Rogue Warrior PS3 Cheats


Unlockable How to Unlock
Are These Guys For Real? (Silver) Kill 50 Speztnaz. (Single Player)
Chop-shop (Bronze) Destroy 10 vehicles. (Single Player)
Come Get Some (Bronze) Kill 5 enemies with a shotgun without reloading or changing weapons. (Single Player)
Curb-Stomper (Bronze) Perform 5 finishing moves. (Single Player)
Decorated Veteran (Bronze) Play 50 games online. (Multiplayer)
Demo Dick (Gold) Complete the game on Elites difficulty.
Dick Would Be Proud (Silver) Complete a mission without dying. (Single Player)
Double Tap (Silver) Complete an entire level using only the pistol. (Single Player)
DOY (Bronze) Complete DOY.
Frag Out! (Bronze) Kill 20 enemies using grenades. (Single Player)
Fresh off the boat (Bronze) Play online once. (Multiplayer)
Friendship is for suckers... (Bronze) Kill someone on your friends list. (Multiplayer)
From Beyond the Grave (Bronze) An enemy dies from your grenade...after you have been killed. (Multiplayer)
FUBAR (Bronze) Complete FUBAR.
Gang Bang (Silver) Kill a group of four enemies with a grenade. (Single Player)
Getting Your Gun Off (Bronze) Kill at least one enemy with every weapon in the game. (Single Player)
GNBN (Bronze) Complete GNBN.
Guns Don't Kill People, SEALS o (Silver) Kill 30 enemies using sniper rifles. (Single Player)
Health and Safety (Bronze) Blow up 20 fire extinguishers. (Single Player)
Host-me-up (Bronze) Host a custom game to completion. (Multiplayer)
HUMINT (Bronze) Complete HUMINT.
Improv (Bronze) Kill 20 enemies using explosive objects. (Single Player)
KATN (Bronze) Complete KATN.
Keep your friends close... (Bronze) Perform a kill move on a friend. (Multiplayer)
KISS (Bronze) Complete KISS.
Legion of merit (Gold) Finish each map in 1st place. (Multiplayer)
Migraine Breaker (Silver) Kill 50 enemies with head shots. (Single Player)
Military Budget (Bronze) Kill 5 enemies with an assault rifle without reloading or changing weapons. (Single Player)
Never Knew What Hit Them (Bronze) Kill 50 unalerted enemies. (Single Player)
Ninja (Bronze) Perform 3 kill moves in a row. (Single Player)
Not the Face (Bronze) Smash an enemy's face into a wall. (Single Player)
Now THIS is a Knife (Silver) Kill 30 enemies using kill moves. (Single Player)
One Man Army (Silver) Kill 200 enemies. (Multiplayer)
Over the Top (Bronze) Throw an enemy over a ledge. (Single Player)
PFDL (Bronze) Complete PFDL.
Platinum (Platinum) Earn this by collecting all the other trophies.
POTUS (Silver) Place first in a Ranked Team Deathmatch. (Multiplayer)
SEAL Team Six (Bronze) Play a Team Deathmatch to completion with at least 3 friends on your team.
Shark Man of the Delta (Silver) Complete the game on Regulars difficulty.
Smack The Rogue (Silver) Come first in 10 ranked Deathmatch games. (Multiplayer)
SNAFU (Bronze) Complete SNAFU.
Spec Warrior (Bronze) Kill 3 people in a row online. (Multiplayer)
Special Warfare Group One (Silver) Be on the winning team for 10 TDM games. (Multiplayer)
Suppressing Fire (Bronze) Kill 20 enemies using blindfire. (Single Player)
The Geek (Bronze) Complete the game on Recruits difficulty.
THREATCON (Silver) Place first in a Ranked Deathmatch game. (Multiplayer)
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