Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Xbox360 Cheats

Unlimited Health

Go to the pause menu and hold LT RT and back at the same time. Now enter the code while holding these buttons.

Code Effect
Y, Y, X, RB, X, LB Infinite Health (Player Only)

FAMAS in Quick Mission Mode:

When creating a new campaign, enter GRAW2QUICKFAMAS as a name when prompted.

Thanks to Revolution Reader Cplpunishment!

XBOX LIVE Achievements

Station (Co-op 1) Perfect (20 points): Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.

The Cut (Co-op 2) Perfect (20 points): Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.

Locks (Co-op 3) Perfect (20 points): Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.

Caldera (Co-op 4) Perfect (20 points): Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.

Outpost (Co-op 5) Perfect (20 points): Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.

Hideout (Co-op 6) Perfect (20 points): Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.

Perfect Co-op Campaign (40 points): Complete all Co-op Campaign Missions without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.

Team Veteran (25 points): Win 30 Team matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.

Solo Veteran (25 points): Win 10 Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.

Co-op Veteran (25 points): Win 30 Co-op matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.

Ultimate Defender (40 points): Win a 60 minute Co-op Defend match on any map.

Helo Hunter (20 points): Shoot down 20 helicopters in the Helicopter Hunt game type.

Demo Expert (20 points): Plant 10 demo charges in Team Mission matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.

Combat Medic (25 points): Heal 10 teammates wounded by enemy fire in a multiplayer match with at least 5 gamertags in the room.

Team MVP (15 points): Lead your team in kills in a Team match with at least 5 gamertags on your team.

Team All-Star (35 points): Lead your team in kills in 10 Team matches with at least 5 gamertags on your team.

Enforcer (20 points): Eliminate 5 different human opponents in 30 seconds with at least 10 gamertags in the room.

Threatening (10 points): Get a total of 50 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.

Dangerous (15 points): Get a total of 150 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.

Lethal (20 points): Get a total of 300 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.

Ruthless (25 points): Get a total of 500 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.

Sniper Expert (20 points): Get a total of 100 sniper rifle kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.

Single Player Master (50 points): Unlock all other "Single player mode" achievements to unlock the "Single player Master" achievement.

Tutorial Walkthrough (5 points): Complete the whole tutorial at least once.

Challenge 1 Complete (10 points): Complete the first tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.

Challenge 2 Complete (10 points): Complete the second tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.

Challenge 3 Complete (10 points): Complete the third tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.

Challenge 4 Complete (10 points): Complete the fourth tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.

Mission accomplished (30 points): Complete all the secondary objectives in "Campaign mode" or in "Quick Mission mode".

Act 1 Complete - low risk (10 points): Complete campaign Act 1 in "low risk" or higher.

Act 2 Complete - low risk (15 points): Complete campaign Act 2 in "low risk" or higher.

Act 3 Complete - low risk (20 points): Complete campaign Act 3 in "low risk" or higher.

Act 1 Complete - guarded risk (20 points): Complete campaign Act 1 in "guarded risk" or higher.

Act 2 Complete - guarded risk (25 points): Complete campaign Act 2 in "guarded risk" or higher.

Act 3 Complete - guarded risk (30 points): Complete campaign Act 3 in "guarded risk" or higher.

Act 1 Complete - elevated risk (30 points): Complete campaign Act 1 in "elevated risk".

Act 2 Complete - elevated risk (35 points): Complete campaign Act 2 in "elevated risk".

Act 3 Complete - elevated risk (40 points): Complete campaign Act 3 in "elevated risk".

Bull's eye - Quick mission (30 points): Finish a mission with a 100% accuracy statistic.

Iron man - Quick mission (30 points): Finish a mission without being hit.

Team "Elite" - Quick mission: (30 points): Finish a mission with no teammates wounded and +50% enemies killed by them.

Hawk's eye - Quick mission: (30 points): Finish a mission with all your intels acquired while out of combat.

Predator - Quick mission: (30 points): Finish a mission with all fights engaged by you.

Co-op Collection Achievements

Unlockable                How to Unlock
2-Point Swing (15) In a CTF match with 5+ players, recover your stolen flag and score in a single run.
Battlefield (Co-op) Perfect (15) Complete Battlefield Co-op Mission without respawning at default or hard difficulty.
Caves (Co-op) Perfect (15) Complete Caves Co-op Mission without respawning at default or hard difficulty.
Clever Retort (10) In a match, get a grenade kill while you are incapacitated or dead. Minimum 5 players.
From Downtown (10) Kill exactly 3 enemies and no teammates with one grenade on a map.
Kickin' it old school (15) Complete a Co-op Mission without respawning, hard difficulty, and the Drone off.
Plantation (Co-op) Perfect (15) Complete Plantation Co-op Mission without respawning at default or hard difficulty.
RR Bridge (Co-op) Perfect (15) Complete Railroad Bridge Co-op Mission without respawning at default or hard difficulty.
Swamp Airfield (Co-op) Perfect (15) Complete Swamp Airfield Co-op Mission without respawning at default or hard difficulty.

Co-op Collection 2 Achievements

Unlockable                     How to Unlock
Bridges (Co-op) Perfect (15) Complete Bridges Co-op Mission without respawns at default or hard difficulty.
Color Guard (15) Kill 3 enemies while you carry a flag in a CTF match on a Co-op Collection Pack 2 map. Minimum 5 players.
Depot (Co-op) Perfect (15) Complete Depot co-op mission without respawns at default or hard difficulty.
Ghost Town (Co-op) Perfect (15) Complete Ghost Town co-op mission without respawns at default or hard difficulty.
Pistoleer (20) Kill 6 or more enemies with a pistol in a single match on a Co-op Collection Pack 2 map. Minimum 5 players.
Riverbed (Co-op) Perfect (15) Complete Riverbed co-op mission without respawns at default or hard difficulty.
Stronghold (Co-op) Perfect (15) Complete Stronghold co-op mission without respawns at default or hard difficulty.
Untouchable (15) Survive 10 mins, killing at least 3 enemies in that time, on a Co-op Collection Pack 2 map. Minimum 5 players.
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