Alone in the Dark,Alone in the Dark: Inferno FAQ/ Walkthrough






















*Alone in the Dark*



Alone in the Dark FAQ/Walkthrough

For XBox 360

Version 1.0 (7/4/08)

Written by Brad Russell "TheGum"




Version 1.0 - finished walkthrough completely.



Table Of Contents


Use Ctrl + F to quick find in this guide.

Section: Code:

1. A Brief Foreword

2. Controls ( CON2222 )

3. Starter Tips ( TIPS333 )

4. Walkthrough ( FAQ4444 )

Episode 1 - Wake Up

Sequence : Wake Up

Sequence : Vertigo

Sequence : Fire Escape

Sequence : Don't Look Down!

Sequence : 24th Floor

Episode 2 - Questions

Sequence : Unexpected Meeting

Sequence : Reception Hall

Sequence : Do I Know You?

Sequence : Parking

Sequence : 59th Street

Episode 3 - Painful Answers

Sequence : Call 911

Sequence : Down the Fissure

Sequence : Filthy Waters

Sequence : Stitches and Truth

Episode 4 - Fight Back and Loss

Sequence : Ride to the Museum

Sequence : The Nest

Sequence : The Kidnapping

Sequence : Fight the Living Scar

Episode 5 - Not Alone Anymore

Sequence : Bring Her Back

Sequence : Museum's Visitors

Sequence : The Huge One

Sequence : One Step From the Truth

Episode 6 - The Truth

Sequence : Room 943

Sequence : An Ancient Path

Sequence : Light From the Sky

Episode 7 - The Path of Light

Sequence : Hang On!

Sequence : Subway Station

Sequence : Reach the Old Castle

Sequence : The Eye of Central Park

Episode 8 - The Light Bringer

Sequence : Evil Roots

Sequence : Find the Key

Sequence : The Final Gate

Sequence : Choose for All

5. Roots of Evil ( ROO5555 )

6. Items ( ITEM666 )

7. Achievements ( ACH7777 )

8. Author Info / Copyright


* 1. A Brief Foreword *


So this game is, eh, not the best, that's for sure. It's also not the worst.

I would say it's like one of my stories that has a good concept, just not good

execution. Keeping the writing metaphor, this game is like a good story with

bad grammar and a terrible ending. All that in mind, it's worth the reading...


The game shines in places, but the game is suffering a severe case of identity

crises, or split personalities or some other crazy disease. It's like all the

good pieces from other games have been tossed on the table and there's a

story to tie them together, it's just that none of the bugs have been worked

out. And it's not like the game is unplayable, it's just not smooth and some

strange things happen every now and then. The controls are not bad, it's just

the camera and some control schemes aren't too well thought out.

It's a game worth playing, but it's not worth buying. Just drive to the video

store and rent it or borrow from a friend.


PS - This guide is about the 360 version only. I know there is a PS2 and Wii

version out now, and a PC and PS3 version out later. I know the PS2 and Wii

ones are like a normal game be released on the DS under the same name. I hear

the stories are even different and the characters and changed. I would just

stay away from those two versions if I were you.


* 2. Controls ( CON2222 ) *


XBox 360


A - use, pick up, run

B - drop item, reload

X - jump

Y - change from first person to third person camera

RB - holster gun, unholster

LB - change left-hand item

RT - shoot gun, toss object, kick with nothing in hand

LT - lock on

RS - look, swing object

LS - move

START - pause game, change options, save/load, view episode progress

BACK - open the PDA

D-PAD - DOWN to open jacket for items, UP to set items to the quick menu,

LEFT & RIGHT to look at wounds and use sprays


* 3. Starter Tips ( TIPS333 ) *


#1. Sprays are all combustible, and putting tape to make them stick is just

optional. Of course sprays that are used are nowhere near as effective as

full sprays. If anything, have health sprays and explosive bottles as those are

your best items to have in the right side of your jacket.

#2. Enemies are not dead until their bodies are wasted away. This means

knocking an enemy out and then setting them on fire; a chair on fire as a

weapon is about as good as it gets to be honest. Later on when you have the

lighter and a spray, you can use that for the "flamethrower" combo to light

bodies up when fire is not near.

#3. When you reach Central Park you'll need to constantly pick up cars. They

are not free, usually. Some have keys already in them; some must be hotwired;

and are rare car or two may have a key in the sun visor. When in a car and not

being under attack, you need to first look over to the passenger's seat and

check the glove box for any items. Then if there is no key you should look at

the sun visor over the driver's seat for a key. If no key, and there 99% of

the time isn't, you need to hotwire the car. To hotwire, the red wires (the

first ones) are usually for the lights, so make the other wires touch and wait

for the guage and then press the gas when the guage gets to the green.

#4. If a demon is jumping to your car, try to slow down just a bit. Doesn't

work all the time, but it may make him just fall off as soon as he touches the


#5. You need to keep a fair amount of items in the right side of your jacket.

If you have no other option, then go all of one kind of item. But if you have

some items to choose from, have two bottles of explosives and two sprays.

Health sprays take priority over the other kinds as they double as weapons and

health. Plastic bottles of explosives are better than alcohol bottles because

the plastic can be dropped without breaking. If you have four spray cans,

consider picking all of them up and just one bottle of explosive liquid.

#6. You can skip scenes in the pause menu, and skip way far ahead, but there is

no reason. It's just like cheating. Sure, if you cannot pass a chunk of the

game, fast forward and try that part later. But again, I would not advise,

especially if on the 360 if you want the achievements.

#7. The only way to kill off monsters is to burn the bodies. You can do this

by shooting fire bullets in the fissures on their bodies, or by knocking them

out and then burning them with any fire. Once you have the spectral vision,

close your eyes to see their fissures better.

#8. When driving, avoid any items and especially curbs. Yep, one of those

glitchy things.

#9. You have a map, the GPS, in your cell phone. Handy when finding roots of

evil and when just getting around Central Park.


* 4. Walkthrough ( FAQ4444 ) *


Alone in the Dark Walkthrough

Before you start, make sure your brightness settings are about up to max,

because this is one dark game; not dark like gloomy, but dark as is in you

can hardly see anything.


Episode 1 - Blackout


Sequence 1: Wake Up


*NOTE: If you are on the 360, try to get through this without blinking for

a free achievement. It's not that hard.*

You can press pause during this interactive scene if you want to adjust

brightness now, and sadly there are no subtitles.

*NOTE: You can press Pause and check the progress of this episode by pressing

over to bring up the "video player," and the little lines along the time bar

are key moments. The small lines are events, and the big lines mark a new

sequence. So if you look at the bar for this episode you'll see 4 more marks

between the beginning and end, so there are 5 sequences.*

Just look around and blink when told, and you can keep blinking to see the

scene unfold; you can basically just keep tapping the blink button at a

casual pace. When it's time to get up, walk through the door, go left, then

turn left again, and through the door on the right. Keep walking up, and keep

blinking, and when you hit the next door you will lose your pal.

Now just follow the hallway to the end until you hit the scene, and you will

move onto the next sequence.

Sequence 2: Vertigo


You can keep blinking out of habit if you wish, but you don't have to. You

can keep it in the third person camera, but it's probably best you switch back

to first person. Turn and get on top of the elevator for a scene.

After the scene, follow the walkway and then up the ladder. Now go over and

send down the fire extinguishing line, and then rappel down. You need to just

hop over the fans, and when you hit the spot where the fence is electrocuted,

you need to move the hook with the line as far to the left as you can so the

line gets caught and stays there, then keep going. When near the end of the

rope, a guy will be calling to you, and then he is chased away. Come back up

a bit, a door opens on the right, and then you need to jump in.

Sequence 3: Fire Escape


Turn around to the right and open the door. Listen to the lady babble on about

her woman troubles, then go through the doorway. You can pick up some things

on the ground and figure out how to swing them, but you just need to grab the

table and pull or push it out of the way. It's dark, but look to the left and

soon the fires will take the door. In the corner you will see the fire

extinguisher, so go grab it. Enter first person and put out that fire, which

will take a while, but you'll get it. Then go meet the guy, there is another

extinguisher in here, and then enter third person view to use your extinguisher

to smash the door open.

You can start putting out the fires in your path as the two are talking, then

come back and listen. Now go into the hallway with them following, and you may

need to smash the door if it closes, and just start putting out the flames in

your way of going down the right path. When it's clear, drop your can and then

get the jump button ready. Move toward the gap and press it to leap over. Turn

around (using the quick turn), and watch as you lose your friends. Now look

around on your side to find a gun off the dead cop. You can equip it by opening

your jacket.

Use the gun to shoot the doorknob and go through the door. Just watch and you

will luck out. Go into the next room and into the left side. There are two

drawers to open, one under a TV and the other across the room. There are four

items in total and when you have the spray, use it on one of your two wounds,

or maybe more or less. Then the room starts to crack up. Stay on this side,

and if you do by chance get on the other side, jump back over the gap. Head

toward the back of the room when a guy opens the door, then just watch and


Sequence 4: Don't Look Down!


Your friend will drop down a cable for you to climb up. Go up and then press

over and the jump button to get on the ledge with him. Just stay behind him

and hopefully you will grab the ledge. Then move to the right, but watch out

for when a car is blown up from the street, so let it hit and then move. Keep

going right and then pull yourself up. Now jump up to grab the ledge above

you and then go left, and though none of the debris seems to hit you, just

keep an eye out for the falling stuff. At the end and when the ledge is below

you, drop down.

Grab the cable and then move up and then keep moving to the left to free the

cable from the gargoyle. Then hop over to the ledge, and then jump up to keep

shimmying along. This is when the brick wall starts to crumble, but don't

panic, just keep going and then jump down when you are over the balcony. Go

in through the doorway.

Now you have to figure out how to get up to the balcony above you. Go to the

right side and look over the pit. On the left is a ledge you can use to get

back out of the pit, and above it and toward the middle is a cable hanging down

that you can jump to. This cable pulls a lift on the other side of the room.

What you need to do is jump into the pit and grab the fire extinguisher, then

drop it onto the lift. Now climb back up and jump to the cable which should

toss the extinguisher onto the upper level.

Grab the extinguisher (I'm really getting tired of typing that word), and

go put out the fire in the corner. Once it's out, drop it and then jump up

and climb through the hole. Go out onto the balcony and start climbing the

cable. All you can do is keep pulling yourself up, so keep going up even when

you are falling all over the place, but once the end of the cable is above you,

just climb up and jump onto the balcony with that lady.

Sequence 5: 24th Floor


Go inside and pick up the trash can and use it to smash open the door. Just go

through and move to the pit to trigger the scene - so sad. Go grab the table

and push it to the nearby wall. Jump on and then jump up. Shimmy to the left

until you are past the wall and into the destroyed room. Climb up and then

go to the corner to get near the switch. Pull it and then jump down and go

up the slope.

Move foward and pick up a chair. Walk to the wall and then go directly up to

the flame that is blowing down from the ceiling, not the one by the wall

where you got the chairs. Go up and put the chair into the flame to light it.

Look right and you'll see the path. You don't have forever, as when the

chair is getting too hot you will toss it away. The path is a sorat "S" shape

and when you get to the end, just jump toward the security guy. Scene and

then end the episode. Be sure to save.


Episode 2 - Questions


Sequence 1: Unexpected Meeting


Okay, so she isn't gone. You need to beat her up. You could use the gun, but

even better to use is a big spoon. You'll find them nearby and you can just

swing them around and you'll eventually get her. You need to knock her down

twice and then go drag her to a fire somewhere to get rid of her for good.

After the fight, go back to the corner of the room and jump to the cable. Climb

up and some kind of swinging pendulum will start swinging through the hallway.

Just jump over when it's goes by (big duh), and then hop down the hole. Grab

the fire extinguisher and then smash open the door nearby to trigger a scene.

Sequence 2: Reception Hall


After the crash, try to pry open the doors. Then turn around and help her up,

then you jump up. Just move to the other elevator lift and hop in, Sarah will

jump in soon after. Go out and grab the flashlight and ammo box from the dead

cop, then go right into a stairwell. All you can do is grab the items, then

come back out and head up the hall, and have the gun equipped.

*NOTE: If your flashlight dies or gets dim, you should have a few batteries in

your jacket.*

A few little critters will attack, so shoot them down or they'll mess you up.

Once they are gone, go up and to the right to hit a door that you cannot

open. Across from the door is a room with the switch, as well as a locker with

some items; leave the baton there. Go to the power box and move the wires

near each other to get the power on. A scene will trigger dumping a demon

in the area. Pick up and use the baton to take him down, or use the one axe

down by the fire. It could be best to use the axe because you want to light a

chair and burn the demon after you knock him down.

Before you go through the door, you can grab the fire extinguisher and go back

to the stairs and put out the fire to grab a mosquito spray. Then take the axe

as you go over to the door. You need to input a code at the keypad. Just enter

943, which is somehow smaller blood splats to larger - opposite of what you

would think. Leave the axe here by the door before you go down the steps.

You have to fight one more demon. Use the axe to pound him, then go get some

fire when he's down and burn him. Then you can go down the steps and use

the extinguisher here to put out the fire and go into the parking lot for a


Sequence 3: Do I Know You?


After the scene, go to the car and shoot out or smash open the windows. Get in

and then look around to see demons incoming. They'll pull you out, so get up

and quickly run to the burning car to the right. Pick up the long metal pipe

and use it to knock out the demons. When all three are out, pick up the

baseball bat, set it on fire, and then go drop it over each demon to set them

on fire; you could even try to burn them with the bat outright.

Once they are taken care of, get back in the car, turn on the lights, and

then look around until the wire icon appears and enter the hotwire game.

You need to switch until you have the green wires on top, them push them

together. A gauge will pop up and when the line reaches green, press the gas

button (the shoot button).

Sequence 4: Parking


Now you are driving (for better or worse). Move up and turn left until you fall

through a hole. Drive around and up to the ramp to get back on the level you

fell from. Up the ramp you'll see another ramp, so make sure all the debris is

out of the way, then charge forward to jump over. Now quickly go around this

corner and make your way straight ahead until you crash.

After, turn on the flashlight to see and then turn around and go into the

utility room. Pick up the batteries on the shelf, then put one from your (not

from a battery box of 8) and put it in your flashlight. Then drop a battery

box (not a full one), and then grab the lighter off the shelf. Equip it and

go over to the car to find the gas trail. Light the end of it and the car will

blow, opening the path.

Go through and just head down to the end, you'll see a demon commit suicide.

Head over to the corner where the fire is and light the chair on fire, then

take it to the right and toss it to the wooden boards. As you wait there is a

fissure that will come after you. All you can do is run and when the front is

close to you, turn and run in another direction (I hope you know the use

button is to run). Just run for a little while and then the fissure goes after

someone that just appeared.

The boards should be mostly burnt, so just go through. There is a health spray

by the dead woman, so pick it up (may need to temporarily drop something in

your jacket), and use the spray to heal most of your wounds. Then head for

the cab to trigger the scene. Get in the driver's seat and turn the key.

Go through the door, then turn right and smash the next one.

Sequence 5: 59th Street


*NOTE: If you go into first person on the 360 and manage to do this scene,

you get an achievement. It's not easy, so maybe come back to this later.*

Go around and up the ramp to hit the street. After the scene, speed forward.

Take a left, then run forward and go right, the right, over the jump, then go

left, but stay on the right side of the road to avoid cars. Keep avoiding the

cars, go left around the building piece, keep going, go straight through the

next piece of skyscraper, then stay to the left to go around the hole. Then

avoid the burning car, hang a left, stay to the left as you zip down this

street, try to go right so you can avoid the cracks in the road (you have a

lot of time if you get stuck, and then zoom down this straight road.

Hang a right and get on the sidewalk, go through the swingset and take the

road to hang another right. Down this straight road go through the platform

of pipes and dodge the cars and when you get to the end go right. Inside the

building go up the steps. Head straight, go over the pipes, and then ramp to

a spectacular crash.


Episode 3 - Painful Answers


Sequence 1: Call 911


You can pick some things off of the dead guy. Go toward the bridge and you see

an ambulance on the bridge. Turn around and help Sarah up, then go pick up the

phone by Theo's body. After the call, press the PDA button. You can check the

messages, documents, whatever, but then open up the phone tab. Input 911

and press the call button. After that, turn around and head toward Theo's

body to trigger a scene.

Run around the bats and head for the bathroom up the hill. Go in and the door

closes behind you. To the right is a room with a medical box. Grab the spray

and the bandages. You get a message telling you what to do. Just press the

"look at wounds" button to look at your gash and press the shoot button to

wrap yourself up.

Now turn around and shoot down the wire by shooting the holding thing above

the doorway. Go out to see the cracked wall. Open your jacket and let's make

a bomb. You have explosive bottles and handkerchiefs in the locker. You can

combine the two and set it on fire for a molotov, or just toss the bottle at

the crack and shoot it, your choice.

*NOTE: Feel free to set combinations of items and set them to your quick

menu for when you need them in combat. Such as the lighter and mosquito spray

as a flamethrower, or ready another bomb.

Sequence 2: Down the Fissure


You can hang over the ledge and just drop down if you want. When you do reach

this ledge, shoot the glass in the floor and drop down, then drop down another

opening. Then look to the other side and jump across the gap, then another.

Now go around the other side of the bus, maybe switch to third person view,

and then jump up to the bus. Now, the back of the bus cannot fall, so just grab

the body in the middle and drag it to the back, then quickly do the same for

the third body toward the front. Now you can go to the front of the bus and

open the door.

Step out and go forward and jump to the platform below. Look to the left and

grab the chair in anticipation of the demons. Go set the chair aflame and

chase down all five demons and burn them; the last one is big, but one touch of

fire and he melts just the same. If your chair is tossed, use the lighter and

one of your sprays as a flamethrower. After the big guy is gone, jump down to

the lower platform.

*NOTE: If you have an explosive bottle, feel free to combine it with your

gun to make fire bullets, which are just as effective against demons.*

Feel free to pick up this health spray (even dropping those glowsticks if you

have batteries for the flashlight). Jump up to the ledge and shimmy over. When

across the beam, hop down. Look up with the gun equipped and shoot the knob

of the door to drop down a rope. Climb it to the top, then turn around and

jump down to find ammo and a spray. Feel free to toss the mosquito sprays as

the health sprays double as being usable for the flamethrower combo. Go back


Move forward and then look right and jump to a ledge. Shimmy all the way up

and then tap the button to pull yourself up. Get in the car and get into the

middle of the backseat, then push up to get in the passenger's seat. Open the

glove box and swap out this new spray for one that isn't new. Now get in the

driver's seat and get out. The car drops, then climb the rope to get into the

sewer opening.

Hopefully you have a bottle. Equip it and the gun. Toss the bottle at the

cocoon and shoot it to burn it; there are more bottles and some ammo in the

pit, ammo on the right side. Jump down and then climb the ladder.

*NOTE: There is a goldfish in the water at the start of this sewer, under the

cocoon. Aside from burning it for an achievement, shoot the goldfish for

another. 360 only of course.*

Sequence 3: Filthy Waters


Just go forward until you hit a call - Edward is your name. Move forward after

and an explosion will electrify the water. Go to the right and then hop over

the water to get to the power box. Grab the wires and you'll see the two

lights turn on and off. What you need to do is bring the wires close when the

green light is on, but don't touch the wires. That should overload the power

and clear the water.

Go through and you'll see more dangerous waters. Go to the right, kill the

critter, and then get out the wires of the power box on the wall. The green

light is more unpredictable, but just press one wire toward the other, and when

you see the green light, bring the other wire close to overload the power.

One little monster as you come back up.

Continue and you'll hit another pool of water. Seems like you're stuck, but

jump to the right and you should grab the metal bar along the ceiling. Some

steam valves will blow and cause some hazards for you, so just move and wait

for the steam to subside before moving.

Now your goal is to move that wire out of the water so you can get to the door.

Go into the side room and there are a ton of items on the shelves and in the

locker. First you need to grab the paddle or a pipe and come to the water.

Swing the paddle/pipe so that you can hook the wire onto the broken pipe along

the railing. Once it is there, go back into the room and grab one of those

canisters, or make a bomb. Come back into the water and use your explosive to

blow the door open; if you go back to the room with the items, expect to fight

a lone demon.

So go through the door and proceed until you hit a scene. This enemy is just

a black goo on the ground. You need to equip your flashlight, hopefully with

plenty of power, and aim it at the goo to make it retreat. First, get into the

pit and at this end there is a light that keeps the goo away from this end.

Now hold the flashlight at the goo until it backs up as far as it can go. You

just keep holding it far away and move forward because the goo is not behind

you, you just have to make sure you get it all. Just move it all to the other

end and then jump to the opening on the right.

Now a puzzle that has a little bit of everything. First, go forward to the

flame and turn the valve on the wall to turn off the gas. Feel free to get more

items if you need them. Now come back to the water area and you'll see a nest

for these things (called they are called Ratz). Again, I say combine the

explosive bottle with the gun to make fire bullets, then shoot at the nest to

take it out, then clear up the ratz (what a stupid name). Now go to where the

nest is and pull the wire from the water. Then get in and go turn the valve to

turn off the fire by the ladder; not sure what those little mounds are in the

water, so avoid.

Go back to the room with all the items and grab a chair. Set it aflame with the

leaking gas. You will use this chair to walk through the black goo as you walk

to the ladder, be sure to drop the chair near the ladder so you can safely

climb up.

Just go flip the switch on the power box and note that the wire will fall down.

Go up to the fence and see the bats clinge to it. Now go back and turn the

power back on, then pick up the wire and touch it to the fence to fry them.

Open the door and go up the ladder.

Sequence 4: Stitches and Truth


Read a message you get from Crowley, if you want. Now, finally we are in

Central Park. No, you are not held to just one path. You have many ways to get

to the destination marker. But, there kinda is just one way you can go.

For one, you had better make some fire bullets now to fend off the bad guys

that attack you at the start. Follow the road down and you'll see some humanz

down there. But before you go down there, notice the cart near you. It's being

held up by a body under the wheels, so move that body, drop it, and then

quickly pull out your gun and fire and maybe you can get all three in one hit,

otherwise just waste them with fire bullets. Take the steps to the bottom and

go right to find a trash can with some items and ammo, then come to the right

for more items and a few ratz.

Keep going down this right path and you'll hit a cart. Get in and drive it

back the way you came. Follow the road and you will pass by some ratz and a

car, and you can get the car if you work fast enough, and it may be best.

Either way, keep going and you'll turn to go left, but down the way is a big

enemy. Can't run him over, so either get out and fight him or just keep going

and hope he jumps off, even try crashing; it's just best to go around him

though. Then just keep going until you get close to the marker.

You need to get over this ramp, but there are more than just cars in your way.

It say get out of the car and quickly hop over the debris and make your way to

the car on the ramp. It will fall and at some point two big demons will come

out of the ground. If you have an explosive bottle or health spray, get it

ready and stay on the ramp. You're here for two reasons: one is to have moved

the car on the ramp, and the other is so the enemies can move the debris on

the ramp. When they move some of it, toss a bottle and blow it on them. If you

only get one, run past him and look to the vending cart for another canister.

Lure the enemy (or both) to this canister, stand back, and blow them both at


Now you have a few options. For one, there are two cars nearby, on the right

side, and each has some items in the clove box. Use the health sprays to heal

yourself and make sure all your sprays are fresh; and if you brought the car

from before, don't forget to check it's clove box too.

*NOTE: Remember, use the lighter and a spray to set bodies on fire if there is

no fire nearby.*

*NOTE: This next little section is completely optional. If you feel like

it, just ramp to end the episode.*

Roots of Evil (3)


Secondly, notice that on your radar there is a weird marker to the right. You

can go over there and fight three big demons at the gate, and there are some

items behind the dead bodies on the bench, some explosives in the grass. Kill

them and drive through the gate. There are enemies sprinkled all over, and a

little bit of looking will likely lead to you finding some explosives and

sprays near each. However, you don't have to go inside the building here, you

can just go back and ramp off.

If you wish, go to the front of the big building and go in. Go down the steps

and at the bottom are some items to grab. Go toward the doorway and look across

the room to see the ratz nest. Shoot some fire bullets over there, or find

another way to burn it. Then kill the ratz before going to face the first

Root of Evil. It actually can't harm you, so just burn it with a flamethrower


Notice the power box on the wall. Go to the opposite corner behind where the

root was and press the button. Now come back to the box and get the blue wires

in hand. You don't hold them too close, just barely move them toward each other

and the circuit will be complete. The elevator will open so get in and take it

up. Have a flamethrower ready.

Once you step out a fissure will attack. Hopefully you can just burn it with

one good hit, you be sure to stay moving too. There is also a canister to

blow up nearby and you can make your own bombs. Once the fissure is burnt,

go to the right and burn the Root in the little hallway. There are items in the

next room, and if you come back there is another room by the elevator that

has more items; don't go out onto the balcony just yet.

Now go to the left of the elevator and there is just another Root in a corner.

There is a locker near it, but that's pretty much it. Now go to the balcony,

grab the water line, and rappel down to get out of this place. The building is

all clear and nothing left for you to do here. Probably no cars nearby, so

you'll have to run back, and there are two bridges on either side if you want

to run back to the ambulance from here.


This little bit is in case you skipped on the roots.

As for the ramp, just make sure there is absolutely no debris at the bottom of

the ramp. This is crucial because even the tiniest of debris can throw you

off balance. Once stuff is cleared out, back up down the road a good ways,

about a 100 yards or so, and then charge straight at the ramp. If you make it,

you'll trigger the scene.


Episode 4 - Fight Back and Loss


Sequence 1: Ride to the Museum


Last chance to go for the roots. Just run up the marker at the building nearby

and go inside through the doorway at the other side. Go in and there will be

some rumblings, so get out either a flamethrower or fire bullets. This is

called a Vampirz, and you just need to burn it. Grab a spray or two and then

run back out and to the car. Just get in and turn it on.

*NOTE: Whoever made this section of the game was clearly on crack, or they

just thought that having no sense to this segment made sense.*

Now is a very bad riding sequence. You can either go fast or hit something

to shake the vampirz off, but don't think about crashing. As the ride starts,

go straight down this road, and then you have to turn as the road ends, so

go a bit down the way and then cut through the grass to get back on the main

road. Blaze down and then hang a right.

Go forward and a car will go in front of you. Just follow it until you can

pass it, and soon after you'll need to cut into the grass again. And again,

quickly cut back to the left to get back on the main road. Just follow it and

through the rubble, and hopefully you can see through the smoke coming out of

your engine (maybe switch to first person). And then you're on the home

stretch. Just take it easy, avoid the curbs and anything that can mess you up,

and when you get to the falling tree you have survived.

Sequence 2: The Nest


Well, so much for surviving. This is a boss, I guess, but it's not that hard.

You need to toss four explosives into the base of this thing and blow them up

with a bullet; maybe you could tape up four bottles and toss them at once, but

I wouldn't advise that. For your protection there are just two walls to hide

behind on either side from where you start. You can't stay here forever, but

you can heal yourself while hiding here.

More importantly there is an almost endless supply of explosive bottles for you

to pick up. The plan is to have one, equip it and the gun, then run to the

left side of the base, get close but not beyond the columns, toss the bottle

and hold the button to enter slow mo, and then blast it. There is a second-long

mini scene and then you need to quickly run back to your cover as the batz

monster will start throwing more debris at you. Just repeat this three more

times and it will go up in flame.

Just go up and during the scene you will read a message. Now you can free-roam

a bit more. Get in a car and head toward the marker on the radar. After getting

pegged by a few enemies, if you follow the road you should eventually see

another static spot on the radar.

Roots of Evil (2)


Go to the right side of the Lakehouse with fire bullets in the gun. There are

four, quick humanz here, so take them out. Now go in and burn the two roots,

and you get another message about your improving spectral vision. Collect

any items as you exit the way you came. Reunite with Sarah and get in a car to

continue on.


Sequence 3: The Kidnapping


Now head for the destination marker. You'll see that you need to jump a gap,

but there is no ramp. Turn around and you'll see a tow truck. Get it and

drive it toward the gap, the open part; Sarah tells you where to put it (yeah,

I wish). Then get out and press the button on the side, and then go to the back

and shoot off the two locks to let down the ramp. Head for a car and on the

way you will lose Sarah. After she is gone, quickly go to a car and head up

the ramp before the enemies get you.

Sequence 4: Fight the Living Scar


Go shoot the lock off and go through the gate. Have a molotov, flamethrower, or

some fire bullets in the gun. This fissure is much faster than the last, so

you'll need to be quick. You can light a molotov and drop it and hope the

fissure runs into it, that is an option. Otherwise you'll need to aim quick

and burn thing.

*NOTE: Maybe try taking cover on the playground.*

After you take it out, go to the pipes in the fissure and jump over. Go to the

power box and either shoot or knock off the metal cover with the bat nearby.

Grab the wires and bring the red ones close until the power is on. Pick up

the call and then get on the lift when it arrives. Press the button to go up

one level. Get out and go into the closet on the right for some health and

explosive bottles. Use them to make some fire bullets. Now come out and head

toward the other door for a fissure to come out. You can shoot it with fire

bullets and hopefully hit it quickly.

*NOTE: You can get back on the lift and go up one more level, but it's only

got a spray bottle if you even need it.*

Before you go through the door, go pick up the fire extinguisher in the closet

and bring it with you. Use it to put out the fire in the hallway and then

hit a call. After, you can turn around for some items by a little kitchen

area, make sure you are full up on explosive bottles, then head down the hall.

When you turn the corner you will run into a big demon, bigger than the big

ones from before. You need to use the "toss the bottle and shoot it" trick,

but then you have to toss another to quickly burn the body; you have like

five seconds to burn the body. You can wait behind the table for the fire to go

out, or go back around the corner, and this may be best as there is another one

that appears and you can get both at once. You should run up close, toss a

bottle, hit it, then toss another once you've confirmed they are down. If you

for any reason run low on explosives, there are more at the kitchen, even some

in a cupboard.

Once you take them out, go back to the kitchen area and grab the gas tank.

You need this to blow off the door at the end of the hall, but maybe you can

just drop it by the door and it will knock it open. Either way, go through

the door and you see what has become of Sarah.


Episode 5 - Not Alone Anymore


Sequence 1: Bring Her Back


Grab the axe and swing it under her to drop her down. Now you need to revive

her. To perform CPR, watch the heartrate line and you need to time the button

presses with then a beat goes by. Do this 8 times to do mouth to mouth, which

is just holding the button down. Repeat once more and she'll be back.

There are a few items in the cupboards, but you can't dally around for too

long because there is a pretty much endless stream of ratz in the main room.

You can go out and shoot some nests, but there are more that you can't hit

from here. From where you came out of the snack room, go over the web of red

stuff and look up to the left to see a wire. Shoot the two things holding it

up and then shoot off the ratz. Climb up and pop the nest up here. Shouldn't

have to worry about any critters attacking, but be on alert just in case.

You'll see some wooden boards from where the nest was, so blow some fire onto

it and then just wait for the fires to die out and clear a path. Go through and

follow the path down some stairs where you see some sacks. Just burn them by

tossing a bottle. If you want, you can move the rock in the hall to open the

door and go get supplies if you need them.

Sequence 2: Museum's Visitors


When you go around the corner you see a body on the lasers. Those lasers need

to hit their points on the wall in order for the door to open. You should move

the body and quickly try to run through or else the ratz could get in the way.

If they do, pull the body back and hope they go after it. If not, then you'll

have to kill the ones on the lasers and jump through the door.

Go down the hall and you see a ton of ratz and some nests in a room. Go left

and into the kitchen and grab materials to make a molotov (either a tissue

or bandage and some kind of explosive) as there are plenty of the items you

need all over. Combine the cloth and bottle to make the molotov and equip it

and the lighter. From the kitchen door, go forward to the cracked wall and look

up to see the opening. You need to light the molotov, then toss it through the

opening, and then just wait for the door on the left to open up.

*NOTE: You can set bodies and those seem to distract the critters for a while.*

Run through and you'll hit another door that shows another puzzle. You can go

back to the kitchen to grab more molotov materials and the double-sided tape

in the locker. Come back to the door and kill any ratz that are not using the

vent; there should be just one that uses the vent to go back and forth. Now

make a molotov and also put some tape on it. You need to hold both in hand and

wait for the rat to just come to the blood puddle, maybe light the molotov

just before he arrives, and then tag him as he shows up. If you were just

early enough in lighting the thing, when he goes back he will burn the nest

and open the path.

*NOTE: Before you go through, make sure you have as many sprays as possible,

then fill the rest out with explosive bottles.*

Go through and you will hit one frustrating section, especially if you're low

on health and low on flammable items. There are two demons waiting for you,

but so long as you stay back you can pop them from afar. Just use fire bullets

and if you can close your eyes to see their fissures, that helps. Shoot them

and when you come out there will be four more enemies dropped into the area.

You need to quickly run to the right and there is one bottle at the doorway

and hopefully there is another on the shelf (it could be there, and then it

may not); don't worry about the medical box in here, it just has bandages.

Now run out and you can choose to either toss the bottles and blow them up,

or maybe use some sprays you have, or whatever, just take out these four

enemies as quickly as you can. There is a fire source at the other end of the

room, as well as a sword and some ammo, but if you have no items on you, you'll

have to use that fire and the chair and hurl it at your enemies (toss with the

shoot button, maybe).

So once you kill the enemies, aside from the weapons and ammo, there is nothing

else to grab on this level. When you go upstairs, be ready for three more

big enemies. One is at the top of the steps and the others are down the side

walkways. If you have bottles or a flamethrower, good. If not, you'll have to

go around the upper walkway to the left to hit the fire source up here. There

are two more chairs up here you can use to burn and then toss, but the big

guys move strangely around; they could jump right to you, but if you stay in

the corner of the fire, they seem to glitch up and just jump around. So you'll

have to run out of that corner to lure them out. But again, if you have items,

use those.

Once all seven enemies are dead, go to the left side of the stairs to meet the

guard calling to you. He eventually opens the gate and you may pass. Go down

the stairs with your flashlight ready. Follow the path to a laser grid which

goes away if you get close. There is more of that goo in this hallway, but

now you have some lights to help you out. The idea is the same as last time,

hold the light to keep the goo at bay, but this time there will be goo behind


For this first light, get in the corner and then look down the hall. Hold the

goo back and then wait for the moving light to get close and get in it to the

other side. Jump on the pedestal just in case. Again, hold the light back with

your light, then run to the standing light. Hold the goo back and run to the

next light. From here just clear the goo to the doorway and then jump.

Go to the panel on the left and try to use it. Turn around and head back the

way you came, but thankfully a guard will show up in a cutscene to let you

through. After that, go in, open the elevator, get in and try to go down.

You'll get stuck, so get out and then head back to where you came in.

Sequence 3: The Huge One


Okay, a boss battle with some challenge, especially since you probably have no

health sprays and there are none in this arena. As soon as the battle starts

you need to quickly run to the left, behind the pillar, and hopefully he

doesn't get you.

Now, stay here until he is down throwing his daggers, which you can either

barely peek around the pillar or just wait for the impacts to stop. If you

already have fire bullets in the gun, great; if you can make some, even better;

if you have none and no way to make any, sucks for you. There are fire bottles

in the corners of this room. From where you you are you'll have to run to the

corner on this side, and there is only one bottle. You'll have to run in

between the daggers to be safe.

Here is a map of the arena from where you start. The (*) are the bottles

sources. I am not sure if there are 3 at the bottom one, but I got two from

there and then there was another after. There is even ammo around the two

opposite corner sources.


|* *|

| |

| |

| |

| |

| *|

| |

| 3*|


Once you have fire bullets, wait for his daggers to stop and then pop out and

shoot at the three flame spots on his upper body. Now retreat to behind a

pillar, within the lines of white light as this means you'll be safe. You stay

here until he get close and then he will crush the pillar, so when you are no

longer protecting your head, just run to a pillar.

Now you need to toss explosive bottles at him in between dagger flurries. You

will toss when he is charging up, and make sure your tosses don't fall short.

After each hit retreat to a pillar and run when he is close. Then make your

way to more bottles if you need them. Connect three hits, avoid getting hit

too much yourself, and it should be a little easy to take him down. Again,

just make sure each toss makes it to him; even run toward him to close

distance if too far away.

Sequence 4: One Step From the Truth


If you need more bottles, feel free to check the spots for more. Then go to

the panel on the opposite side and test it out. No good, but of course the

"key" is sitting right behind you. First, shoot down the sword to the left of

the door, then go over to the right side of the dead guard. Hold the sword

over your head and then drop it down. If the arm is cut, pick it up and take

it to the panel.

Drop it, if you would, and go through the next door to finally hit some more

items. You got a health spray in the med kit and more items in the locker.

After you stock up and heal, head down the hall to hit an elevator. Open the

lift and then shoot the thing holding the wire. Now go down the rope to the

bottom, then go into first person and press the holster button to whip out the

gun. Shoot the lock and then jump through (reload button, maybe).

You can go right for an axe. Go left and at the very end you'll run into two

big demons by the door. DO NOT SHOOT THE GAS TANK NEAR THEM!!! You need that

to open the door because I believe you are stuck if you have no explosives. So

just make some fire bullets and use them to take out the demons, or use one of

the many tools to kill them. After they are gone, pick up the tank and set it

in front of the door. Stand back and shoot it to open the path.

Go in and down the ladder and approach the door for a scene.


Episode 6 - The Truth


Sequence 1: Room 943


It starts as a scene, then it becomes a sorta investigation. After it's dark,

move away from Sarah and then get close to trigger the next part. Now you

light should be flashing, so close your eyes and look at the desk to see a

ghost pointing at a paper on the wall. Look at it. Then the music starts, so

close your eyes to see him pointing at the record. Go look. Then turn around

and close your eyes again to see the ghost point to something. Look at that

and the mystery is almost complete. Look toward the bathroom and blink again

to see him pointing at a bottle. Go look and then the puzzle is solved.

After the scene, blink and look to the metal locker. Open it, stand back, and

then look at it until the path is opened. Go in for a scene and some messages.

Read them and then exit to see the strange room. Drop an item in the left side

of your jacket, tape or bandages, and then grab the lens. Go back to the room,

equip both lens and flashlight, and then point the beam at the red symbol on

the wall to open the path.

Sequence 2: An Ancient Path


Just head straight, ignoring the side alcoves that have nothing, and then use

any fire source to burn the ratz nests. If you don't have fire bullets, there

is a fire source and some wood, but you can't jump across the gap. Even better

than using crude tools, go to the left and get in the forklift. Take it down

the ramp and use the lift to push up the bridge. Now you can cross that bridge

to burn the nests, and then use the forklift to crush the little beasts.

No more enemies, so just get in the vehicle and drive it down the hallway and

into the next area. There are no items, so don't bother looking. Stay in the

lift and drive it to the right of the raised surface. If you look closely,

there is a space under a beam that extends toward the wall. You can lift that

beam up and you'll make a ramp, just make sure there is space to get in and out

of the lift. Raise the ramp up and then get out. If you don't have fire, grab

one of the wooden objects down the room and bring them near the fire. When

you pull the switch by the torch, be ready for one demon. Now get in the lift,

drive up the ramp, and move the containers out of the way.

There is a locker to the left that you want to raid, but there is also a spray

can over the fence on the right. It takes way more effort than it's worth, but

you'll need to stack these containers (which I will call crates) so that you

can get over the fence. Just knock down one crate from a stack of two, place it

in the middle of the fence, and then take one of the two stacks and place it

on the left side of the fence. Use the crates to jump over and get the can.

Now to get back you have to use the locker things on the right and then jump

to the one to the left and then hop over.

Go into the next room for a message, then make some fire bullets and shoot the

two nests, one above you and one across the way. Some of the ratz may not pose

a threat to you, but you can shoot them all if you want.

Now the puzzle is to stack up the crates so you can get to the upper walkway.

Simply grab a two stack and carry it not as far to the left as you can take it,

which is by the ladder, but a little bit short. Then take a single and set it

next to the stack. Jump on them, look to the platform above and jump to it.

Flip the switch and then jump down. Drive over the raise platform and then get

out to flip the switch by the door on the right. Of course it doesn't just open

all the way, so just use the forklift to raise it up.

Get out and head down the long tunnel. Use the lift at the end to go up, then

through another switch to breathe the fresh air.

Sequence 3: Light From the Sky


All you can do is go forward to trigger a scene. Now comes another one of those

trial and error spots. Do not go into first person, it doesn't help. Just stay

in the beam and run when you are falling behind. You have a little bit of

room to get in the black goo, but you can't be in too long. The best advice I

can give you is to stay in the front of the light, and when the beam is toward

the wall be ready to turn. It's just two trips around the pit until the scene.

That's it, pretty short episode.


Episode 7 - The Path of Light


Sequence 1: Hang On!


Start climbing and stuff will fall. The bigger pieces you don't need to

worry about, but when a single rock falls down the middle, move to the side to

avoid being hit. All you can do is keep going up as the chopper slowly starts

to fall over. You'll need to regain your balance many times if you are hit,

and when a beam falls try to jump away to avoid it. When the chopper is just

about over, the gas lines will burn, so avoid those. Soon after you'll be

forced to climb on the left side, and you need to get even with the train car

and then jump over before the chopper falls; you have a few tries, but you

don't have forever.

When you make it to the train, hop in the hole and then head up, but the train

falls over. There is a rope when you drop, so get on and climb yet again. You

need to be in first person and you need your gun unholstered as you climb.

When you see ratz, shoot them down quickly; if they get you you need to regain

your balance quickly, then worry about blinking, but you will most likely have

to start from the bottom. Just be sure to hit them as they appear. You'll need

to hit two waves as you get up, then one more wave when you reach the top, but

when you see a ton of ratz all over, the train will fall and you'll be safe

from them.

Sequence 2: Subway Station


Keep climbing and then head to the front of the train. You see some normal

people in a train car, but you need to worry about the ton of demons coming

after you.

There are just four, then another group of four, and then a big one; also there

are ratz all over (no nests, so if you have the fire bullets to spare, shoot

them). What you want to do is run forward and the enemies appear, but ignore

them and run to the right of the stairs and into the bathroom. Head into the

utility room and stock up on plenty of items. You can use sprays on the first

two waves of enemies, but you should use a bottle as an explosive on the last

big guy. If you need health, jump through the open vent and follow it to the

other side, use the pipe to open this vent and hop down for another utility

room of health items. This room is on the other side of the stairs, and just

to be clear, you don't need to come here unless you really need health.

Now that you have items to fight with, come out and use the flamethrower to

kill the first few waves of demons. Use fire bullets on the ratz that are

around whichever end you are, but you should probably be in the area in front

of the stairs as the enemies spawn down the tracks. Spray or fire bullet the

lesser demons, and once they are gone keep an eye down the tracks for the

appearance of the big guy. Remember, he throws daggers, so hide behind cover,

wait for him to get close, or approach when he doesn't realize you are there,

and toss a bottle and shoot it to burn him up.

*NOTE: You also get a message when you go into the bathroom, so you can

either read it when you get it or later.*

After the fight, refill in the two bathrooms and heal up, killing any ratz.

Then come to the train and lady will let you in. Jump in and follow, but of

course it's not that easy. Just wait until the short ride stops. Then go to

the wall, look up and to the left, and then start shooting down the ratz (no

need for fire bullets). Then jump to the rope, climb up a bit, jump to the

other one, and climb into the... thing.

Sequence 3: Reach the Old Castle


Just move along and you will climb your way out and back into the park. Read

the two messages and then head for a nearby car (you just climbed out of that

bit bat, FYI). You'll need to hotwire it, so touch same colored wires until

there is power.

Now, you can go to the old castle right now, but all that does is give you the

message that you need enough Spectral Vision to solve the puzzles. That is all

this section is about.

However, let us now go on a hunt for the needed amount of Roots of Evil. You

need a 30 Spectral Vision rating, and you can see your total in the GPS, along

with a few marked root locations. We will take the ones that are marked on this

map. If you need help finding them, refer to the Roots of Evil section of this

guide for more. Get 30 SV points and then head to the castle.

Sequence 4: The Eye of Central Park


When you show up, hopefully you have a spray can and you can burn the fissure

that attacks; there are a lot of bottles to the north and west of the castle,

on the steps.

Now, you need to find six symbols and shine your light on them. First go into

the castle by breaking or burning the door. Remember, close your eyes to see

them, and then equip the lens and flashlight combo (the flashlight needs to be

on). You need to shine the light on the symbols at the same size, then hold it

for long enough for the scene to trigger and put the symbol on a floor. Also,

you need to close your eyes for long enough for the symbol to stay on the wall

for a while.

1. A painting is behind the counter. Knock it down with a chair and then shine

your light.

2. Now come back outside the door, blink, and you should see the symbol at

the corner of the building.

3. Another is to the northeast, at the patio thing, on the south side wall, by

the fire.

4. At the southwest side of the castle on the outside, there is another.

5. Now head to the south of the castle and take some steps to the side of the

castle, but two demons pop up so handle them. The symbol is right above where

they appeared.

6. Now go back into the castle, and make sure to have some fire bullets in the

gun combine any liquids, keep the full bottles, drop the incomplete ones, and

then grab as many bottles from the area and in the locker inside the building;

don't forget to stock up on the other items around the counter. Look into the

room and you'll see the black goo. You have glow sticks that you can use, but

all you need are two chairs. Light one on fire and toss it to the upper right

corner of the room and hopefully it doesn't land anywhere directly in front

of the symbol (if it does quickly go in and pick it up and move it to the right

of the symbol). Now get the other chair, light it, and carry it to the upper

corner and drop to the left of the symbol, more along the middle of the wall

and not directly in the corner. Hold your eyes close to light up the symbol,

stand back a bit from the wall, and then light it up. After that, jump on the

counter to be safe.

*NOTE: The cable is reachable from outside the castle if you come around to

the east side and from the north jump to it. Just in case you fall.*

From here, head to the window and jump out to the rope; of course only if you

got the other 5 symbols. Climb up until you are level with the roof and jump

towards it, make sure you are facing the roof. After the call, either burn

or blow up the big guy and make sure you burn the body quickly; there is an axe

inside if you really need it. After that, go in, pick up the fire extinguisher,

put out the fire, and then go up the stairs. Two messages to read, then on

the lift. Get on the telescope thing, look to the moon, point put the moon in

the circle, and I believe you press the shoot button or just hold it there to

end the episode.

*NOTE: There are two moons, but you want the one up high and the one that seems

to not be giving off much light.*


Episode 8 - The Light Bringer


Sequence 1: Evil Roots


Get off the scope and now you may notice there are a ton more roots on the

GPS. You can go to the marker way to the east, but there is little reason to

as you can't see nothing. You now need to seek out more roots until your

Spectral Vision is to 50. Again, if you need help, see my Roots of Evil section

for more.

*NOTE: The only reason to get all 100 SV is if you want the achievement on the

360. Sure, you can have blink and have the enemy fissures stay visible for

much longer, but it's not like you can't see the fissures and it's hard to hit

them anyway.*

Once you have 50, head east, way east to reach the Secret Entrance. There is a

shield all around it, so close your eyes to see it. In front of the building

are items in the path. Use those to make a molotov and toss it over as far as

you can. Just wait a bit and hopefully the scene of the root thing burning

will play. Go in, look to the right, close your eyes to reveal the symbol on

the wall, and then shine the lens on it. A hole opens in the corner. You can't

just fall down. Look to the pole in the middle of this room, shoot the ring

holding the rope, and then use the rope to climb down the hole.

When you get to the end of the rope, jump to the left so you fall on the ledge

below. Walk into the edge so you grab it and then shimmy to the left and drop

onto the ledge. Pick up the rope, jump to get down quicker, and then take the

call. Then head all the way down the tunnel to a scene.

Sequence 2: Find the Key


Take the side path all the way down to the lift. Use the lens to light the

symbol. After the ride, go into the room, pick up the post thing with the

symbol on it, and drop it in front of the beam of light. Go through the open

door and take the rope down.

In the next room you have a nice little puzzle. First, you grab the box with

your main button, and you drop the box with your shoot button. Grab the box and

take it to the right corner of the room. Leave it on the light, let go, and

then run to the left corner of the room. Get on the platform when it lowers,

and then after a while there is a block that will push the box out of the

way and thus the lift will rise up.

Go out and take the rope down, then jump to the right. Get on the next rope,

down, next rope, down, drop. Go into the next room.

Now is the grand mega puzzle as I call it. After you pick up the post, a scene

will show you the size of the puzzle, then you realize that the fire is


Take the post down and hold it onto the beam on the right. Go down and now the

next set of spikes is active. Wait for them to retreat and hold the post onto

the left beam. Now the last set of spikes is on. Wait for them to go and then

go foward, hold the post to the right, and then go through the door.

Take the tunnel to the next puzzle. Get on the square lift and look at the

post. Grab it and you'll see that the ride will cut ropes as it goes along, and

this will turn on a swinging blade. For this first one you can just go, but

for the rest you need to swing the post to the left to hold the beam and then

unhold to move after the blade swings, or right as it's swinging. Then do the

same for the double blade, and I hope you know to stop in the middle. There

is a bit of a delay, so let the beam go a second before you wish to go, and

then hold is a second before you want to hold it.

Drop it when you get across and then jump to the rope on the other side. Go

down and jump to the ledge. In the tunnel some boards will fall. Pick one up

and take it to the opening and light it with the torch. Then take the fire

and burn the boards in your way. Go through and into the next room.

Get on the opposite side of the unlit torch and pull it toward the other

pressure pad. Once you get it there, push it back to the first pad, that will

stop the walls from moving. Now find a piece of wood. Take the steps behind

the torch and light your stick, then swing under the torch to light up the

boards holding it up. Once they are lit, run to the opposite side of the room

and stand on the platform. When the torch drops, you will rise and you can get

out of here.

Don't run out over the edge. Turn left and jump to the rope. Down the ropes

and drop and go into the next room. This puzzle is a maze. You will grab the

post, light it, and then go along the path with the post as your torch.

But don't overlook the beams. You can use your body and head to hold up a

beam, and even hold the post to the side. What you'll do is follow this map and

when not close to a beam you will run so you can get to a beam and then cut it

off with the post (walk when holding the post up). And feel free to run down

the home stretch.


x - don't go this way

+ - intersection





x |

x +-+

+--+ |

| | |

| +-+

| x







I believe that is all right. So drop the post and go across the bridge. In the

next room, pick up a torch and light up the wooden column in the middle. Take

it down the tunnel and drop it by the wall. Come back to the room and grab a

torch. Take it to the wall down the tunnel to read the riddle. Walk back a few

paces and you should see the flame waver a bit. Drop the torch, pick up the

block, and then use the block on the right side of the tunnel to knock it


Sequence 3: The Final Gate


After the scene, you and your buddy need to get in a car, duh. After the scene,

quickly turn right and run to the car down the hill. Once in and after the

scene, follow the road, even cut across the grass for a shortcut, but stay on

this northern road. Go around the truck, carefully, and when you get to the

next truck you should turn to the left, as the museum is to the south.

When the road starts turning east, you can stay on the road for a little

while, but a spike will cut off the road and force you to go southwest and over

the grass (just be careful of tress and anything really).

There are spikes in the open field, so avoid as best you can, no need to go

too fast, and your goal is to get to the road to the south. Get on and then

dodge the spikes here. Head west, dodge spikes, go over the ramp that

appears, then be ready to zig zag until you go through the spikes, then

the spikes get a bit more random but a little easier, and then another small

ramp. When you hit the bend that goes north, look to your left and be ready

to take the ramp that goes to the museum.

When on the museum "island," go into the ramp and go until you get to a

walking ramp. Get out and go through the doorway, then turn right and go all

the way to the "943" on the wall and then down the ramp. There is ammo in the

locker, but if don't need it, and you shouldn't, just shoot the lock holding

the garage door down (it's on the floor).

Sequence 4: Choose For All


Now for a false decision. There is no choice here, you must aim for the left

side of Sarah's face and shoot him. After that, follow Hermes to the drill

thing. After the door opens, follow right behind him to trigger the next scene.

Then put your stone on the table and then just watch until you must grab the

stone again.

Now you have a real decision. Either do nothing or shoot. And it's over.


Yeah, game over. How 'bout that? Well, guess all you have to do is go to

episode 8, skip to scene 4, and then play it out the other way. At least

you're given that. No need to play the game twice for the two endings. Both

are confusing, soooo... yeaaaah.


I believe Edward is the key to Lucifer manifesting into reality; that is

evident by the 'bad' ending. But when Sarah takes over, that doesn't happen,

but Sarah is possessed like the other demons. I have no clue what is supposed

to happen when Edward walks away in the 'good' ending, but if there is a

sequel I assume it will pick up there. Just know that the devil has tricked

Edward into setting him free. Apparently Ed was possessed for the time that

he doesn't remember, gets bonked on the head or something, and then wakes up

to fall into the trap of being possessed again. So the question is "why didn't

the devil do all of what we just did, but 70 years earlier?"

Don't go hardcore on me on this, I'm just trying to help people understand

the game. Refer to the cell phone messages and documents for more.

For further reading, this game is loosely based on some of the "conspiracy

theories" and the like about Central Park. I'm not going into them, but feel

free to visit wikipedia about Alone in the Dark.


* 5. Roots of Evil ( ROO5555 ) *


You need 50 SV to beat the game, and getting all 100 is just for the

achievement. The episode roots are clearly on your GPS when you get to that



Episode 7 Roots


These are the ones that are marked on your map when you need to access the

Old Castle. You need 30 SV to investigate the Old Castle.


1. To the east of the Old Castle, in an amphitheater. There are demons guarding

it, but you can ignore them and toss a bottle and shoot it at the root, then

get in your car and drive away.


2. If you check the GPS, there is a ring east of the castle. This one is to

the southeast of this ring. Nothing special, just another root in the open and

guarded by demons. Toss a bottle and shoot it and then get out of here.


3. This one is inside of the building to the east of the last one. You can

go off an edge into a parking lot and loot the glove box of a car here. Nearby

and to the north a bit you will pass a locked door. There is a bottle of

alcohol at the corner of the building nearby. Use this to blast the door open.

Go in and inch your way to the left and into the room for some supplies. Then

go into the opposite room for two bottles and this will spawn two big demons

down the left hall. Kill them and then set the root on fire; do so from the

locker nearby if you need to toss a bottle and shoot it. Then go to the end of

this side for another root. Then come back so you can go down the left side.

Just two normal demons spawn and there are tons of spray cans in the room

to your left and in a locker. Kill them and then spray the last root in here.

There is a medical kit on the wall with plenty of stuff to heal you up; grab

the bandages because you never know when you'll suffer a deep wound.


4. Head south down the road and you'll hit the end of it, so then make your way

east a bit. You'll need to beat the 3 demons, then go up the building. To the

left of it is a trash can that should have a bottle. Use this to blast your

way inside. A locker in here has a locker, then take the ladder and go down to

the middle level. There is the black goo at the bottom. Empty some space on

your right side and pick up some of the glow sticks. You only need to drop one,

but feel free to drop two just in case. Make sure you flashlight battery is

full and climb down. Go first person and have your flashlight and hold away

the goo to the left, slowly move up as the goo is pushed back. Push it back and

then leap to beyond the safety of the light to get out of the hall.

Now, the next part. The root is behind a cage, but that cage has a moving belt

around it. You can activate this belt via a button on the console to the

right, but there is no need for that. Simply grab one of the many bottles in

a box, head to the corner of the railing that is sticking out, which is by the

console, aim to the root and move it around until you have the cursor right on

the cage, then move it down just a tad, toss the bottle, and then shoot it. If

you did it right, you should get the root.

*NOTE: The hard way is to tape a bottle, stick a cloth in it, light it, and

then toss the sticky molotov onto one of the moving tubes, and then hope it

blows up over the root. Again, way too much effort.*

Now to the escape. You have four glow sticks here with you. You want to drop

one of your health sprays under the light in the hall. Now get all four glow

sticks and quick equip them so you don't have to go into the jacket four times.

Toss two glow sticks in front of the light where the goo is, then get in that

spot and then toss two more toward the ladder. Grab the health spray and then

use the flashlight to push away the goo, make sure you are patient, and then

make your way to the ladder and get up.


5. A much easier one. Head east of the lake, to the field with spires if you

check the GPS. If you get close you'll see a ton of big demons and the ones

that throw daggers. You have better just run, toss a bottle, shoot it, and then

run for the car and blaze off. There are some bottles behind the root and



6. Head a bit further down this narrow road to the east and you'll hit the next

root. This one can't be hit with normal means. If you look at it from the road,

to the right there is a ramp. Take a car down the road toward the burning

cars and drive to the ramp, get on the grass, and you need to hit the ramp

in the middle, slightly to the right. It may take a few tries and the key is to

hit the ramp going really fast. If you land on the ruined piece of road, it

will launch a burning car and take out the root.


7. There is a narrow road that is north of the lake. Toward the start of it

is this root which is high above you. You'll notice there is a rope below it

that has two ratz climbing up and down it. Left of the rope is a trash can with

bottles and double tape, even some cloth if you need it. Make a molotov and

tape it up, come to the rope, aim high, wait for a rat to get low, and then

toss it. He should blow up on the root and take it out for you.


8. Head west. Notice that there is a big road that makes a rectangle-shape,

well, rounded off. Along the middle is a long, lesser road. At the south end

and touching the main road, there is a building with ratz all over. Go inside,

burn the root, and then make an escape. The building should be familiar,

especially if you were crushed during the bat chase.


9. Go south from the last one, west of the three or even four-way intersection.

Check your GPS and head to the little building that is near where you hit the

ambulance from a long time ago. It's in the building where you first met the

batz before that stupid chase.



Episode 8 Roots


These are available as soon as you start episode 8. You need 50 SV to access

the Secret Entrance to the very east of the map.


10. This one is just north of the Old Castle, and unguarded.


11. Head farther to the north, northeast of the Old Castle and this root is on

the edge of the map. This one is in a playground, unguarded, and if you spray

some fire onto the wooden board below it you are sure to burn it quickly. West

and along the road is an ambulance for sprays.


12. This one is directly east of the Old Castle, at the top of that "ring" if

you look on the map.


13. This one is on the bridge that goes across the big lake. It's to the side,

and it's a long walk/run, so bring a few bottles in case you miss. Remember,

blast the bottle when it's close to the root.


14. This one is directly east of the lake, in the corner of the big, open hole

in the ground. You'll need to get close and then go over the side as demons

attack you. You'll see a wall on the side of the road, the root is behind



15. From either side of lake, get to the south end and this one is almost

directly to the south of it. The root is small and hidden behind some bushes

on the ground. Also, on the street are some sprays and blood packs, and if you

want to you can use the packs to distract the batz.


16. This one is north of the museum, which is the big building on the south

side of your map, southeast of the Old Castle. It's just up the hill from the

road, and guarded by some demons.


17. West of the museum is a small pool. Head there and try to sneak up behind

the root so that the demon doesn't spot you, burn it, and then run to your

car and flee.


18. Check the map to see this one to the west of a building. If you go there

you'll see it's the same building where you fought the batz monster. You can

get to the raised area from the south, if you came from the last root, and if

you are coming from the north you'll have to enter the area from the west side

and up the road. The root is guarded, so burn it and run. There are steps on

the sides of it if you need to make an escape.


19. Head west from the last one straight down the road to hit this one. It's

on the grass around a tiny ring road.


20. Take the main road and go northwest of the last root. If it looks like that

turn during the bat chase, go south on foot to hit a gazebo with the root on

the north side of it.


21. West of here is the fissure you jumped way early in the game. North of

where you jumped is a root on an island that is seemingly impossible to reach.

Well, head to the northwest side of it. You need to locate the ramp, and to the

left of this ramp is some trash if you need it. The hard way is to use molotovs

on the car, but you don't need to.

The best thing you can do is go up to the road and get a car if you don't have

one. There is a straight, open path to the ramp. All you need is to head

straight for the ramp, then lean out and bail as you are very close to the

ramp (there is a bail out button, which is the same you use to jump off ropes).

You will lean and then jump, so make sure you have time and make sure you are

holding down the gas button.

If you hit the ramp in the middle the car should be right on the island with

the root. Now just get a gun, get on the ramp, and then fire at the car's gas

cap, which is on the lower left side of every car. If the root burns, it's

10 SV for you. Remember, stuff in the trash nearby if you need it.


22. This one is pretty much at the direct west end of the map, at the end of

the curving road. Get out and go up the walking path. There are a few enemies

to deal with, or ignore, and then burn the root and run.


23. This root is basically in the northwest corner of the map. Take the small

road and park by the large colum. Some batz guard it, and it is at the top of

the column. You can clear them out, or try to aim through them, but the

easy thing is to just aim a bottle as far up as you can, toss, and then

shoot. You can stand about 15 away from the column, aim for the base of the

root, and nail it like that.


24. This one is also a ramp, but much easier than the other ramping one. Head

to the middle of the big ring, rectangular road. You'll approach the open

field and see a tall island. On the south side is a ramp, and all you need to

do is go to the road and then blast up the ramp. Spray the root and then

drive off either side to get back down.


25. From the last root it's easiest to travel northeast along the northern

road. Check the GPS for a tiny bridge at the northeastern end of the smaller

lake. Take this bridge to get on this "island" for the rest of the roots. Head

southwest once you're in to hit this one on top of a hill, and guarded by



26. From the last one, head west to burn this one where a bridge once stood.

*NOTE: If you need supplies, you can always jump off the ledge to the south of

here for items in the lakehouse where you should have already burned a root or

two. Then make your way back to the island.*


27. Go southeast to the middle of the island. This root is by a little resting

area with a waterfall, and there are plenty of lights and enemies around. It's

best if you approach from the west side.


28. Now head east a bit until you hit a bridge. The root is below it, along the

lower road.


29. Well, this last one is just at the east end of the island. It's got one

guy guarding it, but the hard part is getting off the island. You can go south

for items in a parking lot, there is a dead end parking lot to the southeast,

and then you have any exit along the south end; just fall off the cliffs, you

should be fine.



Roots During the Game


These roots are found while you are playing. They're there when you are looking

for the other roots.


30. These three are found near the ramp either at the end of episode 3 or at

the beginning of episode 4. You go into the basement, kill the ratz, and

then burn the root. Press the button in the corner behind where the root was

and then go to the power box. Try all the wires and push them together, even

just a little bit towards each other, and when power is back use the elevator

to go up. You'll fight a fissure, then burn the two roots on this level. Use

the line on the balcony to get back down quickly.


31. When leaving the bat fight in episode 4. You'll pass a lakehouse on your

way to the museum. Enter from the east side, fight the humanz, collect some

items, and then burn the two roots.



* 6. Items ( ITEM666 ) *


These are all of the items and weapons you can get in the game, listed by what

side of the jacket you can put them in. Keep in mind, 5 on the left, 4 on the


Key Items


These are picked up during the game and cannot be dropped.

Handgun - It's your only gun. You can find a magnum along the way.

Flashlight - Used for light. Needed at times, good at others, and combined with

the lens to solve puzzles.

Lighter - One of the few things that never needs to be refilled. Use this to

light wicks on molotovs and as a flamethrower when combined with a spray.

Lens - A key item used with the flashlight to solve puzzles.

Left Side


These are your "tool" items.

Knife - Used to open gas tanks to leak the fuel from cars and to cut open

blood bags. Not really needed, and if you use it you'll need lots of empty


Screwdriver - Same as the knife, and to poke holes in bottles. Probably you

never need.

Bandages - Doubles as a wick for molotovs and a deep wound healing item. You

should probably keep these with you throughout.

Batteries - Used to power the flashlight. You only need one box.

Ammo - Ammo for your gun, and can even be used for a mega bomb.

Tape - Used to make molotovs and bottles sticky. You can stick more stuff to

bottles with tape too.

Handkerchief - Used as a wick for molotovs only.

Right Side


These are your more important items as they make fire, which is the only way to

fully kill the demons. Also note that sprays can be tossed like bottles.

Medical Spray - Used to heal your wounds if you look at them, and can double

as a flamethrower with the lighter. Could just be me, but it makes a pour


Anti-Rust Spray - Use with lighter for flamethrower.

Mosquito Spray - Use with lighter for flamethrower.

Empty Bottle - Can be plastic or glass. Glass ones break if you drop them. You

can empty these and put in whatever liquid you want. Mainly used to take in

leaking fuel.

Glowstick - Toss to crack and make light in spots. Mainly only used on the

black goo, but you can also stick to items.

Flare - Better than glowsticks, and can also be stuck to items.

Blood Bag - Cut with knife to lure monsters away, or make a blood trail to

lead them somewhere.



These are the the combinations of the items. Credit Wiki Cheats for these.

The flamethrower, molotov, fire bullets, and the explosive bottles are your

basic weapons.

Flamethrower - Lighter + Medical Spray/Mosquito Spray Can/Anti-rust Spray Can

Fire Bullets - Fuel + Clip of Bullets

Molotov Cocktail - Fuel + Bottle + Handkerchief/Bandage + Lighter

Sticky Molotov - Fuel + Plastic Bottle + Handkerchief/Bandage + Double-sided


Explosive Plastic Bottle - Fuel + Plastic Bottle

Explosive Glass Bottle - Fuel + Glass Bottle

Bomb - Fuel + Bottle + Double-sided Tape + Box of Bullets

Sticky Bomb - Fuel + Plastic Bottle + Double-sided Tape

Glowstick Bomb - Fuel + Bottle + Double-sided Tape + Glowstick

Extra Pack Bomb #1 - Fuel + Bottle + Double-sided Tape + Ammo Box

Extra Pack Bomb #2 - Medical Spray/Mosquito Spray Can/Anti-rust Spray Can +

Double-sided Tape + Ammo Box

Flare Bottle - Bottle + Double-sided Tape + Emergency Flare

Flare Molotov Cocktail - Fuel + Bottle + Handkerchief + Emergency Flare

Flare Spray - Medical Spray/Mosquito Spray Can/Anti-rust Spray Can + Double-

sided Tape + Emergency Flare

Glass Water Bottle - Glass Bottle + Water

Glowing Bottle - Bottle + Double-sided Tape + Glowstick

Glowing Molotov Cocktail - Fuel + Bottle + Handkerchief + Glowstick

Plastic Water Bottle - Plastic Bottle + Water

Taped Anti-Rust Spray - Anti-Rust Spray + Double-sided Tape

Taped Blood Bag - Blood Bag + Double-sided Tape

Taped Emergency Flare - Emergency Flare + Double-sided Tape

Taped Glass Bottle - Glass Bottle + Double-sided Tape

Taped Glowstick - Glowstick + Double-sided Tape

Taped Medical Spray - Medical Spray + Double-sided Tape

Taped Mosquito Spray - Mosquito Spray + Double-sided Tape

Taped Plastic Bottle - Plastic Bottle + Double-sided Tape


* 7. Achievements ( ACH7777 ) *


Should go without saying, but these are for the 360 only. They are all pretty

easy to get; nothing takes too long.



You can only get these by not skipping a scene.

Blackout - Finish episode 1.

Questions - Finish episode 2.

Painful Answers - Finish episode 3.

Fight Back and Loss - Finish episode 4.

Not Alone Anymore - Finish episode 5.

The Truth - Finish episode 6.

The Path of Light - Finish episode 7.

The Light Bringer - Finish episode 8.

A Day in Central Park - Beat the game, no skipping.



Flaming Roots - Burn half of the roots of evil.

Blazing Roots - Burn all roots of evil.

Basic Combination - Tape up a bottle.

Nuke - Kill 3 Humanz at once.

The Smart Fighter - Kill any Humanz with the 'spray + lighter' combination.

The Molotov Cocktail - Insert a wick into a bottle with flammable content.

Cocoon - Burn a cocoon.

The Air Bomb - Throw a bottle filled with flammable liquid and shoot it mid-


The Sticky Bomb - Take a bottle filled with flammable content or a spray and

combine it with an adhesive.

Fire Bullets - Make a fire bullet by pouring flammable liquid on it.

The Glowstick Bomb - Combine a taped bottle filled with flammable content or a

spray with a glowstick.

Useless! - Combine an empty taped bottle with a wick and an emergency flare.

Handyman Carnby - Make all possible combinations in the inventory. Just

look at all the items in the items section and combine them all. Don't forget

to pour liquids into empty bottls. There's gasoline to get from cars, flares,

blood packs, three kinds of sprays. Basically when you have something, grab it

and combine it to stuff.

The Sharpshooter - Finish off a Humanz by shooting fire bullets at it's


Demolition Expert - Build the most destructive weapon. That means tape an

explosive bottle, stick an ammo box on it, stick a cloth in it, and that's it.

Fissure - Burn a fissure.

The Biggest of All - Beat the Museum Monster.

Goal! - Kick 10 Ratz. You can kick with the shoot button with nothing in hand.

Toasted Eggs - Burn a Ratz nest.

Vampirz - Burn one of the Vampirz.

Fisherman's Foe - Shoot a goldfish. It's in the water when you first hit the

sewers in episode 3.

Unlimited Offer - Call all contacts in your address book. Lines may be busy,

but it still counts.

Wired - Hotwire a car.

Car Thievery - Unlock a car door after breaking the window.

Free Gasoline - Pierce a car gas tank and fill a bottle with the fuel.

Never Leave a Key Here - Find a car key in the sun visor.

The 10 Mile Race - Drive at least 10 miles with a vehicle.

Eradication - Kill 100 Humanz.

Bloody Mary - Bandage 5 deep wounds.



The Blind Man - Get through the start of the game without blinking.

Cockpit Addict - Complete the drive through the streets in the driver's seat.

Countdown to Death - Patch up the deep wound in episode 3.

Burning Root - Burn a Root of Evil.

Purification by Fire - Defeat the vampirz nest monster.

Stuntman - Jump across the gap to reach the museum.

Revive - Revive Sarah.

Meet Again - Reach room 943.

The Path of Darkness - Kill her.

The Path of Light - Don't kill her.

Hidden Cave - Enter the cave in episode 8.


* 8. Author Info / Copyright *




Wiki Cheats - for the item combos.



Please contact me if you need any help, if you want to praise me, if you want

to talk, or if you want to ask a question.

***Please have 'Alone' in the title. Or anything to show it's not spam.***

My email:

Extra points for good spelling, and the easier the question is to answer, the

more likely I'll reply. Which means the better you set me up, the easier it is

for me to knock it down.



I have other guides floating around too. They are:

Resident Evil 4

Dead Rising

Gears of War

Lost Planet



Rainbow Six Vegas

TES IV: Oblivion

Shivering Isles

Knights of the Nine

The Darkness


Halo 3

Half-Life 2

HL2: Episode One

HL2: Episode Two

Call of Duty 4

Assassin's Creed

Mass Effect

Advance Wars: Days of Ruin

Perseus Mandate

Sam & Max Episode 203

Devil May Cry 4

God of War: Chains of Olympus

Rainbow Six Vegas 2


Grand Theft Auto 4

Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Metal Gear Solid 4



I've also been published in GamePro magazine, June 2007. Pretty cool if you ask

me, and all because I write these little guides.

Also, I am in the October issue as well, which should be out at the time of

this guide's release. At least I ain't a one hit wonder.

In a nice surprise, I didn't even know I was in the March 2008 issue of

GamePro, but I am. Maybe I'll be in more I don't know about...

Look to for a slew of other articles written by me in the

featured article section.



Here is my list of sites:

GameFAQs (main host site)








CheatCodeCentral (

GamersTemple (

and more here and there, too many to keep up with

and even a few foreign ones too!

*NOTE: There are many more with single guides, and then others with a few, and

some that I just don't keep track of.*

All other sites must ask permission if they want this. All I ask is that the

guide be ad-free and in this text format.

And if you want to make a donation at my site for hosting a guide, that is

fine too.



Here is my website:

You'll find all my other guides here too and perhaps something else you may






This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,

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Copyright 2008 Brad Russell

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