Final Fantasy III FAQ/ Walkthrough

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| Final Fantasy III FAQ/Walkthrough |

| Copyright Seferaga |

| Email: |

| All rights reserved (C) 2007 |


Started: 8-21-07 | Release Date: 9-17-07 | Last Update: 10-5-07

Version 12


Introduction to the FAQ


Hi! I'm Seferaga and this is my very first FAQ! In this guide, I will cover

everything you need to know from: Items, Locations, Hidden Treasures, the use

of Mognet, Chocobos, Item Drop Rates, all 23 Jobs, 9999 HP, and much more!

There's A LOT of information in this FAQ, so enjoy it all!

Oh yeah, and I even made Area Maps so you can know what the levels look like!

What inspired me to make this guide was Cloud VS Sephiroth's FFVII Perfect FAQ.

I used it to complete a 100% file for that game and it got me very interested

in what it takes to make a guide!

Also, check the "Credits" and "Copyright" sections at the bottom of the

document if you need to.

And, ......, yeah. Have fun? :)


Table of Contents


Use Ctrl+F to find what you're looking for, and copy/paste the brackets {}.

I) Walkthrough: {WAL}

{0} Getting Started & Guide Explanations

{1} Altar Cave - The Beginning

{2} The Parmeni Mountains and Ur Village

{3} Cursed Town, Kazus

{4} Castle Sasune

{5} The Sealed Cave

{6} Return to Kazus

{7} Through Nelv to Canaan!

{8} Dragon's Peak

{9} Tozus

{10} Vikings' Cove

{11} Nepto Temple

{12} Adventures on the Sea

{13} Tower of Owen

{14} Gysahl

{15} The Dwarven Hollows

{16} The Subterranean Lake

{17} The Molten Cave

{18} Castle Hein

{19} A New World

{20} Cave of Tides

{21} Amur Village

{22} Goldor Manor

{23} Adventure in the Sky; Duster and Replito

{24} Saronia Kingdom

{25} Dalg Continent, Doga's Manor, and the Cave of the Circle

{26} Adventures Under the Sea

{27} The Temple of Time

{28} The Ancient Ruins

{29} Falgabard

{30} The Cave of Shadows

{31} The Dragon Kings, Leviathan and Bahamut

{32} Doga's Grotto

{33} Ancients' Maze

{34} Eureka, The Forbidden Land

{35} The Crystal Tower

{36} The World of Darkness

II) Side Quests and Optional Things: {OPT}

{OPT-1} Mognet

{OPT-2} Legendary Blacksmith

{OPT-2.1} Sara's Pendant

{OPT-2.2} Ultima Weapon

{OPT-2.3} Locations

{OPT-2.4} Mastery Cards and Items

{OPT-3} Finding the Onion Knight

{OPT-4} Secret ??? Dungeon

{OPT-5} The Chocobo Woods

{OPT-6} Wellsprings

{OPT-7} The Best Places to Gain Experience

III) Stealing Guide: {STL}

{STL-1} The Mechanics of Stealing

{STL-2} Items to Pilfer

IV) Weapons, Armor, Items, and Magic: {LIS}

{LIS-1} Weapons

{LIS-1.1} Knives

{LIS-1.2} Swords

{LIS-1.3} Staves

{LIS-1.4} Rods

{LIS-1.5} Wands

{LIS-1.6} Dark Blades

{LIS-1.7} Bows

{LIS-1.8} Arrows

{LIS-1.9} Books

{LIS-1.10} Claws

{LIS-1.11} Hammers

{LIS-1.12} Axes

{LIS-1.13} Spears

{LIS-1.14} Throwing Weapons

{LIS-1.15} Bells

{LIS-1.16} Harps

{LIS-2} Armor

{LIS-2.1} Head

{LIS-2.2} Body

{LIS-2.3} Arm

{LIS-2.4} Shield

{LIS-3} Items

{LIS-3.1} Usable Items

{LIS-3.2} Key Items

{LIS-4} Magic

{LIS-4.1} White Magic

{LIS-4.2} Black Magic

{LIS-4.3} Summon Magic

{LIS-5} Shopping List

V) Job Info: {JOB}

{JOB-0} Introduction to Jobs

{JOB-1} Freelancer

{JOB-2} Warrior

{JOB-3} Monk

{JOB-4} White Mage

{JOB-5} Black Mage

{JOB-6} Red Mage

{JOB-7} Thief

{JOB-8} Ranger

{JOB-9} Knight

{JOB-10} Scholar

{JOB-11} Geomancer

{JOB-12} Viking

{JOB-13} Dragoon

{JOB-14} Dark Knight

{JOB-15} Evoker

{JOB-16} Bard

{JOB-17} Black Belt

{JOB-18} Magus

{JOB-19} Devout

{JOB-20} Summoner

{JOB-21} Sage

{JOB-22} Ninja

{JOB-23} Onion Knight

{JOB-24} The Easy Way to Level Up Your Job

VI) Walkthrough Maps {MAP}

{MAP-0} Introduction

{MAP-1} Maps 1-20

{MAP-2} Maps 21-40

{MAP-3} Maps 41-60

VII) The Perfect File: {PER}

{PER-1} Introduction

{PER-2} All Treasure

{PER-3} Item Maxing

{PER-4} Miss-able Items and Enemies

{PER-5} Getting 9999 HP

VIII) In-Game Bestiary: {BES}

{BES-1} The List

{BES-2} Enemy Loot

IX) Secrets: {SEC}

X) Help Wanted!!

XI) Version History

XII) Credits

XIII) Copyright


I) Walkthrough {WAL}


{0} Getting Started & Guide Explanations |



This section will explain a few important things that you should know about

before playing a new game and using this FAQ.

If you're interested, the "Stealing Guide" section, goes hand in hand with the

walkthrough. If you use both at the same time, you'll see what enemies are in

your current area and what you can steal from them! Mmmm, stealing...

<Walkthrough Maps:>


At the beginning of certain Sections, I will provide a Map of your current

area! It will show you everything you need to know!! Yahoo!! They are all

hand-drawn by me, so I made sure they are of good quality! It was either this,

or ASCII maps which are really boring to look at. Hehe. :P


And also, if you want to know about the best places to level up in your current

area, see the "Best Places to Gain Experience" section. :)

Hey wait a sec, what do all of these buttons do?!

Area Controls (In towns, etc):


D-pad = Moving around

B = (Hold + D-pad) to run/walk

A = "Action Button", talk, open treasure, etc...

Y = Talk to any 'Guest' party member you may have

X = Open menu

L = Zoom-In screen to see shiny spots

R = Open menu

Start = Nothing

Select = Nothing

Battle Controls:


D-pad = Moving in the menu

B = Cancel button

A = Select command

Y = Nothing

X = Nothing

L = Nothing

R = Nothing

L+R = Attempt to escape from battle

Start = Nothing

Select = Nothing

Useful Menu Controls:


L and R = Swap between characters in submenus

- In Config Menu: There are a few options in here. Memorize will put the cursor

where you left it the previous time in battle. Even in the magic, summon,

and item menus! Very nice!

Battle Tips:


- Focus on a single enemy until it dies. This will make battles easier.

- Any character with a long-range weapon should be in the back row, since

they can do full damage from anywhere.

- You can equip and unequip weapons in the "Equipment" menu. This can be

very helpful if you forgot to do so before battle!

- Some weapons can cast spells. It doesn't even need to be equipped! Just

select the weapon in the "Item" menu! If the weapon is equipped, go into

the "Item" menu and press "Up". This will take you to the "Weapons" menu

so you can use the spells.

General Tips:


- Save often!! This game will throw challenges at you left and right!

- Hold a stock of beneficial items (Potions, Antidotes, Phoenix Downs, etc)

- Explore and talk to everyone, you may get some interesting info.

- When you are near a town, use the wellsprings it has to offer. If there is

a wellspring nearby, that can REVIVE fallen allies, use that instead of your

valuable Phoenix Downs!

- Just to let you know now, you can't buy Phoenix Downs anywhere. :P So save

them for when you are *desperately* in need of them! Like Boss fights! ;)



When you see these notes, you DON'T NEED to do them to finish the game. I only

included them in this guide to make it easier for PLAYERS who care about

getting that 100% file.

Again, if you don't want to follow the instructions within these notes, then

just ignore them. :P They are there to remind the players on what they need to

do to get everything possible in FFIII. :)



{1} Altar Cave - The Beginning |


Treasure: Leather Shield, Potion (x3), Longsword, Antarctic Wind (x2).


MAP 1: File(PNG) Size(57K)

Once you start a new game, you'll watch a scene where a boy (really?) falls

down a hole. This is Luneth. As it turns out, this cave is filled to the

brim with monsters! You'll immediately be attacked by Goblins. They aren't

too hard, just poke 'em and they'll die. :)

After the fight, head north through the cave. Along the way you will find two

treasure chests. The left one holds a >LEATHER SHIELD<, and the right one

holds a >POTION<. Further up, you'll come across a rock which you must

activate. This will cause a path to open up to the right. On this small

path, there will be a treasure chest with a >LONGSWORD< inside, and some


In the next area, head left to a get an >ANTARCTIC WIND<. Then go all the way

to the right to get a >POTION<. After this, head back up and you'll find

another >POTION<. To the right is a chest with another >ANTARCTIC WIND< and,

ever more to the right, a wellspring that will restore your HP/MP! Yay!

It's so pretty.^_^

TIP: If you want to, you can stay around this area and level up, then use the

wellspring to heal yourself.

When ready, head left. You will find some stairs. Go up and you will be

in a shrine of some kind. You won't get far because you'll be attacked by

an evil creature! Make sure you have at least one Potion, you just might need

it. I did! :)


Boss: Land Turtle | This Boss can be easy or hard. It all depends on how |

-------------------| fast you went through the cave and if you leveled up |

Level: 4 | or not. |

HP: 111 | To win, just keep attacking. If your HP gets low, use |

Exp: 20 | a Potion! |

Gil: 500 | Do this until you finally slay the beast. |


Weakness: None |


When you defeat the Boss there will be a couple of scenes. When they end, you

will be returned to the surface, the world map. Go ahead and save if you

want to, and then head south to the nearest village.



Treasure: Bronze Bracers (x2), Leather Cap, Longsword (x2),

Bronze Knuckles, Sleep Spell.


This can be done at any time, but why not now? You will get some fantastic


Before heading south to Ur, go back into Altar Cave. You will enter a different

part of the cave! Take your first right and you'll be at a "dead end". There

are a lot of places like this throughout the game, so keep an eye out for

them! ...or I'll just tell you. ;)

Wait, it's not a dead end! Well, it is, but not here. You can walk through

the wall to a secret area! Open the chests to find: >LEATHER CAP< and

>BRONZE BRACERS<. Now go back, then head down. In the next area, head left

and you'll enter a room with lots of treasure and a hole in the middle!

I bet you can't guess who fell down that *OBVIOUS* hole. Geez!

Open the treasure chests for: >BRONZE BRACERS<, >SLEEP<, >BRONZE KNUCKLES<,

and two >LONGSWORD<. You can fall down the hole if you want, but it won't get

you anything, and you will have to travel all the way to the Crystal's Shrine.

So you might get a level or two. ;)




{2} The Parmeni Mountains and Ur Village |


Treasure: Potion (x5), Phoenix Down (x2), Longsword, Eye Drops, Antidote (x2),

Cure Spell, Dagger.


MAP 2: File(PNG) Size(78K)

MAP 3: File(PNG) Size(238K)



This is just a reminder. Luneth comes equipped with a Knife and Vest. The

rest of the main characters, when you get them, also come equipped with a


You must *NOT* sell these items! You can't get them anywhere else.


When you get to Ur, go into the house on the left.(with the blue roof) In

here you will find two wellsprings. One restores HP/MP, and the other

revives any fallen party member. Remember this, it will be very helpful later

on! In the second room of this house, you will find Elder Topapa. Talk to

him and watch the scene.

Now exit the house. Talk to the old man right outside, and he will ask you

to use a Potion on him. If you do, he will give you a >PHOENIX DOWN<. What

a nice guy! Phoenix Downs are hard to come by in this game!

Go east past the Inn. If you talk to the lady by the well, she will tell

you to take the Potions inside the well. There are three Potions down there.

You don't have to talk to the lady, it's just being polite. :)

Inside the Inn. Here you can buy items, watch a pretty girl dance, and

even play the piano! Everyone boos you though. Hehe!

NOTE: Sorry to give up your hopes, but the dancing girls and playing the

piano yield no rewards in the end. They are only for pure enjoyment!

I see it as a missed opportunity for two really fun sidequests, but

oh well. :(

Now head Northeast of the Inn. Up here, you will watch a scene with some kids

bullying another kid. The one being bullied is Arc.

After the scenes, go to the top of the flower patch, by the water. There is

a hidden >POTION< lying on the ground, just waiting to be picked!

The guy north of the weapon shop tells you to take the items in the store-

house, but to be cautious of monsters along the way. Don't worry, they are

only Goblins! When you get to the storehouse, don't enter. There is a

hidden >POTION< near the water. Ok, now go in. :)

In here you will find many useful things. The old man gives you a

very helpful tip. So go ahead and talk to him if you want to. In the pots

to the left you will find two >ANTIDOTE<. Now talk to candle that the

old man told you about. :P

In the secret area you will find: >DAGGER<, >LONGSWORD<, >EYE DROPS<,


You're done in this town, so go ahead and leave. You can and visit the shops

if you want to.

When ready, exit Ur and head south.


{3} Cursed Town, Kazus |


Treasure: Potion (x2), Staff, Mythril Helmet, Zeus's Wrath.


MAP 4: File(PNG) Size(233K)

Upon entering Kazus, you will see Arc. You can talk to him now, if you want,

or explore the town. You could even level up Luneth so he stays ahead of the

group, in levels! ;)

Either way, this town seems doomed. They are all "ghosts"!

Ok, the first house you'll see is the one with a blue roof. It has a well-

spring inside if you need it! Head left of this house through the trees. You

will find a small pond! Around the pond, by the trees, you will find

a >MYTHRIL HELM< and a >STAFF<. After you get the staff, immediately go to

the right. There is a hidden path in the trees! In here you can pick up a


Now go back to the main part of town. You can find a >POTION< inside the Inn,

and another >POTION< in the house just north of the Inn. They shouldn't be

too hard to find. ;) If you need to, use the Zoom-In feature to see the

shiny spots! (Zoom-In with the L Button)

The cave at the north end of town is very dangerous at this point of the

game. Don't go in here WITHOUT saving! In fact, don't go in here at all.

You can't get the treasure within just yet, so we'll come back later! :)

After talking to Arc, go inside the Inn. One of the ghosts in here is Cid.

He will ask for your help, and lend you his airship! Awesome!! Since there

isn't much else to do, for now, let's go get his ship.

Leave town and walk to the small desert just west of town. On the airship,

you will meet Refia. Yay! ^_^ Watch the scene and now you can fly!

Head northwest to the castle!


{4} Castle Sasune |


Treasure: Wooden Arrow (x3), Holy Arrow (x2), Wightslayer, Potion, Bow,

Leather Shield, Blizzard Spell, Bronze Knuckles, 1,000 Gil (x2),

Phoenix Down.


MAP 5: File(PNG) Size(79K)

Map 6: File(PNG) Size(82K)

The first thing you will do at Castle Sasune is meet Ingus! After the scene,

you will be in the courtyard of the castle. Head left. There will be a tower

over here called "Sasune: West Tower".

Be careful! There are monsters in here and they are pretty tough!

On the 3rd floor, you will find: >HOLY ARROW< and >WOODEN ARROW<. On the top

floor, is a single chest with a >WIGHTSLAYER<. But it's a trap! You'll have

to fight a Griffon! Be prepared!!!

Head back down the tower and then go right towards "Sasune: East Tower". This

is much better! No monsters! Yay! On the 3rd floor you'll get

>HOLY ARROW< and >WOODEN ARROW< both again. On the top floor, it looks like

someone's room! How nice! Open the three treasure chests for a >POTION<,

>WOODEN ARROW<, and >BOW<. You can even take a nap on the bed! Mmm!

Now, go back to the main gate. Then go up and into the main part of the

castle. In the first room there are some ghosts and a couple beds. If you

are still tired, you can take another nap! ;) Go up to the next room. In

here, go left through the cracked wall. There is a chest with a

>PHOENIX DOWN<. Then head to the opposite side of the room. Go through the

cracked wall over here and then go up the stairs. Follow the hallway to find

a >LEATHER SHIELD< and >BLIZZARD<. There is a cracked wall here too, so go in

it and you'll find a secret room with a >BRONZE KNUCKLES<.

Now go all the way back down stairs. Here, take the other stairs down. Both

chests contain >1,000 Gil<. That's a lot of money! You can go down one

more flight of stairs, but there isn't anything special down there. Just a

clean, refreshing pool of crisp water. Mmmm! ^_^

Now go back up, then up again! Go up until you find the King's Room. Watch

the scene here and you'll be given a job to do! To the cave!


{5} The Sealed Cave |


Key Item: Folding Canoe

Treasure: Potion, Cure Spell, 500 Gil, Eye Drops, Antarctic Wind.


Map 7: File(PNG) Size(60K)

Inside the Sealed Cave, you will fight all undead monsters. If you need to,

level up some! If you rushed everything so far, things might be a little

difficult in this cave.

NOTE: The Wightslayer you got in Castle Sasune will work really well in here.

It's a light based sword and that's the main weakness of this cave!

When you are prepared, go into the Sealed Cave. Take the path all the way

down until you run into a chest with a >POTION<. Then go back up and

take your first right. Follow the path all the way up. You will find a

chest with >CURE<. Then go down and follow the long path.

In the next area, open the chest with >500< Gil. Then talk to the skull

in the upper right of the room. A path will open and you'll encounter

the Princess! Watch the scene and she will temporarily join your party. She

can be helpful in battle by casting Aero and Cure! Nice Princess!

Go down to the next area. Follow the path to a fork in the road. Go down

first to find an >ANTARCTIC WIND<. Continue on the path and you'll find

another treasure chest with >EYE DROPS<. Then take the path to the left and

follow it until you meet Djinn standing on his oddly placed..... rug?


Boss: Djinn | Djinn is a tough boss. He gets to attack TWICE per |

-------------------| round! |

Level: 7 | Attack him with your 3 strongest characters, and have |

HP: 600 | your weakest character Guard and heal. Most likely |

Exp: 200 | with Potions! :) |

Gil: 1400 | If you want, do LOTS of damage with an Antarctic Wind! |


Weakness: Ice, Water. |


Once you beat him, you will be teleported back to the Crystal. Here you will

watch a scene, and then some credits? Weird. After this a moogle will appear

and tell you about Jobs. Yes, you get the ability to change Jobs! Finally! :)

For more information on Jobs, go to the "Job Info" section. Ctrl+F. {WIND}

<Getting 9999 HP:>


This is something that you shouldn't worry about this early in the game. In

fact, you won't need to worry about it until your level 55-60!

The first time I reached max HP, I didn't worry about until I was level 55!

If this is something that interests you, everything you will need to know is

explained in the "Getting 9999 HP" section. Ctrl+F. {MaxHP}


Choose any setup you want. I chose this team: Warrior-Monk-Thief-Warrior.

Now, head back to Castle Sasune. After the scenes, the curse will be lifted

and you'll get your first key item: >FOLDING CANOE<. Double prizes!

Now go get your airship and go back to Kazus.


{6} Return to Kazus |


Treasure: Mythril Sword (x2).


Map 8: File(PNG) Size(233K)

When you enter, Refia will run off with her father. Since everything is back

to normal, you can go shopping! Be sure to stock up on Potions, Eye Drops,

and Antidotes! Those are always helpful!

Go to the Inn and talk to Cid. Watch the scene and Cid will temporarily join

the party. Then head to Refia's house.(the one above the Inn) Watch the scenes

here and the airship will be ready to go! It's waiting just outside of town.



WARNING: Save before doing this!!! Enemies in here are really strong!

If you are brave enough, you can attempt to go into the Mythril Mine. In the

mine, follow the path to the right and then up the railroad tracks. In this

room, there is a secret switch at the top left, on the pillar. It opens up to

a secret area. At the end of this path you'll find two >MYTHRIL SWORD<.

This will save you 1000 Gil! Hooray!




{7} Through Nelv to Canaan! |


Treasure: Elixir, Blind Spell, Phoenix Down (x3), Mallet, Gold Needle,

Iron Arrow, Great Bow, Gnomish Bread (x2), Potion, 2,000 Gil (x2).


Map 9: File(PNG) Size(123K)

With the new Mythril Ram attached to your airship, you can break through

the rocks in Nelv Valley. It's too bad your ship doesn't survive the massive

collision. :(

Now that the rocks are destroyed, you can access a new part of the World Map!

Head south to find Canaan. When you enter Canaan, watch the scene and Cid will

leave your party. It's unfortunate, he was very helpful in battle!

In the house connected to the Inn, you can find a >MALLET< and >GOLD NEEDLE<.

In the northeast part of town you will find some stairs. Up here you'll gain

access to the river that runs through town. Follow the river and at the end

there is a chest with an >ELIXIR<. But don't be hasty! This elixir is NOT

for you!

Head to the northwest part of town and you will find Cid's house! Go in and

talk to him. Mrs. Cid is sick so you'll want to give her the elixir. Talk to

her and give it to her. Don't worry, it's worth it!

After the scene, talk to the lamp, and a secret passageway will open! Don't you

just love them? In here you will find 12 treasure chests! 12!! 4 are hidden

in the wall. Told you it was worth it!

Next, go talk to Salina. She is in the house connected to the Inn. She will

tell you about her boyfriend, Desch. He ran off to a mountain! A mountain

with a Dragon! Oh no! Go after him and help him!


{8} Dragon's Peak |


Treasure: Phoenix Down, Aero Spell, Gold Needle, Mini Spell.


Enemies here can cause petrification, so stock up on some Gold Needles! You

can buy them at Canaan Item Shop.

NOTE: If you manage to encounter the rare enemy "Rust Bird", you can steal a

Phoenix Down from it!

Follow the path up the mountain. At the first fork, go down to grab a

>PHOENIX DOWN<. Then continue back up. Take your first right and grab the

chest containing >AERO<. Continue along the path again and grab the treasure

chest with a >GOLD NEEDLE< inside.

That was......short. Go up and watch the scene. OH NO! BAHAMUT!! He'll

pick you up and toss you into his nest. Check out all of those little

baby Bahamuts! Talk to that funny looking guy hiding in the nest. Haha.

Watch the scene and....Bahamut attacks!!

OK, so you can't actually kill this boss. He is way too powerful so you have

no choice but to run! If you leveled up enough, I'm sure you could kill him

but that would take a LONG LONG time!

After you run away from Bahamut, you'll watch another scene and Desch will

jump off the mountain. Genius!

By the way, Desch gives you the >MINI< spell, which you will need to enter


NOTE: You'll need a white magic caster to use Mini.


{9} Tozus |


Treasure: Phoenix Down (x2), Mythril Bracers, Fire Staff, Fira Spell,

Cura Spell.


Now you're back on the world map! Be careful! You have never been

to this part! Walk south just a little bit and you can enter a small forest

area. In here are 3 wellsprings that heal EVERYTHING! Water is so cool.

To enter Tozus, change one of your character's Jobs to one that can

learn Mini. I chose a Red Mage. Now you must cast Mini on ALL 4 party

members to be able to enter Tozus, which is located at the southern part of

the LARGE forest.



Don't forget that you are MINI! If you have a physical attack team, they

will do HORRIBLE damage. You might want to change them to a magical attack

team. This way you can defeat your enemies!

I used 3 Red Mages and a Thief. Hey, I gotta have my stealing fix! :P

Also, put them all in the back row since magic isn't affected by row.


Once in Tozus, go ahead and explore. I mean it is a new town!

When you're ready head to the northwest part of town and enter the house. This

is a doctor's house. First off, Zoom-In the camera with the L Button. Then

walk around the room to find 4 shiny spots! You'll get: >MYTHRIL BRACERS<,

>FIRE STAFF<, >FIRA<, and >CURA<. Nice!

When you talk to the doctor he'll ask for an Antidote. Give him one and he'll

open the secret passage. This is your path. Along the way you will see two

very obvious treasure chests. Open them for two >PHOENIX DOWNS<.



Make sure you stay at the Inn. You'll want your MP to be full before going

down here. Your Mini after all and need as much MP as you can get.


Continue down the stairs and follow the tunnels until you reach the world map!

NOTE 1: Don't remove Mini just yet. You will need it up ahead.

NOTE 2: And also, don't change your party back to normal. Not yet! ;)

Enter the nearby cave.


{10} Vikings' Cove |


Treasure: Spark Dagger, Blizzara Spell, Fira Spell, Thundara Spell, 3,000 Gil,

Viking Axe.


Inside the cove, follow the path and you'll eventually meet some, well,

Vikings! Sweet!

When you see the group of Vikings sitting at the table, head south. There is

a secret passage leading to a >SPARK DAGGER<. This is a very good weapon at

this point of the game!

Head back up. The door on the right leads to some shops and an Inn. Go ahead

and buy some stuff if you want. Now head up the stairs.



Again, make sure you stay at the Inn. You'll want full MP for up ahead.


Here you can go left or right. Go left first to what will seem like just

another dead end. But wait! There is a secret passage here too! Take the

the path and head down the stairs. Down in this room, you will find a

wellspring that revives any fallen allies and a >VIKING AXE< and

>3,000 Gil<. Very nice!

Head back. You'll see a moogle along the way. Send some letters to any of

the available FFIII Denizens, if you want to.

Just below the moogle is another VERY well hidden passage. I mean, you can't

see any sign of it!! You'll find 3 treasure chests to get a >BLIZZARA<,

>FIRA>, and >THUNDARA<. Oh yeah! :)

Continue along. You'll see a cannon around here. It's fun to shoot it for

about 10 shots, but that's it. :P Go down and meet the Viking Leader. He

will offer you his ship, to keep, if you help them out! It's a DEAL!

Head up and take the stairs outside. No matter what you do, DON'T get on that

ship!! You'll fight an ultra powerful dragon that deals +10000 damage each

round! So yeah, avoid him at all costs!

Except if you are WAY over leveled! Haha. Oh.

Walk along the cape until you reach Nepto Temple.


{11} Nepto Temple |


Key Item: Nepto Eye, Fang of Water.

Treasure: Shell Armor, Shell Helm, Serpent Sword.


After entering, walk up to the Dragon Statue and talk to it. Watch the scene

about the missing eye, and then enter the dragon's mouth. Now you see why you

stayed in Mini this whole time?! :) Follow the path until you reach a room

with two holes in it.

Go in the left hole first to obtain >SHELL ARMOR< and >SHELL HELM<. Now go

back and drop down the right hole.

Along this path you will find a >SERPENT SWORD< and another hole! Go down the

hole and at the end of it all you'll find...


Boss: Giant Rat | This guy is easy. I thought so anyways. Just cast |

-------------------| your most powerful magic and heal when necessary. |

Level: 11 | |

HP: 900 | It's kind of the same strategy as the Land Turtle in |

Exp: 1200 | beginning of the game. |

Gil: 1500 | He can poison you, so look out! ;) |


Weakness: None. |


After you slay this purple beast, you'll receive the >NEPTO EYE<. Back track

all the way to the entrance and stick the eye into its rightful place. Watch

the scene and the Nepto Dragon will give you the >FANG OF WATER<. Next, head

back to Vikings' Cove. Talk to the leader and the Enterprise is YOURS!!! :)

Now let's travel the seas!



{12} Adventures on the Sea |


Treasure: Lamia Scale, Bacchus's Cider, Great Bow, Ice Staff, Sonic Knuckles,

Kenpo Gi, Serpent Sword (x2), Gnomish Bread, 100 Gil (x2),

1000 Gil (x6), 1500 Gil, Light Arrow, Killer Bow, Medusa Arrow,

Book of Light, Book of Fire, Ice Arrow, Scholar Robe, Book of Ice,

Fire Arrow, Fire Staff, Ice Staff, Mage Robe, Toad Spell.


NOTE: As you might have noticed, this whole section is optional. If you want

to continue on your journey, skip ahead to section 13.

Check out that treasure list!!! Oh my!

Now that you have the Enterprise, you can go explore the world! Well,

mostly. ;) Obviously, there are a ton of treasures that you can get right now,

and we'll start by going to Tokkul, which is located southwest from the

Nepto Temple. They are practically touching! Close enough anyway.



In town, go to the northwest part of town. You can find a >LAMIA SCALE< at the

base of the single tree. Now go south of the tree. You can find a >GREAT BOW<

in the crate to the left of the old house. Then go one more house down, not

the one with the blue roof, and you can find a >BACCHUS'S CIDER<. Now that I

look at them, the houses look alike!



I sure hope that your party isn't still in Mini. Hehe! mine. -_-


At the east side of town you can find an >ICE STAFF<. Zoom-In if you can't

find it right away. In the house at the north part of town you can find a

>SONIC KNUCKLES<, >KENPO GI<, and >SERPENT SWORD< in the basement.

Leave Tokkul. When you get to the world map, head south, following the

coastline. It will shortly start taking you west. Eventually you'll come upon

a huge forest with a circle of grass in the middle! The small forest here is

a Chocobo's Woods!

Go inside and catch one! They're so cute! ^_^

From Chocobo's Woods, head west. There is a lonely town on, what looks like,

the EDGE of the world!! No way!

Village of the Ancients


There is only one hidden treasure here! Go ahead, find it! You at least know

it's there, right? By the way, it's another >SERPENT SWORD<. There is also a

little mini-quest you can do in this town! From the entrance, head up all the

stairs, going to the center of town. Did you see that little kid with BRIGHT

orange hair? Talk to him. You know what to do! Hehe. Let's go for a ride on

a Chocobo!

When you get back, he'll give you......Gnomish Bread? Yeah, thanks, I guess.

You can do this as much as you like, if you really want. I did it 10 times to

see if something might happen, but nothing! Oh well. If you're done in this

town, go back to Chocobo Woods and catch a ride back your ship.

Now that you are back on your ship, head west from Tokkul. The coastline

will curve and start to go north. Keep going until you see a castle. Go over

and enter.

Castle Argus


This place is disturbingly empty.

In the second room of the castle, there are 4 lit candles on the wall and a

table in the left corner. Talk to the far right candle to open a hidden

passage. In this passage there are some stairs and 3 treasure chests! Walk

through the wall to get these. They contain a total of 3000 Gil!

Mmmm, money. Now head up those stairs! This next area is LOADED with

treasure, too! You'll get 4700 Gil!

Go up the next stairs and you'll be on top of the castle. Go left first and

follow the path until you reach a door. It's locked! But guess what, you can

pick the lock! To do this, you need to have a Thief in your party. Ooh, my

favorite Job! :P In this room, talk to the dresser to open up the treasure

room. You'll get: >Light Arrow<, >Killer Bow<, and >Medusa Arrow<.

Head back outside and take a right. Another locked door and ANOTHER treasure

room! I love this castle! You find: >BOOK OF LIGHT<, >BOOK OF FIRE<,


to the main part of the castle. When you get back to the room with the 4 lit

candles, go up the stairs.

First, take notice of the stairs you came up. There are stairs just like this

to the right of the round table. You can't see them because they are covered

by a roof! In this area, there are 2 treasures: >BOMB FRAGMENT< and

>ANTARCTIC WIND<. There is also a secret passage to the right. Enter it

between the two chests. You'll find: >ARCTIC WIND<. That's about it for this

castle, so go on outside.

Gulgan Gulch


From Castle Argus, head northwest. Go into the mountains and you can find

another Chocobo Woods and Gulgan Gulch! Let's go to the gulch.

This place is AWESOME! I love the waterfalls! On the 2nd floor talk to the

guy in the middle of the group. You learn about Desch's destiny and receive:

>TOAD< spell. Then across the "secret" bridge, you'll find: >FIRE STAFF<,

>ICE STAFF<, and a >MAGE ROBE<. Now head outside and go north to the Tower of

Owen. You can walk, or go get your ship, it's up to you. Oh, and yes, we are

done treasure hunting. There was a lot to do, but wasn't it worth it?

Ok, to the Tower of Owen!!




{13} Tower of Owen |


Treasure: Echo Herbs (x3), Spark Dagger, Bomb Fragment, Sonic Knuckles,

Salamand Sword, Flame Mail.


NOTE: IF you are coming from section 11, read the last paragraph in

section 12, about the Gulgan Gulch. You will need to go there to get

the Toad spell.

When you enter here, there may seem like a whole lot of nothing, but there is!

To progress into the Tower of Owen, you must use the Toad Spell you just

acquired. Don't use it just yet though. Walk down through the frog filled

sewer. It will take you left. Then take your first up and then follow the

path to a dead end. You'll watch a scene here. Do what Luneth suggests, and

turn everyone into toads! Poor Refia! :(

NOTE: You'll need a white magic caster to use toad. I just changed Ingus into

a Red Mage. Whatever you prefer though!

In this next area follow the path. You'll see a short scene along the way and

then head up the stairs when you get to them. Here head across the walkway

and grab a >ECHO HERBS< to the right. Continue along and head up another set

of stairs!

There is nothing in this next area, so just follow the path around to find

some more stairs. Up here, head left, across the walkways and grab that chest

to the right for a >SPARK DAGGER<. Continue up to the next floor.

Head all the way left to trigger another scene. This time he is telling you

something useful! Now go to the "door" on the north wall. It's not actually

a door, but a SWITCH! Yay! It will open a path to you, so take it! You will

find some stairs, and further to the left an >ECHO HERBS<. Now go up. This

is another very simple path. It just wraps around to the next flight of stairs.

On this level, go right first to grab a >BOMB FRAGMENT< and ECHO HERBS<. Then

go back to the left and up to the next level. Follow the walkways, then take

a right to find a >SONIC KNUCKLES<. Now head all the way to the left, then

down to find MORE stairs! Geez! Lots of 'em!

Guess what? This is the final floor! Yahoo! Go left, down, then right to

pick up the very hot >SALAMAND SWORD<! Then head all the way left again, then

go up to find another treasure chest: >FLAME MAIL<. Ok, now go down, then

right. Pick up the >ZEUS'S WRATH< next to the stairs, and go up! On this

floor you'll encounter a demon!!


Boss: Medusa | I found Medusa to be pretty easy. Just attack with |

-------------------| your most powerful spells and physical attacks. |

Level: 17 | |

HP: 3000 | She can attack multiple times per round, so watch |

Exp: 1680 | everyone's HP just in case! |

Gil: 2600 | |


Weakness: None. |


Once you beat Medusa, you'll watch a scene of great importance. So focus and

pay attention! Hehe. Afterwards, you'll be thrown to your ship and are once

again free to explore! With that whirlpool gone, you can access two whole new

places! ......yay! ^_^




{14} Gysahl |


Treasure: Gysahl Greens (x3), Magic Key (x2), Shuriken.


As mentioned in the scenes, your next destination is the Dwarven Isle. But

let's make and *OUT OF THE WAY* stop! Hehe.

Go past where the whirlpool used to be and sail east. Down this long stretch

of sea, you'll find a town called Gysahl!

In the southeast corner of this town you can find 3 hidden items:

>GYSAHL GREENS<, and two >MAGIC KEY<. Head over to the chocobo stable. It

is the house next to the garden. You can find two more >GYSAHL GREENS< in the

pots toward the back. Also, there is a secret tunnel leading to the inside

of the chocobo's fence! Fun! Oh yeah, and you might be coming back to this

chocobo stable if you are doing a perfect file. ;)

In the house north of the chocobo stable, you can buy Magic Keys! They can

open any locked door, so I suggest you buy some! There is also a secret

passage leading to the area behind the counter. You can open a treasure

chest with a >SHURIKEN< inside!

Next, head to the Inn. In this first room you'll find a few people and

another secret passage!! This one is located to the right, through the wall.

You can find a man in here who will tell you A LOT of coolness. Try it, go

talk to him!

Just for fun, here are my Achievements up to this point:


Clear Time: 00:00:00

Chests Opened: 28%

Enemies Defeated: 618

Battles Fled: 9

Max Damage: 2104

Max Hits: 22


The reason for 2104 damage and 22 hits is because I have a Lv. 99 Thief. :P

The only thing left to do here is go shopping if you need to. So leave town,

and head ALL the way back to the Tower of Owen *area*. From here, head west

to find an island with 2 caves and a Chocobo Woods. Enter the south cave.




{15} The Dwarven Hollows |


Treasure: None yet.


If you skipped section 14, the Dwarven Hollows are located Northwest of the

Tower of Owen. It's the southern cave on the tiny island.

Walk through the first room and down the stairs. This next area is the main

hall of the Dwarven Hollows. You can find shops at the north end, the

treasury at the south end, and the Subterranean Lake at the southwest end.

Talk to the guy standing guard of the shrine in the middle. You will hear

his plea and I guess agree to help him! So when you are ready, head to

the Subterranean Lake. When you get here, you'll see another scene similar to

the one at the Owen Tower. And again, poor Refia! Hey, she doesn't like

toads! :(

NOTE: You'll need a white magic caster to use toad.


{16} The Subterranean Lake |


Key Item: Horn of Ice

Treasure: Gold Needle (x3), Zeus's Wrath (x2), 3000 Gil (x2).


Be very careful in this area! There is a monster called Manticore that can

petrify your whole party! I was typing stuff in this guide and then looked

over at my DS to see that 3 of my characters were petrified, and I hadn't saved

for quite a while! Lucky for me I made it out alive! So, BE CAREFUL! ;)

Follow the path across the 2 bridges and grab the >GOLD NEEDLE< along the way.

Then next room is empty. Just go down the stairs to proceed. Across the

bridge, open the chest for a >ZEUS'S WRATH<. Go across the next bridge and

left to find another >ZEUS'S WRATH< and >GOLD NEEDLE<. Head north across the

bridge and get the >GOLD NEEDLE< here as well and then go up the stairs on the


Here you'll find 6000 Gil on a straight path to the reason you are down here in

the first place, GUTSCO!


Boss: Gutsco | You shouldn't have too much trouble with this guy, |

-------------------| because he is weak! His only real tactic is casting |

Level: 17 | Mini. |

HP: 3500 | If his Mini is successful, look out! He can KO any- |

Exp: 2304 | one in a single hit! |

Gil: 3500 | Use a mallet or Mini to unshrink them. |


Weakness: None. |


Once you "kill" him, you'll receive the >HORN OF ICE<. Now head back to the

Dwarven Hollows to return the stolen treasure! Hey, what's that shadow!? ;)

Back at the Dwarven Hollows, return the Horn of Ice. Watch the scene and chase

after Gutsco!


{17} The Molten Cave |


Key Item: Horn of Ice (x2)

Treasure: Antarctic Wind (x2), Freezing Blade, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down (x2),

Impact Claws, Magic Key.


The Molten Cave is just north of the Dwarven Hollows.(on the same island)

Follow the path down and then head left past the lava. Up here you will find

an >ANTARCTIC WIND<. Now for the scary part!

You have to run on the lava! It slowly damages your HP, so be sure to keep

healed with potion or Cure spells.

At the fork, head right to find another >ANTARCTIC WIND<. Go back and then go

on the left path. Follow it to the next area. Here you will have to travel

on the lava again, so be careful! At the fork in this lava, go down first to

find a chest containing a >FREEZING BLADE<. Mmm, delicious! Go back and the

turn left to go under a waterfall of lava! Here, go down and get a

>HI-POTION<. Go all the way up now to get a >PHOENIX DOWN<. Then head

down then left to find some stairs leading to the next area.

Follow this easy path grabbing >IMPACT CLAWS< and >PHOENIX DOWN< along the

way. At the end of the path, there is a rock you need to talk to. It will

open your way to the left. After the following room you'll be in a room

with very familiar music! ;) You know what THAT means!!!

Oh look, it's Gutsco...


Boss: Salamander | Ok this guy not only looks goofy, but....he...yeah... |

-------------------| He is super weak! |

Level: 19 | Wait what this!? He just wiped out 3 characters with 1 |

HP: 5700 | attack? When you get his HP low, he will use Fire |

Exp: 2744 | Breath which can wipe out any weak party member. |

Gil: 3700 | Use those Antarctic Winds you found! |


Weakness: Ice, Water. |


After defeating Gutsco, watch a scene with the crystal. NEW JOBS! Alright!

For more information on Jobs, go to the "Job Info" section. Ctrl+F. {FIRE}

Go to the back of the crystal room and warp on out! Then head back to the

Dwarven Hollows and return the Horns of Ice. The Dwarf you return the horns

to will also give you a >MAGIC KEY<.



For saving the Horns of Ice, the dwarves will give you access to their HUGE

treasure room!!! Just go talk to the dwarf who is guarding it and he will show

you the way. Inside you will get the following items: Elixir, Ottershroom,

Gauntlets, Killer Bow, Gold Needle, Echo Herbs, Scholar Robe, Book of Fire,

Book of Ice, Scholar Hat, Knight Armor, Book of Light, Phoenix Down (x2),

Heroic Shield, and Gysahl Greens. WOW!!! Now that is one GIGANTIC reward! :D


Now you say goodbye to the Dwarven Hollows. On your way out, you will encounter

an injured fellow. Watch the scene and head to Tokkul to help those people.

If you didn't go there earlier, it is located southwest of the Nepto Temple. In

Tokkul, all you can do is watch the very intense scene.


{18} Castle Hein |


Key Item: Fang of Wind

Treasure: Mini Spell, Holy Arrow, 3000 Gil (x2), Bomb Fragment,

Antarctic Wind, Phoenix Down (x4), Royal Sword, Elixir (x3),

Rune Bow, Wheel of Time.




To get a Complete Bestiary and 100% Treasure, you will need to get every chest

and encounter all the enemies in this area. You can't come back here once

you have defeated the Boss!

Here's a quick list of the enemies: Demon, Pharaoh, Lemur, Dullahan, and Lamia.


You've been imprisoned! How rude!

Walk to the right, through the wall, and talk to the soldiers who have been

imprisoned, too. You'll learn what has happened to their Kingdom. One of the

soldiers is a spy and will attack you! Hehe, he isn't hard to beat. ;)

The far right cell has an open gate, so go through it and take a right. Go into

the next open cell and you'll find a guard lying down. He'll give you a Mini

Spell so you can enter the tiny hole. That pot next to the hole will fully

cure your party! Thanks Hein! ^_^ Enter the hole once you have cast Mini on

your entire party.

When you are through the hole, take your party out of Mini. Follow the path up

and around to a large spaced area. Immediately go down to find a treasure

chest with a >HOLY ARROW<. Go back and then head up into the other path.

Here you'll get two >PHOENIX DOWN<. Go back again and head left into the next

part of the castle. There are two paths you can go up here. The right one

has a >PHOENIX DOWN< and the left one has some stairs to the next floor.

In this area you'll have 3 doors right in front of you. Within these rooms you

will find: >BOMB FRAGMENT<, >ANTARCTIC WIND<, >ZEUS'S WRATH<, and 9000 Gil.

Now take the path outside of these doors either left or right and it will wrap

around to another staircase. Up here, grab the chest straight ahead to get

a >ROYAL SWORD<. Then continue to the left to the next area. Go up the

stairs in this room and you'll then be outside! Follow the tree branch all the

way up, grabbing the >PHOENIX DOWN< along the way.

Back in the tree, go left first to grab an >ELIXIR<. Then head all the way up

to find a >RUNE BOW<. Go back down a take that left. Go up the stairs to the

final area and you will meet Hein. He's......a skeleton?

NOTE: You'll want to have a Scholar in your party for this fight. Just use

him to see Hein's weakness and heal other party members.


Boss: Hein | I found this guy to be tough. He kept confusing my |

-------------------| strongest character and that kept killing of my other |

Level: 22 | characters! How frustrating! :( |

HP: 4500 | Have at least 2 healers. Physical attacks are weak |

Exp: 3464 | here, so use magic! Every time he uses Barrier Shift, |

Gil: 4300 | Study his new weakness. Magic items work well! |


Weakness: Varies. |


How did it go? :P He was definitely the hardest boss yet! Hehe. After the

battle, you'll watch a short scene and a little fairy will give you the

>FANG OF WIND<. The tree will tell you something VERY exciting after this. So

pay very close attention! Ooo, aren't you excited for what's to come? :D

Back on the world map, head to your ship. Now that you have saved the Argus

Kingdom, the castle will be re-occupied! Let's go pay them a visit!

Once you make it to Castle Argus, go inside. Remember the second room with the

4 lit candles? Take that secret passageway that you opened. Keep going through

here until you reach the roof of the castle. Head left, then up, and enter the

door here that used to be locked. There is a lady in here. Talk to her and

she will give you two >ELIXIR<. Thanks!

Now head back through the castle to the round table room! The King and his men

are sitting at the table. Talk to the King and he will give you the

>WHEEL OF TIME<! This is what Cid needs take make another airship, so let's

go see Cid!

Head to Canaan, that's where Cid lives. Remember? :P Go to his house and

talk to him. He will use the Wheel of Time to turn your little boat into an

airship! Yay!!

The scene shown here is probably the most important one so far. And it lasts

for more than 3 seconds, too! Haha.

NOTE: To fly around, just push A. To land, push B. You can only land in water.


{19} A New World |


Treasure: Zeus's Wrath, Blood Sword.


When you are fully prepared, fly off the edge of the continent. You'll watch a

scene with Luneth, Arc, Refia, and Ingus trying to break through the clouds.

When they make it through, you will be on the surface of the world. To make it

even *BETTER*, is the wonderful music that plays on this new world map! Ahh. :)

This place is huge! The map seems rather.....empty, but there are a few pieces

of land that you can see on your map. Make your way to island farthest north.

At this island you will find a tiny forest and a deserted ship. Enter the




I know they're kind of hard to miss, but make sure you get the Zeus's Wrath

and Blood Sword. You can't get these chests again!


Head down to the bottom deck. You'll find two chests with a >ZEUS's WRATH<,

and the excellent >BLOOD SWORD<. Now talk to the Old man standing near the

beds. After the scene, give Aria an antidote. She will be cured and wake up!

She'll suggest that if you take her to the Temple of Water that you might be

able to return light to the world. Let's GO! ;)


{20} Cave of Tides |


Treasure: Blizzaga Spell.


Once you leave the ship, sail or fly over to the largest island. On this

island, you will find the Temple of Water and the Cave of Tides. First, enter

the temple. Follow the hallways back to the Crystal's room and Aria will find

a Crystal Shard. Now go back outside and into the cave.

Inside the Cave of Tides, head south across the bridge and follow the path

until you reach a door. Aria will open it. In this next area, head across the

longest bridge in the world. Enjoy the pretty waterfalls, too! At the other

side, head down.

This place is very simple, so just head through it until you finally reach a

bridge heading east, and a staircase heading north. Take the stairs, and at

the end of this LONG path you'll find >BLIZZAGA<. Enjoy! Now go back to

that bridge. Across here is another bridge and then a path leading to some

more stairs. Go down to the next level.

In this area, there is water everywhere! Follow the path around the pool and

go up the stairs when you see them. Up here is the Crystal of Water. After

the events, you'll be attacked by Kraken!


Boss: Kraken | This guy are sick!! Use your most powerful lightning |

-------------------| spells and have at least 3 healers! He wiped out my |

Level: 24 | entire party in 4 hits. |

HP: 8000 | If you can, steal some Heavenly Wrath's from Ropers. |

Exp: 5280 | Put your character in the back row as well. Anyhow, be|

Gil: 5500 | extremely cautious! |


Weakness: Lightning. |


After the fight, some very sad events will occur. Watch them and try not to

get too emotional. Before it's all over...*sigh*... Aria will bless you with

the Crystal's power... YAY! More Jobs! ...and pass away. :(

For more information on Jobs, go to the "Job Info" section. Ctrl+F. {WATER}

When it's all over, you'll awaken in Amur.


{21} Amur Village |


Key Item: Levigrass Shoes.

Treasure: Gysahl Greens (x4), Black Garb, Black Cowl, Thief Gloves,

Cat Claws, Diamond Bell, Hammer, Kaiser Knuckles, Power Bracers,

Poison Dagger.


When awake, go explore the new town. Talk to everyone you see to learn what

you have to do next. Buy whatever you might need. The Armor and Weapon Shops

have a ton of new equipment. If you are planning to buy it all, you'll need

some serious Gil. To be exact, you will need 96,400 Gil! Whoa! That's a lot!

TIP: Go outside the village and save. ;)

When ready, go and talk to the person south of the Armor Shop. Here you will

meet the TRUE Warriors of Light!! Haha, not! After the scene, head over to

the house east of the Weapon Shop. The Old Man in here will grant you access

to the water canal.

When you get into the water, head up first. Enter the garden and there you can

pick four >GYSAHL GREEN<. Back in the water, head left. When you pass the

Weapon and Armor shops, take the first path going north. You can walk up this

waterfall. Keep going north and onto the tiny island. You can find:

>BLACK GARB<, >BLACK COWL<, and >THIEF GLOVES< hidden on the ground. This is

an excellent find for my lovely Thief! Yours too, if you have one!

Now go to the southeast corner of town via the water canal. Here you will

find the entrance to the smelly sewers! Down here, make your way across the

first room. Go down the stairs to the next level and do the same as before.

Once at the other side of the room, grab the >CAT CLAWS< before heading down.

On this next floor, follow the path and a scene will take place when you go to

cross the bridge. Save the Old Guys! After they are rescued, head to the

right and go down one more level. Down here enter the pathway to the right.

This will take you to a room with a >DIAMOND BELL< and >HAMMER<. Go back out

and go left across the bridge. Enter the doorway here. Grab the first chest

for some >KAISER KNUCKLES< and go into the water and up the other side to find

two more treasure chests! They contain: >POWER BRACERS< and >POISON DAGGER<.

Leave this room and continue the path to the up, left, down, right, stairs.

Up here, head right to find Delilah! After the scenes, you will get the

>LEVIGRASS SHOES<. Yahoo! Let's go cross the bog! Leave Amur, and head

south to Goldor Manor!



Since we're at a HUGE turning point in the game, I will share my party info

with you. From the start of the game I've kept the same Jobs, except when I

needed to use Mini or Toad.

NOTE: I leveled up a little before heading to Goldor Manor.

Luneth - Lv. 27, Warrior - Lv. 78, HP = 771

Arc - Lv. 27, Monk - Lv. 91, HP = 771

Refia - Lv. 27, Thief - Lv. 99, HP = 781

Ingus - Lv. 27, Warrior - Lv. 81, HP = 771

Because I love stealing so much, I leveled Refia's Thief Job to 99 at the

beginning of the game. So my levels are probably higher than average. ^_^




{22} Goldor Manor |


Key Item: Chain Key.

Treasure: Golden Sword (x11), Wyvern Claws.


When you enter Goldor Manor, head north. It's tempting, I know, but don't take

any of the other paths.

Ok, head north. Through here, follow the path up and around. You'll then head

down, passing some book shelves along the way. Ignore them, there is nothing

there. On the last row, go right and you'll find a huge line of treasure!

Open them all for eleven >GOLDEN SWORD< and one >WYVERN CLAWS<. What the heck

are we gonna do with THIS!? Eleven golden swords? Wow... If you plan to

sell some, make sure you don't sell them all! This is the only place to find


NOTE: If you are going for max items, you can't sell any of the Gold Swords.

Head back to the entrance of the manor. In here there are 4 locked doors. You

need to use Magic Keys to open these doors, or a Thief. So, which one is it

going to be? They're all pretty empty. But the way to go is the

northeast room. In this room you will find a path to the left. Take it. This

path will go down then back up to another area.

This area is easy if you know where to go. There aren't any items, so just

run through it as fast as possible. From the start of this room: take your

first left, take your first down, first left, go all the way left until you

can't anymore, then head up. In here is the idiot who locked up your

Enterprise! Let's get 'em!


Boss: Goldor | I thought bosses were supposed to get harder...? |

-------------------| Just attack with your strongest attacks and he'll go |

Level: 26 | down in a few hits. |

HP: 9000 | Hmm.... |

Exp: 6560 | |

Gil: 9900 | He can cast silence on your, scary! :P |


Weakness: None. |


After the fight watch the scene and take the >CHAIN KEY< from off the floor.

Now venture all the way back to your ship and free it from its chains!

Yay! :D



Once you have your Enterprise back, you MUST encounter a Sea Dragon! He can be

found anywhere in the sea. If you don't do this before you get the Nautilus,

you'll miss him forever! (the Sea Dragon is not on floating continent)




{23} Adventure in the Sky; Duster and Replito |


Treasure: Earthen Drums (x2), Phoenix Down, Turtle Shell (x2), Elixir (x2).


First, let's visit Duster Village. It is located on a tiny island in the

middle of the World Map.

Duster Village


Inside town, there are a bunch a weirdos. Hehe. Talk to everyone.

When you find the guy that talks about Items, and the guy who talks about

chocobos, look close by. You can find two >EARTHEN DRUMS<, one by each guy.

Sadly, that's all there is to do in this town, so you can leave. If you want,

go shop! ;)

Back on the World Map, head northwest. On the north part of this continent,

there is another town we can visit.



At the east side of this town, there is a Gulgan hiding in the trees. Next

to him is a hidden >PHOENIX DOWN<. You can find a >TURTLE SHELL< on the tree

to the left of the moogle, and another >TURTLE SHELL< above the 2 houses at

the west side of town.(by the trees) And right above this turtle shell, in

that hidden area in the trees, you can find an >ELIXIR<.

Next go to the house at the northeast part of town.(blue roof) You can enter

the back of this house. In here you can find an >ELIXIR<, and talk to an

Old Man, who will give you a useful tip! Well, that is all in this town, so

let's continue the journey! :)




{24} Saronia Kingdom |


Treasure: Gysahl Greens (x11), Dragon Mail (x4), Thunder Spear(x3),

Phoenix Down (x4), Dragon Helm (x5), Wind Spear, Boomerang,

Selene Bow, Tome of Light, Scholar Hat, Main Gauche, Tome of Ice,

Golem Staff, Dragon Hammer, Tome of Fire, Medusa Arrow,

Rusty Mail (x2), Ice Rod, Viking Helm, Earthen Bell, Gaia Vest,

Viking Mail.


To continue your journey, fly over Saronia Kingdom, near the castle. A scene

will occur and you will be shot down! Nooo!! :(

When you gain control again, there will be two lines of soldiers in front of

you. One on the left and one on the right. Looks like they are gonna fight!

Instead of heading north into the castle, go south. Here you will be taken to

the middle of Saronia Kingdom. You can access 4 parts of this Kingdom so have

fun exploring! Choose whichever one you want to go to first! ;)

TIP: Talk to everyone! You'll learn a lot about what going on and what you

might need to do!

Northwestern Saronia


Ok, so there isn't much to do here at this time. The magic shop is locked

and some retard is blocking the library. Grr. There are a few

townsfolk that you can talk to, if you want.

Northeastern Saronia


There are more people here you can talk to. Also, there is a weapon shop

open! You can buy a Thunder Spear and Wind Spear, just so you know.

Southwestern Saronia - *Go here to continue your quest.*


In the HUGE house at the east side of town, you'll find a guy in there who has

found the secret to finding Fat Chocobo! Talk to him and he will demonstrate!

At the right side of this room, is a secret passageway that leads to a very

full treasure room! Oh yeah! You'll find....whaaaaat? 11 gysahl greens?

How disappointing! At least you know how to find Fat Chocobo now, right? ;)

When ready, go to the tavern at the north part of town. When you enter

here, you'll watch a scene. Feeling his pain, Arc sticks up for Prince Alus.

Defeat the bullies and watch the scene.



If you don't get these items right now, you will lose your chance to get them

later. This is because Alus will leave your party soon.

So with Alus in your party, go talk to the orange guy at the southwest part of

town. He will give you a >WIND SPEAR<. And the other orange guy on the

"island" in the middle of town, will give you a >DRAGON MAIL<. Thanks Alus! :P


Southeastern Saronia


Here there is something worth actually doing! In the middle of town

you will find the Dragon Spire.

NOTE: The 2 wooden doors outside the Tower have no purpose.

Climb this tower to find some nice treasure at the top! Of course, you'll

have to fight some monsters on the way, but they shouldn't be too mean!

At the top you will find: three >DRAGON MAIL<, three >THUNDER SPEAR<,

two >PHOENIX DOWN<, four >DRAGON HELM<. If you have a dragoon in your party,

you must be feeling pretty lucky! :P

When you are all ready, take Prince Alus to the castle. Watch the very

dramatic scenes, and you'll find out the truth behind the King's madness!!


Boss: Garuda | His attacks hit for about 300 damage and twice per |

-------------------| turn! This bird is hard!! But.... |

Level: 28 | |

HP: 10000 | He isn't impossible, just use your most powerful |

Exp: 8800 | attacks and use lots of Hi-Potions! |

Gil: 10200 | |


Weakness: Wind. |


Watch the scenes after the fight. When you get control, head right. There is

a secret passage in this wall. Follow the stairs down to find a happy

treasure room! You'll find: Boomerang, Selene Bow, Tome of Light, Scholar Hat,

Main Gauche, Tome of Ice, Golem Staff, Dragon Hammer, Tome of Fire,

Medusa Arrow, Rusty Mail, and Ice Rod. Now that is one hefty prize! For even

better results, head down the stairs until you reach a dead end. There is

ANOTHER secret passage to the right! AHH! I wanna scream for joy! In this

secret room you'll find: Rusty Mail, Viking Helm, Earthen Bell, Dragon Helm,

Gaia Vest, and Viking Mail. Woooooow! You just hit the jackpot!

When finished looking at your new treasure, head back up to the room where you

started. You can go up to talk to some castle people and go down to leave

the castle. Let's go down.

Out here, you'll be in the courtyard of the castle.

TIP: Talk to the guard at the northeast part of the courtyard! GRR!!!

Go into the left building first. There is a secret passage to the right.

Find your way through these passages and you'll find two >PHOENIX DOWN< at

the end. Now head back to the courtyard. Enter the building on the right.

Talk to the four guys in here and they will upgrade your ship!! Excellent!!!

Leave the castle and board you brand new ship! Yay!

With Saronia Kingdom back in order, you can visit the towns for new


Northwestern Saronia


The library is now open and has some very interesting information inside!

Go check it out! Use the Zoom-In feature and read all the shiny spots! There

is also a magic shop now open.

Northeastern Saronia


There is a lot here! All the shops you'll want to go to. They all have new

equipment and magic that don't have yet!

Southwestern Saronia


An Armor Shop is now opened.

Southeastern Saronia


Nothing new.

After you are all finished, and are confident in your levels and equipment, go

to your next destination! Dalg Continent.


{25} Dalg Continent, Doga's Manor, and the Cave of the Circle |


Treasure: None. :(


Now that you have the Nautilus, you can pass through the harsh winds of Dalg

Continent. This continent, if you don't know, is located to the south, west of

Amur Village.

When you get there, circle around the continent looking for the opening. Go in

and make your way through the mountains to Doga's Manor.

Inside the manor, follow the path and a scene will occur. Doga himself will

join your party and ask you to escort him to the Cave of the Circle. Continue

through his manor and you'll find a room with moogles! There is an Item Shop

and Magic Shop for your needs! There is also a Fat Chocobo! :P Stock up and


Beyond this shop room, you will find a room with junk everywhere. Some of the

junk will heal your party, so I guess I'll call it, useful. ;) Talk to the

candle in the northeast part of the room. It will open a pathway to a room.

In this room, use the Mini Spell or Mallet, to enter the hole.

Welcome to the Cave of the Circle.

Head right following the path. Just keep going until you reach the end. In

the last room, Doga will cough and then cast a spell on the Nautilus! It can

now go underwater!!! Sweet! He will tell you to go to the Temple of Time.

Temple of Time? That sounds familiar. Hmm... Anyways, it is located in the

water by Cape Twin Horn, so let's get a submarining! :P



{26} Adventures Under the Sea |


Treasure: Aegis Shield (x2), Rune Bell, Golem Staff, Reflect Mail (x2),

Heavy Lance, Elixir (x5), Phoenix Down (x5), Chakram, Tiger Claws,

Dual Tomahawk, Cognitome, Diamond Helm, Diamond Shield,

Metal Knuckles, Ancient Sword, Diamond Mail, Loki Harp,

Diamond Bracers, Air Knife, Diamond Gloves, Trident, Triton Hammer,

Catastro Summon, Gungnir(boss item x2).


Another HUGE treasure list!! Yay!! :D

When you get to the World Map, head out to sea and take a dive.(push B) The

world map will be slightly different underwater. Look *VERY* closely at Dalg

Continent. See that tiny line? That is a pathway leading to Doga Village!

Well, actually, it's not much of a village. It looks more like a hangout for

mages. :P Anyways, you can buy Lv3 to Lv7 white and black magic in this place.

As well as some summons! Very nice! Be sure to get some of the Lv 7 magic!

When finished, leave here and go back to the world map.

Are you ready to go treasure hunting!? ME TOO! ^_^

First, let's go to Saronia. What you want to do here is dive just south of

Southeastern Saronia. There will be a cave here. Enter it.

Saronia Catacombs


Follow the path until you have an option to go left or right. Go right and

grab the treasures: >AEGIS SHIELD<, >RUNE BELL<, and >GOLEM STAFF<. Head

back down and take the left path. You will go up some stairs here, and at

the top, grab the >REFLECT MAIL<. Keep following the path and when you

get to the stairs that lead to the next area, keep going right. Grab the

>HEAVY LANCE< in the treasure chest. Continue to the next area.

In this area, there is a huge blue rug. Head to the right. There is a

secret pathway leading to 8 treasure chests! They are all traps, but you

get 4 Elixirs and 4 Phoenix Downs! This may not seem like much, but these

items are very rare!

When ready, go to the blue rug and head north. Up here you will find the

legendary warrior, Odin!



For a perfect item list, you MUST steal the Gungnir from Odin. Your Job level

has to be 71+ or you will only steal Elixirs. It is also possible to win a

Gungnir after battle, but it's very rare! If you are going for MAX items, you

will need to get *BOTH* Gungnirs! Good luck! ;)



Boss: Odin | This is a really tough boss! At first he isn't that |

-------------------| bad, but late in the fight he will start using |

Level: 40 | Zantetsuken. This attack alone does about 1300 damage.|

HP: 31000 | I'd suggest putting your party in the back line, and |

Exp: 20000 | use the strongest magic you have! |

Gil: 16800 | Don't be afraid to use Elixirs! |


Weakness: None. |


When you defeat Odin, he will give you his power and you will get the

Catastro Summon!

Now that we are done here, let's go to the next area!

Back in the Nautilus, fly to the tiny island in the southeast part of the

World Map. Dive in the water and you will find that there is a cave in the

base of this island!

Sunken Cave


In the cave, make your way through the first area. In the second area, there

is a treasure chest to the left and up. It holds a >CHAKRAM<. The path to

the right and up has a chest with >TIGER CLAWS< inside. Next, head south.

At the fork, go left to find a >DUAL TOMAHAWK<. Go back and head to the

right. You'll find some stairs to the next level.

In the next area, go across the first bridge. Here you'll have a choice to

go left, or down. Go down to find the following: >COGNITOME<,


Go back and take the left bridge. Here you will find: >DIAMOND MAIL<,

>LOKI HARP<, >DIAMOND BRACERS<, and an >AIR KNIFE<. Go down the bridge

from hear and grab the >PHOENIX DOWN<, >ELIXIR<, and >DIAMOND GLOVES<.

From here, there is a secret passage leading to the left. You can find

4 treasure chests in here.

WARNING!!! Each chest is guarded by a really strong monster. If you are

feeling lucky, open them. But it's ok if you want to go back

to the World Map and save first! ;)

These 4 chests contain: >TRIDENT<, >REFLECT MAIL<, >TRITON HAMMER<, and


That's it, there are no more treasures to get at this point! But you don't

mind right? You just found the thousands of Gil worth of treasure!!!

You're happy! :)

On to the next destination!




{27} The Temple of Time |


Key Item: Noah's Lute, Fang of Fire.

Treasure: Diamond Helm, Diamond Bracers, Defender, Diamond Mail, Lamia Harp,

Behemoth Knife, Blood Lance, Protect Ring, Diamond Gloves,

Diamond Shield.


The only clue Doga gave you, as to where you need to go, is "Cape Twin Horn".

If you want to find it on your own, you can do just that. If you want to know

now, the answer is 2 paragraphs down.

The Temple of Time is a dangerous place! It is filled with really strong

monsters that can wipe out your party without you even noticing! *looks over at

Chimera Mage* Arg! So if you need to stock up on items and level up a

little bit, go ahead! ;)

Are you ready to go? The Temple of Time is located at the southern tip of

Saronia Continent. When you get there, you will see why it's called "Cape Twin

Horn". Dive underwater and you will see the temple. Enter.



As I barely just mentioned, the monsters in here are tough. After *EVERY*

battle, fully heal your party. You just never know if Chimera Mages will

"Back Attack" you! Haha! ^_^ But I won't give all the credit to them,

because there are other nasty beasts around!


Once inside, follow the corridor. Take your first left. Along this wall you

will find 2 doors. They are locked so you will need a Thief or Magic Key to

open them up. Inside these rooms are: >DIAMOND HELM< and >DIAMOND BRACERS<.

Continue along to the left, enter the watery area and head north. At the north

end of the waterway, there are some stairs to the right. So go right and there

will be another staircase, but heading down to the next level.

Down here, head all the way right to find the >DEFENDER<. Oh yeah! This sword

is great at point of the game!! Now, head down the stairs that you passed to

get this sword. In this area, head all the way to the right to find another

locked door. A >DIAMOND MAIL< rests inside. Now go back and into another


At the north side of the waterway, head left first. Another locked door! Grab

the >DIAMOND GLOVES< and the >BEHEMOTH KNIFE<. Yay for my Thief!! ^_^ Back at

the waterway, head right. Go in the locked door here. Follow this next room

until you find the stairs to another area.

When you first get to this area, you will see a waterfall on the left and

right, and some stairs in front of you. You can walk behind the waterfall on

the right to find a secret passage! Down here is some VERY rare treasure!

>BLOOD LANCE<, >PROTECT RING<, and >LAMIA HARP<. After you get these, head

back to the waterfalls. Go down the stairs. Down, down, and down. When you

get to the fork, go left to find a door. Don't worry, it's locked! ;) In

this room is a >DIAMOND SHIELD<. Go back out and head right to open the

*FINAL* locked door in the Temple of Time. Inside this room you will find

the instrument, Noah's Lute. With this, we can go wake up Unei! Head all the

way back to your airship!

When you get back to the World Map, resurface. Unei's Cave is *DIRECTLY* north

of the Temple of Time. So, follow the coastline up the west side of the

continent. Take your first left into the mountains and you will see the cave.

Go inside and wake up Unei! Watch the scene and you will learn what you are

supposed to be doing. She will give you the Fang of Fire as well as join the

party! Talli-ho...away!


{28} The Ancient Ruins |


Treasure: Reflect Mail, Black Belt Gi, Chakra Band, Faerie Claws, Rune Bell.


The Ancient Ruins are to Unei's Cave, as Unei's Cave is to the Temple of Time!

Haha, in other words, *DIRECTLY* north. Just head west from Saronia Kingdom,

and make your way along the rivers and through the mountains. You will

eventually find it!

Once inside the ruins, follow the hallway down and the right. Over in this

area there are 3 researchers. Their path appears to be blocked by some rocks,

but that's NO problem for Unei! Haha! Approach the boulder and watch the

scene. Now that your path is clear, continue into the ruins.

Follow this path down and the left. There are 2 doors along the wall. Enter

into the first one to get a >REFLECT MAIL< and then enter into the other door.

In this area, head north passing the stairs on the right. Up here there are 3

rooms you can go into. You can buy items, weapons, armor, and take a rest.

When ready, head back down and take the stairs on the right. Head down this

path and you'll eventually turn right. Here there are many paths you can go.

First go all the way down. The right path is a dead end, so go left. In the

room over here you can find a >BLACK BELT GI<. Head back out and start going

up. Take your first right to find another room. There is a >CHAKRA BAND< in

here. Continue going up in the main hallway. Ignore the first left, because

that is the way you came in. Keep going up. Take the first left AND right.

Not at the same time, duh! :P In these two room you can get >FAERIE CLAWS<

and a >RUNE BELL<. Again, continue heading north in the main hallway. The

path will go right and then down to the next area.

Just keep following the paths until you reach the end. At the end, you will

find the legendary INVINCIBLE! Yay!

Pay very close attention to Unei!!! She will explain everything you need to

know about your brand new airship!

When you gain control, and are ready to leave, go to the helm of the ship and

fly off the World Map!! :)



{29} Falgabard |


Treasure: Kiku-Ichimonji, Demon Mail (x2), Hi-Potion, Blessed Hammer (x2),

Ashura, Kotetsu.


Hmm, what is an easy way to explain the ability of the Invincible? Ok. The

Invincible can fly over "certain" mountains. To explain further, follow these


Fly over to Saronia Castle. Position yourself right in front of the castle and

go directly southwest. When you hit the mountains, go west into the mountains.

When you are out of the forest and on the grass, STOP! Do you see the really

thin mountains south of you? THESE are the mountains you can fly over! Just

go up to them a push A! Yay!

Since we are here, fly over the mountains. Follow the small path and fly over

a single thin mountain. In this area is Falgabard Village! How nice! :P

If you have a Dark Knight in your party, you'll be in heaven! There are lots

of goods here.

First, you might want to check the shops for new equipment. And afterwards,

go to the huge waterfall in the northeast part of town. You can walk behind

this waterfall to find a hidden cave! Neat! Go to the north of the cave to

find an Old man. Talk to him and LOOK OUT!!! Shinobi!


Boss: Shinobi | This guy is weak, just beat him. |

-------------------| |

Level: 46 | He can cause blind and poison with his sword, so that |

HP: 11000 | might slow the fight down a bit but nothing |

Exp: 8800 | devastating! |

Gil: 3700 | |


Weakness: None. |


After the fight he will give you a long-named dark blade: Kiku-Ichimonji. As

you leave the cave, take the waterway out instead. Follow the little stream

until it wraps around a huge rock. Take the stairs by the rock and pick up

4 hidden items! >DEMON MAIL<, >HI-POTION<, >BLESSED HAMMER<, and a

>DEMON SHIELD<. Next, head to the northwest part of town to find a cave.



If you aren't using a Dark Knight, the enemies in this cave will Divide if you

don't kill them in one hit. Use your strongest attacks!!


In this cave, grab the chest just off to the left. You'll get another

>BLESSED HAMMER<. Go further into the cave by heading right. Walk through a

secret passage and follow the path around the pool of water. Further up you

will find a treasure chest with a >DEMON MAIL< inside. Here, go to the right

to find another secret pathway. At the end, you will find an >ASHURA< and a


You are done here, so you can now go back to your airship! :)




{30} The Cave of Shadows |


Key Item: Fang of Earth.

Treasure: Black Musk, Dark Claws, Kotetsu, Tranquilizer, Lilith's Kiss,

Genji Gloves, Kiku-Ichimonji, Genji Shield, Genji Helm, Genji Armor.


To locate the Cave of Shadows, head east from Duster Island.(it's the island in

the middle of the World Map) When you reach the desert on the Eastern

Continent, go north. You should see an opening that leads into the mountains!

Go in here and you will see a ton of thin mountains that you can fly over with

Invincible. Make your way through the mountain maze and the cave is at the end.



Just like in Falgabard cave, enemies Divide if not killed in one hit. Dark

Knights help with this if you want to use them.


Inside the Cave of Shadows, head right into a secret area. You can find your

first >BLACK MUSK< in here. Yay! Go back and then down into the cave.

Along the way, grab the >DARK CLAWS<. To the right of here you can find an

injured Dark Knight. Talk to him and he will give you a >KOTETSU<. Thanks! :)

Go down into the next part of the cave.

Follow this path to the right. It will start to go up. Stop here! There is a

secret passage to the left. You can find a >TRANQUILIZER< in the chest. Ok,

continue back up the path. Further up you will find another secret

passage, but since it's the main path, it's hardly secret! :P Through here

you will immediately find a chest with a >LILITH'S KISS< inside. Go down from

this spot into the blackness. Find the next room, the go left into some more

blackness. Go down from here into the next area!

Follow this path down and around to the stairs to the next area. There is a

secret passage here, but it's pointless.

In the next area, there are a ton of secret passages! Don't worry, I will

take you only where you need to go, getting you all items possible.

First, go right. In this next room, you'll have 3 options to go into.

Option 1 (left), leads to the >GENJI GLOVES< and stairs to next area.

Option 2 (middle), nothing.

Option 3 (right), nothing.

The next area is pretty simple. Even though there are secret passages, it's

just a straight shot to the end. In the area after this, go right. Follow

the long path right, down, then left. Grab the treasure chest here with holds

a >KIKU-ICHIMONJI<. Now go down the stairs.

Here, grab the >GENJI SHIELD< on the left. Take the path to the right. You

will do the same thing you just did in the last room. Right, down, then left.

Finally!!! No it's not the end, but something exciting and new to look at!

It's a huge spine! And you use it as a bridge! How awesome is that!? :D At

the right side of this skeleton, you can find the >GENJI HELM<. Go up to the

FINAL area of the cave!!! Yay! ^_^

In this final area, immediately go right to find a secret passage. You will

find the final piece of the Genji set. >GENJI ARMOR<. Go back and head up

another cool spine. The Fang of Earth is on the pedestal!


Boss: Hecatoncheir | He's as easy as Shinobi. He doesn't have any effective|

-------------------| attacks. Just pummel him with the strong stuff. |

Level: 43 | |

HP: 28000 | |

Exp: 14400 | |

Gil: 8000 | |


Weakness: None. |


After the fight you obtain the >FANG OF EARTH<. Now we have them ALL!! Yahoo!

Guess what? You have to backtrack ALL THE WAY to your ship! I'll just use an

Ottershroom, so see ya there! ;)



{31} The Dragon Kings, Leviathan and Bahamut |


Treasure: Arctic Wind (x2), Heavenly Wrath (x2), Earthen Drums (x2),

Black Musk, Hi-Potion (x3), Elixir (x2), White Musk (x2),

Bacchus's Cider (x2), Turtle Shell (x2), Platinum Hammer (x2),

Aegis Shield, Phoenix Down (x3), Reflect Mail, Black Hole,

Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Golem Staff, Chocobo's Wrath,

Eurytos Bow, Kotetsu, Leviath Summon, Bahamur Summon.


In this VERY rewarding section, you have a choice. You can either go to

Lake Dohr first, or Bahamut's Lair first. Either way, you'll want to visit

both places for OBVIOUS reasons! ;)

Lake Dohr


This is the home of Leviathan. It is located on the floating continent and is

directly south of Gulgan Gulch.(you can see a shadow swimming in the water)

But to actually get to the lake, you must fly your Invincible in from the south

and fly over the thin mountains blocking your path. Land your ship on the

small grassy area and go in the lake. With your Canoe, paddle around the lake

until you enter the underwater cave.



To get a Complete Bestiary and 100% Treasure, you will need to get every chest

and encounter all the enemies in this area. You can't come back here once

you have defeated the Boss!

Enemies to look for: Ouroboros, Plancti, Remora, Sea Lion.


Walk your way through the cave. At the first fork, go down. There are four

treasure chests in here. You'll get: >ARCTIC WIND<, >HEAVENLY WRATH<,

>EARTHEN DRUMS<, and a >PHOENIX DOWN<. After getting these, head up. There

are four more treasures up here! All nice and neat like, too! ;) Open them

to get: three >HI-POTION<, and an >ELIXIR<. From here, go down into the

next area.

Here, just follow the path. Grab the first chest you see to get: >WHITE MUSK<.

After this, go north. Four more treasures wait: >BACCHUS'S CIDER<,

>TURTLE SHELL<, >PLATINUM HAMMER<, and >AEGIS SHIELD<. Go all the way south

and enter the next area.

In this area, the paths are in the shape of an "X". You came from the bottom

right of the X. First, go to the top right of the X to find: >BLACK MUSK<,

>REFLECT MAIL<, >PLATINUM HAMMER<, and >BLACK HOLE<. Next go to the bottom

left to find: >LILITH'S KISS< and >RAVEN'S YAWN<. The stairs to the next area

are at the top left of the X.

This is the last area of Lake Dohr. You know what THAT means!! Hehe. Follow

the path to the left and all the way around the room. Here you will meet...


Boss: Leviathan | Leviathan is strong! He attacks twice per round, |

-------------------| causing about 1400 damage. To make it worse, his |

Level: 43 | attacks can petrify you! Keep at least two healers |

HP: 32000 | for this fight and I hope you have some Gold Needles! |

Exp: 20000 | His Blizzaga spell can almost wipe out any character. |

Gil: 17100 | Tsunami can almost wipe out the whole party. Good luck!|


Weakness: Lightning. |


When you win, you'll get the Leviath Summon! Yay! And that is all there is to

do down in Lake Dohr.

Bahamut's Lair


This place is located just west of Tozus, on the floating continent. If you

go over to Tozus now, you will see some thin mountains that you can fly over!

So go ahead and fly over them, and enter the cave.

Go across the first bridge. To the left is a >EARTHEN DRUMS< and

>HEAVENLY WRATH<. To the right is a >PHOENIX DOWN< and >ARCTIC WIND<. Now,

let's take the bridge heading south. You will find the next area.

Go left here across the bridge, getting the >GOLEM STAFF< along the way. Take

the bridge going south from here and the path will take you back up. Open

the chest here for a >WHITE MUSK<. Head right. Get the > BACCHUS'S CIDER<.

Now follow the path heading down and grab the two treasure chests for a


In the next area, grab the >EURYTOS BOW< to the left. Continue along the

path and you'll find a >PHOENIX DOWN<, >ELIXIR< and >KOTETSU<. After getting

these head north across the bridges. Here you will meet up with.....Oh no!!


Boss: Bahamut | This is a very tough fight! Just as you start to think |

-------------------| you're gonna... win, MEGAFLARE!!! This attack sucks. |

Level: 45 | It will kill anyone that doesn't have full HP. When he |

HP: 34000 | starts using it, it means that he is almost defeated, |

Exp: 20000 | so ATTACK, and don't heal! Hopefully you get the best |

Gil: 16500 | of him! |


Weakness: Wind. |


Once you beat the Ultimate Dragon, you will get the Bahamur Summon. YAY! It's

always good to know you have the power of Bahamut at your fingertips! :P

Well, that about sums it up for this optional, yet VERY rewarding, section!




{32} Doga's Grotto |


Key Item: Eureka Key, Syrcus Key.

Treasure: 10000 Gil (x2), Rising Sun, Lust Dagger, White Musk,

Chocobo's Wrath, Phoenix Down (x2).


Now that you are loaded with treasure, let's continue on our quest.

Head back to Dalg Continent. Remember that Unei wanted us to go visit her and

Doga once we obtained the Fang of Earth? So, here we go! :)

Once you get to Doga's Manor, you'll almost instantly watch a scene. Doga and

Unei are waiting for you. So, enter the portal they created.



To get a Complete Bestiary and 100% Treasure, you will need to get every chest

and encounter all the enemies in this area. You can't come back here once

you have defeated the Boss!

Enemies: Peryton, Nemesis, Cyclops, Humbaba, Ogre.


Inside the grotto, follow the path as usual. This is kind of cool, because it

circles around the cave and deeper into the grotto. I liked it anyway....

Ok, into the next area. Grab the treasure chest in plain sight for a very nice

reward! 10,000 Gil! Yay! Follow the path to the left as it descends further

into the cave. At the bottom, pick up another 10,000 Gil. :D Then go down

and in to the next area.

In this cave, there are two rooms on the west side.


Southwest: Nothing. :(

Make your way around to the east side of the cave to find your stairs.

Up here, grab the >CHOCOBO'S WRATH< and continue down the path. You'll go

right into the next part of the grotto. Get the >PHOENIX DOWN< and keep

going. Again the path will descend and pick up a second >PHOENIX DOWN< at the

very bottom. Now, go to the final area.

Run up the narrow rock path and you will find Doga and Unei! Watch the scene

to find out what their intentions really are!


Boss: Doga | Geez he is HARD!!! Every round, he will kill off |

-------------------| one of your characters. Or he will get close, anyway. |

Level: 45 | His Firaga does well over 1000 damage. His Drain |

HP: 22800 | does almost as much AND heals him! >_< |

Exp: 13600 | To make it better, his physical attacks are strong too! |

Gil: 12000 | Attack with one person, heal with three! :P |


Weakness: None. |



Boss: Unei | Let's hope you didn't defeat Doga with only one person |

-------------------| still alive! That's what makes this fight even harder. |

Level: 44 | Use the same strategy. Attack with one person, heal |

HP: 21800 | with the other three, if needed. Her Holy attack will |

Exp: 16000 | kill anyone it touches, and Tornado will reduce your HP |

Gil: 12600 | to 1! Be very careful! |


Weakness: None. |


Ok, so their intentions weren't bad. They knew what they were doing. For

defeating Doga and Unei, you will receive the Eureka Key. Watch the very nice

scene to learn about the light in each of the characters! Then, Unei will give

you the Syrcus Key. After all the scenes, go back to the Nautilus.

To proceed with the story, go and get the Invincible.


{33} Ancients' Maze |


Treasure: Elixir, Crystal Shield, Lilith's Kiss, Crystal Mail, White Musk,

Crystal Gloves, Crystal Helm, Phoenix Down (x3), Chocobo's Wrath,

Break Blade, Dual Haken, Protect Ring, Holy Lance, Hellish Claws.


Once you have the Invincible, head over to the northeast continent. It is the

only land mass that you haven't been able to explore yet. And the reason for

that are the Giant statues the will kill you if you don't carry all four Fangs.

Well, now that you have the Fangs, you can pass! When you get to the statues,

get out of your airship and take a walk down the row of guardians. Once all

of them have disappeared, get back in your ship and fly deeper into the

continent's mountains.

Eventually you will find a white tower surrounded by a wall of some kind! Go

in the wall and you will be in the Ancients' Maze!

Once inside, go north to find a door. This is the Crystal's Chamber. You have

finally found the last Crystal! But wait.....look out!!


Boss: Titan |


Level: 49 |

HP: 29000 |

Exp: 27600 |

Gil: 13500 |


Weakness: None. |


When you put an end to Titan, watch the exciting scenes! :D You will then

be blessed with the Crystal's light! And that means new Jobs!! Check them

out, they are indeed VERY good!!

For more information on Jobs, go to the "Job Info" section. Ctrl+F. {EARTH}

Here is my new team:

Luneth - Dragoon

Arc - Black Belt

Refia - Thief

Ingus - Knight

Of course you choose whatever you like! :) Before we continue, go ahead to the

World Map and save, if you want. Alright, let's go!



If you changed your Jobs, like me, you will be VERY weak to upcoming monsters.

This is only because your Job levels are now so low. If you want to train your

new Jobs to give them some meat, go right ahead. :P


From the Earth Crystal's room, head to the right. Follow the path up and

then to the left, grabbing the >ELIXIR< on your way. Then go through up

the stairs and through the large door.

In this area, head left first. You'll find a >CRYSTAL SHIELD< and

>LILITH'S KISS<. Continue to the right, up, left, then down. Here you will

find a >CRYSTAL MAIL<. Ok, go up again. Up up up! Another treasure waits

for you here. It is a >WHITE MUSK<. Ok, be on your way now. Along this path

you will find some >CRYSTAL GLOVES<.

Next area. Go right first to get >CRYSTAL HELM<. Then head down, then right,

then down again. Down here you will find even more treasure! >PHOENIX DOWN<,

>BREAK BLADE<, and >CHOCOBO'S WRATH<. Now go back up and take the right path.

Before heading into the next area, go left to get a >DUAL HAKEN<. OK, now to

the next area.

This area is really simple. Just follow the path to the end, picking up a

>PHOENIX DOWN< and >PROTECT RING< on the way.



Speaking of Protect Rings, there is a monster in this area that you can

steal/win them from. This monster is called King Behemoth! He is very rare,

but if you do manage to see him, try to steal a Protect Ring from him!!

Your Job level must be Lv. 99. Oh yeah.


The next room is an interesting one. I like it. :P Go up either side and

get the >HOLY LANCE< at the top. Again, continue up either side and

pick up the >HELLISH CLAWS< further up.

Continue north and you will then be leaving the Ancients' Maze. When you get

to the World Map, you'll notice that you're stuck! Make sure you are certain

that you're positive that you're *READY* to proceed. Go ahead and save then

enter the Crystal Tower!

This place is huge!!! HUGE!!!!!! Haha, yeah, it's big........I guess.



{34} The Forbidden Land, Eureka |


Magic: All Lv. 8 white and black magic.

Treasure: Elixir (x4), White Musk (x3), Fuma Garb, Chocobo's Wrath (x2),

Phoenix Down (x3), Ribbon, Shuriken (x4), Moonring Blade,

Masamune, Omnirod, Excalibur, Elder Staff, Ragnarok.


First let's go to the forbidden land. There's a ton of good stuff here! Why

would you want to miss out on that awesome treasure list!? ^_^

To get to Eureka, enter the Crystal Tower. Inside the tower, go north. There

will be a moat with water and a door in the middle tower. Go in here to find

the portal to Eureka! The key that Doga gave you will activate and you will

be warped to the ultimate treasure land! Yay!! :D

When you are through the portal, don't go anywhere. Take a second to listen to

the epic music! Haha. Intense. Ok, let's go.

The path in this room is a huge circle. Around the right side you can find:

>ELIXIR< and >WHITE MUSK<. On the left side you can find: >FUMA GARB< and

a >CHOCOBO'S WRATH<. Make your way to the bottom of the circle and enter the

next area.

At the first fork, go left first. You will soon see a door. Go in to find a

>WHITE MUSK<. When you leave this room, go back to the right. You will find

a door over here too. Inside is another >WHITE MUSK<, >CHOCOBO'S WRATH<, and

>PHOENIX DOWN<. When you leave this room, head south. But don't go too far

without getting the >RIBBON< hidden in a secret passage to the left! When you

open the chest you will have to fight a Ninja! Bring it!


Boss: Ninja |


Level: 47 |

HP: 24000 |

Exp: 28400 |

Gil: 14400 |


Weakness: None. |


After getting the Ribbon, head south again. You will come to another fork in

the road. Go down the left side first to get a >SHURIKEN< and then come back

to go down the right side and into the next area.

In this area, take your first left to get an >ELIXIR<. Continue on the

windy path and grab the treasure chest along the way. It holds a >SHURIKEN<.

After this you will find a >PHOENIX DOWN< near the stairs to the next area.

Follow the simple path and you will come across a pedestal with a weapon

floating in circles! We want the Moonring Blade, Force of Darkness!


Boss: Amon | Amon will put up a good fight. This fight doesn't end |

-------------------| too soon nor does it last forever. |

Level: 48 | |

HP: 33500 | Use your strongest physical attacks to win and heal with|

Exp: 26800 | the other party members. |

Gil: 20350 | He is a lot like Hein. If you remember him! :P |


Weakness: Varies. |


Your prize for this fight is the Moonring Blade! Excellent! I needed a new

weapon for my Thief! ^_^

Continue on the path to the left. In the next area, you will come to a 4-way

intersection. You came from the top, so go right first. You will find

another pedestal with Masamune, the Mystic Blade upon it.


Boss: Kunoichi | This fight is challenging! She attacks THREE times per |

-------------------| round. Aeroga can put any character into the yellow! |

Level: 48 | Focus on healing and attack in between. Before you know|

HP: 29000 | it, you'll win... |

Exp: 29200 | |

Gil: 14500 | |


Weakness: None. |


For winning you get the Masamune! :D

Go back to the intersection and go left. Here you'll find the >OMNIROD<. Now

take the south path at the intersection. On the way you will find a

>PHOENIX DOWN<. Now, to the next area!

Here you will cross 4 bridges. After the 4th continue going right. Follow

this path down and you will find another pedestal! On top of this one lies

Excalibur, the Legendary Sword.


Boss: General | This guy has some serious strength! He can cause |

-------------------| close to 2000 damage with just one attack! Hopefully, |

Level: 48 | he doesn't strike the same person twice in a row! |

HP: 35000 | I had 2 healers for this fight. |

Exp: 30000 | |

Gil: 15600 | |


Weakness: None. |


After this fight Excalibur is YOURS!! YAY! :D I''re so happy! :P

Go back up and enter the next area. Go across the bridge and you will see a

portal. But first you must go to the left and right. To the left you will

find The Elder Staff...


Boss: Scylla | Whatever weapon she is carrying, I want it!! Hehe. |

-------------------| I didn't find Scylla to be too hard. |

Level: 49 | At most she can cause about 1000 damage and her weapon |

HP: 35000 | can petrify your party. Be careful about that!! |

Exp: 30800 | |

Gil: 16200 | |


Weakness: None. |


Afterwards you get the Elder Staff. Now go to the right of the portal to find

Ragnarok, the Demonblade.


Boss: Guardian | Geez, what's with this guy! The only way to lose this |

-------------------| fight, is if you aren't paying attention. This guy will|

Level: 49 | go down fairly easy. He can cause some damage, but |

HP: 33700 | nothing to make you worry about. |

Exp: 31600 | |

Gil: 16500 | |


Weakness: None. |


You obtained the Ragnarok! Another excellent sword for your collection! ;)

Go into the portal. This is the final area of Eureka! Noo! Go north and you

will find two people standing around. Open the treasures around them to

get two >ELIXIR< and two >SHURIKEN<. The two people here will sell you the

most powerful magic in the game, so buy them ALL! Hehe. To the right of these

people is a secret passageway that leads to another person. This guy is

selling some really rare stuff! Buy whatever you may need.

Not to make you sad or anything, but that is all in Eureka. Now you must make

your way back to the Crystal Tower.

Teleport if you want! ;)




{35} The Crystal Tower |


Treasure: Lilith's Kiss, Chocobo's Wrath (x3), Elven Bow, White Musk (x2),

Fuma Garb, Elixir (x5), Phoenix Down (x5), Shuriken, Crystal Mail,

Crystal Gloves, Crystal Shield, Crystal Helm.


This is it! The final area of the game! Are you ready?



Now would be the very best time to do all the Mognet sidequests! You will get

a ton of rare items and even the best Job in the game! ;) If you are

interested in doing this now, start by going to the "Legendary Blacksmith"

section. Crtl+F. {SQ}

It's all up to you though. If you want to continue your journey, you can.

The last few areas have really good items as well, so either way... treasure!

You decide! :)


Let's start by the Eureka gateway. From here follow the moat of water to the

left and right. Then go up. On the right you will find a >LILITH'S KISS<, and

on the left you will find a >CHOCOBO'S WRATH<. Now head back to the door by

the moat. This time instead of following the moat up, just go right. You'll

see a couple treasure chests over here with an >ELVEN BOW< and another

>CHOCOBO'S WRATH<. Go down the stairs south of the Elven bow. Down here, there

is another >CHOCOBO'S WRATH< and a >WHITE MUSK<. Now head back to the moat


This time, go left! This side is similar to the right side. First head down

and grab the >FUMA GARB<. Now go back up, get the >WHITE MUSK< and talk to

the door at the top of this room. Watch the scene and proceed into the next


In the new room, just follow the path. At the first fork, go up and grab the

>ELIXIR< in the treasure chest. Go back down and take the right path. Follow

the path, grabbing the >PHOENIX DOWN<. Keep walking on your path and when you

go up some stairs, take a left. At the top of the round walkway is an

>ELIXIR<. No head back to the stairs you just came up and go right. Take this

path all the way down and then it will go left. Over here is the next area.

At the top of the stairs, go right. Follow this path down and then up. There

is an >ELIXIR< up here. Below this elixir, on the right wall, is a hidden

passage that will let you continue further in the tower. Find it and follow

the path leading to some more stairs that go on to another area.

Here take the stairs up and then go back down on the other side. You will

find a >PHOENIX DOWN< in a chest. To the left of this chest is a hidden

pathway that leads to a >SHURIKEN<. After getting this, walk up the stairs

over here and continue on to the next area.

On the path, in this area, you will find another >PHOENIX DOWN< and

>ELIXIR<. When you get to the circular area, head to the right of the circle

to find another >ELIXIR<. Now go to the top of the circle and enter the


There is nothing in this room, just go up into the next area.

In this room, head right. Go through an opening in the wall and you will be

in a room with narrow walkways. Follow this path for a while. At the first

fork, go up and into the next area. In this new area, you can go left and

right. Left side has a >PHOENIX DOWN< and the right side has a >CRYSTAL MAIL<.

Next, go up the path in the middle.

In the next area, go left. Over here you can find come >CRYSTAL GLOVES< and

even more left then up, there is a >CRYSTAL SHIELD<. Now go to the opposite

side and grab the treasure over there. You'll get a >PHOENIX DOWN< and a

>CRYSTAL HELM<. Now head up the HUGE stairs in the middle of the room!

Up here you will find the FINAL ROOM!!! Yay!!! :D



This is the point of no return!! I HIGHLY recommend that you teleport out of

the Crystal Tower and SAVE! It gets very difficult from here on out! ;)


In this very exciting room, walk up to the big mirror in the middle. Watch

the scenes as they unfold. There are quite a bit, so enjoy!

When you finally make it into the mirror, walk up the dark purpley hallway.

Another scene will occur here. For this first time in the whole game, you

get to see the main villain! XANDE!!!!


Boss: Xande | Xande is no pushover! All of his attacks will do |

-------------------| 1000 damage or more. His Firaga can do 2000+!!! |

Level: 50 | Oh yeah, watch out for the ultra powerful Meteor!!!!! |

HP: 49999 | He can also cast Haste on himself which doesn't |

Exp: 34000 | help you one bit! If you can, you should also cast |

Gil: 25000 | Haste. Don't be afraid to use elixirs! |


Weakness: None. |


When you defeat Xande, he will tell you that it's too late. He says that the

Cloud of Darkness is already upon the world!! The.........WHAT!?!?!


Boss: Cloud of Darkness | This fight is IMPOSSIBLE!!! No matter what you |

------------------------| do, you will die. |

Level: ???? | |

HP: ???? | All...that work....for nothing!? :( |

Exp: ???? | |

Gil: ???? | NOOOO!!! |


Weakness: None. |


When I first died to Cloud of Darkness, I angrily turned off my DS because I

spent at least a two hours in Crystal Tower, leveling up. I thought all the

levels I has gained would ensure my victory. But when I died, I....yeah.

Once you die, some scenes will occur. Watch them to see what happens!

When you gain control again, talk to all your friends to say goodbye because

this is it. Go up and enter the swirling darkness!! Awesome!


{36} The World of Darkness |


Treasure: Ribbon (x4).


You better stay on your toes in this place; Everything here is *REALLY* strong!

Once inside the World of Darkness, you'll notice that there are many paths to

follow. Each portal will take you to a small area, and at the end of each area,

there is a Boss! To even have a chance at defeating the Cloud of Darkness, you

will need to defeat ALL four Bosses, which in itself, is a difficult task!

NOTE 1: DON'T go into the Center Portal first. It leads to the final Boss!

NOTE 2: Each area has a Ribbon, so look around to find them! AND when you get

enough, *MAKE SURE* you equip one on every character! They will help

tremendously with this last part of the game!!

Northwest Portal Northeast Portal

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


| Boss: Cerberus ||Boss:Two-Headed Dragon|


|Level: 55 ||Level: 55 |

|HP: 99999 ||HP: 99999 |

|Exp: 66666 ||Exp: 66666 |

|Gil: 66666 ||Gil: 66666 |


|Weakness: None. ||Weakness: None. |


Southwest Portal Southeast Portal

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


|Boss: Echidna ||Boss: Ahriman |


|Level: 55 ||Level: 55 |

|HP: 99999 ||HP: 99999 |

|Exp: 66666 ||Exp: 66666 |

|Gil: 66666 ||Gil: 66666 |


|Weakness: None. ||Weakness: Wind. |


With all four bosses defeated, go ahead and enter that Center Portal. Follow

the thin lines in this area and go through the portal at the very end. In here

there is only one way you can go...


Boss: Cloud of Darkness | This fight is INTENSE! Heal EVERY chance you get, |

------------------------| and use all the elixirs you can! Try casting haste |

Level: 60 | on your entire party to ensure you get the first |

HP: 120000 | strike! You know what to do. Use your strongest |

Exp: 99999 | attacks, magic, and summons! Hopefully you equipped|

Gil: 70000 | everyone with a Ribbon! GOOD LUCK! ;) |


Weakness: None. |




II) Side Quests and Optional Things {OPT}



{OPT-1} Mognet |


Mognet is a mailing system in FFIII. You can use it to send letters to some of

the characters in the game, or to your friends in real life. To send letters

to your friends, you will need to be able to use the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.

After you get the Wind Crystal's light(the first set of Jobs), you can use

Mognet. A moogle that runs the company, will appear in every town. Simply

talk to him to use Mognet. That's it!

It may not seem like it, but Mognet is VERY easy to use. I remember when the

game first came out and I was trying so hard to unlock all the secrets. It

was really confusing! :(

Hopefully these sections will help you understand what you need to do, to

obtain everything that Mognet has to offer! ;)

The Mognet Rule:


There is one very important rule you have to remember when using Mognet. You

can ONLY send one letter per hour. One to any FFIII Denizen and one to a

friend over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. So, you can send 2 letters per hour!

However, there is a way to send as many letters as you want!!!

To do this, move the Nintendo DS Clock ahead by 1 hour after every time

you send a letter. By doing this, you can send as many letters as you want!

TIP: Sometimes, moving the clock ahead 1 hour doesn't work for me. So what

I do instead is move the clock ahead by 1 day! ;)

So with all of this, you can now start your quest for all of the wonderful

treasures that Mognet has in store for you! Have fun!


There are a total of 6 FFIII Denizens that you can send letters to. Denizens

are important characters that you will meet on your journey through the game.

But in order to send them a letter, you will need to have met them AND also

help them with whatever they need. This isn't so bad because in order to

finish the game, you will have to help them anyways! Ok, now for the list of

all 6 characters you can send letters to.

NOTE: If you DON'T use the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to send letters to your

friends, you will ONLY be able to get "Letter 1" from each character.



No. 1 | Topapa



Info: This is the man who, with Nina, raised Luneth and Arc.


Location: Ur.


When: You can start sending letters to Topapa as soon as you obtain the

Wind Crystal's light.(the first set of Jobs)


Letter 1: "How Are You?"

"Luneth, Arc, how fare you? Ur is just not the same without

you two. Everyone here misses you, and we all pray for your

safe return."


Letter 2: "Ur"

"A traveling merchant came to Ur the other day. He was riding a

chocobo! They're fine steeds indeed!"


Letter 3: "The Children of Ur"

"Recently, the children have started to play farther and farther

away from Ur. While I praise their adventurous spirits, I worry

that it will lead them to trouble..."


Letter 4: "The Children Are In Trouble!"

"Grave news... The children have not come back from their

recent "exploration" trip! We have searched as far from Ur as

we dared, but could not find them..."




No. 2 | Takka



Info: This is Refia's father.


Location: Kazus.


When: You can start sending letters to Takka after he and Refia attach the

Mythril Ram to Cid's airship.


Letter 1: "Refia"

"Are you doing all right, Refia? Remember to come straight home

once you've completed this journey of yours. There's much work

for you to do!"


Letter 2: "Kazus"

"Kazus has recovered well from that Djinn fiasco. You should

come visit when you have time."


Letter 3: "Must Be Getting Old"

"Hey, I got this order for mythril gear recently, so I went into

the mines to get some ore... I must be getting old. I wasn't

able to carry back half the mythril I used to!"


Letter 4: "The Legendary Smith"

"I don't know if I've told you, but there's supposed to be this

legendary smith wandering the world. Rumor has it that she fixes

things so well, they look brand new!"


Letter 5: "Orichalcum"

"Have I ever told you about orichalcum, the legendary metal?

Rumor says that there's nothing an orichalcum weapon can't cut!"




No. 3 | Sara



Info: The Princess of Castle Sasune. She and Ingus are very close.


Location: Castle Sasune.


When: You can start sending letters to Sara after defeating Djinn and

then returning to Castle Sasune to lift the curse on Kazus.


Letter 1: "Hello, Ingus"

"Ingus, everyone, how are you doing? Father and I are both fine,

as well as the rest of the people in the castle. Stop by to say

hi if you have time."


Letter 2: "Bored..."

"Being a princess is not all that it's cracked up to be. I wish

I could go on great adventures like you. Take me with you

someday, all right?"


Letter 3: "Sasune of Late"

"Everyone in the castle has gone back to their daily routine

after the Djinn was banished. It's as if it never happened.

I would like to thank you again for helping us. Have a safe



Letter 4: "Help!"

"My pendant broke today... No one in the castle was able to fix

it. This pendant is very dear to me. Let me know if you meet

someone who can help."




No. 4 | Cid



Info: You know... Cid!


Location: Canaan.


When: You can start sending letters to Cid when you take him with you to

Canaan. That's where he lives.


Letter 1: "How I Met Mrs. Cid"

"The first time I met Mrs. Cid, she was a passenger on my airship.

It was love at first flight! Har har har! ...Ahhhhhh."


Letter 2: "My First Date With Mrs. Cid"

"I took Mrs. Cid to a village called Gysahl on our first date.

There isn't much to do there, but they sure grow some

great-tasting veggies, and don't you tell me women aren't into



Letter 3: "When You Were Babies"

"You four sure were a handful when you were toddlers! Y'all

turned out okay in the end. Or at the very least, you're all



Letter 4: "Something In the Basement..."

"Mrs. Cid came running up from the basement today, all scared-like.

She says she saw something big lurking in the shadows! I hope

we don't have a monster down there..."




No. 5 | The 4 Old Men



Info: Weirdos who think they are the true Warriors of Light!


Location: Amur Village.


When: You can start sending letters to the 4 Old Men as soon as they

teleport you out of the Amur sewers.


Letter 1: "Long Time No See!"

"Salutations, Warriors! How are you little squirts? We wanted

to thank you again for helping us in the sewers, and we

owe you one. Let us know if you need our help!"


Letter 2: "What A Hero Makes"

"Heroes and champions like us must stay in top shape! Eating and

sleeping well are paramount! Now drop what you're holding and

go outside and exercise!"


Letter 3: "Sea Voyage"

"We once went on a sea voyage when we were a bit younger.

Halfway through the trip, we saw this huge shadow gliding

alongside our ship! We don't remember exactly where, but it

was impressive."


Letter 4: "True Heroes"

"Heroes are judged by the company they keep! Treat your friends

well, and you will be even closer to becoming true champions!"




No. 6 | Alus



Info: The young ruler of Saronia Kingdom. Good friends with Arc.


Location: Saronia Castle.


When: You can start sending letters to Alus when you defeat Garuda and

bring peace back to Saronia kingdom.


Letter 1: "Hello Arc!"

"Arc, how are you? Saronia is a big city... and big cities have

very big problems. I'm doing my best, and I think I am finally

getting the hang of this... I hope your journey is going

smoother than my rule."


Letter 2: "Saronia Today"

"It has been a while since Father has gone... but Saronia is

flourishing in its newfound peace. You should visit us again



Letter 3: "The Nautilus"

"How has the Nautilus served you so far? The engineers assure

me that it should not budge an inch, even when flying against

the strongest gale!"


Letter 4: "Saronian Legend"

"There is an old legend in Saronia that speaks of a star

falling into the sea, creating a great wave the swallowed the

evils of the world..."



{OPT-2} Legendary Blacksmith | {SQ}


Mmm, it's always nice to know there is one of these in a game. Then you know

for SURE that you have some rare treasures to look forward to!! :P

The earlier in the game you start this sidequest, the harder it will be. So

I would suggest that you NOT start it until VERY late in the game. The *BEST*

time to start is after you go through Eureka. I, however, always start doing

these sidequests after I beat the game, but it's all up to you! :)

Ok, here is how you find the Legendary Blacksmith:


{OPT-2.1} Sara's Pendant |


First, Trade Friend Codes with a friend. I did this at the GameFAQs message

boards. ......of course the FFIII one! :P

Second, If you haven't already, send 7 messages to your friend.

Third, Send a bunch of letters to Sara until she sends you a letter that

talks about how she broke her Pendant. Now, go and visit her and you

will agree to find some way to fix it.

Fourth, Go to Kazus and show the pendant to Refia's father, Takka. He will

mention that it's beyond his skill to repair.

Fifth, Send a bunch of letters to Takka. Keep doing this until he sends you

his letter that will talk about a Legendary Blacksmith! Yay!

If he is not sending you his fourth letter, try sending letters to the

other characters as well.

Sixth, Now you must find this Legendary Blacksmith! Get in your airship,

and fly on over to Northwestern Saronia.

Look around and you should eventually find her! Yep! It's a girl! :)

Anyways, talk to her and she will agree to fix the Pendant only if

you agree to give her some Orichalcum, IF you find any that is!

Seventh, Take Sara's Pendant back to her, if you want. Yes, if you want a

more complete Key Items list, don't give it to her. Keep it as

a memento of her trust towards Ingus! ;)

Eighth, Complete the "Ultima Weapon" sidequest below.


{OPT-2.2} Ultima Weapon |


To start this off, you are going to want to find some Orichalcum.

First, Complete the "Sara's Pendant" sidequest above.

Second, Send some more letters to Takka, and he should mention the Orichalcum

in his next letter.

If he doesn't send it right away, try sending some letters to the

other characters as well.

Third, When he finally does send the letter about Orichalcum, start sending

letters to Cid.

When you get his letter about Mrs. Cid seeing a monster in the

basement, head on over there to see what it is.

Fourth, When you get to Cid's house, which is in Canaan, go down into the

basement. You will find the punk that scared Mrs. Cid.


Monster: Aeon |


Level: 43 |

HP: 10060 |

Exp: 10200 |

Gil: 3200 |


Weakness: None. |


Fifth, Defeat the monster, Aeon! After the battle, the monster will drop

some Unknown Metal! *wink wink*

Sixth, Go talk to Cid and he will recognize the metal as Orichalcum! Yay!

Seventh, Find the Legendary Blacksmith and give her the metal.

But for some odd reason, she doesn't appear ANYWHERE until you have

opened the Gateway to Eureka! Maybe she is trapped inside? Hmm...

So, go open up that gate!

Eighth, Go to Falgabard and you will find her. She should be located near

the Shops or Inn. Once you give her the Orichalcum, she will

create for you the Ultima Weapon! *drool*

That's it! You have fully completed the Legendary Blacksmith sidequests. All

you have left to do is get the Mastery Item from each Job! These tasks are very

easy, but very time consuming! So have fun! ^_^


{OPT-2.3} Locations |


Once you complete the "Sara's Pendant" and "Ultima Weapon" sidequests, the

Legendary Blacksmith will continuously travel around the world. When you visit

these places, keep in mind that she shows up at random. So enter one place and

see if she is there. If not, then check at another place. Do this until you

finally find her!

1. Healing Copse - This is located north of Tozus, the mini village.

2. Gysahl - Inside the Chocobo's stable.

3. Ur Village - Inside the well.

4. Castle Sasune - East Tower, 3rd floor.

5. Dwarven Hollows - Near the entrance to the Subterranean Lake.

6. Replito - Inside the house at the north part of town.

7. Doga's Village - Near the huge tree in the middle.

8. Saronia Castle - Basement, 2nd level.

9. Ancient Ruins - Inside the Inn.

10. Village of the Ancients - Inside the Inn.

Again, you must go back and forth between places to find her. So choose two

places that are really close to eachother.


{OPT-2.4} Mastery Cards and Items |


For those of you who take pleasure in getting a perfect file, know that this

time around, all the effort it takes WON'T go completely unrewarded!

For mastering a Job to Lv. 99, you can obtain a special item. (each Job has

its own special item that you can get) So once you master a Job, go talk to

the Legendary Blacksmith and she will reward you with that Job's Card and

Special Item! Also, in order to get these items, you must complete the

"Sara's Pendant" and "Ultima Weapon" sidequests above.

NOTE 1: The Job you have mastered MUST be in your party!

NOTE 2: You can only get *ONE* of each item!!


Freelancer Card


Name: Celestial Gloves

Def: 40

MDef: 18

Bonus: +15 All Stats


Warrior Card


Name: Gigantic Axe

Atk: 155

Bonus: +20 STR


Monk Card


Name: Shura Gloves

Def: 45

MDef: 19

Bonus: +20 STR


White Mage Card


Name: Angel Robe

Def: 45

MDef: 45

Bonus: +20 MIND


Black Mage Card


Name: Lilith Rod

Atk: 110

Bonus: +20 INT

Effect: Casts death.


Red Mage Card


Name: Crimson Vest

Def: 50

MDef: 25

Bonus: +10 All Stats


Thief Card


Name: Gladius

Atk: 130

Bonus: +20 AGI


Ranger Card


Name: Artemis Bow

Atk: 122

Bonus: +10 STR, +10 AGI


Knight Card


Name: Save The Queen

Atk: 140

Bonus: +10 VIT, +10 MIND

Effect: Casts reflect.


Scholar Card


Name: Omnitome

Atk: 130

Bonus: +10 INT, +5 MIND


Geomancer Card


Name: Blessed Bell

Atk: 130

Bonus: +10 AGI, +10 INT, +10 MIND


Viking Card


Name: Mighty Hammer

Atk: 145

Bonus: +20 VIT

Effect: Deals lightning damage.


Dragoon Card


Name: Magic Lance

Atk: 145

Bonus: +20 STR


Dark Knight Card


Name: Murakumo

Atk: 140

Bonus: +20 AGI

Effect: Effective against dividing enemies.


Evoker Card


Name: Royal Crown

Def: 33

MDef: 36

Bonus: +10 INT, +10 MIND


Bard Card


Name: Ballad Crown

Def: 35

MDef: 35

Bonus: +10 VIT, +10 MIND


Black Belt Card


Name: Master Dogi

Def: 54

MDef: 23

Bonus: +10 AGI, +10 MIND


Magus Card


Name: Millenium Rod

Atk: 110

Bonus: +10 INT, +10 MIND

Effect: Casts blizzaga.


Devout Card


Name: Holy Wand

Atk: 110

Bonus: +20 MIND

Effect: Casts curaga.


Summoner Card


Name: Astral Bracers

Def: 47

MDef: 20

Bonus: +10 INT, +10 MIND


Sage Card


Name: Sage Staff

Atk: 110

Bonus: +10 All Stats


Ninja Card


Name: Muramasa

Atk: 140

Bonus: +5 STR, +10 AGI, +5 VIT, +5 INT, +5 MIND

Effect: Effective against dividing enemies.


Onion Knight Card


Name: Onion Blade

Atk: 150

Bonus: +7 All Stats


{OPT-3} Finding the Onion Knight | {UNLOCK}


This secret Job is by far one of the best in the game! It can equip almost all

of the equipment and can cast all white and black magic. Getting the

Onion Knight Job is a very easy task, but leveling it to its FULL potential?

Now that's a whole different story! Now, to get the Job:

First, Trade Friend Codes with a friend. I did this at the FFIII GameFAQs

message board.

Second, If you haven't already, send 7 messages to your friend.

Third, Send a bunch of letters to Topapa until he sends you a letter talking

about how the children have gone missing and they can't be found


Fourth, Go talk to Topapa, in Ur Village, to learn more.

Fifth, Head on over to Altar Cave and go in.

Deep inside the cave are the lost children. When you finally meet up

with them, it looks like they're in some big trouble that they might

need a little help with! :P


Monster: Bomb (x3) |


Level: 16 |

HP: 315 |

Exp: 400 |

Gil: 110 |


Weakness: Ice, Water.|


Sixth, Defeat the Bombs and watch the scene. For your efforts, you will

obtain a Crystal Shard. This shard contains the Onion Knight Job

which you can now use!

It wasn't that hard after all! If you want to learn more about this newly

acquired Job, see the "Onion Knight" section. Ctrl+F. {ONION}

Everything is explained in there! :)


{OPT-4} Secret ??? Dungeon |


This secret area is more like a cave. In fact, that's all it is. :P To find

out where this ??? cave is, do the following steps! It's easy!

First, Trade Friend Codes with a friend. I did this at the FFIII GameFAQs

message board.

Second, If you haven't already, send 7 messages to your friend.

Third, Send a bunch of letters to the 4 Old Men until you receive ALL four

of their letters.

Fourth, Send letters to Alus until you receive ALL four of his letters.

Fifth, Go to the floating continent with your Nautilus, but don't enter.

From here, fly to the east. About half-way between the floating

continent and Dalg Continent, you will see a shadow in the water. This

is the place were looking for! Dive underwater and you will find a

patch of sea weeds. Enter.

Now that you have found the Secret ??? Dungeon, you can battle the toughest

enemies in the game! For the random battles, you will fight nothing but the

Yellow, Green, and Red Dragons! They are tough, so be ready!

Deeper into the cave you will find a pedestal of some kind. If you go up to

it for the first time, you will automatically watch a scene, which made me

laugh towards the end of it, and then fight the Iron Giant! Yay! Oh, wait.


Monster: Iron Giant |


Level: 81 |

HP: 199999 |

Exp: 99999 |

Gil: 99999 |


Weakness: None. |


This guy is extremely hard! He attacks 4 times per round and all of his attacks

are super powerful, too! Have fun!

I suggest you beat him yourself. It will be a lot more rewarding. ;)

Also, once you beat him, you can fight him whenever you want. Just talk to the

pedestal where you found him!


{OPT-5} The Chocobo Woods |


Chocobo Woods are scattered around the world! In these very special forests,

you can find cute yellow birds playing among the trees! If you find one of

these Woods, try to catch a chocobo and take it for a ride around the

World Map! Yay! ^_^

Another very interesting thing, is the Boss of the Chocobo Woods. You can't

find him initially, so you must have the required item to lure him out! This

item is a Gysahl Green! If you have one of these, go to the Chocobo Woods

and examine the huge tree in the middle. You will smell chocobo... haha.

Use the Gysahl Green and... POOF!!! Fat Chocobo!

This bird is weird! He will let you store any items, that you don't want to

carry around, inside of his belly! How odd! Well, look at it this way,

at least you don't have to insert Gil to use him! :P Phew!

Here are the locations of all Chocobo Woods:

1. Just east of the Village of the Ancients.

2. Small forest north of Gulgan Gulch.

3. Forest on Dwarven Isle.

4. In the forest southeast of Amur Village.

5. South of Saronia Kingdom, at the bottom of the huge forest.

6. Forest east of Falgabard.

7. Just West, in the forest across the river, from Replito.

Even though there are six woods, Fat Chocobo will appear in more places

than just that. You will still need to search for his scent, and use a

Gysahl Green to make him appear, but he is a little more hidden.

Here are the locations of Fat Chocobo, outside of Chocobo Woods:

1. Southwestern Saronia, the huge house on the east side of town.

2. Doga's Manor, to the right of the moogle shops.

3. The Invincible, to the left of the beds.

Take advantage of Fat Chocobo. It may seem useless and a waste of time, BUT

what if you get 99 of an item, and you want MORE!? Especially Phoenix Downs

and Elixirs! ;)


{OPT-6} Wellsprings |


Here are all the different types of Wellsprings and where they are located! :)

HP/MP = Fully restores HP and MP.

Revive = Brings any KO'd ally back to life, with full HP and MP.

Status = Removes all status ailments.

HP/MP = 9 total

Revive = 14 total

Status = 1 total


Wellspring: | Locations: |



HP/MP | Altar Cave |


HP/MP | Ur Village |


Revive | Ur Village |


HP/MP | Kazus |


Revive | Canaan |


HP/MP | Healing Copse |


Revive | Healing Copse |


Status | Healing Copse |


Revive | Vikings' Cove |


HP/MP | Castle Argus |


Revive | Castle Argus |


Revive | Dwarven Hallows |


HP/MP | Castle Hein; not a wellspring, but a pot. |


Revive | Village of the Ancients |


Revive | Gysahl |


HP/MP | Water Temple |


Revive | Water Temple |


Revive | Amur Village |


Revive | Falgabard |


Revive | Southwestern Saronia |


HP/MP | Doga's Manor; not a wellspring, but a pot. |


Revive | Doga's Manor; not a wellspring, but a book. |


HP/MP | Eureka |


Revive | Eureka |


These are just off the top of my head, so I might have missed one. :P


{OPT-7} The Best Places to Gain Experience |


I see that a lot of people ask this question. So here you go! ;)

Now let me explain to you how this section will work. All of these locations

go in the order of the walkthrough. This is because not everyone is at the

end of the game! So find the spot where you are currently at in your game,

and see what has to be said about the most EXP rewarding enemies that are in

your area! Yay!


Altar Cave


Here you don't have much of a choice. The best place to level up this early is

near the wellspring that can restore your HP and MP. Be careful as you can't

save yet!


The Village of Ur


On the World Map for the first time, I'd say the forests are the best spot to

level up. However, you might still be too weak at this point. So what you

should do, is go to Ur Village, and buy a Bow with A LOT of Wooden Arrows.

Put the character you want to level up in the back row, and give them the Bow

and Arrows. Equip the best Armor and kill off the other 3 characters. You

should easily get to Level 5 this way.

When finished, revive the other characters at Ur Village.(in Topapa's house)


Castle Sasune


I'd say when you are at least Level 5, to come here and level up. Use the

same strategy that you used on the World Map.


The Sealed Cave


If you are able, level up in here! Preferably in the room where you fight the

Boss, Djinn. You will get a lot of experience in this room.

You could even go to the Mythril Mines in Kazus.(they have the same monsters)


Dragon's Peak


This is an ok place to level up. This thing about this place is that some of

the enemies can petrify you. So you might end up spending more Gil, on some

Gold Needles, than you wanted to. Besides that downside, it's easy to gain

a level or two in here.




Your only options are the World Map and Tozus Tunnel. I would stick to the

World Map. Oh wait, nevermind, I would wait until the Nepto Temple. :P


Nepto Temple


Level up in the last area where the Giant Rat lives.


Tower of Owen


Ok, you have a lot of options here. The best place to level up, before going

to the Tower of Owen, would be the Outer Edge of the continent. You might

need to level up to be able to efficiently defeat the monsters there, but it

is worth it.

What I do is stock up on potions at the Village of the Ancients and then

take a lap around the continent. It works well!

After you are done on the World Map, level up in the Tower of Owen.


The Subterranean Lake


I would rather level up in the Molten Cave. :P


The Molten Cave


This place is ok for about 1 or 2 levels. I usually fight in the area with

that huge lava waterfall. And only because of that huge lava waterfall. :P


Castle Hein


This is a very good place to level up! More specifically the room right before

you can go outside. You will fight Dullahans in here and they give excellent

experience. That bad thing about leveling up in this castle is that you can't

save your progress. So be very careful!


Amur Village


Anywhere on the World Map! I usually start in the forests. If things are too

rough for you, go into the Amur Sewers and level up.


Saronia Kingdom


Anywhere on the World Map is good.

If you are already trapped inside the walls of the castle, the only place you

can level up is at the Dragon Spire. This is located in Southeastern Saronia.

It's not as bad as it sounds, because all the enemies in here are all the ones

you would fight on the World Map! So either way.


Doga's Manor and the Cave of the Circle


Dalg Continent! This place is loaded with EXP rich enemies! You can fight

them on the ground or while flying around in your airship!

Also, you can go to the Sunken Cave and Saronia Catacombs which ALSO have

enemies that give a ton of experience!

The choice is always up to you!


The Temple of Time


I always level up in the first room of this temple. The enemies give a lot of

experience AND since you are at the beginning, you can leave whenever you


The strategy behind this is because you might run out of supplies fast, due to

a certain enemy. The Chimera Mage! Arg! Even though they are deadly, they

give excellent EXP!


The Ancient Ruins


I never level up in here. Just continue.


The Cave of Shadows


Very good place to level up. Make your way to the end of the cave though.

There are huge skeleton bridges here and you usually fight groups of

different enemies. This gives a lot of experience!


Ancients' Maze


Don't bother leveling up in here. Even though you could, don't. You will

find out soon! ;)


The Crystal Tower


In this area, I gained ~993,600 EXP from one battle! And it only took about

30 minutes or so! In the first room of the tower, look around for an enemy

called Bluck. They usually show up in groups of two.

During the battle, NEVER touch the Blucks. They will summon another creature

called Kum Kums! So if there are two Blucks alive, there will be more chance

that they summon a Kum Kum. When they do this, kill the Kum Kum and they will

keep summoning more and more until you decide to end the battle.

To speed it all up, kill off two of your characters. I tried killing off three

of my characters, and it's WAY faster, but it's also too risky and scary! :P

Also, if you use one character, kill off one of the Blucks. To even it out.

Sometimes, by doing this, all you will do is kill Kum Kums! I killed about

20 in a row this way! It goes FAST!

When you are ready to end the battle, kill off all but one of your characters

so all the experience will go to him/her! When I did this, I went from

level 66 to level 73, in ONLY one battle! *screams* Honestly, it doesn't

even take THAT long!


Bahamut's Lair


In the *SECOND* room of this cave is another convenient place to level up. The

whole area is a great place to level up, but the reason I chose the second room

is because you will always fight 3 monsters at a time! Make sure you have a

Ribbon though, because some enemies can petrify you.

Keep only one character alive if you level up here. For every battle you will

get 22500 EXP! At first, it might take a little while to kill off all three

enemies with just one character. Eventually though, it will get easier and

a whole lot faster!!


Well, I hope this helps a least one person! In the end, I prefer fighting the

Blucks and Kum Kums. Only because you can kill about 20 Kum Kums in less than

one minute! 20 Kum Kums = 176,000 EXP!

You decide! And have fun reaching Lv. 99!!! ;)


{TH} III) Stealing Guide {STL} {SC}


This was my favorite part to write about! :) It took a lot of effort, but it

was a blast going around the world, logging all the different items you could

steal from enemies! ^_^

This section will explain to you the details of a steal. If you put some

effort into training a Thief, you will find that you can steal a TON of very

rare and useful treasure!


{STL-1} The Mechanics of Stealing |


To make things simple, there are 4 items you can steal from enemies.

Here is a sample chart of the enemies and what you can steal from them:


Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


| | | | |

Sample | Potion | Potion | Hi-Potion | Elixir |

| | | | |

*Boss | Nothing | Nothing | Elixir | Elixir |

| | | | |


NOTE: An enemy with a * by its name is a Boss!!

Pretty simple right?

Now to explain the items. Here are the Job Level ranges at which they can be



Item: | Job Level |


1 | 1-30 |

1-2 | 31-70 |

1-3 | 71-98 |

1-4 | 99-99 |


So if you are between Job Levels 1 and 30, you can only steal Item 1. If you

are between Job levels 31 and 70, you can steal Items 1 or 2, etc....

Next is the Steal Rate for each item.


Item: |Steal Rate |


1 | 19% |

2 | 17% |

3 | 15% |

4 | 12% |


Another thing. When you steal, the game will try for the rarest item first.

So if you are Job Lv. 82, it will attempt to Steal Item 3. If it fails

to steal Item 3, it will try for Item 2. If that fails, Item 1, and if that

fails, you fail completely and have to try again!

That about sums it up. Stealing is my favorite thing to do(in videogames), so

I hope you enjoy this entire section! :)


{STL-2} Items to Pilfer |


The areas below are in the order that they appear in the walkthrough.(so some

enemies will probably make more than one listing.) This was intended so it

could be used alongside with the walkthrough! Open a second window maybe? ;)

NOTE: The enemies are listed in order of rarity for that specific area. This

is from my own personal experience of being in that area for a long

period of time.


{1} Altar Cave - The Beginning |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Goblin |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Eye Fang |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Carbuncle |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Blue Wisp |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

*Land Turtle |n/a |n/a |n/a |n/a |



{2} The Parmeni Mountains and Ur Village |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


(world map) | | | | |

Goblin |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Killer Bee |Eye Drops |Eye Drops |Antidote |Antidote |

Werewolf |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Berserker |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

(town) | | | | |

Goblin |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |



{3} Cursed Town, Kazus |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


(world map) | | | | |

Goblin |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Killer Bee |Eye Drops |Eye Drops |Antidote |Antidote |

Werewolf |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Berserker |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |



{4} Castle Sasune |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Dark Eye |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Red Wisp |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Zombie |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Griffon |Potion |Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |


NOTE: You fight the Griffon when you open the treasure chest on the top floor.


{5} The Sealed Cave |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Mummy |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Skeleton |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Cursed Copper |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Shadow |Eye Drops |Eye Drops |Antidote |Antidote |

Larva |Eye Drops |Eye Drops |Antidote |Antidote |

Revenant |Eye Drops |Eye Drops |Antidote |Antidote |

*Djinn |n/a |n/a |n/a |n/a |



{6} Return to Kazus |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


(mines) | | | | |

Mummy |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Skeleton |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Shadow |Eye Drops |Eye Drops |Antidote |Antidote |

Cursed Copper |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Larva |Eye Drops |Eye Drops |Antidote |Antidote |



{7} Through Nelv to Canaan! |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


(world map) | | | | |

Killer Bee |Eye Drops |Eye Drops |Antidote |Antidote |

Werewolf |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Berserker |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Mandrake |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Basilisk |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Bugbear |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |



{8} Dragon's Peak |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Helldiver |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Rukh |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Firefly |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Rust Bird |Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |

*Bahamut |Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |


NOTE: Rust Bird is extremely rare.


{9} Tozus |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


(world map) | | | | |

Werewolf |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Berserker |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Killer Bee |Eye Drops |Eye Drops |Antidote |Antidote |

Mandrake |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Basilisk |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Bugbear |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

(tunnel) | | | | |

Leprechaun |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Darkface |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |



{10} Vikings' Cove |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


(world map) | | | | |

Werewolf |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Killer Bee |Eye Drops |Eye Drops |Antidote |Antidote |

Berserker |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Mandrake |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Basilisk |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Bugbear |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |



{11} The Nepto Temple |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Lilliputian |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Petit |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Poison Bat |Eye Drops |Eye Drops |Antidote |Antidote |

Blood Worm |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Wererat |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

*Giant Rat |Potion |Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |

*Nepto Dragon |Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |



{12} Adventures on the Sea |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Hornet |Eye Drops |Eye Drops |Antidote |Antidote |

Lynx |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Parademon |Wooden Arrow |Holy Arrow |Iron Arrow |Light Arrow |


Location: South edge of the continent.


Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Slime |Potion |Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |

Barometz |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |


Location: Northwest edge of the continent.


Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Red Cap |Potion |Zeus's Wrath |Zeus's Wrath |Angel's Sigh |

Tarantula |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Cuphgel |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |


Location: Southwest forest on edge of continent.


Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Flyer |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Gorgon |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Knocker |Potion |Zeus's Wrath |Zeus's Wrath |Angel's Sigh |

Lizardman |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Griffon |Potion |Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |


Location: Around Village of Ancients and Tokkul.


Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Killer Fish |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Sea Elemental |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Hermit |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Sahagin |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Tangie |Potion |Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |


Location: In the sea around Nepto Temple.


{13} Tower of Owen |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Petit Mage |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Pugman |Potion |Maiden's Kiss |Echo Herbs |Mallet |

Far Darrig |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Blood Bat |Potion |Maiden's Kiss |Echo Herbs |Mallet |

Aughisky |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Fury |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

*Medusa |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |



{14} Gysahl |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Mermaid |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Seahorse |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Anet |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Sea Serpent |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

------------------'-------------'--------------'--------------'---- ---------'

Location: Outer sea of continent.


{15} Dwarven Hollows |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


| | | | |

| | | | |

None | | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |



{16} The Subterranean Lake |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Manticore |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Bomb |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |

Stalagmite |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Sea Devil |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Ruinous Wave |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Merman |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

*Gutsco |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |



{17} The Molten Cave |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Crocotta |Potion |Bomb Fragment |Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |

Balloon |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |

Red Marshmallow |Potion |Bomb Fragment |Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |

Adamantoise |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Myrmecoleon |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

*Salamander |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |



{18} Castle Hein |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Demon |Wooden Arrow |Holy Arrow |Iron Arrow |Light Arrow |

Pharaoh |Eye Drops |Eye Drops |Antidote |Antidote |

Lemur |Potion |Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |

Dullahan |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Lamia |Potion |Bomb Fragment |Antarctic Wind|Zeus's Wrath |

*Hein |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |


NOTE: This is your only chance to see these monsters.


{19} A New World |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


| | | | |

| | | | |

None | | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |



{20} Cave of Tides |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Poison Toad |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Twin Heads |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Roper |Potion |Bomb Arm |Arctic Wind |Heavenly Wrath|

Agaliarept |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Cockatrice |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

*Kraken |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |



{21} Amur Village |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


(sewer) | | | | |

Twin Liger |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Darklegs |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Gigantoad |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Stroper |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

(world map) | | | | |

Black Flan |Potion |Bomb Arm |Arctic Wind |Heavenly Wrath|

Hellgaroo |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Magician |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

Dracrocotta |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Vulcan |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |

Simurgh |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |


NOTE: Simurgh is in the grass areas, but very rare.


{22} Goldor Manor |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Gold Warrior |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Gold Bear |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Gold Eagle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Lost Gold |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Nightmare |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Gold Knight |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

*Goldor |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |



{23} Adventure in the Sky; Duster and Replito |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Black Flan |Potion |Bomb Arm |Arctic Wind |Heavenly Wrath|

Hellgaroo |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Magician |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

Dracrocotta |Potion |Potion |Potion |Potion |

Vulcan |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |


Location: Small, southeast island on World Map.


Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Sorcerer |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Catoblepas |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Hellgaroo Mage |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Needle Monkey |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Sand Worm |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |


Location: Saronia continent. Northwest on World Map.


Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Gargoyle |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Harpy |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Frostfly |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Chimera |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Simurgh |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |


Location: Dalg continent, south on World Map.


Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Mermaid |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Sea Serpent |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Seahorse |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Anet |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|

Sea Dragon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |


Location: Anywhere in the sea.

NOTE: This is the only chance to encounter a Sea Dragon.


{24} Saronia Kingdom |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


(Dragon Spire) | | | | |

Sorcerer |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Catoblepas |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Hellgaroo Mage |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Needle Monkey |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Sand Worm |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

(SW Saronia) | | | | |

Gold Knight |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


NOTE: The Gold Knight here is a one-time battle at the tavern.


{25} Dalg Continent, Doga's Manor, and the Cave of the Circle |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


(world map) | | | | |

Gargoyle |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Harpy |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Frostfly |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Chimera |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Simurgh |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

(Cave of Circles) | | | | |

Flyer Mage |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Demon Horse |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Bovian |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Rock Gargoyle |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |

Dread Knight |Potion |Bomb Arm |Arctic Wind |Heavenly Wrath|



{26} Adventures Under the Sea |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Abtu |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Kagura |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Noggle |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Charybdis |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |


NOTE: Fight these monsters under the sea.


Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Balor |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Fachan |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |

Boss Troll |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Kyklops |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

Cenchos |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Ouroboros |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

*Odin |Elixir |Elixir |Gungnir |Gungnir |


NOTE 1: Fight these monsters in the Saronia Catacombs.


Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Killer Hermit |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Sea Witch |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Aegir |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Ologhai |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Kelpie |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Dozmare |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |


NOTE: Fight these monsters in the Sunken Cave.


Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Peryton |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Death Claw |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Eater |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Zombie Dragon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |


NOTE: Also in Sunken Cave, but they are one-time battles.


{27} The Temple of Time |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Chimera Mage |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Dira |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

King Lizard |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

King Seahorse |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Wyvern |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Dragon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Behemoth |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Pterodactyl |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |



{28} The Ancient Ruins |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Azrael |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Silenus |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Gaap |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Eater |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Pyralis |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Zombie Dragon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |



{29} Falgabard |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Silenus |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Gaap |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Valefor |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Haniel |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

*Shinobi |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |



{30} The Cave of Shadows |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Valefor |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Haniel |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Hellish Horse |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Vassago |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Chronos |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Death Claw |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

*Hecatoncheir |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |



{31} The Dragon Kings, Leviathan and Bahamut |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Plancti |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Ouroboros |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Remora |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Sea Lion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

*Leviathan |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |


NOTE: Fight these monsters in Lake Dohr.


Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Drake |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Sabertooth Liger |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Grenade |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |

Greater Boros |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Queen Lamia |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

*Bahamut |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |


NOTE: Fight these monsters in Bahamut's Lair.


{32} Doga's Grotto |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Peryton |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Nemesis |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Cyclops |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Humbaba |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

Ogre |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

*Doga |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

*Unei |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |



{33} Ancients' Maze |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


*Titan |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Greater Demon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Iron Claws |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Unei's Clone |Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |

Bone Dragon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Thanatos |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

King Behemoth |Elixir |Elixir |Elixir |Protect Ring |


NOTE 1: King Behemoth is very rare!


{34} Eureka, The Forbidden Land |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Abaia |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

Haokah |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

Sleipnir |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Oceanus |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

Acheron |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

*Ninja |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

*Amon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

*Kunoichi |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

*General |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

*Scylla |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

*Guardian |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |



{35} The Crystal Tower |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


(world map-air) | | | | |

Frostfly |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Gargoyle |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Harpy |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Simurgh |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Chimera |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

(world map-ground)| | | | |

Liger |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Death Needle |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Aeon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Minotaur |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

(inside the tower)| | | | |

Azer |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Gomory |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Doga's clone |Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |

Bluck |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Kum Kum |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Shinobi |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Platinal |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Glasya Labolas |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Dark General |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

Thor |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

Yellow Dragon |Elixir |Elixir |Elixir |Elixir |

Green Dragon |Elixir |Elixir |Elixir |Elixir |

Red Dragon |Elixir |Elixir |Elixir |Elixir |

*Xande |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

*Cloud of Darkness|Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |



{36} The World of Darkness |



Enemy: |Item 1: |Item 2: |Item 3: |Item 4: |


Shadow Master |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Kage |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Queen Scylla |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Yormungand |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Twin Dragon |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Thor |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |

Garm |Hi-Potion |Black Hole |Lilith's Kiss |Raven's Yawn |

Hydra |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |

Xande's Clone |Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |

*Ahriman |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

*Echidna |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

*Two-Headed Dragon|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

*Cerberus |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

*Cloud of Darkness|Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |Nothing |


You did it! You are a master Thief! :D


IV) Weapons, Armor, Item, and Magic {LIS}


Here are the Job abbreviations:

FR - Freelancer

WA - Warrior

MO - Monk

WM - White Mage

BM - Black Mage

RM - Red Mage

TH - Thief

RA - Ranger

KN - Knight Here are the Stats abbreviations:

SC - Scholar

GE - Geomancer Str - Strength

VI - Viking Agi - Agility

DR - Dragoon Vit - Vitality

DK - Dark Knight Int - Intellect

EV - Evoker Mind - Mind

BA - Bard

BB - Black Belt

MA - Magus

DE - Devout

SU - Summoner

SA - Sage

NI - Ninja

OK - Onion Knight


{LIS-1} Weapons


{LIS-1.1} Knives |


There are 11 types of Knives.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Knife | 8|None |None |FR,WA,RM,TH,DK,BA,NI,OK |

Dagger | 9|None |None |FR,WA,RM,TH,DK,BA,NI,OK |

Mythril Knife | 14|None |None |FR,WA,RM,TH,DK,BA,NI,OK |

Spark Dagger | 23|+2 Agi |Deals Lightning |FR,WA,TH,DK,BA,NI,OK |

| | |Damage. | |

Main Gauche | 35|+3 Agi |None |FR,WA,RM,TH,DK,BA,NI,OK |

Poison Dagger | 40|+4 Agi |Inflicts Poison. |FR,WA,RM,TH,DK,BA,NI,OK |

Behemoth Knife| 78|+8 Str |None |TH,NI,OK |

Air Knife | 89|+6 Agi |Deals Wind Damage. |TH,NI,OK |

Dark Knife | 93|+5 Agi |None |TH,NI,OK |

Lust Dagger |110|+8 Agi |None |TH,NI,OK |

Gladius |130|+20 Agi |None |TH |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Knife: Initial equip for Luneth, Arc, Refia, and Ingus.

Dagger: Ur (weapon shop).

Mythril Knife: Kazus (weapon shop), Canaan (weapon shop).

Spark Dagger: Vikings' Cove (chest), Tower of Owen (chest).

Main Gauche: Amur (weapon shop).

Poison Dagger: Amur (sewer, chest).

Behemoth Knife: Temple of Time (chest).

Air Knife: Sunken Cave (chest).

Dark Knife: Invincible (weapon shop).

Lust Dagger: Doga's Grotto (chest).

Gladius: Master Thief Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You must

complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.


{LIS-1.2} Swords |


There are 19 types of Swords.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Golden Sword | 5|None |None |FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK |

Longsword | 10|None |None |FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK |

Wightslayer | 15|None |None |FR,RM,KN,OK |

Mythril Sword | 17|None |None |FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK |

Tyrfing | 28|None |None |FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK |

Serpent Sword | 25|None |Deals lightning |FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK |

| | |damage. | |

Salamand Sword| 30|None |Deals fire damage. |FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK |

Freezing Blade| 32|None |Deals ice damage. |FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK |

Royal Sword | 50|None |None |FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK |

Blood Sword | 55|None |Absorbs life. |WA,KN,DK,OK |

Ancient Sword | 80|None |Inflicts paralysis.|WA,KN,DK,OK |

Defender | 95|+5 Vit |Casts Protect. |WA,RM,KN,DK,OK |

Break Blade |125|None |Inflicts gradual |WA,RM,KN,DK,OK |

| | |petrification. | |

Excalibur |137|+5 All |None |FR,RM,KN,OK |

Ragnarok |140|+5 All |None |WA,KN,DK,OK |

Save the Queen|140|+10 Vit |Casts Reflect. |KN |

| |+10 Mind | | |

Onion Blade |150|+7 All |None |OK |

Ultima Weapon |155|+15 All |None |FR,WA,RM,KN,DK,OK |

Onion Sword |156|+5 All |None |OK |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Golden Sword: Goldor Manor (chest x11).

Longsword: Altar Cave (chest), Ur (weapon shop).

Wightslayer: Castle Sasune (chest).

Mythril Sword: Kazus (weapon shop), Canaan (weapon shop).

Tyrfing: Dwarven Hollows (weapon shop).

Serpent Sword: Nepto Temple (chest), Village of Ancients (weapon shop).

Salamand Sword: Tower of Owen (chest).

Freezing Blade: Molten Cave (chest).

Royal Sword: Castle Hein (chest).

Blood Sword: A New World (wrecked ship, chest).

Ancient Sword: Sunken Cave (chest).

Defender: Temple of Time (chest), Ancient Ruins (weapon shop).

Break Blade: Ancients' Maze (chest).

Excalibur: Eureka (Boss reward).

Ragnarok: Eureka (Boss reward).

Save the Queen: Master Knight Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You must

complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.

Onion Blade: Master Onion Knight Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith.

You must complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.

Ultima Weapon: Give Orichalcum to Legendary Blacksmith.

Onion Sword: Win from Yellow, Green, or Red Dragons - Secret ??? Dungeon,

The Crystal Tower.


{LIS-1.3} Staves |


There are 8 types of Staves.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Staff | 3|None |None |WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK |

Fire Staff | 20|+2 Int |Casts Fire. |WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK |

| |+2 Mind | | |

Ice Staff | 20|+2 Int |Casts Blizzard. |WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK |

| |+2 Mind | | |

Light Staff | 20|+2 Int |Casts Thunder. |WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK |

| |+2 Mind | | |

Golem Staff | 30|+3 Mind |Casts Break. |WM,RM,EV,DE,SU,SA,OK |

Rune Staff | 33|+4 Mind |Casts Erase. |WM,RM,EV,DE,SU,SA,OK |

Elder Staff | 85|+6 Mind |Casts Cura. |WM,DE,SA,OK |

Sage Staff |110|+10 All |None |SA |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Staff: Ur (weapon shop), Hidden (by Kazus pond).

Fire Staff: Village of Ancients (weapon shop), Dwarven Hollows (weapon shop).

Ice Staff: Village of Ancients (weapon shop), Dwarven Hollows (weapon shop).

Light Staff: Village of Ancients (weapon shop).

Golem Staff: Northeastern Saronia (weapon shop).

Rune Staff: Northeastern Saronia (weapon shop).

Elder Staff: Eureka (Boss reward).

Sage Staff: Master Sage Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You must

complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.


{LIS-1.4} Rods |


There are 8 types of Rods.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Mythril Rod | 12|+1 Int |None |BM,RM,EV,MA,SU,SA,OK |

Wizard Rod | 20|+5 Int |None |WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK |

Fire Rod | 25|+3 Int |Casts Fira. |WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK |

| |+3 Mind | | |

Ice Rod | 25|+3 Int |Casts Blizzara. |WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK |

| |+3 Mind | | |

Light Rod | 25|+3 Int |Casts Thundara. |WM,BM,RM,EV,MA,DE,SU,SA,OK |

| |+3 Mind | | |

Omnirod | 93|+10 Int |Inflicts gradual |BM,EV,MA,SU,SA,OK |

| | |petrification. | |

Lilith Rod |110|+20 Int |Casts Death. |BM |

Millenium Rod |110|+10 Int |Casts Blizzaga. |MA |

| |+10 Mind | | |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Mythril Rod: Kazus (weapon shop), Canaan (weapon shop).

Wizard Rod: Northeastern Saronia (weapon shop).

Fire Rod: Northeastern Saronia (weapon shop).

Ice Rod: Northeastern Saronia (weapon shop).

Light Rod: Northeastern Saronia (weapon shop).

Omnirod: Eureka (chest).

Lilith Rod: Master Black Mage Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You

must complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.

Millenium Rod: Master Magus Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You must

complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.


{LIS-1.5} Wands |


There is only 1 Wand.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Holy Wand |110|+20 Mind |Casts Curaga. |DE |





Holy Wand: Master Devout Job, talk to Legendary Blacksmith.


{LIS-1.6} Dark Blades |


There are 6 types of Dark Blades.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Ashura |100|None | |DK,NI,OK |

Kotetsu |105|None | |DK,NI,OK |

Kiku-Ichimonji|115|None | |DK,NI,OK |

Masamune |132|+10 Agi | |DK,NI,OK |

Muramasa |140|+5 Str | Effective against |NI |

| |+5 Vit | dividing enemies. | |

| |+5 Int | | |

| |+5 Mind | / | |

| |+10 Agi | / | |

Murakumo |140|+20 Agi |/ |DK |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Ashura: Falgabard (weapon shop).

Kotetsu: Falgabard (cave, chest), Cave of Shadows (talk to knight).

Kiku-Ichimonji: Falgabard (defeat Shinobi), Cave of Shadows (chest).

Masamune: Eureka (Boss reward).

Muramasa: Master Ninja Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You must

complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.

Murakumo: Master Dark Knight Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith.

You must complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.


{LIS-1.7} Bows |


There are 9 types of Bows.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Bow | 10|None |None |FR,WA,BM,RM,RA,OK |

Great Bow | 18|None |None |FR,WA,BM,RM,RA,OK |

Killer Bow | 26|None |None |FR,WA,BM,RM,RA,OK |

Rune Bow | 42|+2 Int |None |RA,OK |

| |+2 Mind | | |

Selene Bow | 63|None |None |RA,OK |

Yoichi Bow | 70|+5 Agi |None |RA,OK |

Eurytos Bow | 95|+5 Str |None |RA,OK |

Elven Bow |109|+5 Agi |None |RA,OK |

Artemis Bow |122|+10 Str |None |RA |

| |+10 Agi | | |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Bow: Ur (weapon shop).

Great Bow: Canaan (weapon shop).

Killer Bow: Village of Ancients (weapon shop).

Rune Bow: Castle Hein (chest).

Selene Bow: Amur (weapon shop).

Yoichi Bow: Falgabard (weapon shop).

Eurytos Bow: Bahamut's Lair (chest).

Elven Bow: Crystal Tower (chest).

Artemis Bow: Master Ranger Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You must

complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.


{LIS-1.8} Arrows |


There are 11 types of Arrows.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Wooden Arrow | 6|None |None |FR,WA,BM,RM,RA,OK |

Holy Arrow | 8|None |Deals light damage.|FR,WA,BM,RM,RA,OK |

Iron Arrow | 12|None |None |FR,WA,BM,RM,RA,OK |

Fire Arrow | 17|None |Deals fire damage, |RA,OK |

Ice Arrow | 17|None |Deals ice damage. |RA,OK |

Light Arrow | 17|None |Deals lightning |RA,OK |

| | |damage. | |

Sleep Arrow | 20|None |Inflicts sleep. |RA,OK |

Poison Arrow | 20|None |Inflicts poison. |RA,OK |

Medusa Arrow | 23|None |Inflicts gradual |RA,OK |

| | |petrification. | |

Magic Arrow | 27|None |None |RA,OK |

Yoichi Arrow | 40|None |None |RA,OK |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Wooden Arrow: Ur (weapon shop).

Holy Arrow: Castle Sasune (chest), Amur (weapon shop).

Iron Arrow: Canaan (weapon shop), Amur (weapon shop).

Fire Arrow: Village of Ancients (weapon shop).

Ice Arrow: Village of Ancients (weapon shop).

Light Arrow: Village of Ancients (weapon shop).

Sleep Arrow: Invincible (weapon shop).

Poison Arrow: Invincible (weapon shop).

Medusa Arrow: Castle Argus (chest), Invincible (weapon shop).

Magic Arrow: Invincible (weapon shop).

Yoichi Arrow: Falgabard (weapon shop).


{LIS-1.9} Books |


There are 8 types of Books.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Book of Fire | 32|+2 Int |Deals fire damage. |SC,OK |

| |+2 Mind | | |

Book of Ice | 32|+2 Int |Deals ice damage. |SC,OK |

| |+2 Mind | | |

Book of Light | 32|+2 Int |Deals lightning |SC,OK |

| |+2 Mind |damage. | |

Tome of Fire | 53|+3 Int |Deals fire damage. |SC,OK |

| |+3 Mind | | |

Tome of Ice | 53|+3 Int |Deals ice damage. |SC,OK |

| |+3 Mind | | |

Tome of Light | 53|+3 Int |Deals lightning |SC,OK |

| |+3 Mind |damage. | |

Cognitome | 78|+5 Int |None |SC,OK |

| |+5 Mind | | |

Omnitome |130|+10 Int |None |SC |

| |+10 Mind | | |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Book of Fire: Castle Argus (chest), Dwarven Hollows (chest).

Book of Ice: Castle Argus (chest), Dwarven Hollows (chest).

Book of Light: Castle Argus (chest), Dwarven Hollows (chest).

Tome of Fire: Saronia Castle (chest).

Tome of Ice: Saronia Castle (chest).

Tome of Light: Saronia Castle (chest).

Cognitome: Sunken Cave (chest).

Omnitome: Master Scholar Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You must

complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.


{LIS-1.10} Claws |


There are 11 types of Claws.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Bronze Knuckles| 12|None |None |FR,MO,BB,OK |

Sonic Knuckles | 28|+2 Agi |None |MO,BB,OK |

Impact Claws | 34|None |None |MO,BB,OK |

Cat Claws | 42|+3 Agi |None |MO,BB,OK |

Kaiser Knuckles| 50|None |None |MO,BB,OK |

Wyvern Claws | 51|+4 Agi |Deals wind damage. |MO,BB,OK |

Tiger Claws | 82|+5 Str |None |MO,BB,OK |

Faerie Claws | 89|+2 Int |None |MO,BB,OK |

| |+2 Mind | | |

Metal Knuckles |100|None |None |MO,BB,OK |

Dark Claws |115|None |None |MO,BB,OK |

Hellish Claws |121|+5 Vit |Inflicts poison. |MO,BB,OK |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Bronze Knuckles: Altar Cave (chest), Castle Sasune (chest).

Sonic Knuckles: Tokkul (pot), Tower of Owen (chest).

Impact Claws: The Molten Cave (chest).

Cat Claws: Amur (sewer, chest).

Kaiser Knuckles: Amur (sewer, chest).

Wyvern Claws: Goldor Manor (chest).

Tiger Claws: Sunken Cave (chest).

Faerie Claws: Ancient Ruins (chest).

Metal Knuckles: Sunken Cave (chest).

Dark Claws: Cave of Shadows (chest).

Hellish Claws: Ancients' Maze (chest).


{LIS-1.11} Hammers |


There are 6 types of Hammers.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Hammer | 55|+1 Vit | |VI,OK |

Dragon Hammer | 70|+4 Vit | |VI,OK |

Triton Hammer |110|+5 Vit | Deals lightning |VI,OK |

Platinum Hammer|115|+2 Vit | damage. |VI,OK |

Blessed Hammer |120|+3 Vit | / |VI,OK |

Mighty Hammer |145|+20 Vit |/ |VI |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Hammer: Amur (sewer, chest).

Dragon Hammer: Saronia Castle (chest).

Triton Hammer: Sunken Cave (chest).

Platinum Hammer: Lake Dohr (chest x2).

Blessed Hammer: Falgabard (chest and hidden).

Mighty Hammer: Master Viking Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You

must complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.


{LIS-1.12} Axes |


There are 7 types of Axes.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Viking Axe | 33|None |None |WA,VI,OK |

Battleaxe | 65|None |None |WA,VI,OK |

Dual Tomahawk | 73|None |None |WA,VI,OK |

Rune Axe |110|+2 Int |None |WA,VI,OK |

| |+2 Mind | | |

Demon Axe |116|+2 Str |None |WA,VI,OK |

| |+2 Vit | | |

Dual Haken |122|+3 Str |None |WA,VI,OK |

Gigantic Axe |155|+20 Str |None |WA |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Viking Axe: Vikings' Cave (chest).

Battleaxe: Amur (weapon shop).

Dual Tomahawk: Sunken Cave (chest).

Rune Axe: Invincible (weapon shop).

Demon Axe: Falgabard (weapon shop).

Dual Haken: Ancients' Maze (chest).

Gigantic Axe: Master Warrior Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You must

complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.


{LIS-1.13} Spears |


There are 9 types of Spears.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Thunder Spear | 45|None |Deals lightning |DR,OK |

| | |damage. | |

Wind Spear | 53|None |Deals wind damage. |DR,OK |

Heavy Lance | 84|None |None |DR,OK |

Blood Lance | 95|None |Absorbs life. |DR,OK |

Trident |108|None |None |DR,OK |

Dragon Lance |117|None |None |DR,OK |

Holy Lance |125|None |Deals light damage.|DR,OK |

Gungnir |140|+10 Str |None |DR,OK |

| |+10 Agi | | |

Magic Lance |145|+20 Str |None |DR |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Thunder Spear: Amur (weapon shop), Northeastern Saronia (weapon shop).

Wind Spear: Northeastern Saronia (weapon shop).

Heavy Lance: Saronia Catacombs (chest).

Blood Lance: Temple of Time (chest), Ancient Ruins (weapon shop).

Trident: Sunken Cave (chest).

Dragon Lance: Invincible (weapon shop).

Holy Lance: Ancients' Maze (chest).

Gungnir: Steal/Win from Odin (Saronia Catacombs).

Magic Lance: Master Dragoon Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You must

complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.


{LIS-1.14} Throwing Weapons |


There are 5 types of Throwing Weapons.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Boomerang | 40|None |None |TH,RA,NI,OK |

Chakram | 50|None |None |TH,RA,NI,OK |

Rising Sun | 70|None |None |TH,NI,OK |

Moonring Blade|110|None |None |TH,NI,OK |

Shuriken |200|None |Can only be thrown.|NI |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Boomerang: Amur (weapon shop).

Chakram: Sunken Cave (chest).

Rising Sun: Doga's Grotto (chest).

Moonring Blade: Eureka (Boss reward).

Shuriken: Gysahl (chest), Eureka (chest x4), Eureka (weapon shop).


{LIS-1.15} Bells |


There are 4 types of Bells.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Diamond Bell | 42|None |None |GE,OK |

Earthen Bell | 88|None |Inflicts paralysis.|GE,OK |

Rune Bell | 98|None |None |GE,OK |

Blessed Bell |130|+10 Agi |None |GE |

| |+10 Int | | |

| |+10 Mind | | |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Diamond Bell: Dwarven Hollows (weapon shop), Duster (armor shop).

Earthen Bell: Saronia Castle (chest).

Rune Bell: Saronia Catacombs (chest).

Blessed Bell: Master Geomancer Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You

must complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.


{LIS-1.16} Harps |


There are 5 types of Harps.


Weapon Name: |Atk|Bonus: |Effects: |Job: |


Madhura Harp | 60|+5 Mind |None |BA,OK |

Loki Harp | 60|+5 Mind |None |BA,OK |

Dream Harp | 60|+5 Mind |Inflicts sleep. |BA,OK |

Lamia Harp | 60|+5 Mind |Inflicts confusion.|BA,OK |

Apollo Harp | 60|+10 Mind |Inflicts silence. |BA,OK |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Madhura Harp: Amur (weapon shop), Duster (weapon shop).

Loki Harp: Duster (weapon shop).

Dream Harp: Duster (weapon shop).

Lamia Harp: Duster (weapon shop).

Apollo Harp: Eureka (hidden shop).


{LIS-2} Armor


Here are the Job abbreviations:

FR - Freelancer

WA - Warrior

MO - Monk

WM - White Mage

BM - Black Mage

RM - Red Mage

TH - Thief

RA - Ranger

KN - Knight Here are the Stats abbreviations:

SC - Scholar

GE - Geomancer Str - Strength

VI - Viking Agi - Agility

DR - Dragoon Vit - Vitality

DK - Dark Knight Int - Intellect

EV - Evoker Mind - Mind

BA - Bard

BB - Black Belt

MA - Magus

DE - Devout

SU - Summoner

SA - Sage

NI - Ninja

OK - Onion Knight


{LIS-2.1} Head |



Statistics: | 18 Different types of head gear.


Name: |Def |MDef|Protect: |Bonus: |Job: |


Leather Cap | 1 | 1 |None |None |All |

Mythril Helm | 4 | 3 |None |None |FR,WA,RM,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR, |

| | | | |DK,NI,OK |

Shell Helm | 6 | 5 |None |None |FR,WA,RM,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR, |

| | | | |DK,NI,OK |

Headband | 8 | 3 |None |+1 Str |FR,MO,BB,NI,OK |

| | | |+1 Agi | |

Ice Helm | 10 | 6 |None |None |FR,WA,RM,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR, |

| | | | |DK,NI,OK |

Feathered Hat | 10 | 16 |None |+2 Agi |All |

Scholar Hat | 11 | 16 |None |+1 Int |FR,SC,OK |

Black Cowl | 15 | 10 |None |+2 Agi |FR,MO,TH,RA,BB,NI,OK |

Chakra Band | 17 | 11 |None |+2 Vit |FR,MO,BB,NI,OK |

Dragon Helm | 18 | 9 |None |None |FR,DR,OK |

Viking Helm | 19 | 5 |None |None |VI,OK |

Diamond Helm | 21 | 10 |None |None |FR,WA,KN,VI,DR,OK |

Ribbon | 23 | 20 |All Status. |None |All |

Genji Helm | 24 | 15 |None |None |FR,DK,NI,OK |

Crystal Helm | 31 | 17 |None |None |FR,WA,RM,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK |

Royal Crown | 33 | 36 |None |+10 Int |EV |

| | | |+10 Mind | |

Ballad Crown | 35 | 34 |None |+10 Vit |BA |

| | | |+10 Mind | |

Onion Helm | 40 | 40 |All Status. |+5 Int |OK |

| | | |+5 Mind | |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Leather Cap: Ur (armor shop).

Mythril Helm: Kazus (armor shop), Kazus (pond area), Canaan (armor shop).

Shell Helm: Nepto Temple (chest).

Headband: Village of Ancients (armor shop).

Ice Helm: Dwarven Hollows (armor shop).

Feathered Hat: Duster (armor shop).

Scholar Hat: Dwarven Hollows (chest), Southwestern Saronia (armor shop).

Black Cowl: Amur (armor shop).

Chakra Band: Amur (armor shop).

Dragon Helm: Southeastern Saronia (Dragon Spire).

Viking Helm: Amur (armor shop).

Diamond Helm: Sunken Cave (chest), Invincible (weapon shop).

Ribbon: Eureka (chest), The World of Darkness (chest x4).

Genji Helm: Cave of Shadows (chest).

Crystal Helm: Ancients' Maze (chest), Eureka (hidden shop).

Royal Crown: Master Evoker Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You must

complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.

Ballad Crown: Master Bard Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You must

complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.

Onion Helm: Win from Yellow Dragons- Secret ??? Dungeon, The Crystal Tower.


{LIS-2.2} Body |



Statistics: | 29 Different types of body armor.


Name: |Def |MDef|Protect: |Bonus: |Job: |


Vest | 1 | 1 |None |None |All |

Rusty Mail | | | | |FR,WA,KN,VI,DR,DK,NI,OK |

Leather Armor | 3 | 1 |None |None |All |

Mythril Armor | 10 | 3 |None |None |FR,WA,RM,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR, |

| | | | |DK,OK |

Mage Robe | 13 | 22 |None |+1 Int |FR,WM,BM,SC,GE,EV,BA,MA, |

| | | |+1 Mind |DE,SU,SA,OK |

Shell Armor | 18 | 9 |None |None |FR,WA,RM,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR, |

| | | | |DK,OK |

Kenpo Gi | 20 | 8 |None |+1 Agi |FR,MO,BB,NI,OK |

| | | |+1 Vit | |

Ice Armor | 20 | 10 |None |None |FR,WA,RM,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR, |

| | | | |DK,OK |

Scholar Robe | 20 | 23 |None |+2 Int |FR,SC,OK |

| | | |+2 Mind | |

Flame Mail | 21 | 11 |None |None |FR,WA,RM,RA,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK|

Knight Armor | 25 | 7 |None |None |FR,KN,OK |

Black Garb | 30 | 18 |None |+2 Agi |FR,MO,TH,RA,GE,BB,NI,OK |

| | | |+2 Vit | |

Reflect Mail | 30 | 30 |Silence, Mini,|+2 Int |FR,WA,RM,KN,VI,DR,OK |

| | |Petrify. |+2 Mind | |

White Robe | 31 | 45 |None |+5 Mind |FR,WM,RM,SC,EV,BA,DE,SU, |

| | | | |SA,OK |

Black Robe | 31 | 45 |None |+5 Int |FR,BM,RM,EV,BA,MA,SU,SA,OK|

Bard Vest | 32 | 28 |None |+2 Agi |FR,BA,OK |

| | | |+2 Mind | |

Black Belt Gi | 33 | 18 |None |+3 Agi |FR,MO,BB,NI,OK |

| | | |+3 Vit | |

Dragon Mail | 35 | 13 |None |None |FR,DR,OK |

Gaia Vest | 35 | 25 |None |+3 Vit |FR,GE,OK |

Viking Mail | 36 | 5 |None |None |VI,OK |

Demon Mail | 38 | 17 |None |None |FR,WA,VI,DR,DK,OK |

Diamond Mail | 40 | 19 |None |None |FR,WA,KN,VI,DR,OK |

Genji Armor | 45 | 22 |None |None |FR,DK,NI,OK |

Angel Robe | 45 | 45 |None |+20 Mind|WM |

Fuma Garb | 47 | 30 |None |+3 Agi |MO,TH,BB,NI,OK |

| | | |+3 Vit | |

Crimson Vest | 50 | 25 |None |+10 All |RM |

Master Dogi | 54 | 23 |None |+10 Agi |BB |

| | | |+10 Vit | |

Crystal Mail | 55 | 24 |None |None |FR,WA,RM,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK |

Onion Armor | 60 | 40 |All Status. |+5 Str |OK |

| | | |+5 Vit | |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Vest: Initial equip for Luneth.

Rusty Mail: Saronia Castle (chest x2).

Leather Armor: Ur (armor shop).

Mythril Armor: Kazus (armor shop), Canaan (armor shop).

Mage Robe: Village of Ancients (armor shop), Dwarven Hollows (armor shop).

Shell Armor: Nepto Temple (chest), Village of Ancients (armor shop)

Kenpo Gi: Village of Ancients (armor shop), Dwarven Hollows (armor shop).

Ice Armor: Dwarven Hollows (armor shop),

Scholar Robe: Castle Argus (chest), Southwestern Saronia (armor shop).

Flame Mail: Village of Ancients (armor shop).

Knight Armor: Dwarven Hollows (chest).

Black Garb: Amur (armor shop).

Reflect Mail: Saronia Catacombs (chest), Sunken Cave (chest).

White Robe: Ancient Ruins (armor shop), Invincible (weapon shop).

Black Robe: Ancient Ruins (armor shop), Invincible (weapon shop).

Bard Vest: Duster (armor shop).

Black Belt Gi: Amur (armor shop).

Dragon Mail: Southeastern Saronia (Dragon Spire).

Gaia Vest: Duster (armor shop), Invincible (weapon shop).

Viking Mail: Amur (armor shop).

Demon Mail: Falgabard (armor shop).

Diamond Mail: Sunken Cave (chest), Invincible (weapon shop).

Genji Armor: Cave of Shadows (chest).

Angel Robe: Master White Mage Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You

must complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.

Fuma Garb: Eureka (chest), Crystal Tower (chest).

Crimson Vest: Master Red Mage Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You

must complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.

Master Dogi: Master Black Belt Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You

must complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.

Crystal Mail: Ancients' Maze (chest), Eureka (hidden shop).

Onion Armor: Win from Red Dragons- Secret ??? Dungeon, The Crystal Tower.


{LIS-2.3} Arm |



Statistics: | 16 Different types of arm accessories.


Name: |Def |MDef|Protect: |Bonus: |Job: |


Bronze Bracers | 1 | 1 |None |None |All |

Mythril Bracers | 2 | 4 |None |+1 Int |FR,WM,BM,RM,SC,GE,EV,BA, |

| | | |+1 Mind |MA,DE,SU,SA,OK |

Mythril Gloves | 3 | 1 |None |None |FR,WA,MO,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR, |

| | | | |BB,DK,NI,OK |

Gauntlets | 8 | 4 |None |+1 str |FR,WA,KN,VI,DR,DK,NI,OK |

| | | |+1 Vit | |

Thief Gloves | 11 | 8 |None |+3 Agi |FR,TH,NI,OK |

Rune Bracers | 11 | 13 |Sleep, Mini, |+2 Int |FR,WM,BM,RM,SC,GE,EV,BA, |

| | |Toad, Petrify.|+2 Mind |MA,DE,SU,SA,OK |

Power Bracers | 13 | 9 |None |+2 Str |FR,WA,MO,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR, |

| | | |+2 Vit |BB,DK,NI,OK |

Diamond Bracers | 13 | 16 |None |+3 Int |FR,WM,BM,RM,SC,GE,EV,BA, |

| | | |+3 Mind |MA,DE,SU,SA,OK |

Diamond Gloves | 15 | 7 |None |+3 Str |FR,WA,MO,TH,RA,KN,VI,DR, |

| | | |+3 Vit |BB,DK,NI,OK |

Protect Ring | 18 | 18 |None |+2 All |All |

Genji Gloves | 20 | 14 |None |+4 Str |FR,DK,NI,OK |

| | | |+4 Agi | |

Crystal Gloves | 30 | 15 |None |+4 Str |FR,WA,RM,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK |

| | | |+4 Vit | |

Celestial Gloves | 40 | 18 |None |+15 All |FR |

Shura Gloves | 45 | 19 |None |+20 Str |MO |

Astral Bracers | 47 | 20 |None |+10 Int |SU |

| | | |+10 Mind| |

Onion Gauntlets | 50 | 25 |All Status. |+3 All |OK |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Bronze Bracers: Ur (armor shop).

Mythril Bracers: Kazus (armor shop), Canaan (armor shop).

Mythril Gloves: Kazus (armor shop), Canaan (armor shop).

Gauntlets: Dwarven Hollows (chest).

Thief Gloves: Amur (armor shop).

Rune Bracers: Duster (armor shop), Southwestern Saronia (armor shop).

Power Bracers: Amur (sewer, chest).

Diamond Bracers: Sunken Cave (chest), Invincible (weapon shop).

Diamond Gloves: Sunken Cave (chest), Invincible (weapon shop).

Protect Ring: Temple of Time (chest).

Genji Gloves: Cave of Shadows (chest).

Crystal Gloves: Ancients' Maze (chest), Eureka (hidden shop).

Celestial Gloves: Master Freelancer Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith.

You must complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.

Shura Gloves: Master Monk Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You must

complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.

Astral Bracers: Master Summoner Job, then talk to Legendary Blacksmith. You

must complete all Legendary Blacksmith sidequests.

Onion Gauntlets: Win from Green Dragons- Secret ??? Dungeon,

The Crystal Tower.


{LIS-2.4} Shield |



Statistics: | 10 Different types of Shields.


Name: |Def |MDef|Protect: |Bonus: |Job: |


Leather Shield | 2 | 1 |Poison. |None |FR,WA,RM,TH,KN,VI,DR,DK, |

| | | | |NI,OK |

Mythril Shield | 3 | 3 |Darkness, |None |FR,WA,RM,TH,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK|

| | |Confusion. | | |

Ice Shield | 6 | 4 |Sleep,paralyze.|None |FR,WA,RM,TH,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK|

Heroic Shield | 9 | 6 |Poison, Mini, |+1 All |FR,WA,KN,DR,OK |

| | |Toad, Sleep, | | |

| | |Confusion. | | |

Demon Shield | 12 | 8 |Darkness. |None |FR,WA,VI,DR,DK,OK |

Diamond Shield | 14 | 10 |Petrify, |None |FR,WA,KN,VI,DR,OK |

| | |Darkness. | | |

Aegis Shield | 16 | 17 |All Status. |+4 Mind|FR,RM,KN,DR,OK |

Genji Shield | 18 | 13 |Poison, Mini, |None |FR,DK,NI,OK |

| | |Toad, Darkness,| | |

| | |Confusion. | | |

Crystal Shield | 20 | 15 |Poison, Mini, |None |FR,WA,RM,KN,VI,DR,DK,OK |

| | |Toad, Darkness,| | |

| | |Paralyze. | | |

Onion Shield | 30 | 30 |All Status. |+2 All |OK |


Here are the easiest ways of obtaining the items.




Leather Shield: Altar Cave (chest), Ur (armor shop).

Mythril Shield: Kazus (armor shop), Canaan (armor shop).

Ice Shield: Dwarven Hollows (armor shop).

Heroic Shield: Dwarven Hollows (chest), Amur (armor shop).

Demon Shield: Falgabard (armor shop).

Diamond Shield: Sunken Cave (chest), Invincible (weapon shop).

Aegis Shield: Saronia Catacombs, Sunken Cave, and Lake Dohr (chests).

Genji Shield: Cave of Shadows (chest).

Crystal Shield: Ancients' Maze (chest), Eureka (hidden shop).

Onion Shield: Win from Yellow, Green, or Red Dragons - Secret ??? Dungeon,

The Crystal Tower.


{LIS-3} Items


{LIS-3.1} Usable Items |


I listed the easiest ways of obtaining the items, and not ALL possibilities.


Name of Item: |Target:|Effect of item: |Location(s): |


--------. | | | |

Potion: | | One | Restores 50 HP. | Buy at various Item Shops |

--------' | | | |

-----------. | | | |

Hi-Potion: | | One | Restores 500 HP. | Buy at various Item Shops |

-----------' | | | |

--------. | | | |

Elixir: | | One | Restores HP/MP. | Win/Steal from Y/G/R Dragons; |

--------' | | | ??? Dungeon or Crystal Tower |

--------------. | | | |

Phoenix Down: | | One | Revives Ally. | Found in various places, |

--------------' | | | Steal/Rust Bird/Dragon's Peak |

----------. | | | |

Antidote: | | One | Removes Poison. | Buy at various Item Shops |

----------' | | | |

-----------. | | | |

Eye Drops: | | One | Removes Blind. | Buy at various Item Shops |

-----------' | | | |

------------. | | | |

Echo Herbs: | | One | Removes Silence. | Buy at various Item Shops |

------------' | | | |

-------------. | | | |

Gold Needle: | | One | Removes | Buy at various Item Shops |

-------------' | | Petrification. | |

---------------. | | | |

Maiden's Kiss: | | One | Removes Toad. | Buy at various Item Shops |

---------------' | | | |

--------. | | | |

Mallet: | | One | Shrinks and | Buy at various Item Shops |

--------' | | Unshrinks Target.| |

----------------. | | | |

Antarctic Wind: | | One | Deals ice | See "Stealing Guide" section, |

----------------' | | damage. | Easiest with Lv. 31-99 Thief. |

--------------. | | | |

Zeus's Wrath: | | One | Deals lightning | See "Stealing Guide" section, |

--------------' | | damage. | Easiest with Lv. 99 Thief. |

---------------. | | | |

Bomb Fragment: | | One | Deals fire | See "Stealing Guide" section, |

---------------' | | damage. | Easiest with Lv. 31-98 Thief. |

-------------. | | | |

Lamia Scale: | | One | Inflicts | Tokkul (tree). |

-------------' | | confusion. | |

-----------------. | | | |

Bacchus's Cider: | | One | Increases | Tokkul(crate),Lake Dohr(chest)|

-----------------' | | attack speed. | Bahamut's Lair (chest). |

--------------. | | | |

Tranquilizer: | | One | Inflicts | See "Stealing Guide" section, |

--------------' | | paralysis. | Easiest with Lv. 99 Thief. |

----------. | | | |

Bomb Arm: | | One | Deals intense | See "Stealing Guide" section, |

----------' | | fire damage. | Easiest with Lv. 31-98 Thief. |

-------------. | | | |

Arctic Wind: | | One | Deals intense | See "Stealing Guide" section, |

-------------' | | ice damage. | Easiest with Lv. 31-98 Thief. |

----------------. | | | |

Heavenly Wrath: | | One | Deals intense | See "Stealing Guide" section, |

----------------' | | lightning damage.| Easiest with Lv. 31-99 Thief. |

---------------. | | | |

Earthen Drums: | | All | Creates an | Duster Village (hidden x2), |

---------------' | | earthquake. | Lake Dohr (chest x2). |

--------------. | | | |

Turtle Shell: | | One | Casts protect. | See "Stealing Guide" section, |

--------------' | | | Easiest with Lv. 99 Thief. |

--------------. | | | |

Angel's Sigh: | | One | Removes all | See "Stealing Guide" section, |

--------------' | | status ailments. | Easiest with Lv. 99 Thief. |

------------. | | | |

Black Hole: | | One | Remove an enemy | See "Stealing Guide" section, |

------------' | | from battle. | Easiest with Lv. 31-70 Thief. |

------------. | | | |

Black Musk: | | One | Causes instant | Cave of Shadow (chest), |

------------' | | KO. | Lake Dohr (chest). |

---------------. | | | |

Lilith's Kiss: | | One | Absorbs life. | See "Stealing Guide" section, |

---------------' | | | Easiest with Lv. 71-98 Thief. |

--------------. | | | |

Raven's Yawn: | | One | Creates tornado. | See "Stealing Guide" section, |

--------------' | | | Easiest with Lv. 99 Thief. |

---------------. | | | |

Shell Breaker: | *| One |Dispels beneficial| See "Enemy Loot" section. |

---------------' | |magic. | Ctrl+F. {UI} |

-----------------. | | | |

Shining Curtain: |*| One | Casts reflect. | See "Enemy Loot" section. |

-----------------' | | | Ctrl+F. {UI} |

--------------. | | | |

Silence Seal: | *| One | Inflicts silence.| See "Enemy Loot" section. |

--------------' | | | Ctrl+F. {UI} |

--------------. | | | |

Sheep Pillow: | | One | Inflicts sleep. | See "Stealing Guide" section, |

--------------' | | | Easiest with Lv. 99 Thief. |

-----------------. | | | |

Chocobo's Wrath: | | one | Creates inferno. | Bahamut's Lair (chest), |

-----------------' | | | Doga's Grotto (chest), |

------------. | | | |

White Musk: | | One | Casts Holy. | Lake Dohr (chest x2), |

------------' | | | Crystal Tower (chest x3) |

-------------. | | | |

Ottershroom: | | n/a | Teleports party | Invincible (Item shop) |

-------------' | | out of dungeons. | |

---------------. | | | |

Gnomish Bread: | | n/a | Displays a | Buy at Tozus, in the Bakery. |

---------------' | | detailed Map. | |

-----------. | | | |

Magic Key: | | n/a | Opens locked | Buy from the Gysahl Locksmith.|

-----------' | | doors. | |

---------------. | | | |

Gysahl Greens: | | n/a | Used to attract | Buy at Gysahl Item Shop, |

---------------' | | Fat Chocobo. | Invincible (Item shop) |


* NOTE: Shell Breaker, Shining Curtain, and Silence Seal can only be obtained

as battle prizes. They are extremely rare drops, so good luck on

trying to win one! ;)


{LIS-3.2} Key Items |



Name of Item: |Effect of item: |Location(s): |


Folding Canoe |Cross shallow waters. |Castle Sasune |

Nepto Eye |Calms the Nepto Dragon. |Nepto Temple |

Horn of Ice |Puts out the fires of the |Subterranean Lake |

|Molten Cave. | |

Wheel of Time |Changes the Enterprise |Castle Argus |

|into an airship. | |

Levigrass Shoes |Cross bottomless bog. |Amur Sewer |

Chain Key |Unlocks Enterprise. |Goldor Manor |

Noah's Lute |Awakens Unei. |Temple of Time |

Eureka Key |Opens the way to Eureka. |Doga's Grotto |

Syrcus Key |Opens way in Crystal Tower|Doga's Grotto |

Fang of Water | |Nepto Temple |

Fang of Wind | Allows safe passage |Castle Hein |

Fang of Fire | / to Syrcus Tower. |Unei's Cave |

Fang of Earth |/ |Cave of Shadows |


Sara's Pendant-Broken|Broken pendant. |Castle Sasune. |

Sara's Pendant-Fixed |Unbroken pendant. |Legendary Blacksmith |

Unknown Metal |Chunk of unknown metal. |Defeat Aeon, Cid's basement. |

Orichalcum |Used to make Ultima Weapon|Cid examines Unknown Metal. |

Metal Card |Proof that you have felled|Secret ??? Dungeon |

|the Iron Giant. | |

Freelancer Card |Obtain Celestial Gloves |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Warrior Card |Obtain Gigantic Axe |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Monk Card |Obtain Shura Gloves |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

White Mage Card |Obtain Angel Robe |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Black Mage Card |Obtain Lilith Rod |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Red Mage Card |Obtain Crimson Vest |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Thief Card |Obtain Gladius |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Ranger Card |Obtain Artemis Bow |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Knight Card |Obtain Save The Queen |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Scholar Card |Obtain Omnitome |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Geomancer Card |Obtain Blessed Bell |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Viking Card |Obtain Mighty Hammer |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Dragoon Card |Obtain Magic Lance |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Black Belt Card |Obtain Master Dogi |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Dark Knight Card |Obtain Murakumo |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Evoker Card |Obtain Royal Crown |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Bard Card |Obtain Ballad Crown |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Magus Card |Obtain Millenium Rod |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Devout Card |Obtain Holy Wand |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Summoner Card |Obtain Astral Bracers |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Sage Card |Obtain Sage Staff |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Ninja Card |Obtain Muramasa |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|

Onion Knight Card |Obtain Onion Blade |Job Lv99,Legendary Blacksmith|


NOTE: The top-half are required to beat the game, so you can't miss them. The

bottom-half can only be obtained using Mognet and the Nintendo Wi-Fi



{LIS-4} Magic


Here are the Job abbreviations:

FR - Freelancer

WA - Warrior

MO - Monk

WM - White Mage

BM - Black Mage

RM - Red Mage

TH - Thief

RA - Ranger

KN - Knight

SC - Scholar

GE - Geomancer

VI - Viking

DR - Dragoon

DK - Dark Knight

EV - Evoker

BA - Bard

BB - Black Belt

MA - Magus

DE - Devout

SU - Summoner

SA - Sage

NI - Ninja

OK - Onion Knight


{LIS-4.1} White Magic |


I listed some places where you can buy the magic, NOT all possibilities.


LVL:| Name: |Effect of item: |Location(s): |


1 | Cure |Restores HP. |Canaan |

1 | Poisona |Cures poison. |Ur |

1 | Sight |Displays a detailed World Map. |Village of Ancients |




2 | Aero |Deals wind damage. |Tozus |

2 | Mini |Shrinks and unshrinks target. |Vikings' Cove, Gysahl |

2 | Toad |Inflicts or removes toad. |Gysahl |




3 | Cura |Restores a lot of HP. |Village of Ancients |

3 | Teleport |Teleport out of dungeons. |Village of Ancients |

3 | Blindna |Cures blind. |Village of Ancients |




4 | Libra |Displays enemy HP and weakness. |Northeastern Saronia |

4 | Confuse |Confuses an enemy. |Northeastern Saronia |

4 | Silence |Prevents enemy from using magic. |Northeastern Saronia |




5 | Curaga |Restore a great amount of HP. |Northeastern Saronia |

5 | Raise |Revives ally. |Northeastern Saronia |

5 | Protect |Increases defense. |Northeastern Saronia |




6 | Aeroga |Massive wind damage. |Doga's Village |

6 | Stona |Cures petrification. |Doga's Village |

6 | Haste |Increases attack speed. |Doga's Village |




7 | Curaja |Restores a massive amount of HP. |Doga's Village, Invincible |

7 | Esuna |Removes all status ailments. |Doga's Village, Invincible |

7 | Reflect |Creates magic-reflecting barrier.|Doga's Village, Invincible |




8 | Tornado |Fierce wind reduces HP to 1. |Eureka. |

8 | Arise |Fully revives fallen ally. |Eureka. |

8 | Holy |Smites enemy with Divine Light. |Eureka. |


Jobs: DE,SA,OK


{LIS-4.2} Black Magic |


I listed some places where you can buy the magic, NOT all possibilities.


LVL:| Name: |Effect of item: |Location(s): |


1 | Fire |Fire damage. |Kasus, Vikings' Cove |

1 | Blizzard |Ice damage. |Kasus, Vikings' Cove |

1 | Sleep |Puts enemy to sleep. |Kasus, Vikings' Cove |




2 | Blind |Blinds an enemy. |Canaan, Vikings' Cove |

2 | Poison |Deals damage, inflicts poison. |Canaan, Vikings' Cove |

2 | Thunder |Lightning damage. |Canaan, Vikings' Cove |




3 | Fira |A lot of fire damage. |Village of Ancients |

3 | Blizzara |A lot of ice damage. |Village of Ancients |

3 | Thundara |A lot of lightning damage. |Village of Ancients |




4 | Break |Causes gradual petrification. |Northeastern Saronia |

4 | Shade |Paralyzes an enemy. |Northeastern Saronia |

4 | Blizzaga |Massive ice damage. |Northeastern Saronia |




5 | Thundaga |Massive lightning damage. |Northeastern Saronia |

5 | Raze |Instantly kills weak enemies. |Northeastern Saronia |

5 | Erase |Dispels beneficial magic. |Northeastern Saronia |




6 | Firaga |Massive fire damage. |Doga's Village |

6 | Bio |Bacteria damage. |Doga's Village |

6 | Warp |Removes an enemy from battle. |Doga's Village |




7 | Quake |Creates a massive earthquake. |Doga's Village, Invincible |

7 | Breakga |Instantly petrifies an enemy. |Doga's Village, Invincible |

7 | Drain |Absorbs life. |Doga's Village, Invincible |




8 | Flare |Creates a massive inferno. |Eureka. |

8 | Death |Instantly kills one enemy. |Eureka. |

8 | Meteor |Calls down meteors. |Eureka. |


Jobs: MA,SA,OK


{LIS-4.3} Summon Magic | {EV} {SA} {SU}


Summons can only be used by Evokers, Sages, and Summoners.

In FFIII, summons have 3 different types of effects. To make it simple, they

are Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.

Level 1 = White type magic.

Level 2 = Black type magic.

Level 3 = High powered summon.

NOTE: When Evokers and Sages use a summon, it will randomly choose between

Level 1 and Level 2. *ONLY* Summoners can use Level 3.


Lv. 1 | Escape


Summon: Chocobo

Level 1: Chocobo Dash - Instant escape from battle.

Level 2: Chocobo Kick? - Poor chocobo fails to kick a monster.

Level 3: Chocobo Kick - Successfully kicks a monster! Good chocobo!

Location: Replito (magic shop), Doga's Village


Lv. 2 | Icen


Summon: Shiva

Level 1: Mesmerize - Causes all enemies to fall asleep.

Level 2: Icy Stare - Damages one enemy with ice.

Level 3: Diamond Dust - Massive damage with shards of ice.

Location: Replito (magic shop), Doga's Village


Lv. 3 | Spark


Summon: Ramuh

Level 1: Mind Blast - Paralyzes all enemies.

Level 2: Thunderstorm - Damages one enemy with a lightning bolt.

Level 3: Judgment Bolt - Strikes all enemies with pillars of lighting.

Location: Replito (magic shop), Doga's Village


Lv. 4 | Heatra


Summon: Ifrit

Level 1: Healing Light - Restores a lot of HP to all allies.

Level 2: Hellfire - Damages one enemy with fire.

Level 3: Inferno - Massive flame damage to all enemies.

Location: Replito (magic shop), Doga's Village


Lv. 5 | Hyper


Summon: Titan

Level 1: Clobber - Damages one enemy with a punch.

Level 2: Stomp - Damages one enemy with a kick.

Level 3: Earthen Fury - Creates a destructive earthquake damaging all enemies.

Location: Replito (magic shop), Doga's Village


Lv. 6 | Catastro


Summon: Odin

Level 1: Protective Light - Casts magical barrier around all allies.

Level 2: Slash - Slices all enemies.

Level 3: Zantetsuken - Kills all enemies.

Location: Saronia Catacombs, Eureka.


Lv. 7 | Leviath


Summon: Leviathan

Level 1: Demon Eye - Instantly petrifies all enemies.

Level 2: Cyclone - Damages all enemies with powerful tornado.

Level 3: Tidal Wave - A devastating flood that damages all enemies.

Location: Lake Dohr, Eureka.


Lv. 8 | Bahamur


Summon: Bahamut

Level 1: Aura - Increases attack power of all allies.

Level 2: Rend - Instantly kills one enemy.

Level 3: Mega Flare - Massive non-elemental damage to all enemies.

Location: Bahamut's Lair, Eureka.


{LIS-5} Shopping List


Ur Village |


.----------. .------------.

|Item Shop | Inn = Free |Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Potion 50 gil| |Dagger 60 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| |Longsword 100 gil|

|Antidote 80 gil| |Staff 40 gil|

| | |Bow 100 gil|

| | |Wooden Arrow 4 gil|

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'

.------------. .------------.

|Armor Shop | |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Leather Armor 90 gil| |Poisona 100 gil|

|Leather Shield 40 gil| | |

|Leather Cap 15 gil| | |

|Bronze Bracers 80 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


Kazus |


.----------. .------------.

|Item Shop | Inn = Free |Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Potion 50 gil| |Mythril Rod 400 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| |Mythril Knife 500 gil|

|Antidote 80 gil| |Mythril Sword 500 gil|

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'

.------------. .------------.

|Armor Shop | |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Mythril Armor 350 gil| |Fire 100 gil|

|Mythril Shield 180 gil| |Blizzard 100 gil|

|Mythril Helm 130 gil| |Sleep 100 gil|

|Mythril Gloves 120 gil| | |

|Mythril Bracers 120 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


Canaan |


.----------. .------------.

|Item Shop | Inn = 40 gil |Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Potion 50 gil| |Mythril Rod 400 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| |Mythril Knife 500 gil|

|Antidote 80 gil| |Mythril Sword 500 gil|

|Echo Herbs 100 gil| |Great Bow 1200 gil|

|Gold Needle 100 gil| |Iron Arrow 8 gil|

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


|Armor Shop | .------------.

|--------------------------------. |Magic Shop |

|Mythril Armor 350 gil| |--------------------------------.

|Mythril Shield 180 gil| |Cure 100 gil|

|Mythril Helm 130 gil| |Thunder 700 gil|

|Mythril Gloves 120 gil| |Poison 700 gil|

|Mythril Bracers 120 gil| |Blind 700 gil|

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


Tozus |


.-----------. .-----------.

|Item Shop | Inn = 80 gil |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Potion 50 gil| |Fire 100 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| |Blizzard 100 gil|

|Antidote 80 gil| |Sleep 100 gil|

'--------------------------------' |Thunder 700 gil|

|Poison 700 gil|

.----------------. |Blind 700 gil|

|Leaf Top Bakery | |Aero 700 gil|

|--------------------------------. | |

|Gnomish Bread 200 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


Vikings' Cove |


.----------. .-----------.

|Item Shop | Inn = 40 gil |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Potion 50 gil| |Fire 100 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| |Blizzard 100 gil|

|Antidote 80 gil| |Sleep 100 gil|

|Gold Needle 100 gil| |Thunder 700 gil|

|Maiden's Kiss 100 gil| |Poison 700 gil|

| | |Blind 700 gil|

| | |Mini 1000 gil|

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


Village of the Ancients |


.----------. .------------.

|Item Shop | Inn = 120 gil |Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Potion 50 gil| |Serpent Sword 1500 gil|

|Hi-Potion 600 gil| |Fire Staff 3500 gil|

|Gold Needle 100 gil| |Ice Staff 3500 gil|

|Maiden's Kiss 100 gil| |Light Staff 3500 gil|

|Echo Herbs 100 gil| |Killer Bow 4000 gil|

|Mallet 100 gil| |Fire Arrow 150 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| |Ice Arrow 150 gil|

|Antidote 80 gil| |Light Arrow 150 gil|

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


|Armor Shop | .------------.

|--------------------------------. |Magic Shop |

|Shell Armor 1250 gil| |--------------------------------.

|Flame Mail 2400 gil| |Sight 100 gil|

|Headband 1200 gil| |Fira 1500 gil|

|Kenpo Gi 2000 gil| |Blizzara 1500 gil|

|Mage Robe 2000 gil| |Thundara 1500 gil|

| | |Cura 1500 gil|

| | |Teleport 1500 gil|

| | |Blindna 1500 gil|

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


Gysahl |


.-----------. .-----------.

|Item Shop | Inn = 120 gil |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Gysahl Greens 150 gil| |Toad 1000 gil|

| | |Mini 1000 gil|

| | |Break 3000 gil|

'--------------------------------' |Shade 3000 gil|

|Libra 3000 gil|

.-----------. |Confuse 3000 gil|

|Locksmith | |Silence 3000 gil|

|--------------------------------. | |

|Magic Key 100 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


Dwarven Hallows |


.----------. .------------.

|Item Shop | Inn = 80 gil |Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Potion 50 gil| |Tyrfing 2000 gil|

|Hi-Potion 600 gil| |Fire Staff 3500 gil|

|Gold Needle 100 gil| |Ice Staff 3500 gil|

|Maiden's Kiss 100 gil| |Diamond Bell 4500 gil|

|Echo Herbs 100 gil| |Iron Arrow 8 gil|

|Mallet 100 gil| |Holy Arrow 10 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| | |

|Antidote 80 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


|Armor Shop |


|Ice Armor 2400 gil|

|Ice Helm 1200 gil|

|Ice Shield 1800 gil|

|Mage Robe 2000 gil|

|Kenpo Gi 2000 gil|



Amur |


.----------. .------------.

|Item Shop | Inn = 200 gil |Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Potion 50 gil| |Battleaxe 7400 gil|

|Hi-Potion 600 gil| |Main Gauche 7000 gil|

|Gold Needle 100 gil| |Thunder Spear 8000 gil|

|Echo Herbs 100 gil| |Selene Bow 16000 gil|

|Gysahl Greens 150 gil| |Boomerang 9000 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| |Iron Arrow 8 gil|

|Antidote 80 gil| |Holy Arrow 10 gil|

| | |Madhura Harp 10000 gil|

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


|Armor Shop |


|Viking Helm 5500 gil|

|Viking Mail 8000 gil|

|Heroic Shield 3500 gil|

|Thief Gloves 2500 gil|

|Black Garb 5000 gil|

|Black Cowl 4000 gil|

|Black Belt Gi 6000 gil|

|Chakra Band 4500 gil|



Duster |


.----------. .------------.

|Item Shop | Inn = 320 gil |Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Hi-Potion 600 gil| |Diamond Bell 4500 gil|

|Gold Needle 100 gil| |Madhura Harp 10000 gil|

|Maiden's Kiss 100 gil| |Loki Harp 10000 gil|

|Echo Herbs 100 gil| |Lamia Harp 12000 gil|

|Mallet 100 gil| |Dream Harp 12000 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| | |

|Antidote 80 gil| | |

|Gysahl Greens 150 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


|Armor Shop |


|Gaia Vest 7600 gil|

|Bard Vest 5500 gil|

|Feathered Hat 6000 gil|

|Rune Bracers 5000 gil|



Replito |


.----------. .------------.

|Item Shop | Inn = 200 gil |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Hi-Potion 600 gil| |Escape 100 gil|

|Gold Needle 100 gil| |Icen 7000 gil|

|Echo Herbs 100 gil| |Spark 7000 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| |Heatra 7000 gil|

|Antidote 80 gil| |Hyper 7000 gil|

|Ottershroom 2000 gil| | |

|Gysahl Greens 150 gil| | |

|Gnomish Bread 200 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


Northwestern Saronia |


.----------. .------------.

|Item Shop | Inn = 320 gil |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Hi-Potion 600 gil| |Fira 1500 gil|

|Gold Needle 100 gil| |Blizzara 1500 gil|

|Maiden's Kiss 100 gil| |Thundara 1500 gil|

|Echo Herbs 100 gil| |Cura 1500 gil|

|Mallet 100 gil| |Teleport 1500 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| |Blindna 1500 gil|

|Antidote 80 gil| | |

|Gysahl Greens 150 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


Northeastern Saronia |


.----------. .------------.

|Item Shop | Inn = 320 gil |Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Hi-Potion 600 gil| |Fire Rod 10000 gil|

|Gold Needle 100 gil| |Ice Rod 10000 gil|

|Echo Herbs 100 gil| |Light Rod 10000 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| |Golem Staff 13500 gil|

|Antidote 80 gil| |Rune Staff 18000 gil|

|Ottershroom 2000 gil| |Wizard Rod 20000 gil|

|Gysahl Greens 150 gil| | |

|Gnomish Bread 200 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


|Magic Shop | .------------.

|--------------------------------. |Weapon Shop |

|Thundaga 5000 gil| |--------------------------------.

|Raze 5000 gil| |Thunder Spear 8000 gil|

|Erase 5000 gil| |Wind Spear 10000 gil|

|Curaga 5000 gil| | |

|Raise 5000 gil| | |

|Protect 5000 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


|Magic Shop |


|Break 3000 gil|

|Blizzaga 3000 gil|

|Shade 3000 gil|

|Libra 3000 gil|

|Confuse 3000 gil|

|Silence 3000 gil|



Southwestern Saronia |



|Armor Shop |


|Rune Bracers 5000 gil|

|Gaia Vest 7600 gil|

|Scholar Robe 5500 gil|

|Scholar Hat 7500 gil|



Doga's Manor |


.----------. .-----------.

|Item Shop | |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Hi-Potion 600 gil| |Firaga 10000 gil|

|Gold Needle 100 gil| |Bio 10000 gil|

|Maiden's Kiss 100 gil| |Warp 10000 gil|

|Echo Herbs 100 gil| |Aeroga 10000 gil|

|Mallet 100 gil| |Stona 10000 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| |Haste 10000 gil|

|Antidote 80 gil| |Curaga 5000 gil|

|Gysahl Greens 150 gil| |Raise 5000 gil|

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


Doga's Village |


.-----------. .-----------.

|Magic Shop | |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Fira 1500 gil| |Break 3000 gil|

|Blizzara 1500 gil| |Blizzaga 3000 gil|

|Thundara 1500 gil| |Shade 3000 gil|

|Cura 1500 gil| |Libra 3000 gil|

|Teleport 1500 gil| |Confuse 3000 gil|

|Blindna 1500 gil| |Silence 3000 gil|

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'

.-----------. .-----------.

|Magic Shop | |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Thundaga 5000 gil| |Firaga 10000 gil|

|Raze 5000 gil| |Bio 10000 gil|

|Erase 5000 gil| |Warp 10000 gil|

|Curaga 5000 gil| |Aeroga 10000 gil|

|Raise 5000 gil| |Stona 10000 gil|

|Protect 5000 gil| |Haste 10000 gil|

| | |Curaga 5000 gil|

| | |Raise 5000 gil|

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'

.-----------. .-----------.

|Magic Shop | |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Quake 20000 gil| |Escape 100 gil|

|Breakga 20000 gil| |Icen 7000 gil|

|Drain 20000 gil| |Spark 7000 gil|

|Curaja 20000 gil| |Heatra 7000 gil|

|Esuna 20000 gil| |Hyper 7000 gil|

|Reflect 20000 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


Ancient Ruins |


.----------. .------------.

|Item Shop | Inn = 200 gil |Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Hi-Potion 600 gil| |Defender 28000 gil|

|Gold Needle 100 gil| |Blood Lance 28000 gil|

|Maiden's Kiss 100 gil| |Medusa Arrow 300 gil|

|Echo Herbs 100 gil| | |

|Mallet 100 gil| | |

|Eye Drops 40 gil| | |

|Antidote 80 gil| | |

|Gysahl Greens 150 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


|Armor Shop |


|Diamond Shield 18000 gil|

|Diamond Helm 20000 gil|

|White Robe 27000 gil|

|Black Robe 27000 gil|

|Diamond Mail 32000 gil|

|Diamond Bracers 10000 gil|

|Diamond Gloves 10000 gil|



Falgabard |


.----------. .------------.

|Item Shop | Inn = 640 gil |Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Hi-Potion 600 gil| |Ashura 16000 gil|

|Gold Needle 100 gil| |Yoichi Bow 42000 gil|

|Echo Herbs 100 gil| |Yoichi Arrow 500 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| |Demon Axe 40000 gil|

|Antidote 80 gil| | |

|Ottershroom 2000 gil| | |

|Gysahl Greens 150 gil| | |

|Gnomish Bread 200 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'

.------------. .------------.

|Armor Shop | |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Demon Mail 25000 gil| |Fira 1500 gil|

|Demon Shield 12500 gil| |Blizzara 1500 gil|

| | |Thundara 1500 gil|

| | |Cura 1500 gil|

| | |Teleport 1500 gil|

| | |Blindna 1500 gil|

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


The Invincible |


.----------. .------------.

|Item Shop | Inn = Free |Weapon Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Potion 50 gil| |Sleep Arrow 200 gil|

|Hi-Potion 600 gil| |Poison Arrow 200 gil|

|Gold Needle 100 gil| |Medusa Arrow 300 gil|

|Echo Herbs 100 gil| |Magic Arrow 250 gil|

|Eye Drops 40 gil| |Dark Knife 30000 gil|

|Antidote 80 gil| |Rune Axe 35000 gil|

|Ottershroom 2000 gil| |Dragon Lance 40000 gil|

|Gysahl Greens 200 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'

.------------. .------------.

|Armor Shop | |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Diamond Shield 18000 gil| |Quake 20000 gil|

|Diamond Helm 20000 gil| |Breakga 20000 gil|

|Diamond Mail 32000 gil| |Drain 20000 gil|

|Diamond Bracers 10000 gil| |Curaja 20000 gil|

|Diamond Gloves 10000 gil| |Esuna 20000 gil|

|White Robe 27000 gil| |Reflect 20000 gil|

|Black Robe 27000 gil| | |

|Gaia Vest 7600 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


Eureka, The Forbidden Land |


.-----------. .-----------.

|Magic Shop | |Magic Shop |

|--------------------------------. |--------------------------------.

|Flare 60000 gil| |Catastro 40000 gil|

|Death 60000 gil| |Leviath 50000 gil|

|Meteor 60000 gil| |Bahamur 60000 gil|

|Tornado 60000 gil| | |

|Arise 60000 gil| | |

|Holy 60000 gil| | |

'--------------------------------' '--------------------------------'


|Hidden Shop |


|Shuriken 65500 gil|

|Crystal Shield 50000 gil|

|Crystal Mail 50000 gil|

|Crystal Gloves 50000 gil|

|Crystal Helm 50000 gil|

|Apollo Harp 60000 gil|





{JOB-0} Introduction to Jobs |


Jobs are special classes that you can assign to each of your party members. At

first, you will only start with the FREELANCER Job, but as you progress further

into the game, more will become available to you! There are a lot of things

that you should know about Jobs, and hopefully I will be able to cover all the

important aspects without making it confusing for you! :)


Transition Phase |


One of the worst parts about switching between Jobs is the horrible, horrible

"Transition Phase". Yes, it needed two. :P Here is an explanation of what

this phase is, and does.

Let's say you currently have Luneth as a Monk. Then after a while, you decide

to swap Jobs and make him a Warrior! Because you changed your Job, this will

put you into the transition phase.

In this phase, your stats will be lowered, and your performance hindered. Just

think of it as you "learning" this new Job. That makes sense right? I mean,

you have to use something for a while to become good at it! :P

Fortunately, this phase doesn't last very long. When you switch Jobs, the game

will let you know how many battles you will need to fight in order to become

proficient at the new Job. (meaning normal stats and performance)

WARNING!!! Too many Job changes at one time will result in you having to

stay in the transition phase LONGER! Max amount of battles is 10!


Job Levels |


The Job level. Every Job has its own level, and the higher the level,

the better your character will perform at that Job! For example: You will

get more hits when you attack, there will be more chances of critical hits, the

strength of black/white magic is increased, etc... This is the *ONLY* thing

that the Job level effects. REMEMBER THIS!!

When you level up your Job, you won't gain HP or MP. You need to level up your

character for those to increase.

Another very important thing you need to know about the Jobs is that

the *ONLY* statistic that is carried over between Jobs, no matter what, is the

characters' MAX HP. All other stats depend upon what Job you are currently

playing as. O-ok? :D


Leveling up a Job |


Now, to level up a Job, you must gain Job Points!(JP) And just so you know,

you can't actually see JP like you can see Experience. So you kind of have to

keep track of how much JP you have, in your head. It's not as bad as it

sounds, trust me. :P

100 JP = Job level up!

To gain JP you must take any of the following actions in battle: "ATTACK",

"GUARD", "ITEM", or that Job's Special Ability. If you are wondering how

much JP you gain for each action, look below. I listed the amounts with each

of their corresponding Jobs.


With each Job, I included their in-game description, explanations of

Battle Commands, Weapons and Armor they can use, Mastery Item, and other very

useful information where needed! :)


{Job-1} Freelancer | | Initial Job

---------------------' '--------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Freelancers can use low-level

Attack | 20 | 20 | magic, but their base attributes

Magic | 20 | 20 | are pretty low."

Guard | 20 | 20 |

Item | 20 | 20 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Magic: Can cast Lv. 1 White and Black Magic.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Knives: Knife, Dagger, Mythril Knife, Spark Dagger, Main Gauche, Poison Dagger.

Swords: Golden Sword, Longsword, Wightslayer, Mythril Sword, Tyrfing,

Serpent Sword, Salamand Sword, Freezing Blade, Royal Sword, Excalibur,

Ultima Weapon.

Bows: Bow, Great Bow, Killer Bow.

Arrows: Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow.

Claws: Bronze Knuckles.


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Headband, Ice Helm,

Feathered Hat, Scholar Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band, Dragon Helm,

Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Genji Helm, Crystal Helm.

Body: Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Mage Robe, Shell Armor,

Kenpo Gi, Ice Armor, Scholar Robe, Flame Mail, Knight Armor,

Black Garb, Reflect Mail, White Robe, Black Robe, Bard Vest,

Black Belt Gi, Dragon Mail, Gaia Vest, Demon Mail, Diamond Mail,

Genji Armor, Crystal Mail.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets,

Thief Gloves, Rune Bracers, Power Bracers, Diamond Bracers,

Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring, Genji Gloves, Crystal Gloves,

Celestial Gloves.

Shield: All (excluding Onion Shield)


Mastery Item


Name: Celestial Gloves

Def: 40

MDef: 18

Bonus: +15 All Stats


{JOB-2} Warrior | | Wind Crystal

-----------------' '---------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Warriors are weapons experts.

Attack | 20 | 14 | Their Advance ability allows

Advance | 20 | 14 | them to deal even more

Guard | 20 | 14 | damage than normal, but they

Item | 20 | 14 | also get hit a lot harder."



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Advance: Increases attack power for more damage, but decreases defense as well.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Knives: Knife, Dagger, Mythril Knife, Spark Dagger, Main Gauche, Poison Dagger.

Swords: Golden Sword, Longsword, Wightslayer, Mythril Sword, Tyrfing,

Serpent Sword, Salamand Sword, Freezing Blade, Royal Sword, Excalibur,

Ultima Weapon.

Bows: Bow, Great Bow, Killer Bow.

Arrows: Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow.

Axes: All


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Headband, Ice Helm,

Feathered Hat, Scholar Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band, Dragon Helm,

Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Genji Helm, Crystal Helm.

Body: Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Mage Robe, Shell Armor,

Kenpo Gi, Ice Armor, Scholar Robe, Flame Mail, Knight Armor,

Black Garb, Reflect Mail, White Robe, Black Robe, Bard Vest,

Black Belt Gi, Dragon Mail, Gaia Vest, Demon Mail, Diamond Mail,

Genji Armor, Crystal Mail.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets,

Thief Gloves, Rune Bracers, Power Bracers, Diamond Bracers,

Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring, Genji Gloves, Crystal Gloves,

Celestial Gloves.

Shield: All (excluding Onion Shield)


Mastery Item


Name: Gigantic Axe

Atk: 155

Bonus: +20 STR


{JOB-3} Monk | | Wind Crystal

--------------' '---------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Monks are very resilient melee

Attack | 20 | 14 | fighters. Their Retaliate

Retaliate| 20 | 14 | ability allows them to

Guard | 20 | 14 | counterattack while on the

Item | 20 | 14 | defensive."



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Retaliate: Increases defense, counterattacks if hit.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Claws: All


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Headband, Feathered Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band, Ribbon.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Kenpo Gi, Black Garb, Black Belt Gi, Fuma Garb.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Power Bracers, Diamond Gloves,

Protect Ring, Shura Gloves.


Mastery Item


Name: Shura Gloves

Def: 45

MDef: 19

Bonus: +20 STR


{JOB-4} White Mage | | Wind Crystal

--------------------' '---------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "White mages are casters who

Attack | 20 | 10 | specialize in restorative magic.

Magic | 20 | 10 | They're not physically strong,

Guard | 20 | 10 | but their willpower is

Item | 20 | 10 | incomparable!"



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Magic: Can cast up to Lv. 7 White Magic.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Staves: All (excluding Sage Staff)

Rods: Wizard Rod, Fire Rod, Ice Rod, Light Rod.


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, White Robe, Angel Robe.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers,

Protect Ring.


Mastery Item


Name: Angel Robe

Def: 45

MDef: 45

Bonus: +20 MIND


{JOB-5} Black Mage | | Wind Crystal

--------------------' '---------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Black mages are casters who

Attack | 20 | 10 | specialize in offensive magic.

Magic | 20 | 10 | Despite their appearance, they

Guard | 20 | 10 | can take a few hits, too."

Item | 20 | 10 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Magic: Can cast up to Lv. 7 Black Magic.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Staves: Staff, Fire Staff, Ice Staff, Light Staff.

Rods: All (excluding Millenium Rod)

Bows: Bow, Great Bow, Killer Bow.

Arrows: Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow.


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, Black Robe.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers,

Protect Ring.


Mastery Item


Name: Lilith Rod

Atk: 110

Bonus: +20 INT

Effect: Casts death.


{JOB-6} Red Mage | | Wind Crystal

------------------' '---------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Red mages can use both white and

Attack | 20 | 12 | black magic, but they cannot use

Magic | 20 | 12 | high-level spells from either

Guard | 20 | 12 | school."

Item | 20 | 12 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Magic: Can cast up to Lv. 5 White and Black Magic.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Knives: Knife, Dagger, Mythril Knife, Main Gauche, Poison Dagger.

Swords: Golden Sword, Longsword, Wightslayer, Mythril Sword, Tyrfing,

Serpent Sword, Salamand Sword, Freezing Blade, Royal Sword, Defender,

Break Blade, Excalibur, Ultima Weapon.

Staves: All (excluding Elder Staff, Sage Staff)

Rods: Mythril Rod, Wizard Rod, Fire Rod, Ice Rod, Light Rod.

Bows: Bow, Great Bow, Killer Bow.

Arrows: Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow.


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat,

Ribbon, Crystal Helm.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor, Ice Armor, Flame Mail,

Reflect Mail, White Robe, Black Robe, Crimson Vest, Crystal Mail.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers,

Protect Ring, Crystal Gloves.

Shield: Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield, Aegis Shield,

Crystal Shield.


Mastery Item


Name: Crimson Vest

Def: 50

MDef: 25

Bonus: +10 All Stats


{JOB-7} Thief | | Wind Crystal

---------------' '---------------

-----------------------------------. "Thieves are very fast and agile,

JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ | and they can swing their weapons

----------|------------|-----------| lightning-fast. They also have

Attack | 20 | 18 | the ability to pick locked doors.

Steal | 20 | 18 | Their Steal ability allows them

Flee | NONE | NONE | to take items from enemies. Also,

Item | 20 | 18 | everyone will take less damage

----------'------------'-----------' while escaping if they use Flee."


Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Steal: Steal and item from an enemy.

Flee: Higher chance of escaping battle.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Knives: All

Throwing: All (excluding Shuriken)


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat,

Black Cowl, Ribbon.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor, Ice Armor,

Black Garb, Fuma Garb.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Thief Gloves, Power Bracers,

Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring.

Shield: Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield.


Mastery Item


Name: Gladius

Atk: 130

Bonus: +20 AGI




For details on stealing, see the "Stealing Guide" section above. Ctrl+F. {TH}


{JOB-8} Ranger | | Fire Crystal

----------------' '---------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Rangers are experts in ranged

Attack | 20 | 14 | combat. With their bows, they can

Barrage | 20 | 14 | attack for full damage from even

Guard | 20 | 14 | the back line! Their Barrage

Item | 20 | 14 | ability allows them to unleash

----------'------------'-----------' a hail of projectiles at the enemy!"


Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Barrage: Attacks 4 times with weapon.(decreased damage)

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Bows: All

Arrows: All

Throwing: Boomerang, Chakram.


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat,

Black Cowl, Ribbon.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor, Ice Armor,

Flame Mail, Black Garb.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Power Bracers, Diamond Gloves,

Protect Ring.


Mastery Item


Name: Artemis Bow

Atk: 122

Bonus: +10 STR, +10 AGI


{JOB-9} Knight | | Fire Crystal

----------------' '---------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Knights take pride in their high

Attack | 20 | 12 | defense. Their Defend ability

Magic | 20 | 12 | allows them to step in and take

Defend | 20 | 12 | damage for weakened allies. And

Item | 20 | 12 | they can use white magic, too!"



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Magic: Can use Lv. 1 white magic.

Defend: Increases defense. Takes damage for weak allies.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Swords: All (excluding Onion Blade, Onion Sword)


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat,

Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Crystal Helm.

Body: Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor,

Ice Armor, Flame Mail, Knight Armor, Reflect Mail, Diamond Mail,

Crystal Mail.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Power Bracers,

Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring, Crystal Gloves.

Shield: Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield, Heroic Shield,

Diamond Shield, Aegis Shield, Crystal Shield.


Mastery Item


Name: Save The Queen

Atk: 140

Bonus: +10 VIT, +10 MIND

Effect: Casts reflect.


{JOB-10} Scholar | | Fire Crystal

------------------' '---------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ | "Scholars can examine enemies and

----------|------------|-----------| spot their weak points. They can

Attack | 24 | 24 | also enhance the effects of the

Magic | 24 | 24 | items they use. They can dispel magic

Study | 24 | 24 | effects from enemies they've studied.

Item | 24 | 24 | Surprisingly enough, these bookworms

----------'------------'-----------' can also use magic!"


Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Magic: Can cast up to Lv. 3 White and Black magic.

Study: See enemies HP and weakness.

Item: Enhanced items. Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Books: All


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Scholar Hat, Ribbon.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, Scholar Robe, White Robe.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers,

Protect Ring.


Mastery Item


Name: Omnitome

Atk: 130

Bonus: +10 INT, +5 MIND


Enhanced Items


One of the best features of the Scholar is the enhancement of all battle items!

When at a high Intellect stat, Scholars become very powerful. Obviously you'll

need the items, but that's easy if you steal them! :) For a list of all the

steal items, see the "Stealing Guide" section above. Ctrl+F. {SC}


{JOB-11} Geomancer | | Fire Crystal

--------------------' '---------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Geomancers harness the power of

Attack | 20 | 14 | nature itself, manifested in their

Terrain | 20 | 14 | different terrain attacks. Their

Guard | 20 | 14 | damage potential rises

Item | 20 | 14 | exponentially by job level."



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Terrain: Uses the environment for an attack.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Bells: All


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, Black Robe, Gaia Vest.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers,

Protect Ring.


Geomancer Card


Name: Blessed Bell

Atk: 130

Bonus: +10 AGI, +10 INT, +10 MIND


Terrain Attacks



Attacks: |Target:| Descriptions: |


Wind Slash | One |Slices the enemy with blades of wind. |

Ice Pillar | One |Incredible damage with spears of ice. |

Ice Storm | All |Damages enemies with the piercing cold of the Arctic. |

Whirlpool | All |Calls forth the waters of the sea, drowning all enemies.|

Flame Burst | One |Scorches the enemy with a blazing fire. |

Magma | All |Shoots out molten lava causing severe burn damage. |

Close-In | One |Drops the weight of a thousand boulders onto the enemy. |

Earthquake | All |Shakes the earth causing damage to all enemies. |

Shadowflare | One |Massive non-elemental damage to the enemy. |

Black Hole | One |A world destructing force consumes the enemy. |



Attacks: | Element: |


Wind Slash | Wind |

Ice Pillar | Ice, Water |

Ice Storm | Ice, Water |

Whirlpool | Ice, Water |

Flame Burst | Fire |

Magma | Fire |

Close-In | Earth |

Earthquake | Earth |

Shadowflare | Non-elemental |

Black Hole | Non-elemental |


As you can see, each attack has its own element. So if you are in an area that

SHARES the same properties of that element, there will be a greater chance of

you performing that kind of attack! Yay! :)


{JOB-12} Viking | | Water Crystal

-----------------' '----------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Vikings have the ability to lure

Attack | 20 | 14 | enemies into attacking them instead

Provoke | 20 | 14 | of other members of the party,

Guard | 20 | 14 | but it's gonna hurt!"

Item | 20 | 14 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Provoke: Lure enemy attacks onto yourself.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Hammers: All

Axes: All (except Gigantic Axe)


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat,

Viking Helm, Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Crystal Helm.

Body: Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor,

Ice Armor, Flame Mail, Reflect Mail, Viking Mail, Demon Mail,

Diamond Mail, Crystal Mail.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Power Bracers,

Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring, Crystal Gloves.

Shield: Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield, Demon Shield,

Diamond Shield, Aegis Shield, Crystal Shield.


Mastery Item


Name: Mighty Hammer

Atk: 145

Bonus: +20 VIT

Effect: Deals lightning damage.


{JOB-13} Dragoon | | Water Crystal

------------------' '----------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Dragoons are polearm experts. Their

Attack | 20 | 16 | Jump ability allows them the deal

Jump | 20 | 16 | massive damage while being

Guard | 20 | 16 | impervious to enemy attacks."

Item | 20 | 16 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Jump: Jump into the air to avoid damage. Hits enemy on the way down.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Spears: All


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat,

Dragon Helm, Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Crystal Helm.

Body: Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor,

Ice Armor, Flame Mail, Reflect Mail, Dragon Mail, Demon Mail,

Diamond Mail, Crystal Mail.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Power Bracers,

Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring, Crystal Gloves.

Shield: Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield, Demon Shield,

Diamond Shield, Aegis Shield, Crystal Shield.


Mastery Item


Name: Magic Lance

Atk: 145

Bonus: +20 STR


{JOB-14} Dark Knight | | Water Crystal

----------------------' '----------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Dark Knights are warriors of the

Attack | 20 | 14 | dark blade. Their Souleater ability

Souleater| 20 | 14 | allows them to convert their life

Guard | 20 | 14 | into extra damage."

Item | 20 | 14 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Souleater: Uses some HP to increase damage given.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Knives: Knife, Dagger, Mythril Knife, Spark Dagger, Main Gauche,

Poison Dagger.

Swords: Golden Sword, Longsword, Mythril Sword, Tyrfing, Salamand Sword,

Freezing Blade, Serpent Sword, Royal Sword, Blood Sword,

Ancient Sword, Defender, Break Blade, Ragnarok.

Dark Blades: All (excluding Muramasa)


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat,

Ribbon, Genji Helm, Crystal Helm.

Body: Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Shell Armor,

Ice Armor, Flame Mail, Demon Mail, Genji Armor, Crystal Mail.

Arm: Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring,

Genji Gloves, Crystal Gloves.

Shield: Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield, Demon Shield,

Genji Shield, Crystal Shield.


Mastery Item


Name: Murakumo

Atk: 140

Bonus: +20 AGI

Effect: Effective against dividing enemies.


{JOB-15} Evoker | | Water Crystal

-----------------' '----------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Evokers are initiates of summoning

Attack | 20 | 10 | magic, able to randomly draw either

Summon | 20 | 10 | the light or dark power of

Guard | 20 | 10 | summoned beasts."

Item | 20 | 10 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Summon: Randomly chooses the light or dark effect of summons.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Staves: Staff, Fire Staff, Ice Staff, Light Staff, Golem Staff, Rune Staff.

Rods: Mythril Rod, Wizard Rod, Fire Rod, Ice Rod, Light Rod, Omnirod.


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon, Royal Crown.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, White Robe, Black Robe.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers,

Protect Ring.


Evoker Card


Name: Royal Crown

Def: 33

MDef: 36

Bonus: +10 INT, +10 MIND




Please see the "Summon Magic" section above for more details. Ctrl+F. {EV}


{JOB-16} Bard | | Water Crystal

---------------' '----------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Bards use their songs to enhance

Attack | 20 | 18 | their party's performance. The effect

Sing | 20 | 18 | of their songs varies depending

Guard | 20 | 18 | on the harp they use."

Item | 20 | 18 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Sing: Sings a song. The song varies with each harp.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Knives: Knife, Dagger, Mythril Knife, Spark Dagger, Main Gauche,

Poison Dagger.

Harps: All


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon, Ballad Crown.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, White Robe, Bard Vest.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers,

Protect Ring.


Mastery Item


Name: Ballad Crown

Def: 35

MDef: 35

Bonus: +10 VIT, +10 MIND


Songs to Sing



Harp: | Song: | Effect: |


Madhura Harp|Minne |Increases defense of all allies. |

Loki Harp |Minuet |Increases attack power of all allies. |

Lamia Harp |Requiem |Damages all enemies. |

Dream Harp |Paeon |Restores HP of all allies. |

Apollo Harp |Elegy |Reduces damage given to all allies. |


All of these songs depend on the Job level of the Bard. So, the higher the

level, the BETTER the songs will perform! You will see more damage given to

the enemies with Requiem, greater increase in defense with Minne, etc... ;)

TIP: It may not seem like it, but you aren't limited to only one song during

battle. All you need to do is select the "Equipment" menu in battle,

and equip a different Harp! This definitely makes the Bard more versatile!


{JOB-17} Black Belt | | Earth Crystal

---------------------' '----------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Black Belts are experts in unarmed

Attack | 20 | 14 | combat. They can boost their attack

Boost | 20 | 14 | power to deal massive damage, but

Guard | 20 | 14 | be careful not to boost too much!"

Item | 20 | 14 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Boost: Raises attack power. Self-destructs if used too many times in a row.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Claws: All


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Headband, Feathered Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band,


Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Kenpo Gi, Black Garb, Black Belt Gi,

Fuma Garb, Master Dogi.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Power Bracers, Diamond Gloves,

Protect Ring.


Mastery Item


Name: Master Dogi

Def: 54

MDef: 23

Bonus: +10 AGI, +10 MIND


{JOB-18} Magus | | Earth Crystal

----------------' '----------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Magi are casters who have mastered

Attack | 20 | 10 | black magic. If they can learn the

Magic | 20 | 10 | forbidden black magic spell, they

Guard | 20 | 10 | may be able to destroy all..."

Item | 20 | 10 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Magic: Can use all black magic.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Staves: Staff, Fire Staff, Ice Staff, Light Staff.

Rods: All (excluding Lilith Rod)


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, Black Robe.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers,

Protect Ring.


Mastery Item


Name: Millenium Rod

Atk: 110

Bonus: +10 INT, +10 MIND

Effect: Casts blizzaga.


{JOB-19} Devout | | Earth Crystal

-----------------' '----------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Devouts are casters who have mastered

Attack | 20 | 10 | white magic. They can use all white

Magic | 20 | 10 | magic spells, so make sure to always

Guard | 20 | 10 | have one in your party!"

Item | 20 | 10 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Magic: Can use all white magic.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Staves: All (excluding Sage Staff)

Rods: Wizard Rod, Fire Rod, Ice Rod, Light Rod.

Wands: Holy Wand.


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, White Robe.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers,

Protect Ring.


Mastery Item


Name: Holy Wand

Atk: 110

Bonus: +20 MIND

Effect: Casts curaga.


{JOB-20} Summoner | | Earth Crystal

-------------------' '----------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Summoners are able to draw the

Attack | 20 | 12 | hidden powers of summoned beasts.

Summon | 20 | 12 | Their powers will be further enhanced

Guard | 20 | 12 | if they can find the legendary

Item | 20 | 12 | beasts..."



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Summon: Draws out the ultimate powers of summoned beasts.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Staves: All (excluding Elder Staff)

Rods: All (excluding Lilith Rod, Millenium Rod)


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, White Robe, Black Robe.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers,

Protect Ring, Astral Bracers.


Mastery Item


Name: Astral Bracers

Def: 47

MDef: 20

Bonus: +10 INT, +10 MIND




Please see the "Summon Magic" section above for more details. Ctrl+F. {SU}


{JOB-21} Sage | | Earth Crystal

---------------' '----------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Sages are those who have gained

Attack | 20 | 10 | knowledge in all schools of arcane

Magic | 20 | 10 | arts. They can use all types of

Guard | 20 | 10 | spells!"

Item | 20 | 10 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Magic: Can use all magic and summons.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Staves: All

Rods: All (excluding Lilith Rod, Millenium Rod)


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon.

Body: Vest, Leather Armor, Mage Robe, White Robe, Black Robe.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers,

Protect Ring.


Mastery Item


Name: Sage Staff

Atk: 110

Bonus: +10 All Stats




Please see the "Summon Magic" section above for more details. Ctrl+F. {SA}


{JOB-22} Ninja | | Earth Crystal

----------------' '----------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "Ninja excel at using dark blades.

Attack | 20 | 12 | They have the ability to throw

Throw | 20 | 12 | weapons, which deal enormous amounts

Guard | 20 | 12 | of damage."

Item | 20 | 12 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Throw: Throw weapons for massive damage.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Knives: All (excluding Gladius)

Dark Blades: All (excluding Murakumo)

Throwing: All


Armor to Equip


Head: Leather Cap, Headband, Feathered Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band,

Ribbon, Genji Helm.

Body: Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Kenpo Gi, Black Garb,

Black Belt Gi, Genji Armor, Fuma Garb.

Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Thief Gloves,

Power Bracers, Diamond Bracers, Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring,

Genji Gloves.

Shield: Leather Shield, Genji Shield.


Ninja Card


Name: Muramasa

Atk: 140

Bonus: +5 STR, +10 AGI, +5 VIT, +5 INT, +5 MIND

Effect: Effective against dividing enemies.


{JOB-23} Onion Knight | {ONION} | Secret Job

-----------------------' '-------------


JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |

----------|------------|-----------| "The way of the onion knight is a

Attack | 20 | 8 | long and hard one... but once you

Magic | 20 | 8 | master the job, the rewards just

Guard | 20 | 8 | might be worth it!"

Item | 20 | 8 |



Battle Commands


Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.

Magic: Can cast all white and black magic.

Guard: Increases defense, reducing physical damage.

Item: Use an item from the item list.


Weapons to Use


Knives: All (excluding Gladius)

Swords: All (excluding Save the Queen)

Staves: All (excluding Sage Staff)

Rods: All (excluding Lilith Rod, Millenium Rod)

Dark Blades: All (excluding Muramasa, Murakumo)

Bows: All (excluding Artemis Bow)

Arrows: All

Books All (excluding Omnitome)

Claws: All

Hammers: All (excluding Mighty Hammer)

Axes: All (excluding Gigantic Axe)

Spears: All (excluding Magic Lance)

Throwing: All (excluding Shuriken)

Bells: All (excluding Blessed Bell)

Harps: All


Armor to Equip


Head: All (excluding Royal Crown, Ballad Crown)

Body: All (excluding Angel Robe, Crimson Vest, Master Dogi)

Arm: All (excluding Celestial Gloves, Shura Gloves, Astral Bracers)

Shield: All


Mastery Item


Name: Onion Blade

Atk: 150

Bonus: +7 All Stats


How to Unlock


See the "Finding the Onion Knight" section. Ctrl+F. {UNLOCK}


Onion Stats


You might have heard that the Onion Knight has the best stats when compared to

any other Job! This is TRUE! But there is something else you should know.

If your *CHARACTER* is not Lv. 99, the Onion Knight Job is almost worthless!

If you don't understand why, this chart will clear it up for you! ;)


| -Stats- |


Character Lv |Str:|Agi:|Vit:|Int:|Mind|

--------------|----|----|----|----|----| Stats abbreviations:

---- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |

10 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | Str = Strength

20 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | Agi = Agility

30 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | Vit = Vitality

40 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | Int = Intellect

50 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | Mind = Mind

60 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 |

70 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |

80 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 |

90 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 |

99 | 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 |


You see, the Onion Knight has some of the worst stats compared to the other

Jobs. So basically, you aren't going to want to level up with one of these

because it would make things VERY difficult! Also, just so you know, the

stats start to increase a lot at Lv. 93. If you do manage to level up your

character that far, enjoy the most powerful Job in the entire game! :D


Onion Equipment


The best Job in the game, even has its own set of equipment! To get this rare

and powerful equipment, you must have access to the Secret ??? Dungeon or the

Crystal Tower. The reason for this is because all of the Onion Equipment is

dropped by Yellow, Green, and Red Dragons; Which are found in those two places.

Now don't go thinking this will be easy, because it's NOT! The drop rate for

these items are VERY VERY low. You may fight 30 battles before you even get

an Onion Shield!(this is the most common piece!) To help speed this up, fight

the dragons in the Secret ??? Dungeon. Why? Because the only creatures in

the ??? dungeon are the colored dragons! Yay!

Good luck obtaining your full Onion Set....or four! :D


Name: Onion Sword

Atk: 156

Bonus: +5 All Stats

Location: Win from Yellow, Green, or Red Dragons.

Drop Rate: 1.5%


Name: Onion Helm

Def: 40

MDef: 40

Bonus: +5 Int, +5 Mind

Effect: Protects against all status ailments.

Location: Win from Yellow Dragons.

Drop Rate: 4.5%


Name: Onion Armor

Def: 60

MDef: 40

Bonus: +5 Str, +5 Vit

Effect: Protects against all status ailments.

Location: Win from Red Dragons.

Drop Rate: 4.5%


Name: Onion Gauntlets

Def: 50

MDef: 25

Bonus: +3 All Stats

Effect: Protects against all status ailments.

Location: Win from Green Dragons.

Drop Rate: 4.5%


Name: Onion Shield

Def: 30

MDef: 30

Bonus: +2 All Stats

Effect: Protects against all status ailments.

Location: Win from Yellow, Green, or Red Dragons.

Drop Rate: 7.0%


NOTE: Look on the bright side! You'll have a LOAD of elixirs in your

inventory after you finish this! And if this is the case, I would

suggest that when you get 99 Elixirs, to put some in Fat Chocobo! ;)


{JOB-24} The Easy Way to Level Up Your Job |


If you are looking to quickly increase your Job Level, you found the right

place! This method is short and simple.

To start, switch all your party members to the Jobs you want leveled. Then

equip the best equipment you have at that point in the game.

Next, head over to Ur Village. Since the monsters are weak and give very

little experience, you won't have to worry about dying or leveling up!

Before you start fighting, put all your characters in the Back Row. Since all

of the enemies around here are so weak, they will do ZERO damage to your party.

Now get into A LOT of fights.

Using the *JP GAIN CHARTS I PROVIDED* with each Job, calculate how many turns

it will take to reach 100 JP.

Just keep taking commands without killing the enemy. The best one for this

would be the "Guard" command. If the Job you are using doesn't have this

command, then what you will want to do is use a different command, as long as

it doesn't kill the enemy or run away from the battle. When you reach 100 JP

for each character, finish the battle!



Let's say you are trying to level up your ONION KNIGHT. At Job levels 1-14,

you will gain 20 JP for every action you take in battle!

100 / 20 = 5

So to get to 100 JP, you will need to take 5 actions each battle! The best way

to do this is "Guard" 4 times, and then use your 5th action to kill off the


If you are Job level 14 or higher, you will get 8 JP for every action you take

in battle.

100 / 8 = 12.5

Ok, I know it's impossible to take 12.5 actions, so you must do 13 instead! Use

the same strategy and "Guard" 12 times, and then use the 13th action to kill

off the enemy! This might take a while.

1 Battle = 1 Job Level

It's so easy! Hahaha.



This is the easiest/fastest way to level up your Job. However, what you COULD

do is kill off 3 party members, and work on 1 character at a time! It does

seem a lot faster this way.

It's up to you! :)


VI) Walkthrough Maps {MAP}


{MAP-0} Introduction |


These maps were drawn to show you your current area and what you must do. But

just so you know, they aren't necessary for you to look at. I included them

for your viewing pleasure, and also, to make this FAQ a little more exciting.

I tried to make them as neat and simple as possible, letting you know which

ways you can go and where all the treasure is located! You can see where all

the treasure is, but for most of them, I won't tell you what they are. You will

need to look in the Walkthrough to see what the treasure actually is.

I will release new maps every week, until they are all done, so you can only

use what is here so far. When more are released, they will be included into

the Walkthrough as well! :)

WARNING: Some maps are rather LARGE, just so you know. They might take a

~~~~~~~~ while to load! My apologies. ;)

NOTE: Maps go in the order of the Walkthrough.


{MAP-1} Maps 1-20 |


Altar Cave:


Map 1: File(PNG) Size(57K)

World Map - Parmeni Mountains 1:


Map 2: File(PNG) Size(78K)

Village of Ur:


Map 3: File(PNG) Size(238K)



Map 4: File(PNG) Size(233K)

World Map - Parmeni Mountains 2:


Map 5: File(PNG) Size(79K)

Castle Sasune:


Map 6: File(PNG) Size(82K)

The Sealed Cave:


Map 7: File(PNG) Size(60K)

Return to Kazus:


Map 8: File(PNG) Size(233K)

World Map - Canaan Area:


Map 9: File(PNG) Size(123K)

More coming soon...

NOTE: Maps go in the order of the Walkthrough.


{MAP-2} Maps 21-40 |


Coming soon...

NOTE: Maps go in the order of the Walkthrough.


{MAP-3} Maps 41-60 |


Coming soon...


VII) The Perfect File {PER}


{PER-1} Introduction |


Every game has its own definition of a Perfect File, and most of the time, this

kind of achievement is attempted in RPG's. So what I'm going talk about in the

following sections, is what must be done in FFIII to get absolutely everything!

I would say that this game is one of the more simple RPG's to get everything

possible. I'm not sayin' it's easy, because that would be a honest lie!

So here they are, the different levels of a Perfect Game. They are supposed to

go from easiest to hardest, but remember, most of this will *NOT* be easy!

Choose any level of a Perfect Game that you're interested in trying. ;)


LEVEL 1: (no Wi-Fi required)


- Beat the game and get the 3 Gold Stars.

- 100% Treasure found. (see "All Treasure" below)

- A complete Bestiary list, excluding the Iron Giant.

*- At least 1 of every Item, Weapon, Armor, and Magic.

- Mognet Letter #1, from all Denizens.

- All characters at Lv. 99.

- Have 9999 HP for every character.

- Each characters' main Job at Lv. 99.

*NOTE: Excluding the ones obtained through Wi-Fi and Onion Equipment.



- Everything from level 1.

- 110% Treasure found. (see "All Treasure" below)

- Defeat Iron Giant.

- All 23 Mastery Cards and Items, including Ultima Weapon.

- Every Mognet Letter from all Denizens.

- At least 1 set of Onion Equipment.



- Everything from level 2.

- All Jobs to Lv.99 for ALL characters.

- MAX amount of Items, Weapons, Armor, and Magic. (see "Item Maxing" below)

*- At least 4 sets of Onion Equipment.

**-At least 1 of every item possible in Fat Chocobo.

*NOTE: These are the only items you don't need a MAX amount of, for this


**NOTE: Since you can only get 1 of certain items, you don't have to put

those in Fat Chocobo.



- Everything from level 3.

- MAX out all possible items in Fat Chocobo.



- Everything from level 4.

- Have 99 sets of Onion Equipment.

- Max out experience and Gil.


Level 3 would be the ideal Perfect File. It gets you everything possible and

you at least know you are ABLE to obtain up to Level 4 and 5.

As you can see, Level 4 and 5 would be the hardest. I don't think anyone will

ever do them seeing how they require a TON of time and patience. That's not to

say it won't happen, but if it does, don't tell anyone about it. You would

probably be committing social suicide if you did. :P Haha, just kidding!

Keep in mind that this is only listed here to make this FAQ more complete.

"Please remember, it's not about HAVING the perfect game, it's about still

being able to attain it. If you've done everything else, you have a

'potentially perfect game', which is practically a perfect game.


- Cloud VS Sephiroth


{PER-2} All Treasure |


For this game I would say there are two definitions of "all treasure".

1. 100% - This would require you to open all treasure chests. You can know if

you got this by talking to the secret Old Man at Gysahl Inn and he

will tell you your percentage!

2. 110% - This also would require you to open all treasure chests, but you

would also have to get the hidden treasures. These can be found

from the "shiny spots" that are scattered around towns and some

dungeons. This would also include the treasures that people will

give to you after helping them or from just talking to them.

These are pretty simple. The treasures are easy to find, and there aren't that

many hidden items. The walkthrough covers everything! :)


{PER-3} Item Maxing |


The lists in this section will help you in obtaining your complete item list.

They show the max amount of every item that you can find in the normal course

of the game.

All of the rare and miss-able items are in the walkthrough, so if you follow

that, you won't miss anything!

Name Max Name Max Name Max Name Max


Potion |99||Antarctic Wind |99||Turtle Shell |99||Sheep Pillow |99|

Hi-Potion |99||Zeus's Wrath |99||Angel's Sigh |99||White Musk *| 9|

Elixir |99||Bomb Fragment |99||Black Hole |99||Ottershroom |99|

Phoenix Down *|43||Lamia Scale *| 1||Black Musk *| 2||Gnomish Bread |99|

Antidote |99||Bacchus's Cider*| 3||Lilith's Kiss |99||Magic Key |99|

Eye drops |99||Tranquilizer |99||Raven's Yawn |99||Gysahl Greens |99|

Echo Herbs |99||Bomb Arm |99||Shell Breaker *| 0|'-----------------'

Gold Needle |99||Arctic Wind |99||Shining Curtain*| 0|

Maiden's Kiss |99||Heavenly Wrath |99||Silence Seal *| 0|

Mallet |99||Earthen Drums *| 4||Chocobo's Wrath*| 8|


* NOTE: These items are limited to none. It is possible to win them from

certain enemies, but it's *EXTEMELY* rare! The easiest way to get 99

is by using the "Item Duplication" trick. Also, the Shell Breaker,

Shining Curtain, and Silence Seal items can *ONLY* be won from random

battles. To find out which enemies drop these items, go to

the "Enemy Loot" section. Ctrl+F. {IM}

Name Max Name Max Name Max Name Max


Knife | 4||Golden Sword |11||Staff |99||Fire Rod |99|

Dagger |99||Longsword |99||Fire Staff |99||Ice Rod |99|

Mythril Knife |99||Wightslayer | 1||Ice Staff |99||Light Rod |99|

Spark Dagger | 2||Mythril Sword |99||Light Staff |99||Mythril Rod |99|

Main Gauche |99||Tyrfing |99||Golem Staff |99||Wizard Rod |99|

Poison Dagger | 1||Serpent Sword |99||Rune Staff |99||Omnirod | 1|

Behemoth Knife| 1||Salamand Sword | 1||Elder Staff | 1||Lilith Rod | 1|

Air Knife | 1||Freezing Blade | 1||Sage Staff | 1||Millenium Rod | 1|

Dark Knife |99||Royal Sword | 1|'------------------''------------------'

Lust Dagger | 1||Blood Sword | 1|

Gladius | 1||Ancient Sword | 1|

-----------------'|Defender |99|

|Break Blade | 1|

|Excalibur | 1|

|Ragnarok | 1|

|Save the Queen | 1|

|Onion Blade | 1|

|Ultima Weapon | 1|

|Onion Sword |99|


Name Max Name Max Name Max Name Max

----------------. .------------------. .------------------. .-----------------.

Holy Wand | 1| |Ashura |99| |Bow |99| |Wooden Arrow |99|

----------------' |Kotetsu | 3| |Great Bow |99| |Holy Arrow |99|

|Kiku-Ichimonji | 2| |Killer Bow |99| |Iron Arrow |99|

|Masamune | 1| |Rune Bow | 1| |Fire Arrow |99|

|Muramasa | 1| |Selene Bow |99| |Ice Arrow |99|

|Murakumo | 1| |Yoichi Bow |99| |Light Arrow |99|

'------------------' |Eurytos Bow | 1| |Sleep Arrow |99|

|Elven Bow | 1| |Poison Arrow |99|

|Artemis Bow | 1| |Medusa Arrow |99|

'------------------' |Magic Arrow |99|

|Yoichi Arrow |99|


Name Max Name Max Name Max Name Max

----------------. .------------------. .------------------. .-----------------.

Book of Fire | 2| |Bronze Knuckles| 2| |Hammer | 1| |Viking Axe | 1|

Book of Ice | 2| |Sonic Knuckles | 2| |Dragon Hammer | 1| |Battleaxe |99|

Book of Light| 2| |Impact Claws | 1| |Triton Hammer | 1| |Dual Tomahawk | 1|

Tome of Fire | 1| |Cat Claws | 1| |Platinum Hammer| 2| |Rune Axe |99|

Tome of Ice | 1| |Kaiser Knuckles| 1| |Blessed Hammer | 2| |Demon Axe |99|

Tome of Light| 1| |Wyvern Claws | 1| |Mighty Hammer | 1| |Dual Haken | 1|

Cognitome | 1| |Tiger Claws | 1| '------------------' |Gigantic Axe | 1|

Omnitome | 1| |Faerie Claws | 1| '-----------------'

----------------' |Metal Knuckles | 1|

|Dark Claws | 1|

|Hellish Claws | 1|


Name Max Name Max Name Max Name Max


Thunder Spear |99||Boomerang |99||Diamond Bell |99||Madhura Harp |99|

Wind Spear |99||Chakram | 1||Earthen Bell | 1||Loki Harp |99|

Heavy Lance | 1||Rising Sun | 1||Rune Bell | 2||Dream Harp |99|

Blood Lance |99||Moonring Blade | 1||Blessed Bell | 1||Lamia Harp |99|

Trident | 1||Shuriken |99|'------------------'|Apollo Harp |99|

Dragon Lance |99|'------------------' '------------------'

Holy Lance | 1|

Gungnir *| 2|

Magic Lance | 1|


* NOTE: To get two Gungnirs, you must steal AND win one from Odin. It's very

rare to win one, but possible.

Name Max Name Max Name Max Name Max


Leather Cap |99||Vest | 1||Bronze Bracers |99||Leather Shield |99|

Mythril Helm |99||Rusty Mail | 2||Mythril Bracers |99||Mythril Shield |99|

Shell Helm | 1||Leather Armor |99||Mythril Gloves |99||Ice Shield |99|

Headband |99||Mythril Armor |99||Gauntlets | 1||Heroic Shield |99|

Ice Helm |99||Mage Robe |99||Thief Gloves |99||Demon Shield |99|

Feathered Hat |99||Shell Armor |99||Rune Bracers |99||Diamond Shield |99|

Scholar Hat |99||Ice Armor |99||Power Bracers | 1||Aegis Shield | 3|

Black Cowl |99||Kenpo Gi |99||Diamond Bracers |99||Genji Shield | 1|

Chakra Band |99||Scholar Robe |99||Diamond Gloves |99||Crystal Shield |99|

Dragon Helm | 5||Flame Mail |99||Protect Ring |99||Onion Shield |99|

Viking Helm |99||Knight Armor | 1||Genji Gloves | 1|'------------------'

Diamond Helm |99||Black Garb |99||Crystal Gloves |99|

Ribbon | 5||Reflect Mail | 4||Celestial Gloves| 1|

Genji Helm | 1||White Robe |99||Shura Gloves | 1|

Crystal Helm |99||Black Robe |99||Astral Bracers | 1|

Royal Crown | 1||Bard Vest |99||Onion Gauntlets |99|

Ballad Crown | 1||Black Belt Gi |99|'-------------------'

Onion Helm |99||Dragon Mail | 4|

-----------------'|Gaia Vest |99|

|Viking Mail |99|

|Demon Mail |99|

|Diamond Mail |99|

|Genji Armor | 1|

|Fuma Garb | 2|

|Crystal Mail |99|

|Angel Robe | 1|

|Crimson Vest | 1|

|Master Dogi | 1|

|Onion Armor |99|


Name Max Name Max Name Max Key Items


Cure |99||Fire |99||Escape |99||Folding Canoe |

Poisona |99||Blizzard |99||Icen |99||Levigrass Shoes |

Sight |99||Sleep |99||Spark |99||Chain Key |

Aero |99||Blind |99||Heatra |99||Noah's Lute |

Mini |99||Poison |99||Hyper |99||Eureka Key |

Toad |99||Thunder |99||Catastro |99||Syrcus Key |

Cura |99||Fira |99||Leviath |99||Sara's Pendant* |

Teleport |99||Blizzara |99||Bahamur |99||Metal Card |

Blindna |99||Thundara |99|'------------------'|All 23 Job Cards |

Libra |99||Break |99| '------------------'

Confuse |99||Shade |99|

Silence |99||Blizzaga |99|

Curaga |99||Thundaga |99| * NOTE: You have a choice to give

Raise |99||Raze |99| Sara's Pendant back to her

Protect |99||Erase |99| or not. If you want a more

Aeroga |99||Firaga |99| complete Key Items list,

Stona |99||Bio |99| then keep it. Your choice!

Haste |99||Warp |99|

Curaja |99||Quake |99|

Esuna |99||Breakga |99|

Reflect |99||Drain |99|

Tornado |99||Flare |99|

Arise |99||Death |99|

Holy |99||Meteor |99|


NOTE: The list of Key Items are the ones you can have at the end of the game.


Most of the MAX amounts in these lists would take FOREVER to get, even if you

can buy the items. So just for fun, here is a list of the total amount of Gil

you would need, in order to purchase 99 of each buyable item.


Item: | Gil: |


Potion = 4,950

Hi-Potion = 59,400

Antidote = 7,920

Eye drops = 3,200

Echo Herbs = 9,900

Gold Needle = 9,900

Maiden's Kiss = 9,900

Mallet = 9,900

Ottershroom = 198,000

Gnomish Bread = 19,800

Magic Key = 9,900

Gysahl Greens = 14,850

Dagger = 5,940

Mythril Knife = 49,500

Main Gauche = 693,000

Dark Knife = 2,970,000

Longsword = 9,900

Mythril Sword = 49,500

Tyrfing = 198,000

Serpent Sword = 148,500

Defender = 2,772,000

Staff = 3,960

Fire Staff = 346,500

Ice Staff = 346,500

Light Staff = 346,500

Golem Staff = 1,336,500

Rune Staff = 1,782,000

Fire Rod = 990,000

Ice Rod = 990,000

Light Rod = 990,000

Mythril Rod = 39,600

Wizard Rod = 1,980,000

Ashura = 1,584,000

Bow = 9,900

Great Bow = 118,800

Killer Bow = 396,000

Selene Bow = 1,584,000

Yoichi Bow = 4,158,000

Wooden Arrow = 396

Holy Arrow = 990

Iron Arrow = 792

Fire Arrow = 14,850

Ice Arrow = 14,850

Light Arrow = 14,850

Sleep Arrow = 19,800

Poison Arrow = 19,800

Medusa Arrow = 29,700

Magic Arrow = 24,750

Yoichi Arrow = 49,500

Battleaxe = 732,600

Rune Axe = 3,465,000

Demon Axe = 3,960,000

Thunder Spear = 792,000

Wind Spear = 990,000

Blood Lance = 2,772,000

Dragon Lance = 3,960,000

Boomerang = 891,000

Shuriken = 6,484,500

Diamond Bell = 445,500

Madhura Harp = 990,000

Loki Harp = 990,000

Dream Harp = 1,188,000

Lamia Harp = 1,188,000

Apollo Harp = 5,940,000

Leather Cap = 1,485

Mythril Helm = 12,870

Headband = 118,800

Ice Helm = 118,800

Feathered Hat = 594,000

Scholar Hat = 742,500

Black Cowl = 396,000

Chakra Band = 445,500

Viking Helm = 544,500

Diamond Helm = 1,980,000

Crystal Helm = 4,950,000

Leather Armor = 8,910

Mythril Armor = 34,650

Mage Robe = 198,000

Shell Armor = 123,750

Ice Armor = 237,600

Kenpo Gi = 198,000

Scholar Robe = 544,500

Flame Mail = 237,600

Black Garb = 495,000

White Robe = 2,673,000

Black Robe = 2,673,000

Bard Vest = 544,500

Black Belt Gi = 594,000

Gaia Vest = 752,400

Viking Mail = 792,000

Demon Mail = 2,475,000

Diamond Mail = 3,168,000

Crystal Mail = 4,950,000

Bronze Bracers = 7,920

Mythril Bracers = 11,880

Mythril Gloves = 11,880

Thief Gloves = 247,500

Rune Bracers = 495,000

Diamond Bracers = 990,000

Diamond Gloves = 990,000

Crystal Gloves = 4,950,000

Leather Shield = 3,960

Mythril Shield = 17,820

Ice Shield = 178,200

Heroic Shield = 346,500

Demon Shield = 1,237,500

Diamond Shield = 1,782,000

Crystal Shield = 4,950,000

Cure = 9,900

Poisona = 9,900

Sight = 9,900

Aero = 69,300

Mini = 99,000

Toad = 69,300

Cura = 148,500

Teleport = 148,500

Blindna = 148,500

Libra = 297,000

Confuse = 297,000

Silence = 297,000

Curaga = 495,000

Raise = 495,000

Protect = 495,000

Aeroga = 990,000

Stona = 990,000

Haste = 990,000

Curaja = 1,980,000

Esuna = 1,980,000

Reflect = 1,980,000

Tornado = 5,940,000

Arise = 5,940,000

Holy = 5,940,000

Fire = 9,900

Blizzard = 9,900

Sleep = 9,900

Blind = 69,300

Poison = 69,300

Thunder = 69,300

Fira = 148,500

Blizzara = 148,500

Thundara = 148,500

Break = 297,000

Shade = 297,000

Blizzaga = 297,000

Thundaga = 495,000

Raze = 495,000

Erase = 495,000

Firaga = 990,000

Bio = 990,000

Warp = 990,000

Quake = 1,980,000

Breakga = 1,980,000

Drain = 1,980,000

Flare = 5,940,000

Death = 5,940,000

Meteor = 5,940,000

Escape = 9,900

Icen = 693,000

Spark = 693,000

Heatra = 693,000

Hyper = 693,000

Catastro = 3,960,000

Leviath = 4,950,000

Bahamur = 5,940,000

Total = 183,302,423

Um, yeah...... that's a lot of Gil.


{PER-4} Miss-able Items and Enemies |


All of the items in this section can be permanently LOST if you don't get them

at the first chance you have. This will be crucial to anyone who is working on

a perfect file.

Some of the items aren't rare or can't be missed permanently, but I listed them

anyways because these specific ones are in treasure chests. If you miss a

treasure chest, you won't get 100% treasure found! ;)

Miss-able Items:



Knife: Initial weapon for each party member.


Vest: Initial armor for Luneth.


NOTE: The Knife and Vest aren't exactly miss-able, but if you sell them, they

will be lost forever!


Holy Arrow : Castle Hein.


3000 Gil: Castle Hein. (x2)


Bomb Fragment: Castle Hein.


Antarctic Wind: Castle Hein.


Phoenix Down: Castle Hein. (x4)


Royal Sword: Castle Hein.


Elixir: Castle Hein.


Rune Bow: Castle Hein.


Zeus's Wrath: Wrecked Ship

-------- When you first go to the New World.

Blood Sword: Wrecked Ship /


Wind Spear:

-------- Southwestern Saronia; When Alus is IN your party, talk to

Dragon Mail: /the Old Men wearing orange clothes.


Gungnir: Steal and win from Odin.


Arctic Wind: Lake Dohr.


Heavenly Wrath: Lake Dohr.


Earthen Drums: Lake Dohr.


Phoenix Down: Lake Dohr.


Hi-Potion: Lake Dohr. (x4)


Elixir: Lake Dohr.


White Musk: Lake Dohr.


Bacchus's Cider: Lake Dohr.


Platinum Hammer: Lake Dohr. (x2)


Turtle Shell: Lake Dohr.


Aegis Shield: Lake Dohr.


Black Musk: Lake Dohr.


Reflect Mail: Lake Dohr.


Black Hole: Lake Dohr.


Lilith's Kiss: Lake Dohr.


Raven's Yawn: Lake Dohr.


10,000 Gil: Doga's Grotto. (x2)


Rising Sun: Doga's Grotto.


Lust Dagger: Doga's Grotto.


White Musk: Doga's Grotto.


Chocobo's Wrath: Doga's Grotto.


Phoenix Down: Doga's Grotto. (x2)


Miss-able Enemies:



Demon: Castle Hein.


Pharaoh: Castle Hein.


Lemur: Castle Hein.


Dullahan: Castle Hein.


Lamia: Castle Hein.


Sea Dragon: Anywhere in the sea.(not on floating continent) The best time to

encounter it, is right after you beat Goldor Manor. You won't be

able to encounter him once you get the Nautilus!


Plancti: Lake Dohr.


Remora: Lake Dohr.


Sea Lion: Lake Dohr.


Nemesis: Doga's Grotto.


Cyclops: Doga's Grotto.


Humbaba: Doga's Grotto.


Ogre: Doga's Grotto.


That's all of them! Take care not to miss any! ;)


{Per-5} Getting 9999 HP | {MaxHP}


Getting the max amount of HP isn't that hard. It's just really time consuming!

The HP growth, on any character, is determined by VITALITY and a little bit of

luck. So the higher the Vitality stat on your character, the more HP they'll

gain at level up! And in case you're wondering, ALL stat increases from the

weapons and armor you equip, *DO NOT* count. Even the stat decreases from

being in the "Job Transition Phase" doesn't count! That's good to hear! :P

The only Job that will get you to 9999 HP is: BLACK BELT! This Job has the

best Vitality stat when compared to all other Jobs!

Seeing as how you don't get Black Belt until very late in the game, I made a

chart, using Penguin_Knight's HP Gains, that explains how much HP you should

have at certain levels. Your goal for all of this is to try and catch up to

the "Target HP" values on the chart. Continue reading to find out how long it

will take you! :)


Character Level | Target HP |


---- | ---- | This chart is based on you leveling up your

21 | 717 | character, from Lv. 21-99, as a Black Belt.

22 | 759 | Because of this, I doubt you will be able to

23 | 803 | reach the Target HP at the lower levels.

24 | 849 |

25 | 897 | Even though the chart starts at Level 21,

26 | 947 | you should *NEVER* worry about this until you

27 | 999 | are Level 55-60.

28 | 1053 |

29 | 1109 | The first time I reached MAX HP, I started at

30 | 1167 | level 55! So you do the same! Hehe. ;)

31 | 1227 |

32 | 1289 | Ok, what you want to do, when aiming to

33 | 1353 | get 9999 HP, is try and reach the Target HP

34 | 1419 | for your next level. To help you do this,

35 | 1487 | read carefully the following strategy.

36 | 1557 |

37 | 1629 |

38 | 1703 |

39 | 1779 | HP GAIN STRATEGY:

40 | 1857 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

41 | 1937 | When you level up, there is a chance that you

42 | 2019 | can get a bonus in your HP Gain.

43 | 2103 |

44 | 2189 | -----------------------------------------------

45 | 2277 | HP Gain = Character's Level + Vitality + Bonus

46 | 2367 |

47 | 2459 | Bonus = (Random # between 0 and 0.5) x Vitality

48 | 2553 | -----------------------------------------------

49 | 2649 |

50 | 2747 | As you can see, it's all random on how much of

51 | 2847 | a bonus you will get.

52 | 2949 |

53 | 3053 | It's possible to get a Bonus of up to HALF of

54 | 3159 | your Vitality! And it's also possible to get

55 | 3267 | absolutely no Bonus!

56 | 3377 |

57 | 3489 | So if you need to, SAVE before you level up

58 | 3603 | and then see how much HP is gained. Now do

59 | 3719 | a little bit of math to find out how much of a

60 | 3837 | bonus you just received. If it's a HIGH bonus,

61 | 3957 | meaning you got close to half your Vitality,

62 | 4079 | save it! If you got a very small Bonus, then

63 | 4203 | reset and try again! To get an idea of what

64 | 4329 | it's like trying to reach the Target HP,

65 | 4457 | here is a small chart with my progress! ;)

66 | 4587 |

67 | 4719 | .----.--------.-----------.

68 | 4853 | | Lv | My HP: | Short by: |

69 | 4989 | |----|--------|-----------|

70 | 5127 | | 70 | 4796 | 331 |

71 | 5267 | | 71 | 4970 | 297 | NOTE: See how

72 | 5409 | | 72 | 5135 | 274 | I am slooowly

73 | 5553 | | 73 | 5312 | 241 | getting closer

74 | 5699 | | 74 | 5488 | 211 | and closer? :P

75 | 5847 | | 75 | 5670 | 177 |

76 | 5997 | | 76 | 5856 | 141 |

77 | 6149 | | 77 | 6043 | 106 |

78 | 6303 | | 78 | 6234 | 69 |

79 | 6459 | | 79 | 6429 | 30 |

80 | 6617 | | 80 | 6625 | -8 |

81 | 6777 | '----'--------'-----------'

82 | 6939 |

83 | 7103 | Take notice that I still haven't reached the

84 | 7269 | Target HP even at level 70.

85 | 7437 |

86 | 7607 | This doesn't mean I'm doomed to never get

87 | 7779 | to 9999 HP, it just means I need to rely on

88 | 7953 | getting larger HP Gain bonuses!

89 | 8129 |

90 | 8307 | And as a result of proper leveling, meaning

91 | 8487 | I only got HIGH bonuses, I finally reached

92 | 8669 | the Target HP at level 80! Yay!

93 | 8853 |

94 | 9039 | Once you get to this point, it's nothing but

95 | 9227 | smooth sailing to level 99! There is no

96 | 9417 | more need to get the Target HP, you've

97 | 9609 | done it! :D

98 | 9803 |

99 | 9999 |<- You can do it! Haha.


Here is something to enlighten your hopes; The Target HP values above,

*DO NOT* include any HP Gain Bonus at all! So if you do receive a Bonus, try

to get as much as you can, and you'll have a huge advantage!


Worried that you won't be able to make it? Check the following chart to see if

you can still get Max HP.

If you have LESS then the Required HP for your current level, you will NEVER

be able to get 9999 HP. Sorry. :P


Character Level | Required HP |


---- | ---- |

42 | 24 | TIP:

43 | 129 | ~~~~

44 | 236 | Don't rely on this chart. It's accurate,

45 | 346 | BUT it will make the road to 9999 HP a lot

46 | 459 | more difficult. It may not seem like it, but

47 | 574 | it will.

48 | 691 |

49 | 811 | Seriously, use the above strategy and try

50 | 934 | to get the Target HP. It's less risky.

51 | 1059 |

52 | 1186 |

53 | 1316 |

54 | 1449 |

55 | 1584 |

56 | 1721 |

57 | 1861 |

58 | 2004 |

59 | 2149 |

60 | 2296 |

61 | 2446 |

62 | 2599 |

63 | 2754 |

64 | 2911 |

65 | 3071 |

66 | 3234 |

67 | 3399 |

68 | 3566 |

69 | 3736 |

70 | 3909 |

71 | 4084 |

72 | 4261 |

73 | 4441 |

74 | 4624 |

75 | 4809 |

76 | 4996 |

77 | 5186 |

78 | 5379 |

79 | 5574 |

80 | 5771 |

81 | 5971 |

82 | 6174 |

83 | 6379 |

84 | 6586 |

85 | 6796 |

86 | 7009 |

87 | 7224 |

88 | 7441 |

89 | 7661 |

90 | 7884 |

91 | 8109 |

92 | 8336 |

93 | 8566 |

94 | 8799 |

95 | 9035 |

96 | 9271 |

97 | 9511 |

98 | 9754 |

99 | 9999 |



VIII) In-Game Bestiary {BES}


Most of this information was logged from the Bestiary that is within the game.

To access this In-Game Bestiary, go to the Gysahl Inn. There is a secret

passage in the first room that leads to an Old Man. He will tell you all sorts

of cool information so go check it out! ;) Ok, now on the beasties!

Here is an example chart explaining each term:


Number| Monster Name



Level: Monster level

HP: Max HP


Gil: Money won

Exp: Total Experience

Drops: Possible item drops after the battle.


Atk: Attack power.

Def: Defense power.

Weakness: Attacks its weak against.


Steal: Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, Item 4.

Location: Where the monster can be found.




Exp.......Total Experience is divided among all LIVING party members!

Steal.....See the "Stealing Guide" section for more DETAILS! Ctrl+F. {STL}

Drops.....See the "Enemy Loot" section below for more DETAILS! Ctrl+F. {BE}

Location..I only listed one location where they can be found, not all of them.

Also, when you go to an area to find them, you must explore the whole

area! You won't be able to find all of the monsters in the first

room of a dungeon! :P


{BES-1} The List |

------------------' There are a total of 226 monsters in FFIII.



No. 1 | Goblin



Level: 1

HP: 7


Exp: 1

Gil: 10

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 6

Def: 6

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: I don't know.




No. 2 | Carbuncle



Level: 1

HP: 10


Exp: 2

Gil: 5

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 6

Def: 6

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Altar Cave.




No. 3 | Eye Fang



Level: 1

HP: 11


Exp: 3

Gil: 7

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 7

Def: 6

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Altar Cave.




No. 4 | Blue Wisp



Level: 1

HP: 14


Exp: 4

Gil: 10

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 7

Def: 6

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Altar Cave. Uncommon.




No. 5 | Killer Bee



Level: 2

HP: 18


Exp: 12

Gil: 12

Drops: Eye Drops, Antidote.


Atk: 8

Def: 6

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Eye Drops, Eye Drops, Antidote, Antidote.

Location: World map near Kasuz.




No. 6 | Werewolf



Level: 3

HP: 24


Exp: 12

Gil: 14

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 9

Def: 6

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: World map near Kasuz.




No. 7 | Berserker



Level: 4

HP: 28


Exp: 14

Gil: 22

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 11

Def: 6

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: World map near Kasuz.




No. 8 | Red Wisp



Level: 5

HP: 39


Exp: 70

Gil: 18

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 12

Def: 10

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Castle Sasune: West Tower.




No. 9 | Dark Eye



Level: 5

HP: 43


Exp: 95

Gil: 20

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 12

Def: 10

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Castle Sasune: West Tower.




No. 10 | Zombie



Level: 6

HP: 47


Exp: 100

Gil: 22

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 14

Def: 10

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Castle Sasune: West Tower. Uncommon.




No. 11 | Mummy



Level: 6

HP: 52


Exp: 100

Gil: 24

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 15

Def: 10

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: The Sealed Cave.




No. 12 | Skeleton



Level: 6

HP: 57


Exp: 105

Gil: 26

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 14

Def: 10

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: The Sealed Cave.




No. 13 | Cursed Copper



Level: 6

HP: 42


Exp: 105

Gil: 52

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 14

Def: 10

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: The Sealed Cave.




No. 14 | Larva



Level: 6

HP: 44


Exp: 120

Gil: 30

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 15

Def: 10

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Eye Drops, Eye Drops, Antidote, Antidote.

Location: The Sealed Cave.




No. 15 | Shadow



Level: 7

HP: 66


Exp: 120

Gil: 32

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 15

Def: 10

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Eye Drops, Eye Drops, Antidote, Antidote.

Location: The Sealed Cave.




No. 16 | Revenant



Level: 7

HP: 70


Exp: 130

Gil: 34

Drops: Eye Drops, Antidote.


Atk: 14

Def: 10

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Eye Drops, Eye Drops, Antidote, Antidote.

Location: The Sealed Cave, room with Djinn Boss. Uncommon/Rare.




No. 17 | Firefly



Level: 9

HP: 92


Exp: 130

Gil: 36

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 17

Def: 15

Weakness: Ice, Wind.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Dragon's Peak.




No. 18 | Helldiver



Level: 8

HP: 120


Exp: 130

Gil: 38

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 17

Def: 15

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Dragon's Peak.




No. 19 | Rust Bird



Level: 9

HP: 135


Exp: 150

Gil: 40

Drops: Phoenix Down.


Atk: 18

Def: 15

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Phoenix Down, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Down.

Location: Dragon's Peak. Very rare.




No. 20 | Rukh



Level: 9

HP: 155


Exp: 150

Gil: 42

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 19

Def: 15

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Dragon's Peak.




No. 21 | Basilisk



Level: 9

HP: 100


Exp: 150

Gil: 44

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 18

Def: 15

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: World map near Canaan.




No. 22 | Bugbear



Level: 9

HP: 110


Exp: 180

Gil: 46

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 20

Def: 15

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: World map near Canaan.




No. 23 | Mandrake



Level: 9

HP: 120


Exp: 180

Gil: 48

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 19

Def: 15

Weakness: Fire.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: World map near Canaan.




No. 24 | Leprechaun



Level: 9

HP: 142


Exp: 200

Gil: 52

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 16

Def: 15

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Tozus Tunnel.




No. 25 | Darkface



Level: 9

HP: 168


Exp: 200

Gil: 53

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 16

Def: 15

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Tozus Tunnel.




No. 26 | Petit



Level: 9

HP: 103


Exp: 200

Gil: 54

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 15

Def: 15

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Nepto Temple.




No. 27 | Poison Bat



Level: 9

HP: 98


Exp: 220

Gil: 56

Drops: Eye Drops, Antidote.


Atk: 15

Def: 15

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Eye Drops, Eye Drops, Antidote, Antidote.

Location: Nepto Temple, room with Shell Armor and Shell Helm.




No. 28 | Lilliputian



Level: 10

HP: 118


Exp: 220

Gil: 58

Drops: Potion, High-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 17

Def: 15

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Nepto Temple.




No. 29 | Wererat



Level: 10

HP: 130


Exp: 220

Gil: 60

Drops: Potion, High-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 18

Def: 15

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Nepto Temple, room with Giant Rat Boss. Uncommon.




No. 30 | Blood Worm



Level: 11

HP: 165


Exp: 240

Gil: 62

Drops: Potion, High-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 22

Def: 15

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Nepto Temple.




No. 31 | Killer Fish



Level: 13

HP: 135


Exp: 240

Gil: 64

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 22

Def: 16

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Inner sea of the Floating Continent.




No. 32 | Hermit



Level: 13

HP: 173


Exp: 240

Gil: 66

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 22

Def: 16

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Inner sea of the Floating Continent.




No. 33 | Sea Elemental



Level: 12

HP: 155


Exp: 250

Gil: 67

Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind.


Atk: 22

Def: 16

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind.

Location: Inner sea of the Floating Continent.




No. 34 | Tangie



Level: 13

HP: 225


Exp: 250

Gil: 68

Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, Silence Seal,

Tranquilizer, Angel's Sigh.


Atk: 24

Def: 16

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath.

Location: Inner sea of the Floating Continent. Uncommon.




No. 35 | Sahagin



Level: 13

HP: 190


Exp: 250

Gil: 70

Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind.


Atk: 22

Def: 16

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind.

Location: Inner sea of the Floating Continent.




No. 36 | Parademon



Level: 16

HP: 245


Exp: 270

Gil: 72

Drops: Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow, Ice Arrow, Fire Arrow,

Light Arrow, Medusa Arrow, Yoichi Arrow.


Atk: 27

Def: 16

Weakness: Fire.


Steal: Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow, Light Arrow.

Location: South edge of the Floating Continent. Uncommon/Rare.




No. 37 | Griffon



Level: 6

HP: 230


Exp: 130

Gil: 40

Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, Silence Seal,

Tranquilizer, Angel's Sigh.


Atk: 15

Def: 8

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath.

Location: World map near Village of Ancients and Tokkul.




No. 38 | Lynx



Level: 16

HP: 265


Exp: 270

Gil: 76

Drops: Potion, High-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 27

Def: 16

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: South edge of the Floating Continent.




No. 39 | Hornet



Level: 15

HP: 260


Exp: 300

Gil: 78

Drops: Eye Drops, Antidote.


Atk: 25

Def: 16

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Eye Drops, Eye Drops, Antidote, Antidote.

Location: South edge of the Floating Continent.




No. 40 | Knocker



Level: 13

HP: 131


Exp: 300

Gil: 80

Drops: Potion, Zeus's Wrath, Angel's Sigh, Shell Breaker, Heavenly Wrath.


Atk: 23

Def: 16

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Zeus's Wrath, Zeus's Wrath, Angel's Sigh.

Location: World map near Village of Ancients and Tokkul.




No. 41 | Flyer



Level: 12

HP: 139


Exp: 300

Gil: 82

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 23

Def: 16

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: World map near Village of Ancients and Tokkul.




No. 42 | Lizardman



Level: 13

HP: 155


Exp: 320

Gil: 84

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 24

Def: 16

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: World map near Village of Ancients.




No. 43 | Gorgon



Level: 13

HP: 145


Exp: 320

Gil: 86

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 24

Def: 16

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: World map near Village of Ancients and Tokkul.




No. 44 | Red Cap



Level: 18

HP: 252


Exp: 320

Gil: 87

Drops: Potion, Zeus's Wrath, Angel's Sigh, Shell Breaker, Heavenly Wrath.


Atk: 31

Def: 16

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Zeus's Wrath, Zeus's Wrath, Angel's Sigh.

Location: Southeast forest on edge the Floating Continent.




No. 45 | Barometz



Level: 18

HP: 264


Exp: 330

Gil: 88

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 31

Def: 16

Weakness: Fire.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Northwest edge of the Floating Continent.




No. 46 | Slime



Level: 17

HP: 240


Exp: 330

Gil: 90

Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, Silence Seal,

Tranquilizer, Angel's Sigh.


Atk: 28

Def: 16

Weakness: Fire.


Steal: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath.

Location: Northwest edge of the Floating Continent.




No. 47 | Tarantula



Level: 18

HP: 240


Exp: 330

Gil: 92

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 31

Def: 16

Weakness: Fire.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Southeast forest on edge the Floating Continent.




No. 48 | Cuphgel



Level: 18

HP: 240


Exp: 360

Gil: 94

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 31

Def: 16

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Southeast forest on edge the Floating Continent.




No. 49 | Pugman



Level: 14

HP: 171


Exp: 360

Gil: 96

Drops: Potion, Maiden's Kiss, Echo Herbs, Mallet, Hi-Potion.


Atk: 27

Def: 17

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Maiden's Kiss, Echo Herbs, Mallet.

Location: Tower of Owen, 3rd floor and down.




No. 50 | Far Darrig



Level: 14

HP: 177


Exp: 360

Gil: 98

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 25

Def: 17

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Tower of Owen. All floors.




No. 51 | Blood Bat



Level: 14

HP: 208


Exp: 380

Gil: 100

Drops: Potion, Maiden's Kiss, Echo Herbs, Mallet, Hi-Potion.


Atk: 27

Def: 17

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Potion, Maiden's Kiss, Echo Herbs, Mallet.

Location: Tower of Owen. 5th floor and up.




No. 52 | Petit Mage



Level: 13

HP: 196


Exp: 380

Gil: 101

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 23

Def: 17

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Tower of Owen. All floors.




No. 53 | Fury



Level: 16

HP: 216


Exp: 380

Gil: 102

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 29

Def: 17

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Tower of Owen, first floor. Rare.




No. 54 | Aughisky



Level: 15

HP: 235


Exp: 400

Gil: 105

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 28

Def: 17

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Tower of Owen, 5th floor and up.




No. 55 | Bomb



Level: 16

HP: 315


Exp: 400

Gil: 110

Drops: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer, Silence Seal, Lilith's Kiss.


Atk: 31

Def: 19

Weakness: Ice, Water.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer.

Location: The Subterranean Lake.




No. 56 | Manticore



Level: 17

HP: 375


Exp: 400

Gil: 112

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 32

Def: 19

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: The Subterranean Lake.




No. 57 | Stalagmite



Level: 17

HP: 284


Exp: 400

Gil: 115

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 30

Def: 19

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: The Subterranean Lake.




No. 58 | Sea Devil



Level: 17

HP: 339


Exp: 450

Gil: 116

Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind.


Atk: 31

Def: 19

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind.

Location: The Subterranean Lake, room with Gutsco Boss.




No. 59 | Merman



Level: 17

HP: 345


Exp: 450

Gil: 118

Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind.


Atk: 31

Def: 19

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind.

Location: The Subterranean Lake, room with Gutsco Boss. Uncommon.




No. 60 | Ruinous Wave



Level: 16

HP: 296


Exp: 450

Gil: 120

Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind.


Atk: 30

Def: 19

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind.

Location: The Subterranean Lake, room with Gutsco Boss.




No. 61 | Balloon



Level: 18

HP: 386


Exp: 450

Gil: 125

Drops: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer, Silence Seal, Lilith's Kiss.


Atk: 33

Def: 19

Weakness: Ice, Water.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer.

Location: The Molten Cave.




No. 62 | Myrmecoleon



Level: 19

HP: 494


Exp: 500

Gil: 130

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 35

Def: 19

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: The Molten Cave, room after the lava waterfall room. Rare.




No. 63 | Crocotta



Level: 19

HP: 500


Exp: 500

Gil: 135

Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Sheep Pillow, Lamia Scale, Bomb Arm.


Atk: 35

Def: 19

Weakness: Ice, Water.


Steal: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Bomb Fragment, Sheep Pillow.

Location: The Molten Cave.




No. 64 | Adamantoise



Level: 21

HP: 800


Exp: 700

Gil: 270

Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind.


Atk: 40

Def: 19

Weakness: Ice, Water.


Steal: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind.

Location: The Molten Cave.




No. 65 | Red Marshmallow



Level: 18

HP: 510


Exp: 500

Gil: 140

Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Sheep Pillow, Lamia Scale, Bomb Arm.


Atk: 34

Def: 19

Weakness: Ice, Water.


Steal: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Bomb Fragment, Sheep Pillow.

Location: The Molten Cave.




No. 66 | Pharaoh



Level: 20

HP: 580


Exp: 600

Gil: 145

Drops: Eye Drops, Antidote.


Atk: 41

Def: 19

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Eye Drops, Eye Drops, Antidote, Antidote.

Location: Castle Hein.




No. 67 | Lemur



Level: 19

HP: 752


Exp: 600

Gil: 150

Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, Silence Seal,

Tranquilizer, Angel's Sigh.


Atk: 38

Def: 19

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath.

Location: Castle Hein.




No. 68 | Lamia



Level: 23

HP: 850


Exp: 840

Gil: 310

Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, Silence Seal,

Tranquilizer, Angel's Sigh.


Atk: 44

Def: 19

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath.

Location: Castle Hein, room before Hein Boss. Uncommon.




No. 69 | Demon



Level: 23

HP: 742


Exp: 1008

Gil: 316

Drops: Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow, Ice Arrow, Fire Arrow,

Light Arrow, Medusa Arrow, Yoichi Arrow.


Atk: 45

Def: 19

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow, Light Arrow.

Location: Castle Hein.




No. 70 | Dullahan



Level: 24

HP: 1000


Exp: 1008

Gil: 320

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 48

Def: 19

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Castle Hein, room before you go outside.




No. 71 | Anet



Level: 14

HP: 268


Exp: 400

Gil: 100

Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind.


Atk: 25

Def: 19

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind.

Location: Outer sea of the Floating Continent.




No. 72 | Mermaid



Level: 15

HP: 364


Exp: 450

Gil: 123

Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind.


Atk: 25

Def: 19

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind.

Location: Outer sea of the Floating Continent.




No. 73 | Seahorse



Level: 14

HP: 278


Exp: 450

Gil: 119

Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind.


Atk: 25

Def: 19

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind.

Location: Outer sea of the Floating Continent.




No. 74 | Sea Serpent



Level: 17

HP: 530


Exp: 700

Gil: 406

Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind.


Atk: 30

Def: 19

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind, Antarctic Wind.

Location: Outer sea of the Floating Continent. Uncommon/Rare.




No. 75 | Cockatrice



Level: 20

HP: 890


Exp: 800

Gil: 185

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 44

Def: 19

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Cave of Tides.




No. 76 | Poison Toad



Level: 19

HP: 800


Exp: 900

Gil: 190

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 40

Def: 19

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Cave of Tides, first room.




No. 77 | Twin Heads



Level: 19

HP: 910


Exp: 900

Gil: 195

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 42

Def: 19

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Cave of Tides.




No. 78 | Roper



Level: 20

HP: 815


Exp: 900

Gil: 200

Drops: Potion, Bomb Arm, Arctic Wind, Heavenly Wrath, Lamia Scale,

Bacchus's Cider, Turtle Shell, Earthen Drums.


Atk: 43

Def: 19

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Bomb Arm, Arctic Wind, Heavenly Wrath.

Location: Cave of Tides.




No. 79 | Agaliarept



Level: 21

HP: 930


Exp: 1000

Gil: 210

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 45

Def: 19

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Cave of Tides.




No. 80 | Dark Legs



Level: 21

HP: 940


Exp: 1000

Gil: 220

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 41

Def: 20

Weakness: Fire.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Amur Village, sewer.




No. 81 | Gigantoad



Level: 20

HP: 838


Exp: 1000

Gil: 230

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 41

Def: 20

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Amur Village, sewer.




No. 82 | Twin Liger



Level: 22

HP: 960


Exp: 1100

Gil: 240

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 43

Def: 20

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Amur Village, sewer.




No. 83 | Stroper



Level: 21

HP: 1100


Exp: 1100

Gil: 250

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 41

Def: 20

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Amur Village, sewer. Uncommon/Rare.




No. 84 | Black Flan



Level: 22

HP: 880


Exp: 1100

Gil: 260

Drops: Potion, Bomb Arm, Arctic Wind, Heavenly Wrath, Lamia Scale,

Bacchus's Cider, Turtle Shell, Earthen Drums.


Atk: 44

Def: 20

Weakness: Fire.


Steal: Potion, Bomb Arm, Arctic Wind, Heavenly Wrath.

Location: Tiny island, southeast of World Map.




No. 85 | Hellgaroo



Level: 22

HP: 888


Exp: 1250

Gil: 270

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 44

Def: 20

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion..

Location: Tiny island, southeast of World Map.




No. 86 | Vulcan



Level: 26

HP: 2200


Exp: 1750

Gil: 560

Drops: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer, Silence Seal, Lilith's Kiss.


Atk: 50

Def: 20

Weakness: Ice, Water.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer.

Location: Tiny island, southeast of World Map.(grass) Uncommon.




No. 87 | Dracrocotta



Level: 23

HP: 1050


Exp: 1250

Gil: 290

Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 44

Def: 20

Weakness: Ice.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Tiny island, southeast of World Map.




No. 88 | Magician



Level: 23

HP: 1040


Exp: 1400

Gil: 300

Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain,

Chocobo's Wrath, Black Musk.


Atk: 43

Def: 20

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer.

Location: Tiny island, southeast of World Map. In the forest.




No. 89 | Lost Gold



Level: 23

HP: 928


Exp: 1400

Gil: 310

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 38

Def: 22

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Goldor Manor, room with 11 Golden Swords. Rare.




No. 90 | Gold Eagle



Level: 23

HP: 935


Exp: 1400

Gil: 320

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 43

Def: 22

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Goldor Manor.




No. 91 | Gold Warrior



Level: 24

HP: 1130


Exp: 1500

Gil: 330

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 47

Def: 22

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Goldor Manor.




No. 92 | Gold Bear



Level: 24

HP: 1090


Exp: 1500

Gil: 340

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 49

Def: 22

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Goldor Manor.




No. 93 | Gold Knight



Level: 25

HP: 1100


Exp: 1500

Gil: 350

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 48

Def: 22

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Goldor Manor.




No. 94 | Nightmare



Level: 25

HP: 1120


Exp: 1900

Gil: 360

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 48

Def: 22

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Goldor Manor.




No. 95 | Hellgaroo Mage



Level: 25

HP: 1093


Exp: 1400

Gil: 370

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 49

Def: 22

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Potion, Potion, Potion.

Location: Saronia continent.




No. 96 | Needle Monkey



Level: 25

HP: 1100


Exp: 1400

Gil: 380

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 48

Def: 22

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: Saronia continent.




No. 97 | Catoblepas



Level: 26

HP: 1260


Exp: 1600

Gil: 390

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 54

Def: 22

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Saronia continent.




No. 98 | Sorcerer



Level: 26

HP: 1270


Exp: 1600

Gil: 400

Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn.


Atk: 51

Def: 22

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell.

Location: Saronia continent.




No. 99 | Sand Worm



Level: 26

HP: 1290


Exp: 1920

Gil: 420

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 53

Def: 22

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Saronia continent. More common in the Dragon Spire.(SE Saronia)




No. 100 | Frostfly



Level: 28

HP: 1200


Exp: 1920

Gil: 430

Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn.


Atk: 54

Def: 23

Weakness: Fire, Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell.

Location: Dalg continent. On the ground or in the air.




No. 101 | Simurgh



Level: 28

HP: 1220


Exp: 2080

Gil: 450

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 55

Def: 23

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Dalg continent. On the ground or in the air.




No. 102 | Harpy



Level: 30

HP: 1650


Exp: 2080

Gil: 460

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 56

Def: 23

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Dalg continent. On the ground or in the air.




No. 103 | Gargoyle



Level: 28

HP: 1240


Exp: 2400

Gil: 470

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 56

Def: 23

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Dalg continent. On the ground or in the air.




No. 104 | Chimera



Level: 28

HP: 1250


Exp: 2400

Gil: 475

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 57

Def: 23

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Dalg continent. On the ground or in the air.




No. 105 | Demon Horse



Level: 29

HP: 710


Exp: 2640

Gil: 480

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 36

Def: 23

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Cave of the Circle.




No. 106 | Rock Gargoyle



Level: 29

HP: 720


Exp: 2640

Gil: 490

Drops: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer, Silence Seal, Lilith's Kiss.


Atk: 36

Def: 23

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer.

Location: Cave of the Circle.




No. 107 | Bovian



Level: 29

HP: 730


Exp: 2640

Gil: 500

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 36

Def: 23

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Cave of the Circle.




No. 108 | Dread Knight



Level: 29

HP: 740


Exp: 2880

Gil: 510

Drops: Potion, Bomb Arm, Arctic Wind, Heavenly Wrath, Lamia Scale,

Bacchus's Cider, Turtle Shell, Earthen Drums.


Atk: 36

Def: 23

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Bomb Arm, Arctic Wind, Heavenly Wrath.

Location: Cave of the Circle, first path. Uncommon/Rare.




No. 109 | Flyer Mage



Level: 28

HP: 680


Exp: 2880

Gil: 520

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 36

Def: 23

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Cave of the Circle, first path.




No. 110 | Noggle



Level: 30

HP: 1310


Exp: 2880

Gil: 540

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 56

Def: 24

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Under the sea.




No. 111 | Abtu



Level: 29

HP: 1128


Exp: 2880

Gil: 550

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 54

Def: 24

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Under the sea.




No. 112 | Sea Dragon



Level: 27

HP: 2550


Exp: 4680

Gil: 1120

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 57

Def: 24

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Main world sea. Must encounter him before getting the Nautilus. Rare.




No. 113 | Kagura



Level: 29

HP: 1143


Exp: 3120

Gil: 580

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 54

Def: 24

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Under the sea.




No. 114 | Charybdis



Level: 30

HP: 1350


Exp: 3120

Gil: 600

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 57

Def: 24

Weakness: Lighting.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Under the sea.




No. 115 | Dozmare



Level: 31

HP: 1650


Exp: 4400

Gil: 780

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 58

Def: 24

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Sunken Cave, room with the 4 treasure chest traps. Uncommon.




No. 116 | Sea Witch



Level: 31

HP: 1660


Exp: 4800

Gil: 800

Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn.


Atk: 58

Def: 24

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell.

Location: Sunken Cave.




No. 117 | Killer Hermit



Level: 31

HP: 1680


Exp: 4800

Gil: 820

Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn.


Atk: 59

Def: 24

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell.

Location: Sunken Cave.




No. 118 | Ologhai



Level: 30

HP: 1415


Exp: 4800

Gil: 840

Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn.


Atk: 58

Def: 24

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell.

Location: Sunken Cave.




No. 119 | Kelpie



Level: 30

HP: 1420


Exp: 5600

Gil: 850

Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn.


Atk: 58

Def: 24

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell.

Location: Sunken Cave.




No. 120 | Aegir



Level: 31

HP: 1740


Exp: 5600

Gil: 860

Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn.


Atk: 58

Def: 24

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell.

Location: Sunken Cave.




No. 121 | Kyklops



Level: 32

HP: 1580


Exp: 4000

Gil: 720

Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain,

Chocobo's Wrath, Black Musk.


Atk: 66

Def: 24

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer.

Location: Saronia Catacombs, room with pretty blue rug.




No. 122 | Boss Troll



Level: 32

HP: 1600


Exp: 4000

Gil: 740

Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn.


Atk: 66

Def: 24

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell.

Location: Saronia Catacombs.




No. 123 | Fachan



Level: 32

HP: 1620


Exp: 5600

Gil: 745

Drops: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer, Silence Seal, Lilith's Kiss.


Atk: 65

Def: 24

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer.

Location: Saronia Catacombs.




No. 124 | Cenchos



Level: 32

HP: 4000


Exp: 6600

Gil: 1500

Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn.


Atk: 69

Def: 24

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell.

Location: Saronia Catacombs, second room. Uncommon.




No. 125 | Balor



Level: 32

HP: 1660


Exp: 4400

Gil: 760

Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn.


Atk: 65

Def: 24

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell.

Location: Saronia Catacombs.




No. 126 | Dira



Level: 33

HP: 5000


Exp: 3280

Gil: 610

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 73

Def: 25

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Temple of Time.




No. 127 | Chimera Mage



Level: 33

HP: 1540


Exp: 3280

Gil: 615

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 69

Def: 25

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Temple of Time.




No. 128 | King Lizard



Level: 33

HP: 1560


Exp: 3280

Gil: 620

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 68

Def: 25

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Temple of Time.




No. 129 | Pterodactyl



Level: 33

HP: 1570


Exp: 3280

Gil: 640

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 68

Def: 25

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Temple of Time, rooms near Noah's Lute. Rare.




No. 130 | Wyvern



Level: 36

HP: 1825


Exp: 6000

Gil: 1300

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 78

Def: 26

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Temple of Time, rooms near Noah's Lute.




No. 131 | Behemoth



Level: 37

HP: 12650


Exp: 6900

Gil: 4668

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 84

Def: 26

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Temple of Time, rooms near Noah's Lute. Uncommon.




No. 132 | King Seahorse



Level: 33

HP: 1405


Exp: 3600

Gil: 680

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 68

Def: 25

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Temple of Time.




No. 133 | Dragon



Level: 38

HP: 11000


Exp: 7200

Gil: 9000

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 85

Def: 26

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Temple of Time, rooms near Noah's Lute.




No. 134 | Pyralis



Level: 37

HP: 6550


Exp: 14400

Gil: 1760

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 81

Def: 26

Weakness: Ice, Water.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Ancient Ruins.




No. 135 | Silenus



Level: 35

HP: 2120


Exp: 1020

Gil: 900

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 74

Def: 25

Weakness: Dark Blade.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Falgabard Cave, Ancient Ruins.




No. 136 | Gaap



Level: 34

HP: 1800


Exp: 1020

Gil: 623

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 73

Def: 25

Weakness: Dark Blade.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Falgabard Cave, Ancient Ruins.




No. 137 | Azrael



Level: 34

HP: 1950


Exp: 1020

Gil: 640

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 73

Def: 25

Weakness: Dark Blade.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Ancient Ruins.




No. 138 | Eater



Level: 35

HP: 2700


Exp: 1020

Gil: 945

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 74

Def: 25

Weakness: Dark Blade.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Ancient Ruins.




No. 139 | Ouroboros



Level: 36

HP: 2660


Exp: 7200

Gil: 1300

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 81

Def: 26

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Lake Dohr and Saronia Catacombs(chest x4).




No. 140 | Plancti



Level: 35

HP: 2260


Exp: 7200

Gil: 1223

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 76

Def: 26

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Lake Dohr.




No. 141 | Sea Lion



Level: 35

HP: 2275


Exp: 7600

Gil: 1325

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 76

Def: 26

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Lake Dohr.




No. 142 | Remora



Level: 36

HP: 2720


Exp: 7600

Gil: 1354

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 81

Def: 26

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Lake Dohr.




No. 143 | Grenade



Level: 36

HP: 2305


Exp: 7600

Gil: 1400

Drops: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer, Silence Seal, Lilith's Kiss.


Atk: 82

Def: 26

Weakness: Ice, Water.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer.

Location: Bahamut's Lair.




No. 144 | Drake



Level: 37

HP: 3260


Exp: 7600

Gil: 1650

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 83

Def: 26

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Bahamut's Lair.




No. 145 | Greater Boros



Level: 37

HP: 3280


Exp: 7600

Gil: 1700

Drops: Gold Needle.


Atk: 83

Def: 26

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Bahamut's Lair.




No. 146 | Sabertooth Liger



Level: 37

HP: 3300


Exp: 7600

Gil: 1800

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 83

Def: 26

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Bahamut's Lair.




No. 147 | Queen Lamia



Level: 39

HP: 7200


Exp: 12000

Gil: 4400

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 86

Def: 27

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Bahamut's Lair, room with Bahamut. Uncommon/Rare.




No. 148 | Zombie Dragon



Level: 41

HP: 11000


Exp: 15000

Gil: 2880

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 90

Def: 27

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Ancient Ruins, room before Invincible. Rare.




No. 149 | Death Claw



Level: 38

HP: 3800


Exp: 7500

Gil: 680

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 85

Def: 26

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: Cave of Shadows, rooms with skeleton bridges.




No. 150 | Hellish Horse



Level: 38

HP: 4360


Exp: 8000

Gil: 690

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 87

Def: 26

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Cave of Shadows.




No. 151 | Chronos



Level: 38

HP: 4100


Exp: 1280

Gil: 320

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 86

Def: 26

Weakness: Dark Blade.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Cave of Shadows.




No. 152 | Valefor



Level: 38

HP: 4240


Exp: 1280

Gil: 320

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 88

Def: 26

Weakness: Dark Blade.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Cave of Shadows.




No. 153 | Haniel



Level: 37

HP: 3400


Exp: 1280

Gil: 1450

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 82

Def: 26

Weakness: Dark Blade.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Cave of Shadows.




No. 154 | Vassago



Level: 38

HP: 4440


Exp: 1280

Gil: 320

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 88

Def: 26

Weakness: Dark Blade.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Cave of Shadows.




No. 155 | Peryton



Level: 41

HP: 9650


Exp: 9600

Gil: 2400

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 92

Def: 27

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Doga's Grotto and Sunken Cave(chest).




No. 156 | Ogre



Level: 39

HP: 5680


Exp: 6800

Gil: 950

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 93

Def: 26

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Doga's Grotto.




No. 157 | Cyclops



Level: 39

HP: 4700


Exp: 6800

Gil: 1000

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 91

Def: 26

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Doga's Grotto.




No. 158 | Nemesis



Level: 39

HP: 4720


Exp: 6800

Gil: 1050

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 89

Def: 26

Weakness: Fire.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Doga's Grotto.




No. 159 | Humbaba



Level: 39

HP: 6740


Exp: 6800

Gil: 1100

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 91

Def: 26

Weakness: None.


Steal: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Gold Needle.

Location: Doga's Grotto.




No. 160 | Death Needle



Level: 40

HP: 4060


Exp: 6400

Gil: 1550

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 91

Def: 28

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: World Map near the Crystal Tower. On the ground.




No. 161 | Liger



Level: 41

HP: 5870


Exp: 6400

Gil: 1200

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 92

Def: 28

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: World Map near the Crystal Tower. On the ground.




No. 162 | Aeon



Level: 43

HP: 10060


Exp: 10200

Gil: 3200

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 98

Def: 28

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: World Map near the Crystal Tower. On the ground.




No. 163 | Minotaur



Level: 41

HP: 5960


Exp: 6800

Gil: 1640

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 93

Def: 28

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: World Map near the Crystal Tower. On the ground.




No. 164 | Iron Claws



Level: 41

HP: 5760


Exp: 7600

Gil: 2000

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 93

Def: 28

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Ancients' Maze.




No. 165 | Greater Demon



Level: 42

HP: 10750


Exp: 11400

Gil: 4800

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 97

Def: 28

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Ancients' Maze.




No. 166 | Unei's Clone



Level: 42

HP: 10000


Exp: 14400

Gil: 8500

Drops: Nothing.


Atk: 96

Def: 28

Weakness: None.


Steal: Nothing.

Location: Ancients' Maze.




No. 167 | Thanatos



Level: 42

HP: 11800


Exp: 11400

Gil: 5000

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 98

Def: 28

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Ancients' Maze.




No. 168 | Bone Dragon



Level: 43

HP: 14000


Exp: 11400

Gil: 7800

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 95

Def: 28

Weakness: Light.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Ancients' Maze.




No. 169 | King Behemoth



Level: 50

HP: 45000


Exp: 15200

Gil: 10800

Drops: Elixir, Protect Ring.


Atk: 112

Def: 28

Weakness: None.


Steal: Elixir, Elixir, Elixir, Protect Ring.

Location: Ancients' Maze, last room with the very thin paths. Extremely Rare.




No. 170 | Abaia



Level: 42

HP: 6970


Exp: 8000

Gil: 2700

Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain,

Chocobo's Wrath, Black Musk.


Atk: 93

Def: 29

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer.

Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.




No. 171 | Sleipnir



Level: 43

HP: 7000


Exp: 8000

Gil: 2800

Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain,

Chocobo's Wrath, Black Musk.


Atk: 94

Def: 29

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.




No. 172 | Haokah



Level: 43

HP: 7200


Exp: 8000

Gil: 2900

Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain,

Chocobo's Wrath, Black Musk.


Atk: 93

Def: 29

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer.

Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.




No. 173 | Acheron



Level: 44

HP: 13600


Exp: 12000

Gil: 6600

Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain,

Chocobo's Wrath, Black Musk.


Atk: 102

Def: 29

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer.

Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.




No. 174 | Oceanus



Level: 44

HP: 13200


Exp: 12600

Gil: 6800

Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain,

Chocobo's Wrath, Black Musk.


Atk: 100

Def: 29

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer.

Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.




No. 175 | Gomory



Level: 45

HP: 19976


Exp: 12600

Gil: 7000

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 98

Def: 29

Weakness: None


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The Crystal Tower, at the bottom.




No. 176 | Bluck



Level: 44

HP: 6720


Exp: 8400

Gil: 1655

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 94

Def: 29

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The Crystal Tower, at the bottom.




No. 177 | Doga's Clone



Level: 45

HP: 18500


Exp: 16000

Gil: 5000

Drops: Nothing.


Atk: 96

Def: 29

Weakness: None.


Steal: Nothing.

Location: The Crystal Tower, everywhere.




No. 178 | Azer



Level: 45

HP: 17560


Exp: 13200

Gil: 7400

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 106

Def: 30

Weakness: Ice, Water.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The Crystal Tower, at the bottom and half-way up.




No. 179 | Platinal



Level: 47

HP: 19976


Exp: 13200

Gil: 7600

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 107

Def: 30

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The Crystal Tower, half-way up.




No. 180 | Kum Kum



Level: 46

HP: 9600


Exp: 8800

Gil: 3600

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 84

Def: 30

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The Crystal Tower, at the bottom.




No. 181 | Shinobi



Level: 46

HP: 11000


Exp: 8800

Gil: 3700

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 102

Def: 30

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The Crystal Tower, half-way up.




No. 182 | Shadow Master



Level: 46

HP: 10000


Exp: 8800

Gil: 3800

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 100

Def: 30

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The World of Darkness.




No. 183 | Kage



Level: 47

HP: 12000


Exp: 9200

Gil: 3900

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 104

Def: 30

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The World of Darkness.




No. 184 | Dark General



Level: 48

HP: 20000


Exp: 13800

Gil: 8600

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 110

Def: 30

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The Crystal Tower, towards the top.




No. 185 | Yellow Dragon



Level: 50

HP: 79999


Exp: 30000

Gil: 12000

Drops: Elixir, Onion Shield, Onion Helm, Onion Sword.


Atk: 107

Def: 40

Weakness: None.


Steal: Elixir, Elixir, Elixir, Elixir.

Location: The Crystal Tower. Rare. Easier to find in Secret ??? Dungeon.




No. 186 | Green Dragon



Level: 60

HP: 89999


Exp: 45000

Gil: 13330

Drops: Elixir, Onion Shield, Onion Gauntlets, Onion Sword.


Atk: 129

Def: 45

Weakness: None.


Steal: Elixir, Elixir, Elixir, Elixir.

Location: The Crystal Tower. Rare. Easier to find in Secret ??? Dungeon.




No. 187 | Red Dragon



Level: 70

HP: 99999


Exp: 60000

Gil: 14666

Drops: Elixir, Onion Shield, Onion Armor, Onion Sword.


Atk: 150

Def: 50

Weakness: None.


Steal: Elixir, Elixir, Elixir, Elixir.

Location: The Crystal Tower. Rare. Easier to find in Secret ??? Dungeon.




No. 188 | Glasya Labolas



Level: 52

HP: 22800


Exp: 13800

Gil: 8400

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 112

Def: 31

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The Crystal Tower, towards the top.




No. 189 | Yormungand



Level: 52

HP: 30560


Exp: 13800

Gil: 8800

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 134

Def: 31

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The World of Darkness, Northwest Portal.




No. 190 | Thor



Level: 50

HP: 12540


Exp: 9600

Gil: 4000

Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain,

Chocobo's Wrath, Black Musk.


Atk: 105

Def: 30

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer.

Location: The Crystal Tower, towards the top. World of Darkness, Center Portal.




No. 191 | Hecatoncheir Boss.



Level: 43

HP: 28000


Exp: 14400

Gil: 8000

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 89

Def: 32

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: Cave of Shadows.




No. 192 | Hydra



Level: 63

HP: 33800


Exp: 14400

Gil: 8500

Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn.


Atk: 123

Def: 32

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell.

Location: The World of Darkness, Center Portal. Very Rare.




No. 193 | Queen Scylla



Level: 52

HP: 34760


Exp: 14400

Gil: 10000

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 107

Def: 32

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The World of Darkness.




No. 194 | Garm



Level: 52

HP: 19960


Exp: 14400

Gil: 6700

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 107

Def: 32

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The World of Darkness, Center Portal. Uncommon.




No. 195 | Twin Dragon



Level: 54

HP: 34920


Exp: 15000

Gil: 11000

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 131

Def: 32

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The World of Darkness, Center Portal.




No. 196 | Land Turtle Boss.



Level: 4

HP: 111


Exp: 20

Gil: 500

Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind.


Atk: 8

Def: 6

Weakness: None.


Steal: n/a

Location: Altar Cave.




No. 197 | Djinn Boss.



Level: 7

HP: 600


Exp: 200

Gil: 1400

Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Sheep Pillow, Lamia Scale, Bomb Arm.


Atk: 20

Def: 8

Weakness: Ice, Water.


Steal: n/a

Location: The Sealed Cave.




No. 198 | Nepto Dragon Boss.



Level: ????

HP: ????


Exp: ????

Gil: ????

Drops: ????


Atk: ????

Def: ????

Weakness: ????


Steal: Nothing.

Location: Get on the Enterprise and sail north, BEFORE Nepto Temple.




No. 199 | Giant Rat Boss.



Level: 11

HP: 900


Exp: 1200

Gil: 1500

Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, Silence Seal,

Tranquilizer, Angel's Sigh.


Atk: 24

Def: 29

Weakness: None.


Steal: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath.

Location: Nepto Temple.




No. 200 | Medusa Boss.



Level: 17

HP: 3000


Exp: 1680

Gil: 2600

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 35

Def: 22

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The Tower of Owen.




No. 201 | Gutsco Boss.



Level: 17

HP: 3500


Exp: 2304

Gil: 3500

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 35

Def: 24

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The Subterranean Lake.




No. 202 | Salamander Boss.



Level: 19

HP: 5700


Exp: 2744

Gil: 3700

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 41

Def: 25

Weakness: Ice, Water.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The Molten Cave.




No. 203 | Hein Boss.



Level: 22

HP: 4500


Exp: 3464

Gil: 4300

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 47

Def: 26

Weakness: Varies.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Castle Hein.




No. 204 | Kraken Boss.



Level: 24

HP: 8000


Exp: 5280

Gil: 5500

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 55

Def: 27

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Cave of Tides.




No. 205 | Goldor Boss.



Level: 26

HP: 9000


Exp: 6560

Gil: 9900

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 53

Def: 28

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Goldor Manor.




No. 206 | Garuda Boss.



Level: 28

HP: 10000


Exp: 8800

Gil: 10200

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 57

Def: 29

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Saronia Castle.




No. 207 | Odin Boss.



Level: 40

HP: 31000


Exp: 20000

Gil: 16800

Drops: Elixir, Gungnir.


Atk: 81

Def: 35

Weakness: None.


Steal: Elixir, Elixir, Gungnir, Gungnir.

Location: Saronia Catacombs.




No. 208 | Leviathan Boss.



Level: 43

HP: 32000


Exp: 20000

Gil: 17100

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 85

Def: 36

Weakness: Lightning.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Lake Dohr.




No. 209 | Bahamut Boss.



Level: 45

HP: 34000


Exp: 20000

Gil: 16500

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 90

Def: 37

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Bahamut's Lair.




No. 210 | Doga Boss.



Level: 45

HP: 22800


Exp: 13600

Gil: 12000

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 89

Def: 40

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Doga's Grotto.




No. 211 | Unei Boss.



Level: 44

HP: 21800


Exp: 16000

Gil: 12600

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 86

Def: 42

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Doga's Grotto.




No. 212 | Titan Boss.



Level: 46

HP: 29000


Exp: 27600

Gil: 13500

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 96

Def: 44

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: Ancients' Maze.




No. 213 | Ninja Boss.



Level: 47

HP: 24000


Exp: 28400

Gil: 14400

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 96

Def: 46

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.




No. 214 | Amon Boss.



Level: 48

HP: 33500


Exp: 26800

Gil: 20350

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 96

Def: 46

Weakness: Varies.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.




No. 215 | Kunoichi Boss.



Level: 48

HP: 29000


Exp: 29200

Gil: 14500

Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,

Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath.


Atk: 96

Def: 46

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn.

Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.




No. 216 | General Boss.



Level: 48

HP: 35000


Exp: 30000

Gil: 15600

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 105

Def: 46

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.




No. 217 | Guardian Boss.



Level: 49

HP: 33700


Exp: 31600

Gil: 16500

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 107

Def: 46

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.




No. 218 | Scylla Boss.



Level: 49

HP: 35000


Exp: 30800

Gil: 16200

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 104

Def: 46

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The Forbidden Land, Eureka.




No. 219 | Xande Boss.



Level: 50

HP: 49999


Exp: 34000

Gil: 25000

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 110

Def: 48

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The Crystal Tower.




No. 220 | Xande's Clone



Level: 49

HP: 39000


Exp: 24800

Gil: 15000

Drops: Nothing.


Atk: 109

Def: 45

Weakness: None.


Steal: Nothing.

Location: The World of Darkness.




No. 221 | Cerberus Boss.



Level: 55

HP: 99999


Exp: 66666

Gil: 66666

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 123

Def: 46

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The World of Darkness.




No. 222 | Two-Headed Dragon Boss.



Level: 55

HP: 99999


Exp: 66666

Gil: 66666

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 151

Def: 46

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The World of Darkness.




No. 223 | Echidna Boss.



Level: 55

HP: 99999


Exp: 66666

Gil: 66666

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 117

Def: 46

Weakness: None.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The World of Darkness.




No. 224 | Ahriman Boss.



Level: 55

HP: 99999


Exp: 66666

Gil: 66666

Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down.


Atk: 107

Def: 46

Weakness: Wind.


Steal: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion.

Location: The World of Darkness.




No. 225 | Cloud of Darkness Boss.



Level: 60

HP: 120000


Exp: 99999

Gil: 70000

Drops: Nothing.


Atk: 120

Def: 55

Weakness: None.


Steal: Nothing.

Location: The World of Darkness. Final Boss.




No. 226 | Iron Giant Super Boss.



Level: 81

HP: 199999


Exp: 99999

Gil: 99999

Drops: Nothing.


Atk: 255

Def: 150

Weakness: None.


Steal: Nothing.

Location: Secret ??? Dungeon.



{BES-2} Enemy Loot | {UI} {IM} {BE}


Almost every monster has an item in its pockets. Most of them carry 8 items,

but there are some that carry less.

The charts are pretty easy to follow, but here's an example chart anyways:

Item Rarity:


Enemy Name | 19%,Item 1 | 15%,Item 3 | 10%,Item 5 | 4.5%,Item 7 |

Drop Rate | 17%,Item 2 | 12%,Item 4 | 7%,Item 6 | 1.5%,Item 8 |


Drop Rate = The chance that the enemy will drop one of its items.

Item Rarity = If an enemy DOES drop an item, these are the chances for what

item will be dropped.

To help you better understand, let's take a look at the Goblins.


Goblin |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


There is a 3% chance that a Goblin will drop an item. *IF IT DOES* drop an

item, then this is what you can get:

Nothing = 14%

Potion = 63%

Hi-Potion = 21.5%

Phoenix Down = 1.5%

If the monster is carrying 2 or more of the same item, add up the %.

See, it IS easy! ^_^

For your convenience, the enemies go in numerical order, and I included the

Item Rarity at every 50 enemies. This is so you don't have to scroll back up

to the top of the list to remember. :P

If you want faster results, use Ctrl+F to find the Item you are looking for.

Item Rarity:


Enemy Name | 19% | 15% | 10% | 4.5% |

Drop Rate | 17% | 12% | 7% | 1.5% |



Goblin |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Carbuncle |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Eye Fang |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Blue Wisp |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Killer Bee |Eye Drops |Antidote |Eye Drops |Antidote |

2% |Eye Drops |Antidote |Eye Drops |Antidote |


Werewolf |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Berserker |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Red Wisp |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Dark Eye |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Zombie |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Mummy |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Skeleton |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Cursed Copper |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Larva |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Shadow |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Revenant |Eye Drops |Antidote |Eye Drops |Antidote |

3% |Eye Drops |Antidote |Eye Drops |Antidote |


Firefly |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Helldiver |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

2% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Rust Bird |Phoenix Down|Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |

1% |Phoenix Down|Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |Phoenix Down |


Rukh |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Basilisk |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Bugbear |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Mandrake |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Leprechaun |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Darkface |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Petit |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

2% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Poison Bat |Eye Drops |Antidote |Eye Drops |Antidote |

2% |Eye Drops |Antidote |Eye Drops |Antidote |


Lilliputian |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Wererat |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Blood Worm |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Killer Fish |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Hermit |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |



Sea Elemental |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

2% |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |


Tangie |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Silence Seal |Angel's Sigh |

3% |Bomb Fragment |Zeus's Wrath |Tranquilizer |Angel's Sigh |


Sahagin |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

3% |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |


Parademon |Wooden Arrow |Iron Arrow |Light Arrow |Medusa Arrow |

3% |Holy Arrow |Ice Arrow |Fire Arrow |Yoichi Arrow |


Griffon |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Silence Seal |Angel's Sigh |

3% |Bomb Fragment |Zeus's Wrath |Tranquilizer |Angel's Sigh |



Lynx |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Hornet |Eye Drops |Antidote |Eye Drops |Antidote |

2% |Eye Drops |Antidote |Eye Drops |Antidote |


Knocker |Potion |Zeus's Wrath |Angel's Sigh |Heavenly Wrath |

3% |Zeus's Wrath|Angel's Sigh |Shell Breaker |Heavenly Wrath |


Flyer |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Lizardman |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Gorgon |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Red Cap |Potion |Zeus's Wrath |Angel's Sigh |Heavenly Wrath |

3% |Zeus's Wrath|Angel's Sigh |Shell Breaker |Heavenly Wrath |


Barometz |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |



Slime |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Silence Seal |Angel's Sigh |

2% |Bomb Fragment |Zeus's Wrath |Tranquilizer |Angel's Sigh |


Tarantula |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Cuphgel |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Pugman |Potion |Echo Herbs |Maiden's Kiss |Mallet |

2% |Maiden's Kiss |Mallet |Echo Herbs |Hi-Potion |


Item Rarity:


Enemy Name | 19% | 15% | 10% | 4.5% |

Drop Rate | 17% | 12% | 7% | 1.5% |



Far Darrig |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Blood Bat |Potion |Echo Herbs |Maiden's Kiss |Mallet |

2% |Maiden's Kiss |Mallet |Echo Herbs |Hi-Potion |



Petit Mage |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

2% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Fury |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Aughisky |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Bomb |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |Lilith's Kiss |

2% |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |Silence Seal |Lilith's Kiss |


Manticore |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

3% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Stalagmite |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

3% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |



Sea Devil |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

3% |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |


Merman |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

3% |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |


Ruinous Wave |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

2% |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |


Balloon |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |Lilith's Kiss |

2% |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |Silence Seal |Lilith's Kiss |


Myrmecoleon |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

3% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Crocotta |Potion |Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |Bomb Arm |

3% |Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |Lamia Scale |Bomb Arm |


Adamantoise |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

5% |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |


Red Marshmallow|Potion |Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |Bomb Arm |

2% |Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |Lamia Scale |Bomb Arm |


Pharaoh |Eye Drops |Antidote |Eye Drops |Antidote |

3% |Eye Drops |Antidote |Eye Drops |Antidote |


Lemur |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Silence Seal |Angel's Sigh |

2% |Bomb Fragment |Zeus's Wrath |Tranquilizer |Angel's Sigh |


Lamia |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Silence Seal |Angel's Sigh |

5% |Bomb Fragment |Zeus's Wrath |Tranquilizer |Angel's Sigh |


Demon |Wooden Arrow |Iron Arrow |Light Arrow |Medusa Arrow |

3% |Holy Arrow |Ice Arrow |Fire Arrow |Yoichi Arrow |


Dullahan |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Anet |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

2% |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |


Mermaid |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

3% |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |


Seahorse |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

2% |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |


Sea Serpent |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

5% |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |



Cockatrice |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

3% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Poison Toad |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Twin Heads |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Roper |Potion |Arctic Wind |Lamia Scale |Turtle Shell |

2% |Bomb Arm |Heavenly Wrath|Bacchus's Cider|Earthen Drums |


Agaliarept |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Dark Legs |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Gigantoad |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Twin Liger |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Stroper |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Black Flan |Potion |Arctic Wind |Lamia Scale |Turtle Shell |

2% |Bomb Arm |Heavenly Wrath|Bacchus's Cider|Earthen Drums |


Hellgaroo |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Vulcan |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |Lilith's Kiss |

5% |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |Silence Seal |Lilith's Kiss |


Dracrocotta |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Potion |Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |



Magician |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

3% |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |



Lost Gold |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

2% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Gold Eagle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

2% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Gold Warrior |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

3% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Gold Bear |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

3% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Gold Knight |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

3% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Nightmare |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

3% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Hellgaroo Mage |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Needle Monkey |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

2% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Catoblepas |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

3% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Sorcerer |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

3% |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |


Sand Worm |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Item Rarity:


Enemy Name | 19% | 15% | 10% | 4.5% |

Drop Rate | 17% | 12% | 7% | 1.5% |



Frostfly |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

3% |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |


Simurgh |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Harpy |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Gargoyle |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Chimera |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

3% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Demon Horse |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Rock Gargoyle |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |Lilith's Kiss |

3% |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |Silence Seal |Lilith's Kiss |


Bovian |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Dread Knight |Potion |Arctic Wind |Lamia Scale |Turtle Shell |

3% |Bomb Arm |Heavenly Wrath|Bacchus's Cider|Earthen Drums |


Flyer Mage |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Noggle |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Abtu |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Sea Dragon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Kagura |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Charybdis |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Dozmare |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Sea Witch |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

3% |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |


Killer Hermit |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

3% |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |


Ologhai |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

2% |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |


Kelpie |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

2% |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |


Aegir |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

3% |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |



Kyklops |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

3% |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |



Boss Troll |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

3% |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |


Fachan |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |Lilith's Kiss |

3% |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |Silence Seal |Lilith's Kiss |


Cenchos |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

5% |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |


Balor |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

3% |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |


Dira |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Chimera Mage |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

3% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


King Lizard |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Pterodactyl |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Wyvern |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Behemoth |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


King Seahorse |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Dragon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Pyralis |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Silenus |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

1% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Gaap |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

1% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Azrael |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

1% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Eater |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

1% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Ouroboros |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

3% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Plancti |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Sea Lion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Remora |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Grenade |Hi-Potion |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |Lilith's Kiss |

2% |Bomb Arm |Tranquilizer |Silence Seal |Lilith's Kiss |


Drake |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Greater Boros |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |

3% |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |Gold Needle |


Sabertooth Liger |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Queen Lamia |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Zombie Dragon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Death Claw |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

3% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Item Rarity:


Enemy Name | 19% | 15% | 10% | 4.5% |

Drop Rate | 17% | 12% | 7% | 1.5% |



Hellish Horse |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Chronos |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

1% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Valefor |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

1% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Haniel |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

1% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Vassago |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

1% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Peryton |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Ogre |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Cyclops |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Nemesis |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Humbaba |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Death Needle |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

2% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Liger |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Aeon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Minotaur |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Iron Claws |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Greater Demon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

3% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Unei's Clone | | | | |

| | | | |


Thanatos |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Bone Dragon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


King Behemoth |Elixir |Elixir |Elixir |Elixir |

10% |Elixir |Protect Ring |Elixir |Protect Ring |



Abaia |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

3% |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |


Sleipnir |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

3% |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |


Haokah |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

3% |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |


Acheron |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

5% |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |


Oceanus |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

5% |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |


Gomory |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

5% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Bluck |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

2% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Doga's Clone | | | | |

| | | | |


Azer |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

5% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Platinal |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

5% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Kum Kum |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

3% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Shinobi |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

3% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Shadow Master |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

5% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Kage |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

5% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Dark General |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

5% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


NOTE: The colored Dragons are down below. ;)


Glasya Labolas |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

5% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Yormungand |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

5% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Thor |Hi-Potion |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Chocobo's Wrath|

3% |Heavenly Wrath|Tranquilizer |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |


*Hecatoncheir |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

5% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Hydra |Hi-Potion |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Raven's Yawn |

5% |Arctic Wind |Turtle Shell |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |


Queen Scylla |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

5% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Garm |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

5% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Twin Dragon |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

5% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


Item Rarity:


Enemy Name | 19% | 15% | 10% | 4.5% |

Drop Rate | 17% | 12% | 7% | 1.5% |



*Land Turtle |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |

8% |Antarctic Wind|Antarctic Wind|Bacchus's Cider|Arctic Wind |


*Djinn |Potion |Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |Bomb Arm |

8% |Bomb Fragment |Sheep Pillow |Lamia Scale |Bomb Arm |


*Nepto Dragon | | | | |

| | | | |


*Giant Rat |Potion |Antarctic Wind|Silence Seal |Angel's Sigh |

8% |Bomb Fragment |Zeus's Wrath |Tranquilizer |Angel's Sigh |


*Medusa |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Gutsco |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Salamander |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Hein |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Kraken |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Goldor |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Garuda |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Odin |Elixir |Gungnir | | |

8% |Elixir |Gungnir | | |


*Leviathan |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Bahamut |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Doga |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Unei |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Titan |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Ninja |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

8% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


*Amon |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Kunoichi |Hi-Potion |Lilith's Kiss |Shining Curtain|Black Musk |

8% |Black Hole |Raven's Yawn |Shell Breaker |Chocobo's Wrath|


*General |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Guardian |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Scylla |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Xande |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


Xande's Clone | | | | |

| | | | |



*Cerberus |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Two-Headed Dragon|Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Echidna |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Ahriman |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |

8% |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Hi-Potion |Phoenix Down |


*Cloud of Darkness| | | | |

| | | | |


*Iron Giant | | | | |

| | | | |


Because the colored Dragons have a 100% Item Drop Rate, they get their own

special chart. :)

Item Rarity:


Enemy Name | 87% | 7% | 4.5% | 1.5% |

Drop Rate | | | | |



Yellow Dragon |Elixir |Onion Shield |Onion Helm |Onion Sword |

100% | | | | |


Green Dragon |Elixir |Onion Shield |Onion Gauntlets |Onion Sword |

100% | | | | |


Red Dragon |Elixir |Onion Shield |Onion Armor |Onion Sword |

100% | | | | |


And that's all of them!


IX) Secrets {SEC}


Item Duplication |


There's always a way to duplicate your items. Haha. ^_^ Even though this

trick is from GameFAQs, I re-worded it a little bit to make things more clear.

The original poster gave a warning saying that there is a possibility that

it could ruin your save file. Here is his warning:

"WARNING: This item duplication will ruin the game play,

please note to do this at your own risk. It may also

damage your save file so please duplicate your save

before you attempt this."

Just so you know, I have done this item trick quite a bit and have

experienced *NO* problems. I am perfectly comfortable duplicating items! :)

NOTE 1: You may experience problems if you exceed 99 of any item.

NOTE 2: This only works with battle items.


1) First you need to be in an area where you can fight random battles.

2) Open your menu screen via non-battle.

3) Select the "Items" menu.

4) Put the item you want to duplicate in the top left or top right of your

item list. You can do two items at the same time if you want.

5) Enter a random battle.

6) When in battle, select the "Item" command on any character.

NOTE 1: Your cursor should be at the very top left of the item box, and the

item(s) you want duplicated on the top left or top right spots.

NOTE 2: Put the cursor on the item you want duplicated.

7) Push Up + A, at the SAME time! One of two things will happen.

1. If done *incorrectly*, you'll be taken to the weapon screen and here

that "buzzing" sound the game makes. Cancel everything and try again.

2. If done *correctly*, you will see the equipment screen appear for about a

1/2 a second and then disappear. Go to step 8.

8) Before doing anything, cancel your action. Go back into the "Item" list,

and you should have 1 extra of whatever item you chose!


X) Help Wanted!!


Here is a small list of things that I could use some help with.

1. Nepto Dragon's Bestiary information.

2. ANYTHING to make this FAQ better!

If you can help me with any of these things, please email me! You will be

credited with anything you provide! :D

NOTE: This section will stay in the FAQ until everything is perfect! ^_^


XI) Version History


August 21, 2007


- Today I wanted to try something new! Having a broken foot, just beaten FF7,

and not much to do, I decided to make this before the new Zelda comes out!

September 8, 2007


- I know it's not released yet, and this is kind of like me talking to myself,

but I finished the walkthrough today! Yahoo!

September 16, 2007


- Today is NOT my lucky day. Don't ask how, but I accidently saved over the

file that has everything on it! Noooo!! *sniff* I was so close to

completing everything too! Despite the horrible incident, I did manage to

finish most of the "Sidequests and Optional Things" section.

September 17, 2007 - Version 1.0


- Release Date! Well, more like "submitted" date. I wasn't aware of the

waiting time for it to be posted. Now I know! :P Also, I'd say it's

90% finished so expect a few updates! :P

September 19, 2007 - Version 2.0


- I included all the Mognet letters that you can receive and also the in-game

Job descriptions for the last set of Jobs.

- Speaking of Jobs, all of the Terrain attacks are now in the "Geomancer"

section and all the Songs you can sing in the "Bard" section.

- Included the HP Gain formula in the "Getting 9999 HP" section.

- Started the "Shopping List" section. I'll finish it as I go through the

game again, so it will take a while to finish. :( I guess something good

did come out of accidently deleting my save file! Yay! ^_^

- Few spelling errors were also fixed.

September 20, 2007 - Version 3.0


- Made some things in the walkthrough a little more clear. Some descriptions

before weren't fully clear on what to do, but they are now!

- Re-explained a few minor things in the "Getting 9999 HP" section.

- Added some very useful information in the "Job Info" section. Like the

"Transition Phase" and.....other stuff. :P

- I completely redid the Chocobo Woods section. It now has more bird to it!

Haha, it just may be worth-while now...

- Added the correct drop rates for the Onion Equipment.

- Some spelling errors were fixed.

September 21, 2007 - Version 4.0


- I spent all night working on a new section. It's the "Perfect File" section.

I made it for all the completionists out there. Go ahead, check it out!

- Did some more work on making things look better. Sloooowly skimmed through

the entire FAQ, revising anything that needed it!

- Added more to the "Job Info" section. Like an easy way to gain Job levels.

- Finished the "Shopping List". :)

September 23, 2007 - Version 5.0


- Fixed some incorrect values for items and amounts.

- Finished the "Secret ??? Dungeon" section.

- Added Gil totals to the "Item Maxing" section. Don't freak out! :P

- Fixed a spelling error.

September 24, 2007 - Version 6.0


- Added the "Enemy Loot" section to the Bestiary! It's cool, go see! :D

- Re-did the "Getting 9999 HP" section. It's explains things better, I hope.

- It turns out that I totally missed an item! It's called the "Silence Seal".

This rare item will most likely never make it to your Inventory if you don't

know about it, but now that I've added it to this FAQ, you can at least have

a chance to get it! ;)

September 25, 2007 - Version 7.0


- I did a massive spell check! There were a TON of small spelling errors here

and there. It's all nice and clean now!

- Changed some minor information that was incorrect.

September 27, 2007 - Version 8.0


- Just fixed a few minor things.

- Put in better explanations in certain sections.

September 29, 2007 - Version 9.0


- Added 2 items to the "Miss-able Items and Enemies" section. They were in the

walkthrough, but I forgot to add them to that section.

- Added all of the Legendary Blacksmith locations.

October 3, 2007 - Version 10


- Added Walkthrough maps! How cool! They're way better than anything ASCII!

They aren't all finished, but I will release a few at a time, every week. ;)


- Added Walkthrough Maps 1-6.

October 4, 2007 - Version 11


- Added 1 more location to the "Chocobo Woods" section.

- Added Walkthrough Maps 7-9.

October 5, 2007 - Version 12


- Item Drop RATES are now available! Sweet! Go ahead and check out the

"Enemy Loot" section.

- Changed the "Getting 9999 HP" section, again! Hehe.

- Added 1 more location to the "Wellsprings" section.


XII) Credits


If I missed anyone, please let me know by email.

Square Enix:

They make good games. Like Final Fantasy Tactics! :P


For being a great website, and hosting my guide!

Cloud VS Sephiroth:

The outline and style of this guide are taken from his Final Fantasy VII

FAQ/Walkthrough. Thank you so much! :) It made making this FAQ a lot easier!

iori kusanagi:

For contributing the "Item Duplication" trick to GameFAQs.

Penguin Knight:

For his "Job Stats FAQ". It helped me understand a lot about all of the game

mechanics. It was very helpful with formulas and values I would've NEVER

known about. Specifically with the HP Gains, JP Gains, and my MOST favorite..

how Stealing works! Thank you!


Let me know that in order to find the Legendary Blacksmith and give her the

Orichalcum, you need to have opened the Eureka Gateway.


This guy suggested that I put in an easy way to gain Job levels. I wouldn't

have ever thought of this, so thanks! He even contributed the strategy!


A different Mark. He helped me with the Legendary Blacksmith locations that

I didn't have listed.


Gave me the Iron Giant's bestiary info.


He suggested that I include the formula for HP Gains. Now that it's in, I

think it was a good idea! He also pointed out a spelling error which lead

to the finding of more! So that was very helpful! AND he helped me with

the Mognet letters and Job Descriptions. AND he even provided me with the

drop rates for the Onion Equipment! Thanks for all your help! :)


Helped out with the Mognet letters and Job descriptions.


Provided all the Item Drops from enemies! Thank you!


Provided all the Item Drop *RATES* for each enemy! Wahoo! ;)


Me! I wrote this whole thing just for you!


For using it of course! ;)


XIII) Copyright


This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,

private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed

publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other

web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a

violation of copyright. (Copyright) Seferaga (aka) Doug C. 2007.


If you have any questions or comments about the FAQ, please give me uh email!

FAQ Contact:

Thanks for reading, I hope you had fun!

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