pubg xbox server status

PUBG Xbox Server Status: Are PUBG Xbox Servers Down?

The PUBG Xbox servers went down earlier this morning at 2 a.m. PDT. The downtime lasted for around two hours, but there are some people who are still curious about the PUBG Xbox server status. What was the downtime for? What will we see in PUBG update 18 which came after the downtime? Will there be another period of downtime soon? Let’s talk about the PUBG Xbox server status and bring you up to speed on everything you need to know.

PUBG Xbox Server Status: Bracing for Update 18

The news of today’s PUBG Xbox server status came directly from the PUBG Help twitter account, which informed Xbox players that they would be “updating live servers to Game Preview Update #18 on August 21 at 2 a.m. PDT/11 a.m. CEST.” They added that the live servers would be “down for a two-hour maintenance period.” The servers have been up again since 4 a.m. PDT, and PUBG Corp has not said whether more Xbox server downtime will be coming soon, though it’ll likely not be expected until update 19, whenever this comes around.

Update 18 has brought with it some very interesting new features and improvements. For starters, bullet penetration is now being applied to the forearms, and when you or another player is hit it will penetrate following its ballistic trajectory. Previously, if you were hit in your forearm, that’s where the bullet’s path would end. Now, if you’re hit in the forearm while said forearm is obscuring a vulnerable body part, the full extent of the damage is applied not only to the arm but also to that vulnerable body part. Heads, torsos, and waists all apply here, but if your forearm is obscuring any other part of your body (like your other arm or your leg) this extra damage won’t be applied.

You’ll be able to see this in action now that the PUBG Xbox server status is back to normal, as well as other tweaks, improvements, and additions, detailed in full in a list of patch notes posted on the PUBG forums.

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