Dead Rising FAQ/ Walkthrough
















Dead Rising



Dead Rising FAQ/Walkthrough

For Xbox 360

Version 1.5

Written by Brad Russell "TheGum"

(email at the bottom)


Version 0.9 (8/18/06): first draft, excludes overtime and mall section

Version 1.0 (8/19/06): finished first draft of guide

Version 1.1 (8/20/06): added a few extra tid bits of info (look for updates)

Version 1.2 (8/23/06): added more reader tips, thanks a bunch guys!

Version 1.3 (9/10/06): Bill!! start of fixing up survivor info, more to come

Version 1.4 (10/7/06): added FAQ and other tid bits.

Version 1.5 (7/25/07): added a few tips throughout, nothing big


Table Of Contents


Use the command Ctrl + F and type in the code


1. A Brief Foreword

2. Basic Info

3. Walkthrough walk123


Photo Shoot photo12

Getting Familiar get1234

Crazy Dog Lady cdogl12

The Base Of Operations tboo123

Plaza Of The Dead potd123

Shootout In The Pigout sitp123

Dash To The Crazy Man dttcm12

Backtrack batr123

Hero Time hero123

Dangerous Crossing dang123

Closing Time Blues ctblu12

Save The Doc satd123

Save Brad sabr123

Trouble In Paradise Plaza tipp123

Predators In The Jungle pitj123

Kiss And Make Up kamu123

Trouble In Wonderland tiw1234

The Right To Fight Back trtfb12

Midnight Run midr123

Raincoat Demise rade123

Guns N' Photos gnp1234

Round-Up Time round12

Settle The Rivalries setriv1

Into The Rat Hole itrh123

The End Draws Near tedn123

The End Has Come tehc123

Overtime ovti098

The Caves cave098

4. Bosses boss567

5. Weapons/Items weit567

6. Survivors surv567

7. The Mall mall567

8. Unlockables/Misc unmi567

9. Frequently Asked Questions

10. Credits/Copyright



* 1. A Brief Foreword


Greetings players, I bring a glimmer of hope to all those who seek answers to

getting through this game in a timely manner. Time, is a big aspect of this

game. While I wish it was a bit more forgiving, the system works.

I like this game a whole lot. It may be one of the best looking games on any

console, and the level of gore is just great. I like how big the mall is, and

how much you can do.

The only beef I got with this game is that it must be played at least twice to

get the full experience. Not only is the replay value through the roof, but

unless you be in two places at once, you can not do everything without flaw in

72 game hours.

I suggest your first playthrough to have one goal in mind: getting to fight the

last boss in Overtime Mode. After this, you can feel free to play again to

fulfill all the unfinished scoops.

Anyway, as far as a first effort, this game is pure fun. Not perfect, but it

gives a lot of hope as to what is possible in Dead Rising 2.

This will be my second full-on walkthrough, and I will try to cover a lot in

the first stab, but expect a couple of updates. My first guide was on RE4, my

still-favorite game of all time. It was cool to see how much RE4 sneaked into

this Capcom game.

My goal is to guide readers/players through Dead Rising in a step-by-step

manner. It would be much easier for me to list the cases and scoops and be done

with the whole thing. But this game is not a free-roam (sand-box) game. This

game would appear to give you freedom, but if you wish to accomplish the main

quest and the important side-quests, you have to take this beast on with a

strict guide.

You will note, I have the walkthrough, as well as the seperated elements at the

end of the guide (survivors and bosses).

Also, consider Jessie. What more is there to say?

*NOTE: standard definition TVs are not the way to play this game, sorry. If

you got a LCD monitor and a Xbox 360 VGA cable ($40) then you are set.*


* 2. Basic Info *


Let me tell you this right off the bat, "Take Pictures Often!" Yes, it does

actually do almost nothing for gameplay, but you will earn some PP and you will

get to fulfill some achievements. Just make sure you get pics of the survivors

and psychopaths. Keep an eye out for a "PP" bubble above certain events.

Most importantly, save often! Save when you know you have enough time to reach

your next goal. Don't save when your main scoops are about to expire, you may

as well start a new game. This isn't a problem if you put the main cases as

top priority, but if you decide to put them on the back burner then try to be

a good judge of distance and time.

Here is the general plan to obey when facing zombies: only fight the ones who

are in your way. Try to run past as many as you can, but sometimes they will

get you no matter what. When you get grabbed, move the left stick from side to

side to try and shake the zombie off.

I don't recommend any of the thrown items. I would stick to only slashing or

hacking weapons. I usually grab knives and baseball bats for melee, and any

gun will be good to pick up.

Unless you feel really confident about your abilities, I would occupy about a

fourth of your item slots with health. For health, I would only carry liquids;

afterall, you need water more than food.

Hate to break it to you, but a bunch of the "fun" items, like skateboards and

sickles, don't do much for helping you. And most are off the beaten path.

Here are the items I keep an eye out for: Hunting Knife, Bat, and juice, these

are all you need to get past the undead. Most are in your way too.

You can not save everyone. I know this because at least once you will have a

many scoops at the same time that start in the red. There are also many other

survivors than you are told, so pick who you wish to save.

When planning which scoops to pursue, the map is very helpful. A great help

is the ability to see the Scoops and where they are by pressing X on

the map screen.

Leveling up is random. All rewards are random, so you may not get some moves

for a while.

When you master the "Jump Kick" learn use it. It helps clear out lone zombies

in your path. Better than wasting weapons.

There is a character list and a map of the mall in the instruction book. If

you need it.

I would add a move list, but you get info on them when you get them. They

aren't hard to pull off; look under your status in the pause menu.


* 3. Walkthrough walk123


My fans (yeah, like I have any of those) will note that I have jumped right

into the walkthrough. You will find specific info after the guide. Let's get


Please note, the times are usually when you get the call from Otis, but other

times may be when the event will take place.

Also, this is a walkthrough. I will try to give you the play-by-play, but if

you stray from it, or you just jump in (which those people won't read this)

you should just locate the info either in the guide, or in the sections at the

end. Again, put the Cases as top priority.

Please go look in the weapons section, that might help a few of you who can't

find any good weapons.

I cannot stress it enough, this game is about speed! You have only a few times

between quests to lolly-gag around. Speed, speed, SPEED!


*Photo Shoot* photo12


This is not really part of the game, but more or less a brief intro. You are

stuck in the helicopter and behind the lens of your sidekick camera.

Don't take pictures of anything. There are four points of interest:

1. A man on top of a car; shoot when he is pulled off

2. A school bus; a good group shot, that's it

3. A gas station; shoot when the thing is blowing up, just wait for it

4. a woman swarmed; shoot when she waves and when she is falling

That is it.


*Getting Familiar* get1234


72 hours of death

Follow the tutorials, as you should. Get a shot of Carlito, and you can also

do some shooting at the horde in the parking lot, but you may as well get in

the door.

Save if you must, and do so if you are just starting. All the rooms are empty

so just head straight and examine the the screens. Exit, and then enter the

long hallway to exit the area.

*NOTE: you can press start to skip this, but you'll also miss a few good scenes

so I wouldn't advise it.*


*Crazy Dog Lady* cdogl12


Get photos of everybody before you head to the pile of junk. Go to the junk.

Here is the general plan to obey when facing zombies: only fight the ones who

are in your way. Try to run past as many as you can, but sometimes they will

get you no matter what. When you get grabbed, move the left stick from side to

side to try and shake the zombie off.

It would seem nice to save as many as you could, but you can't. Just pick up

a baseball bat or two and make a run for the stairs. Only fight to make a path

and try to stick to the walls.

*UPDATE: to the side of the fountain is a shotgun next to a corpse. Don't need

it, but whatever.*

Hmmmm, Jessica. Next-Gen is awesome.


*The Base Of Operations* tboo123


Before you leave, go grab some health from the computer room. The coffee thing

heals four blocks, so heal and take at least one with you. As you leave you

get a map and a transceiver from good ol' Otis.

These ducts will take you from one end of the mall to the other, FYI. And yes,

you will traverse through this location and the warehouse many times to come.

There are two points of entry to get into the warehouse: the elevator and the

the door around the corner. The elevator will take you to the ground floor,

and the door puts you on the second floor. Take the elevator for now.

Get a shot of the air duct, and then put it on "Keep" in the Picture Viewer in

the Pause Menu. You'll thank me later.

The only item up here that is worth it is the baseball bat by the rack.


Survivors: Natalie and Jeff


Before you leave, you get the chance to save two survivors. Though they aren't

exactly in peril. Just get Natalie around the corner, lead her to Jeff, and

then get a snapshot of the two as they hug. Talk them and then lead both to

the air duct. Collect your reward and then exit. Take the elevator.


Answer the call, then run into the hallway for a scene. You got a gun. Exit.

FYI, Cases are the main story. If you wish to get the true ending, follow these

first. If you want to go three and out, then don't follow any one of these to

get a different ending.


*Plaza Of The Dead* potd123


Welcome to the zombie horde! They can't be exterminated, and they will all

respawn in time. Refer to the mall section if you want the low-down on this

section, Paradise Plaza.

*NOTE: I don't mean to not check all the stores out, but if you can, just

ignore the exploring for now, and try to get to the next fight ASAP.*

Here are the three things you need to know for now:

*Cam's Camera has extra batteries for your camera, duh! So get one.

*This is a big note, go upstairs, and enter the cafe. Colombian Roastmaster's

has the much needed OJ that never runs dry. Not a big deal now, since you will

have creamer at the base. Later on though, this spot will be crucial. When I

say, "Get some OJ," or you need some health, stop by this place by default.

*The Yellow shirted zombies have knives, they are lurking in the water by the

Bookporium glass. The cop zombies by the exit will have guns. Consider grabbing

an extra gun or two.

As for what you need to do right now, go up the stairs to the south. Kill the

zombies lurking around the steps. Look to the south as you are on the middle

section of the steps. Do you see the blue ledge? You can jump to that, but its

a bit tricky. Get to the first step where you are going down the stairs (still

on the middle, flat area), and then jump to the blue ledge. If done correctly,

you should somehow climb up to the "secret" area. There is a juice and some

junk on the second ledge, but make your way to the third one. This will hold

the secret SMG. Keep it. This weapon takes a long time to respawn, but you may

not need it by the time it pops back up.

*NOTE: this area is above the door to the warehouse. Also, to save me some much

needed time, I will keep the original use of the Al Fresca SMG. With only 4-5

item slots you need at least one going into the Convicts fight, but two would

be nice.*

If anything, just try to get through as quick as possible. Go to the left side

of the path and use the mostly empty waterway to get out. You can also pick up

an extra gun from a zombie cop at the end of the water, though you only need

two guns for the boss coming up.


*Park Of The Dead*


A big park, that is it. Only ever serves as space between point A and B. Later

on you will encounter two of the most dangerous enemies in the game. For now,

just avoid the zombies and bash your way into the Food Court.

The trees near the doors (Paradise doors) will have two bats, though you don't

need them, I hope.


*Shootout In The Pigout* sitp123


Some time between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM.


Boss: Carlito Part 1


Your first boss, and he can be tough. Run through the entrance into the table

area. To the right as you enter, you should see three round tables. Go to the

chair near the farthest one away from Carlito. If you are positioned right, he

should be unable to hit you. Just aim with your weapon when he is behind a

window. Chip away at his health by aiming at his head; it may seem like you are

missing, but you are hitting his head, at least I hope.

*NOTE: You may get the call about some reporter during this fight. Take it, but

make sure you are behind cover.*

At some point, Carlito will run to a catwalk. Follow him and try to get in a

few free shots before he crosses. When he starts running try to hit him, but

as he runs along the top of one sign, he may get into a kind of loop in which

he runs on one top, then the other, and back for so long. Use this time to

get in a few good hits.

*NOTE: if you play and find him not going into a loop, please contact me and

tell me if you did something different.*

When he is "free," take cover by some barrels around a corner. You will find

some wine (four health blocks). Run out and fire as you hear Carlito's gun

firing at Brad. He will run around maybe forward, maybe backward. He may

also begin tossing grenades at your direction, so run away from them. At this

point, you may want to take cover in the sitting area and just try to outshoot

the mystery man.

*NOTE: it is very possible to repeat the scene from the window shootout. I mean

that it is possible to make his shooting hit the back of a sign. All depends on

where Carlito is shooting from. I believe he takes shelter by the Meaty's

Burgers sign, so see what you can do.*


*NOTE: Everyone keeps saying that you can climb on top of boxes to reach the

level of Carlito. That's fine, but it makes things tougher than they need to

be. I'm telling you, stay on the ground and shoot him. If you're under the

windows he should not be able to shoot you. The boxes you can climb on are

very near to where you stand in the table area.

*NOTE: Jack Patman says there is a SMG above the stands in the food court. Or

somewhere in the area.*

Eventually he runs, and your get a scene. Follow Brad.


*Dash To The Crazy Man* dttcm12


You are treading through Al Fresca Plaza. This place is hard to get through

since the passage is so narrow. Your goal is to follow Brad yet again.

In McHandy's Hardware you will find the awesome Chainsaw! You only get one, so

try it out. Rev it up and make a beeline for the exit. Sadly, this weapon does

not last that long. The Engineering book in the Bookporium adds life to it. But

just skip these toys for now.

If you feel you must, there is a quick save in Flexin', across from the

hardware store. Just smash the windows, save, and move along.

Pick up the SMG from the fountain in the central, round area near the exit. Try

to hold on to this weapon. You should have: OJ, SMG, Gun, Knive/Bat at the


There is a small supply of OJ in the Hamburger Fiefdom around the fountain


In Entrance Plaza, walk forward for a quick scene.

Follow Brad for another scene; no zombies for some reason.

Hold the phone! This just in:


Survivor: #21, BILL


Time: First day only

Found: In the Closet

At last, the final survivor, for me. This guy was the last I found, but he will

be the first "real" survivor.

The best time to get him is after the Barnaby scene. This is because the plaza

is empty of the undead, except where Bill is hiding. I tried squeezing him in

other sections, but this is obviously the only time to get him.

After the scene, go to the second level and follow the odd sounds of the small

mob of zombies waiting outside one store (In the Closet). Kill them all before

you locate Bill.

Once the undead are redead, go to the back of the store. In the corner (closet)

is your first true survivor hidden behind boxes. Simply remove one of the three

columns of boxes by tossing them and then slip in and talk to the lone

survivor. He will seem to run away, but when he sees the zombies he will be a

bit more curious to hear your story. Talk to him again until he agrees to be

saved. Give him a weapon and bring him back to the ranch.


*NOTE: there is a cool pickaxe by the escalators. It is hidden in the grassy

"steps" on the side. You will see the weapon icon pop up when you are running

up the left escalator.*

*Read the rest as is, just know there's a big boy behind you. Again, you are

trying to take him back to the Security Room, alive if possible.*


*Backtrack* batr123


You need to return to the Security Room. That means a long trek for you.

The easy way back to Paradise Plaza is closed off, so back from whence you

came from.

In Al Fresca, the SMG should be missing. If not, pick it up. Just run to the


*NOTE: consider taking out the punching bags in the gym for some easy PP.*

In the Food Court you will get a call, answer, but you don't have to follow. I

never needed to utilize the blenders in any of my games. To be honest, I don't

think the creations help at all. Only the Quickstep is remotely useful, and I

don't think the trouble to make it justifys its short life. Basically, don't

bother with the blenders, you have work to do.

In the park, if day time just head to the doors you came from. If night, you

may need to make use of the SMG, but it should still be early in the day if

you are playing right.

With plenty of time, go up the stairs and to the infinite OJ supply. Fill up if

so desired, but you should encounter your rival photojournalist.

*NOTE: return to the room if you have Bill, and then come back.*


Survivor: Kent Part 1


“Cut from the same Cloth”

Starts: 2:00PM

Color: Yellow

All you must do is take a few well timed photos.

For the first pic, wait until he runs back and crouches to take a picture of

you. Just zoom in and snap before he raises up.

For the second photo, let him take a picture and wait until he does some weird

victory pose and take a zoomed in shot of him. If done correctly, your should

get a scene and be done with it.

If you mess up on either one, he may begin to run toward the stairs and start

fighting zombies for some reason. Can be tricky, but you can still get the

right shoots, as well as a cool pic of him kicking.


You are left with the assignment of obtaining an EROTICA pic for your next

meeting with Kent. We'll cross that bridge when the opportunity arises.

At 4:00 PM you should get the call about some boxed in people. Again with the

crossing of bridges.

*NOTE: if you took Bill back, you don't need to go back again.*

Get some batteries and exit to the warehouse.

You will find that this once safe zone is now property of the enemy. The yellow

shirt in the hallway has a knife. Make a path to the end of the hall, then go

to your right, and then up the boxes. Use these upper paths from now on to get

around. You will only use the bottom path for survivors. Exit.

Get to the Security Room. Watch the scene. Save in the back.


*Hero Time* hero123


You should be between 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM. There should be two scoops open to

you at this point: barricade and mother.

Go to Al Fresca for both.


Survivors: Burt and Aaron


<Barricade Pair A & B>

Starts: 4:00PM, 19th

Color: Blue

Found in: Weber's Garments, Al Fresca Plaza

In Al Fresca, move forward as the arrow indicates, and you will see a store

with a bunk of junk in the doorway. Axe a few nearby zombies and then take the

blockage apart.

Inside you will be run at by Burt, he may hit you first, but try to smack him

a few times before he gets you. When you hit him a couple of times, he should

stand still and say to leave him alone. Now you can talk sense into him and

both men will follow you.

*NOTE: just give Burt four good jump kicks.*

Give Burt some health to fix the beating you gave him (health on the table) and

then try to arm both of them with weapons, I used bats.

From Al Fresca, make your way all the way back to the Security Room, using the

elevators in the warehouse. If it is still day, and both are armed, the trek

should not be hard.

Remember, RT + Y (marker) will make them charge to the location.


Across the street is the next helpless soul.


Survivor: Leah


<A Mother's Lament>

Time: 5:00PM, 19th

Color: Blue

Found: Riverfield Jewelry, Al Fresca Plaza

You should have both Burt and Aaron with you, so set a marker in one of the

jewelry displays to keep them safe.

Talk to Leah a total of three times until she joins your party, and no she does

not hurt you when she attacks.

Now Leah is sad and slow. Once she gets out of the safe spot, just carry her

all the way to the base. With her on your back, you should never be hit or

bothered by any zombies.


With all three, you can lead them into the workout room and save. Heal or

whatever, then exit to Food Court. Don't go in here if you are good to go.

Save if it is getting late, that is almost 7:00PM.

*NOTE: if any of your team is injured, heal them up by stopping by the bar in

the Food Court.*


*Dangerous Crossing* dang123


Time: around 7:00 PM

*Glitch (???): if you enter the park before 7:00PM the convicts will be stuck

on a tree near the Paradise Plaza doors. If the scene at seven pops up during

your run through the park, then the convicts will pop up in the normal

northern entrance to the park (not sure if a solid glitch).*

When you enter the park, you should get the scene with the convicts. This

creates a few problems. For one, you could take your chances and try to lead

your group to the other side. You could also fight these guys. Don't forget

that a new survivor is now in the park, sadly she just runs all over the place.

If you choose to fight, send your group to a fairly open place and just pray

that they survive. Send them far away too, but not too far.


Boss: Convicts


This is a boss fight when you are starting out, but not too bad if you are

leveled up. The only way I have found in getting through these guys is to use

the SMG found in Al Fresca.

The best thing you could do is to get they stuck on a barrier, either a pole,

a tree, or a wall. This should buy you enough time to get some shots off

at the gunner. I would recommend staying by a wall and making them get stuck.

The only other thing is to keep and eye out for zombies.

Get the gunner first! Once you do, get them stuck again and then run up to the

back of the vehicle. Take the gun from the hummer, and now they are dead in the

water. This puppy is awesome, just pick off the other two.

It doesn't matter how you kill them. Cutting up the gunner in anyway as

opposed to shooting is just fine.

You can also ride their hummer once the music stops, but you got a job of

helping your friends. Keep the heavy gun, and go save people.

*NOTE: these guys will respawn each day at midnight, so prepare to fight them

a few more times, but it will only get easier.*


*UPDATE: you can run circles around the convicts and get in melee hits, but

more trouble than its worth.*

At 7:00 PM, you will get a scene showing the scarier zombies at night. All

zombies are now tougher and more aggresive, so be careful.


Survivor: Sophie


Time: around 7:00 PM, 19th

Found: Park

She is running about the place. After you take care of the prisoners, go hunt

her down and talk to her twice.

Once she follows, you could help guide her, but with the Heavy Machine Gun, you

may as well hold onto it and make a trail with it.


Once all is calm, you should have four survivors in toe. Hopefully, your first

group is still alive. With Sophie, make your way to your other group. The heavy

gun in hand helps out so its a good idea to hold onto.

Lead everyone to the other side of the park. Take open spaces and help everyone

since this should be a long road to the goalline.

If anyone is killed, I would just try to get the rest to safety. You could load

up your last save, but the same thing may happen again. Your call.

With all four and the gun, just make slow progress to the doors. Just keep on

tapping X and you should make a safe path. One bullet kills any zombie, and

when you tap X it will automatically target and fire a round. The only bad

thing about this is how slow Leah walks, but a lot of bullets will make this

an easy, yet slow, journey to the Plaza.

*NOTE: once you leave, the gun and the hummer will be gone, but your team is

more important. If all are dead, then take it for a spin.*

In Paradise, use the rest of the gun to take out as many as possible to make

a route to the door by Cam's Camera. Run in burst, and once the gun is gone

make as much damage as you can. Pick up Leah and make a dash to the end, but

keep running in bursts so everyone keeps up.

In the warehouse, you get a scene about the bee queens. Let me tell you right

now, the zombies holding there arms to the air are the ones with queens. This

will be more helpful later.

Thankfully, this area is now clear, so go to the elevator and leave. Leah may

be fighting in the hall so go pick her up. You will find a queen in a zombie

by the elevator, so take it.

*NOTE: everyone does not have to be in the elevator to make it.*

On the roof, take a photo of each person, might as well. Then enter the duct.

If they get stuck, just run into them to break them up.

Collect your PP and then save. Congrats, you just saved a bunch of people. If

any died, don't sweat it, you can always save them in another game.


*Closing Time Blues* ctblu12


At about 9:00 PM you should get a call about a ride in Wonderland Plaza.

At 10:00 PM the lights go out, almost everywhere too. So now the zombies are

stronger and you can't see far. Great.

*NOTE: in either toy store in Paradise Plaza, and in other places, you can grab

a toy sword. Does nothing as a weapon, but if you just keep it in one of your

item slots you will get a little bit better light for a distance.*

Both objectives take place in Wonderland Plaza, which is reached by taking the

north doors in the Food Court. Before you take on the next boss, consider going

back to Al Fresca for the SMG and maybe a chainsaw.

Enter Wonderland Plaza, and go up to the chairlift if you wish to face a boss.

If you only want to save a few people, go to the bookstore.

*NOTE: if you did somehow skip the convicts on the first go-around, then now is

the time to use your SMG. Don't have one? Go get one and come back for the

darn hoodlums. Get their heavy gun if you want an easier boss fight.*

*NOTE: you are doing really good if you reach this fight before the lights go



Boss: Adam The Clown


When you examine the ride the fight starts.

Run to the walkway behind you to lead him into the open. He has a bunch of

attacks, but he isn't too hard, especially if you got some health and a couple

of extra blocks of health.

Here are some of his attacks:

Fire - not that big a deal, only hurts when you are close, use this time to get

in some shots.

Balloons - try to pop these before they get close to you, but you can't hit

them when they are being blown up. If done right, you can get him to stagger

and add some hits in. If done wrong and you get hit, you stagger.

Twister - he spins around for a distance, so just run the other way.

Jump attack - easy to avoid, but hurts.

Daggers - he can throw 1-5 of these things, if you are moving they will never

hit you.

He will also do a thing where none of your bullets hit. If he is moving his

chainsaws back and forth, you should stop shooting.

There is no pre-set order he does these attacks in, and he may not do one or

two. Popping balloons and using the SMG is a good way to damage him. The fire

will give you time to get some distance and maybe get in some shots.

Guns don't help when he is doing nothing, only when he is busy. Melee weapons

do a lot of good here, but they tend to break with a few hits. When I brought

a chainsaw, it did really good to kill him fast. When you run out of your first

weapon, pull out another melee and go to town.

Take breaks, that means to run away and heal. If you run out of everything,

then you may need to hunt down other items.

This fight ain't that bad, but it can be hard.

*NOTE: if you got a Heavy Machine Gun, the use it. Even when they aren't going

through directly, Adam will still take damage, and he won't move. If you are

the patient type, wait for him to begin to throw daggers, and then unload on

him for direct hits.*

My best advice is to wait for him to blow up a balloon, pop it before it gets

too far from him, and then shoot it. This gives you free hits and is quite

common if you play it safe and keep your distance. Stunning him like this will

buy lots of hits with a knife.


Oh yeah, get a pic of Adam after the fight

*NOTE: these little demon weapons are now going to respawn at this location for

the rest of the game. You have two now, and if you come back you can get keep

getting new ones. If you want to be the ultimate zombie hunter, when you go

to get the two Japanese, pick up the [Criminal Biography] in the back. When you

get back to Paradise Plaza, go pick up the [Engineering] book. Now your already

awesome chainsaws are going to last much longer. I know, two books and two

weapons plus more, but it will be worth it. You will never need any melee items

as long as you keep getting chainsaws.*

*UPDATE: go pick up Entertainment in Paradise Plaza, this and the other two

books brings the Small Chainsaws to 27 times the life. Its in the Bookporium.*


Survivor: Greg


Collect the two chainsaws when all is over, they are killers so try to keep

them for as long as possible. Turn on the ride, to save the security guard, and

then you can get the second chainsaw.

He will show you a secret passage to Paradise Plaza, all you got to do is

follow his lead to the bathroom.

You can get a good pic of him worth PP if you let him tell you to come on.


But if you are in the saving mood, highlight the tourist scoop.


Survivors: Yuu and Shinji


<Japanese Tourists A & B>

Starts: 10:00 PM, 19th

Color: Blue

Found: Sir Book-a-lot, Wonderland Plaza

In the bookstore, pick up the Japanese book near the cash register. Go talk to

Yuu, and talk until they agree to join.

Try to get a pic as they agree.

It is wise to give them both implements. Shinji is slow, so keep an eye out for

him. Getting Yuu back is easy. But this scoop isn't that hard.


*NOTE: if you were too quick for the scoop to pop up, then just wait for it,

or take Greg back and then come back for them after the scoop is open.*

As you grab the two, Greg will be calling out. You can start the conversation

with Yuu and then go help out Greg. With all three, just follow Greg to the

bathroom. Jump on the sink with all three in the room to exit (the passage is

on the ceiling).

Go ahead and save at some point, just in case. Give Greg something if you can

and move out. Take a left as you exit the bathroom. Make a gap and just try to

clear a path the whole way through to the door. Use Markers to your advantage.

If all three have bats, you should be fine.

In the warehouse, make a trail.

On the roof, take pictures, for the memories (Achievements and free PP).

You may get a scene with Brad. Save after.

Now go finish that one scoop you got

*NOTE: sadly, I'm pretty sure the Convicts will return, despite you just

killing them. Luckily, I know they start opposite the Paradise Plaza exit, and

they head toward the Food Court doors first. This helps if you are going to

the North Plaza, and you can even try to outmaneuver them to the Food Court.*


Survivor: David


<Shadow Of The North Plaza>

Starts: 12:00 AM, 20th

Color: Blue

Found: Empty store, North Plaza

Just make your way to the other set of doors in Leisure Park, to the north.

You'll get a call. Ignore the gunshop for now, just go to the target. Use the

many catwalks to avoid the hordes.

When you find him, just keep on talking until he joins you. Yes, you have to

help him out, but it helps keep you two out of trouble.

It is easy enough getting out of the North Plaza, however, with the return of

the convicts the park crossing is a problem. Cross your fingers, say a little

prayer, rub your severed rabbit toes, whatever you do you must make a mad

dash for the doors to Paradise Plaza. You should not run into the guys, but

if they get free early, they may get to you guys. All depends.

You could even fight them again, if you feel up to it.

Again, with this guy on your shoulder it makes it tough to get hit by any

zombies. When you reach the elevator, remember to set him down away from the

doors and take care of the mob. On the roof, take a pic.

Save in the base.


If you've followed this guide to a T so far, you should be at about 3:00 AM

and have only two scoops that you can do little with right now.

I decided to take care of the convicts. I just used the secret pass in the

ladies room to get past the park. Get the SMG, go to the wall to the right of

the park's doors (from Food Court), and then pick em off.

With plenty of heavy rounds, I guess you can take care of the gunshop psycho.


Boss: Cletus


Time: anytime, before the third or so day.

Found: Huntin' Shack, North Plaza (sort of tucked away)

Too bad for that guy. When the battle starts, leave the shop, and kill the

waiting undead. Make sure you are a bit away from the doors, or else he will

shoot you. When all is clear, use any gun to aim at the big man's head from

the safety of outside his range. A sniper rifle is good, but you won't have one

in the early stages of the game.

If you got the heavy gun from the convicts it will make this fight easy.


Collect your rewards, but take at least one of each. Get a rifle and as many

shotguns as possible. There are also handguns in the cases, but those weren't

why you came here. Have fun with the boomsticks (shotguns). Get a picture of

Cletus as you leave.

*NOTE: much like the heavy machine gun, the shotgun also has good use when you

you just tap X. Also good to tap while running, but be careful.*

If your Image in the Monitor scoop is on red, use the Wonderland passage to get

back to Paradise. Then just go and wait in the security room.

At 6:00 AM you get the call to return to the security room. So do so.


*Save The Doc* satd123


Just run to the Entrance Plaza. Thankfully, the closed gate between Paradise

and Entrance is now open (magic). So just go through.

Watch the scene.


Boss: Carlito Part 2


This is a sniper fight. You will see that the snipers in this game can only be

either outsmarted or fought with melee weapons.

Now here is what everyone needs to do: run up the stairs, run around the top

floor, run along the opposite side of Carlito's side, and get into a position

behind one of the pillars.

This is where my followers will be rewarded. If you have the Small Chainsaws

from Adam, and you should, take one out, run up to Carlito, and give him two

good slashings. That will be it. Watch the scenes and be done with it.

If you are just joining us, and lack the tiny chainsaws, you also have one

really good option. With any gun (SMG), get into position behind the pillar on

Carlito's side of the balcony; the one at the end of the "bridge." I can't tell

you exactly where to position yourself, but if done right you can get into a

spot where you can shoot him, while he doesn't touch you.

If all else fails, just try to run up and slash him with knives. He will fight

back and run away, usually tossing bombs behind him. So good luck.

You can also hide in one of the nearby shops and shoot him through the windows.


*NOTE: You CAN use the hockey pucks and they seem to work on Carlito. Takes a

while, and it's not the toughest way to do things, but whatever.


*Save Brad* sabr123


You start back at the Room.

Take a picture of Jessica before you leave. This will satisfy not only your

desires, but this will help you pass Kent's photo school. Congrats, you have

done your homework. Put the pic on Keep. Can't give it to Kent yet.

*NOTE: get a pic worth 700-1,000 PP.*

Now head out. The park should be safe (err, not counting the undead).

At 7:00AM you get the call about a couple, but just continue on to Seon's in

North Plaza. Just follow the arrow.

Inside just run to the back and try to open the door.

*NOTE: good idea to get a weapon, a handgun or two is enough.*

*NOTE: if you are using my chainsaw strat, go through the lady room vents to

get another chainsaw in Wonderland. Then go to Seon's, which is not far away.*


BOSS: Steven


Pretty weird scene, huh?

Start the fight by jumping on top of a shelf, then jump to another. Then just

wait for him to run to the end of the aisle. Get in as many shots in a he will

allow. You should get knocked to the ground, which is okay for now. He will

then try to relocate, you should run out into the open and let loose on him.

When he is about to take aim, jump behind a shelf for cover. Wait for him to

get tired of waiting and starts to move his cart. This is your chance to

jump out and finish him off.

If that doesn't do it, just rinse and repeat until it is over. Use the plethora

of health to heal any wounds.

*NOTE: for those following the chainsaw route, as soon as the battle starts you

need to jump up, and then hop down. He should remain aiming for a bit, but

instead of trying to go hide, you need to run around the aisle and try to sneak

up on him from behind. A few hacks from the saw does it.*


Funny death scene, kinda. Take a pic of your enemy, and then go get the meds

for your pal. I know it seems tempting to use the cart of doom. Go ahead, I

don't mind, but time is ticking.

You got two options: you can return the meds, or you can pick up the couple in

Wonderland Plaza. I believe that with the medicine, you don't have to be back

in time, but I'm not sure. If the Case is still on yellow, go ahead and save

the love birds.

At 8:00 AM, you get the call about some wacko in North Plaza. You could also

get this one done. All is up to you, but I don't recommend it.

*NOTE: only go for the couple if you got the time, and you should.*

*NOTE: in Wonderland, don't forget the free chainsaw.*


Survivors: Tonya and Ross


Starts: 7:00 AM, 20th

Color: Yellow

Found: Run Like The Wind, Wonderland Plaza

Ross is wounded, so you will have to carry him. To get them to come with, just

keep on talking to both until they agree to come. You're in Wonderland, so just

use the secret passage.

When you get to the roof, take a pic. Save.


Now that you are back, give the medicine to Jessie.

At 9:00 AM, you get the call about a coward.


*Trouble In Paradise Plaza* tipp123


If you have time before your next Case, go back to Paradise to meet up with

some helpless young ladies.


Survivors: Heather and Pamela


Time: 10:00 AM-ish, 20th

Found: Child's Play, Paradise Plaza

Pamela should be in critical danger as soon as you enter the plaza. Just go

eliminate the mob and talk to her. Then break the glass and approach Heather.

Doesn't take much to convince her, so just get both back to the safe zone.

*NOTE: Pamela will need to jump to the "bridge" to get out of the water.*

Take a pic on the roof, not bad.


Wait around for the Case to finish. 11:00 AM is when you get the scene.

Now make a dash for Paradise Plaza.

At 11:00 AM you also get the call about a man in a cafe.


Survivor: Ronald


<The Restaurant Man>

Starts: 11- 12:00 AM, 20th

Color: Yellow

Found: Jill's Sandwiches, Paradise Plaza

To be honest, this guy can easily be passed up. But you may as well help him


Just bring any food to him and he will join you. Smash his barricade to get him

out, and then do what you do best.

*NOTE: right after you give him the food, take a pic of him for huge PP.*


Go toward the warehouse door with your hungry friend, and just wait for Kent

to show up.


Survivor: Kent Part 2


Time: 12:00 PM, 20th

He only shows up at noon, so just be patient. After he talks to you, talk to

him. Show him your kept Jessie pic and you win.


Now after the scene hurry back to Ronald and then take him back to the base.

After Ronald is safe you got two options: pursue three survivors, or go for

one guy. I will give both, but I suggest fighting a boss in the North Plaza.


*Predators In The Jungle* pitj123


Cross the park to enter the hardware store in the North Plaza.


BOSS: Cliff


This guy is difficult, even with the darn chainsaws. All it takes is a few good

hits from the chainsaws to finish this fight. The only problem is when he runs

into the little holes.

From the start, just run forward to avoid his first strike. It is crucial to

get in some hits in the first encounter if you wish to end this fight in a

hurry. Try to get him as he runs for cover.

He pops out of one of the many trap doors in all corners of the store. He will

usually jump to the top a nearby shelf and then toss both flares and grenades.

The flares will not only obstruct your vision, but also stagger you when you

get too close. Only distance and the top of a shelf will save you from the


The best way I found to get him to come to you is to stay toward the shopping

cart area at the front. You need to avoid this projectiles, and after a while

he should eventually run to you. It is tough, but try to avoid his attack. He

will then run into the nearby hole behind the carts, but this is your best time

to get in a hit or two.

I could never get in more than two when he runs, so just have some patience.

His attacks are deadly, and if you run out of health use the cardboard boxes on

the top of the shelves for health. This is actually one of the toughest battles

only because he runs away from you.


*UPDATE: consider luring him out by exiting the store and then coming back in.

ADDavidredwinger says Cliff will charge you. This would bring him to you and

allow you time to get in hits, rather than wait for him. Try it out.*

Somehow, zombies are now swarming the place (magic, again). Take a pic, grab

that bloody knife, and run (don't get the knife if you are full, it isn't that


After the battle you will hear a woman crying.


Survivors: Josh, Rich, and Barbara


These guys are in the room next to Crislip's Home Saloon. Just go talk to one

of them and they will soon join. Give them all weapons, this helps them get up,

but some may not need it.


There are two special books in this room, but I would skip them both.

Here is the other guy, but if you chose to fight Cliff, I would advise just

leaving this dude to the dogs. I'll list him here for no reason.

*NOTE: there is only way to get Gordon: beat Cliff quickly, get the three

survivors, cross the park with them, and then get to Gordon ASAP. If you feel

that the next case is closing, and you aren't confident in your speed, don't

go for him.*


Survivor: Gordon


<The Coward>

Starts: 9:00 AM, 20th

Color: Yellow

Found: McHandy's Hardware, Al Fresca Plaza

He is cowering behind the cash register in the back.

Talk to him a bit, and keep doing so until it seems to be going nowhere. Then

find some way to hit him; he is crouching so its kind of hard. He will begin to

crawl away, but keep on talking until he joins you.

Best to toss something from the boxes at him.


Just take whoever you got through the park, same old same old.

As soon as you enter Paradise Plaza you get a scene. I advise putting your

group on a marker near the benches.

*NOTE: you may not get the scene, don't know why.*


Survivor: Jennifer


Time: 4:00 PM (you'll run into them, don't worry about the time), 20th

Found: Paradise Plaza

She is safe in the box, so you need to take out all the yellow crazies first.

These guys are tough, and very aggressive too. They have about three attacks to

look out for. Of course if you get too close they will use their knives, but

sometimes they will charge at you with the knife sticking out. Another running

attack is their suicide charge, which you are warned about when you see one of

them stick his hands into the air. Both of these charging attacks can be

easily avoided by outrunning them. Watch out for the dive they do at the end

of their suicide charge.

Their last trick is to gas you. You will awake in a room, and you will be

surrounded by more of these wackos. If you get gased, I would just give up and

load your last save. To be honest, I don't know where the room is, nor what

happens to your followers. I was only gased one time, and I died quickly.

The gas is also avoidable, but you can't charge into these guys and start to

just wack away. You need to do hit-and-run tactics, or just let them come to

you. Even better, just shoot them from a distance. One of the best ways to

take out a lot of them is to shoot one of them, he might get up and throw his

arms into the air. He will charge, but if you get him quick enough you can use

him to kill a bunch of his buddies.

Anyway, once they are all dead, go to the box and free Jennifer. Head on back,

and take a pic too.


*UPDATE: Here we go, thanks to all who sent me the info. This is what you got

to do to if you are taken hostage (though I still say reload). You are all but

completely naked, and without all your items. You get two boxes, two step

ladders, and a Ceremonial Sword. You have to make use of all these items in

order to get the passcode to get out. The passcode is only given if you are

able to kill each raincoat enemy. I find no reason to do this, I recommend

starting over, but I'm not you so do as you please.*

*NOTE: you are held in that locked building in the northeast corner of the


Add Jen to your group, but keep them all in the zombie-free zone. Go to all of

the undead and destroy them with your blue chainsaws. Make sure they are all

gone, the ones in your path, and keep inching your group along. Do what you've

been doing once you get to the warehouse.


*Kiss And Make Up* kamu123


After all is done, you should pursue to hunt down Isa. Head back to the North

Plaza, but wait until 5:00 PM to fight (unless it is past or far away from five

in the day). This will prevent a duo of calls when you are fighting her.

*NOTE: if you didn't run into the cult before, you should when you come back

through Paradise Plaza.*

*NOTE: you should be able to go pick up a few shotguns in the shop, and I would

highly advise this for the upcomming fight, though any guns will do good.*


BOSS: Isabela


This fight was horrible the first time I went through it. There are two ways to

breeze past this, but both require guns.

With just a few handguns, all you need to do is take up a perch on one of two

spots. The first is the nearby dumpster, just climb on top of it and nothing

will hit you from the ground. The other is the very top catwalk, but watch out

for the possible zombies.

From either position, whip out your piece and take aim. You could try to pop

her as she is moving, but just keep up with her. Take a shot when she stops and

is about to pull out her gun. Repeat until you two kiss and make up.

If you take to the top you may have to go down to the dumpster once she rides

off into the distance. This will draw her back.

A good way to know where she will stop, just see where she last stopped, and if

you didn't move she will stop in the same spot. When she hits you though, she

may switch sides.

*UPDATE: get a shotgun, without aiming just use the autotarget (press X) to

land a blow as the battle starts. You should be able to move a bit, she should

miss, and you can repeat the procedure.*


*UPDATE: if you kill her and get the failed case scene, you may have been too

late to arrive. Just try again and get their faster.*

After the fight, highlight the cop scoop and head south to Wonderland Plaza.

Go ahead and hop on the motorcycle and head south.


*Trouble In Wonderland* tiw1234


Pick up the free saw weapon if you need one and then enter the store.




Fat, yet she moves quite hastily. Do I even need to explain this one? Who

reading this guide hasn't figured out that the Small Chainsaws are the way to

go? They are all you need for almost any situation.

A few swipes here and the behemoth is slain. Not too easy, as she will fight

back, but still, you can easily out-slug her. Even if she gets in a few hits, I

would recommend running, hitting, and then running away just a bit to repeat

this pattern.

To be honest, I have no alternate method. If you beat Adam before, just go pick

up a chainsaw nearby (before you enter the store).

Good luck if you end up without the sacred weapons.



Survivors: Kay, Kelly, Lilly, and Janet


They are held captive by Jo. Just free them. Take the secret duct to get back.


There is a stun gun, but I don't like them, so skip it. Just free everyone, and

even give Kay a weapon if you want to.

Head south, down the stairs, and put the four ladies in a safe spot while you

free the next two survivors.


Survivors: Nick and Sally


Time: around 2:00 PM (not sure how long you got), 20th

Found: Wonderland Plaza

They can be heard screaming toward the south end of the plaza. They are hanging

from the big bear thing. If you ignore them, they will soon die.

You can see mobs of zombies waiting for them to fall. You need to take out all

of them before you bring the two down. If you can find some zombies with queens

(arms in the air, besides the ones reaching up) then the job is easier. If not,

then just go to town on them.

*NOTE: take a picture of both while they are hanging.*

Once they are all taken care of, pick up a piece of meat on the ground. There

should be at least one. Aim at one survivor and toss it. Talk and then help the

other one down.


If the secret passage is open in the ladies room, use it, duh.

When you make it back to the first plaza, it may be 7:00 PM. This will begin

Ronald's Request.


Ronald's Appetite


Time: 7:00 PM, 20th

This is a simple task. Just get some food and take it back to fix the famine

back at the base. Any food will do, just give it to Ronald after some talk to

quell the mutiny.


*NOTE: you cannot return to the Security Room without food if the scoop is up,

or else you lose a whole room's worth of survivors. Best just to get food at

about seven and keep it.*

Given that you are near a set of stairs, leave your group in the bathroom. Just

break open the two boxes under the stairs nearby (toss them). You may luck out

and get some food. If not, then keep your group on hold and go get some OJ in

the upstairs cafe. Just hold onto the stuff, but if your or your team is banged

up, then bring some more for them.

Just the usual march to the safe room, which is just a matter of killing the

undead like you have so many times before.

*NOTE: when you get back, you will get an extra scene; extra because it is not

a required scene.*

After watching, make sure to visit Ronald and avert civil war. Save.


*The Right To Fight Back* trtfb12


Now go take a stroll into the Entrance Plaza.

*NOTE: should be about 5:00 PM when you get each of the three following scoops*


BOSS: Sniper Family


There are three, and I'm pretty sure they are all equal in threat. This battle

plays as an extreme Carlito sniper fight. The tactic is the same, just used

three times, but there are also three threats that will constantly be firing

on you.

Maybe the gun trick worked on Carlito, but that will not due here. You will

have to be aggressive to bring all three of these God-fearing Americans down.

If you have the Small Chainsaws the fight is basically a race to kill them

before they break up. Even then, just focus on one and then tread toward the

others. Rolling is recommended, but they may still hit you, and you might not

have it. Rolling just makes things a wee bit easier.

Even with just a few good melee weapons the concept is the same, but it will

take a bit more frustration.

One nice "glitch" is to get one or more of them to hide in the shoe store near

their original location. If you wrangle them correctly you can keep them in

the store and kill them at will. You will find it easy to keep them in, and

even when they run out they might run back in.

The best way is the tried and proven path of the Small Chainsaws. Then you will

get easy sniper rifles.


After Thomas, Jack and Roger are dead, go take pics, pick up rifles if wanted,

and then ignore the pinned down man for now. There should be two other scoops

by the time this fight is over.


Survivors: Jolie and Rachel


Time: 5:00 PM, 20th

Found: Gramma's Kids, and Ladies Space in Entrance Plaza

Go to Jolie first by following the arrow of the scoop to Gramma's Kids on the

bottom floor. Talk to her a few times and leave when she talks no more. As you

leave, Jolie will join you. The best thing to do is hold her hand as you head


*NOTE: don't go for Rachel first, trust me.*

You'll find Rachel in Ladies Space, just bring Jolie to her to finish the job.

*NOTE: get a pic as the two meet.*

With both, bring them to the safe room.


Now with these two, go across the way to the antique store for one of the other

survivors in this area. Leave the two women outside.


Survivor: Floyd


Time: 5:00 PM, 20th

Found: Ned's Knicknackery, Entrance Plaza

All you have to do is talk until he agrees to love life again.

This guy must be carried if you want to make quick progress.


With three, put the fossil on your back and head to the cosmetics shop for the

still-fearful survivor.


Survivor: Wayne


Time: 5:00 PM, 20th

Found: Entrance Plaza

The pinned-down man from the sniper scoop. Talk to him after you dealt with the

trio of hunters. He will run to the front, then he will join. Give him a good

sword, if you want to.


Now with the max number for this quest, go back to the security room. It should

be late in the night, but luckily the journey is short. Be sure to carry the

old man for quick travel.


*Midnight Run* midr123


After you are done and have saved, make a dash for Isabela in the North Plaza.

*NOTE: remember, don't save if you took too much time and the case is almost

up. Unless you don't mind playing the game again for the main cases. Sometimes

it is better to not save, and then just do your previous task faster if you

don't make time.*

*NOTE: should be about 11:00 PM, she meets you at 12:00 AM sharp.*

Don't miss the little room she meets you in. After the scene, just get the

zombie off her to save her. Pick her up and head out.

You should both get a call as soon as you leave and find a lone survivor; doing

quite well on his own.


Survivor: Kindell


Time: 12:00 AM, 21st

Found: North Plaza

He is fending off the undead legions on his own. He seems a bit defiant, and

takes a lot of convincing before he joins you.

You can take his shotgun by giving him another weapon; he aims without concern

for your well being.


*NOTE: if you don't get a call about the cult, you'll get it in time.*

With Isa on your back, and Kindell blasting the undead in your path (blasting

you too), it should only get tough in Paradise. Best to clear a path in the

plaza before you cross.

Now it depends if you got the call about the movieland. You could be quick, and

go kill a boss and bring the survivors back, but it may be best to just sit

around and wait for the next case to come up.


*Raincoat Demise* rade123


Either way, you should pursue the cult leader next (if you got the call, one

time I didn't, and had to wait). Go to Paradise and enter Cobly's Movieland at

the other end.

Continue onwards until the path turns right, mow down the wall of cult guys in

your way (chainsaws). Enter the fourth theatre.


BOSS: Sean


Again, the Small Chainsaws are best. In fact, I know of no conventional means

to finish this guy. The only alternative is to get a heavy gun from the bad

guys in the park. If you somehow already killed them for the day, you are just

out of luck. May be best to just skip this fight if you can't get Small

Chainsaws or get a Heavy Machinegun.

Don't be fooled though, this guy won't go down easy. He will probably get in

two good hits. Still, I suggest you just out-slug him in a brawl.

He is very quick, and will sometimes not let you get up from the ground.

Don't even think about shooting from outside the doors, he will just hide.


*UPDATE: my friend Johnny says a Katana does the same damage, try as an

alternative route if you don't got chainsaws.*

After the fight you can't get relaxed, a stream of the last wave of raincoat

cult followers will charge in. Just hack em up with your saws.

At 2:00 AM you get Floyd's Request, but hold off, unless you find some wine.


Survivor(s): Nathan, Michelle, Beth, Ray, and Cheryl


All can be freed during the Sean fight, but just wait for him to die. Then free

all five, and don't forget Cheryl in the closet.


Sean drops a book and a sword, neither of which are required. The sword is cool

to use, and the book helps survivors defend themselves.

*UPDATE: survivors become more aggressive and can all be given weapons.*

Give them weapons to help the long trek back. The movies are no longer safe as

the zombies have entered. Make sure all your team make it out of the room; I

usually have to set many markers, and close a door to get them all out.


*Guns N' Photos* gnp1234


After you make it back to base, you got some free time. I would advise you put

that picture of the air duct to use. If you haven't, get a pic of the exit to

the air duct (from the roof). Head to the gunshop in North Plaza.

The convicts should be back, but up to you if you want to take them on. You'll

get some guns pretty soon, but if you already have some, go for it.


Survivor(s): Brett, Alyssa, and Jonathan


You have to enter the shop, and three guns are pointed at you. Just inch up a

bit until they fire at you, then do a roll out the door to make them let up.

Talk to the one who approaches you, but don't go past him or you will once

again be fired upon. Just talk to him until he asks for a picture of the air

duct you swear by.

You need to go get the pic, but if you already took one from earlier, this will

work too. Just keep talking and all three will join you.

These are the easiest survivors to bring back, just because they all come with

guns. You will see that Brett has a cool Machinegun. Want it? Take it. Give

Brett a shotgun and then pick up the awesome weapon he drops. This gun cannot

be found anywhere else, except until later.


At 5:00 AM you get a call about some punk.

Before you leave, if you wish to meet Floyd's needs, grab at least one bottle

of wine from behind the counter, and hold onto it.

Save the Machinegun for the convicts in the park. As always, it depends how

lucky you get with the obstacles. But since you will be coming back through the

park many times, may as well take care of them now. Just use your Machinegun

in place of the usual SMG. Be sure to take the heavy gun.

When you make it to the safe room, give the wine to Floyd, though not doing so

doesn't hurt, but may as well.


*Round-Up Time* round12


Now take the secret passage to make it to Wonderland Plaza for a group of five.

In Wonderland, you should hear the cries of a woman. She will be found in the

play area to the south


Survivor(s): Susan


Time: third day

Found: Wonderland Plaza

She is not a scoop, just a helpless survivor. Clear the soccer ball of all the

undead, then jump up and talk, she will follow. Holding her hand for long

distances is highly recommended.


Now with her, go over the the big guy in the nearby store.


Survivor(s): Leroy


<A Sick Man> Blue

Time: 8:00 AM, 21st

Found: Wonderland Plaza

He has been wounded, and doesn't want to be a burden. Keep bothering him until

he agrees to join. That's it.


Not done quite yet, now take the left side as you head north to the fight with

the punk.

*NOTE: two things to do: set a marker for your two allies, and then get a spare

chainsaw if needed. If you need the chainsaw, get it before you get Susan.*


BOSS: Paul


As soon as you start, whip out the Small Chainsaws and try your best to kill

him in one fell swoop. Takes about four hits to end it.

The worst thing that can happen is Paul leaving the store. He if fast, so

catching up to him is almost impossible. He will also toss grenades behind him

as he runs. Your best chance to hit him is when he turns around to run back.

If you got a shotgun, this will make the running away part much easier. With

a gun you won't have to follow him and take hits from his bombs. Not required,

especially if you kill him quick, but it can help.


And now the twist in the scoop.


Survivor(s): Paul, Mindy, and Debbie


Sounds cruel, but get a good pic of the poor man as he burns (though he may be

better of dead). After the unusual pic, go get the conviently placed fire

extinguisher and put the blaze out. Be sure to not aim, and just press and hold

X while standing in Paul's direction. It will take a while, but the fire should

go out.

Go talk to him to show him the light, he is now on the side of good.

Now go free the two women and they will join your group too.


*NOTE: give Paul some health, he needs it.*

With all five, just head to the secret passage and do the same old routine.


*Settle The Rivalries* setriv1


*NOTE: should be about 11:00 AM.*

Wait for the next case to open up. Sounds urgent. If you wish to satisfy a few

objectives ignore the case for now. If you really don't want to push the clock

to force in extra scoops, then just go to the tunnels.

I would advise waiting in Paradise for the last confrontation with Kent at

noon. You need nothing for this meeting, except the usual chainsaws.

*NOTE: you only get this if you brought him a good EROTICA pic last time.*


BOSS: Kent


Really nothing special here. Even if there were conventionally means to take

care of all the bosses, it would apply here too. Just give him a few slashes

from the Small Chainsaws to end it quickly.


*NOTE: thanks to Jeff V. I know that there is an alternate fight to Kent. All

you have to do is be late to the fight. I haven't done it, but just for you to

think about it.*

Afterward, free your tied up friend. There is a photography book on the ground,

which will always be there, but I didn't get it.


Survivor(s): Tad


Held hostage by Kent. Yeah.


With the fight, almost all of the plaza will be empty, so take this chance to

pick up another survivor.

*NOTE: may need to leave and come back to Paradise to get the Simone scoop, but

it should not take too much time.*


Survivor(s): Simone


Time: Noon, 21st

Found: Paradise Plaza

She is tucked away in the CD shop.

Whether she joins up with you or not depends on where you are in the game. If

you are up to date with the cases, she will take your word that Isabela knows

something about the pestilence. If you haven't seen the scene where Isa helps

out Jessie, I know one possibility is that she just won't come with you. I have

also heard there is a way where she requests a gun.

Basically, if you want Simone, follow the cases.


By the time you three get back, you should know about the mutiny brewing up

with the defiant Kindell.

All you have to do is talk to Kindell until he sees the light. All is good in

the hood.

Here is one more chance to make a semi-crucial decision. Will you find one of

the last remaining survivors, or are you unsure of how quick you can be?

You should have time to find this guy. If the next Case is already red then you

need to make the call.


Survivor(s): Gil


Time: Third Day

Found: Food Court

Gil is getting toasted at the open bar. He takes some talking, but he will

agree to follow your words.

Get a pic of him when the "PP" pops up.

He is not getting back on his own, so give him a shoulder.

*NOTE: I kicked him, all times I met him, I don't think you have to; I keep

forgetting he laughs a long time.*


Anyway, after you are ready, go to the parking lot in the northwest corner of

the mall (go through the park). When you get there you will find two vehicles,

a bike and a car. Seems best to go for the car, but get on the motorcycle and

take it down the ramp.


BOSS: Carlito Part 3


*NOTE: press the "BACK" button on the controller to quickly pull up the map

through this entire fiasco.*

Here is how Carlito will inflict pain upon you: he will try to run you over

when you are walking in the tunnels, and he will toss grenades at you when you

are near the bomb trucks. Without vehicles, this fight would be impossible.

Tips for vehicles:

*Hitting anything takes health from the car, so avoid anything

*Trucks are horrible to brake, so stop early

*You can take calls inside vehicles

*Better to go slower when you can


Not really a boss fight, but the hardest event so far. Sqeeze you bike through

the tiny opening in front of you and take a left. Follow this path to a dead

end. Don't try to massacre the hungry mob, just get off, run to the dead truck,

open it, and pull out the first bomb. Carlito should not be there yet, so get

into the other truck with the lights on.


Take the path all the way back to the start, but keep on going until you run

into a right turn. This is a small space, so quickly jump out and get the

bomb. Carlito may not be onto you yet. If he is, dodge his grenades.

Here is your chance to kill Carlito with ease. He should arrive after you get

this bomb. While he is stopped, go up and slash him with your chainsaws. He may

back up, but just keep the pressure on. After two good hits it should be over.

You get a cool extra scene.

After the scene you are in another area of the tunnel. Behind you is a new car.

Get in and follow me.


Take the first left and go all the way down to the corner. Get out and take the

third bomb.


Continue along the path and keep on heading west. Head south when you reach

the little circle and take the only path to the fourth bomb. This one is better

covered by undead.


Come back up the circle and head a ways back to the east, but not all the way.

Take the first turn to the north and follow the path all the way up to the

final bomb.

After you get the last one, you could stop and get the tunnel key on your way

out as you pass the little room in the center of the map. Make your way back

to the entrance, but you don't have to get out of your car, just run into the

barrier to end the fight.


*UPDATE: you can get the tunnel key early, and then run through the mall and

into the doors to get the bombs easier. I don't know if you got the time for

this, but be a man (or strong, independent woman) and just play the game.*

After the scenes, the parking lot is empty. Ditch your piece of junk and go

for one the the new vehicles.

If you skipped Gil before the boss fight, I hope he is still there. Now you can

go get him.

You could even return to the tunnel and look for Brad and the key. The key is

in the only room down there and is in the center of the tunnel map.

Wait around until five to get the next case.


*Into The Rat Hole* itrh123


When you get to the roof, it is easy to miss her, but don't forget to talk to

Isabela. When you reach the warehouse you will get a call about Paul having a

surprise for you; ignore it for now. Just keep pace with her, she is heading to

the North Plaza. Head down the corridor to the gunshop to reach the hideout.

Like your old base, this place also has nothing of interest. Just a save point

and an exit.

Go forward for a scene, and after it you must go all the way back to your first

base. Pick up some firepower before you set out. Save as much of it as you can

for the next boss fight (just in case).

When you are back at the security room, you get to go back to the tunnels, oh

boy! Save, go to Paul and then head out.

In the warehouse you get the call about Simone wanting a handgun. Keep going

to the parking lot, get in the car and go down the ramp. Take the same left

and you should end up where the first bomb was. Go through the double doors

into the creepiest room in the game.


BOSS: Larry


Must I embellish on this one. Come on, you know what to expect from lazy old

me. Just out-slug this guy in combat, you should have the life for it. The

Small Chainsaws are the way to go.

There are some milk helpings lying about, and the shotguns will win this fight

for you too, but not quickly enough.

I'll explain Larry's attacks. He has a big knife so watch out. He can also toss

more knives at you from a distance. He will often go to the hanging meat slabs

in the middle and toss them at you too. How long you have to finish Larry

before Carlito becomes ground meat is unknown to me.

I know you have the tiny weapons by now, so why even bother to drag this on

any longer.


*UPDATE: apparently Larry has another attack, he puts you on a hook and takes

a few slashes at you.*

After the interesting death of Luis, I mean Carlito, you can pick up the huge

meat cleaver from Larry. Now you could get a piece for Simone, but I don't

think it matters, unless you really want some PP.

At about 9:00 PM or so, you should get a call about Cheryl (trust me, not for

the young ones out there, this scoop).


*The End Draws Near* tedn123


Back at the original base, save. Do or don't fulfill Simone's request. Then go

fulfill the "request" of Cheryl's (perverted is the name of the game for this

one). Go back to the other base.

Go and wait for the next scene in the hideout. After the lengthy movie, try to

exit for the next scene. After a bit, the next in the series of cutscenes will


Just wait around for midnight. May want to get some health and anything else

you need for the military.

Before 12:00AM, you get the worst scene in the game, I hate to see her go. At

the witching hour begins the last leg of the main game.

You have few options here, you can go back to the old base, or you can just

mess around. You could even just let the game clock run for the next ten

game hours. Up to you.

There are now three factions at work in the mall: you, the undead, and the good

old military. With the chainsaws, the Special Forces are no problem, just run

up and they give you time to chop. Their guns are real nifty, but if you

already own the sacred weapons, no need for more than two or three or even one.

Don't have to save up on queens, but try to keep what you can, if you can.

Here are some extra tips for the Special Forces:

*20-30 Machinegun bullets will kill them

*They will attack zombies

*You can sneak up on them

*If you want to slash them to pieces with Small Chainsaws, you should run up to

them and run around in circles until they reload, then run up and hack away

*You can basically outrun any of them

*The Disembowel skill is most useful, if you got it by now

*If you get caught, move the joysticks frantically when they aren't looking

And now the only thing I can tell you about the copter: luck. Grab a Machinegun

and shoot at the thing. It doesn't have hitpoints. You have to hit the back

propeller. Good luck.

Going back to the old base will give you a note from Otis. You may be lucky and

find Jessie. Put her out to meet one achievement (snuff shot). And then return

to your new base.

I'll be dead honest here, you can just let the game run for ten game hours and

you will be ready to move on.

Well, I'm basically done with this section of the guide. You, however, are not

done playing. Go ahead and kill enough dudes to get the achievement. What you

do for the next ten hours is up to you. The warehouse is provides a nice perch

to snuff out SF from high up, without the incoming heat. I guess you could try

to complete as many acheivements as you like. I recommend just running around

and causing havoc.

If you do get killed by the special ops, you will be taken to a helicopter at

some location. If you want the true ending, load your last save. If you want

to see Ending D, try to struggle your way out, but let them catch you enough

times to run out the clock. If you still want the true ending, you can still

reload (not really worth the trouble though, unless you have to see it, I

mean Ending D).

If they catch you, reload, or you won't get the true ending.


*The End Has Come* tehc123


Whatever you do, at 10:00 AM on the 22nd, the military clears out. Just make

sure you are at the hideout around ten, talk to Isa, and head to the helipad.

*NOTE: do not forget to chat with Isa. She will say something like, "save

yourself," and that is all you need to go to the pad.*

Take your time to get to the helipad, cause you don't want to sit there for

a long time. Just don't waste too much time.

Watch the scene. Congrats you just beat the game....

*SPOILER ALERT: if the pilot gets eaten and crashes, you got ending A, just

keep going until after the credits and all that stuff. I think this little

psych out by Capcom has caused some confusion in gamers. Several people have

wanted to know if they did something wrong.*


*OVERTIME* ovti098


Surprised? I was too. Now you get to play to the real end.

The time: 8:00PM, Day 4.

You now have 24 game hours to find eight well-placed items in the mall, another

special item, and then ten queens. If you fail, Frank turns into the living

dead (I wonder if that is an ending.....).

Good idea to save now. Don't ask why, just do it.

From the start, look at your watch. You have eight scoops to choose from, but

they aren't listed in the best order. Here is the order I would recommend, but

you could pursue them any way you like.

Before you leave the North Plaza, you encounter a new enemy type: the Small

Copters. These things only need one bullet to bring down.

Also note, the zombies only occupy the park, at least for now.

*Make sure you highlight these cases to help you find them, except for the



ITEM: Cold Spray


Found: Sportrance, Paradise Plaza

Make your way to the old usual spot. In here it should still be lit up, take

out the flying robots, but take out the nearby SFs first. Keep on hacking or

shooting a path up the stairs. Go to the sports store and claim the spray from

one of the shelves (use the arrows from watch).



ITEM: Blender


Save yourself some time and get the blender in the Columbian Roastmasters now.

This takes out the Blender scoop, so good job.


ITEM: Developing Solution


Found: Cam's Camera, Paradise Plaza

Go to the spot where you had to change batteries for your camera at least once.

Its by the warehouse door if you have never been. Look behind the counter.


ITEM: Perfume Bottle


Found: Estelle's Fine-lady Cosmetics, Entrance Plaza

Head to Entrance Plaza. Head up the escalators and enter the first beauty shop

to find the next item.


ITEM: Camp Stove


Found: Sports High, Entrance Plaza

It should be dark, and the SFs are wearing black; good luck with that. May want

to try and outrun them the rest of the game.

From the shop, head south all the way to the end of the mall. Go down the steps

and enter the sports shop. Look in the shelves for the stove.


ITEM: Coffee Filters


Found: Security Room

Seems weird, but now the welded shut door to the Security Room is open. Go up

the steps for the stove store. Follow the corridor and enter the sad old base.

Ahh, so many memories (mutiny, zombies, famine, perversion, ...). Grab the

item from the desk and leave.


ITEM: Magnifying Glass


Found: Wonder Jewels, Wonderland Plaza

Head back to Entrance. Stay up on the second level and make your way to Al

Fresca. Make sure you ignore any confrontations. From Al Fresca, enter the Food

Court. From the Food Court (if you already got the blender) go to Wonderland.

Just run past anything if you can help it, and enter the jewlery shop under the

book store to the north. May be tricky, but snatch the glass and get out.


ITEM: First Aid Spray


Found: Seon's, North Plaza

Now run all the way to the north end of the plaza and enter North Plaza.

Run past the motorcycle and into Seon's. There are quite a few men in black in

this store. From the door, you should be able to take out most of them from a

distance. When you enter the pharmacy you will find out if you got all of

them or not; they will follow you inside.

Heal before you head out. For the trip back to the hideout, make use of the

auspicious bike and make a trail to Isabela.


When you get back you get a big scene. Save afterward and head out for the last

required item.


ITEM: Generator


Found: Clock Tower, Leisure Park

Just approach the big tower for a scene. After the scene you will notice that

the helicopter has returned, so be quick to grab the battery behind the tower

and then locate the North Plaza doors. Just get back to the base.


After you power up the nerve center, finally you can give Isabela your queens.

Subtract however many you gave her from ten, that is how many you need to get.


ITEMS: Queens (10)


Found: Zombies with arms in the air

True, this is a sort of test of luck. You could just run around the entire mall

and the park and just run into queens in random places.

However, I have a plan. Given you already have the Maintainence Tunnel Key, go

into Seon's and go down into the tunnels.

I don't care how, but you need to leave with all the needed queens. Go for the

big mob when you exit the stairwell. You should get at least two. When they

are cleared out, go into the truck and head a ways down the tunnel. I don't

know how far you need to go, or how many queens you find on the way, but I

would recommend you come back to the first mob after it respawns. Weapons

permitting, you should be able to collect with ease.

Here is the game plan one more time. Kill the mob, collect queens, go a ways in

the truck, collect more queens, come back, kill mob again, ad nauseam.

When you get all you need, simply come back to Isa through Seon's. I know the

big concern is about your items and precious chainsaws. At this point in the

game they are no longer needed. Toss the books, the saws, and anything else

that is not needed (swords, knives, etc.). All you need is to make it out of

Seon's. That is hard if you left all you weapons in the tunnels. This is where

the Disembowel move works really well to get you through Seon's. Kill the SF's,

heal up, and then grab any spare Machineguns (though they aren't needed).

When you exit Seon's, get on the bike and go to Isabella.

*NOTE: you could always play it safe and just run around the hideout and meet

your quota at a steady pace. This will take some time, but you get to keep

your weapons and stuff. But since the game is almost over, and those weapons

don't really help you in the end, I found it better to just go all out to

finish the game quickly.*

When you turn the last queen in to Isabela, kiss the mall goodbye, you are not

coming back.


*The Caves* cave098


After the scene, you end up in the tunnels under the clock tower.

Saving is a good idea. This will also be a good time to figure out how to use

some of your skills. Look these up in you status screen:

Double Lariat

Jump Kick

Roundhouse Kick

Zombie Ride

Not only may you have to use them in this section (though you don't have to),

it would help to know them for the next boss. At least try one Double Lariat

for me.

Anyway, when you begin you only need to hold Isabela's hand to make it to the

first gate. Look to the left for a smaller gate and send her through. As she

opens the big gate, you have to fend off the hordes. Try out the zombie ride

technique to avoid confrontation. When the gate is up, grab her hand and keep

on. When you hit the next gate, just enter the door.

The second area has a few open spaces that form a kind of "path" through this

section. It zig zags to the next gate. At the gate repeat the opening process.

The just make your way to the end.

The third area has the only, though poor, puzzle situation in the game. Why do

I say "puzzle"? Because it involves pushing a lever. Levers equal puzzles in

games, so this is a puzzle, right?

Save at the start. Jump down, but put the girl on your back to ensure safe

passage. Round the corner, go up the ramp, put her down, and then pull the

lever. Go through one of the three open gates; depends on where the two Special

Forces end up. Either way, just make a mad dash for the truck. If you must,

whip out your Small Chainsaws and go to town; you will no longer use any items

for the rest of the game. Get in the truck for a scene.


BOSS: Brock


This would be two seperate fights, but if you die, you start over. And Brock

is inside the tank, so whatever.


XM3 Prototype Tank

You are Isabela for this fight. Let me say one thing that is constant for the

entire fight, hold the X button.

You have three points that you should focus your fire on. Do you see the two

pairs of green lights on the front of the tank? They blink off and on, but you

will know you are hitting these points when you see a fire blume come off the

tank. These two spots are crucial to ending this fight early.

The main point to strike is the dome-shaped scanner that comes out of the top

of the tank. It will scan the area with a green laser, and eventually it turns

red, which means you are about to be blasted. This is the most important spot

to hit, as you avoid damage and you inflict damage.

The tank has three attacks: blast you, send drones, or launch missiles. If you

let the fight drag on, don't be surprised if you see all three come at you at

one time. The shelling from the tank is the main attack, and is not too hard to

avoid. Just focus fire on the laser sight until is goes away. The drones, as

before, only need one round to blow up. The missiles also only need one bullet,

but they are much more dangerous, and much faster.

The fewer laps you take around the course, the better. That is why hitting the

green lights in the front is so crucial. The fight should be over after just

three laps. Also, you can take a bunch of hits, so don't worry about dying too


After the tank fight, a scene, and then the last fight. This is the hardest

fight in the game. If you are at level 40 or so, you should have all you need

to win (my guide should have got you to level 40 easy).



This boss is so tough, just because you can not tip the scales in your favor

in any way. You lack your awesome weapons and items. You must use your bare

fists on him, and he is way more deadly than you.

The Double Lariat move is your best attack. Click the left stick and then press

X, and then point yourself into the direction of the boss. Brock will most

likely block all of you offensive, but some of it may sink in. When you are on

the bottom portion of the tank, and Brock is above you, do a Jump Kick. In this

same jump, try to perform a Roundhouse Kick. If the move works, you will Jump

Kick up to the top, and then finish off with a strong attack. Most of your

moves will miss or be blocked, but keep on doing them as they do inflict some

damage. Direct hits are rare, but speed up the fight's end.

When he is in the taunting stance, be ready for a charge attack that can be

avoided by simply moving away, or you could go get some hits on him. As far

as the rest of his attacks, they are pretty random.

Don't be fooled though, you should get banged up a lot. Use the Zombie Ride to

get back to the tank (jumping is best). His combos are good, and he even has

the cheap ability to kick you while you're down. He may also get in the worst

move ever. He may go around you, hold you by the neck, and then take your

health. You get one counter to this move, just move the Left Stick back and

forth, just like when zombies grab you.

If all else fails, just keep on using the Double Lariat until you win.

*NOTE: if you are on the verge of leveling up, just go kill a few of the last

undead around the tank. They give 500 PP a kill.*

*NOTE: people keep saying that you can get to the lower level of the tank and

attack Brock's legs. Others say that you can just keep punching him over and

over to chip away at his health. All are valid tips.


Congrats, you win, and you get the True Ending. Sadly, I don't think this

ending gives you enough for all the extra work you did. Oh well, let us hope

Dead Rising 2 answers the questions this game created.

Now go play again to get anything you may have missed. Try to get some

of the other endings.


* 4. Bosses boss567


Other than the ones in the main story, most "bosses" are just the various

Psychopaths you encounter in the early phases of the game. Some are easy by

default, and others are easy with planning.

As you will read, the Small Chainsaws make my job really easy. Easy to play the

game, and easy to give advise. It ain't cheating if the game includes it.

*NOTE: You may note, the listings here are not updated like the ones in the

real guide.*

1. Carlito (1,2,3)


Boss: Carlito Part 1


Your first boss, and he can be tough. Run through the entrance into the table

area. To the right as you enter, you should see three round tables. Go to the

chair near the farthest one away from Carlito. If you are positioned right, he

should be unable to hit you. Just aim with your weapon when he is behind a

window. Chip away at his health by aiming at his head; it may seem like you are

missing, but you are hitting his head, at least I hope.

*NOTE: You may get the call about some reporter during this fight. Take it, but

make sure you are behind cover.*

At some point, Carlito will run to a catwalk. Follow him and try to get in a

few free shots before he crosses. When he starts running try to hit him, but

as he runs along the top of one sign, he may get into a kind of loop in which

he runs on one top, then the other, and back for so long. Use this time to

get in a few good hits.

*NOTE: if you play and find him not going into a loop, please contact me and

tell me if you did something different.*

When he is "free," take cover by some barrels around a corner. You will find

some wine (four health blocks). Run out and fire as you hear Carlito's gun

firing at Brad. He will run around maybe forward, maybe backward. He may

also begin tossing grenades at your direction, so run away from them. At this

point, you may want to take cover in the sitting area and just try to outshoot

the mystery man.

*NOTE: it is very possible to repeat the scene from the window shootout. I mean

that it is possible to make his shooting hit the back of a sign. All depends on

where Carlito is shooting from. I believe he takes shelter by the Meaty's

Burgers sign, so see what you can do.*



Boss: Carlito Part 2


This is a sniper fight. You will see that the snipers in this game can only be

either outsmarted or fought with melee weapons.

Now here is what everyone needs to do: run up the stairs, run around the top

floor, run along the opposite side of Carlito's side, and get into a position

behind one of the pillars.

This is where my followers will be rewarded. If you have the Small Chainsaws

from Adam, and you should, take one out, run up to Carlito, and give him two

good slashings. That will be it. Watch the scenes and be done with it.

If you are just joining us, and lack the tiny chainsaws, you also have one

really good option. With any gun (SMG), get into position behind the pillar on

Carlito's side of the balcony; the one at the end of the "bridge." I can't tell

you exactly where to position yourself, but if done right you can get into a

spot where you can shoot him, while he doesn't touch you.

If all else fails, just try to run up and slash him with knives. He will fight

back and run away, usually tossing bombs behind him. So good luck.

You can also hide in one of the nearby shops and shoot him through the windows.



BOSS: Carlito Part 3


*NOTE: press the "BACK" button on the controller to quickly pull up the map

through this entire fiasco.*

Here is how Carlito will inflict pain upon you: he will try to run you over

when you are walking in the tunnels, and he will toss grenades at you when you

are near the bomb trucks. Without vehicles, this fight would be impossible.

Tips for vehicles:

*Hitting anything takes health from the car, so avoid anything

*Trucks are horrible to brake, so stop early

*You can take calls inside vehicles

*Better to go slower when you can


Not really a boss fight, but the hardest event so far. Sqeeze you bike through

the tiny opening in front of you and take a left. Follow this path to a dead

end. Don't try to massacre the hungry mob, just get off, run to the dead truck,

open it, and pull out the first bomb. Carlito should not be there yet, so get

into the other truck with the lights on.


Take the path all the way back to the start, but keep on going until you run

into a right turn. This is a small space, so quickly jump out and get the

bomb. Carlito may not be onto you yet. If he is, dodge his grenades.

Here is your chance to kill Carlito with ease. He should arrive after you get

this bomb. While he is stopped, go up and slash him with your chainsaws. He may

back up, but just keep the pressure on. After two good hits it should be over.

You get a cool extra scene.

After the scene you are in another area of the tunnel. Behind you is a new car.

Get in and follow me.


Take the first left and go all the way down to the corner. Get out and take the

third bomb.


Continue along the path and keep on heading west. Head south when you reach

the little circle and take the only path to the fourth bomb. This one is better

covered by undead.


Come back up the circle and head a ways back to the east, but not all the way.

Take the first turn to the north and follow the path all the way up to the

final bomb.

After you get the last one, you could stop and get the tunnel key on your way

out as you pass the little room in the center of the map. Make your way back

to the entrance, but you don't have to get out of your car, just run into the

barrier to end the fight.


2. Convicts


Boss: Convicts


This is a boss fight when you are starting out, but not too bad if you are

leveled up. The only way I have found in getting through these guys is to use

the SMG found in Al Fresca.

The best thing you could do is to get they stuck on a barrier, either a pole,

a tree, or a wall. This should buy you enough time to get some shots off

at the gunner. I would recommend staying by a wall and making them get stuck.

The only other thing is to keep and eye out for zombies.

Get the gunner first! Once you do, get them stuck again and then run up to the

back of the vehicle. Take the gun from the hummer, and now they are dead in the

water. This puppy is awesome, just pick off the other two.

You can also ride their hummer once the music stops, but you got a job of

helping your friends. Keep the heavy gun, and go save people.

*NOTE: these guys will respawn each day at midnight, so prepare to fight them

three more times, but it will only get easier.*


3. Adam The Clown


Boss: Adam The Clown


When you examine the ride the fight starts.

Run to the walkway behind you to lead him into the open. He has a bunch of

attacks, but he isn't too hard, especially if you got some health and a couple

of extra blocks of health.

Here are some of his attacks:

Fire - not that big a deal, only hurts when you are close, use this time to get

in some shots.

Balloons - try to pop these before they get close to you, but you can't hit

them when they are being blown up. If done right, you can get him to stagger

and add some hits in. If done wrong and you get hit, you stagger.

Twister - he spins around for a distance, so just run the other way.

Jump attack - easy to avoid, but hurts.

Daggers - he can throw 1-5 of these things, if you are moving they will never

hit you.

He will also do a thing where none of your bullets hit. If he is moving his

chainsaws back and forth, you should stop shooting.

There is no pre-set order he does these attacks in, and he may not do one or

two. Popping balloons and using the SMG is a good way to damage him. The fire

will give you time to get some distance and maybe get in some shots.

Guns don't help when he is doing nothing, only when he is busy. Melee weapons

do a lot of good here, but they tend to break with a few hits. When I brought

a chainsaw, it did really good to kill him fast. When you run out of your first

weapon, pull out another melee and go to town.

Take breaks, that means to run away and heal. If you run out of everything,

then you may need to hunt down other items.

This fight ain't that bad, but it can be hard.

*NOTE: if you got a Heavy Machine Gun, the use it. Even when they aren't going

through directly, Adam will still take damage, and he won't move. If you are

the patient type, wait for him to begin to throw daggers, and then unload on

him for direct hits.*

*UPDATE: just dodge him and wait for his balloons, shoot them, and then go hack

him up with melee weapons. Rinse and repeat till you get a good rich lather.*


4. Cletus


Boss: Cletus


Time: anytime, before the third or so day.

Found: Huntin' Shack, North Plaza (sort of tucked away)

Too bad for that guy. When the battle starts, leave the shop, and kill the

waiting undead. Make sure you are a bit away from the doors, or else he will

shoot you. When all is clear, use any gun to aim at the big man's head from

the safety of outside his range. A sniper rifle is good, but you won't have one

in the early stages of the game.

If you got the heavy gun from the convicts it will make this fight easy.


5. Steven


BOSS: Steven


Pretty weird scene, huh?

Start the fight by jumping on top of a shelf, then jump to another. Then just

wait for him to run to the end of the aisle. Get in as many shots in a he will

allow. You should get knocked to the ground, which is okay for now. He will

then try to relocate, you should run out into the open and let loose on him.

When he is about to take aim, jump behind a shelf for cover. Wait for him to

get tired of waiting and starts to move his cart. This is your chance to

jump out and finish him off.

If that doesn't do it, just rinse and repeat until it is over. Use the plethora

of health to heal any wounds.

*NOTE: for those following the chainsaw route, as soon as the battle starts you

need to jump up, and then hop down. He should remain aiming for a bit, but

instead of trying to go hide, you need to run around the aisle and try to sneak

up on him from behind. A few hacks from the saw does it.*


6. Cliff


BOSS: Cliff


This guy is difficult, even with the darn chainsaws. All it takes is a few good

hits from the chainsaws to finish this fight. The only problem is when he runs

into the little holes.

He pops out of one of the many trap doors in all corners of the store. He will

usually jump to the top a nearby shelf and then toss both flares and grenades.

The flares will not only obstruct your vision, but also stagger you when you

get too close. Only distance and the top of a shelf will save you from the


Guns would seem like the best choice, but you will only get seconds to get to

the top of a shelf and fire. If may also seem wise to chase him down to hack

him up, but this too meets little success. He uses strict guerilla tactics, in

that he is always running from you.

The best way I found to get him to come to you is to stay toward the shopping

cart area at the front. You need to avoid this projectiles, and after a while

he should eventually run to you. It is tough, but try to avoid his attack. He

will then run into the nearby hole behind the carts, but this is your best time

to get in a hit or two.

I could never get in more than two when he runs, so just have some patience.

His attacks are deadly, and if you run out of health use the cardboard boxes on

the top of the shelves for health. This is actually one of the toughest battles

only because he runs away from you.

*UPDATE: consider luring him out by exiting the store and then coming back in.

ADDavidredwinger says Cliff will charge you. This would bring him to you and

allow you time to get in hits, rather than wait for him. Try it out.*


7. Sniper Family


BOSS: Sniper Family


There are three, and I'm pretty sure they are all equal in threat. This battle

plays as an extreme Carlito sniper fight. The tactic is the same, just used

three times, but there are also three threats that will constantly be firing

on you.

Maybe the gun trick worked on Carlito, but that will not due here. You will

have to be aggressive to bring all three of these God-fearing Americans down.

If you have the Small Chainsaws the fight is basically a race to kill them

before they break up. Even then, just focus on one and then tread toward the

others. Rolling is recommended, but they may still hit you, and you might not

have it. Rolling just makes things a wee bit easier.

Even with just a few good melee weapons the concept is the same, but it will

take a bit more frustration.

One nice "glitch" is to get one or more of them to hide in the shoe store near

their original location. If you wrangle them correctly you can keep them in

the store and kill them at will. You will find it easy to keep them in, and

even when they run out they might run back in.

The best way is the tried and proven path of the Small Chainsaws. Then you will

get easy sniper rifles.


8. Jo




Fat, yet she moves quite hastily. Do I even need to explain this one? Who

reading this guide hasn't figured out that the Small Chainsaws are the way to

go? They are all you need for almost any situation.

A few swipes here and the behemoth is slain. Not too easy, as she will fight

back, but still, you can easily out-slug her. Even if she gets in a few hits, I

would recommend running, hitting, and then running away just a bit to repeat

this pattern.

To be honest, I have no alternate method. If you beat Adam before, just go pick

up a chainsaw nearby (before you enter the store).

Good luck if you end up without the holy weapons.


9. Isabela


BOSS: Isabela


This fight was horrible the first time I went through it. There are two ways to

breeze past this, but both require guns.

With just a few handguns, all you need to do is take up a perch on one of two

spots. The first is the nearby dumpster, just climb on top of it and nothing

will hit you from the ground. The other is the very top catwalk, but watch out

for the possible zombies.

From either position, whip out your piece and take aim. You could try to pop

her as she is moving, but just keep up with her. Take a shot when she stops and

is about to pull out her gun. Repeat until you two kiss and make up.

If you take to the top you may have to go down to the dumpster once she rides

off into the distance. This will draw her back.

A good way to know where she will stop, just see where she last stopped, and if

you didn't move she will stop in the same spot. When she hits you though, she

may switch sides.

*UPDATE: get a shotgun, without aiming just use the autotarget (press X) to

land a blow as the battle starts. You should be able to move a bit, she should

miss, and you can repeat the procedure.*


10. Sean


BOSS: Sean


Well, what do you think I recommend you use? It may still be a challenge with

the chainsaws, but a few hits is all you need.

The Heavy Machine Gun is also really good, but you need to time this fight and

a battle with the prisoners.

The hardest part about this battle is when its over, and a stream of the last

cult members pour in.

Sean drops his cool sword, and a book, but I don't know what this book does.


11. Paul


BOSS: Paul


As soon as you start, whip out the Small Chainsaws and try your best to kill

him in one fell swoop. Takes about four hits to end it.

The worst thing that can happen is Paul leaving the store. He if fast, so

catching up to him is almost impossible. He will also toss grenades behind him

as he runs. Your best chance to hit him is when he turns around to run back.

If you got a shotgun, this will make the running away part much easier. With

a gun you won't have to follow him and take hits from his bombs. Not required,

especially if you kill him quick, but it can help.


12. Kent


BOSS: Kent


Really nothing special here. Even if there were conventionally means to take

care of all the bosses, it would apply here too. Just give him a few slashes

from the Small Chainsaws to end it quickly.


13. Larry


BOSS: Larry


Must I embellish on this one. Come on, you know what to expect from lazy old

me. Just out-slug this guy in combat, you should have the life for it. The

Small Chainsaws are the way to go.

There are some milk helpings lying about, and the shotguns will win this fight

for you too, but not quickly enough.

I'll explain Larry's attacks. He has a big knife so watch out. He can also toss

more knives at you from a distance. He will often go to the hanging meat slabs

in the middle and toss them at you too. How long you have to finish Larry

before Carlito becomes ground meat is unknown to me.

I know you have the tiny weapons by now, so why even bother to drag this on

any longer.


14. Brock


BOSS: Brock


This would be two seperate fights, but if you die, you start over. And Brock

is inside the tank, so whatever.


XM3 Prototype Tank

You are Isabela for this fight. Let me say one thing that is constant for the

entire fight, hold the X button.

You have three points that you should focus your fire on. Do you see the two

pairs of green lights on the front of the tank? They blink off and on, but you

will know you are hitting these points when you see a fire blume come off the

tank. These two spots are crucial to ending this fight early.

The main point to strike is the dome-shaped scanner that comes out of the top

of the tank. It will scan the area with a green laser, and eventually it turns

red, which means you are about to be blasted. This is the most important spot

to hit, as you avoid damage and you inflict damage.

The tank has three attacks: blast you, send drones, or launch missiles. If you

let the fight drag on, don't be surprised if you see all three come at you at

one time. The shelling from the tank is the main attack, and is not too hard to

avoid. Just focus fire on the laser sight until is goes away. The drones, as

before, only need one round to blow up. The missiles also only need one bullet,

but they are much more dangerous, and much faster.

The fewer laps you take around the course, the better. That is why hitting the

green lights in the front is so crucial. The fight should be over after just

three laps. Also, you can take a bunch of hits, so don't worry about dying too


After the tank fight, a scene, and then the last fight. This is the hardest

fight in the game. If you are at level 40 or so, you should have all you need

to win (my guide should have got you to level 40 easy).



This boss is so tough, just because you can not tip the scales in your favor

in any way. You lack your awesome weapons and items. You must use your bare

fists on him, and he is way more deadly than you.

The Double Lariat move is your best attack. Click the left stick and then press

X, and then point yourself into the direction of the boss. Brock will most

likely block all of your offensive, but some of it may sink in. When you are on

the bottom portion of the tank, and Brock is above you, do a Jump Kick. In this

same jump, try to perform a Roundhouse Kick. If the move works, you will Jump

Kick up to the top, and then finish off with a strong attack. Most of your

moves will miss or be blocked, but keep on doing them as they do inflict some

damage. Direct hits are rare, but speed up the fight's end.

When he is in the taunting stance, be ready for a charge attack that can be

avoided by simply moving away, or you could go get some hits on him. As far

as the rest of his attacks, they are pretty random.

Don't be fooled though, you should get banged up a lot. Use the Zombie Ride to

get back to the tank (jumping is best). His combos are good, and he even has

the cheap ability to kick you while you're down. He may also get in the worst

move ever. He may go around you, hold you by the neck, and then take your

health. You get one counter to this move, just move the Left Stick back and

forth, just like when zombies grab you.

If all else fails, just keep on using the Double Lariat until you win.

*NOTE: if you are on the verge of leveling up, just go kill a few of the last

undead around the tank. They give 500 PP a kill.*


Let me just say Willamette, Colorado is the most looney town in America.


* 5. Weapons/Items weit567


You would think I would list every Item that could be picked up in this section

and many more. Sadly, that would be a waste of everyone's time. I will only

list the weapons, items, and special items that I feel are worthy of practical


Health Items.


Apple: heals two blocks; early, found in Security Room.

Coffee Creamer: heals four; found in security room early on, also on the first

catwalk in North Plaza.

Orange Juice: heals four; found in Columbian Roastmaster's.

Milk: heals four; found in Food Court.

Chips: heals one; found everywhere.

Must-Have Weapons.


Baseball Bat: found on the rooftop; pick this up each time you pass by the roof

area. Good for crowds, so a must-have. Also found under first trees in the


*Charge it up for a home-run*

Hunting Knife: yellow-shirted zombies carry these; one is always in the hall

in the warehouse. These are really good, always keep one handy.

Handgun: held by the cop zombies; found all over the place. Good enough for

shooting from a distance.

Shotgun: found in the gunshop. Perhaps the best weapon.

Sniper Rifle: found in gunshop. Pretty good, even at short range.

SMG: found in fountain at Al Fresca Plaza, and also in one room in the tunnel

underground. Great weapon, a must for the convicts, runs out quickly though.

*UPDATE: check the signs above Cam's Camera.*

Machinegun: only taken from dead Special Ops. The best weapon by far. Keep

as many as you can carry, no need for other guns.

Decent Weapons. (not easy to find, but good)


Chainsaw: found in the hardware store in Al Fresca. Really, really good, but

dies way too quickly.

Katana: found in Ned's Knicknackery in Entrance Plaza, and also one is found

by jumping out the window of the Roastmaster's in Paradise Plaza. Great sword

for a one-hit kill, but sucks for groups and even misses a lot. Okay to take

one, I guess.

Lead Pipe: found all over the place. Not the best weapon, but it is quick and

is better than nothing.

Hedge Clipper: found all over. Really quick, and a one-hit killer. Pretty

good, just none are easy to find.

Sickle: found all over. Hunt one done and use it at least once to get the cool

death scene. Other than that, you can pass this up.

Lawnmower: found in park and in the store in North Plaza. Great to use, but

just impossibly slow.

Special Weapons.


Small Chainsaw: you get two for killing Adam The Clown. Only use for bosses,

and if you get really desperate. Kills just about any boss in a few hits. These

puppies will respawn next to the ride.

*NOTE: if you got the two books, then use these for everything.*

*NOTE: almost unfair to have access to these things.*

Heavy Machinegun: taken from the convicts' vehicle. The best weapon in the

game, but sadly it must be your active weapon to carry it.

Ceremonial Sword: dropped by the cult leader. Really good sword, and lasts a

lot longer than the katana. Not a boss-killer, but still good.

Machete: dropped by Cliff. A good blade, but not too good.

Meat Cleaver: dropped by Larry. A blade.

Perfume/Lipstick: found in beauty shops; I think they work pretty good.

Mannequins: really effective, but not cool-looking enough for me.



Engineering: chainsaws, clippers, sickles, more. (Paradise)

Sports: baseball bats, that's all that matters. (Paradise)

Horror: boosts PP gained from killing the undead. (Paradise)

Criminal Biography: anything sharp gets boosted, Small Chainsaws, knives, and

anything else boosted with the Engineering book. (Wonderland)

Entertainment: adds life to Small Chainsaws as well. (Paradise)

Health: OJ now heals six, apples heal three, etc. (Wonderland)

Survivor: doubles all healing items' effectiveness. (North Plaza)

Wrestling: boosts your bare fists. (North Plaza)

Photography: dropped by Kent after fight. (Paradise)

Brainwashing Tips: dropped by Sean.

*UPDATE: survivors become more aggressive and can all be given weapons.*

*NOTE: get the Engineering and Criminal books to add life to Small Chainsaws.*

*UPDATE: grab the Entertainment book too.*

And remember, there are countless more items in the mall, you just have to find

them all. These are just the ones that are easy to get, or in your way. And

don't forget, most items can be thrown.


* 6. Survivors surv567


Again, not all can be saved, unless you perform without flaw. Here are all of

the living that you can help stay alive.

Here is the routine that must be taken to get any human back to the Security

Room safely. All roads lead to Paradise Plaza. Either from the bathroom, the

park, or from Entrance Plaza, these are the only ways into the plaza. Paradise

is the main stage of the game. Not only do a lot of scoops take place here, but

this is the last leg on any other quest.

If you decide to try and evade zombies in other areas of the mall, this is the

place to clear paths. For one, the road is actually narrow in the center area,

and this little spot can be attacked from all sides. The spot in question is

also usually packed with the undead. If you have a large group, you should

leave them in one place and blaze a trail.

Now for a few helpful/obvious tips:

*Know that just pressing Y usually reminds your team to continue on. Don't be

afraid to repeatedly press Y at all times.

*Markers are your best friend. Sometimes used to keep your team back in a safe

spot. Also good to send your team blindly to a distant safe area.

*People usually get stuck on the roof. Specifically, that little jump to get to

the opening of the air duct. A big group is guaranteed to get stuck. All you

have to do is run into the mass to break it up.

*Scoops and Cases are displayed in colored timers on the right side of your

HUD. If the color is bright, that means it is ready to start, or has already


*Big groups are tough to navigate through tricky spots. They are even hard to

just move in straight open paths. Markers are your best friend in big groups.

Be careful though, sometimes one will go stupid due to the AI.

*Doors are one of the things that hold up big groups. Just close them.

*When engaged in conversation, you can talk to someone and then go off to fend

off the undead.

Here are all the survivors, in no real order:

*NOTE: You may note, the listings here are not updated like the ones in the

real guide.*

Natalie and Jeff


Survivors: Natalie and Jeff


Before you leave, you get the chance to save two survivors. Though they aren't

exactly in peril. Just get Natalie around the corner, lead her to Jeff, and

then get a snapshot of the two as they hug. Talk them and then lead both to

the air duct. Collect your reward and then exit. Take the elevator.


Kent Missions


Survivor: Kent Part 1


I don't think he can be killed, and I'm pretty sure he won't follow you. This

is simply a quest. All you must do is take a few well timed photos.

For the first pic, wait until he runs back and crouches to take a picture of

you. Just zoom in and snap before he raises up.

For the second photo, let him take a picture and wait until he does some weird

victory pose and take a zoomed in shot of him. If done correctly, your should

get a scene and be done with it.

If you mess up on either one, he may begin to run toward the stairs and start

fighting zombies for some reason. Can be tricky, but you can still get the

right shoots, as well as a cool pic of him kicking.



Survivor: Kent Part 2


Time: 12:00 PM, 20th

He only shows up at noon, so just be patient. After he talks to you, talk to

him. Show him your kept Jessie pic and you win.




Survivor: #21, BILL


Time: First day only

Found: In the Closet

At last, the final survivor, for me. This guy was the last I found, but he will

be the first "real" survivor.

The best time to get him is after the Barnaby scene. This is because the plaza

is empty of the undead, except where Bill is hiding. I tried squeezing him in

other sections, but this is obviously the only time to get him.

After the scene, go to the second level and follow the odd sounds of the small

mob of zombies waiting outside one store (In the Closet). Kill them all before

you locate Bill.

Once the undead are redead, go to the back of the store. In the corner (closet)

is your first true survivor hidden behind boxes. Simply remove one of the three

columns of boxes by tossing them and then slip in and talk to the lone

survivor. He will seem to run away, but when he sees the zombies he will be a

bit more curious to hear your story. Talk to him again until he agrees to be

saved. Give him a weapon and bring him back to the ranch.


Burt and Aaron


Survivors: Burt and Aaron


<Barricade Pair A & B>

Time: 4:00PM, 19th

Found in: Weber's Garments, Al Fresca Plaza

In Al Fresca, move forward as the arrow indicates, and you will see a store

with a bunk of junk in the doorway. Axe a few nearby zombies and then take the

blockage apart.

Inside you will be run at by Burt, he may hit you first, but try to smack him

a few times before he gets you. When you hit him a couple of times, he should

stand still and say to leave him alone. Now you can talk sense into him and

both men will follow you.

*NOTE: just give Burt four good jump kicks.*

Give Burt some health to fix the beating you gave him (health on the table) and

then try to arm both of them with weapons, I used bats.

From Al Fresca, make your way all the way back to the Security Room, using the

elevators in the warehouse. If it is still day, and both are armed, the trek

should not be hard.

Remember, RT + Y (marker) will make them charge to the location.




Survivor: Leah


<A Mother In Lament>

Time: 5:00PM, 19th

Found: Riverfield Jewelry, Al Fresca Plaza

You should have both Burt and Aaron with you, so set a marker in one of the

jewelry displays to keep them safe.

Talk to Leah a total of three times until she joins your party, and no she does

not hurt you when she attacks.

Now Leah is sad and slow. Once she gets out of the safe spot, just carry her

all the way to the base. With her on your back, you should never be hit or

bothered by any zombies.




Survivor: Sophia


Time: around 7:00 PM, 19th

Found: Park

She is running about the place. After you take care of the prisoners, go hunt

her down and talk to her twice.

Once she follows, you could help guide her, but with the Heavy Machine Gun, you

may as well hold onto it and make a trail with it.




Survivor: Greg


Collect the two chainsaws when all is over, they are killers so try to keep

them for as long as possible. Turn on the ride, to save the security guard, and

then you can get the second chainsaw.

He will show you a secret passage to Paradise Plaza, all you got to do is

follow his lead to the bathroom.

You can get a good pic of him worth PP if you let him tell you to come on.


Yuu and Shinji


Survivors: Yuu and Shinji


<Japanese Tourists A & B>

Time: 10:00 PM, 19th

Found: Sir Book-a-lot, Wonderland Plaza

In the bookstore, pick up the Japanese book near the cash register. Go talk to

Yuu, and talk until they agree to join.

Try to get a pic as they agree.

It is wise to give them both implements. Shinji is slow, so keep an eye out for

him. Getting Yuu back is easy. But this scoop isn't that hard.




Survivor: David


<Shadow Of The North Plaza>

Time: 12:00 AM-ish, 20th

Found: Empty store, North Plaza

Just make your way to the other set of doors in Leisure Park, to the north.

You'll get a call. Ignore the gunshop for now, just go to the target. Use the

many catwalks to avoid the hordes.

When you find him, just keep on talking until he joins you. Yes, you have to

help him out, but it helps keep you two out of trouble.

It is easy enough getting out of the North Plaza, however, with the return of

the convicts the park crossing is a problem. Cross your fingers, say a little

prayer, rub your severed rabbit toes, whatever you do you must make a mad

dash for the doors to Paradise Plaza. You should not run into the guys, but

if they get free early, they may get to you guys. All depends.

You could even fight them again, if you feel up to it.

Again, with this guy on your shoulder it makes it tough to get hit by any

zombies. When you reach the elevator, remember to set him down away from the

doors and take care of the mob. On the roof, take a pic.

Save in the base.


Tonya and Ross


Survivors: Tonya and Ross


Time: 7:00 AM, 20th

Found: Run Like The Wind, Wonderland Plaza

Ross is wounded, so you will have to carry him. To get them to come with, just

keep on talking to both until they agree to come. You're in Wonderland, so just

use the secret passage.

When you get to the roof, take a pic. Save.


Heather and Pamela


Survivors: Heather and Pamela


Time: 10:00 AM-ish, 20th

Found: Child's Play, Paradise Plaza

Pamela should be in critical danger as soon as you enter the plaza. Just go

eliminate the mob and talk to her. Then break the glass and approach Heather.

Doesn't take much to convince her, so just get both back to the safe zone.

Take a pic on the roof, not bad.


Ronald + one quest


Survivor: Ronald


Time: 11:00 AM, 20th

Found: Jill's Sandwiches, Paradise Plaza

To be honest, this guy can easily be passed up. But you may as well help him


Just bring any food to him and he will join you. Smash his barricade to get him

out, and then do what you do best.

*NOTE: right after you give him the food, take a pic of him for huge PP.*


Ronald also makes a demand for food. Just bring him any food.

Josh, Rich, and Barbara


Survivors: Josh, Rich, and Barbara


These guys are in the room next to Crislip's Home Saloon. Just go talk to one

of them and they will soon join. Give them all weapons, this helps them get up,

but some may not need it.


Nick and Sally


Survivors: Nick and Sally


Time: around 2:00 PM (not sure how long you got), 20th

Found: Wonderland Plaza

They can be heard screaming toward the south end of the plaza. They are hanging

from the big bear thing. If you ignore them, they will soon die.

You can see mobs of zombies waiting for them to fall. You need to take out all

of them before you bring the two down. If you can find some zombies with queens

(arms in the air, besides the ones reaching up) then the job is easier. If not,

then just go to town on them.

*NOTE: take a picture of both while they are hanging.*

Once they are all taken care of, pick up a piece of meat on the ground. There

should be at least one. Aim at one survivor and toss it. Talk and then help the

other one down.




Survivor: Gordon


<The Coward>

Time: 9:00 AM, 20th

Found: McHandy's Hardware, Al Fresca Plaza

He is cowering behind the cash register in the back.

Talk to him a bit, and keep doing so until it seems to be going nowhere. Then

find some way to hit him; he is crouching so its kind of hard. He will begin to

crawl away, but keep on talking until he joins you.

Try to shoot him, I didn't, but see if he dies or not.




Survivor: Jennifer


Time: 4:00 PM (you'll run into them, don't worry about the time), 20th

Found: Paradise Plaza

She is safe in the box, so you need to take out all the yellow crazies first.

These guys are tough, and very aggressive too. They have about three attacks to

look out for. Of course if you get too close they will use their knives, but

sometimes they will charge at you with the knife sticking out. Another running

attack is their suicide charge, which you are warned about when you see one of

them stick his hands into the air. Both of these charging attacks can be

easily avoided by outrunning them. Watch out for the dive they do at the end

of their suicide charge.

Their last trick is to gas you. You will awake in a room, and you will be

surrounded by more of these wackos. If you get gased, I would just give up and

load your last save. To be honest, I don't know where the room is, nor what

happens to your followers. I was only gased one time, and I died quickly.

The gas is also avoidable, but you can't charge into these guys and start to

just wack away. You need to do hit-and-run tactics, or just let them come to

you. Even better, just shoot them from a distance. One of the best ways to

take out a lot of them is to shoot one of them, he might get up and throw his

arms into the air. He will charge, but if you get him quick enough you can use

him to kill a bunch of his buddies.

Anyway, once they are all dead, go to the box and free Jennifer. Head on back,

and take a pic too.


Kay, Kelly, Lilly, and Janet


Survivors: Kay, Kelly, Lilly, and Janet


They are held captive by Jo. Just free them. Take the secret duct to get back.


Jolie and Rachel


Survivors: Jolie and Rachel


Time: 5:00 PM, 20th

Found: Gramma's Kids, and Ladies Space in Entrance Plaza

Go to Jolie first by following the arrow of the scoop to Gramma's Kids on the

bottom floor. Talk to her a few times and leave when she talks no more. As you

leave, Jolie will join you. The best thing to do is hold her hand as you head


*NOTE: don't go for Rachel first, trust me.*

You'll find Rachel in Ladies Space, just bring Jolie to her to finish the job.

*NOTE: get a pic as the two meet.*

With both, bring them to the safe room.


Floyd + one quest


Survivor: Floyd


Time: 5:00 PM, 20th

Found: Ned's Knicknackery, Entrance Plaza

All you have to do is talk until he agrees to love life again.

This guy must be carried if you want to make quick progress.


Floyd wants to calm his nerves with alcohol. So find some wine, which is in

large amounts in the food court.



Survivor: Wayne


Time: 5:00 PM, 20th

Found: Entrance Plaza

The pinned-down man from the sniper scoop. Talk to him after you dealt with the

trio of hunters. He will run to the front, then he will join. Give him a good

sword, if you want to.


Kindell + one quest


Survivor: Kindell


Time: 12:00 AM, 21st

Found: North Plaza

He is fending off the undead legions on his own. He seems a bit defiant, and

takes a lot of convincing before he joins you.

You can take his shotgun by giving him another weapon; he aims without concern

for your well being.


Kindell will try to make a fuss. All you have to do is talk to him to quiet

him down.

Nathan, Michelle, Beth, Ray, and Cheryl, Cheryl has a quest


Survivor(s): Nathan, Michelle, Beth, Ray, and Cheryl


All can be freed during the Sean fight, but just wait for him to die. Then free

all five, and don't forget Cheryl in the closet.


Cheryl asks for you to shoot her, not with a gun though. Take a few pics of her

in each of her poses. You gain PP (yes, a joke could be made).

Brett, Alyssa, and Jonathan


Survivor(s): Brett, Alyssa, and Jonathan


You have to enter the shop, and three guns are pointed at you. Just inch up a

bit until they fire at you, then do a roll out the door to make them let up.

Talk to the one who approaches you, but don't go past him or you will once

again be fired upon. Just talk to him until he asks for a picture of the air

duct you swear by.

You need to go get the pic, but if you already took one from earlier, this will

work too. Just keep talking and all three will join you.

These are the easiest survivors to bring back, just because they all come with

guns. You will see that Brett has a cool Machinegun. Want it? Take it. Give

Brett a shotgun and then pick up the awesome weapon he drops. This gun cannot

be found anywhere else, except until later.




Survivor(s): Susan


Time: third day

Found: Wonderland Plaza

She is not a scoop, just a helpless survivor. Clear the soccer ball of all the

undead, then jump up and talk, she will follow. Holding her hand for long

distances is highly recommended.




Survivor(s): Leroy


Time: 8:00 AM, 21st

Found: Wonderland Plaza

He has been wounded, and doesn't want to be a burden. Keep bothering him until

he agrees to join. That's it.


Paul, Mindy, and Debbie, Paul gives you a gift


Survivor(s): Paul, Mindy, and Debbie


Sounds cruel, but get a good pic of the poor man as he burns (though he may be

better of dead). After the selfish pic, go get the conviently placed fire

extinguisher and put the blaze out. Be sure to not aim, and just press and hold

X while standing in Paul's direction. It will take a while, but the fire should

go out.

Go talk to him to show him the light, he is now on the side of good.

Now go free the two women and they will join your group too.


Paul will ask for you, and he gives you a free moltov.



Survivor(s): Tad


Held hostage by Kent. Yeah.


Simone + one quest


Survivor(s): Simone


Time: Noon, 21st

Found: Paradise Plaza

She is tucked away in the CD shop.

Whether she joins up with you or not depends on where you are in the game. If

you are up to date with the cases, she will take your word that Isabela knows

something about the pestilence. If you haven't seen the scene where Isa helps

out Jessie, I know one possibility is that she just won't come with you. I have

also heard there is a way where she requests a gun.

Basically, if you want Simone, follow the cases.


She will ask for a handgun, so give her one.



Survivor(s): Gil


Time: Third Day

Found: Food Court

Gil is getting toasted at the open bar. He takes some talking, but he will

agree to follow your words.

Get a pic of him when the "PP" pops up.

He is not getting back on his own, so give him a shoulder.

*NOTE: I kicked him, all times I met him, I don't think you have to, I keep

forgetting he laughs a long time.*



* 7. The Mall mall567


This is almost an extension of the items section. This section describes all

of the places of interest, and will attempt to list as much info as possible.

Sadly, you don't get much time to explore these areas if you play the cases.

*NOTE: you have a map at the end of the instruction booklet.*


Security Room/Warehouse/Roof Tops


This means the helipad, security room, air duct roof, and the warehouse. These

are the main safe zones and will be traveled through often, except the helipad.

There is also another safe zone, but it is in North Plaza late in the game.


Early on, the security room holds some health, but these go away after a while.

You can save on the bench.

Other than the goal of every escort mission, this area serves as the main point

to receive your cases.

All of your unlocked items pop up behind the air duct.


The roof top with the two exits has a few items, but all I would consider

taking is the baseball bat. This area is safe early, but once you get to a

certain point the elevator will hold zombies. Once this happens, it is then

wise to take the door.


The warehouse has a bunch of items, some good, but most are easy to pass up. I

would only take the knife from the one zombie in the hall once the area is in

their control.


Paradise Plaza


This area is the main plaza for the main game. You will travel through this

area many times. There are really only four shops of interest:


Colombian Roastmasters

This is your most important shop to routinely visit. It has an infinite supply

of Orange Juice, and OJ is one of the best sources of health.


Cam's Camera

Nothing too special, but a good spot to recharge your camera's battery.


Contemporary Reading

Not too much here either, just a book to add life to baseball bats and other

sports equipment.


Bachman's Bookporium

One of the two holy books for adding life to your Small Chainsaws. Found toward

the front of the store. Also another book for gaining PP from kills.

*Entertainment book for Small Chainsaws too.*

There are three weapons of interest. A katana is hidden on top of a of sign

reached by jumping out one of the Colombian Roastmasters windows. You can steal

handguns from the cop zombies in the waters. In the other small waters you can

find plenty of yellow shirts; they hold knives.


Colby's Movieland

The moviehouse is only used when you finish off the Raincoat Cult. Check out

the movie posters and the related merchandise in the toy store.

When crossing Paradise Plaza alone, take to the waters on the west side; that

way you avoid all but a few undead.

The hidden SMG is also one item of interest. Found above the warehouse door on

the third blue ledge.


Leisure Park


A big outdoor area, with plenty of weapons and goodies throughout.

The parking lot has the vehicles.

*NOTE: if you want the Genocide achievement, then listen to this. Take the car

into the tunnels, turn left, take the truck at the dead end, return to the

parking lot, and repeat the cycle. Just make sure to max out the kill count on

each trip. Will take a few real hours to complete. Not for the sane.*


Food Court


Good place to get food, duh. But really, other than a boss fight and Gil, this

place has little use.

Blenders and microwaves for cooking, oh boy!


Al Fresca Plaza


The main attraction here is the SMG in the water fountain to the east. This

weapon is crucial for the early game.

Other than that, there are chainsaws (real ones), a save point, and two OJs.

Wow, not much here either. Several survivors though.


Wonderland Plaza


There are a whole mess of survivors that pop up here. You'll fight a small

army's worth of bosses here too.

Behold! The sacred weapon is upon you! Kill Adam early in the game and you will

get access to his Small Chainsaws for the rest of the game.

The Criminal Biography book in Sir Book-a-lot is a great book for anyone. Not

only does it add to the holy weapons, it adds life to many other awesome

bladed items.


North Plaza


Almost the best section of the mall. It holds the gunshop, the food mart, and

the hideout for the end of the game.


Huntin' Shack

The gun store in the mall. Held by one boss early, than some survivors later.

Know it and love it.


Ripper's Blades

Cool store, you would have missed it if you weren't looking. Its near Seon's

and under the big catwalks. Unlimited Katanas, knives, and swords. Have fun.



Some fun stuff in here, and a boss fight at some point. But nothing much.


Seon's Food & Stuff

Good source of food, duh. Two key events take place here.


Carlito's Hideout

Don't try to enter until the case allow it. Replaces the Security Room at the

end of the game.

North Plaza also has a camera shop. The main item to look out for is the single

Coffee Creamer on the first section of catwalk (from the park). This liquid

will be your main source of health so find it and know it. Also, milk on

another section of catwalk.


Entrance Plaza


Not much going on here. To be honest, you only have to come here a few times

through the whole game. That's why I don't want to confuse anyone by putting

useless info here. Sorry, I just really can't think of a good reason to put

any of the shops in this section.

There is a cool Pickaxe near the escalators. It's in the grassy "steps" and you

can find it on your own. Give you something to do when you're wasting time.




This part is only played through in Overtime. Not much, actually, just a big

tunnel and a partial outside area. When going through the tunnels, you will run

into several gates. To the side of these big gates are smaller gates you can

open and send Isabela through.

The outside portion is just the location of a boss fight.


As you can tell, poor game design put more stress on a few areas and left some

of the others with little to no use. It almost seems as if a few areas were

completely made to add useless space. Kinda like this whole mall section in my



* 8. Unlockables/Misc unmi567


Achievements Requires

3 Day Survivor (20) Survive for 3 days.

5 Day Survivor (20) Survive for 5 days.

7 Day Survivor (20) Survive for 7 days.

Bullet Point (20) Fire 1,000 bullets.

Carjacker (20) Steal the convicts' vehicle.

Census Taker (20) Photograph 50 survivors.

Clothes Horse (20) Change into all costumes available in the mall.

Costume Party (20) Place novelty masks on at least 10 zombies.

Frank the Pimp (20) Simultaneously escort 8 female survivors.

Freefall (20) Drop from a height of at least 16 feet.

Full Set (20) Collect all portraits in the Notebook.

Gourmet (20) Eat all types of food available in the mall.

Group Photo (20) Get 50 Target Markers with the camera.

Humanist (20) Get 10 survivors out of the mall.

Indoorsman (20) Spend at least 24 hours indoors.

Item Smasher (20) Break 100 items.

Karate Champ (20) Defeat at least 1,000 zombies barehanded.

Level Max (20) Reach Level 50.

Life Saver (20) Get 20 survivors out of the mall.

Legendary Soldier (20) Kill 10 SFs.

Marathon Runner (20) Cover a distance of 26.2 miles.

Outdoorsman (20) Spend at least 24 hours outdoors.

Overtime Mode (20) Unveil all Cases and be at the heliport at noon.

Peace Keeper (20) Defeat 5 psychopaths.

Perfect Gunner (20) Don't miss with a machine gun.

Photojournalist (20) Score at least 1,500 PP from a single photo.

Portraiture (20) Photograph 10 survivors.

PP Collector (20) Photograph all PP Stickers.

Psycho Collector (20) Photograph 10 psychopaths.

Psycho Photo (20) Photograph 4 psychopaths.

Punisher (20) Defeat 10 psychopaths.

Raining Zombies (20) Knock at least 30 zombies aside with a parasol.

Saint (20) Get 50 survivors out of the mall.

Self Defense (20) Defeat 1 psychopath.

Sharp Dresser (20) Change into at least 20 different costumes.

Strike! (20) Send at least 10 zombies flying with bowling balls.

Stunt Driver (20) Jump a car at least 33 feet.

Stunt Rider (20) Jump a motorcycle at least 33 feet.

The Artiste (20) Score at least 3,000 PP from a single photo.

Tour Guide (20) Escort 8 survivors at once.

Transmissionary (20) Answer all calls from Otis.

True Mode (20) Get the true ending.

Unbreakable (20) Get the True ending without being knocked out.

Zombie Genocider (20) Defeat 53,594 zombies.

Zombie Hunter (20) Defeat 1,000 zombies.

Zombie Killer (20) Defeat 10,000 zombies.

Zombie Road (20) Walk over 33 feet on the backs of zombies using the

Zombie Ride.

*NOTE: PP collector is not covered in this guide, at least for now.*

*NOTE: if you want the Genocide achievement, then listen to this. Take the car

into the tunnels, turn left, take the truck at the dead end, return to the

parking lot, and repeat the cycle. Just make sure to max out the kill count on

each trip. Will take a few real hours to complete. Not for the sane.*

*NOTE: use the shotgun on the copter.*

Here are the unlockables in the game (most are useless):

*NOTE: "borrowed" from GameFAQs. Come on, I wouldn't know them anyway.*

Item Achievement

White Hat Census Taker

Ammo Belt Perfect Gunner

Arthur's Boxers 7 Day Survivor

Hockey Mask PP Collector

Laser Sword 5 Day Survivor

Mall Employee Uniform Transmissionary

Mega Man Boots Unbreakable

Mega Man Tights Punisher

Prisoner Garb Carjacker

Pro Wrestling Boots Item Smasher

Pro Wrestling Briefs Karate Champ

Real Mega Buster Zombie Genocide

Special Forces Boots Legendary Soldier

Special Forces Uniform Hella Copter

*NOTE: must beat the game to get the items in the security room on your next


There are two different modes to get:

Overtime Mode Get to helipad on time with all cases

Infinity Mode Get the "True Ending"

Here are all the endings (I've not seen C or F yet):

True Ending Beat Overtime Mode

Ending A Solve all Cases and get to helipad (leads into Overtime)

Ending B Save lots of people, but don't solve cases

Ending C Solve cases, but miss the chopper (and don't talk to Isa)

Ending D Get caught by military and run out of time

Ending E Don't do anything right

Ending F Bombs blow you away

There are a few extra things you can do around the mall. These yeild PP:

Ride the space ride

Punch a punching bag in gym

Walk on treadmill in gym

Spin rack in sports store in Entrance Plaza

Heat frying pan on stove

Robot in toy store in Paradise

Break dishes in Chris' Fine Foods

Here are the recipes I know:

Nectar - 2 Orange Juices (attracts queens)

Untouchables - 2 pies (repels zombies)

Cook pizzas in microwaves, duh

Some may notice that the extra recipes are now gone. I'm sorry, but there is

no one way to make a mixed item. Bascially, if you want to try out the blender

just take any two food items and mix them. The Quickstep is the only one I

like, but the trouble isn't worth it.

My advice, ignore the feature.


* 9. Frequently Asked Questions


I have this section to help end many redundant questions I seem to be getting.

Q: I solved all the cases, made it to the helipad, and saved a bunch of people,

but I don't get Overtime Mode. What am I doing wrong?

A: This may not have been addressed in my earlier guides, but one thing that

must be done after the SF's leave is that you must talk to Isabella. This must

be done in order to get Overtime.

Q: Where is the key to the locked doors?

A: Not really addressed in the guide. The Maintainence tunnel key is in the

basement. The best thing you can do is get in one of the cars in the parking

lot, drive into the tunnel, bring up the map, find the only room in the tunnel,

and go there. The key is in the southwest corner of the room (kinda hard to

see). Hope this helps.

Q: Is there any way to fix the small text?

A: Yes and no. If you only have a standard definition TV, then there is little

you can do; this was a big screw up by Capcom. The solution is to either buy

a high def TV ($300-a billion dollars) or do as I did. I had an LCD monitor for

my home computer. The Xbox 360 can be played on screens that are compatible

with the Xbox 360 VGA cable. I found mine at a Gamestop and it cost $40. I play

all my games on my computer screen and they look great.

Q: Do the unlockable items do anything?

A: No. As far as I know, the clothing does nothing but look cool/stupid. I

think only the Mega Buster is useful, but I hear it ain't in the room, so go

figure (I haven't unlocked it yet).

Q: How do you shoot down the helicopter?

A: I don't really have a solid answer. I've done it, but I could never do it

again. I used the Machinegun and kept a steady stream of fire as the thing went

over me. I think it all depends on whether or not the copter hits you. If it

doesn't, then you get to keep shooting. That's all I got.

That's all for now, I'll get more later.


* 10. Credits/Copyright




GameFAQs - unlockables

Maritan_Buddy_88 + Corey B. - brainwashing book

Matthiasreplacesjudas + Mike (Lt Nixon) + rmunday - cult hideout

Johnny - katana on Sean & sports rack PP gain

Dustin Jurach - shotgun on copter

Joe Marsh - early shotgun

ADDavidredwinger - Cliff in and out strat

IIN1NJAII - run circles around convicts

Joe - robot, entertainment book

Skeletonator - entertainment book as well

Shane - Isabela tip

BlakeNHailey07 - SMG tip

Jeff V. - alternate Kent fight

Jack Patman - another Carlito tip



Please contact me if you need any help, if you want to praise me, if you want

to talk, or if you want to ask a question. And if you must send a flame, please

be nice so that I'll consider it. Also, if you have a cool trick or comment

that you want me to add to this guide, good luck, I don't accept just anything.

You will have to present it well and I will have to like it a lot!

No more recipes. No more PP locations.

Please have 'Dead Rising' in the title.

My email:

PS - If I don't respond, don't take it personally, but there is most likely a

good reason (lazy, heard it a million times, it's stupid, etc.).



I have other guides floating around too. They are:

Resident Evil 4

Gears of War

Lost Planet



Rainbow Six Vegas

Oblivion (work in progress)

Shivering Isles

Knights of the Nine

The Darkness

I've also been published in GamePro magazine, June 2007. Pretty cool if you ask

me, and all because I write these little guides.

Here is my list of sites:

GameFAQs (main host site)






CheatCodeCentral (

GamersTemple (

and even a few foreign and other random sites

*Not launched

All other sites must ask permission if they want this. All I ask is that the

guide be ad-free and in this text format.

Here is my small site:

Give it a visit, and see if you like.





This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,

private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed

publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web

site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation

of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their

respective trademark and copyright holders.

Copyright 2007 Brad Russell

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