Fielder Career Mode FAQ(Version 2.0; May 1,'07)
Written by: Aj_the_one
Table of Contents
A.Version History
C.Legal Stuff
D.Creating A Fielder
E.Fielding Positions
G.Starting your Career
G1.Spring Training
H.Regular Season and Playoffs
H2.Around the League
HH3.Team Rankings
HH4.Who's Hot
HH5.League Roundup
HH6.League Leaders
H3.Player Management
I.Career Home Menu
I1.Locker Room
L.Batting/Fielding Tips
M.Fielder Career Progress
N.The Art of Base Stealing
O.The Art of Home Run Hitting
P.The Art of Defense
A.Version History
Version 1.0- FAQ started
Version 1.2- Added some new career interactions and also updated fielder
career progress.
Version 1.3- Updated career progress
Version 1.4- Updated Career Progess and added another Tip
Version 1.5- Updated career progress and added another tip
Version 1.7- Updated career progress and added a new section on stealing bases
Version 1.8- Updated career progress and updated section on stealing bases
Version 1.9- Added new section for hitting Home Runs
6/16/07- Updated career progress and added to Art of Home Run Hitting
for All-Star and Hall Of Fame levels.
7/7/07- Updated career progress, added a new tip and updated Art of Defense
section for all positions.
7/23/07- Updated career progress.
Yeah Man!!! Baseball season is here(although my Yankees are in last place
right now). Since I have gotten a couple of requests for a fielder FAQ and I
already have had my Starter go to the Hall of Fame(and my closer is probably
another 2 seasons away and he's only 21 now) I figured why not do a batter
FAQ? It took me some time to get together everything I would need to write
the FAQ and now it's complete... so enjoy!!!
C.Legal Stuff
My FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal or
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site except for www.gamefaqs.com and www.ign.com or as part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
Copyright 2007 Armand Sellers
D.Creating a Fielder
This is where you will make your future Hall Of Famer(Hopefully). Much like
the pitcher section you choose your batters age, height weight, number,
position, handedness, batting stance and ratings. Most of the changes are
cosmetic with the exception of your position and your ratings. Since these
are all cosmetic I have no suggestions except for going with what you like.
E.Fielding Positions
As you all should know there are 8 positions that can be played and as such
that you can choose from. I will give a brief description of each position
and I what you should expect in that position.
IMPORTANT!!! I didn't add any points to plate discipline because I will be
controlling my batter and I can choose whether to swing at a pitch or not.
Also with all positions I prefer to have speedy contact hitters.
His main job is to call the pitches that the pitcher should throw then
actually catch pitches thrown. In addition to this he also has to catch weak
fly balls behind the plate and also throw out baserunners trying to steal.
Generally aren't fast but need to be durable.
Rating Recommendation- Contact/Power(Whichever you prefer, I like contact
hitters)=maxed out, Arm strength/accuracy=20 points,Durability=20 points.
1st Baseman
He presides over the other "hot corner". Most of your throws in the game will
come to your 1st baseman to get outs. In addition to this he also will keep
runners in check or will play the foul line to spear hard line drives.
Another position which doesn't require much speed but great reaction time.
Rating Recommendation- Contact/Power(Once again by personal preference)=maxed
out, Durability=20, Fielding Ablility=10, Reaction=20
2nd Baseman
He will be busy throughout the course of the game because he will catch alot
of the balls thrown to second base and he is also responsible for guarding
the middle of the field(shared with the Shortstop). As a result of this he
will turn alot of Double plays and should have good speed and reaction time
and an accurate arm.
Rating Recommendation- Contact/Power(Do I really need to mention it again?)=
maxed out, Speed=20, Fielding Ablility=10, Reaction=10, Arm Strength/accuracy
Like the second baseman he also has a similiar position only from the other
side of the 2nd baseman(from the catchers perspective the left side of the
field). He also will chase down shallow fly balls and hits to the short
outfield in addition to turning double plays. Like the 2nd Baseman, speed and
reaction are important as is arm strength so the ball can get across the field
to 1st base faster.
Rating Recommendation- Contact/Power= Maxed out, Speed=Maxed out Fielding
Ablility=10, Reaction=15, Arm Strength/accuracy=10
3rd Baseman
He presides over the "Hot Corner" so called because most Right Handed hitters
will pull the ball hard to this area. He must also catch fly balls in fair
and foul territory and will also throw to second to start double plays. Since
balls will frequently be hit hard at him he should have a good amount of
reaction to jump on bunts and also a strong arm so throws can get to 1st
base faster.
Rating Recommendation- Contact/Power= Maxed out, Speed=20, Fielding Ablility=
15,Reaction=10, Arm Strength=15 Arm Accuracy=15
Left Fielder
As the corner infielder closest to the plate he will back the 3rd baseman in
making plays home in addition to fielding both fair and foul balls. Generally
doesn't need a strong arm but is always helpful. Should have good fielding
ability and also a fair amount of speed.
Rating Recommendation- Contact/Power= Maxed out, Speed=20, Fielding Ability=10
Reaction=5, Arm Strength/accuracy=25/20
Center Fielder
Is the "captain" of the outfield and is responsible for covering the most
ground to get ot fly balls and also coordinating with other outfielders to
avoid collisions. Since he hase the most ground to cover he should possess a
great amount of speed and fielding ability and good reaction time also. Arm
strength normally isn't paramount but as with all other positions, it helps
Rating Recommendation- Contact/Power= Maxed out, Speed=Maxed out, Fielding
Ablility=Maxed out, Reaction=20, Arm Strength/accuracy=15/10
Right Fielder
As the other corner outfielder he will back up the 1st baseman on balls in his
direction. Also has alot of ground to cover so he should be reasonably fast
and should have a very strong arm because he is farthest from 3rd base and
good fielding ablility so he can actually catch the ball.
Rating Recommendation- Contact/Power= Maxed out, Speed=20, Fielding Ability=10
Reaction=5, Arm Strength/accuracy=25/20
Now this is the meat and potatoes of your player. This is where you will
develop his ratings strarting out. Needless to say this is extremely important
because how your player starts off is crucial to getting a head start on being
the best player you can be. I will outline each rating and what position I
think it is crucial for(You can look above at the fielding section for a
little guideline).
IMPORTANT!!!The easiest way to gain training points is to drive in alot of
runs and also get some hits in pressure situations. Also the most amount of
points that you can get in a game is 100.
CONTACT(Left and Right handed)- As it's name implies this rating determines
how easy it is for you to make good contact with the ball. If this rating is
low you could time your swing perfectly and still not get a good hit. This
will also make it easier for you to hit to all fields.
IMPORTANT- All postions
Starting Point- Maxed out
POWER(Left and Right Handed)- Like contact except this determines how hard you
can hit the ball. If your power rating is high then you will find it easier
to hit homeruns and hard line drives.
IMPORTANT- 1st/3rd Base,Right/Left Outfielders
Starting Point- If you are playing one of the positions above then maxed out
if not leave it alone. The points can be spent elsewhere.
BATTING CLUTCH- This rating is basically a test of your mettle or how you
perform in pressure situations(Runner in scoring position, game on the line).
This is important but not as important as some other ratings which are harder
to raise.
IMPORTANT- All positions
Starting Point- Leave it alone
BUNTING ABILITY- This determines how well you can lay down a bunt. This is
kind of important because if you lay down a good bunt it's easy for you to
get on base. If your fast it becomes even easier.
IMPORTANT- All positions(I guess)
Starting Point- Leave it alone
DRAG BUNTING- This is the same as bunt only it is layed down while the pitch
is in motion and is meant to fool the infielders.
Important- All positions(I guess)
Starting Point- LIA
PLATE VISION- This determines how much of the plate you can basically see or
cover with a swing. The better this stat becomes wider the narrower the
strike zone becomes and the eaiser it is for you to see pitches and get hits.
Vlad's plate vision is crazy(Hence the reason why he can knock a pitch that's
close to the dirt out of the park.
IMPORTANT- All positions
Starting Point- LIA
PLATE DISCIPLINE- This determines how patient you batter is at the plate.
Obviously this rating doesn't matter if you are controlling your player
because his discipline is determined by you(you choose what to swing at).If
you are simulating games then this rating becomes important but if not don't
IMPORTANT- None(If you are controlling the player)
Starting Point- LIA
BASE RUNNING ABILITY- This detemrines how well your player rounds the bases.
Basically this is a measure of he turns back and forth(say if he's running
to second base but has to retreat to first). It also measures how fast you
take off when trying a steal attempt.
IMPORTANT- Fast players
Starting Point- LIA(Won't be more important than speed or Batting)
BASE RUNNING AGGRESIVENESS- This is a measure of how aggresive you player is
rounding the bases. Like plate discipline this rating doesn't matter if you
are controlling the player because you choose how aggressive you are when you
want to steal a base.
IMPORTANT- None(You control your player)
Starting Point- LIA
DURABILITY- This rating determines how many games you can play back to back
and how often you get injured. Players with great durability have long seasons
and careers which should be what you are shooting for. If your durability is
low you won't play in many back to back games because you'll be too tired and
if you can't play then you can't get any points.;
IMPORTANT- All Positions
Starting Point- LIA
SPEED- As it's name implies it's how fast your player is in the field and on
the base paths. Depending on the position you would want to have a fast player
because that makes it easier to get to balls and turn plays.
IMPORTANT- 2nd Base/Shortstop, Center Fielder
Starting Point- For the positions above max them out. For all other positions
10 or 15 points depending on if you feel you will need the speed(1st Base and
Catcher don't need this stat touched at all.
ARM STRENGTH- This rating determines how strong you player throws the ball in
the field. This is crucial for Catchers and Corner Outfielders because they
will almost always be in a position to catch a runner(either stealing base or
trying to tag from 3rd base).
IMPORTANT- All positions
Starting Point- If you are a Corner outfielder or Catcher move this 25 points,
for everyone else 10 or 15.
ARM ACCURACY- This determines how accurate your throws are. This should be
proportionate to you Strength because a ball thrown hard will no accuracy will
normally do more harm then good.
IMPORTANT- All positions
Starting Point- 15-20 points since you wouldn't want your infielders to throw
wild balls and you would want your outfielder to be able to catch someone
napping with a powerful and accurate throw.
REACTION TIME- This determines how fast your player reacts when the ball is in
play. This important for everyone because the faster you react to the ball the
higher the chance you will get an out.
IMPORTANT- All positions
Starting Point- 10-15 points as the starting reaction time is normally good
enough once you add 10 or 15 to it.
FIELDING ABILITY- This determines how well you layer fields the ball and how
often he will make an error. As a result of this you should want all your
player to have good fielding ability especially the 1st baseman because that's
where most of your throws in a game will go to.
Starting Point- 10-20 points depending on the position. I went with 10 points
cause I thought my player wouldn't make too many fielding errors(he's a 2nd
BLOCKING ABILITY- This determines how well you catcher can block a wild pitch
from rolling to the back stop and out of his reach. Important for catchers
because this will cover up some of the mistake your pitcher will make.
Starting Point- LIA The starting point for catchers is fine.
G.Starting your Career
Once you have finished making you pitcher you will be prompted to select what
team you want to go. Depending on what position you chose to play, your ideal
team will differ. If you want to spend some time in the minors then I would
recommend you go the Yankees or any team that is strong at your position. The
reason for this is that during spring training you will be playing the MLB
Team and you play almost eveyrday to get some points before the regular season
G1.Spring Training
You will only have the opportunity to do spring training in your first year.
There are ways to get around this limit though. Whenever your contract is up
decline the offer from the teams and choose to go into the season without a
team. You will get the chance to pick what team you want to play for then you
will be able to do spring training all over again. Your goal in spring
training is to do good enough to make the team(You will never make the MLB
team from spring training. You will always start in the minors). This is good
because you get to play with the Big Boys and get alot of training points to
improve your fielder. Just focus on getting your hits and HR's and you'll do
H.Regular Season and Playoffs
Once spring training is done you will enter the regular season and a number of
menu options available for you to cycle through. I will give a synopsis of the
options and also go into depth a little bit. I'm going to assume that everyone
who is playing this game knows how the regular season progresses so I'm not
going to explain that in this section.
As it's name implies this is where you see your teams schedule and where you
have to go to play your games. The greatest feature of THE SHOW is the ability
to simulate innings and games. If you want to advance to your next game you
would simply hit X and then hit the option that says sim to next appearance.
The game will simulate all other games until you the one you are playing in.
This will allow you to progress through your career alot faster than if you
had to play every single game.
H2.Around the League
This is basically your stats central. If it's a stat it can be found in this
menu. I will break this down section by section to make it easier to read and
more comprehensive.
This is where you come to check the standings in the league. You can see what
your overall record is, How many runs your team has scored, Runs given up,
Winning Streak,record of last 10 games played,Record against division, Home
record,Away record, Day record and Night Record. Yeah I know it's a lot of
stats and you probably won't look at them through most of the season.
In this screen you can see the individual statistics for the entire league,
broken down team by team. There is a very comprehensive list of stats and if
I listed them all this section would be alot longer so I am going to name the
primary ones which are:Games Played,At-Bats,Batting Avg,Hits,Runs scored,
doubles,triples,homeruns,Runs Batted In,Stolen Bases,Times Caught Stealing,
stolen base percentage,Base on Balls, Strikeouts,Slugging Percentage, and
On-Base Percentage.For the pitchers it is:Games Played,Wins,Losses,Earned Run
Average,Games Started,Complete Games,Shutouts,Saves,Blown Saves,Innings
pitched,Hits allowed,Runs,Earned Runs,HomeRuns,Bases on balls and Strikeouts.
HH3.Team Rankings
In this screen you can see what your team is ranked in every offensive and
defensive category an also see the top the three players on your team in that
HH4.Who's Hot
Here is where you can see who's hot in the league or who's been on a tear in
the past month. This is useful for seeing who you should avoid when you play
a particular team.
HH5.League Roundup
This is where you can monitor all the transactions in the league. Signings,
trades, releases everything involving the movement of players either from the
DL or to another team or even moving up and down from the minors.
HH6.League Leaders
Here is where you can see who is leading the league in a good portion of the
statistics that were listed above. If you are a stat nut(as most of us are)
then you will spend alot of time in this menu option looking at and glossing
over your stats.
It is in this menu screen that you see who the front runners are for the
yearly awards and also look at the MLB single-season and career records in
addition to being anle to look at the list of all the players inducted into
the Hall Of Fame. You can also see where everybody is in terms of the All-Star
voting. Depending on how good your numbers are you will spend some time in the
awards and the All-Star voting sections.
H3.Player Management
In this screen you see your team's batting order and pitching rotation but
since your a player not a manager you can't mess with any of the lineups or
rotations. This means you have to rely on the manager putting you in the game
which can be very frustrating. By pressing O you can see your player card
which has your information on it such as your stats for the current season and
the one before it,all of your ratings, your contract info and your scouting
report which can be interesting to read. This is where you can see where you
measure up with the rest of the league. The scouting report tells you about
your player. It's also interesting to see what they are saying about you as a
player.Since you can't edit the rosters the only reason for you coming here
is to see how much better or worse you are than your teammates which can
affect your playing time.
I.Career Home Menu
I decided to dedicate a whole section to this area of the game because it has
some really important options that need to be discussed in depth so everybody
can have a good understanding of how they work. As I will break this up into
sections for ease of reading.
I1.Locker Room
In this section you will see all of your mail from your teammates and manager.
This stuff really isn't important enough to read but if you want to read you
can feel free to do so. When you hit R1 it brings up your list of PERSONAL
ACHIEVEMENTS throughout your career. Just about everything major that you do
in your career will show up here from the awards you've won to records you've
broken and even when you got called up or sent down from the minors. In place
of the status bar that showed how far along you were, they simply use markers
(Rookie, Veteran, All-Star and Hall of Fame). Also they have a bar that shows
your HOF potential. The more achievements you get and better you do in the
season the fast the meter will rise. Once it reaches a certain level you DON'T
have to change the difficulty level but the game feels your good enough to
step it up to the next level. If you hit R1 from the achievements screen it
will bring up your career stats. These are your complete stats from the
majors and minors. If you want to see how you did in a season, look no further
than this screen. It will show you everything you did from the start of your
This screen shows you your contract, your yearly salary, how many years you
have remaining with that contract, whatever contract options you have, and a
year by year breakdown of how much money you are slated to make for the length
of your contract. Hitting R1 from this screen brings you to a screen with your
yearly goals that you should try to accomplish. The goals differ year after
year and you get training hours for every goal you complete. This screen is
useful only if you like seeing how much money you are making or what goals you
haven't accomplished. Also I should poitn out that they added career graphs
also to track your numbers through the years.
For this year, the people at SCEA decided to do away with the old system of
interaction options and replaced it with situational interactions. At any
given time the interaction options will change.
POSITION CHANGE-"Maybe you feel you'd do better at a new position, let your
manager know".
Reaction- You first need to choose the position you want to change to and
when you hit X the manager will accept or reject your request.
LINEUP CHANGE-"Tired of batting in the bottom half. Ask your manager to move
you up in the lineup"
Reaction- If succesful he will send you message telling you he has decided to
move you further in the lineup. If not he will tell you the player that is
there now is hitting or he will say your not playing good enough.
PLAYING TIME-"Inform your manager that you're not happy with you playing time
and would like a start"
Reaction- If succesful he will tell you that he's decided to give you a shot
and will also send you a message telling you. If not he will say you haven't
earned or that he was sitting you on the bench for a reason.
RETIRE-"Retire from major league baseball and ride off into the sunset like a
true professional."
Reaction- Retiring will allow you to look at your plaque with a statement of
how you did in the league. You will be able to look at your numbers one last
time but you won't be able to play with your player anymore and you will also
have to start another career mode.
Okay!! This is where you will spend most of your time in your career because
it is here where you will make your pitcher better by using the training hours
that you accumlate through completing the in-game tasks. This system has been
also been changed for this year's game. Instead of each stat being trained on
by itself, there are workouts that you can do to train mulitple stats.
IMPORTANT!!! It helps if your team actually wins the game that you are
playing in. I went 2-5 with a HR and 4 RBI in a win and I got 100 points
I went 3-5 with a HR in another game which we lost and I only got 60 points.
Batting Cages vs. RHP- "Fine tune your hitting skills in the cage".
Primary Attributes- Contact R, Plate Vision
Secondary Attributes- Plate Discipline, Power R
Batting Cages vs. LHP- "Hit off southpaws in the batting cage"
Primary Attributes- Contact L, Plate Vision
Secondary Attributes- Plate Discipline, Power L
Batting Coach- "Work with your coach to improve your swing"
Primary Attributes- Plate Discipline, Clutch
Seconday Attributes- Contact R/L, Plate Vision
Bunting Drills- "Learn to bunt with presice accuracy"
Primary Attributes- Bunting Ability
Seconday Attributes- Plate Vision
Drag Bunting- "Learn how to bunt for hits consistently"
Primary Attributes- Drag Bunting
Seconday Attributes- Speed
Long Distance Running- "Distance running improves stamina and durablity"
Primary Attributes- Durability
Seconday Attributes- None
Sprints- "Sprints will help you improve your speed"
Primary Attributes- Base Running Ability, Speed
Seconday Attributes- Base Running Aggressiveness
Basse Running Drills- "Improve your skills on the base paths"
Primary Attributes- Base Running Aggressiveness
Seconday Attributes- Base Running Ability
Stretching- "Keep yourself limber and loose to avoid injuries"
Primary Attirbutes- Durablity
Secondary Attributes- Reaction Time, Fielding Ablity, Blocking Ability
Weight Room- "Beef up your power by hitting the weight room"
Primary Attributes- Power L/R
Seconday Attributes- Speed, Reaction Time
Infield Drills- "Improve your fielding skills"
Primary Attributes- Fielding Ablility, Throwing Accuracy
Seconday Attributes- Reaction Time
Shagging Fly Balls- "Learn to take better routes to the ball"
Primary Attributes- Fielding Ability, Reaction Time
Seconday Attributes- Arm Strength, Arm Accuracy
Long Toss- "Long toss will improve your arm strength"
Primary Attributes- Arm Strength
Seconday Attributes- Arm Accuracy
For all the stuff you have to do during the season you would the off-season
would be worse right? Well you'd be wrong you have 4 options to look at in the
off-season menu which are Retirements,Hall of Fame inductees,Career
progression and end off-season. There really isn't anything to do except look
at a numerical representation of how much better you got. Outside of that just
continue on to end off-season and start the next year. If you are in a
contract year then you will have the option of resigning with your old team or
accepting a contract from a new team. Regardless of what you do, you can get
alot more then what they are offering(depending on how good your player is).
Make sure that you save your game before you go into the off season so when
you negotiate your contract you can see how much money you can get out of
them. This area has remained unchanged from last year.
If you choose the retirement option in the Career Home menu your manager will
Will give you a message basically supporting your decision to retire. After
that message you will see your plaque which will have a paragraph basically
outlining how great or poor you were in your career.
IMPORTANT!!!In order for you to get into the Hall Of Fame it doesn't matter
how filled up your bar is, your status symbol must Hall Of Fame instead of
L.Hitting/Fielding Tips
This section I have decided to give you some tips that I have found helpful
in my career.
Tip#1- WAIT FOR YOUR PITCH!!!I can't stress how important this is in terms of
getting hits and HR's. Wait for a pitch that you are comfortable with hitting.
For me it's pitches that come on the inside. I wait until the pitch is thrown
to that location then I jump on the pitch. Everybody has different hitting
styles and zones so stick with your favorite and most comfortable zone and
you will rack up the hits!!
Tip#2- BE PATIENT AT THE PLATE!!! This is actually an extension from the first
tip but equally as important. Everytime I have went into a hitting slump this
was the cure. Guess your favorite pitch and location and wait for the pitcher
to throw either(Depending on the zone and the pitch you will guess both right
at the same time)to your location or your pitch. This gives you wider plate
coverage and makes it easier to hit the ball.
Tip#3- ON INSIDE PITCHES PULL THE BALL!!!Since the ball is already coming
toward you, use the momentum to launch the ball out of the park or at least
get a hit. This is the easiest way to hit a Home run especially when swinging
with Power.
Tip#4- LAY DOWN A DRAG BUNT TO GET EASY HITS!!!I should note that this only
works with a VERY HIGH speed rating. I have done this at least 50 times and
haven't gotten caught yet. And my drag bunting rating is 0. If you need to
continue a hit streak or want to start one, try to lay down the bunt on your
1st AB.
it is moving away from my batter(and he's a switch hitter) I guess to the
inside when batting against a RHP and guess to the outside against a LHP. I
basically do this to cover my plate vision. If I guess right then I see where
the pitch is going. If i'm wrong I know the pitch isn't coming inside and I
can adjust my swing.
Tip#6- TRY TO GET HITTING STREAKS!!!Although most of you have already been
trying to do this, TRY HARDER!!! because the game rewards you handsomely for
lengthy hitting streaks. I get 100 points every game even I get a base hit.
You really start to see the difference once you get to 10 games.
M.Fielder Career Progress
Like I did with my pitcher FAQ I am going to chart my own player progress
throughout his career and list the results here.
Position-2nd base/Infielder
Batting Stance- Ken Griffey Jr.
Contact L/R-Max
Power L/R-Max
Fielding Ability-5 points
All Others-None
Being that I wanted to spend a year in the minors I chose to go to my favorite
team, The Yankees.
March- I had a pretty good month considering what my ratings were, I had 14
hits 4 of which were HR's. Also I put the difficulty level on Veteran because
I like being able to use the Left Analog to direct where my hits go and also
because I like haveing the option of taking a contact swing or a power swing.
Didn't spend any points this month.
April- Being that I ahd a god spring I got a 2 year contract offer to join AAA
which I accepted. I started out batting 4th and it me some justice too as
I had 41 hits in 110 at-bats for a .373 average. I also had 4 HR's, 23 RBI and
14 runs scored with 11 doubles and 25K's.
G=25 Avg=.373 H=41 AB=110 HR=4 RBI=23 R=14 2B=11 OBP=.395 A=66 PO=36 E=1
Total Points-2050 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-200 points
Batting Coach=200 points
Stretching-150 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-100 points
Long Toss-100 points
As you can see from the workouts that I chose I am trying to do training that
targets multiple ratings at once so I can work on everything, which will keep
them from declining.
May- It was a good month for the wrong reason. I got called up to the majors
(which I didn't want to happen so early) and didn't even start. I got a couple
of games in but didn't get the production that I wanted.
G=16 Avg=.333 H=16 AB=48 HR=2 RBI=8 R=6 2B=1 OBP=.327 A=35 PO=8 E=1 K=6
Total Points-1660 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-100 points
Batting Coach=100 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-260 points
Shag Fly Balls-100 points
June- This month was actually worse than last month when I was called up but
my numbers were okay I think.
G=13 Avg=.333 H=13 AB=39 HR=2 RBI=6 R=4 2B=0 OBP=.327 A=26 PO=19 E=1 K=8
Total Points-2050 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-100 points
Batting Coach=100 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-240 points
Shag Fly Balls-100 points
July- Apparently my performance was good enough for the manager to make me a
everyday starter at 2nd base. But this didn't last long because 4 days later
I thankfully got sent back down to the minors. After a slow start before the
All-Star game I exploded hitting 3 HR's and 13 RBI and getting 31 hits in the
Total stats for Minors
G=48 Avg=.364 H=31 AB=198 HR=7 RBI=38 R=24 2B=17 OBP=.392 A=128 PO=66 E=2
Total Points-1800 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-300 points
Batting Coach-395 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-305 points
Shag Fly Balls-100
August- As expected I got called back up to the Yankees because I had such a
good month. I didn't want to get called up but whatever.
G=47 Avg=.345 H=51 AB=148 HR=7 RBI=22 R=18 2B=5 OBP=.349 A=95 PO=50 E=2 K=30
Total Points-1230 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-0 points
Batting Coach-200 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-230 points
Shag Fly Balls-100
September- This was a bad month in terms of playing time since we were in the
hunt to get into the playoffs.
G=10 Avg=.364 H=8 AB=23 HR=2 RBI=11 R=3 2B=1 OBP=.349 A=18 PO=11 E=2 K=3 SB=3
Total Points- 980 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-00 points
Batting Coach-180 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room- 100 points
Shag Fly Balls-100 points
October- Playoff time although we got in as a wild card.
Divisional Series-vs. Chicago White Sox
Game 1- Wang vs. Contreras(Win 5-4)
AB=3 H=0 K=1
Game 2- Mussina vs. Vasquez(Loss 4-1)
AB=4 H=0 K=2 SB=1
Game 3- Igawa vs. Garland(Loss 21-3)
AB=4 H=2 HR=1 RBI=1
Game 4- Pettite vs. Ullman(Win 4-3)
AB=3 H=1 CS=1
Game 5- Rasner vs. Floyd(Win 6-2)
AB=3 H=2 R=2 2B=1 SB=1 E=1
Championship Series- vs. Cleveland Indians
Game 1- Wang vs. Sowers(Win 5-1)
AB=4 H=4 RBI=3 R=1
Game 2- Mussina vs. Sabathia(Win 7-1)
AB=4 H=2 RBI=1 R=1
Game 3- Igawa vs. Westbrook(Loss 3-2)
AB=3 H=1 K=1
Game 4- Pettite vs. Lee(Win 4-1)
AB=2 H=2 BB=1
Game 5- Karstens vs. Byrd(Loss 4-1)
Game 6- Farnsworth vs. Foulke(Loss 7-6)
AB=4 H=3 HR=1 RBI=1
Game 7- Mussina vs. Sabathia(Win 4-3)
AB=3 H=1
World Series- vs. Colorado Rockies
Game 1- Igawa vs. Lawson(Win 5-4)
AB=4 H=2 SB=1
Game 2- Pettite vs. Cook(Win 9-2)
Game 3- Rasner vs. Kim(Loss 8-7)
Game 4- Wang vs. Hirsch(Loss 14-12)
Game 5- Mussina vs. Fogg(Win 2-1)
Game 6- Igawa vs. Hirsch(Win 9-5)
Playoff stats
G=12 AB=41 AVG=.488 H=20 R=6 2B=1 HR=2 RBI=6 SB=3 BB=1 K=3 OBP=.500 A=49 PO=19
As you can see I got benched for the world series and didn't play but I did
make my impact felt though batting .488
Player Progression(Season 1)
Overall- +9
Contact L/R- +2/6
Power L/R- +8/9
Clutch- +17
Durability- +10
Vision- +15
Disc- +20
Speed- +5
Fielding- +5
Arm Strength- +6
Arm Accuracy- +4
Reaction- +11
I exercised my option with Yankees and decided to come back. I started in AAA.
I thought I would have been in the majors but I know i'll get called up next
Regular Season(2nd Year)
April- Started out in AAA and had an excellent month hitting 7 HR's and
batting .368.
Minors stats
G=20 AB=68 AVG=.368 H=25 R=11 2B=9 3B=2 HR=5 RBI=16 SB=10 K=8 OBP=.371 A=52
PO=28 E=1
Total Points-2090 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-100 points
Batting Coach-200 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-390 points
Shag Fly Balls-100 points
May- As expected I got called up to the Yankees. As usual I didn't want to get
called up because i'm still not starting. Although I put up excellent numbers
when I did bat I still only played in 12 games.
G=12 AB=29 AVG=.621 H=18 R=4 2B=4 3B=0 HR=1 RBI=6 SB=4 K=1 OBP=.621 A=13 PO=20
Total Points-1705 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-100 points
Batting Coach-205 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-200 points
Shag Fly Balls-100 points
June- Another wasted month in the majors not getting any playing time.
G=11 AB=37 AVG=.470 H=18 R=7 2B=0 3B=0 HR=1 RBI=9 SB=3 K=5 OBP=.478 A=19 PO=15
Total Points-1335 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-100 points
Batting Coach-100 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-235 points
Shag Fly Balls-100 points
July- I got a starting role that lasted for half the month. In this time span
I hit 4 HR's in the month.
G=35 AB=104 AVG=.481 H=50 R=16 2B=8 3B=0 HR=6 RBI=29 SB=18 K=10 OBP=.486 A=43
PO=54 E=0
Total Points-1505 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-100 points
Batting Coach-100 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-205 points
Shag Fly Balls-100 points
August- I was told again by the manager that I was going to start only this
time I played most of my games as DH. Oh yeah and were 82-48.
G=58 AB=193 AVG=.456 H=88 R=30 2B=18 HR=12 RBI=50 SB=41 K=22 OBP=.454 A=65
PO=143 E=0
Total Points-2070 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-100 points
Batting Coach-370 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-300 points
Shag Fly Balls-100 points
Long Toss-100 points
Now that I know that I will be getting regular starts as a DH or 2nd baseman
I can spend more of my points in the end of the month because I know I will
get the same amount back or more so my skills won't decline.
September- All of those points that i've been spending on my power are
starting to show up because I hit 9 HR's this month and almost everytime
something came high in the zone and I took a power swing it was gone.
G=85 AB=302 AVG=.421 H=127 R=45 2B=24 HR=22 RBI=75 SB=60 K=31 OBP=.422 A=80
PO=155 E=1
Total Points-2150 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-200 points
Batting Coach-350 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-300 points
Shag Fly Balls-200 points
Long Toss-200 points
Season Stats
G=90 AB=324 AVG=.411 H=133 R=47 2B=25 HR=24 RBI=85 SB=63 K=32 OBP=.411 A=87
PO=158 E=1
Divisional Series- vs. Cleveland Indians
Game 1- Pavano Sabathia(Win 4-3)
Game 2- Lawrence vs. Sowers(Win 8-2)
Game 3- Rasner vs. Westbrook(Win 16-4)
Championship Series- vs. Toronto Blue Jays
Game 1- Mussina vs. Halladay(Win 5-4)
Game 2- Pavano vs. League(Win 9-5)
AB=4 H=3 R=1 SB=2
Game 3- Vizcaino vs. Frasor(Loss 5-4)
Game 4- Mussina vs. Janssen(Win 13-2)
AB=5 H=4 RBI=5 R=1 SB=1
Game 5- Pavano vs. Thomson(Win 10-1)
AB=5 H=1 R=1 K=1
World Series vs. St.Louis Cardinals
Game 1- Lawrence vs. Reyes(Loss 2-0)
AB=1 H=0
Game 2- Wang vs. Carpenter(Loss 7-1)
AB=4 H=1 3B=1
Game 3- Mussina vs. Wainwright(Loss 8-3)
AB=4 H=2 RBI=1 R=1 SB=1
Game 4- Karstens vs. Flores(Loss 3-1)
AB=1 H=0
Although we got swept I got the Playoff MVP award.
Player Progression(Season 2)
Overall- +9
Contact L/R- +3/5
Power L/R- +9/10
Clutch- +12
Durability- +7
Vision- +10
Disc- +13
Speed- +5
Fielding- +5
Arm Strength- +10
Arm Accuracy- +7
Reaction- +12
Base Running Ability- +8
Base Running Aggressiveness- +7
Bocking- +5
Chose to leave the Yankees and go sign with the Giants where I will play 2nd
base everyday. Since I didn't get a contract offer I went to spring training
to make the team and gain some points.
Spring Training(3rd Season)
March- Had a great spring and got a 2-Year contract offer worth $500,000 from
the Giants.
G=30 AB=99 AVG=.354 H=35 R=14 2B=9 3B=1 HR=7 RBI=12 SB=10 K=13 OBP=.356 A=60
PO=30 E=0
Total Points-2625 points
Batting Cages(RHP)- 200 points
Batting Coach- 425 points
Stretching- 200 points
Sprints- 200 points
Weight Room- 200 points
Shag Fly Balls- 200points
Long Toss- 200 points
Regular Season(3rd Year)
G=19 AB=79 AVG=.354 H=28 R=11 2B=10 HR=3 RBI=11 SB=16 BB=1 K=4 OBP=.361 A=51
PO=30 E=1
Total Points-2085 points
Batting Cages(RHP)- 185 points
Batting Coach- 300 points
Stretching- 100 points
Sprints- 100 points
Weight Room- 300 points
Shag Fly Balls- 100points
Long Toss- 100 points
May- I got moved into the 4 spot and i'm loving the role because I get more
RBI here than when I was leading off. Great month overall.
G=22 AB=92 AVG=.511 H=47 R=17 2B=6 HR=6 RBI=17 SB=22 BB=1 K=7 OBP=.442 A=41
PO=62 E=0
Total Points-2685 points
Batting Cages(RHP)- 185 points
Batting Coach-300 points
Stretching-200 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-500 points
Shag Fly Balls-200 points
Long Toss-200 points
June- My player has a 44 game hitting streak dating back to last month. As a
result of this every game I get a hit in(no matter whether I score or drive in
runs)I get close to 100 points. He is also in the lead for a couple of awards
MVP, Silver Slugger and Hank Aaron award.
G=21 AB=94 AVG=.489 H=46 R=17 2B=8 3B=3 HR=8 RBI=27 SB=19 BB=1 K=4 OBP=.457
A=52 PO=37 E=0
Total Points-2975 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-200 points
Batting Coach-575 points
Stretching-200 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-500 points
Shag Fly Balls-200 points
Long Toss-200 points
July- As you might have expected I made the All-Star game as a starter. I also
broke Joe Dimaggio's hit streak but it stopped at 60 games against Jason Hirsh
from the Rockies.
G=20 AB=80 AVG=.438 H=35 R=18 2B=4 3B=1 HR=6 RBI=17 SB=25 BB=2 K=7 OBP=.448
A=54 PO=4 E=1
Total Points-3220 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-100 points
Batting Coach-600 points
Stretching-400 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-620 points
Shag Fly Balls-100 points
Long Toss-400 points
August- As usual I had another good month belting 7 HR's and getting 35 hits
with 25 SB's. Also got upgraded to All-Star status.
G=22 AB=86 AVG=.407 H=35 R=18 2B=7 3B=1 HR=7 RBI=22 SB=25 BB=0 K=7 OBP=.454
A=41 PO=5 E=0
Total Points-2280 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-100 points
Batting Coach-380 points
Stretching-200 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-300 points
Shag Fly Balls-100 points
Long Toss-200 points
September- I got alot of good pitches to hit this month and as a result ended
up hitting 9 HR's. Also my team is in first place in the division at 90-68.
Cumulative Stats
G=128 AB=534 AVG=.444 H=237 R=104 2B=41 3B=6 HR=40 RBI=123 SB=118 BB=5 K=41
OBP=.447 A=305 PO=206 E=2 CS=27
Total Points-2655 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-0 points
Batting Coach-455 points
Stretching-200 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-400 points
Shag Fly Balls-300 points
Long Toss-200 points
October- Finished up the season 91-71 and started the playoffs against the
Houston Astros.
Season Stats
G=132 AB=546 AVG=.443 H=242 R=106 2B=41 3B=6 HR=40 RBI=124 SB=125 BB=5 K=42
OBP=.447 A=308 PO=212 E=2 CS=27
Divisional Series- vs. Houston Astros
Game 1- Cain vs. Jennings(Loss 5-1)
AB=5 H=1 SB=2
Game 2- Lowry vs. Backe(Win 6-1)
AB=4 H=2 SB=1
Game 3- Bernal vs. Wheeler(Win 3-2)
AB=4 H=2 2B=2 RBI=1 K=1
Game 4- Kim vs. Oswalt(Win 5-3)
AB=4 H=2 HR=1 RBI=2 K=1 SB=1
Championship Series- vs. St.Louis Cardinals
Game 1- Kato vs. Carpenter(Win 5-1)
AB=5 H=1 R=1
Game 2- Cain vs. Wainwright(Win 2-1)
AB=3 H=1 HR=1 RBI=1
Game 3- Lowry vs. Hancock(Win 3-2)
AB=5 H=2 RBI=1 K=1
Game 4- Correla vs. Smith(Loss 13-8)
Game 5- Kim vs. Villone(Win 5-4)
AB=4 H=2 RBI=1 SB=1 K=1
World Series- vs. Cleveland Indians
Game 1- Sanchez vs. Byrd()
AB=5 H=2 HR=1 RBI=1 SB=1 K=1
Game 2-Cain vs. Lee(Win 5-2)
AB=3 H=0
Game 3-Lowry vs. Etheridge(Win 14-2)
AB=4 H=3 HR=1 RBI=2 SB=2
Game 4-Sanchez vs. Carmona(Win 8-5)
AB=5 H=1 HR=1 RBI=3 SB=1 K=1
Playoff Stats
G=13 AB=56 AVG=.339 H=19 R=11 2B=3 HR=5 RBI=12 SB=9 BB=1 K=9 OBP=.362 A=37
PO=25 E=0
As expected I won the NL MVP, Silver Slugger and The Hank Aaron award in
addition to my team winning the World Series, great season!! I also felt like
spending some points to increase my stats before I go into the offseason. And
for the first time I actually spent all of my points!!
Total Points-2300 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-600 points
Batting Coach-100 points
Stretching-700 points
Sprints-0 points
Weight Room-200 points
Shag Fly Balls-500 points
Long Toss-200 points
Career Progression(3rd Season)
Age= 21
Bats= Switch
Throws= Right
Position= 2B
2nd Position= 1B,3B,SS
Salary= 256,098
Overall= +18
Contact L/R= +5/13
Power L/R= +14/17
Clutch= +20
Durability= +22
Vision= +17
Disc= +22
Speed= +8
Fielding= +13
Arm Strength= +28
Arm Accuracy= +19
Reaction= +20
Base Running Ability= +8
Base Running Aggressiveness= +8
Bocking= +10
Since we won the World Series and I like the team that I am surronded by I
chose to exercise my option for the second year of my contract.
Regular Season(4th Year)
April- Got off to a relatively good start for the season and we are 16-7.
G=22 AB=90 AVG=.400 H=36 R=16 2B=5 HR=8 RBI=23 SB=27 BB=1 K=7 OBP=.402 A=38
PO=30 E=0
Total Points-1550 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-150 points
Batting Cages(LHP)-100 points
Stretching-200 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-100 points
Shag Fly Balls-200 points
Long Toss-200 points
May- Spent 300 points in the middle of the month in the weight room because
because my player was in a slump and I need to get him out. Also spent 200
on Stretching and 300 on Contact vs. RHP. Came into a groove against the Mets
driving in 14 runs and hitting 3 HR's.
G=47 AB=193 AVG=.425 H=82 R=42 2B=12 HR=18 RBI=60 SB=57 BB=3 K=18 OBP=.429
A=91 PO=59 E=1
Total Points-2215 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-405 points
Batting Coach-100 points
Stretching-1310 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-300 points
Long Toss-150 points
June- Had an excellent month and saw a lot of good pitches which led to me
hitting 12 HR's in the month. Most of them were high fastballs and that's
what I look for to knock out the park.
G=75 AB=309 AVG=.424 H=131 R=69 2B=19 HR=30 RBI=98 SB=86 BB=5 K=24 OBP=.428
A=158 PO=109 E=1
Total Points-1630 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-200 points
Batting Coach-230 points
Stretching-200 points
Sprints-200 points
Weight Room-300 points
Long Toss-400 points
July- 10 HR's in the month and pitcher's are starting to intentionally walk
me. Though it doesn't happen as much as it should leading me to have 35 RBI
in the month.
G=101 AB=414 AVG=.413 H=171 R=89 2B=25 HR=40 RBI=133 SB=114 BB=5 K=30 OBP=.415
A=224 PO=139 E=1
Total Points-2110 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-610 points
Batting Coach-100 points
Stretching-300 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-300 points
Shag Fly Balls-300 points
Long Toss-400 points
August- Compared to the months before it August was good but not great. Only
7 Bombs and 21 RBI.
G=129 AB=517 AVG=.397 H=205 R=103 2B=33 HR=47 RBI=154 SB=138 BB=11 K=41
OBP=.405 A=284 PO=167 E=1
Total Points-1405 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-305 points
Batting Coach-100 points
Stretching-200 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-100 points
Shag Fly Balls-200 points
Long Toss-200 points
September- Had an other great month with my power soaring!! hitting 15 HR's
and pursuing Ichiro's season hit record.
G=156 AB=634 AVG=.409 H=259 R=132 2B=41 3B=2 HR=62 RBI=182 SB=171 BB=14 K=46
OBP=.418 A=344 PO=204 E=2
Total Points-1395 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-500 points
Batting Cages(LHP)-100 points
Batting Coach-100 points
Stretching-155 points
Sprints-200 points
Weight Room-290 points
Shag Fly Balls-200 points
Long Toss-340 points
October- Finished the season first in the division and also won the MVP,
Siver Slugger and Hank Aaron award. Excellent season!!
G=156 AB=634 AVG=.409 H=259 R=132 2B=41 3B=2 HR=62 RBI=182 SB=171 BB=14 K=46
OBP=.418 A=344 PO=204 E=2
Divisional Series vs. Philadelphia Phillies
Game 1- Zito vs. Garcia(Loss 8-5)
AB=5 H=4 RBI=1 R=2 SB=2
Game 2- Lowry vs. Hamels(Loss 6-5)
AB=4 H=1 HR=1 RBI=3 K=1
Game 3- Sanchez vs. Eaton(Loss 5-2)
AB=3 H=1 SB=4
As you can see my team got swept due to some awful starting pitching. I also
decided to spend the last of my points before the offseason.
Total Points- 450
Batting Cages(RHP)-150 points
Shag Fly Balls-200 points
Long Toss-100 points
Career Progression(4th Season)
Age= 22
Bats= Switch
Throws= Right
Position= 2B
2nd Position= 1B,3B,SS
Salary= 0
Overall= +9
Contact L/R= +3/12
Power L/R= +6/9
Clutch= +2
Durability= +20
Vision= +16
Disc= +9
Speed= +5
Fielding= +9
Arm Strength= +19
Arm Accuracy= +11
Reaction= +10
Base Running Ability= +4
Base Running Aggressiveness= +4
Bocking= +8
Since we got swept and I didn't like the off-season moves I went back to my
team the Yankees although I didn't get a contract offer and must go to spring
Spring Training(5th Season)
March- Had an excellent spring training hitting 15 HR's.
G=30 AB=104 AVG=.356 H=37 R=28 2B=2 HR=15 RBI=31 SB=26 BB=3 K=18 OBP=.374
A=58 PO=48 E=0
Total Points-1875 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-375 points
Batting Cages(LHP)-100 points
Batting Coach-100 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-200 points
Shag Fly Balls-600 points
Long Toss-300 points
As a result of my last season and ratings the Yankees offered me a 2-year
contract worth $19 million but I furthered the contract to 4-years for $39
Regular Season(5th Season)
April- I started playing on Hall Of Fame and I found it easier to hit HR's. I
stopped guessing location and just guessed pitch and swung with good contact
and the ball is out the park. 11 HR'S.
G=25 AB=108 AVG=.417 H=45 R=28 2B=10 HR=11 RBI=31 SB=45 BB=0 K=12 OBP=.413
A=56 PO=42 E=0
Total Points-1690 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-390 points
Batting Cages(LHP)-200 points
Batting Coach-200 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room-200 points
Shag Fly Balls-300 points
Long Toss-200 points
May- I had an off month but overall it was still excellent by normal standards
(Though not my norm).
G=51 AB=221 AVG=.389 H=86 R=51 2B=16 HR=20 RBI=53 SB=82 BB=0 K=22 OBP=.387
A=124 PO=70 E=0
Total Points-1470 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-200 points
Batting Cages(LHP)-590 points
Batting Coach-130 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Weight Room- points
Shag Fly Balls-200 points
Long Toss-150 points
June- Had an explosive month hitting 14HR's. My timing at the plate got better
so I was swinging at the right time and getting the sweet spot of the bat on
the ball.
G=75 AB=322 AVG=.404 H=130 R=80 2B=23 HR=34 RBI=84 SB=121 BB=2 K=27 OBP=.406
A=180 PO=107 E=0
Total Points-1520 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-200 points
Batting Cages(LHP)-520 points
Batting Coach-230 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-200 points
Weight Room-100 points
Infield Drills-200 points
Long Toss-200 points
July- Had a great July though I got intentionally walked a couple of times
with runners on. Still had 22 RBI and 8 HR's in the month though and due to
my 25-game hitting streak I racked up 2630 points in the month.
G=101 AB=425 AVG=.407 H=173 R=110 2B=29 HR=42 RBI=106 SB=169 BB=4 K=33
OBP=.409 A=245 PO=145 E=0
Total Points-2630 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-500 points
Batting Cages(LHP)-1000 points
Batting Coach-200 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Infield Drills-300 points
Long Toss-230 points
August- Stayed pretty much on point with my hitting and smacking HR's with
10. Trying to break Ichiro's Hit record and broke the Stolen Bases record
G=127 AB=533 AVG=.398 H=212 R=141 2B=33 3B=1 HR=52 RBI=131 SB=204 BB=8 K=37
OBP=.404 A=313 PO=181 E=0
Total Points-1790 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-100 points
Batting Cages(LHP)-790 points
Batting Coach-300 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Infield Drills-300 points
Long Toss-100 points
September- Had a great September batting .462 getting 48 hits and 7 HR's with
27 RBI.
G=151 AB=637 AVG=.408 H=260 R=174 2B=47 3B=1 HR=59 RBI=158 SB=246 BB=9 K=41
OBP=.413 A=381 PO=222 E=0
Total Points-2010 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-400 points
Batting Cages(LHP)-1010 points
Batting Coach-100 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Infield Drills-200 points
Long Toss-100 points
October- Finally broke the hitting record this season after falling 3 hits
short last season. Great feeling!!! although we didn't win the division since
we lost the last game of the year.
Season Stats
G=153 AB=641 AVG=.410 H=263 R=175 2B=47 3B=1 HR=59 RBI=160 SB=246 BB=10 K=41
OBP=.416 A=385 PO=229 E=0
Divisional Series vs. Minnesota Twins
Game 1- Francisco Liriano vs. Anibal Sanchez(Loss 14-6)
AB=5 H=1 RBI=1 SB=1
Batting Cages(LHP)- 125 points
Game 2- Matt Garza vs. Nate Robertson(Win 6-1)
AB=4 H=2 HR=2 RBI=2 R=3 K=1
Game 3- Boof Bonser vs. Rasner(Loss 10-7)
AB=4 H=3 RBI=1 BB=1
Game 4- Sidney Ponson vs. Kei Igawa(Win 3-2)
AB=3 H=0 BB=1 K=2 SB=1
Game 5- Johan Santana vs. Victor Zambrano(Loss 5-4)
AB=5 H=1
Batting Cages(LHP)- 155 points
Playoff Stats
G=5 AB=21 AVG.333 H=7 R=3 2B=2 HR=2 RBI=4 SB=2 BB=2 K=3 OBP=.417 A=16 PO=6 E=0
As you can see again we lost in the first round although we didn't get swept
this time. I'm mad that we lost but I did win the AL MVP, Silver Slugger and
Hank Aaron awards and I won my first Gold Glove.
Player Progression(5th Season)
Age= 23
Bats= Switch
Throws= Right
Position= 2B
2nd Position= 1B,3B,SS
Salary= 9,727,446(Upcoming Year)
Overall= Maxed out
Contact L/R= +25/10
Power L/R= +9/4
Clutch= +6
Durability= Maxed out
Vision= +26
Disc= +18
Speed= +1
Fielding= +10
Arm Strength= +11
Arm Accuracy= +13
Reaction= +10
Base Running Ability= +10
Base Running Aggressiveness= +5
Bocking= +3
Regular Season(6th Season)
April- Started off the year seeing th ball really well and getting alot of
Fastballs up in the zone, taking them for 14 HR's and 26 RBI.
G=24 AB=99 AVG=.485 H=48 R=35 2B=3 3B=1 HR=14 RBI=26 SB=52 BB=1 K=2 OBP=.490
A=73 PO=33 E=1
Total Points-1865 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-200 points
Batting Cages(LHP)-965 points
Batting Coach-100 points
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points
Infield Drills-300 points
Long Toss-100 points
May- Like last month I continued on my tear hitting 14 HR'S and driving in 31
runs and getting 58 hits and 76 steals.
G=51 AB=211 AVG=.502 H=106 R=81 2B=11 3B=2 HR=28 RBI=57 SB=128 BB=4 K=7
OBP=.505 A=136 PO=73 E=1
Total Points-2230 points
Batting Cages(RHP)-230 points(Contact R,Vis, Pow R Disc maxed out)
Batting Cages(LHP)-600 points(Contact L, Pow L maxed out)
Batting Coach-400 points(To improve my Clutch)
Stretching-100 points
Sprints-100 points(Speed maxed out)
Infield Drills-600 points
Shag Fly Balls-200 points
Long Toss-100 points
N. The Art of Base Stealing
I've been spending some time trying to figure out what I can add which would
be useful to both 1st time viewers and frequent visistors to my FAQ. I came
up with stealing bases!! Since i've become fairly adept at stealing bases I
decided to make a seciton revelaing my tips base by base.
You should be watching the pitchers delivery to see how long it takes which
will be the biggest indicator how easy it is to steal a base. If you can see
how he throws from the stretch, even better.
This is the easist base to steal and also the most commonly attempted. I have
found it most effective if you take one step away from the bag(Hit R1 once).
Most of the time the pitcher will try to pick you off as soon as you move so
be prepared. Once you see the pitcher's leg show any sign of movement hit R2
to make your player take off. If done correctly, by the time the ball is in
the catchers glove you should be at or near the bag sliding into your
successful steal!!!!
Now you should pay even more attention to pitcher's delivery than when you
were standing on first base because now the catcher has a shorter distance to
throw. There are two ways that I have come across to steal 3rd base:
Method 1: Much like stealing from first base, take two steps away from the bag
and beware of the pickoff because it is likely to come after you take the
second step. AS SOON AS YOU SEE THE PITCHER MOVE AT ALL HIT R2. I can't stress
how important timing is for stealing third base. If done correctly you player
should take off as soon as the pitcher moves and be 3/4 of the way to the bag
before the catcher throws it making it easy for you to slide head first into
the bag safely.
Method 2: As soon as you have the chance take two steps off the bag. When the
pitcher goes into his motion(BEFORE HE THROWS THE BALL)keep hitting R1 and
when he throws to second your player should already be by 3rd base. If done
properly YOU SHOULD NEVER GET CAUGHT!!The reason for this is since he already
set up, he can't step off the bag or it will be called a balk so he would have
no other choice than to throw to second base.
recommend that your speed be really close to max or at least 3/4 of the bar.
If done correctly the risk is totally eliminated and it will always result in
a stolen base.
Thanks to Annoyingjsb for the info in this section
When you are standing on third base all you need to do is keep taking steps
away from the bag by repeatedly pressing R1. When the pitcher turns to throw
to 3rd base you player will take off and by the time the catcher gets the ball
you'll be safe with a run scored!!!
NOTICE!!! This should only be done with really fast players with a speed
rating of A or the bar should be more than 3/4 full.
O.The Art of Home Run Hitting
After my season where I hit 63 Home Runs after a season in which I hit 42, the
thought occured to me to add to the FAQ with a section on hitting Home Runs
which I have found easy as of late. I will outline the tips that I used on
each difficulty level.
IMPORTANT!!! I feel compelled to tell everyone that your Power rating is for
whenever you swing the bat. IF YOUR POWER IS HIGH YOU CAN HIT HR'S WITH
CONTACT SWINGS!!! It's not always necessary to swing for power to knock the
ball out of the park.
Since I only played 2 games on rookie I really can't outline any specific
strategy that I used. I will give you one excellent piece of advice and that
is: No matter how bad you think you are, DON'T PLAY ON ROOKIE.I say this
because although it is the easiest skill level(You only have to guess the
pitch to get the lock-on) Home Runs are extremely hard to hit on this
Although the level is higher, it's much easier to hit HR's on Veteran. Not
only can you guess the pitch but you can guess the location too. Like most
things this is good and bad. It's great because if you guess both right your
more likely to hit a HR. It's bad because if your wrong(on either although
it's better to get the location right and the pitch wrong)then your plate
coverage shrinks making it harder to hit the ball. That being said I'd
recommend a couple of things:
NOTE!!!The first tip will be the same on all levels because it's that
Tip#1-GO WITH THE PITCH!!!! I can't stress enough how vital this is to you
hitting Home Runs. Almost all of HR'S have been hit by me going with the ball.
There have been plenty of times where have I have seen(or guessed) that the
ball was coming low in the zone and took a swing while holding the left analog
down(and to whichever side of the plate the ball was coming to) and just
watched the ball sail out the park. Wherever the pitch is going, swing with
the pitch, not against it. If it's in the upper half of the zone, hold the
left analog up. Lower half, hold it down. This tip will generate you the most
HR'S out of all the others.
Tip#2-GUESS FASTBALL EVERYTIME!!!Remember this: The faster is comes in, the
faster it goes out!!! This basic principle is a gold mine when it comes to
hitting HR's on Veteran. Also since it's veteran, if you guess wrong your
Plate coverage won't take that much of a hit making it easier for you to hit
the ball. I can count on two hands how many AB's I've had in which a FB wasn't
thrown(2018 AB total). Most of the time the FB is their strikeout pitch or
their best pitch so guess it and goodbye!!!
Tip#3-GUESS DOWN IN THE ZONE!!!Most of the time pitchers will try and stay
down in the zone as a general rule. As a result of this you will get the
location right maybe 40% of the time. The key is to recognize what the pitch
is and to swing at the right time.
Tip#1-GO WITH THE PITCH!!!! I can't stress enough how vital this is to you
hitting Home Runs. Almost all of HR'S have been hit by me going with the ball.
There have been plenty of times where have I have seen(or guessed) that the
ball was coming low in the zone and took a swing while holding the left analog
down(and to whichever side of the plate the ball was coming to) and just
watched the ball sail out the park. Wherever the pitch is going, swing with
the pitch, not against it. If it's in the upper half of the zone, hold the
left analog up. Lower half, hold it down. This tip will generate you the most
HR'S out of all the others.
Tip#2-GUESS DOWN IN THE ZONE!!!Most of the time pitchers will try and stay
down in the zone as a general rule. As a result of this you will get the
location right maybe 40% of the time. The key is to recognize what the pitch
is and to swing at the right time. I should also add that the amount of the
plate that you cover when you guess is the same as it was on veteran.
Tip#1-GO WITH THE PITCH!!!! I can't stress enough how vital this is to you
hitting Home Runs. Almost all of HR'S have been hit by me going with the ball.
There have been plenty of times where have I have seen(or guessed) that the
ball was coming low in the zone and took a swing while holding the left analog
down(and to whichever side of the plate the ball was coming to) and just
watched the ball sail out the park. Wherever the pitch is going, swing with
the pitch, not against it. If it's in the upper half of the zone, hold the
left analog up. Lower half, hold it down. This tip will generate you the most
HR'S out of all the others.
Tip#2- SIT ON YOUR PITCH!!! This tip should apply for all difficulty levels
but it reallya pplies on HOF because guessing the pitch wrong or guessing the
wrong location will almost always get you a ground ball or a fly out. I find
it easiest to hit 4-Seam FB's(Because the pitch has little movement and the
speed of the ball)and Sliders(Since my player is a switch hitter the pitch
always slides inside making the pitch easier to pull) out of the park. These
are my preferences as you may like to hit different pitches. My point is sit
on a pitch you are comfortable hitting and your success is virtually
Tip#3- TIME YOUR SWING!!! This is another very important tip. If you've hit
a HR look at where the ball hits the bat. Almost always it is on the sweet
spot of the bat(Right in the middle from where the bat starts to get fat and
the tip). There have been countless times where I guessed location and pitch
correct and still hit a ground ball. Reason being I didn't get it on the sweet
spot. Out of the 189 HR's i've hit in my career, maybe a few of them weren't
off the sweet spot of the bat which should underscore how important it
actually is.
P.The Art of Defense
As I keep thinking of ways to make my FAQ more comprehensive(and after I
recieved a E-mail about defense) I decided to add a section strictly for
defense at each position.
IMPORTANT!!For this section I will assume that you are playing Road to the
Show and you only control your player.
In reality this is a very hard position to play. Calling pitches, actually
catching the ball. Unfortunately you won't be doing any of this. The only
time you will control your player on defense will be either when the ball is
popped up by the hitter or he lays down a bunt. You do get to throw people
out if they try to steal though.
Tips- STAY ALERT!!! Although most of the action will be high fly balls, there
will be some drag bunts and also some hits that you will need to run as soon
as the ball gets hit to grab it.
BEWARE OF PASSED BALLS AND WILD PITCHES!! Pitchers can and will throw a couple
of wild balls every now and then. When this happens make a beeline for ball
and throw it the to the base in front of the baserunner to make sure he stays
1st Baseman
Who doesn't love those fantastic plays where a bad throw is on it's way to
1st base and then the 1st baseman makes a great stretch to catch the ball and
get the out. In the game you will need quick reflexes because most of the
balls that are hit at you will be hit hard, making it easy for one to roll
down the baseline. Fun position though.
Tips- STAY VERY ALERT!!! Since almost all the balls hit at you will be coming
hard you won't have much time to see where it's going and cut it off. Always
press up(towards home plate) so you can get a jump when the ball comes off the
TURNING DOUBLE PLAYS!! Since you'll most likely be close to the ball when you
get the ball you should step on the 1st base bag then throw to second to turn
the double play. If you try to throw to 2nd when he throws the ball back you
won't be ready on the bag and the runner will most likely be safe.
2nd Baseman
If you chose to play this position then you should be ready for alot of action
because most of the balls hit at you will require quick reflexes. Some of the
balls will be routine slow grounders which you will easily have enough time
to react and get the out. There will be a lot of plays in which hard grounders
will give you little time to react and you must know what your going to do as
soon as the ball comes off the bat.
you know how much time you have to make a play(although you should throw the
ball as soon as you get it and not play around).
TURNING DOUBLE PLAYS- Most of the time you will have 2 options when you try
to turn a double play. The first will be for you to throw to second and then
let him throw to first to complete the double play. This is almost always the
better choice because most of the time you won't be close enough to step on
the bag and throw to first and still catch the runner. The second way is for
you to run on the bag at second and then throw the ball to first to complete
the play. I think this looks better but your fielder must be fast AND have
a strong and accurate arm otherwise you will have alot of errors on that throw
to 1st.
CHOOSING WHERE TO THROW THE BALL- I recommend that you almost always go for
the easy out, which most of the time will be at 1st base. THE ONLY time you
should try to catch the runner at 3rd is if the ball comes at you really fast
and the baserunner took off late. I have tried to get the runner at 3rd many
times and have almost always failed.
This position is my favorite in the infield. It's very similiar to 2nd base
except your on the right side instead of the left. This makes a big difference
though. Since you have further to go to 1st your arm will need to be stronger
and more accurate otherwise you will throw alot of errors(I know trust me)
you know how much time you have to make a play(although you should throw the
ball as soon as you get it and not play around).
TURNING DOUBLE PLAYS- Most of the time you will have 2 options when you try
to turn a double play. The first will be for you to throw to second and then
let him throw to first to complete the double play. This is almost always the
better choice because most of the time you won't be close enough to step on
the bag and throw to first and still catch the runner. The second way is for
you to run on the bag at second and then throw the ball to first to complete
the play. I think this looks better but your fielder must be fast AND have
a strong and accurate arm otherwise you will have alot of errors on that throw
to 1st.
3rd Baseman
They don't call this position the hot corner for no reason. This is another
fun position to play if you like getting alot of action because like the 1st
baseman the balls hit at you will be hard and will give you little time to
react. Also since 1st base is on the other side of the diamond you also have
further to throw to get to 1st base making your arm strength and accuracy that
much more important.
Tips- STAY ALERT!!I know I keep repeating this but it's really important for
these positions because slacking off or not paying attention could easily be
a hit.
TURNING DOUBLE PLAYS!!!The most effective way for you to turn a double play
from this position is to throw it to 2nd base as soon as you get the ball. If
there's a runner at second then you can try to tag him then throw to 1st base.
TURNING A TRIPLE PLAY!!!I should note that i've only done this once but it's
a great feeling when you do it though. To do this you have to tag the runner
on his to 3rd then fire the ball to 2nd who then in turn will fire it to 1st
hopefully in enough time to get the outs. You will rarely have time where you
will actually be able to pull off a triple play but I just figured I should
note it anyway.
Left Fielder
You won't see too much action at this position because most of the balls hit
to the outfield will be to the center fielder who has the most field to cover.
This also is a fun position because you can make some fantastic looking plays
in the outfield.
Tips- TRACK THE BALL!!It took me awhile to get used to doing this because I
couldn't focus enough to see where the ball was. This is nonetheless a very
useful skill which you should learn because if you don't you will be missing
alot of balls that are hit to you. You also have the assistance of the ball
tracker(if you left the option on) to help you find out where you need to go.
KNOW YOUR LIMITS AND WHERE TO THROW THE BALL!!!There have been plenty of times
where I thought my player had a cannon for an arm and he actually had a water
pistol. This resulted in alot runs crossing the plate because my player
couldn't throw the ball hard enough to get anybody out. Be aware of long it
takes for you throw to reach the infield. If you misjudge then it could very
well be the difference between a run and 3 runs.
LEARN HOW TO CLIMB THE WALL!!!When there is a HR that you can catch the cursor
will be red. You must watch for the right to jump the wall and bring the ball
back into the park. This won't happen very often but you should know how to
do it just in case.
Center Fielder
This is my favorite position in the game(and also that of my favorite player
Bernie Williams). Most of time you will be standing in the outfield while
your teammates get balls that are supposed to get to the outfield. There are
two types of balls that will be hit to you. The first is a Fly Ball. These
can be either routine or potential Home Runs. Routine fly balls are easily
taken care because they are,after all, routine. Potential HR's on the other
hand are the most exciting plays you will face. Believe me when I say there is
nothing better than robbing the CPU of a HR. This takes alot of practice but
once you do it you'll be satsified trust me!! Next are grounders that find
there way into the outfield. For these you need to know where you are going
with the ball before you pick it up to minimize the damage of the hit. All in
All very fun position to play.
Tips- TRACK THE BALL!!It took me awhile to get used to doing this because
I couldn't focus enough to see where the ball was. This is nonetheless a very
useful skill which you should learn because if you don't you will be missing
alot of balls that are hit to you. You also have the assistance of the ball
tracker(if you left the option on) to help you find out where you need to go.
KNOW WHEN TO USE THE CUTOFF MAN!!! I have seen countless runs scored because
the centerfielder chose to throw to the cutoff man instead of going straight
to home plate. If you aren't deep in the outfield(and you CF has a good arm)
throw straight home. It will pay dividends.
LEARN HOW TO CLIMB THE WALL!!!When there is a HR that you can catch the cursor
will be red. You must watch for the right to jump the wall and bring the ball
back into the park. This won't happen very often but you should know how to
do it just in case.
Right Fielder
I like to call this position the throw em out' position(Mainly from all the
times Vlad threw me out at home plate). Your main job in the position will
consist of you supporting the right side of the field. Most of the time
runners will try to tag from 3rd base if the ball is caught by you. If your
arm is strong enough you should be able to gun people out at the plate and
at 1st and 2nd(though I've caught someone at 1st once).
Tips- TRACK THE BALL!!It took me awhile to get used to doing this because
I couldn't focus enough to see where the ball was. This is nonetheless a very
useful skill which you should learn because if you don't you will be missing
alot of balls that are hit to you. You also have the assistance of the ball
tracker(if you left the option on) to help you find out where you need to go.
LEARN HOW TO CLIMB THE WALL!!!When there is a HR that you can catch the cursor
will be red. You must watch for the right to jump the wall and bring the ball
back into the park. Since the right field wall is low in alot of parks, this
rule is more applicable to the rightfielder than the other 2 outfield
As you may have noticed I only gave a general description of duties and tips
that I think will help you become a better defensive player and get that gold
glove. Remember though practice makes perfect and I would recommend that if
you find any of this hard then you should play a regular game and become
better at those angles then take what you learned and apply it in RTTS.
-Sony for making this wonderful sequel
-Gamefaqs for posting my guide
-Wikipedia for providing me with some info on the positions
-My fellow gamers for reading and using this FAQ
-My Fiance for not bothering me while I finished this FAQ
Any questions or comments please E-mail me at:
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