

       In the next room, go to the right and then hit the switch on
       the console not only to open the window, but to activate the
       wallwalk. Go up the wallwalk, shoot the hunters that appear
       on both the celing and the floor, and crowch when you get
       to a small space. In the next room, you will be in a small
       space with some Mutilated Humans. Don't bother them, ignore
       the wallwalk, and push one of the tumor bombs to the door on the
       upper left and shoot it.

       Next room is the bridge area. Go past the metal bridge to the
       closed door, turn around, and you will see that the hunters
       are shooting the cable. Let them, and you will warp to the
       next level.

       /     D5:                                                    /
  - /__ /-/--------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                    -    /-/
    -  /-/                  RITES OF PASSAGE                    -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                      /_  /_
      /  ----------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                          |  |
       --                                                            --
       Not much to do in this level. Listen to the ghost of Enisi talk
       about the Cherokee for awhile, and then enter the spirit cave.
       There, you will be able to use the spirit walk to pass the
       fire. The spirit walk is a move where you can use your spirit
       to do things you normally can't do, such as going through
       force fields. Touch the stone on the other side and continue
       on. Enter spirit form and go through the circular fire to gain
       the bow, the only weapon you can use in spirit form. Once that
       is done, you will be able to go back to the Sphere.

       /     D6:                                                    /
  - /__ /-/--------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                    -    /-/
    -  /-/                   SECOND CHANCES                     -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                      /_  /_
      /  ----------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                          |  |
       --                                                            --
       As soon as you warp in, wait for the tumor bomb to drop on the
       right side, and push it to the pit in the middle and shoot
       it. Go through the flesh cave until you see a force field.
       Enter spirit mode, go across and kill the Fodder. Then, press
       the button to lower the force field. If you want, you can also
       go up via a path only available in Spirit form that leads
       to some ammo. Once you are done, go through the door.

       Next area is pretty much a fleshy hall. Continue through it
       until you see a force field. Go into spirit mode, kill the
       Hunter, and press both the wallwalk button and force field
       button to activate and lower respectively. Go up the wallwalk
       kill the enemies, then enter spirit form when you are on the
       edge. You will now be on a balcony where you can go through
       the door and press the button to make the platform move.
       Go back to your body and walk up the steps and in the
       room you were just in to find the Leech gun, a type of gun
       that absorbs various types of energy located along the
       walls. Once the hunters open the door, go through it.

       Head along the fleshy hallway until you see a glass wall
       and a anushole vomitor. Wait until the ghost kid breaks
       the window, and then go through. In the next room, blast
       the Fodder that are in the hall, then go under the steps
       to find two warp boxes. Choose the right one, and go
       through it.

       Next room is a Gravity Switch room. Keep in mind that
       gravity switches cannot be shot at on the floor, but
       ones on celings and walls can change gravity. Keep changing
       the direction until you find the portal.

       Next part is mostly a sniper area. Enter sniping mode by
       using the secondary button (With the Hunter Rifle only),
       and try to either shoot at the head or chest. Once all the
       hunters are dead, drop through the opening along the path and
       look for a gravity switch on the celing. Shoot it, and you
       will wind up in the next room.

       The trick here is to manuver yourself a little below the
       edge of the walls and shoot the gravity switches. If you
       are lined up right, you will be a little bit on the next
       platform. If you just jump down, then you will need to start
       over. Once you get to the end, you will find what happened to
       the Bar: absorbed in the ship. Shoot the gravity switch near
       the bartenders area to get in the area, and kill all the
       hunters that warp in. Eventually, several warps will
       appear. Go into one, and a blue one will appear that will
       warp you to the next level.

       /     D7:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/--------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                    -    /-/
    -  /-/                  ALL FALL DOWN                       -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                      /_  /_
      /  ----------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                          |  |
       --                                                            --
       Beginning in this area, go right and shoot the Hunter patroling
       the pathway. Continue through the anus door and you will find
       a lone Mutilated Human, and giant Cylander, a inactive wallwalk,
       and a switch. Press the switch, go up the wallwalk and kill any
       hunter that comes along. You will then be in a area with several
       Fodder. Kill them, then move the tumor bomb to the door to the
       left and shoot it. You will then see a force field you can
       go through with Spirit walk. Enter spirit mode, go down a
       little ways, and press the switch to lower it, then re-enter
       your body.

       Once in the next room, kill the hunter that warps in a look
       for a path on the left. Gather the ammo near the human,
       and continue on the path that goes up. Kill the Hunters that
       warp in, then enter the tube to fine a lone Hound. Kill him,
       and then drop down to the fleshy cave.

       Turn on your lighter and continue onward. On your way to the
       door, you will hear a child cry, then get ripped to shreads.
       Ignore it, since there is no enemies you have to fight above or
       anything you can really do. Continue through the doorway and you
       will wind up in a room with a bottomless pit in the middle. Defeat
       the hunters and Fodders in the room and collect the healing spore
       near the south side of the wall. Once all the enemies are
       defeated, look on the sealing for a gravity switch. Shoot it to
       land on the sealing, and then head toward the pipes. Look up and
       hit the gravity switch on the celing to land in the other section
       of the room you were not able to enter due to the pit.

       Grab the healing spore if you need it, then hit the right
       console to make a round portal appear. Once you are on the
       other side, you will find a room with several Vomiters, beam and
       ice charges for the Leech Gun, and a Draw Poker machine. Nothing
       too important, so go back through the portal you just came out of
       to warp into a room with a Elevator (With a healing spore, if you
       need it).

       Once on the elevator, you will have to wait about a minute or so
       for it to get to the next area, so kick back and watch the pretty
       view in the distance (AKA: Your next destination). Once at the
       top, you will enter a room with the ghost girl and a healing
       spore. She will run off, and leave the door locked. Look on the
       celing near the enterance for a Gravity switch and shoot it. Once
       on the celing, go forward and look at the bottom for a warp.

       The next room is a bit of a annoyance, but isn't too bad. In it
       is sevral healing spores, ammo for the Hunter Rifle, several
       recharge stations for the leech gun, and two of those ghost
       girls. I'm not too positive, but from what I remember, you are
       supposed to shoot at the two ghosts until a crouchable passage
       opens on the upper left wall. Once in the next section, you will
       find a healing spore and ammo for the Hunter Gun. Continue on
       the left passage until you come to a room with a portal. Enter it
       to end the level.

       /     D8:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                     CRASH LANDING                      -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       Right off the bat, you will be in a room with a force field blocking
       your way, and several hunters on the other side. Enter Spirit Walk,
       and hit the switch on the right to lower the force field. Go back
       into your body, and kill any of the Hunters in the room (Some warp
       in on the left, so take care of those. There are several Healing
       Pods and a leech gun station if you need it, so use them acordingly.

       Once you are done, head up the stairs on the left and hit the switch
       to the right of the door to reach the balcony near the Crash site.
       Gather the Hunter Rifle ammo, then enter Spirit Walk and pass
       through the section on the bottom. Go down and then go forward to
       find the terminal to lower the force field. Lower it, then re-enter
       your body and head back down and go forward. Several Hunters will
       ambush you, so take them out. Also worthy of note is the Electric
       energy station for the Leech gun on the right wall (Slow on attacking,
       but each blast is powerful enough to kill most lesser enemies).

       Jump down to the ground section to find several hounds, Electric leech
       stations, several balloon jellyfish things (The Prey manual and website
       make no mention of its name, so that is what I will call it until
       someone can find the true name of it), and some Fodder. Note that if
       you kill all the Balloon aliens, then Sniping Hunters will appear on
       the ledge to the left. Now, the only problem is getting up to the area
       that leads to the next section. Head forward and then go up the
       platform to find a Spirit Walk symbol. Go into Spirit Walk, then go
       up the spirit pathway to find a terminal switch. Hit it to activate
       the elevator on the right, then go back to your body and hit the
       switch on the elevator and head through the portal.

       Right when you enter the next room, a hunter will close the gate and
       lock you in the section you are in. If you turn around, you will
       find a gravity switch on the left, and a health basin right in front
       of you. Hit the gravity switch to switch the direction of the room
       (Which allows you to go through the metal bars). Jump down the small
       pit, then hit the switch right above you to return the room to
       normal. Head down the path to the right to find a cabnet of Hunter
       Rifle ammo, then continue forward to the force field. Several Fodders
       will jump from the celing, so be prepared to take them out. Press
       the switch to lower both force fields (The small passage on the left
       leads to some Hunter Rifle ammo), while the one in front of you
       will lead to the next room.

       The next room is a easy puzzle. First of all, go to the left to find a
       warp door and a switch. Do not hit the switch, but instead go through
       the door's path (go through the gate, and then turn around to find
       the portal). Once you are through the portal, you will be in a turnable
       room with a switch and a cabnet of Ammo. Press the switch once to
       appear on the other side of the room you were just in. Ignore the
       switch, and head on through the door.

       The passageway has several mutilated humans, a tumor bomb, and those
       crab-like grenades walking around. First, kill the mutilated humans,
       then destroy the celing turret near the door (Note that the turrets
       seem to not take any damage from the Spirit Bow). Once all that is
       out of the way, head through the door on the north wall.

       In the next room, you will find a electric charge station for the leech
       gun on the right, and a force field that you can sprit walk through on
       the left wall a little ways forward. Hit the switch to the right, and
       then re-enter your body and look on the terminal in front of you for
       a number password you will need in just a minute or so (*Note: When I
       first recorded my playthrough, the password shown was 1623. Based on
       emails I recieved, this is always the same for both versions.) Once you
       have the password, head back and then forward to find some steps and
       a terminal to enter the password (The terminal will show the numbers in
       the alien language, but will appear as English numbers after a few
       seconds). Enter it, and then head through to the next section.

       Next room is a bit annoying. Instantly, you will have several Sniper
       Hunters on the top areas shooting at you. Take them out, and use
       Spirit Walk to show a path leading to some Rifle ammo (Optional).
       Head back to the enterance area of this room, then look on the celing
       to find a gravity switch. Hit it to flip the room, then drop into the
       pit. Continue foward on the path until you find a gravity switch on
       the floor, and then look above you to find a second one. Hit it to
       discover that you are on the platform across the previous pit.

       The next room is pretty mcuh two recharge stations for the leech gun
       (Energy and Ice), as well as a Health Spore. You know what the next
       room must be...Aw hell yeah! It's a giant ass fight! Both Hunters and
       Hounds will attack you from every direction, so take them out so you
       can go up the elevator on the left side of the room. To activate it,
       position your body on the elevator lift and go into Spirit Walk form.
       Then, go through the force field and activate the switch on the other
       side and return to your body. Once the elevator is on the top, go
       through the door.

       Next room has several dead humans and a single mutilated human, so take
       him out (or ignore him, which ever you prefer). The room after that is
       filled with bodies hanging on the celing, several crab grenades, Rifle
       ammo and health spores. Go up the platform right across the entrance to
       find a small gateway portal. Crawl through it to head to the next room.

       Next room is a wall walk puzzle, so take it a bit slowly. Walk across
       the small pathway in the middle to reach the otherside with a wall walk,
       then go up to find a hunter. Kill him, then hit the switch to cause the
       sections of the wall walk to start moving (Which allows you to get
       across). Go down the path you took to reach the switch and go either
       right or left. When a section of a walk goes down, walk onto it and
       wait for it to intersect with another part of the walkway. Once you are
       on the other side: go straight, then whichever path goes up to reach
       the other side. To the right is rifle ammo, and the left is a warp
       box. Crouch to enter the next area.

       On the top of the next room is a Hunter, while the bottom holds a
       turret. Ignore the warp box infront of you, and continue on to the
       left side. There is a hunter on the celing, so take him out as soon
       as you see him. While you do see several leech charge terminals,
       ignore them for now and go into the warp box. You will now be on
       a inverted gravity part of the room with Hunters shooting at you.
       Grab the rifle ammo, and take them out. When you are done with
       that, look at the side of the box you just came out of to find a
       second warp box. Enter it to head to another gravity warped part
       of the room. Grab the Hunter's guns, and then prepare to fight
       the Hound and Hunter that come out of the door to the north. Grab
       the Leech power-ups if you need to, then continue on through
       the door.

       Next room is filled with Cilia tentacles, so watch your step when you
       walk around. The right wall has a ammo cabnet, so grab it if you need
       it and the lower left section of the room has a health basin. The
       password console on the right needs a number password (Mine was 2724,
       but if that doesn't work, go out of the room you were just in and look
       on the leftmost wall in the room where you fought the hunters).

       NEXT room is a doozy. Ice leech charge on the right, and a lift that
       will bring you down to a Hound cage. There are quite a few of them,
       so use your fastest method (AKA: NOT sniping) to kill them. Once they
       are dead, hit the switch on the upper left to activate the wall walk.

       Once on top, you will be in a room with speakers (In which you can
       listen to the unfunny conspiracy show, if you want). Once you are
       done, hit the switch to open the portal to the next room, ending
       the level (FINALLY!)

       /     D9:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                     SACRIFICES                         -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       This level begins with a Mutilated Human working over the vault you
       need to enter. Shoot him and then enter the code "0634" (Temporary
       note: If that doesn't work, continue on down the pathway right in
       front of you until you reach several Fodder and a Mutilated Human.
       Shoot the Fodder and Human, and look on the left wall for the

       Entering the vault will reveal a school bus and a sealed off
       passage. Use the spirit walk near the sun symbol to create a
       path to the area the bus is in. While over there, press the switch
       to open the shutters that were blocking your path. However, once
       you get to the door, the school bus will become possessed and a
       legion of ghost children will attack you. Keep killing them until
       the door that previously shut opens.

       Next room is filled with Cilia and Fodder, so take care of them
       accordingly. Keep going forward (Health Spores if you need them)
       and you will eventually pass a huge warp ring down below a
       window. Continuing onward is nothing great, just a energy recharge
       for the leech gun. Eventually, you will reach a wallwalk room with
       several Hunters in them (and a working Blackjack machine). Kill
       them off and press the switch near the middle of the two wallwalks.
       Head up the left one, which will then summon several Hunters who
       will then shut off the wallwalk you are on. Kill them off, and
       then turn the wallwalk back on and continue. Head on the right
       path when you see the portal to head to the next room.

       More Fodder in this room...You know what to do (I mean, you don't have
       tea and crumpets with them...YOU SHOOT THE LIVING HELL OUT OF THEM!
       on topic...There is a cabnet of rifle ammo, so get that. Push the tumor
       ball to the ooze net on the upper left side and blow it up to reveal
       a new passage.

       Oh joy, a new item! Too bad it is a servered hand...A HAND THAT CAN
       BRING THE DOWNFALL OF THE ALIENS! *Ahem* the alien hand is used to
       open up doors with the alien looking hand design on them, so it will
       come in handy later. More fodder past the area with the hand, as well
       as some Health Spores. You will then fall down into a cave and
       eventually face the boss, Centurion.

       |BOSS: CENTURION       |
       |Centurion...Doesn't he seem a bit like the Cyber Demon from Doom?    |
       |Anyways, he is fairly resistant to attack (Normal weapons do jack    |
       |when it comes to damage. When you do die, you will wind up in a cell |
       |on the edge of the area you are in. Eventually, Centurion will stick |
       |his right hand in and start blasting you (Stick to the left part of  |
       |the holding cell) and wait until he tries to pull out and loses his  |
       |hand. Also, be careful of the Fodder that appears a little after that|
       |(A sneak attack from those bastards can usually kill you in a few    |
       |hits). Eventually, Centurion will break down the door and allow you  |
       |to pick up his hand, a automatic hand (literally) gun. Just hold down|
       |the fire button while aiming at him and he should be dead in pretty  |
       |much no time.                                                        |

       Not even a few seconds after the female voice talks to you that the
       hunters attack. Head through the portal on the right to end up in a
       room filled with ammo. Head through the northern door to reach a
       wallwalk puzzle and several Hunters. Kill the hunters and continue on
       to a section with a almost shut door, two force fields, and a hand
       switch. Use the hand on the switch to deactivate the left force field,
       and continue up the wallwalk. Continue going up and killing the
       Hunters that spawn and continue on the main path until you are in a
       room with a force field. Use the hand on the door switch on the left
       wall, and continue to the next area.

       Not much in the next area, just some leech stations and a Ammo Cabnet.
       Continuing forward, you will see several of those guys from earlier.
       Ignore them for now, and continue going forward.

       Quite a few hunters and hounds in this area, so take them out before
       you do anything else. Click the switch on the console to line up the
       rings, and create a portal to the next room. This time, you will
       see a unamed, spider-like alien attack you. Dodge its attacks for now,
       since it will escape through the area he appeared from. Continue forward,
       and you will get a message from Enisi, transporting you to the Spirit
       realm once again.

       /     DA:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                  THERE ARE OTHERS                      -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       Just like any other level in the Spirit Realm, this one is short.
       Continue going forward until you see Enisi, and listen to what
       he has to say. Once that is done, a path to the left will open and
       allow you to continue on. Just keep going forward, and you will
       eventually find a floating, holographic version of Jen. Listen to
       what Enisi is telling you, and then you will be warped back to
       the Alien Sphere.

       /     DB:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                     GUIDING FIRES                      -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       You will be instantly teleported to a new room with nothing really
       in it, so continue going forward. Next room is a bit odd: A hunter
       is fighting off one of those balloon things from earlier, so leave
       it alone and focus on the two switches. Use the alien hand on both
       sides of the tower to lower the electric gate, and continue on
       to the elevator. In truth, I do not know what is on the 3rd floor,
       since I choose 2nd, but it should be the same either way.

       Once on the 2nd floor, there will be two hunters standing outside,
       so take care of them (or run). Walk around the area until you find
       some alien text and a arrow pointing to a brownish-platform. Once
       you step on it, a console will appear that allows you to board a

       Shuttle controls are fairly simple: Fire button fires rapid burst
       energy shots, and the left is a tractor beam (Not used until later).
       Fly the shuttle up, and then dock it near the path that leads to a

       Next room is pretty much full of Hunters, although there are several
       healing spores if you need them. Continue going up until you reach
       a ammo cabnet and wallwalk switch on the left and a alarm switch on
       the right. Press the wallwalk switch, then use the wallwalk to get
       to the next section of the room. On the right is the switch you
       need to hit, while the left is is a switch that opens a portal
       to the beginning of the room. Hit the right switch, activate
       the portal, and then return to the room with the shuttles.

       At this point, several new flying enemies have spawned, so either
       continue on or take them out. Once you are ready, fly to the area
       that was right above the door, and go through the air lock until
       you find a docking station. Continue on through the door.

       Next room is a hall with several hunters and a hound that can sneak
       up on you if you are not careful. There is also a healing basin if
       you need it. Once you are ready, continue on. Press the switch in
       the next room to open a portal to a shuttle station. Mound the
       shuttle, and continue onward. You may have to fight the black floating
       alien that tries to attack you, but you can just aim the shuttle
       upwards and continue through the tubes.

       Next up is a room with two electric rings circling around. While
       touching them doesn't harm you, getting trapped in a corner while
       one of them passes hurts the shuttle, so be careful (Also noteworthy:
       Crashing the shuttle usualy transports your body to the last Shuttle
       area you last used). Manuver past the rings and continue to the next
       tube area.

       Not much to note in the next area, just the moon circling around the
       Earth. Continue down the pipes until you reach a force field, which
       will then shift the pipe downward (If you hit a door that does not
       open, then you went the wrong way). Continue going forward until you
       are lead down into a area with Wallwalks. Ignore them and continue
       going down. You will then find a room with several Hunters and those
       Black and red flying enemies. Dock (You don't want to die in the ship
       and then have to come all the way back), ignore the enemies for now,
       and continue on through the door. Press the switch to open a portal
       to the wallwalk you saw earlier.

       The platform you are on now has a active wallwalk and some Rifle
       Ammo. Head up the wallwalk (Trying to avoid the flying enemies
       in the process), jump down once you get to the edge, and head
       through the door that is not too far ahead of you. Also, be careful
       of the hunters that spawn in this area, and the one in the watchtower
       that tries to Snipe you. Head through the door and press the switch
       to open a portal to the watchtower in the previous room. Pick up the
       Hunter's Rifle, and hit the switch to drop the force field. Head back
       to the shuttle area, grab one, and then fly through the door that
       previously had a force field and dock at the station below. Head
       through the door and press the switch to open a portal to the end
       of the level.

       /     DC:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                     THE OLD TRIBES                     -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       This next one is a doozy. You will spend most of your time in this
       level in the giant hallway you see once you head through the area
       you start in. First, take care of the enemies in the hall so you
       don't have to deal with a larger number later on and get overwhelmed.
       Next, head through the door to the first of many halls with lasers in
       them. If you hit one, a turret will bust out. Fortunatly, you can
       turn them off via the switch near the end of the hall, so do that
       when you need to go back. Continue down the hall to find some
       Rifle ammo, and a door to a room with a giant fan and several
       Mutilated Humans listening to the radio show**. You don't
       have to go in here, so skip down past the ** paragraph to find
       what you need to do next.

       **(This room is optional, but the ammo may come in handy later).
       Ignore them and grab the healing spore/A healing basin and Leech Gun
       charge if you need them, and continue to the next room. More leech
       gun chargers in this room as well as a door that leads to a optional
       Spirit Walk section, which allows you to gather some more ammo.

       Back in the hall with the lasers, head through the middle door to
       lead back into the giant hall. Activate the wallwalk via the switch,
       and continue to the next section. Several Hunters will spawn on the
       bridge you fought them in the beginning, so be careful. Hit the
       switch on the end to open the door.

       This is the second hall with Laser traps, so be careful. Deactivate
       them, and head through the door to wind up on the bridge that the
       Hunters were on previously. There will also be a new flying enemy
       that launches slow moving missles at you, so kill him ASAP.

       Third laser hallway, same deal. Head past the lasers and ignore the
       door on the right to find another portal room. Warp to the sniping
       tower, activate the wallwalk, and take care of the enemies that
       spawn. Head back to the previous laser hallway and open the right
       door to find a force field. Use spirit walk, head past the spirit
       path, and activate the wallwalk. Then, before reentering your body,
       hit the switch to the right of the force field (Near the wallwalk,
       in Spirit Walk mode). Walk past the wallwalk to find yourself in
       your fourth laser room.

       Nothing new, dodge the lasers, collect the ammo, and head through
       the door. Defeat the flying enemy and continue up the wallwalk.
       Kill the hunters, and then jump down once you get to the edge.
       Shoot the enemies that spawn below, and then head onto the pipe and
       jump onto the walkway below. On one end is the Rifle Ammo near
       a closed door, while the other is a active door you can go
       through. Head through the door to find another portal room. Once
       again, use the portal to head through.

       Next room is a shuttle area with a hunter at the controls. Ignore
       him, and use the shuttle to go forward through the airlock.
       Dock, run past the enemies (New flying alien as well, try to
       avoid it if possible, although you will need to use Spirit Walk
       in not too long). Use Spirit Walk on the shuttle docking area to
       gain access to a spirit path that leads you to the switch
       that opens the door on the top (RUN ON SENTENCE!! WHOOHOO!!!)

       Head back to the shuttle area, grab a shuttle, and fly upward.
       Next area is a bit annoying, so I will just give the best rundown
       I can: each docking station holds a power supply that keeps the fan
       above on, as well as a force field. You will need to deactivate the
       force field on each, open the hatch (Via a switch) to the power
       supply area, go back to the shuttle and pull each of the
       rectangular power supplies. Once all 3 of them are pulled out, the
       fan at the top will open up.

       Next area has some blue junk blocking the way to the next area, so
       use your tractor beam to move it. Head through the path to find
       those odd people again. The next area is mostly story, so just follow
       what the people tell you and you will meet Elhuint, a priestist that
       leads her people from Gaia, and talks about The Keeper, the main
       boss around the sphere. After the chat, a portal will open up to
       lead you to the next level.

       /     DE:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                     HIDDEN AGENDA                      -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       More Mutilated humans in the beginning, so leave them alone. Keep
       going forward and head down the right path into the laser room.
       Dodge the lasers, and head down the right path to find a second
       laser room and a switch to deactivate the lasers. Head through the
       left door to find a hallway with some health spores, and your
       first encounter with the keeper (Sadly, he runs away like a sissy
       girl). Head right and use the alien hand on the switch to open
       the door.

       First thing you see when you enter the room is a weapon floating
       in midair. To get it, head to both the left and right doors (You
       can stand in the doorway) and blast the energy soruce that is
       right in front of you. Once both of them have been destroyed,
       the weapon will drop (allowing you to pick it up) and causes
       several Hunters to spawn. Eventually, a portal to the next room
       (With some ammo, Health spores, and a switch) will open. Once
       you are ready, head through the right door.

       Next room has several hunters, a leech station, and a force field.
       Hit the switch near the leech station (Its near the middle wall,
       near the seperator to the small room on the right wall that faces
       the force field) to deactivate it.

       More running and gunning in this room, you pretty much have to
       take out the turret and Hunter, so do that. To the left of the
       turret is a rotating room, so leave your body in there and do a
       spirit walk past the force field. Click the switch on the left
       to bring your body around, but don't leave spirit walk just yet.
       Instead, head through the next force field and click the switch to
       your left. Doing that will rotate your body around to you, which
       you can now safely re-enter. Kill the hunter that appear, collect
       the ammo, then head forward and look to your left to find a
       warp box to the next room.

       Next room is pretty much a switch room, the portal.
       The room you just warped into has some ammo in front of you,
       so go get it. Watch out for the turret on the left hall and
       dodge/take care of it and ignore the mutilated humans (There is
       a health basin on the left if you need it). Head down the path
       in the middle and go left to find a portal.

       Ignore the Mutilated ones, and continue down the path to the
       right, and then crowch to enter a air duct. Destroy the mini-flying
       enemies, and use your Spirit Walk to cross over the pit to the switch
       on the other side. This will deactivate the force field and allow
       you to walk up the wallwalk. A hunter appear on the way up, so be
       caucious. Head on the right path to reach the next room. Take care
       of the turret, then crowch down to enter the duct.

       On the other side, you will then enter one of the most annoying puzzles
       in the game. Go past the pipes, crowch to go down, and then shoot the
       gravity switch on the celing. Go forwards a little ways, look up for
       the celing switch, then shoot it again. After that, there should be a
       crowchable passage in front of you, so go that way.

       Keep going forward, shoot the switch on the top, and then you will
       be in a area with a force field. Use spirit walk to go through the
       FF and click the switch to open a portal. Go forward (In the
       direction of the portal) and look up for another gravity switch.
       Shoot it to rotate the room to where you can enter the portal,
       and then you will be in a room where The Keeper then escapes.

       In the room, look to the left to find a crowchable passage, and go
       through. Grab the ammo and drop down to the platform below. Next
       section is a bit hard, so be prepared. All of a sudden, the flying
       robots from earlier will start attacking you in waves. Keep shooting
       them until the voice starts laughing and talking to you, then enter the
       portal that appears on the right. Enter it to end the level.

       /     DF:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                        JEN                             -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       Aw hell yeah, things are starting to heat up now! Go forward until
       you find a force field, then use Spirit Walk to go through. Look
       on the floor for the code (2432) and enter it in the password
       terminal to lower the force field. There is also a crowchable
       room with some ammo and a healh basin, so use it if you need
       it. Once you are ready, head through the door near the terminal
       to end up in a room right above where Jen is being held. Look to
       your right for a crowchable air duct, and enter it.

       On the other side is a Hunter patrolling the area, so shoot him
       when you see him. Head on the left path to find a huge room with
       a force field. Spirit Walk through, kill the Mutilated one on
       the upper left if you have enough Spirit energy, then press the
       force field switch on the left to open it. Use the alien hand on
       the switch on the upper left area, and several new enemies
       called the Mutate will attack you. Kill them, and several Hounds
       will also attack you. Once they are dead, the force field will
       drop and allow you to go through the door.

       Next area has several Mutilated Humans, so ignore them and
       spirit walk through the left force field, then crowch down. Go
       on through until you reach a room with a Mutilated Human at the
       console you need to use, so nudge him and quickly press the button
       of the console he was using and go back to your body. Head to the
       door on the hallway with the MH to end up in the room you were
       just in as a spirit. Take out the MH using the console, and
       press the button to make the portal come out. Enter the room
       with the ammo and health basin, and use Spirit Walk. Go back
       to the button and press it again to move your body back to the
       glassed room.

       Head through the shutters on the right, and take out the turret and
       hunters on the wallwalk before using it. Go up, then keep going until
       you are near a portal and jump in it. Kill the hunters in the room,
       and continue down the path into another portal. In this room, you
       will have to kill the 4 mutates that come out (Electricity works well,
       and there is a Electric Leech charge in this room). Once they are
       all dead, a portal will appear. However, you can go up the stairs
       to find some health spores and ammo, and crawl through the passage
       for a health basin (and a Art Bell phone conversation with The
       Keeper). Once that is done, head through the portal that opened up
       in the last room.

       Keep going down the passage until you find the room Jen is in. Hit the
       switch on the right of the containment cell to trigger a cutscene. Just
       then, a image of Elhuit will appear on the screen and tell you they
       have been attacked. After that, both doors will hopen (The left is
       the exit, and the right holds ammo). Head through the left door
       to end the level.

       /     DG:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                 THE DARK HARVEST                       -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       At the very beginning of the level, you will be transported to
       the area The Hidden were located in. In a rather stupid move,
       Tommy insists that Jen stay behind (Bad for him, but good for
       us since we do not have to do a stupid escort mission). Once you
       can control you weapons again, several hunters will burst through.
       Kill them, and continue on the passage they came out of.

       The path ahead is pretty straight forward. Along the way, you
       will fight Hunters and Hounds, so the Rifle or Acid Gun may be
       your best bet. Continue going along until you reach the room you
       fought Centurion in. There are ammo cabnets on both ends south of
       the portal, so use them if you need to. Once you kill all the
       Hounds and Hunters, a Centurion will appear as a normal (But
       strong) enemy. Defeating him will summon another Centurion, while
       beating that one will summon more Hunters. After that, Jen will
       then scream, and you will see her get carried away by one of the
       flying enemies into the portal. After talking to the female voice,
       the portal will open and allow you to access the next level (Short
       for a action level, eh?)

       /     DH:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                    FOLLOWING HER                       -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       You begin the level in a room with a window and several health spores
       and a leech gun station. You will also see Jen going by with that
       flying monster (How the hell can she breathe?). Anywho, once you
       got all you need to in this room, continue on down. There is a wall
       walk, a ammo cabnet, and a switch. Get the ammo, press the switch,
       and start walking on the wallwalk (A hunter will also warp in, so
       kill him). Next room has several Fodder, so kill them and crowch
       so you can enter the passage on the left. Go right and you will
       see a portal to the next room.

       In the next room, you will habe to fight sevral Hunters (and I think
       hounds as well). You can ignore them if you wish and continue on
       through the door. Go up, use Spirit Walk and select Floor 1. When
       the lift arives, place Tommy on it and go back into Spirit Walk
       mode and press Floor 2. You will then rise up to the second floor
       and can access the next door.

       The next room will be dark, and Tommy will make a stab at Doom 3
       (I mean, it IS the same engine, after all). Go down the hall and
       kill the Hunters and Fodder that come along (There are also Ammo
       Cabnets and a Spirit Walk point). Once you are ready, head through
       through the northern door.

       Next room is a pain in the ass...From what I can tell, you have to
       kill the giant spider aliens until the shutter on top of the wall
       walk opens and allows you to get through (Be careful of the Spider
       enemy when the door opens, though). Once it is open, go through.

       On the table in the next room is the Launcher, sort of a mixture
       of a rocket launcher and grenade launcher (Although it is somewhat
       weak compared to other Rocket Launchers in other games). Anywho,
       once you are ready, head down the left hall. Kill the Hunters, and
       hit the gravity switch on the celing to change the direction of
       the room. Go forward and look up for the second gravity switch,
       and shoot it. Kill the hunters that appear, and use the Alien
       hand on the switch on the left side to open the door.

       Next room has ammo and a Health Basin. Continue forward to find
       your next puzzle: two cylander energy creators going back and
       fourth. Go left and follow the path (collecting the ammo), and wait
       until the cylander goes all the way to the left. Jump onto the
       metal platform, and continue left. Kill the spider enemy in the
       room, grab the ammo, and then head outside. Kill the flying
       enemies, then wait until the left cylander stops and allows you
       to go through. Head on the path, kill the Hunters that warp in,
       and press the switch. This will stop the energy on the cylander
       you just crossed, allowing you to use the platform. Jump onto the
       platform of the cylander and wait until it reaches the other side.

       Next, head forward and wait for the energy in the cylander to stop,
       and jump in the left part the second it stops. Keep going forward
       until you find a path to the right. Next room has bars on the left,
       and a path on the right. Leave your body at this part and go into
       Spirit Walk mode, then head to the right. Keep going until you find
       a spirit path that leads to a switch. Pressing it will unlock the
       bars and allow you to pass, so head back to your body. Go on
       the left path and head through the door.

       As soon as you enter, a Spider Alien will pop up from the ground
       and attack you. Down below, several Spider Aliens and flying
       enemies will spawn, so take care of them as well. Once they are
       dead, jump down and go forward until you see a platform, then jump
       on top. Lead the tumor bomb to the door on the other side (Be careful
       though, several Sniper Hunters will spawn on the opposite side) and
       shoot at it to unlock the door. Once it is open, several Fodder will
       attack you, so be on guard. Finally, jump into the portal at the end
       of the hall to end the level.

       /     DI:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                      THE COMPLEX                       -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       You will begin this level is a sort of fork in the road, one hall
       having Fodder and ammo, while the other has a locked door and a
       alien switch. Use the alien hand to unlock it, and continue
       forward. Next room has some Sniper Hunters and normal ones as well,
       so take them out before you do anything. Also, be careful of the
       turret in the middle hall. Once everyone is dead, head to the
       area where the pipes are (It should be a bunch of pipes right past
       a metal floor with no safty bar). Go down and crowch, and continue
       on the path of pipes.

       *Note: I am not sure about the next section. I think you have to avoid
       the wall walk for now, head through the right door, and either kill
       the two Mutilated Humans or go up the stairs and go through the door
       to find it blocked off, and then return to the wallwalk to find several
       hunters have spawned. I don't know which triggers it.

       Anywho, go up the wallwalk once the above is done and kill the hunter
       that spawns (There is also a spirit walk point where you can gain
       some ammo). Continue onward until you are in a room with lasers. The
       lasers in this room are tied to the flying robot station outside, and
       will release it if touched. Continue onward through the door and
       kill the Hounds and hunters along your path (The steps below lead to
       some ammo). Once you are done, you will be in the cube room.

       Once you enter the cube room (You will see why it is called that in a
       minute), several hunters will warp in. Kill them, and go to the force
       field. Wait a little while, and the cube will form.

       *Note: This is another thing I am not positive of, but I will update
       when I have more info. The cube has a box in it that needs to go along
       the path of the cube, and turning the cube by using the gravity
       switches is how you use it. I do not have the order you need to turn
       them in at this time, but if someone can send me them, then I will
       give you credit.

       *UPDATE: Mike Grave kindly sent me this info, after about 20 emails
                from other people repeating the same thing I said in the
                guide. Here is the solution:

       It took awhile to get this but i know it will help alot of people.
       This part alone took me like 20mins. Then i had to figure out the
       route. Let me know if this helps."

       Once you figure out the cube, then the path will open to the wallwalk.
       Kill any of the Hunters and flying robots that spawn, and continue down
       the walk. Head to the path that has a small cliff and pipes below it,
       and jump down. You will now be in the beginning area, where you need
       to be. Go back to the area with the warp in the middle and the wallwalk
       on the left, and use the now activated teleport in the middle.

       You will now be in a giant section with various alien spiders. Kill
       them, and head down the right path to find a portal. Jump through it
       to end up in the cube room where that switch you saw earlier was.
       First, put your body on the metal bridge on the right and enter spirit
       form. Then, go and press the button and re-enter your body as soon as
       you press it, and then go onto the metal bridge on the other side when
       the two meet.

       Next room is a bit of a time puzzle. Enter spirit form and jump over
       the force field and press the switch. Gravity will go upside down,
       but only for a short time. Press the big transparent block near the
       hole on the other side, and then do the same with the small one.
       Once both are in jumping distance, jump on the small one and then
       again onto the bigger one and enter the path above. Keep going
       until you are in a hall of mirriors-like area. Kill the Hunters
       and look for the door on one of the hallways near the middle.

       Next few rooms are mostly spider aliens and Fodder, so bring out
       the big guns for the former. There is also some ammo throughout
       the rooms, so collect that as well. Find the switch for the
       gravity in the room without a exit, and while it is reversed,
       hop onto the platforms and onto the moving metal platforms
       going down. That will lead you to a wallwalk, which leads
       to a portal.

       Take out the Spider Aliens and flying enemies in the next room, then
       push the tumor bomb to the goo-like substance blocking your path
       ahead of you. Shoot it to set it off, then go across the clear
       floor and duck so you can go underneath. In front of you is a gravity
       switch, so press it to reveal a portal to the next area.

       The next area has some shuttle platforms, so use a shuttle to go
       up and then to the side where you see docking stations (You can also
       use the tractor beam to pick up the enemies in close range and
       throw them off). Go through the left door and through the portal to
       end the level.

       /     DJL                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                        ASCENT                          -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       First things first, use Spirit Walk to get across the laser gate and
       water and hit the switch and go back to your body. In the next room,
       stick to the right path and continue to go forward until you see a
       door with a alien switch on the left. Press it, and enter. On the
       right is a ammo cabnet and the left is a switch you need to press.
       Once done, go through the left door to hear a message from that
       woman voice again. Now that you are done here, go outside the room
       you were just in and go to the right, you will then see a shuttle
       terminal. Angle yourself into the middle of the green ring, and it
       will transport you up a bit ways.

       Next floor has a docking station, some ammo, several mutilated
       humans, and some turrets if you hit the lasers. Dodge the lasers
       and avoid the Mutilated Humans, and hit the switch. Head back to
       the shuttle and go upward. The next area is pretty much dodgeing
       the liquid that comes out of the pipes, so be a bit careful in
       this part.

       Next part of the Spindle is a bit weird. Kill the Hunters that
       attack you, and move the blue objects near the door so you can
       move your shuttle through. In the next part, dock your shuttle
       and kill the hunter (and turret if you activated it) and press
       the switch on the platform to open the airlock. Head back to
       the shuttle dock and get a shuttle.

       Ok, next area is a doozy. Kill the flying creatures near the
       floating astroid, then head to the left and look for a docking
       station on a small station. Kill the hunter, and press the switch
       to your right to open the area below. Then, get back into the
       shuttle and fly to the dock on the planet. Follow the giant
       metal wires near the dock (and kill the hunters along the way)
       until you find another station and switch. Press the switch,
       then follow the path back to the dock (This also spawns hunters,
       so take them out). Get back into the shuttle, and head back to
       the station where you pressed the button (and while in the shuttle)
       go into one of the clear cases that has a green ring in it. This
       will lock you into place, and send you to the next area.

       Once you are able to move again, kill the enemies in the area and
       dock. This area has some ammo, so collect it if you need it.
       Pressing the switch on the platform you landed on will activate the
       clear box creating thingies that are used to exit, so head back to
       the shuttle and go right until you see the arms create the clear
       boxes, and enter when you see the green ring.

       Next area also has flying enemies, and a platform you can land on.
       The portal that is on it only leads to a ammo room, so only use it
       if you need it. Go to the left and look for a gravity switch on the
       celing, and shoot it. When you are across, shoot the other one so
       it will return to normal. Continue on to the giant, energy producing
       tube and go into spirit form near it (Make sure all the enemies are
       dead). Head inside the tube to find a small station, some ammo,
       a health basin, a Hunter, and a switch. Kill the hunter, activate
       the switch, return to your body, and then get any ammo and health you

       In the next room, dodge the lasers and kill the Hounds and continue
       down the path. In the next room with the giant energy center, kill
       the flying robots and then look for the power sorces from each
       beam going into the giant center. Destroy all 4 and the power will
       go out. Now, head back the way you came, and you will be in a new,
       closed off room with several spider enemies. Kill them, and then
       look up on the celing for a gravity switch. Hit it, and then look for
       a portal on the ground that will transfer you to the next level.

       /     DK:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                  CENTER OF GRAVITY                     -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       Nothing major in the first two rooms besides a Spider enemy in the
       second one, so ignore him and continue to the third room. Kill the
       spider guard in this room, and then go into Spirit Walk mode and
       walk through the force field. Deactivate the field via the switch
       on the right, and continue. Kill the Hunters in the next room, and
       gather the ammo (There is also Video Slots in the room). Once you
       are ready to continue, step through the portal.

       In the next section, head down to the broken bridge area and Spirit
       Walk across. Hitting the switch on the other side will bring down
       the lift, so position yourself on it and spirit walk back to the
       portal near the switch. Now back in the room you fought the hunters
       in, you will need to press the button near the middle of the glass
       and quickly warp back to your body to reach the ledge.

       After that, crawl under the box to enter a new area. Fall down the
       pit a little ways in and continue onwards. Go down the hall and
       you will be a room with several of those flying robots and a
       turret. Take out the robot first, then the turret and look up to
       find a gravity switch. Shoot it, and you will either be on a
       walkway or the celing. Position yourself over the bottom of the
       small walkway, and shoot the gravity switch on the celing. You will
       now be able to access the door to the next room.

       Grab the ammo and healing spore and wait for the room to shift to the
       next side. Head down the right path to find a hunter and some flying
       aliens. Take them out, then spirit walk over and hit the switch on
       the other side, which will activate the wallwalk. Head back to the
       other path (Left side of the revolving room) to find the wallwalk
       you need to go up. Kill the hunters that warp in and continue on.
       Eventually, you will end up in the area the switch was in. Go to
       the shuttle dock and grab a shuttle and then head up to the right
       of the area you were at. You should find a blue door on the celing,
       so enter it.

       Dock, and then head over to the planet area with the force field.
       It will suck you in with the gravity, but you will be stuck on top
       of the force field. Use spirit walk to enter the area and look for
       the beacon that looks like it is the center of the force field.
       There should be a switch, and if there isn't one then you are at the
       wrong becon. Once deactivated, head back to your body and kill the
       hunters that warp in. Then, look for the shuttle dock on the planet
       with the switch and press it. The passage to the next area will open
       up, and will allow you to leave the area. Get on a shuttle, and fly
       into it.

       Keep going along the tubes until you find the exit. Kill the flying
       robots and land on the first planet. Kill any of the hunters you
       find, and then look for a metal pipe. It will lead to the second
       planet and to a switch you can press to open the exit. Head back
       to the first planet, grab a shuttle and head up. Wait until the
       energy released from the door dies down, and then quickly go
       through it.

       Next area is a bit difficult. You need to use the shuttle to blast
       the protective shields around the energy tube, and then once all
       of them are destroyed to focus on breaking the rings. Once all the
       rings are destroyed, the tube will collapse and reveal the pathway.
       Use the shuttle to go up. Dock, go on the platform and head through
       the portal to end the level.

       /     DL:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                     RESOLUTIONS                        -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       Fair warning, most of this is story stuff, so this section may be a
       bit sluggish. In the first two rooms, wait until the voice stops
       talking and the doors will open. Next room is a puzzle.

       Once the voice stops talking again, all the previous portals will
       close and the single one will remain, at the top. First, use spirit
       walk and head over to the switch on the right and press it. This
       will cause several platforms to appear on several sides. Head back
       to your body, and then head to the white platform on the left side.
       Head back into spirit form and go back to the switch and press it.
       Once on the top, head over to the white platform infront of you
       and go into spirit walk form again. Go to the switch on the left
       and press it to move the platforms again. Next, head onto the white
       platform on the right and go into Spirit Walk form again and go
       to the switch and press it. The voice will speak to you again and
       allow you to pass into a room with another portal. Voice will speak
       to you again, and then allow you to enter another portal.

       This room introduces you to a new attachment to the Leech Gun, the
       a beam-like wave that does quite a bit of damage if you leave it
       over your enemy. Kill the spider aliens and continue on to the
       next section, which has a turret and another spider alien. Kill
       those, and continue down the path. Next up is some Hunters in a
       room with a sealed door. Kill them, and continue on to the next
       section: a room with a turret, a spider alien, and a switch. Hit
       the switch to enter the door, and continue on.

       On the wallwalk, you will fight several Hunters. Jump down and
       you will then have your first major enemy rush. Basically,
       pretty much every enemy in the game will attack you at this point,
       so be careful on what ammo you use with each enemy. Once that
       is done, the voice will reappear the open a portal to the
       next room with Jen...You should have a idea what happends at this

       ************WARNING: THE FOLLWING MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*****************

       |BOSS: JEN             |
       |Jen, now fused partially to a four-legged alien with gatling guns,   |
       |will attack you out of her control. At this point, use weak guns to  |
       |inflict damage. After awhile, two regenerative devices will pop out  |
       |and start to heal Jen. At this point, focus your attacks on one of   |
       |the healing devices (Don't be afraid to use your most powerful       |
       |weapons, they take quite a bit of damage before they break). Usually,|
       |it will take around 2 or 3 tries of weak attacks of this method      |
       |before both of them will break. After, and only after they are both  |
       |down should you use heavy fire on Jen. She will also introduce a     |
       |beam attack a little ways in that you can easily dodge. If you start |
       |running out of ammo, use the leech gun chargers on the wall.         |
       |Once she is out of health, Jen will ask you to shoot/hit her one     |
       |more time to put her to rest.                                        |

       After the battle, the voice will speak to you again, and you will be
       transfered to the spirit area once last time.

       /     DM:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                 Oath of Vengeance                      -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       Another short level. Tommy will speak to Enisi for a little bit,
       and tell you that you will have to do seven trials (Oddly enough,
       you will never do those trials nor is it really mentioned again.
       Maybe cut from the final game, or purposly left out due to story?)
       Anywho, continue to the spirit cave and pick up the power-up, which
       raises your max health. Then, the voice will tell you that you have
       lead her to this area and can now enter it. Head back to the main
       area, and you will find Enisi fighting off the aliens. Second
       enemy rush time: pretty much kill all enemies that come to the
       area until a portal on the right opens up. Entering it will end
       the level.

       /     DN:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                   FACING THE ENEMY                     -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       Oh goodie, a THIRD enemy rush in a short ammount of time (Did the
       prey staff run out of time?). Anywho, you know the drill by now:
       Kill all the enemies until the portal appears (It appears in the
       upper section). Once through, use the hand on the switch near the
       closed door to open it.

       Next is a bit of a odd puzzle: A spinning cylander with two switches
       on each side. Each switch opens one-half of the door to the core of
       the spinning cylander and will close after about 10 or so seconds.
       Push both buttons, get your most powerful weapon, and blast the
       inside until it drops down. Then, go into spirit walk mode and
       go across the pit and press the button. Then, re-enter your
       body and head to the next section. Not much in the next room
       besides a fodder, some ammo, and a locked door and switch. Press
       the switch to go forward.

       Another time puzzle: Kill all the enemies flying around, then position
       yourself at one of the switches and go into spirit mode. Go to the
       switch on the other side and press it, then quickly go back to your
       body and press the second one to bring the lift down. Then, run down
       the walkway and get on the lift before it has the chance to go back
       up. Are you ready for a boss fight, boys and girl? No? Well, screw
       you too. Instead, you have to do a enemy AND boss rush against pretty
       much every enemy in the game (Including a alien version of the Mutated
       Jen without the healing devices). If you need ammo, use the Leech Gun
       stations around the battlefield. Once that is done, The Keeper will
       finally face you.

       |BOSS: THE KEEPER      |
       |For a hyped boss, the keeper sure is a wimp. He pretty much uses the |
       |exact same psycic attack while several lasers will shoot around the  |
       |field. Although he is somewhat resistant to attack, he is slow and   |
       |does not dodge that often. If you need ammo, use the leech gun       |
       |stations throughout the battlefield.                                 |

       Then, the voice will transport you to a new section...A section that is
       very, VERY tedious.

       I'm not going to go into specifics in this section, but the main thing
       to keep in mind that each area will usually have anywhere from 2-4
       creepers. These seem to have less health, but more attacks. They will
       tend to use their psycic shild/item grab quite a bit (You can't attack
       them when they do this), and will throw the object at you (Sort of a
       reverse Half-Life 2!). If you need ammo, there is leech gun ammo in
       each section, and the door will open when each section has no more
       Keepers in them. Each area is straightforward (and some will have other
       enemies besides Keepers), and will usually lead to a healing and ammo
       room. You know you are at the end when you see a room full of Keepers,
       and the voice kills them all and opens a portal. Enter the portal
       for the final area!

       /     DO:                                                    /
  - /__ /-/--------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                    -    /-/
    -  /-/                  MOTHER'S EMBRACE                    -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                      /_  /_
      /  ----------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                          |  |
       --                                                            --
       Short as hell level, mostly story. Head down the hall and the
       voice will start talking to you. You will now have to enter a
       weird vehicle around a floating orb. Your main goal is to
       ignight the small beams with your electric charge (Fire button)
       and move with the secondary button. The main thing to do is
       to wait until a unlit beam is near you, and then use the secondary
       button to lunge at it and use the fire to ignight it. Once all
       of them are lit, then you will enter the final area.

       The Sphere will start talking to you and revealing what happened so
       many years ago. After that, a psudo-boss battle will take place.
       You can't damage her (and she can't you until you break one of
       her windows), but you can break her green windows. Enter spirit
       form, and then shoot a arrow at one of the green windows. When
       that happends, the sphere will flinch a little and you will then
       have to shoot out the window in your main body. Hunters will also
       warp in, so take care of them before you enter Spirit form  (Once
       again, Leech Gun ammo is on various sides of the walls). Once all
       of the windows are broken, the final battle will begin.

       |BOSS: SPHERE          |
       |You can't really hit her right off the bat, in truth. To damage her, |
       |you will need to go around and hit each of the switches on the sides |
       |of the metal structures to launch a mine. When she gets close to one,|
       |shoot the mine and she will become immobile for a few seconds. At    |
       |this time, shoot her with your most powerful weapons. She has several|
       |Beam and wave attacks, and will float around the battlefield in a    |
       |random manner. If you need ammo, there is some around the mine       |
       |containers.                                                          |


       Once you beat her, you will get to see the ending. Congradulations, you
       beat one of the easiest FPS's ever made@

  |                                                                           |
  |                            E1. Weapons                                    |

   *Note: I am not too sure of the 360 controls at this point, so I am going
          to call each of the alternate ways of firing the guns/using the
          weapons as "Left Method" and "Right Method", based on the mouse
          functions in the PC game.
   Recieved in: Last Call
   Also wielded by: None

   Left Function: Rapid swing. Does less damage, but is faster and has a wider
                  swing range

   Right Function: Brings the wrench above your head, then lowers when you
                   release the button. Strong, but not as accurate as the
                   rapid swing.

   Your standard Melee weapon for a FPS shooter. Not very good for standard
   enemies, but good for taking out weak ones, like Fodder, or as a last
   resort if you run out of ammo. Not to mention it's short range means you
   have to be right next to the enemy to strike it.
   Hunter Rifle
   Recieved in: Downward Spiral
   Also wielded by: Hunters

   Left Function: Rapid fire. Hold down the button to use it like a automatic
                  weapon. Does not do as much damage and is less accurate,
                  but faster and works well for closer enemies.

   Right Function: Sniper Rifle mode. Brings up a scope in which you can
                   aim and fire at certain parts of a enemy to inflict more
                   damage. Slower, but uses less ammo and can kill many
                   common enemies in one hit.

   Not only will you get this weapon early in the game, but it is pretty
   much two weapons in one. Ammo is common and plentiful, and the sniper
   mode allows you to take care of enemies from a distance. Although
   it loses some of its use once you get the Auto Cannon, it will be
   your main gun for most of the game until then.
   Recieved in: Downward Spiral
   Also wielded by: Hunters

   Left function: Mine. Basically, you will throw the crawler and it will
                  stay at the spot you threw it at. When a enemy walks over
                  it, it will explode and do splash damage to anything in
                  its explosion radius. Not very helpful for the most part,
                  but useful with a large ammount of enemies around.

   Right function: Grenade. From what I can tell, you rip one of its legs off
                   and throw it a little above you. After a few seconds, it
                   will explode and cause splash damage. Once again, only
                   helpful if there is a large ammount of enemies

   Ah, the grenades, AKA "Crawlers". Unfortunatly, they are not as strong as
   their Doom 3 cousins, nor are they as helpful. Now, the mine mode may be
   helpful if you can get a strong enemy to walk over it, but it is pretty
   much useless otherwise.
   Leech Gun
   Recieved in: Rites of Passage
   Also wielded by: None

   Left function: Fire mode. Fires whatever energy you have sucked into the
                  Leech Gun.

   Right function: Leech mode. Creates a vaccume that allows you to suck up
                   various energy from a leech gun station.

   The leech gun is pretty much a variety gun, and instead of going on and
   on how good or bad it is, here is a list of its ammo types. (Note: There
   was no official name in the Prey manual, so I decided to base it off its

   Red: Rapid fire. Creates energy and shoots it at a rather large rate.
        Strong and useful in the beginning, but becomes more rare as the
        game goes on.

   Frost: Freeze energy. If you are REALLY close (and I mean close enough
          that the enemy can attack you), and hold down the fire button,
          then you can freeze the enemy. This depends on how big the enemy
          is, and if they move around too much. If you do freeze them, they
          die. Most useless of the ammo types, and is rare to boot.

   Electric: Electric blast ammo. Creates a powerful jolt of electricity
             that does quite a bit of damage to whatever it hits. Ammo for
             it is plentiful in the middle of the game to the end, and
             the only bad part is the ammount of energy it drains from
             each blast.

   Beam: Constant beam energy. Creates a powerful beam that stays on as
         long as you hold down the button. Middle of the road when it
         comes to usefulness (Since you usually have to keep the beam
         on the enemy for a period of time, and it is hard to see if
         you killed them or not), and you only get it at the end levels
         of the game.
   Auto Cannon
   Recieved in: First Centarion boss battle (The mechanical bull enemy with

   Also wielded by: Centarion

   Left function: Rapid fire mode. Allows you to shoot bullets at a large rate
                  of speed, but the bullets themselves are weak. However, this
                  is useful later in the game against bosses and stronger

   Right Function: Grenade mode. Allows you to shoot flesh grenades similar to
                   the Crawlers, only a bit more useful. Fairly good when you
                   first get it, but becomes less useful as the game goes on.

   This weapon is the type you get mid game and use it as your main weapon
   once you get it. While the rapid fire mode is weak by actual bullet hits,
   the speed it fires it at allows you to kill pretty much anything in
   your way. The grenade mode is also more useful then the crawlers, since it
   allows you to alternate if you are in close range, or far away from the
   Acid Sprayer
   Recieved in: **I honestly don't remember. If one of you can email me, that
                would be great
   Also wielded by: None

   Left function: Fires a stream of acid in a clump. The reload time is fairly
                  long (Shotgun) and the range is fairly small, but useful for
                  taking out bosses and more powerful enemies, and the acid
                  seems to spread when it is fired.

   Right function: Fires the bolt in the center. In a way, it is a little like
                   Half Life 2's crossbow in normal mode. Powerful and goes
                   farther, but takes up a bit of ammo and is very slow. Not
                   to mention it doesn't spread like the acid does.

   The shotgun of the game, although you get it much later then other FPS's.
   The acid gun is ideal for taking out stronger enemies, although the long
   reload time compared to other shotguns makes it somewhat meh. I mostly
   used it against the Keepers later in the game, and bigger enemies. Right
   function is a bit useless and slow, if you ask me.

   Recieved in: I got mine in "following her", but I also read that you can
                get it via a harvester (Spider enemies). If you can, please
                email with any info.

   Left function: Fires a organic-like missile with a Crawler in it. Powerful,
                  but not accurate, and Harvesters take no damage from it.
                  Only use against bigger enemies and bosses.

   Right function: Creates a ornanic-like shield that is a shield, but does
                   not allow you to shoot either. Useless

   Eh, for a rocket launcher, it sure is lame. Little splash damage,
   Harvesters are immune to it, and had a somewhat limited range. Use in
   bosses or against larger enemies that are not Harvesters. Otherwise,
   use the Auto Cannon or Hunter Rifle.
   Well, thats it for now. If you have anything to add to the weapons, feel
   free to email me at

  |                                                                           |
  |                              X2. Misc Info                                |

     *Note: Some info has been contributed via email. I am sorry if any of
            this may be ripped off word from word from another source. If
            anything you see is a word for word copy and paste from something
            else, then please email me.

       /     X3:                                                      /
  - /__ /-/----------------------------------------------------- /__ /-/
   -    /-/                                                      -    /-/
    -  /-/                    360 Achievements                    -  /-/
    /_  /_                                                        /_  /_
      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       Jared was king enough to send in this info (Although it is
       missing the ammount of points you get for each)

      "Here are all the levels including acheivements

      1. Last Call - Last call complete.
      2. Escape velocity - Escape velocity completed.
      3. Downward Spiral - Downward Spiral completed.
      4. Rites of Passage - Rites of passage completed.
      5. Second Chances - Second chances completed.
      6. All Fall Down - All fall down completed.
      7. Crash Landing - Crash landing completed.
      8. Sacrifices - Sacrifices completed.
      9. There Are Others - There are others completed.
      10. Guiding Fires - Guiding fires completed.
      11. The Old Tribes - The old tribes completed.
      12. Hidden Agenda - Hidden agenda completed.
      13. Jen - Jen completed.
      14. The Dark Harvester - The Dark harvester completed.
      15. Following Her - Following her completed.
      16. The Complex - The complex completed.
      17. Ascent - Ascent completed.
      18. Center of Gravity - Center of gravity completed.
      19. Resolutions - Resolutions completed.
      20. Oath of Vengeance - Oath of vengeance completed.
      21. Facing The Enemy - Facing the enemy completed.
      22. Mother's Embrace - Mother's embrace finished.
      23. Savour - Completed game on Normal difficulty.
      24. Galactic Hero - Completed game on Cherokee difficulty.
      25. Young Blood - Reached 50 kills total in death match.
      26. Brave Star - Reached 125 kills total in death match.
      27. Ultimate Warrior - Reached 500 kills total in death match.
      28. Team member - Reached 50 kills total in team death match.
      29. Team player - Reached 125 kills total in team death match.
      30. Team leader - Reached 250 kills total in team death match.
      31. Sharpshooter - Reached 25 Sniper kills in death match and team death
      32. Invisible assassin - Reached 25 kills in death match and team death
                               match using spirit form.
      33. Mechanic - Reached 25 kills in death match and team death match
                     using the wrench.
      34. Rifle Ranger - Reached 25 kills in death match and team death match
                         using the rifle.
      35. Crawler King - Reached 25 kills in death match and team death match
                         using Crawler grenades.
      36. Machine Gun Tommy - Reached 25 kills in death match and team death
                              match using the Auto-Cannon.
      37. Launcher Lord - Reached 25 kills in death match and team death match
                          using the Crawler Launcher.
      38. Soul Sucker - Reached 25 kills in death match and team death match
                        using the Leech Gun.
      39. Toxic Overlord - Reached 25 kills in death match and team death match
                           using the Acid Sprayer.
      40. Rank 1 - Win a ranked match.
      41. Ten Ranked Matches - Play ten ranked matches.
      42. Black Jack - $250 won on Black Jack. [Secret Achievement]
      43. Poker Face - $250 won on Draw Poker. [Secret Achievement]
      44. Retro Gamer - Scored over 15,000 on Runeman. [Secret Achievement]
      "This should help a lot. but good job on the walk through thing "

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      /  ------------------------------------------------------------/  
      |  |                                                            |  |
       --                                                              --
       *Note: If you have a question that is not answered in the guide,
              then email me at, and if your
              question is something unique, I will answer it here.

       Q: About saved games on the PC:


       Well I played through and beat Prey (within 24 hours of purchase)
       and I'm one of those people who like to keep save games backed up
       so I don't really have to play through them again...unless I want
       to. Problem is that I can't figure out where the saves for Prey
       are stored on my PC. Can you help me out please? Much appreciated.


       A. They are usually stored in My Documents. Go to Start, then
          My Documents, then My Games, then PREY, then click on the
          folders until you find the save game folder.

      Q. About the Alien Hand:


      A. You will ALWAYS have the Alien Hand once you get it, so you must
         have either forgotten to press the force field button, or it is
         some glitch I have not heard of yet. That, or the force field
         is something you cannot deactivate and is part of a puzzle.
     Q. Prey, the earlier years...

     Gian was kind enough to send me a rather lenghty email curious about
     the earlier Prey versions. Here is a sample of the email:

     "...but anyway returning to my original request(sorry for the lenght
      of these e-mail).....I REALLY WANT TO KNOW SOMETING ABOUT "the original
      cancelled version of prey of the 1990"AND WHY YOU MISS IT...(AND...IF
      I CAN...WHERE TO FIND IT) I've never eared talk about thes name."

     A. Prey has been through quite a bit, but the most insightful info about
        the previous cancelled versions of prey has to be on this sight: I'll put up a more insightful
        section on Prey's history once I have the time.
     Q. Hard Mode

     From Jeff:
     "How can I play the game on hardest skill setting the first time through
      the game?"

     I also got another email from a fellow Jason about Hard mode:

     "If you beat the game on Hard, do you ALSO get the achievement for

     A. Sadly, there is no way at this point. Only way I can think of is
        by modifying a few of the variables in the PC version to have it
        already unlocked. Otherwise, you will have to play the full game.

        I'm also not sure if the 360 version already has hard mode unlocked
        or not (I doubt it), but I would have to guess no, you wouldn't get
        the achievement if you did beat it only on Cherokee. Reason being
        is the 360 will only unlock achievements for certain things, and
        the Cherokee difficulty is tied to that achievement. Now, if you
        are refering to the level achievements, then I dare say you could
        get those.

  |                                                                           |
  |                           X1. Copyright/Contact Info                      |

       This guide is Copyright of Jason Howell. While using it on websites is
       fine, editing or selling this guide will warrent legal action. All
       written material has been written by Jason Howell, and not copied from
       other guides without giving credit. Quotes used in the items secion are
       borrowed from the Peasant's Quest game, which was produced and hosted
       by Please don't be a bad boy, or I may have to have
       my lawyers spank your money =O

       If you have any questions, comments, or whatnot, please email me at

       Also, if you have something to add, please email me at the address
       above. I will accept alternate boss stratigies, section additions,
       any items I have not added, and so on. If you can, please give a
       brief bio on the item if that's what you wish to contribute. You
       will get full credit on it.

       Sources/Programs used to create this guide:
       -UltraEdit 32: Text editor. Great for writing guides with due to column

       -FRAPS: Trust me, it is far easier using a capture program to record
               me playing through it on a PC then buying the 360 version and
               writing it every step I take. Thanks FRAPS, you didn't crap
               out like Camtasia Studio did!

       -Prey website and manual: Granted, the manual and site (
                                 doesn't reveal much, but it does give the
                                 names of several of the enemies and items
                                 in the game.

       -Gamespot: In truth, by the time I wrote the weapons guide, I forgot
                  where most of the items locations were. I also had no
                  idea what the Launcher's second function was until I read
                  it and tried it in a previous save game. Thank you.

        The Basics..............30%
        Weapons.................50% (Multiprey still needed)
        Misc Info...............40%

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