PIrates of the Caribbean: At World’s End PS3 Cheats




At the menu/title screen push and hold L2 + R2 and enter X, Triangle, Triangle, Square, L1, R1 to have invincibility.




Unlockable How to Unlock
Ammand The Corsair Successfully complete the Pirate Poker sub-mission in the Shipwreck City level.
Black Bart Successfully complete the Combat Challenge in the Maelstrom level.
Bootstrap Bill Turner Successfully complete the Defeat Enemies sub-mission in the Prison Fortress level.
Cannon Arm Successfully complete the Combat Challenge in the Pearl vs. Kraken level.
Capitain Barbossa Successfully complete the Shipwreck City level.
Capitain Chevalle Successfully complete the Port Royal level.
Captain Elizabeth Swann Successfully complete the Combo Challenge in the Davy Jones Locker level.
Captain Jack Sparrow Successfully complete the Prison Fortress level.
Captain Sao Feng Successfully complete the Singapore level.
Captain Teauge Successfully complete the Combat Challenge in the Prison Fortress level.
Cotton Successfully complete the Rescue sub-mission in the Isla de Pelegostos level.
Davy Jones Successfully complete Pearl vs. Dutchman level.
Elizabeth Swann Successfully complete Tortuga level.
Gentlemen Jocard Successfully complete the Davy Jones Locker level.
Gibbs Successfully complete the Combat Challenge in the Port Royal level.
Governor Swann Successfully complete the Combat Challenge in the Pearl vs. Dutchman level.
James Norrington Successfully complete the Combat Challenge in the Tortuga level.
Lian Successfully complete the Combat Challenge in the Singapore level.
Lord Cuttler Beckett Successfully complete the Maelstrom level.
Mercer Successfully complete the Hit-Combo sub-mission in the Singapore level.
Mistress Ching Successfully complete the Jackanism in the Tortuga level.
Mordillah Successfully complete the Combo Challenge in the Prison Fortress level.
Pintel Successfully complete the Isla Cruces level.
Ragetti Successfully complete the Combat Challenge in the Isla Cruces level.
Sri Sumba Jee Successfully complete the Combat Challenge in the Shipwreck City level.
Tai Huang Successfully complete the Sea Battle level.
Tia Dalma Successfully complete the Missing Person sub-mission in the Port Royal level.
Villanueva Successfully complete the Combo Challenge in the Tortuga level.
Will Turner Successfully complete the Isla de Pelegostos level.


Unlockable How to Unlock
Bone Sword Successfully complete the Davy Jones' Locker level.
Davy Jones' Sword Successfully complete the Maelstrom level.
Dutchman Sword Successfully complete the Pearl Vs Dutchman level.
Ghost Sword Successfully complete the Hit Combo sub-mission on the Isla Cruces level.
Gun Sword Successfully complete the Sea Battle level.
Legend Sword Successfully complete the Hit Combo sub-mission on the Maelstrom level.
Norrington Sword Successfully complete the Isla Cruces level.
Pirate King's Sword Successfully complete the Shipwreck City level.
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