Wolfenstein PC Cheats

Cheat Mode


Find the "wolf.cfg" file in the "Users<username>AppDataLocalid SoftwareWolfSPbase" folder and make a copy of it named "autoexec.cfg". Use a text editor to edit the "autoexec.cfg" file and add the following lines:

seta g_cheatsAreOn "1"

Windows XP:

Right click the exe for the game and click properties, once there add

+set com_allowconsole 1

to the end of the target text, then click apply and launch the game.

Target field should read something along these lines "C:Program FilesActivisionWolfensteinSPWolf2.exe" +set com_allowconsole .

Once in gane press Right ALT + Left ALT + ~ to show the console then type the following codes for desired results

Code                                 Effect
giveallintel All Intel
givepowers Give All Veil Powers
giveallpowerupgrades Gives All Power Upgrades
givegold<number> Gives desired amount of money
god God Mode
notarget Ignored by enemies
momoney Sets total Money to $31,337
giveachievements Unlocks Achievements
giveobjectives Unlocks Objectives

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