A Way Out Single Player

A Way Out Single Player: Can You Play A Way Out Single Player?

Releasing today (as of publishing), many players are wondering about the possibility of can you play A Way Out single player? The game has been touted since its announcement last year that it will be focused primarily on a cooperative experience, be it online or local on your couch across all three platforms.

Of course, that doesn’t stop the players who don’t want to play with someone else from wondering can you play A Way Out single player? Considering even the most important co-op games typically have a solo mode, it would make sense for this adventure to, as well. Let’s dig in and find out.

Can You Play A Way Out Single Player Explained

Let’s kick it right off with the answer to can you play A Way Out single player, and the answer is a resounding nope. There is no single player in this cooperative adventure. Nope, nada, nein, nah, いいえ, and so on. This game is surprisingly focused solely on cooperative play, so there is absolutely no room for any single player.

However, can you play A Way Out single player anyways? Or is there a possible alternative to this? Anything is possible these days, so let’s find out.

A Way Out Single Player Alternatives Explained

While the answer to can you play A Way Out single player is, unfortunately, no, there are some workarounds so to speak depending on your level of dedication to playing by yourself. The most notable and possible one is simply taking on the role of both characters on your own.

This means hooking up two controllers to your console or PC and selecting “play local” from the menu screen. From there, you’ll have to find a way to play A Way Out single player alternating between two controllers. Your other option is simply finding someone to play alongside you on the couch, but that isn’t really single player. Good luck!

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