Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare,Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Reflex Edition FAQ/ Walkthrough



Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (DS)

Complete Walkthrough v 1.00

Last update: 01/02/08

Created by: CancerPendragon

(C) 2007 Albert Kung, Compass Productions

Table of Contents


Version History

1. Intro (1.00)

Controls (1.01)

Game Info (1.02)

Weapons of War (1.03)

What's the Difference between this and CoD4 Next-Gen? (1.04)

2. Campaign Walkthrough (2.00)

First to Fight (2.01)

Exodus (2.02)

Intervention (2.03)

On Approach (2.04)

Hard Impact (2.05)

The Russian (2.06)

Spectre (2.07)

Bunker Buster (2.08)

AMF (2.09)

House Cleaning (2.10)

Missile Away (2.11)

Dead in Ten (2.12)

3. Author Info and Credits (3.00)

Spoilers for 1.04 (SP01)


Version History


v 1.00 - Initial write-up. Everything complete and posted for general

use. FAQ written with difficulty set at Hard to ensure full



1. Intro (1.00)


Controls (1.01)


If you're new to DS, or even DS shooters, this game will be a little new to

you at first, due to the odd controls. However, they work VERY well after

you get used to them, so just hang tight.

Infantry Controls

Up/X - Walk Forward

Down/B - Walk Backwards

Left/Y - Strafe Left

Right/A - Strafe Right

L/R - Shoot/Throw Grenade/Melee

Stylus - Aim/Switch Items/Reload/Pick Up

Double-Tap Up/X - Run Forwards

Double-Tap Down/B - Crouch/Stand Toggle

Double-Tap Stylus - ADS Toggle

NOTE: It is not properly explained, but you can COOK grenades by holding the

fire button. Each flash is a tick, and they should all explode at about 5


Humvee Turret Controls

Up/X - Face Front of Vehicle

Down/B - Face Rear

Left/Y - Face Left

Right/A - Face Right

L/R - Shoot

Stylus - Aim

Blackhawk Turret Controls

L/R - Shoot

Stylus - Aim

C-130 Gunship Controls

Up/X/Left/Y - Cycle Weapons Up

Down/B/Right/A - Cycle Weapons Down

L/R - Shoot

Stylus - Aim

Game Info (1.02)


This game is Call of Duty 4 for the DS, which breaks away from normal CoD

series games in that it brings fighting from WWII era to current events.

You take the role of both an SAS operative and a USMC soldier in two

converging storylines dealing with an influx of insurgency in the Middle

East and a nuclear weapons crisis in Russia. What is special about CoD4DS

is hat there is no health bar for your character. The only way you can tell

how injured you are is by a flashing red border. The more it flashes, the

closer you are to dying. However, hiding out of combat results in your


This game also includes both 4-player Download Play and Multi-Card Play,

though I will not get too much into detail over those, this being a FAQ, and

not a multiplayer training camp.

Weapons of War (1.03)


Call of Duty 4 DS features many different weapons of war, which you will be

utilizing throughout your entire game.



Fully Automatic Rifle - Aim with a red dot sight. Simple to use, easy to

aim. Almost every single USMC soldier has one. Medium stopping power at

all ranges.



Fully Automatic Rifle - Aim with ironsights. This provides you a much

larger view of the battlefield, though aiming is a bit more difficult with

only a front aim post. Plenty of Russian soldiers and insurgents carry this

gun. Medium stopping power, but slightly lower spray accuracy.



Semi-Automatic Handgun - Aim with ironsights. Just aim slightly above the

center post and you will have an easy time. This pistol is quite powerful

and should not be underestimated in an emergency situation or if you have

no ammo or a sniper rifle. Trust this with your life. Medium power.



Fully Automatic Submachine Gun - Aim with ironsights. Aim inside the circle

above the front post. Most SAS soldiers will carry this. It shoots much

faster than the rifles, but does not kill soldiers as effectively except for

with headshots. Low power.



Fully Automatic Submachine Gun - Aim with ironsights. Aim just above the

center post. Russians and a few crewmen carry this weapon. This serves

as a basis for an alternative weapon to the MP5, but you should rarely ever

need to pick one of these up.



Fully Automatic Submachine Gun - Aim with ironsights. Aim just above the

center post. This gun seems to only appear in Missile Away. This serves

as a basis for an alternative weapon to the MP5, but you should rarely ever

need to pick one of these up.

SVD Dragonuv


Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle - Aim with a scope. Point and click. One shot

will kill any target, regardless of location. Has a low firing rate and

is only effective when scoped. High power. Only available at one point

in the campaign.



Bolt Action Sniper Rifle - Aim with a scope. Point and click. One shot

will kill any target, regardless of location. Has a low firing rate and

is only effective when scoped. High power. Both SAS and USMC use this at

one point.



Semi-Automatic Shotgun - Aim, or try to, down the front post. Will kill any

enemy at close range, but has enormous spread over distance. It is a good

weapon to use in a pinch, but resorting to your pistol for long-range

targets wastes time and makes it only useful in certain situations. High

power at any target within ten feet. Power decreases drastically from then

on. Some Russians will carry this weapon.



Breech-Loaded Rocket Launcher - The sights on this object don't really do

anything for drop, so just aim and fire. This is ONLY available in multi-

player, but is available for both sides. Very High Power and accuracy,

but very slow in terms of how much you can toss.



The staple of protective offense, these projectiles help you attack the

enemy around corners. They come in 3 types: fragmentation, which kills,

and flashbang and CS gas, which incapacitate. When throwing, make sure you

hold the fire button to cook, or the enemy will attempt to throw the grenade

back to you. Incapacitated enemies cannot fire, and can be meleed.

What's the Difference between this and CoD4 Next-Gen? (1.04)


This game WILL obviously not resemble CoD4 for the X360, PS3, and PC.

However, it plays an important role in bridging the storyline gap. It

reveals the fate of the other team that is associated with the original CoD4

team. If you notice, the SAS team in the next-gen game works consistently

with other groups of soldiers who are unidentified, but equally important in

securing the area. You take the role of various soldiers throughout the

story supporting the causes of the main players in Call of Duty 4. For more

detailed analysis, see the *SPOILERS SECTION*.


Campaign (2.00)


First to Fight (2.01)


Loadout: M16, Frag Grenades

Pick-Ups: M16, AK-47, Frag Grenades

This is your introduction to Call of Duty 4 for the DS. You will have

weapons and explosives training in this mission.

First, you will be briefed on the situation, and what you need to do.

***New Objective: Go to the Firing Range.

Head outside towards the arrow on your HUD to begin training.

***Objective Complete: Go to the firing range.

***New Objective: Pick up the M16.

Walk to the table, and pick it up with the Get Item button.

***Objective Complete: Pick up the M16.

***New Objective: Shoot four targets.

There's only one firing station here anyways, so just go to the sandbags

and fire at the targets.

***Objective Complete: Shoot four targets.

***New Objective: Shoot four targets using Aim Down Sight (ADS) mode.

Same thing, with sights up. Personally, I find this view a lot easier to

hit with. The accuracy without the sights is terrible, even on single.

The targets you hit die from one shot anywhere. In the field, enemies can

live through quite a few, so make sure you practice ADS a lot.

***Objective Complete: Shoot four targets using Aim Down Sight (ADS) mode.

***New Objective: Shoot four targets while crouched.

Double tap down on the D-pad to crouch, and fire, with or without ADS.

You increase accuracy while crouched outside of ADS mode. With ADS, you can

easily pick targets while standing anyways, so don't bother.

***Objective Complete: Shoot four targets while crouched.

***New Objective: Pick up the grenades.

I'll stop babysitting you now...

***Objective Complete: Pick up the grenades.

***New Objective: Throw the grenades through the indicated doors and


Select the grenades in your HUD. Aim with the stylus and throw with the

trigger, just like with the guns. If you miss, get more from the station.

***Objective Complete: Throw the grenades through the indicated doors and


***New Objective: Report to Sgt. Vance.

Go inside the building and walk up to him.

***Objective Complete: Report to Sgt. Vance.

***New Objective: Complete Place Charge trial.

Walk to the station.

Placing a Charge - Basically, what you do, is you want to have the green

core on the right side of the puzzle to be connected to all 4 lights through

the pipes. Enter the number into the keypad and hit the check mark. Codes

are randomized, so don't try to memorize it. New puzzles are also loaded

each time.

***Objective Complete: Complete Place Charge trial.

***New Objective: Complete Disarm Charge trial.

Disarming a Charge - Follow the colored line from one green dot to another.

Repeat as necessary. There is a time limit once you place your cursor down,

but if you're not shaky, you should have plenty of time to spare on real


***Objective Complete: Complete Disarm Charge trial.

***New Objective: Move to the bombing range.

Go outside and walk up to Sgt. Newman.

***Objective Complete: Move to the bombing range.

***New Objective:

Use the binoculars to call in the air strike to eliminate

the enemy tank.

Just look at the tank with the binoculars and fire when the crosshair turns


***Objective Complete:

Use the binoculars to call in the air strike to

eliminate the enemy tank.


Looks like training day is over! Checkpoint?! The base conveniently gets

attacked by insurgents.

***New Objective: Get to the motor pool.

Begin following Sgt. Newman, who will get shot by insurgents right outside

the bombing range. There are two enemies, one on each side. Dispatch them

with ADS headshots if you want to save time, or try killing them without

ADS to see what a pain the aim is, and how long they survive against chest


You can pick up an AK-47 here if you want, but the M16 will be easier to use

for now. Take the path to the left and walk into the tent facing the right.

Take out the enemy and walk down that hallway. When you reach the room with

Pvt. Gant, he will die and an enemy will run to where he was. Kill him and

walk to the door and enemies will spawn to the left, in the tent, and the

right, behind a box outside.

Take out the enemy behind the box and then shoot the guy in the tent

repeatedly in the leg. Walk out slowly and an RPG insurgent will fire at

you. Dodge this (or not, you can live through one apparently) and kill him.

As you walk out, an insurgent will spawn to your left and run

towards barrels.

Walk towards the destroyed truck where the insurgent came from and enter the

warehouse. Walk to the Humvee and prepare to move out.

***Objective Complete: Get to the motor pool.

Exodus (2.02)


Loadout: M240B Machine Gun

***New Objective: Rendezvous at Point Sierra.

You're stuck in a turret, so consistently look out for enemies on your radar

and shoot them.

As soon as the Humvee crashes, look to the building next to it and kill the

insurgents. Then look to the right of your Humvee and shoot the enemies in

the bombed building. A technical truck will appear. Destroy this vehicle

to kill more enemies in the surrounding explosion.

You don't have to hit many of the targets while the Humvee is moving, so

feel free to just take potshots or watch for stops. Multiple groups of

foot soldiers will appear, but the most important thing to take out is the

technical that comes around a bend in the corner of your path, as it hurts

a lot more than anything else they toss at you.

Another technical comes up behind you. Kill the gunner, as the vehicle

cannot be shot. Afterwards, look to the right of your Humvee and shoot at

the boxes and truck when the Humvee stops.

Enemies with RPGs will appear here, but they will not destroy your vehicle.

Shoot them if you wish.


Enemies will spring up to the left of you almost immediately upon stopping.

Shoot everyone, including two that require you to look up a bit higher than

you'd expect.

More optional enemies before you reach another


A helicopter will take off in front of you. Prepare to shoot it down behind

you. Just keep firing and it will break to pieces.

You will arrive at a village, and have to defend your point while troops

load up into the Blackhawk.

The Blackhawk will take off as you clear the next building. Take care of

the few enemy troops as your Humvee breaks through a blockaded


Your Humvee driver will stop in front of a wall as you take out enemy troops

and pick up a soldier before continuing through the city. Once again,

even on Hard, enemies will probably not kill you if you don't kill them.

However, you should start taking out enemies as you slow, and approach some

jersey walls blocking the road. You dismount at this


Loadout: M16, M9, Frag Grenades, Smoke Grenades

Pick-Ups: M16, AK47, Dragonuv

As soon as you come around the corner, prepare to fire on two enemies when

your ally dies. Then carefully peek around the corner and kill the machine

gunner between the sandbags.

Go through the door to the left. An insurgent will rush you as soon as you

reach it, so kill him, and then take out the one down the end of the alley

as he runs towards you. The other one will still be on radar, so take him

out as well.

Sneak around the corner and kill the guy behind the boxes, and the other

will fall back. Kill him and the next person that appears when you approach

the door. Enter this indoor hallway BACKWARDS so that you watch the door

you just entered, to shoot an enemy that spawns behind you.

Continue to the crack, and enemies will appear as soon as you peek. If you

hide, your teammate will kill them for you, otherwise take them out yourself.


***New Objective: Clear the building.

An enemy will appear on the roof, but will be killed by your ally.

As you run past him, enemies will spawn. Fall back so that you don't get

shot and take them out. Make sure you are not aiming at your ally when

firing, as you cannot fire when his name is over your crosshair. One of the

enemies is on the roof, so be careful stepping out.

As you take out the last guy on the right, enemies will spawn on the left.

Take them out and approach the building entrance. Watch out for an ambush

by one insurgent.

One person will stand in the middle of the room as you look inside. Face

the star as you enter and shoot the two enemies that appear there. Approach

that area and more people will spawn. Enemies will appear in both rooms in

the hallway. Once you kill them,

***Objective Complete: Clear the building.

Leave the building and take a right. Note that you are NOT heading towards

the star. You'll see why, shortly. Your ally will break open the door to

a long, open alleyway. As soon as you reach the barricade, two enemies will

appear. Make sure to crouch and hide as soon as possible, if you are slow

on the shots.

As you go around the next corner, two enemies will appear, one on the left,

and one on the roof to your right. Take them out or fall back and kill them

from cover, as they can easily kill you on Hard.

As you prepare to round the corner, you can consider tossing a frag grenade

to take out the pair closer to you. Make sure you duck behind the corner so

they don't return it to you. Peek out and aim at the last enemy on the


Work your way down the alley and take out the person hiding behind the

barricade. As soon as you cross, another enemy will appear. When you

approach the next corner, more enemies will appear, including one behind

cover and three in a room next to you. Throw smokes if you want to, and

melee or shoot the enemies you incapacitate.

As you walk towards the barricade, your teammate will fire and push enemies

back to their house. Two enemies will be inside, and a third appears when

you peek through the door, so be careful.

As you enter, the person behind the far wall, if you didn't kill or

incapacitate him, will jump out, so be ready.

Take the path to the right up into a hulking pile of debris.


***New Objective: Eliminate hostiles.

A Dragonuv SVD is lying here, but its only advantage is that it kills in

one hit. It has slow firing and low ammo, so your M16 is a better

investment in the long run, so just use it and pick up your M16 when

you're done, if it hasn't vanished. If it has, take out your pistol.

Your ally will breach the door. Follow him in to trigger a few insurgents

into appearing. Pick up an AK if you need a rifle and kill the last enemy

waiting at the corner in the next hall before moving out. An enemy will

run into the hall to shoot you, and more will appear when you look into

the room with the star.

Take out the enemies here and run to the star. Shoot the enemies across the

crater. Walk out and to the left and 3 enemies will attack you. Hide and

take them


***Objective Complete: Eliminate hostiles.

Take a right at that alleyway to reach another


***New Objective: Eliminate hostiles.

Follow your allies to the corner. Enemies will appear on the roof as you

peek, and another will appear when you approach the alleyway, along with a

***New Objective: Take out the sniper.

Enter the building on the left, noting the three stars on your map. Walk up

the ramp and take out the two enemies watching your approach, and the one

hiding in the corner.

Crouch along the rooftop looking towards the leftmost star, and you will see

the sniper. Quickly shoot him before he kills you.

***Objective Complete: Take out the sniper.

Your teammates will kill a few enemies for you, so jump off the roof and

enter the building your teammate is near. Take out the one enemy at the

end of the first hallway you reach and trigger the next three enemies near

the end.

Your ally will rush into the room and start killing them if you do not go

in, leaving all but the far right one, which you can easily take. Exit

this room and an enemy will spawn right in front of you as you enter the



As you approach the crack, take out the enemies to the right with your gun.

Prepare to defend your position with the machine gun.

***New Objective: Push back the advancing enemy.

Shoot. There aren't too many of them.

***Objective Complete: Push back the advancing enemy.

Get off the gun, and follow your ally. Three enemies will spawn. If you

still have grenades, cook one and toss it right between them, and take them

out. Otherwise, slowly peek kill each person.

The wall will blow out once you kill them, so join up with some allies.

***New Objective: Clear the building.

Again, clear out another building. Take a right and follow your ally into

the building.

Fall through the hole into a


Kill the one enemy there, and peek the corner for another group of three

enemies. As you approach the hole, one more enemy will appear out of thin

air, so take him out when you see him.

Once you reach the star, round the corners and kill anyone you meet.

***Objective Complete: Clear the building.

***New Objective: Rendezvous at Point Sierra.

Yes, this was your original objective anyways...

Ironically, all you have to do is walk to the machine gun, and you're done!

***Objective Complete: Rendezvous at Point Sierra.

Intervention (2.03)


Loadout: MP5, M9, Frag Grenades, Flashbang Grenades

Pick-Ups: MP5, Uzi, AK-47

You'll spawn on the deck of a tanker ship.

***New Objective: Take out the ship's navigation system.

Follow your teammate up the ramp to the bridge and go in.

***Objective Complete: Take out the ship's navigation system.

***New Objective: Take out the ship's transceiver tower located on the bow

of the ship.

When your teammate finishes talking, an enemy will come in through both

doors. Take both out.

Walk down the ramp immediately to your left as you exit the bridge, and take

out the guy that starts shooting at you.

Follow your teammates to the left path. Three enemies will appear, then

two more. You will then approach an area with a machine gun sitting on top

of the open cargo hold. Walk up to the machine gun.


***New Objective: Use the emplacement to provide cover while teammates enter

the cargo hold.

Now, you have two options here:

Option A - Fire from the exposed position of the MG, taking countless hits

and possibly dying.

Option B - Dash at full speed to the right all the way to the right so you

get around the corner, and shoot the enemies from behind. This is easier

as you can use cover, and a lot of the enemies won't shoot at you at the

same time due to cover.

***Objective Complete: Use the emplacement to provide cover while teammates

enter the cargo hold.

***New Objective: Take out the ship's transceiver tower located on the bow

of the ship.

Your main objective is resumed. Reach the area where your teammate is shot.

You are told to use the forklift to take out the MG, or you can shoot him

if you want to. Just get behind the forklift and hit the Action button and

it will drive into the person. Take out the other guy with the barrels.

Run at full speed across the helipad, using the ramp near the barrels. The

helicopter will take off and start shooting at you, so keep running to left

corner, take out the two enemies as fast as you can, and run UP the ramp

inside the cargo container on the right side of your path.

Shoot everyone you see on your radar and work your way towards the tower,

taking out the last guy that spawns.


Plant the C4 and immediately back away.

***Objective Complete: Take out the ship's transceiver tower located on the

bow of the ship.

***New Objective: Disarm the two explosive charges.

The first bomb is where you went up the cargo container and shot everyone,

so go there first after taking out the enemies and defuse the first bomb.

***Objective Updated: Disarm the remaining explosive charge.

The second bomb is next to the helipad.

Take the right path from your perspective walking back towards the stern of

the ship. Kill the two enemies that appear and the last one on the


Defuse the bomb.

***Objective Complete: Disarm the remaining explosive charge.

***New Objective: Get to the hold, secure the nuke.

Walk over the cargo netting to the corner. Take out the enemy on each side.

Here, an enemy will spawn behind you as soon as you cross the corner, so

cross and immediately turn around and kill him, and then kill the two around

the corners.

Take the right path, and kill the two people you see. Run forwards and hide

behind the large box to your left and shoot the two enemies flanking you.

Keep going and two enemies will appear at the next open area after you go

around the corner. One enemy will also shoot you from the bridge area, so

take him out.

Take the left path, and as you approach the star, 3 enemies will appear.

You can either shoot them, or cook a frag and kill them all with it.


***New Objective: Get to the hold, secure the nuke.

Walk to the left and an enemy will run away. Go down and shoot the enemy

that appears on your left before heading into the bunkroom.

As you approach, an enemy will spawn and attack you. Kill him, and the

enemy on the left. Two more will spawn to your right, but as you kill the

first, another pair will spawn in the next bunkroom. Take them out.

Walk around the curved path and attack the enemy that appears from the small

room. Move forward and go down the walkway towards the showers where an

enemy will rush you. walk out and follow the path to the cargo hold.


One enemy will appear in the back, one will come up the stairs to the right,

and one is all the way at the end of the walkway to your left as you walk

out the door. Take the right ramp down, as the left is blocked anyways.

An enemy will start shooting at you through the ramp, so take him out.

Come around the corner and take the one enemy out, and walk forwards to

trigger two more. Get behind your corner and take them out. Take out the

enemy near the nuke and then finish the other two off. Walk past the nuke

and an enemy will appear behind a box in front of you and on the walkway

above you. Take them out. Take out the next guy around the corner as you

walk to the other side of the nuke, and then a crewman on top of a box.

As you walk towards the nuke, a few enemies will appear.

***New Objective: Retrieve the ship's manifest from the captain's quarters.

Walk into the open passageway to your left and take out the enemies you see.


Walk through the small entryway and into the large hall, aiming to the left.

Take out the enemy as soon as you get to the engine room at the end of the

hall, and go in.

Two enemies will spawn, so take them out. As you work your way down, more

enemies will appear in the corners. Exit the engine room up the ramp and

follow the enemy you see running away. Two enemies are in the mess hall, so

you can either shoot them or cook a frag and go in after it.

An enemy will appear to your left inside the serving area, so take him out

as well.

Enter the hallway and follow your map to the star. There is one enemy

inside the captain's quarters.

Grab the documents.

***Objective Complete: Retrieve the ship's manifest from the captain's


***New Objective: Place an explosive charge in the ship's engine room.

Work your way back to the engine room to plant a charge. Take out the first

enemy outside the quarters, and then one enemy will run out of the mess

hall. Another one is inside the mess on the right. You can frag the last

two outside the hallway, or flash them even.

One enemy is inside the doorway of the engine room, and the next two you can

frag by nailing the wall.

Work your way to the charge area, and shoot the person around the corner.

Plant the bomb.

***Objective Complete: Place an explosive charge in the ship's engine room.

An enemy appears on your right as soon as you finish. Keep going south on

your radar, and toss a frag down the hallway once you see the two enemies in

it. Head towards the last enemy in the little walkway and enter the cargo


***Objective Complete: Get to the hold, secure the nuke.

On Approach (2.04)


Loadout: Blackhawk Minigun

You start off as a side gunner for the Blackhawk, so get ready to shoot the

enemy up.

***New Objective: Assault the objective's compound and apprehend the


Attack anything you see, hitting cars, boxes, and drums to get easy kills.

Fly over the gas station to get a


You will fly close to a building swarming with enemies, so take them out as

soon as you can, because they can overwhelm you very fast.

You will continue to the next building, with a balcony, and two enemies

near a truck. Kill those and attack the enemies on the roof.

When you see the enemy technical, shoot it, as the machine gun will drain

your health very fast.

You will pass a few more alleys before stopping near an apartment complex.

Shoot everyone in these window, focusing on the shot direction around your

crosshair to get them all.

As soon as you come up the sandbag barricade, shoot it to kill the gunner,

and then shoot the oil tanker on the right to take out the RPG. Clean up

the rest with more gunfire.

As you continue moving, feel free to pick off enemies, though they do not

kill you, even on Hard difficulty.

You will arrive at a TV station. Shoot the antenna and then the RPG near

the front doors to continue.

Clear the rest of the building and more people will come out. Repeat.


You will stop by a construction site, and enemies will start shooting at

you, so take as much out as you can and you will begin flying again.

You will come to a corner with a machine gunner and a few soldiers, but

if you strafe fast enough, you can kill all three with the explosive

barrel they are conveniently standing next to should someone decide to

shoot it.

Passing on, you will reach a villa with soldiers on a balcony. As you

kill enemies, reinforcements will arrive. Focus on the technical.

You will clear the other side of the villa, as another technical arrives.

As the other Blackhawk flies over the villa, it is hit by an RPG and

crashes. You are told to continue with Operation Bagman while the

rescue team retrieves the helicopter.

This conversation, however, is the end of your mission.

***Objective Complete: Assault the objective's compound and apprehend the


Hard Impact (2.05)


Loadout: M16, M9, Frag Grenades, Smoke Grenades

Pick-Ups: M16, AK47, M24

***New Objective: Get to rally point Bravo.

Take out the two enemies around the corner, and then two more will spawn.

One appears next to the car, the other on top of the roof behind some sand


***New Objective: Find a way around the enemy gun emplacement.

Run to the path on the right. Take out the enemies on the roof and stairs.

Walk towards the emplacement on your left.

***Objective Complete: Find a way around the enemy gun emplacement.

Take out the emplacement gunner and then turn to the right alleyway and take

out the insurgent. Walk up the stairs you shot the enemy on from before and

take out the enemy on the roof, then go back down and walk along the alley.

An enemy will attack you on the left. Take him out, walk forward until you

hear your ally tell you to find cover, and then walk into the small alcove

on the right.

Advance forwards towards the large indent in the alleyway, melee the guy

as soon as you see him, and then shoot the enemies who spawned behind you.

Head towards the building's entrance.


Kill the enemy inside the room your teammates breach.

***New Objective: Get to the injured allied sniper in the building.

Follow your living teammate into the building and take out the enemy on the

roof and the enemy to the right of the corner.

Take out another two enemies. Another will appear on the left of the

stairwell you can see. Approach this corner and get ready to scribble.

Scribble across the ENTIRE screen to get the bar going up. Your teammate

won't help you at all, that punk...

Anyways, that stairwell is blocked, so keep going. Take out the two enemies

you see before arriving at a


Walk SLOWLY forwards, as an RPG will hit the wall next to you.

Take out the enemies from the window and then follow your teammate.

Two enemies will spawn, one on the roof, and one in the alley. Take them

out and make your way up to the roof. Shoot the enemy at the emplacement


Use the emplacement to take out the enemies and then meet up with your

injured teammate. There is an enemy on the roof here. Take him out and

head for the door with a place charge on it.

Plant the bomb.

Three enemies are inside. You can try throwing a frag, but it's pretty

difficult to kill all three with a single toss.

***Objective Complete: Get to rally point Bravo.

***New Objective: Get to the injured allied sniper in the building.

Run inside the building on the left. Take out the enemy moving up the


***Objective Complete: Get to the injured allied sniper in the building.

***New Objective: Take out three enemy snipers.

Take the sniper rifle and snipe the enemies across the street.

***Objective Complete: Take out three enemy snipers.

Your path down will now be blocked. Head into the room closest to the

stairs and then back up. You will see the enemy outside the hole. Shoot

him or take cover. Jump down to the street and you will hear a tank.

***New Objective: Call an air strike down on the tank.

Get behind the barricade your teammates are at and crouch. Stand up, use

the binoculars, fire, and get back down.

***Objective Complete: Call an air strike down on the tank.

Head towards the doorway next to the tank, taking out the one enemy that

pops out. Go inside and shoot the enemy on the stairs. An enemy will

appear on your right. Take him out and get onto the gun emplacement.

***New Objective: Secure the crash site.

Shoot everyone you see, giving priority to the enemies with RPGs, and the

ones actually trying to kill you. Eventually, you'll trigger a technical

who will be destroyed by an allied Blackhawk.

***Objective Complete: Secure the crash site.

The Russian (2.06)


Loadout: M24, M9, Frag Grenades, Flashbang Grenades

Pick-Ups: MP5, AK47, XM1014

***New Objective: Take out the guards and any enemy reinforcements.

***New Objective: Locate Petrovich.

Shoot the two enemies you see in front of you, and immediately turn around

and look at the bluff. Two enemies will spawn there, so shoot them too

before going back to the two guards left on the floor.

***Objective Complete: Take out the guards and any enemy reinforcements.

***New Objective: Use the binoculars to mark the bridge so air support can

take it out.

Paint the bridge, but don't get too close or you'll get blown up.

***Objective Complete: Use the binoculars to mark the bridge so air support

can take it out.

***New Objective: Support your allies at the communications tower to the


Take out the two enemies that spawn down the road. Walk forwards and two

enemies will appear on the bluffs above you. Take them out and walk



Crouch behind the rocks on the right and shoot anybody you can see.

***Objective Complete: Support your allies at the communications tower to

the north.

***New Objective: Finish off the remaining defenses to the north to advance

through the gate.

Pick up an AK47 because it will serve you better from here on out.

Walk forwards a bit and you will barely see a tank's muzzle sticking out.

Aim at that with your binoculars and walk forwards until you can target it.

As you walk forwards, two enemies will spawn to your left. take them out

and walk forwards to the right. Take out the enemy you can see, and your

allies will take out the other. Walk a bit forwards, and more enemies will

spawn. Your allies will move forwards and attack if you do not, so if

you're hit, back off and just let them do the work for you.

***Objective Complete: Finish off the remaining defenses to the north to

advance through the gate.

***New Objective: Get to the rally point.

Plant the bomb on the gate.

Enter the facility.


Run as close to the wall as you can if you're a bad shot, as three enemies

will come out. Your allies can clear this area for you.


***Objective Complete: Get to the rally point.

***New Objective: Find a way into the mansion.

Take the path to the left to get towards the mansion. Peek around the

corner and take out both enemies. Head towards the opening to the left and

get on the platform. Watch out for the enemy on the roof.

There will be two enemies to your left through that door. Go in and another

will spawn. Walk out the building.


Two enemies will pop out. Take them out and follow the left path. As you

walk towards the mansion, five enemies will appear. stay crouched behind

the boxes you find and an air strike will take most of them out. Take out

the survivors and head into the cellar.

***Objective Complete: Find a way into the mansion.

***New Objective: Gain entrance to the ground floor.

Take the path to the left. Take out the two targets and keep moving. If

you take the right path, more enemies will spawn, and you will have a harder

time getting to cover. Peek out into the hallway and your allies will help

you clear out the next room.


Clear this next room of the four enemies hiding near the supporting

pillars. Walk towards the corner into the next room and four more will

spawn. Take these out with your team.

Walk up the stairs and shoot the enemy waiting for you on them, and another

at the top of the stairs.


***Objective Complete: Gain entrance to the ground floor.

Walk forwards and an enemy will spawn in front of you. Clear the large room

to your left and then walk out to the hall going east to west on your map.

Go to your left and take out the two enemies in the hallway.

As you continue, enemies will appear in each room, so be warned.

After you pass the first room, four enemies will spawn in the hall, so get

behind the corner and take each out at a time. Go into the rooms and walk

through it and take out the guy hiding in the lobby of the hallway. Take

out the last guy at the end of the hallway.


Continue going and take out the two enemies hiding in the hallway. The

last enemy on your radar will rush you, so shoot him or melee him before he

melees you.

Go into the room he came from and take out the enemy on the right side of

the door. Be VERY careful going through the door. An enemy in the hallway

on your left will have a shotgun that can kill you in one hit. Take him

out, but don't take his gun, as it won't be very effective for the rest of

the mission. Take a left out that door to reach the stairs.


One enemy will guard each flight of stairs. Take them out, and then two

enemies will attack you from above. Take cover if you can't hit them and

your allies will take them out. Walk up the stairs, take out the enemy

in the side hall, and then kill the two guards at the large doors. Your

allies will come up and the door will pop open, allowing your teammates to

fire in and secure the area if you do not want to.

***Objective Complete: Find Petrovich.

Spectre (2.07)


Loadout: 20mm Machine Gun, 40mm Cannon, 105mm Cannon

As you start out, you will notice 5 flashing lights. This is the team you

are covering. Unlike other missions, you can kill your teammates, though

you will have to use quite a few 105mm rounds to do so.

Do not fire on any red buildings. Destroying those will result in failure.

All other non-lit buildings can be destroyed.

***New Objective: Destroy the guard tower.

Fire on the guard tower when it turns green with the 20mm cannon.

***Objective Complete: Destroy the guard tower.

***New Objective: Protect the allied troops.

As soon as you get this objective, five enemies will spawn in a nearby

building. Take them out with the 105mm cannon and begin shooting the rest

of the infantry with your 40mm cannon, as a lot will appear from different

directions. If you can, take out the vehicle, otherwise, let it unload its

troops and then continue taking out the rest of the enemies.

When your team moves out, more people will appear from nearby red buildings,

so be careful. If you need to, fire the 105mm cannon a little ways off

from a group of enemies so that it does not touch any red building, to be

safe. It will easily wipe out most groups in 1 hit.

***Objective Complete: Protect the allied troops.

***New Objective: Defend the research building.

Your team will enter the research building. Defend it while the allied

troops finish cleaning up the inside. Right from the start, 10 enemies

will begin moving towards the research building. Carefully use the 105mm

if you can, otherwise pick them off with the 40mm, as the 20mm is not as

effective as either of those in killing groups.

More enemies will approach from the same direction as the first group, so

continue watching that side. When your team exits, another group will

appear by the hangar. Kill these for a completed objective.

***Objective Complete: Defend the research building.

***New Objective: Destroy the research building.

Before you attack the building with your 105mm cannon, protect your troops

from a swarm of enemies coming from the unmarked houses and from the close


***Objective Complete: Destroy the research building.


***New Objective: Protect the allied troops.

Enemies will once again begin exiting the hangars, so be careful. Another

enemy group will attack from the nearby research building, and a few more

will come around the lower right building.

Some enemies will start marching in from up top near the guard tower and

through the line of houses. The 105mm will work great on these targets, so

feel free to blow them up.

***Objective Complete: Protect the allied troops.

***New Objective: Defend the weapons lab.

A truck will approach the building. Wait until it stops and fire a 105mm

round at it to destroy it. Destroy the other one once your gun reloads.

***Objective Complete: Defend the weapons lab.

***New Objective: Destroy the weapons lab.

As with before, shoot all the attackers before destroying the lab, as there

are about 15 enemies surrounding your forces.

***Objective Complete: Destroy the weapons lab.


***New Objective: Protect the allied troops.

Enemies will begin coming out of the square building from both sides, as

well as a pass in the north. Fire on the close ones with 40mm due to its

vicinity to the no-target building.

More enemies will appear from the hangar area, so continue firing with your

105mm cannon if it puts no risk to the buildings.

A large cluster of enemies will appear in the bottom right corner, so fire a

105mm round at them.

***Objective Complete: Protect the allied troops.

***New Objective: Soften up the command bunker.

Just fire your 105mm at the bunker until it goes red. No need to worry

about doing too much with the 105mm gun.

***Objective Complete: Soften up the command bunker.

Bunker Buster (2.08)


Loadout: MP5, M9, Frag Grenades, Flashbang Grenades

Pick-Ups: MP5, AK47, Uzi, XM1014

Starting off, your team will breach the door and rush in.

***New Objective: Retrieve document set one.

Shoot the enemy behind the security desk and the enemy on the right.

Approach the metal detectors and two more enemies will spawn. Follow your

teammate in after you kill them.

As you approach the boxes on the path to the left, two enemies will appear,

and another will hide behind a corner to your left. Move forwards and shoot

the next group of enemies before going into the office and killing the one

you see on the radar. Two more enemies will appear when you actually go

through the door.

Grab the papers.

***Objective Complete: Retrieve document set one.

***New Objective: Place charges in the computer room.

Walk out of the office and your teammate will get shot. Shoot the three

people you see to the right as you walk out the door.

Walk towards the hole in the wall around the corner where you shot the

enemies and go in, taking out the one person here.

As you walk through the room, two SAS will back you up and attack your


Keep walking to the next corner and a soldier will run around the corner,

as another one runs away. As you enter the office the soldier runs into,

two more will appear. Take them all out and walk through.

You will see a large group of enemies appear, but only two will stop to try

and shoot you. take them out. Walk towards the northern hallway on your

radar, and take out the three enemies you saw pass you earlier, with either

a grenade or by peeking.

Walk into the computer room and two enemies will spawn on your left. Take

out the first two and consider using a grenade on the last two by walking

back to the cabinets near the entrance and throwing it through the cracks.

Plant the bomb.

***Objective Complete: Place charges in the computer room.

***New Objective: Retrieve document set two.

Enemies will spawn where you came from, so toss a flashbang or a frag into

them, or shoot them through the crack.

As you head out to the hallway, two people will appear at the end, so shoot

them or take cover and snipe them.

Keep going until you see your teammate fire an RPG and die. Walk forwards

towards the hole in the wall and shoot the enemy that comes through it.

Make your way through this hallway towards the second set of documents.

One enemy will appear in the hallway. Kill him first before attacking the

three enemies in the TV room.

Grab the documents.

***Objective Complete: Retrieve document set two.

Walk forward behind the bank of monitors and you will reach a


***New Objective: Place charges in the munitions depot.

Walk into the bombed out room. Make sure you remember this place, because

you will have to return to this location for extraction. There is an enemy

behind a wall near your teammates, but for some reason you can't headshot

him, so just shoot him in the chest repeatedly. Advance to the corner and

enter the hole in the wall.

Enter the compound again. Kill the three people waiting for you, and move

forward. Two more enemies will try to ambush you, so take them out as well.

Kill the last enemy behind the corner and run into the offices on your left.

One enemy will be hiding in the cubicle around the corner, one will be prone

under a desk through the door in the next room, and one will be on the left

and right. Take them out in that order, so you don't have to deal with all

of them at once.

Enter the next hallway towards the large warehouse you are approaching.

Work your way in, killing all four of the enemies waiting for you. If you

move to the line of boxes, more enemies will spawn, including one behind a

screen. You can shoot him through the screen, so just aim at his head and

kill him. The rest will be behind the row of boxes, so walk slowly around

the corner and shoot them all. A final enemy will be inside the screened


Walk inside and plant the bomb.

***Objective Complete: Place charges in the munitions depot.


***New Objective: Retrieve document set three.

As soon as you finish planting the bomb, turn around and fire at the closest

enemy, then crouch and pick off anyone still trying to shoot you, such as

the person at the left window standing on a box.

Work your way back out and shoot anyone you see, until you get out of the


As you leave the depot, an enemy will appear, as well as an explosion to

your left. Go through that hole and shoot the enemy in front of you at the

next door, and on the right inside that door as well.

Shoot the enemy to your left as you go through the door, and your teammate

will get the other. As you walk forwards, an enemy will appear by the

boxes. As you enter the next room, a group of enemies will appear. Take

out the two on the right and work your way in, taking anything else you see

on your radar out. The last two enemies to your west cannot shoot you yet.

As you move through the hole in the wall, the closer enemy will fall back.

Shoot the other and go into the office. The runner will be on your right

and another enemy will spawn in the cubicle with the documents.

***Objective Complete: Retrieve document set three.

***New Objective: Place charges in the operations facility.

Two enemies will spawn outside the office. Take a left as you follow the

hallway back out and take out the enemy on the right side of the hallway

towards the facility.

Four enemies will spawn at the end of this hallway, so take cover where

you shot the enemy in the corner and work your way down the hallway, taking

out the five enemies. Go into the end of the hallway into the ops facility,

and an enemy will start running up the stairs. Take him out, then face

right and take out the two people on the walkway before shooting the enemy

on the ground floor.

Walk down, and two enemies will spawn. Take them out.

Plant the bomb.

***Objective Complete: Place charges in the operations facility.


***New Objective: Get to the extraction point.

Run towards the stairs you took down, run up the stairs, as fast as you can

go. Follow your teammate as long as he is alive.

From here on out, I'll focus more on getting out than shooting everyone, so

shoot as you will.

Take a right down the long hall where your teammate died. Go into the hole

in the wall. Reach the other hole and look down the long hallway.

Sprint to the end of the long hallway and go through the hole in the wall.

Keep going through the next hole and into the office right in front of you.

Go through to the office, take a right and follow the hallway. At the T

intersection, take a left, and run through the hole in the wall to the

extraction point. If you did this right, you will have about 1-2 minutes to

spare. Get to the rope, and you're done.

***Objective Complete: Get to the extraction point.

AMF (2.09)


Loadout: MP5, M9, Frag Grenades, Flashbang Grenades

Pick-Ups: MP5, AK47, Uzi, XM1014

***New Objective: Defuse all the bombs in the area.

Follow your teammate and let him whack the guard. Walk towards the bomb.


Defuse the bomb. As soon as you finish, back up and take cover. Shoot

the three enemies and move to the next bomb. Move so that you can defuse

the bomb while pointing your gun at the center of the closed door. Defuse

the bomb. As soon as you finish, fire your gun at the enemy that opens the


***Objective Complete: Defuse all the bombs in the area.

***New Objective: Cover the allied insertion.

Enter the warehouse and shoot the person on the walkway to your above right.

Take out the other enemy and go upstairs to the emplacement.

Grab the machine gun and shoot everyone you see.

***Objective Complete: Cover the allied insertion.

As your team comes up, the door behind you opens with two enemies. Take

them out.

***New Objective: Assist the team members at location 7.

Go into the hallway and kill the two you see as you advance. Approach the

damaged room aiming at the boxes with the radar signature, and shoot the

enemy as he stands up. Another one will run in from ahead of you, as well.

As you go around the corner to the next door, an enemy will appear.

Work your way out and two enemies will appear at the corner down the hall,

but one will immediately run away. Take them out and approach the door to

the outside.


As soon as you walk pat the middle of the area, enemies will appear around

you, so get behind the truck on your right for cover, taking out the two

targets still able to shoot you. Slowly peek out and kill anyone you see,

as more enemies spawn. Make sure to watch the roof and every box for


Walk up the ramp and an enemy will appear.


Go inside and look left at the first corner you see, killing the enemy you

find. Kill the next enemy at the end of the hallway. As you move forwards,

two more will spawn. You can either frag them both or shoot them.

Move past them to the door to the outside. Walk out and hide behind the

concrete on the right, taking out anybody you see.

***Objective Complete: Assist the team members at location 7.

***New Objective: Secure the nuke.

Move east and two enemies will spawn. Take them out and climb the ladder.

Kill the first enemy you see and then kill the RPG and the other enemy you

see around the corner. Move to the door and note the position of the three

people. Take out the first one by the door, and throw a frag at the other


Take the path to the right and into the small hallway. As you go down the

wide hallway, some enemies will appear at the end. Shoot them as you



Get on the machine gun, and either shoot anyone you see with the MG, or get

off and snipe them with your rifle instead. After everyone in the lot is

killed, three enemies will appear to your left, so take cover and fire back.

Go through the open door at the end of the hall and take out the enemy at

the end of the hall. The two enemies on your right can be killed with a

frag grenade. As you move up, an enemy will come up the stairs on the

right, and another will be on the box to the southeast of your position.

Go down the first set of stairs and shoot the enemy that appears above you

to the east, and then the enemy below you on the next flight of stairs.

Run back up to the top of the stairs and slowly walk towards the edge,

aiming at the large support strut to take out the two people shooting at


Go down all the stairs and walk to the door at the end of the path around

the strut.

As you enter this room, there is one enemy on the right, and one on the

left. Take out the one on the right, and then aim at the door to take out

another enemy before taking out the left one.

As you enter the door, enemies will spawn, so take out the first one on the

ramp to the right, and then peek out for the two on the left, who will run

towards you when they see you.

Work your way around the generator in the middle of the room, killing the

three enemies that spawn. As you reach the other end of the generator,

climb up the ladder you see.

Turn around and aim at the door. Shoot the two enemies that appear as you

approach it, then enter it and go down the hall.


As you enter the garage, take out the three enemies to your left, and then

watch the truck closest to the door. As you walk out, the rear will open

and an enemy will attack you. Two more enemies appear as you move past the

truck. As you approach the front of the truck, an enemy appears behind you

and another appears by the small truck, so take these out. A final enemy

appears near the box closest to the garage exit.

***Objective Updated: Disarm the Nuke, in the back of the truck.

Get to the back of the truck and disarm the nuke. It's the same as bomb

disarmament, except the timer auto-starts, so you have 45 seconds to disarm

the bomb.

***Objective Complete: Disarm the Nuke, in the back of the truck.

House Cleaning (2.10)


Loadout: Blackhawk Minigun

***New Objective: Clear out the facility entrance for the Allied ground


As you begin, fire on both sides of the gate. They will come out of each

floor, so you have to make sure to cover them all. Regardless, your helo

will advance after a certain amount of time, so if you can't kill them all,

it is okay.

***Objective Complete: Clear out the facility entrance for the Allied ground


A few optional targets appear, but you will approach another building with

a roadblock underneath. Fire on enemies below and then above to the left

and right. An APC will appear, but your allies will take it out. Then take

out the RPG on the ledge of the warehouse.

You will again start moving, so take out anybody on the second floor or they

will use the machine guns nearby to attack you. As you round the corner at

the end of the road, enemies will start pouring out from a doorway. Just

keep firing at it until your helicopter rises. Enemies will come out doors

in the both balconies, but the ones on the lower balcony are more easily

killed with splash damage.

More optional enemies before you get to a


***New Objective: Destroy the facility communications tower

Five enemies will appear immediately to your right. Take them out and fire

on the comm tower box while holding off enemies in the two doors, including

the RPG that comes out immediately.

***Objective Complete: Destroy the facility communications tower

You will begin flying up to another facility area, with enemies hiding

behind unbreakable barrels. Attack the explosive oil drum and strafe the

catwalk the enemies appear on. Clean up this area.


You will attack an airfield. Take out the airplane on the runway, and then

the helicopter trying to take off on the building. A swarm of enemies will

come out, but the only important one is the one taking the machine gun.

Another hangar door will open to reveal another plane. If you do not take

it out, an air strike will destroy it.


A Hind will appear and start firing at you. Return fire to destroy it, and

another will appear. Destroy that as well.

You will approach the end of a tunnel, where you will reunite with the

ground forces. Attack the infantry and take out the truck. A train will

appear and get taken out by allied air support.


***New Objective: Get missile base assault team to the missile silo drop


You will fly in next to the broken Humvee. Fire on anyone you see while the

allies load up. Once you clear out the area, you will take off.

Attack the truck on the road and round the corner to the missile launch



Strafe anything you see as your vehicle flies up the building. It will get

very hectic here, so if you see a free shot from a barrel, take it.

There are too many enemies to keep track of, so listen to your radio for

where you should fire from here. The missile will finally launch, and you

will land.

***Objective Complete: Get missile base assault team to the missile silo

drop point.

Missile Away(2.11)


Loadout: M16, M9, Frag Grenades, Smoke Grenades

Pick-Ups: AK47, Uzi, Mac-10

***New Objective: Locate the missile control center and detonate the

launched warhead.

As soon as you start, follow the teammate in front of you. Note that you

have 20 minutes to complete this mission, so try not to take too long in

shooting or dying. Dying somehow manages to manipulate your remaining time


unknown ramifications, as you could easily lose a few minutes, or none

at all.

Take the ladder up.


Follow your teammates in. Kill everyone in this little room and continue

to the small hallway up ahead. Take a shotgun here if you find one.

As you enter, two enemies will run at you. Deal with them and take a right,

where another pair will come out. As you enter the next pipe room, two more

enemies will appear. Watch the door. One enemy will run out. Shoot him,

and two more will appear. Take them out and then head down the ramp,

allowing your teammate to take out as many as he can before you head down

yourself. There is a small ramp here. Take it down and three enemies will

spawn on the left, but two will run out and try to kill you, so shoot them.


If you picked up the shotgun from before, you should still have just enough

ammo for the next part, as long as you use pistol for the long range


Go through the blast doors, and throw a grenade over the box as you take

cover on the right. Three second cook, and then throw to take out four

enemies. Another enemy will come around the corner, and another resides

all the way to your left. Grab some shotgun ammo and climb up the ladder.

Take out the two enemies on this level and continue up the ladder. Take out

the two enemies on your right as you walk forwards. Take the ladder up.


You are now on the surface. Take a left. If you have the shotgun, take out

your pistol and shoot everyone you see. Otherwise, just use your rifle.

Move towards the small hangar through the maze of jersey walls, firing at

enemies that you see. Go into the hangar and out the door to your left.

You will see a tank drive up to the side of the fence, so order an air

strike on it when your teammate dies. When the tank is destroyed, the

missile tube will open, and three enemies will appear. One is on the right

of the tube, and two are on the left. You can use your

shotgun on these


Now, enter the missile silo using the ladder.


Shoot the enemy to your left on this floor and head to the ladder. Shoot

the enemy that appears on the right, and then the one near the ladder as you

continue. Go down the ladder and take out the two enemies near the blast

door. Take a left and hide behind the barrels. Throw a grenade over the

barrels to take out the guy on the left, as he will kill you in a single

shot. Take out the other two enemies and advance.

An enemy will rush you at this point, so shoot him before he kills you.

This next room has three people. If you still have frag grenades, you might

want to kill them with these instead. The last person rushes into the room

with another person, so back up if you start taking hits.

Walk into the damaged storage room, and immediately back out. There are a

few enemies behind the broken rack to the left. Take them out first.

You can shoot enemies in the feet or through the racks, so fire when you see

an enemy.

Exit this room in the path to the left and approach the control room across

the next hallway.


Back out of the hallway and snipe. Your teammate only has a shotgun, so

make sure to be proactive about killing. As you enter the room, a person

will appear behind the speaker's stand, as well more coming in through the

paths to the side of the room.

Take them out ASAP so you don't die. Work your way in to the room and take

out the two enemies that appear through the hallways behind the room. There

is really no way to determine when they will appear due to the hectic

situation that is developing, so just be aware that they will come in while

you cross the room.

Clear the two enemies to the right of the hallway behind the broadcast room.

Then back off, as enemies will spawn on the left. Your teammate will kill

them if you don't, so just watch the clock.

Walk into the next hallway from the left, and then everything starts

shutting down.

Sometimes, there will be three enemies at the end of the hallway. If you

have a frag, use it. If you don't toss a smoke grenade and then kill


Enter the control room and enemies will spawn everywhere. Take out as many

as you can at the entrance, making sure to shoot enemies in the actual area

where you have to go, at the top left. If you think you can make it, run

next to where the stairs to the platform are, and hide there, peeking out to

shoot enemies.

As you walk up the stairs, two enemies will spawn. One will approach you on

the stairs. The other will hide behind the monitors, so walk up and kill

him. Then move to the console and hit the switch to detonate the missile.

***Objective Complete: Locate the missile control center and detonate the

launched warhead.

***New Objective: Find and secure the suitcase device.

It ain't over yet. Now you have to find the suitcase nuke. Go down the

ramp, and there's another one under the platform you were on. Go down that

ramp to trigger a few more enemies. Take them out, and keep going. Follow

the corridor down and take out the enemies that appear here.


Enemies will swarm this small room up ahead. Let your teammate take out

the enemies first, to save yourself the grief. Clean up anyone he misses.

Walk into the corridor and shoot the two enemies on the right. Work your

way down the path and five enemies will spawn in the left corridor. Take out

the two on the right, then walk forwards and shoot the two that pop out on

the left.

Smoke grenade the last guy, as he has a shotgun and will kill you in one


Walk around the corner and take an immediate left so you don't get shot by

the four enemies that appear at the end of the hall. Take them out and

head for the suitcase nuke. Peek carefully so you do not get shot here.

The SAS Sgt. will take the nuke for you, so follow him.

***Objective Complete: Find and secure the suitcase device.


***New Objective: Escape with the nuclear device to the extraction point.

Sgt. Reid will approach a ramp. Three enemies will appear, so take cover

behind him and take out the enemies you see. Then he'll move out, so follow

him down. Take cover by the entrance as enemies are everywhere, and slowly

take out as much as you can. Enter the room and four enemies will enter.

Slowly peek out and take out as many as you can. Make sure you take out the

enemy on the walkway above you, too.

Enter the side hall and attack the enemy on the left. Take out the two

people waiting next to the corridor into the garage. Walk down the ramp to

the vehicles to complete the mission.

***Objective Complete: Escape with the nuclear device to the extraction


Dead in Ten (2.12)


Loadout: M240B Machine Gun

***New Objective: Escape with nuke.

You're riding on Humvee, so start shooting at everything you see. However,

you'll soon crash.


Loadout: M16, M9, Frag Grenades, Smoke Grenades

Pick-Ups: AK47, Uzi

***New Objective: Find a vehicle to escape in.

Do not let your teammate get meleed as soon as the door opens. Otherwise,

he can pretty much hold his own and not die.

Take out any enemies you see in the warehouse. Enemies will spawn to your

left, so take them out as well. Clear the outside and head into the next

warehouse. Enemies will pour in from the right. When you walk in, an enemy

will spawn above you.

Take him out and walk into the train. Two enemies will be on your right.

Cook a frag or take them out. Get to the back of the boxcar past the door

and crouch, and peek out at the second floor to take out the enemies on the

second floor.

Work your way to the cover across the train and follow your teammate. Enter

the boxcar he is standing next to and continue out, killing the enemy on

your left and right.


Cross to the building on the right, taking out the two enemies, and enter

the alley. Take out any enemies you see while hiding behind the boxes and

keep pushing forwards. Multiple enemies will spawn as you approach the door

so keep ready to back up if you are overwhelmed. Enter the building and

stick to the wall on your left. As you peek out, a sniper will appear on

the second floor. Kill him, or he will kill you in a single shot.

Work your way forwards and hide behind the boxes when the enemies appear.

Just find them on your radar and shoot them.

Move forwards into the next train. Enemies will appear as you exit, so be

on guard. As you go between the trains, more enemies will appear, including

one on your right, so be careful.

Enemies will appear in this area, but your teammate can shoot them all if

you do not kill them. When they die, enemies will spawn behind you upstairs

so take them out.

Cross the area move south towards the arrow. A huge group of enemies will

appear, so let your teammate take on the brunt while you snipe enemies.

After you kill this group, take out the enemies guarding the car and get in.


***Objective Complete: Find a vehicle to escape in.

Loadout: M240B Machine Gun

Take out the enemies you see while your teammate gets into the vehicle.

Try to take out the technical behind you. If you can't it, gets killed by

a train.

Watch the train for enemies to appear, and shoot them.

As you catch up the convoy, shoot the enemies that spawn in one of the

troop transports.

You will arrive on a bridge and then bail out.


***New objective: Protect Sgt. Reid and the suitcase nuke. Retrieve the


Loadout: M16, M9, Frag Grenades, Smoke Grenades

Pick-Ups: N/A

As soon as you get off, run on the right side of the road up to your driver.

Then turn around and walk down the hanging piece of bridge to pick up the


Now, defend Sgt. Reid until time runs out. Make sure not to let anyone past

you. If you stand behind your teammate and guard the right side, it will

make it much easier for you. You can't pick up enemy weapons, so conserve

ammo if you're low.

Once time is up, backup arrives. Congratulations! You have beaten Call of

Duty 4 for the DS!

***objective Complete: Protect Sgt. Reid and the suitcase nuke. Retrieve

the detonator.


Author Info and Credits (3.00)


The author, Albert Kung, commonly posts video walkthroughs for under the handle CompassProductions on YouTube.

He frequently records older games for PS2 and PC, as well as import games.

Author Contact - compassghost at gmail dot com for corrections or questions.

Call of Duty 4 for the DS is a game developed by n-Space and published by

Activison. It is an offically licensed Nintendo DS game rated T for Teen.

This was a great game, and I really appreciate Activision trying to expand

the storyline with this side story campaign.

I'd also like to thank my FAQ readers for using this FAQ, and hope you enjoy

this game as much as I did.

This guide is for strict use on and its affiliated sites only,

as well as the following:

Please contact the author for posting permission on other websites.


CoD4 implies console-gen version, CoD4DS implies the DS version.

During the prologue of CoD4, your SAS team is tasked with finding an nuke on

a tanker ship. The Intervention mission in CoD4DS implies that your team is

opposite the CoD4 team in searching the second of two container ships.

If you notice in the Game Over portion of CoD4 you will see another group of

soldiers deviate from your track. Their fate is unknown, as they escape the

helicopter. This group of soldiers could easily coincide with your group of

soldiers after breaking off with the suitcase nuke., only to be stranded on

yet another bridge.
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