Monster Hunter: Freedom PSP Cheats

Pet Piggy:

Around the village in the beginning of the game, you'll see a pig following a man aronud. Walk up to the pig and stroke it, and music will start playing. Press X as soon as the music stops and the pig will become yours.

Training School:

After your get level 2 missions from the town sage, beat "The Great Jungle Kut-Ku" mission. You can now access the training school, where you can fight against Kut-Ku and other monsters you fight throughout the game.

Alchemy Recipes:

Ancient Potion
Immunizer (10) + Kelbi Horn
Antidote Herb + Blue Mushroom
Antidote Flute
Flute + Antiseptic Stone (48)
Antiseptic Stone
Bitterbug + Earth Crystal
Armor Flute
Mega Armorskin + Med Monster Bone
Armor Pill
Immunizer + Armour Seed
Armor Seed
Needleberry + Velocidrome Claw
armorcharm + sm Lao-shan claw
Armor S
Huskberry + Armour Seed
Catalyst (9) + Armour Seed
Arrowana Bait
Cricket + Bughopper
Blue Mushroom
Antidote Herb + Toadstool
Bomb Material
Stone + Sap Plant
Net + Sm Monster Bone
Carbalite Ore x2
Expand Pickaxe + Carbalite Ore
Bitterbug + Honey
clust S Lv1
Huskberry + Bomberry
Clust S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk + Wyvern Claw
Clust S Lv3
Lg Bone Husk + Scatterfish
Cool Drink
Ice Crystal + Bitterbug
Crag S Lv1
Huskberry + Burst Arrowana
Crag S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk + Burst Arrowana
Crag S Lv3
Lg Bone Husk + Bomb Arrowana
Demon Flute
Mega Demondrug + Med Monster Bone
Demon S
Huskberry + Power Seed
Catalyst (9) + Power Seed
Disk Stone x5
Expand Pickaxe + Disk Stone
Dragon S
Lg Bone Husk + Dragon Seed
Dragonite Ore x3
Expand Pickaxe + Dragonite Ore
Drugged Meat
Raw Meat + Sleep Herb
Dung Bomg
Bomb Material (25) + Dung
Earth Crystal x3
Expand Pickaxe + Earth Crystal
Fire Herb
Garbage + Hot Pepper
Firecell Stone x2
Expand Pickaxe + Firecell Stone
Firestone x2
Expand Pickaxe + Firestone
Flaming S
Huskberry + Fire Herb
Flash Bomb
Bomb Material (25) + Flashbug
Goldenfish Bait
Firefly + Snakebee Larva
Nitroshroom + Fire Herb
Hard Monster Bonex2
Expand Pickaxe + Hard Monster Bone
Health Flute
Flute + Lifepowder (50)
Sap Plant + Insect Husk
Herbal Medicine
Cactus Flower + Bitterbug
Firefly + Special Mushroom
Hot Drink
Hot pepper + Bitterbug
Huskberry x 5
Huskberry + Iron Ore
Ice S
Huskberry + Knife Mackarel
Catalyst (9) + Dragon Toadstool
Iron Ore x5
Expand Pickaxe + Iron Ore
Iron Pickaxe
Iron ore + Bone
Joinergrasshopper x2
Expand Pickaxe + Joinergrasshopper
King Scarab x3
Expand Pickaxe + King Scarab
Large Barrel
Med Monster Bone + Ivy
Large Barrel Bomb
Large Barrel + Gunpowder (31)
Lg Barrel Bomb+
Lg Barrel Bomb (34) + Monster Broth
Godbug + Wyvern Fang
Lifecrystals (49) + Wyvern Claw
Lightcrystal x2
Expand Pickaxe + Lightcrystal
Machalite Ore x3
Expand Pickaxe + Machalite Ore
Max Potion
Mega Nutrients (4) + Dragon Toadstool
Mega Armorskin
Armorskin (16) + Pale Extract
Mega Bugnet
Net + Med monster Bone
Mega Demondrug
Demondrug (13) + Pale Extract
Mega Juice
Power Extract + Well Done Steak
Mega Nutrients
Nutrients (3) + Honey
Mega pickaxe
Machalite Ore + Bone
Mega Potion
Potion (1) + Honey
Monster Bone+ x2
Expand Pickaxe + Monster Bone+
Monster Broth
Monster Fluid + Bitterbug
Monster Fluid
Ice crystal + Sleep sac
Needleberry x 5
Needleberry + Earth Crystal
Spiderweb + Ivy
Normal S Lv2
Huskberry + Needleberry
Normal S Lv3
Huskberry + Rumblefish
Novacrystal x2
Expand Pickaxe + Novacrystal
Blue Mushroom + Godbug
Old bugnet
Net + Mystery Bone
Old Pickaxe
Stone + Bone
Paint S
Huskberry + Paintberry
Paintberry + Sap Plant
Paralyze Thr Knf
Throwing knife + Stunshroom
Pellet S Lv1
Huskberry + Scatternut
Pellet S Lv2
Huskberry + Wyvern Fang
Pellet S Lv3
Sm Bone Husk + Wyvern Fang
Huskberry + Velociprey Fang
Huskberry + Pin Tuna
Pierce S Lv3
Sm Bone Husk + Pin Tuna
Pitfall Trap
Net (37) + Trap Tool
Poison S Lv1
Huskberry + Toadstool
Poison S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk + Ioprey Fang
Poison smoke Bmb
Bomb Material (25) + Toadstool
Poison Thrw Knf
Throwing knife + Toadstool
Poisoned Meat
Raw Meat + Toadstool
Blue Mushroom + Herb
Power Extract
Dragon Seed + Piscine Liver
Power Juice
Catalyst (9) + Rare Steak
Power Pill
Immunizer + Power Seed
Power Seed
Bomberry + Kut-ku Scale
powercharm + sm Lao-shan claw
Cactus Flower + Thunderbug
PureCrystal x2
Expand Pickaxe + PureCrystal
Rare Steak
Thunderbug + Velociprey Hide
Raw Meat
Burnt Meat + Dung
Recover S Lv1
Huskberry + Herb
Recover S Lv2
Huskberry + Potion (1)
Hot Pepper + Sushifish
Frog + Flute
Sleep S Lv1
Huskberry + Sleep Herb
Sleep S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk + Sleepyfish
Sleeping Thr Knf
Throwing knife + Sleep Herb
Sm Barrel Bomb+
Sm Barrel Bomb (32) + Monster Broth
Small Barrel
Sm Monster Bone + Sap Plant
Small Barrel Bomb
Small Barrel + Fire Herb
Smoke Bomb
Bomb Material (25) + Ivy
Sonic Bomb
Gunpowder (31) + Screamer
Spicy Mushroom
Hot pepper + Special mushroom
Stun S Lv1
Huskberry + Stunshroom
Stun S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk + Genprey Fang
Antidote Herb + Sleepyfish
Tainted Meat
Raw Meat + Stunshroom
Thunder S
Huskberry + Flashbug
Tuna Bait
Worm + Yambug
Union Ore x2
Expand Pickaxe + Union Ore
Sm Monster Bone + Disk Stone

Thanks to Revolution Reader Shhak, 351Bravo, oother, and Bill!
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