Monster Hunter Freedom 2 PSP Cheats

Gallery Movies

Gallery movies can be unlocked by encountering specific monsters as well as accomplishing in-game tasks.

Unlockable How to Unlock
A Phantom Appears Encounter a Kirin
Akantor Ecology Slay Akantor
Behold The Kut-Ku Spot Yian Kut-Ku
Burning Rock Complete the "Volcano Gathering" Quest
Congalala Ecology Ecnounter a Congalala
Daiymo Hermitaur Ecology Defeat Daiymo Hermitaur
Deep Forest Illusion Spot Chameleos
Desert Hunter Encounter a Cephadrome
Desert Tyrant Encounter a Diablos
Diablos Ecology Encounter a Diablos
Empress of Flame Encounter a Lunastra
Gravios Ecology Encounter a Gravios
Khezu ecology Defeat Khezu
Kushala Daora Ecology Encounter a Kushala Daora
Lao Shan Lung Spot Lao Shan Lung
Lao Shan Lung!? Spot Shen Gaoren
Light In The Dark Spot Khezu
Location Of Eternity Complete the "Forest and Hills" Gathering Quest
One Horned Daiymo Spot Daiymo Hermitaur
Plesioth Ecology Defeat Plesioth
Raging Tigrex Encounter a Tigrex in the 5 star Elder Urgent Quest
Rathian Ecology Encounter a Rathian
Roar Of The Horn Spot Monoblos
Roar of the Wolf Spot Yian Garuga
Shadow in the Tempest Encounter a Kushala Daora at the Jungle
Silver World Complete the "Mountain Gathering" Quest
Steel In The Blizzard Spot Kushala Daora
Sterling Hunter Encounter a Giadrome
The Devil's Scythe Encounter a Shogun Ceanataur in 4 star Elder Quest
The Green of the Land Complete the "Jungle Gathering" Quest
The Jungle Outlaw Encounter a Congalala
The Piscine Plesioth Spot Plesioth
The Poison Gypceros Spot Gypceros
The Roaring King Encounter a Bulldrome
The Sly Hunter Encounter a Velocidrome
The Still Swamp Entered the swamp area for the first time
The Tower Leave Camp in the Tower Area
The Tyrant Tigrex Ecnounter a Tigrex
The White Darkness Encounter a Blangonga
Tigrex Ecology Encounter a Tigrex in the 5 star Elder Urgent Quest
Tyrannical Roar Encounter Akantor
View all Videos Slay Akantor
Volcanic Leader Encounter a Gravios
White Night Dune Enter the desert area for the first time
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