Hail to the Chimp Achievements List



How to Unlock
Alderman (25) Clear the Ptolemy, Floyd, and Daisy Challenges
Also-Ran (20) 20 Team-ups with the person in 4th place
Animal's Choice (50) Finish the single player game without losing a round
Ballot Ballet (20) Claim all Wells in a game of “Clam in Every Pot”
Banzai (20) Survive an event where all other characters die
Bear Necessity (10) Win Hedwig Recount Challenge
Button Masher (20) Claim all buttons in a game of Othello
Clam Digger (50) Go for 60 seconds holding 20 clams
Comeback Kid (25) 10 games after not 1st within 10 seconds of game over
Concerned Citizen (5) Unlock all Attack ads
Couch Potato (5) Unlock all Commercials
Creditor (20) Watch the credits all the way through
Cursive (20) Win 10 games using 5 or more curses per game
Da Bomb (20) Punch 20 bombs
Dark Horse (25) Win 10 games after 4th place at halfway point
Diplomat (30) Go 60 seconds without throwing a punch and not dying
Educated Voter (5) Unlock all Campaign Ads
For the Animals (45) Finish the single player game
Globetrotter (15) Unlock all Maps
I Get Around (20) Team up with every character
Litter Bug (20) Claim all Yardsigns in a game of Yardsigns
New Coat of Paint (10) Win Santo Recount Challenge
Non Stop Party (10) Win Ptolemy Recount Challenge
Now Now Now (10) Win Bean Recount Challenge
Pacifist (50) Win a round without throwing a punch
Party Animal (10) Win once with every character
Passing Wind (25) Survive being pursued by the cloud for three minutes
Platytude (10) Win Daisy Recount Challenge
Player Hater (20) Kill any character's rival 25 times using that
Policy Wonk (5) Unlock all Debates
Positive Campaigner (75) Win a 3 round campaign without throwing a punch
Prime Candidate (20) Win a multiplayer game in every gametype
Pro Simian (10) Win Crackers Recount Challenge
Representative (35) Clear the the challenges for Toshiro, Hedwig, Bean, Moxie
Saline Solution (10) Win Toshiro Recount Challenge
Senator (40) Clear the Murgatroyd and Santo challen
Silent Majority (10) Win Murgatroyd Recount Challenge
Some Friend (20) Betray 25 teamups
Sound Mind (10) Win Floyd Recount Challenge
Team Player (20) Win 10 games while teamed up
The Chosen One (25) Finish all recount challenges without losing a round
Top Dog (20) Win a game of frontrunner without allowing anyone else to be frontrunner
Tourist (10) Get your first piece of Flair
Untouchable (25) Block 10 attacks in a Row
Whiff of Change (10) Win Moxie Recount Challenge
World Leader (40) Win a multiplayer game on every map
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