Condemned 2: Bloodshot Gold Rating Guide

Condemned 2: Bloodshot 

Gold Rating Guide




This guide is written to help the reader get a Gold rating at the end of each

level of the game. To get a Gold rating you must find all emitters and

antennas, activate all responses and receive a Perfect rating for everything

you are rated on. This guide lists the locations of all these things and

explains what to do to receive a Perfect rating. Use the ordered lists

corresponding to the descriptions and you will know which item to be looking

out for next.

All information collected and written by Jon Salmon.


Level 1 - Rock Bottom


Note: There is nothing on this level that you will be rated on.

As you play through the level this is the most likely order in which you'll do

these things:

Response 1

Response 2

Response 3

Antenna 1

Antenna 2

Emitter 1

Antenna 3

Response 4

Antenna 4

Emitter 2

Response 5

Emitter 3

Antenna 5

Response 6

All Ceiling Sacks

Locations of Emitters:

1/3: You will go downstairs in the TV shop into the basement. Immediately turn

around and go to the back wall. The emitter is in plain view on the wall.

There is also an Antenna TV right there. As you go back up the stairs you can

see both through gaps in the staircase.

2/3: After leaving the TV shop you will jump down from a balcony. Open the

gate with the barrels behind it and go left down the street. You will see some

goo creatures around a dead body and they will scatter. When you get to the

body turn to your right. There is an emitter on the wall above a doorway.

There are dead birds on the ground underneath. There is also an Antenna TV in

a shop window right here that tells you about the birds. You will have to

throw something at the emitter to destroy it. Fortunately there is a pile of

bricks at hand.

3/3: After being attacked by lots of goo creatures you will come to an area

where you will be told to throw something at a cover on a ladder. Do so to

release the ladder and climb up. On the roof you will be attacked by more goo

creatures. When they're all gone, stand facing the wall thats covered in goo,

turn to your left and walk to the edge of the rooftop. There will be an

emitter on the wall of another building just a feet feet away. Use the pile of

bricks on the floor to destroy it.

Locations of Antennas:

1/5: After the fighting tutorial in the fenced off area is finished a gate

will open. In the small passage you will get the tutorial about antennas. In

the window of the shop on the left is a TV.

2/5: In the basement of the TV shop, right near Emitter 1. Can't miss it.

3/5: Come back up from the TV shop basement and go up the stairs beyond the

doorway. There will be another TV at the top of the stairs.

4/5: In a shop window right next to Emitter 2. Can't miss it.

5/5: After moving the boards and jumping through the hole in the roof you will

be in a hospital. Go round the shelves and you will see a wheelchair roll

across the floor. When you get to its resting place take a left and navigate

across the room to a set of double doors. Open them and you will be in another

large room. There is a TV in plain sight here.

Locations of Responses:

1/6: Right at the very beginning a tramp will be talking to you. He tells you

that you smell bad, and because its the very first response in the game you

will get a response tutorial first. Dismiss this and the icon pops up. If you

get it Ethan will flip him off and say "Screw you."

2/6: You follow the tramp up a flight of steps where he tries to open a gate

and asks you for help. At this point the icon appears. If you get it Ethan

will push him out of the way and kick the gate open.

3/6: After going through the gate the tramp will run to the fence, start

kicking it and shout at a guy who's lying on the floor on the other side.

The guy gets up and says something about "A couple of stinking tramps" in a

deep voice. The response icon will appear here and if you get it Ethan will

point angrily and say "Come say that to my face."

4/6: You will fight a few guys in the upstairs room of the TV shop, where you

will be given tutorials about chain attacks and environmental kills. A guy

smashes his way in through a boarded up window. After killing him, climb

through the hole he made. You will see Vanhorn at ground level and hear a

helicopter hovering nearby. As soon as you've properly stood up the response

icon appears. If you get it Ethan will shout "Hey, wait" at Vanhorn's

retreating figure.

5/6: Continue on from the location of Emitter 2 and Antenna 4. You can either

go through the garage/unloading area or around the road. Either way you will

soon be forced to go into a building via a door with loads of goo on the walls

around it. Inside, open the door to your left. You will see Vanhorn entering

another building and the response icon will pop up. If you get it Ethan will

shout "Vanhorn wait up."

6/6: After killing some thugs in the hospital you will come to a stairwell.

As you start to descend lots of birds will fly up from below. As you come down

you will see Vanhorn on the other side of a glass window. When you reach him

the response icon will appear. If you get it Ethan will ask "Malcolm, what's


Optional Objective - Destroy All Ceiling Sacks:

After Response 6 you will climb through the window into an area that has been

covered with goo. Go between some shelves to the right and you will see some

strange sacks hanging from the ceiling. Walk underneath one to trigger the

optional objective. A goo creature will burst from the sack and attack you

while hanging upside down. Mash the left and right triggers to shake him off.

This counts as sack 1/15 destroyed. You can either destroy the other sacks in

the same way or you can hit them with your weapon (if you can reach) or throw

something at them. You can also destroy the first sack in this way if you

wish. The sacks are easy to spot so I wont list an exact location for each of


There are 10 in the large area where you first see them, 2 at the left end of

the hallway that the first area leads into, 1 in the middle of the hallway

just past the small rooms that lead off it, 1 in a small open area at the

left end of the second hallway, and a final one in the large room with lots

of curtain screens.


Level 2 - Preston Hotel


As you play through the level this is the most likely order in which you'll do

these things:

Response 1

Meth-lab 1

Antenna 1

Perfect Rating 1

Response 2

Response 3

Emitter 1

Meth-lab 2

Emitter 2

Response 4

Perfect Rating 2

Perfect Rating 3

Perfect Rating 4

Antenna 2

Emitter 3

Antenna 3

Perfect Rating 5

Meth-lab 3

Antenna 4

Meth-lab 4

Perfect Rating 6

Response 5

Perfect Rating 7

Perfect Rating 8

Perfect Rating 9

Locations of Emitters:

1/3: After falling down the elevator shaft follow the corridors round and you

will come to an area that looks like a kitchen. The spectrometer icon will

appear here after giving you a tutorial about it. If you're standing in the

doorway, the emitter is on the wall just round the corner to the left of the

door. You can destroy it with a punch.

2/3: You will come to an outside area with lots of enemies having a shootout.

After they're all dead you will go inside again via a set of double doors.

High on the wall above these doors is an emitter. Use one of the many guns

lying around to destroy it before going inside.

3/3: Just after you walk past the door to room 103 the spectrometer icon will

appear. Continue down the corridor and go through the hole in the right wall

into a bathroom. Go to the door in the large room and open it to reveal

another similar room. The emitter is on the wall above a dirty looking yellow

armchair. You can destroy it with a punch.

Locations of Antennas:

1/4: You will come to room 507 and pass through a hole in the wall into the

next room. There is a TV in this room. It would be impossible to miss because

you have to take this route through the level. It's just before you jump down

to the 4th floor.

2/4: After collecting evidence on the dead cop in the lobby, Rosa will tell

you to follow the blood trail. The trail will go left at the first junction

you come to but you should go right. The first door on the right will be room

106. Enter and a guy with a .38 will burst out of the bathroom and try to kill

you. Kill him instead and you will find a radio on the side of the sink.

3/4: Go past the door to room 101 and a guy will smash through the wall. Kill

him and go into the room via the hole he made. You will find a TV in there.

4/4: The final TV is at the back of room 208.

Locations of Responses:

1/5: The level will begin with Dorland talking to you. He says "You're here

to help us locate and identify Malcolm Vanhorn, nothing more. Understood?"

and waves his gun at you. The response icon pops up at this point. If you get

it Ethan will reply "What the hell's your problem Dorland?"

2/5: When Rosa is done talking to you on the 4th floor, Dorland will try to

pry open the elevator doors with his hands. As he is doing this the response

icon will appear. If you get it Ethan will ask "What the hell are you planning

on doing?"

3/5: You will jump into the elevator shaft onto a ladder, which predictably

collapses and you will fall to the bottom of the shaft. Dorland will shout

down asking if you broke anything and the response icon will pop up. If you

get it Ethan will reply "No, I'm fine."

4/5: As you go through the double doors from the outside area with Emitter 2,

Dorland's voice will come over the radio saying "Mr Thomas" and the response

icon will pop up. If you get it Ethan will respond with "Stop worrying, I'm in

the main lobby."

5/5: You enter room 212 and find the hole in the floor. As you look in you

will see Vanhorn's body and the response icon appears. If you get it Ethan

will say "Jesus!"

Optional Objective - Destroy All Meth-labs:

When you first enter the hotel you will be in a 5th floor corridor with

Dorland and LeRue. As you go along this first corridor LeRue will go into one

of the rooms and make a comment that to hit a speedballer where it really

hurts you have to destroy their meth-labs. On the table in this room will be

the first of four meth-labs throughout the level. They look like amateur

chemistry sets with lots of beakers connected together. Destroy them with

gunfire or throw something at them. You can also hit them with melee weapons

but I wouldn't recommend it because they explode pretty violently.

1/4: In room 512, which is on the very first corridor you come to after

entering the hotel. LeRue points this one out to you. There is a box of liquor

bottles by the door that you can throw to destroy it.

2/4: The very next room after the kitchen with Emitter 1 has a massive hole

in the wall through which you can see a meth-lab. Use the pile of bricks in

the middle of the floor to destroy it.

3/4: Once you reach the 2nd floor make your way around the corridor to the

right. You will eventually reach a door with a red exit sign. You will be

attacked by a naked meth addict and a guy with a sub gun. When they are both

dead go through the big hole in the wall and into the room containing a

meth-lab. Destroy it however you like.

4/4: The final meth-lab is in room 214, which is by another door with a red

exit sign. You have to move a board aside, like Dorland did near the

beginning of the level, and duck into the room. The board is on the wall of

the corridor, almost directly opposite the door with the exit sign. Watch out

for the guy with the .38 in here. You can probably kill him by blowing up the

meth-lab with a gun or thrown object.

How to get a Perfect rating on everything:

1/9: When you come to the elevators on the 4th floor Rosa will start talking

to you and you will have to choose a couple of questions to ask her from a

list. I chose "Any officers reported in the area during the time of the call?"

and "Is there a commuter train that passes near the hotel?" and it gave me a

Perfect rating.

2/9: Inside the main lobby you will find a dead body. The first task is to

identify the body. First examine his face and select "Adult Male" from the

list. Next examine his clothing and select "Police Uniform." Finally examine

his badge which is lying on the floor near his face. Press A to pick it up and

select "Police Badge #46" from the list.

3/9: Still with the body in the lobby, the next task is to establish a cause

of death. Go round to his back and examine the ragged hole. The Trauma Point

is "Torso," the Wound Type is "Gunshot Wound" and the Interpretation is "Exit


4/9: Now Rosa asks you to find out if the body has been moved from the scene

of the shooting and you will be prompted to use your UV light tool. Use it to

see the obvious blood trail on the floor leading to the body. Examine this

and select "Blood Trail" and "Victim Crawled" (the hand prints are a dead

giveaway.) Submit this information.

5/9: As you enter the room marked "Service Elevator" on the 1st floor your

Study Evidence icon appears. You will be asked to decipher the blood spatter.

Examine the pool of blood on the floor and select "Outward Pattern" and "Vic

Dropped From Above."

6/9: When you come to room 212 the Study Evidence icon will appear again. Rosa

will ask you to verify that the evidence here is related to the dead cop.

Examine the hat on the chair and select "Policeman's Cap." Also examine the

blood stain and bullet hole in the door and select "Exit Spatter."

7/9: After jumping down into the room with Vanhorn's body, Dorland will ask

you what your location is and you need to figure out the room number. Go out

of the room into the corridor and examine the sign on the door. Typical, two

of the numbers have fallen off. The room further down the corridor is room 121

so this must be 119. Examine the sign again and select "Room #119."

8/9: Rosa will ask you to take a photo of Vanhorn's body. To earn a Perfect

rating here the photo must be properly focused, Switch to the digital camera

tool and use the left analogue stick to focus. Take the photo when the quality

is crystal clear.

9/9: Rosa now wants a close up of the face. Do exactly the same as before but

focus on the face rather than the whole body. I was convinced Vanhorn was

going to move or do something here to try and be scary, even though he's

clearly very dead. Guess that would have been too predictable, not to mention



Level 3 - Commuter Tracks


Note: There is nothing on this level that you will be rated on.

As you play through the level this is the most likely order in which you'll do

these things:

Response 1

Emitter 1

Antenna 1

Meth-lab 1

Meth-lab 2

Antenna 2

Emitter 2

Emitter 3

Response 2

Response 3

Locations of Emitters:

1/3: After you escape from the train tracks over the plank that collapses you

will be in a block of apartments and the spectrometer icon will appear. Go

into the adjacent room and you will find an emitter on the wall.

2/3: After climbing a second flight of stairs the spectrometer icon will pop

up. Go into the room on the left, fend off the two attackers, and you will

find the emitter on the wall of a small bathroom.

3/3: After you see the train crash jump down onto the tracks. Ignore the

enemies fighting each other and head down the tracks towards the train. Look

at the buildings on right because there is an emitter on the wall just by a

balcony. You will need a brick or a gun to destroy it. You can also see it

from the opposite balcony where you move the board to jump onto the tracks.

Use the .44 that an enemy drops to destroy it easily from here.

Locations of Antennas:

1/2: In the first corridor in the first building, the one with "clean this

**** up" spray-painted on the wall as you enter, you will find a radio.

2/2: Pass through the room with things written on the walls such as "behind

you" and "they will contact you with further instructions" (it's also the room

with the Meth-lab 2) and open the door to go into the next room. There will be

a TV right in front of you.

Locations of Responses:

1/3: As the level starts Dorland and LeRue are arguing about what to do.

Dorland wants to leave you behind but LeRue doesn't like that idea. Dorland

wins the argument and the response icon appears. If you get it Ethan swears

about Dorland.

2/3: Go down the tracks towards the crashed train. When you reach it make for

the gate to the right and you will see LeRue walking away from you. The

response icon will appear and if you get it Ethan will shout "LeRue open the

****ing gate!"

3/3: You leave the tracks via a broken section of fence and run along a plank

towards a ladder. Just before you reach the ladder you see LeRue standing on

the other side of the fence. The response icon pops up and if you get it Ethan

will shout "LeRue, what the hell's going on?"

Optional Objective - Destroy All Meth-labs:

You start with this objective. Guess it carries on from the last level.

1/2: Go into the room next to where someone's sprayed "clean this **** up" and

go into the other room in the back corner. There is a meth-lab in here. Don't

be distracted by the mannequin that you may spot on your way because you cant

get back after they move.

2/2: Just after the mannequins you will go upstairs. Go down the corridor and

into some more rooms. One of them has a meth-lab in it which you first spot

from a distance. This would be pretty difficult to miss.


Level 4 - Doll Factory


Note: There is no optional objective on this level.

As you play through the level this is the most likely order in which you'll do

these things:

Perfect Rating 1

Perfect Rating 2

Perfect Rating 3

Response 1

Antenna 1

Emitter 1

Antenna 2

Response 2

Response 3

Emitter 2

Perfect Rating 4

Emitter 3

Perfect Rating 5

Locations of Emitters:

1/3: Just after using the boxes on the conveyor belt to pass the fire you will

turn into a hallway and the spectrometer icon will appear. Go down the hall

and take the door on the right. The emitter is on the left wall if you're

standing in the doorway looking into the room.

2/3: After helping the trapped man you will come to a broken staircase and

have to drop down a floor. Go round the corner and through the door into a big

room. The spectrometer icon will appear here. Go further into the room and

throw an item at the gas cans sitting next to a shelf. They will explode,

creating a way through. Go all the way to the back of the room and notice a

hallway with fire at the end. A couple of burning dolls will come out of what

looks like an oven. The emitter is on the wall just to the left of the oven.

3/3: When you're coming down the corridor leading to the service elevator the

spectrometer icon will appear. Go up the stairs on the right side of the

elevator and you will find yourself in a hallway with fire in the middle. The

emitter is on the wall at the far end of the hallway. Because of the fire, you

can't get close enough to melee it. Luckily there is a pile of bricks in the

corner at the bottom of the stairs which you can throw to destroy it. You can

also destroy it after the elevator goes up a floor. Go round the front of the

elevator and you will see it at the bottom of the stairs on the left. There is

another pile of bricks in the corner you can use.

Locations of Antennas:

1/2: In the Ventilation Control Room (soon after ducking under the roll-up

door) you will push a shelf out of the way and crawl through a vent. In the

small room where you come out there is a radio on the table.

2/2: Just after using the boxes on the conveyor belt to pass the fire you will

turn into a hallway. Go down the hall and take the door on the left. There is

a TV at the back of the room.

Locations of Responses:

1/3: After ducking under the roll-up door LeRue will tell you that the

factory is on fire and you need to find the Safety Foreman's Office and grab

a mask. This is when the response appears. If you get it Ethan should say

"Where is this damn office?"

2/3: After climbing the stairs the Safety Foreman's Office will be at the left

end of the landing but the doorway will be blocked off by some shelves and

other junk. Grab a doll from the nearby box and throw it near the junk to

clear the entrance. Stand back because it sets off some gas cans and propane

tanks. As you walk through the door a response icon appears. If you get it

Ethan will cough and say "LeRue, I'm in the Safety Foreman's Office, those

stupid masks better be here."

3/3: Continuing from Response 2, LeRue will tell you to look in a large

cabinet marked "Masks." Go to the back of the office and there will be a

filing cabinet with "Masks" written on one of the drawers. Open it, and upon

seeing that the drawer is empty the response icon will pop up. If you get it

Ethan will say "Great, it's ****ing empty!"

How to get a Perfect rating on everything:

1/5: In the room where you start LeRue asks you where you are. Examine the

placard on the wall, it is marked "Walker Dolls And Toys." Choose "Walker Doll

Factory" from the list.

2/5: After coming down the stairs into the large room the Study Evidence icon

pops up and LeRue asks you what part of the factory you're in. The 4 large

tanks with the catwalk built around them need to be marked as "80-7A Mixing

Tank." The one standing alone and the one thats fallen over and broken apart

are both "80-7B Settling Tanks."

3/5: You will need to find the code for the padlock to open the roll-up door.

Follow the catwalk to the Managers Office. Use the UV light tool to find the

code (which should read "17,23,10") written on the right hand wall next to

some doll boxes. Go back to the control panel for the door and Study Evidence.

Examine the padlock and you will be prompted to enter each number in turn. The

"First Number" is 17, "Second Number" is 23 and "Third Number" is 10.

4/5: After throwing dolls at the Doll/Clown girl boss and making her run away,

use the broken walkway to get to the landing and go through the doors. Follow

the corridors round, and you will get to the elevator. LeRue will ask you what

your location is. Don't be fooled by the sign on the wall that reads

"Shaft 4C." If you choose 4C you will only get a Good rating, not Perfect.

Instead go round the left side of the elevator. Lying on the floor at the top

of the stairs is a sign that reads "Service Elevator 3B." Use this to make the

selection "3B" from the list.

5/5: After entering the elevator and pressing the button the gate will come

down but the elevator wont move. You have to correctly wire it before it will

go anywhere. The solution is on the small panel on the opposite wall. The top

wire is the bare one, the middle is thick and the bottom is striped. On the

box when you examine it, "Connector 1" needs to be "Bare Wire," "Connector 2"

needs to be "Thick Wire" and "Connector 3" needs to be "Striped Wire."

IMPORTANT!!!: Don't press the button in the elevator before you've done

Perfect Rating 4 or you'll miss it out. After the elevator gate has come down

you cant get back to the sign you need.


Level 5 - SCU Building


As you play through the level this is the most likely order in which you'll do

these things:

Response 1

X-Ray Photo 1

Antenna 1

Response 2

Response 3

Response 4

Response 5

X-Ray Photo 2

Response 6

Response 7

Antenna 2

Emitter 1

Antenna 3

Response 8

Response 9

Answer Farrell's Questions 1-3

Response 10

Answer Farrell's Questions 4-6

Location of Emitter:

1/1: You will ride the elevator and immediately as you get out the

spectrometer icon will appear. Follow the corridor round to the left and enter

the first office you come to, which is just after the corner. The emitter is

behind a photograph on the wall by the desk. Knock the photo off and destroy

the emitter with your fists.

Locations of Antennas:

1/3: There is a radio on a small table in the room with Vanhorn's body. You

can either do this before or after the part while you're in the x-ray machine.

2/3: Just after leaving the room with Vanhorn's body for the second time you

will come to an elevator. There is a small table next to the elevator with a

radio on it.

3/3: As you enter Farrell's outer office look to the right and you will see a

radio on a chest of drawers next to a photocopier.

Locations of Responses:

1/10: At the very beginning of the level Rosa will be talking to you. She will

remark "I don't know if I trust Dorland" and the response icon will pop up. If

you get it Ethan will say "Dorland's a two-faced ass if you ask me."

2/10: Rosa will tell you to lie down so she can x-ray you. Do so and you will

be moved inside the machine. After a few seconds of lying in the dark the

response icon pops up. If you get it Ethan will say "Rosa I'm ready to get the

**** out of this thing."

3/10: Just after Response 2 is finished the icon will appear again. If you get

it Ethan will ask "Rosa are you still there?"

4/10: After coming out of the x-ray machine you will find the double doors

open. As you go through them the response icon will appear. If you get it

Ethan will call out "Hello!"

5/10: Take the first door on the right after getting Response 4. As you go

through this room the response icon will pop up. If you get it Ethan will say

"Is there anybody here?"

6/10: Shortly after taking the second chest x-ray photo you will be walking

through a room and the face pops up in front of you for the second time

(first time was while you were in the x-ray machine). After passing through

this room enter the nearest room on the other side of the corridor. The plate

next to the door suggests that this is Rosa's office. When you enter the

response icon will appear. If you get it Ethan will call out "Rosa!"

7/10: Just after the corridor with Rosa's office you will enter a room with an

SCU box which contains a 9mm pistol. There will be an SCU guy outside the room

by the closed door. Go over to him and he will introduce himself and ask if

you're ok. At this point the response icon will pop up. If you get it Ethan

will say "I'm fine. What the hell's going on?"

8/10: As you walk up to Farrell he asks you if he can get you anything and the

response icon pops up. If you get it Ethan will say "Yeah, five aspirins and a

shot of soda water."

9/10: Farrell tells you he's going to ask you questions about the recovery of

Vanhorn's body and asks "Are you ready to begin?" At this point the response

icon appears. If you get it Ethan says "As ready as I'll ever be."

10/10: After you answer Farrell's first three questions he says "That's when

you were separated from the team, jeopardising the success of the mission."

The response icon pops up here and if you get it Ethan angrily says "Jesus,

that was not my fault!"

Optional Objective - Photograph Chest X-Rays:

This objective appears as soon as you start the level. When you're in the

vicinity of an x-ray the Study Evidence icon will appear. When you go into the

evidence collection mode the objective in the top left corner will read

"0/1 photograph chest x-ray." After you find the x-ray picture get out your

camera, make sure it's in focus and take the photo. A message will appear in

the top left corner saying "Photo Received."

1/2: The study evidence icon pops up after Rosa is done talking to you next to

Vanhorn's corpse. Turn around and you will see some x-ray photos on the wall.

The x-ray you want is the one of your chest with the vocal chords blacked out.

2/2: You will see a vision of Vanhorn's body and some ceiling sacks through

two sets of double doors. Shortly afterwards you will arrive in the room where

the vision was manifested. Continue on through another hallway and go into the

second office on the right. As you enter this office the Study Evidence icon

appears. The x-rays are on the wall next to the door. You want to focus on the

top one.

How to get a Perfect rating on everything:

Farrell asks you a series of questions in his office. This is the series of

answers I selected from the lists and it gave me a Perfect rating after each


"We carried Vanhorn's body away from the hotel."


"Dorland shot a power transformer creating a small explosion."

"I was in an apartment complex next door."

"The helicopter started taking fire."



Level 6 - City Museum


As you play through the level this is the most likely order in which you'll do

these things:

Perfect Rating 1

Response 1

Response 2

Don't Kill ANY Guards (Starts here but is applicable for the whole level)

Response 3

Perfect Rating 2

Perfect Rating 3

Perfect Rating 4

Perfect Rating 5

Perfect Rating 6

Antenna 1

Perfect Rating 7

Perfect Rating 8

Antenna 2

Emitter 1

Emitter 2

Artifact 1

Emitter 3

Artifact 2

Perfect Rating 9

Perfect Rating 10

Perfect Rating 11

Perfect Rating 12

Response 4

Artifact 3

Locations of Emitters:

1/3: You will come to a small walkway between two upstairs rooms. As you

venture onto it, the spectrometer icon will appear. There is an emitter on the

wall to the left of the doorway on the far side. Throw one of the many objects

lying around (swords, axes etc) to destroy it.

2/3: You will jump down from some scaffolding into a large room where you can

instigate a fight between four or five rioters and two guards. Run around and

let them kill each other then finish off any survivors. You would have seen

your spectrometer icon pop up a number of times if you were running around the

room. There is an emitter high up on one of the pillars in the middle of the

room. Throw something at it to destroy it.

3/3: In the upstairs open air courtyard there is a small section where the

spectrometer icon will appear, near a pile of bricks on the floor. If you look

around you can just see the emitter on a brown brick wall outside the

courtyard. Use the bricks and make a difficult throw to destroy it.

Locations of Antennas:

1/2: Navigate round the wooden catwalk and jump down into the room. You will

be right next to a TV.

2/2: After climbing the stairs with the guards hanging body you will come to

an area with a big circular desk. There is a TV behind it.

Locations of Responses:

1/4: After identifying the bloody tire trail from the wheelbarrow the cop will

start talking again. He mentions that they're under orders not to enter the

museum and the response icon appears. If you get it Ethan will say "Doesn't

mean dick to me."

2/4: The cop will give you a boost to get over a wall. Once on the other side

you can hear him telling you not to kill any of the museum guards and the

response icon pops up. If you get it Ethan will say "I'll take that under


3/4: After being boosted over the wall use the UV light to continue following

the tire marks until you get to a set of double doors. Before going through

look to your right and there will be another door. As you step through it Rosa

will start talking to you. She mentions that it's disturbing to think that SKX

is still alive. At this point the response icon will appear. If you get it

Ethan will comment "Last time I saw that psycho, half his face lined the

inside of a trunk." Then leave and continue following the trail.

4/4: You find a bloody table with a few metal pieces and do some evidence

collection. You will then talk to Rosa and choose a question to ask her. She

comments that the Mayor may have had a secret and it may have gotten her

killed. At this point the response icon appears and if you get it Ethan will

say "What, some sort of ****ed up masochistic lifestyle?"

Optional Objective - Don't Kill ANY Guards:

This objective appears after the cop helps you over a wall at the beginning of

the level. This objective applies throughout the level. You aren't allowed to

kill any museum guards, instead you must incapacitate them. You can do this by

only fighting them with your fists, no weapons, and when they fall to their

knees press both triggers as if to perform an environmental kill. However, in

most cases it will be much easier to either avoid the guards or let the

rioters kill them. The only guard I incapacitated while playing was the one in

the kitchen near the Security Room.

Optional Objective 2 - Photograph Strange Artifacts:

After dealing with all the enemies in the room with Emitter 2 you should

explore the other large room attached to it. As you walk through here Rosa

will tell you that you have a new optional objective which involves taking

photos of certain statues. She adds the locations of these to your GPS, where

they show up as an orange X. Look at your GPS and you will see that there is

one in this room. Like the chest x-rays in the SCU Building level, the Study

Evidence icon will pop up when one of these statues is nearby. The statues

will be of a torso and lower part of a mans head. You should take a photo of

the piece of metal over the mouth.

1/3: In the room where Rosa first tells you about the objective, against the

long wall that doesn't have spray paint on it.

2/3: You will come to an upstairs open air courtyard area. At one end of this

courtyard (at this point it's a dead end) will be a statue with an artifact.

3/3: After the Knight falls through the walkway head on into the next large

room. There is a statue in here next to a blue SCU locker in a dark corner.

How to get a Perfect rating on everything:

1/12: At the beginning of the level a cop will point out that the Mayor's body

was transported in a wheelbarrow. At this point the Study Evidence icon will

appear. You will need to determine where the wheelbarrow came from. Use your

UV light to detect a series of tire marks leading between the wheelbarrow and

a door. Examine one of the marks and select "Tire trail to door" from the


2/12: Follow the tire marks all the way to a large pool of blood. Rosa will

start talking to you about the body and the note that was found with it. You

will ask her a couple of questions during this conversation. Choose "Did you

find any finger prints on the paper?" and "Do you think Vanhorn nursed his

nephew back to health?" and you should receive a Perfect rating.

3/12: While standing by the pool of blood you will be asked to collect some

evidence for Rosa. The first thing she wants is a photo of the saw that is

lying in the blood. Make sure it is in good focus.

4/12: Rosa will also want a close up photo of the saw's handle so oblige her.

5/12: After taking the two photos of the saw Rosa will talk to you again and

you get an opportunity to ask another question. You should choose "What about

the saw? You said it looked medieval?" to receive a Perfect rating.

6/12: After collecting all the evidence relevant to the saw Rosa will tell you

to find the medieval exhibit in the museum. Climb up the flight of metal steps

and the Study Evidence icon will appear. It will want you to identify the

important camera. You should see three security cameras in front of you.

Examine the one that is facing down the steps and choose "1501" from the list.

7/12: Jump from the wooden catwalk into a room and exit into the corridor. Go

down to the right and you will find the Security Room. Once inside the Study

Evidence icon will pop up. You will have to find the correct backup drive for

the security camera. Examine the stack of glowing drives and choose the one

that is labeled as "Backup Drive 1501." It should be second from the bottom.

8/12: You will pass through a large area with a T-Rex skeleton and some

rioters before coming to a flight of stairs. Go to the pillar to the right of

the staircase with a sign on it and the Study Evidence icon will appear.

Examine the sign and select "Medieval Tools 13A."

9/12: You will head back inside after the open air courtyard and find a table

with lots of blood on it. The first thing to do is to take a photo of the

metal pieces.

10/12: Rosa will want a sample of the blood on the table. Examine it and


11/12: She also wants a sample of the pieces of metal. Examine one of them and


12/12: You will have a conversation with Rosa about the blood and metal

pieces. When you get to ask a question, choose "Any evidence the metal pieces

come from Rachel Mars' body?"


Level 7 - Black Lake Lodge


Note: There is no optional objective on this level. There are also no


As you play through the level this is the most likely order in which you'll do

these things:

Response 1

Response 2

Perfect Rating 1

Perfect Rating 2

Perfect Rating 3

Perfect Rating 4

Perfect Rating 5

Response 3

Antenna 1

Response 4

Response 5

Perfect Rating 6

Perfect Rating 7

Antenna 2

Antenna 3

Perfect Rating 8

Response 6

Perfect Rating 9

Locations of Antennas:

1/3: You will be chased by the bear and have to hide in a closet. Wait for it

to give up and go into the next basement area. Go into the kitchen on your

left and you will find a TV.

2/3: You will have to destroy the 6 blast points by following lines you can

see with your UV light. Two of the lines will lead you through upstairs

hallways in a living area. You will be following one of the two down a hall

and it will go up through a hole in the ceiling. If you're underneath the hole

you should see a sign on the wall that has a symbol on it and the number 16.

There is a door right next to it which you should go through. In this room you

will find a TV.

3/3: As described in Antenna 2, the line you're following goes through a hole

in the ceiling. Go into the very last room on the right of the hallway. An SCU

agent will jump down through a hole in the ceiling. Kill him and climb up

through the hole. Cross the blocked off hallway and go into the next room.

Walk through the hole in the closet into the room next door. You will see a

radio in front of you, very close to the blaster.

Locations of Responses:

1/6: Farrell will talk to you while you're walking across the frozen pond. He

says "Going there alone was not a good idea" and the response icon pops up. If

you get it Ethan will say "It's time you level with me, no bull****."

2/6: Part of the same conversation as Response 1, Farrell mentions that "Some

of us see you as a threat, as the enemy" and the response icon appears. If you

get it Ethan will ask "Where do you stand?"

3/6: Immediately after collecting evidence on the one-armed body inside the

lodge Rosa will start talking to you. She comments that she's "Starting to get

a bad feeling about this" and the response icon appears. If you get it Ethan

will say "Hell of a time to change your mind."

4/6: As you run up to the SCU officer with a shotgun the response icon will

pop up. If you get it Ethan will say "What the **** are you guys doing up


5/6: After shooting at the bear you will wake up outside and hear two voices

talking to each other. When they're done Rosa will ask you if you heard that

and the response icon will appear. If you get it Ethan will say "What are

these guys up to?"

6/6: Immediately after cutting the wire on the bomb the response icon will

appear. If you get it Ethan will say "Rosa, the detonator's been deactivated."

How to get a Perfect rating on everything:

1/9: Shortly after the frozen pond you will cross a wooden bridge that will

collapse. Walk over to the blood on the ground nearby and the Study Evidence

icon will appear. Firstly you will have to identify the bloody chunk. Examine

it, and seeing as it has a wristwatch, select "Arm."

2/9: Rosa will want you to see how "fresh" the arm is. Examine it and Collect

the wristwatch to get a better view. Now choose "February 24" for the date and

"0003" for the time.

3/9: Finally she wants a sample. Examine the arm and Collect.

4/9: You will be prompted to use the spectrometer to find the lodge. Rosa will

contact you again (my spectrometer reading was 38 when she did) and tell you

about the saliva on the arm. When you get to ask a question pick "Dehydration?

With all this snow?"

5/9: Immediately upon entering the lodge you will see the owner of the severed

arm and the Study Evidence icon will appear. You will need to make an ID on

the body. Examine the head and select "Male," examine the chest area and

select "SCU," examine the wallet on the floor by his thigh and select

"D. Payant."

6/9: You will re-enter the lodge after the bear, kill a guard and find a large

door with a bomb on it. Rosa will want you to identify the device. Examine the

bomb and select "DETM-12X."

7/9: You will go into the boathouse to find one of the blasters. It's the one

just outside the room with the small boat in it. There will be a set of double

doors at the end of this hallway so go through them into a small room and look

at the writing carved on the wall. The Study Evidence icon will appear and

Rosa will ask you to take a photo of the writing.

8/9: After destroying all the blasters you will have to return to the bomb. As

you reach it the Study Evidence icon will pop up. You will need to identify

the device and will also be given a time limit. No pressure then. Examine the

LEDs in the top left corner and select "3 Blinking Lights." Examine the keypad

and select "16 Button Keypad." Examine the wires and select "2 Long, 1 Short."

Examine the canisters and select "2 Canisters." Finally examine the power

source just to the left of the main device and select "120V/12V."

9/9: Go into Vanhorn's library, go to the computer on the desk downstairs and

the Study Evidence icon will appear. You will have to figure out Vanhorn's

password. Examine the monitor and select "Vocal Cords" from the list.


Level 8 - Trenton District


As you play through the level this is the most likely order in which you'll do

these things:

Don't Kill The Guards

Response 1

Response 2

Emitter 1

Perfect Rating 1

Perfect Rating 2

Perfect Rating 3

Antenna 1

Emitter 2

Antenna 2

Response 3

Torture Device 1

Torture Device 2

Torture Device 3

Antenna 3

Emitter 3

Response 4

Perfect Rating 4

Locations of Emitters:

1/3: After crossing the first lot of bowling lanes you will go into an area

that looks like it's used for storage. As you walk through here the

spectrometer icon will appear. You will find the emitter on the back wall

behind some shelves. You will have to either shoot it or throw something to

destroy it.

2/3: As you exit the area at the back of the bowling lanes the spectrometer

icon will appear. Go through the open door in the alley and you will be in a

long room with lots of stacked furniture and an emitter on the back wall.

There is a pile of bricks here that you can throw if you don't have a gun.

3/3: Go through the hole in the wall into the laundry area and the

spectrometer icon will appear. Follow the path round and you will come to an

area with some rubbish sacks and laundry bins. There is an emitter on the wall

here by the laundry bins. You can either throw something to destroy it or go

onto the elevated path behind it and hit it with a long object (I used a

regular pipe.)

Locations of Antennas:

1/3: You will crawl through the back of a bowling lane into the area where the

pins are reset. Go through this area and you will come to a small room on your

left. Go in here and you will see a radio on a filing cabinet at the back of

the room.

2/3: You will find yourself in an abandoned school. Go through this first area

full of lockers and you will see a radio just inside the next room.

3/3: Exit the torture chamber area into a hallway. Go all the way to the end

taking care of the dog along the way. On the desk at the end will be the final

radio for this level.

Locations of Responses:

1/4: LeRue will drive the bus to escape from the rioters. After he crashes you

should leave the bus. The response icon will appear as you walk through its

door and if you get it Ethan will say "****, LeRue!"

2/4: Go across the first lot of bowling lanes to the open door and Rosa will

ask you what's happened to LeRue. At this point the response icon will appear.

If you get it Ethan will say "LeRue's hurt and that bastard SKX has escaped."

3/4: Climb up through the hole in the locker room ceiling and make your way

through this area. You will come to a small hole in the floor through which

you can see some sort of torture device. The response icon will pop up and if

you get it Ethan will exclaim "Whoa!"

4/4: Shortly after the laundry area you will come to a kitchen. As you enter

the response icon appears and if you get it Ethan will say "Sick!"

Optional Objective - Don't kill any guards:

This objective only applies to the very beginning of the level when you have

to sneak onto the bus. There are three SCU agents here that you must

incapacitate rather than kill. All three are conveniently positioned with

their backs to you, making it very easy to sneak up and incapacitate them.

The first two are in plain view and the third is on the bus. Just make sure to

walk slowly so they don't hear your footsteps.

Optional Objective 2 - Photograph Torture Devices:

This objective starts when you drop down from the ceiling into what looks like

a makeshift torture chamber. You have to take photos of three specific torture

devices, which are identifiable by actually having victims caught in them.

This objective is similar to the optional photo objectives in the SCU Building

and Museum levels in that the Study Evidence icon will appear when you are

near one of them.

1/3: The first device is very close to where you dropped into the room. There

is an elevated cage with a mans head sticking up into it while his body is

kneeling on the ground below. Take a photo of his head in the cage.

2/3: The second device is in the bathroom area. There is a man in a sealed off

"cell" area with a urinal. Get a photo of the cell.

3/3: The third device is also in the bathroom. There is a man standing in a

cage that is exactly the same size as he is. Snap a photo of his cage.

How to get a Perfect rating on everything:

1/4: As you approach the second lot of bowling lanes look for the scoring

station furthest to the right. It's easy to spot because it has a light on it

and is projecting onto the wall. The Study Evidence icon will appear when you

get close to it. Rosa will want you to connect the names on the list to

people. Examine the scorecard and for UNCLE select "Vanhorn," for MAYOR select

"Mars," for DIRECTOR select "Farrell" and for MAGICMAN select "Unknown."

2/4: After getting the evidence on the scorecard go to the nearby ball return

and the Study Evidence icon will appear again. Rosa will want you to describe

the evidence to her. Examine the bag and select "Bowling Bag," "Filled With

Blood" and "SKX" from the corresponding lists. Then examine the head and

select "Female Head." Submit all of this information.

3/4: Rosa will also want you to get a photo of the head's face. Make sure it's

in focus and snap away.

4/4: The Study Evidence icon will pop up when you find Farrell's body in the

kitchen. Rosa asks you to determine his condition. Examine his chest and you

will see slight breathing movement so select "He's still alive" from the list.


Level 9 - Magic Theater


Note: There is no optional objective on this level.

As you play through the level this is the most likely order in which you'll do

these things:

Perfect Rating 1

Antenna 1

Emitter 1

Perfect Rating 2

Response 1

Response 2

Location of Emitter:

1/1: In the spinning fire wheel area take the elevator that is round to the

right of where you came in. At the bottom you will see the emitter on a pillar

right in front of you. It would be very hard to miss this one.

Location of Antenna:

1/1: In the spinning fire wheel area take the elevator that is round to the

left of where you came in. At the bottom you will find a radio behind some


Locations of Responses:

1/2: You will enter a large theater and the Magic Man will taunt you. The

response icon will appear and if you get it Ethan says "I'm not here to play

your ****ed up games Magic Man!"

2/2: The Magic Man will reply to what you said in Response 1 and the response

icon will appear again. If you get it Ethan will say "Enough babbling, come

out so I can see you."

How to get a Perfect rating on everything:

1/2: You will come to a large theater room with the spinning fire wheel device

in the middle. There are two small elevators in this room which you will go

down. Whichever you use first, Rosa will contact you while inside. When you

get to ask her a question choose "See anything about the Oro's purpose, their


2/2: After getting through the spinning fire wheel you will be in a large

hallway and Rosa will contact you again. You will get to ask two questions

this time, so choose "Are you suggesting the organization is responsible for

all that is wrong with the city?" and "Does he describe how Sonic Generation



Level 10 - Junk Barge


Note: There is nothing on this level that you will be rated on.

As you play through the level this is the most likely order in which you'll do

these things:

Response 1

Response 2

Response 3

Emitter 1

Response 4

Antenna 1

Response 5

Photo of News Van Door

Response 6

Response 7

Emitter 2

Emitter 3

Emitter 4

Emitter 5

Emitter 6

Response 8

Locations of Emitters:

1/6: You will see the spectrometer icon as soon as the level starts but the

emitter is not accessible straight away. You have to activate the anchor

first. Do this, follow the trail the anchor gouged in the deck and you will

come to a large hole that it made. Jump down into the hole and you should see

the emitter in a nearby corner.

2/6: After taking care of the 3 robots you will be left in peace to destroy

the 5 emitters that are in the massive room. The first one is on the wall to

the left of the controls for the magnet (if you were standing at them). Use

the conveniently place pile of pipe fittings to destroy it.

3/6: The next emitter is just above some pipes on the wall behind the

controls. Again use the pipe fittings to destroy it.

4/6: The next emitter is above and to the right of Emitter 3. Throw another

pipe fitting at it.

5/6: Stand in front of the door that leads to the area where Rosa is hiding.

Look to your left and you will see some pipes on the wall. Above these is

another emitter. There are more pipe fittings here to destroy it.

6/6: Stand in front of the door again but this time look to the right. High up

on the wall in plain view is the final emitter. Use the pipe fittings again to

destroy it.

Location of Antenna:

1/1: In the cargo decks you will climb through a window and go across some

crates and then climb through another window. Continue through the corridors

and you will soon come to a room with lots of shelving in it. In the back

right corner of this room you will find a radio on one of the shelves.

Locations of Responses:

1/8: As the level starts the response icon will appear immediately. If you get

it Ethan will say "Rosa come in. Talk to me. ****!"

2/8: Activate the anchor and it will create a path across the deck. Go across

and you will hear Rosa say "Ethan" in a quiet voice. The response icon will

pop up and if you get it Ethan will say "Dammit Rosa where are you?"

3/8: In the same conversation as Response 2, Rosa will say "Oh god there's

something down here" and the response icon will pop up again. If you get it

Ethan will say "Ok find a place to hide and wait for me, no more meltdowns."

4/8: After jumping down the hole made by the anchor you will have to navigate

through a few large rooms. Eventually you will come to a ladder so climb up

and go towards the door. You will get a transmission from Rosa saying "I got a

couple of the scrawny ones" and the response icon will appear. If you get it

Ethan will say "Rosa what's happening? Lay low for christ's sake!"

5/8: Just after the room with all the shelves you will be confronted by a big

robotic creature. The response icon appears here and if you get it Ethan will

exclaim "Oh ****!"

6/8: After taking down the robot you will go inside the ship. Follow the

corridors around and you will soon come out on a catwalk above a massive room.

Down below you will see Rosa being chased by more of the robot creatures. The

response icon will appear and if you get it Ethan will say "Oh ****."

7/8: You will have to destroy three robots in the massive room. You can finish

one with an Oro Crossbow but the other two have to be dropped into the garbage

compactor. When you kill the first one, it doesn't matter which way, the

response icon will appear. If you get it Ethan will shout "One down! Come on


8/8: Enter the room where Rosa is hiding and she will ask "Ethan is that you?"

The response icon will pop up here and if you get it Ethan will say "Yeah it's


Optional Objective - Photograph News Van Door:

After taking down the first robot creature follow the railing on the edge of

the pit around and you will soon see a van door resting against the wall to

your right. When you approach it the Study Evidence icon will appear. The

objective here is to take a photo of it, something you should be pretty

familiar with by this point in the game. Simply make sure it's in focus and

snap away.


Level 11 - The Peninsula


Note: There is nothing on this level that you will be rated on.

As you play through the level this is the most likely order in which you'll do

these things:

Antenna 1

Oro Device 1

Antenna 2

Emitter 1

Oro Device 2

Emitter 2

Oro Device 3

Oro Device 4

Response 1

Oro Device 5

Response 2

Locations of Emitters:

1/2: Go round to the right of Antenna 2 and you will see an emitter on a wall

in front of you. Use your assault rifle to destroy it.

2/2: You will be walking down a corridor when you fall through the floor into

a boat. Find the hole in the bottom of the boat and drop down to the ground.

The final emitter in the game is on one of the metal posts around the outside

of this room. You can use the spectrometer to find it and your assault rifle

to destroy it.

Locations of Antennas:

1/2: Break the container doors open at the beginning of the level and go

directly forwards. You will get to a table with a radio on it.

2/2: Just after overloading the first Oro device you will come to a ladder.

Climb up and there will be a radio on a table in front of you.

Locations of Responses:

1/2: You will eventually come to what looks like a huge monolithic control

center with hundreds of monitors. Dorland will start talking to you and he

says "There's no escaping us Mr Thomas." At this point the response icon

appears. If you get it Ethan will shout "You don't have the ****ing right,

influencing people's lives like this!"

2/2: Dorland's control room will begin to collapse and you will fall and get

knocked out. After you wake up Rosa will contact you and tell you to forget

about Dorland and escape. The final response icon in the game will pop up and

if you get it Ethan says "He's unfinished business."

Optional Objective - Overload Oro Devices:

You will receive this objective when you find the first Oro device. They are

big grey/black machines with an antenna and a circle of light. They also have

a freestanding tower which emits the dangerous Oro waves. When you get close

you will be prompted to grab the antenna. To overload the machine move the

antenna round slowly until the light glows red. Keep doing this and after a

short time the machine will start making unhealthy noises. Keep it up and

eventually it will overload.

1/5: You will find this just after dropping through the floor near

the beginning of the level. Go through the first room and you will see it in

the second.

2/5: In the large area to the left of Antenna 2 you will fight lots of SCU

agents. There is an Oro device in this area as well, you can't miss it.

3/5: You will come to a large room with a big glowing device hanging from the

ceiling. Make your way down to the ground and you should see two Oro devices,

one at each side of the staircase.

4/5: Very close to Oro Device 3.

5/5: The final Oro device is just after you see Dorland in the control center.

Go down the walkway and you will come to it at the end of the corridor. You

have to destroy this one to finish the level.


Contact Info


Feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback to either my 360

gamertag or my email. If you email me please put something relevant in the

subject line or I may not read it.

Gamertag: ShredForDimebag



Copyright Info


This guide may not be reproduced for any reason other than private, personal

use. No part of this guide can be displayed publically by anyone other than me

without my consent.

Copyright 2008 Jon Salmon

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