Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin FAQ/Walkthrough

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

Written by Shintaun (Matthew Fletcher)

Version 1.1

Created on Notepad Using Courier New, 10 point font.





Tips and General Information-----------------------------------------(TIPS)


Entering the Castle--------------------------------------------------(ENTR)

City of Haze---------------------------------------------------------(HAZE)

Castle After Haze----------------------------------------------------(CAZE)

Sandy Grave----------------------------------------------------------(SAGR)

Castle After Grave---------------------------------------------------(CAVE)

Nation of Fools------------------------------------------------------(FOOL)

Castle after Fools---------------------------------------------------(CAOL)

Forest of Doom-------------------------------------------------------(FOOM)

Castle after Doom----------------------------------------------------(CAOM)

Dark Academy---------------------------------------------------------(DARK)

Revisiting with Owl--------------------------------------------------(FOWL)

Forgotten City-------------------------------------------------------(CITY)

13th Street----------------------------------------------------------(13TH)

Burnt Paradise-------------------------------------------------------(BURN)

Castle after Paradise------------------------------------------------(CASE)

Nest of Evil---------------------------------------------------------(NEST)


Boss Battle:Dullahan-------------------------------------------------(DULL)

Boss Battle:Behemoth-------------------------------------------------(BEHE)

Boss Battle:Keremet--------------------------------------------------(KERE)

Boss Battle:Astarte--------------------------------------------------(ASTA)

Boss Battle:Legion---------------------------------------------------(LEGI)

Boss Battle:Stella---------------------------------------------------(STEL)

Boss Battle:Dagon----------------------------------------------------(DAGO)

Boss Battle:Death----------------------------------------------------(DEAT)

Boss Battle:Sisters--------------------------------------------------(SIST)

Boss Battle:Whip's Memory--------------------------------------------(WHIP)

Boss Battle:The Creature---------------------------------------------(CREA)

Boss Battle:Mummy Man------------------------------------------------(MUMM)

Boss Battle:Werewolf-------------------------------------------------(WOLF)

Boss Battle:Medusa---------------------------------------------------(MEDU)

Boss Battle:Brauner--------------------------------------------------(BRAU)

Boss Battle:Dracula and Death----------------------------------------(DRAC)

Boss Battle:True Dracula---------------------------------------------(TRUE)

Nest of Evil Bosses

Boss Battle:Balore---------------------------------------------------(BALO)

Boss Battle:Gergoth--------------------------------------------------(GERG)

Boss Battle:Zephyr---------------------------------------------------(ZEPH)

Boss Battle:Aguni----------------------------------------------------(AGUN)

Boss Battle:Abaddon--------------------------------------------------(ABAD)

Boss Battle:Zombie Trio----------------------------------------------(TRIO)

Boss Battle Doppelganger---------------------------------------------(DOPP)




Magic Spells---------------------------------------------------------(SPEL)

Dual Crushes---------------------------------------------------------(DUAL)

Skills: Relics-------------------------------------------------------(RELI)


Secrets and Unlockables----------------------------------------------(UNLO)






Hello I'm Matthew Fletcher, though you can call me Shintaun. I loved

this game so much that I had to write a walkthrough for it. It's as

spoiler free as you can get while still listing boss names. I hope you

enjoy this walkthrough and have a great day playing this game too.

This guide uses the search function for quick and easy access. Ctrl+F is

how most browsers have it set up. Use the last 6 characters of a line.

Example (ABCD). Only for a section provided.

In this walkthrough I will guide you to all items/breakable walls and

such as early as you can reach them. When I list items I mean list the

found ones found on the ground. I will also list every monster in every

room once. Sorry if it get's annoying seeing those same words over and


Because I do not have a Beastiary nor a Quest Section up as I am currently

in need of a break from this walkthrough, I'll provide you links to current

ones. I take no credit for the information in these guides and I'll list

the username of the people who submitted them. But I suggest you use them

until I get my sections up.


Darth Nemesis


Miniature Coming Soon section.


Potentially Fleshing out Boss strategies even more.

Frequently Asked Questions section

Boss Rush Section

Wifi Section

Items and Equipment

Critical Arts

Figuring out which items are in each area. That I forgot to mention at the

item list of each section. >.>;;

If you need to contact me you can email me at

I'm also a regular at the Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin boards at gamefaqs.

You'll probably get a quicker responce there. Just put my name in the

title and your sure to catch my attention soon.

The only sites that may use this FAQ are:


TIPS AND GENERAL INFORMATION----------------------------------------(TIPS)


Candles and other breakable lights. If you use up any mp they are

guranteed to give you Hearts to restore it. However if your full on

mp and you break one it will give you gold. In 1,10,50,100 increments.

If you get a gold ring those increments change to 10,50,100,500 or

50,100,500,1000 for two gold rings.

Johnathan's Sub Weapons.

He get's many ranging from the tried and true Holy Water to even a Pie!

The more you use any Sub Weapon the stronger it gets. But to be more

precise. If you kill an enemy that you hit with a Sub Weapon, you will

get the number of sp that the enemy is worth added to your Sub Weapon.

When you get the maximum amount of sp for a Sub Weapon you will see in

Blue Text MASTERED on the screen. Mastery changes them in various ways.

To know if your Sub Weapon is already mastered or the amount of sp needed

to master it. Pause the game. Go into Guides. Go into Skills.

Charlotte's Spells.

She get's anything ranging from healing and stat boosts to destructive

spells. She has two levels of casting. Half and Full.

Half casting generally get's you much less power and shorter duration

as well. When you summon Charlotte by pressing R she will only do Half

casting. Likewise if you start to cast a spell and let go of Y before

the Glowing Red Bar is fully filled you will only half cast.

Full Casting get's the full effect of any spell. You know the spell is

fully cast when the Glowing Red bar is completely filled before letting

go of Y. She will also shout the spells name. In other words hold down Y

until you have a glowing red bar to do a fully cast spell.

A special note on stat boosting spells.

If you fully cast with Charlotte and summon Johnathon with A before

switching to Johnathan. You will get the full effect for Johnathan! At

this point you can dismiss Charlotte by pressing A and still retain the

effects of the spell.

I'll put in (?) after the name of every important monster. The ? is

replaced by the following and means.

Subweapon=SW, Spell=S, Quest Item=QI. Rare Monster=RM, Great Drop=GD

Mid Boss=MB, Boss=B, Undead=UD, Dual Crush=DC, Relic=R

All Mid Bosses are replaced with normal monsters after you kill them.

The first time you come across a monster I will tell you the Subweapon or

what not that it drops. But only the first time.

All Sub Weapons and Spells are quest items despite being listed as

what they are.

Only the Bosses in the Nest of Evil can be fought multiple times.

You can only kill those with the undead class using Johnathon's

Undead Killer Whip or Charlotte's Sanctuary Spell.

Never sell a quest item. Some of them you can't get back without doing

either clear game or online shopping.

Rare Monsters only appear under certain conditions. I list these the first

time you can see them.

Great Drops are drops I recommend getting.

I think I covered everything important for now.


Entering the Castle--------------------------------------------------(ENTR)


Enemies: Zombie, Bat, Skeleton(S), Axe Armor(SW), Wight(RM)

Items: Change Cube(R), Call Cube(R), Tome of Arms 1, Short Sword,

Beef Jerkyx2, Knife(SW), Wait Cube(R), Raging Fire(S), Book of Spirits(R),

Head Guard

After the starting Dialogue exit the room to the right.

Welcome to the Castle Entrance. And what castle entrance wouldn't be

complete without it's very own Drawbridge? Drop down and head to the right

to grab the floating blue cube, aptly named Change Cube. These are your

Relics. They let you do more things. This one for example allows you to

switch characters by pressing X.

After that's done go right and jump up the platforms and jump left to grab

the second Relic. This is the Call Cube. Press A so that the weight of you

and your partner cause the switch to lower the drawbridge.

Head right and you'll enter the castle courtyard where you fight two

Zombies. Exit to the right and you'll enter a really small room. Exit

to the right once more.

First room of the castle and you only can kill two zombies and a single

bat here. Oh well go right and drop down to grab Tome of Arms 1 and

head left to grab a Short Sword. Both are better than your current

weapons so equip them. From here on I'll assume your checking new gear

and putting it on as you see fit. Go left and drop down. Attack the wall

on your left. A Beef Jerky should fall out. Exit to the right.

This is a Save room. They will show up on your map as red dots. You can

save at any statue with a Blue Aura. They will also refill your Hp and Mp

free of charge. You can get a refill without saving by saying no when

prompted to save. Exiting and reentering the room will cause the Aura to

return so no worries about limited use. Exit to the left.

Head back up and this time exit to the top right of the room. You can

break a pillar where the cracks are, by attacking it three times. After

you pass through a couple pillars, a Behemoth starts to chase you. Don't

fight! As there is nothing you can do to win. Quickly break through the

pillars and head right. You will reach a dead end. Jump up and grab the

Beef Jerky and stay there until the Behemoth breaks the wall to the right

and leaves. Note after this there will be one Axe Armor and respawning

Zombies in this room. If you kill all the Zombies a Wight will appear!

Exit right.

You get your first Sub Weapon, the Knife. When you use it. You throw two

knives in the direction your facing. To the right is another save room if

you need it. Jump up and exit to the left. In here you fight two Skeletons.

These can drop the Summon Skeleton spell for Charlotte. Exit to the left.

Go left and jump up onto the statue to grab the Wait Cube. Hold down and

press a. Then jump off and push the statue to the left until you partner

can jump without smashing their head into the ceiling. Press X to switch

to your partner and jump up. Go right and obtain Charlotte's first spell

Raging Fire. First, unless the Skeleton's dropped their spell for you. Exit


This room has two Skeletons and an Axe Armor. Axe Armor drops the Axe sub

weapon for Johnathon. It's useful for taking out flying enemies. Exit left.

When you enter the room immediately jump up and into the next room. There

is one Axe Armor here. Grab the Book of Spirits and jump back down into

the previous room.

Head left to grab the Head Guard and then exit to the left. This is a Warp

Room. These will be invaluable in helping you get around different areas.

Return to the previous room and take the bottom right exit. A Talk Scene

will occur here. This is Wind. He will give you quests. Accept his quest

and then head right into the next room.

Another talk scene will occur here. This is Vincent your shop guy. I

recommend buying a map and the Shuriken Sub Weapon for Johnathon. Feel

free to buy another potion if you feel you need it. The Shuriken is one of

the best sub weapons in the entire game. If you throw it while in the air

and at the right distance you can get both shurikens to hit the same enemy.

Once mastered you throw four! I won't give anymore shop recommendations at

this point. I do suggest that you prioritize spells and sub weapons on

your shopping list though.

Go back to Wind and he will give you the Lizard Tail Relic. After another

talk scene exit left. Head down and left and jump on the switch to allow

you to go to the area below. Go to the ledge just above you and head left.

Slide through the gap and enter the room on the left. There will be

dialogue here. After the dialogue enter the portrait.

My Map Percentage was 8.4% for the Castle.

In the menu go to maps to see the % completion you have for each.


City of Haze--------------------------------------------------------(HAZE)


Enemies: Skeleton(S), Death Mask, Axe Armor(SW), Andras, Slinger,

Zacchino, Forneus, Student Which, Skull Bartender, Mini Devil, Zombie,

Peeping Eye, Wight(RM), Dullahan(B)

Items: Clover Tiara, Kirtle, Leather Cuirass, White Corsage,

Leather Corset, Green Tea Cake(QI), Cream Pie(SW), Rush(DC),

Claymore, Leather Whip, Potion, Holy Lightning(DC), 1000 Gold Bagx2, Mace,

Skill Cube(R), Acrobat Cube(R), Cape, Axe, Moonwalkers, Velvet Ribbon,

Long Sword(QI), Push Cube(R), Thick GlassesQI), Tuxedo Coat,

Gale Force(S), Paper Airplane(SW), Sachertorte(QI), NY Cheesecake(QI),

Mille-feville(QI), Wheat Roll(QI), Sandals, Enamel Pinheels

After the dialogue exit right. You'll be greeted with a Warp. Exit right

again. Here you'll fight a Skeleton and a Death Mask. Exit right. Here

you'll fight a Skeleton. Pick up the Clover Tiara on the ground and then

exit right. Here you'll fight three Skeletons and an Axe Armor. Exit top

left. Here you'll fight an Axe armor. Head left and pick up the Kirtle.

Remember this room! I shall call it the Butchery. Exit right. Now go all

the way to the right and head down. Pick up the Leather Cuirass. Exit down.

Exit right. Here you'll fight an Andras. Exit right.

Pick up the White Corsage. There is a Save Room to the right. Exit up.

Here you'll fight a Death Mask. Pick up the Leather Corset. Exit up. Here

you'll fight a Zacchino and a Forneus. Funny thing about Zacchino if you

approach him as Charlotte he will bow and hold out a rose for you. Love

at first sight does exist! Exit up. Here you'll fight two Death Masks.

Exit right. Here you'll fight two Axe Armors. Head down until you reach

the bottom of the room. Attack the floor a little to the left of where you

dropped down. Sliding on the ground should do the trick.

It should break and allow you to jump down. Here you'll fight a Student

Witch. Break the bottom right wall. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Skull

Bartender. His blue drink willvheal you. His other drinks do anywhere from

great damage to causing status ailments. Head left and pick up the Green

Tea Cake and the Cream Pie Sub Weapon. Exit right twice. This room is the

Bakery. Grab the Paper Airplane Sub Weapon and then head to the right. See

that Cash register hit it. It should pop open. Now hit the Chandelier

above it.

Depending on the amount dropped into the register you'll get a different

item. You can get Sachertorte, NY Cheesecake, Mille-feville, Wheat Roll.

All in rising coin order. You can't get the other two until later. I'll

tell you when. Any time you don't have any of a type of baked good that

appears here it will pop into existence. For now return to the previous

room and exit up. Exit right. Pick up the Rush Dual Crush. This is your

first Dual Crush. Dual Crushes take a LOT of mp and have a cool down time.

So even if you had enough mp to cast it twice you have to wait for the cool

down. Most Dual Crushes also provide invulnerability time during them.

Exit left. Head up and grab the Claymore. Exit right. Here you'll fight an

Axe Armor. Head right and pick up the Sandals. Exit down. Here you'll

fight two Mini Devils. Exit right. Here you'll fight respawning Zombies

and two Slingers. If you kill enough Zombies a Wight will appear. Exit

right. Here you'll fight a Forneus, a Zacchino and an Axe Armor. Head up

and grab the Leather Whip and the Potion. The potion can be kind of

annoying to get but you can get it now by jumping precisely. Exit right.

Here you'll fight two Forneus. Exit right.

Here you'll fight a Zacchino. The top left room is a Warop Room. Head up

and right to grab the Enamel Pinheels. Exit right. Pick up the Holy

Lightning Dual Crush. Exit left three times. Exit down. Exit left twice.

Here you'll fight a Peeping Eye and five Bats. Exit down. The room to the

left is a Save room. Grab the 1000 Gold Bag. Exit right. In this room have

one of your characters stay in the cart. Attack The switch and immediately

switch to the other character. Exit right. Here you'll fight a Peeping Eye

and three Bats. The room to the top right is a Warp Room. Exit bottom

right. Pick up the Skill Cube Relic. Exit right.

Here you'll fight three Slingers and two Axe Armors. Exit right. Here

you'll fight a Peeping Eye and a Slinger. The room to the right is a Save

Room. Exit top right. Here you'll fight two Slingers and a Forneus. Exit

right. Here you'll fight a Death Mask, two Mini Devils and an Axe Armor.

Head right and pick up the Houppelande. Exit right. Here you'll fight a

Zacchino. Exit right. Here you'll fight two Mini Devils and a Death Mask.

Head to the top left corner and grab the 1000 gold bag. Break the ceiling

immediately above the platform nearest to you and exit up.

Pick up the Nun's Shoes. Do not sell them they are a quest item. Exit down.

Exit right. Here you'll fight a Peeping Eye and a Zacchino. Exit up. Here

you'll fight two Slingers. The bottom right door leads to a Warp Room

and the top right door leads to a Save Room. Exit up. In this room you'll

fight two mini devils. Exit left through the Boss Door.


Boss Battle:Dullahan-------------------------------------------------(DULL)



Hp: 600 Exp: 500 Sp: 40

Weak: Blunt, Whip, Lightning

Srong: Ice


Lunge: He will thrust his Lance forward. If your on a top ledge he will

thrust it at you. You can dodge this easily by not moving if your on the

ground, unless he's really close and walks into you. Or in the case of the

top ledge, running away. It's also his opening move.

Plunge: He jumps forward into the air and thrusts his lance into the

ground. This will create a shockwave of blades that move forward. You can

dodge this by sliding under him if your close enough. If your not jump up

on the ledge and jump up to the next ledge as he lands. After this move he

is stuck for a little while so kick him while he's down!

Note: On hard he doesn't really get stuck. xD

Homing Head: He will put his head on and launch big projectiles at you

that hurt a lot and go where you were at the start of the move. You can

dodge these easily by moving away from where you were at the start of each

attack. Can be prevented by knocking his head out of the way when he goes

to grab for it. This is almost impossible in most cases unless your using

an overhead swinging weapon, Rock Riot spell or the Axe sub weapon.

Spinning Head: He will throw his head and shoot little projectiles in all

directions which also hurt a lot. Move far away when he goes to throw

crouching in a corner always keeps me safe. You can also hit the heads

away. Only occurs when Dullahan manages to do Homing Head.

Note: On hard he will launch big projectiles that spiral sortof outwords

at the same time as this move. I'll leave judging the distance up to you.

But your pretty much going to have to crouch and attack the spinning heads

away once you notice which spot is safe.If your still having problems you

can use a Dual Crush for limited Inulnerability when this move comes up.


Johnathon should use Shurikens for some quick damage while keeping enough

mp just in case you need to use a Dual Crush for Invulnerability. Jump

attacking with an overhead swing weapon is a great way to keep Dullahan

from grabbing his head and for dealing damage.

Charlotte should use the Rock Riot spell to cause great damage and keep

Dullahan from grabbing his head.

The Holy Lightning Dual Crush will do a decent amount of damage to

Dullahan but is best saved for if he Grabs his head so that you can damage

him safely without getting hurt.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


When you've killed the Boss you'll get some dialogue. Exit left. Grab the

Acrobat Cube Relic. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Death Mask, three

Slingers and three Mini Devils. Break the floor just ahead of the

first platform. Exit down. Grab the Tuxedo Coat and exit up. Head left and

jump off of your partner to get up on the block. Head up and right from

there and jump off of your partner again so you can grab the Cape. Exit

top left. Here you'll fight a Mini Devil. Grab the Thick glasses. Do not

sell this item it is needed for a quest. Exit right. Exit bottom left.

Here you'll fight an Axe Armor. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Mini Devil

and a Slinger. Exit down. Here you'll fight an Andras and two Axe Armors.

Go left and grab the Axe. Exit up. Move up and jump off your partner to get

Moonwalkers. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Slinger and a Forneus. Exit

down. Here you'll fight two Axe Armors. Exit left. Here you'll fight an

Axe Armor, a Slinger and three Mini Devils. Head up and use the shoulder

jump to get a Velvet Ribbon and the Long sword from the top two corners.

Long Sword is a quest item don't get rid of it! Exit left twice.

Go left and Pick up the Push Cube Relic. Push the Cart to the left and

jump over it. Exit left. Here you'll fight two Andras. Exit to the left.

Here you'll fight eight Axe Armors. Go left at get the Boost Con Spell.

Exit right twice. Exit down. Here you'll fight two Slingers. Grab the Gale

Force Spell and the Mace. Exit the painting and return to Wind.

My Map Percentage was 98.1% for City of Haze.


Castle After Haze----------------------------------------------------(CAZE)


Enemies: Golem, Skull Archer, Bat, Une, Zombie Dragon(MB), Merman,

Frozen Shade, Slime, Invisible Man, Skelerang(SW), Persephone, Larva,

Catoblepas, Lerajie(SW), Mimic, Great Armor, Behemoth(B), Keremet(B)

Items: Whip Skill 1(R), Combat Knife, Offensive Form(SW), Hp Max Up,

Boiled Starfish, Potion, Ice Fang(S), Don Quixote, Stone of Flight(R),

Partisan, Goggles, Axe Bomber(DC), Iron Leggings, Bathrobe, Nun's Habit

Accept the Supersonic Punch Quest. Go back to the City of Haze and head to

the Butchery. If you don't remember where it's at. Just head to the left

most room that's 3 squares higher on the map, than your starting point. In

this room you should see hanging sacks of meat. Unequip your weapon on

Johnathon and punch the hanging meat. Ground Meat should fall out. Return

to Wind at this point. He will give you the Bullet Punch. A fairly good

fist weapon that strikes twice per attack. It's quite useful so don't sell


Head to the room just before the right most save room on your map. It

should be just after the room where the Behemoth chased you. Just a note

this is where I start counting the enemies again. Jump off your partner's

shoulders to grab the Whip Skill 1 Relic and then exit right twice. Pick

up the Spear and then enter the Boos Door to the right.


Boss Battle:Behemoth-------------------------------------------------(BEHE)



Hp: 800 Exp: 1000 Sp: 45

Weak: Piercing, Fire, Holy

Strong: Dark


Charge: This attack has two variants. In the first one he shows he's going

to charge by puffing a bit of steam and slides his foot along the ground

twice just prior to charging off screen. Dodge this by jumping up onto a

platform and then jumping over him as he runs by. The second version is

where he slides a leg back and then leaps forward before charging off

screen. Dodge this by running forward and sliding under him. After a

little while he will charge back on screen and stop about in the middle of

the room.

Intestinal strike: In this attack he opens hi mouth and his intestines

rush forward to hit you. You can dodge this by either running away if

there is a decent space towards the wall or by crouching next to the wall.

Puke: He tilts his head upwards and pukes at you. You can dodge this by

ducking in the corner or being very close to him.


Johnathon's Shurikens are a great way to rack up damage.

Darts are another nice choice since you can keep a distance from the

Behemoth while hurting him. A simple short hop will net you a bulls-eye. A

note about the darts. They are actually doing more damage than they show

if your getting bulls-eyes.

Charlotte's Ice Needle is the best spell you can use on him.

Rock Riot can do similar damage. But is a bit unsafe in comparrisson.

Other than that just attack him. A great weapon is the Spear you find

outside of the Boos Room. Because it has great reach and is piercing.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you kill Behemoth, exit to the right. You can go right but you will

dead end instantly. So head down and break the wall just under the bars.

Go into the room you just opened and grab the Combat Knife. Exit right.

Exit to the bottom left twice. Here you'll fight a Golem and a Skull

Archer. Exit down. Here you'll fight three Une. Exit left. Here you'll

fight an Une and respawning Bats. Exit left. Here you'll fight two Skull

Archers. Exit left. Grab the Offensive Form Sub Weapon. Exit right four

times. Here you'll fight two Frozen Shades and respawning Mud Men.

Exit right. Here you'll fight an Une. Exit right. Here you'll fight a

Golem and 2 Frozen Shades. Break the floor just before the golem and exit

down. Grab the Hp Max up which will give you 15 more Hp and restore any

lost hp for free. Exit up then head right and exit down. Here you'll fight

two Une. Exit left. Here you'll fight an Invisible Man and respawning Mud

Men. Head left all the way to grab Cestus. Exit right twice. Here you'll

fight an Une and respawning Bats. To the right is a Save Room. Down to the

left is a Warp Room. Exit bottom right. Here you'll fight a Zombie Dragon.

Who will act as a Mini Boss. If you're lucky he will give you one of his

drops. Both are great weapons. He is easy just a note here. Hiss breath

attack can be ducked. After he is dead three Mermen replace him if you

return to this room. Exit right. Here you'll fight an Une and respawning

Bats. Exit right. Here you'll fight four Mermen, two Frozen Shades and a

Slime. Exit right. Here you'll fight an Invisible Man and a Bat. Exit

right. Here you'll fight three Slimes, a Frozen Shade, and two Mermen.

Head right and break the pipe to get a Boiled Starfish. Exit up.

Here you'll fight a Slime and respawning Bats. Head up to grab a potion.

Exit right. Here you'll fight respawning Mud Men. Exit to the right. In

this room you'll fight an Invisible Man. Grab the Bandana. Exit left

three times. Here you'll fight two Frozen Shades. Head left and grab the

Ice Fang Spell. Break the ground beneath you and exit down. Grab the Mp

Max up. This will give you 10 more Mp. Exit up twice. Here you'll fight

two Bats and respawning Bats. Head up and grab the Copper plate. Exit up.

Here you'll fight an Invisible Man. Exit left twice.

Here you'll fight a Skull Archer and a Skelerang. Skelerang drops the

Boomerang Sub Weapon. Exit left. A talk scene will occur here. Next time

you enter this room a Persephone will be here. Exit left. Here you'll

fight an Ukoback. To the left is a Warp Room. Exit top right. Here you'll

fight five Persephones. Exit right. Here you'll fight a Skull Archer and a

Skelerang. Head down to grab the Don Quixote. To the right is a Save Room.

Exit top right. Enter the Boss Door on the right.


Boss Battle:Keremet--------------------------------------------------(KERE)



Hp: 666 Exp: 2000 Sp: 50

Weak: Fire, Ice, Lightning

Strong: None

In order to make this Boss come out you have to attack the pot several



Dark Orb: He opens his mouth and a Magic Symbol appears before a big red

and black orb flies out in a straight line. If you hit it several glowing

skulls will rain down causing big damage. You can avoid this by not

jumping into it.

Note: On Hard he can cause the Skull Rain on his own.

Goo Shedding: When he is up he's constantly shedding blobs. These will

Crawl along the ground to the pot. You can dodge these by jumping over

them or destroy them outright with any attack.


Push the pot over to a ledge. Put Ice Fang on Charlotte and have Johnathon

attack the pot.(preferably with Bullet Punch) Have Charlotte stand on

the first ledge and spam Ice Fang for a very easy win. I did 70 damage

three times per cast.

Another strategy is to equip your strongest weapon on Johnathon and jump

up and attack while Charlotte attacks the pot non stop. His Axe Sub weapon

will hit twice as well. All in all this way is much less effective than

using Charlotte. And you have to stop from time to time to avoid breaking

the Dark Orbs.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


When your done killing him exit right. Here you'll fight respawning Larva.

Grab the Stone of Flight Relic. Head up to grab the Partisan. Exit right.

Here you'll fight a Catoblepas. Exit right. Here you'll fight three Skull

Archers. Exit top right. Here you'll fight a Great Armor. Exit right. Here

you'll fight two Lerajie. They can drop the Ricochet Rock Sub Weapon! Head

up and grab the Goggles. Then break the top right wall. Exit right. Grab

the Axe Bomber Dual Crush. Exit left twice. Exit bottom right. Here you'll

fight three Lerajie, two Skull Archers and a Mimic.

Head right to grab the Iron Leggings. Be careful some of the ground

vanishes if you stand on it for too long. Drop down through the vanishing

floor next to the leggings. You'll notice this floor will also start to

vanish. Destroy the ground just right of this vanishing floor to get the

Bathrobe. Head left to pick up the Nun's Habit. Exit right. Here you'll

fight four Persephones. The top right room is a Save Room. The bottom left

room is a Warp Room. Exit bottom right. Enter the Portrait.

My map percentage was 32.1% for the Castle.


Sandy Grave----------------------------------------------------------(SAGR)


Enemies: Mummy, Devil Wheel, Sand Worm(MB), Flying Skull, Ghost(S)

Red Skeleton(UD), Armor Knight(SW), Fleaman, Ectoplasm(S), Spittle Bone,

White Dragon, Mimic, Zombie Dragon, Elgiza, Persephone, Amphisbaena,

Great Ghost(RM) Crossbow Armor(SW), Corpse Weed, Astarte(B)

Items: Hp Max Up, Steel Whip, Clear Skies(S), 2000 Gold Bagx3, Bagh Nahk,

1000 Blades(DC), High Potionx2, Mp Max Up, Diamond Brooch, Bwaka Knife(SW),

Charm Necklace, High Tonic, Steel Ball(SW), Pumpkin Pie, Crystal Necklet,

Glamorous Pumps, Strength Glove(R), Royal Sandals

Welcome to the Desert. Exit right for a Warp Room. Exit Right. Here you'll

fight respawning Mummies. Exit right. Here you'll fight respawning Mummies

and a Devil Wheel. Exit right. Here you'll fight a Sand Worm. Sand Worm

will not return after death. After you kill the Sand Worm stand still

where the Sand Worm was and sink into the next room. Grab the Hp Max up.

Exit up. Exit right. Here you'll fight 3 Red Skeletons that you can't kill

yet. The top right room is a Save room. Head right and pick up the Steel

Whip. Exit bottom right. Exit right.

Here you'll fight one Flying Skull and four Red Skeletons. Exit right. In

this room are some ceiling traps. Approach them to make them fall and then

double jump past them. Exit right. Here you'll fight respawning Ghosts,

nine Bone Pillars and two Armor Knights. Ghost can drop the Summon Ghost

Spell, Armor Knight can drop the Javelin Sub Weapon and I recommend

getting Armor Knight's fairly common weapon drop. Head up and left to get

the Clear Skies Spell and head right to get a 2000 Gold Bag. Exit right.

Here you'll fight a Flying Skull and see the same traps from before.

Exit down. Here you'll fight two Fleamen. Exit left. Here you'll fight two

Ectoplasms and respawning Mummies. Ectoplasm drops the Cure Curse Spell.

Exit left. Here you'll fight five Spittle Bones, a White Dragon and two

Red Skeletons. To the left is a 2000 Gold Bag. Head up and to the right to

grab the 1000 Blades Dual Crash. Break the Pharoah Statue thing for some

quick cash. Exit right three times. Here you'll fight a Mimic. Jump up and

grab the High Potion. Exit right. In this room Boulders slide down a slope.

Make sure to jump over them as they come. Exit down.

Here you'll fight respawning Ghosts, two White Dragons and two Flying

Skulls. Head right and grab the Mp Max up. Exit left. Here you'll fight

respawning Mummies and a Zombie Dragon. Here you'll fight an Elgiza and

respawning Ghosts. Exit left. Here you'll fight two Flying Skulls and

respawning Ghosts. The room to the left is a Warp Room and one room beyond

it is a Save Room. Exit top left. This is a trap room. When your standing

on a switch. It will cause a beam to rain down in the middle except on the

ones with broken lights.

You can inch closer and grab the items without getting hurt by the beam

though. Or you can do a short hop and get it your choice. Move left

grabbing the Diamond Brooch and the 2000 Gold Bag. Exit Left. Here you'll

fight an Amphisbaena. Exit left. Here you'll fight eight Red Skeletons.

Exit up. Exit right five times. In this room there will be some Dialogue.

Next time you enter this room, there will be two Red Skeletons and

respawning Mummies. Exit Right. Here you'll fight seven Red Skeletons, a

Flying Skull and respawning Ghosts.

Head right and jump up into that small space to get the Bwaka Knife Sub

Weapon. Exit right. Here you'll fight a Sandworm and a Corpseweed. The

Sandworm will not return after you kill it. Head right and grab the Bahg

Nahk. Exit left. Exit top left. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Red

Skeleton. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Devil Wheel. Exit left. Here

you'll fight a Devil Wheel and respawning Ghosts. Exit left. This room is

another trap room. Move under the spiked pillars when they raise up. Don't

rush things or you'll regret it. Exit left.

Here you'll fight a Skull Archer. Grab the Pumpkin Pie and head up a bit

higher to grab the Crystal Necklet. The top left room is a Save Room. Exit

bottom left. Here you'll fight a Persephone. Exit left. Here you'll fight

an Elgiza. Exit left. This is a Warp room. Exit left twice. Here you'll

fight an Armor Knight, two Skeletons, a Mimic and a Fleaman. Exit up. Here

you'll fight two Ectoplasms, nine Bone Pillars and respawning Ghosts. Head

left to grab the Steel Ball Sub Weapon. Head up to grab a High Potion. Exit

up. Here you'll fight three Bone Pillars and an Armor Knight. Exit up.

Here you'll fight three Bone Pillars and a White Dragon. Exit right twice.

Here you'll fight an Amphisbaena. Exit right twice. Here you'll fight two

Skull Archers and a Crossbow Armor. Crossbow Armor has The Crossbow Sub

Weapon. Jump onto the Lamp to activate the Switch. Exit down. Here you'll

fight a Flying Skull, a Crossbow Armor, four Fleamen and respawning Ghost.

Head down and grab the High Tonic. Exit down. Here you'll fight respawning

Ghosts. Kill them all and a Great Ghost appears. Killing this monster is a

quest requirement. So kill it now. Head right and grab the Charm Necklace.

Head down a bit and to the right to grab the Glamorous Pumps. Exit up

three times. Here you'll fight three Skull Archers. The bottom left room

is a Warp Room. The top left room is a Save Room. Exit up. Enter the Boss

Door to the left.


Boss Battle:Astarte--------------------------------------------------(ASTA)



Hp: 1500 Exp: 3000 Sp: 50

Weak: blunt, Whip, Piercing

Strong: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Dark, Holy


Charm: She'll say Temptation and Hearts will fly out of her at you. If

Johnathon is out he will be Charmed. At this point Johnathon will attack

you using whatever you had on him when he got charmed. Meaning you can't

take off his gear to make him less lethal once it's happened. To dodge

this simply take Johnathon off of the screen by switching to Charlotte.

If Johnathon gets charmed you can use a Dual Crush to get him back.

Note: If you beat this Boss while Johnathon is Charmed you will get to

hear Charlotte make fun of Johnathon. Well sortof.

Tornado: She will pull out what a gold rod and a Tornado will fly out of

it at you. You can dodge this by jumping over it.

Thrust: She slides forward and throws he veil at you to cause damage. You

can dodge this by Jumping up or running away.

Green Orb: She pulls out a staff and jumps up and back spraying green

orbs at an angle. To dodge this either get behind her or run away.


1000 Blades is easily the most destructive thing you can do against her

almost killing her outright!

Johnathon's Bullet punch can do quite a number on her with 20 damage per

hit and striking in rapid succession. Back dash canceling his Dart sub

weapon can work nicely and keep you at a safe distance.

His Shurikens can devastate with about 41 damage per hit on a Mastered

Shuriken. So that's 164 damage per throw if you can get all 4 Shurikens to


Charlotte's Rock Riot and Summon Skeleton can do about 38 with each hit at

this point.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you kill the Boss exit left. Exit down. Here you'll fight a Fleaman,

a Skull Archer and respawning Ghosts. Exit down. Grab the Strength Glove

Relic and push that block out of the way. Exit right two times. Exit down.

Grab the Royal Sandals. Exit the painting.

My map percentage was 98.1% for Sandy Grave. One of the jumps I did was

kinda tricky and all I gained was Map percentage.


Castle After Grave--------------------------------------------------(CAVE)


Enemies: Larva, Mimic, Lerajie(SW), Ukobake, Hill Guard, Skelerang(SW),

Persephone, Skeleton Flail, Skull Archer, Glasya Labolas(S), Lilith,

Flying Skull, Spittle Bone, Slinger, Invisible Man, Great Armor,

Crossbow Armor(SW), White Dragon, Skeleton Gunman(S)

Items: Mind Boost(S), Srength Boost(S), Poncho, Potion, Tonic, Iron Plate,

Tome of Arms 2, Monocle. Jade Corset, Laurel Brooch, Hp Max Up, Mp Max Up,

Whip Knuckles, Sequined Dress

When you get back into the Castle, exit left. Exit top left three times.

Here you'll fight respawning Larva, a Mimic, two Lerajie and an Ukobake.

Head left to gain the Mind Boost Spell. Exit left. In this room you'll

fight four Skelerangs. Exit left twice. Here you'll fight two Ukobakes.

The left room is a Warp room. Exit top left. Here you'll fight two

Persephones. Exit left twice. Here you'll fight six Hill Guards, three

Skeleton Flails, three Lerajie and two Skull Archers. Make sure to kill a

total of 10 of Hill Guards for a quest.

Head to the top left corner of the room, for the Strength Boost Spell. One

of the upcoming items require you to do a shoulder jump then double jump

to reach.Then head back to the right most steps. Start heading down them

jumping up onto the ledges for the following items. Poncho, Potion and

Tonic. When you reach the bottom, head right and around to get the Tome of

Arms 2. Take the bottom left exit. Here you'll fight three Skelerangs,

four Hill Guards, three Skeleton Flails, Mimic and a Glasya Labolas.

Glasya Labolas drops the Acidic Bubble spell for Charlotte.

Head down the stairs. Jumping up onto the ledges, for the following items.

Monocle and Jade Corset. At the bottom of the stairs head right and go

around to get an Hp Max up. Exit bottom left. Exit left. Here you'll fight

two Skull Archers. Exit bottom right. Here you'll fight five Persephones.

Return to Wind. You should have a couple of his new quests done. Accept

the other quests. Put in the button Combination to perform the Spinning

Art quest. Remember to slide along the directions fast and hold in the

final direction as you press Y. Like you would in a fighting game.

When your done. Exit left. Exit top right. Exit right. Exit up by

performing a Shoulder Jump into a Double Jump. Here you'll fight a Hill

Guard. Exit up. Here you'll fight a Lilith. Let her floating heart attack

hit you. This will curse you. Immediately run back to Wind. This will

complete what should be the only quest on your list. Head back to the room

just before the Lilith. Exit right. Here you'll fight two Flying Skulls.

Exit right. Here you'll fight two Spittle Bones and three Slingers. Break

the wall on the bottom left of this room. Inside is an Mp Max Up.

Exit right. Here you'll fight an Invisible Man and a Great Armor. Exit

right. Grab the Knee Strike Sub Weapon. Exit left twice. Head up to the

glowing block. Have both of your character push it under the ledge. Exit

up. Head right and pick up the Nebula. Exit down. Exit top right. Here

you'll fight respawning Larva. Exit right twice. Here you'll fight two

Liliths and a Crossbow Armor. Exit right. Here you'll fight three Liliths

and a Mimic. Exit down. Exit right twice. We are back in one of the huge

rooms. There are two Hill guards and a Skelerang you couldn't fight before.

Head right and hit the switch opening a shortcut. Exit top left. Exit left.

Exit up. Head up and jump onto the ledge where the Mimic was and walk off

to the left then use the Double Jump to get the Whip Knuckles. Head up a

bit more and jump to the right to get an Iron Plate. Exit top right. Here

you'll fight a Crossbow Armor. Exit right. Here you'll fight a Skeleton

Flail and a Lilith. Exit right. Just here for map percent. Exit left. Exit

up. Here you'll fight two White Dragons and three Skeleton Gunmen.

Skeleton Gunman drops the Summon Gunman Spell. Exit up.

Here you'll fight two Lerajie. Head up to get the Sequined Dress. Exit

down twice. Exit left twice. Exit up. Here you'll fight three Skeleton

Gunmen. The room to the bottom left is a Warp Room. The room to the right

is a Save Room. Break the ceiling next to the top left exit. Exit up. Head

up to grab, the Nun's Robes and a Mp Max Up. Exit down. Exit left. Enter

the portrait to the Nation of Fools.

My map percentage for was at 59.2% for the Castle.


Nation of Fools-----------------------------------------------------(FOOL)


Enemies:Coppelia(QI), Killer Clown(QI), Hanged Bones, Slime, Harpy,

Armor Knight(SW), Lerajie(SW), Spittle Bone, Larva, Flying Armor(GD),

Fleaman, Legion(B)

Items: 2000 Gold Bagx2, Dancer's Blouse, Silk Hat, High Potion,

Hp Max UPx2, High Tonic, Spiked Boots, Caviar, Volcano, Grenade,

Mp Max Upx2, Critical Art(R), Tonic, Cog, Pasta Carbonara, Spaghetti,

Rotten Durian, Corn Soup, Moon Brooch, Battle Jacket

When you arrive, exit right. Here you'll fight two Coppelias. Coppelia

drop Diamond which is needed for a quest. Exit up. Here you'll fight two

Hanged Bones and a Killer Clown. Killer clown drops Joker which is needed

for a quest. Exit left. The room to the left is a Warp Room. Exit up. Exit

right four times. Here you'll fight two Slimes. The room to the right is a

Save Room. Exit down. Grab the 2000 gold bag. Exit right twice. Here you'll

fight a Harpy. Exit right. Here you'll fight two Armor Knights. Exit right.

Here you'll fight a Lerajie, a Killer Clown, and an Armor Knight.

After the first fire ring, jump up onto the slanted wall and follow it for

the Dancer's Blouse. Walk into the building just below the top exit to

find the Silk Hat. Exit up. Here you'll fight two Armor Knights and a

Spittle Bone. Just left of the right exit is a High Potion. Exit right.

Here you'll fight a Slime. Exit top left. Exit left. This is a Save Room.

Exit up. Here you'll fight a Spittle Bone. To the right is an Hp Max UP.

Exit up left. Here you'll fight two Spittle Bones. Exit right. Here you'll

fight two Coppelias. Exit up. Grab the 2000 Gold Bag. Exit left.

Here you'll fight respawning Larva. Exit up. Exit right twice. Exit top

left. Here you'll fight an Armor Knight and a Spittle Bone. Exit up. Here

you'll fight a White Dragon and a Slime. Head left to get a High Tonic.

Head up a bit and to the left to find the Spiked Boots. In about the

middle of the screen is a white block just to the left of a swinging

Guilotene. Attack it to get the Caviar. Exit left. Here you'll fight a

Slime and three Armor Knights. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Slime. You

can't get that item on the screen yet. Exit left twice.

Grab the Volcano Dual Crush. Exit left. Here you'll fight two Coppelias.

Exit left to activate the Warp Room. Exit right. Exit down. Here you'll

fight a Killer Clown. Exit left. Here you'll fight two Slimes. Exit left.

Here you'll fight a Killer Clown. Grab the Mp Max Up. Exit right. Exit

bottom right. Exit right three times. Break the top right wall. It's about

halfway between the ledge and ceiling. Exit right. Grab the Touch and Pop.

Exit left three times. Exit down. Head down and grab the Critical Art. The

room to the right is a Warp Room. The room to the left is a Save Room.

Exit down for a Boss Battle. To start the battle you will have to head

down and grab the Cog.


Boss Battle:Legion---------------------------------------------------(LEGI)



Hp: 2000 Exp: 4000 Sp: 50

Weak: Piercing, Fire, Holy

Strong: Dark


Shedding: Legion will let several corpses fall. These corpses will walk

in one direction when they land. Any attack will instantly kill them and

they will go away if they touch the wall as well.

Peek-A-Boo Beam: After killing off a section of Legions body a tentacle

will be exposed. It will open the end of the tentacle closest to you and

fire a beam in a small sweeping motion. You can easily avoid this by

moving out of it's small sweeping range.

Spinning Beam: Four of Legions tentacles will open and then go in a

constant beam as he spins. You can avoid this by jumping through the

tentacles as they spin or by running away from the beam. Legion will

reverse the spin about halfway through.

Spread Beam: All tentacles will open at slightly different intervals and

then fire in the order opened. You can avoid this by not being in their

way. Where they fire is fixed with this attack.

Note: When you deal enough damage to Legions Core all of his corpse

sections will fall off.


Johnathon's Bible, Javelin and Axe are great ways to peel off Legions

body. Shuriken is the best Subweapon to use after the body is peeled off.

Charlotte's Ice Fang is hands down the best way to peel off Legions body

at this point. When the Body is peeled away Summon Gunman will be the best

spell to use. Ice Fang comes in at a close second.

After the body sections are peeled away 1000 Blades is hands down the

quickest and most effective way to kill Legion.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you kill the Boss. Exit right. Here you'll fight respawning Medusa

Heads. Medusa Head drops the Summon Medusa Spell. Exit right twice. Here

you'll fight two Coppelias. Grab the Tonic. Exit down. Grab the Mp Max Up.

Exit up. Exit left three times. Here you'll fight Flying Armor. Flying

Armor drops the Heaven's Sword. This sword shoots out and returns like a

boomerang. Even if your not on the Hard difficutly this might be a good

investment for you. Exit left twice. Here you'll fight fifteen Fleamen.

Exit up. Grab the Hp Max Up. Exit down. Exit right three times. Exit down.

The room on the right has Spaghetti and the room on the left has Pasta

Carbonara. Make your way down and head to the nearest Warp room. Warp all

the way to the top. Exit left twice. Here you'll fight an Armor Knight.

Exit left. Here you'll fight twelve Fleamen. Head down and grab the Rotten

Durian. Exit left. Here you'll fight two Killer Clowns, a Slime and a

White Dragon. Head down and grab the Corn Soup. Exit down. Here you'll

fight two Armor Knights, a Slime and a Spittlebone. Exit left. Exit down

right. Exit right twice. Here you'll fight a White Dragon.

Exit down. Exit left. Exit down. Here you'll fight twelves Fleamen. Exit

right. Here you'll fight three Coppelias. Exit left. Exit down. Grab the

Moon Brooch. Exit right. Exit down to the Save Room. Exit left twice. Exit

down right. Here you'll fight two Slimes and an Armor Knight. Head down

and to the right, then use the Shoulder Double Jump to get the Battle

Jacket. Exit down. Here you'll fight two Killer Clowns and a Lerajie. Work

your way to the Sub Weapon you saw when you entered. Grab the Grenade

Subweapon. Exit right.

Here you'll fight two Slimes and three Armor Knights. Exit right. Here

you'll fight a Harpy. Exit right twice. Return to the Castle.

My Map Percentage was 100% for the Nation of Fools when I left.


Castle after Fools---------------------------------------------------(CAOL)


Enemies:Glasya Labolas(S), Skeleton Gunman(S), Skeleton Flail,

Hill Guard, Medusa Heads, Skeleton Gunman, Imp, Crossbow Armor(SW),

Killer Doll, Stella(B)

Items:Tasty Meat, Tempest(S), Slick Boots, Halberd, Taunt

Warp to the top right Warp room which should be a few squares down and

several to the right of your current position. Exit right. Exit top right.

Here you'll fight a Glasya Labolas. Exit right. You should see a pushable

wall with a spring like thing attached to it. Run up to it to start

pushing and then summon your partner to help you push it against the wall

then let it go, it'll stop on the switch. If you can't push it check to

make sure your relics are turned on. In the event that you still can't

push it.

Make sure you have the Push Cube (obtained slightly after defeating

Dullahan in the City of Haze) and the Strength Glove (obtained slightly

after defeating Astarte in the Sandy Grave) relics. Exit right twice.

Here you'll fight two Skeleton Gunmen and a Skeleton Flail. Exit right.

Here you'll fight a Hill Guard. Break the wall to your immediate right to

get the Tasty Meat. Exit up. The bottom right exit leads to a Warp room.

Top left leads to a Save room. Exit top right. Here you'll fight

respawning Medusa Heads. Head up and grab the Tempest Spell.

You will have to do a Shoulder Double Jump to get out. Exit bottom left

twice. Enter the Boss Door to the left. There will be dialogue here. After

that the battle will start.


Boss Battle:Stella---------------------------------------------------(STEL)



Hp: 2500 Exp: 0 Sp: 0

Weak: Whip, Piercing, Fire, Lightning

Strong: Ice


Thrust: She thrusts at you with her sword. She does this either in an

upper cut fashion if you go over her or by thrusting forward. You can

avoid this by going away from her or even by ducking. Though she tends to

do this more when your in the air.

Secret Furious Wave: She will go to the ground and then scream the name

of the attack before attacking forward that causes a huge green wave to

rush forward. You can dodge this simply by jumping over it.

Dodge: Whenever she just finished an attack she will dodge any Sub Weapon.

But only once per attack cycle because she immediately goes into an attack

after Dodging.

Hurrican Slash: In the middle of the air she will yell Hurricane or There

and then strike downward. This will send out a green wave in the middle of

the air forward. Usually it's best to jump over it.

Crescent Moon: She will slash in several places in the air leaving little

moons in place. They will start spinning towards you in the order they

were created and will go to where you were at the start of their spin.

You can easily avoid them by moving out of the way. No homing here. She

will perform other attacks as the moons fly at you.



Tempest is hands down the best non Dual Crush to take her down. It will

hit for 6 times if you do it right. Which is generally letting off Tempest

as Stella does her Furious Wave. She will Dodge but it always goes into

the Tempest from my experience. Another great spell is Summon Gunman

since Stella is almost guaranteed to do her Furious Wave attack if your on

the ground. Most of Charlottes other spells are dodged like mad by Stella

so are pretty worthless.


Nebula's special really racks up damage on Stella however it can be

somewhat annoying to set it up. Attacking with a strong weapon like Long

Spear will generally do more damage over time. Shurikens are realistically

the only Sub Weapon I'd recommend for this fight.

Dual Crushes

I'd only recommend Holy Lightning here it does a ton of damage. Combined

with Tempest during the cool down time of the Dual Crush this is the best

way to kill her.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you beat Stella there will be more Dialogue. Return to Wind at this

point. There will be some dialogue. Equip all 3 pieces of the Nun's set.

Talk to Wind and accept all of his new quests. Complete Zephyr and the

Martial Art. Remember slide from the direction to direction fast and hold

in the final direction as you press Y. Use up most of your mp before or

after talking to him again. You should of completed 5 quests now. Unless

you were fortunate enough to have 777 as the final part of your gold.

Return to the Nation of fools at this point. Go to the bottom left room.

All the way to the left is a statue. Press up at it. You should see quest

successful. Go to any candles you desire at this point and make the final

3 digits of your gold 777. Remember the gold values

Blue=1 gold, Brown=10 gold, Silver=50 gold, and Yellow=100 gold.

You can also sell some items if you'd like. Just don't sell any of the

quest items. When that's done talk to Wind again. You should only have the

Poison vs Poison quest remaining at this point. Return to where you fought

Stella. Exit left.

There will be some dialogue here and your cog will get used. Exit left.

Here is a simple task. You should have the person on the top motorcycle

at the far left at all times for the final part.Have your partner stay on

the top motorcycle as you go up onto the bottom. Immediately start ducking.

After you pass the obstacle that you were to duck under switch to your

partner and duck with them. When you switch to the top for the section

time be prepared to jump over an obstacle and land on the other side on

your motorcycle again. Immediately duck again. Doing this correctly will

cause the motorcycles to destroy the wall.

Break the ceiling in the center of this room. Exit up. Here you'll fight

six Skeleton Gunmen. Grab the Slick Boots. Exit down. Exit left. Here

you'll fight an Imp. Exit left. Ride up the water system and grab the

Halberd. Break the wall to your left and enter it. The actual breaking

point is. Just under the platform statue, that is higher than the bottom

left door area. Enter it. Grab the Viking Helmet. Exit right. The top

right exit is a Warp Room. Right underneath that is a Save room. Exit up.

Here you'll fight a Crossbow Armor and a Killer Doll.

Grab the Taunt Sub Weapon. Exit down. Exit top left. Enter the Forest of

Doom portrait.

My Map Percentage was 69.8% for the Castle.


Forest of Doom-------------------------------------------------------(FOOM)


Enemies:Frog(S), Malachi(S), Killer Bee, Killer Doll, Skelerang(SW),

Red Axe Armor(UD), Lilith, Student Witch, Witch, Bee Hive(QI), Treant(QI),

Blue Crow, Tombstone, Corpseweed, Moldy Corpse(QI), Maneating Plant,


Items:Moldy Bread(QI), Cream Puff, Tristan&Isolde, Hp Max Up,

Silver Leggings, Amethyst Corset, Stonewall(SW)

To the right is a Warp room. Exit right twice. Here you'll fight five

Frogs. Frog drops the Summon Frog Spell. Exit right twice. Here you'll

fight five Killer Bees and a Malachi. Malachi drops the Nightmare Spell.

Exit right. Here you'll fight a Red Axe Armor and two Killer Dolls. You

can't kill Red Axe Armors yet. Destroy the walkway in front of the top

left exit to get the Cream Puff. Exit top left. Here you'll fight three

Killer Bees. Exit left. Exit middle right. Here you'll fight four Killer

Bees and two Killer Dolls. Grab the Moldy Bread. This is a quest item do

not sell it. Exit left. Exit top right.

Here you'll fight three Harpies. Exit right. Here you'll fight three

Skelerangs and a Lilith. Exit up. Here you'll fight three Student Witches

and a Witch. The top left exit leads to a Save Room. Exit bottom left.

Here you'll fight a Frog, two Killer Bees and a Bee Hive. Bee Hive drops

the Beehive which is a quest item. Exit left. Exit middle right. Here

you'll fight two Killer Bees and a Bee Hive. There is a Mp Max Up here.

You might not see it though. Since it ties into an earlier one and both

vanish when one is obtained. Research is currently being done on this. Exit

left. Exit top right. Here you'll fight two Killer Bees, a Bee Hive and

Treant. Treant drops Club which is a quest item. Grab the Tristan&Isolde.

Return to the medium sized room two rooms below you. Exit right. Here

you'll fight two Blue Crows. Exit right. Here you'll fight three Student

Witches and a Witch. Exit up. Here you'll fight a Treant. Exit right. Here

you'll fight two Blue Crows. Exit bottom left. Here you'll fight three

Killer Dolls. Exit right. Exit middle left. Here you'll fight four Killer

Bees and a Bee Hive. Exit left. Exit down. Here you'll fight two Killer

Bees, a Bee Hive and a Killer Doll. Destroy the bell in the bottom left

corner. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Treant. Exit right twice.

Here you'll fight three Harpies, four Blue Crows, and five Student Witches.

Work your way around and grab the Hp Max Up. Exit right twice. Here you'll

fight four Blue Crows, a Treant and two Tombstones. Exit right twice. Here

you'll fight two Blue Crows, two Moldy Corpses, and a Corpseweed. Moldy

Corpse drops Amanita which is a quest item. I'll mention the best place to

farm them soon so don't worry too much about it right now. Top right room

is a Warp Room. Exit up. Here you'll fight three Moldy Corpses and a

Dogether. Dogether drops the Stone Circle spell.

To the right is a Save Room. Exit up. Here you'll fight two Blue Crows,

two Harpies and a Dogether. Head right and grab the Silver Leggings.

Return to the previous room and take the top right exit this time. In this

room you'll fight a Corpseweed. Exit to the right. In this room you'll

fight two Blue Crows. Exit right. In this room you'll fight a Red Axe

Armor. Exit right. Here you'll fight two Maneating Plants and a Dogether.

Exit up. Here you'll fight 7 Blue Crows. Head left and grab the Silver

Plate. Exit down. Exit bottom left. Here you'll fight a Maneating Plant.

Exit right. Exit down.

Here you'll fight a Red Axe Armor and a Moldy Corpse. Head down and grab

the Amethyst Corset. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Witch. Exit left. Here

you'll fight two Blue Birds, a Dogether, a Moldy Corpse, a Corpseweed and

a Maneating Plant. Exit left. Push the tombstone out of the way. Exit down.

Now you get to work your way through the darkness. Exit right. Here you'll

fight seven Frogs. Exit right twice. Here you'll fight six Frogs. Exit

right. Exit up. Here you'll fight two Maneating Plants, two Tombstones,

and three Moldy Corpses. Exit left twice.

Destroy the bell and grab the Stonewall Sub Weapon. Exit right twice. Exit

down.(the right one not the left one) Here you'll fight a Moldy Corpse.

This is the best room to farm these guys. Just a simple walk out and back

in. Break the wall on the left for a Rusty Food Tin. The room to the right

is a Save Room. Exit up. Exit right. Enter the Boss Door on the right.


Boss Battle:Dagon----------------------------------------------------(DAGO)



Hp: 1800 Exp: 6000 Sp: 55

Weak: Lightning, Holy

Strong: Ice, Dark

Note: Only way to hurt him is to hit the top head.


Leap: Simply put he leaps to the other side. You can stand in the middle

and not get hurt.

Floating Explosives: Dagon will release multiple explosives that float to

the waters surface. When he sucks in the water they will attach to the

ground. You destroy these by doing enough damage to them. If you touch

them they blow up for decent damage.

Water Cannon: Dagon will suck up all the water in the room. He will then

launch it back at you in the form of a Water Cannon. You can avoid this by

Dark Rift and Clear Skies will last more than his entire Water Cannon

sequence. Or you can use Tempest as the Water Cannon is about to hit you.

I advise ducking because Tempest doesn't last long.



Use Tempest where he's going to land when he does Leap and Rock Riot when

he's just sitting there. The only other thing she could really do when not

Negating the Water Cannon is a Str Boost for Johnathon.


If you picked up a Heaven's Sword from the Nation of Fools then your in

luck. This is the easiest way to kill Dagon especially if you have

Charlotte cast Str Boost. Second easiest way is to use Javelin. Just jump

and throw. You should be able to manage three hits per Javelin. Shuriken

would be a better choice except you can't land all four hits as often due

to Dagon sucking up the water time and time again. You have to be swimming

close to Dagons Head to actually have all four hit.

Dual Crushes:

Holy Lightning does a real number on Dagon. Combine that with Heaven's

Sword during the cool downs. You'll have the best way to take him down at

this point.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After beating Dagon, exit right. Grab the Toad Morph and exit

right. Warp to the start and return to the Castle.

My Map Percentage was 99.2% for Forest of Doom.


Castle after Doom-------------------------------------------------(CAOM)


Enemies:Harpy, Razor Bat, Succubus(GD), Killer Doll, Medusa Head(S),

Gaibon, Flying Armor(GD), Imp, Slogra, Wyvern, Malachi(S), Spin Devil,

Dead Crusader(GD), Death(B), Stella&Loretta(B), Whip's Memory(B)

Items:2000 Gold Bagx2, Hp Max Upx2, Milican's Sword, Sanctuary(S),

Holy Veil, Thunderbolt(S), Mp Max Upx2, Rose Stem Whip, Blue Cape,

Int Boost(S), Combat Beret, Open Veil, Piercing Beam(S),

Exit right. Exit bottom left. Here you'll fight a Harpy. Exit left twice.

Use Toad Morph to get through the narrow gap and grab two 2000 Gold Bags.

Exit right three times. Ride the water system up to the next door and exit

right three times. Here you'll fight two Razor Bats and a Succubus. Both of

Succubus' drops are great. Exit right. Here you'll fight three Succubi.

Exit right three times. Jump up on the platform next to the right wall.

Double Jump and attack to destroy the wall here. Enter and grab an Hp Max

Up. Exit left. Exit bottom right.

Step on the switch to cool down the flames. They will still hurt you so

don't touch them. Return to Wind now. Unless you haven't killed 1500

enemies at this point you should only have The Gambler quest remaining. If

you picked up the other cards we are missing Spade and Heart. Return to

the City of Haze now. It's the portrait just to the left of Wind. On the

right hand side of the map you should see two very tall rooms. Go to the

right one and take the top left exit. Use Toad Morph to get through the

narrow gap and grab the Milican's Sword.

This brought my map percentage up to 98.7% for City of Haze. Now go to

Sandy Grave. In case you forgot which portrait is Sandy Grave. It's the

one on the far right. Go to the room just above the Bottom Right room.

Use the Toad Morph to get through that small gap at the bottom of the room

to get the Sanctuary spell. Sanctuary allows Charlotte to kill enemies who

have Red in their name. I had 98.7% map percentage when I left Sandy Grave.

Now return to the Nation of Fools portrait. In case you forgot, this

Portrait is just left of the middle of the map.

Go to the top Warp Room and exit right four times. You should be in a two

square room with a narrow path. Use the Toad Morph to grab the Holy Veil.

Return to Wind for some dialogue. Warp to the right most Warp room. By

where you fought Stella. Exit left. Exit top right. Exit right. Here

you'll fight a Killer Doll. Use Toad Morph to get through the narrow

space. Exit up. Here you'll fight three Imps. Exit left. Here you'll fight

respawning Medusa Heads. Head to the top right corner of the room to grab

the Thunderbolt Spell.

Head to the top left corner of the room to grab a Hp Max Up. Exit left.

Here you'll fight a Gaibon. Attack the wall to the left for a Mp Max Up.

This max up ties into another one somewhere. So if one is found the other

vanishes as well. Research being done on it. Exit up. Here you'll fight a

Slogra. Exit up. Here you'll fight two Killer Dolls. Exit left. Here you'll

fight respawning Medusa Heads and a Flying Armor. Head left and grab the

Rose Stem Whip. Exit top right. Here you'll fight three Imps. Exit top

left. Here you'll fight Slogra and a Gaibon. Head to the top left corner

to grab a Blue Cape. The middle right exit is to a Warp Room.

Exit top right. The right room is a Save Room. If you Value your game file

you will not skip the following Boss's Dialogue. It is a common glitch

that if you skip his Dialogue the game won't count him as beaten and you

will not unlock the quests that his death flags. And worse yet if you

saved immediately after taking him down your file can be permanently

ruined in that you won't be able to progress at all. With all that said.

Enter to the Boss Room. There will be some dialogue and the battle will



Boss Battle:Death-------------------------------------------------(DEAT)



Hp: 4444 Exp: 0 Sp: 0

Weak: N/A

Strong: Dark

Note: Don't skip the dialogue after you beat him or else you'll mess up

your file. He has two types of forms. His Gray form which he starts as

is weaker to magical attacks. His White Form is weaker to physical



Strike: Death will attack horizontally or vertically depending on where

he is in relation to you. He will either raise his Scythe over head or

will raise it over his shoulder as a warnign he's about to strike. You

can dodge them by jumping over or walking to the side depending on which

way he's attacking from.

Summon Sickles: Several Sickles will spawn at random places and then move

slowly towards you. You can dodge these by jumping over them or moving

to the side depending on how they approach. Dark Rift and Anti Air easily

takes care of them.

Note: Depending on his form the Sickles will be grey or red.

Chain Cage: Death creats a creates a huge spinning cage of Chain arms. He

then throws his Scythe which will bounce around. Use your own discretion

when moving around or jumping over the Scythe. You can walk through the

Chains with no ill effect.

Ensnare: Death will Summon 4 portals which will launch a Chain arm from

time to time. If they grab you you will be stuck and you will have to rely

on your partner to break it in time before Death causes you massive

damage. You can avoid this entirely by sending your parnter into the

center via the touch screen. When Death is about to strike your partner

unsummon them.



Thunderbolt is the best way to damage his Grey Form. Tempest and Summon

Skeleton come in at a close second. Casting Str Boost to help Johnathon

during the White form is advised.


Out of all your Sub Weapons I'd recommend using only the Bible or

Shurikens on his White Form. Other than that just attack with your

strongest weapon or Heaven's Sword. Johnathon is worthless during the

Grey form.

Dual Crush:

I don't recommend using any Dual Crushes here at all.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you win for the love of all things sane do not skip the dialogue!

After the dialogue. Exit left. Hit the glowing statue thing to activate

the elevator. Exit left. Here you'll fight two Imps and a Killer Doll.

Grab the Int Boost Spell. Exit right. Go down all the way and get into the

bottom part of the elevator. Go up twice and then walk left. Climb up to

grab the Combat Beret. Drop to the bottom to grab the Open Veil. Return

to the elevator and go to the bottom again. Get in the top elevator and go

up once. Exit left three times. Here you'll fight two Succubi.

The top left room is a Warp Room. Grab the Hp Max Up at the bottom of this

room. Exit down. The room to the right is a Save Room. Exit left. Here

you'll fight a Wyvern. Exit left twice. Jump on the switch to blow open a

shorcut. Exit right three times. Exit up. Exit left. Here you'll fight

four Razor Bats and 2 Malachis. Exit left. Exit up. Here you'll fight a

Dead Crusader and a Spin Devil. Dead Crusader drops the Impervious Mail

which has a 50% chance to negate any attack. It's one of my favorite

armors. The best protection I've seen it offer was 14 negates in a row!

Exit right. Here you'll fight a Spin Devil and two Flame Demons. Exit

right. Here you'll fight a Wyvern. Exit up. Here you'll fight a Dead

Crusader, a Spin Devil and a Succubus. Head to the top left corner and

grab the Piercing Beam Spell. Exit up. Here you'll fight two Flame Demons.

Exit left. Here you'll fight two Spin Devils and a Ruler's Sword. Exit

left. Here you'll fight a Dead Crusader. Jump up onto the 2nd left

platform. And break the wall. Inside is a Mp Max Up. Exit bottom left.

Here you'll fight two Succubi. Exit right. Exit top right.

Here you'll fight a Final Guard. Both of his drops are great. He drops the

Sub Weapon Defensive Form and the Final Sword. Final Sword is the

physically strongest overhead swing sword in the game. The best way to

kill him for his drops is to first hit him with 1000 Blades. They throw 50

knives each will do 1 dmg. However unless your REALLY CLOSE all 50 won't

hit because when the move ends all airborne daggers vanish. So don't be

that close and cast Luck Boost when you finish with the daggers. 1-3 hits

should be all it takes from here. Exit right.

The top right room is a Save Room and the bottom right is a Warp Room.

Exit Down. Here you'll fight a Dead Crusader. Exit up. You can exit up for

some dialogue. Exit top left. Enter the Boss Room. After some dialogue the

fight begins.


Boss Battle:Sisters--------------------------------------------------(SIST)



Hp: 2500 Exp: 0 Sp: 0

Weak: Whip, Piercing, Fire, Lightning

Strong: Ice

Note: Dies if Loretta dies.


Strike: A simple overhead strike. As she starts to swing she flies at you.

You can dodge this simply by moving in the opposite direction.

Ice Blade: Loretta starts to spin gathering ice and Stella moves in front

of Loretta. Loretta then surrounds Stella's blade in ice. This attack

causes massive damage. Also like her strike she will move towards you.

The range of her movement is rather limited and her Ice Blade shatters on

impact with the ground. So moving away from her is your best bet. Behind

being the better option.


Hp: 2500 Exp: 0 Sp: 0

Weak: Whip, Piercing, Fire

Strong: Ice

Note: Dies if Hp Stella dies. If you hit her enough during one of her

spells you'll cancel it.


Ice Fall: A huge magic dais appears above Loretta and huge shards of ice

drop down. Since the ice always falls directly below dodging is fairly

easy. Just move away from the dais if you like.

Blizzard: A magic dais appears in front of Loretta which shoots several

large snow flakes at you. You can dodge this by going behind her.

Blizzard Wolves: Like Blizzard but only does more damage and in the shape

of wolf heads. She only does this during Critical Hp and you can dodge it

by going behind her.

Ice Shield: Loretta starts to spin and gains an aura as an ENORMOUS ice

cube appears. All it does really is push you around. You can slide under

it if you'd like. Stella will slice through the Ice eventually.


Have Charlotte start casting Sanctuary immediately and move Johnathon

forward. They always go after the player controlled Character. So keep

Charlotte on screen as you keep the Sisters distracted. What don't have

Sanctuary? Go to Sandy Grave and in the room one above the bottom right.

Is a room with a rolling Boulder. Use Toad Morph to go through the narrow

passage at the bottom of the room. Killing the Sisters will result in a

Game Over.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you win there will be some dialogue. If you've mastered the Shuriken

you can easily handle an Optional Boss that you just got access to. I will

list it now. You access this fight by leaving the room you beat the

Sisters in and then returning to it and talking to them. Say your ready

and prepare to fight. Johnathon will be by himself here.


Boss Battle:Whip's Memory--------------------------------------------(WHIP)


Whip's Memory

Hp: 5000 Exp: 0 Sp: 0

Weak: Dark

Strong: Holy

Note: His attacks hurt A LOT.


Whip Lash: A simple attack with the whip. Jump over it or move away your


Cross: He throws a cross at you. Jump over it or move away your choice.

Axe: He will throw an Axe if you jump over him and he isn't prepared to

do anything else. Keep moving in a direction while airborne and it should


Knife: He throws two knives at you. He uses this as a counter attack to

any Sub Weapon thrown parallel to the ground. You can avoid this by

jumping over it.

Dash Strike: He jumps up slightly and back and then zooms across the

ground VERY fast. Jump over him to avoid it.

Grand Cross: Stay real close to him for awhile and he will glow and do

this move.

Holy Water: He throws holy water at you that trails forward. You can jump

over it or run away your choice. He will only do this if you hurt him



Mastered Shuriken is the best way to go. Chances are your mp is not going

to last long enough for your Shurikens to kill him. So you might want to

bring some ethers if that's all you plan on doing.

The Nebula whip is another great plan. As it has incredible range so you

can keep your distance. However the damage leaves something to be desired.

I prefer Heaven's Sword to it as you can deal much more damage due to the

Heaven's Sword being able to hit multiple times. If you do use this method

I advice you to use the Offensive Form Sub Weapon for added damage.

Another great method is the Cream Pie Sub Weapon. It is an attack that

arcs down when thrown. So you can be a respectable distance as you throw

it. The fact that it does Dark damage and costs almost no mp helps


And an insanely cheap method. Equip the Spiked boots to increase your drop

kicking damage and just drop kick him like mad. If he pauses for any

reason flee behind him. Because he's either going to throw an axe or

initiate Grand Cross! This method is humorous but can be boring and take

awhile. It probably is most fun when used to pass time while your mp

restores itself for more Shurikens.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


If you still can't beat him. Wait until you either Level up some more,

obtain the Holy Mail or obtain the Ancient Armor. Both armors are found

later and I'll remind you about their usefulness then. If you won, then

congrats. You have the best whip in the game! Regardless of whether you

win or lose return to Wind. There will be some dialogue. However if you

won against the Whip's Memory then it's dialogue takes priority and the

other one won't happen until you visit Wind again.

Time for quests again! You should have only the Build your power quest

complete. Time to ditch your money! Oh Vincent. What's this another

dialogue? You can cure him if you want. It only impacts his appearance and

a few lines in the ending. You can beat him up and make him run away

crying now. So torture! Ahem. Get rid of your gold. Once Abandon Greed is

complete. Save your Game and Yes I'm serious. Turn off your Ds and change

the game clock. Change your Ds Time to either 00:00 or 12:00. Turn the

game back on and talk to Wind.

This should leave Defeat the Ghoul King, The Gambler and Build your

Strength 2. All other quests should be done by now if you've been picking

up all the quest items as I point them out. Return to the Sisters and Exit

left. You should be in a room with 5 portraits. Enter the right most one

to Dark Academy.

My Map Percentage was 94.7% for Dracula's Castle.


Dark Academy---------------------------------------------------------(DARK)


Enemies:Mandragora, Dead Warrior(GD), Toad, Alura Une, Fleaman,

Wakwak Tree, Dragonfly, Black Crow(S), Lightkeeper, Minotaur(GDx2),

Vapula(S), Old Axe Armor(GD), Ghoul, Heavy Armor(SW&GD), Witch,

Aliorumnas(GD), Ruler's Sword, Lesser Demon(GD), Final Guard(SW&GD),

Student Witch, Malphas, Demon Head, The Creature(B)

Items:Owl Morph(S), Gold Plate, Hp Max Up, Flame Whip, Noodle Bunx2,

Divine Storm(DC), Mp Max Up, New York Steak, 2000 gold bag,

Exit left for a Warp Room. Exit left twice. Here you'll fight two Toads,

three Mandragoras, and a Dead Warrior. Dead Warrior drops Samurai Plate

which is one of the best Armors in the game. Exit left. Here you'll fight

a Mandragora. Exit left. Here you'll fight four Toads, two Alura Une, and

two Wakwak Tree. Wakwak spawns Fleamen. Exit left twice. Here you'll fight

two Dragonflies and two Black Crows. Black Crow drops the Summon Crow

Spell. The top left room is a Save Room. Exit bottom left. Here you'll

fight two Black Crows and a Lightkeeper. Exit left. Exit Middle Right.

Grab the Owl Morph Spell. Now that you have this there is no reason why in

any portrait you can't get 100% map. Exit left. Exit top right. Here

you'll fight four Black Crows and a Minotaur. Minotaur drops Bullova which

is the second best axe in the game and he drops Hercules Ring. Hercules

Ring makes it so that you don't get stunned when hit so it's incredibly

useful. Head right and grab the Gold Plate. Exit left twice. Here you'll

fight a Vapula. Vapula drops the Hex Spell. This is one of the best spells

in my opinion. Exit left twice. Use the Owl Morph to exit up.

Here you'll fight three Imps and two Old Axe Armors. Old Axe Armor drops

the Ancient Armor which when worn causes the wearer to take 10% hp damage

rounded down. So at most you can survive 10 hits from anything without

curing! This should make your fight against Whip's Memory a cakewalk. Exit

bottom Left. Here you'll fight five Ghouls and a Heavy Armor. Heavy Armor

drops the Wrecking Ball Sub Weapon and the best Defensive armor. Sadly the

armor comes with a speed penalty. Head left and grab the Hp Max Up. Exit

right. Exit down. Here you'll fight three Imps.

Head down and break the bell then grab the Flame Whip. Exit bottom left.

No the ghost doesn't mean anything. Exit right. Exit top left. Here you'll

fight a Minotaur. Head left and grab the Noodle Bun. Exit right. Exit up.

Exit top left. Here you'll figth two Witches and two Aliorumnas.

Aliorumnas drops the Dalmatica which is ideally the best Armor for

Charlotte's spells. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Ruler's Sword. Break

the cracked ceiling and Exit up using Owl Morph. Grab the Divine Storm Dual

Crush. Exit down. Exit left.

Here you'll fight three Dragonflies and a Lesser Demon. Lesser Demon drops

the Skull ring. Which is the best ring for raising Int. Only useful during

Mental Training 3 quest. Due to the curse effect. Get if you want. Also

can be used for the over coming the curse quest. Break the edge of the

second platform to get Powdered Milk. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Final

Guard. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Toad and a Dragonfly. Exit middle

right. Here you'll fight three Toads. Head right and grab the Mp Max Up.

Exit left. Exit bottom right.

Here you'll fight a Minotaur and a Black Crow. Exit right. Here you'll

fight two Student Witches. Exit bottom left. We'll be back here soon. Exit

right. Exit Bottom Right. Here you'll fight two Witches and four Student

Witches. Exit left. Exit top right. Here you'll fight a Malphas. Exit

right. Here you'll fight three Witches. The room to the right is a Save

Room. Exit bottom left. Here you'll fight nine Imps. Exit left. Break the

bottom right wall and enter it. Here you'll fight a Malphas. Head right

and grab the Mercury Boots. Exit left. Exit bottom left.

Here you'll fight two Black Crows and a Dead Warrior. Notice the Hanging

Skeleton? It will sometimes have flesh when you enter. Exit left. Here

you'll fight two Dragonflies. The top right room is a Warp Room. Exit

middle right. Here you'll fight two Minotaurs. This is the best room to

gain Sp. Especially if you have two Master rings a whopping 80 sp per fight

is nice. They even die fast for you, especially with the Flame Whip or the

upgraded Vampire Killer's critical art. Now that you've reached this room

I'll tell you something.

You need to master Cross, Bible, Holy Water, and Javelin for quests. I

know you don't have the Cross yet but you will soon. Exit left three times.

Here you'll fight two Black Crows. Those bloody hand prints are nice but

there's nothing hidden to them. Exit left. Here you'll fight three Toads,

a Minotaur and a Dragonfly. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Demon Head and

two Lightkeepers. Exit left twice. Here you'll fight four Ghouls and a

Vapula. Exit left. Break the Platform just above you as you enter.

Grab the New York Steak. The bottom left room is a Save Room.

Exit top right. In this room you'll fight twelve Black Crows. Head right

and grab the 2000 gold bag and the Noodle Bun. Exit left. Enter the Boss

door at the bottom right.


Boss Battle:The Creature---------------------------------------------(CREA)


The Creature

Hp: 4000 Exp: 5000 Sp: 60

Weak: Whip, Piercing

Strong: Lightning


Stomp: The Creature kneels before jumping up and forward a bit. You can

dodge this by moving either way.

Missile: The Creature's elbow opens to reveal a missile. This missile

will be launched to where you were when his elbow opened. You can dodge

this by Jumping away. Spells like Dark Rift and Clear Skies negate this


Note: Clear Skies will just cause the missile to blow up instantly. If you

are within the blast range you will still get hurt.

Lightning: The Creature will extend both of his arms forward and shoot

Lightning wherever you were standing when he extended his arms forward.

You can avoid this by moving moving a decent distance from where you were.

Note: If you were in the air when he positions his arms he will shoot it


Machine Gun: The Creature's elbow opens to reveal a Machine gun. He will

do a sweep down and then back up. You can double jump over the bullets.

Spells like Dark Rift and Clear Skies negate this attack. Weapon attacks

can destroy the bullets. So a whip can make a good shield too. Holding in

the whip lets the whip fall down as a Shield and when a bullet would hit

your head just have to tap up and it's stopped.

Grab: If you are really close he will move his arm back and then grab you.

After he picks you up he causes an explosion. You can avoid this by moving

away when he pulls his arm back.



Heavens Sword is a nice choice since it can hit 3 times per throw if done

right. If you have the unlocked Vampire Killer it's critical art does very

good damage.

As for sub weapons Holy Water or Shurikens your best bet.

You'd have to try to not be able to get all 4 Shurikens to hit. And Holy

water hits multiple times.


Dark Rift is an awesome spell especially if your controlling Johnathon.

Since it sucks in all of The Creatures Projectiles and can deal decent

damage to The Creature.

Salamander does a great deal of damage if you could afford to buy it.

Time Stop...This is so unbelieavably cheap. You cast it and then use

Johnathons Sub Weapon Bwaka Knife/Boomerang right next to The Creature.

Time Stop will have the weapon perpetually stopped and deal damage at an

insane rate. You can only have one Boomerang out but you can have three

Bwaka Knives!!! So short hop and pull them out for insane damage.

Dual Crush:

1000 Blades does an insane amount of damage. The best time to start this

is as The Creature starts to do Machine Gun jump over him and start. The

second best time is when he jumps. Just move behind him and let it rip.

Sadly this way you'll probably be hit out of it but he dies fast enough



Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you win Exit right twice and return to the Castle.

My Map Percentage was 100% for Dark Academy.


Revisiting with Owl--------------------------------------------------(FOWL)



Items:Aura Blast(SW), All Boost(S), Sachertorte(QI), Healing Mail, Kaiser

Knuckles, Lorica, Dark Gate(DC)

Alright now that we can fly let's get those items we couldn't before. Also

all portraits we've completed should have 100% map when we finish. First

go to the bottom of the Elevator room. If you forgot where that is. It is

only a few squares right of The Save point near the 5 portrait room.

Transform into the Owl and fly up the left shaft to get the Aura Blast Sub

Weapon. Next go to the room that is just right of the left most section of

the map. Transform into the Owl and fly up and then to the left. This put

my Castle Map up to 95.1% Grab the All Boost Spell.

Now return to the City of Haze. That would be the portrait next to Wind.

Return to the room where you did that Cart puzzle. It will be the longest

room on your map. Break the ceiling around the middle of it. Transform

into the Owl and fly up. Grab the Sachertorte and head left to grab the

Healing Mail. This put my City of Haze map at 100%. Return to the castle

and go to the Sandy Grave this time. It is the bottom right portrait. Head

to the room left of the first Save Point. Transform into the Owl and fly

to the upper left part of the room to grab the Kaiser Knuckles.

Now go to the Rolling Boulder room. It's one up from the bottom right room.

Transform into the Owl and fly up the right shaft. Grab the Lorica. This

put my Sandy Grave map at 100%. Return to the Castle. Now go to the Forest

of Doom. Go to the room thats two down and one right of the middle Warp

Room. Break the ceiling at the right of the room. Transform into the Owl

and fly up. Grab the Dark Gate Dual Crush. This put my Forest of Doom map

at 100%. Return to the Castle. This time go to Wind. You should have two

quests beaten on that list. Spear of Legend and Build your Strength 2.

Now get your intelligence up to 100. I'll list the best Intelligence

boosting gear for this. We'll be using Charlotte.

Dalmatica=10 Int found in store or from Aliorumnas

Holy veil=10 Int found in Nation of fools. 4 rooms to the right of the top


Succubus Boots=4 Int dropped by Succubus.

Skull Ring=6 Int dropped by Lesser Demon or Paludamentum=5 int from store.

INT Boost=30 Int.

This will give you at most a 66 Int boost. It is impossible to do this

quest on level cap 1 and 25 from fresh start before defeating the Final


After finishing this quest Mental Training 4 becomes available. Equip

Johnathon with Stonewall and hold R to have him use it. Then talk to Wind

as Charlotte. Build Your Strength 3 should appear but you should have all

5 cakes if you've been following my walkthrough if not I'll list them for


Green Tea Cake. To get this break the floor just right of the first Save

Point in the City of Haze. God down and then left for it.

Sachertorte, NY Cheesecake, Mille-feville, Wheat Roll. These four are in

the Bakery which is behind a breakable wall. This wall is the right wall

of the room just to the right of where you got your Green Tea Cake. Hit

the register and then hit the chandelier. Depending on the value of the

coin dropped you'll get a different pastry once per game per coin type.

There are other places with cakes but this is the simplest list you can

get. Basically anything that you'd find in a bakery works for this quest.

Just note that if you have one of the items in your posession they won't

show up in the display case for you to get. But will reappear in the

instance that you have none of it. So you are guaranteed to be able to get

these four cakes for the quest.

After you take down that quest Build your Strength 4 shows up. Have

Johnathon use Stonewall again while Charlotte talks to Wind. Make sure

to accept the other quests. Now return to the Dark Academy. Go to the room

just right of the 2nd Warp Room. Wait near the start of the room. I wait

at the Podium. After a little bit a ghost should appear and the quest is

done. Return to Wind. This should leave three quests left. Find the King

of Birds, Defeat the Ghoul King and The Gambler. Return to the 5 portrait

room. This time go to the Forgotten City. Which is the far left portrait.


Forgotten City-------------------------------------------------------(CITY)


Enemis:Mummy, Devil Wheel, Demon Head, Flame Demon, Poison Worm(MB),

Dodo(QM), Quetzalcoatl, Armored Fleaman(S), Fleaman, Ghost(S), Gorgon(GD),

Old Axe Armor(GD), Ectoplasm(S), Lesser Demon(GD), Elgiza, Jack O'Bones,

Red Skeleton(UK), Tanjelly, Yorick(QD), Mummy Man(B)

Items:Eye for an Eye(S), Super Tonic, Curry, Super Potion, Attica Helmet,

Griffon Wing(R), Princess Tiara, Meteor(DC), Book of Death, Platinum

Corset, 2000 Gold Bagx2, Venus Brooch, Mp Max Upx2, Hp Max Up,

Exit left for a Warp Room. Exit left twice. Here you'll fight respawning

Mummies. Exit left. Here you'll fight two Devil Wheels. Exit left. Here

you'll fight a Demon Head and two Flame Demons. Exit left. Here you'll

fight a Poison Worm. Poison Worm will not return after death. Exit left.

Here you'll fight respawning Mummies and can fight a Dodo. Dodo will

appear randomly in this room. Run to the middle and if Dodo is there kill

it quickly because it will instantly start to run away. Some great ways to

kill it are Shuriken and half casted Time Stop. Make sure to kill Dodo to

complete a quest. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Quetzalcoatl.

Head left and grab the Eye for an Eye Spell. Exit right twice. Go to the

quick sand and sink into the next room. Exit down. Here you'll fight Laura.

Fans of Phantasy Star will probably notice that she looks exactly like Nei

from Phantasy Star 2. Exit right. Exit down. Here you'll fight respawning

Ghosts and two Armored Fleamen. Armored Fleamen turn into normal Fleamen

upon death. This is natural. Armored Fleaman drops the Berserker Spell.

The top left room is a Save room. The bottom left room is a Warp Room.

Here you'll fight respawning Ghosts and an Old Axe Armor.

Head right and grab the Super Tonic. Exit down. Here you'll fight two

Ectoplasm and three Armored Fleamen. Head down and grab the Curry. Exit

down. Here you'll fight three Lesser Demons and an Ectoplasm. Head right

and grab the Super Potion. Exit up four times. Exit left twice. Exit down.

Here you'll fight two Armored Fleamen. Exit down. Here you'll fight an Old

Axe Armor and an Armored Fleaman. Head down and right and grab the Attica

Helmet. Exit down. Here you'll fight a Quetzalcoatl. Exit down. Here

you'll fight respawning Ghost and an Old Axe Armor. Exit down.

Here you'll fight two Demon Heads. Exit down. Here you'll fight three

Lesser Demons. The top right room is a Save Room. Transform into the Owl

and fly to the top left corner. Grab the Griffon Wing Relic. Exit bottom

right. Exit right. Here you'll fight two Quetzalcoatl. Exit right. Here

you'll fight a Gorgon and a Laura. Gorgon drops the Mirror Cuirass which

makes you immune to stone. Head right and grab the Princess Tiara. Exit

left. Exit down. Here you'll fight respawning Ghosts. Exit right. You'll

be in another rolling boulder room. Transform into the Owl.

Go through the narrow passage to the right and grab the Meteor Dual Crush.

Return to the start of the room and fly up the left shaft this time. Grab

the Book of Death. Exit right. Here you'll fight three Lesser Demons. Exit

right. Here you'll fight respawning Ghosts and three Ectoplasms. Exit left.

Here you'll fight two Elgiza. Exit left. Here you'll fight three

Lightkeepers and a Gorgon. Head left and grab the Platinum Corset. Exit

right three times. Here you'll fight two Jack O'Bones. Exit right. Here

you'll fight a Jack O'Bones, three Blood Skeletons and respawning Ghosts.

Exit down. Here you'll fight a Demon Head. Exit right. Here you'll fight

respawning Mummies. The room to the right is a Warp Room. The room after

that is a Save Room. Exit left. Exit up twice. Here you'll fight a

Tanjelly. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Demon Head and two Jack O'Bones.

Exit left. Here you'll fight an Old Axe Armor, three Tanjelly and two Jack

O'Bones. Head left and grab the 2000 Gold Bag. Then head up and grab the

Venus Brooch. Exit right twice. Exit up. Here you'll fight two Jack

O'Bones and a Gorgon. Exit left.

Here you'll fight two Tanjelly and two Quatzalcoatl. Head up and grab the

Mp Max Up. Exit right three times. Here you'll fight two Ectoplasms and

two Lesser Demons. Exit right. Here you'll fight three Demon Heads. Head

to the top right corner and grab the 2000 Gold Bag. Exit top left. Exit

left. Here you'll fight Yorick. Yorick drops the quest item Spade. Exit

left. Here you'll fight a Quetzalcoatl. Exit left. Here you'll fight a

Quetzalcoatl. Exit left twice. The top left room is a Save Room. Fly up

the shaft to grab a Mp Max Up and a Hp Max Up. Exit up.

Here you'll fight three Jack O'Bones. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Laura

and a Mimic. Exit right three times. Stand on the switch to open the

short cut. Exit left twice. Exit down. Enter the Boss Door at the bottom



Boss Battle:Mummy Man------------------------------------------------(MUMM)


Mummy Man

Hp: 4500 Exp: 5000 Sp: 60

Weak: Piercing, Fire, Holy

Strong: Dark


Block Spikes: Three blocks appear and push you against the right wall.

They will then extend spikes towards the wall. You can dodge this by

jumping over it.

Wrappings: Mummy Man extends his arms and his bandages go out towards

you slowly and homes in on your location. You can dodge this by jumping

over him after he starts his attack. Clear Skies can stop this attack.

Teleport: Mummy Man unwraps and then wraps himself back together in a

different spot. Nothing damaging about this move so no worries.

Homing Blocks: Several blocks move out and then position themselves around

you. One block will turn red and then fly towards you. Then another until

they all have had a go at you. To avoid this move just dodge them as they

come at you one by one, which usually means jumping over them. He does

this move mainly when your right next to him. He uses up blocks for the

background to this move. When they start getting low new blocks slide

down. Clear Skies can stop this attack.



Shuriken and Holy water make great choices here as they both can hit four


Back dash caneling Darts also is a good option since you'll get a

bulls-eye from being at ground level.

As for weapons Kaiser Knuckles, Heavens Swor, Flame Whip, Unlocked Vampire

Killer or even your best Axe are great choices for this Boss.


Time Stop and then place 3 Bwaka Knives right on the Boss. This will deal

insane damage to him.

Salamander does a great deal of damage to this Boss. If you could buy it.

Tempest and Summon Gunman can deal a decent amount of damage here but

nowhere near Salamander. There are several attack spells that do decent

damage but these are all I felt were worth mentioning.

Dual Crushes:

1000 Blades does insane damage here easily over 2000 depending on your

level. Other than that I wouldn't recommend any Dual Crushes.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you win Exit left. You'll be in a portrait room. Exit left for a

Warp Room. Exit left. Grab the Holy Mail. This armor is useful for the

Whip's Memory fight if you still haven't beat him. Return to Wind you

should have the Find the King of Birds quest done. Leaving two quests on

your list. This time go to the 13th Street Portrait. Which is the second

from the left in the Five Portrait room.

My Map Percentage was 100% for Forgotten City.


13th Street----------------------------------------------------------(13TH)


Enemies:Lightkeeper, Buster Armor, Mothman, Aliorumnas(GD), Ripper,

Jack O'Bones, Red Axe Armor(UD), Ghoul King(QM), Dead Warrior(GD),

Old Axe Armor(GD), Vapula(S), Heavy Armor(SW&GD), Malphas, Ghost Dancer,

Amalaric Sniper(GD), Final Guard(SW&GD), Demon, Werewolf(B)

Items:Shogun Helmet, Kugelhopf, Gateau Marron, Hp Max Upx2, Gateau Fraise,

Wheat Roll, Langues de Chat, Samurai Leggings, Mille-feville, Mp Max Up,

2000 Gold Bag, Wedding Dress, Steel Greaves, Winged Boots

Exit left for a Warp Room. Exit left. Here you'll fight two Buster Armors

and a Lightkeeper. On the alternate modes a Bone Ark and a Vapula will

also be here. As you head left a Train will appear and attempt to push you

out of the room. You can handle this two ways. The cool way and the so so

way. The cool way is to start pushing the Train and then pull out your

partner and both of your push. You have to summon your partner to push

almost instantly. You'll cause the train to slow down and then halt to a

complete stop where it will vanish. The other way is to use the Critical

Art of an Axe type Weapon or even Alucards Spear to make you jump through

the roof and let the Train pass by.

Break the ceiling just a bit to the right of the left Buster Armor. Exit

up. Here you'll fight a Mothman. Grab the Shogun Helmet and then head left

to grab the Kugelhopf. Exit down. Exit left. The room to the left is a

Save Room. Exit up. Here you'll fight two Aliorumnas. Exit left twice.

Here you'll fight two Ghouls. Exit up. Here you'll fight three Red Axe

Armors, a Ripper and a Jack O'Bones. Head to the top left corner of the

room for a Gateau Marron. Exit right. Here you'll fight respawning Ghouls.

A Ghoul King will spawn last. Head right for the Assassin's Cape.

Exit left twice. Here you'll fight two Dead Warriors. Break the ground

beneath the movable cart. Exit down. Break the bottom right wall. Exit

left. Here you'll fight three Mothmen. Head left and grab the Hp Max Up.

Exit right twice. Here you'll fight nineteen Rippers. Head right and grab

the following Gateau Fraise, Wheat Roll and Langues de Chat. Exit left.

Exit up. Exit left. Here you'll fight three Aliorumnas. Exit up. Here

you'll fight two Rippers. Exit left. Here you'll fight an Aliorumnas, two

Red Axe Armors, and two Rippers. Exit bottom right.

Here you'll fight a Nyx. Nyx drops the quest item Heart. This should be it

for the Gambler quest. Grab the Super Potion. Exit left twice. Here you'll

fight two Red Axe Armors and three Old Axe Armors. Exit down. Here you'll

fight a Vapula. Exit down. Here you'll fight a Mothman and a Nyx. Exit

down. The room to the right is a Save Room. Exit left. Here you'll fight a

Heavy Armor and respawning Ghouls. A Ghoul King will spawn last. Exit left.

The room to the left is a Warp Room. Exit up. Here you'll fight three Red

Axe Armors, two Aliorumnas, two Nyx, and a Skeleton Blaze.

Go to the middle left of the room and grab the Samurai Leggings. Exit left.

Here you'll fight three Aliorumnas. Exit left twice. Here you'll fight

nine Ghost Dancers. Go to the top right of the room to grab the

Mille-feville. Go left to grab the 2000 Gold Bag. Exit left. Here you'll

fight a Malphas. Exit up. Here you'll fight a Final Guard. Head right and

grab the Hp Max Up. Exit left. Here you'll fight an Aliorumnas and a Ghost

Dancer. Exit down. Here you'll fight a Ghost Dancer and two Amalaric

Snipers. Amalaric Sniper drops the Blessed Ankh which boosts the effect of Hp

recovery items by 50%. Exit up. Exit left twice.

Here you'll fight two Amalaric Snipers and seven Ghost Dancers. Go to the

top right corner and morph into the Owl or Toad. Exit top right. Here

you'll fight four Aliorumnas and seven Nyx. Head right and grab the

Wedding Dress. Exit left. Break the floor on the left side. Exit down.

Grab the Shaman Ring. Exit up. Exit left. Exit down. Here you'll fight a

Mothman. The top left room is a Save Room. The bottom left room is a Warp

Room. Exit down. Here you'll fight two Mothmen and respawning Ghouls. The

last spawn will be a Ghoul King. Exit right.

Here you'll fight four Amalaric Snipers and six Ghost Dancers. Head right

and grab the Mp Max Up. Exit right. Here you'll fight four Aliorumnas,

three Rippers and respawning Ghouls. The last spawn will be a Ghoul King.

Exit right. Here you'll fight three Ghost Dancers. Exit right. Here you'll

fight a Demon. Head right and grab the Steel Greaves. Break the wall to

the right. Exit right. Grab the Winged Boots. Exit left five times. Exit

up twice. Enter the Boss Door to the left.


Boss Battle:Werewolf-------------------------------------------------(WOLF)



Hp: 4500 Exp: 6000 Sp: 60

Weak: Whip, Piercing, Fire, Holy

Strong: Blunt


Rushing Slash: Rushes towards you and then slashes with his claws. Run

away or jump over him to dodge. Jumping over causes him to do the Uppercut


Rising Uppercut: If your in the air as he's rushing towards you he will do

a rising slash. You can dodge this by either moving a bit away from him

as he starts the uppercut or going behind him.

Lampost Javelin: Werewolf grabs a Lamp post and throws it at you. The

throw is at a set distance and starts fairly high. So stepping a bit

close to the Werewolf is the best way to dodge.

Head Bite: If your really close to the Werewolf he will pull his arm back

and then grab you followed by biting your head. You can dodge this by

moving away when he pulls his arm back.

Pack Call: Werwolf starts howling. Soon you'll see wolves jump on screen.

They will charge mindlessly in the direction your in. You can avoid them

by jumping over them or by attacking them once to make them go away.



Holy Water, Shuriken, Kunai, and Bible are all great choices due to

Werewolf's size and shape. Each will easily hit quite a few times.

Darts when backdash canceled are a great choice here as well since you can

bulls-eye while standing.

As for weapons The Flame/Vampire Kill Whips and Heavens Sword are good.

Other than that your strongest weapon should do a good number too.


Time Stop with 3 Bwaka Knives placed on the Boss does insane damage.

Salamander does great damage here. Due to the casting time you might want

to have Johnathon occupy the Boss for a bit.

Hex, Summon Gunman, Raging Fire, Ice Fang, Tempest, and Explosion are all

good spells to use here.

Dual Crush

1000 Blades does an insane amount of damage. None of the other dual

crushes are worth doing since simple spells can top their damage easily.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


Exit left twice you'll be in another portrait room. Return to Wind now.

Defeat the Ghoul King, S Rank Hunter and The Gambler should be done.

Unless you haven't killed 3000 enemies yet. Accept the other quest and

return to 13th Street. Go to the left Warp Room. Exit right. Exit up.

Exit right three times. Exit down. Now head right and press up at the

Cross. Return to Wind. Pray before the Cross should be done. You should

only have the Nest of Evil quest left. The Undead Killer you received

from the S Rank Hunter quest allows Johnathon to kill the enemies with

Red in their name.

This time go to the Burnt Paradise Portrait. Which is second from the

right in the Five Portrait Room.

My Map Percentage was 100% for 13th Street.


Burnt Paradise-------------------------------------------------------(BURN)


Enemies:Vice Beetle, Dead Warrior(GD), Minotaur(GDx2), Tanjelly, Ripper,

Armor Knight(SW), Guillotiner, Buster Armor, Gorgon(GD), Skeleton Tree,

Medusa Head(S), DoubleAxe Armor(GD), Jack O'Bones, Yorick(QI),

Dead Warrior(GD), Medusa(B)

Items:Cure Posion(S), Bakatwa, Gold Leggings, Artemis Shoes, Hp Max Upx2,

Mp Max Upx2, Ice Cream, Engagement Ring, Super Tonic, Tinned Spinach,

Spoiled Milk, Great Axe, Financier, Truffle, Jet Black Whip

Exit left twice. Here you'll fight two Vice Beetles. The room to the left

is a Warp Room. Exit bottom right. Here you'll fight two Dead Warriors.

Exit down. Here you'll fight two Minotaurs. Exit left. Here you'll fight

two Tanjellies. Exit left three times. Here you'll fight two Tanjellies,

two Armor Knights and a Vice Beetle. Go to the top left and grab the Cure

Poison Spell. Exit down. Here you'll fight a Guillotiner, three Rippers a

Tanjelly and a Vice Beetle. Go left to grab the Bakatwa. Go down one

platform and left to grab the Gold Leggings. Exit left.

Here you'll fight a Tanjelly, two Buster Armor and an Armor Knight. Go to

the top of the room to grab the Artemis Shoes. Exit down. Exit left twice.

You'll be in a Save Room. Exit down. Here you'll fight a Gorgon. Exit

right. Here you'll fight four Rippers. Exit down. Here you'll fight three

Vice Beetle. Exit down. Here you'll fight three Rippers. Grab the Hp Max

Up. Exit up. Exit left. Here you'll fight two Skeleton Trees and three

Buster Armor. In the rare event that you came here first out of the Five

Portraits. Use the Skeleton Trees to get up. Exit left.

Here you'll fight respawning Medusa Heads. Exit up. Grab the Mp Max Up.

Exit down three times. Here you'll fight a DoubleAxe Armor. DoubleAxe

Armor drops the Berserker mail which boosts your attack considerably. Exit

right twice. Exit down. Here you'll fight two Jack O'Bones. Head right and

down to grab the Ice Cream. Exit right. Here you'll fight three Rippers.

Head to the bottom left corner to grab the Engagement Ring. Exit down.

Here you'll fight a Tanjelly and a Vice Beetle. Exit right. Transform into

either the Owl or the Toad to grab the Super Tonic. Exit right twice.

Here you'll fight four Rippers. Exit right. Here you'll fight three

Yoricks and two Skeleton Trees. Exit down. Exit right. Here you'll fight

two Tanjellies. The room to the right is a Save room. The room to the

bottom left is a Warp Room. Warp to the top Warp Room. Exit right. Exit

top right. Exit right twice. Here you'll fight a Guillotiner. The room to

the right is a Save Room. Exit down. Here you'll fight a Tanjelly. Exit

right three times. Here you'll fight respawning Medusa Heads, a Tanjelly,

an Armor Knight and a Vice Beetle.

Head to the top right to grab the Tinned Spinach. Exit down. Here you'll

fight a Tanjelly and two Jack O'Bones. Head into the house right

underneath you to grab the Spoiled Milk. Go right to grab the Great Axe.

Exit right. Here you'll fight a Guillotiner, an Old Axe Armor and a

DoubleAxe Armor. Exit down. Exit right twice. You'll be in a Save Room.

Exit down. Here you'll fight a Gorgon. Exit left. Here you'll fight a

Guillotiner. Exit down twice. Here you'll fight four Rippers. Grab the Hp

Max Up. Exit up. Exit right.

Here you'll fight two Skeleton Trees and three Buster Armors. Exit right.

Here you'll fight respawning Medusa Heads. Exit up. Grab the Mp Max Up.

Exit down three times. Here you'll fight a Dead Warrior. Exit left twice.

Exit down. Here you'll fight two Vice Beetles and two Jack O'Bones. Head

down and grab the Financier. Exit left. Here you'll fight a Tanjelly, an

Armor Knight, and a Guillotiner. Head to the top left corner to grab the

Tome of Arms 3. Exit down. In this room you'll fight a Vice Beetle,

two Armor Knights and two Tanjellies. Exit left.

Here you'll fight respawning Medusa Heads. Exit left twice. Here you'll

fight four Rippers. Break the box and grab the Truffle that falls out.

Exit left. Exit down. Enter the Boss Room to the left.


Boss Battle:Medusa---------------------------------------------------(MEDU)



Hp: 3500 Exp: 6000 Sp: 60

Weak: Holy

Strong: Dark


Stone Stare: Medusa goes to the back of the room and yells petrify. This

will turn you to stone and if your already stoned it will hurt you. You

can avoid this by turning away from her when she yells petrify. Mirror

Cuirass which is dropped by Gorgon makes you immune to this move.

Serpent Strike: Medusa's upper body turns into a Snake head that will

lunge at you. You can avoid this attack by jumping up when she starts to

pull back. This will make her attack upwards.

Snake Arm Bite: Medusa's positions an arm above her and below her. Then

she lunges forward as her arm turns into a snake. You can dodge this by

running away from her and jumping as she gets close.

Medusa Spawn: Medusa covers her eyes and several Medusa Heads fly out

forward covering a big portion of the screen. You can destroy the heads.

Big spells like Tempest, Chain Lightning or any spell that functions

similar will work great here.

Tail Crawl: The screen will shake briefly and then Medusa's tail will

snake in and out of the ground fairly fast. You can avoid this move by

standing around where her tail went into the ground.



Wrecking Ball is the best Sub Weapon here. As it constantly hits over your

head at a decent speed.

Axe and Bible are a good choice as Medusa is above you constantly.

Cross is another good choice as you can get it to hit a decent number

of times. Shuriken is for once an option that I don't recommend as

consistently hitting with more than one shuriken is probably going to get

you hit.

As for weapons I recommend your strongest Whip as it is easily the best

weapon for handling Medusa Heads and can deal decent damage to Medusa.


Timestop and placing 3 Bwaka Knives on the Boss deals insane damage.

Salamander does a great deal of damage to the Boss. If you bought it.

Summon Skeleton, Ice Needle and Tempest are good spells to use here.

Dual Crush:

I don't recommend you use any of the Dual Crushes.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you win exit left. Here you'll fight respawning Medusa Heads. Exit

left. Grab the Jet Black Whip. Exit right. Exit bottom right. You should

be in another portrait room. Return to Wind.

My Map Percentage was 100% for Burnt Paradise.


Castle after Paradise------------------------------------------------(CASE)


Enemies:Brauner(B), Dracula&Death(B), True Dracula(B)

Items: Hp Max Up, Foie Gras, Mp Max Up, 2000 Gold Bag, Robe Decollete,

Speed Up(S)

The Nest of Evil quest should be completed, which gives you more quests.

The Hundred Tasks, Master the Holy power and Almighty should also be

completed. Unless you haven't obtained all the Sub Weapons or mastered the

select few that are needed to be mastered. Refer to the various parts of

this walkthrough for the Sub Weapons as for mastery go to the Two Minotaur

room in the Dark Academy. We'll go to the Nest of evil later. Return to

the Five Portrait Room and enter the Center Portrait this time. There will

be some dialogue and then the Boss Battle will start.


Boss Battle:Brauner--------------------------------------------------(BRAU)



Hp: 6000 Exp: 0 Sp: 0

Weak: Holy

Strong: Dark


Blood Art Technique: Brauner throws a bit of blood to the side then draws

two lines behind him. Those lines will show you how the blood will appear

when it smears on the game screen. This blood will hurt you if you touch

it. Hitting it will make the blood vanish for whever you hit. Whip is

probably the best weapon type for clearing the blood. Various sub weapons

work great as well for clearing the blood. Like Bwaka Knife and Discus.

This is Art: Brauner will cross his arms and a painting will fall down to

him. He will fuse with this painting and start to fly around. After awhile

he will spin faster and then fly at you. You can avoid this by jumping

over him.

Painting of the Soul: Brauner will say painting of the soul and then wave

his arm in the air showing blood everywhere. You can avoid this by moving

away from Brauner to be out of ranged of this attack. After this attack he

throws one of three painting atttacks which are as follows.

Stone Painting: Brauner summons a single painting. Out of which will fly

several black heads. These heads will petrify you on contact. You can hit

these heads away.

Double Painting: Brauner throws two paintings forward which will change

into a big monster that goes along the ground and one on the ceiling.

These creatures can poison and curse you. You can dodge these usually by

jumping over one and allowing the other to go overhead. Rocket Slash

is a nice way to get past them too if jumping doesn't seem like an option

to you.

Spinning Painting: Brauner throws a painting that two green creatures with

several legs pointing out all around them appear. They will move in

opposite directions. You can avoid them by timing your movements between

the spinning legs. You can also use Rocket Slash to go right through the

legs without suffereing damage. This attack can poison you.



Cross and Bible can rack up a decent amount of damage with their multiple


Wrecking Ball is a good choice here as it deals decent damage and hits

quite fast.

As for weapons. I'd recommend your strongest weapons that are imbued with

holy. Or a Whip type for handling his techniques.

Unlocked Vampire Killer and it's critical art are especially good.


Time Stop and then placing the 3 Bwaka Knives on the Boss once again deals

insane damage.

Piercing Beam, Spirit of Light, Ice Fang and Summon Gunman are great

choices here.

Dual Crush:

1000 Blades and Grand Cruz are great choices here dealing a noticable

amount of damage above the other dual crushes.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you win there will be some dialogue. You will also be transported to

the throne room stair case. You can return to Wind for some dialogue if

you want. Immediately drop down below the platform your on. Work your way

left to grab the Hp Max Up. Now go to the top right corner of the room and

break the wall to get the Foie Gras. Go left to get the Mp Max Up and the

2000 Gold Bag. Exit left. Break the ceiling in the center of the room. Exit

up. Head left to grab the Robe Decollete and the Speed Up Spell. Exit

down. Enter the Boss Room to the left. There will be some dialogue before

the fight starts.


Boss Battle:Dracula and Death-------------------------------------(DRAC)



Hp: 6666 Exp: 0 Sp: 0

Weak: Holy

Strong: Dark

Note: Only his head is vulnerable to damage.


Fire Balls: Dracula opens his cloak and fires three volleys of Fire Balls

at you. In 3 then 5 and then 3 amounts. You can jump over them or you can

destroy them with an attack. If you have Speed Up on you can simply walk

through them. You can avoid them entirely by jumping over him.

Dark Balls: Dracula will open his cloak and then shoot some Dark Balls.

They alternate between low and hi. So you can avoid these by alternating

between jumping and ducking. You can avoid them entirely by jumping over


Teleport: Dracula is surround in light and then teleports away only to

reappear in either the center of the room, the far left or far right. This

attack does no damage.

Bat Form: Dracula Teleports to the center of the room and yells Bat Form

as he starts to change into several bats. These bats will then fly forward

in the direction you were in. This attack will decimate you! You can dodge

this easiest by Switching to Johnathon and continually high jumping. You

can also dodge this by doing a Dual Crush and using it's invulnerability



Hp:4444 Exp: 0 Sp: 0

Weak: N/A

Strong Dark


Side Strike: This attack will only occur if your flying right next to him.

In which case dropping down is the best way to dodge it.

Hell Scythe: Whenever Death Hovers above you he will raise his Scythe over

his head. Then he will strike down and off the screen with a Red Aura. You

can dodge this by moving out from under him.

Joint Strike: Death will hover over Dracula and spread his arms. You'll

notice a light snake across the screen. This will turn into Scythes that

Dracula will suck up and spit out as a hoard of Dark Balls.

Scythe Transform: Death Transforms into a Scythe and flies into Dracula's

hand. Dracula then slams the scythe into the ground in front of him

causing a HUGE eruption that does massive damage. You can avoid this by

continually high jumping in a corner or running to the other side of the

room. Speed Up helps with the running.



Cross can hit three times for decent damage.

Bible is another good choice as it's circling attack can hit both of them.

Sadly I cannot really recommend any other Sub Weapons.

As for weapons I'd recommend your strongest weapon with Holy alignment.

Stellar Swords special can hit both of them so is a nice choice.


Time Stop and placing 3 Bwaka Knives on the Boss once again can deal

insane damage. This will most likely really cut through your mp. As

your partner will suffer several hits.

Spirit of Light will hit both of them if they are both on the same screen

doing impressive damage total.

Chaing Lightning and Explosion can hit multiple times if they are both on

the same screen.

Gale Force, Thunderbolt and Ice Fang can deal some damage if you want to

use them.

Dual Crush:

Grand Cruz racks up an impressive amount of damage and it's wide range

can allow you to easily hit both of them. This is the best way to take

them down. Use Spirit of Light during the cool down time.

After you manage to win you'll instantly be faced with the second part of

the fight.


Boss Battle:True Dracula------------------------------------------(TRUE)


True Dracula

Hp: 6666 Exp: 0 Sp: 0

Weak: Holy

Strong: Dark


Knee Strike: Dracula covers his face and wraps his wings about him. Then

he lunges forward with his knee extended. You can dodge this by high

jumping so that he can go under you. You can also slide under him.

Note: If he is high in the air he will rush at the ground quickly as he

covers his face.

Ground Strike: When Dracula is high in the air he will rise slightly and

then immediately thrust his fist into the ground. When dracula is low he

will rush up quite fast before thrusting his fist into the ground. If your

a decent distance away he will fly towards you at moderate speed before

thrusting his hand into the ground. You can dodge this by moving away from


Fire Fall: Several pillars of fire appear at a fixed space apart and then

they fall.This will last for 5 volleys until Dracula touches the ground.

You can avoid this by walking between the pillars as they fall. You can

also jump over the pillars to move away. Make sure to keep making progress

away from Dracula as he will slowly float down towards you.

Death's Scythe: Dracula raises his arm up and creates a dark portal. He

then pulls out Death's Scythe and throws it at you. He throws three. Each

throw is higher oriented than the last. Jump over the first and second.

Then duck under the third.

Wing Crush: Dracula flies into the background and his wings cover both

sides of the screen slowly inching closer. Eventually they will come

crushing together causing massive damage. Then the wings will start

grinding for about 10 hits. You can stop this by continually dealing

damage to both wings. You can just attack one side whil Charlotte attacks

the other. Or you can use skills like Wrecking Ball and Dark Rift. If you

keep hitting his wings back he will eventually pull them back. If you fail

entirely at doing that most likely because your on level 1 cap. Then use

a lengthy dual crush like Grand Cruz for invulnerability time.



Cross can hit up to four times unless he flies across the screen real

fast. In which case you might even see another.

Bible is fairly good and can hit a few times as well.

As for weapons your strongest weapons with Holy Alignment will work good.


Spirit of Light, Tempest, and Ice Fang are the only spells I'd really

recommend for this fight.

Dual Crush:

Grand Cruz is once again the dual crush you should use. As it still racks

up quite a bit of damage and the other dual crushes are worthless in this



Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you will there will be dialogue as the ending starts. Then you'll

see that you got a clear save. What this does is put you at the last save

point with whatever you had when you beat Dracula. Now let's go tackle

the Nest of Evil. Go to the room just right of the left most room on the

Castle Map. Exit down. The top right room is a Warp Room. The bottom

right room is a Save Room. Exit left. Enter the Nest of Evil Portrait.

My Map Percentage was 100% for the Castle.


Nest of Evil---------------------------------------------------------(NEST)


Enemies:Quetzalcoatl, Dead Warrior, Demon, Bone Ark, Lightkeeper, Mothman,

Minotaur(GDx2), Jack O'Bones, Final Guard(SW&GD), Balore(B), Dragonfly,

Buster Armor, Ruler's Sword, Heavy Armor(SW&GD), Dogether(S), Cave Troll,

Skeleton Blaze, Guillotiner, Armored Fleaman(S), Fleaman, Gergoth(B),

Iron Golem(GDx2), Lesser Demon(GD), Skeleton Farmer, Une, Mandragora,

Alastor(GD), Yorick(QI), Demon Head, Gold Skeleton(GD), Zephyr(B),

DoubleAxe Armor(GD), Amducias(S&GD), Vice Beetle, Aguni(B), The Creature,

Nyx(QI), Ripper, Abaddon(B&GD), Vapula(S), Amalaric Sniper(GD), Wyvern,

Old Axe Armor(GD)

Items:Tome of Arms p1, Tome of Arms p2, Greatest Five(DC)

Exit right. The top right room is a Save Room. The bottom right room is a

Warp Room. You'll be running through a gauntlet here with the doors

locking on you. Magical tickets will only work if there are no monsters in

the room. If you wait for a decent amount of time the doors will open

again. You will also lose any buffing spells every time you move to a new

room. You probably will want to save after every level as well. Exit

bottom left.

Nest of Evil Level 1.

Here you'll fight a Quetzalcoatl and two Dead Warriors. Exit left. Here

you'll fight two Demons and a Bone Ark. Exit left. Here you'll fight five

Lightkeepers and Mothman. Exit left. Exit bottom right. Here you'll fight

four Minotaurs. Exit right. Here you'll fight four Jack O'Bones and a Final

Guard. Exit right. Here you'll fight Balore.


Boss Battle:Balore---------------------------------------------------(BALO)



Hp: 3000 Exp: 2000 Sp: 40

Weak: Piercing

Strong: N/A


Eye Beam: Balore's eye will glow and then he will fire a huge laser across

the screen. You can dodge this by ducking.

One-Two Punch: Balore will pull his arm back before punching across the

top of the screen and then along the bottom. You can dodge this by not

jumping for the first punch and then jumping over the second punch.

Uppercut: If you aren't far away. Then Balore will pull his arm down and

then punch up. You can dodge this by moving away.

Smash: If you are far away. Then Balore will raise his arm up and then

slam it down at the edge of the screen. You can dodge this by moving out

of the way.



Wrecking Ball can rack up the damage incredibly fast.

Bible can hit quite a few times here if you set it off near his nose.

Axe can get in a three hits for decent damage easily.

Ricochet stone when set off next to his face can hit four times for decent


As for weapons any strong weapon will work well here.


Time Stop and placing 3 Bwaka Knives on the Boss is the best way to kill


Salamander can deal quite a bit of damage over time. Casting the spell

before getting hit can be a problem though.

Tempest, Summon Skeleton and Ice Fang do an incredible amount of damage

here and are extremely easy to hit him with.

Acidic Bubbles, Ice Needle and Hex can deal a great deal as well. Hex and

Acidic Bubbles will require you to stand on the hand as your casting to

hit with all or in Hex's case any of the attack.

Dual Crush:

I don't recommend using any of them.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you win exit right twice. The room on the right is a Warp Room.

Exit bottom left.

Nest of Evil Level 2.

Here you'll fight seven Dragonflies and two Buster Armor. Exit left. Here

you'll fight two Heavy Armors and a Ruler's Sword. Exit left. Here you'll

fight four Skeleton Blaze, two Dogethers and a Cave Troll. Exit left. Exit

bottom right. Here you'll fight nine Armored Fleamen and a Guillotiner.

Exit right. Here you'll fight an Iron Golem. Both of Iron Golems drops are

good. Exit right. Here you'll fight Gergoth.


Boss Battle:Gergoth--------------------------------------------------(GERG)



Hp: 3800 Exp: 2500 Sp: 50

Weak: Whip, Piercing, Fire

Strong: N/A


Suck up: Gergoth starts to inhale sucking you towards him. He will bite

down below him. You can dodge this by staying away from him.

Mouth Beam: Gergoth stands tall and then starts charging. He will then

sweep down and then up with his beam. You can dodge this by ducking

next to his feet or going behind him via Rocket Slash.

Jump: Gergot kneels down a bit and then jumps forward a little. His entire

body will go to the floor covering everything in front of him. You can

dodge this by sliding under him when he jumps.

Status Gas: Gergoth will crouch and start to shake. Then he will stand

straight up and spew gas from his belly. You can dodge this by

flying into the corner. Depending on the color a different type of status

will occur. Gray is Stone. Purple is Curse. Green is Posion.



Bible when thrown from under Gergoth will hit for quite a few times.

Axe, Holy Water, Cross, Bwaka Knives and Shuriken can also rack up quite a

bit of damage fast.


Salamander does insane damage here.

Time Stop and placing 3 Bwaka Knives on the Boss works quite well.

Ice Fang, Tempest, Ice Needle, and Hex does great damage here.

Dual Crush:

1000 Blades can do an insane amount of damage here.

Volcano can do a decent amount as well.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you win exit right twice. The room to the right is a Warp Room.

Return to Wind at this point. Accept the Kill Gergoth quest. Go buy a

Blank Book from Vincent as well. Now go back to Gergoth and this time

when you kill him. Do it with the physical attack of the Blank Book. Only

the final blow has to be with the Blank Book. You can use spells or even

Johnathon up until that point. Just keep the amount of damage you've done

in mind. Return to Wind and get the Cocytus Spell. Return to the Nest of

Evil and go to the bottom Warp Room. Exit left. Exit bottom left.

Nest of Evil Level 3.

Here you'll fight two Skeleton Farmers and three Lesser Demons. Skeleton

Farmer spawns a Mandragora and several Une. Exit left. Here you'll fight

Alastor. Alastor drops the Damascus Sword. Which is the strongest short

sword weapon. Exit left. Here you'll fight three Demon Heads and two

Yoricks. Exit left. Head down and grab the Tome of Arms p1. Exit bottom

right. Here you'll fight five Gold Skeletons. Gold Skeleton drops the Gold


For each Gold Ring you have equipped on your controlled character you up

the value of the Gold that can be dropped. You can only have 4 types of

gold that can be dropped at any time. The values are 1, 10, 50, 100, 500,

1000. So with one Gold Ring you'll have access to 10, 50, 100, 500. With

two Gold Rings you'll have access to 50, 100, 500, 1000 Having two of them

equipped and using Speed Up to continually go down and up the throne

stairs is the best legit way to gain gold. Exit right. Here you'll fight

five DoubleAxe Armor's. Exit right. Here you'll fight Zephyr.


Boss Battle:Zephyr---------------------------------------------------(ZEPH)



Hp: 3210 Exp: 3210 Sp: 60

Weak: Whip, Piercing, Fire

Strong: N/A


Time Stop: Zephyr will glow and if you remain on the ground he will

freeze time. He will then jump over you placing several knives above you.

When he lands time will return to normal. You can avoid the knives by

moving out of their direct descent down. You can stop the attack entirely

by jumping when he glows. If he decides to do another attack time will

resume like normally.

Side Swipe: Zephyr floats towards you with arms extended and slashes when

near you. You can dodge this by jumping over him or running away.

Knife Throw: Zephyr puts an arm to his side and then throws three knives

forward. You can dodge this by jumping over them. You can destroy these

knives by attacking them.

Dive: Zephyr jumps to the ceiling and then dives at a set angle and throws

a knife at you as he does so. You can dodge this by moving out of the way.



Shuriken is your best Sub Weapon here racking up great damage fast is


Holy Water can also deal a decent amount of damage.

As for weapons your strongest weapons should easily do the job.


Salamander can do quite a number on this guy. You'll probably have to

use Johnathon to run distraction as you charge up your spell.

Ice Needle can do great damage and you can make it hit reliably.

Dual Crush:

1000 Blades does insane damage here if you get lucky and he decides to

walk slowly to you instead of rushing around.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you win exit right. The room to the right is a Warp Room. Exit

bottom left.

Nest of Evil level 4.

Here you'll fight Amducias. Amducias drops the Thor's Bellow Spell and the

Record 4. Thor's Bellow should be your last spell your missing. Exit left.

Here you'll fight two Alastors and three Gold Skeletons. Exit left. Here

you'll fight three Bone Arks. Exit left. Exit bottom right. Here you'll

fight ten Vice Beetles. Exit right. Here you'll fight two Ruler's Swords.

Exit right. Here you'll fight Aguni.


Boss Battle:Aguni----------------------------------------------------(AGUN)



Hp: 4000 Exp: 3500 Sp: 70

Weak: Ice

Strong: Fire


Inferno Dive:Aguni raises his arms and then flies off the screen. He will

then dive down where you are and cause a small fire wave trail to erupt

from both sides. You can dodge this by moving out of the way.

Smash: Aguni will raise his arm into the air and then slam it down. He

will do this three times in a row. He will also give chase after you. You

can dodge this by moving away from him enough so that his hand misses each


Fire Wall: Aguni will spit a flame that moves across the floor to the

wall. It will move like Holy Water but only it will last a lot longer. He

will spit three at set intervals. You can avoid this attack by jumping

over it.

Sway: Aguni will fly left and right across the screen with no warning. He

will be low enough to deal touch damage. You can avoid this by ducking.



Cross, Axe, Bible and Wrecking Ball are all I'd recommend using.

As for weapons I recommend Rahab's Frost or a strong weapon.


Ice Fang, Ice Needle and Cocytus do insane damage here. Really that's

all you should use here.

Dual Crushes:

Grand Cruz can do a decent amount of damage nothing compared to Charlotte



Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you win exit right. There will be a Warp Room to your right. Return

to Wind. You should have The Great Sage complete. With the accessory you

just got Charlotte can cast much faster. Return to the Nest of Evil and go

to the bottom Warp Room. Exit left. Exit bottom left.

Nest of Evil Level 5.

Here you'll fight two The Creatures. If your having problems with them just

cast Dark Rift as it will negate their projectiles. Exit left. Here you'll

fight nine Cave Trolls. Exit left. Here you'll fight an Iron Golem and two

DoubleAxe Armors. Exit left. Exit bottom right. Here you'll fight nine

Yoricks. Exit right. Here you'll fight nine Rippers and a Nyx. Exit right.

Here you'll fight Abbadon. Abaddon drops Record 3.


Boss Battle:Abaddon--------------------------------------------------(ABAD)



Hp: 5000 Exp: 4000 Sp: 50

Weak: Piercing, Holy

Strong: Dark


Locust Conductor: Abaddon will wave his conductors baton which will leave

a red streak. This is how the Locusts will act when they appear. You can

destroy these Locusts by attacking them. Whip is the only weapon that can

do this. Charlottes spell Stone Circle shines here as it makes you immune

to everything but touching him. Dark Rift and Clear Skies work well too.

And yes that is his only attack.



Wrecking Ball, Cross and Shuriken are all great ways to rack up the

damage against this guy. Just make sure Charlotte is protecting you with

one of the anti-locust spells.


Tempest: Offers nice protection from Locusts and deals fairly good damage

to Abaddon.

Dual Crush:

1000 Blades can do quite a bit of damage so long as you do it right after

a Locust swarm has passed.

Grand Cruz is another nice option but can be done any time for great



Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you win exit right twice. The room on the right is a Warp Room. Exit

bottom left.

Nest of Evil Level 6.

Here you'll fight a Vapula and an Amducias. Exit left. Here you'll fight

two Amalaric Snipers and a Heavy Armor. Exit left. Here you'll fight nine

Old Axe Armors. Exit left. Head down and grab the Tome of arms p2. Exit

bottom right. Here you'll fight a Wyvern and two Cave Trolls. Exit right.

Here you'll fight two Malphas. Exit right. Here you'll fight Fake Trevor,

Fake Grant, and Fake Sypha.


Boss Battle:Zombie Trio----------------------------------------------(TRIO)


Fake Trevor

Hp: 3800 Exp: 3000 Sp: 60

Weak: Piercing

Strong: Whip, Holy

Note: Becomes much more agressive and skilled as he becomes more damaged.


Strike: Simply put he pulls his arm back and then strikes with his whip.

You can dodge this by jump or by ducking. When he gets serious he can duck

and attack.

Bloody Cross: He will throw a cross of bones and blood forward. You can

dodge this by ducking or by jumping over it.

Dark Water: He tosses a bottle of Dark Water to the ground which acts just

like Holy Water but only it's dark. You can dodge this by jumping over it

or moving away.

1000 Blades: Trevor will get a huge glowing column of energy surrounding

him before he starts to throw blade after blade. You can dodge this by

jumping over him or flying up.

Fake Grant

Hp: 3800 Exp: 3000 Sp: 60

Weak: Piercing

Strong: N/A

Note: Spends most of his time on the ceiling and is relatively harmless.

Note: Hit him enough and he will fall down.


Knife Throw: He throws a knife directly below him. You can dodge this by

not being under him. Yes he will do this attack even when you won't get


Knife Throw 2: Grant pulls out a knife and then drops to the ground. He

then throws it forward. He sometimes will throw a second knife. You can

dodge this by jumping over it.

Fake Sypha

Hp: 3200 Exp: 3000 Sp: 60

Weak: Piercing

Stong: Fire, Ice, Lightning

Note: Hitting her a couple times will cause her to be stunned this will

interupt her spells.

Note: As she gets more damaged she will change spells down the line.

Note: She will perform her spells wherever she is regardless of whether

or not she'll hit you with them.


Stone Breath: She will put her hands together and a grey puff will appear.

Then she will spray grey smoke down from her. This will cause stone. You

can dodge this by making sure your nowhere below her.

Flame Breath: She will put her arms to her sides and then she will do a

little spurt of fire, before breathing flames out of her mouth straight

forward. You can avoid this by not jumping up into it.

Balls of Light: She will put her arms to her side and then a purple puff

will appear before she launches three purple balls at you. You can dodge

this move by going behind her or by jumping forward between them.

Ressurection: She will make a small red aura of energy appear and revive

an incompetent version of Trevor if you killed him. You can destroy

him in a few hits or stop her from casting it by attacking her a few

times to stun her.



Wrecking Ball can really do a number to Sypha.

Axe is good for getting Grant off the ceiling and dealing damage.

Boomerang with a short hop you can hit all three of them at once.

Shuriken can deal great damage to one of them at a time.

As for weapons use whatever you want this battles easy.


Tempest can deal lots of damage and can even hit all three at once!

Rock Riot is a good choice for dealing damage to any of them.

Gale Force is pretty much guaranteed to hit two of them for decent damage

so is a worthwhile choice.

Explosion and Chain Lightning can do a number as the hits recoil between


Dual Crushes:

Dark Gate and Grand Cruz can get some good damage on everyone.

1000 Blades can deal insane damage to Trevor.


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you win exit right. The top right room is a Warp Room. The bottom

right room is a Save Room. Return to Wind now. You should have the Lost

Page quest done. Tome of Arms X is your reward. It might have a bit of an

attack drop from Tome of Arms 3 but you'll notice it has Holy Element.

Which means it gets added damage to quite a bit of enemies in the game.

This should be the last quest. You should have no more quest left. Now for

your real reward. Exit left. Grab the Magus Ring from the center of the

room. Your pretty much never going to run out of Mp with this. Now return

to the Nest of Evil and go to the bottom Warp Room. Exit left. Exit bottom


Nest of Evil Level 7.

Here you'll fight the Doppelganger.


Boss Battle Doppelganger---------------------------------------------(DOPP)



Hp: 2000 Exp: 2000 Sp: 99

Weak: Piercing

Strong: N/A

Note: Can become Charlotte or Johnathon at random this is decided upon

entering the room. He will stay in that form for the fight.

Note 2: Will have the exact same weapon and sub weapon/spell that the

character copied had upon entering the room.


Strike: Will attack with whatever weapon he ended up with. If the range is

too short like a fist or the Encyclopedia. Then they won't move forward

enough to hit you.

Sub Weapon/Spell: Will use whichever you had equipped at the battles



For this poorly coded Boss I think anyone and everyone can take him down

without needing my input. Have fun. Remember you decide how dangerous he

can be. Might put my own stuff here during the next update. Maybe ^_^


Boss Battle Complete------------------------------------------------------


After you win exit left. Grab the Greatest Five Dual Crush.

My Map Percentage was 100% for Nest of Evil. Also my total was 1000%.




Quests are given to you by Wind. You are given more quests depending on

the Boss you killed and also depending on the quests you complete. For

example Build your Strength 1 unlocks Build your Strength 2. If you end

up selling a one time find only quest item. You can get another either by

New Game plus, Online shops or by restarting your game. Here is a list of

one time only quest items. Those that relate to the same quest will be on

the same line.

Nun's Habit, Nun's Robes, Nun's Shoes

Thick Glasses

Moldy Bread, Long Sword

And now onto the quests themselves. After you complete any quest you must

return to Wind for the reward.

1. (Preparations)

Description: The preist should have some useful things for you in the next

room. Get the potion and map.

Completion: Buy Castle Map 1 and a Potion (if you used up all of yours).

Reward: Lizard Tail Relic.

2. (Supersonic Punch)

Description: Go to the butcher in town and mince some meat to get "Ground


Completion: Go to the Butchery in the City of Haze. Which is top left most

room on the map. Then punch the hanging sacks of meat. Ground Meat should

drop. If you don't immediately grab the Ground Meat that drops you can get


Reward: Bullet Punch.

3. (Ghost of the Desert)

Description: There is a room in which many ghosts gather. Defeat the Great

Ghost that appears there.

Completion: From the top warp room in the Sandy Grave level. Go down and

right until your in a 3x2 square room. Defeat all the ghosts that appear

to cause Great Ghost to appear. Kill it.

Reward: Bible Subweapon.

4. (Defender of the Stairs)

Description: Go defeat 10 Hill Guards.

Completion: Kill 10 Hill Guards. The nearest room with Hill Guards is one

room right and one room up of Vincent's Store. It only has one so you

might prefer going to the 2 huge 5x4 stairway rooms that are a bit to the


Reward: Whip Skill 2 Relic.

5. (The Spinning Art)

Description: Jonathon, let's see you enter this command: > V < >+(Y)

Completion: Use Jonathon and slide your finger "quickly" from forward to

down to back and to forward. Hold in forward as you press Y. Just to

emphasize. Your finger should never leave the d-pad and the movement

should be in one solid motion.

Reward: Spinning Art Relic.

6. (Art of the Zephyr)

Description: Jonathon, perform the "Spinning Art" in front of me three

times in a row.

Completion: Do the Spinning Art move three times in the same room as Wind

without messing up. Remember to slide your finger quickly. Slide from

forward to down to back to forward. Hold in forward as you press Y.

Reward: Rocket Slash Subweapon.

7. (Find the King of Birds)

Description: Find the rare Dodo and defeat it.

Completion: Go to the room just left of where you fought the Poison Worm

in the Forgotten City. The Dodo will randomly be here. If it's not there

exit the room and reenter. When you see it quickly kill it as it runs away

very fast. Some recommended ways to kill it are Shuriken, Half Cast Time

Stop, or even spells like Chain Lightning.

Reward: Thief Ring.

8. (Overcome the Curse)

Description: Go, and come back when you've been cursed.

Completion: Go one room to the right and three rooms up from Vincent's

Shop. In this room should be a Lilith. Let her heart attack hit you. You

will be cursed. Simply run back to Wind now. You can also do this quest

by equipping a Skull Ring which is dropped from Enemy #118 Lesser Demon.

Reward: Blessed Ring.

9. (The Statue's Tear)

Description: Find the "Statue's Tear" buried under the rubble and bring it


Completion: You must be studying the quest. Then go to the bottom left

room of the Nation of Fools. In the bottom left corner you'll see a Statue

like the Save ones. Press up next to it to get the Statue's Tear.

Reward: Holy Water Subweapon.

10. (The Martial Art)

Description: Jonathon, let's see you enter this command: ^ < V >+(Y)

Completion: Use Jonathon and slide your finger quickly from up to back to

down to forward. Hold in forward as you press Y. Remember this should be

a very quick and fluid movement that never takes your finger off of the


Reward: Martial Art Relic.

11. (Holy Appearance)

Description: Charlotte, I'll teach you a healing spell. Come back wearing

three nun items.

Completion: Equip the Nun's Habit, Nun' Robes and Nun's Shoes. They are

found as follows.

Nun's Habit: Dracula's Castle. From the Sandy Grave Portrait. Exit left

and then top left. Nun's Habit is then located in the bottom left corner

of this room.

Nun's Robe: Dracula's Castle. One room to the right of the Nation of Fools

portrait. Break the ceiling right next to the doorway and enter the room

to find the Nun's Robe.

Nun's Shoes: City of Haze. From the right most Warp Room. Exit left, exit

down and exit left. Break the left part of the ceiling. Enter the opening

to get the Nun's Shoes.

Reward: Heal Spell.

12. (Number of Fortune)

Description: I'll teach you a lucky spell. Come back when the last 3

digits of your money are 777.

Completion: Make the last three digits of your gold 777. You can do this

either by selling or getting gold from candles. The gold amounts are

1=Blue, 10=Brown, 50=Silver, 100=Yellow.

Reward: LUCK Boost Spell.

13. (Mental Training 1)

Description: Go reduce your MP, then come back.

Completion: Use up pretty much every bit of your MP and then talk to Wind.

Reward: Maximum MP Increases by 10.

14. (Mental Training 2)

Description: Go find the "Thick Glasses". That should make you look a

little smarter.

Completion: Find the Thick Glasses which are found in the City of Haze.

From the right most Warp Room. Exit left. Exit up. Exit left three times.

Exit top left. Here you will find the Thick Glasses.

15. (The Spear of Legend)

Description: Become a master of the "Javelin". I will then bequeth you my


Completion: Master the Javelin Subweapon. The easiest way to do this is

have 2 Master's Rings equipped on Jonathon and go to the two Minotaur

room in the Dark Academy. It's one rooms below the 2nd Warp Room. Hit them

with the Javelin once and then either use the Unlocked Vampire Killers

Critical Art or attack repeatedly with the Flame Whip. When you run out of

MP simply go right a few rooms to the Save Room.

Reward: Alucard's Spear.

16. (Mental Training 3)

Description: Go raise your INT to at least 100, then come back.

Completion: Talk to Wind when you have 100 or more INT. Here is a list of

the best stuff for Charlotte.

Dalmatica=10 Int found in store or dropped from Aliorumnas

Holy veil=10 Int found in Nation of fools. 4 rooms to the right of the top

warp. Needs Toad/Owl Morph to get.

Succubus Boots=4 Int dropped by Succubus.

Skull Ring=6 Int dropped by Lesser Demon or Paludamentum=5 Int from store.

INT Boost=30 Int.

This will give you at most a 66 Int boost. It is impossible to do this

quest on level cap 1 and 25 from fresh start before defeating the Final


Reward: Max MP increases by 10.

17. (Nest of Evil)

Description: When 888% of the map is filled, the path to the "Nest of Evil"

will open at the castle gates.

Completion: Uncover 888% of the map. The entrance is at the bottom of the

room that is one to the right of the left most room in Dracula's Castle.

Reward: Access to the Nest of Evil Portrait.

18. (Defeat the Ghoul King)

Description: Go and defeat the "Ghoul King."

Completion: In 13th Street go to any room that has respawning Ghouls and

either kill them or wait them out until a noticably different one rises up

out of the ground. This is the Ghoul King. Quickly kill it as it will go

away after a period of time.

Reward: Immunity Ring.

19. (Abandon Greed)

Description: You lack desperation. Come back when you have no money.

Completion: Get rid of all your gold so that you have 0. So basically buy

up everything you can until you can't buy anything else. You probably will

have a bit over 0 so go get some gold from candles until you can just

barely afford the cheapest item in the shop. I'll post the gold values for

your convenience. 1=Blue, 10=Brown, 50=Silver, 100=Yellow.

Reward: Miser Ring.

20. (A Rank Hunter)

Description: Defeat a total of 1500 enemies. As a reward, I'll give you a

new weapon.

Completion: Kill a total of 1500 or more enemies. Simple as that.

Reward: Royal Sword.

21. (Mental Training 4)

Description: Go raise your MND to at least 100, then come back.

Completion: Control Charlotte and equip Stonewall on Jonathon. It's found

in Forest of Doom. From the right most Warp Room exit left 6 times. Hold R

so that Jonathon is using the Subweapon and then talk to Wind.

Reward: Maximum MP increases by 10.

22. (S Rank Hunter)

Description: Defeat a total of 3000 enemies.

Completion: Kill a total of 3000 or more enemies. Simple as that.

Reward: Undead Killer.

23. (The Gambler)

Description: Collect five cards.

Completion: You must have all five types of cards. They are found as shown.

Joker: Drops from Enemy #39 Killer Clown. Found in Nation of Fools.

Diamond: Drops from Enemy #40 Coppelia. Found in Nation of Fools.

Club: Drops from Enemy #70 Treant. Found in Forest of Doom.

Heart: Drops from Enemy #107 Nyx. Found in 13th Street/Nest of Evil part 5.

Spade: Drops from Enemy #111 Yorick. Found in Forgotten City/Nest of Evil

part 3 and 5/Burn Paradise.

24. (Hands of the Clock)

Description: Come to me when the short hand of the great clock points 12.

Completion: Turn off your DS and manually change the time to either 12:00

or 00:00. Then talk to Wind. Don't forget to change your DS clock back to

normal time.

Reward: Time Stop Spell.

25. (Poison vs. Poison)

Description: If you want a poison sword, bring me "Moldy Bread", "Amanita"

and a "Long Sword."

Completion: Have all three items Wind wants. They are found as follows.

Moldy Bread: Forest of Doom. From the Portrait exit right 5 times. Exit

top left. Exit left. Exit middle right. You'll find it here.

Amanita: Drops from Enemy #68 Moldy Corpse. Best place to hunt him is one

room left of the last Save Room in the Forest of Doom.

Long Sword: City of Haze. From the third Warp Room. Two rooms up and two

to the right. It is found in the top right corner.

Reward: Asassin Blade.

26. (Build Your Strength 1)

Description: You should be able to find a "Beehive" somewhere. It should

help you build your strength.

Completion: Get the Beehive which drops from Enemy #67 Bee Hive. Found in

multiple locations in the Forest of Doom.

Reward: Maxmum HP increased by 15.

27. (Build Your Strength 2)

Description: You can't fight on an empty stomach. Go find the "New York

Steak" and bring it here.

Completion: Get the New York Steak. It can be found in the Dark Academy

one room to the right of the final Save Room. It is hidden in a breakable

ledge about halfway up. It can also be dropped by Enemy #93 Gorgon which

can be found in the Forgotten City and Burnt Paradise.

Reward: Maximum HP increased by 15.

28. (The Lonely Stage)

Description: There's a ghost that hopes to hear a performance in a

classroom in the underworld. Grant his wish.

Completion: You must be studying the quest. In the room to the right of

the second Warp Room in the Dark Academy. Just wait there a few seconds

and a Ghost should appear. I usually wait at the music stand.

Reward: Record Player.

29. (Build Your Strength 3)

Description: You can't fight on an empty stomach. Go and find five

different kinds of cakes.

Completion: Have five types of cake. In the City of Haze is a Bakery. It

is found one room right of the first save room. Break the floor and exit

down. Break the bottom right wall and exit right. You will see a cash

register and several cakes. Hit the cash register to open it. Hit the

chandelier above it to cause a gold coin to drop into it. Must have full

MP to get gold from chandeliers. Depending on the value of gold that

dropped into the register a different cake will come up. If you have none

of a cake that appears here another will appear. So you are guaranteed at

minimum to be able to get 4 different types of cakes. Any baked good works

for the quest. Finding another type somewhere is easy like the 13th Street

version of the Bakery that has a number of cake types in it.

Reward: Maximum HP increased by 15.

30. (Pray Before the Cross)

Description: Pray before the cross in the church under the cover of


Completion: You must be studying the quest. The room with the Cross is

found 5 squares left of the middle Warp Room of 13th Street. Press Up by

the Cross.

Reward: Cross Subweapon.

31. (Build Your Strength 4)

Description: You must always be able to fight to your full potential. Go

raise your CON to at least 100.

Completion: Control Charlotte and equip Stonewall on Jonathon. It's found

in Forest of Doom. From the right most Warp Room exit left 6 times. Hold R

so that Jonathon is using the Subweapon and then talk to Wind.

Reward: Maximum HP increased by 15.

32. (Lost Page)

Description: Bring me "Tome of Arms p1" and "Tome of Arms p2". They're

missing from my Tome of Arms.

Completion: Find both of the items. They are found in Nest of Evil level

3 and 6 respectively.

Reward: Tome of Arms X.

33. (The Hundred Tasks)

Description: Defeat 100 different kinds of enemies.

Completion: You must defeat 100 or more different types of enemies. If you

don't have 100 types work on finding and killing monsters you've missed.

Reward: Sage Ring.

34. (Master the Holy Power)

Description: Master these three moves of holy power: "Cross", "Holy Water"

and Bible.

Completion: Master the Cross, Holy Water and Bible Subweapons. The easiest

way to do this is have 2 Master's Rings equipped on Jonathon and go to the

two Minotaur room in the Dark Academy. It's one rooms below the 2nd Warp

Room. Hit them with the Javelin once and then either use the Unlocked

Vampire Killers Critical Art or attack repeatedly with the Flame Whip.

When you run out of MP simply go right a few rooms to the Save Room.

Reward: Grand Cruz Dual Crush.

35. (Almighty)

Description: Jonathon, the time has come for you to learn all of the

vampire hunter's skills.

Completion: Have all of Jonathon's Subweapons. They don't need to be

mastered. Refer to the Subweapons section of this walkthrough for finding


Reward: Stellar Sword.

36. (The Great Sage)

Description: Charlotte, the time has come for you to learn all of the

great sage's spells.

Completion: Have all of Charlotte's Spells. Refer to the Magic Spells

section of this walkthrough for finding them.

Reward: Sorceress Crest.

37. (Kill Gergoth)

Description: Charlotte, use the Blank Book to put Gergoth out of his


Completion: You must be studying this quest. The final blow that kills

Gergoth must be made by Charlotte's physical attack while she has the

Blank Book equipped. You can buy the book from Vincent. Up until before

the final blow you can do what you want to hurt Gergoth.

Reward: Cocytus Spell.


Skills: Subweapons---------------------------------------------------(SUBW)


Subweapons grow stronger and stronger as you gain Sp. When you gain the

max Sp for any given Subweapon it will be Mastered. A Mastered Subweapon

can change in appearance, effect and in the number that can be on the

screen at once.

001 (Knife) Mp cost: 20 Sp to Master: 300

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Throws two knives forward. You can fire quite a few of these at the

same time. Best way to do this is backdashing repeatedly as you fire them

as fast as you can.

Mastered: Now throws three knives.

Found: Dracula's Castle. One room before the second Save Room.

Description: A throwing knife used by hunters.

002 (Axe) Mp cost: 22 Sp to Master: 1000

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: You throw an axe up and forward slightly where turns until it comes

back down. You can have two on the screen at once.

Mastery: The axe becomes bigger and you can have 3 at once.

Found: Drops from Enemy #004 Axe Armor.

Description: A throwing axe that is especially effective against targets


003 (Cross) Mp cost: 30 Sp to Master: 2000

Attribute: Holy

Effect: Throw a cross that come back to you. You can have two on the

screen at once.

Mastery: Crosses are now bigger.

Found: Complete the "Pray Before the Cross" quest.

Description: A holy cross that dispels evil.

004 (Holy Water) Mp cost: 24 Sp to Master: 2000

Attribute: Fire, Holy

Effect: Throw a Vial at the ground that will burst into flames. You can

have two on the screen at once.

Mastery: Flames now travel across the ground forward.

Found: Complete the "The Statue's Tear" quest.

Description: Blessed water that wards off evil.

005 (Bible) Mp cost: 22 Sp to Master: 2000

Attribute: Holy

Effect: Throw a book that moves in circles. The circles get bigger and

bigger with each pass until the book vanishes.

Mastery: Book is bigger and now you can throw two.

Found: Complete the "Ghosts of the Desert" quest.

Description: A book containing words that exorcise evil.

006 (Javelin) Mp cost: 25 Sp to Master: 1500

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Throw a Javelin forward that slowly arcs down until it hits a wall

or the ground. Can pass through enemies and hit again depending on how

long an enemy stays in contact with it. You can have two on the screen at

the same time.

Mastery: Changes in design of javelin and can now have three.

Found: Drops from Enemy #030 Armor Knight.

Description: A throwing spear that sticks into the ground.

007 (Ricochet Rock) Mp cost: 22 Sp to Master: 1000

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Throw a stone down and a bit to the right. It will bounce off the

floors and walls until it vanishes. Hurting any enemy they travel through.

You can have up to two on screen at the same time.

Mastery: Now throws a second stone with the first that goes a bit up and

to the right bouncing off of walls and so on. The distance they last is

also a bit more and you can throw three sets at once.

Found: Drops from Enemy #026 Lerajie.

Description: A weapon that bounces back after hitting walls.

008 (Boomerang) Mp cost: 28 Sp to Master: 1500

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Throw a small boomerang forward that will arc up and back before

going off screen behind you. You can have two on screen at once.

Mastery: Boomerangs are bigger and are a different color. You can now have

about six on screen at once.

Found: Drops from Enemy #058 Skelerang.

Description: A throwing weapon that returns to the thrower in an arc.

009 (Bwaka Knife) Mp cost: 22 Sp to Master: 1000

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Throw a spinning knife forward that can go through almost anything

and hit multiple times as they do so. You can have two on screen at the

same time.

Mastery: Can now throw up to four and are much bigger.

Found: Sandy Grave. Far right room just before the second outside part of

the level. You need to use a shoulder double jump to reach.

Description: A throwing knife used by the Bwaka people.

010 (Shuriken) Mp cost: 20 Sp to Master: 300

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Throws two small Shurikens down and forward.

Mastery: Now throws four large Shurikens.

Found: Buy from Vincent for 1000 gold.

Description: A throwing blade used by ninjas.

011 (Yagyu Shuriken) Mp cost: 24 Sp to Master: 1000

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Throw a Shuriken straight forward that passes through enemies. Can

have two on screen at once.

Mastery: Doubles in size. You can have as many on screen as fast as you

can throw them.

Found: Buy from Vincent for 3000 gold.

Description: A refined throwing blade used by the deadliest ninjas.

012 (Discus) Mp cost: 32 Sp to Master: 1500

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Throws a spinning saw blade up and forward a bit that immediately

goes to the ground and then spins off behind you. You can have up to two

on screen.

Mastery: A second saw blade comes out this time going behind you and then

spinning off in front of you.

Found: Buy from Vincent for 8000 gold.

Description: A round disc with razor edges.

013 (Kunimitsu) Mp cost: 24 Sp to Master: 1000

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Two swords appear side by side and move back a bit before firing

off screen.

Mastery: Now four swords appear. Two sets can be on screen now.

Found: Buy from Vincent for 5000

Description: A short sword with a beautifully-craftedblade.

014 (Kunai) Mp cost: 20 Sp to Master: 500

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Fire three throwing daggers in different directions. Mostly up,

forward and up forward to be specific.

Mastery: Now fires five throwing daggers. New directions are mostly down

and down forward.

Found: Buy from Vincent for 2000.

Description: A ninja's knife; it is also a deadly throwing weapon.

015 (Paper Airplane) Mp cost: 3 Sp to Master: 100

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Throw a paper airplane forward that will do a loop as it glides

forward and slowly gets closer to the ground as it does so. Can have three

on screen at once.

Mastery: Little figurines appear on the paper airplane. Randomly blue, red

or both at the same time. You can now have as many on screen as you can


Found: City of Haze. From one room to the right of the first Save Room.

Exit down through the breakable floor. Exit right through the breakable

wall. In this room.

Description: Not terribly intimidating, but just might put someone's eye


016 (Cream Pie) Mp cost: 3 Sp to Master: 100

Attribute: Blunt, Dark

Effect: Throws a pie forward that arcs down. It explodes if it hits an

enemy. You can have two on screen at once.

Mastery: Now you can have four on screen.

Found: City of Haze. From one room to the right of the first Save Room.

Exit down through the breakable floor. Exit left. In this room.

Description: A throwing weapon aimed at an enemy's face for psychological


017 (Crossbow) Mp cost: 24 Sp to Master: 500

Attribute: Fire

Effect: You pull out a crossbow and fire a bolt forward, that explodes on


Mastery: Explosion is bigger and has a burst wave effect.

Found: Drops from Enemy #049 Crossbow Armor.

Description: A ranged weapon that fires bolts.

018 (Dart) Mp cost: 3 Sp to Master: 200

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Throws a single dart forward. If you hit near the center of the

enemy a bulls-eye will appear. If you look closely you will see a number

behind the obvious damage number. This is the hidden damage the dart has

caused. You can have as many on screen as you can unleash rapidly. Also

has a color trail that changes randomly.

Mastery: Bulls-eye radius is MUCH bigger. Is not a guaranteed bulls-eye

everywhere, but is much easier to get one now.

Found: Buy from Vincent for 1000 gold.

Description: Does extra damage if it hits the center of the target.

019 (Grenade) Mp cost: 28 Sp to Master 1500

Attribute: Fire

Effect: Throws a small, green hand grenade down and forward a bit. It blows

up in about 1 second. It has a slight bit of bounce to it. So if your

higher off the ground it will bounce higher. You can have two on screen at

the same time.

Mastery: Grenade changes and now has a handle and causes a bigger

explosion. You can now have four on screen at once.

Found: Nation of Fools. Bottom left room. Inside one of the buildings in

the top left part of the room.

Description: Explodes 1 second after the pin is pulled, Fire attribute.

020 (Steel Ball) Mp cost: 30 Sp to Master 1000

Attribute: Blunt

Effect: Drop a big black steel ball down that will hit the ground and pass

through it. You can have two on the screen at once.

Mastery: Ball is now spiked. You can have four on the screen at once.

Found: Sandy Grave. Two rooms up above the first Save Room. Behind a tower

of Bone Pillar enemies.

Description: A very heavy steel ball.

021 (Stonewall) Mp cost 24: Sp to Master: N/A

Attribute: N/A

Effect: Boosts CON and MND by 80. You must hold down the Subweapon command

for continued use. Johnathon will not be able to move at all.

Mastery: N/A

Found: Forest of Doom. Right entrance of the last building. Next to a bell.

Description: A defensive, stationary stance passed down in the Morrise


022 (Offensive Form) Mp cost: 25 Sp to Master: N/A

Attribute: Blunt

Effect: Johnathon gets an aura around him that boosts STR by 8.

Mastery: N/A

Found: Castle Dracula. From the Behemoth Boss room exit right. Just head

down and left room after room until you reach it. It's the bottom left

room of this section of the castle.

Description: A stance that emphasizes offense.

023 (Defensive Form) Mp cost: 25 Sp to Master: N/A

Attribute: Blunt

Effect: Johnathon gets an aura around him that boosts CON by 8.

Mastery: N/A

Found: Drops from Enemy #083 Final Guard.

Description: A stance that emphasizes defense.

024 (Taunt) Mp cost: 10 Sp to Master: N/A

Attribute: Blunt

Effect: Johnathon get's a red flash behind him and yells out a taunt. This

will cause all monsters to orient on him. Good if you want to keep

monsters away from Charlotte.

Mastery: N/A

Found:Dracula's Castle. One room above the Water lift room that's next to

the Forest of Doom Portrait.

Description: Draws enemy attention to you.

025 (Wrecking Ball) Mp cost: 25 Sp to Master: 1000

Attribute: Blunt

Effect: Johnathon swings a heavy ball and chain around him.

Mastery: Chain gets longer

Found: Drops from Enemy #081 Heavy Armor.

Description: Swing a steel ball with devastating destructive power.

026 (Rampage) Mp cost: 20 Sp to Master: N/A

Attribute: Blunt

Effect: Does a showy four hit combo.

Mastery: N/A

Found: Buy from Vincent for 3000 gold.

Description: Flying fists of fury.

027 (Knee Strike) Mp cost: 20 Sp to Master: N/A

Attribute: Blunt

Effect: You rush forward knee first for a distance. If you hit an enemy

with it you will bounce back a bit.

Mastery: N/A

Found: Castle Dracula: From the room to the right of Vincent's shop. Exit

up. Exit right twice. Exit bottom right. Exit right.

Description: A jumping knee strike inspired by legendary martial artists.

028 (Aura Blast) Mp cost: 40 Sp to Master: 1500

Attribute: Holy

Effect: Large fire trails quickly travel out from you along the ground in

both directions. Will stop spreading in a direction if it runs across a

big change in height. The distance is about half a screen length in both


Mastery: Distance is now about 5/6ths of a screen length.

Found:Castle Dracula. In the Elevator Room. Which is the really tall room

in the upper right hand corner of the map. You need the Owl Morph or the

Griffon Wing Relic to reach it.

Description: A technique that converts mental energy into a shockwave.

029 (Rocket Slash) Mp cost: 40 Sp to Master: 1500

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: You rush forward just under half a screen length, dealing damage

to anything that got in your way. You can go through enemies using this


Mastery: No noticable difference.

Found: Complete the "Art of the Zephyr" quest.

Description: Dash at the enemy and perform a lightning-quick slash.


Skills: Magic Spells-------------------------------------------------(SPEL)


Charlotte's spells have charge bars. Casting immediately after the first

bar is filled will half cast her spell. In order to do a full cast you

must hold in the attack button so that a second bar will fill up. The

second bar will fill up very fast. Usually quicker than the first bar.

Fully cast spells will almost always have a greater effect than half cast

spells. I will note these with each spell. Also most spells that last

awhile can be dismissed by attempting to cast another spell or taking

Charlotte off the screen. You can't full cast a spell while controlling

Johnathon. Spell damage is based on INT.

030 (Toad Morph) Mp Cost: 10

Attribute: Blunt

Effect: Morphs active player into a Frog. Allowing entrance to tight areas.

Also can attack with tongue.

Full Cast: Attacking does more damage.

Found: Forest of Doom. One room to the right of the Boss Room.

Description: A shapeshifting spell that turns the caster into a frog.

031 (Owl Morph) Mp Cost: 10

Attribute: Blunt

Effect: Morphs active player into a Frog. Allowing entrance to tight areas.

Also enables user to fly.

Full Cast: No noticable difference.

Found: Dark Academy. One room left of the first Save Room.

Description: A shapeshifting spell that turns the caster into an owl.

032 (Sanctuary) Mp Cost: 80

Attribute: Holy

Effect: Cures things, just under one screen length away. Also can kill

enemies with Red in their name.

Full Cast: Range is boosted to beyond one screen length away.

Found: Sandy Grave. One room above the bottom right most room. You need

Toad Morph to fit through the tight area to reach it.

Description: An advanced spell that cures status abnormalities for all

within range.

033 (Speed Up) Mp Cost: 20

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Move at double the normal speed. Also causes slight damage when

the movement aura touches things.

Full Cast: Movement is now triple.

Found: One room left of the Throne Stairs. Break the ceiling and then Exit

up. You'll find it here.

034 (Berserker) Mp Cost: 20

AttributeL N/A

Effect: Boosts STR by 50. You can only attack and you do that nonstop.

Full Cast: STR boost is now 100.

Found: Drops from Enemy #090 Armored Fleaman.

Description: Increases strength, but you're limited to attacking only.

035 (Eye for an Eye) Mp Cost: 15

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Do damage to enemy when it damages you.

Full Cast: You now deal twice the amount of damage dealt to you.

Found: Forgotten City. The top left most room.

Description: A spell of vengeance that shares the damage received with


036 (Clear Skies) Mp Cost: 15

Attribute: N/A

Effect: Creates a small shielded area centered just above casters head.

This will stop all projectiles.

Full Cast: Shield doubles in height and width.

Found: Sandy Grave. Seven squares up from the bottom teleporter.

Description: A defensive spell that neutralizes ranged attacks.

037 (Time Stop) Mp Cost: 50

Attribute: N/A

Effect: Stops time for 5 seconds. Most Sub Weapons that can go through

enemies are completely stopped by this. Like the Bwaka Knife. Some Sub

Weapons that pass through enemies are only slowed down like the Axe. Only

those sub weapons that hit multiple times will hit for multiple times.

Full Cast: The duration is now 10 seconds.

Found: Complete the "Hands of the Clock" quest.

Description: A high-level spell that stops time.

038 (Heal) Mp Cost: 200

Attribute: N/A

Effect: Heals 50 Hp.

Full Cast: Now heals 100 Hp.

Found: Complete the "Holy Appearance" quest.

Description: Healing magic. Restores HP.

039 (Cure Poison) Mp Cost: 10

Attribute: N/A

Effect: Cures Poison for both characters.

Full Cast: No noticable change.

Found: Burnt Paradise. One room down from the top Warp Room and then two

rooms left.

040 (Cure Curse) Mp Cost: 10

Attribute: N/A

Effect: Curse curse for both characters.

Full Cast: No noticable change.

Found: Drops from Enemy #031 Ectoplasm.

Description: A spell that dispels curses.

041 (STR Boost) Mp Cost: 10

Attribute: N/A

Effect: STR is boosted by 15 for onscreen characters.

Full Cast: STR is now boosted by 30.

Found: Dracula's Castle. The right huge 5x4 square room. Top left corner.

Description: Boost STR temporarily.

042 (CON Boost) Mp Cost: 10

Attribute: N/A

Effect: CON is boosted by 15 for onscreen characters.

Full Cast: CON is now boosted by 30.

Found: City of Haze. Two rooms above the third Warp Room and then two

rooms left.

Description: Boost CON temporarily.

043 (INT Boost) Mp Cost: 10

Attribute: N/A

Effect: INT is boosted by 15 for onscreen characters.

Full Cast: INT is now boosted by 30.

Found: Dracula's Castle. Four rooms left of the top right Save Room.

Description: Boost INT temporarily.

044 (MIND Boost) Mp Cost: 10

Attribute: N/A

Effect: MND is boosted by 15 for onscreen characters.

Full Cast: MND is now boosted by 30.

Found: Dracula's Castle. Two rooms left of the bottom right Save Room.

Description: Boost MIND temporarily.

045 (LUCK Boost) Mp Cost: 10

Attribute: N/A

Effect: LCK is boosted by 30 for onscreen characters.

Full Cast: LCK is now boosted by 60.

Found: Complete the "Number of Fortune" quest.

Description: Boost LUCK temporarily.

046 (ALL Boost) Mp Cost: 30

AttributeL N/A

Effect: STR, CON, INT, MND, and LCK are boosted by 7 for onscreen


Full Cast: The boost is now 15.

Found: Dracula's Castle. One room to the right of the left most room. You

need flying.

Description: Boost all status attributes temporarily.

047 (Gale Force) Mp Cost: 20

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Fires one Wind projectile which will curve up and and back.

Full Cast: Now fires two projectiles and deals more damage.

Found: City of Haze. One room above third Warp Room.

Description: Tear through enemies with raging winds.

048 (Rock Riot) Mp Cost: 20

Attribute: Blunt

Effect: Drops four small rocks in front of Charlotte.

Full Cast: Now drops nine large rocks that deal more damage.

Found: Buy from Vincent for 1000 gold.

Description: Dump rocks onto your enemy.

049 (Raging Fire) Mp Cost: 20

Attribute: Fire

Effect: Sprays fire in front of Charlotte.

Full Cast: Fire is sprayed farther and deals more damage.

Found: Dracula's Castle. One room to the right of Vincent's Shop.

050 (Ice Fang) Mp Cost: 20

Attribute: Ice

Effect: Four pairs of Ice Needles crush enemies in front of you.

Full Cast: Now Eight pairs appear and deal more damage.

Found: Dracula's Castle. From the bottom Warp Room. Go right six rooms, up

one room and left one room.

Description: Summon a sharp, fang-like pillar of ice.

051 (Thunderbolt) Mp Cost: 20

Attribute: Lightning

Effect: A small Lightning Bolt strikes the nearest enemy.

Full Cast: Large Lightning Bolts strike enemies in succession. Can hit the

same enemy more than once.

Found: Dracula's Castle. Four rooms below the top right Warp Room.

Description: Call thunderbolts down from the sky.

052 (Spirit of Light) Mp Cost: 20

Attribute: Holy

Effect: A ball of light comes out and homes in an the nearest enemy.

Full Cast: Now has two balls that cross each other and deals more damage.

Found: Buy from Vincent for 3000 gold.

Description: Strike enemies with concentrated light.

053 (Dark Rift) Mp Cost: 20

Attribute: Dark

Effect: Create a miniature black hole that constantly sucks things in and

causes damage. Will suck up any and all enemy projectiles on screen.

Making them harmless instantly, even if they are far from the hole.

Full Cast: Black Hole is bigger, deals more damage and lasts longer.

Found: Buy from Vincent for 2000 gold.

054 (Tempest) Mp Cost: 30

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Create a small rising column of air that hits multiple times.

Full Cast: The column is bigger and deals more damage.

Found: One room above the middle right most Warp Room. (Near where you

fight Stella)

Description: Summon a storm of violent winds.

055 (Stone Circle) Mp Cost: 30

Attribute: Blunt

Effect: Four rocks circle around you. Damages enemy on contact.

Full Cast: Now eight rocks circle around you and deal more damage.

Found: Drops from Enemy #066 Dogether.

Description: Grants the protection of spirits of stone.

056 (Ice Needle) Mp Cost: 30

Attribute: Ice

Effect: Four small needles of ice rotate in front of you before firing off

in rapid succession.

Full Cast: Now creates either large needles of ice and deals more damage.

Found: Buy from Vincent for 3000 gold.

Description: Launch cutting shards of ice.

057 (Explosion) Mp Cost: 30

Attribute: Fire.

Effect: Creates a small explosion of fire around the nearest enemy.

Full Cast: The explosion is now bigger, does more damage and will now go

from enemy to enemy. Can hit the same enemy more than once.

Found: Buy from Vincent for 10000 gold.

Description: Cause an explosion near the enemy.

058 (Chain Lightning) Mp Cost: 30

Attribute: Lightning

Effect: Shoots a lightning bolt that can hit two enemies back to back.

Full Cast: Now deals more damage and can travel through several enemies.

Can hit the same enemy more than once.

Found: Buy from Vincent for 10000 gold.

Description: Create a chain reaction of lightning bolts.

059 (Piercing Beam) Mp Cost: 30

Attribute: Holy

Effect: Fire a beam of light in front of you. Can hit twice if the enemy

stays in the beam.

Full Cast: Beam is now bigger and deals more damage.

Found: Dracula's Castle. From the Warp Room that's near the 5 portrait

room. Exit left. Exit down three times. Top left corner.

060 (Nightmare) Mp Cost: 30

Attribute: Dark

Effect: Fires a large spinning meteor forward.

Full Cast: Meteor is bigger, deals more damage and goes farther.

Found: Drops from Enemy #076 Malachi.

Description: A concentrated mass of fear and agony born from the darkness.

061 (Summon Medusa) Mp Cost: 25

Attribute: Dark, Petrify

Effect: Shoots a petrifying beam in a wide ark in front of you. Deals

double damage to petrified enemies.

Full Cast: Does more damage.

Found: Drops from Enemy #057 Medusa Head.

Description: Summon Medusa and activate the ey of petrification.

062 (Acidic Bubbles) Mp Cost: 25

Attribute: Blunt, Poison

Effect: Shoots 5 green bubbles that cause poison.

Full Cast Now shoots 10 bubbles that are bigger and cause more damage.

Found: Drops from Enemy #084 Glasya Labolas.

Description: Create poisonous bubbles.

063 (Hex) Mp Cost: 25

Attribute: Dark, Curse

Effect: Summons a skull that shoots 5 symbols forward.

Full Cast: Now shoots 10 symbols and deals more damage.

Found: Drops from Enemy #120 Vapula.

Description: Incant a powerful curse.

064 (Salamander) Mp Cost: 120

Attribute: Fire

Effect: Summons a fire dragon that will actively seek out to hurt enemies.

Full Cast: The dragon is now longer, deals more damage and lasts twice as


Found: Buy from Vincent for 200000 gold.

Description: An ancient fire spell that summons a powerful fire lizard.

065 (Cocytus) Mp Cost: 120

Attribute: Ice

Effect: Creates a decent sized blizzard in front of you that hits enemies

several times.

Full Cast: Deals more damage.

Found: Complete the "Kill Gergoth" quest.

Description: Call forth the frozen winds of hell to create a fearsome


066 (Thor's Bellow) Mp Cost: 120

Attribute: Lightning

Effect: Creates an electric orb that shoots lightning at enemies several


Full Cast: The orb is now bigger and deals more damage.

Found: Drops from Enemy #129 Amducias.

Description: An ancient lightning spell that creates a ball of lightning.

067 (Summon Crow) Mp Cost: 40

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Summon two crows who will take turns swooping in to attack

enemies. Summons remain for 30 seconds.

Full Cast: Now summons four crows, that deal more damage and they stay for

60 seconds.

Found: Drops from Enemy #103 Black Crow.

Description: Summon a Crow to use in battle.

068 (Summon Ghost) Mp Cost: 40

Attribute: Dark

Effect: One ghost hovers over to nearby enemies and rapidly deals damage

as it touches the enemy. Summon remains for 30 seconds.

Full Cast: Now summons two ghosts, deals more damage and they stay for 60


Found: Drops from Enemy #028 Ghost.

Description: Summon a Ghost to use in battle.

069 (Summon Skeleton) Mp Cost: 20

Attribute: Blunt

Effect: Summon two skeletons who will throw a bone each before vanishing.

Full Cast: Now summons four skeletons who deal more damage.

Found: Drops from Enemy #003 Skeleton.

Description: Summon a Skeleton to use in battle.

070 (Summon Gunman) Mp Cost: 20

Attribute: Piercing

Effect: Summons two skeletons who will fire one shot forward.

Full Cast: Now summons four skeletons who deal more damage.

Found: Drops from Enemy #052 Skeleton Gunman.

Description: Summon a Skelton Gunman to use in battle.

071 (Summon Frog) Mp Cost: 20

Attribute: Ice

Effect: Summon three frogs who will hop forward dealing damage with each


Full Cast: Now summons six frogs who deal more damage.

Found: Drops from Enemy #063 Frog.

Description: Summon a Frog to use in battle.


Skills: Dual Crushes-------------------------------------------------(DUAL)


Dual Crush aren't like normal skills. Costing massive amounts of mp they

have cool down times after you cast them. Meaning even if you had enough

mp to cast them instantly again you'd have to wait until the cool down is

over. Any time your mp is flashing that means you can cast your Dual Crush.

As far as I can tell Dual Crush damage is based on level. So the higher

your level the more damage you'll deal.

072 (Rush) Mp Cost: 50

Effect: Charlott and Johnathon rotate as they each take turns attacking


Found: City of Haze. Two rooms right of the first Save Room.

Description: A basic combination where both partner take turns attacking.

073 (Holy Lightning) Mp Cost: 100

Effect: Shoots lightning out in four directions that rotates slowly

dealing a damage to enemies several times.

Found: City of Haze. Two rooms right of the second Warp Room.

Description: Summon lightning in the shape of a cross.

074 (Axe Bomber) Mp Cost: 100

Effect: Charlotte and Johnathon fly off the screen at opposite sides and

then rush together, dealing great damage near the collision point.

Found: Dracula's Castle. In the room four squares up and one left of the

bottom right Save Room.

Description: A combination attack from both sides.

075 (1,000 Blades) Mp Cost: 80

Effect: Throws 50 knives forward in quick succession. All airborne knives

that are still there will vanish at the end of the attack. So if your not

close enough to an enemy like the Final Guard all 50 knives will not hit

the enemy.

Description: Attack with a hail of knives.

076 (Volcano) Mp Cost: 150

Effect: Summons a Volcano that erupts sending burning rocks in random


Found: Nation of Fools. Two rooms right of the top Warp Room.

Description: Summon an erupting volcano.

077 (Meteor) Mp Cost: 200

Effect: Summons a large Meteor to fall down and explode causing great


Found: Forgotten City. Seven rooms to the right of the Boss Save room. You

need to use Frog/Owl morph to go through the tight area to get it.

Description: A powerful spell that summons a meteor.

078 (Grand Cruz) Mp Cost: 180

Effect: Causes a pillar of white light to appear which several giant

crosses circle around up hitting several times.

Found: Complete the "Master the Holy Power" quest.

Description: A secret technique of the Belmont family that releases holy


079 (Divine Storm) Mp Cost: 150

Effect: Holy Rain falls down hitting several times.

Found: Dark Academy. One room left and one room up from the second Save

Room is a breakable ceiling that leaks. Go through that to obtain this


Description: Create an intense rain of holy water.

080 (Dark Gate) Mp Cost: 130

Effect: Summon a demon who opens a gate of darkness across the cent of the

screen hitting multiple times.

Found: Forest of Doom. Two rooms down and one room right from the second

Warp Room. There is a breakable ceiling at the far right of the room.

Enter it to obtain this skill.

081 (Greatest Five)

Effect: Summon Richter, Leon, Trevor, Juste, Simon in order as they attack

dealing one hit of massive damage.

Found: Nest of Evil. Bottom left room just after the final boss room.

Description: Summon four legendary warriors to join the battle. (Yes it

does say four. Undoubtedly they meant five.)


Skills: Relics-------------------------------------------------------(RELI)


Relics show up on the screen in the form of floating blue cubes. Once you

have them they are always active unless you want to turn one off for some

reason. Some of them even work together to allow you to do more things.

Like Strength Glove and Push Cube allow you to push really heavy objects.

Acrobat Cube and Stone of Flight will allow you to jump a bit higher than

other wise.

Change Cube: Allows you to switch between Charlotte and Johnathon.

Found: Dracula's Castle. Bottom of second room of the game.

Description: Switch main player character with [(X)].

Call Cube: Allows you to summon your partner to your side. Where they will

help you fight monster or solve puzzles.

Found: Dracula's Castle. Middle of second room of the game.

Description: Call partner with [(A)]. Press again to send partner away.

Skill Cube: Allows you to have your partner use their currently equipped

ability by pressing R. (Charlotte cannot fully cast her spells with this


Found: City of Haze. The room directly below the third Warp Room.

Description: Call partner to use their skill or magic with [(R)].

Wait Cube: Allows you to have your partner to stay where you want them to.

Found: Dracula's Castle. One room to the right of Vincent's Shop.

Description: Call partner with [(V)+(A)] to have partner stand still on a


Acrobat Cube: Allows an extra jump to be performed by pressing jump when

the controlled character is around shoulder height.

Found: City of Haze. One room to the left of the Boss Room.

Description: Spring off partner's shoulders to jump again in midair.

Push Cube: By calling your partner after you start pushing they will join

in. Needed to push heavy objects. Must have Strength Glove as well to do


Found: City of Haze. Two rooms above the third Warp Room.


Lizard Tail: Allows the user to slide.

Found: Complete the "Preparations" quest.

Description: Slide into narrow spaces with [(V)+(B)].

Stone of Flight: Allows you to double jump. Also allows Johnathon to do a

drop kick by pressing down and jump at the same time after a double jump.

The drop kick can be performed at an angle as well.

Found: Dracula's Castle. One room right of Keremet's Boss Room.

Description: Double-jump in midair.

Griffon Wing: Allows you to do a high jump even if you've already done


Found: Forgotten City.Far left room. You need either the Owl Morph or the

Speed Up spell to actually get this.

Description: Jump higher with [(^)+(L)].

Strength Glove: Necessary to push really heavy objects. You need the help

of the Push cube as well to push those objects.

Found: Sandy Grave. Three rooms after you fight Astarte.

Description: Increases pushing power.

Spinning Art: This spinning move can allow you to go through small enemies

and even attacks!

Found: Complete the "The Spinning Art" quest.

Description: Perform a spinning evasion move with [(>)(V)(<)(>)+(Y)].

Martial Art: You lunge forward knee first. Great way to take down Dead

Crusaders as they don't attempt to guard it.

Found: Complete the "The Martial Art" quest.

Description: Perform a jumping knee kick with [(^)(<)(V)(>)+(Y)].

Critical Art: Allows you to perform specials based on what weapon you have


Found: Nation of Fools. One room above the Boss Room.

Description: Use your weapon's critical move with [(>)(>)+(Y)].

Whip Skill 1: Allows you to spin your whip around or thrust is in a

specific direction wildly.

Found: Dracula's Castle. One room before the second save room. Requires

the Acrobat Cube to get.

Whip Skill 2: Allows you to attack diagonally downwards while in the air.

Found: Complete the "Defender of the Stairs" quest.

Description: While jumping use [(V)+(Y)] to attack diagonally downward.

Book of Spirits: Enemies names show up the first time you attack them.

Found: Dracuala's Castle. One room left and one room up from Wind's Room.

Description: Display the names of enemies when you attack them.


Secrets and Unlockables----------------------------------------------(UNLO)


Comments from Vincent: Hold Up in front of Vincent until he talks. His

dialogue will change depending on if you have Charlotte, Johnathon or both

of them out.

Magus Ring: Complete all of Wind's quests. It's on the floor one room left.

Birthday Cake: Go to Vincent on your Birthday. It costs 3000 gold. You can

change your DS settings to change the current date to your Birthday to get

it whenever you want it.

Switch between English and Japanese Voiceovers: Hold L and Press A to

change the Voice acting to Japanese. Must be done at the Main Menu. You

will hear a voice to confirm you did it right. To return to English voice

acting simply select something in the Main Menu without holding L.

Death's Portrait in the Credits: Obtain 1000% Map Percentage.

Dracula's Portrait in the Credits: Fight every enemy at least once. You

also have to have all the skills in the game. Might even have to master

all Johnathon's skills.

Alternate Portrait for Vincent in the Credits: Beat Hard Mode.

Sound Mode: Beat True Dracula.

Boss Rush Course 2 and 3: Beat True Dracula.

Play as the Sisters: Beat True Dracula.

Play as Richter: Beat Whip's Memory and True Dracula.

Play as Old Axe Armor: Defeat 1000 Old Axe Armors.

Note: You MUST select new game to use any of these alternate characters.

Good Ending: Cast Sanctuary on the Sisters and then proceed to beat the

game. A few lines will change if you do or do not cure Vincent.

Bad Ending: Kill the Sisters.

Konami Man (+50 to STR): Defeat Hard Mode with the Level 1 Cap.

Twin Bee (+50 to INT): Defeat Hard Mode with the Level 25 Cap.

Vic Viper (+50 to LCK): Defeat Hard Mode with the Level 50 Cap.

Note: These items are always active once you earn them. You will earn the

higher level cap items for beating the lower ones. For example if you beat

Level 1 Cap. You will unlock all 3 items.

Invisible Cape: Beat Boss Rush Course 1 in 3 minutes.

Astral Ring: Beat Boss Rush Course 1 in 1 minute.

Illusion Fist: Beat Boss Rush Course 2 in 5 minutes.

Record 1: Beat Boss Rush Course 2 in 3 minutes.

Scout Armor: Beat Boss Rush Course 3 in 5 minutes.

Record 2: Beat Boss Rush Course 3 in 3 minutes.




This Document is Copyright 2007 Matthew Fletcher

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,

private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise

distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this

guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is

strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.




Many thanks go to Darth Nemesis. His several contributions to gamefaqs

helped speed up the creation of this walkthrough.

Thanks to Action for pointing out that sliding on the ground can break

the floor.

I want to thank Konami for making another excellent Castlevania game. Keep

them coming. ^_^

I want to thank all the people who supported me and showed an interest in

my efforts. Even the unsung people who posted in my walkthrough topic that

got purged due to me losing interest. Specifically the person who

suggested Darts against Astarte and the individual who mentioned drop

kicking Whip's Memory into submission.

I want to thank Gamefaqs for my copyright paragraph.

rossmallo for pointing out that destroying Death's Scythes can prevent the

joint attack between him and Dracula.

tech_man54 for pointing out where a misplaced note went into the

walkthrough itself.

HoosTrax for pointing out that you can get the cakes from the Bakery as

many times as you want if you don't have any of that cake in your


Arkrex for submitting the voiceover change to gamefaqs.

Galcian for submitting the time needed to beat to obtain Boss Rush Rewards

to gamefaqs.

bcornelia for submitting the Alternate Vincent Portrait to gamefaqs.

blacksniper for mentioning that you can get more than one Ground Meat.
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