Dragalia Lost Combat Guide

With its recent release, many will be wondering what the Dragalia Lost combat will be like and how to master certain techniques. This guide will show you the basics of the game’s combat system. It will also show you the various features and variables that could change the tide of battle during your playthrough of the action RPG.

Dragalia Lost Combat Basics

The basics for the Dragalia Lost combat are rather simple. To be able to move during gameplay, you simply drag your finger across the screen. This will make your characters move in the direction of your swipe.

Dragalia Lost Combat

To attack a monster or an enemy, simply touch the screen. This will make your charachter attack in whatever direction that they are currently facing. However, this means that you will need to move your avatar in a new direction if you want to attack another enemy behind you. Their attacks do not home into the closest enemy.

Dragalia Lost Combat

In addition to your basic attacks, you also have a combat skill. This will be a special attack that will do a large amount of damage. To activate it, simply tap the Skill Button on the bottom left corner of your screen, next to your character’s icon. These skills will be tied into the elemental affinity of the character you are currently controlling. However, you will not always be able to use skills. You need to fill up a gauge by attacking and defeating enemies. Once it is full though, you can use the skill.

Dragalia Lost Combat

But what about times when you are in danger of being hit by an enemies attack? Well, there is a dodge mechanic in Dragalia Lost. Simply swipe very quickly in a direction and you will do a combat roll away from any attacks. The game also shows you there area of effect of an enemy’s attack so you can dodge in time to not get hit.

Dragalia Lost Combat

You will not be alone during Dragalia Lost combat, however, since you will have a team of three other characters with you during your battles. You will be able to change the party members before setting off on a quest, however. You are also able to swap between the characters during combat on-the-fly. Simply tap the icon of the team member you are controlling, and you will cycle through to the next available one. This way you can adapt to any kind of situation.

Dragalia Lost Combat

Dragalia Lost Combat Dragon Mechanics

During the Dragalia Lost combat, you will be able to shift into the powerful form of a dragon. Within the story of the game, the various characters are “pactbound” to a dragon, meaning they can use the legendary beast’ powers. In the game, this translates into shapeshifting into your chosen dragon during combat. To do this, you need to fill up the gauge for this feature by either destroying “Dragon Obelisks” or through defeating enemies.

Dragalia Lost Combat

Then when you fill up the gauge, which is above your character icon, you will be able to tap the image of the creature of legend to transform into them. You will be using the same controls as before, except that you are now a dragon. Your skill attack will also be upgraded to do an even larger amount of damage. However, you can’t stay in this form forever. As time goes on, or you receive damage, the gauge will lower until you revert back into your human form. This mechanic is still worth it since you will get a large boost in the damage you do.

Dragalia Lost Combat

Dragalia Lost Combat

Dragalia Lost Combat Variables

The combat in Dragalia Lost is not that simple, however, since you need to take many variables into account before setting off to battle. The first is the various elemental affinities that your characters and dragons possess. The game has a typical elemental triangle where fire is strong to wind, wind is strong to water, and water is strong to fire. However, it also adds the light and shadow elements which are strong and weak to each other. Before you embark on a quest, make sure that your dragons and characters either have a good spread of elements or will be effective in the level ahead.

Dragalia Lost Combat

In addition to this, you need to be aware of your characters’ unit type. There are attack units, defense units, support units, and healing units. These all have their own unique attack style and stats, so you should be aware of your party makeup before beginning a quest.

Dragalia Lost Combat

Finally, you will need to be aware of the various weapons you equip to your characters as each category will control differently to another. Take a look at the image below to see all the different kinds of weapons you can equip.

Dragalia Lost Combat

For more Dragalia Lost guides, check out our game hub.

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