SNK Arcade Classics Volume 1 PS2 Cheats

Unlock World Heroes

Earn 10 medals to unlock the game, World Heroes.


Art of Fighting Cheats

Unlockable Characters

Unlockable                                                 How to Unlock
Play as Mr. Big and Mr. Karate in 2-player mode Press Stert on controller 2 during one player match against Mr. Karate
Play as Mr. Big in one player mode Get to Mr. Big in one player mode and purposefully lose the match. Restart the game and Mr. Big will now be unlocked in two player mode.
Play as Mr. Karate in one player mode Get to Mr. Karate in one player mode and purposefully lose the match. Restart the game and Mr. Karate will now be unlocked in two player mode.
Play as Mr. Big in 2-player mode Press Stert on controller 2 during one player match against Mr. Big.


Fatal Fury Cheats

Get The Good Ending

If you beat the game on normal or hard without using a continue you will get the good ending.


King of the Monsters Cheats

Unlimited Continues

Save your game to a memory card. Load your data and you'll have three continues. Repeat the process as much as you want.


Samurai Shodown Cheats

Unlockable Character

Code                                                               Unlocks
Go to versus mode and press up, down, left, up, down, right, and A. Play as Kuroko (game will restart after the fight ends)
Highlight Random Select and press up, up, down, down, up, down, down Play as Shiki
Highlight Random Select and press down, down, up, up, down, up, up Play as Zankuro

Earthquake Code

Play as Charlotte and get a perfect. Then, quickly press A, B,A ,C, A, D, Up, Down, Left to make Earthquake eat a chicken


Play As Amakusa

Play versus mode and select any character you want. Lose and then save the game. Load the game and select Charlotte as your character with controller 2 and continue the game. Press start on controller 1 in the bonus phase. Player 2 will now be Amakusa.


The King of Fighters '94 Cheats

Alternate Costumes

Press D when you select your team or character to get their alternate costume.


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