Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Credits and Friend Vouchers FAQ

Credits and Friend Vouchers FAQ

(Version: 1.10)

=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*Credits and Friend Vouchers in Metroid Prime 3*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=

Copyright 2007 by Shade Tail.  All rights reserved.  This file may not be

reproduced either in part or in whole by any other entity without express

permission of Shade Tail.  But if you send me a request, I'll usually be quite

reasonable about it.  All trademarked and copyrighted items in this FAQ are the

property of the respective trademark and copyright owners.  Any questions or

suggestions about this FAQ should be emailed to:


Do **NOT** email me asking to trade Friend Vouchers.  I do all my trading

arrangements on various Metroid message boards.

Do **NOT** email me asking for game help on Metroid Prime 3.  Yes I have beaten

it, but I am not writing a game walkthrough, only a Credits and Friend Vouchers


Please **DO** email me if you know of a Credit or Voucher that has not been

included in this FAQ, or if you have spotted a mistake that needs correcting.

If sending me info about a new Credit or Voucher, please include as much detail

as possible, such as the map room (if applicable) and exactly what needs to be

done.  For example, "that room in Bryyo with the four doors" isn't good enough.

"Gel Refinery Site in Bryyo Fire" is the kind of detail I would need.  If I

can confirm for myself that your Credit or Voucher does exist, I'll put it into

the FAQ and give you a hat-tip in the thank you section below.

The following sites have permission to post this file:


Thanks to gamefaqs user AntiSocial for helping me find out what happens when

you choose to *not* convert a received Friend Voucher into a Friend Credit.

Thanks to other gamefaqs users too numerous to remember for posting methods on

finding Friend Vouchers and the gold Boss Credits.

Thanks to gamefaqs user MindGazer for a complete logbook scan list.  I have

confirmed it all during my game play, so everything that is in this FAQ is my

own work.  But I would not have found it all without MindGazer's efforts.

Particular thanks to gamefaqs user fightnightM for a very detailed strategy on

how to obtain the 'All Troopers Survived' golden Boss Credit during the escort

mission on Pirate Homeworld.  In fact, it is so long and has so much info, I

gave it its own section in the Boss Credits chapter.

Numerous thanks to gamefaqs user cyberpik for emailing me on how to find the

'Armored Pirate' enemy.

People who get thanks for sending me corrections:

Purple Penguin (correction on a Red Phaazoid location)

spacepirate404 (correction on the Shield Pirate Militia scan)

CK52 (correction on the Skritter scan)


==============================-TABLE OF CONTENTS-==============================


Use your browser's FIND command to jump straight to any section.

01:  Introduction

02:  Friend Credits and Friend Vouchers

     a: How to Trade Friend Vouchers

        ** Quick Checklist

        ** Detail

     b: Finding Friend Vouchers

        ** GFS Olympus Vouchers

        ** Norion Vouchers

        ** Bryyo Vouchers

        ** Elysia Vouchers

        ** Pirate Homeworld Vouchers

        ** GFS Valhalla Vouchers

        ** General Vouchers

03:  Boss Credits

     a: How to Find Boss Credits

     b: Where to Find Boss Credits

        ** GFS Olympus Boss Credits

        ** Norion Boss Credits

        ** Bryyo Boss Credits

        ** Elysia Boss Credits

        ** Pirate Homeworld Boss Credits

        ** GFS Valhalla Boss Credits

        ** Phaaze Boss Credits

     c: fightnightM's 'All Troopers Survived' Strategy

04:  Lore Credits

     a: How to Find Lore Credits

     b: Where to Find Lore Credits

        ** Special Credits

        ** Galactic Federation Data Scans

        ** Bryyo Data Scans

        ** Skytown Data Scans

        ** Space Pirate Data Scans

05:  Creature Credits

     a: How to Find Creature Credits

     b: Where to Find Creature Credits

        ** Galactic Federation Creature Scans

        ** Bryyo Creature Scans

        ** Skytown Creature Scans

        ** Space Pirate Creature Scans

        ** Phazon Creature Scans

06:  The Extras and Their Costs

     a: Concept Gallery

     b: Bonus Gallery

     c: Soundtrack Gallery

     d: Total Cost of Everything

07:  Document History


==============================-01:  INTRODUCTION-==============================


It should be needless to say, but just in case:  This FAQ has massive spoilers

for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.  If you have not yet beaten the game on your

own, then you read this at your own risk.

Unlike the last two games of the trilogy, in Metroid Prime 3 (MP:C from now on)

you do not automatically unlock extras like the Image Galleries when you reach

certain goals or percentages.  Instead, you receive special credits for

specific achievements, and you spend these credits on unlocking the extras.

There are four kinds of credits:

Red Credits: Scan creatures and bosses (Creature Credits)

Blue Credits: Scan lore; complete special goals (Lore Credits)

Gold Credits: Defeat bosses and mini-bosses (Boss Credits)

Green Credits: Receive Friend Vouchers from another player (Friend Credits)

And since they're important, I need to mention these:

Friend Vouchers: Complete special events

Credits are round symbols with the stylized "S" that has been the symbol of

Metroid games since at least Super Metroid for the SNES.  Friend Vouchers are

gray rectangles with the Metroid symbol on the left and a stripe of green on

the right.

Any Credits, Vouchers, and scans you get during a play-through will carry over

to the next play-through.  If, at the end of the game, you save as it suggests

you do, you do not lose any of the Credits, Vouchers, or scans you earned.  You

can then start another play-through without having to get it all a second time.

This also means that once you find any particular Credit or Voucher in one play

through, you can not find that particular Credit or Voucher again on future



===================-02:  FRIEND CREDITS AND FRIEND VOUCHERS-===================


In the course of the game, you receive Friend Vouchers by performing certain

special actions.  This usually means doing something normal in an unusual or

flashy way.  You can trade Friend Vouchers with other MP:C players over your

broadband connection.  Whenever you recieve a Friend Voucher from another

player, you can turn that Voucher into a green Friend Credit.

The list of known Vouchers can be found below.  But first, I will describe how

to actually share Friend Vouchers with other MP:C players.

------------------------a: How to Trade Friend Vouchers------------------------

This became a big issue very quickly after MP:C's debut.  You should have seen

the message boards, with people posting requests to trade and pleas for help in

doing it.  I've traded Vouchers with several people, so here is the benefit of

my experience.

I will start with a very quick check list, then go into detail.


** Quick Checklist

When two people wish to trade Friend Vouchers with each other, both must do the

following three things:

1. Turn on WiiConnect24 in the Wii System Settings.

2. Register your friend in your Address Book in the Message Board.

3. In MP:C, go to the 'Extras' menu, click 'Configure WiiConnect24' and select


You only need to do #1 and #3 the very first time you trade Vouchers.  Once you

have activated WiiConnect24 and configured it in MP:C, you do not need to do

that again.  From then on, when you find a new friend to trade with, you only

need to do #2.


** Detail:

Step 1: In 'System Settings' in the 'Wii Options' menu (the 'Wii' button at the

bottom-left corner of the channel screen), make sure WiiConnect24 is *on*.  It

needs to be on so that your Wii can use your broadband to talk to other Wii's.

If WiiConnect24 is off, you can't trade Friend Vouchers!

Also, make sure your broadband adapter or wireless router is properly

configured so that your Wii can talk to it.  View the instruction material that

came with your adapter or router for help with that.

Step 2: You and the person you want to trade with must each register the other

on your friends list.  This is done in the Message Board, which is accessed

with the envelope button in the bottom-right corner of the channel screen.  To

register a friend on your list, open the Message Board and click the 'Create

Message' button at the bottom-left of the screen (the paper-and-pencil icon,

not the calendar icon).  This opens the message screen.  Click the Address

Book, which is on the right side of the message screen.  The front page of the

Address Book has your Wii number on it.  Copy that down and give it to your

friend.  Have your friend give you his/her Wii number.

When you've exchanged Wii numbers, click on the 'Register' button in the

bottom-right corner of the screen.  This brings up two new icons: the 'Wii'

icon and the 'Others' icon.  Click on 'Wii', and in the next window, click on

the words 'Enter a Wii Number'.  On the next screen, enter your friend's Wii

number.  Make sure you enter it exactly correct.  Then click OK.  On the next

screen, you're prompted to enter a nickname for your friend.  Do so.  Then

you'll be prompted to add a Mii to your friend's entry.  This is optional; you

can leave it blank.  Click ok one last time, and the entry will be added to

your Address Book.

Do this for your friend, and have your friend do the same for you.  You must

register, and be registered with, your friend before you can trade Friend

Vouchers.  You can tell whether or not this has been done because, in your

address book, the nickname of friends with whom you have mutually registered

are black.  If you have registered them on your list but they have not

registered you on theirs, their nickname will be gray instead of black.  Their

name must be black rather than gray before you can trade Friend Vouchers with


Step 3: Open MP:C.  Select your save file and go to the 'Extras' menu.  Click

on 'Configure WiiConnect24'.  It asks you if you want to share your MP:C info

with people on your friends list.  Click 'Yes' and then 'Confirm'.  You and

your friend must both do this.  After you have toggled this option, you are

returned to the 'Extras' menu.  Click on 'Friend Vouchers'.  This brings up a

menu with all of your friends with whom you are mutually registered.  If

someone is gray on your friends list, then they will not even show up on MP:C's

'Friend Vouchers' roster.  If someone does show up on the 'Friend Vouchers'

roster, their name must be black before you can trade with them.  If their name

shows up on the 'Friend Vouchers' roster but is gray, then they may have not

yet toggled the option in 'Configure WiiConnect24' on the 'Extras' menu.  Make

sure they do that before you try to trade with them.

When someone's name is black on the 'Friend Vouchers' roster, then you can

share Friend Vouchers with them.  Click on their name and you will be prompted

whether or not you want to send them one.  If you toggle 'Yes' and 'Confirm',

you will have sent them a Friend Voucher.  You need to do this once for each

Friend Voucher you are sending them.  So, for example, if you are sending your

new friend four Vouchers, you need to click their name and confirm four times.

Whenever someone sends you a Friend Voucher, you are notified as soon as you

open your MP:C save file.  You can turn some or all Vouchers sent to you into

green Friend Credits.  Any Vouchers sent to you which you do not convert into

Friend Credits remain in memory, and you are prompted to convert them each time

you open your save file.  Any save file can claim a Voucher and turn it into a

Friend Credit, so make sure you open the save file to which you want to give

the Friend Credit.

Tip: Be patient while doing the registration and configure process.  Sometimes

it takes a while for people on your friend list or Voucher roster to change

from gray to black.  *DO NOT* try to send Vouchers to someone whose name is

still grayed out.  They might get through, but they also might get lost and


Tip: From now on, when you meet someone new with whom you want to trade Friend

Vouchers, all you need to do is step 2, and then go straight to the 'Friend

Vouchers' roster.  However, make sure your new friend has activated

WiiConnect24 and then configured it in the MP:C 'Extras' menu.

--------------------------b: Finding Friend Vouchers---------------------------

Below is the list of all the Friend Vouchers I know of.  This is how they are


'Name': 'Map Room'; 'Paragraph on how to earn it'

The names I list the Vouchers by actually appear on the screen when you earn

that Voucher, so you will know if/when you get it.  I have organized them by

the planet they can be found on.  The final category, 'General', are those

Vouchers that are not restricted to just one planet.

All told, there are 26 Friend Vouchers that I know about.  You only need 15

Friend Credits to unlock all the bonus content, and it is quite easy to get

that many Friend Vouchers.  So don't concentrate too hard on these, unless you

are a completist who must get everything.


** GFS Olympus Vouchers

Juggling Bonus 20: Docking Bay 5;  Score 20 hits on the Training Drone.  If you

get a good rhythm, this becomes quite simple.  Don't track the Training Drone

as it flies up.  Instead, keep the arm cannon aimed underneath it and shoot a

steady stream of blasts.  When the Drone drops low enough, it will be hit by

another shot and bounce upward again.

GF Trooper Saved: Lab Access;  Shoot the flashing point above the door before

the trooper is pulled into space.  You have only a couple seconds to do this,

so be quick about it.


** Norion Vouchers

Flawless Escape: Cargo Dock C;  Escape Ridley's attack on the Morph Ball track

without injury.  There is a pattern to how often Ridley shoots his laser and

then tries to bite you.  You need to learn the pattern so you know when to roll

and when to lay Morph Ball bombs.  You must escape *both* of Ridley's attacks

without injury to earn this Voucher.  Oddly enough, at least on Normal

difficulty mode, it is possible to get hurt without actually losing any life

energy.  If this happens, you still don't earn the Voucher.  You must avoid

getting hit at all.


** Bryyo Vouchers

Icy Reptilicide: Anywhere on Bryyo;  When a Reptilicus throws its chakra at

you, freeze the Reptilicus with your ice missiles before its chakra returns.

Its own weapon will shatter it.  Obviously, you need to defeat Rundas before

you can do this.

Short-cut Discovered: Imperial Hall (Fire);  In Gel Cavern (Fire), one of the

Fuel Gel spouts is hiding a Morph Ball tunnel that leads directly to Imperial

Hall.  Find this tunnel and go through it.  You get the Voucher automatically.

Perfect Execution: North Jungle Court (Thorn Jungle);  Open all three levers

controlling the turret's fuel lock without the Aerotroopers closing any again.

This can be very difficult, because this is a rather busy fight.  Your best bet

is to abuse hyper-mode and destroy the Aerotroopers quickly before they can do


New Area Discovered: Warp Site Bravo (Ice);  Go through the teleporter from

Bryyo Fire to Bryyo Ice.  You get the Friend Voucher automatically.  Since you

have to do this to beat the game, you are guaranteed to get this Voucher.


** Elysia Vouchers

Bowling for Bots: Anywhere on Elysia;  Destroy at least four Tinbots at once by

running into them with the Boost Ball.  This one is actually kind of fun.

Stylish Kill: Skybridge Hera (Skytown);  Do not destroy any Steambots while

running across the bridge so that they all go down with the bridge when it

collapses behind you.  Again, kind of fun, and also very satisfying as it saves

you from yet another annoying Steamlord battle.

New Area Discovered: Skytram East (Eastern Skytown);  Take the tram from

Skytown to Eastern Skytown.  You get the Friend Voucher automatically.  Since

you have to do this to beat the game, you are guaranteed to get this Voucher.


** Pirate Homeworld Vouchers

20 Commandos Defeated: Anywhere on Pirate Homeworld;  Defeat 20 Commando Pirate

enemies.  You don't have to defeat them all at once in a single fight, just get

20 of them over the course of the entire game.  You are almost guaranteed to do

this, considering how often Commando Pirates turn up, so don't worry about it.

Harvester Destroyed: Phazon Harvesting (Mines);  Destroy the Phazon Harvester

with a ship bombing run.  You can only do this after the Federation invasion,

because otherwise the defense shield is still up and your ship can't get down

there.  If you do this after destroying the Phazon Seed, you must first

destroy the Phaazoids in this room, leave, and then return before the Phazon

Harvester will appear.  

Leviathan Humiliated: Leviathan Ship (Command);  Shoot one of the Leviathan

Ship's eyes 60 times.  This one is kind of mindless, and also easy to miss.

And yes, I actually counted how many shots it takes before you get the Voucher.

It is 60.  I guarantee it.


** GFS Valhalla Vouchers

Secret Message Discovered: Control Room;  Activate the recording made by AU

313.  The code to activate the message can be found by scanning a PDA laying on

the floor nearby, next to a dead GF Trooper.  This is also the same room where

you find the Pirate code to activate the Leviathan, so make sure you get both

of these things while you're there.


** General Vouchers

100 Kills:  Destroy 100 enemies

200 Kills:  Destroy 200 enemies

300 Kills:  Destroy 300 enemies

400 Kills:  Destroy 400 enemies

500 Kills:  Destroy 500 enemies

600 Kills:  Destroy 600 enemies

700 Kills:  Destroy 700 enemies

800 Kills:  Destroy 800 enemies

900 Kills:  Destroy 900 enemies

1000 Kills:  Destroy 1000 enemies

Exterminator:  In one of the three Phazon Leviathans, destroy all the little

enemies crawling around the floor of the landing chamber.  This can take a

while because there's so many of them, but persevere and you'll get it done.

You can only get this Voucher once, so don't bother to try it in the other two

Leviathans.  You would only be wasting your time.

Crash Landing:  Burn away an Aerotrooper's armor.  When you see the grapple

symbol, use the lasso to tear away the trooper's jet pack.  You only have a few

brief seconds to grapple the Pirate, so you need to be fast.  This can only be

done after receiving the Plasma Beam, so it must be done on either Elysia or

the Pirate Homeworld.  Take note: after you destroy the Leviathan on the Pirate

Homeworld, there are no more Aerotroopers in the entire game, so you must do

this before you get to that point.


==============================-03:  BOSS CREDITS-==============================


The gold Boss Credits seem to be the most difficult to obtain.  The main reason

for this is that, unlike the other kinds of Credits, they can not all be earned

in a single play-through.

This chapter is broken up into two sections: a brief overview on how to earn

Boss Credits; and a longer and more detailed list of each Boss Credit, which

includes strategies for earning them.

--------------------------a: How to Find Boss Credits--------------------------

Most of the gold Boss Credits are earned by winning boss fights.  But there are

a few other ways to earn Boss Credits, such as achieving important story goals

or beating rare enemies.

All together, there are 52 Boss Credits.  34 of them can be earned on Normal or

Veteran difficulty, while 18 of them *must* be earned on Hypermode difficulty.

Boss Credits earned on Normal difficulty can *NOT* be earned again on Veteran

difficulty, and vice versa.

You need all 52 Boss Credits to unlock all the bonus content.

-------------------------b: Where to Find Boss Credits-------------------------

Below is the list of all the Boss Credits I have found.  This is how they are


'Name': 'Map Room'; 'Paragraph on how to earn it'

The names I list them by actually appear on the screen when you earn that

Credit.  They are organized by the planet they are found on.  Credits that can

only be earned on Hypermode difficulty have (Hypermode) next to the title.


** GFS Olympus Boss Credits

Juggling Bonus 10: Docking Bay 5;  Score 10 hits on the Training Drone.  If you

get a good rhythm, this becomes quite simple.  Don't track the Training Drone

as it flies up.  Instead, keep the arm cannon aimed underneath it and shoot a

steady stream of blasts.  When the Drone drops low enough, it will be hit by

another shot and bounce upward again.

Berserker Lord Defeated: Docking Bay 5;  The Berserker Lord is really simple.

He only has a few attacks and they're easy to dodge.  Just shoot the red spots

on his shoulders until they vanish, then shoot the purple balls he vomits up at

you.  Repeat this until the blue plate on his head shatters.  Then shoot the

red spot on his head until he goes down.

Berserker Lord Defeated (Hypermode): Docking Bay 5;  This time, the Berserker

Lord is surprisingly harder.  The tactics are exactly the same, but it takes a

lot longer to break the Phazite plate on his head, and even longer to wear down

his life meter afterward.


** Norion Boss Credits

Meta-Ridley Defeated: Generator Shaft;  Meta-Ridley isn't very hard, but the

camera shakes so much that it can throw off your aim if you aren't careful.

Just keep aiming for the red spots.  This usually means his mouth, but it

sometimes means his hands.  Remember, there's a time limit to this fight, so

don't dawdle.

Meta-Ridley Defeated (Hypermode): Generator Shaft;  Meta-Ridley really isn't

any harder on Hypermode than before.  His attacks, when they land, do more

damage, but it doesn't seem that your attacks do any less damage.  So you can

still beat him just as quickly.

Metroid Hatcher Defeated: Generator B;  If you're smart, you'll have the Nova

Beam and X-ray Visor by this time.  Use them for a one-hit kill.  Otherwise,

you have to shoot his tentacles until they all retract, stun him in the mouth,

then grapple-lasso a tentacle away, then repeat this *three more times*.  Just

go for the one-hit kill; it's much less annoying.  Please note that you need

the Seeker Missile Launcher before you can access this room.

Metroid Hatcher Defeated (Hypermode): Generator B;  On Hypermode, these

already-annoying pests are at least three times more annoying.  Definitely wait

until you have the Nova Beam before you come after this guy.  Having to beat

him the long way is not worth the frustration.


** Bryyo Boss Credits

Rundas Defeated: Temple of Bryyo (Fire);  You need to keep shooting him until

he's stunned, then grapple-lasso his armor away, then keep shooting him some

more until he reforms his armor.  Repeat for a while.  Just make sure you dodge

his ice attacks, particularly the one that freezes you in place.  Near the end,

when he hurls a *HUGE* chunk of ice toward you, do not be near the ice pillars

it crashes through.  Shrapnel from them can hurt you something fierce.

Rundas Defeated (Hypermode): Temple of Bryyo (Fire);  The tactics are exactly

the same, but it takes much longer to bring down his life power on Hypermode,

which gives him more opportunities to attack you.  Careful abuse of your Hyper

Beam will cancel his advantage, though.

Korakk Beast Defeated: Jousting Field (Thorn Jungle);  First kill the Pirate on

his back.  Then dodge him until he shoots his tongue at you.  Shoot his tongue

before it hits you, Morph Ball bomb his belly while he's stunned, grapple-lasso

his backside while he's still stunned, then shoot his belly while he's still

stunned.  It's annoyingly complicated, but not very hard.  If you shoot his

belly with the Hyper Beam, he can be defeated in one go.

Korakk Beast Defeated (Hypermode): Jousting Field (Thorn Jungle);  The strategy

is the same, but even the Hyper Beam isn't able to kill him in a single go this

time.  So be prepared to go through the process several times.

Generator Destroyed: Jungle Generator (Thorn Jungle);  You have to destroy both

anti-aircraft turrets first, then return to the viewport for the generator and

call your gunship on a bombing run to destroy it.  The turrets are the hard

part.  Once they're gone, calling in your ship is dead simple.

Generator Destroyed: Temple Generator (Fire);  This one is much easier than the

other.  Actually getting to the viewport for the generator is the hard part.

Once there, calling your gunship on the bombing raid is actually a bit anti-


Mogenar Defeated: Bryyo Leviathan Core (Leviathan);  This guy is, in my

opinion, the hardest boss in the game.  He spends a lot of time unhurtable

because his vulnerable spots are frequently shielded.  But the pattern is:

destroy a red orb, then hyper-blast the empty orb slot until it is gone.  Do

this for all four slots, and save the slot on his back for last.  Meanwhile,

prevent him from replacing any destroyed red orbs by shooting down the new orbs

when he grabs them.  Dodge his charges and shock wave attacks.

Mogenar Defeated (Hypermode): Bryyo Leviathan Core (Leviathan);  Considering

that he's already pretty challenging, Hypermode isn't really much harder.  Use

the same strategy as before and you should be ok.

Red Phaazoid Defeated: Grand Court (Cliffside);  This Red Phaazoid deserves

special mention, because unlike the other Phaazoids, the ones at this location

are hidden and don't immediately attack you.  In the center of the room is a

giant golem lying on its back.  Use the X-ray Visor to activate the control on

the top of its head.  When you do this, the golem moves away and reveals a

small pool of phazon.  The Phaazoids are hiding in the pool, and they emerge

when the golem has moved.  Then just deal with them like all the rest.

Red Phaazoid Defeated: Jousting Field (Thorn Jungle);  A standard Phaazoid

battle.  Hyper-blast them until the Red Phaazoid emerges, and then hyper-blast

it.  Be sure not to forget to take the Boss Credit afterward.

Red Phaazoid Defeated: Gel Processing Site (Fire);  A standard Phaazoid battle.

Hyper-blast them until the Red Phaazoid emerges, and then hyper-blast it.  Be

sure not to forget to take the Boss Credit afterward.


** Elysia Boss Credits

Steamlord Defeated: Steambot Barracks (Skytown);  This one is kind of annoying.

You need to defeat the Steamlord, but it spends most of the battle cloaked.

Meanwhile, the Steambots are busy attacking you.  You need to disable the

Steambots, then attack the Steamlord when it decloaks to repair its minions.

Fortunately, the Steamlord is physically weak and goes down pretty quickly.

Steamlord Defeated (Hypermode): Steambot Barracks (Skytown);  The Steamlord has

a lot more life power this time around.  It is tempting to abuse hyper-mode to

even things out, but he has the ability to cancel hyper-mode, so don't depend

on it too much.

Defense Drone Defeated: Ballista Storage (Skytown);  Yet another annoying

battle.  You have to destroy the three antennae on top of its head, then

grapple-lasso its head open and blast its weak point.  Watch out for the balls

of goo it throws at you while it is vulnerable.  They home in on you while they

bounce around.

Defense Drone Defeated (Hypermode): Ballista Storage (Skytown);  Even using

hyper-mode, this fight is significantly harder than the first.  Be very careful

about your life power.  If it gets low, blast the bouncing balls of goo for

health pickups.

Ghor Defeated: Main Docking Bay (Skytown);  The second easiest boss fight, I

think.  Blast his various weak points (they are pretty obvious) while circle

strafing and space-jumping to dodge his attacks.  At the beginning, you can

freeze the fuel gel on the ground so that when he charges across it, he spins

out and crashes.  Just don't step into it, because it hurts you.

Ghor Defeated (Hypermode): Main Docking Bay (Skytown);  Still a very easy boss

fight, particularly because Ghor drops a lot of health pickups.  Feel free to

abuse hyper-mode.

Berserker Lord Defeated: Turbine Chamber (Eastern Skytown);  Almost identical

to the first Berserker Lord fight.  The only difference is that some of the

orbs he vomits are red this time.  You can't shoot those back, so you need to

dodge them.

Berserker Lord Defeated (Hypermode): Turbine Chamber (Eastern Skytown);  You'll

find this fight quite a bit easier than the Hypermode fight on the Olympus, as

you will have a lot more energy tanks and stronger weapons.  It's still not

exactly a cakewalk, but you shouldn't have too much trouble.

Seed Shield Destroyed: Escape Pod Bay (Skytown);  You really have to earn this

one.  Defending the bomb pod while it moves toward the target is tough.  The

real goal is to destroy three Assault Skiffs before they are able to shoot down

the pod.  Concentrate on that and ignore the pirates attacking you.  Abusing

corrupt hyper-mode makes it easier, but watch out for your health.  Afterward,

you have to repair the escape pod's systems.  You have 5 minutes to do that,

though, and that's plenty of time.  Once you get away safely in the escape pod,

you've succeeded at this goal.

Helios Defeated: Elysian Leviathan Core (Leviathan);  This one is not too

difficult, as long as you're good with your aim.  All you really need to do is

stun him to the point where he opens up by himself.  No grapple-lasso tricks or

anything required.  But you also have to pay attention to all his different

attacks, because there are a lot of them.  Most of them can be disrupted easily

if you shoot at the weak points, and those aren't too difficult to see.

Helios Defeated (Hypermode): Elysian Leviathan Core (Leviathan);  As usual, the

tactics this time are the same as on other difficulties.  If you beat Helios

without much trouble before, you won't have much trouble this time either.

Red Phaazoid Defeated: Hoverplat Docking Site (Skytown);  A standard Phaazoid

battle.  Hyper-blast them until the Red Phaazoid emerges, and then hyper-blast

it.  Be sure not to forget to take the Boss Credit afterward.

Red Phaazoid Defeated: Construction Bay (Skytown);  A standard Phaazoid battle.

Hyper-blast them until the Red Phaazoid emerges, and then hyper-blast it.  Be

sure not to forget to take the Boss Credit afterward.

Red Phaazoid Defeated: Concourse Ventilation (Eastern Skytown);  A standard

Phaazoid battle.  Hyper-blast them until the Red Phaazoid emerges, and then

hyper-blast it.  Be sure not to forget to take the Boss Credit afterward.


** Pirate Homeworld Boss Credits

Gandrayda Defeated: Proving Grounds (Research);  One of the few bosses who

fights with finesse rather than brute force.  You have to be fast and agile

yourself in order to beat her, but fortunately the control scheme is made with

that in mind.  Just keep her in your sites and blast away.  Also shoot the

occasional missile.  The occasional hyper-blast will speed up the battle quite

a bit, but don't abuse it too much.  She's good at dodging your beam shots, so

you can waste a lot of life by misusing hyper-mode during this fight.

Gandrayda Defeated (Hypermode): Proving Grounds (Research);  About the same as

before.  Just keep going with the fast-and-agile bit and you'll be fine.

Metroid Hatcher Defeated: Metroid Creche (Research);  Identical to the Hatcher

on Norion.  It is possible to avoid this room until getting the Nova Beam,

though it means giving up a useful shortcut between Research and Command.  That

may be inconvenient, but I still recommend it.  Otherwise, you'll have to kill

this thing the long way, by shooting up the tentacles and pulling them off one

by one.  Ugh.

Metroid Hatcher Defeated (Hypermode): Metroid Creche (Research);  On Hypermode,

these already annoying pests are at least three times as annoying.  Again, I

strongly recommend not fighting this thing until you get the Nova Beam.  If you

do fight it before getting the Nova Beam, then, when the tentacles are all

gone, you have to shoot the Hatcher in the mouth at least three times to stun

it in order to pull a tentacle off.  Switch to hyper-mode and hyper-blast it in

the mouth at that point, or else you will be there forever.  Unless you were

smart and waited until you got the Nova Beam.  Then go for the one-hit kill.

Defense System Obliterated: Command Station (Command);  This is one of the

harder parts of the game.  You start at the top of the Command Station, and you

have to go down to the ground floor, using the X-ray Visor and Nova beam to

take out the three power sources as you go along.  Then you have to go all the

way back up and hit the Morph Ball bomb slot.  All the while, you're under

attack by Commando Pirates, who are really tough enemies.  Succeeding at this

goal is quite an accomplishment.

All Troopers Survived: Transit Station 0205 (Command);  Keep all 12 GF

Demolition Troopers alive during the escort mission.  This is *not* easy.  It

requires knowing those particular three rooms like the back of your hand,

including the details about when and where the different pirates appear.  You

also need to abuse hyper-mode.  For more detail on how to get this Credit, see

section C below.

Commander Squad Defeated: Transit Station Leviathan (Command);  The pink Pirate

Commander is really tough.  His armor is strong, he can warp around the room,

he can go into hyper-mode, *and* he can summon Commando Pirates to keep you

busy.  Your only real chance is to abuse hyper-mode.  Once you destroy his red

armor, he is cake to finish off.  Take him out first, and then go after the

Commandos he summoned.

Commander Squad Defeated (Hypermode): Transit Station Leviathan (Command);  The

Hypermode fight against this guy is identical.  Just abuse hyper-mode, take him

out first, then go after the Commandos he summoned.

Omega-Ridley Defeated: Pirate Homeworld Leviathan Core (Leviathan);  The

enhanced Ridley's attacks are very easy to dodge, and you can easily track his

movements with your radar during those times he is off-camera.  The only tough

part is actually hitting him in the mouth to stun him.  It requires really good

aim.  During the part with the shoulder armor, use the X-ray Visor to find its

weak points.  Do *NOT* hyper-blast him unless his weak spot is exposed.  The

rest of the time, use your normal beam weapon to preserve your life power.

Omega-Ridley Defeated (Hypermode): Pirate Homeworld Leviathan Core (Leviathan);

Very much the same as his weaker self.  Dodge his attacks as best you can and

you should be fine.  Again, shooting him in the mouth to stun him is the hard

part, and only use your normal beam to do that.  Save your Hyper Beam for his

weak point exclusively.

Red Phaazoid Defeated: Transit Station 0204 (Command);  A standard Phaazoid

battle.  Hyper-blast them until the Red Phaazoid emerges, and then hyper-blast

it.  Be sure not to forget to take the Boss Credit afterward.

Red Phaazoid Defeated: Metroid Creche (Research);  A standard Phaazoid battle.

Hyper-blast them until the Red Phaazoid emerges, and then hyper-blast it.  Be

sure not to forget to take the Boss Credit afterward.

Red Phaazoid Defeated: Proving Grounds (Research);  A standard Phaazoid battle.

Hyper-blast them until the Red Phaazoid emerges, and then hyper-blast it.  Be

sure not to forget to take the Boss Credit afterward.

Red Phaazoid Defeated: Phazon Harvesting (Mines);  A standard Phaazoid battle.

Hyper-blast them until the Red Phaazoid emerges, and then hyper-blast it.  Be

sure not to forget to take the Boss Credit afterward.


** GFS Valhalla Boss Credits

Metroid Hatcher Defeated: Aurora Chamber;  A very easy fight.  You can't even

get to this room unless you have the X-ray Visor and the Nova Beam.  Just one-

hit kill this sucker.

Metroid Hatcher Defeated (Hypermode): Aurora Chamber;  On Hypermode, these

already annoying pests are at least three times as annoying.  Definitely use

the Nova Beam for the one-hit kill, unless you enjoy being frustrated.


** Phaaze Boss Credits

Dark Samus Repulsed: Sanctum;  The other boss who uses finesse rather than

brute force.  As before, just keep her in your sites and blast away with beam

and missiles.  Occasionally, she splits into two or even three.  Use the X-ray

Visor to find which ones are the copies (they're dark while the real one is

bright) and get rid of them first.  Then go back to blasting the real one.  Get

the occasional anti-phazon pickups, because you need to keep your phazon level

down.  This fight isn't very difficult.

Dark Samus Repulsed (Hypermode): Sanctum;  You have to be *really* good at

dodging Dark Samus' attacks to get through this without your Phazon meter

getting too high.  That should be your biggest priority on Hypermode: learning

how to dodge her attacks.  Besides that, keep up with the tactics given for the

first fight, particularly about her copies and the anti-phazon pickups.

Aurora Unit 313 Defeated: Sanctum;  While it is standing on the spine, you need

to stun it by shooting the tentacles and then shooting the spots of yellow

light, then grapple-lasso open its forehead and shoot the vulnerable spot.

When it begins moving about, shoot the purple spot where the spine used to be

attached.  Abuse the Hyper Missile during this second portion; successfully

hitting the purple spot with a Hyper Missile stuns the AU for a little while.

This fight isn't very difficult either.

Aurora Unit 313 Defeated (Hypermode): Sanctum;  The main challenge here is just

getting to this fight with your phazon meter low enough.  If you did well

enough against Dark Samus, you should do just fine against the AU.  Use the

same tactics as before, and work hard to avoid taking damage.

---------------c: fightnightM's 'All Troopers Survived' Strategy---------------

The following is fightnightM's strategy for earning this Boss Credit.  This was

written by fightnightM personally, and is included here with permission.  The

only changes I made were some minor formatting to make it fit into the FAQ, but

the words themselves I have not changed at all.

I have used this strategy quite successfully, on Normal difficulty.   It should

work fairly well on Veteran difficulty, but you might need to adjust the amount

of beam charging you do against various enemies.


I was told that people had been having trouble with getting the "Perfect

Escort" Gold Credit, & I just thought that I would make a little mini-strategy

topic to help people that still need it, or may need it in the future. Use it

as you must.

Miscellaneous Knowledge: You must keep 12 Crew members alive, but you only

protect 2 Crew Members at a time. There will be points where the Crew you're

currently protecting will stay at the door, & you have to progress by yourself.

Think of these as checkpoints; breaks from the actual protecting. I'll tell you

everything that's in the "Protection" rooms & the "Break" rooms. Keep this in

mind, once you enter a "Protection" room again, there will be a cut-scene that

shows the Demolition Crew that you'll be protecting. Use that knowledge as a

guide to figure out what will be next after reading this topic. Let's start.

*Note: This trial will require you to be in Hyper Mode most of the time. I have

included very efficient ways to make the best of your conservation for each

"wave". Follow the Hyper Mode guidelines closely.

Guidelines & Keys: {^} - When you see this symbol, it represents the beginning

of an individual Hyper Mode activation

[v] - When you see this symbol, it represents the end of an individual Hyper

Mode activation

These symbols are there to help you get an idea of what you need to do

throughout your Hyper Mode usage & so that you have an idea of how proficient

you have to be to accomplish this feat. Everything you see between a "beginning

( {^} )" symbol & an "end ( [v] )" symbol must be done in the same Hyper Mode


** First Group

Go through the Green Door, & there will be a minor scene of a Marine getting

killed on a ledge that is right in front of you. As you walk forward, go into

{^}Hyper Mode, & charge your Beam. Only charge it halfway, & then let loose on

the Armored Pirate on the ledge. Don't charge again. Instead, wait for the next

pirate that will be on the ledge show up & pop him with regular shots. It will

make better ammo usage. You should have about half of your Phazon left. Now,

start charging it up, & keep it charged. Cross over the tram rail, & look up at

the ledge on that side. Dispatch the Armored Pirate with that shot you've been

charging. Immediately start charging again. An Aerotrooper will fly from behind

the tram. This part is the most tedious. Make sure you have a fully charged

shot for these guys. You have to hit them continuously. If you hit them, but

don't obliterate/detonate them, they will dive-bomb your Demolition Crew 3/4 of

the time. Make sure you get the right amount of hits in so that he doesn't do

that(aim well). Now, 1 of 2 pirates will show up. Either an Armored Pirate will

show up on the ledge again, or another Aerotrooper will come. Both will end up

appearing, but I can confirm that it switches up from time to time. Whichever

one shows up, use the right charge shot for them(Full Charge for the Aero, Half

Charge for Armored). After those two are gone, the tram will start to move.

Deplete whatever Phazon you have left[v]. After the tram goes by, {^}go back

into Hyper Mode. All the enemies will be on the left. Dispatch them will well

aimed Charged Shots, or Hyper Missiles, whatever you deem the most useful at

that point. After those are dead, you're safe for this Group. Deplete your

Phazon, or vent if you can[v], & pick up health from boxes. Head towards the

first "Break" room.

First Break Room

First thing you'll encounter in this small room are 2 Crawltanks. They'll most

likely go into Hyper Mode, but they can still be dispatched easily. Kill them,

I recommend it. Collect health from surrounding boxes. You will see a left to

take. Take it, & then take the only U-turn right. There will be a Turret & a

Armored Pirate down this small corridor. Kill them. Go through the door.

** Second Group/Protect Room

After the cut-scene that displays the new Demolition Crew you need to keep

alive, go straight into Morph Ball mode. They'll be a bit ahead of you, so use

where they're going to get your initial direction. You'll turn left into a big

sloping tunnel. Roll down ahead of them. Once you get to the bottom, go back to

your regular form. {^}Immediately, go into Hyper Mode, start charging, & look

left. You should see the two Armored Beam Pirates trying to take cover. Go

right up to them, & with a fully charged Hyper Beam, blow them both away. Now,

look to the left wall(where they came from). Try to time your Charge start up,

so that you will have it halfway charged by the time the wall eventually

rises(it's ok if it's fully charged). Blow away the Armored Pirate that is

behind this wall. Start charging up again, & head through the small tunnel.

Look to your immediate left, & there will be an Armored Pirate up on the ledge

to the left. Take him out with whatever point your beam is charged. You should

have just a bit of Phazon left(still rising, though). A regular Pirate will

appear on the ledge seconds after you kill the Armored Pirate. Take him out

with your remaining Phazon(make sure it Depletes!)[v]. Once you're out of Hyper

Mode, immediately go back in & start charging your Beam{^}. The wall of the

ledge that the Pirates were on will explode, & 2 Beam Assault Shield Pirates

with come through the small tunnel that is made by the detonation. Go right up

to them, & blow them away with your fully charged beam. The room that they came

from will still have Pirates shooting. Charge up another full Hyper Beam. Blow

away the two remaining Assault Pirates. After they are dead, a regular pirate

will drop in front of the door(which is visible from the area you're in). Go

right up to him & use any remaining Phazon to mop him up[v](and if you vent

before he dies, you'll probably kill him anyway with your Nova Beam). You're

safe now, collect health from boxes & go through the door.

Second Break

In this room take a right, & stop at the top of the slope you're about to go

down. There will be clearly visible Jump Mines. Shoot them. Continue down the

sloping path. Once you get to the bottom, 2 Armored Pirates will come at you.

Kill them. Collect health from this room. Go through the door.

** Third Group/Protect Room

Immediately go into {^}Hyper Mode & charge up. Look to your left, & you'll see

2 Assault Shield Troopers. Go over to them & blast them both away with a fully

charged Hyper Beam. MANUALLY VENT AFTER THEY ARE DEAD[v]!!! Look over towards

the tram wall. Get out your X-Ray Visor & charge up your Nova Beam. It should

be fully by the time the Berserker Knight breaks through. Lock-on to his weak

point & blast him. If it's fully charged, he should go down right there. Go

into Hyper Mode{^} & charge up your beam. Head through the way that the

Berserker made(Note: the Berserker is still a solid object. Make sure you go

around him instead of trying to go through him. It will slow you down, & that

WON'T help you.). You will undoubtedly see the two Pirates on the right side of

the tram rail. Blast them away with your fully charged Hyper Beam. A cut-scene

will ensue. The Pirate Commander will summon 3 Commando Pirates. Now, this part

comes down to skill & preferences. As you probably know, Commandos have a weak

spot that can be targeted with the X-Ray visor. However, you'll probably still

be in Hyper Mode after this cut-scene(You may have about 2 seconds to manually

vent after you kill the 2 Pirates after the Berserker. If you feel the X-Ray

Visor will do you better, try to vent then, before the cut-scene). If you are

in Hyper Mode, make full use of it. Don't just try to get rid of it. If you are

sure that the Weak Point is the way to go, use Hyper Missiles to do massive

damage AND quickly deplete your Phazon reserves.

From this point, do what you have to do. I think I just got lucky at this part.

I was getting really worried after it had been 7 seconds with the Commandos &

NONE of them were dead yet! But somehow, I still made it. Hyper Missile + X-Ray

Visor/Nova Beam combination pulled through for me. Good luck with whatever you


After all is shot & dead, congratulations, you got the Gold Credit you've been

aiming for!


Again, many thanks to fightnightM for writing this, and for giving permission

to include it in my FAQ.


==============================-04:  LORE CREDITS-==============================


Most of the blue Lore Credits are not really difficult to get.  But they can be

quite annoying if you miss any of the Lore scans and need to go back to find

them.  Three of these Credits are missable.  If you don't get them the one time

they're available, you must wait until the next play-through to pick them up.

Again, this Chapter is broken into two sections: a brief overview on getting

the Lore credits, and a longer and more detailed list of where each one is


--------------------------a: How to Find Lore Credits--------------------------

There are exactly 51 Lore Credits.  There are 48 scannable Lores throughout the

game, each one worth a Lore Credit; and there are three special achievements

that are also each worth a Lore Credit.  These three are the hardest to find,

and they can be missed very quickly.  So I will start with detailed information

on how to get these three special Lore Credits before moving on the the 48

scannable Lore entries.

None of the 48 Lore scans can be missed, unlike the three special Lore Credits.

You must get all 51 Lore Credits to unlock all the bonus content.

-------------------------b: Where to Find Lore Credits-------------------------

The Lore Credits are listed as so:

'Name': 'Map Room'; 'Paragraph on how to earn it'

The Lore Credits are organized into the four categories used by the game's

Logbook, except for the three Special Credits which are listed first in a group

of their own.  Each of the categories also has some preliminary information at

the beginning.


** Special Credits

All three of these are found on the GFS Olympus at the beginning of the game.

Again, these can all be missed.  If you don't earn them the one time they are

available, you must wait until the next play-through to get them.

GF Troopers Saved: Port Observation Deck;  Kill both Pirate Militia before

they kill the two Troopers.  The best way to do this is simply barge up in

front of the Troopers and blast the Militia at point-blank range.  You're

likely to take damage this way, but not doing this risks the two Troopers.  If

even one of them is killed, you don't get this Credit.

GF Trooper Saved: Xenoresearch Lab;  Kill the two Crawl Tanks before they

destroy the boxes and kill the Trooper hiding behind them.  You must get here

quickly.  If you don't, they can finish off the Trooper before you even enter

the room.

GF Trooper Saved: Repair Bay Shaft;  When you first enter Repair Bay A, you see

a cut scene in which two large hanger doors close.  During that cut scene, you

can see a GF Trooper under attack by a pair of Aeromines.  You must bring the

attention of the Aeromines onto yourself before they are able to kill the

Trooper.  This means *very quickly* getting the Missile Launcher and opening

the two large hanger doors.  If you are fast enough, you get the Credit after

destroying the Aeromines and the Militia Pirate on the balcony above.


** Galactic Federation Data Scans

There is no special trick to these, but they can only be scanned once.  Then

the data station shuts down.  Afterward, if you wish to read them again, you

must open your log book and find them there.

Phazon: MedLab Delta (GFS Olympus);  This one can also be found on the GFS

Valhalla in Medlab Alpha.  So if you forget to scan it on the Olympus before

you go off to talk to AU 242, you can still get it there.

Phazon Enhancement Device: MedLab Delta (GFS Olympus);  This one can also be

found on the GFS Valhalla in Medlab Alpha.  So if you forget to scan it on the

Olympus before you go off to talk to AU 242, you can still get it there.

Planet Norion: Cargo Dock B (Norion);  This one is difficult to see.  It is in

a small room tucked away *above* the door that leads to Generator B.  To get

there, you must jump across from a raised platform on the other side of the

room.  Either call your ship and use it as a stepping stone, or use the Screw


Planet Bryyo: Data Storage (Norion);  This is the side room next to Conduit B,

on the way to Generator B.  You can only enter the area when you have the

Plasma Beam; until then it is closed to you.  But from then on, you can come

back at any time, so don't worry about missing this.

Skytown: Data Storage (Norion);  This is the side room next to Conduit B, on

the way to Generator B.  You can only enter the area when you have the Plasma

Beam; until then it is closed to you.  But from then on, you can come back at

any time, so don't worry about missing this.

Hunter Rundas: Docking Hub Alpha (Norion);  This one is simple.  It is in the

same room where you get the Grapple Lasso.

Hunter Ghor: Munitions Storage (Norion);  This is the side room next to Conduit

A, on the way to Generator A.  It is always available, so don't worry about

missing this.

Hunter Gandrayda: Munitions Storage (Norion);  This is the side room next to

Conduit A, on the way to Generator A.  It is always available, so don't worry

about missing this.

Olympus-Class Battleship: Security Station (GFS Olympus);  This scan is

available in three places, for some odd reason.  If you miss it on the Olympus,

you can still get it in Data Storage on Norion or the Xenoresearch Lab on the


Tallon IV Incident: Stairwell (GFS Valhalla);  This is up on the top level of

this room, almost directly above the doorway in.  You can see it from the

ground floor, if you are in the far back corner and looking up toward it.

Valhalla Incident: Munitions Storage (Norion);  This is the side room next to

Conduit A, on the way to Generator A.  It is always available, so don't worry

about missing this.

Anhur Incident: Control Room (GFS Valhalla);  Upon entering the room, this will

be immediately to your right.


** Bryyo Data Scans

These Lore scans are frequently covered by something, and you must remove the

covering before you can scan the Lore.  None of them are difficult to uncover.

Many are covered by a chiming-light lock.  You shoot a large red light in the

center and then shoot three small red lights in the order they appear.  If you

don't shoot the small red lights in the correct order, the lock resets and you

have to start over.  A couple others are covered with plates you pull away with

the Grapple Lasso.  All the rest are uncovered.  They are all found on planet

Bryyo.  As with the GF Data scans, you can only scan each of these once.

Afterward, you must open your log book in order to read them again.

Golden Age: Reliquary II (Cliffside);  This is up on the wall almost directly

opposite you when you first enter the room.  To uncover it, use the Grapple

Lasso on the plating that hides it.

Age of Science: Grand Court (Cliffside);  This is at the far end of the room

from where you first enter, in the small hallway that leads to the doorway out.

It is covered by the chiming light lock.

Age of Schism: Main Lift (Fire);  This is on the right-hand wall of the small

entry room from the Gel Refinery Site.  To uncover it, use the Grapple Lasso on

the plating that hides it.

Age of War: Gel Processing Site (Fire);  This is at the far end of the room

from where you first enter.  It is uncovered.

Downfall: Temple Generator (Fire);  This is found on the right side of the room

as you enter.  It is uncovered.

Victory: Hall of the Golems (Cliffside);  This is on the wall between the two

Golems on the ground floor.  It is covered by the chiming light lock.

Struggle of Exiles: Burrow (Cliffside);  This is in the small alcove which has

the doorway into the Hidden Court.  It is immediately above the Morph Ball

tunnel entrance, and is easy to miss.  It is covered by the chiming light lock.

Salvation: Hidden Court Hall (Cliffside);  This is near the door to Fuel Gel

Pool.  It is uncovered.

The Hunted: Jungle Generator (Thorn Jungle);  This is immediately in front of

the doorway in, and is impossible to miss.  The cover hides a missile expansion

in addition to the Lore scan.  It is covered by the chiming light lock.

Decline: Colossus Vista (Cliffside);  This is immediately next to the orange

door.  It is uncovered.

Prophecy: Refinery Access (Fire);  This is straight ahead and up high when you

enter from the Gel Refinery Site.  It is covered by the chiming light lock.

Our Plea: Imperial Caverns (Ice);  This is down on the lowest level, next to

the doorway out.  It is uncovered.


** Skytown Data Scans

These are carried around by the Databot flying creatures.  Shoot the Databot,

and it displays the Lore.  Then just scan it.  You can shoot and scan a Databot

as often as you like.  They're invincible, so you can't destroy them, and they

don't shut down after you scan them, so you can scan the Lore as often as you

like.  They are all found on planet Elysia.

Creators: Main Docking Bay (Skytown);  The first Databot can be spotted all the

way down at the landing pad, but you need to go through the hallway and get up

close to it to get the Lore.

Gift: Arrival Station (Skytown);  This Databot flies around near the exit door.

Discovery: Barracks Lift (Skytown);  This Databot is on the bottom floor of the


Alone: Landing Site A (Skytown);  This Databot is at the top of the lift.

Slumber: Ballista Lift (Skytown);  The Databot is on the top floor of the room.

Federation: Maintenance Shaft TA (Eastern Skytown);  This Databot is flying

above the bottomless pit.  It is still easy to shoot and scan, but be careful

about the edge while you do this.

Agreement: SkyTown Federation Landing Site (Eastern Skytown);  This Databot is

at the top of the lift.

Aurora: Broken Lift (Eastern Skytown);  This Databot is on the top floor of the

room.  Since the lift is broken, you must enter from the top to get this Lore.

Loss: Concourse Access B (Eastern Skytown);  The first time you come here, this

Databot is the only moving thing in the room, so it is difficult to miss.  If

you return later in the game, there might be a Phazon Metroid here.

Phazon: Construction Bay (Skytown);  This Databot hovers around the platform on

top of the large floating barge that has the grapple hooks underneath.  It is

possible to get an angle to shoot and scan from the platform at the far end of

the barge, but that is difficult.  It is much easier to wait until you have the

Screw Attack and then travel over to the platform where the missile expansion

sits.  From there, the shoot-and-scan is very easy.

Invader: Hoverplat Docking Site (Skytown);  You must have at least the Screw

Attack to reach this Databot.  From the center platform where the Spider Ball

track begins, it is fairly easy to shoot and scan the Databot.  You do not need

to Spider Ball your way up to that platform to get this Lore scan.

Defeat: Powerworks (Skytown);  This Databot is in the same room where you get

the Spider Ball expansion pickup.  Make sure you get the scan before you leave

the room, because getting back here later can be a real pain.


** Space Pirate Data Scans

Like the GF Lore scans, there is no special trick to these, and you can only

scan them once before they shut down.  Unlike the GF Lore scans, they are all

found on one planet: the Pirate Homeworld, of course.

Our Mission: Lift Hub (Command);  This is on the right-hand wall as you enter

from the landing pad.

Stowaway: Command Station (Command);  This is in the hidden alcove that you can

only get to from Defense Access.

First Disciples: Processing Access (Research);  This is in the small alcove

halfway through the room, where you also find the two thin Phazite panels.

The Source Discovered: Airshaft (Research);  This is at the top of the room,

near the blue door.

The Leviathan: Transit Station 1-A (Research);  This is on the wall directly

opposite the tram track where the tram car sits.

Taking Valhalla: Creche Transit (Research);  This is near the door that leads

to the Metroid Creche, not the door that leads to Metroid Processing.  You need

the Hazard Shield to reach this Lore scan.

Purification: Skyway Access (Command);  This is on the right side of the room

as you enter from Courtyard Passage.

Vanguard: Mine Lift (Mines);  This is down at the bottom of the room, near the

door to Phazon Harvesting.

Victory and Loss: Drill Shaft 1 (Mines);  This is up on a ledge near the door

to Main Cavern.  You do not need to jump on this ledge to reach the doorway, so

you might not notice this scan.

Bryyo Falls: Phazon Mine Entry (Mines);  This is in the alcove closed off by

Phazite walls, so you must use the X-ray Visor and Nova Beam to open the area

before you can scan this Lore.

Disaster at Elysia: Command Courtyard (Command);  This is located on the left-

hand side of the room as you enter from the Lift Hub.  It is on the upper level

which you can only reach by way of the green Grab Ledge and Morph Ball tunnel.

You must also cross over the raised bridge, which is exposed to the acid rain,

so you need the Hazard Shield to reach this Lore scan.

Mistress Gandrayda: Transit Tunnel P70 (Command);  This is located down in the

narrow trench where the Phazon river lies.  It is near the doorway to Transit

Station 0205.


============================-05:  CREATURE CREDITS-============================


The red Creature Credits are the most common in the game, which means it is

easy to end your first play-through missing a few (or even several of them).

If this happens to you, the best way to deal with it is to think ahead to the

next play-through.  Plan out which you need to earn and focus on getting them


A lot of these are missable, so you need to be thorough.  I define a scan as

"missable" if that creature vanishes forever *before* you go to planet Phaaze.

So, for example, the Jelsac is missable because it is only available on the GFS

Valhalla for a brief time before it vanishes.  However, the Phazon Metroid is

*not* missable because you can always find them if you go to the correct rooms.

Any creature that *only* appears on planet Phaaze is considered missable.

As usual, this chapter has two sections: a brief overview on how to get these

Credits, and a much longer detailed section on where each Credit is earned.

------------------------a: How to Find Creature Credits------------------------

Creature Credits are earned by scanning creatures.  This includes the Boss

creatures, most of which only appear once.  Creatures that you scan during your

first play-through remain scanned in future play-throughs, so you only need to

get each of them once.

There are 109 creature scans total, each one worth a Creature Credit.  It is

possible to get them all in a single play-through, but, again, you can get any

you missed in future play-throughs.  You need to get 108 of them if you want to

unlock all the bonus content.

-----------------------b: Where to Find Creature Credits-----------------------

As with the Lore Credits, I am organizing these in the same way as the game's

Logbook.  There are five categories of creature scans.

Also as usual, each scan is listed as follows:

'Name': 'Map Room'; 'Paragraph on how to earn it'

In this case, the map room is the first place where that particular scan can be

obtained.  If that particular scan is missable and/or only obtainable in that

particular room, the paragraph description will say so.


** Galactic Federation Creature Scans

Aurora Unit 217: Aurora Chamber, Elysia, Skytown;  Missable.  Make sure you

scan it immediately after using the Plasma Beam to repair the network.

Demolition Trooper: Skyway Access, Pirate Homeworld, Command;  Missable.  You

must get this scan during the escort mission.  The best time is while you are

still in Skyway Access, just before you enter the door to start the mission.

Federation Marine: Docking Bay 5, GFS Olympus; These guys are quite common

during the game, but you might as well scan the ones in the very first room.

Federation PED Marine: Cargo Deck A, Norion;  The first one can be found after

you return to Cargo Dock A after activating Generator A.  But if you miss him,

more pop up in many places during the rest of the game.

Female Fleet Trooper: Docking Bay Access, GFS Olympus;  Missable.  They only

appear on the GFS Olympus.  If you don't scan one before going to Bryyo, you've

missed it.

Fleet Admiral Dane: Flag Bridge, GFS Olympus;  Missable.  You have only one

chance to scan him, on the bridge immediately after the meeting with 242.  Get

him then, or you're out of luck.

Fleet Mechanic: Docking Bay 5, GFS Olympus;  If you miss the ones on the

Olympus, there are several on Norion you can find easily.

Halberd-Class Turret: Docking Bay 5, GFS Olympus;  Missable.  There are many on

the Olympus, but none anywhere else.  They're usually retracted into the

ceilings, so they can be easy to miss.  Make sure you don't.

Hunter Gandrayda: Hub Access, Norion;  Missable.  The only chance to scan her

is on the elevator up to the control room after you've activated all the power

generators.  If you don't get her then, you're out of luck.  This is *NOT* the

same scan as the one you must get during the boss battle later.  You must scan

her both times.

Hunter Ghor: Security Station, GFS Olympus;  Missable.  You have three chances

to scan him.  Once on the Olympus and twice on Norion.  The final chance is in

the elevator up to the control room after you've activated all the generators.

This is *NOT* the same scan as the one you must get during the boss battle

later.  You must scan him both times.

Hunter Rundus: Hub Access, Norion;  Missable.  The only chance to scan him is

on the elevator up to the control room after you've activated all the power

generators.  If you don't get him then, you're out of luck.  This is *NOT* the

same scan as the one you must get during the boss battle later.  You must scan

him both times.

Male Fleet Trooper: Docking Bay Access, GFS Olympus;  Missable.  They only

appear on the GFS Olympus.  If you don't scan one before going to Bryyo, you've

missed it.

Training Drone: Docking Bay 5, GFS Olympus;  Missable.  You have two chances to

get this scan: immediately when you arrive, and immediately before you leave

for Norion.  If you're on Norion without having scanned this, you've missed it.


** Bryyo Creature Scans

Alpha Hopper: Gateway Hall, Bryyo Cliffside;  Missable.  These appear only

once, during the mini-boss fight on the ice bridge.

Atomic: GFS Theseus, Bryyo Cliffside;  The only other place I remember one of

these appearing is at the GFS Valhalla.  It vanishes from the Theseus after its

first appearance, but I believe it can always be found on the Valhalla, so it

isn't missable.

Bryyonian Shriekbat: Crash Site, Bryyo Cliffside;  These appear in several

Bryyo locations, so they aren't missable.  But they attack quickly, so scanning

them is a little bit challenging.

Fargul Hatcher: Hall of the Golems, Bryyo Cliffside;  These appear only in this

one room, and then only after you've beaten Gandrayda.  But once they appear,

they can always be found there.  So they are not missable.

Fargul Wasp: Hall of the Golems, Bryyo Cliffside;  These appear only in this

one room, and then only after you've beaten Gandrayda.  But once they appear,

they can always be found there.  So they are not missable.

Geemer: Reliquary III, Bryyo Cliffside;  This only appears in this one room,

but they are always there.  You must have the ice missiles to open the door,

but except for that, getting this scan is extremely simple.

Gelbug: Temple Access, Bryyo Fire;  These only appear in this one room, but

they are always there.  There is once or twice after the fight against Rundas

when they strangely vanish, but they always come back.  So this scan is not


Gel Puffer: Gateway, Bryyo Cliffside;  These are ubiquitous throughout Bryyo,

particularly in Fire, so they aren't missable.

Gel Ray: Gel Hall, Bryyo Fire;  These can only be found in about 3 or 4 rooms,

but they're always there so they aren't missable.  Since you can only scan them

while they're leaping out of the Fuel Gel, this one can be a bit tough.  Just

persevere and you'll get it.

Gragnol: Gateway Hall, Bryyo Cliffside;  These are all over the place on Bryyo,

so you won't have any trouble getting this one.

Gragnol Adult: Gel Processing Site, Bryyo Fire;  These are more rare than the

smaller variety, but they're still not missable.  Just keep an eye out.  They

are larger than the other kind, and also have a yellow glow because they can be


Hopper: Gateway, Bryyo Cliffside;  These are ubiquitous throughout Bryyo, so

they aren't missable.

Korba: Hillside Vista, Bryyo Cliffside;  This is the only place you can scan

one of these, but it is always there and so is not missable.

Mogenar: Bryyo Leviathan Core;  Missable.  Don't forget that in addition to

beating him, you also need to scan him.

Nightbarb: Hidden Court, Bryyo Cliffside;  There are a few places in Cliffside

where these can be found, and they're always there.

Reptilicus: Grand Court Path, Bryyo Cliffside;  These things are all over

Bryyo, particularly after you've destroyed the Seed.  You will have lots of

opportunities to scan one.

Reptilicus Hunter: Grand Court, Bryyo Cliffside;  Missable.  The first time you

enter this room, you have to fight a mini-boss battle against two of these, and

they only reappear once after this, at the Federation Landing Site where you

get the Ship Missiles.  This first mini-boss battle is the easiest time to get

the scan, because the second time there are more of them, accompanied by Warp


Scorchbug: Temple Reservoir, Bryyo Fire;  These are not missable, but they can

easily escape your notice because they're so small.  Make sure you scan them

when you see a swarm of them moving about somewhere.

Shelbug: Grand Court Path, Bryyo Cliffside;  These appear at several locations

all over Bryyo, especially after you've beaten the Seed.  You have many chances

to get this scan.

Snatcher: Hillside Vista, Bryyo Cliffside;  This is the only place you can scan

one of these, but they are always there and so are not missable.

Warp Hound: Gel Processing Site, Bryyo Fire;  These aren't very common, but

there are one or two rooms where they always appear after you've beaten the

Seed, so they are not missable.


** Skytown Creature Scans

Aerial Repair Drone: Main Docking Bay, Skytown;  There are dozens of these all

over Skytown.  They're impossible to miss.

Databot: Main Docking Bay, Skytown;  There are 12 of these in various spots

around Skytown.  Scan one of them *before* you shoot it and you're set to go.

Defense Drone: Ballista Storage, Skytown;  Missable.  This is a boss battle, so

remember to scan it before you defeat it.

"Dragoon" Battle Drone: Skybridge Hera, Skytown;  There are many of these all

over Skytown.

Elysian Shriekbat: Main Docking Access, Skytown;  They're a bit difficult to

scan since they dive-bomb you when you get close.  Just keep at it and you'll

get one eventually.

Helios: Elysian Leviathan Core;  Missable.  Don't forget that in addition to

beating him, you also need to scan him.

Repair Drone: Aurora Lift, Skytown;  These are much more rare than the Aerial

Repair Drones, but you'll find a few of them rolling around from time to time.

Sky Puffer: Maintenance Shaft AU, Skytown;  These tend to turn up in rooms with

bottomless pits.  They move around slowly, and so aren't difficult to scan.

Steambot: Steambot Barracks, Skytown;  Missable.  These only turn up three

times in the whole game, at those points where Steamlords make an appearance.

Steambots look exactly like Tinbots, which are much more common, so you might

possibly not realize that you are seeing Steambots and not Tinbots.  Be careful

to get this scan when you see a Steamlord.

Steamlord: Steambot Barracks, Skytown;  Missable.  There are only three of

these in the entire game.  You must make sure to scan one of them.

Steamspider: Escape Pod Bay, Skytown;  These eventually disappear from the

Escape Pod Bay.  However, they can always be found in Xenoresearch B, in the

room where you find the Seeker Missile Launcher.

Swarmbot: Gearworks, Eastern Skytown;  These look (and attack) exactly the same

as the Phazon Nightbarbs on Bryyo, so you might be fooled into thinking that

you already scanned them.  That makes them easy to miss.

Tinbot: Arrival Station, Skytown;  There are lots of these all over Skytown.

Transportation Drone: Main Docking Bay, Skytown;  These are fairly rare, and

are also fairly well-camouflaged.  They are basically just little eyeballs

carrying crates.  If you look up at the crates that fly overhead at the Main

Docking Bay, you can see them.  The main problem is that if you try to scan it,

there is a good chance you'll end up scanning the crate it carries instead.

Just keep at it until you actually scan the Drone.


** Space Pirate Creature Scans

Advanced Aerotrooper: Chozo Observatory, Eastern Skytown;  Missable.  They are

eventually replaced by more powerful Aerotroopers.

Advanced Pirate Trooper: Ancient Courtyard, Bryyo Thorn Jungle;  Missable.

More powerful Troopers appear eventually, so get these as soon as possible.

Advanced Shield Trooper: Temple of Bryyo, Bryyo Fire;  Missable.  They first

appear after the Fire Generator's destruction, and are eventually replaced by

more powerful Troopers.  So get this one as soon as possible.

Aeromine: Repair Bay Shaft, GFS Olympus;  Missable.  There are a lot of these

throughout the game, but eventually you run into the final group during the

escort mission on Pirate Homeworld.  Make sure you scan one before you lose

your chance.

Aerotrooper: Cargo Dock A, Norion;  Missable.  These are quickly replaced by

more powerful versions.  Scan them when you can.

Armored Aerotrooper: Temple of Bryyo, Bryyo Fire;  Missable.  These first

appear immediately before the destruction of the Fire Generator.  Like most

Pirate Troopers, they are soon replaced by more powerful versions, so scan them

when you can.

Armored Pirate: Concourse, Eastern Skytown;  Missable.  This guy is pretty much

identical to the Armored Pirate Trooper, but with one less word in its name.

Oddly enough, this scan does *not* appear in your logbook.  Despite that, it

is still worth a red Creature Credit.  Because it doesn't show up in the log-

book, I'm half-convinced that this is some kind of bug in the game, but don't

let that stop you from scanning this guy and getting the Credit.  He is the

third Pirate to appear in the Concourse room.  Once you gun him down, you never

see another enemy named "Armored Pirate", so don't miss your one and only

chance to get this scan.

Armored Pirate Militia: Xenoresearch Lab, GFS Olympus;  Missable.  They do

appear once on the Pirate Homeworld, but you'll scan them on the Olympus if you

are smart.

Armored Pirate Trooper: Temple of Bryyo, Bryyo Fire;  Missable.  These first

appear just before the fight against Rundas and are soon replaced by stronger

Troopers, so scan one as soon as you can.

Armored Shield Trooper: Central Spire, SkyTown;  Missable.  I'm reasonably

sure that these *only* appear during the defense of the Spire while on the

mission to bomb the Elysia Leviathan shield.  If you don't get them then, you

are out of luck.

Assault Aerotrooper: Craneyard, Pirate Homeworld Research;  Missable.  These

appear when you get the Hazard Shield upgrade.  They disappear again after the

destruction of the Pirate Homeworld Seed, so scan them when you can.

Assault Pirate Trooper: Ancient Courtyard, Bryyo Thorn Jungle;  Missable.

Unlike most Pirate Troopers, these are introduced early and come back many

times before the end.  But they ultimately disappear after the Pirate Homeworld

Seed is destroyed, so you do have only a limited time to scan them.

Assault Shield Trooper: Metroid Processing, Pirate Homeworld Research;

Missable.  I believe these only appear once, on your first trip through Metroid

Processing.  So scan them at that time, or you are out of luck.

Aurora Unit 313; Sanctum, Phaaze;  Missable.  This is the very final boss, so

there's nothing more that needs to be said.

Berserker Knight: Ancient Courtyard, Bryyo Thorn Jungle;  Missable.  There are

only two of these in the whole game.  The second one appears during the escort

mission on Pirate Homeworld, and there's really no time to scan enemies during

that mission, so get the first one.

Berserker Lord: Docking Bay 5, GFS Olympus;  Missable.  Unlike most bosses,

this one appears a second time, on Elysia.  If you miss him on the Olympus, you

can scan him then.

Commando Pirate: Scrapvault, Pirate Homeworld Research;  Unlike all the rest of

the Pirate Troopers, the Commando Pirate still appears in a couple areas after

the destruction of the Seed, and so is not missable.

Crawlmine: Xenoresearch Lab, GFS Olympus;  These are rare, but there are a few

other places where they appear after the Olympus.  If you miss the scan on the

Olympus, keep an eye out for them elsewhere.

Crawltank: Xenoresearch Lab, GFS Olympus;  These are everywhere and quite

common.  You'll have no trouble finding one to scan.

Dark Samus: Sanctum, Phaaze;  Missable.  You fight her in the very last room of

planet Phaaze.  If you don't scan her then, you're out of luck.  Do it right at

the start of the fight when you have the time.

Gandrayda: Proving Grounds, Pirate Homeworld Research;  Missable.  You only

need to scan her once, though you can scan her several times.  This is *NOT*

the same as the Gandrayda scan you get on Norion; make sure you get both.

Ghor: Main Docking Bay, Skytown;  Missable.  You can get 2 or 3 different scans

of him during the fight, but you only need one.  This is *NOT* the same as the

Ghor scan you get on Norion; make sure you get both.

"Jolly Roger" Drone: Generator A, Norion;  These are still available in a few

locations on Pirate Homeworld even after the destruction of the Seed.

Jumpmine: Conduit A, Norion;  Missable.  These can be found at a few locations

after Norion, but not many and they're soon all gone forever.

Korakk Beast: Jousting Field, Bryyo Thorn Jungle;  Missable.  This is a boss

fight, so make sure to scan it before you defeat it.

Meta-Ridley: Generator Shaft, Norion;  Missable.  Your only chance to get this

scan is during the shaft fight, so don't miss it.

Omega-Ridley: Pirate Homeworld Leviathan Core;  Missable.  Yes, this is a

different scan than Meta-Ridley.  Make sure you don't forget to get it.

Phazon Harvester Drone: Phazon Harvesting, Pirate Homeworld Mines;  Missable.

Make sure you scan it before you destroy it with a ship bombing run.

Pirate Cargo Drone: Landing Site Bravo, Pirate Homeworld Command;  These can be

found at most of the landing sites on Pirate Homeworld.

Pirate Commander: Transit Station Leviathan, Pirate Homeworld Command;

Missable.  This is the mini-boss battle right before going to the Leviathan.

Make sure you scan him before you destroy him.

Pirate Hussar: Jousting Field, Bryyo Thorn Jungle;  Missable.  This one is easy

to miss, because it might not occur to you to scan the Pirate riding the Korakk

Beast before you blast him.  Make sure you don't forget it.

Pirate Militia: Flag Bridge Access, GFS Olympus;  Missable.  These only appear

a few times right at the beginning of the game.  Make sure to scan one of them

before you finish them all off.

Pirate Trooper: Cargo Dock A, Norion;  Missable.  These standard Pirate foot

soldiers only appear near the start of the game and are quickly replaced with

more powerful versions.  Scan one while you can.

Puffer Mine: Airshaft, Pirate Homeworld Research;  Missable.  These only appear

in two rooms, and they quickly vanish from both.  The ones in the Airshaft are

gone by the time you defeat Gandrayda.  If you miss them there, you can also

find them in Processing Access, in the raised area where you wall jump up to

get a ship missile expansion.  But once you get the ship missile, they vanish

from that room as well.  Just make sure you don't confuse the Puffer Mine with

the Sky Puffer on Elysia.  You need to scan both.

Remorse-Class Turret: Corrupted Pool, Bryyo Fire;  Missable.  There are a lot

of these throughout the game, but each time the Pirates are driven off a world

these turrets also disappear from that world.  After the destruction of the

Seed on Pirate Homeworld, there are none of these left.

Rundas: Temple of Bryyo, Bryyo Fire;  Missable.  Since this is a boss fight,

you have only the one chance to scan him.  This is *NOT* the same as the Rundas

scan you get on Norion; make sure you get both.

Scritter: Courtyard Passage, Pirate Homeworld Command;  These can also be found

in the Pirate Homeworld Leviathan, but you can only enter that location once.

On the other hand, you can enter Courtyard Passage all the time, and the swarm

of Scritters is always there.

Shield Pirate Militia: Cargo Dock A, Norion;  Missable.  The only other place

these appear is at the Jousting Field in Bryyo Thorn Jungle immediately after

the Korakk Beast fight.  If you miss them on Norion, that is your last chance

to scan them.

Shield Pirate Trooper: Maintenance Station, Norion;  Missable.  I believe there

are a few of these on Bryyo, but they disappear quickly in either case so scan

one ASAP.

Space Pirate Assault Skiff: Central Spire, SkyTown;  Missable.  There are only

three of these in the game, and they all appear during the mission to bomb the

shield over the Elysia Leviathan, during your defense of the Spire.  So make

sure you scan one before you destroy them all.

Space Pirate ATC: Cargo Dock A, Norion;  Missable.  There are several of these

throughout the game, but you won't see any more of them after bombing the

shield over the Elysia Leviathan.  So make sure you scan one of these during or

before the bombing mission.

Space Pirate Boarding Pod: Port Observation Deck, GFS Olympus;  If you forget

to scan one of the two Boarding Pods on the Olympus, you will have to wait

until the GFS Valhalla.  There is one visible out the window of the Weapons

Cache room.

Urtagian Shriekbat: Scrapvault, Pirate Homeworld Research;  Missable.  These

appear only once, the first time you enter this room.  There are two groups of

them, so do your best to scan at least one before they all make their suicide



** Phazon Creature Scans

Hopping Metroid: Cargo Dock B, Norion;  Missable.  Once you've destroyed the

lot at Cargo Dock B and opened the door they guard, no more show up until you

get to Phaaze, and even then they only appear in a couple rooms.

Jelsac: Repair Bay, GFS Valhalla;  Missable.  After a certain point in the

game, the Jelsacs disappear from the Valhalla.  I don't know when, but I think

it is when you destroy the Elysia Seed.  In any case, it is possible for the

Jelsacs to disappear from the Valhalla before you ever go there.  If for any

reason you don't scan them on the Valhalla, you can get them on planet Phaaze.

Leviathan Infant: Genesis Chamber, Phaaze;  Missable.  This only appears in the

room before the final boss.  That is your only chance to get it.

Liquid Phazon: Conduit B, Norion;  This creature also appears on the GFS


Metroid Hatcher: Generator B, Norion;  Missable.  There are only three of these

in the entire game.  Scan one before you beat all of them.

Miniroid: Hanger A Access, GFS Valhalla;  These can also be found on planet


Phaazoid: Several Bryyo sites;  Might be missable.  There are also Phaazoids on

Elysia and Pirate Homeworld.  They appear after the Seed has been destroyed.

Sometimes they come back after being destroyed, but often not.  So scan them

the first time you see them.

Phaz-Ing: Junction A, GFS Valhalla;  These also appear on planet Phaaze.

Phazon Grub: Conduit B, Norion;  These are usually spawned by Liquid Phazon

creatures, but they occasionally appear on their own.  If you miss this scan

everywhere else, you can always find them on the Valhalla.

Phazon Hopper: MedLab Alpha, GFS Valhalla;  These also appear on planet Phaaze.

Phazon Leech: Security Station, GFS Valhalla;  Missable.  They only appear

here, in the Elysia Leviathan, and in one room on Pirate Homeworld.  And if you

arrive at the Valhalla after defeating the Elysia Leviathan, they aren't on the

Valhalla anymore.  Make sure you don't miss these when you have the chance.

Phazon Metroid: Xenoresearch A and B, Eastern Skytown;  After you first meet

them in Skytown, you can find them easily in that same part of Skytown, on the

Valhalla, and also on planet Phaaze.

Phazon Nightbarb: Gateway, Bryyo Cliffside;  These can be found several places

around Cliffside.

Phazon Pillbug: Gel Processing Site, Bryyo Fire;  As far as I know, this is the

only place to scan them.  They can be found in other rooms, but in all of them

you are in Morph Ball mode and can't scan anything.  So make sure you get them

here from the platform in the center of the room.

Phazon Puffer: Cavern Beta Access, Phaaze;  Missable.  These only appear in two

rooms on Phaaze, and you can't go back to get them if you miss them.

Phazon Shriekbat: Hanger A Access, GFS Valhalla;  These don't appear until late

in the game.  Once they do appear, they're only found in this one room but

they're always there as long as you come in to the room from the landing pad.

Red Phaazoid: Jousting Field, Bryyo Thorn Jungle;  Missable.  These appear in

ten sites spread across Bryyo, Elysia, and Pirate Homeworld.  Each one vanishes

forever after defeated, so scan one before you beat them all.  They appear when

you destroy an ordinary Phaazoid and it splits into two smaller Phaazoids.  One

of the two smaller Phaazoids will be a Red Phaazoid.

Tangle Weed: Dropshaft, Phaaze;  Missable.  This only appears in the first two

levels of the Dropshaft room.  If you miss it there, you can't go back for it.


=======================-06:  THE EXTRAS AND THEIR COSTS-=======================


Once you have all these credits, what are they good for?  Unlocking the extras,

of course!  Like the first and second Prime games, MP:C has image galleries you

can unlock.  But it also has new unlockables the two prequels didn't, including

selected pieces of the soundtrack.

Below is a list from each gallery, along with a description of each item and

the cost of unlocking it.  In the prices, 'C' means Creature Credits, 'L' means

Lore Credits, 'B' means Boss Credits, and 'F' means Friend Credits.

By the way, please note that once you unlock something, it is unlocked for

good.  You can not relock it to gain back the Credits you spent.  So make sure

you want it before you get it.

------------------------------a: Concept Gallery-------------------------------

Samus Package: Concept images of Samus and her various suits.

Price:  C - 3; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Creature Package 1: Concept images of some of the scannable creatures.

Price:  C - 3; L - 1; B - 1; F - 0

Creature Package 2: More concept images of some of the scannable creatures.

Price:  C - 3; L - 2; B - 2; F - 1

World Package 1: Concept images of some of the locations and backgrounds.

Price:  C - 3; L - 1; B - 1; F - 0

World Package 2: More concept images of locations and backgrounds.

Price:  C - 3; L - 2; B - 2; F - 1

Storyboard Package 1: Concept images from the original storyboards.

Price:  C - 3; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Storyboard Package 2: More concept images from the original storyboards.

Price:  C - 3; L - 2; B - 2; F - 1

Total Cost of the Concept Gallery: C - 21; L - 12; B - 10; F - 3

-------------------------------b: Bonus Gallery--------------------------------

Ship Bumper Stickers: Puts images from certain Wii games on the hull of Samus'

ship, provided you have a save file for that particular game.

Price:  C - 3; L - 1; B - 3; F - 2

Screen-Shot Tool: Lets you take in-game screen shots by pushing up on the d

pad.  Images are saved to the Message Board.

Price:  C - 3; L - 1; B - 3; F - 2

Mii Bobblehead: Puts a bobblehead on the left side of the dashboard inside

Samus' ship.  Its body is Samus' Varia Suit and its head is the Mii you

assigned to that save file.

Price:  C - 3; L - 1; B - 3; F - 2

Diorama 1: A sculpture of Samus fighting Meta-Ridley in the Generator Shaft.

The pedestal looks like a stylized Metroid.

Price:  C - 3; L - 1; B - 3; F - 1

Diorama 2: A sculpture of Samus sitting on a throne shaped like one of Bryyo's

huge stone golems.  Several Reptilicuses (Reptilici?) are sitting around it,

apparently prostrating themselves as if Samus were an important ruler or god.

The pedestal looks like a stylized Metroid.

Price:  C - 3; L - 1; B - 3; F - 1

Diorama 3: A sculpture of Mogenar trying to stomp Samus while she weaves around

him in Morph Ball mode.  A pair of Reptilicus Hunters watch from the edges.

The pedestal looks like a stylized Metroid.

Price:  C - 3; L - 1; B - 3; F - 1

Diorama 4: A sculpture of Samus fighting a Steamlord while standing on the

broken form of a defeated Defense Drone.  A Steambot and several Repair Drones

watch from nearby.  The pedestal looks like a stylized Metroid.

Price:  C - 3; L - 1; B - 3; F - 1

Diorama 5: A sculpture of Samus fighting Ghor while clinging to the front of

the mask on his large combat mecha.  Several Chozo Ghosts watch from the edges.

The pedestal looks like a stylized Metroid.

Price:  C - 3; L - 1; B - 3; F - 1

Diorama 6: A sculpture of Samus fighting AU 313.  Three Dark Samus clones watch

from above.  The pedestal looks like a stylized Metroid.

Price:  C - 3; L - 1; B - 3; F - 1

Total Cost of the Bonus Gallery: C - 27; L - 9; B - 27; F - 12

-----------------------------c: Soundtrack Gallery-----------------------------

Track 01: MP3 Title Music;  Music played on the title screens.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 02: In the Cockpit;  Music played inside Samus' gunship.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 03: GF Battle Theme;  Music played during the battle of Norion.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 04: Bryyo;  Music played at Bryyo Cliffside.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 05: Bryyo Thorn Jungle;  Music played at Bryyo Thorn Jungle.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 06: The Corruption;  Music played the first time Samus' PED overloads.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 07: Skytown;  Music played at Skytown.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 08: Steamlord;  Music played during the Steamlord boss fight.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 09: Valhalla;  Music played at the GFS Valhalla.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 10: Metroid Battle Theme;  Music played during some Metroid fights.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 11: Helios;  Music played during the Helios boss fight.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 12: Pirate Homeworld;  Music played at Pirate Homeworld Command Center.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 13: Gandrayda;  Music played during the Gandrayda boss fight.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 14: Omega Ridley;  Music played during the Omega-Ridley boss fight.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Track 15: Phaaze;  Music played on the planet Phaaze.

Price: C - 4; L - 2; B - 1; F - 0

Total Cost of the Soundtrack Gallery: C - 60; L - 30; B - 15; F - 0

--------------------------d. Total Cost of Everything--------------------------

Total Cost of Everything: C - 108; L - 51; B - 52; F - 15

If you add everything together, this is the total number of Credits you need to

unlock all the extras.

Maybe not coincidentally, there are exactly 51 Lore scans and accomplishments,

and 52 boss battles and special events.  There are also 109 Creature scans,

which is one more than you need (supporting my belief, stated earlier, that the

'Armored Pirate' enemy is a bug, or otherwise not meant to be in the game).

This means you must get 100% of the Lores in your logbook, 100% minus 1 of the

Creatures in your logbook, finish Normal/Veteran difficulty, *and* finish

Hypermode difficulty to unlock everything.

On the other hand, there are 26 known Friend Voucher events, allowing for 11

more Friend Credits than you need.  So in order to unlock all the extras, you

need to concentrate on logbook scans and boss fights, not on Friend Voucher



============================-07:  DOCUMENT HISTORY-============================


Started on: September 7th 2007

Version 1.00: September 17th 2007

The first and possibly last version.  I am fairly certain I have all the scans,

Credits, and Vouchers listed.  But if you are aware of any I missed, feel free

to contact me with the info.  Please see the beginning of this FAQ for how to

send me anything I missed.

Version 1.05: November 3rd 2007

Some very minor changes for readability and fixing typos, but nothing really

worth noting; and fixed some inaccuracies about a few missable scans.  Finally,

I also added a spoiler warning in the 'Introduction' chapter, for those people

who are too slow to realize that this FAQ ruins a lot of the game for anyone

who hasn't beaten it yet.  (Alas, the tubal interwebs are full of such people.)

Version 1.10: November 20th 2007

Another Creature Credit found!  The 'Armored Pirate' is very easy to miss

because it does not appear in the log book at all, oddly enough, and only shows

up once in the entire game.  Check out its entry in the 'Space Pirate Creature

Scans' section for more info.  And fixed some inaccuracies with the Steamspider

Creature Scan and some Galactic Federation Lore scans, and added some more info

to the introduction of the 'Friend Credits and Friend Vouchers' section.
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