Bionic Commando Rearmed Database Guide

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I suck at ASCII so I used a crappy converter. The person who sends me better

looking replacements gets infinite points.


1. Table of Contents


1. Table of Contents

2. Guide Version

3. Introduction

4. Layout

5. Database

A. Locations

B. Equipment

C. Enemies and Hazards

D. Bosses

E. Plot Elements

F. Environments

G. Technology

H. BC Trailer


J. BC Retro Outfit

K. BC Prototype Weapon

L. BC Purple Matrix

6. Credits/Thanks

7. Legal Crap

8. Contact Information


2. Guide Version


1.00 - 8-16-08 - Initial version. I don't really plan to update this one

unless someone points out something I need to change, so it should stay 1.00.


3. Introduction


First off, I'd like to say, thank you everyone at GRIN and Capcom that worked

on this game, Ben Judd, Simon Viklund, other people I don't remember, you guys

rock! Keep on rocking!

Secondly, I'd like to mention that I was NOT a Bionic Commando fan before

playing this game. I bought the NES game at a mom 'n pop shop a while ago and

never played past Area 1. On day one of release of Rearmed, I beat it, on day

two, I beat the original on my NES. Although I played the game briefly when I

was little (never even beat the first screen, traded it back in when I was

like 10 for Kirby's Adventure) and read the book when I was little, too, I am

most certainly not "nostalgia-biased" for this game. It's just straight up

fun. I thank this game for getting me into Bionic Commando and am looking

forward to the 3D sequel, now.

I'm writing this guide because no one else has done one yet, and I figure this

will help players find items and data entries they might be missing for

achievements. I'm afraid the lack of guides for the game might put-off people

from purchasing it, so I decided to work this sucker up. I hope this inspires

many more Bionic Commando fans helps propel Bionic Commando into one of the

most memorable series of all-time even more than it was before. If these go

well, I might consider doing a challenge and boss guide, and maybe a super

hard mode guide, considering I've already gotten 200/200g for this game.


4. Layout


***(Insert Name of Database Entry Here)***

Description - (Description as it appears in-game)

Acquired - (When you first acquire the entry)


5. Database



A. Locations:


***Imperial Convoys***

Description - The trucks on the Overview Map represent Imperial convoys that

patrol the pathways between certain areas. If your helicopter encounters one

of these convoys, you won't be able to proceed until their anti-aircraft truck

has been neutralized.

Acquired - Upon starting the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Meet with Enemy***

Description - Upon encountering an Imperial convoy on the Overview Map, your

helicopter is forced to descend and neutralize the convoy's anti-aircraft

truck. For some reason, these fights remind you of the old war stories that

Super Joe used to tell you. Tip: While in this top-down battle, the bionic arm

can be used to deflect bullets and repel enemies.

Acquired - By "meeting with enemy" by running into a purple truck on the

Overview Map.

- - - - - - - - - - -

***FSA Camps***

Description - There are seven FSA comps scattered throughout the warzone,

marked on the map with red icons (Area 13 through 19). Go to these areas to

gather intel, collect useful equipment, and hone your combat skills in the

Challenge Simulation Terminals. The communicator chips are also all stored in

different FSA camps, waiting for you to pick them up.

Acquired - Upon visiting an FSA camp.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 00***

Description - The FSA Headquarters. A military outpost used as the home base

for all FSA airborne operations. The remote location makes it a naturally

defended base, but it is only a matter of time before the Imperial force

launches an assault on the outpost.

Acquired - Upon visiting Area 00.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 01***

Description - The Oil Refinery. one of the Imperials' first objectives was to

secure a fuel source for their war machine. They captured the oil fields and

treatment facilities in a lightning strike. Now the Imperials guard these

stations closely, knowing that their loss would be a major setback.

Acquired - Upon visiting Area 01.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 02***

Description - The Sewer Station. Although neither a strategic point nor a

tactical asset, the Imperials established a defense perimeter inside the Sewer

Station as the sewers could easily be used to travel into Imperial territory.

To prevent such intrusions, a small Imperial force now guards the stinking

tunnels and halls.

Acquired - Upon visiting Area 02.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 03***

Description - The Secret Mountain Pass Base. The Mountain Pass outpost was

established to give the Imperial forces a starting point for blitzkrieg

strikes and covert operations. The base's remote location makes it hard to

spot, while the racky terrain also provides natural defense against larger

assaults. As the launching point for an offensive strike, the base stocks a

wide range of military equipment. The Power Claw upgrade is needed to break

into Area 03.

Acquired - Upon visiting Area 03.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 04***

Description - The Weapons Storage Cave. As one of the key elements of a

successful attack is the armament, the Imperials have set up a weapons storage

facility, hidden in a fortified cave. The storage facility is vital to their

attack, and its loss would be a tremendous setback to the Imperials. The

weapons storage facility houses enough weaponry to wage a war, all up for

grabs for whoever manages to breach the defense perimeter.

Acquired - Upon visiting Area 04.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 05***

Description - The Construction Site. The Construction Site is the forge for

most of the Imperials' military equipment. Everything from large vehicles to

infangry armament is assembled and stored here, until it is shipped off to the

front lines. The Imperials defend it with great determination as this site

produces the gears for their war machine.

Acquired - Upon visiting Area 05.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 06***

Description - The Docks. The Docks are a logistic focal point in the Imperial

attack. The capture of the dock area meant the FSA lost an imoprtant transport

route, and also gave the upper hand to the Imperial army in all naval assaults

and troop movements. The Docks now serve as a junction point for many larger

Imperial army movements.

Acquired - Upon visiting Area 06.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 07***

Description - The POW Camp. The Imperials were ruthless in their assault on

the FSA, and most opposition was slain in the wake of the attack. A prison

camp was set up to hold the few that were kept alive. Along with the holding

pens and cells, the facility comes with an interrogation chamber, where the

agonizing screams of tortured prisoners regularly ring out.

Acquired - Upon visiting Area 07.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 08***

Description - The Hi-Tech Fortress. The Hi-Tech Fortress was built by the

Imperials using the latest security and defense technology to offer the

imperial army a defensive stronghold. The Fortress acts as both a launch point

for larger assault forces, and a solid fallback point in times of retreat. The

Hi-Tech facility is a tribute to the power of the Imperials - the fortress

walls are believed to be impregnable.

Acquired - Upon visiting Area 08.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 09***

Description - The Waste Disposal Facility. The Waste Disposal Facility has no

strategic or tactical value in itself; however, the facility's frontline

location forced the Imperials to man and fortify it for defensive purposes.

The automated waste disposal robots and the incinerator's flames make it a

hazardous area to traverse.

Acquired - Upon visiting Area 09.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 10***

Description - The Tech Assembly Plant. The Tech Assembly Plant was constructed

as a research and development complex for Imperial black projects. Judging

from how well defended the place is, the Imperials obviously consider the

plant, and the projects being developed there, to be of vital importance.

Acquired - Upon visiting Area 10.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 11***

Description - The Furnace. The Furnace was built to handle the enormous

quantities of specialized alloys that the Imperials needed for constructing

their war machines. But some parts and metals procuded here have more than

meets the eye. The Furnace has a defensive permeter set up around it, but the

main threat lies in the facility itself.

Acquired - Upon visiting Area 11.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 12***

Description - The Imperial Headquarters. The Imperial Headquarters is a

massive complex of concrete and steel, rising up like a gargantuan monolith.

At the very heart of the Imperial reign, the headquarters is by far the most

important building in the Imperial army. Every inch of it is guarded, and its

halls and tunnels connect in a maze of cold steel and reinforced concrete. And

down in its detphs lies the Imperials' darkest secret.

Acquired - Upon visiting Area 12.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Area 13 - 19***

Description - FSA Camps. Although the Imperials' attack took a noticeable toll

on the FSA military force, they failed to purge all Federal troops from the

area. The FSA has established some scattered bases in the contested landscape,

and these outposts are guarded and fiercely defended. Located right in the

middle of the war zone, these places are frequently under attack by the

Imperials. But they stand fast, holding their ground and giving refuge to any

FSA member that comes into contact.

Acquired - Upon visiting any Area 13 through 19.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Secret Tunnels***

Description - Intel says the Imperial Army has dug secret tunnels between Area

15 and Area 18, as well as between Area 14 and Area 17. These tunnels are not

currently being used by the enemy, but they are worth exploring as they may

contain valuable items.

Acquired - Upon pummeling the crap out of a poor guy in Area 19 and then

leaving the area to visit one of the tunnels.

- - - - - - - - - -


B. Equipment


***Weapon Handling***

Description - The more enemy types you mean to take on, the more weapon types

you need to get the job done! Projectile weapons are mainly effective against

human enemies, beam weapons are mainly effective against force shields and

droids. Explosive weapons are the hardest to score a hit with, but are

effective against both humans and droids. Change weapons with LB and RB.

Acquired - Upon starting the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Small Health Pick-up***

Description - This pick-up replenishes a small amount of health. It is dropped

by fallen enemies.

Acquired - Upon picking up a small health pick-up from a defeated enemy or

tube in a communications area.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Medium Health Pick-up***

Description - This pick-up replenishes a medium amount of health. It is

dropped by fallen enemies.

Acquired - Upon picking up a medium health pick-up from a defeated enemy or

tube in a communications area.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Large Health Pick-up***

Description - This pick-up replenishes a large amount of health. It is dropped

by fallen enemies.

Acquired - Upon picking up a large health pick-up from a defeated enemy or

tube in a communications area.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Score Token***

Description - Sometimes fallen enemies drop Score Tokens and more powerful

enemies drop more of them. These add to your general BCR gaming score.

Acquired - Upon picking up a score token from a defeated enemy or tube in a

communications area.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Extra Life***

Description - Adds an additional life to the game session. The Extra Life

pick-up gives you another chance to thwart the Imperial threat.

Acquired - Upon picking up an extra life. (First located in Area 01)

- - - - - - - - - -


Description - Oh, yes. This legendary Capcom pick-up makes its appearance

here. If you manage to find all of them, you've proven you're a truly

dedicated player and a master of the bionic arm. Congratulations!

Acquired - Upon picking up a Yashichi.

- - - - - - - - - -


Description - Standard Issue .45 "Daisy", a projectile weapon. The revolver is

the initial weapon at your disposal, and a trusty fallback sidearm throughout

the entire adventure.

Acquired - Upon starting the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Revolver Upgrade***

Description - The upgrade for the Revolver increases the fire rate enabling

the weapon to fire three rounds in succession. Go trigger finger, go!

Acquired - Upon finding it in Area 00.

- - - - - - - - - -


Description - An explosive weapon, grenades are thrown with the X button. If

thrown while crouching, the grenade is dropped onto the platform below.

Grenades have a low fire rate, but make up for it in destructive power, and

can even blast away certain weakened walls and floors.

Acquired - Upon completing Area 01.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Grenades Upgrade***

Description - The grenade upgrade allows you to throw grenades faster, making

it possible to have two grenades on the screen at the same time.

Acquired - Upon finding it in Area 02.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Plasma Rifle***

Description - Raytech Plasma Repeater, a beam weapon. The Plasma rifle is a

fast-firing beam weapon that's only moderately effective against human

targets. However, it makes up for it by dealing greater damage to droids, and

especially shields.

Acquired - Upon completing Area 04.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Plasma Rifle Upgrade***

Description - The upgrade for the Plasma Rifle gives the weapon a charge-up

function. Press and hold A to charge the shot, and release the button to

unleash utter plasma destruction.

Acquired - Upon finding it in Area 06.

- - - - - - - - - -


Description - An explosive weapon, and quite the show-stopper. The awesome

stopping power provided by the Bazooka's rockets is unparalleled by any other

firearm. The rockets are strong enough to blast away some obstacles blocking

your progress, such as the outer wall in Area 06.

Acquired - Upon Completing Area 05.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Bazooka Upgrade***

Description - Also known as the 'Hyper Bazooka'. This upgrade for the Bazooka

allows you to alter the rocket's trajectory in mid-air. Fire the weapon with A

and steer the rocket with right stick.

Acquired - Upon finding it in Area A. :'(

- - - - - - - - - -


Description - 13-gauge 'Hogle Breaker" Assault Shotgun, a projectile weapon.

The shotgun is a short-range firearm with staggering power, but it is

completely inaffective in long-rage combat.

Acquired - Upon completing Area 02.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Shotgun Upgrade***

Description - The upgrade for the Hogle Breaker Assault Shotgun increases the

power and spread of the shotgun blast.

Acquired - Upon finding it in Area 08.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Vector Cannon***

Description - Also known as "JT's Veloci-Vector". A beam weapon, the Vector

Cannon fires a ray of energy that bounces off various surfaces until it

strikes a target. The beam's strength increases every time it bounces, so use

the environment to your advantage. The beam's angle changes depending on

whether you are standing or crouching when the weapon is fired.

Acquired - Upon completing Area 09.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Vector Cannon Upgrade***

Description - The upgrade for the Vector Cannon allows the weapon to fire two

beams simultaneously, giving skilled users the ability to engage several

opponents at the same time.

Acquired - Upon finding it in Area 10.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Joe's Machine Gun***

Description - An "all-round" weapon, this legendary firearm is usually carried

by Super Joe himself, but you have been chosen to carry it from now on. With

all-round damage capability and a tremendous fire rate, this gun is perfect

for clearing your way through Imperial hordes.

Acquired - Upon finding it in Area 18.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Joe's Machine Gun Upgrade***

Description - The upgrade for Joe's Machine Gun increases the clip capacity,

allowing you to fire for much longer without having to reload.

Acquired - Upon finding it in Area 07.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Red Comms Chip***

Description - The chip needed to utilize Imperial communication rooms in Area

01, Area 04, and Area 05.

Acquired - Upon starting the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Green Comms Chip***

Description - The chip needed to utilize Imperial communication rooms in Area

02, Area 03, and Area 06.

Acquired - Upon finding it in Area 15.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Blue Comms Chip***

Description - The chip needed to utilize Imperial communication rooms in Area

07, Area 08, and Area 09.

Acquired - Upon finding it in Area 14.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Yellow Comms Chip***

Description - The chip needed to utilize Imperial communication rooms in Area

10, Area 11, and Area 12.

Acquired - Upon finding it in Area 17

- - - - - - - - - -

***Shin Guards***

Description - One of three pieces of a complete set of body armor. With one

piece equipped, the first projectile that hits you during a mission will be

deflected: with two pieces, the first two projectiles will be deflected, and

with three pieces, three projectiles will be deflected.

Acquired - Upon completing Area 08.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Bulletproof Vest***

Description - One of three pieces of a complete set of body armor. With one

piece equipped, the first projectile that hits you during a mission will be

deflected: with two pieces, the first two projectiles will be deflected, and

with three pieces, three projectiles will be deflected.

Acquired - Upon completing Area 11.

- - - - - - - - - -


Description - One of three pieces of a complete set of body armor. With one

piece equipped, the first projectile that hits you during a mission will be

deflected: with two pieces, the first two projectiles will be deflected, and

with three pieces, three projectiles will be deflected.

Acquired - Upon finding it in the secret tunnel connecting Area 15 and Area


- - - - - - - - - -

***Iron Boots***

Description - While swinging into an enemy always has an impact, it doesn't

deal any damage until your feet are covered with these fine metal shoes. Once

these babies are laced and fitted, they smash through most enemy defenses.


- - - - - - - - - -

Upon finding them in Area 16

- - - - - - - - - -

***Health Recovery Pills***

Description - A flask of health-replenishing liquid that for some strange

reason is called "pills". It permanently increases your maximum health level.

Acquired - Upon completing Area 10.

- - - - - - - - - -


Description - The Permit is required to enter the air space you need to cross

to fly from Area 06 to Area 08. In other words, it is needed to travel to the

location of Super Joe's last known whereabouts.

Acquired - Upon completing Area 03.

- - - - - - - - - -


Description - The flares are used to light up dark places. They are

automatically activated when the surroundings go pitch black. The number of

flares is unlimited, so don't worry about suddenly running out in the dark.

Acquired - Upon finding it in Area 13.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Secret Dossier***

Description - A top secret document that helps you find secret items. Once in

a specific area, the "Secret Dossider" icon will appear on screen whenever you

are close to a secret item, or the entrance to a place where a secret item is


Acquired - Upon finding it in the secret tunnel connecting Area 14 and Area


- - - - - - - - - -

***Power Claw***

Description - The Power Claw is an upgrade for your bionic arm. It allows you

to grapple some enemies and use them as shields. You can't swing while

carrying enemies, but you can release them at any time. Grappled enemies can

only take a couple of shots before dying, at which point they're automatically


Acquired - Upon Completing Area 06

- - - - - - - - - -

---------------------------------------- C. Enemies And Hazards


***Patrol Soldier***

Description - Patrol soldiers form the main bulk of the Imperial army. They

are weak, brash and lightly armored. Being human enemies, they are weak

against projectile and explosive weapons, but resistant to beam weapons.

Acquired - Upon defeating a patrol soldier. (First located in Area 01)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Cover Soldier***

Description - Cover soldiers are just as lightly armored as their patrolling

kin, but they have the wits to take cover behind obstacles to protect

themselve. They will occasionally pop up to lay down blind cover fire.

Acquired - Upon defeating a cover soldier. (First located in Area 01)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Heavy Weapons Soldier***

Description -

Acquired - Upon defeating a heavy weapons soldier. (First located in Area 01)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Shielded Soldiers***

Description - The force shield carried by these troops reduces their

mobility-they can't jump down from platforms, for example-but the protection

it provides them is worth it. Beam weapons are most effective against the

shield. Note that the soldier's back is completely unprotected.

Acquired - Upon defeating a shielded soldier. (First located in Area 04)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Bomb Expert***

Description - A soldier dressed in a bomb suit and equipped with an endless

supply of grenades. His protective armor is completely impenetrable to

explosions, but the grenade pack on his back can be set alight with any

weapon. (first located in Area 04)

Acquired - Upon defeating a comb expert. (First located in Area 04)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Close Combat Soldier***

Description - A frenzied roughneck marine wielding a combat knife - don't let

him get too close! His durable vest makes him hard to take out using only weak

fire power.

Acquired - Upon defeating a weapons soldier. (First located in Area 04)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Cable Backpack Soldier***

Description - An Imperial soldier with a robotic cable mounted on a bulky

device on his back. This cable will pull the Soldier up to the ceiling, out of

harm's way, or lower him to the ground to avoid higher attacks. You must

outwit him with your own bionic arm skills.

Acquired - Upon defeating a cable backpack soldier. (First located in Area 09)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Fly Droid Operator***

Description - An engineer lacking in combat skills, but equipped with an

endless supply of Fly Droids which he throws out into the air around him. As

an unprotected human enemy, he is vulnerable to bullet weapons and explosives.

Once killed, all Fly Droids controlled by the operator automatically shut


Acquired - Upon defeating a fly droid operator. (First located in Area 04)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Fly Droid***

Description - A very small robotic flying disc that floats in the air, looking

for enemies to engage. Once it has locked onto a target, it attacks by

accelerating aggressively straight towards its target. Being a mechanical

enemy, it's easily shot out of the sky with a beam weapon, although a punch

with the bionic arm also does the trick quite well.

Acquired - Upon defeating a fly droid. (First located in Area 04)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Barrel Droid***

Description - A mechanical barrel disposal unit that picks up barrels from a

nearby dispenser and headbutts them one at a time to roll them across the


Acquired - Upon defeating a barrel droid. (First located in Area 06)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Propeller Droid***

Description - A slow-moving robotic helicopter that attacks by sweeping across

the air space above you with a powerful plasma rod. This attack is easily

avoided by simply crouching, although that will pin you down in one position

and make you a sitting duck for other nearby enemies.

Acquired - Upon defeating a propeller droid. (First located in Area 05) NOTE:


if you came here looking to find this out :P)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Mini-Tank Droid***

Description - A small automated miniature tank that has several methods of

attack: it can shoot bullets with its turret, push enemies away with a

powerful force discharge, and release bombs that roll across the ground

towards its target.

Acquired - Upon defeating a mini-tank droid. (First located in Area 02)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Tank Droid***

Description - When a Mini-Tank Droid is fitted inside one of these tank

shells, what you have is basically a tank-in-a-tank. It has a more powerful

cannon, it can charge at its targets - and although it's now sitting inside a

larger chassis, the Mini-Tank Droid hasn't lots its ability to release rolling

bombs. One the larger chassis is destroyed, the Mini-Tank Droid inside pops

out unharmed - finish the job!

Acquired - Upon defeating a tank droid. (First located in Area 02)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Droid Sprinkler Cannon***

Description - A wall or ceiling-mounted cannon that shoots bullets in up to

five directions at once. As with all mechanical enemies, it is most vulnerable

to beam weapons.

Acquired - Upon defeating a droid sprinkiler cannon. (First located in Area


- - - - - - - - - -

***Imperial Sidewinder Motorcycle***

Description - Imperial patrols generally include a couple of Imperial

Sidewinder Motorcycles. These fast, two-man vehicles combine firepower and

speed to take down hostiles. Appears only in the "top-down" sequences.

Acquired - Upon defeating an imperial sidewinder motorcycle. (First located in

any "Meet With Enemy" area)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Battery Powered Barrier***

Description - A device mounted in the ceiling that generates a barrier of

electric current. The barrier is impervious to attack, and touching it will

cause you damage. It can be destroyed by shooting down the ceiling mounted


Acquired - Upon defeating a battery powered barrier. (First located in Area


- - - - - - - - - -

***Central Powered Barrier***

Description - A permanently-installed barrier of electric current or gas

exhaust. It is impervious to attack and touching it will cause you damage. It

can often be switched off by shutting down the local power grid or gas system

using a nearby Mechanical Lever.

Acquired - Upon entering Area 12.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Bear Trap***

Description - As antiquated as it is ingenious, the bear trap bites down on

anyone reckless enough to step in it. Tread softly, or your next step may be

your last.

Acquired - Upon stepping over a bear trap. (First located in Area 03)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Blue Rolling Barrel***

Description - A rolling barrel set in motion by a Barrel Droid. Although it

doesn't cause any damage (instant kills on super hard, though, lolol), it will

knock you backwards upon impact. It changes direction when it hits a fixed


Acquired - Upon nearing a blue rolling barrel. (First located in Area 06)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Slime Blob***

Description - A blob of thick sewer slime that grabs hold of anything it comes

into contact with as it slides across the ground.

Acquired - Upon finding a slime blob. (First located in Area 02)

- - - - - - - - - -


Description - Archaic as they may be, spikes are used frequently by the

Imperials to make certain areas difficult for incoming enemies to pass. If you

fall, there is a slim chance that you might be able to grapple onto something

before all hope is lost.

Acquired - Upon visiting an area with spikes. (First located in Area 04)

- - - - - - - - - -


Description - Primarily a defensive maneuver to stop incoming enemy tanks, the

Imperials created artificial quicksand to keep the enemy at bay. The loose

sand also works just as well on ordinary troops. Watch your step and if you

find yourself stuck, try to grab onto something above you and pull yourself

out before you sink too far!

Acquired - Upon stepping in quicksand. (First located in Area 03)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Molten Metal***

Description - The enormous quantities of metal needed for the Imperials'

infernal projects are melted before processing. The molten metal is as hot as

lava, and a fall into it means certain death unless you're quick-witted.

Acquired - Upon entering the first door in Area 09.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Mechanical Crunchers***

Description - One of the Albatross' many lethal traps. Watch out for the

mechanical crunchers - no bulletproof vest in the world can help you when a

two ton mechanical cylinder grinds you to pieces!

Acquired - Upon coming across a mechanical crusher. (First located in Area A)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Retracting Blocks***

Description - A "trap door" -type block that retracts into the back wall. When

retracted, it cannot be swung from or stood upon. Diodes on its front panel

indicate when it will retract. It is either inactive until you come in contact

with it, or is constantly active.

Acquired - Upon first touching a retracting block. (First located in Area 09)

- - - - - - - - - -


D. Bosses


***D-1 Beetle***

Description - Prototype Automated Defense Robot. An automated defense droid,

its flight control system can be temporarily shut down by throwing a barrel

into its machinery, however a shield plate slides between the top and bottom

of its hull to protect it. The Beetle's weak spot is its rear engine. As a

mechanical enemy, beam weapons are most effective against it.

Acquired - Upon defeating the D-1 Beetle. (End boss of Area 01)

- - - - - - - - - -

***D-1 Beetle v2***

Description - Finalized Automated Defense Robot: now new and improved! This

new model has increased fire power. As a mechanical enemy, beam weapons are

most effective against it.

Acquired - Upon defeating the D-1 Beetle v2. (End boss of Area 06)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Siege Machine***

Description - A3 Military Armored Mobile Artillery, aka "MAMA". An Imperial

war machine driven by a dwarf engineer. Its track has a weak spot which, if

broken, causes the vehicle to rush forward at great speed. Luring the driver

close to a platform is essential to be able to uncscrew teh bolts holding its

shield plating in place. Removing all three shield plates reveals the

machine's greatest weak spot; the driver. As a human enemy, projectile weapons

are most effective against him.

Acquired - Upon defeating the Siege Machine. (End boss of Area 05)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Siege Machine v2***

Description - A3+ Military Armored Mobile Artillery, aka "Big MAMA". An

Imperial war machine - now faster and stronger! This new model has increased

engine power, with devastating consequences. The dwarf driver is a human

enemy, meaning projectile weapons are most effective against him.

Acquired - Upon defeating the Siege Machine v2. (End boss of Area 09)

- - - - - - - - - -

***1st Platoon***

Description - Commander Totmacher and His Loyal Legion. A never-ending stream

of Imperial soldiers led by an accentric Commander. The enemy troops will

never stop coming until the Commander is killed. Rumor has it that he has so

many medals on his chest that it is practically bullet-proof! Being a human

enemy, projectile weapons are most effective against him.

Acquired - Upon defeating the 1st Platoon. (End boss of Area 04)

- - - - - - - - - -

***2nd Platoon***

Description - Commander Von Verstand and HIs Relentless Ranks. A never-ending

stream of Imperial Elite soldiers led by an eccentric Commander. The enemy

troops will never stop coming until the Commander is killed. Rumor has it that

he has so many medals on his chest that it is practically bullet-proof! Being

a human enemy, projectile weapons are most effective against him.

Acquired - Upon defeating the 2nd Platoon. (End boss of Area 08)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Power Pod***

Description - Imperial Tactical Base Command Alpha. A strange construction

consisting of a hi-tech booth floating in mid-air just below the ceiling. It

shoots beams of energy from powerful generators mounted on its sides.

Hatchways in the walls of the room can also release Fly Droids. To defeat the

Power Pod, it must be pulled down from the ceiling and short-circuited by

forcibly connecting it with the metal plates below. This will temporarily shut

down the force shield protecting the weak spot - the dwarf inside. Being a

human enemy, projectile weapons are most effective against him.

Acquired - Upon defeating the Power Pod. (End boss of Area 03)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Power Pod v2***

Description - Imperial Tactical Base Command Beta. Not much has changed in the

design of the Power Pod itself since v1, but the room has been redesigned to

make it harder to short-circuit. Now you need to first pull the Power Pod down

slightly, then find a way above it and stand on top of it to push it all the

way down to the metal plates below. The dwarf driver is a human enemy, meaning

projectile weapons are most effective against him. Tip: Use the Power Pod's

"twin beam attack" to destroy its own flying allies!

Acquired - Upon defeating the Power Pod v2. (End boss of Area 10)

- - - - - - - - - -


Description - Advanced Assembly Machine. Although not really a weapon, the

Fabricator has a number of abilities that make it a fearsome enemy. It has

several high-output welders able to cut through the thickest of steel, the

ability to create force fields to hold onto things it is working on; and it

can deliver a massive top-spin punch! You need to survive teh welding arms'

attacks long enough for the machine's four batteries to run dry. As it

replaces the batteries, the engineer driving it will come within reach of your

attacks! The driver is a human enemy, meaning projectile weapons are most

effective against.

Acquired - Upon defeating the Fabricator. (End boss of Area 02)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Fabricator v2***

Description - Even More Advanced Assembly Machine. In order to function more

efficiently as a weapon, the Fabricator's welding machinery has been improved

to add a new little trick. Now it fires up several welding arms, one after

another, and then rapidly releases them in that same order. You need to

memorize the order to survive! The driver is a human enemy, meaning projectile

weapons are most effective against him.

Acquired - Upon defeating the Fabricator v2. (End boss of Area 11)

- - - - - - - - - -

***The Leader's Helicopter***

Description - Flight of Angels and Demons. Little intel has been gathered on

this prototype helicopter. Rumors suggest the helicopter is the first unit

created in a secret military development project known as the Buraq Dawn".

Despite being a prototype, the helicopter is heavily armorred. Only its

cockpit is noticeably vulnerable - a well-aimed guided missile from a Hyper

Bazooka can cause heavy damage.

Acquired - Upon defeating the Leader's Helicopter. (End boss of Area A)

- - - - - - - - - -


E. Plot Elements


***The Database***

Description - What you are reading right now - the complete list of items,

enemies, characters, locations and phenomeno that you came across during your

mission. Some database files are accessible from the beginning, others will be

unlocked as you explore levels or encounter new things. Be sure to check the

database from time to time, and read up on the latest files-it is full of

useful information!

Acquired - Upon starting the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

***The Imperial Army***

Description - A group formed of traitors and fascist sympathizers from the

dregs of the FSA military, the Imperial Army was founded by Generalissimo

Killt. Many people followed the charismatic Killt in the dawn of the Imperial

Army, and their ranks quickly grew. While in number they are inferior to the

FSA military, they hold the trump card of Project Albatross.

Acquired - Upon starting the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

***The FSA***

Description - The FSA - The Federal States of America: born out of a great

economic depression in the beginning of the 21st century, the FSA had a

difficult birth. Seceding states, power-hungry factions and greedy military

contractors led to a series of disputes that divided the nation, and left the

FSA government with enemies both foreign and domestic.

Acquired - Upon starting the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Project Albatross***

Description - A massive advanced military project with its foundations in the

wars of the early 20th century. Project Albatross was never executed by its

creators, but the plans for the project remained on ice until discovered by

Generalissimo Killt and his Imperial Army. Seeing the immense potential of

Project Albatross, Kllt and his men decided to carry out the project

themselves, but they needed raw materials and adequate industrial facilities.

Their solution was to seize them from the FSA.

Acquired - Upon starting the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Super Joe***

Description - Supervisor Joseph Gibson, known as "Super Joe", is a patriotic

soldier who has dedicated his life to the FSA. His wits and strength have

gotten him out of many perilous situations before, but he met his match when

faced against the Imperials. Sent behind enemy lines to figure out their

plans, his mission was compromised, and despite fighting valiantly, Joe was

taken prisoner. He is now being held at an unknown location, and it's up to

you to rescue him.

Acquired - Upon completing Area 07.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Gottfried Groeder***

Description - The Imperial Champion. Groeder is Generalissimo Killt's most

trusted fighter. His strength and dedication earned him the important task of

guarding Super Joe. Although Groeder was honored to serve, the nature of the

mission made him restless, and eager to return to the battlefield. His wish

was party granted when the FSA's new field agent infiltrated the POW camp in

search for Super Joe.

Acquired - Upon completing Area 07.

- - - - - - - - - -


Description - This FSA helicopter pilot has been labeled as "dangerous" and "a

liability" by some but her many medals and commendations for exceptional

behavior in combat situations speak for themselves. She holds the record for

the quickest drop-offs and pick-ups in the enemy territory in the history of

the FSA.

Acquired - Upon starting the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Generalissimo Killit***

Description - The charismatic leader of the Imperial Army. In his search for a

means to take over the world, he stumbled upon the blueprints for the ultimate

doomsday weapon, known as Project Albatross, designed by a long-dead 20th

century superpower that never survived to see it realized.

Acquired - Upon completing Area 12.

- - - - - - - - - -

***The Leader***

Description - A megalomanical fascist, The Leader was killed during the 20th

century. Resurrected by the Imperials for the sole purpose of activating the

Albatross, The Leader also has his own agenda.

Acquired - Upon completing Area 12.

- - - - - - - - - -


F. Environments



Description - You can go through doors by standing outside them and pressing

up on the left stick. If a door leading to a boss is closed, you will need to

use the communication rooms in that area to unlock it. Some doors can only be

opened from the other side - look for a secret area nearby that might lead to

the other side of that door.

Acquired - Upon entering a door (duh?). (First located in Area 00)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Air Vent Block***

Description - An industrial strength fan fitted into the floor, which will

blast you upwards if you walk across it.

Acquired - Upon stepping on an air vent block. (First located in Area 05)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Stone Pillars***

Description - Sometimes stone pillars are used by the Imperials as obstacles

to prevent trespassing. Pillars can be removed piece by piece to clear the


Acquired - Upon taking down a stone pillar segment. (First located in Area 04)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Cracked Wall***

Description - Not all walls have been kept in tip-top shape. Some damaged

walls might collapse entirely, and several reveal secret zones, if they were

to suffer a rocket or grenade blast.

Acquired - Upon destroying a cracked wall/floor. (First located in Area 01)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Cracked Floor***

Description - Just like with cracked walls, some floor structures are weak and

fragile. A grenade or rocket explosion usually does the trick, and allows

access to previously unexplored parts of the area.

Acquired - Upon destroying a cracked wall/floor. (First located in Area 01)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Mechanical Lever***

Description - A lever that is mounted on a ceiling or wall. You can change the

lever's position by pulling it or grabbing onto it with the bionic arm.

Pulling the lever can have many effects, such as shutting down local power

grids, or setting machinery into motion.

Acquired - Upon using a mechanical lever. (First located in Area 02)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Trigger Block***

Description - When shot, these blue blocks trigger events in the current area

such as opening doors, shutting down power, and so on. Some blocks have icons

on them that indicate that only a certain weapon can activate it.

Acquired - Upon shooting a trigger block. (First located in Area 05)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Bolted Wall***

Description - A bulky metal wall fitted into corridor spaces to permanently

make the space beyond it inaccessible. The bolt in the wall, however, can be

unscrewed by connecting it with a bionic arm - if you happen to have one.

Connect to the bolt by and rapidly tap B until it is unscrewed.

Acquired - Upon dismantling a bolted wall. (First located in Area 09)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Blue Barrels***

Description - Standard barrels that are obstacles to most, but become a weapon

to be reckoned with in the hands of bionically enhanced soldiers like you!

Grab it with your arm and pull it in by pressing B again. While held, it works

as a portable shield, protecting you against enemy bullets. You can throw it

forward by pressing B or roll it across the ground by holding left stick down

and pressing B.

Acquired - Upon lifting a blue barrel. (First located in Area 01)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Yellow Barrels***

Description - A gas-filled barrel that lets loose a cloud of poisonous gas

when destroyed. The gas disperses after a few seconds.

Acquired - Upon destroying a yellow barrel. (First located in Area A)

- - - - - - - - - -

***Outer Wall 1***

Description - Area 06 is closed off by an Outer Wall. This wall is extremely

resilient and sturdy; Only a Bazooka rocket is known to have any effect.

Acquired - Upon entering Area 06.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Outer Wall 2***

Description - Area 03 is closed off by an Outer Wall. This wall is extremely

resilient and sturdy; Only a Bazooka rocket is known to have any effect.

Acquired - Upon entering Area 03.

- - - - - - - - - -


G. Technology


***Communication Terminals***

Description - These terminals are used to communicate with HQ and hack into

the enemy network. There's at least one in Area 01 - 12, but some areas have

more than one. It's often essential to access them, so make it a habit finding

these terminals. By accessing communication terminals, doors into the area are


Acquired - Upon visiting a communication terminal.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Communicate With HQ***

Description - The FSA headquarters offers important information about your

mission objectives or aspects of the battlefield. Make sure to communicate

with HQ frequently for the latest mission status.

Acquired - Upon visiting a communication terminal.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Hack Enemy Network***

Description - A successful hacking attempt can earn you secret and useful

information, whereas a failed attempt triggers the intruder alert - causing

enemy reinforcements to appear in the area. Spin the puzzle cube with left

stick or d-pad, and release the yellow sphere in the direction indicated

(always towards the far wall) with the A button. Red blocks stop the sphere,

while blue blocks teleport it. The goal is to reach the green block without

shooting the sphere into the black void outside the puzzle cube.

Acquired - Upon visiting a communication terminal.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Challenge Simulation Terminal***

Description - There is one Challenge Simulation Terminal located in every FSA

camp. These are used to run simulated Challenge Rooms which hone your combat

and swining skills. Once a Challenge Simulation Terminal has been accessed in

an FSA camp, its Challenge Rooms will be available through the main menu


Acquired - Upon visiting a Challenge Simulation Terminal.

- - - - - - - - - -

***General Challenge Room Rules***

Description - Your time begins once you pass the red start line, at which

point the line turns green. You must reach the red finish line within the time

limit. If you die, you must start over from the beginning. Exit through the

portal behind the starting line, or choose 'Exit' from the result screen once

you've completed the challenge.

Acquired - Upon visiting a Challenge Simulation Terminal.

- - - - - - - - - -


Description - In Challenge Rooms with bullet pick-ups, you must collect all

the bullets before the finish line will appear. Sometimes, picking up a bullet

spawns a mobile platform which is needed to move forward and complete the


Acquired - Upon visiting a Challenge Simulation Terminal.

- - - - - - - - - -

***Challenge Room Stars***

Description - Up to five golden stars are rewarded for excellent Challenge

Room completion times - and the prestigious Eagle Badge is rewarded if you

manage to beat the record time of the creator of the challenge!

Acquired - Upon visiting a Challenge Simulation Terminal.

- - - - - - - - - -


H. BC Trailer


Description - None. (A trailer for the 360 Bionic Commando. It's a shortcut to

a download on the Xbox Live Marketplace)

Acquired - Upon starting the game.




Description - Use your internet browser of choice and visit to get the latest updates on the world of Bionic

Commando, listen to Top Secret: The Bionic Commando Podcast, and download the

manual for this game!

Acquired - Upon starting the game.


J. BC Retro Outfit


Description - This is the Bionic Commando 'Retro Outfit' Unlock Code. Use it

in Bionic Commando to unlock the Retro Skin in that game. (left, right, x, b,

a, y, up, left, right, b, y, start)

Acquired - Upon starting the game.


K. BC Prototype Weapon


Description - This is the Bionic Commando 'Prototype Weapon' Unlock Code. Use

it in Bionic Commando to unlock the Prototype Weapon in that game. (right, x,

b, a, y, up, left, b, a, y, start)

Acquired - Upon finding it in the Albatross stage.


L. BC Purple Matrix


Description - This is the Bionic Commando 'Purple Matrix' Unlock Code. Use it

in Bionic Commando to unlock the Purple Matrix in that game. (y, up, left,

right, x, b, y, start)

Acquired - Upon collecting all twelve Yashichis and entering a door in Area



6. Credits/Thanks


All credit goes to me for making this guide and GRIN and Capcom for making

this game. Hooray!

Special Thanks go to

Naburus (Kenny) for giving me the points to get this game, even if I had to do

some of his papers, hahaha.

Sotenga (Mike) of The Third Moon (and HG101), Klatrymadon (Mike) of The Third

Moon, Dire 51 (Rob) of The Third Moon, and other dudes on The Third Moon all

for getting me into Bionic Commando.

Check Sotenga's page on HG101 for BC! It's going to be updated soon with extra

Rearmed info. - Go here -

Read Dire 51's God damn book about God damn video games, God damn it! He

deserves more sales than whatever's he's gotten, I guarantee it's a good read.

Buy here -

Also check out his Splatterhouse fanpage, West Mansion -

and his site, the OPCFG (Organization for the Preservation of Classic

Forms of Gaming, turned 10 recently!), while you're there, submit a

review -

Visit The Third Moon! It's better than your forum, period! -

Also, thanks, again, to Capcom/GRIN/Ben Judd/Simon Viklund (even though he

stole my Mega Man shirt)/everyone that worked on Bionic Commando: Rearmed and

the original.


7. Legal Crap


This guide is copyright me, the game and all materials from them are copyright

Capcom. This guide may be redistributed and reposted freely, but please, give

me credit and pop me an e-mail or IM saying you're using it. You don't HAVE TO

but it would be nice, I'm not going to be a jerk and try to make this

"exclusive" or act like I should "own" it. I made this guide for anyone

playing the game and I hope anyone who needs it gets ahold of it.


8. Contact Information.


You can get ahold of me to say thanks, just chat, or make suggestions at -

AIM – Dualisacat

PSN - Dualisacat

XBL - Dual is a cat


E-mail –

SteamID - DualGreen

Also, in case you want to donate anything, that would be GREATLY appreciated.

Even if it's just a dollar. Again, no need to here, it'd just make me feel

good about myself, hahahaha.

Paypal -


Blah Blah BLah Copyright 2008 DualGreen

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