Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars FAQ/ Walkthrough



We have affirmed that Tiberium is the ultimate gift to mankind.


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It is the key to the future. - The Brotherhood of Nod


Copyright 2007 - Staley, Deuce ex Defcon. Any site that wishes to host any of

my guides is free to do so, provided you contact me prior to posting the

guide(s), as I like to know where they're being used.

I cannot guarantee any site other than GameFAQs will always have the most

current form of my guides, so if there's ever any doubt, always check GameFAQs.

If you find an outdated form of any of my guides on any other site(s), please

contact me, and I will contact the site(s) to get it updated.

All questions, comments, and so forth concerning this guide can be posted on my

site here:

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon).


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| | Contents | |

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***Please note that this guide is currently incomplete. Walkthroughs and intel

entries for the GDI campaign are finished, but I haven't added anything

related to the Nod or Scrin campaigns/intel entries, nor have I done

anything with the units/structures lists. All in good time.

0.00) General Notes

1.00) Walkthrough

1.10) GDI Missions

1.11) North Carolina Badlands

1.12) The Pentagon

1.13) Langley AFB

1.14) Hampton Roads

1.15) The White House

1.16) Casabad

1.17) Alexandria

1.18) Cairo

1.19) Croatia

1.20) Albania

1.21) Sarajevo

1.22) Munich

1.23) Stuttgart

1.24) Cologne

1.25) Berne

1.26) Rome

1.27) Ground Zero

1.40) Nod Missions

1.41) Goddard Space Center

1.42) The White House

1.43) Andrews Air Force Base

1.44) Hampton Roads

1.45) Washington DC

1.46) Amazon Desert

1.47) Atlantic Coast

1.48) Slovenia

1.49) Sarajevo

1.50) Outback

1.51) Sydney City Wall

1.52) Downtown Sydney

1.53) Ayers Rock

1.54) Northern Italy

1.55) Italian Hills

1.56) Operation Stiletto

1.57) Kane's Tower

1.70) Scrin Missions

1.71) London

1.72) Munich

1.73) Croatia

1.74) Threshold 19

4.00) Intelligence Database

4.10) GDI Intelligence Database

4.11) GDI InOps

4.12) GDI News Wire

4.13) GDI Eyewitness Accounts

4.14) GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems

4.15) GDI Archives

4.40) Nod Intelligence Database

4.41) The Inner Circle

4.42) Nod Field Intelligence

4.43) Kane's Arsenal

4.44) Nod Archives

4.70) Scrin Intelligence Database

4.71) Warp Link

7.00) End

7.01) Version History

7.02) Closing


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| | 0.00) General Notes | |

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Intelligence Database Entries


- Throughout the game, you'll be able to collect little bits of information

in your intelligence database. These files don't really have any effect on the

game, they're just there for collection purposes (and for you to read, assuming

you're interested). Sometimes these entries are simply given to you

automatically, but sometimes you need to accomplish a bonus objective or do

something else to get them. I've listed which entries are found in each

mission in this guide, and I've also marked them in the walkthrough between

{these} to show where in the mission you should be getting the entry. You can

find more detailed information (including complete transcripts of each entry)

in section 4.00) of this guide.


| ----------------------------------- |

| | 1.00) Walkthrough | |

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| | 1.10) GDI Missions | |

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| | 1.11) North Carolina Badlands | |

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Mission Briefing


"Recent satellite intelligence points to a suspicious level of activity in the

North Carolina Badlands. InOps is concerned that the Brotherhood of Nod may

be setting up shop there. Your mission is to investigate and report back as

soon as possible. An abandoned GDI training facility is located nearby - use

that as your base of operations in the area."


Intelligence Database


GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems

- Mobile Construction Vehicle

- Barracks

- GDI Riflemen

- GDI Missile Squad

- GDI Engineer

GDI Archives

- GDI Base Closure

- Tiberium Primer


Primary Objectives


1) Determine the status of the GDI Outpost.

"This outpost was abandoned many years ago after its strategic value waned.

Once you arrive at the outpost it can be reactivated remotely."

2) Build a Barracks and 3 GDI Riflemen Squads.

"You'll need a barracks in order to train infantry units. To build a Barracks,

select the Construction Yard and then click on the Barracks icon. Once it has

finished building click the Barracks icon again and then place the Barracks in

your buildable area."

3) Build a Power Plant.

"Select the Construction Yard and click on the Power Plant icon. Build and

deploy it just like the Barracks. Because your base has low power, you may

want to turn off other buildings. When your base is low on power, all units

and structures build slower."

4) Repair the Command Post.

"To repair the damaged Command Post, use the Repair Button on your Command Bar,

located on the top right next to the power button. Then click on the Command


5) Eliminate the Nod Outpost.

"Destroy all the Nod Forces, the Hand of Nod and the Nod Outpost. A company of

Missile Soldiers will be sent to assist you. Their missiles are much more

effective against structures than standard GDI rifles."

6) Repair the Bridge.

"Two Engineers are en route via V35 Ox Transport. Once they arrive, send one

of them into the Gatehouse to repair the bridge."

7) Build an Airfield.

"The Nod presence in this region is far greater than we had expected. We will

need air support. Build an Airfield from the Production Structures Tab to

gain access to aircraft."

8) Destroy the Nod Barracks, War Factory and Construction Yard.

"Devastate this Nod Base by destroying these key structures.


Bonus Objectives


1) Build a Watchtower.

"Protect your base from Nod infantry by building a Watchtower. To build a

Watchtower, click on the Watchtower icon located in the Support Structure Tab.

Once it has finished building, deploy it anywhere inside your ground control

area. The white circle marks the range of the Watchtower."

2) Build a second Infantry queue.

"Build a second Barracks from your Production Structures Tab so that you have a

second infantry queue. This will allow you to train infantry in parallel

giving you the ability to put more soldiers on the field quicker."

3) Build a Tiberium Silo.

"Build a Tiberium Silo from your Support Structure Tab. Doing so will increase

Doing so will increase the amount of credits you can store at once."

4) Capture one of Nod's buildings.

"Select your Engineer and then send him into an enemy structure. The Engineer

will capture it, giving you full control of the structure."

5) Sell the captured Nod structure.

"After you've captured the structure you can then sell it. Use the Sell

Button located at the top of your Command Bar. Click on the $ and then click

on the building you want to sell."

6) Capture the Tiberium Spike.

"Many structures, like this Tiberium Spike, can be captured by Engineers and

put to use. Tiberium Spikes generate extra funds over time by drawing

Tiberium out of the Earth."




This is your standard RTS introductory mission, and they do a pretty good job

of telling you exactly what you need to do to finish the mission, but just for

good measure, I'm going to cover it all too.

Start by taking your riflemen east to the abandoned GDI base and slaughter the

Nod infantry in the middle of it. When you get control of the base, you'll get

the first of many Intelligence Database entries {GDI Base Closure}. These

entries aren't really necessary to finish the game, they're just optional

things that you can collect if you'd like (some of them are unavoidable, but

some of them will take a little effort if you want to get them). When the

explanation of harvesting is finished, you'll get another entry {Tiberium


Your MCV will arrive soon {Mobile Construction Vehicle} and automatically

deploy itself in the middle of your base. Build a barracks and place it

somewhere in your base {Barracks}, then train three riflemen squads from it to

complete the next objective {GDI Riflemen}.

Build a Watchtower when you're told to, then defend against the rush of Nod

troops from the east. You'll receive some missile troops {GDI Missile Squad},

and you'll be able to train them from the barracks now. Build a second

barracks to accomplish the second optional objective, then train some more

missile squads for the assault on the Nod outpost.

Destroy the two western buildings in the Nod outpost, then wait for your

Engineers to arrive {GDI Engineer}. Use one to capture one of the two

remaining Nod buildings and use the other to repair the bridge (by putting it

in the tower below and to the right of the bridge). Sell the captured Nod

building to accomplish another bonus objective, then build a Tiberium Silo to

accomplish another one.

North of the bridge, you'll find a tower-like thing called a Tiberium Spike.

Selecting it will tell you about another optional objective - train an Engineer

from your barracks and get it into the spike to accomplish the objective.

Move your infantry groups over the bridge when you're ready and assault the Nod

vehicles there. Target the Raider Buggies first, then hit the Scorpions.

Eventually you'll be told to build an airfield so you can receive Orca

reinforcements. Do so, then build two more Orcas to fill the airfield. Use

them to assault the Nod base until you're given the option to use the Ion

Canon. Select it, then fire it into the middle of the Nod base to finish the



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| | 1.12) The Pentagon | |

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Mission Briefing


"The Philadelphia is gone, Reykjavik has been overrun, and Nod forces are now

attacking the only remaining GDI world command hub in the Pentagon. If we

lose the Pentagon, GDI will be thrown into chaos and the war will be lost.

Your mission is to defend this vital installation. The first priority is

restoring power to the building defenses and systems so you can repel the main

Nod attack. Then you'll need to get an engineer into the Pentagon to

reestablish the command and control system links. Your final objective is to

counter-attack and drive Nod out of the area."


Intelligence Database



- Garrisoning

GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems


- Grenadier

GDI Archives

- The Global Defense Initiative

- About the Brotherhood of Nod


Primary Objectives


1) Bring the Pentagon's defensive power system online.

"The Pentagon is defenseless without its power. Get an Engineer into each of

the three Power Plants and bring that power back online!"

2) Capture the Pentagon with an Engineer.

"Only an Engineer can get the Pentagon's Command and Control systems online.

You must protect your Engineers until the Pentagon is restored. Once Command

and Control is restored we can turn this war around."

3) Garrison each of the four Guard Towers with GDI Riflemen and hold off the

Nod infantry wave.

"Nod has destroyed our Power Plants with their Vertigo Bombers. Our only

chance to defend the Pentagon against superior odds is to garrison the Guard

Towers around the perimeter of the Pentagon."

4) Eliminate the Nod Central HQ.

"The Brotherhood of Nod has hastily erected a forward headquarters at the top

of the hill. Prevent another attack on the Pentagon by destroying this

forward HQ."


Bonus Objectives


1) Eliminate the small Nod base to the north.

"Nod has cut off our ability to bring in reinforcements to the north.

Eliminating this base will enable Easy Company Grenadier reinforcements.

2) Take back the city by clearing 4 garrisoned buildings.

"Nod has firmly entrenched troops within the city surrounding the Pentagon.

Use our Grenadiers to clear these buildings out."




Move your riflemen and engineers to the east to assault the Nod infantry that

are attacking your power plants {The Global Defense Initiative}. Use your

rifle squads to wipe out the Nod troops, then use an Engineer to capture each

of the three power plants. You'll then be told to capture the Pentagon, so

send another engineer over there and take it. You'll be told to garrison some

nearby towers as your next objective - two of them are west of the Pentagon,

and two of them are slightly north-west of it. Send a rifle squad into each of

the four towers {Garrisoning} to complete the objective.

Some APCs will arrive {APC} to the north-east of the Pentagon. Send them to

the left side of the Pentagon, then put a Grenadier Squad into each one of them

when they exit the Pentagon {Grenadier}. You'll be given your next main

objective soon {About the Brotherhood of Nod}, but if you want to accomplish

the bonus objectives, you'll need to do them now.

Move your grenadier-loaded APCs west underneath the cluser of buildings there,

and you'll receive a second bonus objective. Use the APCs to grenade the four

garrisoned buildings to accomplish the second bonus objective. You'll receive

two more APCs with grenadier units in them north of the Pentagon, so move your

current group back there and join them. Head north and wipe out the small Nod

base there to accomplish the other bonus objective.

With the small base destroyed, you'll receive a few more loaded APCs from the

north. Add them to your current group, then gather the supply crates

north-west of where the small Nod base used to be. Move your entire group to

the south-east corner of the big Nod base now, then move in and wipe the place

out. Note that only the Crane, Hand of Nod, and Air Tower have to be destroyed

to accomplish the final primary objective.


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| | 1.13) Langley AFB | |

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Mission Briefing


"Nod forces have overrun all of the major GDI air fields in the region. Your

mission is to retake Langley Air Force Base, home of the Air Combat Command.

A small GDI outpost near the coast might be useful as a base of operations.

We'll drop your team off nearby. Once the outpost is secure, take back our

airfields, get some Orca scout aircraft in the air, and then drive Nod out of

the area."


Intelligence Database



- Calling for Transport

GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems

- Command Post

- Sniper Team

- Airfield

- Orca Attack Aircraft


Primary Objectives


1) Eliminate the Nod forces attacking the GDI base.

"There is a small GDI Base under siege on the coast. Secure it and you will

have a perfect platform to launch an assault on Langley Air Force Base."

2) Reclaim the GDI Airfields to the northeast.

"GDI has two Airfields intact with operational Orca aircraft. Reclaim the

Airfields by eliminating the defending Nod forces, then use the Orca as air

support for your attack on the base."

3) Destroy the Nod base to the northwest.

"This base is the central hub for the Nod forces controlling Langley. It is

heavily defended against land based attacks."


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture the Tiberium Refinery in the city.

"The Tiberium Refinery used to supply the airforce base has been overlooked by

Nod. Getting it up and running will give us ample supplies for our


2) Rescue all 4 Snipers from Bravo Squad.

"The Snipers of Bravo Company have been scattered throughout the city. Find

and rescue them."




You receive a few infantry groups on the beach, so immediately use them to

slaughter the Nod infantry to take control of the outpost {Command Post}. Put

both of your riflemen squads and a grenadier squad into the bunker closest to

your barracks, then stick both missile squads and a grenadier squad into the

second bunker farther down the beach. These two bunkers will pretty much

defend your base for the entire mission if you garrison them early.

Build six APCs and enough grenadiers and missile squads to fill them, then move

them south-west into the city. You'll be given a new bonus objective to

capture the Tiberium refinery in the city. Use your APCs to clear out the

buildings, then get close to the refinery and look slightly north-east of it.

You'll find a sniper unit, which is one of four that you'll need to find to

complete the second bonus objective.

Once you've secured the area with your APCs, train an Engineer and use him to

capture the refinery. Before you leave the area with your APCs, use one to

clear out the building in the south-west corner of the map - there's another

Sniper group there. Return your APCs to your base, then build a few more and

load them up with grenadiers and missile squads. See that garrisoned building

directly north of your base? Take it out, then take out the one above and to

the right of it to free your last two sniper units {Sniper Team}.

Take these two sniper units and garrison the building near the two Nod machine

gun turrets north-west of your base. See the little icon in the upper-left

corner of your screen that says Bombard Spotted Target when you hover over it?

You can use that to lob a shell from the battleship at any target within a

sniper group's sight. Nod defense structures like these machine gun modules

can be rebuilt after being destroyed unless you take out the hub they're

attached to. If you destroy the hub, the modules are destroyed with it. Use

your bombardment option to destroy the hub, then move your APCs through the

area on your way to the airfields.

The airfiels are on a raised platform, and they're guarded by some Nod missile

troops and some light vehicles. Your APCs will slaughter them, but you can

move a sniper group up there and bombard the Nod forces if you'd like. Once

all of the Nod units are destroyed near the airfields, you'll gain control of

them, and eight Orcas will land {Calling for Transport, Airfield, Orca Attack


The Orcas can easily finish the mission on their own. Simply fly them west to

the Nod base, then attack the main structures one by one until they're all

destroyed (you can tell which ones need to be destroyed by the yellow box that

outlines them). As long as you stay fairly far to the north inside the base,

you shouldn't have any problems with things firing at you from the ground.


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| | 1.14) Hampton Roads | |

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Mission Briefing


"Cut off the Nod reinforcements flowing into Hampton Roads by disrupting their

port operations. You'll do this from the inside, infiltrating an elite GDI

commando into the facility. Take their radar offline by destroying the Nod

Operations Center. Once they're blind, take out their nearby stealth bomber

base. As soon as Nod's bombers are out of action, we'll send in a fleet of

battleships and you can use sniper units to spot targets for the big guns."


Intelligence Database



- Logistics Crates: Targets of Opportunity

GDI News Wire

- The Ghost in the Machine

GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems

- Commando


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy the Nod Operations Center.

"Taking the Nod Operations Center offline will disable their radar and sonar

detection. This will sow confusion among the defenders and therefore enable

our Battleships to get in closer and lend artillery support."

2) Destroy the bombers harassing our Battleships.

"Vertigo Bombers are preventing our battleships from getting into bombardment

range. Destroy the Nod Air Tower to eliminate this threat."

3) Destroy the Nod production facilities.

"The Brotherhood of Nod is using the Hampton Roads Naval Facility as a

supply depot for their front line offensive. Destroy their production

buildings to disrupt the port operations and stop the flow of reinforcements."


Bonus Objectives


1) Complete the mission using only the Commando.

"Complete the mission without using the reinforcements."




Use the Commando to wipe out the approaching Nod troops {Commando}, then head

north and detonate the Nod Operations Center. You can either walk there

through the city or use the Commando's jump jet ability, whichever you'd like.

With the Operations Center destroyed, head west and slightly north until you

see a yellow flashing crate thing. Move the Command on top of it {Logistics

Crates: Targets of Opportunity} to get healed, then move north-east and

attack the cluster of Nod troops near the power plant there. There's a second

crate nearby that will give your Commando a veterancy level.

Head towards your second objective now. If you attack the airfield from above,

you'll be able to take advantage of the red explosive barrels strewn about the

area. Shoot them with the Commando when Nod units are near them, and the

explosion will slaughter everything. The one west of the airfield will

completely destroy it if you fire at it.

With the airfield destroyed, you'll be given a bonus objective. Ignore your

reinforcements and use only the Commando if you'd like to achieve the bonus

objective. Don't worry - the Commano's almost invincible in this mission, so

you don't need the reinforcements at all anyway. Move the Commando east, then

south towards the bottom of the map near the middle {The Ghost in the Machine}.

Approach the main Nod base from the east, and stop to jump jet your Commando

into the square with the crate in the middle of it. It's another veterancy

crate, which will make your Commando even more ridiculously powerful.

There's a flame tank in the Nod base, so when you approach, be ready to retreat

when it starts to come at you. Shoot the explosive red barrels along its path

to demolish it, then enter the Nod base and shoot the explosive barrels there

to do some serious damage right off the bat. Use your Commando to detonate the

buildings, and the mission will be complete.


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| | 1.15) The White House | |

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Mission Briefing


"GDI morale sagged when Nod troops unfurled their red banners over the White

House. Now you'll turn the tide by retaking this powerful symbol. Since Nod

has a staging area nearby, you'll also get a chance to wipe out a large

stockpile of high-end Nod weapons. Start with a small force to take out Nod's

air defenses. A Firehawk squadron from Langley AFB will turn Nod's parked

military hardware to burning junk. Then attack the Nod base right outside the

White House itself."


Intelligence Database


GDI Eyewitness Accounts

- Nod Stealth Technology

- Nod Base Defenses

GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems

- GDI Base Defenses

- Predator Battle Tank

- Crane


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy the Nod air defenses.

"We have Firehawk attack jets armed and waiting. You need to destroy Nod's air

defenses so the Firehawks can make their bombing run. We also have Ox

transports with reinforcements standing by for deployment."

2) Use your Firehawk Airstrike power on Nod's artillery outpost.

"Use your Firehawk Airstrike power to mark the area for our Firehawks to bomb."

3) Destroy the surrounding Nod base to reclaim the White House.

"Nod forces have set up a base in front of the White House. Destroy all of

their production structures to drive them out of this area and take back the

White House."

4) Destroy the Disruption Towers around the Nod base.

"Nod is using those Disruption Towers to cloak its base. Destroy them and that

should make their base vulnerable to our attacks."


Bonus Objectives


1) Suppress the Nod infantry advances by putting Snipers into the designated


"Snipers are extremely effective against infantry. Garrison them in the

designated buildings for extra protection while they fire on Nod infantry."

2) Destroy Nod's Power Plants.

"Commander, Nod appears to have a large number of their Power Plants just

northwest of the White House. Destroying these might bring down their

defenses and leave them more open to our attack."

3) Destroy the Nod Secret Shrine.

"The Secret Shrine provides the ability to produce stealthed units. Destroy it

to prevent Nod stealth attacks."




Use two missile squads to destroy each of the Nod anti-air nodes on either side

of the Nod outpost (remember - destroying the node itself automatically

destroys all of the modules) to complete the first objective, then use the

Firehawk Airstrike icon in the upper-left corner of your screen to destroy the

Nod stockpile. Reinforcements will arrive - quickly deploy your MCV and build

a power plant, barracks, and a Tiberium Refinery followed by an armory. As

soon as you place the Command Post, train two sniper units from your barracks

and send one to each of the buildings highlighted in green on either side of

your base. Send one of the riflemen squads you got earlier into eah building,


Build and place a Watchtower at the top of your base {GDI Base Defenses} to

defend against infantry, then build a War Factory and a few silos. Build a

few Predator tanks from the war factory {Predator Battle Tank}, then build a

crane {Crane}. Train some grenadiers and load them into APCs (six or so of

them will be plenty), then send the APCs and your Predators up the west side of

the map to assault the Nod power plants.

Make sure you use your grenadiers in the APCs to wipe out the garrisoned

structures, then leave the Predators behind at the intersection near the middle

of the map. Continue towards the powerplants with the APCs and wipe them out

along with everything else in the area, then retreat everything back to your


Move your APCs to the east side of the map, then head north all the way to the

north-east corner. You'll find a Secret Shrine up there, so destroy it to

accomplish another bonus objective {Nod Stealth Technology}. The only thing

left to do is assault the main Nod base in front of the White House now, so

send in a big group of Predators with your APCs and slaughter everything.

Your Predators can demolish buildings quickly, and if you keep them moving,

you can crush most of the Nod infantry under their tracks. When you destroy

all of the Nod Disruption Towers and the rest of their base, the mission will

be over {Nod Base Defenses}.


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| | 1.16) Casabad | |

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Mission Briefing


"InOps flagged an irrigation plant in Casabad as a possible chemical weapons

factory. A GDI forward base was established nearby in preparation for a raid,

but we've since lost contact with the base. We've also lost contact with a

team of Zone Troopers sent to investigate. Get in there, secure the base, and

then find out what's going on in that factory."


Intelligence Database



- Nod Aircraft

- Commandeering Tiberium Spikes

- New Nod Flame Tank

- Liquid Tiberium Research

GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems

- Zone Troopers

GDI Archives

- Red, Yellow, and Blue Zones


Primary Objectives


1) Secure the Barracks by defeating the surrounding Nod forces.

"The last contact from the Zone Troopers came from this location. Eliminate

any remaining Nod units to secure the outpost."

2) Destroy the Weapons Research Lab.

"Intel believes this Nod structure is instrumental in Nod's efforts to

weaponize Tiberium in a liquid form. It must be eliminated."

3) Destroy the Nod War Factories.

"Nod is reinforcing its war effort in this region from these War Factories.

Eliminate them."


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture all three Tiberium Spikes.

"Secure additional runding by capturing all three Tiberium Spikes in the area.

Build additional Engineers to capture these Tiberium Spikes."

2) Destroy the Nod Outpost.

"Nod is reinforcing their security of the research labs from this facility.

Eliminate it to collect extra resources."




Approach the GDI base and eliminate the Nod troops {Red, Yellow, and Blue

Zones}, then capture the Tiberium Spike with your engineer. Some Nod aircraft

will fly overhead {Nod Aircraft}, but don't worry about them yet. Send your

Zone Troopers to the upper-right corner of your base to defend it {Zone

Troopers}, then start training more Zone Troopers. When you have another unit

of them, send it north to the next Tiberium Spike. Train an engineer and send

it up there to capture the spike {Commandeering Tiberium Spikes}, then send the

Zone Troopers back to help defend the upper-right corner of your base (and

don't forget to grab the crate above and to the right of the spike first).

You'll be raking in funds now, so crank out another four units of Zone Troopers

followed by three more units of missile troops and an engineer. There're three

crates on a platform south-east of your base, two of which have money in them.

Use the jump jet ability on your Zone Defenders to jump up there and grab them,

then combine your forces together into two groups (Zone Troopers in one and

missile squads in the other). If you haven't already, select your Armory and

build the Power Packs upgrade to give your Zone Troopers a nice boost.

Head towards the third Tiberium Spike and clear it out, then capture it with

your engineer. Move east towards the Nod outpost next, and keep your eyes

peeled for more supply crates. Assualt the Nod outpost and destroy it, but

watch out for the Nod planes you saw earlier - they'll shred your Zone Troopers

if you're not prepared to take them out with your missile squads. Note that

you actually have to destroy the Nod buildings to accomplish the bonus

objective, not just capture them (if you capture them, you'll have to sell them

to accomplish the bonus objective).

Gather any supply crates you see, then move north with your two groups. When

you reach the research facility, you'll find some new Nod vehicles guarding it

{New Nod Flame Tank}. Your Zone Troopers should be able to handle them easily,

but make sure you keep your missile squads away from them (you won't need the

missile squads again anyway, so you could just leave them behind now if you'd

prefer). Destroy all of the Nod units in the area, then destroy the research

facility {Liquid Tiberium Research}.

Move north and crush the remaining Nod buildings to finish the mission. You'll

have a much easier time doing this if you jump jet into the base from the west

rather than running in from the south. There are a few more supply crates

scattered around the map if you'd like to collect them, but it's hardly

necessary to get them to finish the mission.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.17) Alexandria | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Nod is using the port of Alexandria to export nuclear and chemical weapons.

Your mission is simple: Shut this operation down. Destroy the loading cranes

to cripple their port operations, sink their ships to block the docks, wipe

out their administration and control centers, and obliterate any military

units and structures nearby. You'll have Mammoth Tanks at your disposal.

Roll over them, Commander."


Intelligence Database



- EMP Control Center

GDI News Wire

- Discontinuation of the Mammoth Mk II Walker

GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems

- War Factory Repair Drones

- Base Expansion using the Surveyor


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy all Nod loading dock cranes.

"Nod forces are loading weapons onto their ships for export. Destroy these

cranes to disrupt dockside activity."

2) Destroy all Nod Port Authority buildings.

"Nod's port operations are controlled from these Port Authority buildings.

Take them out to cripple their port for the long haul."


Bonus Objectives


1) Destroy all Nod ships docked at the port.

"Destroy the docked ships to prevent them from delivering their hardware to

other war efforts in the region."

2) Capture the EMP Control Center in the city.

"Capture the EMP Control Center to gain the ability to fire an EMP blast which

will disable all electronic devices within the blast radius."

3) Deploy a Surveyor at the northern Tiberium Field.

"Build a Surveyor and deploy it by the Tiberium Field to the north. A Surveyor

unpacks an expansion base at its deployment location and allows additional

structures to be constructed around it."




Place four or so Watchtowers along the upper-right side of your base to defend

against the Nod infantry rushes (some of which will be stealthed), then place a

war factory {War Factory Repair Drones} and some power plants. Once you have a

command post and a tech center, you'll be able to build mammoth tanks, and

you'll be able to get the rail guns upgrade from the tech center

{Discontinuation of the Mammoth Mk II Walker}. Once you have a few more

mammoths with the rail gun upgrade, send them north to the next Tiberium field

so they can defend it.

You'll be told about a bonus objective as soon as you see the Tiberium field,

so build a Surveyor from your support structures tab and send it to the field.

Deploy it {Base Expansion using the Surveyor}, then build a second refinery up

there if you'd like.

Meanwhile, send a few mammoths to the lower-right corner of the map to wipe out

the Nod forces around the EMP Control Center, then capture it with an engineer

{EMP Control Center}.

The easiest way to take care of the last remaining bonus objective is to build

an airfield and four Orcas, then fly them safely above the docked ships and

destroy them one at a time. You can destroy the docks in the same way, and

then you'll be free to focus on crushing the port authority buildings. Send

your entire column of mammoths over there and crush the place - the weak Nod

forces in the area are no match for mammoths with rail guns.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.18) Cairo | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Your mission is to take out a massive Nod nuclear weapons facility in northern

Cairo, the same base that was used to launch the strike on the Philidelphia.

This is now the highest priority GDI target worldwide. Time is of the

essence: Nod is likely to launch everything they have if they think you're

getting too close."


Intelligence Database



- Nod's Nuclear Arsenal

- Cairo Nuclear Launch Facility

GDI News Wire

- The Blunder that Nearly Finished GDI

GDI Archives

- GDI's Nuclear Weapons


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy the Nod Nuke Facility.

"Nod has nuclear missile launch capability with this missile site. This is the

same site that launched the attack that destroyed the Philidelphia. It must

be destroyed."

2) Destroy the Nod Compound Headquarters.

"Nod controls this Nuclear Launch Site and most of its operations in this

region from these buildings. Destroy them to completely remove Nod's

capability to launch nuclear missiles from this site and wrest control over

this territory from Nod."


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture the Nod Power Plants.

"Nod's nuclear missile launch can be delayed if any of the Power Plants

supporting the launch facility are destroyed or captured. Be advised, if Nod

rebuilds or recaptures the Power Plants the missile launch countdown will


2) Destroy all Nod Structures.

"Eliminate all Nod structures to expel them from this region."




Build a pair of Watchtowers north of your base and park your Predators and Zone

Troopers near them to fend off Nod attacks, then start building a war factory

and a couple power plants. Build a second harvester from your war factory

while you're building a tech center, then get the rail guns upgrade from the

tech center. You'll want to do something about that nuclear countdown, too, so

build an airfield and fill it with Orcas. {GDI's Nuclear Weapons} should be

added to your entries automatically at some point after the nuclear countdown

is announced.

The path to the upper-left corner of the screen is free from anti-aircraft guns

along the left side of the map, so move your Orcas all the way into the corner.

You'll see a Tiberium Spike above the blue Tiberium field - send an Engineer up

there using the Call For Transport option and take the spike, then send the

Orcas to the east along the top of the map. There's an anti-aircraft battery

directly to the west of the first Nod power plant - take out the central hub to

destroy the battery, then send the Orcas back into the upper-left corner of the

map. Return them to your base for repairs, then make another trip up and over

to destroy one of the power plants, which will reset the nuclear countdown and

accomplish the first bonus objective.

Once you've got eight or so mammoth tanks (which you should have no trouble

getting, though you should feel free to deploy a surveyor in the upper-left

and/or lower-right corners of the map to get more Tiberium if you'd like), move

to the openning south of Nod's base and level everything you see. Before you

head inside, move farther to the southeast until you get the {The Blunder that

Nearly Finished GDI} entry if you haven't already.

When you approach the southern entrance to the Nod base, you'll be warned that

it's heavily defended, but it's not really that bad when you've got the railgun

upgrade. Target the defensive clusters first, then simply crush everything you

see, including things marked as "civilian." Destroying the large cylindrical

structure above and slightly to the right of the entrance will give you the

{Nod's Nuclear Arsenal} entry.

The second bonus objective isn't hard to accomplish - just drive your group of

mammoths around the central part of the map and level everything you see, and

make sure the actual silo in the middle is your first stop. Once everything is

destroyed {Cairo Nuclear Launch Facility}, move to the upper-right corner of

the map and level the rest of the Nod structures there.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.19) Croatia | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"GDI has a forward operating base in Croatia, but it's been cut off from supply

lines and is under heavy attack by Nod forces. Their power is low, their

construction yard has been destroyed, and they don't have much in the way of

firepower. You need to take command of that base and hold out long enough for

us to send in a reinforcement convoy."


Intelligence Database



- Power Management

GDI News Wire

- Kane's Fascination with Eastern Europe


Primary Objectives


1) Secure this GDI base until reinforcements arrive.

"Alternate the available power amongst the base defenses to defend against Nod

assault waves."

2) Send aid to the reinforcement team ambushed in the city.

"Our fellow soldiers are pinned down by Nod forces garrisoned in the city

buildings. Flush them out and clear a path."

3) Escort the MCV safely back to the GDI base and deploy the Construction


"The MCV must be protected at all costs. We will lose our hold of this region

if it is destroyed."

4) Destroy the southwest Nod base.

"This base is the source of Nod recruits. Eliminating this base will cripple

Nod's ability to wage war with infantry."

5) Destroy the northeast Nod base.

"This base is the source of Nod war machines. Eliminating this base will

cripple Nod's ability to wage war with vehicles."

6) Destroy the southeast Nod base.

"This base is the source of Nod air power. Eliminating this base will cripple

Nod's ability to wage war with aircraft."


Bonus Objectives


1) All base defenses survive until the reinforcement team arrives.

"Do not allow any of the base defenses to be destroyed to ensure the security

of the reinforcement team upon their arrival."

2) Return the MCV to the GDI base unharmed.

"The sigh of an undamaged MCV rolling into the base will provide a strong

symbol of valor for the GDI forces and boost morale for our troops."




Immediately repair all of your base structures and defenses, then power up both

northern guardian cannons, both southern watchtowers, the southern guardian

cannon on the east side of your base, and the southern watchtower on the west

side of your base. {Power Management} Leave all four anti-aircraft batteries

powered down, and leave the northern defenses on the east and west sides of

your base powered down. Throughout the mission, make sure all of these

defenses stay repaired.

Move both of your predators to the eastern entrance of your base for additional

defense, then park the pitbull next to your north-eastern anti-aircraft battery

(since pitbulls can fire at air targets). Move your infantry to the western

entrance of your base. You'll want to put them in APCs as soon as possible.

(Note: There're three money crates in some trees south of your base. If you

move quickly, you can easily grab them with the pitbull without causing

yourself too many problems.)

Your weakest point as far as the first bonus objective goes is the western

entrance of your base. Fortunately, only infantry and some aircraft will

attack there during most of the mission, so as soon as you can build a few

APCs, load them with riflemen and missile squads, then have them guard the two


When the countdown finishes, you'll need to cross to the west side of the map

and retrieve your MCV. That side of the map is crawling with infantry, so the

best way to do it is with APCs full of riflemen. Of course, the infantry will

also garrison a few buildings, so you'll want some predators, too. Leave two

more two guard the northern entrance of your base just like the original two

should be doing by the eastern entrance, then send five or so of them west with

two clusters of five APCs.

Cross the north-western bridge with your APCs, then leave one group of them to

defend the gap between the two bridges. You're going to want to come back

over the same bridge later, and you'll need these APCs there to defend against

Nod counterattacks. Move the other group of APCs and the predators north, then

leave the APCs in the middle of the town just north-east of the Nod base, out

of range of their defenses. This group will pick off Nod counterattacks from

this side and hopefully prevent any troops from garrisoning any buildings.

Take the predators north towards your APC and make sure there aren't any Nod

units still prowling the streets. When you're ready, knock the garrisoned

troops out of the two buildings near the Nod defenses, then destroy the central

hub and the troops that came out of the buildings. Move the predators back

towards your APC groups, but make sure you don't displace them.

You'll now have control of the reinforcement group, including the MCV. If you

can manage to get it back to your base without getting it damaged, you'll

accomplish the second bonus objective. Assuming you've properly placed your

two APC groups, it shouldn't be hard to do. Simply move south towards the

bridges along the east edge of the town, and use the escort forces to deal with

any Nod units that might somehow get in your way. Cross the bridge with the

MCV when you reach it, then move into your base and deploy it {Kane's

Fascination with Eastern Europe}. Call all of your forces back to your side of

the river when you're done, and set your APCs up to defend the bridges.

Use your new construction yard to build some more power, then build your way

towards a tech center so you can get the rail guns upgrade. You'll note that

once you have a tech center, your power plants will be able to upgrade

themselves, so don't waste space on too many power plants. You'll also want an

airfield, and don't worry about mammoths - predators will work just fine for

this mission, especially since there's no way to get a mammoth to the

south-east Nod base.

When you've got a good cluster of rail gun predators, take them to the Nod base

north-east of you and crush it, then return to your base for repairs. The

south-west base will be slightly more tricky, since it's swarming with infantry

units, many of which probably garrisoned a few buildings while you were gone.

If you still have some good loaded APCs, take them down there with your

predators and crush everything, then repair them at your war factory.

The final assault on the south-east base is only tricky because you have to use

Call for Transport to get any decent ground forces up there. It's a good idea

to send an Orca down there to piss them off, 'cause they'll suicide a good

portion of their air group at your base (and your anti-aircraft guns and APCs

will shred them).

When you're ready to make an assault, wait until you have plenty of credits to

Call for Transport on a large group of predators and APCs, then drop them on

the open spot north of Nod's base. Make sure you protect the predators from

air assaults with the APCs, then move in and crush the Nod base with the



| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.20) Albania | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Recent sat-surveillance confirms a significant build-up of armored vehicles

and weapons at a large Nod logistics base in Albania. The sat images show row

upon row of Stealth, Scorpion, and Flame tanks waiting to be deployed in

defense of Kane's Temple Prime in Sarajevo. Your mission is about destroying

this arsenal before it is used against you in combat. You'll start with a

small force to clear the way, then we'll send you Firehawk attack jets to

finish the job."


Intelligence Database


GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems

- Rig Deployment into a forward Battle Base

- Firehawk Attack Jets


Primary Objectives


1) Clear Nod border defenses.

"Use a small tactical team to clear a path through the Nod perimeter and avoid

alerting Nod forces to our presence in the region."

2) Infiltrate Nod supply depot.

"Break through the supply depot checkpoint by accessing the service entrance

across the canyon bridge."

3) Eliminate Nod rocket bunkers.

"Clear the airspace by neutralizing the main Nod anti-aircraft battery so that

support can be airlifted into the region by GDI Ox transports."

4) Capture east ridge Reinforcement Bay.

"Establish a GDI staging area on the east ridge above the Nod supply depot.

Captured Nod supply bays will be used to deliver GDI reinforcements."

5) Destroy Nod supply depot.

"Destroy the main manufacturing facility and stock piles of Nod vehicles."


Bonus Objectives


1) Survive the Nod assault unharmed.

"Succeed with all initial strike team squad groups intact."

2) Capture airfield Reinforcement Bay.

"Secure the Reinforcement Bay to receive additional forces from GDI Command."

3) Capture motorpool Reinforcement Bay.

"Secure the Reinforcement Bay to receive additional forces from GDI Command."

4) Arm a Firehawk with a missile load out and destroy a Nod Venom.

"The Firehawk can be armed with a load out of missiles or bombs. The missile

load out allows the Firehawk to attack aircraft, while the bomb load out

allows it to attack ground vehicles and structures."




Send your four infantry squads to the upper-right corner, then move towards the

Nod outpost along the top of the screen. Don't bother with the lazer turrets,

since they can't really do much damage. Instead, take out the Nod infantry if

they get too close and concentrate on taking out the defensive hub. Destroy

the other buildings once the hub is destroyed, and you'll accomplish the first

objective. (If you manage to do it without completely losing a unit, you'll

also accomplish the first bonus objective, which will result in all four

infantry units gaining an experience level.)

Reinforcements will arrive {Rig Deployment into a forward Battle Base}. Send

the four Predators west and clear a path to the clearing under the bridge.

Deploy your Rig there and make sure your Predators are fully repaired, then

move them west and destroy the Nod base there. Retreat your Predators to the

Rig if they take too much damage, and make sure you grab all of the crates in

the Nod base before you move on.

You'll be given four engineers - order one to enter the hut below and to the

right of the bridge, and he'll repair it. Nod vehicles will immediately cross

it and attack you, so have your Predators positioned above your Rig to defend

it. When the vehicles stop attacking and your Predators are fully repaired,

send them over the bridge and take out the defensive hub there, then send your

Rig over the bridge and deploy it in the small clearing just above it. Load

your three APCs with both missile squads and a group of riflemen, then send

them and the Pitbulls over the bridge, too. Leave all of your other infantry,

including the engineers, on the south side of the bridge for safe-keeping.

Park two of your Predators above and to the right of your rig and park two of

your APCs above and to the left of it. Stick a Pitbull between the Predators

and the APCs to detect stealth units, then group your other two Predators, your

third APC (preferably one of the ones with a missile squad in it), and your

other Pitbull into a group. This will be your primary combat group for a

while. It's small and vulnerable, but you can retreat it (or parts of it) to

your Rig for repairs when necessary.

Start your assault on the three reinforcement bays by moving your assault

group north-east along the ridge (getting too close to the central Nod compound

can have unfortunate results, what with the Obelisks and so forth). Make sure

you lead with the Predators, since they can take the most punishment without

being destroyed. Take out all of the Nod stockpiles along the way, but make

sure you focus your attention on manned vehicles and other units. If anything

in your assault group gets too damaged, retreat to your Rig for repairs.

If you're lucky, one or more of your assault group's vehicles will reach the

maximum veterancy level, which makes them much more powerful (and makes them

automatically repair). If you're really struggling with this mission and

you're getting frustrated, just sit back in the comfort of your Rig's repair

zone and let all of your units reach maximum veterancy.

Anyway, your first target should be the reinforcement bay on the south-east

ridge (the main objective one, not the other two). Wipe out the defenses and

the units in front of it, then take out the buildings. Send your assault group

back to the entrance of the ridge to defend (or back to the Rig if you need

repairs), then grab your other rocket squad APC from near your Rig and send it

south over the bridge. Dump the missile squad out of it and replace it with an

engineer, then carefully drive it all the way to the reinforcement bay you just

attacked. Dump the engineer out and use him to capture the bay.

You'll get two airfields loaded with Firehawks {Firehawk Attack Jets} and a

Mammoth for your trouble. Use one of your groups of Firehawks (armed with

missiles) to pick off a Nod chopper to accomplish another secret objective.

Arm both groups with bombs, then use them to pulverize the Nod forces around

the reinforcement bay north of your assault group (which you should've added

the Mammoth tank to). When most of the Nod stuff's been destroyed, move your

assault group in to hold it, then send your empty APC back down to the south

side of the bridge to pick up another engineer. Safely send the APC back to

your assault group and use the engineer to capture the reinforcement bay.

You'll get some more Predators and another Rig for your efforts. Deploy the

rig here and let your forces get repaired, then use your Firehawks to destroy

the Nod forces around the last reinforcement bay in the north-west. Once it's

fairly clear, send your assault group over there and hold the area, then use

your empty APC to send your last engineer to the bay and capture it. You'll

get another Pitbull and two Predators for your trouble.

Use your Firehawks to demolish the main Nod defenses on the central base, then

move your entire attack force in to crush everything. Destroy the stockpiles

outside the base as well as the production buildings in the base, and the

mission will be complete.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.21) Sarajevo | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Kane is making his last stand at Temple Prime in Sarajevo. Your mission is to

take out his defending forces, destroy the surrounding compound, and disable

the ion disruption towers protecting the temple complex from energy weapons.

Knocking out the disruption towers will open up options for GDI Central

Command now that the Ion Cannons are nearly back online. However, be aware

that Kane and his Science Ministers have been working on a Liquid Tiberium

device of considerable destructive power within Temple Prime. It is

imperative that you do not use the Ion Cannon on Temple Prime yourself without

authorization. An Ion Cannon strike could detonate the Liquid Tiberium in the

Temple and set off a chain reaction in the large Tiberium fields found

throughout this Yellow Zone - the resulting blast would be massively

destructive and may kill millions. This is a decision that will have to be

made at the highest levels of the GDI command structure."


Intelligence Database



- Nod Ion Cannon Disruption Tech

- Nod Avatar Walker

GDI Archives

- Life in a Yellow Zone

- Health Effects of Tiberium Contamination


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy Ion Disruption Field Generator 1.

"This generator supplies energy to the forcefield protecting Temple Prime.

Destroy it to weakn the forcefield and allow Ion Cannon strikes."

2) Destroy Ion Disruption Field Generator 2.

"This generator supplies energy to the forcefield protecting Temple Prime.

Destroy it to weakn the forcefield and allow Ion Cannon strikes."

3) Destroy Ion Disruption Field Generator 3.

"This generator supplies energy to the forcefield protecting Temple Prime.

Destroy it to weakn the forcefield and allow Ion Cannon strikes."

4) Build an Ion Cannon control center.

"The Ion Cannon control center is used to relay surface strike coordinates to

the Ion Cannon that's orbiting the planet in space."

5) Destroy Temple Prime with the Ion Cannon.

"Now that the forcefield has been neutralized, GDI Command has ordered that

Temple Prime be destroyed by the Ion Cannon."


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture Nod's science ministry building.

"Capturing this building will provide important intel on Nod Tiberium research

and further insight into Kane's mysterious plans."

2) Capture the Mutant Hovel.

"Capture the Mutant Hovel with an Engineer. This will allow the recruitment of

Mutants to fight for our cause."

3) Capture Liquid Tiberium Factory.

"Capturing this facility will provide important intel on Nod's Tiberium

liquification process and restrict their ability to use this technology

against us."

4) Destroy an Avatar with the Commando.

"Use the Commando to attack the Nod Avatar. The Commando is an expert at

taking down large walkers by planting an explosive pack on their hull."




Use your infantry to clear out the Nod troops in the areas north and north-east

of your starting position {Nod Ion Cannon Disruption Tech}, then park your Rig

north of the buildings and trees. Guard it with your vehicles, then deploy

your construction yard and start building your base. Get a second harvester as

soon as you can, and line the northern edge of your base (including north of

your Rig) with watchtowers. Infantry will attack all over this line, and

you'll want to be able to stop them before they reach your base. Train a

commando as soon as possible and use him to slaughter the infantry - having him

leveled up will come in handy later.

Once you have your war factory going, start building Mammoths (and make sure

you get the rail gun upgrade). Two airfields loaded with Firehawks will come

in handy for toasting Obelisks, so get them ready before you start moving your

tanks towards the Nod base.

In the north-west corner of the map, you'll find an abandoned building called

a mutant hovel. Fly your Firehawks up there to reveal it, then transport an

engineer up there to capture it for one of your secret objectives {Life in a

Yellow Zone}.

When you're ready to make an assault on the Nod base, use your Firehawks to

scout the south-west corner. You'll find two obelisks guarding a hill there,

so destroy them both (you'll need five Firehawks all at once). Get another

Rig ready, then send it over there with a cluster of Mammoths (six or seven

should be plenty - if you have leveled ones already, send them). Deploy the

Rig at the top of that hill you just freed, then line the top of the Rig with

three or four of the Mammoths.

Nod crap should start flooding towards you, but if it doesn't, move one of your

tanks down there to taunt them. With how much crap Nod's going to be sending

at you, you shouldn't have any problems getting all of your Mammoths completely

leveled fairly quickly. Once you have them, send your Commando over there.

One of the secret objectives requires you to destroy a Nod walker with the

Commando, and the easiest way to do it is to lure one past your Rig by

retreating your Mammoths as the walker approaches. Have the commando waiting

behind it, then jump out and detonate it when it gets close {Nod Avatar


With your cluster of leveled Mammoths, the Nod base will be pretty much no

match, but you'll have to move slowly. Make sure you have a group of engineers

ready in your base - you'll need to fly them into the Nod base later. Anyway,

move through the base and destroy everything but the Nod Science Ministry and

the Tiberium Chemical Plant. There're quite a few Obelisks around the Temple,

and they'll be able to tag your Mammoths while they're still on the southern

side of the walls. Keep moving when you approach the second red line, and head

to the right to attack the Temple area from near the second disruption field

generator. Keep moving, and you should be able to destroy the two eastern

Obelisks before they destroy any of your tanks.

Destroy the second disruption field generator, then move past the temple, take

out the other Obelisks, and destroy the third disruption field generator. Fly

in your engineers now and capture the Science Ministry and the Tiberium

Chemical Plant {Health Effects of Tiberium Contamination} to accomplish the

last two bonus objectives.

If you haven't already, build an Ion Cannon Control Center from your support

structure tab. To finish the mission, simply use the Ion Cannon on the temple.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.22) Munich | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"The savage, unexpected attack on Munich by the invaders has taken the city's

garrisoned GDI forces completely by surprise. The battle was over before it

began. As the invaders ruthlessly wipe Munich from the face of the Earth, you

must marshal the surviving GDI forces and fight a desperate rearguard action,

holding off the enemy just long enough to allow the GDI F-T Lab engineers to

escape in armored transports. These engineers have key information about our

new enemy, and must reach safety."


Intelligence Database



- Sonic Weapons and the Invaders

GDI News Wire

- GDI Storm Shelters


Primary Objectives


1) Protect the Civilian Transports.

"These Civilian Transports contain what is left of the GDI F-T Lab engineers.

Protect them at all costs - at least one must survive."


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture the GDI Lab.

"This GDI Lab contains vital research. Send in an Engineer, capture it and

obtain the information, or GDI F-T research may be set back five years or


2) Capture the Power Plant.

"This abandoned Power Plant is hooked into a dormant Sonic Emitter array. Get

these Engineers in there and get the thing working... we need all the help

we can get."




This mission is chaotic, but fairly simple. Collect all of the units near

your starting position and make them into a group, then follow the three trucks

as they move along the road. They'll head south-west for a while, then they'll

turn east and head for the Rig when they reach the bridge. Stay right on top

of them to defend against aircraft, then defend the Rig until the trucks start

to head south towards the second bridge.

You'll get a group of reinforcements, including some engineers, once the trucks

start moving (they'll be south-east of the Rig). Your two bonus objectives

will require you to use these engineers to capture the GDI Lab to the north and

the power plant south of the bridge. Leave one engineer with your main force,

then send everything else north to the GDI Lab. Capture it with an engineer

{GDI Storm Shelters}, then send any survivors south over the bridge.

Keep your main force with the trucks as they move over the bridge, and capture

the power plant with one of your engineers {Sonic Weapons and the Invaders}.

The sonic emitters will thoroughly trash the Scrin units in the area, but keep

your forces near the trucks as they make their way to the edge of the map.

As long as one truck makes it, the mission will be complete.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.23) Stuttgart | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"While Stuttgart is ostensibly under complete alien control, GDI has received

several distorted transmissions from within the city indicating there are

survivors either in hiding or pinned down by alien forces. One of these

surviving units - an elite Commando - has managed to evade his attackers. You

will work with this Commando to round up as many other surviving units as

possible, then use the resulting force to take out the alien base dominating

the city. Keep an eye out for a GDI combat engineering team - they are

capable of reactivating both GDI's Stuttgart base and the city's defensive

grid, which would make the mission far easier."


Intelligence Database



- Alien Origins, Connections to the Tacitus

- Alien Tripod Captured

[NOTE: There's a glitch in the game that's not allowing the Alien Tripod

Captured entry to be made in your intel database. Hopefully this will

be fixed in a patch at some point, but for now, you'll have to edit

this manually if you want to complete your database.


Primary Objectives


1) Capture or Destroy Alien Structure.

"This structure appears to be the focus of Alien efforts in the area. Marshal

your forces and capture or destroy it."

2) Rescue Engineers.

"This is the only available engineering detail south of Danzig. Keep it alive

at all costs."

3) Capture the eastern Power Plant, activating the GDI Base.

"This GDI base was damaged during the attack, but appears to be

semi-functional. Get the Power Plants back online and you'll be able to build

new combat units and Engineers. Lose all your Engineers before capturing the

base and you will fail - it is essential to our success."


Bonus Objectives


1) Rescue Zone Troopers.

"Alien air units have trapped this Zone Trooper squadron in the Stuttgart

rubble. Destroy the aircraft and the Troopers are yours to command."

2) Rescue Snipers.

"Dispatched to scout the area, these Snipers are now pinned down by Alien

infantry. Kill the infantry and rescue them."

3) Rescue Infantry Squad.

"An infantry platoon took shelter in these structures during the attack, but

found themselves surrounded by alien Disintegrators. If the platoon moves,

the drones will notice them, enter the building and kill them all. Eliminate

the Disintegrators in order to free the platoon."

4) Destroy a Tripod with the Commando.

"Use the Commando to attack the Alien Annihilator Tripod. The Commando is an

expert at taking out large walkers such as the Tripod."

5) Capture the northern and western Power Plants to activate the Sonic

Emitter arrays.

"As out experience in Munich showed, Aliens are weak against Sonic Emitters.

Capture both Power Plants and get the arrays back online."

6) Capture the southern Power Plant to activate the Command Post.

"Stuttgart's Command Post appears to be mostly intact. Get its Power Plant

functional to regain radar information."

7) Capture the southwest Power Plant, activating the Armory.

"Given the weakened state of our forces, this Armory should prove invaluable.

Use your Engineers to capture the Power Plant and get it back online."




Send the commando south-west towards the pinned engineers first. Eliminate the

Scrin units nearby, and the engineers will be under your control. Head west

with the commando until you find a missile squad, then send the missile squad

slightly east so the commando is between it and the hoard of Scrin units that

are about to approach from the west. Detonate the tripod with the commando,

then let the other vehicles fire at your commando while the missile squad

destroys them.

Next, send your engineers to the power plant to the west and capture it, then

move north-east and capture the second power plant there. This will complete

bonus objective 5, and the sonic emitters will really make your life easier.

Grab the missile squad in the crater east of that power plant, then send all of

your forces south towards the markers for bonus objectives 1 and 7. Use your

missile squads to destroy the aircraft in the area, and the Zone Troopers will

join your command. Capture the power plant near the armory with an engineer,

and you'll be able to heal your infantry units there if necessary.

Take your entire force east along the lower part of the map now and capture the

power plant next to the command post. Leave everything but your commando here,

then send the commando to rescue the trapped soldiers in the houses just north

of the command post. Send the soldiers down to the command post, then continue

moving east with the commando towards the GDI base. Eliminate the tripod and

the other Scrin units along the way, then send an engineer over to the power

plant when you're sure the city is clear. Use your extra engineers to capture

the abandoned silos or the Tiberium Spikes in the south-east corner.

With the GDI base operational, crank out eight or so APCs and fill them with

missile squads (put your commando in one of them), and make sure you have one

APC with an engineer in it. Send this force to the last bonus objective marker

and free the trapped snipers, then continue moving west towards the Scrin base.

Use your missile APCs and the commando APC to slaughter the Scrin forces and

base defenses, then run your engineer APC in while they're distracted. Park it

north of the main structure and dump the engineer, then capture the structure

to end the mission {Alien Origins, Connections to the Tacitus}.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.24) Cologne | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Cologne is under attack by the invaders and the city is in its last throes.

However, initial recon has revealed that the GDI base in Cologne was left

relatively intact by the enemy after it was abandoned by the garrison force

when the alien attack started. An advance team is being dispatched to

determine the size and scope of the alien presence in the city and you'll be

in command. Once you determine what you're up against, we'll send you an

engineering team to get the GDI base up and running again. Protect the

engineers until they can reach the base, then build up a strike force and

drive the aliens from Cologne altogether. It's not too late to save the



Intelligence Database


GDI Eyewitness Accounts

- GDI Field Recon - the Fall of Cologne


Primary Objectives


1) Scout Alien Structure.

"GDI Intelligence has located an unknown Alien Structure to the north of the

city. Investigate and confirm."

2) Protect the Engineers.

"This is the only available engineering detail south of Danzig. Keep it alive

at all costs."

3) Capture the northeastern Power Plant.

"This Power Plant is the center of the GDI power grid. Capture it and restore

power to the base."

4) Destroy Alien Command Center.

"We cannot establish a forward base until we have eliminated the Alien Command

Center. Without direction, the Alien threat is significantly reduced."


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture the Reinforcement Bay.

"Capture this Reinforcement Bay in order to gain access to Juggernaut


2) Capture the northwestern Power Plant.

"This Power Plant runs the Sonic Emitter array on the west side of the city.

Capture it and the array will come back online."




Take your entire group north-west along the bottom side of the river. Lead

with the commando, and he'll slaughter pretty much everything (just make sure

you're ready to detonate a few tripods). When you reach the target building in

the north-west, immediately turn east and cross the bridge once you've been

notified that the first objective is complete.

Quickly move over to the reinforcements you just received and make sure they

don't get killed by any Scrin units in the area, then send everything to the

power plant marked with the yellow 3. Capture it {GDI Field Recon - the Fall

of Cologne}, then repair your base. Build a war factory and a few more

harvesters, then start cranking out APCs and missile squads while you build a

tech center. Get the rail gun upgrade, then load your APCs with the missile

squads as you build a half dozen or so Mammoths. Capture the reinforcement bay

with an engineer if you haven't already.

Insane quanitities of Scrin aircraft will start hammering your base, which is

the main reason you're going to want those APCs full of missile squads. Some

of the Scrin aircraft can hit you from outside of your own range, so make sure

you stay alert and move in closer if they're attacking you from far away. When

your Mammoth cluster is ready, move it over the bridge with the APCs right

behind them. When they're safely over the bridge, quickly send an engineer

over there and capture the power plant to complete the second bonus objective.

All you need to do to finish the mission is destroy the command center, which

is near the top of the Scrin base. Rush at it with all of your mammoths and

APCs, and you should be able to destroy it well before they manage to destroy

all of your units.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.25) Berne | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"After launching a costly but successful counterattack against the Alien

invaders, the rewly-reconstituted GDI is finally in a position to push the

Aliens out of Europe once and for all. The key is the invader's central base

in Berne, Switzerland. The invaders have turned Berne into a brutal urban

wasteland, a vast staging area for the invasion of Northern Europe. The alien

encampment is spread across the ruined city and split into three sections: a

heavily-defended central base to the northeast of the city and two adjacent

support bases, one armor and one air, all ringed with what seems to be

newly-seeded Tiberium fields. This is going to be a tough one. Destroy the

main base. No survivors. This is personal."


Intelligence Database


GDI Eyewitness Accounts

- GDI Field Recon - the Fall of Berne

GDI Archives

- What is it like in a Red Zone?


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy the primary base Drone Platform.

"This appears to be the central coordinating base for all Alien operations in

Europe. Destroy it and we'll turn the tide."


Bonus Objectives


1) Destroy the armor base Drone Platform.

"The Aliens have constructed an additional outlying base focused on armored

units. Destroy it and their forces will be significantly weakened."

2) Destroy the Alien Signal Transmitter.

"The Aliens appear to be using this structure to summon something large and,

presumably, dangerous. Destroy the Signal Transmitter before this happens."

3) Destroy the Alien Mothership.

"The Aliens have summoned what appears to be some kind of Mothership, and it's

heading right for our base. It must be stopped!"

[Note: This bonus objective is only available if you failed to accomplish the

second bonus objective in time.]

4) Destroy the air base Drone Platform.

"The Aliens have constructed an additional outlying base focused on aerial

units. Knock it out and you'll have a much easier fight on your hands."




Leave your six Predators on the north-east part of your base, then send

everything else to the north-western edge of your base. Drop a war factory

right there, then drop some power plants near your existing ones. Get a tech

center as fast as possible, then get the rail guns upgrade and upgrade your

power plants. The Scrin will be hitting you with aircraft and ground units by

now, so use your two groups of units to deal with them. Repair your damaged

units at the war factory if necessary.

Once you can build Mammoths, build a few and send them to the small clearing

north of your base. Build and deploy three rigs in a triangle in this area,

and your Mammoth tanks will be pretty much unstoppable. You'll need to keep

your eyes open for Tripods and aircraft, though, since they can hit you from

outside of your range. Once you have the defensive triangle up and running,

it's a good idea to build a few more harvesters, just to speed things up.

You should have tons of money thanks to the large Tiberium field surrounding

your base, so build two airfields and load them with Firehawks. Make them into

a group, then send your Mammoth pile north towards the north-west corner of the

map (leave four or so of them behind to defend the triangle). There's a Scrin

base in this corner, but it's no match for a group of Mammoth tanks. Target

the defensive towers first, then pulverize the Drone Platform and everything

else in the area.

You'll be warned about some sort of signal transmitter in the rear of the Scrin

base. If you want to accomplish the bonus objective related to it, you'll need

to immediately send your eight Firehawks north-east towards the back of the

Scrin base, then bomb the transmitter the instant your Firehawks can see it.

Failure to destroy the transmitter within about half a minute of it being

announced will result in you failing the second bonus objective, and the third

bonus objective will be announced. The Mothership is nothing to worry about,

though. Just retreat your entire Mammoth collection to your Rig triangle and

wait for the Mothership to fly right over top of you. The Mammoths will shred

it instantly. Note, however, that if you want a "perfect" mission, you need to

destroy the transmitter before the Mothership can be summoned (which results in

the Mothership bonus objective never becoming available).

Anyway, repair your Mammoth cluster if necessary, then make an assault on the

Scrin base in the south-east corner of the map. It's pretty much the same as

the other one was, so just move in, target the defenses, then destroy the Drone

Platform {GDI Field Recon - the Fall of Berne} followed by everything else.

Move directly north along the eastern edge of the map after that and make your

final assault on the main Scrin base. Things can get pretty ugly near the

Drone Platform, though, so you'll want to make sure your Mammoths are in good

shape before you attack. Sometimes the computer leaves a huge pile of aircraft

right above the thing, and they'll fry the crap out of you in no time along

with the base defenses and Tripods in the area. Focus on destroying the Drone

Platform {What is it like in a Red Zone?}, since that's all you need to do to

finish the mission.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.26) Rome | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"It's time to take the fight into the Red Zones and destroy the giant towers

under construction by the invaders. Central Command isn't keen on waiting

around to find out what those things are actually going to be used for... the

answer is sure to be one that we won't like. You're the test case; you're

going to take down the tower near Rome. You will deploy into the Italian Red

Zone and set up shop behind a large Tiberium chasm that is not connected to

the main landmass. While this provides a natural defense, you'll have to

utilize jump jets, call-for-transport, and aerial units to move across the

chasm and create expansion bases. Scanners indicate several spatial anomalies

in the area and Alien entities are flooding into the region at an alarming

rate. To make things worse, Nod has set up camp in the northwest. Given

Nod's erratic behavior since the arrival of the invaders, you should be

prepared for anything. The situation is crazy and getting more so by the



Intelligence Database



- Alien Mastermind

- Alien Rift Generator

GDI Archives

- Red Zone Terrain: Tiberium Chasms


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy Three Alien Phase Generators.

"Three Alien Phase Generators are protecting the Alien Tower. Destroy them to

make the tower vulnerable."

2) Destroy the Alien Tower.

"The Alien tower is surrounded by Storm Columns which will complicate a direct

assault. Once the Phase Generators are down, utilizing the Ion Cannon may be

your best bet to destroy it."


Bonus Objectives


1) Destroy the Alien Masterminds teleporting the forces.

"The Alien Mastermind appears to be teleporting attack forces across the

Tiberium Chasm. Locate and eliminate the Mastermind to stop the attacks."

2) Prevent Aliens From Using Rift Generator.

"The Aliens are preparing to use their super weapon. Destroy the weapon before

they are able to use it on your base."




Build a refinery as soon as you can, and send your Zone Troopers to the right

side of your base to fend off Scrin attacks. {Red Zone Terrain: Tiberium

Chasms} Place the refinery between the two Tiberium fields on the left side of

your base, then build a power plant and a war factory while you're building a

surveyor. Get a second power plant and a command center (and another

harvester), then build a tech center (and upgrade your power plants as soon as

the tech center's done). Finally, build an airfield, place it, and start

building a second war factory (and the rail guns upgrade if you have the


Jump jet your Zone Troopers over the cliff east of your base. You'll land in

the middle of some Scrin forces, so target the vehicles and then the nearby

structures. Your immediate concern is the small Scrin commando unit called the

Mastermind (it should be marked with a green bonus objective box, but it might

not be if you've been working really fast). The Mastermind has a few

interesting tricks that'll make it a little difficult to kill, so shred some of

the other nearby buildings with your Zone Troopers while you're waiting for a

chance to finish the Mastermind {Alien Mastermind}.

Meanwhile, airlift your surveyor over the cliff and deploy it near the blue

Tiberium field, then drop the second war factory nearby as soon as you can.

Start cranking out Mammoths and a few APCs, and deploy a Rig nearby if you'd

like. You'll want some anti-aircraft defenses on the northern part of your

initial base, too - I suggest a Rig surrounded by some APCs with missile squads

in them.

You'll be given a second bonus objective related to a nearby Rift Generator.

Move some Mammoths to the east of your secondary base and crush the Generator

{Alien Rift Generator} along with everything else in the area, but be prepared

to deal with some Scrin units as well as some Nod forces in the process.

Retreat for repairs if necessary, then gather your forces together again and

head east.

Since there's plenty of Tiberium on this map for you to collect, cranking out a

ridiculous Mammoth/APC pile shouldn't be hard at all. The Scrin will start

hitting you with aircraft eventually, but they won't really be able to send

enough to do much damage. Move your group through the map and crush everything

you see, including the three phase generators. Worm holes will form in front

of some of the generators, so be prepared to slaughter whatever comes out of

them. If you haven't build an ion cannon yet, make sure you do.

When you've cleared the map, use the ion cannon on the tower in the far

north-eastern part of the map, and the mission will be complete.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.27) Ground Zero | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Right at the heart of Ground Zero is a unique alien structure that GDI

scientists are calling the Control Node. It appears to be channeling Tiberium

radiation to the alien forces all over the planet. If you can destroy the

Control Node, there is a good chance that all of the alien units will cease

functioning and the invasion may be stopped dead in its tracks. Yet again,

Nod forces have arrived ahead of us and they appear to have engaged the

aliens. The two sides are currently fighting over a central hill near Ground

Zero and will likely use this location to stage attacks or construct super

weapons. You'll have to improvise. Try capturing enemy structures for your

own use. Wipe out the Nod and alien forces that get in your way. Also, be

advised that we have intel on an unidentified alien entity en route towards

the Control Node."


Intelligence Database



- Alien Control Node

GDI News Wire

- Alien Tower Destroyed!


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy the Alien Control Node.

"General Granger believes the alien Control Node is channeling Tiberium

radiation to the entire alien force. Destroy it and the aliens will be

defeated once and for all. Expect heavy resistance."

2) Defeat the Nod Forces.

"Nod is in the area and poses a threat to our operations against the alien

Control Node. Eliminate their base to the north."


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture an Enemy Superweapon.

"The aliens and Nod are vying for a position along the chasm. They will likely

use this strategic location to construct superweapons. Capture an enemy Rift

Generator or Temple of Nod."

2) Divert the Alien Mothership to the Nod base.

"An Alien Mothership has been summoned to the battle and is headed towards our

base. You may temporarily divert the Mothership to Nod's base by taking out

the disruption towers in front of their base. Whether or not you divert the

mothership, eventually you will need to destroy it."




Build two power plants as you're building a refinery, then build a war factory,

two more harvesters, a command center, a tech center, and a barracks. Your

first priority will be capturing the Rift Generator west of your base. With

all the Tiberium around your starting position, you should have no trouble at

all getting enough funds to produce a huge Mammoth army, so once you have five

of them and an engineer, make an assault on the Scrin position and capture the

Rift Generator. Deploy a Rig in the gap between your base and the Generator,

then park your Mammoths there to defend against possible assaults.

Meanwhile, you'll be told about a Mothership that needs to be diverted. You've

probably already got several more Mammoths built in your base (especially if

you built a second war factory), so go ahead and send some of them up the

eastern side of the map and destroy the two Nod towers marked in green to

accomplish the second bonus objective. The Mothership will probably be

destroyed by Nod when it gets diverted, but if not, don't worry - it won't be

much of a match for your Mammoths.

Your next immediate priority is the Temple of Nod in the central part of the

map. Move your entire Mammoth column up there (except for the few defending

the gap west of your base) and crush the Temple, then immediately move up to

the Nod base and wipe it off the map, regardless of how many losses you take.

The Scrin will build a new Rift Generator eventually, and you'll want to have

plenty of time to send your surviving Mammoths back to your base for repairs

before you make the final assault on the Generator and the Control Node.

There's not much left on the map that can really pose a threat to a huge group

of Mammoths, so just force your way through the tiny paths and crush everything

in your way. Destroy the second Rift Generator if necessary, then approach the

Control Node {Alien Control Node} from the path to the south of it. This is a

horrible place to have to attack from, but as long as you keep your Mammoths in

a tight line, you'll be able to force your way to the Control Node fairly

easily. Destroy it (either with your tanks or with the liquid Tiberium bomb,

whichever you'd prefer) to end the mission.


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | 1.40) Nod Missions | |

| ----------------------------------------- |


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.41) Goddard Space Center | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"You will be taking an elite team of Nod's best soldiers into Goddard Space

Center to stage a lightning strike on the ground control systems for GDI's

anti-missile defense systems. With the A-SAT systems offline, GDI assets in

Earth orbit will be vulnerable to a missile attack. Your raid will start with

the base Command Post: Capture it to disable their communications. That will

give you a 20 minute window to destroy the A-SAT control systems."


Intelligence Database


Kane's Arsenal

- Fanatics

- Saboteur

- Militants and Rocket Troopers

Nod Archives

- The Brotherhood of Nod

- Nod's place in the world

- Ground Control for GDI's A-SAT Systems


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy the wall.

"Use the Fanatics' attack to destroy the wall and allow passage for the


2) Capture the GDI Command Post. Do Not Destroy It!

"The GDI Command Post must be captured to prevent a GDI distress call. Capture

it with the Saboteur."

3) Destroy the secondary Power Plants.

"These structures provide power for the GDI Watchtowers. Destroy them to

power-down the Watchtowers."

4) Destroy the primary Power Plants.

"These structures provide power for the GDI Watchtowers. Destroy them to

power-down the Watchtowers."

5) Destroy the Ground Control for GDI's A-SAT System.

"GDI's A-SAT defenses are controlled by this building. It must be destroyed to

begin the Third Tiberium War."


Bonus Objectives


1) Use these Shadows to destroy the final Power Plant.

"Nod Shadow Teams are excellent at infiltration, using their hang glider

ability to get past obstacles and their Plant Explosives ability to destroy


2) Capture the Reinforcement Bay.

"Capturing the Reinforcement Bay will give you access to additional





Use your fanatics to destroy the section of wall that's marked in yellow {The

Brotherhood of Nod} {Fanatics}, then send your Saboteur through the gap in the

wall {Saboteur} and capture the command post. Reinforcements will be dropped

in {Militants and Rocket Troopers}, so gather them into a group and move

through the compound to the two power plants (destroy the barracks on the way).

Grab the veterancy crate near the power plants, then destroy them {Nod's place

in the world}. Move north towards the second group of power plants. There're

a few Pitbulls in the area, so destroy them (and the war factory), then destroy

the power plants. The final objective will be given {Ground Control for GDI's

A-SAT Systems}, and you'll receive another Saboteur and a Shadow Team by the

command post.

Move your group over to the reinforcement bay on the right side of the map and

destroy the barracks there, then use your new Saboteur to capture the

reinforcement bay. Add the new reinforcements to your group, then move your

men into the area around the A-SAT control center. Destroy the Pitbulls in the

area, then use your Shadow Team's glider ability to glide and land above the

power plant near the control center. Use the Shadow Team's detonation ability

to destroy the final power plant, then destroy the A-SAT control center with

your forces (the Shadow Team can speed this process up if you use the

detonation ability again when it's recharged).


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.42) The White House | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"An attack on the White House will simultaneously deal a terrible blow to GDI

morale and serve as a distraction from more important targets. We've

infiltrated a strike team into downtown DC and they are standing by for your

orders. Take command of your force and proceed with your mission."


Intelligence Database


Nod Field Intelligence

- Tiberium Spikes

Kane's Arsenal

- Hand of Nod

- Nod War Factory


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy the GDI Logistics Center.

"Assemble a force and destroy the GDI Logistics Center just north of your

position. This should cause GDI to respond with forces that are currently

guarding the Pentagon, leaving it open for attack."

2) Destroy the remaining GDI forces guarding the White House.

"GDI has setup a small base in front of the White House. Destroy their

production structures and Command Post and take the White House for the

Brotherhood of Nod!"


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture two Tiberium Silos to fund this mission.

"The Tiberium Silos in the area should fund our fight here. Capture them with

your Saboteurs."

2) Capture two Tiberium Spikes to fund this mission.

"Supplies are limited for this mission. Capture two Tiberium Spikes to bolster

your funds."

3) Destroy 5 Ox Transports.

"Make sure those Ox transports don't reach their landing zone destinations.

Use your Attack Bikes and Militant Rocket Squads to bring them crashing to the





Start cranking out bikes and buggies {Hand of Nod} {War Factory}, and also get

some more Saboteurs so you can capture the two Tiberium Spikes {Tiberium

Spikes} and the two silos. The GDI force in the area is very weak for the

first part of the mission, so just take your buggies and bikes north and

destroy the barracks near the GDI Logistics Center once you've captured the

spikes and silos.

The map will enlargen once you destroy the Logistics Center, and you'll be

warned about GDI transports that'll be coming in soon. Continue adding bikes

and buggies to your pile, and quickly move your group to intercept each cluster

of GDI reinforcements before they can land. Once you've destroyed five to

complete the bonus objective, make an assault on the GDI base in front of the

White House.

Your first target should be any Pitbulls or missile squads in the area, then

take out the watchtowers and any other threats. Destroy the war factory, then

both barracks, then finish off the rest of the base to end the mission.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.43) Andrews Air Force Base | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Our Theatre Command Cell has ordered a coordinated attack on all GDI air bases

in this region to take out GDI's air support. Your target is Andrews Air

Force Base in Washington DC. You'll take command of a strike force near the

base entrance. Start by clearing any GDI troops in the surrounding area,

establish an outpost, and then infiltrate the base itself. Once you're inside

the base, job one is to destroy the airfields used by Orca ground attack

aircraft. Your very presence inside the base will also shut down GDI's use of

military airlift capability."


Intelligence Database


Nod Field Intelligence

- Nod Tactical Doctrine

Kane's Arsenal

- Shadow Team


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy the two Airfields at the rear of the Air base.

"GDI is providing air support to the rest of the Eastern Seaboard from this air

base. Eliminate these two Airfields to cripple their ability to respond to

our attacks."

2) Eliminate the GDI Patrols and destroy the GDI Outpost.

"In order to build a base at this location, you must clear out all GDI patrols

and buildings. There is a Fuel Depot in the outpost, if you blow it up the

entire outpost will go up in flames."

3) Disable the GDI defenses.

"There is a Power Plant situated on top of the cliff powering those defensive

turrets. Your Shadows can use their hang gliders to reach it. Destroy the

Power Plant."

4) Destroy the Control Tower.

"In addition to hampering GDI's ability to coordinate air attacks, eliminating

the Control Tower will also clear the way for Attack Bike reinforcements."


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture two Tiberium Spikes to fund this mission.

"Supplies are limited for this mission. Capture two Tiberium Spikes to bolster

your funds."




Gather your troops together and move west towards the GDI outpost {Nod Tactical

Doctrine}. Take care of the units in the area, then attack the spherical fuel

storage unit to destroy the entire base instantly. Reinforcements will arrive,

and they'll automatically deploy into a base for you. Build ten or so buggies

from the war factory, then send one of them north with the Saboteur and capture

the Tiberium Spike. Approach the ridge with the buggy until one of the GDI

base defenses fires at you, and you'll be given a new objective.

Two Shadow Teams will drop in your base {Shadow Team}. Move them to the west

side of the ridge where the power plant is and send them up to it with their

glider ability. Destroy the power plant, then quickly move them through the

base to the large control tower in the middle. Destroy it, then retreat if you

can. Some bikes will be dropped where the tower used to be - immediately

retreat them to your base for repairs, and build another ten or so of them

from your war factory (they'll be available for production now even though they

weren't earlier).

All that's left to do is destroy the two airfields and capture the second

Tiberium Spike. Move your buggies and bikes into the base and crush everything

you see, especially the war factory near the top and the barracks structures.

When the route is clear, send another Saboteur to the second Tiberium Spike to

complete the bonus objective, then use your forces to destroy the two airfields

(capturing them won't end the mission, you actually have to destroy them).


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | | |

| | 1.44) Hampton Roads | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"You're going to seize the largest naval base in North America and destroy one

of GDI's Aircraft Carriers in the process. With the Brotherhood in control of

Hampton Roads, we can start bringing in supplies and reinforcements in bulk to

feed our growing offensive in this Blue Zone. The plan for this operation is

a masterstroke. A Commando has been smuggled into the port via cargo

container. Use this elite troop to take out a GDI Aircraft Carrier at its

dock. Once the carrier is out of the equation, we'll send in some forces to

help you take the rest of the port. One final note: we also smuggled in a

Saboteur but lost contact with him a few hours ago. If you can find him, put

his talents to use."


Intelligence Database


Kane's Arsenal

- Venom Patrol Craft


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy the GDI Aircraft Carrier.

"With Langley under attack, the GDS Pathe is the sole provider of air defense

for GDI on the eastern seaboard. Destroying it will ensure Nod air

superiority and enable The Brotherhood to reinforce by air."

2) Destroy the GDI Port Authority Building.

"The Port Authority building gives GDI command over this naval port. Destroy

it to end GDI's control of the port."


Bonus Objectives


1) Find the lost Saboteur.

"We have lost contact with a Saboteur that we infiltrated into the port. All

we know is that he was hiding in a shipping container, probably stamped with

the GDI logo."

2) Capture the GDI Command Post.

"Capturing the GDI Command Post will give the Brotherhood valuable





Just like the GDI Commando in the Hampton Roads mission, the Nod Commando is

more or less invisible against infantry, especially once it reaches the highest

veterancy level. Send her north along the path and slaughter the GDI infantry

along the way. Keep your eyes out for the flashing yellow crates - walk over

them with the commando, and you'll get healed or gain a veterancy level. There

are two veterancy crates between your intitial starting position and the

carrier, which will make the rest of the mission a breeze.

Continue slaughtering everything on your way to the carrier (make use of the

explosive red barrels next to the Predator and the APC - shoot them, and the

resulting explosion will destroy the vehicles). A GDI commando will try to

stop you from reaching the carrier, but he's no match for your fully leveled

commando. Detonate the carrier to accomplish the first objective.

Reinforcements will arrive, including four Venom aircraft {Venom Patrol Craft}.

These have the ability to see stealth units, which will come in very handy in

the immediate future. Leave the commando to defend the fanatics, then send the

Venoms south towards the Saboteur's location. Kill any sniper teams you see,

and detonate the barrels next to the vehicles to eliminate them. Once

everything's clear, the Saboteur should come out and join you.

Continue sweeping the area with the Venoms and take care of any snipers you

find. Destroy garissoned buildings while you're at it, and slaughter the

stream of infantry coming from the barracks and the GDI base. Destroy the

barracks and power plants too, if possible, and try to take care of any missile

squads as fast as you can to keep your Venoms intact. With a constant flow of

GDI infantry in the area, it shouldn't take long for you to level all of them

all the way up. That will make taking out the line of Pitbulls and Predators

south of the command post very easy, but if you'd prefer, you can just send

your fanatics down there to take care of them.

Once you've wiped out the vehicles in the area, get your Saboteur into the

command post to accomplish the second bonus objective, then send the commando

into the main base and detonate the port authority building (or use your

fanatics if you'd prefer).


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | | |

| | 1.45) Washington DC | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"With GDI forces on the ropes and a flood of reinforcements pouring into our

new base at Hampton Roads, the Brotherhood is now poised to take Washington

DC. You have been given the honor of striking this blow. We've set up a base

on the outskirts of the city and we're now bringing in supplies. You'll need

to build an army, take out the GDI defenders, and claim this city for Nod."


Intelligence Database


Nod Field Intelligence

- Refinery and Harvesting Operations

Kane's Arsenal

- Flame Weapons

- Base Defenses


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy the primary GDI base.

"The main GDI base is to the northeast. It seems to contain GDI's main vehicle

production facilities. Destroy it and you will cripple their ability to

produce vehicles."


Bonus Objectives


1) Build a Shredder Turret base defense.

"GDI presence in the city is massive. We'll need to build some base defenses

to ensure our base is not over run. Shredder Turrets are strong against


2) Build a Laser Turret base defense.

"GDI presence in the city is massive. We'll need to build some base defenses

to ensure our base is not over run. Laser Turrets are strong against


3) Capture the Subway Hub.

"Use a Saboteur to capture the Subway hub. The Subway allows infantry to move

quickly around the city."

4) Destroy the Tiberium Silos.

"Spread Tiberium through the city by destroying those Tiberium Silos!"




Build a war factory {Refinery and Harvesting Operations} {Flame Weapons} and

place it in the upper right corner of your base, then build a power plant next

to it {Base Defenses}. Use your Black Hands to torch the garissoned structure

above your base, then build a Shredder Turret and a Laser Turret in the

intersection there to accomplish the first two bonus objectives.

Flame Tanks are good for clearing out garissoned buildings, but since you can

get a bike and a buggy for the same amount as a single Flame Tank, I suggest

you spam bikes and buggies for this mission instead of bothering with Flame

Tanks (two bikes for each bike is probably a good idea, too). Get a good-sized

group of them and head into the city, tearing apart garissoned buildings and

anything else you encounter along the way.

Move due north from your base, and you'll be told to capture the subway (and to

destroy the Tiberium silos once you move a little more north). Clear the GDI

units from around the subway hub, then send a Saboteur up ther and capture it.

Continue moving your main force north and destroy the Tiberium silo there (and

raid the crates from the raised platform). Send something from your base over

to the Tiberium silos east of your base to take care of it.

Continue building bikes and buggies if necessary, but keep moving your main

force through the city to take care of the rest of the Tiberium silos. Move

past the defenses and wipe out the main GDI base buildings to end the mission.


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | | |

| | 1.46) Amazon Desert | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"The Brotherhood had two secret labs working on next-generation Tiberium

weapons reasearch. The main lab in North Africa was recently captured by GDI.

The remaining lab is located in Brazil, in a stretch of desolate terrain

called the Amazon Desert. GDI has two forward bases and a large army in the

region and they are mounting attacks on the small defensive force we have

deployed around the lab. You need to defend the lab against GDI forces until

you can build up an army of your own. Then take the fight to GDI and knock

out their bases. The lab facility must be kept intact at all costs."


Intelligence Database


Nod Field Intelligence

- Calling for Transport

Kane's Arsenal

- Disruption Tower


Primary Objectives


1) Protect the Nod Lab.

"The research being conducted at this lab is vital to the war effort. Protect

the lab facility until you can build up a force large enough to counter-attack

and destroy GDI's local base of operations."

2) Eliminate the GDI Expansion Base to the north.

"Destroying this base will further prove your usefulness to Nod. You will be

rewarded with reinforcements and new tech."

3) Destroy the GDI Construction Yard, Command Post, and Refinery.

"This base is threatening the lab. Cripple it by destroying these key

structures. This will buy us enough time to move critical weapon components

from the lab to a safer location."


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture the Reinforcement Bay.

"Capturing the Reinforcement Bay will give you access to additional





Gather all of your starting forces {Disruption Tower} and pile them above the

north entrance of your base. Repair all of your structures and stick your

rocket soldiers into the civilian building on the east side of the entrance.

GDI forces will try to assault your position constantly for the first few

minutes of the mission, so use your units to beat them back. Build more

buggies and bikes from your war factory until you're given the ability to build

Scorpions, then build them with a few buggies.

Once you're told to wipe out the GDI expansion base, send your column north and

crush the place, then return your group back to your war factory and repair any

damaged units. While you're doing that, build an Air Tower {Calling for

Transport}. It won't be of much use to you, but you need it to get the intel


Once your battle group is repaired, move it east over the bridge and clear out

the town there. Gather the crates around the town, then sit your group in the

path leading north to the GDI base. Send a Saboteur to the reinforcement bay,

then assault the GDI base while the Saboteur is moving. Make sure you let him

capture the reinforcement bay before you destroy the main GDI buildings, or

you won't complete the bonus objective.


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | | |

| | 1.47) Atlantic Coast | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"The Tiberium weapon components from the Amazon Desert lab must be airlifted to

Temple Prime immediately. Unfortunately, GDI is using massive artillery

emplacements near the coast to block the evacuation routes to our landing

zones. Your job is to take out these big guns as quickly as possible. We've

established a forward base near the first emplacement and our forces are

awaiting your command. Two Vertigo stealth bombers have been assigned to you

to help complete this mission."


Intelligence Database


Nod Field Intelligence

- The Guns of the Amazon

Kane's Arsenal

- Vertigo Bomber

- Stealth Tank


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy the GDI Artillery Emplacement.

"This Artillery Emplacement just north of your position is one of three

emplacements threatening our escape route. Use your Vertigo Bombers to fly in

and destroy it."

2) Destroy the GDI Artillery Emplacement to the east.

"This Artillery Emplacement to the southeast of your current position threatens

our evacuation routes. Recon reports that the defenses are mainly

anti-vehicle, but watch out for additional anti-air after the destruction of

the first emplacement."

3) Destroy the GDI Artillery Emplacement in the northeast.

"The last Artillery Emplacement is to the northeast. Recon reports show that

they've called in Firehawk support to cover the air, along with Orcas and

additional Pitbulls in an attempt to thwart our stealth capabilities."


Bonus Objectives


1) Destroy the GDI Construction Yard.

"Destroy the Construction Yard centered in this GDI Base in order to

temporarily disrupt their operations."

2) Destroy the Rig before it can reach the Artillery Emplacement.

"GDI is attempting to bolster the defenses of the Artillery Emplacement to the

northeast with a Battle Base. Destroy the Rig before it can reach its





If you'd like to finish this mission as fast as possible, build a second

harvester and crank out a huge army of Scorpions and buggies before you bother

destroying the first artillery emplacement {Vertigo Bomber} {The Guns of the

Amazon}. The computer won't really do anything to you until you destroy that

first emplacement, and you'll be able to make short work of the rest of the GDI

forces if you prepare a good sized force before taking it out.

When you're ready, fly your Vertigo bombers to the tower and destroy it. Kane

will send you some Stealth Tanks via air transport {Stealth Tank}, and you'll

be able to build more from your war factory now. Do so, then send your combat

group out of your base and find the GDI base to the north-east. Smash your way

in and destroy the construction yard and everything else, then move south and

fight your way to the artillery emplacement there.

At some point, you'll be warned about a Rig moving to reinforce the GDI

defenses. If you have ground forces close to it at the time, just move them

over there and destroy it. If not, wait until it gets about half way to the

northern emplacement, then fly your Vertigo bombers over there and destroy it

to accomplish the second bonus objective.

All that's left to do is destroy the third artillery emplacement. Repair your

main group if necessary, and add some more units if you need them. Once you're

ready, move to the north-eastern corner and demolish the GDI defenses, then

destroy the last artillery emplacement to finish the mission.


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | | |

| | 1.48) Slovenia | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"GDI's raid on our primary North African weapons lab continues to make life

difficult for us. The transport carrying the weapon components from the

backup lab in Brazil has been shot down in Slovenia. Nod troops recovered the

components and were about to take them to a nearby Nod base when they were

attacked by GDI. Now it's up to you. Use an elite Commando to infiltrate the

area, find the crash site, and secure the weapon components. We'll fly in

some reinforcements at that point. Then escort the transport to the base and

restore the facility to working order. GDI has a large force in the area, so

you're going to get hit hard. You need to hold out until we can get you heavy

armor that you can use to break through the GDI cordon and escort the weapon

components to Temple Prime."


Intelligence Database


Kane's Arsenal

- Obelisk of Light

- Avatar


Primary Objectives


1) Investigate the Crash Site.

"A plane carrying the Liquid Tiberium device to Temple Prime has been shot down

by GDI forces. Investigate the crash site and secure the device."

2) Escort the device into the Nod Encampment.

"There is an abandoned Nod outpost to the northwest. Escort the device into


3) Protect the device until the Avatars arrive.

"Kane has diverted Avatars from Kilian's operation to our own. Protect the

device until they arrive."

4) Move the device to the evacuation point.

"We must move the device to the main road in order to evacuate it. Take the

device through the GDI encampment on the northern path."


Bonus Objectives


1) Destroy the Anti-Air Guns to Obtain Reinforcements.

"GDI anti-air defenses are preventing us from landing our ground support to

gain additional forces. Each pair of anti-air defenses destroyed will bring

in additional reinforcements."

2) Build and maintain three Obelisks of Light.

"The Obelisk of Light is the ultimate Nod base defense. Construct and maintain

three of them to defend your base."

3) Upgrade an Avatar.

"Avatars can commandeer other Nod vehicles. Upgrade an Avatar using Flame

Tanks, Stealth Tanks or Attack Bikes."




Use your commando to take out the infantry in the area, then walk to the top of

the small raised area nearby. Detonate the barrels to make quick work of some

of the troops, but resist the urge to destroy all of the barrels - you'll want

to keep one on the northern path to take care of an APC that's going to come

down that path soon. If you can use the barrels to destroy it, use the two

rocket squads you'll get when you destroy the first two anti-aircraft guns.

Keep your eyes peeled for the crates that're sitting all over the place. You

can use some of them to heal your commando if necessary, and more importantly,

you can level your commando up with some of them. There're also some with

money in them, four of which will require you to use your Shadow Teams to glide

over some mountains in the south.

When you finally make it all the way to the west side and find the liquid

Tiberium transport, you'll receive more reinforcements. Send them slightly to

the east and take out the GDI transports before they can land reinforcements.

Send all of your forces to the Nod base now, and make sure you take advantage

of the money crates in the cliffs near the base (use your Shadow Teams to glide

to them). When the liquid Tiberium transport reaches the base, you'll gain

control of the buildings. Quickly build another harvester and repair all of

your structures, then start building some Scorpions and some buggies. GDI

forces will be pouring in from the east, west, and northern paths very shortly

after you take control of the base, and you'll need to defend yourself.

Upgrade all of your power plants, then start building Obelisks with both of

your production queues. Use your units to defend the western entrance to your

base, then place both Obelisks above the northern entrance of your base. Build

two more as soon as you place the first two, and place one on the west entrance

of your base and one on the northern entrance {Obelisk of Light}. Keep these

repaired, and they'll make the mission much easier.

Meanwhile, wait for your Avatar reinforcements to arrive, then send them with

the rest of your vehicles to the GDI base north-east of your base. Crush it,

then wait for the warning about an unidentified force approaching from here.

It's a group of Juggernauts, and you'll be much better off if you destroy them

here instead of waiting for them to come to your base.

You can build more Avatars at your base now, so go ahead and build a few. To

accomplish the remaining bonus objective, use an Avatar's special ability to

grab a Fame Tank, Attack Bike, or a Stealth Tank (build one of them if you

don't already have one) {Avatar}. You can go crush the north-western GDI base

now if you'd like, but it's not really necessary. Instead, send your forces

north and wipe out the main GDI base blocking the road. When everything's

clear, send the liquid Tiberium transport up there to finish the mission.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.49) Sarajevo | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Job one is to escort the weapon components from Brazil to Temple Prime so Kane

can finish his work on the Liquid Tiberium device. This mission will be

tricky because GDI has a large force in the area preparing for an assault on

the temple. Your route back runs right through a massive GDI forward base.

You can't take on GDI directly with the small escort force, so you'll have to

think of something clever. Once the weapon transport has reached the temple,

you can focus your efforts on defending Temple Prime, building up an army, and

then clearing GDI out of our most sacred site. Also, be advised that a Nod

force from Kilian's detachment is being airlifted out of Australia in spite of

their dire situation there. They might be headed for Sarajevo; if so, maybe

they can help you out."


Intelligence Database


Kane's Arsenal

- Beam Cannon

Nod Field Intelligence

- Intercepted Transmission


Primary Objectives


1) Escort the transport truck back to Temple Prime.

"It is vital that the transport truck be protected at all costs. It contains

the Liquid Tiberium device which is the key to ultimate victory in the war."

2) Eliminate the GDI blockade by destroying all GDI forces.

"Cleanse our sacred lands of the GDI infestation."

3) We've been betrayed! Destroy the forces of the traitors!

"These are Nod forces that threaten us. How can brother fight brother? The

righteous must provail. Destroy the traitors!"


Bonus Objectives


1) Return the transport truck to Temple Prime unharmed.

"Keeping the transport truck completely safe from enemy fire will increase the

chances that Kane's vital weapon components arrive unharmed."




Quickly move your fanatics all the way against the left side of the map and

make them into a group, then make the two Scorpions and the Avatar into a group

(and everything else, including the Liquid Tiberium transport, into a third

group). To keep the transport from getting damaged (the bonus objective), move

the fanatics north until you see the gun by the barracks in the corner of the

GDI base, then have them rush it while your tanks and Avatar finish it off if

necessary. Immediately move your third group (the one with the transport)

north along the edge of the screen while your tanks and Avatar deal with the

barracks and anything else that gets in the way.

As soon as the Liquid Tiberium transport gets past the GDI base, stop attacking

the base and concentrate on moving through the open middle area towards Temple

Prime. I suggest you move along the top of the map, since it tends to be

safer. There will probably be some GDI infantry up there fighting the Temple

troops, so make sure you deal with them before the transport gets too close.

Continue moving the transport and the rest of your forces towards the top-right

corner of the Temple base to complete the first objective (and the bonus

objective {Intercepted Transmission}).

GDI forces will start hitting your base immediately, so quickyly move all of

your forces towards the main entrance of your base (near the southern war

factory). Start building a tech lab while you build two more harvesters, then

start cranking out Avatars and stealth tanks from both of your war factories.

Set the upper factory's rally point near the lower factory to save yourself

some time, then focus on defending the entrance of your base (and keeping your

forces repaired). Continue cranking out Avatars and stealth tanks until your

"reinforcements" arrive {Beam Cannon}.

If you've been building at full speed the entire time, you should have more

than enough Avatars and stealth tanks to crush the upper-left base right away,

so go ahead and do so. It's best to eliminate that one first simply because

you can save yourself the trouble of defending that side of your base. The

southern base will attack in the same place as before, so as long as you leave

a few units behind (and keep building more stuff), you shouldn't have that


When you're done with the upper-left base, return to your war factory and

repair your damaged units, then assault the southern base from the lower-right

corner of the map. There's nothing altogether too special down there, so it

shouldn't be too hard to demolish the base and finish the mission.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.50) Outback | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"GDI is moving nuclear warheads from one of their bases on the edge of the

Australian Red Zone. If we can intercept the convoy, destroy the escorts, and

capture the warheads, then we can make the Brotherhood of Nod into a nuclear

power once again. You need to recover at least one transport but more is

better. Once you've secured the warheads, the Brotherhood will dispatch a

Carryall evacuation team. Be aware that the warheads are highly volatile and

may explode if fired upon. Tread carefully."


Intelligence Database


The Inner Circle

- Once Again a Nuclear Power

Nod Field Intelligence

- Black Hand Interrogation Report

- Australia-New Zealand Theatre Assessment

- An Invasion Global in Scope


Primary Objectives


1) Catpture Convoy.

"Destroy each Nuke Transport Truck's escort. With its escorts eliminated, the

Nuke Transport will switch to your control. At least one Nuke Transport Truck

must survive."

2) Escort convoys to the evacuation point.

"The evacuation zone has been marked with flares. Escort each captured truck

to this zone. Once all surviving Nuke Transport Trucks have arrived at the

evacuation zone, our Carryalls will transport them from the battlefield."

3) Wait for Nod Carryalls.

"Nod Carryalls are inbound. Await their arrival and keep the Nuke Transport

Trucks alive."


Bonus Objectives


1) Destroy Tiberium Tower.

"This towering mass of Tiberium is structurally unsound. Firing at the tower

will cause it to crumble, blocking the convoy's escape route."

2) Capture GDI Research Facility.

"If we can get a Saboteur inside this research facility, we can form a tactical

assessment of the Australian theatre of war."




You'll want to split your forces into three groups: the two Venoms should be

one, the two Saboteurs should be one, and all of your ground vehicles should

be the third {Black Hand Interrogation Report}. Immediately send your Venoms

all the way east, then send the Saboteurs and the ground vehicles south-west to

the area beneath and between the two hill things (each hill has a sonic

emitter above it, which you'll definitely want to avoid).

When your Venoms reach the far eastern edge of the map, send them slightly

north and destroy the Tiberium Tower to finish the first bonus objective.

Quickly retreat them before the GDI forces near the tower can destroy them.

Send them west to join your other forces.

GDI Pitbulls will be on patrol, and your ground vehicles will probably be

under attack by a few of them when your Venoms make it back. Use your tanks to

destroy the Pitbulls and any Orcas that happen to be in the area, then move

your ground group north towards the road (but keep them out of range of the two

sonic emitters) while you send the Venoms and the Saboteurs west towards the


The first two GDI convoys will come right through the area where your ground

vehicles are waiting, so take out the escorts and send the transports east.

Move your forces north to cut off the third GDI convoy, which should be moving

east slowly along the top of the map. Meanwhile, use your Venoms to destroy

the watchtower at the entrance of the GDI base (watch out for the anti-aircraft

guns), then use the engineers to capture the research facility {Australia-New

Zealand Theatre Assessment}.

You'll be told to retreat the nuclear transports to the evacuation point, so

send your Venoms and your ground forces to the evacuation point along with all

three transports as soon as possible. When the invasion begins, you'll be told

to defend the evacuation point until the Carryalls arrive {An Invasion Global

in Scope}. Use the war factory to crank out a few more stealth tanks, then use

your forces to beat back the Scrin assault on the north side of the evacuation

point. Keep the transports on the south side of the war factory for safe

keeping, and try to keep your vehicles as close to the war factory as possible

so they can get repaired.

When the counter reaches zero, the Carryalls will arrive, which will end the

mission {Once Again a Nuclear Power}.


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | | |

| | 1.51) Sydney City Wall | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"While the nuclear warheads are secured, the Brotherhood still lacks launch

codes and delivery systems. GDI has what we need in the Sydney Blue Zone,

currently under heavy Alien attack. With GDI's forces under duress, Kilian

has reached out to the local GDI commander and offered to 'help' in Sydney.

GDI accepted. We have committed to the elimination of three key Alien

structures, the Portal, Gravity Stabilizer and Gateway, giving GDI the

leverage they need to turn the tide of battle. Unofficially, we need to

ensure that the Gravity Stabilizer does not go down too fast; the

Brotherhood's primary target is a GDI facility in Sydney, which, when

captured, should provide the location of the codes and missiles. That

building is within Sydney's city walls, and nothing penetrates those faster

than an alien Devastator warship."


Intelligence Database


Nod Field Intelligence

- Cease Fire Order

- Exceprt from Signal Intelligence Briefing


Primary Objectives


1) Eliminate Three Alien Targets for GDI.

"GDI needs us to disable or destroy these three targets in the main Alien base:

the Signal Transmitter, Warp Sphere and the Portal."

2) Capture the GDI Lab.

"Inside the GDI Lab you'll find the release codes for our nuclear warheads and

a map of where GDI is storing the warhead delivery systems."


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture two Tiberium Spikes.

"The Brotherhood is running short on funds. Capture both of these Tiberium

Spikes and rectify the situation."

2) Destroy the Ion Control Center.

"We have received an additional objective from an unidentified source. You are

ordered to destroy GDI's Ion Cannon Control Center."




You'll be given a base to start with {Cease Fire Order}, but you'll want to

build a Tiberium Chemical Plant and an air tower right away. The Scrin base to

the west is fairly well fortified, and they build an insane amount of units

throughout the mission, but there's a fairly easy way to destroy all three key

structures within a few seconds of each other, assuming you're willing to do a

little preparatory work first.

Place a pair of Obelisks on the west side of your base to defend yourself, and

keep some stealth tanks nearby to deal with aircraft. Meanwhile, train five

Saboteurs and use Call for Transport to send them all the way to the

north-east corner of the map where the GDI Lab is (make sure you hug the right

side of the map on the way up to avoid Scrin attacks). Dump three of the

Saboteurs up here, then send the other two transports west along the top of the

map to the two Tiberium Spikes. Capture them one at a time, and make sure you

don't waste any time with the lower one (or the nearby Scrin units will kill

your Saboteur before he can make it to the Spike).

Capture the GDI Lab and the Space Command Uplink with two of the Saboteurs in

the north-east corner, but don't capture the Ion Cannon Control Center yet.

Instead, sit back and concentrate on building two more air towers and filling

all three of your towers with Vertigo bombers. Continue defending your base

until the Scrin break through a section of the Sydney wall {Exceprt from Signal

Intelligence Briefing}, then use your last Saboteur to capture the Ion Cannon

Control Center (if you capture it before the wall is breached, GDI will

somehow have control of it again, and the timer will be reset).

With the Ion Cannon under your control, all you need to do is sit back and wait

for the timer to count down. When it does, use it to pulverise the Signal

Transmitter in the lower-left corner of the Scrin base, then sell the Ion

Cannon Control Center to accomplish the second bonus objective. Immediately

send your Vertigo group north, then due west towards the Warp Sphere in the

upper part of the Scrin base (make sure you reveal the shroud above the Portal

in the eastern part of the Scrin base on the way there). Since you can see the

Portal now, you can use the Shockwave Artillery and the Tiberium Vapor Bomb

abilities on it from your side bar, which will destroy it.

When timed well, all three Scrin structures will be destroyed before their huge

retalliation force can even get to your base.


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | | |

| | 1.52) Downtown Sydney | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"With the destruction of their Ion Cannon Control Center, GDI commanders in

Sydney find themselves in dire straits. The city is all but lost, with GDI

central command issuing an evacuation order for civilians. You must

coordinate with GDI to carry out their exodus. Defend against the alien

assault and protect the Ox convoys moving the city's residents to safety,

while at the same time taking steps to ensure our own survival with a large

scale Tiberium harvest."


Intelligence Database


The Inner Circle


Nod Field Intelligence

- The Alliance is Off


Primary Objectives


1) Help GDI hold out against the Alliens for ten minutes.

"GDI is under heavy attack from the Aliens and the city is almost lost. Help

them survive a bit longer."

1) Destroy GDI.

"We now have what we need from GDI. The alliance of convenience is terminated.

Eliminate them from the area."


Bonus Objectives


1) Help GDI protect their Ox transports during the evacuation period.

"Assist GDI forces in evacuating as many military personnel and civilians as

possible. Protect the Ox transports being used to airlift people out of the


2) Mine 25,000 tiberium.

"We need to establish a war chest."

1) Use Nukes on the GDI base.

"You are now authorized to use nuclear weapons. Destroy the GDI base in a bath

of nuclear fire."




Ignore the first main objective and the first two bonus objectives - when the

timer runs down, they'll be replaced with the other objectives, and the new

ones will be the only ones that matter for completionary purposes. Sit back

and rake in the money while you build a force of Avatars and stealth tanks.

Send a Saboteur over to the Tiberium Spike by the GDI base, capture it, and try

to keep it repaired as long as possible.

When the countdown runs out {KANE LIVES!}, you'll be told to wipe out GDI.

You'll have a nuke available immediately, so go ahead and use it on the GDI

airfields in the north-western part of their base {The Alliance is Off}.

Fortunately, the Scrin base doesn't matter at all in this mission, so all you

need to do is march a cluster of your Avatars/stealth tanks west through the

Tiberium field, then assault the remaining GDI buildings marked in yellow.

They're fairly defenseless, especially since their units will still be dealing

with the Scrin threat to the north.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.53) Ayers Rock | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"This is a sad day when Brother must fight Brother. Use a small force to

capture the southern rebel base and then use the resources you've acquired to

secure Kilian's headquarters facility on Ayers Rock. Kill anyone who gets in

your way but leave Kilian alive to face Kane. Note that GDI is deploying a

forward base to the east and they are none too happy about what happened in

Sydney. Expect a large GDI assault shortly after the battle for Ayers Rock

goes down as GDI moves in for the kill."


Intelligence Database


Nod Archives

- Mutant Exodus


Primary Objectives


1) Capture Kilian's southern base.

"Escort your Saboteurs into Kilian's southern base and capture the Operations

Center and the Construction Yard. Do not allow your Saboteurs to die."

2) Capture or Destroy the Temple of Nod.

"Capture or destroy the Temple of Nod in front of Kilian's headquarters to gain

control of her base on Ayers Rock. Do not destroy Kilian's Headquarters."

3) Prevent GDI from using the Ion Cannon.

"GDI has deployed an Ion Cannon. Eliminate the Ion Cannon Control Center

before they use it on Kilian's Headquarters. If they destroy Kilian's

Headquarters, our mission will be a failure."

4) Eliminate the GDI Base.

"Destroy the GDI base to the northeast of Ayers Rock. Do not let them destroy

Kilian's Headquarters."


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture Three Tiberium Silos.

"Capture the Tiberium Silos to the north to fund your operations. Beware of


2) Recruit Five Mutant Marauder Squads.

"Recruit Mutant Marauders from the Mutant Hovel to support your army. Capture

a Mutant Hovel with Saboteurs."




Move the Avatar north-west and cut off the trio of Scorpions as they try to

leave the base, then destroy the defensive node at that entrance. Take the

Avatar due east now and use its flamethrower to make short work of the

mutants defending the Mutant Hovel, then capture it with one of your Saboteurs.

Send the Avatar into the Nod base from the entrance you just cleared, taking

out the cluster of units you're likely to encounter on the way.

Wipe out any units you see in the base to make it safe for your Saboteurs, then

send them in and capture the two key structures. Everything else in the base

will then be under your control. Train five Mutant Marauder squads from the

Mutant Hovel to accomplish one of the bonus objectives {Mutant Exodus}, then

send them to the top of your base to aid in anti-aircraft defense (yeah, they

can fire at air targets just like Minigunners in Zero Hour).

Just like the last mission, air power can make this mission very fast and

simple. Quickly build another harvester and two air towers, then fill both

towers with Vertigo bombers. Send them all to attack Kilian's Temple of Nod,

which will probably take you several trips. Don't worry about replacing the

ones that get killed (if any actually do) - once you destroy the Temple, all

remaining Nod forces on the map will be under your control.

Now that GDI's in the area, make sure you keep your eyes on Kilian's

Headquarters to make sure it (and the defenses around it) stay repaired. Place

a Temple of Nod of your own, then make use of the two air towers Kilian's base

had on the west side to get another eight Vertigo bombers (there're probably

already quite a few on the towers anyway). The ultimate goal is to have four

air towers full of Vertigo bombers.

Use one of the barracks at the top of Kilian's base to train a Shadow Team or

two, then send them to the Tiberium silos you need to capture for the bonus

objective. The Shadow Teams will make short work of the mutants in the area,

which will allow you to train a few Saboteurs and send them in to accomplish

the bonus objective.

With both bonus objectives out of the way, it's time to take care of that pesky

Ion Cannon Control Center. Your sixteen Vertigo bombers should be able to

handle it, so send them all in one giant group to attack the control center.

If they somehow fail to destroy it, just send another wave as soon as you can

(though it's unlikely that it'll survive the first wave).

Replace your damaged bombers if necessary, then wait until your nuclear missile

is ready to be launched. When it is, drop it on the GDI construction yard at

the top of their northern base. It'll almost completely destroy it, and it

should totally destroy the other two key structures. All you need to do to

finish the mission at this point is send your wave of Vertigo bombers in and

finish off the construction yard.

If you'd prefer to make a ground assault on the GDI bases, it's worth noting

that there's a pair of Tiberium Spikes in the middle of the map that you can

make use of, and it's also worth noting that there're tons of crates to be

collected in the city in the south-eastern corner of the map. Send something

down there to wipe out the mutants, and you'll be able to collect quite a bit

of money that way.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.54) Northern Italy | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Kane foresaw the arrival of the Visitors and knew a great weapon would be

needed to help channel the invasion in a productive direction. Kane ordered

a research facility at this Northern Italian location to produce the Catalyst

Missile. The weapon is ready to use, however, the Visitors are behaving

capriciously and are beginning an attack on the facility. Stop the Visitors

from destroying the missile silo and then repair the facility. At that point

you'll be able to turn the tide of battle with the new weapon."


Intelligence Database


Kane's Arsenal

- Catalyst Missile


Primary Objectives


1) Capture the Catalyst Launch Facility.

"Our mission is to recover Kane's secret weapon against the Alien invaders -

the Catalyst Missile. Capture the Catalyst Launch Facility with a Saboteur

before the Aliens destroy it."

2) Repair the Catalyst Launch Facility to full health.

"You must repair the Catalyst launch facility to full health before we can

launch its missiles. Watch out for alien attacks on the facility. The

Catalyst launch facility must not be destroyed."

3) Destroy three Alien Gravity Stabilizers.

"The invading alien base must be eliminated. You now have the ability to

launch Catalyst Missiles against the Alien Gravity Generators."


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture the Reinforcement Bay.

"Stealth Tank Reinforcements are available by capturing the Reinforcement Bay."

2) Destroy all three Gravity Stabilizers without using the Catalyst Missile.

"Prove your worth to Kane - destroy all three of the Alien Gravity Stabilizers

without resorting to the newly gained Catalyst Missile."




Train three Saboteurs and build an air tower while you send your three bikes

over to the launch facility. They'll be able to defend against the Scrin air

attacks long enough for you to place your air tower and use Call for Transport

to get your Saboteurs over to the launch facility. Capture the facility, then

use another one to capture the reinforcement bay, and finally, use the third

one to repair the launch facility. You'll gain control of the entire base at

this point {Catalyst Missile}. Resist the urge to use the catalyst missiles

for the rest of the mission if you'd like to accomplish the second bonus


You're going to get hammered hard at your original base, so quickly get a war

factory and a start building another ore refinery. Place the refinery at your

eastern base, as far to the south as possible (to make use of the blue Tiberium

field south of it). Place the war factory at your western base, then focus on

cranking out SAM sites and shredder turrets along the western and northern

sides of your base. Get a second air tower as soon as possible and fill both

of them full of Vertigo bombers.

Take out the western gravity stabilizer as soon as you have your bombers

ready, then retreat, reload, and make an assault on the north-eastern gravity

stabilizer. Repair and replace any bombers if necessary, then destroy the

third stabilizer. The hardest part about this mission (if you're going to use

bombers and not use the catalyst missiles) is just moving fast enough to take

out the stabilizers before the ridiculous Scrin air attacks start coming at

you full-force.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.55) Italian Hills | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Kane wants to gain access to the towers being constructed by the Visitors.

When they are finished, these huge structures will become interstellar

gateways, opening up a path to the stars for the Brotherhood. The key that

unlocks our destiny takes the form of a code embedded in a crystal lattice,

somewhat like the Tacitus. Your mission is to storm an Alien relay node

structure in Italy to acquire one of these keys. What little information our

sensors can give us indicates there is an abandoned construction facility in

the area. We can't drop in any heavy equipment, so use the construction site

as a base of operations to build up an attack force. Ultimately you need to

get a Saboteur into that relay node and he'll do the rest. Expect heavy



Intelligence Database


The Inner Circle

- The Key to the Future: Part I

Nod Field Intelligence

- The Towers Begin to Fall


Primary Objectives


1) Retrieve the Mapkey from the Alien Relay Node.

"The Mapkey is stored in the alien Relay Node. Retrieve it for Kane."


Bonus Objectives


1) Destroy the Gravity Stabilizers on the north ridge.

"These Gravity Stabilizers are where the Visitors are bringing the majority of

their air forces to the planet. Taking them out will cripple their aerial


2) Destroy the Stasis Chamber.

"The structure we're calling the Stasis Chamber seems to provide the Visitors

with some sort of shielding technology. You must destroy it and deny them

this advantage."

3) Capture 3 Alien Tiberium Extractors.

"Capturing the Alien Tiberium Extractors will enable us to analyze their

refining process."




Get a power plant and a refinery as close to the Tiberium field as possible,

then build a barracks and get a Saboteur to capture the Tiberium Spike. Get a

war factory when you get the chance, then build a second harvester. You won't

need too much in the way of defenses for this mission, so focus mostly on

building a few Avatars and some stealth tanks (for air defense). Try to build

a Temple of Nod as fast as possible, too. {The Key to the Future: Part I}

When Scrin units do finally start hitting your base (ground units from the

west/north-west, air units from the north), beat them back with your Avatars

and stealth tanks (don't forget about your Commando, either - she can come in

quite handy). Try to secure every Tripod husk you can - they're a very strong

(and inexpensive) addition to your Avatar and stealth tank group. Keep a small

group of Saboteurs handy just for that purpose (though you'll need them for a

few other things later anyway). {The Towers Begin to Fall}

When your first nuclear missile is ready, use it to destroy the three Gravity

Generators in the north-east corner of the map to accomplish the first bonus

objective. If the Scrin get pissed and send a wave of forces at you, defend

your base and capture a few more Tripod husks if possible. Repair your forces,

then make an assault on the Scrin forces around the Tiberium Extractor directly

north of your base. Make sure you remember not to actually attack the

Extractor itself - you'll want to capture it with a Saboteur to complete part

of the third bonus objective (and get quite a nice monetary boost).

Make assaults on the bases around the other two lower Tiberium Extractors at

your convenience (ignore the fourth one or capture it with the others if you'd

like). When your nuclear missile is ready again, use it to destroy the Stasis

Chamber marked with a green 2 in the north-west corner of the map to complete

the second bonus objective (make sure you don't destroy the nearby Tiberium

Extractor if you still need to capture it). Capture the rest of the Extractors

once the Scrin units and structures are cleared out of the way to accomplish

the third bonus objective.

There isn't much left in your way, so use your forces to wipe out the Scrin

units and structures around the Relay Node, then send a Saboteur into it to

finish the mission.


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| | 1.56) Operation Stiletto | |

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| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"GDI is advancing through the Italian Red Zone more quickly than anticipated

and will soon threaten every Visitor installation in Italy. We need to slow

them down. The largest danger comes from a large GDI force currently routing

the Alien forces on the east bank of the Tiber. Given our small number of

true believers, direct engagement is not an option. Instead, Use a Commando

to lead an infiltration force comprised of Shadows and Saboteurs. Seize

control of both GDI Construction Yards, then eliminate our most hated enemy

with their own forces. Then capture both Alien Drone Platforms. Only then

will Kane's plan be allowed to come to fruition. Destroy anyone and anything

that gets in your way, GDI, Nod, or Visitor."


Intelligence Database


The Inner Circle

- The Towers Sacrosanct

Nod Field Intelligence

- Field Report - Alien Gravity Stabilizer


Primary Objectives


1) Capture both GDI Construction Yards.

"GDI does not regard the Brotherhood as a threat, and will not attack us until

we provoke them or capture one of their Construction Yards. All captured

Construction Yards must survive."

2) Capture or Destroy all GDI Barracks, War Factories and Airfields.

"The more of these we claim or destroy, the weaker GDI will be. We will need

their captured forces to achieve victory."

3) Capture both Alien Drone Platforms.

"The aliens do not appear to regard the Brotherhood as a threat. They will not

attack us until we provoke them or capture one of their Drone Platforms. All

captured Drone Platforms must survive."

4) Capture or Destroy all Alien Gravity Stabilizers, Portals and Warp Spheres.

"Without their production structures, the Alien war effort will collapse.

Claim what you can, destroy the rest."


Bonus Objectives


1) Build a Mammoth Tank.

"The Mammoth Tank is the pride of GDI's land forces. With these vehicles in

our hands, GDI's destruction is assured."

2) Build an Annhilator Tripod.

"The Mammoth Tank is the pride of GDI's land forces. With these vehicles in

our hands, GDI's destruction is assured."

NOTE: No, that's not an error on my part - that's actually what the bonus

objective says. Also note that the only way to make these two bonus

objectives appear is to capture one of the GDI war factories and one of

the Scrin Warp Spheres. If you destroy all of the war factories, the

Mammoth Tank objective will never appear, and you'll still be able to

get a perfect medal when you complete the mission (and the same goes for

if you destroy all of the Warp Spheres).




It's very important that you remember to set your commando and Shadow Teams to

hold their fire, or you'll wind up screwing yourself over the instant they get

near an enemy. Train another eleven Saboteurs from your barracks, then send

all of your units to the south-west GDI base. As long as you don't fire at any

of their units or structures, they won't attack you. Position a Saboteur

directly next to every building in the base.

Turn on "Planning Mode" using the toolbar in the lower-left corner of your

interface, then order each Saboteur to capture the building they're standing

next to. None of them will move until you turn Planning Mode off, so once

you've ordered them all, turn off Planning Mode. All of your Saboteurs will

move at the same time and capture the entire GDI base in one quick move. Use

the Commando and the Shadow Teams to deal with the GDI infantry, then destroy

the base defenses that're still standing.

If you were fast enough, there won't be any GDI vehicles in the base yet, but

if so, just build some Predators or something to get rid of them. Build a

second refinery at your Nod base to increase your income, and build a second

harvester for your GDI base. Get a tech center built as fast as you can, then

start the rail guns upgrade while you start building Mammoth tanks (you'll

complete the first bonus objective as soon as the first Mammoth tank comes out

of one of the war factories).

GDI will be a little annoyed with you, so they usually send a bunch of stuff to

attack your Nod base. Move your first Mammoth tanks over there to intercept

them if possible, and try to make an attack on their north-western base as soon

as you have five or six Mammoths. Scrin units will usually have it pretty

beaten down thanks to you making them low power, and if they manage to destroy

the construction yard before you get there, you'll fail the mission.

Build an APC and stick an Engineer into it, then send it to the construction

yard when you've secured it with your Mammoths. Capture the yard, then repair

it. Undeploy your Rig from the south-west base, then send it and any more

Mammoths you've built to the center of the map along with your other cluster.

Deploy the Rig somewhere in the middle of the map, repair your tanks, and then

assault the southern Scrin base. If a Gravity Stabilizer is still standing,

make sure you don't destroy it, and make sure you don't accidentally destroy

the Drone Platform, either. Leave them both intact, then move north to deal

with the other base. Send Engineers to capture the Drone Platform {The Towers

Sacrosanct} and the Gravity Stabilizer {Field Report - Alien Gravity

Stabilizer} (if the Gravity Stabilizer was already destroyed or you destroyed

it by accident, you can get the same intel entry by using the Drone Platform to

build Scrin buildings until you can build your own Gravity Stabilizer).

Depending on how fast you've been, this base could be fairly undefended or

incredibly well defended. The Scrin Warp Spheres will be cranking out Tripods

like crazy, and for some reason, they usually just stand around up here instead

of attacking your bases. This can make attacking the northern base quite

difficult, since ten Tripods can really dish out the damage. You could take

care of a lot of them with an Ion Cannon blast, but you need to make sure that

you leave one Warp Sphere standing if you want to get the second bonus


There're two fully leveled Tripods in the upper-right corner of the base which

should be your immediate concern, since they're much more powerful than the

regular Tripods. Try to smash your way past all of the other stuff and take

them out first, then concentrate on the rest of the Tripods and smaller units.

When you've cleared the place out, capture one of the Warp Spheres and build

any other structures you need to be able to build a Tripod, then build one to

accomplish the second bonus objective. Capture the other Drone Platform, then

destroy everything else if you haven't already.

NOTE: Don't care about the two bonus objectives? If not, then you can simply

position enough Saboteurs at all four bases to completely capture

everything in a single move using Planning Mode. You'll have to be

quick about it, though, or GDI's likely to demolish the southern Drone

Platform before you can position all of your Saboteurs.


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| | 1.57) Kane's Tower | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Your main objective here is to protect the final alien tower by annihilating

the GDI forces that are assaulting it. It won't be easy. GDI has had plenty

of experience knocking these things down and is attacking the alien base

surrounding the final tower with relentless determination. The Phase

Generators that protect the tower itself are GDI's primary target. Do not let

GDI destroy them. GDI is also employing Juggernauts to bombard the base. Use

your Commando to snipe their crews, then use a Saboteur to take them over.

Also, there is also a small airbase to the north - best to destroy it."


Intelligence Database


The Inner Circle

- The Key to the Future: Part II


Primary Objectives


1) Defend the Alien Phase Generators.

"You must protect the Alien Phase Generators while their Tower is still under


2) Destroy the GDI bases.

"GDI has set up a base to the northwest. You must wipe them out before they

destroy the Alien Phase Generators."


Bonus Objectives


1) Capture 3 GDI Juggernauts.

"These Juggernauts seem modified to shoot farther than the standard Juggernaut.

They would make an excellent addition to our arsenal."

2) Destroy the GDI Ion Cannon Control Centers.

"That Ion Cannon Control Center could swing the battle in GDI's favor, take it

out immediately!"




Immediately start building a tech center, a second harvester, and an Emissary.

{The Key to the Future: Part II} Speed is crucial in this mission, and

there's no time to waste - move the emissary east outside of your base to the

blue Tiberium field there and deploy it sligtly south-east of the field. Place

your tech center somewhere in your base as soon as it's ready, then start

building an Obelisk and a Secret Shrine. Place the Obelisk slightly to the

right of the Outpost (the thing your Emissary forms when it's fully deployed)

when it's ready, then immediately start building another one.

Your primary concerns for this mission should be defending that blue Tiberium

field and eliminating the special Juggernauts in the middle of the map. Once

you have three Obelisks by that Tiberium field, you should be able to defend it

safely, though you might want to toss a Beam Cannon or two over there just to

be sure.

To deal with the Juggernauts, train a few Shadow Teams and a Commando, then

move the Shadow Teams around to the right side of the hill where the Juggernaut

group is stationed. Use the Shadow Teams to slaughter the Zone Troopers, then

move your Commando in with four Saboteurs. Detonate the four Juggernauts, then

capture them with the Saboteurs. Immediately turn the Juggernauts to the north

and pulverize the GDI airfield, then use them to destroy any other GDI

buildings they can reach. Don't worry about them if they get destroyed again.

With the blue Tiberium field defended and the Juggernauts eliminated, work on

getting a Temple of Nod and some air towers full of Vertigo bombers. GDI's

going to deploy an Ion Cannon Control Center eventually, and you'll definitely

want to destroy it before they get the chance to use it. I suggest using your

nuke to wipe out a huge section of the northern GDI base, preferably the part

with the war factories so they won't have as many Mammoths to send at the Scrin

base. Use the Vertigo bombers to deal with the Ion Cannon Control Centers.

You should have quite a bit of excess money thanks to that blue Tiberium field,

so keep sending your Vertigo bombers to the GDI bases to take out key

structures. It won't hurt to build some Avatars too, which you can send to the

middle of the map near the top to intercept some of GDI's forces on their way

to the Scrin base. Keep chipping away at the GDI bases until they're very

weak, then move in and wipe up whatever's left to end the mission.


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | 1.70) Scrin Missions | |

| ----------------------------------------- |


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| | 1.71) London | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Foreman, you've been commissioned a small army to begin attacking the major

indigenous population center on the island near Continent Three. This attack

will proceed in concert with other assaults on all significant population

centers. The intent is to distract the indigenous population from initial

Threshold construction and intimidate them to the point where they will not

threaten ongoing construction efforts. Assess defensive and offensive

capabilities. Eliminate all life forms you come across."


Intelligence Database


Warp Link

- All Units Functional

- Unexpected Developments

- A Campaign of Distraction


Primary Objectives


1) Destroy 15 civilian buildings in the city.

"A small force has been dispatched to this population center. Begin disruption

operations immediately by destroying structures. Eliminate any resistance

from the indigenous population."

2) Destroy the GDI presence.

"The indigenous population has dispatched its military to try to stop our

force. Destroy any hostiles you come across along with any of their

production structures. A Droneship has been assigned to this zone. Use it to

establish a base and build up the force you need."


Bonus Objectives


1) Destroy the structures knows as 'Parliament' and 'Big Ben'.

"Based on the frequency of appearance in images transmitted through the

airwaves, these structures seem important to the indigenous population.

Destroy them."

2) Destroy 'Buckingham Palace'.

"The humans seem fond of defending this structure. Perhaps destroying it will

send them fleeing in fear."

3) Construct Growth Accelerators at each of the Ichor fields.

"Ichor concentration in this area is extremely low and contained. Construct

Growth Accelerators at each Ichor field to increase its spread."




Gather all of your forces together and start destroying the buildings directly

north of your starting position. The faster you destroy them, the better - GDI

units will trickle through the city the entire time you're destroying the

buildings, so the faster you make it to 15, the fewer units you'll have to deal

with. Destroy the posts of the field containing the Tiberium field, too.

When your Droneship arrives {All Units Functional}, move it closer to the

Tiberium field and deploy it. Build a reactor and a refinery as soon as you

can, then get a warp sphere. You'll want a second harvester, and you'll need

to build a Growth Accelerator in each of the three Tiberium fields to complete

the third bonus objective {Unexpected Developments}. You can automatically

place them in the middle of the fields, you don't need to have a zone of

control around them first.

You should have no problem destroying Buckingham Palace with your initial

forces, so go ahead and move them up there. Take care of the missile squads

first, then destroy the palace (which will give you a little monetary boost).

Meanwhile, crank out Gun Walkers and Seekers from your warp sphere (more

Seekers than Gun Walkers). Send your group to Big Ben and destroy it to finish

that bonus objective and receive another small monetary boost.

The only thing left to do is destroy the two GDI bases on the other side of

the bridges, which isn't exactly easy. I suggest crossing over the middle

bridge, then making an assault on the southern base first. Make sure you

destroy the construction yard as soon as you've cleared out the units and

defenses above it, then deal with the southern part of the base. If you don't

destroy the construction yards, GDI will keep replacing their buildings and

defenses, which makes it damn near impossible to destroy the base.

When the entire southern base is eliminated, return your survivors to your

warp sphere for repairs, then add any newly built units to the group and attack

the northern base from underneath. Again, make sure you try to destroy the

construction yard as soon as possible to keep GDI from rebuilding anything in

their base. When you destroy every structure in both bases, the mission will

be over {A Campaign of Distraction}.


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 1.72) Munich | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"The hostile indigenous population is more advanced than expected and

represents a critical threat to our forces. During diversion attacks on the

major population center of Sector 2-5, Continent Three, two of our scout ships

were disabled in-flight by hostile indigenous forces. These ships were

carrying data nodes that are critical to Threshold construction activities.

The nodes are now stranded in enemy territory. Heavy local activity is

reported near the scout ships and this activity is distributed over a wide

area - but energy for their forces seems to be coming from a localized source.

Eliminate this source and you'll secure the area and clear the way for



Intelligence Database


Warp Link

- Beyond Blunt Force

- Retaliation by Hostile Indigenous Population


Primary Objectives


1) Plant the Mastermind's manipulator device on the GDI barracks and train an


"Foreman, guide the Mastermind to a small outpost east of your position and

plant a manipulator device on their Barracks, taking control of it. Then

construct an Engineer for disabling the power source."

2) Use the GDI Engineer to shutdown the Defense Grid for the city.

"We are transmitting the location of the power station. Guide the engineer to

this location and shut this structure down."

3) Destroy the GDI base.

"With their defenses down, the only remaining threat in this area is the GDI

presence north of your location. A large reinforcement army has been sent for

you to destroy GDI."


Bonus Objectives


1) Keep your Mastermind alive throughout the entire mission.

"Foreman, Masterminds are not inexpensive units. Keep your Mastermind alive

until all hostile forces are eliminated."




A grenadier squad will approach your Mastermind from the north-west, so be

prepared to quickly take control of it (just target it normally as soon as the

ability is fully charged) {Beyond Blunt Force}. Send it to the east along the

road, then use it to clear out the two garissoned structures slightly to the

north as well as the third one even farther to the north (those should be the

only three garissoned structures you'll have to deal with). Stick the

grenadiers in a building if they survive and let them toss grenades at a turret

until they get killed.

Meanwhile, GDI will start sending Predators (and sometimes more grenadiers) on

a patrol route along this section of the city. Take control of a Predator and

use it to destroy the watchtowers in the area between the south-east corner of

the map and the barracks to the north. Make good use of the healing crates

scattered around the area, and don't worry if you wind up getting it destroyed

by a turret or another Predator. Simply take control of a new Predator and

continue destroying watchtowers and turrets.

Approach the barracks from the south along the far eastern edge of the map, and

when you get close enough, two Devourer tanks will appear in the north-west

corner of the map. Move them so they're touching each other if they're not

already, then use the Mastermind's teleportation ability to teleport both of

them down to the barracks. Use them to destroy the two watchtowers near it as

well as any GDI units that come near you, then use the Mastermind to take

control of the barracks.

Send the Mastermind all the way to the south-east corner, then send him due

west to the far south-western corner of the map for safe-keeping. When you're

ready to move on, train an Engineer at the barracks, then quickly use your

Mastermind's teleportation ability to teleport the Engineer directly south of

the power station. Capture it, and you'll receive reinforcements.

Four Devastators and two Planetary Assault Carriers can really dish out the

damage... Immediately move them about half-way towards the GDI base, where the

Tiberium field is. Let them sit here and devastate the GDI forces that try to

attack, and they'll start gaining veterancy levels like crazy. The Planetary

Assault Carriers have the ability to generate an Ion Storm, which is great for

two reasons - it causes even more damage to the GDI forces in the area, and it

also heals your Devastators and Carriers.

Pay attention to the Ion Storms to make sure you're always being healed, then

just let your aircraft sit here and rack up veterancy levels until a few of

them are fully leveled. The GDI base will be no match for them, so just fly in

and crush it completely. {Retaliation by Hostile Indigenous Population}


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | | |

| | 1.73) Croatia | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Foreman, the humans' databases for their Ichor-LQ technology are being stored

in two facilities in this region. These databases may hold the key to

understanding how and why the signal that brought us here prematurely was

generated. Capture these structures and secure them from threats by any means

necessary. We've issued you access to our Corrupters. They should prove very

useful in this region."


Intelligence Database


Warp Link

- Premeditated Ichor LQ Detonation

- Factions

- Attacks by Indigenous Populations Worsening


Primary Objectives


1) Capture the two Nod information facilities.

"Foreman, the indigenous population has two information facilities which

contain their data on Ichor-LQ. Capture these structures so we may ascertain

how much the humans have discovered about Ichor-LQ."

2) Destroy the defenses around the information facilities.

"There also appears to be advanced weapons guarding the information facilities.

Destroy these defenses so our units may acquire the information unharmed."


Bonus Objectives


1) Destroy the GDI base.

"Destroy GDI's base in the northeast of this region."




This mission is fairly straight-forward. {Premeditated Ichor LQ Detonation}

Start by deploying your Droneship, building a power plant as far to the east as

possible, and building a refinery next to the green Tiberium field. Build a

Warp Sphere and another power plant to the right of the first one, stretching

your zone of control towards the blue Tiberium field. Get another refinery

next two it and build a pair of extra harvesters, then concentrate on defending

your base.

As long as you keep your initial units safely away from the city, Nod and GDI

should fight each other for the first few minutes before they bother you. If

they do send something big down there, use your Mastermind to take control of

it (a Mammoth tank can make your job a lot easier). Once you have a technology

assembler up and running, start pumping out Tripods (don't forget to put a

Growth Accelerator on both Tiberium fields).

You won't be able to build Devastators or Planetary Assault Carriers for this

mission, but the good news is that neither GDI nor Nod will have aircraft of

any kind, either. This is excellent news for you, since it means you don't

need to bother with any unit other than Tripods. Continue cranking them out,

and keep your eyes on both sides of your base. Avatars will attack from the

left (along with some lighter Nod units), and Mammoths and Juggernauts (along

with some lighter GDI units) will attack from the right.

The Mammoths and Juggernauts hurt far worse than the Avatars, so I suggest you

deal with the GDI base before you bother with the Nod one. Bring a big cluster

of Tripods to the top of the map near the center, then move east into the GDI

base. The Sonic Emitters are devastating, so make sure you take them out as

soon as possible. Press past all other GDI resistance and focus on taking out

the emitters first, then slaughter everything else {Factions}.

Repair any damaged Tripods if necessary, then gather all of your forces into

one big group and assault the Nod base. The Obelisks aren't much of a threat,

but you'll still want to give them your full attention until you breach the

first line of defense. Wipe out the power plants and other buildings next,

then finish off everything else except for the two Nod compounds. Train two

Assimilators at your base, and if you still have your Mastermind, use its

teleportation ability to teleport them to the Nod compounds. Capture them to

end the mission {Attacks by Indigenous Populations Worsening}.


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | | |

| | 1.74) Threshold 19 | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Mission Briefing


"Foreman, you must protect the tower at Threshold 19 until its construction is

complete. Everything hangs in the balance: The success of your overall

mission and the fate of the Race depends on Threshold 19 tower activation and

phasing. You now have access to all our offensive and defensive capabilities.

Take command of the base that is established there and keep the hostile

indigenous population from destroying the tower at all costs."


Intelligence Database


Warp Link

- Threshold Tower Construction

- Threshold Assemblies Under Attack


Primary Objectives


1) Defend the Tower.

"Foreman, GDI has a strong force to the north. They appear to be intent on

destroying the Tower. Overwhelming forces on their part suggest difficulty

in removing them from the region, but they must be stopped at all costs from

destroying the Tower."

2) Construct a Signal Transmitter and summon the Mothership.

"The Tower is the complete and impervious to GDI's attacks. Focus on

constructing a Signal Transmitter so the Mothership may be summoned to your

location for evacuation off the planet. Hold out against any hostile activity

from GDI."

3) Guide and protect the Mothership to the Tower.

"Foreman, guide the Mothership to the Tower for evacuation and continue to

hold off GDI's attacks."


Bonus Objectives


1) Destroy the GDI base.

"Destroy GDI's base in the northeast of this region."




This mission can be hectic, but there're a few tricks that can make it a lot

easier. {Threshold Assemblies Under Attack} First of all, destroy the bridge

directly north of your base as soon as possible. Next, focus on placing at

least two storm towers in the upper left portion of your base, then crank out

Devastators (a second Gravity Stabilizer is probably a good idea). The Ion

Storms generated by the storm towers will heal the Devastators, which makes a

powerful defense.

Meanwhile, GDI will be sending hoards of stuff at the tower in the upper-left

part of the map. If you've been building Devastators fast enough, you should

be able to spare a cluster of four or five of them fairly early in the mission.

Send them due west, then approach the tower from the south to avoid the GDI

units. Park them next to the Planetary Assault Carrier so you can make use of

the Ion Storm, then if possible, destroy the bridge near the tower to slow down

GDI attacks.

The timer to the tower's completion isn't very long, so you shouldn't have too

much trouble defending the tower with those Devastators and the Carrier. If

you do have problems, though, make use of your warp sphere in your base to

build some Seekers, which you can send through the portal in your base to

instantly send them to the tower. You can also send a cluster of Devastators

to intercept the GDI units in the middle of the map before they can go around

and hit the tower's defenses from underneath.

When the timer reaches zero {Threshold Tower Construction}, you be told to

construct a Signal Transmitter and summon a Mothership. If your Devastators

and Carrier are still alive by the tower, safely send them to the south and

then over to your base to aid in its defense. Meanwhile, build the Signal

Transmitter and a Rift Generator. When the Signal Transmitter is built, use

it to summon a Mothership and receive your final objective.

If you want to accomplish the bonus objective, you'll need to wipe out the GDI

base before you send the Mothership to the tower. You'll be able to build

Planetary Assault Carriers now, so go ahead and build a ton of them. They're

incredibly powerful, and their Ion Storm ability is a huge help. When you've

got a bunch of them, gather all of your Devastators and Carriers together and

demolish the GDI base (make sure to get some use out of your Rift Generator

when it's charged, too).

Don't send your Mothership towards the tower without clearing the path with

your Devastators and Carriers first - GDI will have outposts with anti-aircraft

guns throughout the map, which can do some serious damage to the Mothership.

When the GDI base is destroyed, send your fleet to the marker by the tower to

end the mission.


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | 4.00) Intelligence Database | |

| ----------------------------------------- |


In the following sections, each intelligence entry is listed with which mission

it's found in, what you need to do to get it, and the complete transcript of

the entry. If you're not interested in that much information or you just want

a quick reference, this is a simple list in the order the entries appear in the

database in the game (which is also how they're listed in the more in-depth



GDI Intelligence Database





- Garrisoning

- Calling for Transport

- Logistics Crates: Targets of Opportunity

- Liquid Tiberium Research

- Nod Aircraft

- New Nod Flame Tank

- Commandeering Tiberium Spikes

- EMP Control Center

- Cairo Nuclear Launch Facility

- Nod's Nuclear Arsenal

- Power Management

- Nod Ion Cannon Disruption Tech

- Nod Avatar Walker

- Sonic Weapons and the Invaders

- Alien Origins, Connections to the Tacitus

* Alien Tripod Captured [glitched - this has to be edited in manually]

- Alien Mastermind

- Alien Rift Generator

- Alien Control Node


GDI News Wire


- The Ghost in the Machine

- Discontinuation of the Mammoth Mk II Walker

- The Blunder that Nearly Finished GDI

- Kane's Fascination with Eastern Europe

- GDI Storm Shelters

- Alien Tower Destroyed!


GDI Eyewitness Accounts


- Nod Stealth Technology

- Nod Base Defenses

- GDI Field Recon - the Fall of Cologne

- GDI Field Recon - the Fall of Berne


GDI Weapons, Tactics, and Systems


- GDI Riflemen

- GDI Missile Squad

- GDI Engineer

- Mobile Construction Vehicle

- Barracks


- Grenadier

- Sniper Team

- Command Post

- Airfield

- Orca Attack Aircraft

* Commando [glitched - this has to be edited in manually]

- Predator Battle Tank

- GDI Base Defenses

- Crane

- Zone Troopers

- War Factory Repair Drones

- Base Expansion using the Surveyor

- Rig Deployment into a forward Battle Base

- Firehawk Attack Jets


GDI Archives


- GDI Base Closure

- Tiberium Primer

- Red, Yellow, and Blue Zones

- About the Brotherhood of Nod

- The Global Defense Initiative

- Health Effects of Tiberium Contamination

- Life in a Yellow Zone

- GDI's Nuclear Weapons

- What is it like in a Red Zone?

- Red Zone Terrain: Tiberium Chasms


Nod Intelligence Database



The Inner Circle


- Once Again a Nuclear Power


- The Key to the Future: Part I

- The Towers Sacrosanct

- The Key to the Future: Part II


Nod Field Intelligence


- Tiberium Spikes

- Nod Tactical Doctrine

- Refinery and Harvesting Operations

- The Guns of the Amazon

- Calling for Transport

- Intercepted Transmission

- Black Hand Interrogation Report

- Australia-New Zealand Theatre Assessment

- An Invasion Global in Scope

- Cease Fire Order

- Excerpt from Signal Intelligence Briefing

- The Alliance is Off

- The Towers Begin to Fall

- Field Report - Alien Gravity Stabilizer


Kane's Arsenal


- Militants and Rocket Troopers

- Fanatics

- Saboteur

- Hand of Nod

- Nod War Factory

- Shadow Team

- Venom Patrol Craft

- Flame Weapons

- Base Defenses

- Disruption Tower

- Vertigo Bomber

- Stealth Tank

- Commando

- Obelisk of Light

- Avatar

- Beam Cannon

- Catalyst Missile


Nod Archives


- The Brotherhood of Nod

- Nod's place in the world

- Ground Control for GDI's A-SAT Systems

- Mutant Exodus


Scrin Intelligence Database



Warp Link


- All Units Functional

- Unexpected Developments

- A Campaign of Distraction

- Beyond Blunt Force

- Retaliation by Hostile Indigenous Population

- Premeditated Ichor LQ Detonation

- Factions

- Attacks by Indigenous Populations Worsening

- Threshold Tower Construction

- Threshold Assemblies Under Attack


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | 4.01) Editing Missing Entires | |

| ----------------------------------------- |


If you'd like to add the missing Alien Tripod Captured and Commando entries to

your database, the first step is to find the database files on your computer.

They should be along a path that looks somewhat like this:

C:Documents and Settings(name of operating system user used to install the

game)Application DataCommand & Conquer 3 Tiberium WarsProfiles(your C&C3

profile name)IDB 00_GDI_Internal_MemosIDB.ini

Below the statement "421_AlienOrigins = 1", insert a new row and add this


421_TripodCaptured = 1

For the Commando entry:

C:Documents and Settings(name of operating system user used to install the

game)Application DataCommand & Conquer 3 Tiberium WarsProfiles(your C&C3

profile name)IDB 09_Nod_WeaponryIDB.ini

Below the statement "232_Nod_Stealth_Tank = 1", insert a new row and add this


311_Commando = 1

That should be all there is to it. If you're having trouble, feel free to

contact me, and I'll see if I can help you out.


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | 4.10) GDI Intelligence Database | |

| ----------------------------------------- |


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | | |

| | 4.11) GDI InOps | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |





Mission: The Pentagon

Added: When garrisoning a tower


Garrisoning Structures with Infantry

Urban combat is a messy and dangerous business. When fighting in a city

environment, field commanders should use every advantage to minimize

casualties. Garrisoning civilian structures with infantry is a tactic that

generates multiple rewards, including massive defensive bonuses and increased

safety for the troops. Buildings can provide cover and a fire base for

infantry as they shoot at targets outside without being directly exposed to

enemy fire. Garrisoned buildings protect soldiers from heavy anti-personnel

weapons mounted on vehicles. That being said, field commanders should be weary

of enemy units that specialize in clearing the garrisoned buildings,

particularly those equipped with grenades and flamethrowers. Remember: Caught

in the cross-fire while you're out in the open? Order your troops into a



Calling for Transport


Mission: Langley AFB

Added: When recapturing the airfields


Airlift for Infantry and Vehicles

Once a forward base has an Airfield, many GDI infantry and vehicles gain the

ability to call for transport at almost any time. The unit can radio for

transport from the field and a V-35 Ox VTOL airlifter will fly to the unit's

location, drop down on its thrust vectored engines, and pick up the unit. Once

a destination is communicated to the Ox crew, the aircraft will ferry the

airlifted unit to its destination and set it down on target. Keep in mind that

units are extremely vulnerable while in the air - an Ox is a juicy target for

an enemy unit that has any form of anti-air capability.


Logistics Crates: Targets of Opportunity


Mission: Hampton Roads

Added: When taking the healing crate


Memo from Supply Sergeant Brock Littleford

Both GDI and Nod rely on mobility and rapid deployment for success. Armies

seem to come and go all the time as the balance of power shifts, often very

quickly. Given the haste with which these operations are conducted, it's not a

surprise that a lot of equipment is being left behind. Our Blue Zones and

Yellow Zones are becoming littered with logistics crates filled with military

spares, data cores, and other equipment and supplies. Both sides use the

modular G-771G container, a standard crate used by the commercial shipping

industry for decades. You'll find these containers everywhere - and they

should be considered targets of opportunity for our boys in the field. If your

troops crack one of these containers open, odds are they'll find something

useful. G-771G containers are easy to spot: just look for geometric gray

crates trimmed with diagonal stripes. They stick out like a sore thumb and

anyone can pop them open with a bit of elbow grease.

Good hunting.


Liquid Tiberium Research


Mission: Casabad

Added: When destroying the research lab


Nod Weaponizing New Form of Tiberium

An advanced Nod Tiberium weapon research program was recently uncovered when a

GDI strike team in North Africa stormed a Nod facility originally thought to be

a chemical weapons factory. Science Division evaluation of the wreckage

subsequently confirmed several large scale Tiberium weaponization efforts

underway. Of most concern to InOps is evidence of significant progress towards

the creation of a Liquid Tiberium device of unprecedented destructive power.

The liquid form of Tiberium is a relatively new manifestation of the alien

substance and its properties are not well known. Nod's Liquid Tiberium

research appears to be 5 to 10 years ahead of Science Division.

There were also indications that Nod is working on a more conventional airborne

Tiberium explosive and a catalyst for detonating existing Tiberium crystal

deposits in a sub-critical reaction.

Analysis of past Nod R&D efforts (which tend to be redundant and decentralized

in nature) suggests the Nod lab in North Africa was only one of several

facilities participating in the Tiberium weaponization efforts.


Nod Aircraft


Mission: Casabad

Added: When the Nod planes attack


InOps Field Guide to Nod Aircraft in TW3 Theatres of War

Nod aircraft have evolved considerably since TW2. Nod is fielding the VTOL

Venom scout (pictured below), the batwing Vertigo stealth bomber, a Carryall

that can transport troops and equipment, and a high altitude, long range bomber

called the Armageddon. Venoms are lightly armed and armored but can take on a

wide variety of targets on the ground and in the air - they are even capable of

engaging our Orcas in air-to-air combat. The Vertigo evades detection by most

GDI sensors and only "de-cloaks" to drop its powerful bombs on target

structures and vehicles. The Nod Carryall is the counterpart to our V-35 Ox, a

VTOL aircraft that can pick up and transport a wide variety of troops and

equipment. Finally, the Armageddon is seen infrequently but when it appears on

the battlefield, it is usually bringing bad news. Nod Armageddon aircraft are

used to deliver cluster mines and a number of exotic air-to-ground weapons.


New Nod Flame Tank


Mission: Casabad

Added: When seeing a flame tank near the research lab


Nod Deploys New Tool of Terror

Nod has fielded a new version of their classic anti-infantry weapon system

known as the Flame Tank. The new model carries heavier armor, has a turret to

allow for easier targeting, and uses dual flame throwers that can stay in

action for long periods of time without refueling. It replaces the older

"Devil's Tongue" last used in TW2.

Flame Tanks are devastating against all forms of infantry and can clear out

garrisoned buildings with terrifying efficiency. InOps advises field

commanders to engage Flame Tanks with armored vehicles or aircraft firing

cannons or rockets. The enclosed crew compartments in armored vehicles will

also protect against the inferno generated by the flame throwers.


Commandeering Tiberium Spikes


Mission: Casabad

Added: When capturing a second Tiberium Spike


Tiberium Spikes

The landscape of many Blue and Yellow Zones is dotted with tall cylindrical

structures known as Tiberium Spikes. These automated extraction platforms

slowly pull Tiberium out of subterranean deposits and refine it on location so

that resources are available for immediate use. GDI commanders are encouraged

to commandeer Tiberium Spikes in the field to help sustain their forward

operating bases. A combat engineer deployed into a Tiberium Spike can channel

resources to the production structure of a base.

Commanders are encouraged to provide compensation to the legitimate owners of

commandeered Tiberium Spikes in the form of GDI vouchers that can be redeemed

in Reykjavik for credits. Note that spikes extract at different rates

depending on the size and nature of the underlying Tiberium deposits, so the

flow of resources may vary from location to location.


EMP Control Center


Mission: Alexandria

Added: When capturing the EMP Control Center


Electromagnetic Pulse Control Center

Field commanders should stay on the look-out for the four cylindrical towers of

the EMP Control Center. These odd structures were erected during the last few

decades in a number of Yellow Zones and Blue Zones as a deterrent to Nod

attack. The theory was that a volunteer crew would race to the EMP Control

Center when the civil defense sirens sounded warning of an attack - they would

fire off the EMP and disable attacking forces. After years with little Nod

activity, the centers were mostly abandoned and are now being used

opportunistically by GDI and Nod forces. Deploy a combat engineer into the EMP

Control Center to capture it and use it against enemy forces.


Cairo Nuclear Launch Facility


Mission: Cairo

Added: When all Nod structures have been destroyed (2nd bonus objective)


InOps FLASH Report

Strike on Philadelphia originated at Nod's Cairo Nuclear Launch Facility.

InOps has confirmed that the missile used to destroy the Philadelphia was

launched from an underground silo connected to Nod's Nuclear Launch Facility in

Cairo. Detection of this facility by sat-surveillance prior to the

Philadelphia incident was difficult because most of thestructures were buried

underground or disguised. Since the start of TW3, Nod has removed the masking

structures around their buildings and brought other elements of the facility

above ground to facilitate launch operations. The underground silo that

launched the Philadelphia strike is now inactive, with Nod's launch operations

transferred to a central raised platform with a much lower cycle time between

missile launches.


Nod's Nuclear Arsenal


Mission: Cairo

Added: When Kane's made his appearance


InOps FLASH Report

Nod has consolidated its nuclear arsenal at its Cairo nuke facility. What was

once a mobile nuclear force is now a massive central arsenal. The reason for

the centralization of Nod's nukes is not known, although speculation ranges

from paranoia (Kane afraid that his commanders might rebel and use nukes on

Kane loyalists) to preparation for some unknown operational contingency or a

gain in efficiency of operations. Whatever the reason, we do know one thing

for sure: Take out the Cairo facility and we deprive Nod of its nuclear



Power Management


Mission: Croatia

Added: When the first bonus objective has been given


<<Incoming Text Message>>

Emergency Engineering Report

Warrant Officer S. Bowen

GDI Forward Operating Base "Echo-2"


SBowenMonkeyWrench: Power plants are down and our base grid is compromised -

there just isn't enough juice to keep everything running at the same time. The

only way you're going to keep those defenses online is to power down anything

you're not using. If you shut down half of the base defenses we should be able

to squeeze out enough power to keep the other half online. If one of the

active defenses gets destroyed it won't draw power, so you can turn on another

defense to take over. You may also need to shut down defenses that aren't

active to re-route power to guns and turrets that are under immediate threat.

Juggling power under fire is the key to survival here.


Nod Ion Cannon Disruption Tech


Mission: Sarajevo

Added: When the first three objectives have been given


Nod deploying Ion Cannon Disruption Technology

GDI's orbital Ion Cannon battle stations have been offline ever since the

attack on Goddard Space Center. Repairs have now been completed and the Ion

Cannonsare back in action. However, we are currently unable to strike certain

targets due to Nod's deployment of a new countermeasure: Ion Cannon Disruptor

Arrays. These structures have been erected in multiple locations.

All field commanders should be aware of the existence of Ion Cannon disruption

technology and be on the lookout for the disruptor array structures. Take out

the disrupters with conventional weapons before you call in an Ion Cannon



Nod Avatar Walker


Mission: Sarajevo

Added: When using the Commando to destroy an Avatar


Powerful, resilient, effective, and frightening: The Nod Avatar Walker

Nod has rocketed ahead of GDI in the race to build mechanized combat walkers -

solving many of the problems that had GDI engineers scratching their heads.

There is speculation that Nod stole the original walker technology from GDI,

then took advantage of research in other areas to accelerate the development of

new prototypes. Regardless of the origin of Nod's technology, they have

invested years of research and development at a ruthlessly fast pace - and now

Nod has finally fielded a highly advanced bipedal walker with the adaptive

ability to use multiple weapon systems. The Avatar Walker is a very capable

all-terrain weapons platform, heavily armored and equipped with a powerful

laser. It can also be outfitted with flame throwers, particle beam cannons,

stealth detectors, and stealth generators.


Sonic Weapons and the Invaders


Mission: Munich

Added: When capturing the power plant


InOps FLASH Report

Effects of sonic weapons on the invaders.

Dispatch from Dr. Elian Schwartzberg, Battlefield Medic, 21st Armored Division.

Needless to say, there is very little in the way of hope to be found in the ash

covered, body strewn rubble of post-invasion Munich. Even so, as my team

covertly made its way through the outskirts of that ruined city, searching for

survivors, we stumbled across something that might just be that source of hope.

Crossing the wastelands under guard of night, we encountered the surviving

members of a GDI combat platoon from the 76th Mechanized, apparently flush from

a successful rearguard action that enabled the escape of some VIPs that are

somehow key to the war effort. In conversation it quickly became apparent that

much of said success was due to the intervention from a particularly

unexpected source - sonics.

To quote, from a transcript recorded on my CommInt unit:

"We kept firin', but the metallic [expletive] just kept on coming right at us,

crawling over their own dead like it weren't nothing. Then, right when I knew

we was about to be killed, right when those [expletive] had us up against the

wall, one of those smart [expletive] engineers figured out a way to get the

old Munich Sonic Emitter grid back online and then, BAM!, the damn emitter

towers just started chewing up those invading [expletive] like a Visceroid

gone rabid. It was a thing of [expletive] beauty..."

Staff Sergeant Arnold P. Coddington, 3rd Platoon, Charlie Company, 76th

Mechanized Infantry Division

Yes, it appears that the Sonic Emitters we use to reclaim our land from

Tiberium - and to control and regulate Tiberium growth throughout the reclaimed

Blue Zones - are capable of inflicting great harm upon our newfound enemies.

Further investigation is required before we can determine the why - are the

aliens structurally similar to the crystal? Is that why they are here? For

now we can certainly make use of the what - Sonics hurt the aliens. Hurt them


We may stand a chance after all.


Alien Origins, Connections to the Tacitus


Mission: Stuttgart

Added: When capturing the Alien structure


Results of initial investigation into the origins of the Invaders.

R&D Division

Attn: Battlefield Commanders

Alien Origins - Connections to the Tacitus

GDI science teams have been gathering every possible bit of transmitted data

and physical evidence about the aliens since the moment of invasion. Data

analysis of alien transmissions has indicated some connection between the

Tacitus recovered from Kane and the invaders.

The transmissions recorded from the invasion force seem to be patterned in a

similar way to the data structure in the Tacitus. This leads us to believe

that the invaders are the Scrin, or perhaps some faction thereof. It is clear

upon closer examination that this invasion force demonstrates acute differences

from the source of the Tacitus in dialect and physical form. Perhaps they

shared some distant connection, or there was some ancient contact between their


One transmission we decoded using our most advanced decryption computers

indicated alien chatter regarding another alien race they had previously

encountered. We were unable to translate the word for the other alien race,

but the encryption computer returned the terms brother, ascended, enemy and

Scrin. This casts some confusion on the nature of the invaders, as they share

a multitude of attributes with what we have come to know as the Scrin. It

seems unlikely that this is the very same alien race that brought the Tacitus

to Earth, but the connection is undeniable.

If this is true, we should consider the Tacitus our most valuable military

asset. We must somehow find a way to unlock its secrets.

GDI InOps FLASH Report - DR. A. Bass, PHD, Director of Extraterrestrial



Alien Tripod Captured


Mission: Stuttgart

Added: When capturing a Tripod with an engineer

***This entry is broken - you won't get it during the mission, and the only

way (currently) to add it to your database is by editing the database file.


Invader weapon system re-activated and used by GDI Forces

Front line forces in Europe have managed to capture and reactivate an alien

Tripod. A Commando in direct contact with the enemy disabled the Tripod by

planting a high explosive charge on the legs of the walker. GDI forces then

immediately moved in and established a perimeter around the immobilized alien

war machine. Once the area was secure an engineer was able to gain access to

the walker, repair the damaged leg, and reactivate the onboard systems. Early

reports indicate that the engineer was able to communicate in a rudimentary

fashion with the walker's control entity by utilizing decryption programs

similiar to those found in the Tacitus, the alien artifact decoded by GDI

several decades ago.


Alien Mastermind


Mission: Rome

Added: When destroying the Mastermind


New Invader military unit given GDI designation: Mastermind

Just when we thought that setting up behind the chasm would make us safer, we

were proven wrong. The Alien Mastermind, an enemy commando of sorts, was able

to teleport forces across the gap and jeopardize our entire operation. The

aliens were able to keep the pressure on with a minimal numbers of units and

crafty use of their Statis Chamber and Mastermind. We belive the Mastermind

has more powers than just teleportation, but did not observe any additional

capabilities directly.

If Masterminds are deployed to the battlefield, field commanders should make it

a priority to eliminate them ASAP. The amount of mobility the Masterminds

afford the alien invaders makes them a very high value target. Alien

Masterminds eliminate the advantage of terrain: they virtually guarantee that

no place is safe.

Combat Report - Sergeant Major E.H. Jarvis, First Expeditionary Force


Alien Rift Generator


Mission: Rome

Added: When destroying the Rift Generator


Rift Generator Update

The Rift Generator makes the science behind our own Ion Cannon look downright

primitive. It appears to function by opening a portal at the flash point and

ejecting anything that's caught in the resulting field into deep space. Some

of our more robust structures have been able to hold against such an attack,

but Rift Generator's destructive capabilities are on par with the GDI Ion

Cannon and the Nod Nuclear Missiles.

Dr. Gordon Malou, InOps


Alien Control Node


Mission: Ground Zero

Added: When working your way towards the Control Node


InOps FLASH Report

The alien Control Node at Ground Zero is a unique structure that seems to

channel some form of exotic Tiberium-based radiation to the invader forces.

The emissions from the Control Node move easily through all forms of matter,

much like neutrino wave/particles, and this one node structure is easily able

to bathe every invader unit and structure on Earth with the mysterious

radiation. In fact, this one Control Node could easily supply a uniform bath

of radiation to alien units as far away as Earth's moon. What is this

radiation and why is it needed? Is it for power? Communications?

Synchronization? Coordination and control? Does it provide something

essential for the alien machines or the organic matter inside? We don't know

the answers to any of these questions, but we do believe that the Control Node

is the key vulnerability for the aliens. Take out the Control Node and there

is a good chance the whole invasion will end quickly.


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The Ghost in the Machine


Mission: Hampton Roads

Added: When you're given the third mission objective


Excerpt from INN Holobrief, May 28th, 2043

One of the more unusual chapters of the second Tiberium War came to an

explosive close yesterday as the GDI Corps of Engineers detonated what is

believed to be the last remaining Cabal Bunker - the tube-filled underground

lairs from which the rogue artificial intelligence waged brief war upon


Contacted for comment, retired war hero and former head of the Bureau of Mutant

Affairs, Gen Paul Cortez, lauded for his role in Cabal's defeat, dismissed his

fallen foe as "...a second-rate EVA with a goatee and a Napolean complex."

Cortez also claimed to have refused a GDI invitation to attend the detonation

ceremony, citing his opposition to the current leadership's controversial

Tiberium containment policy and "weak kneed" approach to the Brotherhood of


Rumors that this particular bunker displayed evidence of human or humanoid life

forms in suspension capsules were quickly dismissed by GDI spokesperson Arlene



Discontinuation of the Mammoth Mk II Walker


Mission: Alexandria

Added: When the rail guns upgrade is finished


Excerpt from INN Holobrief, March 12th, 2039

It was a sad day for many today as the last Mammoth Mark II walker to enter

active combat duty clanked its way out of GDI's San Pedro war factory and into

history. With its twin rail guns, battlefield dominance, and unusual boxy

profile, the Mk. II became an iconic symbol of freedom during the second

Tiberium War. Its discontinuation has been greeted by many with anger, notably

Captain Nick "Havoc" Parker, retired war hero, popular conservative pundit, and

noted proponent of the "Kane lives" theory.

"The Mark II was and continues to be one of our most powerful tools in the war

against Nod fanaticism. This discontinuation is nothing but another disgusting

example of GDI bureaucratic penny pinching and namby pamby 'can't we all just

get along' liberalism...once again, GDI is playing right into Kane's hands"

With protests held at containment areas several miles away, the mood at the

factory was more resigned than angry. Production of the controversial new

four-tread all-terrain Mark III is scheduled to take place in far off

Reykjavik, with many in San Pedro fearing for their jobs and the future of

their community...


The Blunder that Nearly Finished GDI


Mission: Cairo

Added: When moving towards the south-east corner of the map


W3N Transcript from The Frank Hour

"...we thought our space stations and Ion Cannons were the safest of our

military assets. We put our most valuable military personnel, our most

important command and control systems, and our most powerful weapons in space

for this very reason. Little did we know that our space assets had a deadly

vulnerability - a single point of failure located in a poorly defended

installation ON THE GROUND. Nod exploited this vulnerability at the worst

possible time, when our entire political and military leadership was on board

the Philadelphia. This is a scandal of staggering magnitude.

"It gets worse. W3N investigative reporters dug into this story and discovered

that the decision to locate our A-SAT control systems on the ground at Goddard

Space Center was made because of cost. SpaceCom would have had to build an

entire new orbital platform just for the computers and crew at a cost of tens

of billions. This is an outrage. Security in space was an illusion all along

- and GDI was almost wiped out because SpaceCom wanted to save some money..."


Kane's Fascination with Eastern Europe


Mission: Croatia

Added: When deploying your MCV


Excerpt from W3N Special on Kane

"...why is Kane determined to rebuild in Eastern Europe? What is his

fascination with Sarajevo? Eastern Europe has been a focal point for Nod

activity for decades and the reasons aren't entirely clear..."


GDI Storm Shelters


Mission: Munich

Added: When capturing the lab


Excerpt from GDI Emergency Procedures Packet - Storm Shelter Protocol

GDI Storm Shelters are located throughout all Blue Zones and in select Yellow

Zone operation areas. They are generally found in close proximity to

population centers and government installations. The earliest shelters were

built after Ion Storms decimated population centers, including an incident

resulting in the death of the famed Dr. Mobius and his top staff. Ion Storm

Shelters are typically located between 10 and 30 meters below ground level, but

no closer than 70 meters to significant deposits of underground water or

Tiberium. Their construction includes 8 foot thick, steel-reinforced concrete

walls with integrated sonic emitters to prevent nearby Tiberium growth. Newer

shelters include dormitories, cafeterias, medical facilities, vehicle

maintenance garages, long-term power generators and redundant sonic emitters.

In high-risk areas some shelters have gained cultural significance as centers

of social activity from sports to art and music events, gaining nicknames such

as "Sector 7", "Old Blue" "The Hatch".

In recent years many private organizations have developed smaller shelters for

corporations and individuals at exorbitant prices. On rare occasion these

private shelters link with official GDI shelters via underground tunnels.

Private citizens with shelters that link to GDI public shelters are required by

law to allow access to anyone who requests aid during class C emergencies and


Courtesy GDI Emergency Aid Commission


Alien Tower Destroyed!


Mission: Ground Zero

Added: When you start the mission


News Update: GDI Successfully Downs Alien Tower in Rome

Today the human race witnessed the destruction of a massive alien tower in one

of the world's worst Red Zones. The success of the mission shows all of us

that there is hope - and that GDI is in a position to push back the invaders

once and for all. The question remains, however, what was the purpose of the


Alien towers have been constructed in nineteen Red Zones. Their precise

purpose is unknown but their location in the heart of the Tiberium infested

hellscapes we call Red Zones indicates that they are somehow connected to the

crystalline substance. The alien retreat to the towers suggests a serious

military realignment or a change of course by the invaders.

While GDI scientists have been pushing to get a close-up analysis of the

towers, military commanders have insisted their quick destruction is the

primary concern. If GDI is able to replicate the quick success of the Rome

Tower mission in the other eighteen tower locations, their purpose may never be



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Nod Stealth Technology


Mission: The White House

Added: When you destroy the Secret Shrine


InOps ECAP Alert "Know Your Enemy"

Nod's Next-gen Stealth Technology Poses a Serious Threat

In the first Tiberium war Nod scientists developed a cloaking device that could

be mounted on a vehicle, a stealth generator that created an energy field that

could literally bend light around a particular object, rendering it invisible

to the eye and to radar. Nod first deployed this new technology on the

infamous Stealth Tank. GDI eventually developed new sensors and

countermeasures that neutralized Nod's stealth technology, but Nod continued to

evolve the science of stealth and the "stealth arms race" has continued

unabated ever since.

Nod's new stealth technology is allowing a number of their vehicles and units

to successfully evade detection by most current-gen GDI sensors. As a result,

Nod stealth units are proving brutally effective against our forces in the

field. Nod has clearly leapfrogged GDI in stealth technology and


GDI field commanders should be aware that the latest G-Tech sensors are

required for detection of Nod stealth units. Unfortunately, the newest sensors

are not widely deployed. Only GDI Pitbull scout vehicles and base defenses

come standard with the latest stealth detecting technology. Other units like

Zone Troopers must be upgraded with Scanner Packs, and Orca aircraft can be

equipped with Sensor Pods or use a recharging pulse scan to detect nearby

hidden enemies.

Note that units equipped with stealth technology can sustain the stealth field

while inactive or moving, but once any offensive action is taken, the field

will break down and the unit will become visible. Also, there are reports that

Nod has constructed a stealth disruption tower that can project a field large

enough to encompass multiple units and even structures. It's conceivable that

Nod forces could cloak an entire base.


Nod Base Defenses


Mission: The White House

Added: When you finish the mission


InOps ECAP Alert "Know Your Enemy"

Nod Base Defenses

Field commanders should be aware that Nod forces have begun deploying new base

defenses with some unique properties. Each base defense consists of four

components: A central hub and three turrets that can be deployed withint a

radius of the hub (the hub is the heart of the defense system and controls all

of the associated turrets). A hub can repair and even rebuild the three

turrets that are slaved to it. To take out one of these new base defenses,

destroy the hub. That's the only way to make sure the structure is neutralized

for good. Also, commanders should note that these new defenses are being

deployed in three distinct flavors: Anti-vehicle, anti-infantry, and

anti-aircraft. Anti-vehicle defenses emply lasers, anti-aircraft turrets fire

SAM missiles, and the anti-infantry turrets use an array of gun barrels that

fire massive blasts of shrapnel almost like giant shotguns.


GDI Field Recon - the Fall of Cologne


Mission: Cologne

Added: When you complete the third objective (capturing the power plant)


Deposition of GDI Watch Commander, detailing the Alien invasion of Cologne

To be honest, even after the [expletive] hit Munich, we didn't think Cologne

would draw much in the way of attention. We've been running simulations since

2038 or so and Cologne has never rated anything more than 'minor strategic

value.' We figured that this would count for the aliens too... guess we were


By the time we detected the first wave, it was too late to form anything more

than a basic defense. Fortunately, we'd been evacuating civilians for the

better part of the day, but we were way behind on erecting defensive

structures, let alone planning any kind of strategy. Things fell apart fast,

those infernal air... uh... spacecraft came streaking in, wiping out half of

our troops before they could even fire a shot. The rest of us scattered,

taking shelter in whatever structures we figured were solid enough to withstand

fire, at least temporarily. Then the power went out, and with it our

communications, our radar and any damn chance of us taking the city back.

At one point the insane hell of combat calmed down and it was almost quiet on

the battlefield - the odd burst of laser fire, a scream, some radio static.

Then, all at once, the sky lit up bright green and the silence became a

deafening explosive howl. My heart sank... the [expletive] had taken out the

Tib silos, all of them... the entire reclamation project, years of work,

undone in a few seconds... a giant [expletive] Tib field spawned right at the

heart of central Germany.

Then their ground units came... giant walkers and little disintegrator things

taking out our tanks, clouds of razor sharp buzzing things reducing our

infantry to unidentifiable piles of wet flesh on the sidewalk.

I called a retreat, grabbed my gun and ran...

Audio Transcript - Deposition of GDI Watch Commander Elliot Gruber, Cologne


GDI Field Recon - the Fall of Berne


Mission: Berne

Added: When you complete the main objective


Deposition of Civilian Witness, detailing the Alien invasion of Berne

'I was about to go off the clock when the evacuate order came through.

Klaxons, sirens, broadcasts on every channel. Even the damn billboards and

street signs were telling us to get out of town. I called my wife, or tried,

but every network was jammed... jammed or just static. We lived in the

central district, worker family housing. I had been supervising the final

touches on my chunk of the anti-Tib wall, out on the east side. Half a city


Within ten minutes, I had abandoned my car and started to run. The vehicle

exit points had jammed up less than ten minutes after the first alert,

plunging the city into gridlock. Seconds later, I was sprinting past

Holovision kiosks, and the ones that were still broadcasting, all I could see

was destruction. Death. Fire...

(the subject places head in hands, mutters inaudibly for 48 seconds) I'm running and I start to hear this low hum. At first I think it's

just the static from the public address system, gone dead a few minutes

earlier. It isn't, it's something more. Like a machine, but alive, also,

somehow. It starts to grow, the sound larger and larger as I sprint, and the

sky is now dark, and the city walls are falling, the city walls I helped

build... and there are things, things in the sky...

(the subject places head in hands, mutters inaudibly for 32 seconds)

...glowing, blue and glossy. Machines, but alive. I keep runninng. My lungs

burn, my sides ache, but I'm getting close to the city. There's a thing in

the sky, like the others, but huge, noise deafening, a massive ring, rotating

around a central object, some kind of control pod. I am too close to take it

all in, to know how it works. It's nearly over me, over central Berne, and

now it's glowing, drawing up some kind of energy.

I lower my head and run.

For a second, everything is silent, as if the gigantic thing had sucked the

sound right out of the air. Then light, everywhere, all consuming. I fall,

shielding my eyes.

Light, light and silence.

When I come to, there... there is no central Berne, no worker family housing.

All gone. Just a pit, gouged from the earth, a pit where a city used to be.

At the center, there is something blue... blue and glittering...'

Audio Transcript (Translated) - Deposition of civilian engineering corps

forman Martin Hoffesommer, Berne, under hypnotic regression


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GDI Riflemen


Mission: North Carolina Badlands

Added: When you build a riflemen squad


Field Manual - Basic Infantry

Equipped with the GD2 rifle, GDI Riflemen are the mainstay of GDI military

forces. They are deployed to all combat zones and trained in anti-infantry

combat techniques. Riflemen are most effective when garrisoned in fortified

structures, and are equipped to dig foxholes when the need arises to defend a

fixed position. Riflemen should never be deployed against heavy armor,

especially flame weapons, without significant heavy-weapon support.

GDI - Units and Weapons


GDI Missile Squad


Mission: North Carolina Badlands

Added: When your missile squads arrive


Field Manual - Basic Infantry

GDI Missile Squads are armed with the FGM-90, which is designed to inflict

maximum damage to vehicles and aircraft. Light vehicles like jeeps and buggies

are excellent targets for Missile Squads. Missile Squads are normally deployed

in tandem with larger Riflemen squads, but can be used to great effect from

garrisoned positions in civilian buildings or APCs where they are protected

from anti-infantry fire.

GDI - Units and Weapons


GDI Engineer


Mission: North Carolina Badlands

Added: When engineers arrive and are explained


GDI combat engineers are able to capture enemy buildings and repair structures

(including bridges and base buildings). Deploy an engineer into an enemy base

structure in order to capture it - or send an engineer into a damaged building

to fix it back up again. Damaged bridges can be repaired by deploying an

engineer into the bridge auto-repair gatehouses.

Engineer Combat Primer Excerpt

- As a combat engineer a few cardinal rules should be kept in mind at all


1. Never act alone in hostile territory. Your standard issue body armor is

ineffective against most modern weapons.

2. You are equipped with a standard GD45 sidearm. Only use it as a last

resort as it will not penetrate most modern body armor.

3. Once you gain access to an enemy structure be sure to disable the central

computer terminal immediately and install your override program to connect the

structure to the nearest command post.

4. When entering a damaged structure be sure to initiate damage control

programs for immediate results. Once the automation has kicked in you will be

clear to commence more extensive repairs.

5. Keep your hard-hat on at all times.

GDI - Units and Weapons


Mobile Construction Vehicle


Mission: North Carolina Badlands

Added: When the MCV arrives


Combat Engineering Primer

Mobile Construction Vehicles, or MCVs, are deployed to all major theaters to

serve as the foundation for a forward operating base. The MCV is capable of

rolling over any relatively clear terrain. It is not equipped for

self-defense. When an MCV reaches its destination it can immediately unpack

into a Construction Yard capable of building production structures, a Tiberium

Refinery, and other elements needed for a forward base. The Construction Yard

can be packed up into the MCV at any time, although it is only advised when the

base it supports is no longer being used.

GDI - Units and Structures




Mission: North Carolina Badlands

Added: When you place a barracks


Field Manual - Logistics

GDI base camps are created using highly portable, modular buildings. This

allows for easy construction and tear-down of shelters in harsh climates and

remote locations. Personnel stationed at GDI bases will find themselves

protected from Tiberium contamination and ion storms due to the durable armor

plating, but will not have access to advanced weaponry without the support of

an Armory.

GDI - Units and Weapons




Mission: The Pentagon

Added: When the APCs arrive


Field Manual - APC

The GDI Armored Personnel Carrier, or APC, is a six-wheeled all-terrain

vehicle that can transport infantry in an armored compartment. Dynamically

sized fire slits permit the soldiers riding in the vehicle to shoot at targets

outside the APC. Deploy a Missile Squad into an APC and the vehicle

effectively gains the ability to fire missiles. Passengers can be evacuated

quickly through multiple exits from the APC, so the vehicle can drop soldiers

right into a firefight with minimum downtime for unloading.




Mission: The Pentagon

Added: When the Grenadier Squads exit the Pentagon


TacOps Field Guide: Grenadier Squad

If you need to clear a garrisoned building fast, deploy a Grenadier squad and

they'll get the job done. Their rocket propelled grenades can even hit the

upper stories of taller structures. Even better, the grenades have minimal

on-board AI and guidance and steer themselves right through windows.

Grenadiers will blow the garrisoned enemy troops right out of the side of the



Sniper Team


Mission: Langley AFB

Added: When all four sniper teams have been rescued


TacOps Field Guide: Sniper Team

Sniper Teams are able to take down enemy infantry with deadly precision. They

employ stealth so they can't be seen or detected while motionless. Finally,

the spotter in a Sniper Team allows you to designate targets for any Juggernaut

artillery units for miles around. The Juggernaut crew will be able to see and

target enemy units and structures anywhere near active Sniper Teams in the



Command Post


Mission: Langley AFB

Added: When establishing control of the GDI outpost


Field Manual - Command Structure

GDI forward bases act as the hubs for GDI operations in all Zones and weather

conditions. The heart of any GDI forward base is the Command Post. From this

structure field commanders can maintain contact with regional GDI resources and

centralize intelligence for rapid response. High-powered radar and

communications equipment allow officers real-time feedback from units in the

field, but note that this gear will draw significant power from your base grid.




Mission: Langley AFB

Added: When recapturing the airfields


Field Manual - Forward Air Bases

Air assets are often dedicated to support a particular ground force. The

modular GDI Airfield can be established to maintain up to four combat aircraft

indefinitely. The facility is capable of refueling, repairing, and rearming

Orca ground attack aircraft, but can also sustain Firehawk VTOL attack jets

with the addition of advanced technical equipment. Airfields each directly

control a small element of aircraft, so without an Airfield these craft may

suffer guidance failure and the inability to maintain extended operations

considering global ion storm interference.


Orca Attack Aircraft


Mission: Langley AFB

Added: When recapturing the airfields


TacOps Field Guide: Mark IV Orca

The highly maneuverable and light-weight Orca aerial weapons platform has

supported GDI ground campaigns for decades. The Mk IV version currently

deployed with GDI forces worldwide is an all-new, state-of-the art aircraft.

With VTOL capability that allows it to operate from small pads, a high crusing

speed, long range, and the ability to hover for extended periods, the Mk IV

Orca is a truly versatile weapon system. Its air-to-ground missiles can strike

a wide variety of targets including enemy vehicles and structures. The Mk IV

can also be equipped with a sensor array capable of detecting even the most

advanced Nod stealth units. Field commanders should note that Orcas are not

capable of engaging targets in the air and should be escorted by Firehawk

attack jets carrying air-to-air missiles when operating in areas where Nod

commands air superiority.




Mission: Hampton Roads

Added: When taking control of the Commando


TacOps Field Guide: Commando

The deadliest weapon in the GDI arsenal isn't a tank or an aircraft - it's a

human being. GDI's elite Commando is truly an "army of one," backed by 50

years of tradition and trained in a grueling program that has a 22% fatality

rate and a 97% droo-out rate for the survivors (even after starting with the

very best of the best in all branches of service). Commandos are equipped with

special battle armor, solid fuel jump jets, a top secret rail gun with a high

rate of fire, and det-packs that can take down an entire building with an

exotic new explosive. GDI weapons labs equip Commandos with the prototypes of

GDI's next-gen weapons, so nobody else on the battlefield has the toys these

boys have. The most elite Commandos are also trained to use their det-packs on

the legs of large walkers, one of the reasons GDI retired many of the bipedal

walkers that were a mainstay in the second Tiberium War (given that this new

vulnerability seemed like it could be exploited by Nod elite units as well).


Predator Battle Tank


Mission: The White House

Added: When you build a Predator Tank


Weapons of the World 2047: GDI Main Battle Tank - MBT-6 Predator

Equipped with a 150mm cannon, this 65 ton tank packs an armor-piercing punch

against any vehicle or structure. It's also fast and quite maneuverable for a

large armored vehicle. Devastating in numbers, Predator tanks can rip through

enemy encampments quickly, as well as crush infantry under their tracks. They

have excellent armor, but are vulnerable to armor-piercing rocket and cannon



GDI Base Defenses


Mission: The White House

Added: When you place a Watchtower or a Guardian Cannon


Excerpt Technical Manual 2047

GDI has 3 basic defenses with which to ward off enemy attacks: The Watchtower,

the Guardian Cannon, and the AA Battery.

The Watchtower stands 30ft tall with twin 20mm railguns mounted atop it.

Equipped with an IR spotlight and next-gen sensor to detect stealthed units,

this anti-infantry defense tears enemy infantry to shreds. Programmed to

attack any ground unit that comes within its range, the Watchtower is also able

to distinguish between infantry and tanks, and will prioritize the infantry

over tanks so as to minimize the lethality of its anti-personnel ammunition.

The Guardian Cannon is equipped with a 105mm gun capable of ripping through

the heavy armor of tanks. The Guardian is an anti-vehicle weapon and is not as

effective against infantry.

The Anti-Air Battery has twin 30mm Gattling guns firing depleted Uranium shells

at air targets. With a deadly accurate fire control system and a staggering

rate of fire, the AA Battery is very effective against any form of aircraft.




Mission: The White House

Added: When you build and place a crane


Base Logistics Field Guide

If a forward base needs to go up fast, consider building a Crane to open up a

second production queue at the Construction Yard. The nano-assemblers,

computers, and control units will be able to work on two base structures



Zone Troopers


Mission: Casabad

Added: When the Zone Troopers arrive


TacOps Field Guide: Zone Troopers

GDI Zone Troopers are elite heavy infantry with exceptional mobility, armor,

and enough firepower to take out enemy targets ranging from infantry to light

vehicles. Equipped with power armor, rail guns, and jump jets that can boost

them over obstacles or across rivers, Zone Troopers do the heavy lifting for

the GDI infantry.


War Factory Repair Drones


Mission: Alexandria

Added: When you build and place a War Factory


Capability Update

Everyone knows that War Factories build vehicles. But did you know that a War

Factory can also perform repairs? War Factories have been upgraded with

autonomous repair drones that can perform even the most complex repairs to

severely damaged vehicles in a very short period of time. How does it work?

Just get close. Vehicle crews in damaged tanks, APCs, and buggies should bring

their vehicles back to the base War Factory and the drones will begin repair

operations when the vehicles are in proximity to the factory structure.


Base Expansion using the Surveyor


Mission: Alexandria

Added: When deploying a Surveyor


GDI Field Manual

Some forward base Construction Yards can build Surveyor vehicles (found under

the Support Structure Tab of the base control interface) which have the

capability to deploy into a small Outpost. Surveyors can be given the command

to deploy on any terrain where base structures can be built. Once an Expansion

Base is established, the Construction Yard in the main base can be used to

build any structure nearby, including Refineries, War Factories, base defenses,

and whatever else might be useful. The Surveyor and the Outpost it creates are

superb tools for claiming territory near strategic targets like remote Tiberium

fields (so refineries can be built nearby, saving harvesters from a long

commute through possible enemy-controlled terrain).


Rig Deployment into a forward Battle Base


Mission: Albania

Added: When the Rig arrives


GDI Field Manual - Holding The Line

GDI field commanders in some forward bases have access to one of the most

unique power projection systems in the world: The Rig. The Rig is a vehicle

that is designed to roll deep into enemy territory and quickly deploy into a

heavily armed Battle Base structure. Equipped with Guardian cannons and a

missile launcher, the Battle Base is capable of engaging enemy vehicles and

aircraft. As an added bonus, Rigs carry a complement of auto-drones for making

field repairs to GDI vehicles. The Rig/Battle Base combination is ideal for

claiming and holding terrain, enabling GDI field commanders to emply a clasic

"clear and hold" strategy for securing Tiberium fields or gradually taking over

an objective area.


Firehawk Attack Jets


Mission: Albania

Added: When capturing the Reinforcement Bay for main objective # 4


TacOps Field Guide: Firehawk

The Firehawk is a fast and highly maneuverable VTOL attack jet that can carry

air-to-ground or air-to-air missiles. Field commanders can make their load-out

choices while the Firehawk is on the pad at an airfield. Forward bases with a

Tech Center structure can equip Firehawks with special rocket boosters that

allow the aircraft to punch into the stratosphere and go near-orbital in order

to hop over enemy air defenses. Note that Firehawks are vulnerable to AA fire

in the actual target zone during the re-entry after the boost phase.


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GDI Base Closure


Mission: North Carolina Badlands

Added: When recapturing the outpost


Scrap of News Article from 2043 of 2043 GDI has closed over 60% of their military bases around the

world, including installations in North Carolina, Brazil, and Eastern Europe.

The most recent cutbacks are due to a decrease in Nod activity - with Kane

dead, the Brotherhood seems to be splintering apart...


Tiberium Primer


Mission: North Carolina Badlands

Added: When harvesting is explained


Tiberium: A gift or a curse?

Tiberium is a scientific curiosity, a vastly powerful resource, an

unprecedented environmental cataclysm, a catalyst for war, and much more. It's

like nothing we've ever seen before and it is constantly transforming itself.

We are almost certain Tiberium is extraterrestrial in origin; it is not

man-made and there is no evidence of the substance on Earth prior to its first

appearance half a century ago. Early forms of Tiberium were almost organic,

sprouting out of the ground in what seemed to be plant-like pods, leaching

minerals out of the earth and emitting clouds of toxic gas. Over time,

Tiberium showed it had the ability to evolve and change.

By 2047, most Tiberium on Earth has manifested in what we know as its most

common form: A self-replicating proton lattice that turns any matter it

touches into more of itslef, giving off powerful radiation in the process. It

can change anything it comes into contact with into more Tiberium.

Is Tiberium terraforming the Earth into a planet suitable for alien life? Is

it a weapon? Is it a creature of some kind? Perhaps some form of

consciousness resides in the crystal lattices, a quantum crystalline brain that

grows ever smarter as it grows and grows. There are many theories about what

Tiberium actually is... and why it is here. Ultimately its origin and its

purpose - if it has one - are still a mystery.

GDI has not given up on trying to contain the spread of Tiberium. With

Tiberium infestation reaching critical levels and new, more sinister variants

of the substance turning up, things started to look pretty grim for planet

Earth in the middle of the 21st century. However, GDI has found a

vulnerability in the green crystal that they have begun to exploit. GDI

engineers have found the resonant frequency for Tiberium... and they have

created sonic resonators that are capable of breaking up Tiberium crystals.

A high level scientific explanation of the alien substance is included here for

students, engineers, and scientists: The most recent form of Tiberium is a

dense "dynamic proton lattice" held together by exotic heavy particles. When

Tiberium comes into contact with other matter, the heavy particles randomly

collide with the nuclei of the target matter, smashing it to pieces (in the

case of smaller nuclei) or incrementally knocking off protons and neutrons (in

the case of heavier nuclei). Tiberium captures a fraction of the protons that

are ejected during this collision process and incorporates them into its own

structure, thus transmuting matter into more Tiberium. Whenever one of the

heavy particles - a muon or tauon - collides with an atomic nucleus, fission

occurs, which results in the production of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation as

well as other forms of electromagnetic radiation (like infra-red). During the

transmutation process, nuclei that Tiberium has come into contact with may be

changed into nuclei with different (usually fewer) numbers of protons or



Red, Yellow, and Blue Zones


Mission: Casabad

Added: When starting the mission


Tiberium infestation has rendered 30% of the planet totally uninhabitable.

Large swaths of the Earth's surface have been designated as "Red Zones" - areas

that are desolate, swept by storms, and contaminated by vast amounts of

Tiberium. Venturing into, over, or even near these wastelands can be extremely


Beyond the Red Zones, Tiberium contamination has caused varying levels of

environmental damage in another 50% of the Earth's populated areas. In the

ecologically compromised and war torn Yellow Zones, Tiberium fields are common

- growing in the middle of cities, on farmland, and throughout the

enviroment. Tiberium-related climate change has caused an endless cycle of

droughts, floods, and severe weather of all types including spectacular

Category 6 hurricanes, tornadoes with wind speeds of 500 miles per hour, and

exceedingly violent thunderstorms. Especially destructive Ion Storms

occasionally rage out of the Red Zones to wreak havoc on cities and towns in

the borderlands.

Only 20% of the Earth's surface is in relatively pristine condition. The Blue

Zones suffer from minimal Tiberium infestation and have been relatively

untouched by war. The populations of the Blue Zones live in relative comfort,

going about their lives in high-tech futuristic cities that sit in forested

valleys or nestle in pastoral farmland.


About the Brotherhood of Nod


Mission: The Pentagon

Added: When primary objective # 4 is given


GDI views Nod as a dangerous, virulent, and inexplicably self-sustaining

terrorist group obsessed with accelerating the worst ecological catastrophe in

history, led by a charismatic and brilliant sociopath named Kane. The

Brotherhood sees itself quite indifferently. Nod believes that it is the agent

of change for a world in the throes of transition to a new order, the

representative of the poor and the opressed, and a foil to the previously

unchecked power of GDI.

Nod has the people, resources, organization, and raw military power necessary

to stand against GDI and wage war on a global scale. Yet the Brotherhood of

Nod isn't a country: it's a strange new hybrid organization that has the

combined characteristics of a religious movement, a multinational corporation,

and a nation-state. Given the awesome demands of modern warfare, with its

terrible cost and vast scale, Nod's ability to go toe-to-toe with GDI is


Nod is able to recruit thousands of new members every month from the desperate

populations of the borderlands. Their political, military, and logistical

operations are decentralized and buried deep inside the crumbling cities,

towns, and outposts in the decaying Yellow Zones. A vast and sophisticated

infrastructure is diguised from GDI, and Nod has perfected the art of moving

military assets and forces quickly over long distances without detection, even

by satellite or drone aircraft with the latest generation sensors.

Nod's core organization is very sophisticated and high-tech but they also have

a large guerilla force composed of hastily trained and minimally equipped

recruits from the Yellow Zones. Nod's field forces are an interesting mix of

low tech "militia" troops and smaller numbers of highly trained, elite soldiers

equipped with state of the art communications gear and the most advanced

weapon systems available.

Nod's military assets are experimental and exotic in both appearance and

function, but the durability of their units is suspect. Nod engineers are not

afraid to risk human life and will often sacrifice safety and protection for

increased abilities and speed. Their high-end military hardware runs on

Tiberium and tends to be fast but vulnerable, lethal but unstable. Nod

offensive weapons deployed on vehicles range from rockets, machine guns, and

flame throwers to toxines, lasers, and nuclear weapons. They also have a

number of Tiberium-based weapons.


The Global Defense Initiative


Mission: The Pentagon

Added: At the start of the mission


The Global Defense Initiative began as a secret military alliance of advanced

nations under the United Nations umbrella. GDI's mission: To contain

Tiberium, reverse its spread, and fight the sinister Brotherhood of Nod.

Over time, power and sovereignty have been gradually ceded to GDI and the

national identities of the participating countries have faded. In 2047 that

process has reached its final stages: While there are still technically

individual Member Nations, the reality is that GDI has become a unified

political and military super-state.

GDI controls the only areas of the Earth that have not been significantly

compromised by Tiberium infestation. The crystalline alien substance is slowly

consuming the rest of the planet, causing an environmental cataclysm that has

made 30% of the Earth uninhabitable and another 50% of the Earth's surface

exceedingly unfriendly to civilization. GDI's home territories are known as

"Blue Zones" since they are mostly clear of Tiberium and have been relatively

untouched by war (in contrast to the ecologically ravaged and war-torn "Yellow

Zones" and the Tiberium infested hellscapes designated as "Red Zones").

The clash between GDI and Nod has escalated into full world wars twice before -

the First Tiberium War (TWI) erupted when both powers were in their formative

states and that terrible war was followed by another worldwide firestorm

several years later.


Health Effects of Tiberium Contamination


Mission: Sarajevo

Added: When capturing the Nod Science Ministry


What happens if you're exposed to Tiberium? Nothing good. If you come into

direct contact with Tiberium, the green matter will start to fuse with your

skin within about 20 seconds. You'll feel an intense burning sensation,

similar to touching a hot pan or spilling acid on your skin. A full blown

infection will manifest if you aren't treated immediately. Your flesh will

begin to crystallize; eventually your internal organs will shut down as

Tiberium extends rigid crystalline runners throughout your body. If you

breathe in the crystal, then it will become embedded in your lungs. You'll

lose the ability to process oxygen as your lung tissue crystallizes.

Eventually you'll start coughing up blood and will hemorrhage to death.

In some cases - and for unknown reasons - Tiberium infection will trigger

cellular mutation. It's not cancer in that the mutations seem strangely

directed; they don't kill you, but your body will begin to transform. The

mechanism for this mutation is not well understood.


Life in a Yellow Zone


Mission: Sarajevo

Added: When capturing the Mutant Hovel


Tiberium contamination affects Yellow Zones directly and indirectly. Climate

change, melting glacial ice, extreme weather, Tiberium field growth, and

decades of war have caused social collapse in several Yellow Zones. Many

cities in the most afflicted areas are run by warlords and criminal

organizations or have degenerated into anarchy - or they have fallen under the

thrall of the sinister Brotherhood of Nod.

Existence in the worst-off Yellow Zones is not pleasant at all. Your home is

likely to be in a decaying building with no running water. Power comes on for

a few hours a day at erratic times. Food is scarce. Doctors are rare. On a

few occasions food aid or medical care will be provided by humanitarian workers

visiting from the pristine and high tech Blue Zones.

A subsistence living is just the start. Tiberium contamination is a fact of

life, and thousands die every year from inhaling microscopic crystals that are

carried in smog, clouds of dust, and other airborne particulates. Tiberium may

even fall out of the sky suspended in rain drops if the clouds overhead have

passed through a Red Zone during or after an Ion Storm. Because of the drought

conditions in many Yellow Zones, rain showers are often greeted by the local

populations with an odd mix of fear, dread, and joy.

In the harsh reality of a Yellow Zone, Tiberium is not the only threat. If

Tiberium doesn't get you, then you are likely to fall victim to a violent

crime, get caught in the crossfire between warlords clashing over turf, or

become a collateral damage statistic in the global war between the armies of

the Global Defense Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod.


GDI's Nuclear Weapons


Mission: Cairo

Added: When the countdown has been announced


GDI still possesses a nuclear arsenal stored at key locations around the world

(including a large nuke base in the desolate outback of Australia, heavily

defended silos in North American Yellow Zones, and installations in other

remote areas). GDI leaders long ago made a vow not to ever use nuclear weapons

no matter how bad the situation got and kept that vow even as Nod acquired its

own nuclear capability. GDI's nukes are few in number but are stored with

delivery systems (including IBCMs) and kept at top operational readiness just

in case GDI leaders ever change their minds. The most difficult test of GDI

nuclear policy came in the early days of TW3 right after the strike on the

Philadelphia, but even then it's questionable how effective nukes would have

been in stemming the Nod tide given that Nod's forces were highly decentralized

and Nod troops were staging operations deep in GDI Blue Zones. Some view GDI's

pledge not to use nukes as a cynical one given that they deployed a new

precision weapon of mass destruction - the Ion Cannon - right at the time they

made their vow.


What is it like in a Red Zone?


Mission: Berne

Added: When destroying the air base


Excerpt from "International Orthographic's Guide to Our World Today"

If you were to equip yourself with a hardened environment suit and stand in the

middle of a Red Zone, you would see a landscape straight out of hell. The

ground is a blasted and barren plateau of rock laced with veins of Tiberium

that shine through with a malevolent green radiance. On the horizon are

massive formations of pure Tiberium that have welled up through the surrounding

earth. These frozen crystalline glaciers cast a sickly emerald glow on the

surrounding terrain. Tilt your head and you'll contemplate a cloudy, tortured

sky alive with twisting patterns of shimmering light and flickers of lightning.

If you wait long enough, you'll see an Ion Storm begin to form, the lightning

overhead intensifying until the entire environment is lit with rapid strobing

flashes. Eventually the vast and terrible energy overhead will begin arcing to

the ground around you in a terrifying display of destructive force. These

fireworks are accompanied by a howling toxic whirlwind that scours the deserted

ground and drives shards of Tiberium before it at insane speeds.

Red Zones are like the surface of an alien world. Scientists have speculated

that Tiberium is actually a terraforming agent for an alien civilization,

slowly transforming our world into an environment suitable for beings that have

evolved on a different planet. No definitive conclusions have been reached.

Unauthorized reproduction of this text will be met with the harshest possible

penalties, under the GDI anti-piracy convention of 2017.


Red Zone Terrain: Tiberium Chasms


Mission: Rome

Added: When starting the mission


Excerpt from GDI Red Zone Military Operational Database

Red Zones are the most hostile operational environments on the planet. The

abundance of Tiberium fields, the toxic radiation, the intimidating terrain

(including chasms and cliffs), the terrible weather, and the huge Tiberium

glaciers all contribute to make these hellscapes a nightmare for field

commanders. On the bright side, considering our resources and mobility, we

have found that Red Zone conditions don't completely jeopardize our fighting

ability. The following operational techniques are found to be the most

effective in Red Zone combat actions:

- Jump Jets: our commando and zone troopers make the best use of GFI

technology by simply jumping across the wide swathes of hostile terrain.

- Calling For Transport: the ground terrain poses serious challenges that can

be circumvented by bringing in a V35 OX to move units around.

- Expanding Ground Control: ground control can sometimes expand build radius

beyond the length of a chasm, allowing units to be produced on the other side.

In addition, transporting Surveyors across the chasm can allow for base

construction on the front lines.


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | 4.40) Nod Intelligence Database | |

| ----------------------------------------- |


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 4.41) The Inner Circle | |

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| ----------------------------------------- |



Once Again a Nuclear Power


Mission: Outback

Added: When the Carryalls arrive


Excerpt from a Message to the Brotherhood

"...the Brotherhood of Nod is once again a nuclear power. We shall use our

warheads and delivery systems to cleanse our enemies from the Earth in a bath

of nuclear fire..."

Transmitted upon recapture of nuclear warheads in the Australian Outback




Mission: Downtown Sydney

Added: Shortly after Kane makes his appearance


Message to the Brotherhood

I have not abandoned you, my children. I know that recent events have been

unsettling, with the war against GDI taking an unexpected turn, the destruction

of Temple Prime, my temporary absence, Kilian's betrayal, and the arrival of

the Visitors. Your faith has been tested, as it has been before, and I'm

confident that it did not waver.

Know that everything is proceeding exactly as I have forseen it. The light of

a new day shines into every corner of the world.

Unfortunately, there are more tests ahead of us before we fulfill our destiny.

I ask you for your continued faith and obedience so that we may all stride into

a glorious future together.


The Key to the Future: Part I


Mission: Italian Hills

Added: Shortly after the mission starts


<<Incoming Transmission>>

Source: Kane

Priority: Ultra

Scramble Index: Echo-Oscar-5

Ascension: That is the reward that awaits us. Complete these final tasks that

I have put before you, and our destiny will be fulfilled.

You must not fail.

<<End Transmission>>


The Towers Sacrosanct


Mission: Operation Stiletto

Added: When you capture a Drone Platform



The Visitors are divine instruments. They are not divine in their own right

but because of what they are doing for us, building the sacred towers in the

hearts of our Red Zones. The Visitors remain hostile to us because they know

not what they do; their vision is limited and they cannot see their own part

in a Plan that goes beyond their purpose.

No member of the Brotherhood shall take hostile action against the holy sites

where the towers are rising out of the Red Zones. Defensive action against

Visitors showing hostile intent is understandable, but do not strike first.

Be aware that GDI is conducting military operations against the Visitors all

over the world. Such operations help our cause if they keep the Visitors

distracted - but if GDI threatens a tower then we must intervene to help

protect the sacred structure.

The towers are new homes of the Brotherhood, and their importance - and

meaning - is transcendent. Treat them as you would treat your temple.


The Key to the Future: Part II


Mission: Kane's Tower

Added: Shortly after the mission starts


<<Incoming Transmission>>

Source: Kane

Priority: Ultra

Scramble Index: November-Kilo-2

One of our sacred towers is now very close to completion. This magnificent

structure in the Mediterranean Red Zone rises thousands of meters into the sky.

Once the Visitors finish their work on this tower, it will become utterly

impervious to attack by any weapon known to man. We must do everything in our

power to ensure that this holy site is not sullied by GDI as the Visitors

complete their task.

This tower is our gateway to the stars. It is the key to the future. It must

be protected at all costs.

<<End Transmission>>


| ----------------------------------------- |

| | | |

| | 4.42) Nod Field Intelligence | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Tiberium Spikes


Mission: The White House

Added: After capturing a Tiberium Spike


Excerpt from Brotherhood Combat Operations Guide

Capture Tiberium Spikes in your theatre of war to provide logistical support

for combat operations. You'll find these Tiberium mining and processing units

deployed by the hundreds in various Yellow and Blue Zones. Send a Saboteur

into a Spike and claim it for your own - your forces will benefit from a

constant flow of resources as the machine extracts Tiberium from underground

deposits and processes it on-site.


Nod Tactical Doctrine


Mission: Andrews Air Force Base

Added: When an enemy unit is spotted


Excerpt from the Brotherhood Combat Operations Manual

"...Nod operational doctrine states that commanders should control the tempo of

combat operations, avoiding direct contact with the enemy until the time and

place are just right. Stealth, speed, mobility, force composition, and

operational flexibility are the key to success..."


Refinery and Harvesting Operations


Mission: Washington DC

Added: At the start of the mission


Excerpt from the Brotherhood Combat Logistics Guide

Modular Tiberium refineries can be set up quickly and effeciently on-site,

using the latest Tiberium processing technology. The latest generation Nod

harvesters are not just fast, but they are also able to avoid detection with

on-board stealth technology. You'll be able to harvest resources right under

the nose of the enemy, leaving GDI logistics officers scratching their heads

and asking themselves, 'Where'd that Tiberium field go?'...

Peace Through Power!


The Guns of the Amazon


Mission: Atlantic Coast

Added: After the first objective has been given


<<Incoming Transmission>>

Source: Viper's Nest Actual

Priority: Monarch

Scramble Index: Quebec-Romeo-1

Evacuation routes for convoys in transit from the Amazon Desert have been

compromised by long range GDI artillery emplacements. Convoys designated as

Sand Viper, Lancehead, and Bushmaster will hold at markers Echo, Sierra, and

Bravo until further notice. Escorts will set up a defensive perimeter around

each convoy.

Viper's Nest Actual will advise when the GDI emplacements have been


<<Transmission Offline>>


Calling for Transport


Mission: Amazon Desert

Added: After building an Air Tower


From the Brotherhood Combat Operations Manual

Once aircraft have begun operating from a Nod base, many Nod ground units in

the general area gain the ability to call for transport. Units can radio in

from the field requesting airlift from their current position. Carryalls will

deploy, pick up the units needing transportation, and ferry them to a target

destination. Be careful about exposing the Carryalls to enemy anti-aircraft

fire because Carryalls are vulnerable targets and you run the risk of losing

your infantry or vehicles in transit.


Intercepted Transmission


Mission: Sarajevo

Added: If you get the liquid Tiberium transport to Temple Prime unharmed


<<Incoming Transmission>>

Source: Unknown, possibly airborne over Indian subcontinent

Priority: Able

Scramble Index: Uniform-India-9

"*garbled* ...strayed from the path... *unintelligible* against

brother... *unintelligible* ...things finally set right, a new course...

*garbled* ...rapid deployment force... *garbled* ...Copperhead Actual..."

<<Transmission Offline>>


Black Hand Interrogation Report


Mission: Outback

Added: Near the start of the mission


Black Hand Confessor Barzan

Interrogation Report

Subject: GDI Nuclear Tech/Broken Hill

'...before expiring, subject confirmed that GDI's A-NZ special weapons

detachment will be moving nuclear warheads from the base at Broken Hill to a

location within the Sydney zone border. Multiple warheads will be transported

in a convoy escorted by GDI military units. Blast yields for the warheads

have not been confirmed, but are likely to be in the 100-300 kiloton range.

Date, time, and route information are as follows...'


Australia-New Zealand Theatre Assessment


Mission: Outback

Added: After capturing the GDI Research Facility (second bonus objective)


Nod Intelligence Report

March 2046

GDI and the Brotherhood both have significant operations in Australia. It

seems inevitable that this region will become a major theatre of war once the

offensive against GDI gets under way. Kilian Qatar has personally overseen the

preparations in the A-NZ theatre including the construction of a full regional

command facility at Ayers Rock and the establishment of multiple underground

bases throughout the Australian Outback. A-NZ infantry and armored divisions

have been training intensively for the last three years using weapons and

equipment that are manufactured locally at a rapid pace. When the time comes,

the Brotherhood's A-NZ forces will be ready.


An Invasion Global in Scope


Mission: Outback

Added: After the invasion begins


Excerpt from A-NZ Daily Intelligence Briefing

"...the invaders have attacked GDI and Nod forces and civilian targets around

the world with savage force. The largest scale enemy activity has been

reported near Red Zone borders and in the larger population centers.

Fortunately for the Brotherhood, the larger cities tend to be in Blue Zones,

so it looks like GDI strongholds are taking the worst of the punishment..."


Cease Fire Order


Mission: Sydney City Wall

Added: Near the start of the mission


<<Begin Transmission>>

Source: A-NZ HQ, Copperhead Actual

Priority: Abel

Scramble Index: Charlie-Juliet-4

All A-NZ commanders will cease offensive operations against GDI military units

at 2300 today. A temporary "cease fire" order will be in effect until further

notice. Selected A-NZ commanders will be asked to begin coordinated operations

with GDI units against invader forces in the A-NZ theatre. Copperhead Actual

will provide contact information and liaison officers to the affected A-NZ



Exceprt from Signal Intelligence Briefing


Mission: Sydney City Wall

Added: After the aliens break through the wall


Excerpt from A-NZ Theatre Signal Intelligence Briefing

...Sight ComSec has been compromised in the A-NZ Theatre of War. Data and

voice transmissions from an unknown source have resulted in new operational

directives being issued without the knowledge of Copperhead Actual. Commanders

are acting on the unauthorized orders and the resulting chaos is compromising

our temporary alliance with GDI...


The Alliance is Off


Mission: Downtown Sydney

Added: After using a nuke on the GDI base


<<Intercepted GDI Transmission>>

...Nod has initiated combat operations against GDI forces in the A-NZ Theatre,

and they've caught us with our pants down. The alliance of convenience is

hereby terminated and all GDI units in the theatre are free to engage Nod

forces. Why did we think we could trust them in the first place? Let's take

the fight to them and expel them from this Theatre of War...


The Towers Begin to Fall


Mission: Italian Hills

Added: A few minutes into the mission


<<Incoming Transmission>>

Source: Basilisk Actual

Priority: Ultra

Scramble Index: Delta-November-3

GDI strike teams have attacked and destroyed Visitor towers in multiple Red

Zones and the tempo of their combat operations is increasing. They started

with the Rome Tower and are now staging strikes in rapid succession all over

the world.

Kane needs at least one tower to survive completion. The Basilisk command team

is evaluating the situation and determining the best strategy for ensuring that

at least one tower survives.

<<End Transmission>>


Field Report - Alien Gravity Stabilizer


Mission: Operation Stiletto

Added: After capturing or building a Gravity Stabilizer


Field Recon regarding Alien Technology

Connection Opened

Received Transmission:

Source: Sirius 57 Alpha

Priority: Vermillion

Scramble Index: Foxtrot-Oscar-8


- Shadow team Alpha-22 deployed to enemy theatre of operations in Area 11,

Vanguard Sector, coordinates Golf-9-Kilo-5. Mission: Collect radiological and

full spectrum data on Visitor structure Type 8 with intent to discern primary

functional capability. Arrived 0200 hours undetected, 320 meters from target.

Deployed receptors and gathered data for ~19 hours before "Seeker" patrol

ambushed team. Six of eight team members eliminated in escape. One

subsequently died of injuries sustained during extraction.

- Initial analysis of gathered data shows that Type 8 structure acts as a

"Gravity Stabilizer" to compensate for intense gravity fields generated by

planetary bodies. This evidently allows alien spacecraft to make short-range

teleportation jumps into the Earth's magnetic and gravitic field with maximum

precision. Gravity Stabilizers typically appear only in well secured areas

where alien operations are highly focused.

- Visitor craft observed utilizing the Gravity Stabilizer include the units

designated as "Stormrider", "Planetary Assault Carrier", and "Devastator

Warship". These craft appear to be entering the area of operations using the

Gravity Stabilizer before heading to objectives in the surrounding regions.

Recommendation: Prioritize destruction of Gravity Stabilizer structures in

combat zones. In neutral zones disable via reactor sabotage in order to delay

deployment of major enemy combat units.

Note: Structure Type 8 now designated as Gravity Stabilizer.

Connection Closed


| ----------------------------------------- |

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| | 4.43) Kane's Arsenal | |

| | | |

| ----------------------------------------- |



Militants and Rocket Troopers


Mission: Goddard Space Center

Added: After capturing the Command Post


Excerpt from the Brotherhood Combat Operations Manual

"...the Brotherhood's elite soldiers - like the Black Hands or the Shadows -

are highly capable but relatively few in number. If the elite soldier is the

Brotherhood's scalpel, to be used with devastating precision, then the

militants and rocket troopers in their millions are like a great war hammer or

battleaxe. Their power comes from their sheer numbers, and we continue to

recruit them by the hundreds of thousands from the desperate populations of

the Yellow Zones. We give them enough training, weapons, and equipment to

make them a vast blunt instrument of war for the Brotherhood..."




Mission: Goddard Space Center

Added: Shortly after the mission starts


Excerpt from writings of Confessor Marcion

"Behold the noblest of our brothers! They shall sugger not the dread of this

meager existence, nor shall they tolerate the tyranny of GDI. Through their

sacrifice they bring liberation to each and every one of us who struggles on

in their glorious wake. They will cleanse the land of oppression with the

flames of their very souls, as they deliver Kane's word in fire."

- Nod Confessor Marcion




Mission: Saboteur

Added: When the second main objective is given


From "Rites of War"

Nod's elite society of combat engineers - known as the Saboteurs - includes

some of the most loyal and brilliant clerics. Saboteurs use their special

talents and skills to take over key enemy structures. Saboteurs can also rig

certain civilian structures and bridges with proximity-detonated explosive

charges. A Saboteur is made by years of training in science and in the dark

arts of sabotage, infiltration, appropriation, and hijacking.


Hand of Nod


Mission: The White House

Added: Shortly after the mission starts


From "Rites of War"

The Hand of Nod is not just a barracks and armory for Nod infantry. It is also

a place of learning for militants and rocket troopers, a sanctuary for Fanatics

as they perform their departure rituals, and an interrogation center for

Confessors as they extract secrets from enemy captives and keep the hearts of

our own troops pure and true. Saboteurs and Commandos may also choose to bunk

down in the Hand of Nod prior to launching their secret operations.


Nod War Factory


Mission: The White House

Added: Shortly after the mission starts


From "Rites of War"

Preparations for the start of the Third Tiberium War required a very high

degree of secrecy. The need for concealment and stealth coupled with the

ever-increasing number of ion storms has forced the Brotherhood to move away

from airlift asthe primary source of reinforcements for combat units. The

Brotherhood is now employing the ultimate in "just in time" weapons delivery:

Vehicles are beling built on-site within the theatre of operations. Nod War

Factories are housed mostly underground and use nano-assemblers and heavy

industrial robots to construct and repair tanks, bikes, buggies, and other

vehicles. Repair drones orbit around the surface features of the War Factory;

vehicles in proximity to the War Factory will be automatically repaired.


Shadow Team


Mission: Andrews Air Force Base

Added: When the Shadow Teams are brought in


From Summary Section of "Elite Infantry Operations Guide"

Trained using many of the same techniques that were used to shape the ancient

Ninja, the Nod Shadows are elite special forces troops capable of infiltrating

well behind enemy lines. Shadows employ stealth, carry rapid-fire weapons that

are deadly against enemy infantry, and are equipped with collapsible powered

hang-gliders that give them the ability to fly. The most powerful weapon

carried by a Shadow is a bomb incorporating a new type of explosive. Shadows

can use these bombs to destroy enemy structures with a single blast. The

chemical composition of the explosive was obtained by espionage, stolen right

out of a GDI lab working on next-generation chemical explosives

Excerpt from an intercepted GDI intel FLASH report: "...GDI troops are coming

up against their worst nightmare in the field: Teams of stealthy, flying,

high-tech ninjas that can destroy entire buildings. Commanders charged with

defensive operations are advised to double up on stealth countermeasures and



Venom Patrol Craft


Mission: Hampton Roads

Added: When reinforcements arrive after the carrier is destroyed


From "Weapons of the Brotherhood"

" that the Brotherhood has deployed the Venom, GDI no longer has a

monopoly on VTOL scout aircraft. The Venom is one up on the GDI Orca,

however, since it can strike both air and ground targets. A Venom can engage

ground targets but can also blow Orcass right out of the sky..."

Peach Through Power!


Flame Weapons


Mission: Washington DC

Added: Near the start of the mission


From "Rites of War"

Flamethrowers are powerful anti-infantry weapons. They have a staggering

psychological effect that sometimes goes beyond their superlative combat

effectiveness. Now that our labs have created a form of concentrated fuel that

permits extended combat operations, a new generation of flame weapons has been

deployed with infantry and on vehicles. Black Hand heavy infantry units carry

portable flamethrowers that can wreak havoc on enemy infantry. The next

generation Flame Tank is even more powerful, capable of incinerating enemy

infantry by the hundreds and clearing enemy garrisoned buildings in a matter of

seconds. Use these flame weapons well and render GDI infantry useless on the


Peace Through Power.


Base Defenses


Mission: Washington DC

Added: After the Shredder Turret bonus objective is given


From "Weapons of the Brotherhood"

"...the Brotherhood is deploying a new generation of base defenses for field

operations. To maximize flexibility, lethality, and survivability, each base

defense will consist of four components: A hub and three turrets. The

turrets are all slaved to the hub - which acts as the central targeting and

fire control system. The hub is also equipped with nano-assemblers to repair

or rebuild damaged turrets. There are three different base defense types:

Anti-aircraft surface to air missiles, anti-vehicle lasers, and

anti-personnel shredder guns..."

Peace Through Power!


Disruption Tower


Mission: Amazon Desert

Added: Shortly after the mission starts


From "Rites of War"

GDI's dominance of space has complicated our lives. Their ability to leverage

their space-based weapon and sensor platforms against us is a serious concern.

Our primary countermeasure is our stealth technology, and recently we have

begun deploying Disruption Towers around valuable assets. The Disruption

Tower creates a large stealth bubble over an area, allowing our vehicles and

structures to operate undetected. The tower itself is still visible, so be

sure to utilize proper security measures to prevent direct assault. Dummy

Disruption Towers have been erected in remote locations to foil

human-intelligence gathering efforts.


Vertigo Bomber


Mission: Atlantic Coast

Added: Near the start of the mission


From "Weapons of the Brotherhood"

"...this batwing stealth bomber employs the very latest in optical and radar

stealth technology. However, the aircraft will experience a moment of

vulnerability when it must 'de-cloak' to drop its massively powerful bomb, but

as soon as the air-to-ground weapon is away, the stealth field can be

reengaged quickly..."


Stealth Tank


Mission: Atlantic Coast

Added: When the Stealth Tank reinforcements arrive


From "Weapons of the Brotherhood"

"...the new Stealth Tank is fast, maneuverable, and deadly. Equipped with

missile launchers that are effective against both vehicles and structures,

this versatile weapon system is most useful when commanders are aggressive,

taking the fight to the enemy and making maximum use of the stealth

generators. A deft touch will enhance the survivability and effectiveness of

the Stealth Tank - tank crews should know exactly how close to get before

unleashing missiles at an unsuspecting target and how quickly they must leave

the scene after firing. Once the stealth bubble has reformed and the tank is

safely away from the target zone, the missile launchers can be re-armed and

the tank made ready for another strike..."




Mission: ???

Added: This entry is currently bugged and can only be added by editing

the intel database files manually


From "Rites of War"

"...the Commando is the most feared soldier on the battlefield. Armed with the

deadliest of anti-infantry weapons and Tiberium-based explosives that can

collapse a building in a matter of seconds, the Commando is a one-woman army.

She is also ruthless, having survived a training program that one could only

describe as sadistic..."


Obelisk of Light


Mission: Slovenia

Added: After completing the Obelisk bonus objective


<<Intercepted GDI Transmission>>

...Nod forces are deploying a new generation of their iconic Obelisk of Light

along front-line positions. It appears that the Obelisk's functionality has

been improved with additional serial-channel capacitors. Although the basic

architecture of the design does not deviate greatly from earlier generations,

the core of the laser weapon has been enhanced for increased firing duration

when the power output is reduced. Evidently the tower can now be set to

sustained-fire mode when used against unarmored targets such as infantry and

civilian vehicles. This allows the laser to fire at limited power in an arc,

resulting in cutting motion that can strike several infantry per emission.

The advanced capacitor also allows over-charging of the tower by Nod's

long-range artillery platform, the Beam Cannon. When one or more Beam Cannons

focus their laser weapons at a receptor on the base of the tower it can fire

over increased range by directly feeding the added energy into its mirror

array. The limited targeting ability of the mirror array still suggests

aircraft as the optimal answer for any Obelisks encountered on the field...

Source: GDI InOps recon team




Mission: Slovenia

Added: After upgrading an Avatar


Excerpt from Avatar Crew Briefing

You have the privilege of piloting one of the most fearsome and capable weapon

systems in the arsenal of the Brotherhood. You command a bipedal combat walker

that stands ten meters tall, an all-terrain war machine so intimidating that

its very presence on the battlefield strikes fear into the hearts of GDI


The base laser weapon on the Avatar is very effective against vehicles and

structures, but the avatar can be upgraded with significantly more combat

power. Nod engineers have built a unique capability into the Avatar: It can

adapt key systems from other Nod vehicles for its own use. You can remove the

stealth generator from a Stealth Tank, the stealth detector from an Attack

Bike, the anti-infantry flame-thrower from a Flame Tank, or the beam cannon

from an artillery vehicle and use them immediately. An Avatar can equip itself

with all four secondary systems. Although the Avatar destroys the donor

vehicle and kills the crew in the process of recovering the new system, rest

easy in the knowledge that the dead have given their lives for the Brotherhood.


Beam Cannon


Mission: Sarajevo

Added: After the third main objective has been given


Excerpt from "Weapons of the Brotherhood"

"...the Beam Cannon is a fearsome long range weapon in its own right, but its

combinatorial power is staggering. Multiple Beam Cannons can combine their

beams to dramatically increase their combat power. A Beam Cannon can also

drive the capacitors of an Obelisk of Light. Best of all, the Beam Cannon is

mounted on a versatile six-wheeled chassis with speed, agility, and range that

is unprecedented for an artillery system..."


Catalyst Missile


Mission: Northern Italy

Added: After repairing the Catalyst Missile Launch Facility


<<Incoming Transmission>>

Source: Basilisk Actual

Priority: Ultra

Scrample Index: India-Bravo-8

Once the Catalyst Missile is secured, begin deployment to all Nod combat units.

This weapon is most effective against Visitors - prioritize use whenever combat

operations have been authorized against Visitor forces.

<<Transmission Offline>>


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The Brotherhood of Nod


Mission: Goddard Space Center

Added: Shortly after the mission starts


Excerpt from a Nod orientation briefing for new recruits

Welcome to the Brotherhood of Nod. You have joined a global order with

millions of members all working together in harmony to unite the world in the

name of peace - and realize the true potential of mankind.

Our relationship with Tiberium has always been greatly misunderstood. Most

people do not realize that the roots of our faith extend back several

millennia, long before the emergence of the green crystal on Earth in 1995...

an event prophesized by our great leader, Kane.

While the fascist political consortium of wealthy nations known as the Global

Defense Initiative attempted to control the sacred green crystal, the

Brotherhood worked tirelessly to acquire samples of the precious crystal... to

study it, to unlock its potential as a new energy source, to explore its

possibilities. Through our research and our faith, we have affirmed that

Tiberium is the ultimate gift to mankind. It is the key to the future.

Our movement grew rapidly as Tiberium spread across the Earth. The mainstream

media branded us as 'terrorists' but we exposed GDI as the real criminals.

They unilaterally redrew international border lines, relegating Nod followers

into inhospitable Yellow Zones while they claimed the pristine and exclusive

Blue Zones all for themselves.


Nod's place in the world


Mission: Goddard Space Center

Added: When the power plants have been destroyed


From a Yellow Zone information pamphlet

Nod: Representative of the righteous and a foil to a corrupt oppressor

The Brotherhood of Nod champions the common people - the 80% of the world's

population that struggles to get by in Yellow Zones torn by war, wracked by

poverty, and abandoned by GDI. Using Tiberium to fuel and fund our efforts,

Nod works tirelessly to bring order from the chaos. We make the streets safe,

distribute food to the hungry, provide emergency medical care, minister to

those who feel a spiritual vacuum, and inspire hope in people who would

otherwise have none.

GDI casts itself as the world's guardian and savior, but they are neither. GDI

is corrupt and unjust: 20% of the world's population - the most wealthy people

on the planet - live in the Blue Zones, consuming the majority of the world's

natural resources, wielding their vast military power to maintain the status

quo by depriving the downtrodden of their god-given right to mine and exploit


The powerful oppress the weak in the hollow name of freedom - and the only

counter to GDI's power is the Brotherhood. Nod meets strength with strength in

the name of peace and progress. Nod is the only hope against GDI tyranny.

Brotherhood... Unity... Peace.


Ground Control for GDI's A-SAT Systems


Mission: Goddard Space Center

Added: When the last main objective is given


Excerpt from "Eyes Only" Inner Circle Intelligence Report

The Inner Circle has long feared GDI's dominance of space. GDI's orbital

weapons platforms, command & control stations, and spy satellites are protected

by a powerful anti-missile system that seemed invulnerable and invincible.

This orbital necklace of death is based on a network of space-based kinetic

kill weapons, lasers, and even the Ion Cannons themselves - used to intercept

and destroy incoming missiles. GDI space assets have been out of reach of the

Brotherhood for years, leading to a sense that the balance of power in a

decades-long struggle would eventually tip decisively against the Brotherhood.

But our operatives discovered a flaw in the GDI system: For some unfathomable

reason, GDI put the crews and control centers for their Ion Cannons and their

A-SAT system on the ground. Even better, the critical personnel and equipment

are concentrated in a single facility in the northeastern Blue Zone. A

well-planned surprise strike on Goddard Space Center could take all of GDI's

Ion Cannons and their entire A-SAT system offline, giving the Brotherhood days

and possibly weeks to conduct combat operations across the planet unhindered by

space-based weapons and prying eyes.

As a bonus, the primary GDI world command hub is based on board the space

station Philadelphia. A missile strike on the Philadelphia immediately after

the destruction of the A-SAT control systems could render the entire GDI

command and control structure headless and reeling.


Mutant Exodus


Mission: Ayers Rock

Added: After recruiting five Mutant Marauder squads from the Mutant Hovel


Excerpt from 'Passing Thoughts with Constance Fitchaven,' INN Holobrief, May

28th, 2043

Six long years have passed since the once burgeoning mutant nation picked up

stakes and disappeared into the Tiberium wastelands, their tragic, self imposed

exile continuing to this day. Yet now, as humanity struggles to find its place

in an ever more blighted world, thoughts again turn to our horribly disfigured

brethren - who were they, and why did they leave?

In a show of goodwill towards the vanished mutant population, G-330X Habitat

Modules were deployed on the borders of Red Zones in 2042. Since then there

have been scattered but unconfirmed reports that mutants have taken shelter in

the habitat modules.


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| | 4.70) Scrin Intelligence Database | |

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All Units Functional


Mission: London

Added: When your Droneship arrives


... All escort, combat, transport, construction, and harvesting units

functioning normally after arrival on planet surface - no ill effects reported

from 9,210 cycles in stasis and 1,959 cycles spent in sublight journey from

Ichor Hub

... Primary base established near mature Ichor deposits using nano-assemblers


Unexpected Developments


Mission: London

Added: When completing the Groth Accelerator bonus objective


... Prediction after Ichor LQ detonation: Ichor deposits at expected levels

on entire planetary surface and no indigenous population (Probability of

self-destruction or extinction due to Ichor growth at 97%+)

... Reality after Ichor LQ detonation: Ichor deposits immature, active Level

IV/V civilizations inhabiting most of planetary surface, weapons technology

factor at 17.4

... Hypothesis: Premature Ichor LQ detonation


A Campaign of Distraction


Mission: London

Added: At the end of the mission


... Disrupt, disorganize, and destroy indigenous population to divert them from

Relay Nodes and Threshold construction

... Priority One targets: Large First Tier indigenous population centers

... Priority Two targets: Organized indigenous military forces and weapon


... Priority Three targets: Any indigenous presence near mature Ichor deposits

... Priority Four targets: Second Tier indigenous population centers

... Note that the intensity of initial operation cannot be sustained - if

desired result of disorganization and diversion away from Relay Nodes and

Threshold construction activity is not achieved quickly, mission will be in



Beyond Blunt Force


Mission: Munich

Added: Shortly after the start of the mission


... Momentum behind initial diversionary attacks is beginning to wane: tactics

must progress beyond the application of blunt force

... Deployment of Mastermind units authorized - infiltrate behind enemy lines

and use special teleportation and manipulation abilities to disrupt military

operations of indigenous populations


Retaliation by Hostile Indigenous Population


Mission: Munich

Added: At the end of the mission


... Offensives in multiple target zones are stalled

... Indigenous population has re-organized, re-grouped, and counter-attacked

... Indigenous population exploiting vulnerabilities and weaknesses discovered

during initial combat operations

... Initial advantage lost

... Combat is becoming symmetric rather than asymmetric - tactical and

strategic superiority now paramount


Premeditated Ichor LQ Detonation


Mission: Croatia

Added: At the start of the mission


... Hypothesis: Indigenous species detonated Ichor LQ device to lure

harvesting operations

Why was this done? How was this done? What are the implications for the

mission? What are the implications for the Overlord?

...Investigation at Ichor LQ detonation site overrides all other priorities




Mission: Croatia

Added: When you complete the bonus objective


... Indigenous population aligned into two major factions

... These factions continued combat operations between them even as they were

threatened with extinction by our initial attack

Indigenous population is warlike to the extreme - once Threshold activation is

complete and gateway is open, entire indigenous population must be cleansed

from the surface of the planet


Attacks by Indigenous Populations Worsening


Mission: Croatia

Added: At the end of the mission


... Indigenous populations becoming more aggressive - Threshold assemblies are


... Focus must be shifted from investigation of Ichor LQ detonation source to

Threshold assembly protection


Threshold Tower Construction


Mission: Threshold 19

Added: When the Tower is completed


... Threshold tower construction is the first stage of planetary Ichor


... Thresholds are capable of extracting all Ichor within a large radius:

Ichor will be processed and transferred to Hub

... Connection with Hub takes the form of an interstellar gateway capable of

instantaneous matter transmission

... Threshold assemblies and signal transmitters will partially phase out once

construction is complete: phasing will completely protect all Threshold

structures and machinery against any form of geologic upheaval, sever weather

phenomena, cometary impact, or use of conventional, nuclear, Ichor, or other

forms of weaponry


Threshold Assemblies Under Attack


Mission: Threshold 19

Added: At the start of the mission


... Indigenous population has destroyed several Threshold assemblies

... Mission failure imminent

... At least one Threshold assembly must be protected


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7.01) Version History



May 8th, 2007


- Posted the entire GDI campaign walkthrough and the entire GDI Intelligence

Database section (except for the missing Alien Tripod Captured entry that's

glitched - if you have it and you're willing to copy it down, I'd appreciate it

if you shared it with me).


May 30th, 2007


- Posted the entire Nod and Scrin campaign walkthroughs and Intelligence

Database sections, including the glitched Alien Tripod Captured and Commando

entries. You'll note that sections 2 and 3 are missing from the table of

contents; those will be the units and structures lists eventually, but I'm

hesitant to bother working on them until the next patch is out (since quite a

few changes are going to be made).


7.02) Closing


Special thanks goes out to Lin Chin You for providing me with the method for

manually editing the Intelligence Database files to free the glitched Alien

Tripod Captured and Commando entries.

As always, any comments are more than welcome. If you need more specific help,

feel free to contact me on The Brink, and I'll see if I can't hook you up with

a quick screenshot or two to help out.

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon). Enjoy the game, and

thanks for taking a look at the guide.




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