Written by Eric Jewett,
Last Modified: Monday, August 18, 2008
This document Copyright 2007,2008 Eric Jewett.
This guide may be viewed on the internet for free, but may
not be otherwise used, reproduced, sold, or distributed
without my expressed written permission.
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================== Ctrl+F
================== Code
I. (1) INTRODUCTION 11intr
(2) BACKGROUND 12back
(3) XBOX 360 CONTROLS 13xbox
(4) PC CONTROLS 14pcco
(5) GAME BASICS 15game
A. Character Creation 15Acha
B. Introduction to RPGs 15Bint
C. Conversations 15Ccon
D. The Mission Computer 15Dthe
E. Combat 15Ecom
F. Advancing Levels 15Fadv
G. The Galaxy Map 15Gthe
H. Equipment 15Hequ
I. Squad Management 15Isqu
J. Exploring Uncharted Worlds 15Jexp
K. Using the Mako 15Kusi
(6) CHARACTERS 16char
A. Commander Shepard 16Acom
B. Squad Members 16Bsqu
C. Normandy Crew 16Cnor
D. Other Characters 16Doth
A. Bring Down the Sky 17Abri
II. (1) WALKTHROUGH 21walk
A. Primary Mission 21Apri
i. Prologue 21A1pr
ii. Eden Prime 21A2ed
iii. The Citadel 21A3th
iv. Liara's Dig Site 21A4li
v. Feros 21A5fe
vi. Noveria 21A6no
vii. Virmire 21A7vi
viii. Return to the Citadel 21A8re
ix. Ilos 21A9il
B. Optional Assignments 21Bopt
i. Citadel Assignments 21B1ci
ii. Feros Assignments 21B2fe
iii. Garrus Assignments 21B3ga
iv. Noveria Assignments 21B4no
v. Tali Assignments 21B5ta
vi. UNC Assignments 21B6un
vii. Virmire Assignments 21B7vi
viii. Wrex Assignments 21B8wr
ix. X57 Assignments 21B9x5
C. Complete Codex 21Ccom
i. Primary Codex Entries 21C1pr
ii. Secondary Codex Entries 21C2se
A. Manufacturers 31Aman
B. Hidden Manufacturers 31Bhid
C. Weapons 31Cwea
D. Armor 31Darm
E. Other Equipment 31Eoth
F. Upgrades 31Fupg
A. General Strategies 32Agen
B. Sub-Boss Strategies 32Bsub
C. Boss Strategies 32Cbos
(4) SECRETS 34secr
A. Romances and Squad Conversations 34Arom
B. Achievement Bonuses 34Bach
C. Walkthrough Conclusion 34Cwal
IV. (1) CREDITS 41cred
(2) CONTACT ME 42cont
(3) REVISIONS 43revi
Introduction 11intr
Mass Effect is the first in a trilogy of games created by BioWare, award-
winning developer of such RPGs as Knights of the Old Republic and Baldur's
Gate. It takes place in the year 2183, as humanity begins to take its first
steps on the galactic stage, interacting with new alien races and settling
uncharted worlds. You play as Commander Shepard, a promising young officer
in the Systems Alliance Navy who has just been assigned to the SSV Normandy--
the most advanced starship humans have ever created.
Mass Effect was released for the Xbox 360 in North America on November 20,
2007, and for the PC on May 28, 2008. The game is rated "M" for Mature by
the ESRB for blood, language, partial nudity, sexual themes, and violence.
Background 12back
In 2148 AD, humanity discovered a small cache of highly advanced alien
technology buried deep beneath the surface of Mars. The creators of this
technology--known as the Protheans--went extinct nearly 50,000 years ago,
leaving little evidence of their existence behind. The discovery of this
technology led humans to develop faster-than-light travel, allowing rapid
expansion throughout the solar system.
Within a year humanity uncovered another piece of Prothean technology, a
dormant mass relay that had been encased in the ice-dwarf Charon. Once
activated, this relay allowed instantaneous travel across thousands of light
years to other mass relays in different parts of the galaxy. Humanity
immediately began using this technology to colonize far-off star systems.
In 2157, humanity made first contact with an alien species known as the
turians. This resulted in a conflict known as the First Contact War, as the
next several months saw skirmishes between the turians and Earth's Systems
Alliance fleets. This conflict eventually drew the attention of the Citadel
Council, a governing body that maintained peace and stability throughout much
of the galaxy. They intervened in the conflict and brokered a peace
agreement between humans and turians.
Humanity continued to expand, and in 2165 it was granted an embassy on the
Citadel, the political and economic heart of the civilized galactic
The year is now 2183, and the SSV Normandy--the most advanced starship ever
created by the Alliance--is being put through its paces. Aboard is Commander
Shepard, a talented young officer who will soon embark on a galaxy-spanning
adventure with the fate of the known universe hanging in the balance...
Xbox 360 Controls 13xbox
A Button - Activate / Interact / Sprint or Mount (in combat)
B Button - Holster Weapon
X Button - Draw Weapon / Skip Dialogue
Y Button - Draw Weapon / First Aid
Left Trigger - Draw Weapon / Zoom
Right Trigger - Draw Weapon / Fire Weapon
Left Bumper - Draw Weapon / Hold to Select Weapon
Right Bumper - Hold to Select Abilities
Left Analog Stick - Move Character / Cursor / Back to Wall
Right Analog Stick - Move Camera
Left Analog Button - Toggle Crouch
Right Analog Button - Increase Zoom (using sniper rifle)
Start Button - Access Mission Computer
Back Button - Throw Grenade / Detonate Grenade
A Button - Activate Jump Jets
B Button - Exit Mako
X Button - Return to Normandy
Y Button - Repair Mako
Left Trigger - Turret View
Right Trigger - Fire Machine Gun
Left Bumper - none
Right Bumper - Fire Cannon
Left Analog Stick - Move Mako
Right Analog Stick - Move Camera / Aim Weapons
Left Analog Button - none
Right Analog Button - Increase Zoom while in Turret View
Start Button - Main Menu
Back Button - none
Direction: Up - Move to a location
Direction: Down - Take cover
Direction: Left - Rally on your position
Direction: Right - Target an enemy
PC Controls 14pcco
Interact - E,Enter
Tactical HUD - Spacebar
Map - M
Equipment - I
Squad - U
Journal - J
Codex - O
Quick Save - F6
Movement - W,A,S,D
Storm - Shift
Movement Speed - Z
Crouch - Left Ctrl
Fire - Left Mouse Button
Zoom - Right Mouse Button
Change Zoom Level - E
Grenade - R
First Aid - F
Draw/Holster Weapon - Q
Previous Weapon - [
Next Weapon - ]
Pistol - F1
Shotgun - F2
Assault Rifle - F3
Sniper Rifle - F4
Toggle Quick Slots - V
Quick Slot 1 - 1
Quick Slot 2 - 2
Quick Slot 3 - 3
Quick Slot 4 - 4
Quick Slot 5 - 5
Quick Slot 6 - 6
Quick Slot 7 - 7
Quick Slot 8 - 8
Cannon - Right Mouse Button
Turret Zoom - Shift
Thrusters - Spacebar
Return to Normandy - N
Move - Up Button
Rally - Down Button
Attack - Left Button
Hold Position - Right Button
Game Basics 15game
When you start a new game, you can begin with the default version of
Commander Shepard, or you can create your own. Creating a custom character
allows you to alter your version of Commander Shepard in a number of ways, as
detailed below.
First, you select the gender of your character. Shepard can be male or
female. Next you can give a first name to your character. The default male
name is "John," and the default female name is "Jane." For the purposes of
in-game dialogue and continuity, the last name cannot be changed.
After selecting a name, the next step is to determine the history and
personality of your character. This is a two-step process:
The first step is to select your pre-service history. This dictates your
character's background before joining the Alliance military. Three
choices are available, and each allows for the completion of a different
optional assignment.
Spacer: "Both of your parents were in the Alliance military.
Your childhood was spent on ships and stations as they
transferred from posting to posting, never staying in
one location for more than a few years. Following in
your parent's footsteps, you enlisted at the age of
Alignment Bonus: ++ Paragon
Assignment: "Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things,"
in which Commander Shepard deals with a drunken ex-
marine who is emotionally scarred from the events he
witnessed as a soldier.
Colonist: "You were born and raised on Mindoir, a small border
colony in the Attican Traverse. When you were sixteen,
slavers raided Mindoir, slaughtering your family and
friends. You were saved by a passing Alliance patrol,
and you enlisted with the military a few years later."
Alignment Bonus: + Paragon
+ Renegade
Assignment: " Citadel: I Remember Me," in which
Commander Shepard is asked to speak with a fellow
colonist who was traumatized by the events on Mindoir.
Earthborn: "As an Earthborn, you had a rough childhood in the
slums of Earth, and have a gritty edge to your
Alignment Bonus: ++ Renegade
Assignment: "Citadel: Old Friends," in which Commander
Shepard is confronted by a member of his/her former
gang and asked to for a favor.
Next you select your psychological profile, for which there are again
three possible choices. By the start of the game your character is
something of a minor celebrity, and your choice here determines precisely
how this came to be. Individuals in the game will sometimes recognize
you from your past exploits and react differently towards you.
Additionally, for each psychological profile there is an optional
assignment that is affected. However, unlike the pre-service history
selections, these assignments are available to all players.
Sole Survivor: "During your service, a mission you were on went
horribly wrong. Trapped in an extreme survival
situation, you had to overcome physical torments and
psychological stresses that would have broken most
people. You survived while all those around you fell,
and now you alone are left to tell the tale."
Alignment Bonus: + Paragon
+ Renegade
Assignment: "UNC: Dead Scientists," in which Commander
Shepard encounters a fellow survivor of the massacre
on Akuze.
War Hero: "Early in your military career you found yourself
facing an overwhelming enemy force. You risked your
own life to save your fellow soldiers and defeat the
enemy despite the impossible odds. Your bravery and
heroism have earned you medals and recognition from
the Alliance fleet."
Alignment Bonus: ++ Paragon
Assignment: "UNC: Espionage Probe," in which Commander
Shepard confronts the mastermind of the attack he/she
is famous for defeating.
Ruthless: "Throughout your military career, your have held fast
to one basic rule: get the job done. You've been
called cold, calculating, and brutal. Your reputation
for ruthless efficiency makes your fellow soldiers
wary of you. But when failure is not an option, the
military always goes to you first."
Alignment Bonus: ++ Renegade
Assignment: "UNC: Major Kyle," in which Commander
Shepard must stop a dangerous cult led by his/her
former commanding officer.
These two selections create a matrix of nine possible backgrounds for
your character, each of which is detailed below. You may use this list
to select your desired combination of pre-service history and
psychological profile.
Spacer / Sole Survivor:
"Both of your parents were in the Alliance military. Your
childhood was spent on ships and stations as they transferred
from posting to posting. Following in your parents' footsteps,
you enlisted at the age of eighteen.
One of your first missions was an expedition to investigate
Akuze, a lush world on the outskirts of Alliance space that had
suddenly dropped out of contact. Arriving on the surface, your
patrol found the settlement intact, but there were no survivors.
At nightfall, the thresher maws struck - mindless abominations of
teeth and tentacles that rose from beneath the earth. Constant
gunfire couldn't drown out the shrieks of your fellow soldiers as
they were dragged down to a gruesome death.
Fifty marines died on Akuze. You were the only one to make it
back to the landing zone alive. A monument on the planet
commemorates the massacre, a grim reminder of the price humanity
must pay as they spread throughout the stars."
Spacer / War Hero:
"Born into a naval family, you spent your childhood on ships and
stations. You moved from posting to posting as your parents were
reassigned. You enlisted in the Alliance military yourself on the
day you turned eighteen.
You were on shore leave at Elysium when the first wave of the
Skyllian Blitz struck. A massive coalition force of slavers,
crime syndicates, and batarian warlords attacked the human
colony, determined to wipe it out.
You rallied the civilian inhabitants, leading them in their
desperate fight to hold off the invaders. When enemy troops broke
through the colony's defenses, you single-handedly held them off
and sealed the breach.
After hours of brutal fighting, reinforcements finally arrived
and the enemy broke ranks and fled. Because of your actions,
Elysium was saved, and you are regarded throughout the Alliance
as a true hero."
Spacer / Ruthless:
"Born into a naval family, you spent your childhood on ships and
stations. You moved from posting to posting as your parents were
reassigned, and it was only natural you would follow in their
footsteps by enlisting in the Alliance military when you came of
After several years of service, you joined the campaign to rid
the Skyllian Verge of batarian slavers and other criminal
elements. The final battle came when Alliance forces laid siege
to Torfan, a slaver base built miles below the surface of a
desolate moon. The superiority of the human fleet was wasted in
the assault on the underground bunker, but you led a corps of
elite ground troops into the heart of the enemy base.
Nearly three-quarters of your own squad perished in the vicious
close-quarters fighting... a cost you were willing to pay to make
sure not a single slaver made it out of Torfan alive."
Colonist / Sole Survivor:
"You were raised on Mindoir on the fringes of the Attican
Traverse. When you were sixteen, the colony was raided by
slavers. The entire settlement was razed and your friends and
family were slaughtered. A passing Alliance patrol rescued you,
but all you loved was destroyed.
You enlisted with the Alliance military, eventually volunteering
to go to Akuze, a colony that had mysteriously dropped out of
contact. As soon as it arrived on the surface, your patrol was
attacked by thresher maws - mindless abominations of teeth and
tentacles that rose up from beneath the earth. Constant gunfire
couldn't drown out the shrieks of your fellow soldiers as they
were dragged down to a gruesome death.
Fifty marines died on Akuze; you were the only one to make it
back to the landing zone alive. A monument on the planet
commemorates the massacre, a grim reminder of the price humanity
must pay as they spread throughout the stars."
Colonist / War Hero:
"You were raised on Mindoir on the fringes of the Attican
Traverse. When you were sixteen, the colony was raided by
slavers. The entire settlement was razed and your friends and
family were slaughtered. A passing Alliance patrol rescued you,
but all you loved was destroyed.
You enlisted with the Alliance military and were posted at
Elysium. You were there during the Skyllian Blitz, an attack on
the colony by a massive coalition force of slavers, crime
syndicates, and batarian warlords.
You rallied the civilian inhabitants, leading them in their
desperate fight to hold off the invaders. When enemy troops broke
through the colony's defenses, you single-handedly held them off
and sealed the breach.
After hours of brutal fighting, reinforcements finally arrived
and the enemy broke ranks and fled. Because of your actions,
Elysium was saved, and you are regarded throughout the Alliance
as a true hero."
Colonist / Ruthless:
"You were raised on Mindoir on the fringes of the Attican
Traverse. When you were sixteen, the colony was raided by
slavers. The entire settlement was razed and your friends and
family were slaughtered. A passing Alliance patrol rescued you,
but all you loved was destroyed.
You joined with the Alliance military, joining the long and
bloody campaign to rid the Skyllian Verge of batarian slavers and
other criminal elements. The final battle came when Alliance
forces laid siege to Torfan, a slaver base built miles below the
surface of a desolate moon. The superiority of the human fleet
was wasted in the assault on the underground bunker, but you led
a corps of elite ground troops into the heart of the enemy base.
Nearly three-quarters of your own squad perished in the vicious
close-quarters fighting, a cost you were willing to pay to make
sure not a single slaver made it out of Torfan alive."
Earthborn / Sole Survivor: *
"You were born on Earth, but you never knew your parents. A child
of the streets, you learned to live by your wits and guts,
surviving in the hidden underbelly of the megatropolises of
humanity's homeworld.
Eager to find a better life, you joined the Alliance military
when you came of age. You volunteered for an expedition to Akuze:
a lush world on the outskirts of Alliance space that had suddenly
dropped out of contact. Arriving on the surface your patrol found
the settlement intact, but no survivors.
At nightfall, the thresher maws struck - mindless abominations of
teeth and tentacles that rose up from beneath the earth. Constant
gunfire couldn't drown out the shrieks of your fellow soldiers as
they were dragged down to a gruesome death.
Fifty marines died on Akuze; you were the only one to make it
back to the landing zone alive. A monument on the planet
commemorates the massacre, a grim reminder of the price humanity
must pay as they spread throughout the stars."
Earthborn / War Hero:
"You were born on Earth, but you never knew your parents. A child
of the streets, you learned to live by your wits and guts,
surviving in the hidden underbelly of the megatropolises of
humanity's homeworld.
Eager to find a better life, you joined the Alliance military
when you came of age. You were on shore leave at Elysium when the
first wave of the Skyllian Blitz struck. A massive coalition
force of slavers, crime syndicates, and batarian warlords
attacked the human colony, determined to wipe it out.
You rallied the civilian inhabitants, leading them in their
desperate fight to hold off the invaders. When enemy troops broke
through the colony's defenses, you single-handedly held them off
and sealed the breach.
After hours of brutal fighting, reinforcements finally arrived
and the enemy broke ranks and fled. Because of your actions,
Elysium was saved, and you are regarded throughout the Alliance
as a true hero.
Earthborn / Ruthless:
"You were born on Earth, but you never knew your parents. A child
of the streets, you learned to live by your wits and guts,
surviving in the hidden underbelly of the megatropolises of
humanity's home world.
Eager to find a better life, you joined the Alliance military
when you came of age. You were assigned to the campaign to rid
the Skyllian Verge of batarian slavers and other criminal
elements. The final battle came when Alliance forces laid siege
to Torfan, a slaver base built miles below the surface of a
desolate moon. The superiority of the human fleet was wasted in
the assault on the underground bunker, but you led a corps of
elite ground troops into the heart of the enemy base.
Nearly three-quarters of your own squad perished in the vicious
close-quarters fighting, a cost you were willing to pay to make
sure not a single slaver made it out of Torfan alive."
* The Earthborn / Sole Survivor background is that chosen for the default
Commander Shepard.
After creating a character profile, you must select your class from the six
types available to you. This is a very important selection, as it determines
what weapons and abilities will be available to you.
There are three primary classes in Mass Effect: Soldiers, Engineers, and
Adepts. Soldiers are combat specialists. They are the only class with
access to heavy armor, and they have the ability to train in the use of any
weapon type. Engineers specialize in non-combat abilities like unlocking
doors and containers, and in sabotaging enemy weapons and shields. Adebts
are biotic characters that can forcefully move enemies and objects, and are
best at disabling enemies and controlling crowds.
Soldier: "The Soldier is a tough warrior, able to deal with a
range of combat situations. The Soldier gets improved
health, has the widest selection of weapons, and is
eventually able to wear heavy armor. Gameplay focus
is on getting into the thick of the fight, picking the
right weapon for tactical situations, and outlasting
Starting Talents: Assault Rifles
Assault Training
Combat Armor (Medium)
Unlockable Talents: Combat Armor (Heavy)
First Aid
Sniper Rifles
Engineer: "The Engineer is a tech specialist, able to quickly
and easily manipulate the environment with specific
talents. Gameplay focus is on shaping the battlefield
during combat, healing the party, and debuffing
enemies (disabling weapons and lowering shields)."
Starting Talents: Decryption
First Aid
Unlockable Talents: Basic Armor (Light)
Adept: "The Adept is the ultimate biotic, able to affect the
physical world with the power of the mind. They can
use biotics to violently manipulate objects in the
environment, including nearby enemy targets. Gameplay
focus is on disabling and debuffing enemies while
dealing massive amounts of damage."
Starting Talents: Barrier
Basic Armor (Light)
Unlockable Talents: Lift
The other three classes are hybrids of the first three, though whether they
combine the best or worst aspects of each remains a subject of debate. The
Infiltrator combines the Soldier and Engineer, the Vanguard combines the
Soldier and Adept, and the Sentinel combines the Engineer and Adept.
Vanguards have access to weapons and armor training, but don't have the range
of biotic abilities open to Adepts. Similarly, Infiltrators gain weapons and
armor training as well, but lack the range of debuffs possessed by Engineers.
The most supporting class is the Sentinel, which offers a mix of tech and
biotic powers, but lacks weapon or armor talents.
Infiltrator: "The Infiltrator is a tech-savvy warrior, able to win
battles by quickly disabling and killing enemies.
These soldiers focus on unlocking alternate routes,
gaining access to good equipment, and obtaining an
advantageous position over enemies in combat."
Starting Talents: Decryption
Tactical Armor (Light)
Unlockable Talents: Damping
First Aid
Sniper Rifles
Tactical Armor (Medium)
Vanguard: "The Vanguard is a powerful combatant, able to combine
the offensive powers of the Adept and the Soldier.
They have access to various weapons and armor, as well
as biotics. Gameplay focus is on taking down enemies
with quick and brutal force.
Starting Talents: Assault Training
Unlockable Talents: Barrier
Tactical Armor (Light/Medium)
Sentinel: "The Sentinel is the most flexible class, able to
combine tech and biotics to manipulate the
environment, disable and track enemies, or defend the
party. Gameplay focus is on protecting the party
using kinetic barriers and healing it with advanced
medical training."
Starting Talents: Barrier
First Aid
Unlockable Talents: Electronics
Finally you are ready to customize your character's appearance. You can
choose to use the default versions of Commander Shepard, or you can adjust
any aspect of your character's face to your liking. Use the sliders in each
section to manipulate a range of facial details. Female characters have the
additional option of customizing makeup.
When you are finished, select "Finalize" to begin the game. Note that once
you have completed one playthrough of Mass Effect you can begin a new game by
selecting an existing character. You will begin the new game with all the
stats and equipment that your character had at the time the game was
finished. Though any accrued Charm or Intimidate slots will be retained,
your preexisting Paragon and Renegade scores will not carry over.
Additionally, if you have unlocked any weapons or powers through
achievements, you must select one as a bonus talent for your new character.
Mass Effect is an Action Role-Playing Video Game (or RPG), meaning you assume
the role of a fictional character and control his or her actions in a way
that affects the game and other characters. As your progress through the
game you will earn "experience points" (or XP) for your actions. You gain
these points by exploring, talking to characters, completing quests, and
defeating enemies in combat. The accumulation of these points allows your
character to "level up," thereby increasing certain characteristics such as
health. In Mass Effect you are granted "talent points" after each level up,
which go into upgrading and improving your character's ability with certain
skills. Many of these components are explained in more detail later.
A significant amount of gameplay in Mass Effect is devoted to conversations
with other characters. This is done through the "conversation wheel" that
appears near the bottom of the screen whenever your character has the
opportunity to say something. All dialogue in the game is fully voiced,
including that of Commander Shepard. Rather than choosing the exact words
your character will say however, Mass Effect shows you several options on the
wheel corresponding to general feelings, questions, or emotions. These short
phrases are then turned into full lines of dialogue that are spoken by your
To select a dialogue response on the Xbox 360, hold the left analog stick in
the direction of the choice you wish to select, and then press the A button.
You can also press the X button instead, which will begin your character's
line immediately, stepping on the lines of any character who is speaking at
the time. X is also used to skip dialogue if you wish to do so. On the PC
you use the mouse to select dialogue options, and the Spacebar to skip
The dialogue wheel itself is divided into six quadrants. Choices on the
wheel's left side usually give you more information about a given topic,
while choices on the right tend to bring the conversation closer to its
conclusion. Additionally, the top of the wheel tends to correspond to the
Paragon path, where your character makes cooperative and unselfish decisions.
The bottom of the wheel typically corresponds to the Renegade path, where
your character makes decisions that are more selfish and impatient. This is
not always the case, but it is a good general guide to framing your responses
during a conversation if you wish to play as a certain type of character.
Sometimes you will see the option on the middle left to "Investigate."
Selecting this option brings up more choices for topics of conversation, and
the orientation of these choices often does not correspond to the Paragon /
Renegade paths described above.
If you have spent sufficient talent points in the "Charm" or "Intimidate"
talents, you will sometimes also have the option to persuade characters to
achieve a nonviolent outcome or to give you additional money, items, or
information. These choices appear in the upper and lower left quadrants as
blue and red dialogue choices respectively. If you lack sufficient skill in
these areas, these choices will be grayed out, and you will not have the
option of using them.
By pressing the Start Button (or Esc on the PC) you can enter the Mission
Computer menu. You access each part of the menu in a similar way to
selecting dialogue choices during a conversation.
The Mission Computer allows you access to game details for:
Codex: A small encyclopedia of the Mass Effect universe. As you
play and gain new information the Codex will populate
itself with new articles concerning the planets,
civilizations, and technologies you come across.
Equipment: View and change your currently equipped weapons, armor,
items, and upgrades.
Exit Game: Quits the game and returns to the desktop. (PC only)
Journal: View your current missions and assignments. Missions are
essential to the completion of the game. Assignments are
optional, but typically grant experience points and
other rewards.
Load: Load previously saved games.
Main Menu: Exit the game and return to the main menu. (PC only)
Map: Shows a two dimensional overview of your current area. It
indicates the position of your character as well as known
points of interest, objectives, and other pieces of useful
information. On the Xbox 360, you can use the left and
right bumpers to zoom in and out for a better view.
Options: Change your settings for gameplay, graphics, sound, and
other options. Notably, you can change the gameplay
difficulty, and toggle visual effects like film grain and
motion blur. (Xbox 360 only)
Save: Allows you to save your current progress through the game.
You cannot save in certain situations, such as during
combat and while riding in elevators.
Settings: Change your settings for gameplay, graphics, sound, and
other options. Notably, you can change the gameplay
difficulty, and toggle visual effects like film grain and
motion blur. (PC only)
Squad: View and upgrade stats and abilities for you and your
squad members.
The combat in Mass Effect resembles a third-person shooter, but is actually
powered by an RPG rules set. You can draw your weapon by pressing the X
button (Q on the PC) or either of the triggers (mouse buttons on the PC), and
can holster it by pressing the B button (Q on the PC).
Drawing your weapon enters combat mode, showing a reticule on-screen to
indicate where your weapon is aimed. It also displays the status of each
squad member in the lower left corner of the screen. The red bar indicates
the health of each squad member, while the blue boxes indicate the status of
each character's shields. More boxes mean more shield strength, and empty
boxes mean the shields are depleted.
Radar is displayed in the bottom right corner, and shows enemies as red dots.
Some enemies can jam your radar, hiding their locations from you. However,
certain weapon upgrades can be used to negate this ability.
The right analog stick (or mouse on the PC) is used to aim the target
reticule. Holding the left trigger (right mouse button on PC) zooms in for
more precise aiming, increasing your character's accuracy. The reticule
turns orange when it is placed over an enemy or any object that can be
damaged or destroyed. Squeezing the right trigger (left mouse button on PC)
then fires your weapon. The chance of hitting an enemy and how much damage
is dealt from your weapon are determined by your stats and equipment. Your
chance of hitting an enemy is reduced by holding the trigger for a long
period of time. Sustained fire can also overheat your weapon, meaning you
must wait for it to cool down before using it again.
On the Xbox 360 strategic management is accomplished through the use of two
combat "wheels." The first is the "Weapons Wheel" which is accessed by
holding down the left bumper. This pauses the action, and allows you to
select what weapon each member of your squad will use. All squad members
carry a pistol, shotgun, assault rifle, and sniper rifle, but each will be
far more effective with a certain weapon if they have trained in its use.
The second wheel is the "Power Wheel," which is accessed by holding the right
bumper. This allows you to access the special abilities of all squad members
and use them accordingly by aiming using the right analog stick. A power can
also be mapped to the right bumper by pressing the X button while using the
On the PC these wheels are replaced by the Tactical HUD, which is accessed by
holding down the Spacebar. This screen shows the abilities that are
available to you and your squad members. You can use it to select which
weapons and powers to use, and it also allows you to set your hotkeys for
each ability by dragging them to the quick slots located in the upper left
corner. Here they can be accessed by pressing the appropriate number key, 1
through 8.
As mentioned previously, you gain experience points as you progress through
the game. There is a single pool of experience for the entire squad,
allowing you and your companions to advance at a similar rate. By
accumulating enough XP you will level up, granting access to new talent
points which you can spend at the Squad screen in the Mission Computer. Your
character starts at level 1, and the highest possible level is level 60.
At the Squad screen you can automatically distribute talent points to the
selected character, or you can spend them manually on each desired talent.
Players earn talent points for each new level as follows:
Level Shepard Points per Level Squad Points per Level
1-5 3 2
6-20 2 2
21-35 2 1
36-60 1 1
This means that at most Shepard can earn 100 talent points through leveling
up, and squad members can earn up to 80 points. However, all characters
begin with 2 points already allocated, and automatic points in the Charm and
Intimidate talents can be earned by raising Paragon and Renegade meters to
sufficient levels. Therefore the theoretical maximum number of talent points
a character can have is 126 at level 60.
To travel around the galaxy using your advanced starship--the Normandy--you
must access the galaxy map, located prominently in the center of the command
The first level of the galaxy map is the Galaxy Level, which shows all
available star clusters and nebulae you can visit. By moving your cursor
over a selected cluster you can see its name and view the relay path the
Normandy would take to reach that part of the galaxy. New clusters and
systems become available as you complete missions and learn more about the
After selecting a location, you zoom in to the Cluster Level, which shows all
known star systems within that cluster. To explore a star system you must
travel there by clicking on it and confirming that you wish to travel.
When you have arrived at a new system you will see the System Level, which
shows all the planets and celestial objects orbiting the star you have
traveled to. All planets will have a blue ring showing their orbit. Other
objects may be hidden and will require you to move your cursor over them to
discover their presence. For example, many asteroid belts have interesting
asteroids you can examine, and derelict starships and freighters can also be
found in some systems. A hidden object can usually be identified by a small
twinkle of light that appears on occasion. To find these objects, move your
cursor over the object and press the appropriate button to scan it.
By selecting a planet, moon, or other object you will zoom in to the
Planetary Level. This shows you a view of the planet's surface along with a
synopsis of important planetary features and information. Many planets are
inhospitable to human life, but some can be surveyed for raw materials and
interesting artifacts. Some can also be explored using the Mako. On the
Xbox 360, press A to survey or land on a planet when given the option.
Collecting, using, and upgrading your equipment is important to your success
and survival in Mass Effect. The first pieces of useful equipment are your
weapons. Every squad member carries four basic weapon types, and Commander
Shepard can also throw grenades which detonate automatically after ten
seconds if not detonated remotely by pressing the grenade button again.
Pistols: "Pistols are highly accurate, have little recoil, and
are easy to use when moving. They are effective at a
variety of ranges, but inflict limited damage."
Trainable by: Soldier
Shotguns: "Shotguns have a slow rate of fire and high recoil,
but inflict massive damage to multiple targets when
fired at close range."
Trainable by: Soldier
Assault Rifles: "Assault rifles are the standard armament of most
Soldiers, offering a good balance between firepower,
range, and accuracy."
Trainable by: Soldier
Sniper Rifles: "Sniper rifles have long range, are highly accurate,
and inflict significant damage. They have a limited
rate of fire, however, and are practically useless at
close range.
Trainable by: Soldier
Grenades: "Disk-shaped Alliance grenades can glide long
distances and also latch onto targets or flat
surfaces to be remotely detonated. Only you, as
Commander Shepard, can use grenades."
The next major component is armor, which protects the wearer from
injury. Each species uses a different set of armor because of inherent
differences in physiology. The one exception is the asari, who can wear
human armor, and vice versa.
Light Armor: "Light armor offers a basic level of protection from
enemy attacks and minimizes the movement penalties
that affect weapon accuracy."
Wearable by: Soldier
Medium Armor: "Medium armor offers an increased level of
protection, but also increases the movement penalties
that affect weapon accuracy."
Wearable by: Soldier
Vanguard (requires training)
Infiltrator (requires training)
Heavy Armor: "Heavy armor offers the highest level of protection
from enemy fire, but also has the highest movement
penalties affecting weapon accuracy."
Wearable by: Soldier (requires training)
With one exception, all weapons, armors, and grenades can be upgraded to
enhance their properties. Upgrades can increase damage, improve shields, and
To upgrade equipment, access the Equipment screen through the Mission
Computer (or press I on the PC). Equip the item you wish to use and press
the X button to view the Upgrade screen on the Xbox 360, or click the
appropriate upgrade slot on the PC. Select the desired upgrades and then
confirm the upgrade selection.
To modify tech and biotic abilities, special equipment is used:
Bio-amps: "Biotics can strengthen their power in specific
disciplines by using amps (amplifiers). These
specially designed devices often come in the form of
small electronic attachments that are worn on a
biotic's ear or the back of their head."
Omni-tools: "Omni-tools are multipurpose diagnostic and
minifacturing tools used for a variety of battlefield
tasks, such as hacking, decryption, or repair. They
are equipped by Engineers, Sentinels, and
Infiltrators to make use of their tech talents."
New equipment can be acquired in a number of ways. As you progress in the
game and defeat enemies you gain XP, money, and items. These new items are
automatically placed in your inventory. You can also purchase items from
stores or take them from containers you find throughout the game. Stores
allow you to buy upgrades in the form of increased grenade or medi-gel
Medi-gel is a universal healing substance that restores the health of all
squad members when used. Press the Y button (F on the PC) during combat to
use medi-gel on your squad.
There is an inventory limit of 150 items, so it is important to keep your
inventory as empty as is reasonable. Any weapons, armors, or upgrades you or
your squad aren't using can be sold for extra money or turned into omni-gel.
Omni-gel is useful for opening locked containers and decrypting certain
electronic devices, provided you have the requisite skill already.
Selecting the Squad screen from the Mission Computer menu gives a variety of
information about your character and the other characters in your squad,
including name, class, appearance, level, and use of talent points. The
Squad screen can be accessed directly on the PC by pressing the U key.
Whenever you gain enough experience to gain a new level, all characters are
granted talent points that can be spent to upgrade certain abilities or to
unlock new ones. Assigning points to a given talent lets you improve combat,
tech, and biotic abilities, as well as unlock and improve special abilities
for each talent.
Commander Shepard also has Paragon and Renegade meters shown on this screen.
These meters track your choices made throughout the game. Generous choices
result in Paragon points, ruthless choices result in Renegade points. Either
path is acceptable, as you gain bonuses for filling either meter.
Paragon: The Paragon scale is colored blue and impacts the Charm
05% Bonus: Opens two Charm slots
Gives one Charm point
25% Bonus: Opens two Charm slots
Gives one Charm point
10% bonus to First Aid cooldown
50% Bonus: 10% bonus to health
75% Bonus: Unlocks Achievement
Opens two Charm slots
Gives one Charm point
5% bonus to all talent cooldowns
Renegade: The Renegade scale is colored red and impacts the
Intimidate ability.
05% Bonus: Opens two Intimidate slots
Gives one Intimidate point
25% Bonus: Opens two Intimidate slots
Gives one Intimidate point
10% bonus to First Aid cooldown
50% Bonus: Regenerate +1 health per second
75% Bonus: Unlocks Achievement
Opens two Intimidate slots
Gives one Intimidate point
5% damage/duration bonus on all weapons/powers
When you have control of the Normandy, you can use it to travel to many
uncharted worlds with mysterious anomalies. To discover the nature of these
anomalies, you must explore these planets using the Mako.
When you land on a planet, you should first check your Map. This often
reveals the locations of many known points of interest. Anomalies--marked
with a question mark--usually indicate something interesting to explore.
Furthermore, there are several deposits of rare materials that can be
surveyed on a planet's surface once you discover them.
When you are done exploring a planet, simply press the X button while in the
Mako (or from the Map screen) to return to the Normandy. This is done on the
PC by pressing the N key.
The Normandy comes with the M35 Mako, an infantry fighting vehicle that can
be used to cover long distances quickly and to provide cover and direct fire
support. You can use the A button (E on the PC) to enter the Mako, and the B
button (Q on the PC) to exit it.
The Mako is equipped with a 155mm machine gun for dealing with infantry, as
well as a cannon for destroying more heavily armored opposition. It also
comes with jump jets that can be activated using the A button (Spacebar on
the PC), which allow the operator to deftly jump over incoming enemy rockets.
If the Mako becomes damaged from enemy fire, press the Y button (F on the PC)
to repair it. Doing so uses 15 omni-gel and requires the Mako to be
Characters 16char
Commander Shepard is the main character in Mass Effect, and is directly
controlled by the player. Shepard's actions, whether generous or ruthless
will decide the fate of the galaxy.
Shepard's background and pre-service history are chosen by the player during
the character creation process. At the beginning of the game, Shepard is the
Executive Officer on the SSV Normandy, a prototype Alliance frigate.
Ashley Williams
Gunnery Chief Williams is a soldier with the Alliance garrison on Eden Prime.
She enlisted with the Marines straight out of high school, but despite an
exemplary record she has been repeatedly passed over for a fleet assignment.
Ashley is a Soldier, specializing in combat abilities.
Level 60 Attributes (Autolevel)
< - - - - - - - - - - - - >
Pistols < x x x x >
Shotguns < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Assault Rifles < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Sniper Rifles < x x x x x x x x >
Combat Armor < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
First Aid < x x x x x x x x x >
Assault Training < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Fitness < x x x x x x x >
Soldier < x x x x x x >
< - - - - - - - - - - - - >
Kaidan Alenko
Lieutenant Alenko is a crewmember on the SSV Normandy. Before birth he was
exposed to element zero, and developed biotic abilities as a result. As a
kid he was taken for biotic training and was equipped with L2 biotic
implants, which give him occasional migraines. Kaidan is a Sentinel,
specializing in tech and biotic abilities.
Level 60 Attributes (Autolevel)
< - - - - - - - - - - - - >
Throw < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Lift < x x x x x x x x x x >
Barrier < x x x x x x x >
Stasis < x x x x >
Decryption < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Electronics < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
First Aid < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Medicine < x x x x x x x >
Sentinel < x x x x x x >
< - - - - - - - - - - - - >
Liara T'Soni
Dr. T'Soni is an asari scientist who spends most of her time on
archaeological digs in remote parts of the galaxy. She hopes that her
research will someday uncover the truth about the Prothean extinction. Liara
is similar to an Adept, specializing in biotic abilities.
Level 60 Attributes (Autolevel)
< - - - - - - - - - - - - >
Throw < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Lift < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Warp < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Singularity < x x x x x x x x x x >
Barrier < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Stasis < x x x x >
First Aid < x x x x x x >
Electronics < x x x x x x x x >
Asari Scientist < x x x x x x >
< - - - - - - - - - - - - >
Urdnot Wrex
Wrex is one of the galaxy's few remaining krogan battlemasters, rare
individuals who have mastered advanced biotic and combat abilities. He has
spent much of his recent history as a bodyguard, hired mercenary, or bounty
hunter. Wrex is similar to a Vanguard, specializing in combat and biotic
Level 60 Attributes (Autolevel)
< - - - - - - - - - - - - >
Assault Rifles < x x x x x x x x >
Shotguns < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Combat Armor < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Fitness < x x x x x x x x >
Warp < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Throw < x x x x x x x x x x x >
Barrier < x x x x x x x >
Stasis < x x x x x x >
Krogan Battlemaster < x x x x x x >
< - - - - - - - - - - - - >
Garrus Vakarian
Garrus is a turian Citadel Security officer. He is unhappy with his job
because he feels there is too much bureaucracy involved in apprehending
suspected criminals. Garrus is similar to an Infiltrator, specializing in
combat and tech abilities.
Level 60 Attributes (Autolevel)
< - - - - - - - - - - - - >
Assault Rifles < x x x x x x x >
Sniper Rifles < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Tactical Armor < x x x x x x x x x >
Assault Training < x x x x x x >
Decryption < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Damping < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
First Aid < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Electronics < x x x x x x >
Turian Agent < x x x x x x >
< - - - - - - - - - - - - >
Tali'Zorah nar Rayya
Tali is a quarian machinist, currently on a pilgrimage in search of something
useful to bring back to her people. Tali is similar to an Engineer,
specializing in tech abilities.
Level 60 Attributes (Autolevel)
< - - - - - - - - - - - - >
Pistols < x x x x x x >
Shotguns < x x x x x x x x >
Basic Armor < x x x x x x x x x x >
First Aid < x x x x x x x x x >
Electronics < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Damping < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Decryption < x x x x x x x >
Hacking < x x x x x x x x x x x x >
Quarian Machinist < x x x x x x >
< - - - - - - - - - - - - >
Captain Anderson
David Anderson is the Commanding Officer of the Normandy. He has served the
Alliance with distinction for many years, and was the first human to be
considered for Spectre training. However, the Spectre he was assigned to
work with despised humans and ensured that the Citadel Council rejected
Anderson's candidacy.
Navigator Pressly
Pressly is an officer on the Normandy, serving as the ship's Navigator.
Before being selected by Captain Anderson to serve on the Normandy, Pressly
distinguished himself in the battle for Elysium during the Skyllian Blitz.
Chief Engineer Adams
Adams is an experienced officer who can be found monitoring the drive core of
the Normandy. He served on virtually every class of ship in the Alliance
Navy before being selected for service on the Normandy.
Doctor Chakwas
Chakwas is the only medical professional on the Normandy. She joined the
Alliance straight out of medical school in search of "exotic adventure."
Even though her career failed to be as romantic as she initially hoped, she
remains a loyal member of the Alliance out of a sense of responsibility for
the soldiers that depend on her care.
Flight Lieutenant Jeff "Joker" Moreau serves as the helmsman for the
Normandy, and claims to be the best pilot in the entire Alliance Navy.
Despite suffering from a debilitating bone disease he managed to finish at
the top of his class in flight school, winning enough recognition to be
selected for the Normandy's crew.
Corporal Jenkins
Richard Jenkins is a marine under the command of Captain Anderson, and serves
on the Normandy's ground team. He was born on the colony of Eden Prime, but
found it too "calm and quiet," so he joined the Alliance in search of
Ambassador Udina
Donnel Udina is Earth's ambassador to the Citadel. He interacts directly
with the Citadel Council and relays to the Council members the issues and
concerns of the Alliance and its citizens. Udina's top priority is to
improve humanity's standing with the other Citadel species. He hopes one day
to have a human seat on the Council, and to that end he has worked to get
humans into Citadel Security. He also hopes to get humans enlisted into the
ranks of the Spectres.
Admiral Hackett
Steven Hackett is a high-ranking member of the Alliance military, and is the
commander of the Fifth Fleet. He has a hand in all the affairs of the
military, and is responsible for maintaining peace and stability in systems
occupied by the Alliance.
Downloadable Content 17down
Released via Xbox Live on March 10, 2008, "Bring Down the Sky" is the first
piece of downloadable content for Mass Effect. It features a new uncharted
world to explore, and introduces a new alien race, the Batarians. "Bring
Down the Sky" on the Xbox 360 costs 400 Microsoft Points and is estimated to
consist of roughly 90 minutes of gameplay. PC users of the game can download
"Bring Down the Sky" for free on the BioWare website starting July 29, 2008.
Description from the Mass Effect website: "A Batarian extremist group has
hijacked an asteroid station in the Asgard system, setting it on a collision
course with the nearby colony world of Terra Nova. Only Commander Shepard
can save the millions of innocent civilians before the asteroid completes its
deadly descent."
To access the "Bring Down the Sky" module, you must have control of the
Normandy. A marker will appear on the Galaxy Map directing you to the "X57
Asteroid" in the Exodus Cluster. Simply land on the asteroid to begin the
Walkthrough 21walk
Please Note: This guide does not always provide the fastest possible path
through the game. It is intended for those who want to enjoy the full
experience that is Mass Effect, and includes many optional items that are not
required to complete your adventure.
The Walkthrough is broken into three sections. The first is the Primary
Mission Walkthrough, detailing the main story in which Shepard must save the
galaxy. This section includes some optional components, but these tasks will
be designated as such and you may skip them at your discretion.
The next section is for Optional Assignments, and details every side mission
in Mass Effect. Assignments that deviate from the main path will be included
in this section.
Finally, the last section consists of a brief listing of all possible Codex
entries and how to achieve them.
Your adventure begins on the command deck of the SSV Normandy, the most
advanced System Alliance starship ever created. You are Commander Shepard, a
promising officer in the Alliance Navy, who has been tasked with overseeing
the ship as it is put through its paces...
This section takes you through the primary mission. There are many steps
involved, some of which are optional.
SECTION 1: Prologue 21A1pr
1 - Shakedown
Our story begins as Commander Shepard heads to the front of the Normandy,
where Joker--the ship's helmsman--has just finished a mass relay jump. The
mass relays are thought to be relics of an ancient civilization known as the
Protheans, and facilitate rapid travel throughout the galaxy. He relays his
success to Nihlus Kryik, who is overseeing the operation. Nihlus is a turian
Spectre, an elite operative charged with maintaining galactic stability at
any cost. When Nihlus leaves, Joker tells Lt. Alenko about his distrust for
Spectres, at which point you have an opportunity to voice an opinion. Your
dialogue choices can net you Paragon or Renegade points. Choices in the
upper part of the dialogue wheel usually correspond with the Paragon
alignment, while choices on the bottom of the wheel usually correspond to the
Renegade alignment. Captain Anderson comes on the comm and asks you to
report to the briefing room.
+2 Paragon for agreeing with Joker
+2 Renegade for chastising your crew
New Mission: "Prologue: On the Normandy"
2 - Pressly (Optional)
On your way back towards the briefing room you can overhear Navigator Pressly
having a conversation with Chief Engineer Adams. Speaking with Pressly
reveals his concerns about the mission. He feels that Nihlus and Anderson
are concealing something from the crew. Pressly can also give you some
information that will get you acquainted with the Normandy's unique stealth
systems, which allow it to avoid detection by other ships
3 - Jenkins and Chakwas (Optional)
Outside of the briefing room, Corporal Jenkins is having a conversation with
Doctor Chakwas. You can talk to them to learn more about the Spectres, as
well as Eden Prime, your destination for this mission.
+2 Paragon for being supportive of Jenkins
+2 Renegade for telling Jenkins the mission isn't about him
4 - Spectre Training
Enter the briefing room and speak with Nihlus. He talks briefly about Eden
Prime before Captain Anderson enters and reveals the true nature of the
operation: A Prothean beacon was recently unearthed on Eden Prime and the
Normandy is being sent in to recover it. The beacon likely contains a wealth
of information on the Protheans--information that could lead to the
development of numerous new technologies. It's crucial to get the beacon
back to the Citadel--the seat of galactic government--so that it can't fall
into the wrong hands. As it turns out, Nihlus will also be using this
opportunity to evaluate you as a possible candidate for the Spectres. Before
you reach Eden Prime however, Joker patches through a distress signal from
the planet's surface, showing an attack by a massive spaceship of unknown
design. Needless to say, this adds an urgency to the mission, as you must
now find and secure the beacon while helping any survivors you find.
"Prologue: On the Normandy" -> "Prologue: Find the Beacon"
SECTION 2: Eden Prime 21A2ed
1 - Touchdown on Eden Prime
When you arrive on the planet's surface you have Lt. Kaidan Alenko and Cpl.
Richard Jenkins in your squad. Each of you has only basic equipment. Head
into the bog to the north and turn east to find an upgrade kit. (Note that
for Eden Prime the compass and map directions don't agree. Directions listed
here will follow the map directions.) You can then use the nearby gas bags
for target practice before moving on.
2 - The Geth
Proceed west and follow the path over the hill. You are immediately attacked
by a small group of geth recon drones and Jenkins is fatally wounded. The
recon drones have weak weapons and shields, but are resistant to biotic
attacks. When they are destroyed, check Jenkins' body to confirm his fate.
Continue north up the hill. There are three drones at the top you must
defeat, after which you can find another upgrade kit to the left of the path
containing some grenades and omni-gel. Proceed northeast through the woods
and destroy three more drones. Off to the left before you exit the woods you
can find a medical kit to replenish your medi-gel.
+2 Paragon for promising Jenkins a proper burial
+2 Renegade for downplaying Jenkins' death
3 - Ashley Williams
As you descend the hill you witness a lone soldier being chased by more
drones. She turns to see another human impaled on a large spike by two geth
troopers, which you must now help her defeat. Speak with the soldier after
the battle. She can tell your more about the attack on the colony, and the
enemy you're facing. Ashley Williams will now join your squad. There is an
upgrade kit to your right, as well as a crate containing Scorpion I light
armor you can use to replace your default armor, as it offers superior
shields and tech/biotic protection.
+4 Paragon for giving Ashley a warm welcome
+4 Renegade for resisting Ashley's inclusion in the squad
4 - Investigate the Dig Site
At the bottom of the hill there are four more troopers guarding the dig site.
Geth troopers have the ability to erect shields to provide cover for
themselves, but lack much other protection. They are extremely vulnerable
when their shields are disabled. When you reach the dig site it is apparent
that the beacon has been moved. Ashley suggests that you should check out
the nearby research camp, which will now be marked on your map. Check the
crate near the dig site, and then proceed up the hill to the north.
5 - The Camp
As you reach the top of the hill you discover that the giant spikes are
designed to turn humans into synthetic zombie-like creatures called husks.
These enemies have no ranged weapons, so they will charge at you instead.
When they get close enough they will unleash a powerful electric explosion
designed to take down your shields. Keeping your distance should allow you
to destroy them easily. Biotic powers are also extremely effective for
immobilizing them, since they can take a good amount of punishment from your
weapons. Don't miss the upgrade kit located behind the spikes. There are
two temporary structures at the camp. The one on the left is unlocked and
contains two crates, one of which provides you with some grenades and omni-
gel. The structure on the right is locked, but can be opened with sufficient
decryption skill. Two survivors, Dr. Warren and Dr. Manuel are hiding
inside. Dr. Warren can tell you about the attack, and she informs you that
the beacon has been relocated to the spaceport. If you ask about Manuel you
have the option to shut him up for a while.
+2 Paragon for being kind to the survivors
+9 Renegade for striking Manuel
The decryption minigame can be performed to unlock certain containers or to
recover certain valuables from downed spacecraft or satellites. Locked
containers and doors can have three levels of difficulty (easy, average, and
hard) and you will need a certain number of points in the corresponding skill
in order to attempt to open each type of lock: 1 point is required for easy,
5 points for average, and 9 points for hard. Locks can also be opened by
supplying the requisite amount of omni-gel, but only if you have sufficient
Opening a lock on the Xbox 360 involves pressing one of the face buttons (A,
B, X, or Y) soon after it glows on-screen. The number of buttons that must
be pressed depends (in theory) on the difficulty of the decryption.
On the PC the minigame is different, and requires you to navigate a cursor on
a circular wheel to reach the center. This is much like Frogger with several
concentric circles you must traverse. Navigate past the orange blocks (which
are stationary) and the red blocks (which move) to reach the center. You get
to try again if you fail, but only if you have sufficient omni-gel.
6 - The Rogue Spectre
Head up the hill to the north. Ahead at the train station Nihlus turns a
corner to see his friend Saren, a fellow Spectre. Off in the distance you
hear a single gunshot. As you reach the crest of the hill, you can see a
massive spaceship taking off from the spaceport ahead. Take up defensive
positions near the top of the hill and eliminate the husks and geth troopers
below you. You can shoot the explosive containers near the steps to
eliminate the troopers quickly. After the fight you can find a
malfunctioning object in an alcove to the northwest that will give you some
grenades and omni-gel.
7 - The Farmers (Optional)
A path to the east leads to another small temporary structure with a crate
nearby. After unlocking the door (easy decryption), three farmers emerge.
They talk about the ship, and inform you of a smuggling operation that's been
going on at the colony. The farmers have been holding weapons and supplies
for a smuggler at the spaceport. They offer you an extra pistol--the Stinger
II, which is a good early pistol and the only one of its kind that can be
found in the game--which they've been holding for the smuggler. If you have
spent enough points in your Charm or Intimidate skills then you can get an
extra upgrade item in addition to the pistol. If you do so, Ashley will
demand to know the name of the smuggler, and you can persuade them to reveal
his identity. Don't miss the storage locker (which has an easy electronics
lock) inside the shed after the conversation concludes.
+2 Paragon for using Charm twice
+2 Renegade for using Charm, then Intimidate
+2 Paragon for using Intimidate, then Charm
+2 Renegade for using Intimidate, then Charm
+4 Renegade for using Intimidate twice
8 - Powell the Smuggler
Ascending the steps to the train platform reveals Nihlus' fate. A noise from
behind the nearby crates turns out to be Powell, the smuggler the farmers
informed you about. He tells you about Saren's betrayal of Nihlus. If
confronted about his smuggling operation he will offer you some grenades to
resupply you. Using Charm or Intimidate you can get an additional grenade
upgrade out of him. There is a medical kit nearby, and an upgrade kit in the
fires behind the crates.
+2 Paragon for being forgiving towards Powell
+2 Renegade for condemning Powell's cowardice
9 - Taking the Train
Continue north and take out the three nearby geth troopers. You will need to
board the train and fight your way to the other side to activate the controls
that will take you to the spaceport. The train itself is defended primarily
by geth troopers, but there are also a couple geth destroyers to worry about.
Destroyers are huge versions of the troopers, and will typically charge at
you when they get close enough. Keep your distance and concentrate on
destroying them before moving forward. Biotic powers are particularly useful
for disabling heavy geth soldiers like the destroyer, as immobilizing them
keeps them from using their heavy weapons against you. There is a medical
kit halfway up the train. Activate the train controls at the far end to
proceed to the spaceport. Meanwhile, Saren orders the geth to place
explosives around the port to destroy the colony and cover up any evidence of
their presence.
10 - Defusing the Situation
When you arrive at the spaceport your goal is to disarm all the demolition
charges before time runs out. The first charge is to your immediate left
after exiting the train. Simply press A (E on the PC) to defuse an explosive
while your squad is covering you. Go up the ramp. The other charges show up
on your radar, so you should have no trouble locating them. Cross the nearby
bridge and work your way north as you defuse the explosives. You will need
to worry about several geth troopers and geth shock troopers as you advance.
Shock troopers are more heavily armed and armored than their trooper
counterparts. They too can erect kinetic barriers, and they have a missile
attack similar to the destroyers. If you're having trouble, consider leaving
your team on the west side and heading back to the east side of the port to
flank the geth. There is a crate to the far north on the west side of the
11 - Secure the Beacon
Proceed west through the opening. Descend the ramp and finish off the last
of the troopers and husks. There are two storage lockers to the south, a
technician kit to the north, and a crate near the beacon itself. You can
approach the railing to the west for a view of the devastation left by the
ship you saw. Once you've secured the Prothean beacon you can radio the
Normandy to come pick it up. If you are playing as a male, Ashley will
inadvertently activate the beacon. As a female, Kaidan will activate the
beacon. You are forced to intervene, and the beacon downloads a violent
vision into your brain before it destroys itself.
12 - On Approach to the Citadel
You wake up in the Normandy's medical bay. Dr. Chakwas and Captain Anderson
will explain the situation. When the conversation concludes, head upstairs
to the command deck and tell Joker to bring the Normandy into dock on the
Mission Complete: "Prologue: Find the Beacon"
Now is a good opportunity to explore and familiarize yourself with the SSV
Normandy and her crew, as you now have unrestricted access to all levels of
the ship. You begin on the quarters deck. There is an aid station in the
medical bay where you can replenish your supply of medi-gel. Outside is your
locker, where supplies are frequently stored for you to pick up. Sleeping
pods are towards the bow, and the Captain's office is on the port side.
If you take the elevator down to the engineering level you can explore the
engine room and the vehicle bay. You can use the equipment lockers in the
vehicle bay to stock your squad members with weapons and items. You can also
buy and sell your equipment with the alliance requisition officer.
SECTION 3: The Citadel 21A3th
1 - Arrival on the Presidium
Your arrive on the Citadel with Captain Anderson to meet with Ambassador
Donnel Udina. The ambassador is making a plea to the Citadel Council to have
Saren disbarred from the Spectres for his involvement in the attack on Eden
Prime. The next step is to head to the Citadel tower and make a formal
appeal at the hearing regarding Citadel Security's findings in the case
against Saren.
+2 Renegade for saying you don't care about the Council
New Mission: "Citadel: Expose Saren"
You have arrived on the Presidium, one of two major areas--along with the
Wards--that you can visit while on the Citadel. The Presidium is split down
the middle by a large lake with a few bridges running across it. On the
north side, from west to east, is the entrance to the Citadel tower, access
to the Wards, and the embassies where you begin. On the south side are the
financial district and the Consort's chambers.
The Avina Tourism Terminals can give you more information about the
Presidium, and there are signs posted to assist in navigation. There are
also several rapid transit terminals located around the Citadel. Each can
transfer you directly to another location, provided you have either heard of-
-or been to--that location previously.
2 - The Citadel Tower
Exit the ambassador's office through the door and descend the steps to the
lobby. Leave the embassies and proceed west towards the Citadel tower. Take
the elevator up to the top of the tower where the council chambers are
located. As you move south you witness an argument between Garrus Vakarian--
the turian C-Sec (Citadel Security Services) officer in charge of the
investigation into Saren--and Executor Pallin, the head of C-Sec. Garrus
informs you that he wasn't able to find anything concrete linking Saren to
the geth, but he plans to continue his investigation until he does. Continue
up the steps to the south and speak with Captain Anderson to join the
hearing, which is already in progress.
3 - A Lack of Evidence
The Council decides that there is insufficient proof of Saren's connection to
the geth or Eden Prime to disbar him from the Spectres. In order to convince
the Council otherwise you will need to find conclusive proof of Saren's
involvement in the attack. Kaidan will suggest that you speak with Garrus
Vakarian, the C-Sec officer you saw earlier. Udina says you might be able to
find him through Harkin, a retired human C-Sec officer. Alternatively, if
you ask Anderson about other sources of information he will suggest you try
to contact the Shadow Broker, a galactic information dealer who may know
something about Saren's activities. One of his contacts on the Citadel is
Barla Von, a wealthy financial advisor in the Presidium's financial district.
+2 Paragon for defending Anderson
New Mission: "Citadel: Garrus"
New Mission: "Citadel: Shadow Broker"
3 - Talk to Barla Von (Optional)
If you choose to follow the lead concerning the Shadow Broker, you can find
Barla Von's office in the southwest corner of the Presidium, just across the
bridge from the Citadel tower elevator. He informs you that Saren has
recently betrayed the Shadow Broker, who is now more than willing to assist
you in taking Saren down. Barla Von advises you to seek out a Krogan bounty
hunter named Wrex who may be able to help you. Wrex was last seen at the C-
Sec academy.
"Citadel: Shadow Broker" -> "Citadel: Wrex"
The next major area of the Citadel is the Wards, which are a level below the
Presidium and can be accessed by elevator following your meeting with the
Council. The Wards are home to clubs, gambling, markets, and some
spectacular views of the Citadel's exterior and the Serpent Nebula. There
are two levels to the Wards, designated upper and lower. There are markets
on both levels to the west, with the popular clubs Flux and Chora's Den
nearby. A medical clinic resides on the upper level to the east.
The Wards and the Presidium both grant access via elevator to the C-Sec
academy which in turn has an elevator that can take you to the docking bay
where the Normandy is located.
4 - Talk to Harkin (Optional)
If you follow the lead concerning Garrus, you can find Harkin at Chora's Den,
a shady club near the back alleys in the Wards. Outside you are ambushed by
some turian assassins working for Saren. On the higher difficulty levels
these can be some of the toughest enemies you will face early in the game.
Use the walkways for cover, keeping your squad in one place so you can flank
the assassins. Biotics can also be useful for pushing them off the balcony.
Once inside the club you can find Harkin sitting at a table on the opposite
side from the entrance. He spouts some rumors about Captain Anderson before
telling you that Garrus was last seen snooping around the med clinic in the
5 - Shootout in the Med Clinic (Optional)
Continuing the search for Garrus, head to the med clinic, located to the east
in the upper Wards. Inside you witness some thugs pressing the doctor for
information. They see you and a fight breaks out. A well placed shot from
Garrus ensures that the doctor is unharmed. Take out the remaining thugs
yourself, and then speak to Garrus to find out what to do next. Dr. Michel
informs you that a quarian had recently passed though her clinic carrying
evidence of Saren's connection to the geth. She wanted to barter the
information in return for her safety, so Dr. Michel put her in contact with
Fist, the owner of Chora's Den and an employee of the Shadow Broker.
Unfortunately, Fist betrayed the Shadow Broker and is now believed to be
holding the quarian hostage for Saren. You need the quarian's information in
order to implicate Saren, so it's off to Chora's den to take care of Fist.
The med clinic has an aid station you can use to replenish your medi-gel
before you leave.
+2 Paragon for chastising Garrus for endangering the doctor
+2 Renegade for complimenting Garrus on his accuracy
Mission Complete: "Citadel: Garrus"
6 - Pick up Wrex (Optional)
Head to the C-Sec academy--accessible through either the Presidium or the
Wards--and head west. Near the stairs to the C-Sec offices, Wrex is having a
confrontation with some officers. When their conversation is over you have
the opportunity to offer Wrex a position on your squad. Bear in mind that
Wrex has been hired by the Shadow Broker to kill Fist, and he intends to
fulfill his contract. You are not required to invite Wrex to join your squad
at any point if you already have Garrus in your squad. Similarly, if you
pick up Wrex before going to get Garrus, he will tell you everything about
the quarian, in which case you don't ever need to invite Garrus to join your
Mission Complete: "Citadel: Wrex"
After picking up Garrus or Wrex you have your first opportunity to select
your squad. You are only able to have two squad members with you at a time,
so be sure to choose wisely. You can only change who is in your squad by
returning to the Normandy or when a new character is added to your squad.
Consider what you want from your squad and what opposition you expect to face
while using a given squad configuration. For example, Kaidan provides a more
balanced compliment to your squad, whereas Ashley maximizes the combat
abilities of your squad.
Characters with tech abilities are useful against synthetic foes like the
geth, and also typically have the ability to unlock secured containers and
doors. Biotic characters are good for disabling opponents and are useful
when fighting large groups of enemies.
7 - Assault on Chora's Den
Take your squad to Chora's Den. When you arrive the club is sealed up
because Fist knows you are coming after him. In addition to the bartender
there are seven thugs inside, so stick to cover by the doors and take out one
enemy at a time. The big concern here is the krogan bouncer on the opposite
side of the room, as he has the ability to regenerate health. After you
defeat all the guards proceed into the back room for a confrontation with two
warehouse workers. You can kill them, or use your Charm or Intimidate skill
to get them to leave peacefully. There is a weapon locker beyond the workers
on the left side of the room.
+2 Paragon for sparing the warehouse workers using Charm
+2 Renegade for sparing the warehouse workers using Intimidate
8 - Taking Care of Fist
In the final room you will encounter Fist himself. The primary threats to
you are the two defensive turrets in each corner. Garrus or Kaidan are
useful here because of their tech skills, though Wrex evens the odds with his
superior combat abilities. Concentrate on one turret at a time and don't
stay outside of cover for too long. Biotics don't work on the turrets, so
save these powers for Fist himself. Taking out both turrets is sufficient to
get Fist to surrender. When Fist is finally defeated he will tell you where
you can find the quarian. If Wrex is in your party he will kill Fist to
fulfill his contract with the Shadow Broker. Otherwise you have the option
to kill him yourself. There is a wall safe in the back corner of the room
when you are finished.
+2 Renegade if you kill Fist or condone Wrex's actions
9 - Rescue the Quarian
The quarian is about to be set up by Fist's men. You have a limited time to
reach her and get the information you need. As you exit Fist's offices you
are confronted by six more thugs in the main lounge. Deal with them quickly
and proceed back towards the Wards. Bear left when you exit and go through
the back alleys to reach the quarian. If you arrive in time you will have to
fight a group of turian and salarian assassins to rescue her. The salarians
have some tech powers you need to worry about, so stick to cover as much as
possible. When the fight is over you can take the quarian's evidence against
Saren to Ambassador Udina.
10 - The Quarian's Evidence
Back at the ambassador's office, the quarian--known as Tali'Zorah nar Rayya--
presents her evidence. She has a recording of Saren and an unknown woman
incriminating themselves regarding the attack on Eden Prime. Now that you
have irrefutable evidence it is time to present your case to the Citadel
Council. Tali becomes a squad member and agrees to help you track down
11 - The Council's Decision
Return to the Citadel tower and present your evidence to the Council. Faced
with undeniable proof of Saren's involvement with the geth, the Council
disbars Saren from the Spectres. The asari Councilor is able to identify the
other voice from Tali's recording as that of Matriarch Benezia, an
influential asari who is now a powerful ally for Saren and the geth. Not
wishing to send a fleet into the Attican Traverse and risk open war with the
Terminus Systems, the Council elects to make you the first human Spectre,
tasked with tracking down and stopping Saren at all costs.
+2 Paragon for being polite
+2 Renegade for being arrogant
Spectre Training unlocked
Bonus to Charm and Intimidate
12 - Speak to Anderson and Udina
Head to the docking bay by way of the C-Sec academy and speak with Anderson
and the ambassador. They provide you with the locations of two possible
leads on Saren's whereabouts: Geth have recently attacked a human colony on
Feros, and the geth have also been sighted near Noveria. It may also be
worth tracking down Matriarch Benezia's daughter, Dr. Liara T'Soni, who is
believed to be studying Prothean ruins somewhere in the Artemis Tau Cluster.
Now that you are a Spectre, you no longer answer to the Alliance military,
and you may tackle these leads in any way you see fit.
+2 Paragon for being respectful
+2 Renegade for being brash and headstrong
New Mission: "Find Liara T'Soni"
New Mission: "Feros: Geth Attack"
New Mission: "Noveria: Geth Interest"
13 - Prepare to Depart
Enter the Normandy. You have the opportunity to make a speech to your crew
informing them of the mission and your determination to complete it.
+4 Paragon for emphasizing cooperation with all alien species
+4 Renegade for emphasizing human self-reliance
Now is a good opportunity to become acclimated to your ship and to identify
where certain NPCs and squad members can be found.
Ashley is in the vehicle bay near the crew lockers. Kaidan is in the crew
quarters near the captain's office. Wrex is in the vehicle bay near the
elevator and opposite the Requisition Officer. Garrus is in the vehicle bay
near the Mako. Tali is in the engineering section.
You can talk to each of your squad members in-between missions. Doing so can
open up new assignments, or allow you to pursue a romantic relationship with
one of your companions.
14 - Normandy Inspection (Optional)
The first time you return to the Citadel after becoming a Spectre you will be
greeted in the docking bay by Rear Admiral Mikhailovich, commander of the
63rd Scout Flotilla. He wishes to inspect your vessel. You can refuse, but
you can earn experience points if you allow an inspection.
+2 Paragon for defending the Normandy using Charm
+2 Renegade for defending the Normandy using Intimidate
+2 Renegade for refusing to allow an inspection
SECTION 4: Liara's Dig Site 21A4li
1 - The Artemis Tau Cluster
Your first lead involves finding the daughter of Matriarch Benezia, who is
believed to be somewhere in the Artemis Tau Cluster. Head to the Galaxy Map
and select the appropriate cluster, then zoom in to view the known systems in
this cluster. The system in question is the Knossos System. Select this
system and travel there. Move your cursor to the planet Therum and select it
to zoom in and then land on the planet.
2 - To the Refinery
The path before you is fairly linear. Take the Mako north and follow the
path between the cliffs and the lava. Make your way around towards the
south, at which point a geth dropship will deposit a pair of geth armatures
in your path. Keep your distance and use your jump jets to avoid their
attacks. There is a refinery to the east but the way is blocked by a large
gate and three geth heavy turrets. Take the detour around to the north,
which is guarded by only one heavy turret. This path leads to the heart of
the refinery, which is guarded by regular geth troopers and shock troopers,
but also by rocket troopers, which have weak personal defenses but a powerful
ranged attack. Your toughest opponent is a geth juggernaut, which is a more
powerful version of the destroyer you faced on Eden Prime. Stay in the Mako
and keep your distance while avoiding enemy rockets. In the various
structures about the refinery you can find an upgrade kit, storage locker,
and weapon locker. The controls to lower the north gate are in the building
to the northwest.
3 - Proceed in the Mako
Continue north, where you will encounter several more armatures. There are
rocket troopers and a geth colossus guarding the entrance to the tunnel you
must use to precede. Once again, keep your distance and zoom in with your
turret to make dealing with these enemies easier. There are a small group of
rocket troopers on the other side of the tunnel. Continue on until you reach
another tunnel. You will encounter some rocket troopers inside the tunnel
this time, along with more geth troopers and rocket troopers at the exit.
4 - On Foot to the Dig Site
You eventually reach a point where the path narrows and you must leave the
Mako and continue on foot. Your radar is jammed by a nearby sniper. Proceed
east up the hill until you encounter geth troopers and rocket troopers. Stay
in cover and pick your shots to avoid the missiles from the rocket troopers.
There are also shock troopers and a geth sniper waiting in the clearing up
ahead, so be on your guard.
5 - The Mining Camp
At the mining camp you are ambushed by a group of geth stalkers and a geth
armature. Take cover, keep your distance, and take care of the stalkers
first. Having squad members with tech abilities can help to deal with the
regular geth enemies. There is also some cover on a small hill to the east
that is perfect for taking down the armature from a distance. Spend as
little time out of cover as possible, and don't get hit by a pulse blast from
the armature as it can instantly kill you. Once all the geth are defeated
you may proceed inside the mine itself.
6 - Exploring the Mine
Follow the ramps down into the mine. You will encounter some shock troopers
and snipers along the way. Take the elevator down to the next level and
follow the catwalks. As you approach the next elevator a group of geth
assault drones appear from below. Like the recon drones, they are resistant
to biotics but susceptible to tech powers. Take the second elevator. At the
bottom, climb down the debris pile and approach the asari behind the blue
7 - Freeing Dr. T'Soni
Liara T'Soni is trapped by a Prothean security device. Before you can get
her out however, you must find some way past the barrier. Keep descending
the ramps until you reach the bottom of the mine where you will find more
shock troopers and snipers. At the far end there is a storage locker and a
weapon locker. Return to the nearby mining laser and activate it using the
correct sequence, A-X-B-Y (the code varies on the PC). This opens a hole you
can proceed through. Activate the elevator at the end of the tunnel and take
it up to Liara's location so you can free her.
8 - Escaping the Mine
It seems the mining laser has caused some seismic activity and you need to
leave quickly. Take the elevator up to the top floor, where you will
encounter the krogan Liara warned you about. You can't talk your way out of
a fight, so you must defeat the krogan battlemaster along with his geth
soldiers. Don't let them surround you, as they will try to move around the
sides of the room to attack your squad from all directions. The krogan in
particular will try to disable you with his biotics so he can charge and
engage you from close range. Turn the tables and disable him biotically to
make this fight much easier. When all the enemies are defeated it is a
simple matter of racing to the surface to avoid certain death.
9 - Back on the Normandy
When you return to your ship the crew sits around for a debriefing. Liara
will discuss her work as a scientist studying Prothean ruins, as well as your
visions from the Prothean beacon. When the meeting is over you can choose
whether to discuss the mission with the Citadel Council.
Mission Complete: "Find Liara T'Soni"
SECTION 5: Feros 21A5fe
1 - Zhu's Hope
Land at the docking bay on Feros, where you're greeted by David al Talaquani.
He informs you that the leader of the colony--Fai Dan--wishes to speak with
you. You can't get much more out of him however, as he's promptly destroyed
by a geth rocket. Battle though the enemies and up the stairs to reach the
Zhu's Hope colony.
2 - "Geth in the Tower!"
You can find Fai Dan on the far side of the colony, but you don't get to
speak to him for long. More geth attack, and this time you need to follow
them to the source and eliminate the threat they pose to the colonists. When
the initial wave is defeated, proceed up the stairs and continue bearing left
until you reach the tower to the northwest. This is where you will fight the
bulk of the geth forces. Find some cover and be on the lookout for the
destroyer that appears from the far end. When all the geth are defeated, the
overhead dropship departs, making the colonists a little safer for now.
3 - Return to Fai Dan
Go back the way you came and return to the colony, where you can finally have
a talk with Fai Dan. He tells you that the geth are operating out of the
nearby ExoGeni research facility. If asked, he also informs you of the
various challenges facing the colonists, including a geth outpost in the
tunnels, food and water shortages, and a lack of power. He can direct you to
the different colonists assigned to each task. You aren't required to handle
any of these assignments, so you can find the details on how to complete them
in the Optional Assignments section.
+2 Paragon for offering your assistance to the colonists
+2 Renegade for saying you only care about stopping the geth
4 - Strange Behavior (Optional)
Head inside the nearby freighter and talk to Calanth and Hollis Blake. The
former is complaining of extreme headaches, but their cause is unknown.
Talking to the other colonists reveals equally strange symptoms. They all
seem unusually focused on their assigned tasks, and pressing them for
information seems to make them uncomfortable. You can also venture down into
the tunnels and find Ian Newstead, a man who seems to be in tremendous pain
for some unknown reason. You can ask Fai Dan about this behavior, but he
dismisses it as the traumatic effect of seeing friends and loved ones killed.
+2 Paragon for being concerned for Calanth
+2 Renegade for being concerned for yourself
+2 Paragon for trying to help Ian
+2 Renegade for threatening to kill Ian
5 - Skyway to Hell
From the colony, ascend the stairs and bear right to reach the nearby
elevator. This takes you up to the garage, where the Mako is conveniently
parked. A geth drone is attacking the colonists in the garage, so destroy it
and then jump in the Mako. When you exit the garage a dropship swoops in and
deposits a pair of armatures on the path ahead of you. Take them out from a
distance with the cannon before you proceed.
6 - Weigh Station Refugees (Optional)
As you drive along the skyway you begin picking up radio chatter which is
coming from the weigh station up ahead. When you reach the station you have
the option of getting out and checking on the refugees, though you can also
continue up the nearby ramp and ignore the camp for now. The two prominent
figures at the camp are Julianna Baynham and Ethan Jeong, the former of which
is worried for her daughter, Lizbeth. Lizbeth, she believes, is still at the
ExoGeni facility, though Jeong is doubtful she is still alive given that the
geth have overrun the complex. You can also speak to Gavin Hossle, who needs
you to recover some data for him. Be on the lookout for hidden maintenance
tunnels as you travel the skyway, as they contain a few extra geth and some
containers you can loot.
7 - The ExoGeni Facility
Proceed along the skyway until you reach the ExoGeni main level where you
must leave the Mako for now. There are a handful of enemies to deal with in
this area. The path south is blocked by an energy field you will need to
deactivate later. The door to the north is locked, but leads to a small room
with a malfunctioning object. Take note that accessing the object alerts the
nearby geth armature to your presence. To proceed you must go southwest and
drop down a small ledge to reach the lower level. You won't be able to
return this way, so you'll need to deactivate that energy field to return to
the Mako.
8 - Lizbeth
Elizabeth Baynham can be found on this level as soon as you exit the first
corridor. She informs you that the geth are likely here for the Thorian, an
indigenous plant-like lifeform. She gives you her pass card, which allows
you unrestricted access to the facility. Immediately after the conversation
concludes you are beset by a swarm of varren. Shotguns work well here, as
the varren don't have much protection and will simply charge at you. Proceed
to the other side of the room and take stairs back up to the main level.
9 - The VI
At the top of the steps there is a krogan commander trying to obtain
restricted information from a VI interface. He becomes alerted to your
presence and attacks. You'll want to defeat him quickly before he can do any
serious damage. Biotics work well for disabling him before he can charge at
you. Once he is defeated you can access the VI, which identifies you as
Lizbeth because you are carrying her pass card. From the VI you can learn
that the Thorian is a sentient being that produces spores which allow it to
control the minds of other beings. The Thorian was the focus of ExoGeni's
research of Feros. The Zhu's Hope colonists have been infected by the
Thorian's spores, which explains their strange behavior. You also learn that
Lizbeth wasn't telling you the whole truth about her involvement with the
Thorian research.
"Feros: Geth Attack" -> "Feros: The Thorian"
10 - The Geth Church
Head east along the corridor. The first room you come to shows that the
power for the energy field is coming from a geth ship, which has anchored
itself to the side of the facility. To cut the power you will need to remove
the ship by severing one of its claws. There are a few geth shock troopers
to fight, after which you can examine the strange glowing orb they seemed to
be praying to. Your squad will speculate as to its purpose. Keep going
until you reach the next room, which is on the opposite side of the energy
field you first saw when you entered the facility. This is the field you
will need to remove to get back to the Mako. The path to the east leads to
the upper level of the facility, which has a small room guarded by a few
krogan. Inside there is a server node that supplies a codex entry, a secure
storage locker, and the console containing Gavin Hossle's data.
11 - Anchors Aweigh
The path to the west also leads to the upper level. In the first room is an
ExoGeni terminal that gives the assignment "Investigate Facility." Proceed
up the stairs to the platform. A quick peek at the next room shows that it
is heavily guarded. Stick to the stairs and the platform to avoid being
overwhelmed by the geth. When all the enemies are defeated you can access
the secure crate in the next room, along with a terminal which gives the
assignment "Geth Activates," and a server which gives the assignment
"Investigate Samples." Most importantly, at the back of the room are the
shuttle bay door controls. Here you want to hit the sweet spot by setting
the internal pressure to be between 31 and 34 pounds per square inch. You
can do this by activating a number of smaller controls which each provide a
fixed amount of pressure. One combination that works is 17 + 11 + 5 = 33 psi
(228 kPa). Activating the door controls with this level of pressure will
force the door to shear straight through the geth anchor, causing it to lose
its grip on the building. This severs the power, taking care of the problem
with the energy barrier.
12 - Back to the Weigh Station
Head back the way you came and proceed north towards the Mako though the now
accessible corridor. Lizbeth is waiting for you at the exit, at which point
you will confront her about her involvement with the Thorian. Get back in
the Mako and head back to the weigh station to reunite Lizbeth with her
mother. There are a handful of geth armatures and destroyers to contend with
on the path back to the station.
+2 Paragon for believing Lizbeth's story
+2 Renegade for not believing Lizbeth's story
13 - The Situation with the Colonists
At the weigh station Lizbeth gets out and is reunited with her mother.
Unfortunately, Jeong has gotten through to the ExoGeni corporate offices and
has learned that they want the entire colony purged to prevent the Thorian
from spreading. Using Charm or Intimidate you can talk Jeong out of it, but
otherwise you simply have to kill him. As for the colonists, Julianna
Baynham has an idea for stopping them without having to kill them. She
offers you a grenade upgrade which contains a nerve agent that should pacify
the colonists safely. Whether or not you choose to use it is left up to you.
+24 Paragon for talking Jeong down using Charm
+25 Renegade for talking Jeong down using Intimidate
+2 Paragon for agreeing to spare the colonists
+2 Renegade for refusing to spare the colonists
+2 Paragon for accepting the gas grenades
+2 Renegade for refusing to use the gas grenades
14 - The Creepers
Head back to the Mako and return to the colony, where you'll have your first
encounter with a thorian creeper. These creatures were created by the
Thorian, so unlike the colonists there is no penalty for killing them. There
are a large number of them in the garage, which should get you acclimated to
fighting them. They don't have any weapons, but they spew a toxic substance
when they get close enough. Shotguns with ammunition upgrades that knock
down the creepers will help keep them away from you.
15 - The Infected Colonists
At the entrance to the garage you have the option of ordering your squad to
hold their fire on the colonists themselves. Doing so means your allies will
only attack the creepers, leaving you free to handle the colonists. If you
wish to save them, equip the Anti-Thorian Gas upgrade to your grenades and
use them to attack the colonists. You can also melee them to knock them out
without killing them. This is riskier however, because if you misjudge the
distance you might shoot them by mistake. There are sixteen colonists in all
that you can save. The first group you encounter is at the top of the
elevator in the garage. You can then find a few colonists on the landing as
you descend the steps to Zhu's Hope. There are more at the entrance to the
colony itself, where you can also find a crate nearby that will replenish
your supply of grenades. Save or kill the remaining colonists on the western
walkway and near the crane controls to complete this objective. When all the
colonists and creepers are dealt with, activate the crane controls to open
the way to the Thorian's lair. Fai Dan shows up, telling you that the
Thorian wants him to kill you. However, he is able to fight off the Thorian
just enough to end his own life before you have to fight him.
+2 Paragon for each colonist saved
+2 Renegade for each colonist killed
16 - The Thorian
Take the steps down into the Thorian's lair. As you approach the Thorian
itself, it spews out an asari clone which speaks to you on its behalf. It
seems that Saren came to Feros and formed an alliance with the Thorian. He
bartered the lives of the colonists for the Thorian's ancient knowledge of
the Protheans, but then betrayed the Thorian, sending the geth to destroy it
and prevent you from receiving its secrets.
+2 Paragon for demanding the release of the colonists
+2 Renegade for saying you will destroy the Thorian
17 - Severing the Nodes
The asari clone attacks you. Beware of her biotic abilities and kill her as
quickly as possible. Consider using biotics of your own to knock her off the
edge, or equip ammunition upgrades that bypass shields to help deal with her
biotic barrier. To eliminate the Thorian itself you must sever each of the
neural nodes holding it to the walls of the lair. Your efforts will be
hampered by legions of thorian creepers, and the occasional asari clones that
the Thorian will continue to spit out. On the first level go north through
the door and sever the first node by firing on it until it explodes.
Usually, firing on a node will alert a number of dormant nearby creepers, so
take care to eliminate as many enemies as possible before you try to take
down each node. The nodes also go down faster when all nearby enemies are
defeated. Proceed up the steps to the next level where you can find another
asari clone as well as a weapons locker before coming to the next neural
node. On the next level there is a node to the south, and another to the
west as you proceed clockwise around the chamber. Keep an eye out for the
medical station on this level. Head up to the next level and destroy the
node to the northwest. Finally, on the top level, head counterclockwise
until you reach the final node on the south side of the lair.
TIP - Sonny Nilsson: "On Insane difficulty, those thorian creepers can really
take a beating even with the best Spectre gear, but they die instantly if you
push them off the edge on each floor. Just melee them until they drop off
the edge. It's even better with a biotic character as then you can push out
many at the same time. The same goes for those annoying asari clones, but if
they have shields up you can't melee them to the ground. This strategy makes
the boss fight quite fast on Insane difficulty."
18 - The Cipher
Destroying the final node causes the Thorian to lose its grip and fall into
the abyss below. Additionally, an asari emerges from one of the Thorian's
pods along the wall. She identifies herself as Shiala, a former follower of
Matriarch Benezia who Saren had used to interface with the Thorian and learn
about the Protheans. She also informs you about Sovereign, Saren's flagship.
She claims that being on the ship changes you in subtle ways, and forces you
to obey Saren's will. She has turned her back on Saren and Benezia, and
offers you the Cipher, the same knowledge she gave to Saren, in the hopes
that you can stop him. Because she was once a servant of Saren, you have the
option of killing her. She does not resist if you decide that will be her
fate. If you let her live she vows to help the colonists rebuild, as she
wants to make amends for playing a role in many of their deaths.
+8 Paragon for sparing Shiala
+9 Renegade for killing Shiala
19 - Normandy Debrief
Back on the ship, your crew sits in the comm room to discuss the last
mission. If you've picked up Liara already, she offers to join her mind with
yours to try to make more sense of the visions you've had. When the briefing
is over you can talk to the Council if you choose.
+2 Paragon for politely defending your actions on Feros
+2 Renegade for aggressively defending your action on Feros
Mission Complete: "Feros: The Thorian"
After you complete two of the primary plot worlds (Therum, Feros, or
Noveria), you receive a message from the council advising you of a new lead
into Saren's whereabouts. They have lost contact with a salarian
infiltration regiment investigating Saren's activates on the planet Virmire,
but had received an unintelligible transmission from them on an emergency
+2 Renegade for saying you don't have time
New Mission: "Virmire"
New Mission: "Race Against Time"
SECTION 6: Noveria 21A6no
1 - Confrontation in the Docking Bay
Head to Noveria and land at Port Hanshan. Before you can leave the docking
bay however, you are confronted by a group of armed guards led by Maeko
Matsuo, who identifies herself as an employee of Elanus Risk Control Services
(ERCS) and the head of security at Port Hanshan. They try to confiscate your
weapons, but a voice on the intercom interrupts, telling Captain Matsuo to
stand down and let you pass.
+2 Paragon for agreeing to cooperate with Matsuo
+2 Renegade for refusing to give up your weapons
2 - Entering the Port
Continue through security. Your weapons will set off an alarm, but it's
nothing to worry about according to Gianna Parasini, the assistant to
Administrator Anoleis. She informs you that Matriarch Benezia passed through
the port a few days ago on the way to the Peak 15 research facility. In
order to follow her you'll need to procure a garage pass, for which you must
see the administrator. If Liara is in your squad she will ask if you still
want her to come with you. If she isn't currently with you, a squad member
will suggest that you return to the ship and get her.
New Mission: "Noveria: Leave Port Hanshan"
"Noveria: Geth Interest" -> "Noveria: Matriarch Benezia"
3 - Elanus Risk Control (Optional)
Head back to speak with Captain Matsuo for a chance to improve or degrade
your relationship with the local security forces. While you can win Captain
Matsuo over, Sergeant Kaira Stirling isn't so easy.
+2 Paragon for accepting Matsuo's apology
+2 Renegade for refusing to accept Matsuo's apology
4 - The Administrator
Anoleis' office is in the southeast corner of the port. Head through the
doors and speak to Miss Parasini, who will let you in to see the
administrator. Anoleis is a very impatient salarian, who will inform you
that Saren is a major investor in Binary Helix, and that Benezia is here to
address an issue at their research facility. The only way he will provide
you a pass to leave the port is if you inform him about Opold's request as
part of the "Noveria: Smuggling" assignment. Doing this provides you the
quickest way out of the port but misses out on a fair amount of content and a
hefty sum of Paragon or Renegade points.
5 - "You Can't Bludgeon Through Bureaucracy" (Optional)
Back outside Anoleis' office you can talk to Gianna again to learn that there
are other ways of securing a garage pass. She advises you to speak with
Lorik Qui'in, who can be found at the nearby hotel. Head to the northwest
side of the port and take the elevator up to the hotel lobby. Lorik Qui'in
is at a table to the left side as you enter. Qui'in tells you that Anoleis
has closed his Synthetic Insights office because Qui'in has evidence of the
administrator's corruption. At this very moment, Anoleis' goons are
ransacking the SI offices looking for the evidence. Qui'in offers you a
deal: recover the evidence against Anoleis from his office, and he will in
turn provide you with the garage pass you need to leave the port.
New Mission: "Noveria: Lorik Qui'in"
6 - Retrieving the Evidence (Optional)
Agree to Qui'in's deal to receive his elevator pass, allowing you to enter
the Synthetic Insights offices. Before you leave the hotel, you can head
upstairs to the office in the southwest corner and access the terminal to get
the assignment "Doctor at Risk." More importantly, you can deactivate the
Synthetic Insights security system from here by decrypting the security
control unit. The SI offices can be accessed by an elevator located in the
southwest corner of the port. When you arrive at the offices, you'll find
ERCS guards ransacking the place just as Qui'in indicated. It's possible to
persuade the first group you encounter to leave peacefully, but you will have
to fight the rest in order to get to the evidence, which is located in the
top floor office at the end of the walkway.
+8 Paragon for convincing the guards to leave using Charm
+9 Renegade for convincing the guards to leave using Intimidate
7 - A Crooked Cop (Optional)
On your way out after retrieving the evidence you are stopped by a group of
guards led by Kaira Stirling, one of the guards you first met when you
entered the port. She plans on taking revenge for the ERCS guards you've
killed to get Qui'in's evidence. There's no talking your way out of this
fight. Retreat to the office for more cover and clear firing lanes on the
corridor. Also watch out for Kaira's biotic abilities. When all the guards
are defeated, descend the elevator to leave the offices.
+2 Paragon for insisting you acted in self defense
+2 Renegade for refusing to defend your actions
8 - Gianna's Identity (Optional)
At the bottom of the elevator you encounter Gianna Parasini again, who asks
that you meet her at the hotel before you talk to Lorik Qui'in about the
evidence. Head there and speak to her to learn that she's actually an
undercover internal affairs agent investigating Anoleis. It seems the
executive board for Noveria is well aware of Anoleis' corruption, and has
been trying to get enough evidence to take him down for months. Now that you
have that evidence, she wants you to convince Lorik to testify against
Anoleis. Combined with the evidence from his office, Lorik's testimony
should be enough that she can safely arrest Anoleis and bring him up on
charges for his crimes. She also promises to get you a garage pass if you
help her out. If prompted, she can also give you some information on what's
been going on at the Peak 15 facility.
New Mission: "Noveria: Peak 15"
9 - Convincing Qui'in (Optional)
If you are willing and able, use Charm or Intimidate to convince Lorik to
testify against the administrator. If you are unable to convince him or
simply choose to hand the evidence over, he rewards you with the promised
garage pass.
+24 Paragon for convincing Lorik using Charm
+25 Renegade for convincing Lorik using Intimidate
+500 Credits for giving the evidence to Lorik
+750 Credits for giving the evidence to Lorik using Charm or Intimidate
10 - Dealing with Anoleis (Optional)
If you convinced Qui'in to testify, head back down to the administrator's
office. You now have the choice of informing Gianna of Lorik's cooperation,
in which case she arrests the administrator and gives you the garage pass.
You can also double-cross Gianna and Lorik by telling the administrator
what's going on. If you give him the evidence, he rewards you with the pass
you need. However, if you refuse to give him the evidence, he will call
Gianna into his office. The two fight, and both end up dead. You can then
search the administrator's corpse for the garage pass. The only person who
needs the evidence in this case is Lorik, so go back to the hotel and give it
to him.
+8 Paragon for helping Gianna arrest Anoleis
+2 Renegade for giving Anoleis the evidence
+24 Renegade for telling Anoleis about Gianna
Mission Complete: "Noveria: Leave Port Hanshan"
Mission Complete: "Noveria: Lorik Qui'in"
TIP - Seldon: "After helping Gianna arrest Anoleis, if you go back and talk
to Captain Matsuo in the Docking Bay, you can get 2 Paragon (or 2 Renegade)
points for talking to her and choosing the appropriate responses.
11 - Accessing the Garage
Take your garage pass and access the garage in the southwest area of the
port. You won't get far however, as a group of geth led by a pair of
destroyers ambush you before you can reach the Mako. You can make this fight
easier by decrypting the lock on the nearby crawler and turning its guns
against the geth. Once the fight is over, Matsuo shows up to investigate the
commotion. The geth were clearly snuck past security in the cargo crates,
and she informs you that there could be dozens of geth on the road to Peak
TIP - Sonny Nilsson: "Armors from Devlon Industries (and others) protect
against most level 1 hazards, so on Noveria you can use Explorer armor to
negate the cold effect outside."
12 - Hit the Road
Grab the nearby upgrade kit and then hop in the Mako. There is a level 1
cold hazard on Noveria, so don't stray too far from the Mako on the paths
ahead, but do keep an eye out for crates and kits along the way, especially
near abandoned vehicles. The path to Peak 15 is crawling with geth,
particularly rocket troopers, along with some heavy turrets and armatures out
in the open. Be especially wary of the tunnels, which tend to act as choke
points, making it harder to dodge incoming rockets. Keep your distance from
enemies and back off if things become too dangerous.
13 - Peak 15
When you reach the facility, hop out and head inside, where a number of geth
are waiting for you. The biggest danger is a geth juggernaut, who will
charge you when you open the door. Hang back to avoid being flanked by the
enemies on the balcony to the left, and concentrate on taking down the
juggernaut first. There are also a few krogan at the far end of the room.
When all the enemies are defeated, head up the ramp to the nearby security
office, which has an upgrade kit and storage locker. Opposite the security
office is the elevator up to the administration level.
14 - Cafeteria Surprise
Cautiously enter the cafeteria and take care of the geth guarding it. Once
they are gone, however, a swarm of rachni show up. Previously thought to be
extinct, it seems the Peak 15 researchers have found a way bring back the
rachni, though it's clear the situation in the facility has gotten out of
hand as a result. There are two types of rachni to worry about in the
facility. The workers are small, and their only attack it to rush at you and
explode when they get close enough. Soldiers, on the other hand, can spit
acid from afar, but also have a deadly melee attack. You would do well to
avoid engaging the soldiers at close range, though shotguns are quite
effective against the workers. Both cause toxic damage, so upgrades that
mitigate this effect will help you progress through the facility. You'll
also need to take extra care, as the soldiers will often spring out of vents
in the floor to surprise you. When all the rachni in this area are dead,
take the elevator to the Mira Core.
15 - Restoring the VI
To get to the next area of the facility you need to take the tram, but first
you have to restore a number of critical systems that have gone offline
because the rachni have overrun the complex. You first need to reactivate
Peak 15's VI to assist you in the restoration of each system. Activate the
power junction in the main room and then head to the center of the round room
ahead. Enter the elevator in the middle to descend into the core. Here, to
restore the VI you can either spend 100 omni-gel, or solve the classic Tower
of Hanoi puzzle that BioWare fans may remember from "Knights of the Old
Republic." When you finish, the VI system is restored and you can now begin
restoring the other systems.
Mission Complete: "Noveria: Peak 15"
New Mission: "Noveria: Reconnect Landlines"
New Mission: "Noveria: Reactor Repair"
To restore the VI manually, you need to move each of the four blocks in the
first column (labeled X on the Xbox 360) to another column (either Y or B),
noting that only the top block in each column can be moved. Press the button
corresponding with the column you want to move a block from, and then the
button corresponding to the column you want to move that block to in order to
rearrange the puzzle pieces.
There are potentially many ways to solve this puzzle, but here is a common
solution: Begin by moving the top three blocks to the middle column. This
frees up the bottom block to be moved to the right column, where the top
three blocks can then be stacked on top of it. Follow these instructions to
achieve this result:
X -> Y
X -> B
Y -> B
X -> Y
B -> X
B -> Y
X -> Y
X -> B
Y -> B
Y -> X
B -> X
Y -> B
X -> Y
X -> B
Y -> B
16 - Reconnect the Landlines
The "Mira" VI appears and informs you that a number of critical systems are
offline and need to be fixed for you to proceed. First up are the landlines
on the roof, which need to be reconnected. Head west and take the elevator
to the roof, where you must fight off a horde of rachni. When all the
creatures are dead, simply repair the landlines and head back down to the
Mira Core.
Mission Complete: "Noveria: Reconnect Landlines"
17 - Repair the Fuel Lines
Go east, and then north along the corridor to the elevator that leads to the
reactor. Here you must face a variety of geth soldiers. Take the passage on
the left side, and follow it around to the ramp. You'll want to clear out
the top floor and balcony first to make getting to the fuel lines easier.
Though there are destroyers and stalkers on the lower walkways, there is a
juggernaut in the balcony that can cause you problems. Once all the geth are
eliminated, follow the lower walkways around to the middle of the reactor and
activate the fuel line controls. When you're finished, head back to the Mira
Mission Complete: "Noveria: Reactor Repair"
New Mission: "Noveria: Contamination"
18 - Taking the Tram
With the landlines and fuel lines fixed, the way south is now open, taking
you to the tram platform. To get there you first need to clear out the
decontamination chamber, which has some rachni soldiers trapped in it. With
a high enough electronics skill you can repair the decon system and torch the
rachni remotely. Otherwise, decrypt the lock or have Mira open the door for
you and eliminate the rachni yourself. The way is now clear to the tram
platform. Hop on the tram and take it to the Rift Station.
Mission Complete: "Noveria: Contamination"
19 - Rift Station
Exit the tram and head north. The northern door is locked, and the path to
the east leads to a pair of elevators, only one of which you can use. Take
the elevator up to the main level and speak with Captain Ventralis, who's
leading the defense against the rachni. With sufficient Charm or Intimidate
you can get him to reveal more about the station's defenses. As soon as
you're done talking a group of rachni soldiers attack the barricade. Help
fight them off, and then talk to Ventralis again. He tells you that Benezia
is down in the hot labs, and gives you a pass card to the appropriate
elevator to get there.
+2 Paragon for learning more about the defenses using Charm
+2 Renegade for learning more about the defenses using Intimidate
+2 Paragon for graciously defending the survivors from the attack
New Mission: "Noveria: The Hot Labs"
Captain Ventralis wants you to go down to the hot labs, and while you can do
so now, you can also save this task for later. The primary objective is to
reach Benezia, who--contrary to Ventralis's information--is actually in the
secure labs in the center of the lower level. To get there you have several
The first choice is to simply blast your way through the security on the main
level and then take the elevator down to the lower level. To do this you'd
have to decrypt the door lock and breach the defenses they've set up to stop
the rachni. Taking this route turns all the soldiers in the complex against
The alternative is to sneak in through the maintenance tunnels by way of the
scientist barracks on the lower level. To do this, you need to help make a
cure for Dr. Cohen, as detailed below.
Note that you can also reach Benezia by investigating the hot labs first.
Doing so opens up both the security entrance, and the maintenance passage
once you return from the hot labs.
20 - Direct Assault (Optional)
To get to Benezia as fast as possible, simply breach the security door on the
north side of the mess hall on the main level. The two nearby sentry drones
will attack you, along with the host of guards beyond the door. Though
messy, this route is good for experience if you can manage it.
21 - Dr. Cohen (Optional)
Alternatively--if you want to avoid a fight--you will need to gain access to
the maintenance tunnels. Doing so will allow you to sneak into the secure
labs without alerting the guards. On the main level, go down the winding
stairs to the west to find Dr. Cohen. He needs your help making a cure for
his fellow researchers who have been exposed to a toxin they were developing.
You can use Charm or Intimidate for more information on what's been going on
at Peak 15.
New Mission: "Noveria: Quarantine"
22 - Getting the Cure (Optional)
Go back to Captain Ventralis and get his permission to enter the quarantined
lab. You can find the lab on the lower level to the south guarded by an ERCS
guard. Go inside and make the cure by pressing the appropriate buttons so
that the meter falls between the first indicator and the second. When the
cure is complete you are interrupted by Alestia Iallis, a servant of
Matriarch Benezia who has decided this is the perfect time to kill you. She
has an asari commando and a couple geth troopers with her. Take cover and
try to avoid their biotics while taking them out as fast as possible.
Because of the close quarters, crowd control powers like Singularity work
especially well here. When the battle is finished, return to Cohen and give
him the cure, receiving the maintenance tunnel pass in return. You can also
use Charm or Intimidate to get some extra supplies from him. Take the
maintenance tunnel on the lower level to reach the secure labs.
+24 Paragon for helping Dr. Cohen with the cure
Mission Complete: "Noveria: Quarantine"
New Mission: "Noveria: Rift Station"
TIP - Stephen Wright: "After you go through the maintenance area, you can
head through the doors back towards the elevators that take you up to the
'Direct Approach' defended sections. Doing this allows you access to two
upgrades containers. Then you can take the elevator up to the 'Direct
Approach' defended area, open the doors and kill the soldiers in that first
room. As long as you shoot them from the elevator, you can get their xp
while still having the 'stealthy' mission log."
23 - The Matriarch
Enter the secure labs to begin your confrontation with Benezia. During the
first part of the battle she will call in geth and asari reinforcements
periodically, so your best bet is to avoid her entirely and concentrate on
her servants. To do this, follow the right path towards the west side of the
lab. Find some cover and fight off the asari commandos and geth snipers she
calls in. When you defeat the last of her guards she will be out of energy
and you can confront her. After a revealing conversation she loses control
once more and you must fight her face to face. This time the best strategy
is to attack her with everything your squad has. The faster you can
eliminate her, the better, as you still have to worry about the asari
commandos she brings in to flank you. Disabling powers like Lift can help
keep her from using powers against you. If you don't act quickly you can
easily be overwhelmed. Once she is defeated, mop up her remaining servants
to conclude the battle.
"Noveria: Matriarch Benezia" -> "Noveria: Death of a Matriarch"
24 - The Rachni Queen
Now that Benezia is dead, there's still the matter of the queen that was
being used to repopulate the rachni species. Speaking through a dead asari
commando, the queen tells you that her children have gone mad because they
cannot hear their mother. They cannot be saved, and she asks that you
destroy them, if you have not already. Now you must decide whether or not to
destroy the queen and exterminate the rachni for good.
+24 Paragon for sparing the life of the rachni queen
+25 Renegade for exterminating the rachni queen
Mission Complete: "Noveria: Rift Station"
25 - The Hot Labs (Optional)
You are now free to fulfill the queen's request and eliminate the rachni in
the facility--if you have not done so already. You can also ignore the
request and simply leave via the tram car. This will lead Noveria's
executive board to bomb the Peak 15 site to contain the rachni threat. Head
down to the hot labs via the elevator from the lower level and speak with
Yaroslev Tartakovsy. He wants you to set off the neutron purge to cleanse
the station of the rachni. Before he can give you the code he is slain by a
rachni soldier. Defeat the creature and then collect the code from
Tartakovsy's body. Head to the back of the lab and access the Mira terminal.
Give her the code to begin the countdown. Immediately, rachni will begin
bursting into the main room. They will keep coming and you can't fight them
all. Your best bet is simply to make a run for the elevator and escape
before time runs out. Consider using biotic powers to help clear a path.
Mission Complete: "Noveria: The Hot Labs"
26 - Return to the Normandy
Take the tram car to leave Noveria. You have a brief meeting in the comm
room with your crew to discuss Benezia's information. Once again you can
talk to the Council if you wish.
+2 Paragon for politely defending your actions on Noveria
+2 Renegade for aggressively defending your actions on Noveria
Mission Complete: "Noveria: Death of a Matriarch"
SECTION 7: Virmire 21A7vi
1 - Point Insertion
Wrap up any outstanding assignments you want to complete and head to the
Sentry Omega Cluster. Joker informs you that the Normandy can't get to the
infiltration team because of an anti-air defense tower in the area. You'll
need to land in the Mako and take down the defenses so the Normandy can move
2 - The First Gatehouse
The path to the AA tower is mostly linear, but there are obstacles in your
way. First there are a small group of drones, and then some foot soldiers
along the path. Eventually you will reach a gatehouse. Though you don't
need to open the gate to proceed, this is good practice for the gatehouses
you will need to clear out later, and there are some containers on the upper
3 - The AA Tower
Beyond the gatehouse is a geth colossus, which is just a more powerful
version of the armature. The path splits after this, but expect colossi and
armatures in either direction. Ahead is another gatehouse. Destroy as many
geth as possible before leaving the Mako to access the gate controls on the
upper level. Before you can proceed you also need to deactivate the AA tower
so the Normandy can land up ahead. There is one final gatehouse beyond the
tower, and then it's a straight shot to the camp.
4 - Captain Kirrahe
Enter the camp and speak to Captain Kirrahe, the leader of the salarian
infiltration team. He tells you that he's been investigating a research base
on Virmire belonging to Saren. It seems that Saren is somehow using the
facility to breed an army of krogan. According to Kirrahe, Saren has been
researching a cure for the genophage that had been used by the turians to
keep the krogan population under control. You need put a stop to Saren's
plans before he breeds an unstoppable army.
"Virmire" -> "Virmire: Saren's Plan"
5 - Wrex and the Genophage (Optional)
If you didn't pick up Wrex in the C-Sec academy back on the Citadel, then you
should have nothing to worry about here. If you did however, then he's none
too pleased that you plan on destroying the cure for his people. More
information on this conversation can be found in the Optional Assignments
section. Briefly, unless certain circumstances are met you must use Charm or
Intimidate to defuse the situation when talking to Wrex. If you can't
convince him then you or Ashley will have to kill him.
+24 Paragon for calming Wrex down using Charm
+8 Renegade for calming Wrex down using Intimidate
+25 Renegade for killing Wrex
+25 Renegade for ordering Ashley to kill Wrex
+2 Paragon for lamenting your decision to kill Wrex
+8 Paragon for chastising Ashley for killing Wrex
6 - A Daring Plan
Kirrahe has been working on a plan to destroy the facility and put a stop to
Saren's activities on Virmire. He has rigged the drive core from his ship to
act as a massive improvised explosive. Unfortunately, the only way to get
the bomb into the base is to fly it in using the Normandy. That means
someone has to infiltrate the base and take down the AA defenses guarding it.
Kirrahe's plan is to use his men to feign an attack from the front to
distract the geth forces while you sneak a small team into the base from the
rear and knock out the defenses. Unfortunately, Kirrahe is short on men and
he needs someone from your squad to coordinate between the teams. You can
choose either Ashley and Kaidan to go with Kirrahe. The consequences for
this decision are minor, and your choice should be based on who you are more
likely to bring with you when you assault the base. Speak to Commander
Rentola to make sure you've got the best equipment possible. Be sure to
clear out your inventory, as a large number of items are up for grabs in the
Virmire base. When you're ready for the attack, speak with Captain Kirrahe
to begin the mission.
"Virmire: Saren's Plan" -> "Virmire: Assault"
7 - Shadow Team
There are a number of things you can do to assist Kirrahe's team, but these
are part of an optional assignment and are included in the next section. If
you're not interested in helping the other teams, simply press forward to the
geth base to the west. There are no new enemies here, just a few drones,
geth soldiers of various types, and a handful of krogan. The krogan are your
biggest concern, as they are deadly to you and your squad members at close
range. Do your best to keep your distance, and use tech or biotic powers to
disable them if they get too close.
8 - Infiltrate the Base
At the west end of this area you have two paths to choose from. Entering the
sewers to the south leads into the base through a backdoor onto the
detainment level. The more direct route lies to the north, which leads
directly to the warehouse and subsequent maintenance area. Either path
requires you to access a security panel, which one of your squad members will
use to disable the base security and get you inside. You also have the
option of setting off an alarm on the far side of the base. This will
redirect the base defenders to make it easier for you, but will also mean
tougher resistance for the salarians. Putting the pressure on Kirrahe's
teams might be too much for them to handle. Once the doors are unlocked, the
other path becomes closed to you.
9 - Saren's Experiments
If you entered from the south, take the stairs up to the storage room. From
here you can go up to the next floor to cell block B, where a group of
salarians are being held prisoner. You can release them but they turn on you
as soon as the cells are opened. Go back down the next set of stairs to
reach the elevator to the labs. If you entered from the north you need to
clear out the warehouse of indoctrinated salarians. From here you can head
outside to reach cell block A to find another group of captive salarians.
When you are done, head back downstairs to the elevator and take it to the
+4 Paragon for releasing the salarians
+2 Renegade for leaving the salarians
10 - Genophage Research
In the lab you'll need to fight some krogan and asari scientists, as well as
a number of husks. Pick up the kits in this room, and access the medical
station at the back before proceeding west out onto the catwalks. Eliminate
the nearby troopers and follow the path to the security office, where you'll
find Rana Thanoptis, an asari scientist who's been working for Saren. She
tells you about the indoctrination process, by which Sovereign--Saren's
flagship--controls the minds of those who are exposed to it. When you're
done speaking you can choose whether or not to kill her for her involvement
with Saren. It likely doesn't matter because she probably won't be able to
make it out of the blast radius in time.
+9 Renegade for killing Rana
11 - Sovereign
Head up the elevator Rana unlocked for you. In this room you find another
beacon, like the one you found on Eden Prime. Activate it to have another
piece of the Prothean puzzle downloaded into your mind. Head back up to the
next level where you encounter a holographic image of Saren's flagship.
Sovereign reveals its true nature: it is not merely a ship, it is an actual
Reaper! It explains that the Reapers have existed for countless millennia,
and will continue to eliminate advanced life in the galaxy every 50,000 years
until the end of time. Sovereign claims that the Reapers constructed the
mass relays and the Citadel so that advanced lifeforms would develop along
the paths that the Reapers desired. When the conversation is over, the
interface explodes and Joker chimes in. He says that Sovereign is on its
way. Time to get the hell out of there.
12 - To the AA Tower
When you get back down in the elevator the path back to the facility is
blocked but a new catwalk is open. Proceed forward and take down the geth
destroyer and the group of krogan ahead. Follow the path around to the west.
In the distance you can see the AA tower you need to disable. There are a
few more geth and krogan in the area, along with some rocket drones to worry
about. Use the cover appropriately to take them out without taking damage.
The krogan can be knocked off the nearby ledge with Throw if you're
positioned correctly. When all the enemies are defeated you can head up the
ramp and deactivate the AA tower. This triggers two groups of
reinforcements. Geth soldiers come up the ramp behind you, while another
group arrives in the nearby elevator. One of Kirrahe's teams will radio in
and inform you that they're heading for the second AA tower. Taking down
both towers will allow the Normandy to land. Use the elevator to go up to
the krogan breeding grounds.
13 - Set up the Bomb
Finish off the geth in this area and open the large doors to access the
landing site. The salarian team knocks out the other AA tower, clearing the
way for the Normandy to arrive and unloaded the bomb. When all seems to be
going well, the soldier you sent with the salarians radios in to tell you
that their team is pinned down on the AA tower and they won't be able to make
it to the landing site without assistance. The Normandy takes off and begins
a holding pattern. Pick a new squad (you can't choose Kaidan or Ashley) and
open the large doors to the west. This area has a number of geth hoppers and
krogan to worry about. Eliminate all the enemies and then head to the
elevator at the far side.
14 - An Impossible Choice
As soon as you arrive at the top of the elevator the squad sees a geth ship
fly past en route to the landing site. Now both Kaidan and Ashley are under
heavy fire from the geth and you only have time to rescue one of them. When
you've made your decision, say your final goodbyes and either head up to the
AA tower or back down to the landing site. At either location you've got a
tough fight against some of the more powerful geth forces, including a geth
+2 Paragon for taking a sympathetic attitude
+2 Renegade for declaring you've made the right choice
15 - Saren
When all the geth are beaten, Saren himself arrives. There is a short
exchange where he tries to justify his actions. You can use Charm or
Intimidate to try to sway him, but a fight is inevitable. Make sure your
equipment is up to date. Unlike most fights where cover is important you'll
likely want to stay mobile versus Saren. Don't let any powers go unused in
this fight and make good use of your squad as much as possible. Because he
is flying on his glider, most of your offensive biotic powers are useless.
When Saren has taken enough damage he confronts you face to face. The
Normandy arrives just in time and Saren retreats on his glider. The crew
escapes the planet just as the nuke detonates, destroying Saren's research
facility for good.
+2 Paragon for trying to sway Saren using Charm
+2 Renegade for trying to sway Saren using Intimidate
16 - Back on the Normandy
There is a somber meeting in the briefing room as the lucky member of your
crew laments your decision. When the meeting is over you have the option to
speak with the Council about the mission.
"Race Against Time" -> "Race Against Time: Sovereign"
17 - The Infiltration Team (Optional)
You can now head down to the vehicle bay and speak with the remnants of
Captain Kirrahe's forces. You can also purchase equipment from Commander
Rentola, provided Captain Kirrahe survived the mission. The salarians will
depart when you arrive at your next destination.
When you have completed all four main plot worlds (Therum, Feros, Noveria,
and Virmire), Liara will finally be able to make sense of your visions and
put all the pieces together. The Conduit is on Ilos, a planet in the
Terminus Systems that is only accessible through the Mu Relay.
Accessing the Galaxy Map at this point triggers a message from Ambassador
Udina. Apparently the Council has decided to go after Saren after all, and
is massing a fleet to head to Ilos. You must hurry back to the Citadel to
take part in the preparations.
SECTION 8: Return to the Citadel 21A8re
1 - "It's Just Politics"
When you return to the Citadel you're taken straight to the Council Chambers.
It seems you've been deceived by the Council and the ambassador. They have
no intention of risking a war with the Terminus Systems on your word alone.
Moreover, the ambassador has locked out all of the Normandy's primary systems
to keep you from leaving the station.
+2 Renegade for aggressively insisting that they take action
2 - Anderson's Plan
Back on the Normandy, Joker informs you that the Captain has asked to see
you. He's waiting at Flux. Head to Doran's establishment in the Wards and
find Anderson at a table near the bar. He believes that Saren is the real
threat you say he is, and is willing to risk his career and his life to give
you a chance to stop him. He has two ideas for getting the Normandy off the
station. He can either raid Citadel Control and try to override the
lockdown, or head to the ambassador's office and hack into his computer to
revoke the order keeping the Normandy on the Citadel. The choice is yours,
though if you ask him to choose he elects to go to the ambassador's office.
Keep in mind that if his plan succeeds you'll be a criminal, so you won't be
able to return to the Citadel. When you are ready to leave, tell Anderson to
go through with the plan and then head back to the Normandy.
If you have any business to clear up on the Citadel, now is the time. Once
you've escaped the station, you won't be welcomed back.
Additionally, once you're off the station you'll want to take care of any
offworld assignments you haven't dealt with yet. Once you head to Ilos there
is no turning back.
3 - Fleeing the Citadel
One way or another, Anderson's plan is successful and you're able to escape
the station. The crew's behind you 100%. Time to head to Ilos and stop
Saren once and for all.
SECTION 9: Ilos 21A9il
1 - Surface Tension
Your arrival on Ilos is just moments too late. Saren has entered an
underground facility in search of the Conduit, locking the doors behind him.
Before you can proceed in the Mako you must navigate the planet's surface on
foot and find the control to open the doors.
New Mission: "Ilos: Find the Conduit"
2 - The Ruins
Due south in the ruins are a pair of geth armatures to contend with. If you
prefer to face them directly, be ready for a tough fight. Take out all the
nearby soldiers so you can concentrate exclusively on the armatures. A
combination of tech and biotic powers work well here. If you can temporarily
disable one armature using Lift or Stasis then you can concentrate on
fighting the other one using your tech powers. Alternatively, you can head
west from the insertion point to reach a different part of the ruins. Though
this area is more heavily guarded, it also contains an armature control
console that can be used to deactivate the armatures so you won't have to
fight them at all. When you're done, proceed south to the next area where
more geth are waiting for you. It should be nothing you can't handle by this
point, so take the nearby elevator when all the geth are eliminated.
3 - The Security Level
The elevator takes you to a large room. As soon as you enter, a large
contingent of geth will rush in from the opposite side. Fortunately, you're
not alone in this fight. On either side of the room are a pair of armature
repair stations. With sufficient decryption skill you can activate each of
these stations to summon an armature to fight on your side against the rest
of the geth. There is also some high ground on a walkway near the entrance
that you can use for a good vantage and some cover against the geth.
4 - Prothean Security
Head to the back of the room and up the ramps to the left or right. These
paths lead to a security panel you can use to open the doors and pursue
Saren. A message appears but it's difficult to determine what it is trying
to tell you. Head back down and take the north path to reach the elevator.
This takes you back up to the surface where you can now enter the Mako and
proceed through the open passageway.
5 - Constant Vigil
Following the straight path leads you to an energy barrier. When you get
close enough, another barrier appears behind you. Your squad speculates that
this might be a trap from Saren. Exit the Mako and take the nearby elevator.
At the bottom is a VI interface known as Vigil, who explains that Ilos was
the last refuge of the Protheans. Here they placed themselves in stasis and
hid from the Reapers until it was safe to reemerge. However--after centuries
of waiting--there were too few survivors left to sustain their population.
They spent their remaining years trying to find a way to defeat the Reapers
should they ever return. Because of the Protheans' efforts 50,000 years ago,
the Reapers have been unable to return to the galaxy. However, if Saren
succeeds, Sovereign will be able to bring the other Reapers in from dark
space and continue the cycle of extinction. The key to the Reaper invasion
plan is the Citadel, which is actually an enormous mass relay connecting to
dark space. Sovereign needs to activate the Citadel relay, but would be
unable to attack the Citadel directly because it is too well defended. Vigil
explains that the Conduit is a backdoor onto the Citadel, which will allow
Saren and his geth to penetrate the station's otherwise impregnable defenses
and give Sovereign the control it needs to activate the relay.
+2 Paragon for decrying the decision to kill nonessential personnel
+2 Renegade for recognizing that Vigil's actions were necessary
Mission Complete: "Ilos: Find the Conduit"
"Race Against Time: Sovereign" -> "Race Against Time: Conduit"
6 - The Conduit
Vigil gives you a copy of a special data file that must be uploaded into the
Citadel's master control unit to give you control of the station. This is
your only chance to stop Saren and prevent the return of the Reapers. Head
back up to the Mako and hurry after Saren. You need to navigate the trenches
to reach the Conduit, though the path ahead is crawling with geth. Since you
are in the Mako your primary concern is the large number of rocket troopers
you will encounter. If you're agile enough you can get past all these
enemies without having to fight them. At the end of the trenches you can see
the Conduit, which is simply a small mass relay. There's a limited time to
reach the Conduit before the gate closes, so there's no time to waste
fighting the nearby enemies. Head straight towards the gate to be sure you
arrive before time runs out. The Mako is captured by the relay and propelled
across the galaxy to the Citadel...
I recommend that you try to finish the rest of the game on your own. There
is not long to go, and I also don't want to ruin the ending for you. If you
really need help however, the rest of the walkthrough can be found in the
Secrets section. Good luck and congratulations on making it this far!
++++++++++++++++++++ 21B1ci
Assignment: Citadel: Asari Consort
Given by: Sha'ira in the Consort's chambers
Location: Citadel
Requirements: none
1 - Meet the Consort
In the southeast corner of the Presidium you can find the Consort's chambers.
Go inside and talk to the receptionist, Nelyna. After your conversation, the
Consort will ask to see you in her chambers. Head upstairs and speak with
Sha'ira. She tells you that a former client has been spreading lies about
her, and she hopes you can help convince him to stop.
2 - Speak with General Septimus
If you have gained access to the Wards by meeting with the Citadel Council,
head down to Chora's Den and find General Septimus at a table near the back.
Talk to him and convince him to stop spreading lies about Sha'ira. It is
possible to do this without using Charm or Intimidate, but you won't receive
a Paragon or Renegade bonus. He asks you to do him a favor by taking some
information to an elcor named Xeltan at the embassy. This task is covered in
the assignment: "Citadel: Xeltan's Complaint".
+2 Paragon for convincing Septimus using Charm
+2 Renegade for convincing Septimus using Charm
3 - Return to the Consort
Head back up to the Presidium and see the Consort. She thanks you for your
assistance in resolving the matter with Spetimus and offers you a Prothean
artifact as a reward if you also assisted Septimus by speaking to Xeltan. If
you find this reward to be insufficient, the Consort will also give you
something "special" for your trouble.
+2 Paragon for graciously accepting the Consort's reward
+2 Renegade for demanding payment from the Consort
4 - The Consort's Gift (Optional)
Take your reward and head to the Prothean ruin on Eletania. Here you can use
the trinket the Consort gave you to unlock the mysterious floating globe for
an experience reward and some info on the Protheans.
Assignment: Citadel: Doctor Michel
Given by: Doctor Michel in the med clinic
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Confront Fist
1 - Talk to Dr. Michel
Visiting Dr. Michel in the med clinic after you have helped her with Fist and
the quarian results in a new assignment. It seems the doctor is being
blackmailed by someone from her past. She is supposed to deliver medical
supplies to a merchant named Morlan in the lower markets. Note that you must
speak with Dr. Michel following the shootout in the clinic for this
assignment to be triggered.
+2 Paragon for showing concern for the doctor
2 - Pay Morlan a Visit
You need to go see Morlan at his shop in the lower markets. Talking to
Morlan about the medical supplies causes the krogan blackmailer to show up.
You can fight him, but by using Charm or Intimidate you can convince him to
stop blackmailing the doctor, in which case he tells you he's just the
middleman for someone named Banes. Morlan doesn't know who Banes is so you
need to ask Dr. Michel.
+8 Paragon for avoiding combat using Charm
+9 Renegade for avoiding combat using Intimidate
3 - Return to Dr. Michel
Asking Dr. Michel about Banes reveals that he was contracted by the Alliance
to do research in the Traverse. You should ask Captain Anderson about him.
Talking with Dr. Michel concludes the assignment.
4 - More on Banes (Optional)
Find Anderson--either in the docking bay or in the ambassador's office--and
ask him about Banes. The Captain reveals that Banes was recently found dead
aboard a derelict scout ship. You should ask Rear Admiral Kahoku about him.
You can find the Admiral in the Citadel Tower.
Assignment: Citadel: Family Matter
Given by: The Petrovskys near the financial district of the Presidium
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Return to the Citadel
1 - Concern for the Unborn
In the southwest corner of the Presidium you can find two people arguing.
Michael Petrovsky wants his sister-in-law to have gene therapy for her unborn
child to help prevent a certain heart condition. She's worried about the
risks of such a procedure, and doesn't want to do anything that could harm
her baby. You can't complete this assignment without persuading one of them
to see the other's point of view. Once you have convinced either Michael or
Rebekah the assignment is complete.
+8 Paragon for letting Rebekah choose using Charm
+9 Renegade for letting Rebekah choose using Intimidate
+8 Paragon for convincing Rebekah using Charm
+9 Renegade for convincing Rebekah using Intimidate
Assignment: Citadel: Homecoming
Given by: Samesh Bhatia in the embassy lobby
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Have evidence of Saren's connection to the geth
1 - Talk with the Diplomat
Near the embassy you can find Samesh Bhatia, a widower whose wife died during
the geth attack on Eden Prime. Apparently he's been having trouble getting
his wife's body returned to him for cremation, and he wants you to head up to
the embassy lounge and speak to the man in charge of his case. Take the
stairs and find Mr. Bosker in the lounge. You can use Charm or Intimidate to
convince him to release the body, or go back downstairs and use Charm or
Intimidate to convince Mr. Bhatia to let the Alliance keep the body. Ashley
served with Mrs. Bhatia on Eden Prime, so having her in your squad adds more
dialogue to the conversations with Samesh. Once either of the men is
convinced the assignment is complete.
+8 Paragon for convincing Bosker to release the body using Charm
+9 Renegade for convincing Bosker to release the body using Intimidate
+8 Paragon for convincing Samesh to drop the issue using Charm
+9 Renegade for convincing Samesh to drop the issue using Intimidate
Assignment: Citadel: I Remember Me
Given by: Lieutenant Girard by radio message while on the Citadel
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Colonist background, Return to the Citadel
1 - Stop the Suicide
Shortly after arriving on the Citadel, Lieutenant Girard contacts you about a
fellow colonist who is threatening to kill herself in the docking bay. Go
there and get the sedative from Girard. Approach Talitha and speak with her.
Taking three steps forward will be close enough to give her the sedative.
Taking too many steps without gaining her trust however will result in her
suicide. Usually when you have the option to take a step back you should
take it. Talk with her by opening up each avenue under "Investigate." Using
Charm or Intimidate is not necessary. When you are close enough you can give
her the sedative and end the standoff. Return to Girard when you are done to
complete the assignment. Alternatively you can return to Girard and tell him
to have his sniper kill Talitha.
+8 Paragon for handing Talitha the sedative
+9 Renegade for forcefully administering the sedative
+9 Renegade for telling Girard to kill Talitha
Assignment: Citadel: Jahleed's Secret (Citadel: Jahleed's Fears)
Given by: Jahleed near the offices in the C-Sec Academy
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Access to the Wards
1 - Jahleed Needs Help
A volus named Jahleed in the C-Sec academy offices seems to be in trouble.
He claims that his former business partner is trying to murder him. The
person in question is a salarian named Chorban. You need to go down to the
lower markets in the Wards to see him.
2 - Talk to Chorban
Head to the lower markets and approach Chorban. If you have never met
Chorban before he will pull a gun and demand that you hand over the "data."
A fight breaks out, after which Chorban will surrender. Chorban tells you
that he and Jahleed had been partners, and had stolen research data from
their employer which they then used to begin scanning the keepers. Jahleed
was supposed to disseminate their initial findings, but it seems he has
betrayed Chorban and is keeping the data for himself. Since Chorban attacked
you, you can kill him for Renegade points. On the other hand, if you have
met Chorban previously you will avoid the fight entirely, which prevents you
from having the opportunity to kill him. If he has not already, Chorban will
offer you the opportunity to scan the keepers for him.
+4 Paragon for refusing to scan the keepers
+2 Renegade for agreeing to scan the keepers
+9 Renegade for killing Chorban
"Citadel: Jahleed's Fears" -> "Citadel: Jahleed's Secret"
3 - Back to Jahleed
Return to C-Sec and talk to Jahleed. He reveals that he was hoping you would
kill Chorban for him. He too offers to let you scan the keepers. If you
refuse to help, you can choose whether or not to turn him in to the nearby C-
Sec officer. If you don't turn him in you can persuade him to mend his ways
and take the data back to the people he stole it from. You can only accept
his bribe if you keep him out of jail without persuading him using Charm or
Intimidate. Once the matter is dealt with the assignment is complete.
+4 Paragon for persuading Jahleed to mend his ways using Charm
+2 Renegade for persuading Jahleed to mend his ways using Intimidate
Assignment: Citadel: Negotiator's Request
Given by: Elias Keeler outside of Flux
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Citadel lockdown
1 - An Unusual Request
Outside of Flux you can find Elias Keeler, an Alliance diplomat who needs you
to get him a certain mental stimulant so he can be on top of his game for an
upcoming meeting. You can end the assignment immediately by persuading him
that he is an addict using Charm or Intimidate. If not, you need to go buy
him the drug.
+8 Paragon for convincing Elias he has a problem using Charm
+9 Renegade for convincing Elias he has a problem using Intimidate
2 - Drug Running
Head over to see Dr. Michel in the med clinic, where there are two new items
available for purchase. You can buy the stimulant Elias asked for, or a
depressant which should have the opposite effect. Return to Elias and give
him either drug to complete the assignment.
+9 Renegade for giving Elias the depressant
Assignment: Citadel: Old Friends
Given by: Finch in the lower Wards
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Earthborn background, Return to the Citadel
1 - Roots
Outside of Chora's Den is a shady-looking human named Finch. He claims to be
a member of your old gang back on Earth and he's hoping you'll use your
Spectre status to get one of their own out of prison. He needs you to
convince the turian guard in Chora's Den to release the prisoner.
2 - The Guard
Head into Chora's Den and speak with the guard. With sufficient Charm or
Intimidate skill you can convince him to release the prisoner. Doing so ends
the assignment.
3 - Dirty Laundry
If you aren't able to persuade the guard--or just warn him about Finch--Finch
shows up and threatens to destroy your reputation if you don't cooperate.
Once again you have the chance to persuade using either Charm or Intimidate
to get Finch to back off. If you don't persuade him then you either have to
pay him a bribe or kill him. Any outcome ends the assignment.
Assignment: Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things
Given by: Zabaleta in the Wards Access corridor
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Spacer background, Return to the Citadel
1 - The War Veteran
You can find Zabaleta in the wards access corridor. He claims to have served
with your parents on the SSV Einstein many years ago. He asks if you can
spare twenty credits.
+2 Paragon for giving Zabaleta the money
2 - Call Home
Return to the Normandy and access the comm terminal in the briefing room to
contact your mother, XO Shepard on the SSV Kilimanjaro. She confirms
Zabaleta's story and tells you about his emotional scars from being on
Mindoir. She wants you to convince Zabaleta to go to the Veterans' Affairs
3 - Return to Zabaleta
You have a few options for dealing with Zabaleta, who by this point has
clearly been drinking. With sufficient Charm or Intimidate skill you can
convince him to go to the VAO like your mother requested. Otherwise, you can
give him twenty credits, choosing whether or not to specify their use. You
also have the option of refusing to help him at all. Any choice ends the
+8 Paragon for convincing Zabaleta using Charm
+9 Renegade for convincing Zabaleta using Intimidate
+2 Paragon for giving Zabaleta money for food
+2 Renegade for refusing to help Zabaleta
Assignment: Citadel: Our Own Worst Enemy
Given by: Charles Saracino in the Upper Wards
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Citadel lockdown
1 - The Political Movement
In the center of the Wards is a demonstration by a group of Terra Firma Party
members. Their leader, Charles Saracino, asks if you will support his pro-
human, anti-alien platform in the coming election. You can choose whether or
not to endorse his candidacy. The assignment concludes when the conversation
is over.
+2 Paragon for debating Saracino about his position
+2 Renegade for endorsing Saracino's position
Assignment: Citadel: Planting a Bug
Given by: Emily Wong in the Citadel Tower
Location: Citadel
Requirements: "Citadel: Reporter's Request," and Therum, Feros, or Noveria
1 - Wong's Next Story
You can find Emily Wong again in the Citadel Tower. This time she's hoping
you'll help her with a story on dangerously overworked traffic control
operators. She gives you a bug to plant in the control room so that she can
monitor the working conditions of the operators. You can return to her
without planting the bug and use Charm or Intimidate to convince her to drop
the story, or lie to her and say you've already planted it.
+8 Paragon for convincing Emily to drop the story using Charm
+9 Renegade for convincing Emily to drop the story using Intimidate
+9 Renegade for lying to Emily and saying the bug didn't work.
2 - Planting the Bug (Optional)
Head to the C-Sec academy and ascend the stairs to the control room. In the
corner near the keeper is an inconspicuous place to plant the bug. Return to
Emily when you are finished to receive your reward.
+2 Paragon for helping her in order to save lives
Assignment: Citadel: Presidium Prophet
Given by: C-Sec officer or Hanar near Wards Access on the Presidium
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Speak with the Citadel Council about Saren
1 - Resolve the Dispute
A Hanar evangelist is arguing with a C-Sec officer on the Presidium near the
elevator to the Wards access corridor. You have the choice of persuading the
Hanar to leave, persuading the C-Sec officer to drop the issue, or paying for
the Hanar's permit to satisfy both parties. Charm or Intimidate skills are
necessary to convince either party.
+8 Paragon for convincing the Hanar to leave using Charm
+9 Renegade for convincing the Hanar to leave using Intimidate
+8 Paragon for convince the Officer to leave using Charm
+9 Renegade for convince the Officer to leave using Intimidate
-150 Credits for buying the Hanar a permit
Assignment: Citadel: Reporter's Request
Given by: Emily Wong in the Upper Wards
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Access to the Wards
1 - Looking for Corruption
You are solicited by Miss Wong as you walk through the upper Wards. She
wants you to help her find information on organized crime and corruption on
the Citadel. You can find the information she wants on Fist's optical
storage disc, which you can find in his office after your confrontation with
2 - Give Wong the Information
Once you have the evidence you can find Emily Wong where she was when you
first received the assignment. She offers you credits as a reward for
helping her. Using Charm or Intimidate you can get her to increase the
amount of money she gives you. Keeping the disc for yourself gives you no
+2 Paragon for extorting extra credits using Charm
+2 Renegade for extorting extra credits using Intimidate
Assignment: Citadel: Rita's Sister and Chellick (Citadel: Rita's Sister)
Given by: Rita in the Flux bar
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Access to the Wards
1 - Talk to Jenna
Rita--a waitress at Flux--tells you that her sister has been working at
Chora's Den as an undercover informant for C-Sec. She's worried about her
sister and wants your help to get her to come back to Flux. You can speak to
Jenna at Chora's Den, but she has no intention of leaving. On the way out
you pass by a turian named Chellick who tells you to meet him at the C-Sec
2 - Chellick
Go to the offices on the upper floors of the C-Sec academy and speak with
Detective Chellick. You can use Charm or Intimidate right away to get him to
release Jenna, but he will still want you to complete a task for him. He
asks you to go down to the markets and buy some illegal weapons modifications
from a krogan named Jax. He warns you not to arrest Jax as it will undermine
his operation.
+2 Paragon for getting Chellick to release Jenna using Charm
+2 Renegade for getting Chellick to release Jenna using Intimidate
"Citadel: Rita's Sister" -> "Citadel: Rita's Sister and Chellick"
3 - Jax and the Mods (Optional)
If you agreed to do so, head down to the lower markets and speak to Jax, who
is flanked by a pair of turian bodyguards. You can try to arrest him,
resulting in a firefight. Otherwise, go through with the deal as planned.
Return and see Chellick to finish the assignment.
+8 Paragon for following Chellick's orders
+9 Renegade for killing Jax
Assignment: Citadel: Scan the Keepers
Given by: Chorban in the Citadel Tower
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Speak with the Council about Saren
1 - Scan the Keepers
Shortly after your first meeting with the Council you can find Chorban
inspecting a keeper in the Citadel tower. You can talk to him and agree to
aid his search for information on the keepers by scanning each one you find.
Every keeper you scan grants an experience and monetary reward. There are 21
keepers in total on the Citadel for you to find. The assignment ends when
you scan your last keeper. Alternatively, you can receive this assignment by
talking to Chorban or Jahleed during the "Citadel: Jahleed's Secret"
Keeper Locations:
4 in the Citadel Tower
Far southwest corner
In an alcove on the east side
Next to Chorban
Northwest corner behind a small wall
8 on the Presidium
Along the path between the Consort and the Emporium
Hidden in an alcove at the back of the Emporium
In the diplomatic archives room at the embassy
In the Volus / Elcor office at the embassy
Near the Consort's Chambers
Near the entrance to the Wards
On the balcony outside the embassy lounge
Outside the tower near Avina Tourism Terminal II
6 in the Wards
At the back of the Flux casino
In the back alleys
In the lower Wards near the C-Sec Academy elevator
In the upper market
In the Wards access corridor
Near the med clinic
2 in the C-Sec Academy
In the requisitions office
In the traffic control room
1 in the Docking Bay
At the far end of the platform
Assignment: Citadel: Schells the Gambler
Given by: Schells near the Flux entrance
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Complete assignment: "Citadel: Rita's Sister and Chellick"
1 - Talk to Schells
Return to Flux after completing the assignment involving Rita and Jenna to
see a salarian named Schells get thrown out of Flux. Asking him about it
reveals that he is working on developing a device that can be used to cheat
at Quasar. He asks you to help him by using the device to win some games for
2 - Give the Device to Doran (Optional)
You can end the assignment right away by giving the device to Doran to put an
end to Schells' cheating ways. Doran will give you credits as a reward,
hoping you'll use them in his casino. Head back to Schells to tell him what
you've done and complete the assignment.
3 - Scan the Machines (Optional)
You can use the device on any of the machines in the casino. Doing so
slightly improves your chances of winning. Any time you get more money than
you bet it is considered a win. Win five times to collect enough data for
Schells to use. If you win seven times however, Doran will become suspicious
and throw you out. Return to Schells with your results to finish the
4 - Hit the Dance Floor (Optional)
After you've completed the assignment you can return to Flux to find Doran
strutting his stuff on the dance floor. Approach him and press the A button
(E on the PC) to show him some moves of your own.
Assignment: Citadel: Signal Tracking
Given by: Suspicious Gambling Machine in the Flux casino
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Access to the Wards
1 - Track the Signal
Examining the suspicious gambling machine at the back of the Flux casino
alerts you to a mysterious signal being relayed throughout the Citadel. You
need to find each relay in order to trace the signal to its source. The
first relay is in the Wards access corridor. The location of the signal
should be located on your map. Investigating this source will lead you to
the next one, located behind Barla Von in the financial district. The final
relay directs you to a remote area behind the emporium.
2 - The Source
You come upon an ordinary-looking terminal that turns out to be a full-blown
artificial intelligence. Distrustful of organics and sensing its imminent
demise, it begins a self-destruct sequence to destroy you along with it.
Activate the console to try to guess the abort sequence. The correct
combination is Y-X-Y-A-X-A-A (On the PC the sequence varies). Averting the
self-destruct completes the assignment. You also earn whatever credits the
AI was unable to transfer away before you stopped the countdown.
TIP - J Laudig: "You can also just shoot the power junction to avert the
self-destruct sequence."
Assignment: Citadel: The Fan
Given by: Conrad Verner near the markets in the upper Wards
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Access to the Wards
1 - First Encounter
You can find Conrad Verner in the upper markets in the Wards. He asks you
for an autograph. You can choose whether or not to give him one.
2 - Second Encounter
After you become a Spectre and return to the Citadel, you can find Conrad in
the same place. This time he asks for a photograph of you to hang on his
wall. Once again you can accept or decline.
3 - Third Encounter
After completing a main plot mission, return to the Citadel again to see
Conrad once more. This time he wants you to help him become a Spectre agent
too. You can use Charm or Intimidate to convince him more peacefully, or use
the regular options to simply deny his request. Once this conversation is
over the assignment is complete.
+2 Paragon for convincing Conrad using Charm
+2 Renegade for convincing Conrad using Intimidate
Assignment: Citadel: The Fourth Estate
Given by: Khalisah Al-Jilani in the C-Sec Academy
Locations: Citadel, Normandy
Requirements: Complete Therum, Feros, or Noveria
1 - The Interview
In the C-Sec Academy, Khalisah bint Sinan Al-Jilani with Westerlund News asks
you for an interview. You can refuse from the beginning, or cut her off
during the interview with the option of hitting her for Renegade points.
Using Charm or Intimidate to answer each question will help you conduct a
smoother interview. Miss Al-Jilani tends to appreciate answers that
emphasize human sovereignty and independence as opposed to cooperation with
other races. Finally, you have the option of choosing whether or not to
comment on the investigation into Saren. Your monetary reward is based on
how long the interview lasts and how well you field her questions.
+2 Renegade for striking Al-Jilani.
2 - The Fallout
Back on the Normandy, Admiral Hackett will contact you to tell you what Al-
Jilani's story was like and how it was viewed by Earth and the Council. They
will be happiest if you gave Charm responses, as Intimidate responses make
the Council look bad. The Council will also disapprove of revealing
information about your investigation into Saren.
+8 Paragon for conducting a smooth interview using Charm
+9 Renegade for conducting a smooth interview using Intimidate
Assignment: Citadel: Xeltan's Complaint
Given by: General Septimus in Chora's Den
Location: Citadel
Requirements: Assignment: "Citadel: Asari Consort"
1 - Speak to Xeltan
After agreeing to help General Septimus, you can find Xeltan in the
Elcor/Volus office at the embassy. Simply tell him that General Septimus is
responsible for betraying his secrets. Once this is complete you can tell
the Consort of your success if you haven't already spoken to her about
General Septimus.
+2 Paragon for comforting Xeltan about his secrets
++++++++++++++++++++ 21B2fe
Assignment: Feros: Data Recovery
Given by: Gavin Hossle in the refugee camp on the Skyway
Location: Feros
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - Data Hunt
Speak with Gavin Hossle at the weigh station on the Prothean skyway to learn
that he's in need of some data that's still at the ExoGeni facility. Since
you're going there anyway, he hopes you can recover it for him.
2 - At the Facility
While you're in the ExoGeni complex, head east past the room with the glowing
orb and keep going until you find the stairs leading to the upper level.
This part of the level is simply a straight corridor. Gavin's console is at
the end, guarded by three krogan. Once they're defeated you're free to
recover his data from the console. There's also a secure storage locker
nearby, along with a server node you can access for a codex entry. When you
have the data, simply return to Gavin to complete the assignment.
Assignment: Feros: Geth in the Tunnels
Given by: Fai Dan in Zhu's Hope
Location: Feros
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - Fai Dan's Request
Speak to Fai Dan at the Zhu's Hope colony to learn about the problems he and
the other colonists face. One major concern is the geth that are holed up in
the tunnels below the colony, likely guarding a transmitter to coordinate
attacks. Destroying the transmitter would take a lot of the pressure off the
2 - The Tunnels
Head up the nearby stairs and follow the path north until you reach the steps
descending towards the tunnels. Bear right until you reach the room on the
eastern side. As soon as you enter there are two snipers at the far end of
the hallway to worry about. Beyond are a group of krogan warriors guarding
the transmitter itself. When it is safe to do so, fire on the transmitter
until it is destroyed. Don't forget the technician kit and upgrade kit
nearby. Head back and speak with Fai Dan to complete the assignment.
+8 Paragon for helping Fai Dan with the transmitter
+8 Paragon bonus for completing all four tasks in the tunnels
Assignment: Feros: Power Cells
Given by: May O'Connell in Zhu's Hope
Location: Feros
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - Power Up
May O'Connell is in charge of restoring power to the Zhu's Hope colony, which
of course means she needs you to do it for her. Head down to the tunnels and
enter the western passage to access the collapsed highway section. Fight off
the varren if you haven't already done so and then examine the damaged
vehicle nearby to pilfer its power cells from the fuel compartment. Nearby
you can also find a sludge canister and a malfunctioning object. Return and
give May the cells to complete the assignment.
+8 Paragon for giving May the power cells
+8 Paragon bonus for completing all four tasks in the tunnels
Assignment: Feros: Varren Meat
Given by: Davin Reynolds in Zhu's Hope
Location: Feros
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - In Need of Food
Speak to Davin Reynolds in the freighter on Zhu's Hope to learn about the
colonists' food shortage. They need you to go down to the tunnels and deal
with the alpha varren so they can safely hunt the rest.
2 - Going Hunting
In the tunnels, take the western path to the collapsed highway section. Upon
entering you must fight a group of varren. They aren't very powerful, and
should die easily, but after they are killed the alpha varren shows up. The
alpha is considerably tougher, so disable it if you can and try to keep your
distance. When all the varren are dead you can return to Davin Reynolds for
your reward.
+8 Paragon for killing the alpha varren for Davin
+8 Paragon bonus for completing all four tasks in the tunnels
+2 Renegade for demanding payment from Davin
Assignment: Feros: Water Restoration
Given by: Macha Doyle in Zhu's Hope
Location: Feros
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - The Water Shortage
Macha Doyle needs your help. It seems the water supply to the Zhu's Hope
colony has been cut off. You need to venture down to the tunnels and open
the valves to allow water to flow.
2 - The Valves
Your only obstacle to opening the valves are a series of three geth patrols
you encounter in the side passages. There are two valves to open in the
southern passage, and one to open in the north passage. The geth are holed
up in each passage, but there are only a handful to worry about. Once the
water is flowing again you can return to Macha Doyle for your reward.
+8 Paragon for restoring the Zhu's Hope water supply
+8 Paragon bonus for completing all four tasks in the tunnels
++++++++++++++++++++ 21B3ga
Assignment: Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon
Given by: Garrus on the Normandy
Location: Normandy, MSV Fedele
Requirements: Spectre Status
1 - The One That Got Away
A conversation with Garrus results in a story from his C-Sec days. He had
been after a rogue geneticist who was performing unspeakable experiments on
the poor residents of the Citadel. The doctor managed to escape and Garrus
was never able to bring him to justice.
2 - The Mad Scientist
Head to the Herschel System in the Kepler Verge and locate the doctor's ship,
the MSV Fedele. In the main hold you can find a number of the doctor's test
subjects, confirming that you are on the right track. At the front of the
ship is Dr. Saleon himself. He maintains his innocence, claiming that he is
"Dr. Heart," but Garrus can confirm his identity. Regardless, the doctor
won't be taken alive and you will have to kill him. Return to the Normandy
after you've looted all the nearby containers.
++++++++++++++++++++ 21B4no
Assignment: Noveria: Espionage
Given by: Mallene Calis in the Port Hanshan Hotel
Location: Noveria
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - Questionable Ethics
You are solicited by Mallene Calis, an Armali employee who's seeking
corporate secrets from Rafael Vargas, the Binary Helix salesman on the other
side of the lobby. She wants you to pose as a potential client and distract
him long enough for her to crack into his personal network and learn if
Binary Helix has been infringing on the copyrights of her employer. You can
refuse the task outright for some Paragon points.
+8 Paragon for telling Mallene that what she is doing is illegal
2 - Talking to Vargas
The goal here is just to keep the conversation going for as long as possible.
The best way to do this is by using Charm or Intimidate at every opportunity.
There are four places to use Charm or Intimidate, though--depending on your
responses--you may only have to use one. If you aren't careful you risk
Vargas discovering that you're just wasting his time and ending the
conversation. Try to get him distracted or off topic. When Mallene's device
beeps, simply excuse yourself from the conversation and leave. You also have
the option to tell Vargas what's going on by informing him about Mallene.
3 - Return to Mallene
Go back and speak with Mallene and tell her what happened. If you turned her
in, you can lie and say that the device worked, or you can admit what you
did. Either way, the assignment is complete.
+2 Paragon for admitting you gave the device to Vargas
+9 Renegade for lying and telling Mallene the device worked
+2 Paragon for using Charm on Mallene
+2 Renegade for using Intimidate on Mallene
Assignment: Noveria: Smuggling
Given by: Opold in the Port Hanshan plaza
Location: Noveria
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - The Hanar's Request
In the Port Hanshan plaza you can find a Hanar named Opold who has a request.
He needs you to use your Spectre status to sneak a package through customs
for him. Using Charm or Intimidate you can get him to tell you a bit more
about the package, but he's still reluctant to fill you in completely. He
assures you that the contents pose no threat to anyone in the port however.
2 - The Package
If you accepted the assignment, head back to the Normandy to collect the
package. You now have a few choices. You can return the package to Opold
for the promised payment, which ends the assignment. You can also decide to
keep the package for yourself, which adds an upgrade item to your inventory.
Going this route doesn't prevent you from using Opold as a store, but the
hanar's buyer--a krogan named Inamorda--will be upset enough to ambush you in
the docking bay. You can also cut out the middleman and sell the package
directly to Inamorda at the hotel for some extra credits. Finally, you have
the option of going directly to administrator Anoleis and informing him about
the smuggling operation in exchange for a garage pass that will let you leave
the port.
+2 Renegade for giving the package to Inamorda
++++++++++++++++++++ 21B5ta
Assignment: Tali and the Geth
Given by: Data received from a terminal on Solcrum
Location: Normandy, Solcrum
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - Geth Data Files
You can find a geth terminal at the end of "UNC: Geth Incursions" that gives
you a number of encrypted data files. You have the option to give these
files to Tali, who wants them for her pilgrimage.
+2 Paragon for giving the files to Tali
+2 Renegade for refusing to give the files to Tali
++++++++++++++++++++ 21B6un
Assignment: UNC: Asari Diplomacy (Investigate Mercenaries)
Given by: Nassana Dantius in a radio transmission
Locations: Citadel, Sharjila
Requirements: Spectre Status
1 - Nassana's Request (Optional)
After completing one primary mission planet you will receive a transmission
from an asari diplomat requesting your assistance. Return to the Citadel and
seek out Nassana in the embassy lounge. She tells you that her sister has
been kidnapped, and that she wants you to go rescue her.
2 - The Pirate Base
Head to the Macedon System in the Artemis Tau Cluster and land on Sharjila.
At the base to the north you can find a number of towers with pirate snipers
in them, as well as pirates on the ground. There are more pirates and
snipers (humans and krogan) inside the base itself, along with an asari
biotic. When everyone is dead, head upstairs and check the desk on the
second floor to obtain information showing Nassana has deceived you. Note
that you can go straight to Sharjila without speaking to Nassana first.
3 - Return to the Citadel
Go back to the embassy lounge and confront Nassana. She admits that she was
lying to you, but offers a reward for helping her anyway. With enough Charm
or Intimidate skill you can get her to give you a license for the Armali
Council, which makes the Prodigy amp and Nexus tool. Finishing the
conversation concludes the assignment.
Assignment: UNC: Asari Writings
Given by: Survey an Asari Matriarch's Writings
Location: Uncharted Worlds
Requirements: Spectre status
*See the Guide to the Galaxy section for information on finding all the asari
Assignment: UNC: Besieged Base
Given by: Radio message from Alliance Command
Location: Chohe
Requirements: ~75% Paragon
1 - A Sensitive Situation
When you've sufficiently proved your virtue by getting enough Paragon points,
Admiral Hackett will contact you about a group of biotic extremists who have
taken over a research outpost and have taken the civilians hostage. The
Alliance needs you to go in and stop the biotics while minimizing civilian
2 - Save the Civilians
Receiving this assignment opens up the Cacus System in the Hades Gamma
Cluster. From here, land on Chohe and make for the nearby science station.
To complete the assignment you must kill all the biotics in the facility.
The civilians don't make it easy because they tend to wander aimlessly, and
are very susceptible to damage. Your squad can actually be a liability here
if you are trying to save the civilians, so consider keeping them back if
you're having trouble. When all the biotics are dead you can report back to
Hackett for an appraisal of your ability to save the hostages.
Assignment: UNC: Cerberus
Given by: Rear Admiral Kahoku in the Citadel Tower
Location: Citadel, Binthu
Requirements: Complete "UNC: Missing Marines"
1 - Kahoku Needs Help
After returning to the Citadel tower having completing "UNC: Missing
Marines," Kahoku informs you that a shady group known as Cerberus was
responsible for the deaths of his men. He needs you to head to the Voyager
Cluster and eliminate their research outposts. Go to the Yangtze system and
land on Binthu.
2 - The Cerberus Facilities
The drop zone is in the middle of three research facilities. You can tackle
the facilities in any order. Each is guarded by two heavy turrets on the
exterior, and each contains a large room with a square energy barrier in the
center. Inside each energy barrier is a different set of test subjects--
either thorian or rachni--that you can release by using the appropriate
console. Around the perimeter of the field are a handful of research
technicians (with biotic powers) guarded by Cerberus commandos and the
occasional Cerberus sniper.
2 - Kahoku's Fate
When you clear out the final facility you discover Kahoku's body in the
center of the main room. Despite the nature of the creatures he was locked
in with, the needle marks on his arm suggest a different cause of his death.
Once you learn the admiral's fate, the assignment is complete, and "UNC:
Hades' Dogs" begins.
Assignment: UNC: Colony of the Dead (Investigate Samples)
Given by: Server node in the ExoGeni complex on Feros
Location: Chasca
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - ExoGeni's Dirty Laundry
A server node on the upper level of the Feros ExoGeni facility informs you
about a connection between ExoGeni and Cerberus. You'll need to investigate
the Matano System to learn more about this partnership. Head to Chasca in
the Maroon Sea Cluster and explore any of the structures to the southwest.
When you notice the husks it becomes apparent what has happened here.
"Investigate Samples" -> "UNC: Colony of the Dead"
2 - The Fate of the Scientists
There are a couple civilian structures, but exploring these is optional. All
the buildings contain husks, but only the science facility has a terminal at
the back to suggest where they came from. It seems that someone from the
Cerberus group passed through the colony a few days before the colonists
transformed into husks. Once you learn this information the assignment is
Assignment: UNC: Dead Scientists (Doctor at Risk)
Given by: Terminal on the upper floor of the Port Hanshan hotel
Location: Ontarom
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - A Doctor in Trouble (Optional)
With enough Electronics skill you can hack the terminal in the upper floor of
the Port Hanshan hotel on Noveria. Doing so reveals a message to a doctor in
the Newton System who is apparently now in danger because his connection to a
certain organization has come to light.
"Doctor at Risk" -> "UNC: Dead Scientists"
2 - Finding the Doctor
Head to the Kepler Verge and land on Ontarom. Nestled in a valley to the
southeast is an underground facility guarded by mercenaries. Eliminate them,
both outside and inside the complex, and head to the back room, where a
soldier names Toombs is threatening to kill the scientist you came looking
for. If you have the Sole Survivor background Toombs will recognize you as a
fellow marine from the mission on Akuze. This adds some dialogue, but does
not otherwise affect the conversation. If you don't persuade him otherwise,
Toombs will kill the scientist and then turn the gun on himself. Using Charm
you can prevent their deaths, but with Intimidate you have the option of
killing the doctor yourself. When you're done, return to the Normandy to
complete the assignment.
Assignment: UNC: Depot Sigma-23
Given by: Computer in Listening Post Theta
Location: Unidentified Space Facility
Requirements: Complete Noveria
1 - The Rachni Express
Having finished "UNC: Listening Post Theta" you should have a good idea
what's been going on. Automated cargo ships have been delivering rachni all
over the galaxy, and you need to find their source in order to keep them from
spreading. Travel to the Gorgon System in the Argos Rho Cluster and land on
the unidentified space facility.
2 - Stop the Shipments
The main hold has a few rachni in it, but it's not too much to handle. The
trick here is that the hold is filled with boxes that make navigation
difficult. Remember how you get through the hold to the far side, as you'll
need to navigate your way back in a hurry. On the far side of the facility
are a number of containers and a terminal where you can learn that--big
surprise--Cerberus has been conducting experiments with the goal of creating
a new biological weapon. Arm the nearby demolition charge and run back the
way you came to return to the Normandy and escape the explosion. More rachni
will appear in the hold but making it back to the ship is more important than
dealing with them. Once you've safely escaped the explosion the assignment
is finished.
Assignment: UNC: Derelict Freighter
Given by: The MSV Cornucopia in the Caspian System
Location: MSV Cornucopia
Requirements: Complete Feros
1 - Board the Freighter
Out in the Caspian System of the Maroon Sea Cluster you can find a derelict
freighter. Board the ship to investigate and find a small army of husks on
board. It's obvious that the entire crew has been transformed. When you've
defeated them all, head to the cockpit and check the logs. It seems the crew
discovered an artifact that made them go insane. They flew straight into the
Perseus Veil, where the geth no doubt found them and transformed them into
husks. The ship was then directed back into the Traverse for someone like
you to find, perhaps as a warning to those who would venture into geth space.
When you're done exploring the ship, head back to the Normandy.
Assignment: UNC: Distress Call (Unusual Readings)
Given by: Computer console in Ambassador Udina's office
Locations: Metgos
Requirements: Citadel access
1 - Strange Readings (Optional)
When you first arrive on the Citadel you can decrypt the computer console in
the ambassador's office to receive an assignment about some unusual energy
readings detected in the Argos Rho cluster.
2 - Investigate the System
Go to the Hydra System in the Argos Rho Cluster and examine Metgos. You
receive a distress signal from the planet's surface.
"Unusual Readings" -> "UNC: Distress Call"
3 - Find the Distress Call
Land on Metgos and drive to the location of the transponder signal, which
turns out to be a geth ambush. There are two geth armatures, two rocket
drones, and three rocket troopers to eliminate. Avoid the mine placed
underneath the distress beacon, and don't let the geth surround you. When
all the enemies have been defeated the assignment is over.
Assignment: UNC: Espionage Probe (Investigate Shipments)
Given by: Terminal in the freighter in Zhu's Hope
Location: Agebinium
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - Diverted Supplies (Optional)
Head inside the freighter at the Zhu's hope colony and access the terminal
using your electronics skill. You will receive a message informing you of
several supply shipments that have been diverted to the Voyager Cluster.
2 - The Missing Probe
Arriving at the Amazon System in the Voyager Cluster triggers a message from
Alliance Command. It seems they've lost a deep-space probe armed with a
nuclear warhead and they need you to recover it before the unthinkable
"Investigate Shipments" -> "UNC: Espionage Probe"
3 - Find the Bomb
Head down to Agebinium and make for the homing beacon. The signal is coming
from an underground mining complex, suggesting that the probe didn't crash on
the planet. Enter the mining tunnels and head to the back. When you enter
the last room there is a cave-in as the path behind you is blocked. The
holographic image of a pirate named Elanos Haliat appears and taunts you.
You need to find another way out of the tunnels, but first you must disarm
the bomb in front of you. There are three hard points you must disable, each
requiring either a long sequence of button presses or 100 omni-gel. There is
a ten second timer, but it does not count down while you are disabling each
4 - Back to the Surface
Once the bomb is defused, head back out and bear left to enter the adjacent
tunnel. This path leads you back out of the complex to a hidden entrance on
a ridge overlooking Haliat's camp. You can either try to snipe Haliat and
his mercs from the top of the ridge, or head down the hill and hop in the
nearby Mako before dealing with them. Defeat all the enemies in sight--
including Haliat--to complete the assignment.
Assignment: UNC: ExoGeni Facility (Investigate Facility)
Given by: Terminal in the ExoGeni complex on Feros
Location: Nodacrux
Requirements: Complete Feros
1 - A Suspicious Message (Optional)
On the upper level of the ExoGeni facility on Faros is a terminal that can be
accessed for information on some suspicious ExoGeni activity in the Maroon
Sea Cluster. Head to the Vostok System and examine Nodacrux, at which point
Joker will inform you of a distress beacon on the planet's surface.
"Investigate Facility" -> "UNC: ExoGeni Facility"
2 - The Overrun Facility
Because of the rough terrain on Nodacrux, getting to the science facility is
actually the most difficult part of this assignment. Check your map and plot
a course through the valleys to the southeast. Approaching the science
facility should give you a pretty good idea about why the distress signal was
activated. There are thorian creepers surrounding the entrance, and you can
find many more on the inside. At the back of the facility are a few
survivors. Speak to Dr. Ross to learn what happened at the facility, and
then decide how to deal with the science team. She offers you a bribe to
keep her illicit experiments a secret. If you don't accept then you will
have to fight her and the other scientists.
+8 Paragon for trying to arrest Dr. Ross
+9 Renegade for making Dr. Ross pay for her crimes
Assignment: UNC: Geth Incursions (Geth Activities)
Given by: Hackett after entering Armstrong Nebula, ExoGeni terminal
Location: Armstrong Nebula
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - Turn Back the Geth Invasion
Decrypting a geth terminal in the ExoGeni facility on Feros informs you of
some suspicious geth activity in the Armstrong Nebula. Travel there and
Admiral Hackett will ask that you eliminate the known geth outposts in each
"Geth Activities" -> "UNC: Geth Incursions"
2 - Gagarin System
Head to the Gagarin System and land on Rayingri. Head south to the overrun
research outpost, which is on top of a large plateau surrounded by husk
spikes. Inside there is a weapons locker and a storage locker in the first
room. The main room is filled with husks. There are also husks in the back
rooms that will pour out when you approach. You can find three crates and
two malfunctioning objects in the back rooms. When you reenter the main room
you will find that a squad of geth troopers, destroyers, and snipers have
come in from behind you. Take them out and head back outside. As you exit
the facility, more troopers, shock troopers, and snipers will get dropped all
around you by a nearby geth ship. Hop in the Mako to make dealing with them
easier. Note that you can also get more experience points by defeating the
enemies on foot. When all the geth are dead you can move on to the next
3 - Hong System
Land on Casbin in the Hong System and head northeast towards the geth
outpost. Follow the valley to the north and then east to avoid having to
navigate the rocky hills surrounding the outpost. Geth snipers will jam your
radar when you get close, so check your map to be sure of your heading. The
outpost is surrounded by geth snipers and rocket troopers. Keep your
distance as much as possible and take them out one at a time. Once they are
defeated, a geth dropship will come in and begin depositing geth shock
troopers in the center of the outpost. It will continue providing
reinforcements until you destroy it. Fire on the ship, and once it is
destroyed clear out the remaining geth and proceed to the next system.
4 - Tereshkova System
Head to Antibaar in the Tereshkova System and make for the geth outpost to
the north. Again, expect snipers to jam your radar so check your map to be
sure you're going in the right direction. The outpost is guarded by a geth
colossus, along with more geth snipers and rocket troopers. When the outpost
is cleared out, reinforcements will begin arriving. Expect to face rocket
troopers, shock troopers, and a few geth primes. Once all the enemies are
defeated you are clear to move on to the next system.
5 - Vamshi System
The final known geth outpost in the nebula is on Maji in the Vamshi System.
The outpost here is to the north on top of a large rocky hill. Approach from
the southeast, where you can find a path leading up the hill. There are
numerous geth heavy turrets built into the hill so be alert as you make your
ascent. The outpost itself is defended by rocket troopers and snipers.
Reinforcements this time come in the form of a single geth colossus. When
all the geth are killed your squad will remark that you still need to find
the primary geth base for this sector. Return to the Normandy.
6 - The Geth Base
You can find the geth base on Solcrum in the Grissom System. After landing
in the Mako, head east to find the main base. As you come over the hill you
can survey the base in the valley below. There are two colossi and three
rocket troopers guarding the entrance. Your radar will be jammed once you
make it inside. In the main room you must fight a geth destroyer and
numerous geth stalkers. There is also a juggernaut on the second floor. The
assignment is finally completed when all the geth are destroyed. There is a
secure crate and an upgrade kit in the back room, along with a terminal that
can be accessed to begin the assignment "Tali and the Geth."
Assignment: UNC: Hades' Dogs
Given by: Admiral Kahoku's corpse on Binthu
Location: Nepheron
Requirements: Complete "UNC: Cerberus"
1 - Eliminating Cerberus
Having found Kahoku's remains on Binthu at the end of the "UNC: Cerberus"
assignment, you must now eliminate the people responsible once and for all.
Travel to Nepheron, in the Columbia System of the Voyager Cluster. Head to
the underground facility to the southwest and eliminate the pair of Cerberus
snipers and anti-tanks outside. Proceed into the facility and mop up the
rest of the commandos and snipers.
2 - The Shadow Broker
At the back of the facility is a terminal containing encrypted files on
Cerberus. Return to the Normandy and access the Galaxy Map to receive a
message from a representative of the Shadow Broker, offering to pay you for
the information you've just recovered on Cerberus. You can choose whether or
not to sell the information. Any response ends the assignment.
+8 Paragon for refusing to betray the Alliance
+9 Renegade for selling the information
Assignment: UNC: Hostage
Given by: Elevator newscaster during segment on biotic extremists
Location: MSV Ontario
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - Board the Freighter
While riding in an elevator on the Citadel you may learn that a Chairman
Burns has been kidnapped by biotic extremists. Head to the Farinata System
in the Hades Gamma Cluster and search for the MSV Ontario. It is hidden so
move your cursor around and look for a twinkle of light to indicate its
location. Once you've found it select a squad and board the freighter.
You're facing all biotic enemies so adjust your equipment and tactics
accordingly. Once you're spotted by the biotics you'll have three minutes to
reach the hostage before he is executed. Head to the far side of the
freighter when the main hold is clear of enemies.
2 - Negotiate with the Leader
Confront the terrorist leader. If you can't persuade him to spare the
hostage you will have to fight the extremists. A high enough Charm or
Intimidate score will allow you to avoid combat and secure the release of
Chairman Burns. Either way completes the assignment.
+8 Paragon for defusing the situation using Charm
+9 Renegade for defusing the situation using Intimidate
Assignment: UNC: Hostile Takeover (Person of Interest)
Given by: Helena Blake near the emporium in the financial district
Location: Mavigon, Klensal, Amaranthine
Requirements: Spectre Status
1 - A Person of Interest
Decrypting the computer console in the C-Sec academy offices gives you a
message about an individual they've been keeping an eye on. She can be found
near the emporium on the Presidium.
2 - Taking the Assignment
Helena Blake solicits you outside the emporium on the Citadel. She wants
your help removing two fellow leaders of a galactic crime syndicate. Since
what she is asking you to do is illegal you receive Renegade points for
agreeing to do as she asks. If you refuse to do what she wants you will
receive the assignment anyway along with some Paragon points.
+8 Paragon for refusing to take the assignment
+2 Renegade for accepting the assignment
"A Person of Interest" -> "UNC: Hostile Takeover"
3 - Eliminate Crimelord #1
Travel to Mavigon--a snowy planet with extremely low visibility--in the Han
System of the Gemini Sigma Cluster. The syndicate hideout is on a hill to
the southeast with three alliance heavy turrets outside that you should try
to eliminate from a distance. When the external defenses are taken care of
you are free to enter the building and kill everyone inside. Expect to
encounter around half a dozen turian and krogan mercenaries in addition to
the crime boss. There are a number of containers you can loot afterwards,
including four medical kits to replenish your medi-gel.
4 - Eliminate Crimelord #2
The second target is on Klensal in the Dis System of the Hades Gamma Cluster.
Head south to the syndicate hideout, which is guarded by three mercenaries as
well as two snipers in the towers surrounding the entrance. Once again,
enter the complex and eliminate the mercenaries inside. When both syndicate
leaders are eliminated you need to go see Helena Blake.
5 - The Final Crimelord
Go to the Fortuna System in the Horse Head Nebula and land on Amaranthine.
Travel south to the engineering outpost. You can find her just inside the
entrance, guarded by more mercenaries. Though still a leader of a criminal
organization she vows to limit herself to gambling and smuggling operations.
With sufficient Charm or Intimidate you can convince her to disband the
syndicate completely. If you choose to try to arrest her however she refuses
to go peacefully and you'll have to kill her along with her henchmen. She
erects an energy barrier across the doorway which you can remove by shooting
it. Helena has some biotic abilities, and she is guarded by several human
and krogan mercenaries and snipers. When all the mercs are dead you can head
upstairs and crack the hardened wall safe to get some extra credits.
+8 Paragon for convincing Helena to mend her ways using Charm
+9 Renegade for convincing Helena to mend her ways using Intimidate
Assignment: UNC: Listening Post Alpha
Given by: Visit the Erebus System or access Listening Post Theta comm
Location: Nepmos
Requirements: Complete Noveria
1 - The Rachni Horde
After finishing Noveria, the Styx Theta Cluster becomes available. Heading
to the Erebus System triggers an urgent distress call from the planet Nepmos.
Head down to the surface and proceed towards the source of the transmission.
A group of Alliance marines are pinned down by legions of rachni who swarm
out of the ground on regular intervals. Talking to Lt. Durand reveals the
tough situation they are in. She asks you to help in any way you can. Head
over to the damaged generator and hook up the Mako's power supply to
reactivate the turrets. Then move your squad to the opening between one set
of barricades and place yourself in the other opening. From here, the
combined firepower should be enough to overwhelm any rachni that come your
way. Fight off a few more waves, then speak to the lieutenant again to learn
that the rachni are coming from an underground complex nearby.
2 - The Infested Mine
Disconnect the Mako from the generator and drive west to the mine entrance.
Though it appears to be empty at first, groups of rachni will begin pouring
out of the ground as you get farther into the mine. Proceed cautiously and
retreat when necessary. The soldiers tend to appear in groups of two or
three. When the main cavern is clear, there are two side passages at the
back to worry about. Each passage contains a few more soldiers and an
enormous rachni brood warrior. Retreat back into the tunnels as necessary,
and use your biotic powers to disable each rachni if you can. When the mine
is cleared of rachni, the assignment is over and you can return to the
Assignment: UNC: Listening Post Theta
Given by: Marines on Listening Post Alpha or visit the Acheron System
Location: Altahe
Requirements: Complete Noveria
1 - The Alliance Listening Post
Go to the Acheron System in the Styx Theta Cluster and land on Altahe.
Approach the listening post to find some rachni holes outside. Each hole
will spew a few rachni soldiers as you get close. Stay in the Mako to make
quick work of them. There are a handful of rachni in the base itself, but
nothing you can't handle. Grab the containers at the back, and then access
the terminal to learn that a shipment was received by the outpost a few days
ago. It's likely the rachni were delivered aboard this ship. To learn more
you'll need to investigate the supply depot in the Gorgon System.
Assignment: UNC: Locate Signs of Battle
Given by: Survey of a Medallion or ID Tag
Location: Uncharted Worlds
Requirements: Spectre status
*See the Guide to the Galaxy section for information on finding all the
salarian artifacts*
Assignment: UNC: Lost Freighter
Given by: MSV Worthington in the Ming System
Location: MSV Worthington
Requirements: Complete Therum, Feros, or Noveria
1 - Investigate the Freighter
It seems no one is aboard the MSV Worthington, which is adrift in the Ming
System of the Gemini Sigma Cluster. The hold is filled with explosives
however, and these are set to detonate when you get too close. Head to the
southeast room and play the logs to hear someone named Julia say that she
won't give up on Jacob. To the northeast you can find the brain-dead Jacob,
still on life support, as well as a log from Dr. Smith. In the cockpit you
can access the computer to hear the captain recount what transpired. It
seems Julia went crazy after Jacob was nearly killed. After hearing all the
logs, Julia shows up and attacks you with her biotic powers. She will also
appear if you turn off Jacob's life support. When Julia is dead you can go
back to Jacob and deactivate his life support systems (if you haven't
Assignment: UNC: Lost Module
Given by: Admiral Hackett via transmission in Attican Beta Cluster
Locations: Eletania
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - Find the Data Module
Admiral Hackett needs you to recover a data module from a downed probe before
the geth can get to it. Land on Eletania and head northeast to find the
downed probe. The data module is missing, however, as a space monkey has
made off with it. Four monkey colonies will appear on your map. You are
interested in the one to the north, which is next to a mining complex. The
monkey with the data module is at the very back of the mine in the
westernmost room. The geth show up when you try to leave the mine. You will
have to fight a full compliment of geth snipers, shock troopers, and a
destroyer. When you are finished, return to the Normandy to complete the
+4 Renegade for squishing a space monkey with the Mako
+6 Paragon for finding the data module
Assignment: UNC: Major Kyle (Strange Transmission)
Given by: Console in Executor Pallin's office
Location: Presrop
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - Follow the Transmission (Optional)
You can decrypt a message from the computer console in C-Sec HQ that directs
you to the Century System in the Hawking Eta Cluster. Your arrival will
trigger a message from Alliance Command about a group of biotic cultists led
by a former Alliance soldier.
"Strange Transmission" -> "UNC: Major Kyle"
2 - Investigate the Compound
Land on Presrop and proceed southwest towards the biotic compound. To access
the building with Major Kyle you must attempt to enter the large structure
first. You speak on the intercom with a biotic cultist inside. You can
persuade them to let you see Major Kyle, or you can simply go inside and kill
the cultists. At the rear of the building is a control panel to let you in
to see Major Kyle. Head outside and go to the other side of the complex to
enter the round building. If you persuaded your way in you can proceed to
the back and talk to Kyle without incident.
+2 Paragon for convincing the cultists using Charm
+2 Renegade for convincing the cultists using Intimidate
3 - Major Kyle
You can use Charm or Intimidate to persuade Major Kyle to turn himself in
peacefully. If you accept his terms you can leave without a fight. Return
to the Normandy to inform Admiral Hackett about the mission.
+8 Paragon for persuading Kyle using Charm
+9 Renegade for persuading Kyle using Intimidate
+2 Renegade for killing Kyle in cold blood
Assignment: UNC: Missing Marines
Given by: Rear Admiral Kahoku in the Citadel Tower
Location: Edolus
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - Armiston Banes (Optional)
If you have completed the assignment "Citadel: Doctor Michel" then you should
know about Armiston Banes, an Alliance researcher. Asking Kahoku about Banes
reveals that he was found dead on a derelict scout ship by one of Kahoku's
teams. Kahoku sent a recon team to the system where Banes was found to scout
the region. This team has gone missing and Kahoku needs your help to find
2 - Find the Recon Team
Head to Edolus in the Sparta System to begin the search for the recon team.
Take the Mako north to the location of the distress signal where you will be
attacked by a thresher maw. When fighting a thresher, be sure to keep moving
or use the jump jets to avoid its attacks. Once it is defeated you can check
on the bodies of Kahoku's men, who were doubtless lured to the thresher nest
by the distress beacon. Return to Admiral Kahoku on the Citadel to give him
the bad news.
Assignment: UNC: Missing Survey Team
Given by: Elevator newscaster during segment on ExoGeni
Location: Trebin
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - Find the Research Team
While riding an elevator in the Citadel you may learn about a survey team
that has gone missing in the Hades Gamma Cluster. Head to the Antaeus System
and land on Trebin. Head north to find the research base deserted. The
northernmost structure has a computer console that reveals that the team
unearthed some kind of alien technology at the nearby excavation site.
2 - The Dig Site
Nearly every inch of the mining tunnels is crawling with husks. There are
initially nine husks to defeat in the main cavern. Once they are defeated
head towards the back of the mine, where ten more husks will ambush you. The
assignment is complete when all the husks are defeated.
Assignment: UNC: Privateers (Missing Person)
Given by: Garoth in the Citadel Tower, Port Hanshan terminal
Location: Citadel, Xawin
Requirements: Spectre status
1 - Garoth's Request (Optional)
Find Garoth in the Citadel Tower. If asked, he informs you that his brother
has gone missing in the Horse Head Nebula.
+2 Paragon for offering to help
+2 Renegade for refusing to help
2 - Find Garoth's Brother
Head to the Strenuus System and find the MSV Majesty. Scanning the vessel
reveals an energy trail leading to the nearby planet. Land on Xawin and make
for the mercenary camp to the north. There are four turrets and mercenary
snipers defending the base. On the inside are a group of human and krogan
mercenaries, and a few more snipers. When all the enemies are dead, head up
to the second floor to learn Captain Willem's fate. Head back to the Citadel
and inform Garoth to end the assignment.
+2 Paragon for comforting Garoth about his brother
+2 Renegade for ridiculing Garoth for clinging to false hope
Assignment: UNC: Prothean Data Discs
Given by: Survey of a Prothean Data Disc
Location: Uncharted Worlds
Requirements: Spectre status
*See the Guide to the Galaxy section for information on finding all the
Prothean artifacts*
Assignment: UNC: Rogue VI
Given by: Admiral Hackett
Location: Luna
Requirements: Level 20
1 - To the Moon
Admiral Hackett informs you that the Alliance needs your help again. It
seems they've lost control of one of their training VIs on the Moon and they
need you to go in and take it out. Head to the Solar System in the Local
Cluster and land on Luna. Drive to the Alliance training ground. There are
three buildings in this area, each guarded by a pair of heavy turrets. You
can tackle the facilities in any order, as they are all nearly identical.
2 - Penetrate the Defenses
Each facility has around a dozen drones of different types (mostly advanced
assault drones) which are very tough and have strong shielding. Try to lure
out a few at a time and deal with them in small groups so you don't get
overwhelmed. Don't be afraid to retreat if you have to, as the drones tend
to close in and attack you in groups. Remember also that biotic powers are
basically useless here, meaning Garrus and Tali are probably the best
companions to have. Make good use of all your tech powers to make dealing
with the drones easier. Save often to avoid having to repeat the whole
assignment. Note also that the entrance to each building has a secure crate
and a secure storage locker.
3 - The VI Conduits
At the back of each facility are two rooms, each with four conduits you must
destroy. Attacking the conduits results in one additional complication. In
the first building the VI will release toxic gas into the room to try to
poison you. In the second, the VI will erect energy barriers over all the
conduits, and across each door that you need to shoot to get past. Finally,
the VI calls in reinforcements in the final building when you start
destroying the conduits. When all 24 conduits are destroyed, a binary
message appears saying "HELP", suggesting that the VI might have actually
been an AI after all...
4 - Specialization Class
You have now earned your choice of specialization class. This new class will
add available levels to your base class on the Squad screen based on your
choice of specialization. Your base class determines which specialization
you have access to:
Soldier: Commando or Shock Trooper
Engineer: Medic or Operative
Adept: Bastion or Nemesis
Infiltrator: Commando or Operative
Vanguard: Nemesis or Shock Trooper
Sentinel: Bastion or Medic
Each specialization class adds certain benefits, but you must add talent
points into the specialization to achieve them
Bastion: + Biotic talent recharge - all ranks
+ Barrier - rank 9
Damage target in stasis - rank 12
Commando: + Weapons damage - all ranks
+ Immunity - rank 9
+ Marksman - rank 12
+ Assassination - rank 12
Medic: + First Aid recharge - all ranks
+ Neural Shock - rank 9
Healing revives squad members - rank 12
Nemesis: + Biotic talent damage - all ranks
+ Warp - rank 9
+ Lift - rank 12
Operative: + Tech talent recharge - all ranks
+ Overload - rank 9
+ Sabotage - rank 12
Shock Trooper: + Health - all ranks
+ Immunity (soldier) - rank 9
+ Barrier (vanguard) - rank 9
+ Adrenaline Burst - rank 12
Assignment: UNC: The Negotiation
Given by: Radio message from Alliance Command
Location: Nonuel
Requirements: ~75% Renegade
1 - Mining Rights
Once you've sufficiently proved your malevolence by filling up most of your
Renegade meter, Admiral Hackett contacts you with a request. He wants you to
broker a treaty with a man named Darius in the Hades Gamma Cluster. If
you're suspicious that Hackett wants a renegade like yourself to broker a
peace treaty, your concerns are well founded.
2 - Aggressive Negotiations
Head to Nonuel in the Plutus System and travel northeast towards Darius's
compound. Enter the building and speak with Darius, who is on the second
floor balcony. He's not very impressed with you, and takes your presence as
a sign that the Alliance isn't serious about negotiating with him. The only
way to avoid a fight is to remain polite and give him everything he asks for.
Otherwise, the negotiations break down and you're forced to deal with Darius
and the guards. When the negotiations are complete, secure an exit and
report back to Hackett to complete the assignment. As you might have
suspected, Hackett secretly wanted you to kill Darius, both to eliminate the
Alliance's dirty laundry, and to get unrestricted mining rights. If you
managed to swallow your pride and secure a treaty peacefully, Hackett is
somewhat disappointed but agrees to abide by the terms of the agreement.
+8 Paragon for negotiating peacefully
+25 Renegade for killing Darius
Assignment: UNC: Turian Insignias
Given by: Survey a Turian Insignia
Location: Uncharted Worlds
Requirements: Spectre status
*See the Guide to the Galaxy section for information on finding all the
turian artifacts*
Assignment: UNC: Valuable Minerals
Given by: Survey of a metal, rare element, or gas
Location: Uncharted Worlds
Requirements: Spectre status
*See the Guide to the Galaxy section for information on finding all the
valuable materials*
++++++++++++++++++++ 21B7vi
Assignment: Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team
Given by: Captain Kirrahe on Virmire
Location: Virmire
Requirements: Complete two of: Therum, Feros, or Noveria
1 - Communications Tower
There are a number of ways you can make life easier on Kirrahe's teams while
you're infiltrating Saren's base. First, bear right and head north to the
communications tower. The tower is guarded by some light geth forces, but
they have height and cover so proceed with caution. Up on the balcony is a
terminal you can use to disrupt the geth communications.
+2 Paragon for disrupting geth communications
2 - Satellite Uplink Tower
Follow any path to the west to reach the satellite uplink tower. Simply
shoot the uplink before proceeding to destroy it.
+2 Paragon for disrupting the satellite uplink
3 - Refueling Platform
Beyond the uplink tower, head north to reach the refueling platform. Here
you must destroy the geth drones. There are large fuel tanks nearby that
will explode when damaged, so use these to help eliminate the drones quickly.
+2 Paragon for destroying the geth flyers
+2 Paragon for taking each opportunity to help Kirrahe's teams
4 - Breaching Security
To enter the base itself you must access a security terminal. To help
Kirrahe, don't redirect the forces in his direction. If you've chosen to put
the pressure on his men, Kirrahe will be killed. Complete the Virmire
mission to end the assignment.
+8 Paragon for helping Kirrahe
+9 Renegade for sending the guards towards the salarian teams
Assignment: Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage
Given by: Captain Kirrahe on Virmire
Location: Virmire
Requirements: Allow Wrex to join you
1 - Talk to Wrex
If Wrex is part of your crew, speaking with Captain Kirrahe on Virmire will
force a confrontation with Wrex. If you never recruited Garrus and you have
yet to visit Liara's dig site then the conversation has to end peacefully.
You can also end it peacefully if you've completed "Wrex: Family Armor"
because he will trust you. If not, then you need to use Charm or Intimidate
to get Wrex to back down. If you don't persuade him, Wrex is going to die
one way or another.
+24 Paragon for calming Wrex down using Charm
+9 Renegade for calming Wrex down using Intimidate
+25 Renegade for killing Wrex
+25 Renegade for ordering Ashley to kill Wrex
+2 Paragon for lamenting your decision to kill Wrex
+8 Paragon for chastising Ashley for killing Wrex
++++++++++++++++++++ 21B8wr
Assignment: Wrex: Family Armor
Given by: Wrex on the Normandy
Location: Normandy, Tuntau
Requirements: Spectre Status
1 - Wrex's Armor (Optional)
You need to talk to Wrex enough to get him to tell you about his father.
There's apparently a suit of armor out there somewhere belonging to Wrex's
family that he wants back.
2 - The Armor Collector
Head to the Phoenix System in the Argos Rho Cluster and land on Tuntau. From
here, head to the structure to the south. The base is filled with mercs and
pirates. Clear it out and then head upstairs (Don't forget all the
containers to be found on the first floor). In the back room you can decrypt
the wall safe to recover Wrex's armor. If Wrex is in your party you can give
him the armor now, or return it to him back on the Normandy to complete the
assignment. Completing this assignment will also help you defuse the Wrex
situation on Virmire.
++++++++++++++++++++ 21B9x5
Assignment: X57: Avoid the Blasting Caps
Given by: Simon Attwell on Asteroid X57 in the Asgard System
Location: Asteroid X57
Requirements: Spectre Status, DLC "Bring Down the Sky" installed
1 - Tread Lightly
While on X57, Simon Attwell may warn you about the live blasting caps
surrounding one of the fusion torches. Sure enough, the eastern torch is
surrounded by a field of proximity detecting mines. When you approach, the
Normandy's VI informs you of the anti-vehicle demolitions and advises you to
proceed on foot. Exit the Mako and carefully enter the minefield. To get
past the proximity detectors safely, watch for the X indicators on your radar
display and space yourself evenly between them. If you move between two
detectors with enough space on either side you should be able to pass without
causing an explosion. The blasting cap controls are guarded by a pair of
batarian troopers and batarian rocket troopers. Take them out, then access
the control panel to disarm the explosives.
Assignment: X57: Bring Down the Sky
Given by: Asteroid X57 in the Asgard System
Location: Asteroid X57
Requirements: Spectre Status, DLC "Bring Down the Sky" installed
1 - Collision Course
Head to the Exodus Cluster and enter the Asgard System. An asteroid denoted
as X57 is a collision course that will destroy the nearby colony of Terra
Nova. There are three fusion torches propelling the asteroid towards the
colony. Disabling all three will prevent the deaths of millions.
2 - X57 Radio (Optional)
Located on top of a hill in-between the nearest two fusion torches is a
trailer with radio controls. Activating the radio will broadcast the
familiar Citadel elevator music into your helmet if you are within a certain
distance of the transmitter. The trailer also contains a first aid kit, and
you can check the logs on the table to learn about the broadcast. Check the
logs a second time to read a note related to the January 2008 Fox News
3 - The First Fusion Torch
Each torch is guarded by a number of heavy turrets that remain shielded until
you get within their range. As you approach the first fusion torch, a woman
tries to contact you on the radio, but there is significant interference in
the signal. Enter the nearby torch facility to find the controls that will
deactivate the torch. There is a body on the floor near the entrance.
Opening the first door reveals the cause of his death. Batarian extremists
have taken control of the asteroid. There are a half-dozen batarians to
contend with--including a sniper on the far side of the room--as well as a
pair of varren war beasts. When all the enemies are dead, search the room
for a grenade storage box and a storage locker. Then head upstairs to find a
secure crate and the torch controls.
4 - Kate
Disable the first torch and you will be contacted by the woman again. Her
name is Kate Bowman, a member of the science team in charge of brining the
asteroid to Terra Nova. Yesterday it was hijacked by the batarians, and she
holed up in the main facility with a handful of other survivors. She needs
you to disable all three torches to keep the asteroid from colliding with the
4 - Simon
Head back to the main entrance to find Simon, another survivor. He may warn
you about the live blasting caps surrounding one of the torches, and also
asks that you try to find his missing engineers.
5 - The Second Fusion Torch
Kate tries to contact you again when you approach the second torch. There
are a half-dozen batarian troopers inside the facility, as well as an equal
number of rocket drones. When all the enemies are defeated, find the crate
and the storage locker on the first floor. There is also a medical kit and a
secure crate on the top floor balcony. While you disable the second torch, a
group of terrorists--led by the batarian called Balak--break into the room
where Kate and the others are hiding. When Kate refuses to tell him who's
been disabling the torches, he kills her brother. Balak then sends his
lieutenant, a batarian named Charn, to find and deal with you.
6 - The Third Fusion Torch
The final torch facility is filled with cryo and fusion containment cells
that should come in handy for defeating the batarian troopers, shock
troopers, and varren war beasts inside. The batarian shock troopers have
access to offensive and defensive biotic abilities, so be careful when
dealing with them. Don't miss the storage locker on the first floor and the
secure crate on the second floor when the fight is over. Disable the final
torch and head back downstairs to find Charn waiting for you.
7 - Charn
Charn's looking to talk, but if you plan on killing him anyway it's best to
attack him now while you have the element of surprise. From the stairwell
you can use a sniper rifle with high explosive rounds to kill Charn and the
two nearby troopers in one shot. When the fight begins the two varren war
beasts at the opposite end will charge you, and reinforcements will begin to
trickle into the room from the main entrance. Expect several varren war
beasts and troopers, as well as a handful of shock troopers and engineers.
The batarian engineers are similar to the troopers, but have access to tech
abilities. When all the reinforcements are dealt with you can find the key
card to the main facility on Charn's body. Alternatively, with enough Charm
or Intimidate skill you can broker an agreement with Charn. Charn's having
second thoughts about the mission, and he'll willingly give you the key if
you can convince him that you have what it takes to get rid of Balak.
+8 Paragon for convincing Charn to give you his key card
8 - The Main Facility
When you approach the main facility, three heavy turrets are triggered. Each
turret is on a rail such that it moves in and out of cover. Keep your
distance and aim carefully to take each turret down. There is a grenade
storage box and an aid station inside the main entrance if you need to
resupply. There is also another grenade storage box down the steps in the
center of the main room. Head up the stairs and into the main facility to
trigger a fight with a large number of defense drones and batarian troopers,
shock troopers, and engineers. Climb the nearby stairs to reach the balcony
on the second level where you can find more cover. Stay put and let the
enemies come to you when the fight starts. When it dies down a bit you can
move from cover and take down any stragglers.
9 - Balak
When all the enemies are dealt with, Balak appears. His men have all been
defeated so he's trying to escape with his life. Knowing you won't let him
leave, he's locked the remaining prisoners in a holding cell with a bomb. If
you try to follow him, he's threatening to kill the hostages. If you choose
to attack Balak anyway, he will kill the hostages, then erect a small energy
barrier guarded by a pair of varren war beasts. Balak and his bodyguards
will run along the balcony to the opposite side of the room, where he will
set up with a sniper rifle and try to kill you from a distance. Rather than
waiting for the field to come down and dealing with the varren, you can cut
him off by staying on the first floor and sprinting to the opposite side of
the room. There are two defense drones to worry about as well. When all the
enemies are dealt with you can confront Balak face to face. You can simply
kill him, interrogate him, leave him to die a slow death, or take him into
custody for the Alliance to deal with. Alternatively, if you decide to let
him go free in favor of saving the hostages, you have ten minutes to defuse
three bombs that have been placed around the facility while fighting off a
few defense drones.
+24 Paragon for letting Balak go to save the hostages
+25 Renegade for letting the hostages die to stop Balak
+2 Renegade for suggesting you want Balak to suffer for what he's done
10 - Aftermath
When everything quiets down, Simon shows up. He offers you a reward of your
choice for helping save the colony. You can pick light, medium, or heavy
human armor, as well as a set of quarian armor. If you have enough Charm or
Intimidate skill you can also get Simon to give you his omni-tool. If you
saved the hostages, you can then go open the prison door and let them out.
Kate will speak to you and thank you for everything you've done. When you've
wrapped up your business on X57 you can return to the Normandy. The next
time you access the galaxy map, X57 will have moved, with a description
indicating that the engineers got it under control and will soon be able to
put it into orbit as originally intended.
Assignment: X57: One Missing Engineer
Given by: Simon Attwell on Asteroid X57 in the Asgard System
Location: Asteroid X57
Requirements: Spectre Status, DLC "Bring Down the Sky" installed
1 - Missing Engineers
Simon Atwell will ask that you examine three survey stations to see if you
can locate his missing engineers. First head to the transmission tower and
repair it, which will pinpoint all three stations on your map.
2 - Survey Station 1
Station 1 is located to the southeast. There is a secure crate outside the
station, as well as an aid station inside. Here you can find the body of C.
Hymes, killed by an explosion, along with the station's logs.
3 - Survey Station 2
Station 2 is located to the north, and contains a hardened crate and aid
station. There is no sign of engineer R. Montoya, but the logs indicate he
saw signs of fighting and left to investigate. Accessing the logs triggers a
group of three defense drones that you must destroy. Outside the station you
can find a set of footprints leading off to the east. Head east to find the
body of R. Montoya, located at the bottom of a nearby crater. Killed by a
sniper, his body was never looted by the Batarians so you can find an omni-
tool on his corpse.
4 - Survey Station 3
Station 3 is located to the southwest, near the drop zone for the Mako. The
body of G. Mendel is near the entrance, along with a technician kit. An aid
station is located in the station, along with the station logs.
5 - Give Simon the Bad News
Talk to Simon after finishing your business on X57 to tell him what happened
to his engineers.
This is a guide to finding the information available to you through the
Galactic Codex. There is not necessarily only one way to receive a certain
codex entry, but these are some of the circumstances in which an entry can be
Primary Codex Entries: 21C1pr
Aliens: Council Races
Asari - Talk to the Embassy Receptionist on the Presidium
Salarians - Talk to Anderson after the Council hearing
Turians - Start a new game
Aliens: Extinct Races
Protheans - Talk to Anderson and Nihlus before Eden Prime
Rachni - Talk to Avina Tourism Terminal III
Aliens: Non-Council Races
Batarians - Talk to Anderson after becoming a Spectre
Elcor - Talk to Calyn in the Volus/Elcor Embassy
Geth - Talk to Ashley on Eden Prime
Hanar - Talk to the Emporium Shopkeeper on the Presidium
Keepers - Talk to Avina Tourism Terminal II
Krogan - Learn about Wrex from Barla Von
Quarians - Learn about the quarian from Dr. Michel or Wrex
Volus - Talk to Din Korlack in the Volus/Elcor Embassy
Aliens: Non-Sapient Creatures
Husks - Encounter Husks on Eden Prime
Thresher Maws - Defeat the thresher on Edolus and inspect the marine
Varren - Talk to Davin Reynolds about the food shortage on Feros
Citadel and Galactic Government
Citadel - Talk to Captain Anderson after Eden Prime
Citadel Council - Tank to Anderson and Udina on the Citadel
Citadel Space - Approach the galaxy map on the Normandy
Spectres - Talk to Jenkins and Chakwas before Eden Prime
Humanity and the Systems Alliance
Earth - View Earth on the Galaxy Map
First Contact War - Talk to Pressly before Eden Prime
Systems Alliance - Start a new game
Planets and Locations
Planet: Feros - Talk to Expat in the Upper Markets on the Citadel
Planet: Ilos - Arrive on Ilos
Planet: Noveria - Talk to Expat in the Upper Markets on the Citadel
Planet: Virmire - Learn about Virmire from the Council
Region: Terminus Systems - Talk to Anderson before Eden Prime
Uncharted Wolds - Talk to Anderson before leaving the Citadel
Ships and Vehicles
FTL Drive - Talk to Chief Engineer Adams
Military Ship Classifications - Talk to Chief Engineer Adams
Normandy - Talk to Chief Engineer Adams
Sovereign - Talk to Matriarch Benezia
Space Combat - Inspect the Gunnery Station on the Normandy
Vehicles: M35 Mako - Inspect the Mako on the Normandy
Biotics - Talk to Dr. Chakwas about Kaidan
Computers: Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Find an AI on the Citadel
Computers: Virtual Intelligence (VI) - Talk to Avina Terminal I
Element Zero ("Eezo") - Examine the Normandy's Element Zero Core
Mass Effect Fields - Examine Field Integrity Monitor on Normandy
Mass Relays - Talk to Avina Tourism Terminal II
Omni-tool - Talk to the Alliance Requisition Officer
Weapons, Armor and Equipment
Body Armor - Investigate the dig site on Eden Prime
Kinetic Barriers ("Shields") - Examine Jenkins' body on Eden Prime
Mass Accelerator - Inspect the weapons from outside the Normandy
Medi-gel - Use the aid station in the medical bay on the Normandy
Small Arms - Examine the weapons locker in C-Sec Traffic Control
Secondary Codex Entries: 21C2se
Personal History Summary
Profile - Start a new game
UPDATE: Bring Down the Sky
Technology: Translation - Encounter Batarians on Asteroid X57
Aliens: Council Races
Asari: Biology - Pursue a relationship with Liara
Asari: Culture - Talk to Liara
Asari: Government - Talk to Liara
Asari: Military Doctrine - Talk to Shiala on Feros
Asari: Religion - Talk to Liara
Salarians: Biology - Talk to Kaidan
Salarians: Government - Talk to Captain Kirrahe on Virmire
Salarians: League of One - Find a salarian artifact
Salarians: Military Doctrine - Talk to Captain Kirrahe on Virmire
Salarians: Special Tasks Group - Learn about Virmire from the Council
Turians: Biology - Talk to Garrus
Turians: Culture - Talk to Garrus
Turians: Government - Talk to Garrus after finding Dr. Saleon
Turians: Military Doctrine - Talk to Garrus
Turians: Religion - Talk to Garrus after finding Dr. Saleon
Turians: The Unification War - Find a turian artifact
Aliens: Extinct Races
Protheans: Beacon - Talk to Liara
Protheans: Cipher - Talk to Liara about your visions
Protheans: Data Discs - Find a Prothean artifact
Protheans: Mars Ruins - View Mars on the Galaxy Map
Aliens: Non-Council Races
Geth: Armatures - Fight a Geth Armature on Therum
Geth: Hoppers - Encounter the "Hoppers" on Therum
Krogan: Biology - Talk to Wrex
Krogan: Culture - Talk to Wrex
Krogan: Genophage - Talk to Wrex
Krogan: Krogan Rebellions - Talk to Avina Tourism Terminal III
Krogan: Military Doctrine - Talk to Wrex after finding his armor
Quarians: Economy - Talk to Tali
Quarians: Government - Talk to Tali
Quarians: Law and Defense - Talk to Tali
Quarians: Migrant Fleet - Talk to Tali
Quarians: Pilgrimage - Ask Tali about her Pilgrimage
Quarians: Religion - Talk to Tali
Citadel and Galactic Government
Citadel Conventions - Examine diplomatic archives in the embassy
Citadel Station: Citadel Security Services (C-Sec) - Talk to Pallin
Citadel Station: Presidium Ring - Talk to Embassy Receptionist
Citadel Station: Serpent Nebula - View nebula outside Med Clinic
Citadel Station: Statistics - Talk to Anderson after Eden Prime
Citadel Station: Wards - Talk to Barla Von on the Citadel
Treaty of Farixen - Examine diplomatic archives in the embassy
Humanity and the Systems Alliance
Genetic Engineering - Talk to Rafael Vargas on Noveria
Human Diplomatic Relations - Talk to Pressly
Systems Alliance: Geological Survey - Survey a metal, mineral, or gas
Systems Alliance: Military Doctrine - Talk to Ashley
Systems Alliance: Military Jargon - Examine NAVMANUAL on command deck
Systems Alliance: Military Ranks - Check the manual on your desk
Systems Alliance: N7 - Examine Shepard's locker on the Normandy
Terra Firma Party - Talk to Charles Saracino on the Citadel
Timeline - Start a new game
Planets and Locations
Stations: Gagarin Station - Talk to Kaidan about Jump Zero
Ships and Vehicles
FTL Drive: Appearance - Examine the viewport near Joker
FTL Drive: Drive Charge - Inspect the Normandy's Core Charge Status
Space Combat: Combat Endurance - Inspect the ship's Heat Load Monitor
Space Combat: Planetary Assaults - Talk to Ashley
Starships: Carries - Use Intimidate with Mikhailovich or Al-Jilani
Starships: Crew Considerations - Examine the Sleeping Pods
Starships: Cruisers - Examine the Tracking Terminals in C-Sec Academy
Starships: Dreadnought - Overhear a conversation in the Wards
Starships: Fighters - Examine the Tracking Terminals in C-Sec Academy
Starships: Frigates - Examine the Tracking Terminals in C-Sec Academy
Starships: Heat Management - Inspect the ship's Heat Load Monitor
Starships: Sensors - Talk to Pressly before Eden Prime
Vehicles: Combat Drones - Inspect the Rogue VI on Luna
Weapons: Ablative Armor - Inspect hull from outside Normandy
Weapons: Disruptor Torpedoes - Check Peak 15's Gravitic Weapons Research
Weapons: GARDIAN - Inspect the Normandy's Point Defense Systems
Biotics: Biotic Amps - Talk to Dr. Chakwas about Kaidan
Biotics: Life as a Biotic - Talk to Kaidan
Biotics: Training - Talk to Kaidan about his training
Communications - Examine the FTL Comm Link on the Normandy
Communications: Administration - Access the Wards' Extranet Terminal
Communications: Methodology - Inspect server node at ExoGeni on Feros
Credits ("Creds") - Talk to the Emporium Shopkeeper on the Presidium
Weapons, Armor and Equipment
Upgrades - Open an upgrade kit
Equipment and Upgrades 31equi
Aldrin Labs: "Aldrin Labs is a human manufacturer based on the
Luna colony. Providing basic, reliable equipment
at an affordable cost has made them a primary
supplier of armor, omni-tools and bio-amps to the
Systems Alliance military."
Available: Level 1
License: 100 Credits
C-Sec Requisition Officer
Ariake Technologies: "An Earth-based electronics concern, Ariake Tech is
best known for their high-grade Omni-tools.
Recently they have branched out to develop a line
of high-grade armor with an enhanced ablative weave
to provide extra protection."
Available: Level 18
License: 6,250 Credits
C-Sec Requisition Officer, Rentola
Armali Council: "The Armali Council is an affiliation of asari
manufacturing guilds recognized for maintaining
consistent standards of excellence. Armali makes
high-grade Omni-tools, and their bio-amps are
widely recognized as the finest money can buy,
though these only available to a select list of
Available: Level 18
License: 6,250 Credits
Armax Arsenal: "The main suppler of elite turian military units,
Armax Arsenal weapons and armor are high-quality,
high-priced, and very difficult to acquire for most
non-turians. They also make a basic-grade Omni-
tool that is available to the general public.
Available: Level 36
License: 30,000 Credits
Devlon Industries: "Devlon Industries is best known for producing
basic armor models that can withstand a variety of
environmental extremes such as cold, heat, or toxic
exposure. They also market a complete line of
military-grade weapons.
Available: Level 18
License: 6,250 Credits
Elanus Risk Control: "Elanus began as a privately owned turian security
firm. It has expanded into an interstellar
conglomerate after opening itself up to foreign
investment. Their affordable, yet reliable body
armor, weapons and Omni-tools are popular with
security personnel and mercenaries."
Available: Level 1
License: 100 Credits
Morlan, Rentola
Elkoss Combine: "A volus manufacturer based in the Terminus
Systems, the Elkoss Combine produces less expensive
versions of items carried by high-end
manufacturers. Functional, yet affordable armor,
weapons and Omni-tools are all available from the
Elkoss Combine."
Available: Level 1
License: 100 Credits
Delin, Expat, Opold
Geth Armory*: "Few details are known about the manufacture of
geth equipment, though their weapons and armor are
of the highest quality. Geth Armory equipment is
not compatible with existing mods and neither the
Pulse Rifle nor the armors have any Upgrade Slots."
Available: Level 36
License: 30,000 Credits
Hahne-Kedar: "Reliable and efficient, Earth-based Hahne-Kedar
has become a major supplier to the Systems Alliance
military. Their weapons are considered stock
quality at best, though their armor lines are
generally recognized as above-average.
Available: Level 1
License: N/A
Normandy Requisition Officer
Haliat Armory: "One of the smaller turian weapons manufacturers,
Haliat Armory was given permission by the Hierarchy
to sell excess units on the galactic market.
Rather than trying to compete with high-end
manufacturers, Haliat specializes in a line of
basic-level weapons."
Available: Level 18
License: 6,250 Credits
Kassa Fabrication: "A human-controlled private company, Kassa
Fabrication is known to make the finest body armor
in the galaxy. When it comes to personal
protection suits, no expense is spared--as is
reflected in the exorbitant cost of their products.
Recently, Kassa has also begun to manufacture Omni-
tools, though it will be some time until the
quality is brought up to the high standards of
their armor lines."
Available: Level 36
License: 30,000 Credits
C-Sec Requisition Officer, Petozi
Rosenkov Materials: "A human corporation, Rosenkov Materials has forged
a reputation as one of the premier armor
manufacturers in Citadel Space."
Available: Level 18
License: 6,250 Credits
Serrice Council: "An asari consortium, the Serrice Council is the
creator of the most powerful bio-amp on the market.
Not just concerned with profit, they typically make
customers undergo a rigorous screening process
before being approved to purchase their product.
Serrice Council amps are incredibly rare--and
highly prized--items on the galactic market."
Available: Level 36
License: 30,000 Credits
Delin, Rentola
Sirta Foundation: "A biomedical firm, Sirta made its fortune
eliminating several genetic diseases endemic to
human populations. The foundation is renowned for
its humanitarian efforts, and refuses to produce
weapons or similar 'offensive' products. They do,
however, offer basic protective or utilitarian
items ranging from armor to Omni-tools to Bio-
Available: Level 1
License: 100 Credits
Delin, Petozi, Rentola
Spectre - Master Gear: "Master Spectre gear consists of prototype
technology not yet available through other
Available: N/A
License: N/A
* Despite the description, the armors from the Geth Armory are upgradable.
Note: The equipment from these manufacturers may or may not appear in the
game, and can only be obtained by the player by using the cheat console.
Batarian State Arms: "The batarian government does not trust private
industry to create their military hardware. BSA is
a vast nationalized institution infamous for its
waste and corruption. It produces effective, if
unethical, chemical weapons and a line of Nuclear,
Chemical, and Biological (NBC) protective armor."
Cerberus Skunkworks: "The operatives of Cerberus produce their own
specialist hardware for black ops wetwork. Their
weapons are advanced particle beams with excellent
shield penetration, damage, and accuracy. Their
field hardsuits feature advanced protective
measures and sophisticated anti-hacking measures."
Hahne-Kedar Shadow Works: "Founded a decade ago, this Hahne-Kedar subsidiary
is a place for younger employees to 'think outside
the box.' HKSW supplies weapons and armor to
Alliance special forces units. In keeping with the
parent company's corporate philosophy, products are
rugged, reliable, and require less maintenance
than competitors."
Jormangund Technology: "A rising star of post-contact human industry,
Jormangund returns consistent profits through
aggressive integration of alien technologies.
Mainly known for advanced optical computers and AI
'blueboxes,' the company has recently developed a
'micro gravitic' personal weapon that effectively
fires small disruptor torpedoes."
Spectre - Advanced Gear: "Advanced Spectre gear rivals that of top military-
grade manufacturers"
Spectre - Basic Gear: "Basic Spectre gear is functional and effective."
Assault Rifles
Ariake Technologies I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Tsunami - - - 216 228 240 252 264 276 288
SBO - - - 46 49 51 54 57 60 64
ACC - - - 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
DMG Crossfire - - - - - - 273 286 299 312
SBO - - - - - - 65 69 74 81
ACC - - - - - - 53 55 56 57
Devlon Industries I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Raptor - - - 198 209 220 231 242 253 264
SBO - - - 49 51 54 57 61 65 69
ACC - - - 31 33 34 36 38 40 42
Elanus Risk Control I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Banshee 135 144 153 162 171 180 189 198 207 216
SBO 36 38 39 41 42 44 46 48 51 54
ACC 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 9 12 15
DMG Avenger 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240
SBO 35 36 37 39 41 42 44 46 48 51
ACC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
DMG Pulse Rifle - - - - - - 280 294 308 322
SBO - - - - - - 29 31 33 36
ACC - - - - - - 80 80 81 81
DMG Lancer 120 128 136 144 152 160 168 176 184 192
SBO 38 39 41 42 44 46 49 51 54 57
ACC 1 3 5 7 10 13 15 17 20 23
DMG Thunder - - - 234 247 260 273 286 299 312
SBO - - - 44 46 49 51 54 57 60
ACC - - - 17 19 21 24 26 28 30
Kassa Fabrication I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Breaker - - - - - - 294 308 322 336
SBO - - - - - - 61 65 69 74
ACC - - - - - - 49 51 52 53
Rosenkov Materials I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Kovalyov - - - - - - 315 330 345 360
SBO - - - - - - 57 61 65 69
ACC - - - - - - 45 46 48 50
Spectre - Master Gear I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG HMWAR - - - - - - 336 - - 384
SBO - - - - - - 63 - - 77
ACC - - - - - - 75 - - 77
Ariake Technologies I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Katana - - - 197 211 226 240 254 269 283
SBO - - - 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.3
ACC - - - 70 70 71 72 73 74 75
DMP Avalanche - - - - - - 260 276 291 307
SHD - - - - - - 6.1 6.5 6.9 7.5
TBP - - - - - - 81 82 82 83
Devlon Industries I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Firestorm - - - 180 194 207 220 233 246 260
SBO - - - 4.5 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.8
ACC - - - 72 73 74 75 75 76 77
Elanus Risk Control I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Hurricane 115 126 137 148 158 169 180 191 202 212
SBO 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0
ACC 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66
DMG Scimitar 128 140 152 164 176 188 200 212 224 236
SBO 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
ACC 48 49 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 60
DMG Storm 102 112 122 131 141 150 160 170 179 189
SBO 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.4
ACC 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
DMG Tornado - - - 213 229 244 260 276 291 307
SBO - - - 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.8
ACC - - - 67 68 69 69 70 71 72
Kassa Foundation I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Armageddon - - - - - - 280 297 314 330
SBO - - - - - - 5.5 5.8 6.1 6.6
ACC - - - - - - 80 80 81 81
Rosenjov Materials I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Sokolov - - - - - - 300 318 336 354
SBO - - - - - - 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.8
ACC - - - - - - 78 79 79 80
Spectre - Master Gear I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG HMWSG - - - - - - 320 - - 378
SBO - - - - - - 5.8 - - 7.0
ACC - - - - - - 90 - - 91
Ariake Technologies I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Raikou - - - 163 173 182 192 202 211 221
SBO - - - 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
ACC - - - 63 64 65 66 66 67 68
DMG Brawler - - - - - - 208 218 229 239
SBO - - - - - - 25 26 28 31
ACC - - - - - - 77 77 78 79
Devlon Industries I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Stinger - 132 - 150 158 167 176 185 194 202
SBO - 17 - 19 20 21 22 23 25 26
ACC - 65 - 66 67 68 69 69 70 71
Elanus Risk Control I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Striker 101 108 115 122 130 137 144 151 158 166
SBO 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 20
ACC 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
DMG Edge 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 168 176 184
SBO 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19
ACC 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 47 48 49
DMG Kessler 90 96 102 109 115 122 128 134 141 147
SBO 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 19 20 22
ACC 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
DMG Stiletto - - - 177 187 198 208 218 229 239
SBO - - - 17 18 19 19 21 22 23
ACC - - - 60 60 61 62 63 64 65
Kassa Fabrication I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Razer - - - - - - 224 235 246 258
SBO - - - - - - 23 25 26 28
ACC - - - - - - 75 75 76 77
Rosenkov Materials I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Karpov - - - - - - 240 252 264 276
SBO - - - - - - 22 23 25 26
ACC - - - - - - 73 73 74 75
Spectre - Master Gear I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG HMWP - - - - - - 256 - - 294
SBO - - - - - - 24 - - 29
ACC - - - - - - 87 - - 88
Sniper Rifles
Ariake Technologies I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Naginata - - - 166 180 194 209 223 238 252
SBO - - - 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6
ACC - - - 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
DMG Punisher - - - - - - 226 242 257 273
SBO - - - - - - 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0
ACC - - - - - - 72 72 73 74
Devlon Industries I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Striker - - - 152 165 178 191 205 218 231
SBO - - - 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8
ACC - - - 59 60 60 61 62 63 64
Elanus Risk Control I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Hammer 92 103 113 124 135 146 157 167 178 189
SBO 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4
ACC 35 37 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 47
DMG Reaper 102 114 126 138 150 162 174 186 198 210
SBO 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
ACC 24 25 27 28 30 31 33 34 36 38
DMG Avenger 82 91 101 110 120 130 139 149 158 168
SBO 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
ACC 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52
DMG Equalizer - - - 179 195 211 226 242 257 273
SBO - - - 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
ACC - - - 50 51 52 54 55 56 57
Kassa Fabrication I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Harpoon - - - - - - 244 260 277 294
SBO - - - - - - 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9
ACC - - - - - - 69 70 70 71
Rosenkov Materials I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG Volkov - - - - - - 261 279 297 315
SBO - - - - - - 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8
ACC - - - - - - 66 67 68 69
Spectre - Master Gear I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMG HMWSR - - - - - - 278 - - 336
SBO - - - - - - 1.8 - - 2.0
ACC - - - - - - 85 - - 86
ARMOR 31Darm
Light Armor
DMP Agent 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
SHD T 49 63 77 91 105 119 133 147 161 175
TBP 12 14 16 19 21 23 25 27 30 32
DMP Hydra 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
SHD H,Q 49 63 77 91 105 119 133 147 161 175
TBP 12 14 16 19 21 23 25 27 30 32
DMP Onyx 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
SHD H,T,Q 49 63 77 91 105 119 133 147 161 175
TBP 12 14 16 19 21 23 25 27 30 32
Ariake Technologies I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Mercenary - - - 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
SHD H,T - - - 169 195 221 247 273 299 325
TBP - - - 19 21 23 25 27 30 32
DMP Predator L - - - - - - 24 26 28 30
SHD H,T - - - - - - 342 378 414 450
TBP - - - - - - 46 47 49 50
Devlon Industries I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Explorer 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
SHD H,T,Q 56 72 88 104 120 136 152 168 184 200
TBP 4 6 9 11 14 16 18 21 23 26
DMP Liberator 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
SHD H,T,Q 56 72 88 104 120 136 152 168 184 200
TBP 4 6 9 11 14 16 18 21 23 26
DMP Survivor 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
SHD H,T,Q 56 72 88 104 120 136 152 168 184 200
TBP 4 6 9 11 14 16 18 21 23 26
DMP Thermal 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
SHD T 56 72 88 104 120 136 152 168 184 200
TBP 4 6 9 11 14 16 18 21 23 26
Elanus Risk Control I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Duelist 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
SHD H,T 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250
TBP 0 0 1 4 6 9 12 14 17 19
DMP Guardian 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
SHD H,T 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250
TBP 0 0 1 4 6 9 12 14 17 19
DMP Assassin 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
SHD H,T 49 63 77 91 105 119 133 147 161 175
TBP 0 0 1 4 6 9 12 14 17 19
DMP Gladiator 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
SHD H 49 63 77 91 105 119 133 147 161 175
TBP 0 0 1 4 6 9 12 14 17 19
DMP Mantis 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
SHD H,T 84 108 132 156 180 204 228 252 276 300
TBP 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
DMP Predator - - - 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
SHD H,T - - - 156 180 204 228 252 276 300
TBP - - - 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
DMP Scorpion 12 - - 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
SHD H,T 84 - - 156 180 204 228 252 276 300
TBP 20 - - 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
DMP Silverback 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
SHD H,T 84 108 132 156 180 204 228 252 276 300
TBP 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
DMP Ursa - - - 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
SHD H,T - - - 156 180 204 228 252 276 300
TBP - - - 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
Kassa Fabrication I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Colossus - - - - - - 61 63 65 67
SHD H,T,Q - - - - - - 285 315 345 375
TBP - - - - - - 32 34 36 38
Rosenkov Materials I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Titan - - - 34 36 38 39 41 42 44
SHD H,T - - - 130 150 170 190 210 230 250
TBP - - - 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
Serrice Council I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Phantom - - - - - - 39 41 44
SHD T - - - - - - 266 294 322 350
TBP - - - - - - 59 60 63
Sirta Foundation I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Phoenix 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
SHD H,T,Q 49 63 77 91 105 119 133 147 161 175
TBP 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
Medium Armor
DMP Agent 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
SHD T 63 77 91 105 119 133 147 161 175 189
TBP 1 3 5 8 10 12 14 16 19 21
DMP Hydra 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
SHD H 63 77 91 105 119 133 147 161 175 189
TBP 1 3 5 8 10 12 14 16 19 21
DMP Onyx 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
SHD H,T,K 63 77 91 105 119 133 147 161 175 189
TBP 1 3 5 8 10 12 14 16 19 21
Ariake Technologies I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Mercenary 24 - - 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
SHD H,T,K 117 - - 195 221 247 273 299 325 351
TBP 1 - - 8 10 12 14 16 19 21
DMP Predator M - - - - - - - 38 - 42
SHD H,T - - - - - - - 414 - 486
TBP - - - - - - - 39 - 42
Devlon Industries I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Explorer 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
SHD H,T,K 72 88 104 120 136 152 168 184 200 216
TBP 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 9 11 14
DMP Liberator 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
SHD H,T,K,Q 72 88 104 120 136 152 168 184 200 216
TBP 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 9 11 14
DMP Survivor 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
SHD H,T,K 72 88 104 120 136 152 168 184 200 216
TBP 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 9 11 14
DMP Thermal 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
SHD T 72 88 104 120 136 152 168 184 200 216
TBP 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 9 11 14
Elanus Risk Control I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Duelist 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
SHD H,T 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270
TBP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 6
DMP Guardian 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
SHD H,T 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270
TBP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 6
DMP Assassin 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
SHD H 63 77 91 105 119 133 147 161 175 189
TBP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 6
DMP Gladiator 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
SHD H,T 63 77 91 105 119 133 147 161 175 189
TBP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 6
DMP Mantis 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
SHD H,T,K 108 132 156 180 204 228 252 276 300 324
TBP 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
DMP Predator - - - 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
SHD H,T,K - - - 180 204 228 252 276 300 324
TBP - - - 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
DMP Scorpion - - - 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
SHD H,T,K - - - 180 204 228 252 276 300 324
TBP - - - 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
DMP Silverback 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
SHD H,T 108 132 156 180 204 228 252 276 300 324
TBP 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
DMP Ursa - - - 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
SHD H,T,K - - - 180 204 228 252 276 300 324
TBP - - - 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Kassa Fabrication I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Colossus - - - - - - 68 69 70 71
SHD H,T,K - - - - - - 315 345 375 405
TBP - - - - - - 22 24 26 28
Rosenkov Materials I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Titan - - - 44 46 47 49 50 52 54
SHD H,T,K - - - 150 170 190 210 230 250 270
TBP - - - 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Sirta Foundation I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Phoenix 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
SHD H,T,K 63 77 91 105 119 133 147 161 175 189
TBP 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Heavy Armor
DMP Hydra 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51
SHD H 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210
TBP 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 5 8 10
DMP Onyx 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51
SHD H,K 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210
TBP 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 5 8 10
Ariake Technologies I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Mercenary - - - 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
SHD H,K - - - 234 260 286 312 338 364 390
TBP - - - 0 0 1 3 5 8 10
DMP Predator H - - - - - - - 54 56 58
SHD H,K - - - - - - - 468 504 540
TBP - - - - - - - 31 33 35
Devlon Industries I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Explorer 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51
SHD H,K 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240
TBP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
DMP Liberator 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51
SHD H,K 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240
TBP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
DMP Survivor 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51
SHD H,K 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240
TBP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Elanus Risk Control I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Duelist 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
SHD H 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
TBP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DMP Guardian 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
SHD H,K 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
TBP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DMP Warlord - - - 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
SHD K - - - 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
TBP - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DMP Assassin 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
SHD H 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210
TBP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DMP Gladiator 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
SHD H,K 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210
TBP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DMP Battlemaster - - - - - - 71 72 74 75
SHD K - - - - - - 336 364 392 420
TBP - - - - - - 47 48 50 51
DMP Berserker - - - - - - 71 72 74 75
SHD K - - - - - - 336 364 392 420
TBP - - - - - - 47 48 50 51
DMP Rage - - - - - - 71 72 74 75
SHD K - - - - - - 336 364 392 420
TBP - - - - - - 47 48 50 51
DMP Mantis 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
SHD H,K 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 312 336 360
TBP 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
DMP Predator - - - 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
SHD H,K - - - 216 240 264 288 312 336 360
TBP - - - 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
DMP Scorpion - - - 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
SHD H,K - - - 216 240 264 288 312 336 360
TBP - - - 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
DMP Ursa - - - 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
SHD H,K - - - 216 240 264 288 312 336 360
TBP - - - 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Kassa Fabrication I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Colossus - - - - - - 76 77 78 79
SHD H,K - - - - - - 360 390 420 450
TBP - - - - - - 12 14 16 18
Rosenkov Materials I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Titan - - - 57 60 62 65
SHD H - - - 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
TBP - - - 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Sirta Foundation I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DMP Phoenix 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
SHD H,K 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210
TBP 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
DUR Solaris Amp 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
PWR 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
CLD 5 7 8 10 12 13 15 17 18 20
DUR Prodigy 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
PWR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CLD 25 27 28 30 32 33 35 37 38 40
DUR Gemini Amp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PWR 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
CLD 15 17 18 20 22 23 25 27 28 30
Kassa Fabrication I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DUR Polaris 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
PWR 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
CLD 15 17 18 20 22 23 25 27 28 30
Serrice Council I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DUR Savant - - - - - 35 35 35 35 35
PWR - - - - - 40 40 40 40 40
CLD - - - - - 33 35 37 38 40
Sirta Foundation I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
DUR Unity Amp 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
PWR 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
CLD 0 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 13 15
SHD Bluewire Tool 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
TEC 0 2 4 7 9 11 13 16 18 20
MED 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Ariake Technologies I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
SHD Logic Arrest Tool - - - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
TEC - - - 7 9 11 13 16 18 20
MED - - - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
SHD Nexus Tool 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
TEC 30 32 34 37 39 41 43 46 48 50
MED 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
SHD Cipher Tool 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
TEC 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 11 13 15
MED 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kassa Fabrication I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
SHD Polaris 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
TEC 10 12 14 17 19 21 23 26 28 30
MED 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Serrice Council I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
SHD Savant - - - - - 35 35 35 35 35
TEC - - - - - 43 45 48 50 52
MED - - - - - 25 25 25 25 25
Sirta Foundation I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
SHD Chameleon Tool 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TEC 10 12 14 17 19 21 23 26 28 30
MED 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grenade Upgrades
Upgrade Capacity Cost
Level I 6 Grenades 200
Level II 7 Grenades 3,125
Level III 8 Grenades 12,500
Level IV 9 Grenades 56,000
Level V 10 Grenades 110,000
Max Accuracy -20% -23% -26% -29% -32% -35% -38% -41% -44% -47%
Fusion Explosive I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
Toxic Damage +20% +25% +35% +45% +50% +55% +60% +65% +70% +75%
Damage/sec 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Duration (s) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Damage +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37%
Radius (cm) +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 +100 +110 +120 +130 +140
Weapons Force +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37%
Incendiary Explosive I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
Damage/sec 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 43 47 51
Duration (s) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Medi-Gel Upgrades
Upgrade Capacity Cost
Level I 6 Medi-gel 200
Level II 7 Medi-gel 3,125
Level III 8 Medi-gel 12,500
Level IV 9 Medi-gel 56,000
Level V 10 Medi-gel 110,000
Armor Upgrades
Armor Plating I II III
Damage Protection +5% +7% +9%
First Aid Interface I II III
Health Regen/sec +1% +1.5% +2.0%
Hardened Weave I II III
Hardening +10% +11% +12%
Motorized Joints I II III
Smash Damage +10% +15% +20%
Shield Battery I II III
Shields +40 +45 +50
Shield Regenerator I II III
Shield Regen Rate +15% +18% +21%
Shock Absorbers I II III
Physics Threshold +10% +15% +20%
Stimulant Pack I II III
Cooldown Rate +5% +7% +9%
Toxic Seals I II III
Toxic Resistance +30% +40% +50%
Ablative Coating IV V VI VII
Damage Protection +10% +12% +14% +16%
Energized Weave IV V VI VII
Shield Regen Rate +20% +24% +28% +32%
Hardening +15% +20% +25% +30%
Exoskeleton IV V VI VII
Smash Damage +25% +30% +35% +40%
Physics Threshold +30% +40% +50% +60%
Kinetic Buffer IV V VI VII
Talent Regen Rate +10% +12% +14% +16%
Mobile Accuracy +10% +12% +14% +16%
Shields +10 +12 +14 +16
Medical Interface IV V VI VII
Health Regen/sec +2.3% +2.6% +2.9% +3.2%
Toxic Resistance +30% +40% +50% +60%
Shield Modulator IV V VI VII
Shields +90 +100 +110 +120
Combat Exoskeleton VIII IX X
Smash Damage +25% +30% +35%
Physics Threshold +50% +70% +90%
Hardening +25% +30% +35%
Energized Plating VIII IX X
Damage Protection +15% +19% +23%
Kinetic Exoskeleton VIII IX X
Shield Regen Rate +25% +30% +35%
Mobile Accuracy +20% +23% +26%
Shields +40 +45 +50
Medical Exoskeleton VIII IX X
Health Regen/sec +3.5% +4.0% +4.5%
Toxic Resistance +50% +65% +80%
Talent Regen Rate +15% +19% +23%
Shield Interface VIII IX X
Shields +120 +140 +160
Ammunition Upgrades
Anti-Personnel Rounds I II III
Dmg. vs Organics +15% +20% +25%
Armor Piercing Rounds I II III
Dmg. vs Synthetics +15% +20% +25%
Chemical Rounds I II III
Toxic Damage +30% +35% +40%
Damage/sec 5 6 7
Duration 5 5 5
Hammerhead Rounds I II III
Weapons Force +20% +25% +30%
Phasic Rounds I II III
Shield Bypass +20% +25% +30%
Damage -30% -30% -30%
Radioactive Rounds I II III
Target Cooldowns -15% -18% -21%
Cryo Rounds IV V VI VII
Target Accuracy -20% -25% -30% -35%
Shield Bypass +10% +14% +18% +22%
Incendiary Rounds IV V VI VII
Damage/sec 10 12 14 16
Duration 5 5 5 5
Target Accuracy -10% -12% -14% -16%
Polonium Rounds IV V VI VII
Toxic Damage +40% +45% +50% +55%
Damage/sec 5 6 7 8
Duration 5 5 5 5
Proton Rounds IV V VI VII
Shield Bypass +40% +45% +50% +55%
Damage -20% -20% -20% -20%
Shredder Rounds IV V VI VII
Dmg. vs Organics +25% +30% +35% +40%
Tungsten Rounds IV V VI VII
Dmg. vs Synthetics +25% +30% +35% +40%
High Explosive Rounds VIII IX X
Blast Radius (m) +4 +4.1 +4.2
Weapons Force +500% +500% +500%
Heat Generation +500% +500% +500%
Damage +20% +24% +28%
Inferno Rounds VIII IX X
Damage/sec 15 18 21
Duration 5 5 5
Target Accuracy -20% -24% -28%
Sledgehammer Rounds VIII IX X
Weapons Force +40% +45% +50%
Toxic Damage +40% +50% +60%
Heat Damping -20% -20% -20%
Snowblind Rounds VIII IX X
Damage +20% +24% +28%
Rate of Fire -40% -40% -40%
Target Accuracy -20% -24% -28%
Weapon Upgrades
Combat Sensor I II III
Detection Level 1 2 3
Heat Sink I II III
Heat Absorption +10% +12% +14%
High-Caliber Barrel I II III
Damage +10% +12% +14%
Rate of Fire -20% -20% -20%
Heat Absorption -20% -20% -20%
Improved Sighting I II III
Max Accuracy +5% +7% +9%
Recoil Damper I II III
Kickback Damping +10% +12% +14%
Combat Scanner IV V VI VII
Detection Level 4 5 6 7
Kinetic Stabilizer IV V VI VII
Stability +15% +18% +21% +24%
Rail Extension IV V VI VII
Damage +20% +23% +26% +29%
Heat Absorption -20% -20% -20% -20%
Combat Optics VIII IX X
Detection Level 8 9 10
Max Stability +15% +18% +21%
Frictionless Materials VIII IX X
Heat Absorption +20% +24% +28%
Damage +5% +6% +7%
Kinetic Coil VIII IX X
Stability +20% +24% +28%
Damage +5% +6% +7%
Scram Rail VIII IX X
Damage +20% +23% +26%
Heat Absorption -10% -10% -10%
Combat Strategies 32comb
1. Know your class
Each class in Mass Effect has strengths and weaknesses. Soldiers are the
best at using weapons, and have access to heavy armor, but lack tech or
biotic other powers. Engineers do well against synthetics like the geth and
have the useful Decryption and Electronics abilities, but aren't the best
when it comes to combat. Adepts are best at disabling opponents with their
biotic powers, but don't do as well using conventional weapons.
If you are a Soldier, you are more than capable of handling most enemies that
come your way. The biggest downside to playing as a Soldier is the lack of
other abilities, so consider bringing along tech and biotic characters for
One of the big advantages to playing as an Engineer is in the non-combat
abilities like Decryption and Electronics, which can allow you to unlock
doors and containers, or slice computer terminals. Engineers aren't helpless
in combat, however, and have the ability to disrupt enemy shields, abilities,
and weapons.
Adepts are among the weakest classes when it comes to direct combat. To
offset this, you may want to upgrade your talents in as broad a spectrum as
possible. The more biotic abilities you have available, the more likely
you'll have one when you need it. Adepts also specialize in crowd control
abilities like Singularity, which usually makes up for any combat
The other three classes are hybrids of the first three. Vanguards have
access to weapons and armor training, but don't have the range of biotic
abilities that Adepts have. Similarly, Infiltrators gain weapons and armor
training as well, but lack the range of debuffs possessed by an Engineer.
The most supporting class is the Sentinel, which offers a mix of tech and
biotic powers, but lacks weapon or armor talents.
2. Balance
Though it would seem that the more combat users you have in your squad the
more formidable you would be, balance in your squad selection can go a long
way--if you know how to best utilize the abilities of your followers.
If you need to face a geth armature on foot for example, heavy weapons fire
will certainly do the trick, but you will always have to worry about the
armature's weapons--which can easily eliminate you or any of your teammates
in a single strike. However, if you have a biotic user in your squad you can
use abilities like Lift to disable the armature temporarily. Likewise, with
a tech user you can disable its shields or overheat the weapons of any
support troops.
There are also non-combat bonuses to having a balanced squad, like being able
to hack into more difficult storage devices when playing as a soldier.
3. Know your enemy
The strengths and weaknesses of your enemy are important to be aware of.
Tech powers that eliminate shields and overheat weapons won't be of much use
against the rachni, but can be a life-saver against the geth. If you aren't
sure what you're walking into, a balanced squad is the way to go. But if you
do know what enemies you are going to face on a given planet, consider
brining along characters suited to dealing with that specific enemy type.
4. Using cover
Pressing your back against a wall is the safest thing you can do in combat.
It provides you protection, and allows you the ability to only fire when it
is safe to do so. However, there are some disadvantages, and it's important
to be aware of them.
Not all enemies have ranged weapons, and even some of those that do have a
tendency to charge at you. You will frequently see krogan and geth
destroyers running full speed up a hallway in an attempt to engage you at
close range. In these cases your best bet is to backpedal away, as staying
in cover severely limits your mobility and opens you up to melee attacks.
Powers like Lift can also offset charging enemies.
You will also want to stay mobile when you're facing a large number of
enemies. Sometimes big groups will try to surround you, in which case
staying in one place isn't a good idea. Cover won't help you if it's not
between you and your enemy.
There's an additional concern when facing biotics, as they can lift light
cover to take away your hiding place. In these cases, try to find immobile
cover like corners or immovable objects.
5. Using your squad
This is certain to vary depending on your class, but a few general ideas
apply when it comes to using your squad in combat.
First, you should always know what abilities each of your squad members has
and how best to use them. Depending on your settings, your squad may use
many of their abilities on their own, which can usually take the pressure off
of inexperienced players to make tactical decisions. Remember however that
certain powers--like Stasis--will only be used if you select them.
More subtle is the ability for you to use your squad for fire and maneuver
tactics. Sending your squad out front to take up a position near the enemy
(but still in cover) is a good general rule at the start of many firefights.
Enemies tend to focus their attention on whoever is closest to them, so
having your squad protected but also drawing fire from the enemy frees you to
flank and finish them. This is also a good technique for Infiltrators that
are focused on sniper-rifle combat. Sending your squad up ahead can draw
enemies out into the open, allowing you to deal with them from a distance.
6. Improving your odds
On the higher difficulty levels some of the more aggressive tactics break
down. It becomes a bad idea to run out into open areas, or to fight enemies
in places where they can surround you. To make up for this, you can revert
to the classic RPG tactic of scouting ahead to locate a few enemies, then
retreating to a safe place where you can easily destroy them when they follow
you. This is especially effective in narrow corridors where you can funnel
enemies into a tight field of fire.
7. Make good use of your equipment
Throughout Mass Effect you're going to collect an absurd amount of loot in
the form of weapons, armor, and upgrades (especially upgrades). Make sure
you're outfitting yourself and your team with the best possible equipment at
all times to maintain your competitive edge.
Remember that armor and weapons vary significantly by manufacturer, so the
sophistication level of the equipment doesn't tell the whole story. Be sure
to look at the stats of each item before you equip it to make sure you're
trading up.
A very important and often overlooked component of Mass Effect is the ability
to upgrade your weapons. You're likely to find more upgrades than anything
else, and you should put them to good use. Though armor and weapon upgrades
can provide general advantages to your gear, the ammunition upgrades can make
a big difference depending on who (or what) you're fighting. You can swap
these out at any time, so be sure to keep a few different types of ammunition
on hand. As the situation dictates, you'll be able to deal extra damage to
organics, or bypass shields, for example.
Unused items go to waste and take up valuable space in your inventory. You
can only carry 150 items at a time, so any equipment and upgrades you aren't
using should be sold or turned into omni-gel. The latter is good for a
variety of decryption and electronics purposes, but selling items can provide
you with the funds to buy new and better equipment.
Some weapons can only be found by purchasing them, so be sure to pick up any
licenses you come across to increase the range of items your requisition
officer can carry. Advanced players may choose to purchase only specific
licenses, to increase the odds of a certain weapon or armor appearing in a
store's inventory.
8. Miscellaneous tips
Explosives are your friend. There are a number of them placed in each area,
and it's a shame to let them go to waste. If an enemy is nearby, shoot the
explosive to deal massive damage.
Save often. It's never fun to have to start a planet over because you didn't
reach a checkpoint. Save after every major battle if you don't know what
you're walking in to. Along the same vein, don't be afraid to retreat and
regroup if you have to.
TIP - Sonny Nilsson: "Everything can be killed on foot, and by using the Mako
you cut the XP by 3 times: Everything is worth more XP on foot."
1. Armatures
Fighting armatures and colossi in the Mako is considerably different from
fighting them on foot. In the Mako simply keep your distance enough to avoid
their attacks by using the jump jets while you whittle down their defenses
with the machine gun and cannon. On foot you'll want to take cover, as a
single blast can be lethal. Using your squad as a distraction is also a good
idea, as the armatures tend to focus on the threat that is closest to them.
This will allow you to attack them without worrying about being hit. Biotics
to disable armatures and tech powers to lower shields are also very useful.
TIP - R_Russ_R: "Just park the Mako on top of it! It won't be able to get
up, and you can exit the Mako and kill it on foot without it shooting back."
2. Asari Commandos
The biggest concern when facing the asari commandos is their biotic
abilities. In a group they are particularly deadly because they can disable
you and take you out while you don't have a chance to fight back. They can
also lift light objects to take away your cover, and the defensive barrier
power allows them to protect themselves and make it difficult for you to
damage them. Upgrades that bypass shields are a good idea, since tech powers
aren't particularly effective. Commandos have a resistance to biotics, but
if your biotics work they can be extremely helpful for disabling the
commandos before they can disable you.
3. Geth Heavy Soldiers
The destroyer, juggernaut, and prime are some of the most dangerous geth
enemies you can face on foot. Unlike the armatures which tend to stay in one
place, these soldiers will often charge directly at you, firing heavy weapons
and rockets in your direction. Keep your distance and don't stay behind
cover if they're going to reach you before you can kill them. Like most
geth, they are susceptible to biotic powers, so use these to disable them
before they can do too much damage.
4. Krogan
Saren's heavily armed krogan troops can be some of the most formidable and
challenging opponents you will face. You'll want to keep your distance as
some will charge at you and engage you from close range. They also have the
ability to regenerate health, and are resistant to most powers. The best way
to deal with them is heavy and concentrated firepower. Biotic powers that
can disable them are also tremendously useful. Have your squad target the
nearest krogan and deal with it before any other enemies.
5. Rachni Brood Warriors
Only encountered on a handful of assignments in the uncharted worlds, these
fearsome rachni are a great deal larger than the soldiers and even more
deadly. Like all rachni you will face, equipping upgrades that increase your
resistance to toxins should help, but it's most important to keep your
distance and avoid melee stacks. When dealing with rachni, using biotic
powers can also help to disable enemies and keep them from attacking you.
1. Fist
The weakest of the bosses, Fist can be challenging because of the turrets
guarding him, and the nature of the combat space. Though there is cover in
Fist's office, it can be difficult to get your squad in a good position to
deal with him. You can aim straight for Fist if you want, but he tends to
stay in cover, so concentrate on his turrets instead. Fist will give up if
you destroy his turrets, so target them with tech powers and concentrated
fire. If you added Wrex to your squad for this fight he can make it easier
on you, since he can take considerable damage.
2. Matriarch Benezia
There are two portions to the fight with Benezia. The first simply involves
Benezia summoning asari commandos and geth to help her, while the second
requires you to fight her directly (along with a few reinforcements). The
biggest challenge when facing Benezia head-on is that you are in such close
proximity to her at the start, and taking cover is pointless because she is a
biotic, and she has more biotic commandos coming in to flank you. She can't
easily be harmed by biotics of your own, and some tech powers are also
useless. Your best bet is to concentrate as much direct fire (and powers) on
her as possible from all your squad members. If you can take her out before
she or her commandos can use their biotics on you, you're likely to have a
much easier time fighting her.
TIP - Angelmedia: "The geth you face are easy, slow, and dumb. Point and
shoot, but don't waste biotics. The asari commandos are fast, deadly, and
powerful. They have guns and hardcore biotics that can immobilize you.
Benezia stays on the bridge, but can still hit you with biotic orbs that zap
massive shields and health. Keep moving.
First Wave: Immediately target the first asari commando on the stairs
with a biotic attack that will take her out in one hit. Buff shields on the
other team members and boost your weapon in case something goes wrong. Don't
fire at the first enemy until the biotic attack is executed or she will back
up and move out of range. Quickly run up the stairs and shoot the exploding
canister to take out commando number two.
Second Wave: The two new enemies are at the end of the walkway. Run back
down the stairs and duck in the doorway where you first entered. You are
safe here from Benezia and the geth. Target the explosive canister on the
bridge in case one of the enemies rushes you. Pop out from hiding and fire
until you bring down the enemies. If one of them comes at you shoot the
canister on the bridge. There is a third enemy that generally comes around
the back and joins the other two on the walkway, but sometimes she comes down
the bridge at you. Watch your radar to see which way she goes. Once the
enemies on the walkway are dead go to their previous position on the walkway.
Open the two crates to the left along the way. Continue around to the west
and take out the geth behind the crates.
Third Wave: Take out the geth that appear at the end of the walkway, and
continue past their position and past Benezia to the doorway you crouched in
during the second wave. Take out the geth on the end of the walkway.
Benezia: Go crazy and unload on her. Have your squad hit her hard with
biotics while you blast her with a weapon (remember to buff your weapons
before firing. She should go down in less than five seconds.
Fourth wave: Crouch or take cover near Benezia's body and take out her
remaining enemy agent's. You can fire at them from up on the bridge, but
they will rush you. If you get close, have a heavy duty biotic or high end
weapon ready to push them back."
3. Saren
Saren has no weaknesses. Using some tech powers won't hurt, but most biotics
have no effect whatsoever because of his glider. It's best to stay mobile--
using your squad to draw his fire--while you gradually whittle him down.
Using ammunition that does extra damage to organics will help you out.
4. Saren Reborn
The monster Saren is turned into by Sovereign is a very different foe than
the one you've faced previously. He is now a synthetic, so you'll need to
adjust your upgrades accordingly. He also has the addition of a number of
tech abilities, so he will try to overheat your weapons and take down your
shields. Because he is so fast you will need help from your squad to have
any chance of hitting him. It's also worth a try to use any biotic or tech
powers you have, since these can be done while paused at the power wheel.
Any way you can disable him or damage his abilities will make this fight that
much easier.
TIP - Sonny Nilsson: "Biotics are very effective on him. Lift is what you
want to use; easiest by far was when I had Liara and Wrex with me. Also keep
a constant fire on him so he won't regen his shields."
5. Thresher Maws
The easiest way to defeat a thresher is in the Mako. If you're lucky, it's
possible to find a spot where it won't go back underground, but won't be able
to hit you either. This can be a tough feat at times though, and because its
attacks are so deadly it's often better just to keep moving--or use the jump
jets to avoid its fire. Beware of splash damage from the toxic spray it
shoots at you, and don't let it emerge directly beneath you. To improve your
accuracy, zoom in with the turret and slow down or stop when firing the
cannon. To have any chance you will need to avoid its attacks at all costs.
TIP - Sonny Nilsson: "These can be defeated on foot, and I actually recommend
doing so. Keep the distance to around where the skill target starts to
appear, then just side step and shoot. This usually also keeps them from
going down into the ground. With the Immunity skill they cannot kill you,
but if they land a 'melee' hit you die instantly."
Guide to the Galaxy 33guid
When in command of the Normandy, you can travel to any known star system by
accessing the galaxy map, located prominently in the center of the command
Note: For planets you can land on, the location of points of interest on the
map are approximated by a coordinate system. The origin is in the bottom
left on a grid of 100 by 100. Locations are indicated by (x,y)
Argos Rho Cluster
Hydra System
Metgos (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Distress Call")
Level 2 Heat Hazard
POI: Escape Pod (35,60)
Thorium Deposit (Survey: Heavy Metal) (65,45)
Transponder Signal (65,35)
Turian Wreckage (Survey: Turian Insignia) (65,80)
Mercury Deposit (Survey: Rare Earth) (20,25)
Survey: Turian Insignia
Survey: Gas Deposit
Gorgon System (Unlock: "UNC: Depot Sigma-23")
Unidentified Space Facility (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Depot Sigma-23")
Phoenix System
Survey: Rare Earth
Carbonaceous Asteroid (Hidden)
Survey: Prothean Data Disc
Tuntau (Land, Assignment: "Wrex: Family Armor")
POI: Asari Capsule (Asari Writings) (85,75)
Crashed Probe (30,70)
Hidden Structure (75,15)
Lithium Deposit (Light Metal) (10,50)
Mercury Deposit (Heavy Metal) (50,75)
Survey: Light Metal
Armstrong Nebula
Gagarin System
Survey: Asari Writings
Rayingri (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Geth Incursions")
POI: Abandoned Scavenger Camp (20,45)
Crashed Escape Pod (League Medallion) (20,30)
Engine Debris (80,50)
Overrun Research Outpost (55,40)
Polonium Deposit (Rare Earth) (20,35)
Scavenger Corpses (15,75)
Thorium Deposit (Rare Earth) (65,35)
Titanium Deposit (Light Metal) (65,75)
Survey: Light Metal
Grissom System (Unlock: "UNC: Geth Incursions")
Survey: League Medallion
Survey: Light Metal
Solcrum (Moon, Land, Assignment: "UNC: Geth Incursions")
POI: Asari Capsule (Asari Writings) (30,20)
Escape Pod (50,15)
Magnesium Deposit (Light Metal) (70,20)
Mercenary Base (65,45)
Thorium Deposit (Rare Earth) (40,65)
Uranium Deposit (Rare Earth) (70,70)
Rocky Asteroid
Survey: Light Metal
Hong System
Casbin (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Geth Incursions")
POI: Anomalous Signal (30,70)
Engine Debris (20,55)
Geth Outpost (70,45)
Gold Deposit (Heavy Metal) (50,65)
Mummified Salarian (Salarian ID Tag) (25,45)
Samarium Deposit (Rare Earth) (60,25)
Uranium Deposit (Rare Earth) (70,40)
Survey: Matriarch's Writings
Survey: Light Metal
Tereshkova System
Carbonaceous Asteroid (Hidden)
Survey: League Medallion
Antibaar (Land, Assignment: "Geth Incursions")
POI: Crashed Probe (55,65)
Geth Outpost (55,75)
Lithium Deposit (Light Metal) (65,15)
Magnesium Deposit (Light Metal) (30,65)
Mercury Deposit (Heavy Metal) (35,20)
Prothean Ruin (Prothean Data Disc) (15,45)
Thresher Maw (20,40)
Survey: Heavy Metal
Survey: Heavy Metal
Vamshi System
Maji (Land, Assignment: "Geth Incursions")
POI: Beryllium Deposit (Light Metal) (60,45)
Engine Debris (75,30)
Geth Outpost (30,70)
Magnesium Deposit (Light Metal) (40,70)
Strange Skull (70,20)
Thorium Deposit (Rare Earth) (30,20)
Turian Wreckage (Turian Insignia) (55,20)
Survey: Turian Insignia
Artemis Tau Cluster
Athens System
Survey: Gas Deposit
Survey: Gas Deposit
Survey: Turian Insignia
Knossos System
Metallic Asteroid (Hidden)
Survey: Heavy Metal
Therum (Land, Mission: Find Liara T'Soni)
Survey: Gas Deposit
Carbonaceous Asteroid (Hidden)
Survey: League Medallion
Macedon System
Sharjila (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Asari Diplomacy")
Level 1 Pressure Hazard
POI: Asari Capsule (Asari Writings) (15,55)
Escape Pod (65,45)
Magnesium Deposit (Light Metal) (55,35)
Stronghold (45,65)
Thorium Deposit (Rare Earth) (15,65)
Uranium Deposit (Rare Earth) (15,15)
Survey: Asari Writings
Metallic Asteroid (Hidden)
Survey: Light Metal
Survey: Gas Deposit
Sparta System (Unlock: "UNC: Missing Marines")
Asteroid Cluster (Hidden)
Survey: Prothean Data Disc
Edolus (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Missing Marines")
POI: Crashed Probe (70,40)
Distress Signal (40,60)
Lithium Deposit (Light Metal) (70,30)
Mummified Salarian (Salarian ID Tag) (70,70)
Palladium Deposit (Rare Earth) (45,15)
Polonium Deposit (Rare Earth) (20,30)
Thresher Maw (40,60)
Survey: Gas Deposit
Survey: Rare Earth
Attican Beta Cluster
Survey: Matriarch's Writings
Eletania (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Lost Module")
Level 1 Toxic Hazard
POI: Downed Recon Probe (55,40)
Engine Debris (40,55)
Gold Deposit (Heavy Metal) (80,40)
Monkey Colony (40,75)
Monkey Colony (55,75)
Monkey Colony (75,20)
Monkey Colony (80,65)
Mysterious Globe (20,20)
Palladium Deposit (Heavy Metal) (20,55)
Survey: Heavy Metal
Theseus System
Feros (Land, Mission: "Feros: Geth Attack")
Survey: Prothean Data Disc
Survey: Light Metal
Exodus Cluster
Asgard System (Unlock: DLC: Bring Down the Sky)
Terra Nova
Asteroid X57 (Land, Assignment: "X57: Bring Down the Sky")
POI: Body of R. Montoya (30,85)
Fusion Torch (35,60)
Fusion Torch (50,30)
Fusion Torch (70,50)
Main Facility (60,80)
Survey Station 1 (80,20)
Survey Station 2 (25,85)
Survey Station 3 (20,20)
Transmission Tower (40,40)
X57 Radio (60,30)
Utopia System
Eden Prime (Mission: "Prologue: Find the Beacon")
Gemini Sigma Cluster
Han System (Unlock: "UNC: Hostile Takeover")
Survey: Asari Writings
Mavigon (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Hostile Takeover")
Level 2 Cold Hazard
POI: Cobalt Deposit (Light Metal) (70,65)
Engine Debris (30,20)
Gold Deposit (Heavy Metal) (55,45)
Mummified Salarian (Salarian ID Tag) (55,45)
Syndicate Hideout (70,25)
Survey: Light Metal
Ming System
MSV Worthington (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Lost Freighter")
Survey: Light Metal
Survey: League Medallion
Hades Gamma Cluster
Antaeus System
Survey: Gas Deposit
Survey: Asari Writings
Trebin (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Missing Survey Team")
POI: Crashed Probe (20,50)
Excavation Site (55,65)
Plutonium Deposit (Rare Earth) (40,40)
Research Base (55,55)
Thresher Maw (80,35)
Transmitter Tower (20,70)
Turian Wreckage (Turian Insignia) (80,35)
Uranium Deposit (Rare Earth) (70,65)
Survey: Rare Earth
Cacus System (Unlock: 80% Paragon or Renegade)
Survey: Heavy Metal
Chohe (Land: Assignment: "UNC: Besieged Base")
POI: Abandoned Outpost (Asari Writings) (65,60)
Engine Debris (20,20)
Mercury Deposit (Heavy Metal) (45,25)
Polonium Deposit (Rare Earth) (35,65)
Science Base (60,25)
Thresher Maw (40,20)
Survey: Rare Earth
Dis System (Unlock: "UNC: Hostile Takeover")
Survey: Light Metal
Klensal (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Hostile Takeover")
POI: Beryllium Deposit (Light Metal) (80,60)
Escape Pod (40,30)
Mummified Salarian (League Medallion) (55,40)
Platinum Deposit (Heavy Metal (40,50)
Syndicate Hideout (40,45)
Metallic Asteroid (Hidden)
Survey: Light Metal
Survey: Turian Insignia
Farinata System
Rocky Asteroid (Hidden)
Survey: Light Metal
MSV Ontario (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Hostage")
Survey: Prothean Data Disc
Survey: Rare Earth
Plutus System (Unlock: 80% Paragon or Renegade)
Survey: Rare Earth
Survey: Rare Earth
Nonuel (Land, Assignment: "UNC: The Negotiation"
POI: Crashed Probe (15,40)
Crate (Asari Writings) (30,30)
Mercenary Corpse (League Medallion) (30,30)
Samarium Deposit (Rare Earth) (60,55)
Thresher Maw (25,80)
Thresher Maw (90,30)
Titanium Deposit (Light Metal) (25,80)
Warlord's Outpost (65,65)
Hawking Eta Cluster
Century System
Presrop (Moon, Land, Assignment: "UNC: Major Kyle")
POI: Abandoned Mining Camp (40,75)
Biotic Compound (25,30)
Crashed Mining Vehicle (30,60)
Engine Debris (20,50)
Gold Deposit (Heavy Metal) (30,30)
Mercenaries (80,45)
Thresher Maw (70,75)
Turian Wreckage (30,60)
Uranium Deposit (Rare Earth) (60,30)
Metallic Asteroid (Hidden)
Survey: Heavy Metal
Survey: Light Metal
Survey: League Medallion
Horse Head Nebula
Fortuna System (Unlock: "UNC: Hostile Takeover")
Survey: Turian Insignia
Survey: Rare Earth
Amaranthine (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Hostile Takeover")
POI: Engineering Outpost (40,25)
Escape Pod (15,45)
Iridium Deposit (Heavy Metal) (35,55)
Thorium Deposit (Rare Earth) (55,30)
Turian Wreckage (Turian Insignia) (30,35)
Uranium Deposit (Rare Earth) (70,50)
Pax System
Noveria (Land, Mission: "Noveria: Geth Interest")
Survey: Asari Writings
Strenuus System (Unlock: "UNC: Privateers")
Survey: League Medallion
Survey: Gas Deposit
MSV Majesty (Hidden)
Xawin (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Privateers")
Level 1 Cold Hazard
POI: Abandoned Camp (70,45)
Cobalt Deposit (Light Metal) (60,60)
Corpse and Destroyed Vehicle (65,20)
Crashed Probe (30,30)
Geth Beacon (65,75)
Iridium Deposit (Heavy Metal) (70,20)
Palladium Deposit (Heavy Metal) (45,75)
Privateer Base (25,70)
Thresher Maw (30,30)
Turian Wreckage (Turian Insignia) (45,45)
Kepler Verge
Herschel System (Unlock: Assignment: "Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon")
MSV Fedele (Hidden, Land, Assignment: Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon")
Rocky Asteroid
Survey: Heavy Metal
Newton System
Ontarom (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Dead Scientists")
POI: Crashed Probe (70,35)
Gold Deposit (Heavy Metal) (25,20)
Palladium Deposit (Heavy Metal) (65,20)
Shifty Looking Cow (25,30)
Turian Wreckage (Turian Insignia) (50,60)
Underground Facility (70,20)
Survey: Gas Deposits
Survey: Asari Writings
Local Cluster (Unlock: Level 20)
Solar System
Luna (Moon, Land, Assignment: "UNC: Rogue VI")
POI: Alliance Training Ground (25,45)
CCCP Luna 23 (25,70)
Maroon Sea Cluster (Unlock: Complete Feros)
Caspian System
MSV Cornucopia (Hidden, Land, "UNC: Derelict Freighter")
Survey: Heavy Metal
Survey: Heavy Metal
Survey: Turian Insignia
Matano System
Chasca (Land, "UNC: Colony of the Dead")
POI: Beryllium Deposit (Light Metal) (45,35)
Civilian Structure (25,40)
Civilian Structure (35,30)
Escape Pod (30,20)
Palladium Deposit (Heavy Metal) (45,70)
Plutonium Deposit (Rare Earth) (50,75)
Prothean Pyramid (Prothean Data Disc) (65,20)
Science Facility (20,30)
Metallic Asteroid (Hidden)
Survey: Heavy Metal
Rocky Asteroid (Hidden)
Survey: Prothean Data Disc
Survey: Light Metal
Vostok System
Nodacrux (Land, "UNC: ExoGeni Facility"
POI: Cobalt Deposit (Light Metal) (40,25)
Engine Debris (70,50)
Gold Deposit (Heavy Metal) (15,55)
Science Facility (70,30)
Thorian Creeper Camp (30,70)
Turian Wreckage (Turian Insignia) (75,75)
Metallic Asteroid (Hidden)
Survey: Heavy Metal
Survey: Asari Writings
Pangaea Expanse (Unlock: Complete Therum, Feros, Noveria, and Virmire)
Refuge System
Ilos (Land, Mission: "Race Against Time")
Sentry Omega Cluster (Unlock: Complete two of Therum, Feros, and Noveria)
Hoc System
Virmire (Land: Mission: "Virmire")
Styx Theta Cluster (Unlock: Complete Noveria)
Acheron System
Altahe (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Listening Post Theta")
POI: Asari Capsule (Asari Writings) (40,30)
Escape Pod (75,75)
Listening Post (40,20)
Gold Deposit (Heavy Metal) (15,35)
Rachni Colony (75,35)
Samarium Deposit (Rare Earth) (20,55)
Carbonaceous Asteroid (Hidden)
Survey: Turian Insignia
Survey: Light Metal
Erebus System
Nepmos (Land: Assignment: "UNC: Listening Post Alpha")
POI: Buried Safebox (League Medallion) (20,50)
Crashed Probe (20,20)
Listening Post (65,20)
Mining Camp (70,75)
Palladium Deposit (Heavy Metal) (65,35)
Rachni Ambush (30,50)
Rachni Ambush (65,60)
Rachni Infested Mine (25,25)
Titanium Deposit (Light Metal) (35,25)
Uranium Deposit (Rare Earth) (75,75)
Survey: Heavy Metal
Survey: Prothean Data Disc
Serpent Nebula
Widow System
Citadel Station
Voyager Cluster
Amazon System
Agebinium (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Espionage Probe")
POI: Alliance Homing Beacon (35,65)
Beryllium Deposit (Light Metal) (20,80)
Crashed Vehicle (70,65)
Engine Debris (45,75)
Magnesium Deposit (Light Metal) (15,35)
Mercenary Camp (50,70)
Samarium Deposit (Rare Earth) (50,15)
Turian Wreckage (Turian Insignia) (65,70)
Survey: Rare Earth
Survey: Turian Insignia
Survey: Gas Deposit
Columbia System (Unlock: "UNC: Hades' Dogs")
Nepheron (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Hades' Dogs")
POI: Beryllium Deposit (Light Metal) (70,20)
Engine Debris (55,20)
Mummified Salarian (Salarian ID Tag) (35,45)
Platinum Deposit (Heavy Metal) (80,50)
Thorium Deposit (Rare Earth) (60,70)
Underground Facility (40,35)
Survey: Rare Earth
Survey: League Medallion
Yangtze System (Unlock: "UNC: Cerberus")
Binthu (Land, Assignment: "UNC: Cerberus")
POI: Crashed Probe (15,45)
Palladium Deposit (Heavy Metal) (40,55)
Prothean Pyramid (Prothean Data Disc) (50,25)
Research Facility (35,70)
Research Facility (45,25)
Research Facility (65,55)
Uranium Deposit (Rare Earth) (65,30)
Survey: Light Metal
Survey: Prothean Data Disc
Survey: Rare Earth
Secrets 34secr
While you're on the Normandy you can talk to each of your crew members in
order to learn more about them. If you are a male you can also pursue a
romantic relationship with either Ashley or Liara. As a female, you can
pursue a romance with Liara or Kaidan.
There's no real trick to the romances; usually being nice to the object of
your affection is enough. You can take advantage of opportunities to flirt
at certain points, though this is not always necessary. Note that choosing
the middle ("neutral") responses throughout the game will not be sufficient
to woo any of your crew members.
You only have the opportunity to talk to each member of your crew while you
are on the Normandy, and they usually only have something new to say after
you complete each primary mission world (Therum, Feros, Noveria, etc.).
Ashley Williams
-> Conversation 1
Immediately following Eden Prime you can find Ashley in the crew quarters.
If you resisted her inclusion in the squad while on Eden Prime she will be
cold towards you, but you have the option to patch things up. She feels
somewhat guilty because she believes that if Jenkins were still alive she
wouldn't have been assigned to the Normandy. You can reassure her to make
her feel more welcome.
+2 Paragon for being welcoming towards Ashley
+2 Renegade for being fixated on the mission's failure
-> Conversation 2
While on the Citadel, head down to the Wards and examine the view out the
main window to initiate a conversation with your crew. If Shepard is male,
ask "what's not to like" about humanity to initiate a small but cute set of
dialogue options with Ashley. This conversation can only be triggered if you
have not yet joined up with Garrus or Wrex, but it is entirely optional and
not required for pursuing a romance with Ashley.
-> Conversation 3
Ashley expresses her concern about having nonhumans on the Normandy. She
doesn't want them to have the ability to gather intelligence on the most
advanced ship in the Alliance fleet. If you're trying to court her it's a
good idea to try to smooth things over diplomatically, even if you disagree
with her position. Telling her she is out of line will make her disinclined
to speak openly with you again.
-> Conversation 4
You interrupt Ashley in the middle of a vid-mail from one of her sisters. If
you're a male and have been showing interest in Ashley then her sister will
mention that she's seen you on the vids and thinks that you're cute.
Otherwise, Kaidan will be the one who is mentioned in the message. This
opens up an avenue to talk with Ashley about her family. You can learn about
her father's military service, and how she had to help her mother raise her
younger sisters. Discussion of her father leads to his interest in poetry,
and how she reads his favorite poem to his grave every time she returns home.
At this point she asks if her belief in God will be a problem for you. If
you're interested in courting her then it's best to be diplomatic here, even
if you think she's crazy.
-> Conversation 5
Ashley offers you a drink in commemoration of Armistice Day, the anniversary
of the end of the First Contact War. This leads her to reveal that her
family was blacklisted because of her grandfather's actions at Shanxi during
the war. If you're trying to be nice to her then it's best not to criticize
her grandfather. You should also tell her that it isn't her fault and that
she's still welcome on your ship.
-> Conversation 6
Around this time--if you've been showing interest in both Ashley and Liara--
they will confront you in the comm room and ask that you choose between them.
Trying to keep both won't work for Ashley, who gets disgusted and leaves.
She also takes it much harder than Liara if you reject her. If you choose
Ashley, she expresses an interest in continuing your relationship when the
mission is over.
-> Conversation 7
During the lockdown on the Citadel, your romantic interest will approach you.
Dismissing them and saying you don't want to talk will effectively end the
relationship. Otherwise, they express their concern that you aren't being
taken seriously. You are interrupted by Joker, who tells you to meet Captain
Anderson at Flux.
-> Conversation 8
Once you plot a course for Ilos, you have one final opportunity to have a
private moment with your romantic interest. They will confront you in your
quarters before you reach the Mu relay. Your responses dictate whether or
not the two of you will wait until the mission is over to further your
Kaidan Alenko
-> Conversation 1
If you are male then Kaidan has nothing to say to you after Eden Prime. If
you are female however, then you have the option of speaking with him. He's
curious to know why you're headed towards the Citadel, and you have the
choice of informing him of the Captain's plan. You can also tell him that he
helped on the mission, or lament your own failures.
+2 Renegade for being fixated on the mission's failure
-> Conversation 2
While on the Citadel, head down to the Wards and examine the view out the
main window to initiate a conversation with your crew. If Shepard is female,
ask "what's not to like" about humanity to initiate a small but telling set
of dialogue options with Kaidan. This conversation can only be triggered if
you have not yet joined up with Garrus or Wrex, but it is entirely optional
and not required for pursuing a romance with Ashley.
-> Conversation 3
Kaidan expresses his concerns that the Council isn't doing enough to help you
track down Saren and stop the Reapers. He also talks about brain camp
("BAaT") and about his relationship with Rahna and his other friends there.
If you are a female you can also learn about his romantic tendencies, and how
he used to read books about space-farers who traveled the stars to earn the
love of beautiful women. He also asks if you get this personal with everyone
on the ship, at which point you can openly declare your interest in him.
-> Conversation 4
If you're female, Kaidan expresses concern for you; not wanting you to cut
corners. He tells you about the mistakes the Alliance made when first
dealing with biotics. They brought in turian experts to teach those with
biotic capabilities, and Kaidan didn't get along with his teacher. He may
also inquire about a rumor that you're interested in Liara. If you're
interested in continuing a relationship with Kaidan then it's a good idea to
downplay any relationship you have with her.
-> Conversation 5
Kaidan continues to be concerned that the rest of the galaxy isn't worried
about Saren or the Reapers. He talks more about Vyrnnus and how he killed
him for hurting Rahna.
-> Conversation 6
Around this time--if you've been showing interest in both Kaidan and Liara--
they will confront you in the comm room and ask that you choose between them.
Trying to keep both won't work for Kaidan, and he will leave. He also takes
it harder than Liara if you reject him. If you choose Kaidan, your next
conversation involves his desire to get the Council on the side of humanity.
He also expresses an interest in continuing your relationship when the
mission is over.
-> Conversation 7
During the lockdown on the Citadel, your romantic interest will approach you.
Dismissing them and saying you don't want to talk will effectively end the
relationship. Otherwise, they express their concern that you aren't being
taken seriously. You are interrupted by Joker, who tells you to meet Captain
Anderson at Flux.
-> Conversation 8
Once you plot a course for Ilos, you have one final opportunity to have a
private moment with your romantic interest. They will confront you in your
quarters before you reach the Mu relay. Your responses dictate whether or
not the two of you will wait until the mission is over to further your
Liara T'Soni
-> Conversation 1
You can go to the med bay after picking up Liara to make sure that she is
alright. She thanks you for saving her from the geth, but is concerned that
the rest of your crew does not trust her. If asked, she will tell you about
her research into the Protheans, which leads her to admit her fascination
with you. You can also talk about Benezia, as well as learn more about the
asari. Liara discusses the rumors concerning asari promiscuity, and
clarifies the misinformation about asari unions and relationships.
-> Conversation 2
Liara talks about how impressed she is with humanity, and with you in
particular. She may also ask about your relationship with Ashley/Kaidan. If
you're interested in continuing a relationship with Liara then it's a good
idea to downplay any relationship you have with Ashley/Kaidan.
-> Conversation 3
Liara asks how you are feeling, and says she is concerned that you bear too
much of a burden for one person to carry.
-> Conversation 4
Around this time--if you've been showing interest in both Liara and either
Kaidan or Ashley--the two of them will confront you in the comm room and ask
that you choose between them. Trying to keep both won't work for Kaidan or
Ashley. Liara takes it the best if you reject her, as she blames herself for
misjudging your interest. She is very embarrassed, and hopes that you can
both put it behind you and move forward as friends. If you choose Liara
then your next conversation involves some more information on asari unions.
-> Conversation 5
During the lockdown on the Citadel, your romantic interest will approach you.
Dismissing them and saying you don't want to talk will effectively end the
relationship. Otherwise, they express their concern that you aren't being
taken seriously. You are interrupted by Joker, who tells you to meet Captain
Anderson at Flux.
-> Conversation 6
Once you plot a course for Ilos, you have one final opportunity to have a
private moment with your romantic interest. They will confront you in your
quarters before you reach the Mu relay. Your responses dictate whether or
not the two of you will wait until the mission is over to further your
Urdnot Wrex
-> Conversation 1
Talk to Wrex to learn about the krogan war with the turians and the
consequences of the genophage. He tells you how his people are dying but
that they don't seem to want to do anything about it.
-> Conversation 2
Wrex tells you about the time he saw Saren. He was operating with a large
group of mercenaries that were raiding ships out in the Traverse. They had
been hired by Saren, but Wrex only saw him once. Wrex had a bad feeling when
he saw him, so he quit. A smart move, because all the other mercs turned up
dead within a week.
-> Conversation 3
When asked why he became a mercenary, Wrex tells you about how he tried to
unite the clans so that they could focus on breeding in order to sustain
their population. He ran into opposition from his father, Jarrod, who still
believed in the old ways of constant warfare. Jarrod betrayed Wrex and
killed those loyal to him. Wrex was able to slay Jarrod, but he knew it was
too late for the krogan. He gave up on saving their species and left to
become a mercenary. He also tells you about a promise he made to recover his
family's long lost battle armor, something you can help him with.
-> Conversation 4
Wrex elaborates on his earlier sentiment that killing for credits is better
than killing for a lost cause. It's easier to just forget about the problems
of the krogan than it is to try to fix them. You can also inquire about his
life as a mercenary.
-> Conversation 5
At this point you can ask Wrex about any adventures he's had as a mercenary.
He tells you about a time he was hired by a volus diplomat to eliminate a
target that turned out to be another mercenary and a friend of his. They
battled for days but in the end neither one got the better of the other.
Garrus Vakarian
-> Conversation 1
Garrus thanks you for bringing him along on your mission, and talks more
about why he left C-Sec: He felt that C-Sec's rules imposed too many
restrictions and made it difficult for him to do his job.
-> Conversation 2
You can ask Garrus about why he joined C-Sec in the first place. He wanted
to fight injustice, but also to make his father happy. Garrus's father was a
highly decorated C-Sec officer, and someone who always did things by the
book. His father talked Garrus out of receiving special training that could
have helped him become a Spectre. Garrus resents the C-Sec way of operating
because he knows that the only way to take down Saren is to beat him at his
own game. You can agree or disagree with Garrus's viewpoint on the necessity
of rules.
-> Conversation 3
When asked if he has any interesting stories from his days at C-Sec, Garrus
informs you about Dr. Saleon, a salarian scientist who was performing brutal
experiments on the poor citizens of the Citadel. He escaped the station, and
Garrus has been unable to get anyone to track him down. You can offer to
look into it for him, but he asks that you bring him with you when you go
after the doctor.
-> Conversation 4
Garrus expresses his concern that you may never find Saren, and asks if
you're concerned that the Council might actually be protecting him. He
suggests that if you do find Saren you should kill him because he's too
dangerous to be left alive. You can choose to agree or disagree with this
-> Conversation 5
After dealing with Dr. Saleon, Garrus thanks you again for bringing him
along. Depending on how you dealt with the Dr. Saleon situation he may also
have something to say about what he learned from the experience. Your
actions help to shape his character, and his words reflect this.
Tali'Zorah nar Rayya
-> Conversation 1
Tali expresses her admiration for the Normandy and discusses her interest in
ships. You can also discuss her pilgrimage and learn more about the quarian
people. She can also tell you the story of the geth uprising and how her
people were driven into exile.
-> Conversation 2
Tali's excitement has died down and she has become uneasy. She isn't used to
how quiet your ship is and it worries her. On the flotilla silence means
that something is broken and needs to be fixed. You can reassure her that
she is simply homesick and that she will feel better soon.
-> Conversation 3
Tali is sleeping better, but she still needs something to bring back to her
fleet when she finishes her pilgrimage. Her gift needs to be especially
valuable because her father is on the Admiralty Board.
-> Conversation 4
Tali comments that it feels like you're getting close to catching Saren. She
thanks you for bringing her along and treating her like an equal.
-> Conversation 5
If you found the data on the geth from their incursion in the Armstrong
Cluster then Tali will ask for a copy to take back to her fleet. She says
that new information on the geth will be invaluable to her people and that it
would make a perfect gift for her pilgrimage. You can choose whether or not
to give her a copy.
Medal of Honor - 100 - Finish Mass Effect
-> Unlock Hardcore and levels 51-60
Medal of Heroism - 25 - Finish Feros
Distinguished Service Medal - 25 - Finish Eden Prime
Council Legion of Merit - 25 - Finish Virmire
Honorarium of Corporate Service - 25 - Complete Noveria.
Long Service Medal - 25 - Finish Mass Effect twice
-> +5% weapon damage
Distinguished Combat Medal - 25 - Finish Mass Effect on Hardcore
-> Unlock Insanity and gamer picture
Medal of Valor - 50 - Finish Mass Effect on Insanity
-> Unlock gamer picture
Pistol Expert - 10 - 150 Pistol Kills
-> +25% Marksmanship duration
Shotgun Expert - 15 - 150 Shotgun Kills
-> Bonus Talent: Shotguns
Assault Rifle Expert - 15 - 150 Assault Rifle Kills
-> Bonus Talent: Assault Rifles
Sniper Expert - 15 - 150 Sniper Rifle Kills
-> Bonus Talent: Sniper Rifles
Lift Mastery - 15 - Use Lift 75 times
-> Bonus Talent: Lift
Throw Mastery - 15 - Use Throw 75 times
-> Bonus Talent: Throw
Warp Mastery - 15 - Use Warp 75 times
-> Bonus Talent: Warp
Singularity Mastery - 15 - Use Singularity 75 times
-> Bonus Talent: Singularity
Barrier Mastery - 15 - Use Barrier 75 times
-> Bonus Talent: Barrier
Stasis Mastery - 15 - Use Stasis 75 times
-> Bonus Talent: Stasis
Damping Specialist - 15 - Use Damping Field 75 times
-> Bonus Talent: Damping Field
AI Hacking Specialist - 15 - Hack 75 synthetic enemies
-> Bonus Talent: Hacking
Overload Specialist - 15 - Use Shield Overload 75 times
-> Bonus Talent: Electronics
Sabotage Specialist - 15 - Use Sabotage 75 times
-> Bonus Talent: Decryption
First Aid Specialist - 15 - Use medi-gel 150 times
- Bonus Talent: First Aid
Neural Shock Specialist - 15 - Use Neural Shock 75 times
-> Bonus Talent: Medicine
Scholar - 25 - Find all primary Alien codex entries
Completionist - 25 - Finish majority of all quests
-> +5% experience rewards
Tactician - 25 - Total shield damage > health damage
-> +10% shields
Medal of Exploration - 50 - Land on an uncharted world
Rich - 25 - Earn 1,000,000 Credits
-> Unlock Spectre gear
Dog of War - 25 - 150 organic kills
-> +10% health
Geth Hunter - 25 - 250 synthetic kills
-> +10% shields
Soldier Ally - 20 - Finish majority of game with Ashley
-> +10% damage protection
Sentinel Ally - 20 - Finish majority of game with Kaidan
-> -10% Lift and Throw cooldown
Krogan Ally - 20 - Finish majority of game with Wrex
-> +10% health regeneration per minute
Quarian Ally - 20 - Finish majority of game with Tali
-> -10% Sabotage and Hacking cooldown
Turian Ally - 20 - Finish majority of game with Garrus
-> -10% Damping and Overload cooldown
Asari Ally - 20 - Finish majority of game with Liara
-> -10% Stasis and Barrier cooldown
Power Gamer - 20 - Get to level 50
-> +10% experience rewards
Extreme Power Gamer - 50 - Get to level 60
-> +5% experience rewards
Renegade - 15 - 75% Renegade
Paragon - 15 - 75% Paragon
Paramour - 10 - Complete a romantic subplot
Spectre Inductee - 15 - Become a Spectre
Search and Rescue - 10 - Rescue Liara
Charismatic - 10 - Save Wrex/cause Saren's suicide
Colonial Savior - 50 - Complete "Bring Down the Sky"
SECTION 10: Break the Cycle
1 - Backdoor
The Mako arrives on the Presidium with a bang, taking out a group of geth in
the process. Pull yourself from the wreckage and make for the nearby
elevator. There are some husks nearby to contend with, but no other enemies
in sight. Hop in the elevator to ascend the Citadel tower.
"Race Against Time: Conduit" -> "Race Against Time: Final Battle"
2 - "Suit Up, We're Going Outside!"
By this time, Saren has access to the station's controls and Sovereign is
coming in to activate the Citadel relay. To make matters worse, the
transportation system has been shut down. The only way to reach the top of
the tower now is to scale the outside on foot. Head forward along the
maintenance shaft. You don't have long to go before you're ambushed by a
group of geth troopers. Beyond you've got destroyers and krogan warriors to
worry about. Ascend the ramp to the left to enter the next area.
3 - The Dropship
To orient yourself, just look for Sovereign off in the distance and head in
that direction. Eventually you reach an open area where a dropship begins
deploying geth soldiers in front of you. You don't have the firepower to
deal with it on your own. Fortunately, there are three defense turrets in
the immediate area that can deal with the dropship for you. Two of the
turrets can be turned on simply by activating them, but the third has an
average electronics lock. The more turrets you activate the faster the
dropship will be taken care of. When the turrets are firing on the ship,
simply find a trench to hole up in and fire at the geth that get dispensed
onto the battlefield. When the geth ship takes sufficient damage it will
retreat and you can proceed.
4 - The Geth Turrets
In the next area are several geth heavy turrets to worry about in addition to
the large number of soldiers. There are shields around the turrets, but they
are exposed enough that you can still hit them. If you don't want to fight
the turrets you can dip into the side passage to the east to avoid them. The
passage is guarded by a large number of powerful krogan however, so it's a
pick your poison situation. Beyond this area is a hatch you can use to
reenter the tower.
5 - The Tower
Back at the top of the elevator you must now fight your way through the
remaining geth defenders to reach Saren. Compared to what you've just been
through, these remaining soldiers shouldn't provide much of a challenge.
Head up the steps at the far side to interrupt Saren before he can do any
more damage.
6 - Stopping Saren
Like last time, Saren is on his glider, and he takes the time to speak with
you before your encounter. This time however, you have the chance to put a
stop to the fight before it begins. It's not easy, but with enough Charm or
Intimidate skill you can force Saren to give up on Sovereign and end his own
life. If not, you'll have to fight him once more. This fight is much like
the one on Virmire, so remember to stay mobile and use every power at your
disposal to take him down. Despite Sovereign's upgrades, he is still an
organic, so adjust your upgrades accordingly.
+24 Paragon for avoiding the fight with Saren using Charm
+25 Renegade for avoiding the fight with Saren using Intimidate
7 - The Council's Fate
When Saren is defeated, head over to the control panel and use Vigil's files
to regain control of the Citadel. You open up a comm link to Joker, who is
standing by with the entire Arcturus Fleet ready to come to your aid as soon
as you unlock the mass relays around the Citadel. The timing of their attack
is critical. Until the Citadel's arms are opened the Alliance fleet won't be
able to attack Sovereign, and they will be targets for the geth fleet until
that happens. In the meantime, the Destiny Ascension--the Citadel's flagship
carrying the Citadel Council--is under heavy fire from the geth. You can
bring in the Alliance fleet now to save the Council at the cost of many human
lives, or you can hold them back until they can attack Sovereign directly.
The choice is yours.
+28 Paragon for ordering the Alliance to save the Ascension
+29 Renegade for ordering the Alliance to hold back
+8 Paragon for saying Sovereign is all that matters
+9 Renegade for saying Sovereign is all that matters
8 - Dark Energy
Bad news. Saren's dead, but his synthetic components aren't. Sovereign is
controlling Saren's remains in one last attempt to stop you. Make sure your
weapons upgrades are set to damage synthetics and that you are using the best
equipment available. Saren is much more mobile than before--akin to the geth
hoppers--so you will need to keep on your toes to avoid being flanked. Don't
bother taking cover, move about and do your best to avoid his attacks. He
has a deadly rocket barrage when he is stationary, along with the ability to
overheat your weapons and take down your shields. The safest thing you can
do is disable him using biotics. As long as he is immobilized he won't be
able to harm you and you don't have to worry about him zipping around the
room. When Saren is finally beaten your victory over Sovereign is assured.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ending sequence.
Credits 41cred
I wish to thank...
-> Casey Hudson, Preston Watamaniuk, Drew Karpyshyn, Derek Watts, David
Falkner, Ray Muzyka, Greg Zeschuk, and the talented team at BioWare for
their dedication and commitment to creating the best story-driven games in
the world.
-> Evil Chris Priestly for putting up with the BioWare Community.
-> The Mass Effect Wikia ( for providing a
community for knowledge--and providing me with some planetary information.
-> Dr. Feelgood for noting missing Renegade points in the conversation with
Ethan Jeong.
-> Seldon for providing info on a specific conversation with Maeko Matsuo.
-> Ichy for finding an extra thresher maw on Nonuel.
-> Rds590 for noticing that despite BioWare's description for the Geth
Armory, the armor does have upgrade slots.
-> Anima_Caligo for noticing a mistake in the Hostile Takeover assignment.
-> Matt Kurtz for noticing several incorrect Paragon and Renegade values.
-> Jonathan Williams for a number of important contributions.
-> dmartinua for missing planetary information.
-> Zachariah Gibson for noticing a mistake in the Fourth Estate assignment.
-> Anonymous for noticing some missing Paragon and Renegade points.
-> Angelmedia for detailed strategies on defeating Benezia.
-> R_Russ_R for a tip on defeating armatures.
-> J Laudig for finding an alternate way to finish the Signal Tracking
-> Brian Bjornsson for noticing a missing league medallion in the Artemis Tau
-> JRISSMART1500 for pointing out a typo in the Dr. Michel assignment.
-> Vladkre2 for Berserker armor stats.
-> Aivar Pardla for noticing a mistake in the Family Armor assignment.
-> George Siotos for pointing out a mistake in the Asari Diplomacy
-> Stephen Wright for a strategy on entering the secure labs on Noveria.
-> Samuel Williams for pointing out some errors in the Paragon / Renegade
-> Videogameman5 for some info on the Pulse Rifle stats.
-> David Link for pointing out a mistake in the Asari Consort assignment.
-> Sonny Nilsson for boss strategies and the Explorer armor tip.
-> Jonathan DeVries (C. Darksun) for pointing out a mistake in the Paragon
and Renegade points for the Asari Consort assignment.
-> stompy101 (BioWare forums) for confirming an alternate way to complete the
Wrex and the Genophage assignment.
-> Brent (bstocking) for information on the Doctor at Risk assignment.
-> The Mass Effect instruction manual for basic information.
-> Prima's Mass Effect Guide for upgrade info, as well as missing codex and
planetary information.
Contact Me 41cont
One of the difficulties in writing a walkthrough for an RPG lies in its
depth. To learn everything requires multiple playthroughs with different
characters making different choices. Because my process for seeing
everything is likely imperfect there is a very good chance I will miss
something. That's why I need YOUR help to make this guide the best it can
Should you happen to find any mistakes, errors, or omissions in this guide--
or if you simply wish to submit something you believe will help other
readers--please email me at and let me know about it.
Also please be sure to include your name so I can credit you.
Revisions 43revi
v0.10 - 11/26/2007 - Started Writing. Added table of contents and began
writing Section I.
-> 1,374 words
v0.11 - 11/27/2007 - Completed the Game Basics part of Section I. Began
writing the walkthrough for Eden Prime.
-> 5,365 words
v0.20 - 11/28/2007 - Finished the Eden Prime and Citadel (I) walkthroughs.
Added locations and codex entries.
-> 9,176 words
v0.21 - 11/29/2007 - Added codex entries. Began side quest entries. Minor
formatting changes and adjustments.
-> 11,398 words
v0.30 - 11/30/2007 - Wrote minimal squad bios. Expanded locations section.
Minimal work on Equipment section. Major side quest
entries, location entries, and codex entries. Finished
Liara's Dig Site Walkthrough.
-> 15,464 words
v0.40 - 12/01/2007 - Major additions to Manufacturers section, and to
Weapons, Armor, Equipment, and Upgrades. Added to
Locations section. Completed Achievements section.
Edited Assignments section.
-> 21,357 words
v0.50 - 12/02/2007 - Minor info added to various sections.
-> 22,539 words
v0.51 - 12/03/2007 - Proofread most sections. Optional Assignments info
-> 24,878 words
v0.52 - 12/04/2007 - Minor additions and changes to the Optional Assignments
-> 25,287 words
v0.61 - 12/05/2007 - Finished the Feros and Noveria walkthroughs. Added
optional assignments and locations information.
-> 30,384 words
v0.62 - 12/06/2007 - Optional Assignments information added.
-> 32,795 words
v0.70 - 12/07/2007 - Finished the main story walkthrough.
-> 36,699 words
v0.71 - 12/07/2007 - Fixed some formatting issues. Added optional assignment
-> 36,736 words
v0.72 - 12/08/2007 - Added combat strategies.
-> 39,461 words
v0.73 - 12/08/2007 - Edited codex entries, added equipment stats, fixed some
Paragon/Renegade information. Fixed the early Citadel
missions with Wrex and Garrus. Spell checked.
-> 41,028 words
v0.80 - 12/08/2007 - Finished most non-collection assignments.
-> 42,918 words
v0.81 - 12/09/2007 - Added planetary information. Miscellaneous edits.
Added some codex entries. Some Renegade points added.
Equipment updates.
-> 43,460 words
v0.82 - 12/10/2007 - Added some codex entries. Added to main missions and
optional assignments. Subtracted some missing equipment
-> 43,207 words
v0.90 - 12/11/2007 - Added some mission information, and some Renegade
points. Fixed some codex and equipment issues.
-> 43,250 words
v0.91 - 12/11/2007 - Miscellaneous info. Added equipment entries, and
strategy tips.
-> 43,594 words
v0.92 - 12/12/2007 - Equipment updates and edits. Miscellaneous edits and
-> 43,866 words
v0.93 - 12/13/2007 - Added equipment info. Minor fixes to optional
assignments. Miscellaneous error fixes.
-> 44,108 words
v0.94 - 12/14/2007 - Added equipment updates and fixes.
-> 44,430 words
v0.95 - 12/20/2007 - Added relationship and squad conversation information.
Started to change locations to coordinates.
-> 45,840 words
v1.00 - 12/21/2007 - Finished updating locations. Proofread entire guide.
Completed missing assignments.
-> 48,612 words
v1.01 - 12/24/2007 - Corrected a mistake in the Asari Diplomacy mission.
Added to the character creation section.
-> 48,799 words
v1.02 - 12/28/2007 - Corrected some major mistakes in the Character Creation
section. Added autoleveled squad attributes.
-> 49,689 words
v1.03 - 01/02/2008 - Miscellaneous edits and additions.
-> 49,956 words
v1.04 - 01/03/2008 - Proofread the walkthrough and fixed some minor mistakes.
Added some equipment information.
-> 50,180 words
v1.05 - 01/12/2008 - Added reader submissions.
-> 50,804 words
v1.10 - 01/25/2008 - Added Renegade and Paragon points, revisions to the
walkthrough, and equipment information.
-> 51,093 words
v1.11 - 02/08/2008 - Added missing planetary information.
-> 51,122 words
v1.12 - 02/28/2008 - Added miscellaneous info.
-> 51,190 words
v1.13 - 03/11/2008 - Added information for the "Bring Down the Sky" DLC.
-> 53,363 words
v1.20 - 03/24/2008 - Proofread guide.
-> 53,503 words
v1.30 - 05/29/2008 - Made updates for PC version.
-> 54,153 words
v1.31 - 06/07/2008 - Minor updates and fixes.
-> 54,401 words
v1.32 - 06/09/2008 - Made minor modifications. Reorganized contents, added
character profiles, and fixed some Paragon/Renegade
points. Fixed some grammatical mistakes.
-> 54,919 words
v1.33 - 06/12/2008 - Minor updates and fixes. Corrected some weapon stats.
Added hidden manufacturers.
-> 55,165 words
v1.34 - 06/21/2008 - A number of mistakes corrected, and assignment
information added.
-> 55,549 words
v1.35 - 07/08/2008 - A few very minor updates.
-> 55,569 words
v1.36 - 07/23/2008 - Proofread guide and made appropriate changes.
-> 55,685 words
v1.37 - 08/04/2008 - Minor update for the "Bring Down the Sky" DLC on PC, and
some added info on conversations with Maeko Matsuo.
-> 55,848 words
v1.38 - 08/13/2008 - Fixed and added Paragon/Renegade points for the
conversation with Ethan Jeong.
-> 55,896 words
v1.40 - 08/18/2008 - Expanded character creation section. Miscellaneous
improvements and additions.
-> 58,281 words
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