fortnite getaway tips

Fortnite Getaway Tips: How to Win at Getaway LTM

The Fortnite Getaway LTM is already a bugbear for some, and proving a tough nut to crack. In the words of Coldplay: Nobody ever said it was easy (and that’s the last time I ever quote Coldplay). You’re here for some Fortnite Getaway tips, aren’t you? If you want to win the LTM, carry home the jewels, and get to the van in one piece then follow these five top Getaway LTM tips.

Fortnite Getaway Tips: Get in a Squad

Simply put, there’s not much chance of you winning if you take on the Fortnite Getaway LTM solo. The limited time mode relies on teamwork, use of space, and, more often than not, pairing off to achieve more than one task as a time. Also, even if you do manage to pick up a jewel and make it towards a van, there’s gonna be a big ol’ target on your head. Join in with some friends and the Getaway will be far easier to pull off, trust me.

Fortnite Getaway Tips: Don’t Land Straight Away

While it may be tempting to dive straight in and head straight for the safes dotting around the map, that’s a surefire way to get you eliminated early on. Instead, hang back a little, drift like a candy wrapper floating in the breeze, and let everyone else shoot holes in each other. You then have a clearer path to the safe, plus, you’ll be identify the quickest (and safest) route to your goal because you’ve avoided a mad scramble.

Fortnite Getaway Tips: Practice your Building Skills

Duh. This is Fortnite. But you’ve never built under this much pressure in the battle royale before, trust me. With most vans being situated way up in the clouds, you’re going to 1) Need a heck of a lot of resources (though, thankfully, the speed in which you gain resources has been doubled in the LTM) and 2) Multiple structures built quickly to both help you reach for the skies and protect you from various bullets and explosions. It’s not going to be easy, to spend some time practicing.

Fortnite Getaway Tips: Figure out the Patterns

Think the safes are random and you’re in short supply of jewels? Think again. The first round of safes will also be found alongside the edges of the first storm circle in play. That means you can narrow your search down considerably. Would you look at that: we already have a Fortnite Jewels Location guide. Neat-o.

Also, if someone happens to get away with one of the four jewels then your immediate instinct shouldn’t be too panic; instead, this is a great opportunity: a new jewel will be added to the map for you to find. While everybody panics and frets over the jewels currently on the ground, you can spend those crucial seconds looking for the new loot drop.

Fortnite Getaway Tips: Get the Grappler

It’s not as crucial as the other tips here but, hey, we want to have a little fun, right? The only way to get the Fortnite Grappler is to dig through the 12 red supply drops that land across the map. Get to them before anyone else and you might just have a nifty new gadget on your hands.

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