Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon FAQ/ Walkthrough


Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon


Author: The Angry Pirate (

Date of Last Revision: July 17 2007

Date of Creation: July 09 2007

Version: 0.25


I. Change log


+ 0.25 ( July 14 2007 )

- Huge update, added tons.

- Decided to scrap the old change logs since this hasn't been posted on yet, decided to use .25 as version due to the fact that I

am done spring and that is 25 percent through year 1. Jewel guide and

livestock guide will be in the next version.


II. Introduction


After writing some private FAQ's for different games, I have decided to finally

write one for "Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon" because each of the

other Harvest Moon Series games have been a good thing to write a first

FAQ / Walkthrough for. Having played all of the other games in the series other

than "Rune Factory", which looks like it is going to flop miserably due to the

fact that the main character wields a sword.


III. Table of Contents


I. Change log

II. Introduction

III. Table of Contents

1. Basic Storyline

2. Controls / Game play

3. Cast of Characters

4. Tools / Items

5. Supermarket

6. Crops

7. Jewels (Coming Soon)

8. Gathered Items (Coming Soon)

9. Animals & Livestock (Coming Soon)

10. Cooking

11. T.V. Guide

12. Pieces

13. F.A.Q.

14. Credits / Emailing


1. Basic Storyline


The game starts out a bit differently than any of the other titles in the

Harvest Moon Series. You do not choose anything but your name. You do not start

with a dog. You do not get all basic tools at the start. You start out in the

year 2022 on a small island in the southern hemisphere. You are a robot who is

going to be sent to work, doing "real farming". But first you must be taught

how to farm on a virtual farm by Gayak. To save the island you must truly

farm the land, and bring back life to it. This will appease the gods and break

the seals on the fertile land.


2. Controls / Game play


Before getting to the controls you should know a lot has changed in terms of

how you can play the game.

1) You can now walk through crops.

2) Plants are not destroyed when you pick them up and throw them, instead they

just end up back on a plot of land.

3) Tools can no longer be leveled up by using them when they are not needed,

an example of this is you can't use your hoe when the land is not tillable.

4) Time no longer waits for you, even when indoors the time still passes, but

only at 1/3 the normal speed. Note: Only on your farm, elsewhere time stops

while you are indoors.

5) You must unlock plots of land on your farm.

6) You plant seeds 1x1 not 9x9

7) You no longer have to manually count how many times you use a tool till it

levels up, the game keeps count for you.


Button set up as follows: In game / Menu

L - Inventory / No Function

R - Main Menu / No Function

D-pad - Walk / Navigate

Analog stick - Run / Navigate

Triangle - Talk, Examine, Use tool, Pick up object / Accept

Square - Cycle backward through Inventory / N/A

Circle - Put item in hands into Inventory, Use Item/Seed box or Trash / Cancel

X - Cycle forward through Inventory / Accept

Select - No Function / No Function

Start - No Function / No Function

Game play tips

1) To pause, open up your Inventory or Main Menu, as time does not pass there.

2) To get rid of weeds just pick them up and use circle to put them in your

inventory, then hit square to send them to the trash.

3) You can save by going to you player info in the Main Menu, but can only be

done outside.

4) Time does not pass when talking to people, so take your time with decisions.


3. Cast of Characters


Dr. Hope Grain: Your creator and your “father”.

Mayor: The Mayor of Heartflame Island.

Charles Gremely: Mayor's son

Main Character (Life): You.

Vita: Dr. Hope's maid.

Gayak: Your farming instructor.

Chochola: Gayak & Marlene's dog.

Marlene: Gayak's wife.

Marcia: Gayak and Marlene's granddaughter.

Moonlight: An artist. Your escort to the Eastern Ruins at the beginning.

Franco: Old man who lives in the ruins.

Sharon: A teacher at Volcano school.

Simon: Branch's son.

Lionel: Some kid who stood next to a seal. Becky's brother.

Max: A teacher at Volcano school.

Becky: Little girl talking about seals. Lionel's sister.

Big: Water analyst.

Marco: Seems to be a banker.

Million: Has a store in town. Sells crops.

Lenny: Emma's brother. Works at Supermarket (Shop-a-Million).

Emma: Lenny's sister. Works at winery.

Masami: Runs the town bar. Gallion's husband.

Gallion: Masami's wife.

Jonathan Branch: Works at farm and tends to animals there.

Liberta: Owns Winery.

Bobby: Teacher at School.

Principal Rose: School's principal.

Jessica: Works at school, looks like the school's secretary.

Neo: Scientist that does the weather.

Jean: Works at Winery.

Nana: Max's wife.


4. Tools / Items


Name: Power Soles

Description: If you put these on your boots, your body feels lighter, allowing

you to run by pressing the directional buttons. However, in winter you'll need

to use Snow Soles.

Obtained: You start with it.

Name: Snow Soles

Description: If you put these on your boots, you can move quickly on snowy

ground using the directional buttons. However, once springtime comes around

you'll need to change to Power Soles.

Obtained: You start with it.

Name: Doctor's Watering Can

Description: Dr. Hope's small watering can. Holds 25 squares worth of water.

Obtained: Dr. Hope gives this to you in the first minutes of the game.

Name: Iron Hoe

Description: A small hoe given to you by Gayak.

Obtained: Given to you by Gayak while he teaches you how to farm.

Name: Seed Bag (1)

Description: One of Marlene's handmade Seed Bags.

Obtained: Given to you by Gayak while he teaches you how to farm.

Name: Seed Bag (2)

Description: One of Marlene's handmade Seed Bags.

Obtained: Talk to Marlene after breakfast, and she will give it to you.

Name: Strange Moss

Description: Place on tilled land before planting your crops, and it will hold

3 days worth of water.

Obtained: Go to the left of the ruins and down by the water, it is plentiful.

Name: Iron Sickle

Description: An ordinary sickle sold at Million's shop. Use it to cut down

annoying weeds and grasses.

Obtained: Talk to Franko on Day 3, do this in the morning as he is in his home.

Name: Seed Bag (3)

Description: One of Marlene's handmade Seed Bags.

Obtained: Given to you by Marcia after tour of town.

Name: Masami's Watering Can

Description: A handy watering can that can water 3 squares of ground at a time.

Holds 100 squares worth of water.

Obtained: Talk to Masami after getting level 2 with watering can.

Name: Iron Hammer

Description: An ordinary hammer sold at Million's shop. Use it to break up

stones in your fields.

Obtained: Bought at the supermarket for 650g

Name: Iron Axe

Description: An ordinary axe sold at Million's shop. Use it to chop up fallen

tree limbs and then sell the wood.

Obtained: Bought at the supermarket for 480g

Name: Seed Bag (4)

Description: One of Marlene's handmade Seed Bags.

Obtained: Given to you by Gayak after your examination on the 14th of spring.

Name: Seed Bag (5)

Description: One of Marlene's handmade Seed Bags.

Obtained: Given to you by Gayak after your examination on the 14th of spring.

Name: Seed Bag (6)

Description: One of Marlene's handmade Seed Bags.

Obtained: Given to you by Gayak after your examination on the 14th of spring.

Name: Harvest Basket

Description: Can hold up to 100 harvested crops. Individually handmade by a


Obtained: Given to you by Gayak after your examination on the 14th of spring.

Name: Scale Pack

Description: Use for harvesting wild plants and fruit. Conveniently shows the

weight of its contents.

Obtained: Buy at supermarket for 2890g

Name: Grain Family Key

Description: If you have this, the locked door in the cave on the south side

of Heartflame island will open for you.

Obtained: Dr. Hope gives it to you your examination on the 21st day of spring.

Name: Crimson Stone

Description: A piece of stone that glows red. Use it when you find it and your

PP will be refilled by 1/4. Leave the cave without setting it in

a socket and it will turn into Plain Ore.

Obtained: Mining in the cave.

Name: Ochre Stone

Description: A piece of stone that glows yellow. Use t when you find it and

your tool's SP will increase in rare cases. Leave the cave without

setting it in a socket and it will turn into Plain Ore.

Obtained: Mining in the cave.


5. Supermarket



:First Row:

Potato Seeds: 8g

Turnip Seeds: 10g

Cabbage Seeds: 30g

Cucumber Seeds 12g

Asparagus Seeds 40g

Strawberry Seeds 20g

Tulip Bulbs: 9g

Pansy Seeds: 12g

:Second Row:

Item on Backorder

Item on Backorder

Potato: 75g

Turnip: 90g

Cabbage: 375g

Cucumber: 120g

Asparagus: 150g

Strawberry: 150g

:Third Row:

Boomerang: 500g

Water Pistol: 320g

Item on Backorder

Scale Pack: 2980g

Iron Hammer: 650g -> Harvest Basket: 800g

Iron Axe: 480g

Iron Sickle: 320g

Item on Backorder

:Top Left:

Item on Backorder

Item on Backorder

Item on Backorder

Item on Backorder

:Top Right:

Item on Backorder

Item on Backorder

Item on Backorder

Item on Backorder


6. Crops



Name: Potato

Price: 8g

Sells for: 50g

Growth Time: 5 Days

Regrowth Time: N/A

Storm Resilience: Will mostly survive storms.

Name: Turnip

Price: 10g

Sells for: 60g

Growth Time: 6 Days

Regrowth Time: N/A

Storm Resilience: Somewhat strong against storms.

Name: Cabbage

Price: 30g

Sells for: 250g

Growth Time: 10 Days

Regrowth Time: N/A

Storm Resilience: Rather Strong against storms.

Name: Cucumber

Price: 12g

Sells for: 80g

Growth Time: 10 Days

Regrowth Time: 5 Days

Storm Resilience: Weak against storms.

Name: Asparagus

Season: Spring

Price: 40g

Sells for: 100g

Growth Time: 6 Days

Regrowth Time: 4 Days

Storm Resilience: Very weak against storms.

Name: Strawberry Seeds

Price: 20g

Sells for: 100g

Growth Time: 14 Days

Regrowth Time: 1 Day

Storm Resilience: Will mostly be destroyed by storms.

Name: Tulip

Price: 9g

Sells for: 60g

Growth Time: 7 Days

Regrowth Time: 4 Days

Storm Resilience: Will mostly be destroyed by storms.

Name: Pansy

Price: 12g

Sells for: 80g

Growth Time: 7 Days

Regrowth Time: 4 Days

Storm Resilience: Will mostly be destroyed by storms.


7. Jewels


Coming soon.


8. Gathered Items


Coming soon.


9. Animals & Livestock


Coming soon.


10. Cooking




Name: Tea


Obtained: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 1

Name: Coffee


Obtained: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 1

Name: Herbal Tea


Obtained: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 1


Name: Salad


Obtained: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 2

Name: Fruit Desert


Obtained: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 2

::Cutting (Advanced)::

Name: Sandwich


Obtained: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 3


Name: Stew


Obtained: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 4

Name: Curry and Rice


Obtained: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 4

::Cutting Drinks::

Name: Vegetable Juice


Obtained: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5

Name: Fruit Juice


Obtained: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5

::Boiling (Advanced)::


::Grilling (Advanced)::

::Oven Baked Dishes::

::Oven Baked Treats::


11. T.V. Guide


::Weather News::

The weather, every day.

::Herbal Garden::

Doesn't have a schedule, for herbs and flowers.

::Cooking Life::

Spring Day 1: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 2: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 1

Spring Day 3: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 1

Spring Day 4: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 1

Spring Day 5: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 1

Spring Day 6: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 1

Spring Day 7: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 1

Spring Day 8: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 2

Spring Day 9: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 2

Spring Day 10: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 2

Spring Day 11: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 2

Spring Day 12: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 2

Spring Day 13: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 2

Spring Day 14: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 2

Spring Day 15: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 3

Spring Day 16: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 3

Spring Day 17: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 3

Spring Day 18: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 3

Spring Day 19: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 3

Spring Day 20: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 3

Spring Day 21: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 3

Spring Day 22: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 4

Spring Day 23: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 4

Spring Day 24: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 4

Spring Day 25: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 4

Spring Day 26: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 4

Spring Day 27: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 4

Spring Day 28: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 4

Spring Day 29: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5

Spring Day 30: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5

Spring Day 31: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5

Spring Day 32: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5

Spring Day 33: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5

Spring Day 34: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5

Spring Day 35: "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5


Spring Day 1: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 1

Spring Day 2: "Melancholy Woods" Part 1

Spring Day 3: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 1

Spring Day 4: "Melancholy Woods" Part 1

Spring Day 5: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 1

Spring Day 6: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 7: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 8: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 2

Spring Day 9: "Melancholy Woods" Part 2

Spring Day 10: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 2

Spring Day 11: "Melancholy Woods" Part 2

Spring Day 12: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 2

Spring Day 13: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 14: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 15: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 1

Spring Day 16: "Melancholy Woods" Part 1

Spring Day 17: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 1

Spring Day 18: "Melancholy Woods" Part 1

Spring Day 19: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 1

Spring Day 20: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 21: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 22: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 2

Spring Day 23: "Melancholy Woods" Part 2

Spring Day 24: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 2

Spring Day 25: "Melancholy Woods" Part 2

Spring Day 26: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 2

Spring Day 27: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 28: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 29: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 3

Spring Day 30: "Melancholy Woods" Part 3

Spring Day 31: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 3

Spring Day 32: "Melancholy Woods" Part 3

Spring Day 33: "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 3

Spring Day 34: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 35: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.


Spring Day 1: "Final Z Rangers" Part 1

Spring Day 2: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 3: "Final Z Rangers" Part 1

Spring Day 4: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 5: "Final Z Rangers" Part 1

Spring Day 6: "Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 1

Spring Day 7: "Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 1

Spring Day 8: "Final Z Rangers" Part 2

Spring Day 9: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 10: "Final Z Rangers" Part 2

Spring Day 11: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 12: "Final Z Rangers" Part 2

Spring Day 13: "Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 2

Spring Day 14: "Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 2

Spring Day 15: "Final Z Rangers" Part 1

Spring Day 16: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 17: "Final Z Rangers" Part 1

Spring Day 18: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 19: "Final Z Rangers" Part 1

Spring Day 20: "Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 1

Spring Day 21: "Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 1

Spring Day 22: "Final Z Rangers" Part 2

Spring Day 23: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 24: "Final Z Rangers" Part 2

Spring Day 25: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 26: "Final Z Rangers" Part 2

Spring Day 27: "Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 2

Spring Day 28: "Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 2

Spring Day 29: "Final Z Rangers" Part 3

Spring Day 30: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 31: "Final Z Rangers" Part 3

Spring Day 32: This channel is currently off the air.

Please wait until broadcasting begins again.

Spring Day 33: "Final Z Rangers" Part 3

Spring Day 34: "Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 3

Spring Day 35: "Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 3

::World Ranch::

Doesn't have a schedule, for livestock.


12. Pieces


No. 1: "Rainbow Serpent"

Does it lead you through the forest or into temptation?

No. 2: "Whispering Trees"

Distant voices. Nearby voices. Sky echoes. The sound of the lake.

No. 5: "Southern Constellation"

Behold, the Centaur, Sculpture and painting.


13. F.A.Q.


Q: How many slots does your Inventory have?

A: 20 slots.


14. Credits / Emailing


This guide is solely written by me, from in game experience only.

And for emailing me, please stick this in the title "FAQ - HM - (subject)"

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