The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass FAQ/ Walkthrough

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix















The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass


By MrShotgun of GameFAQs

Copyright Andrew Brown October 4th 2007


All guides by MrShotgun are submitted to GameFAQs first, and disseminated to

other hosting websites as the author finds the time and desire to do so. To

ensure that you are viewing the most recent version of any guide, please visit


Author's Pledge

When Richard Taylor of New Zealand's Weta Workshop undertook the monumental

task of the production design for the Lord of the Rings films, he gave this

speech to his employees. Recognizing the significance of this speech, I have

adopted it as my own pledge to the quality of my guides. God, I'm a nerd.

"If you can't rise to the highest level of enthusiasm, passion, and

professionalism, and grasp this task as if it is the most important thing that

you have ever taken on in your life, you aren't worthy of the task. We have

been blessed with this opportunity." - Richard Taylor, Weta Workshop








-----zz----------zz----- Version Information

----zzzz--------zzzz---- [0000]








FAQ/Walkthrough v0.1 - v0.3

October 02nd - 04th, 2007

v0.1 (October 02nd, 2007)

Walkthrough started, dragging me away from my precious WoW Guild. I hope you

all appreciate that sacrifice.

v0.2 (October 03rd, 2007)

Walkthrough finished through the start of The Temple of Fire. I'm slightly

ashamed of my progress on the guide (or lack thereof), but work has been

hectic, and I'm not picking a very good environment to write in. Lots of

distractions. I have Friday the 05th and Sunday the 07th off; expect huge

updates on those days.

v0.3 (October 04th, 2007)

Walkthrough finished through the end of The Temple of Fire. I had hoped to be

MUCH farther along then this, but I spent most of the evening troubleshooting

my worthless computer. My apologies. I promise a huge update tomorrow; at

least two Temples.








-----zz----------zz----- Table of Contents

----zzzz--------zzzz---- [0100]







Each chapter of the guide is further divided into smaller chapters, called

"Subchapters." For Subchapter listings, see the beginning of each chapter.

[0000] Version Information

[0100] Table of Contents

[0200] Game Basics

[0300] Walkthrough








-----zz----------zz----- Game Basics

----zzzz--------zzzz---- [0200]














-----zz----------zz----- Walkthroughs and Sidequests

----zzzz--------zzzz---- [0300]







[0301] Mercay Island

[0302] Temple of the Ocean King I

[0303] Isle of Ember

[0304] The Temple of Fire

[0305] Temple of the Ocean King II








-----zz----------zz----- Mercay Island

----zzzz--------zzzz---- [0301]








|Mercay Island - Southwest | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Oshus' House |

After the game's opening cutscene, take the opportunity +--------------------+

to wander around the area and get used to using the Touch Screen instead of the

traditional D-pad. This will be how you control Link through the majority

of the game. When you touch the screen, the closer youtouch to Link, the

slower he'll move. Touch on the edges of the touch screen to make him move at

his fastest.

Also take this opportunity to learn how to mark the Map. Hit the Menu icon in

the lower-left of the touchscreen, and click the Map icon. Making sure the

Memo icon is flashing, practice marking the screen, then removing the marks

with the Erase icon. Once you've got the hang of that, look (on the map) just

across the bridge from where the game begins. Mark the house on the other side

of this bridge with the letter A (POINT A).

Leave the Map screen (notice that it handily moves to the top screen, with your

Marks still in tact), and head for POINT A. Go inside this house.


|Mercay Island - Oshus' House | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Oshus' House |

Run to the north end of the house and speak with Oshus. | B: Broken Bridge |

After a cutscene, you will be directed to speak with | C: Mercay Port |

Linebeck in the port to the east of Oshus' house (the +--------------------+

port is readily visible on the Map, with a large boat docked at it). Mark the

Dock with POINT C, and also the bridge found between with POINT B, then leave

Oshus' House.


|Mercay Island - Southwest | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Oshus' House |

Start heading east, for the dock which you should have | B: Broken Bridge |

marked as POINT C. On the way, the island will be | C: Mercay Port |

rocked by an earthquake. More on this later. | D: West House |

| E: Secret Tree |

When you reach POINT B: BROKEN BRIDGE, you'll find a - | F: West Passage |

surprise surprise - broken bridge. The recent +--------------------+

earthquake just smashed it. Speak with the Mercay Resident who stands near the

wreckage of the bridge, and she'll mention a nearby cave which Link can use as

an alternate route to reach the Village. But, of course, the cave is infested

with Monsters. Look for the house west of POINT A: OSHUS' HOUSE. Mark this

house with POINT D, then head there.

The earthquake littered the yard of this house with rocks. Speak with the man

standing near the rocks, then destroy the rocks by tapping them, then tapping

where you want to throw them. Destroy them all to earn a Green Rupee, and a

hot tip about a secret tree. Mark the spot that the man indicates with MARK E.

Just north of POINT D: WEST HOUSE, there is a passage. Mark this on the Map

with POINT F, then go through POINT F: WEST PASSAGE.


|Mercay Island - Northwest | Mark List |


As soon as you enter the area, Red Chus will erupt from the ground. Ciela will

immediately make Link turn around and return to the relative safety of the

island's southwest region.


|Mercay Island - Southwest | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Oshus' House |

Return to POINT A: OSHUS' HOUSE, and go inside. +--------------------+


|Mercay Island - Oshus' House | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Oshus' House |

Speak with Oshus again, then leave again. +--------------------+


|Mercay Island - Southwest | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Oshus' House |

Ciela will mention that Link needs a sword. Unless | G: Oshus' |

you've never played a Zelda title before, this should be | Storehouse |

right at the top of the "no surprise sherlock" list. +--------------------+

The sword in question is stored in the cave just northeast of POINT A: OSHUS'

HOUSE. Mark this house with POINT G. Before you enter POINT G: OSHUS'

STOREHOUSE, run around the beach area and count the number of palm trees you

find. Once you know the number (okay, I'll give, it's seven), enter the cave.

Toss the barrels that block the way by tapping them, then throwing them aside

by tapping again.


|Mercay Island - Oshus' Storehouse | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ |

|New Equipment: Oshus' Sword | |


Head the north end of the cave, where you'll reach a large stone slab covered

with strange markings. Ciela will explain that Oshus always opened this door

by writing a number on the sign, that number being the number of Palm Trees on

the beach. We already know that number is seven. Tap the sign, then write the

number seven on it. The more legibily you write, the better. If you need to

start over, hit the Rewrite button on the lower-right corner of the screen.

Once the number seven is correctly drawn into Oshus' Sign, the door will open.

Go through the opening and across a bridge, open a chest on the other side to

get OSHUS' SWORD. Read the book near the chest to learn how to use the Sword's

basic attacks. Once you have the sword, leave Oshus' Storehouse through the

door you used to get in.


|Mercay Island - Oshus' House | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ F: West Passage |

As soon as Link and Ciela emerge from the cave, they'll +--------------------+

encounter a bemused Oshus. He'll allow Link to keep the sword, on the

condition that he learn how to use it first (so much for timeline continuity).

You'll automatically appar in Oshus' House. Speak with Oshus to begin the

training session.

For the first step of the Sword Training, simply position Link so that the

targets (the large logs) are visible onscreen, and touch them to destroy them.

The second type of attacking is much trickier, but with practice, can still be

used effectively. Position Link within melee range of a target, and begin

rapidly brushing the stylus back and forth between Link and the target. The

more times you brush back and forth, the more often Link will swing his weapon.

This is called a Side Slash. The last attack is the Spin Attack; simply draw a

circle rapidly around Link to unleash his signature move.

Once you've successfully destroyed all of the targets using these three

different attacking methods, Oshus will allow you to leave with his weapon.

Leave the house, and head for POINT F: WEST PASSAGE. Go back through this

passage into the area that Ciela insisted you leave before.


|Mercay Island - Northwest | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ F: West Passage |

As soon as you enter the area, use your Map to follow | H: Mercay Tunnel |

this area's linear path, with a cave entrance at its +--------------------+

other end. Mark this cave with POINT H. Start heading for this cave, using

Targeted Attacks to kill the Red Chus you'll spot on the way. Also practice

Slash Attacks on the grass and thin trees in the area, possibly unearthing


Halfway to the cave, you'll spot a strange stone object. Slash it, and after a

moment, it will instruct you on how to perform Somersaults. This is tricky;

you must draw TINY circles on the EDGE of the screen as FAST as you possibly

can. It helps to give yourself a good running start before you roll into your

target. As with running, Slash Attacks and Spin Attacks, the more you perform

the required action on the touch screen, the more Link will perform it.

Roll into the tree just east of the Boing-Oing to reveal a valuable Red Rupee,

then continue on to POINT H: MERCAY TUNNEL. Use Slash Attacks to remove the

thin trees that block the road. When you reach the tunnel entrance, go inside.


|Mercay Island - Mercay Tunnel 1st Floor | Mark List |


Start heading northeast into the cavern, tossing aside boulders that block

Link's path. Just past the boulders, you'll find a large locked door. Keep

going east from here, using Targeted Attacks on Chus who erupt from the ground.

Just past the Chus, on a dais, there is a chest. Open it to get a SMALL KEY.

Backtrack to the locked door, and open it by tapping on it.

Defeat more Chus in this large area, then start looking around the room. On

the north end of the room are several switches; pulling these in the wrong

order will result in bad things. Go to the west side of the room, where there

is a stone block. Tap the block, and two arrows will appear on either side of

the block. Push the block to the left by pressing the left arrow, and holding

the stylus down until an opening appears on either side of the block. Run

around it and check this small opening.

Bad Bats populate this small room. They move very quickly, but you can still

use Targeted Attacks if you like. Spin Attacks also work very well. Once

they're all eliminated, read the stone tablet to learn that the first switch is

the second from the left. Write this down somewhere on the Map, then head for

the opposite side of the area.

There is another stone block here. Push it aside, and kill more Bad Bats on

the other side. Open the chest on the north end of the area to get a red

rupee. Read a second Stone Tablet just near the chest to learn that the Second

Lever is the first on the left, and last lever is the second on the right.

Write down this information somewhere, as well.

By the process of elimination, we now know the correct order to pull the

switches. Using the door on the north end of the map as your center, activate

the switches in this order by tapping them, then pressing on the large arrow

which appears on the touch screen.


2 1 4 3

Once the Levers are pulled in the correct order, a SMALL KEY appears in the

middle of the room (pulling them in the wrong order results in an army of Ropes

attacking; use rapid Spin Attacks and Targeted Attacks to kill them). Pick it

up, and use it to open the door on the north end of the room. Go up the stairs

on the other side of this door.


|Mercay Island - Mercay Tunnel 2nd Floor | Mark List |


Head north into the cavern. You'll very quickly notice on the Map a Small Key

which appears to be running around as though it has grown legs. An army of

Rats populates the area; kill them with Targeted Attacks. The one Rat who

holds the Key is far smarter then his allies, however; he'll retreat into rat

holes when you draw near him. On the far west side of the area, however, there

is a stone block. Grab onto it, and slide it in front of the rat hole on the

west side of the cavern. This won't be enough, however; the Rat still has

access to the other Rat Hole.

Retreat back to the stairs, and watch the Small Key on the Map to see when the

Rat emerges from the hole. Once the Rat has reached the west side of the

cavern, run in to the small chokepoint the Rat must pass through to reach the

east Rat Hole. Kill it as it runs by you to get the Small Key. Use the Key to

open the locked door, just north of the stairs.

Follow the cave path east then south, killing Bad Bats and smashing Boulders on

the way to reveal precious Rupees. At the end of the tunnel's south stretch,

you'll reach the tunnel exit. Leave to return to Mercay Island's overworld.


|Mercay Island - Village | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ C: Mercay Port |

Take a look around town if you like, but there's nothing | I: Milk Bar |

of much interest you can do here at the moment. Head to +--------------------+

POINT C: MERCAY PORT, and speak with the man admiring Linebeck's ship. He'll

mention that Linebeck is often see at Mercay Village's Milk Bar. Head there

now; it's the largest building on the map. Mark it with Point I, and go



|Mercay Island - Village: Milk Bar | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ J: Temple of the |

Speak with the Bartender, and you'll learn that Linebeck | Ocean King |

traveled to the Temple of the Ocean King, on the north +--------------------+

end of the island. The Bartender will even helpfully point out the location on

your map, though you'd have to be blind to miss it. Mark the Temple with Point

J anyway (just for convenience sake), then leave the Milk Bar.


|Mercay Island - Village | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ I: Milk Bar |

There is a tent-shaped building south of the POINT I: +--------------------+

MILK BAR. This is the town's Bazaar. Go on inside.


|Mercay Island - Village: Bazaar | Mark List |


|New Equipment: Wooden Shield |


Speak with the shopkeeper, and purchase the Wooden Shield for eighty rupees.

You should have enough cash for it, but if you don't, then return to the Tunnel

and smash Rocks and kill the enemies inside until you've got the money. You

can buy some of the other goods here, as well, but it's not necessary at the

moment. Link automatically equips the Wooden Shield when you first get it, and

will also use it automatically. Simply face enemies, and do not attack with

any kind of weapon to block their attacks. Note that not all kinds of attacks

can be blocked.


|Mercay Island - Village | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ J: Temple of the |

Open your Map and mark the passage on the north end of | Ocean King |

town as POINT K. Make your way here, and go north out | K: East Passage |

the Village. +--------------------+


|Mercay Island - Northeast | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ E: Secret Tree |

Before you went through the tunnel, a man may have | J: Temple of the |

shown you the location of a secret tree in this area. | Ocean King |

I instructed you to mark this tree as Point E; if you | K: East Passage |

missed that, then it's on the second level of this area, +--------------------+

near the north coast of the island.

Make your way north and west through the area, killing Chus and watching out

for a pesky Crow who will try to steal your Rupees. When you reach POINT E:

SECRET TREE, roll into the Tree to reveal a Big Rupee. Take it for a free one

hundred rupees. If you still haven't purchased the Wooden Shield in Mercay

Village, then head back there now to do so.

Back at POINT E: SECRET TREE, head west, then south, then west again into the

next area.


|Mercay Island - Outside the Temple of the Ocean King | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ J: Temple of the |

Head northwest until you meet a rough stone road, and | Ocean King |

follow it to POINT J: TEMPLE OF THE OCEAN KING. After +--------------------+

the usual stock warning about curses, certain death, etc., go inside the









-----zz----------zz----- Temple of the Ocean King I

----zzzz--------zzzz---- [0302]








|Temple of the Ocean King - Entrance | Mark List |


Run north into the Temple. If you like, you can stop and speak with the

spirits of the skeletons who lie around the room. They'll make various cryptic

statements about the dungeon. There is a door on the far north wall of the

room; go through this door.


|Temple of the Ocean King - First Floor | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Floor Entrance |

|New Quest Item: Sea Chart (southwest region) | B: Trap Switch 1 |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ C: Trap Switch 2 |

As soon as you enter, mark where you enter as POINT A. | D: Sea Chart |

Head north into the room, and you'll meet Captain | E: Trap Switch 3 |

Linebeck. He has foolishly got himself trapped in the +--------------------+

middle of the dungeon, and you'll have to free him. Agree to do so when he

asks. Pay particular attention to his advice about Safe Zones, which protect

Link from the poisonous fog that pervades the Temple. These Safe Zones appear

as purple checkerboards on the map.

Near the middle of the dungeon, there are three of these Safe Zones clearly

marked on the map, all in a row. Mark the left-most of these Safe Zones as

POINT B. The switch to free Linebeck is located here at POINT B: TRAP SWITCH

1. Move as quickly as you can to POINT B: TRAP SWITCH 1 so that you take as

little damage from the fog as possible.

The purple orb located at POINT B: TRAP SWITCH 1 is the Trap Switch. Use a

Slash Attack on the orb to activate the switch, freeing Linebeck from the trap.

Return to POINT A: FLOOR ENTRANCE and speak with Captain Linebeck. Run through

the Captain's former prison, which features a huge Safe Zone, to avoid taking

damage. Smash the pots in the prison if you need Recovery Hearts.

After a brief cutscene, in which a character with actual depth and... well,

character is introduced to the series, Link will be charged with finding an

object in the Dungeon which will supposedly lead to the Ghost Ship, the last

known whereabouts of Tetra. Linebeck will give Link a SMALL KEY; return to

POINT B: TRAP SWITCH 1 and use the Small Key to open the locked door located


Take this moment to make a few more marks on your Map. There are three more

Safe Zones along the top of the map; mark these, from left to right, POINT C,

POINT D, AND POINT E. POINT C: TRAP SWITCH 1 will be your first goal, POINT E:

TRAP SWITCH 3 will be your second, and POINT D: SEA CHART will be your final.

Head straight for POINT C: TRAP SWITCH 1 in the northwest corner, and activate

the Trap Switch there. A series of spike traps to the east will be


Hugging the north wall whenever possible, start heading east to POINT E: TRAP

SWITCH 3. Stay on the path; if you stray, you could potentially plummet to an

early grave through a trap door. When you reach POINT E: TRAP SWITCH 3,

activate it to open the door leading to POINT D: SEA CHART. Run there and open

a treaure chest to get the Sea Chart.

You can now leave the Temple the same way you entered.


|Mercay Island - Outside the Temple of the Ocean King | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ C: Mercay Port |

As Ciela noted on the way out, Linebeck didn't wait | J: Temple of the |

around for Link to find the treasure. You'll meet him | Ocean King |

just outside the Temple, a short ways south from the +--------------------+

entrance. After a brief cutscene with Linebeck, head for POINT C: MERCAY PORT

in Mercay Village.


|Mercay Island - Mercay Village | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ C: Mercay Port |

At Mercay Port, you'll find Linebeck and Oshus waiting | J: Temple of the |

for you. After another brief cutscene, Oshus will | Ocean King |

present Link with the Sea Chart, asking him to rub it's +--------------------+

flaky part. This is the island in the southeast corner of the map; rub away

the green areas of the map to reveal an odd marking (Wind Waker players should

recognize it pretty quickly). Link is quickly swept out onto the Ocean, his

goal: The Isle of Ember.








-----zz----------zz----- Isle of Ember

----zzzz--------zzzz---- [0303]








|The Ocean - Southwest Region | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Mercay Island |

There's a lot you can do on the Ocean (it's not nearly | B: Isle of Ember |

as redundant here as it was in Wind Waker), but I won't +--------------------+

be getting into most of it for a while, yet. Start by doing something that

should be old hat to you by now: marking the map. Close the Navigation Screen

by hitting the Back button on the Touch Screen, then open the Map Screen in the

same way you would on land. Mark Mercay Island (the northeast-most island) as

POINT A, and the Isle of Ember (the southeast-most island) as POINT B. Reopen

the Navigation Screen (hit the Quill Icon on the Touch Screen), and chart a

course for the Isle of Ember by dragging a line from Linebeck's Ship to the

anchor near POINT B: ISLE OF EMBER.

The ship will automatically guide itself there; you can take a look around by

touching the edges of the touch screen. Linebeck will also teach you how to

make the ship stop and go by activating its engines. When you reach POINT B:

ISLE OF EMBER, you will automatically dock.


|Isle of Ember - West | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Isle of Ember |

After another cutscene with Captain Linebeck, Mark your | Dock |

landing spot as POINT A. There are several houses | B: Kayo's House |

dotted around the island, as well. The one closest to +--------------------+

POINT A: ISLE OF EMBER DOCK contains nothing of any great interest. The house

southeast of POINT A, however, contains something of interest. Mark it as

POINT B, then head for that House. Go inside.


|Isle of Ember - West: Kayo's House | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ B: Kayo's House |

Read the book sitting on the table, and learn of a Torch | C: Kayo's Duty |

which is "Kayo's Duty." Check the east end of the Isle +--------------------+

of Ember, where there is a tiny island. Mark this as POINT C: KAYO'S DUTY.

Leave Kayo's House, and head east into the Isle of Ember - East area.


|Isle of Ember - East | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ B: Kayo's House |

Continue to the east end of the island, noting an | C: Kayo's Duty |

electrified barrier you'll pass on the way. Mark this | D: Electric |

as POINT D, then continue east to POINT C: KAYO'S DUTY. | Barrier |

Along the way, you'll encounter Tektites; use Targeted | E: Astrid's House |

Attacks to kill them easily. | F: The Final Torch |


When you reach POINT C: KAYO'S DUTY, Ciela will spot the corpse of a fallen

hero. Run over to the corpse to trigger a cutscene with the ghost of Kayo. He

will point out on Link's map which house is Astrid's. After the cutscene, make

sure you mark this house as POINT E.

Astrid herself, however, is sealed inside her house. Kayo mentions that the

torches on the island are the secret to breaking the seal. You've already seen

two of them; one at POINT B: KAYO'S HOUSE, and another on the tiny island just

east of POINT C: KAYO'S DUTY. The last torch is hidden on the northwest corner

of the island. If you follow the perimeter of the island on the map, going

counter-clockwise, you'll eventually reach a gap with a large island in the

middle of it. The east coast of this gap is where the final torch is; mark it


Just west of POINT C: KAYO'S DUTY, there is a small ramp which leads up to the

second tier of the island's four tiers. Climb up this ramp, and start heading

counter-clockwise around the tier to POINT E: ASTRID'S HOUSE. Along the way,

you'll encounter Red and Yellow Chus; the Yellow Chus are electrified. Use a

targeted attack when they stand still and stopping flashing with energy to

defeat them. Dodge them until you get the opportunity. Go inside Astrid's

House when you reach it.


|Isle of Ember - West: Astrid's House | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ B: Kayo's House |

Run around Astrid's Crystal Ball, and down the stairs | C: Kayo's Duty |

into her basement. Link will promptly be locked inside | D: Electric |

with an army of Octoroks; use the Wooden Shield to block | Barrier |

their projectile attacks, and Targeted Attacks to kill | E: Astrid's House |

them. Their large numbers and close quarters also makes | F: The Final Torch |

the Spin Attack effective. Defeat them all to reopen | G: The Temple |

the basement door, and allow Link to solve the puzzle of | of Fire |

Astrid's Prison. +--------------------+

Once all of the Octoroks are dead, head for the barrier in the northeast corner

of the basement. Ciela will sense a presence on the other side of the barrier,

and ask Link to call out to the person. Make a noise, any noise, loudly into

the DS' microphone to get the attention of the person on the other side (if

you're in a public place and don't want to feel stupid, then tapping the

microphone sharply with your forefinger works well).

After a brief conversation with Astrid, she'll ask you to free her. Agree, and

touch the map on the wall near the door. You'll be prompted to mark the

location of the island's three torches. As previously noted, these are


TORCH. Mark these points on the touch screen to open the door.

With Astrid freed, she'll interrogate Link a bit. Your answers don't

particularly matter (pick the first option in each question for best results).

After Astrid tells Link and Linebeck their fortunes, you'll have a new quest.

Open your map, and mark the building near the center of the island with POINT

G. This is the Temple of Fire. Leave Astrid's House and head back to POINT D:



|Isle of Ember - East | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ D: Electric |

With Astrid's blessing, Link can now open the Electric | Barrier |

Barrier which leads to the summit of the Isle of Ember. | G: The Temple |

Run near the Barrier, and tap it to open as Ciela | of Fire |

indicates. +--------------------+

Start climbing to the summit of the mountain, watching out for more Chus and

Tektites. When you're halfway to the summit of the mountain, it will begin to

erupt, spewing balls of fire onto the third and fourth tiers of the island.

Watch out for the circles that appear on the ground, indicating where a ball

will land.

When you reach POINT G: THE TEMPLE OF FIRE, you will find its entrance sealed

shut. Stand in front of the two giant candles which flank the entrance to the

dungeon, face them, and blow into the microphone to snuff them. Do this to

both candles to open the door to the dungeon. Go on inside (if you like,

continue all the way to the summit, where you'll find a chest which contains a

red rupee on the west side of the volcano's crater).








-----zz----------zz----- The Temple of Fire

----zzzz--------zzzz---- [0304]








|The Temple of Fire - First Floor | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Central |

|New Item: Boomerang | Staircase |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ B: East Door |

Almost as soon as you enter, Ciela will officially mark | C: Diagram Room |

herself as Navi's successors by stating the blatantly +--------------------+

obvious: don't touch the walls of fire located in this


Head north into the dungeon, weaving through the fire barriers. The hallway

quickly widens out into a large room; watch out for a long, spinning flame

barrier that patrols this room. Mark the barrier on the north end of the room

as POINT A: CENTRAL STAIRCASE, then go east into another wide room. Hug the

south wall to avoid the spinning fire.

In the next room, head to the north wall until you see a locked door. Mark

this point as POINT B: EAST DOOR. You're now going to learn how to jump (if

you haven't already discovered on your own). Simply run bravely towards the

edge, to the opposite ledge in front of the locked door. Link will

automatically jump when he reaches the gap. Repeat to reach the far east side

of the room, and examine the drawing on the wall.

This drawing will show a detailed map of a safe path through the room in the

northeast corner of the room. Mark this room as POINT C: DIAGRAM ROOM, and copy

the route shown on the diagram as best you can to your own Map.

Head into the southeast room of the dungeon. As soon as Link enters, he will

be locked inside, and several Bad Bats will appear. Kill them with targeted

attacks to unseal the exit to the room. A wall of fire will also disappear,

letting Link claim a chest. Open it to get a SMALL KEY.

Backtrack to POINT B: EAST DOOR, and open it with your new Small Key. Go

through the newly-opened passage to POINT C: DIAGRAM ROOM. Follow your

carefully copied line safely through the room. If you deviate from the path

described on the plaque just outside the room, then Link will plummet to an

early grave.

On the other end of the path of the Diagram Room, you'll find four Trap

Switches grouped closely together. Stand in the center of these four Trap

Switches, and use a Spin Attack to activate them all simultaneously. The door

back at POINT A: CENTRAL STAIRCASE will open. Head back there, and go through

the newly opened door, and up a staircase.


|The Temple of Fire - Second Floor | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Toggle Switch 1 |

As you enter the second floor, head counter-clockwise | B: Boomerang Room |

around the large stone block which dominates this large | C: Boomerang |

room. Watch out for Chus on the way. When you reach | Puzzle 2 |

the northwest corner of the block, you'll find a +--------------------+

special Trap Switch. This is a Toggle Switch; hitting it will make all Blue

Traps in the area deactivate, or activate if they are deactivated, and vice-

versa for Red Traps. Mark this Toggle Switch as POINT A: TOGGLE SWITCH 1, then

activate it by attacking.

Continue running counter-clockwise around the stone block; when you reach the

northeast corner, go down the newly-opened path to the east. Head to the east

wall, then south to a new room. The door will immediately slam shut when you

enter, trapping Link inside with a small pack of Gels. Gels can latch onto

Link, damaging him over time until he shakes them off. Rub the Stylus rapidly

across Link to free him. Kill the Gels with Targeted and Spin Attacks, and the

doors will unseal themselves. A chest will also appear; open it to get the

Boomerang. Mark this room as POINT B: BOOMERANG ROOM.

Head to the lava pit on the east end of the room, and follow Ciela's

instructions to use it. First, click on the Boomerang's icon in the top-right

corner of the touchscreen, then draw a path on the touchscreen that crosses

over both of the Trap Switches in the pools of lava. The screen will

automatically pan out as you draw so that you can see both of them. Draw a

line to both trap switches, then remove the Stylus from the Touch Screen to

unleash the weapon. It will automatically fly around, activating the switches.

Make a purposefully ridiculous and exaggerated path if you're feeling silly.

West of the chest where you picked up the Boomerang, there is a long tunnel

which leads to a room in the northwest corner of the floor. Mark this room as

POINT C: BOOMERANG PUZZLE 2. This room contains a nearly identical, but

mirrored, version of the puzzle you faced in the Boomerang Room. The only

wrinkle are the two torches which will spit flames at Link. Dodge one of the

flames, then immediately whip out the Boomerang, and toss it at the two Trap

Switches on the west side of the room. Do it quickly; if a flame hits Link

while you are drawing the path, it will be cancelled.

Once both of the Trap Switches at POINT C: BOOMERANG PUZZLE 2 are solved, the

flames will snuff, and a stairwell on the east side of the room will open. Go

down these stairs.


|The Temple of Fire - First Floor | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ D: Toggle Switch 2 |

Try out your new Boomerang on the Chus in this area, if | E: Boomerang |

you like. Just draw a path that intersects them to hit | Puzzle 3 |

them. Once the Chu is out of the way, mark this spot as | F: Southwest |

POINT D: TOGGLE SWITCH 2. Head for the northwest corner | Staircase |

of the room, where there are Red Traps visible in the +--------------------+

floor. Stand on the right side of these Traps, and draw a path to the Toggle

Switch which sits at the end of the tunnel on the other side of the Red Traps.

With the Red and Blue Traps switched, Link can now escape the room.

Head south to the next room, which you should mark as POINT E: BOOMERANG PUZZLE

3. You should know the drill by now; equip the Boomerang, and draw a line

leading to the Trap Switch on the other end of the tunnel. The wall of fire

behind Link will deactivate, letting you return to the early portions of the

dungeon, including the entrance/exit.

Head south to the next room, where Link will promptly be locked inside, and

pitted against two Red Bubbles. You will only be able to hurt these guys if

you first stun them with the Boomerang. The only wrinkle is actually hitting

them; they move quickly. The best strategy is to not even attempt to target

them. Instead, stand near the middle of the room, equip the Boomerang, and

quickly scribble a flightpath which travels in narrow circles around Link.

Keep going until you can no longer add to the flightpath, then release. The

Boomerang will very likely collide with both of the Bubbles, extinguishing

their flame and causing them to bounce harmlessly around the room. Use

Targeted Attacks to kill them before their flames recover.

Defeat both of the Bubbles to unseal the room, and open the southwest

staircase. Mark this location as POINT F: SOUTHWEST STAIRCASE, then go up the



|The Temple of Fire - Second Floor | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ D: Switch Room |

As soon as you arrive back at the Second Floor, mark | E: Boomerang |

this large room as POINT D: SWITCH ROOM. Watching out | Puzzle 4 |

for whirling rods of flaming death, as well as new, +--------------------+

deadly, Fire Keese, head for the southwest end of the room, then hugging the

south wall, head east until you spot a switch set into the wall. Grab ahold of

this switch, and pull backwards to activate it.

The second switch in the room is clearly visible on the other side of a narrow

wall. Head there by returning to the staircase, killing any Fire Keese you

meet on the way using the Random Path Boomerang Method you used on the Red

Bubbles previously. When you reach the staircase, head east, jumping over a

gap in the floor onto a narrow platform. Dodge more flaming rods, jumping east

again to the relative safety of the room's east side. Defeat more Fire Keese

here. If you've killed all of the Fire Keese, the dungeon's final chest will

appear. Open it to get a Red Rupee, then head to the south end of the room.

The second switch is located here; activate it to open a sealed door near the


Backtrack to this sealed door, and stand right in the doorway of the room. A

Rat in this room holds a Small Key you'll need to reach the dungeon's final

area, but you'll need to use some clever Boomerang Pathing to get it. Wait for

the Rat to appear, spot you, then disappear into it's hole. Immediately whip

out your Boomerang, and start making a flightpath which consists of tiny

circles in front of the hole the Rat disappeared into. Continue until you run

out of flightpath juice, then release. The Boomerang will hover in front of

the hole, killing the Rat as soon as it appears. Take the Small Key it drops,

then return to the passage on the southeast end of POINT D: SWITCH ROOM.

Mark this newest room as POINT E: BOOMERANG PUZZLE 4. On the south end of the

room, there is a narrow gap with a Toggle Switch on the other side of it.

Activate the Toggle Switch with the Boomerang, switching the Red and Blue traps

on the north side of the room. Kill the Octorok located in the gap between the

Red and Blue Traps (use the Boomerang to stun it), then take up the Octorok's

former position. Send the Boomerang back around the corner, and back onto the

Toggle Switch, toggling the traps once more.

You can now access to the stairwell on the southeast side of POINT E: BOOMERANG

PUZZLE 4. Use your recently-acquired Small Key to open the door, then go up

the stairs on the other side.


|The Temple of Fire - Third Floor | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: East Room |

As soon as you enter the third floor, mark your current | B: Boomerang |

location as POINT A: EAST ROOM. Watch out for Gels in | Puzzle 5 |

this area, and head for the room's south end. In a | C: Boss Door |

small nook here, there is a diagram on the wall, near a +--------------------+

spinning fire rod. Examine the diagram, and copy the numbers on it onto the

room in the northeast corner of the floor, then head back to POINT A: EAST


Go to the north end of POINT A: EAST ROOM. There are two candles located here,

just like outside the Temple; face these candles, and blow into the microphone

to snuff them.

Link can now access the northeast room of this floor. Mark it as POINT B:

BOOMERANG PUZZLE 5. Run north into a platform that sits in the middle of the

room, then whip out your Boomerang. Follow the numbers you got earlier from

the Diagram, in the south end of POINT A: EAST ROOM. Make sure you draw

slowly, to ensure that you don't use up all your Flightpath Juice before you

can reach the fourth switch.

Once you activate all of the Trap Switches, a SMALL KEY appears on the north

end of the room. Snag it by tapping it while you have the Boomerang equipped.

Backtrack to POINT A: EAST ROOM, and use the Small key to open the locked door

in the room's southwest corner.

On the other side of the door, you'll find a tunnel stretching west. Go down

it, and Ciela will spot a strange looking door. Zelda veterans will

immediately recognize this as a Boss Door. Mark it as POINT C: BOSS DOOR, then

keep going west to the end of the hall.

As you enter the next room, the door will slam shut, locking you inside.

You'll now have to contend with two Yellow Chus, two Fire Keese, and a torch

that spews fire. Run around in circles, dodging their attacks, eliminating the

Yellow Chus when their bodies stop crackling with electricity. Once they're

out of the way, kill the Fire Keese using the Random Pathing Boomerang Method.

Once you've defeated all of the enemies, the doors will unseal themselves.

Head for the room to the north, marking it as POINT D: WEST ROOM. This is a

large room, made into a looping square-shaped hallway patrolled by Red Bubbles.

Use the Boomerang and draw a path traveling clockwise around the hallway,

hopefully stunning the Red Bubbles on the way. If you nail one, quickly run to

it and slash it before it recovers. Defeat both of the Red Bubbles to remove

the Fire Traps around the room.

Go to the room north of POINT D: WEST ROOM. Stand on the switch on the south

end of the room, igniting one of the torches in the room. Whip out the

Boomerang, and draw a path which begins at the first, lit torch, and continues

to the other, unlit torches. This will light the torches, removing a fire trap

near the north of the floor. Back to POINT D: WEST ROOM.

Go to the southeast corner of POINT D: WEST ROOM, and stand on the left side of

the gap in the floor here. Pull out the Boomerang, and draw a flightpath into

the room to the east. There's a Trap Switch here; guide the Boomerang onto

this switch, then let it fly. A trap door will shut, letting you cross into

the north-center of the dungeon.

Dodging a tripod of flame rods, head to the north end of the dungeon. A chest

here contains the BOSS KEY. Take it, and carry it to POINT C: BOSS DOOR.

You'll need to follow the clockwise path of the tripod flame trap to avoid

dropping the key. When you get back to the Boss Door, throw the key into the

door to unlock it, and go up the stairs on the other side.


|The Temple of Fire - Fourth Floor | Mark List |


Smash the pots in the room to get precious Recovery Hearts, and read the stone

tablets to open a warp point back to the Temple's entrance, as well as a clue

of the Temple's purpose. Go up the stairs on the north side of the room when

you're done.


|BOSS: Blaaz, Master of Fire | Mark List |


Run forward into this large, circular arena to begin the game's first boss

fight. Blaaz will appear in a column of flame, and then split himself into

three. If you look at the map, you'll notice that Blaaz's three separate parts

have a different number of spikes on them. The object is to use the Boomerang

to grab each of these parts in number order (from one spike, to two spikes, to

three spikes). This will combine all of them into Blaaz's complete form,

letting you damage him. When Blaaz is in one form, a second attack from the

Boomerang will stun him, making combos much easier to perform.

While split into three, Blaaz will slowly hover the room, eventually coming to

a stop and slowly summoning tiny balls of flame. After a long charging period,

Blaaz's three parts will hurl the flames at Link. The charging period is

probably the best time to combine Blaaz's different sections; they will be

stationary, making it very easy to draw the line from Spike 1, to Spike 2, to

Spike 3.

While in his Complete Form, Blaaz will teleport around, occasionally summoning

balls of fire from the sky. These are exactly like the balls that you dodged

while climbing to the summit of the Isle of Ember. He will also attack

physically if you get too close; again, use the Boomerang to stun Blaaz before

approaching him. Continue combining Blaaz's three parts, and damaging him in

his Complete form, until he succumbs.

Defeating Blaaz will introduce Link to Leaf, a Fairy similar to Ciela. A chest

will also appear; open it to get a Heart Container, increasing your maximum

capacity. Enter the blue portal that has also appeared behind the chest to

leave the dungeon.


|Isle of Ember - East | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Isle of Ember |

As soon as you emerge from the Temple of Fire, return to | Dock |

Astrid's House. After a cutscene, Link and Ciela will | E: Astrid's House |

be directed to return to the Temple of the Ocean King +--------------------+

on Mercay Island. He'll also receive a Power Gem -

these will be important later.

Return to POINT A: ISLE OF EMBER DOCK, and set sail for Mercay Island. Once

there, head straight back into the Temple of the Ocean King.








-----zz----------zz----- Temple of the Ocean King II

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|Temple of the Ocean King - Entrance | Mark List |


|New Quest Item: Phantom Hourglass |


Immediately after you enter, a cutscene will take place. Linebeck once again

proves himself to be a terrific coward, but Oshus arrives in time to dispel the

situation. Head to the north end of the room as Oshus instructs; use the

stairsets on the east or west ends of the room. There, Link will recieve the

Phantom Hourglass in another cutscene.

Head back down the stairs, and through the door on the north end of the room's

first level.


|Temple of the Ocean King - First Floor | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Floor Entrance |

This time, when you enter the first floor of the Temple, | F: Door of Power |

the Phantom Hourglass will flash onscreen, showing a ten +--------------------+

minute timer. As Leaf will explain, this timer shows how much time you have

before the the cursed fog in the dungeon will begin to hurt you. Leaf also

points out the Door of Power, north of POINT A: FLOOR ENTRANCE. Mark this as

POINT F: DOOR OF POWER, and head for the Door. Tap it on the Touch Screen to

open it, then go up the stairs on the other side.


|Temple of the Ocean King - Basement First Floor | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Floor Entrance |

Mark where you enter as POINT A: FLOOR ENTRANCE. Take a | B: Trap Switch 1 |

step forward, and a pair of Phantoms will appear. Leaf | C: Torch Puzzle |

will explain; to add to his thoughts, you can sneak by | D: Door Switch 1 |

the Phantoms by avoiding the yellow cone that represents +--------------------+

their field of vision. And if one does happen to spot you, run as fast as you

can to the nearest safe zone.

Head for the safe zone to the east, and open up your Map. Look at the

southeast corner of the map; there is a square-shaped hallway here, patrolled

by one of the Phantoms. Draw a line around this hallway, representing the

Phantom's path. Next, mark the northeast corner of the map as POINT B: TRAP

SWITCH 1. Lastly, mark the south-central part of the dungeon as POINT C: TORCH


Wait for the Southeast Phantom to reach the southwest corner of his patrol

path, then quickly run to POINT B: TRAP SWITCH 1. Strike the Trap Switch here,

and a torch will come to life near POINT C: TORCH PUZZLE. Run as fast as you

can to this point; if you timed it properly, then the Southeast Phantom should

be nowhere near POINT C: TORCH PUZZLE. Use the Boomerang to light the unlit

torch adjacent to the currently lit one. Go quickly; Trap Switch 1 has a

limited timer.

Solving the Torch Puzzle will remove the fire trap in the southwest corner of

the dungeon. Run here, and into the Safe Point at the dungeon's southwest

corner. Open up your map to make a few more marks. First, mark the path of

the West Phantom; he slowly patrols the entire west hallway, going north to

south. Also, look for a small wall just to the west of POINT B: TRAP SWITCH 1.

Mark the west side of this wall as POINT D: DOOR SWITCH 1.

Now, wait for the West Phantom to reach the south point of his patrol path,

then start heading back north. Follow slowly in his wake, running into the

Safe Point stashed on the west-center part of the map when the opportunity

arises. Wait for the Phantom to return to the south end of his Patrol Path

again, then quickly run to POINT D: DOOR SWITCH 1.

Stand on the switch in the ground here to open the barrier on the northwest

side of the floor. Run there, to find a SMALL KEY in a small Safe Zone. Once

you have the SMALL KEY, return to POINT B: TRAP SWITCH 1, and go through the

locked door located there. Use the same tactics you used to avoid the Phantoms


Once you've opened the locked door at POINT B, go down the stairs on the other



|Temple of the Ocean King - Basement Second Floor | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Floor Entrance |

Mark where you enter as POINT A: FLOOR ENTRANCE. There | B: Phantom Puzzles |

is a Phantom just to the west of you; mark him as POINT | C: Key Puzzle |

B: PHANTOM PUZZLE. The POINT B Phantom does not patrol; | D: Boomerang |

he stands motionless at his post, gazing down the | Puzzle 1 |

hallways to his west, south and east. Unfortunately, +--------------------+

the Phantom is inconveniently posted directly in front of a Switch you need to


Wait until this Phantom is looking West or South, and then quickly run south

yourself. On the south end of the wall here, there is a Trap Switch. Activate

it to make a noise, attracting the attention of the Phantom. He should run

south down the west side of the wall, so run north up the east side of the wall

to avoid him. Run to his post and pull the lever before he returns. Head back

to the Safe Zone after you have pulled the lever, and wait for the Phantoms on

the floor to calm down before continuing.

There's a second puzzle to be solved at POINT B: PHANTOM PUZZLES, this one

involving the Trap Switches. There are two total; one you've already

activated, the other is at the northwest end of POINT B: PHANTOM PUZZLES.

Activate the same one you activated before, and then head for the second in

same manner you used to reach the switch the Phantom once guarded. This makes

a SMALL KEY appear; mark this as POINT C: KEY PUZZLE.

The lever you pulled earllier opened a passage southwest of POINT B: PHANTOM

PUZZLE. Mark that area as POINT D: BOOMERANG PUZZLE 1, and then quickly run

down into that area when the POINT B Phantom is looking away.

On the west end of POINT D: BOOMERANG PUZZLE 1, there is a red potion. Break

it open near the Fire Trap to create a tiny Safe Zone. Stand in this Safe

Zone, then whip out your Boomerang. Draw a Flightpath south, across the Fire

Trap, and onto the Trap Switch on the other side. The Fire Trap will


Go to the southwest corner of the room, where there is a Safe Zone. Stand in

this Safe Zone, and watch the South Phantom to see his path. He slowly patrols

the entire south hallway, going east and west, and also the southern half of

the east hallway, going north and south. Draw this path for future reference.

Now, starting heading to the east part of the map, to POINT C: KEY PUZZLE.

Again, follow in the wake of the South Phantom, and duck into a safe zone near

POINT C when the opportunity arises. Once the South Phantom is headed back to

the south end of the room, look for a Floor Switch at POINT C. Stand on it to

lower a Spike Trap to the west; without leaving the Floor Switch, whip out the

Boomerang and draw a Flightpath over the spike trap, and onto the Small Key.

Release the Stylus to grab the Small Key.

Backtrack to POINT D: BOOMERANG PUZZLE 1, and use the Small Key to open the

locked door located there. Go down the stairs you find on the other side.


|Temple of the Ocean King - Basement Third Floor | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Floor Entrance |

Mark where you enter as POINT A: FLOOR ENTRANCE. Next, | B: Triforce Puzzle |

sketch out the patrol paths of the Phantoms; one circles | C: Force Gem 1 |

the looping hallway in the northwest, and the other the | D: Force Gem 2 |

same in the southeast (apparently passing through two | E: Force Gem 3 |

sets of Spike Traps; this is normal). Northeast of +--------------------+

where you enter, there is a huge Safe Zone; mark this as POINT B: TRIFORCE

PUZZLE. Run up there to take a quick look now.

You'll find at POINT B a large diorama of the Triforce. A nearby stone tablet

gives the solution to the puzzle: place the Force Gems onto the pedestals to

open the barrier. There are three total, found in the small Safe Zones dotted

around the area. The first is in the northwest corner; mark this as POINT C:

FORCE GEM 1. The second is in the southeast corner; mark it as POIND D: FORCE

GEM 2. The third, and last, is behind a door in the southwest corner. Mark

this as POINT E: FORCE GEM 3.

Head for POINT C: FORCE GEM 1 first. Inside a chest at POINT C, you'll find

the first Force Gem. If you've played Battle Mode at all, then you'll know

what to do here, but otherwise, it'll take some explanation. Return with the

Force Gem to POINT B: TRIFORCE PUZZLE, and toss it onto one of the triangle

pedestals located there. As Leaf says, don't be a hero; if you're spotted by a

Phantom, dump the Gem and hoof if to the nearest Safe Zone. Return to claim

the Force Gem once the coast is clear.

Once you've set Force Gem 1 into the Triforce Pedestals, head for POINT D:

FORCE GEM 2. Don't go along the east wall; there are traps there which will

attract the attention of the patrolling Phantoms. Instead, go to the south

wall, then east. Take the Force Gem from the chest at POINT D, and return it


The third Force Gem is the trickiest. It's behind a locked door at POINT E:

FORCE GEM 3, but one of the Phantoms carries the key (it's clearly visible on

the map). Sneak up behind the Phantom, then nail it with the Boomerang. After

a brief moment of alarm, the Phantom will return to its patrol, leaving the

SMALL KEY lying on the floor. Pick it up, then head for POINT E: FORCE GEM 3.

Unlock the door at POINT E, open the chest to get the last Force Gem, then

carry it to POINT B. With all three Force Gems placed at POINT B, the barrier

will open, revealing a door. Go through this door.


|Temple of the Ocean King - The Door of Wisdom | Mark List |

+--------------------------------------------------------+ A: Door of Wisdom |

|New Quest Item: Sea Chart (northwest region) +--------------------+


Directly in front of you as you enter is the Door of Wisdom; you can probably

guess that since you don't have the Spirit of Wisdom, you won't be going

through this door any time soon. Mark it as POINT A: DOOR OF WISDOM, then head

for the northwest corner of the room. There's a chest here. Open it to get

the Sea Chart of the Northwest Region. Take it, then enter the portal which

appears to return to the surface.







-----zzzzzzzzzzzz----- Legal Stuff, Links, Contact Information

-----zz----------zz----- and Special Thanks

----zzzz--------zzzz---- [1100]








Legal Stuff


All of my guides, FAQs and walkthroughs are authorized to appear on the

following websites:

GameFAQs (and all other cNet affiliates)

Honest Gamers

Zelda Dimension

Zelda Evolution

Zelda X


Cheat Code Central

But, only when credited to me (MrShotgun). If you would like this guide to

appear on your website, e-mail me at Andrew.ComfortablyNumb[at]

Please, do not post this guide until you have received my authorization to do


You may link to this guide without asking, provided the copy of the guide you

are linking to is credited to MrShotgun and is authorized to appear on that

website. I would appreciate notification when such a link is created, but it

is not mandatory. And as always when linking to a different website, make sure

you have permission from that website to do so before creating such a link.

The copyrights to this game do not belong to me. I did not create the game,

nor do I claim to have done so. It belongs to it's developers, and whoever

else programmed and produced the game. I am therefore immune from any bizarre

lawsuits that arise over this game (such as some moron who dies of dehydration

from playing this game for one hundred hours straight, and happens to use my


This guide is copyrighted MrShotgun (Andrew Brown) October 04th, 2007. I'm not

making any money off of this guide, so I don't mind how people distribute it,

just so long as it remains completely unaltered, and is not sold for profit.




Other FAQs, Guides and Video Game Resources by MrShotgun:

Metroid Prime: Hunters FAQ/Walkthrough

Metroid Prime: Hunters Echo Hall Maze Map

Metroid Prime: Hunters Frost Labyrinth Map

Killer7 FAQ/Walkthrough

The Legend of Zelda FAQ/Walkthrough

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time FAQ/Walkthrough

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask FAQ/Walkthrough

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess FAQ/Walkthrough


Contact Information


If you would like to contact me online, you can e-mail me at

Andrew.ComfortablyNumb[at] Poorly spelled letters, letters asking

questions already covered in the guide, letters without a clearly defined

subject, or just plain stupid letters will probably be ignored. If I do

respond to a stupid letter, it's merely for my own entertainment. Don't expect

me to be polite. If I don't respond immediately to your letter, it doesn't

mean I haven't read it - I get lots of e-mails concerning my work, and I simply

don't have time to respond to them all. I do, however, make a point of reading

as many letters concerning my work as possible. Letters MUST contain the

game's title in the heading. If they do not, then they will not be read and

they will be deleted.


Special Thanks


Thanks to the following people for giving their critiques or additions to any

one of my guides: Qtipdoom, Chris Paxton, Insanityrest, Superguy415, Al, Erik

Kwaakernat, Niek Rood, Matt, ChippyBlane, CyborgDragon, Diego Berdegja, Thomas

N/A, Jennings Jin, Corey Clark, The Croz, Andrew Kovalcik, Luise Felipe

Camarena R., Poe Tokoro, Living NightMare 185, RJ, Norman Lee, Dark Crono, Ben

Ritz, Scott M., Curtis Hunt, Daffy22853, Matt Steven, Atrimis, Les Labbauf,

Bart Van De Winkel, Sam Clements, Andrew Hintz, KyuubiKitsune19, WOLFMANCTL,

Devin Pierce, Aaron Ramsey, Patrick D'Aoust, Preston Sumner, Christopher Moore,

thehardencorpse, Mark Ehrhart, Parker Iller, Andrew Sprague, Jayson Jesposito

Specific thanks to Richard Taylor, whose quote I have adopted as my own

personal quality guarantee.

Specific thanks to Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Shanks, Amanda Tapping,

Christopher Judge, Don S. Davis, Joe Flanigan, Torri Higginson, David Hewlett,

Jason Momoa, Paul McGillion, Rachel Luttrell, Gary Jones, Teryl Rothery, Martin

Wood, Peter DeLuise, Robert C. Cooper and Brad Wright (and, to a lesser extent,

Rainbow Sun Francks, Ben Browder, Beau Bridges and Claudia Black). To the

uninformed, those are the casts and significant crew members of Stargate SG-1

and Stargate Atlantis. It may seem strange to thank the cast and crew of a

television show, but having reruns of old TV shows constantly running in the

background helps break the monotony of explaining exceedingly simple puzzles.
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