Overwatch Halloween terror skins

Overwatch Halloween Terror Skins Revealed

Several of the Overwatch Halloween Terror skins for 2018 have already been revealed ahead of Blizzard’s highly-anticipated event, which launches tomorrow, October 5. Among the heroes to have gotten a Halloween skin so far are Doomfist, Pharah, Moira, Widowmaker, and Wrecking Ball. This guide will cover all of the skins to have been revealed so far, as well as including details on all of the leaked Overwatch Halloween skins which may be revealed tomorrow.

Overwatch Halloween Terror Skins – Wrecking Ball

A brand new Wrecking Ball Halloween skin has been revealed ahead of tomorrow’s Halloween Terror event for Overwatch. Wrecking Ball is the most recent hero to have been added to the Overwatch roster, so his inclusion in the list of heroes getting Legendary event skins is very exciting.

The skin is called “Jack-O’-Lantern,” and it sees Hammond’s mech take on the semblance of a giant pumpkin. Hammond himself wears a spooky and devilish grin, and the laugh that was once cute is now a mischievous cackle. According to the PlayOverwatch Twitter page, “Now it’s time to get PUMPED UP! Squash your enemies as JACK-O’-LANTERN WRECKING BALL!”

Wrecking Ball’s very first event skin definitely hasn’t disappointed. However, it isn’t the only impressive skin to have been revealed so far. If you aren’t a Wrecking Ball main, you may still be in luck with one of the many other fantastic skins to have been announced.

Overwatch Halloween Terror Skins – McCree

A brand new McCree Halloween skin has been revealed for this year’s Halloween Terror event: Undead. McCree already got a Halloween skin last year called Van Helsing, but this year’s one is an Epic skin as opposed to a Legendary one. Don’t let that fool you, though, as Undead McCree is one of the most detailed Epic skins that Overwatch has seen to date.

The official Overwatch Twitter page announced the skin, captioning the release video with “someone call the undertaker,” which fans of Overwatch will recognize as an extremely well-known McCree voice line.

It’s likely that this skin will affect a different one of McCree’s voice lines, though. As opposed to “It’s high noon,” a McCree wearing the Undead skin might say, “It’s full moon.” This was supposed to be the case with last year’s Van Helsing skin, but never came to fruition. It makes much more sense for this to be the Ultimate voice line for the Undead skin, anyway.

The Undead skin sees McCree’s Peacekeeper emit an ominous green glow. It also redesigns his balaclava from the “Mystery Man” and “Vigilante” skins, in that the Undead balaclava has the facial features of a skull printed onto it. However, best of all is McCree’s new belt buckle. Instead of the traditional “BAMF,” Undead McCree’s belt buckle says “DAMF.” The “D” likely stands for “Dead,” and the “AMF” stands for what it usually stands for.

McCree’s skin is certainly impressive, but it’s only the second of many to have been revealed ahead of the event, which are all as fantastic as each other.

Overwatch Halloween Terror Skins – Pharah

The new Pharah Halloween skin is incredible, to say the very least. Pharah already has a Halloween skin, so it’s surprising to see her get a second one before another hero even gets their first. However, fans won’t be disappointed by Pharah’s brand new skin: Enchanted Armor.

Enchanted Armor actually resembles the Possessed skin, which is Pharah’s other Halloween skin, in that it seems to emit some sort of mysterious aura and glow. However, the Possessed skin was an Epic skin; Enchanted Armor is Legendary.

The Enchanted Armor skin looks like the armor worn by the ethereal suits of armor in The Last Guardian, with its strange blue glow and mysterious adornments. However, the suits of armor in The Last Guardian are defeated when their helmets come off; Enchanted Armor Pharah is headless, holding her helmet by her side. This is one of the most impressive and unique Pharah skins that Blizzard has released to date. If that still hasn’t got you excited for tomorrow, there’s more to come yet.

Overwatch Halloween Terror Skins – Widowmaker

The Widowmaker Halloween skin may seem to be a little less detailed than some of the other skins to have been revealed so far at first. However, it’s important to note that this is only an Epic skin, and for an Epic skin, it’s pretty… epic.

The skin is simply called “Spider,” which heavily resonates with Widowmaker’s overall aesthetic and origin story. It’s quite similar to her base design, but much more spooky and arachnid.

Interestingly, Widowmaker’s “Spider” skin fits one of the four skin descriptions to have been leaked earlier this year. These leaked skins were titled “Spider Queen,” “Bride,” “Ghost,” and “Slasher.” Although it isn’t called “Spider Queen,” it is likely that this is the skin that was leaked. However, it isn’t totally impossible that Spider Queen could still be its own skin, potentially for Orisa. Either way, Widowmaker’s new skin is fantastic, and there are still at least three more leaks to be confirmed.

Overwatch Halloween Terror Skins – Leaked Skins

Aside from the three skins mentioned above, Blizzard revealed two skins ahead of tomorrow’s event last week. These were Doomfist’s “Swamp Monster” skin, which is based on the monster from The Shape of Water, and Moira’s “Banshee” skin, based on the mythological fairy beasts from Irish folklore. All of this year’s skins have been incredibly impressive so far, and Blizzard rarely reveals their best efforts first. With this in mind, it’s likely that tomorrow will see the launch of some more incredible skins, as well as emotes, voice lines, highlight intros, and sprays.

Fans thought that Bride would be Widowmaker’s skin, but it’s incredibly unlikely that she will get two skins for one event. Another guess was Moira, but she has also already received a skin. Could Mercy, last year’s Witch, be getting a Bride skin?
As for Ghost, Moira’s Fade ability also made her a likely candidate. Bearing in mind that she has been the recipient of the Banshee skin, Ghost could likely go to Reaper, Tracer, or Sombra, whereas Slasher will probably go to Torbjorn, Genji, or Roadhog.

Overwatch Halloween Terror – When Is It?

Halloween Terror launches for Overwatch on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on October 9, 2018. It will run until October 31, giving players three weeks to get Legendary Halloween skins for their favorite heroes. Also, players who missed out on the 2016 and 2017 sets of Halloween skins are in luck, as these skins will be up for grabs this time around, too. Skins can be obtained by spending in-game currency, or by getting lucky with Halloween loot boxes.

Also, the fan-favorite PvE mode Junkenstein’s Revenge is set to return for this year’s event—and this time, Dr. Junkenstein is rumored to have a bride. Junkenstein’s revenge pits you and three other players against waves of enemies outside Junkenstein’s Castle, which include some fearsome versions of familiar faces.

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