=============================================================================== =============================================================================== _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________Darksiders___________________________________ _______________________________FAQ/WALKTHROUGH_________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== This guide has been written by Paul Williams aka Sokkus. This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. If you wish to use my guide on another website, please ask me for permission first. Sites allowed to use my guide - GameFAQs.com - Playhaven.com - ratedg4gamer.com - cheatcc.com - gamesradar.com - supercheats.com =============================================================================== Welcome to my guide for Darksiders ! I hope this guide will be of assistance to someone out there! Please note, this guide will most likely contain some spoilers but I have done my utmost to keep things as vague as possible for the purists among you. If you see any errors, have a tip or an alternate strategy for a section of the guide please head to the contact section and flick me an email to let me know! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************* *********************** *** TABLE OF CONTENTS *** *********************** ******************* 1. Hints & Tips [HNTTP] 2. Walkthrough [WLKTH] 2.0 Apocalypse [ACT01] 2.1 Back to Earth [ACT02] 2.2 Samael's Prison [ACT03] 2.3 To the Twilight Cathedral [ACT04] 2.4 Bat Queen Tiamat [ACT05] 2.5 Search for Ulthane [ACT06] 2.6 Ulthane and Anvil's Ford [ACT07] 2.7 The Griever of the Hollows [ACT08] 2.8 The Road to the Ashlands [ACT09] 2.9 Worm Hunter [ACT10] 2.10 The Iron Canopy [ACT11] 2.11 The Black Throne: Part 1 [ACT12] 2.12 The Black Throne: Part 2 [ACT13] 2.13 The Black Throne: Part 3 [ACT14] 2.14 Eden [ACT15] 2.15 The Ultimate Weapon [ACT16] 2.16 Destroy the Destroyer [ACT17] 3. Abyssal Armour Locations [ABYAR] 4. Enhancement Locations [ENHNC] 5. Lifestone Locations [LFSTN] 6. Wrathstone Locations [WRSTN] 7. Artefact Locations [ARTFT] 8. Secrets [SCRTS] 8.1 Cheats 8.2 The Top Hat Zombie 9. Achievements/Trophies [ACHMT] 10. Special Thanks [THNKS] 11. Contact [CNTCT] 12. About Me [INTRD] 13. Version History [VERHI] ******************* *********************** *** HINTS & TIPS *** [HNTTP] *********************** ******************* Coming Soon! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Got a hint or tip? Send me an email and let me know, if I like it I will include it in the guide and credit you for your contribution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************* *********************** *** WALKTHROUGH *** [WLKTH] *********************** ******************* This walkthrough will provide players with a tool they can use to work their way from the beginning to the end of the game finding most of the hidden collectibles, the complete legendary Abyssal Armour set and the majority of the health/wrath stones along the way. Some of the items do not fit within the walkthrough as they require backtracking following obtaining new items. A complete list of each type of secret item can be found in the respective areas of the guide below. Note: As the game has no set chapters I have broken the game play down into 17 parts and given each a name. These may not be the greatest, but they will get the job done. If you have a better suggestion for the title of part of the game, let me know and if I like it I’ll change it over and give you credit! =============================================================================== Apocalypse [ACT01] =============================================================================== When you have control of War, follow the various tutorial aspects and kill the minions, more will appear and once the lot have been dealt with the big guy with the scythe like arms will jump down to attack you, he’ll try to hit you with a couple of attacks, but everything he does is pretty easily avoided by using the boost button when you see an attack starting. When he has taken sufficient damage and is close to death use the action button to finish him off. As you do, a fireball will fly in out of nowhere and destroy the bus blocking the street in front of you, so cruise through the newly opened pathway and at the intersection turn right. Move along the street here and towards the chained stone giant (a gatekeeper). As you approach, a short scene will play and the road behind you will be blocked. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o >> INFO: Quickly grab a car nearby and look up and towards the gatekeeper, you will see a helicopter coming your way, nail this with the car for a quick achievement/trophy “Open Air Parking.â€Â o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o The giant ahead will fall, blocking the road in front of you and as it does a group of four angels will swoop in to attack you, these guys can fly and will charge at you with their swords or shoot you whilst hovering. They can be annoying but are fairly easy once you have jumped, hit them with some aerial attacks and knocked them to the ground. When they are dead, the gatekeeper will rise and continue plodding down the street. Follow after him until you see a scene showing a building coming down. Following this scene move War forwards into the middle of the intersection here. Fighting will break out between a group of angels and a few minions. Kill them all and another scene will play showing a climbable surface, which you will get very familiar with named demonic growth. Kill the two enemies that climb down the wall, and then scale it and enter the room above, climb the next wall and at the top you will see an angel get taken by a fallen demon. Continue forward and look for a power line. Use this to shimmy across to the next building. Climb the next demonic growth that appears. At the top of the wall, enter the building and you will see some minions enter the room via an elevator shaft which will then become sealed. When you see these seals the only way to open them is to defeat all the enemies within the room. In addition to the original three minions another 8-9 will also spawn and will need to be taken out of the picture before the seal dissipates. When the seal vanishes, jump down the elevator shaft and continue to follow the passage around and slide down the rope when required. When you land on the street, turn left and you will see more minions and angels engaged in conflict. Cruise on in and purge the area of both sides before continuing down the street to the right. After a short scene you will enter a boss battle. -------------------------------- Boss: Straga -------------------------------- Straga is a giant golem and doesn’t move much during the fight. His attacks include: >>> Tossing cars: Straga will reach into the lava pit around him and pull out a handful of cars and throw them at War. This can easily be dodged with a dash. >>> Fire wave: After taking a bit of damage he will slam his hand down on the ground, sending a wave of flame hurtling towards War. Simply side step these attacks when they comes your way to avoid it. >>> Grab and Roar: After taking a good deal of damage, Straga will grab both sides of the road and pick it up, he will lean back and roar at you to do some serious damage if you are standing still at the time. To avoid this move, when you see his mouth opening, you should perform a double jump. Strategy: Straga is very easily defeated and you really do not have to do a whole lot to take him out. After avoiding his car tossing attack, a car will always be left sitting in the middle of the area. You need to pick this up and pitch it at Straga’s face. This will stun him and bring his face down to your level where you can get up close and personal and throw a few sword combos at it. Repeat this strategy avoiding the rest of Straga’s attacks. When he has received enough punishment, use the action button when indicated to end the fight. -------------------------------- Watch the scene to finish the introduction. =============================================================================== Back to Earth [ACT02] =============================================================================== -------------------------------- Charred Council -------------------------------- When we regain control of War once again, you will be located at the HQ of the Charred Council. Follow their instructions and cruise up the stairs nearby and pick up the sword. Next, run over to the blue soul funnel for a bit of information on the souls in the game. Watch the quick scene that follows and you will be sent back to Earth in search of the demon Vulgrim. -------------------------------- Seraphim Hotel -------------------------------- After War lands, climb the nearby demonic growth and follow the ramp upwards. When prompted to do so, double jump across the gap in the road. At the top of the ramp, jump up and grab the scalable ledge and use them to jump across the next gap to the right. Drop down and fight your way through the zombies (note they are very weak and can be killed by a finisher any time). When they are all dead continue until you see a scene with a fire golem blowing up the walkway ahead. When you reach the newly formed gap, jump up and grab the pipe to climb across to the other side. Open the door at the end. Use the demon growth inside the elevator to ascend to the level above then jump out into a large room populated by a fire golem and a large contingent of zombies. The fire demons are fairly easy to kill, they have a charge attack which the use to rush at you, a small explosive attack if you stay close for too long and a slow shambling melee attack – these can all be avoided easily with the dash button! When the fire golems are close to death they will self destruct, so get as far away from them as you can before it happens. When the room is clear of life, check out the chest across from the exit for some green souls to regenerate any lost health. Head over to the stairs on the far side of the room and kill the zombies here before dragging the block over to the northern corner. Jump on the block and then up to the ledge above. Use the pipe here to traverse the gap and land on the platform on the other side of the room. Fight off the zombies along the balcony here and enter the door at the end. Climb up to the next floor. Enter the room here and the ground will collapse beneath you. Continue forward into the large room in front. You will see the door at the back of the room become sealed before being attacked by a swarm of zombies. Once you have killed enough of these a new enemy will appear – a blue dragon. These guys have flaming hands and are a little on the portly side, but can do significant damage to you if you let them. Whilst fighting these guys you should watch out for the ground slam which sends out a fire shockwave, a slow but nasty melee attack and a ranged attack that sends a bolt of fire across the floor at you. Like all enemies, these can be avoided by simply dashing at the right time. Attack him whilst staying out of his attacks and when he falters, use the action button to finish him off. Exit the room through the now seal-free door and into the hallway to the right. Head up the stairs and when you reach the top you can open the green chest here if you need some health and move to the edge to watch a scene. After meeting with Vulgrim, you will now be tasked with procuring 500 blue souls for him. You should have about 250 already from the enemies you killed in coming to this point, so let's collect the rest. Over the cliff, just south of Vulgrim's position is a blue soul chest, grab this and climb back up to the street again. Follow the street up to the northwest side of the map to encounter another blue dragon. Kill him and grab the green chest here if you need it. Look for the subway nearby. Inside use the demon growth to cross the pool of water and pick up the blue soul chest on the other side. Jump into the water and swim around to the right of the area to find Artefact: Soldier (these artefacts can be traded to Vulgrim for souls). Return to the street, cruise round the other side of Vulgrim’s location and enter the building to the east of the main structure. Go through the hole in the back wall to find another blue soul chest. You should now have enough souls to give to Vulgrim, and subsequently a demon soldier will appear in the street. Kill him then continue to the left. You will run into another three of these guys and a blue dragon. Kill them all and head down the smaller street to the right of the last building we entered, follow this to the end, head down the set of stairs and pick up the blue soul chest in here. Before returning to Vulgrim, you should also search for and destroy the five fire hydrants in the area to spawn an additional blue soul chest. When you are done exploring and plundering the immediate area, return to Vulgrim. He will give you an item - the Earth caller (a magical horn that lets you talk to gate keepers) and tell you where you need to go next. =============================================================================== Samael's Prison [ACT03] =============================================================================== -------------------------------- The Crossroads -------------------------------- Head up the stairs behind Vulgrim’s location and use the Earth caller on the large rock gate here. After a quick scene, the gatekeeper will leave the area granting you access to the building behind. Once inside, head up the stairs to the left and drop down at the end. Kill the fire golem and the zombies here and pick up the blue soul chest nearby. Jump down to the area below and kill the bad guys here. Find the pool of water to the left and dive under. Follow the tunnel to the end to find a chest with a life stone shard in it (Like a piece of Heart for you Zelda fans, we need four of these to gain an additional health bar). Return to the main area. Climb the demon growth on the far side of the area from where you entered, and walk through the open doorway here. Pick up the green chest if required and continue to follow the hallway until you exit into Scalding Gallow. -------------------------------- Scalding Gallow -------------------------------- Move forward and when you reach the ruins in front of you, climb the stairs to the left and jump across the gap for a blue soul chest. Drop back down and continue onward up the ramp to the north to reach Samael's Prison and a boss fight. -------------------------------- Boss: Phantom General -------------------------------- This guy will move around the arena and attack you with several different moves: >>> Forward slash: He will make a big arcing swing with is weapon in the direction he is facing. War can avoid this by dashing to the side. >>> Ground slam: He will jump and perform an overhead smash with is weapon, dodge this by dashing in the opposite direction. >>> Whirlwind: After taking a bit of damage, the General will spin around in circles and move towards your general direction. He is invincible whilst using this attack so keep distance between War and the boss or you will cop a good deal of damage. >>>Summon: The General will summon a group of six demon soldiers. Strategy: The Phantom General acts just like one of the smaller demon soldiers, just with a bigger weapon, more armour and a larger repertoire of attacks. Use hit and run tactics, dash in and attack him a few times then dash away when you see the General start an attack. Note: you can stun the General with a blow from the Earth Caller horn, which will leave him open for a couple of free attacks. After taking a bit of damage he will stand back and summon six smaller demon soldiers. Defeat these and the general will resume attacking you again. This time in addition to the overhead and forward slashes, he will use his whirlwind attack. To defeat him, simply dodge all his attacks and slice him up when the opportunity arises. Once he has taken sufficient damage, you will be able to perform the finishing move on him to end the fight. -------------------------------- When the Phantom general is dead, look to the left and right of the area to find a pair of gargoyle statues. The one at the far end is spewing blood, these two are not. Head over to each of them and grab and pull them towards the centre of the area to activate them, this will unlock the prison. A quick story scene ensues. During the scene you will receive the Shadow flight power and will find out what we need to do next. =============================================================================== To the Twilight Cathedral [ACT04] =============================================================================== From Samael's prison, head back down the ramp at the bottom you will be introduced to the shadow flight geysers via a quick scene. These things will help to propel you upward and onward for longer periods of time. Ignore the area you were just shown for the time being and follow the street here to the right and around the corner. Continue to the north until you find a small building on the right hand side of the road. Enter to find a Vulgrim location. Open the blue soul chest here and climb the demonic growth nearby for a chest containing a wrath shard (like the life stone shards, you will need to find 4 of these to create a new wrath bar). Drop back down to the ground floor and to the right of the blue soul chest you will find a section of the wall is missing. Straight ahead is Samael's Prison, if you look down into the pit below you can make out a small, hidden pathway. Use your newly acquired Shadow flight ability to glide down here. Follow the trail to the end to find the first piece of the Abyssal Armour set. Find the shadow flight geyser nearby to return to the road. At the bottom of the ramp to Samael's prison head left across the gap and kill the bad guys here. Again head across the next gap and into the crystal-littered tunnel. Enter the door on the left at the far end. Cruise down the ramp and before using the shadow flight geyser, look in the lava to the right for a blue soul chest. Collect it and then return and fly up to the next area. Use the demon growth to traverse the pit. Drop down to the other platform and float across the gap. Use the shadow flight geysers to cross the next lava pit, then use the handholds to climb the wall at the end of the next passage. Exit the area into the Choking Grounds. -------------------------------- The Choking Grounds -------------------------------- From the tunnel exit head straight forward to the small building in front to activate another Vulgrim Location. Look for a small set of stairs leading down just to the north Vulgrim and head inside to find Artefact: Soldier and destroy all the gravestones in the fenced area around Vulgrim to spawn a chest on the small raised area on the very left of the map containing a life stone shard. Make your way to the very north western section of the map to find a gatekeeper. Use the Earth caller nearby to initiate a quick chat before he sends you into the shadow realm. In the shadow realm you are able to see things that would otherwise be invisible. In this case, these are limited to pads that can be seen from a distance as pillars of orange light reaching into the sky. There are four of these and each one contains a shadow arena challenge. When you reach each one, step on the platform and hit the action button to be teleported inside. You will need to complete the challenge specified as you enter within the timeframe. Once the challenge has been completed, you will be able to destroy the demonic seal to unlock the exit. Upon exiting, each of the arenas has a green and a yellow treasure chest to replenish your lost health/wrath. -------------------------------- Shadow Challenge Arena 1 Challenge: Defeat 5 enemies using aerial combos. Strategy: If you go straight for the launch and melee approach you may take 2 to 3 launches to kill these enemies. Instead, you should hack at the enemies on the ground a few times before holding in the melee button to launch them into the air and perform an aerial combo on them to finish them off. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Shadow Challenge Arena 2 Challenge: Kill 50 enemies before your health is depleted. Strategy: This challenge sees the arena fill with a poisonous green gas which will slowly reduce War's health. The thing to remember here is to continue to fight as per usual, do not stress about the depleting health bar as there are several green chests around the room you can use to replenish your health supply. You will be attacked by a large swarm of zombies, which will eventually make way for a few minions, a group or two of demon soldiers and finally a blue dragon. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Shadow Challenge Arena 3 Challenge: Kill 30 enemies using instant kill attacks within the time limit Strategy: You need to use the action button to kill the enemies in the area, kills gained through standard attacks will not count towards your tally. You will face off against duskwings, demon soldiers and even a blue dragon or two. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o >> INFO: Note: This is a great location to earn the achievement/trophy “High Flierâ€Â. At the start, the first 6-7 enemies will be duskwings, so kill one with the action button then double jump in the direction of the next and repeat until you have killed 5 duskwings without touching the ground. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Shadow Challenge Arena 4 Challenge: Defeat 40 enemies Strategy: Simple, just kill 40 enemies to complete the challenge, during said fight you will encounter demon soldiers, zombies and fire golems. -------------------------------- For completing the four challenges you will earn the reward: Block counter (a passive ability that lets war counter enemy attacks if timed correctly). Return to the gatekeeper and use the Earth caller to wake him up. He will let you through and give you a new enhancement – Ravager (more damage from environmental attacks). Enter the now unblocked tunnel and mosey on through the door on the right. Follow the passageway around, vaulting up to the next level when required and at the end of the path drop down into the highway tunnel below. Turn left and grab the blue soul chest, then use the cars in the vicinity to take out the sleeping duskwings on the ceiling and walls. Use the shadow geysers to cross the gap and enter the door on the right. As you walk into this room, the doors will be sealed, so you will need to eliminate all the enemies before progressing further. Once you are free to do so, exit into the Broken Stair. -------------------------------- The Broken Stair -------------------------------- Exit the tunnel and head through the hole in the wall near the top of the ramp on the right and follow the passage to the end to find Artefact: Soldier. Return and climb to the top of the ramp. Kill the enemies and then head across the makeshift bridge to the right. Cruise straight on down the small set of stairs in front of you and look around this area for a Vulgrim location, a blue soul chest and a pool of water with an underwater tunnel leading to a life stone shard. Return outside. Enter the large building on the south western side of the area. Ascend the steps to the second floor and kill the demon occupants, look to the right of the hole in the wall to find a blue soul chest. Jump through the hole in the wall and use the nearby shadow flight geysers to reach the remnants of a raised highway. Make your way to the top of the hill here and defend yourself against a group of duskwings and a few zombies. Face the opposite direction from where we need to go to spot a chest containing a life stone shard. Turn around and make your way across the various segments of highway until you see a short scene. A big demon with scythe like arms is going to join you shortly and as he moves to your location he will throw a few cars your way to dodge. These demons perform a single and two part melee attack and a small overhead smash. As with all enemies these attacks can be avoided with a little timing and a finger on the dash button. When he is dead, the shadow geyser will re-appear to the left, so head across to the rooftop and then into the building opposite. Here you will encounter your first locked blue door. We need to find a key! Head down the stairs nearby and out on the balcony to find a blue soul chest, continue down the second set of stairs. Kill all the demon soldiers at the bottom and then open the chest to find the Beholder's Key. Return to the blue barrier and use the action button to open the door. Head up the stairs to watch a scene. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o >> INFO: Note: Save your game here, this section of the game contains the missable achievement "Aerial Predator" in order to unlock this you must kill 160 enemies whilst riding the angelic beast. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o This next section sees War riding a hijacked Angelic beast through swarms of angels, demons and just about everything else. There is no real strategy here, just use the right trigger to shoot and the left trigger to lock on, you are able to manoeuvre the beast slightly to avoid incoming attacks, but it is still on a set course so you will have to go where it wants. Just keep shooting away until you reach the end. After a quick scene you will find yourself at the Twilight Cathedral. =============================================================================== Bat Queen Tiamat [ACT05] =============================================================================== -------------------------------- Twilight Cathedral -------------------------------- Head to the right of the main door to activate a Vulgrim location, buy anything you need from him and then enter the main building. Make your way down the hallway until you reach the statue in the middle of the room, turn right and pick up the crystal sword from the statue. Place the sword in the hands of the statue to the right of the door at the end of the hallway. Enter the room and jump across the lava to the other side. Kill the duskwings and then head through the door on the right. When you enter this room, the doors will be sealed. Kill the group of skeletal soldiers and once they are all gone, eliminate a second group of soldiers with duskwings as backup, keep in mind that killing the duskwings will net you some health if you are in a tight spot. Once everything has ceased to breath, note the locked blue door and then proceed into the door on the south side of the room. Here you will be introduced to the bomb plants, which are incredibly useful at destroying those red crystals you have been seeing all over the place. Pick up the green chest in the corner if you need it, and then use the bomb growth nearby to blow up the red crystals. Go through the hole in the wall, over the gap and use the handholds to climb to the top of the room. Jump across to the ledge on the left to grab a chest and then jump back to the main platform and through the door. You will exit onto the balcony above the previous area. Look for the statue in front of you and check out the alcove directly behind it for a chest with the map in it. Grab the statue and push it off the ledge into the courtyard below to smash a hole in the ground. Continue round the balcony and check out the door on the right side to find a blue soul chest within. Return to the courtyard and jump down into the new hole in the ground. Jump across the gap here and use the hand holds to make your way over to the other side of the gap, as you are moving along look out for the glowing green artefact in front of you. Jump onto the demon growth and climb to the very top of it, from here jump backwards and glide to grab the Artefact: Soldier. Dispatch the enemies here before gliding across the next gap, following the passage to the end and opening the door. Inside you will see a chest containing the Beholder's key. Kill its defenders and return to the courtyard and unlock the door. Upon entering, cross the platforms and enter the big circular room. Here we will encounter our first iron giant. These guys have a heavy set of armour, so it takes a long time to kill them and have nasty axes that can do a double forward slash and a devastating overhead swing, use hit and run tactics - dodge him and keep swinging away until his armour falls away and then a few hits later finish him off with an action button finisher. Grab the crystal sword at the other end of the room and the green and blue soul chests nearby. Return to the main building and place the sword in the statue next to the door opposite. In this second courtyard, look to the right to see another crystal sword, above it is a demonic plant which will grab and eat anything that stands in the green slime beneath it. At the far end of the room is a bomb plant. Grab a bomb and hurl it at the plant to stun it and allow temporary access to the sword. When the plant is subdued, grab the sword. As you do an Iron giant and several skeletal soldiers will arrive to crash your party. Dispatch them and then place the crystal sword on the statue to the left of the other door in the courtyard. Before heading through this portal though, turn around 180 degrees to see a window, through this you should be able to see a red crystal. Pick up the bomb growth and lob it through the window to hit the crystal here. This will reveal a chest containing a life stone shard. Pick it up and head through the newly opened door. Inside, look up to see an Artefact: Champion, use the shadow flight geyser to reach it. Once collected, use the geyser to access the platform here and exit onto the balcony. Use the handholds on the right wall here to make your way to the balcony on the opposite side of the area. Push the block here down into the courtyard below and then jump down to grab it and push it as far to the east as it will go. Use it to jump up to the ledge above. Enter the door on your right. Make your way to the end and use the bomb on the plant holding the stone block. The block will fall to the floor and the impact will cause a large hole to appear, jump down. Follow the tunnel down, taking out the demon ambush along the way. Jump down into the large open area here. Open the demon chest (looks like a floating statue with three heads) by smashing it with your sword. This is located on the right side of the area. Inside you will find the cross blade. After obtaining it, use the cross blade to lock on and kill the four duskwings that fly in from the lava. Then fend off some demon soldiers who spawn behind you. When these guys are all dead and gone, a quick scene will show introducing a poison demon. These guys are nasty, they can poison you with projectile vomit or if they make melee contact with you at any point. Note, if the glowing green cloud is emanating from them, if you touch them they WILL poison you. To attack them safely, you need to stun them with the charged up cross blade and then attack with your other weapons whilst the green cloud is absent. When he is dead, a blue crystal will be revealed above the nearby door. Hit this with your cross blade to unlock the door. In the next room you will find a switch directly in front of you and a statue in the lava behind it with red crystals on it. Use your cross blade to target the bomb plant on the crystal here to blow it up. Climb the ledge to the left and use the windows to hit the bomb on the red crystal at the back of the statue. Return and activate the switch. Hit the crystal that appears to open a gate. Vault up the left side again, passed the blue locked door and through the now open gate. Hit the two bombs on the pillar in front of you with the cross blade to knock it down and create a platform. Jump aboard and you will see another pillar ached, the bombs on this one however are inert and will not blow up unless you hit them with fire. Look to your right to see a flaming torch, use the cross blade to target the torch and then target one of the bombs to turn this pillar into a second platform. Follow the ledge around and enter the door to the left. This room requires three swords as indicated by the three empty handed statues in the centre. Luckily there are also three doors. Let's handle the door on the left first. A quick scene as you enter shows you that you need to get behind that waterfall of molten rock at the far end of the bridge in front of you. There is a switch just to your left, but we cannot use it just yet. Move to the circular platform in the centre of the bridge to the left you will see an inert bomb growth and to the right you will see a red crystal. Jump down to the left to grab a bomb and use the cogs sitting above the lava to carry the bomb across to the other side of the room. Stick the crystal and use the nearby torch to light the bomb using the cross blade. Once the crystal is destroyed, jump across to the cogs leading to it and double jump up to the ledge behind to pick up Artefact: Soldier. Return to the inert bomb platform and use the handholds on the left and the demon growth they lead into to climb back to the entrance. Hit the switch and the bridge will start to rotate. Jump on and ride it around to the southern ledge. Inside the small tunnel behind the platform, you will see an active bomb and a red crystal just out of reach. Use the inert bombs here to make a chain between the active bomb and the red crystal. Then hit the active bomb with the cross blade to set off the path of destruction. Behind the crystal you will find a switch, use it. Grab another inert bomb growth and jump back on the bridge and ride it to the opposite side of the room use the torch nearby to light the bomb and blow up the crystal here, head inside the tunnel behind the hole and hit the switch. With the two switches activated a pair of blue crystals will have appeared, flanking the platform before the lava waterfall. Ride the bridge over to this platform, then use the cross blade to activate the crystals. The lava fall will now stop, allowing you to walk through and pick up the crystal sword. Pick up the other two blue soul chests here before returning to the previous room and giving one of the statues the sword. Let's head for the north room next, from the statues, use the shadow flight geyser to cross the lava pool and land on the platform above. Enter the door. You will see two blocks with bombs on them hanging from the rope leading down. Hit those with the cross blade and then slide down to the bottom. Use the switch here. Jump across to the platform that appears in front of you, then to the left and all the way to the furthest platform. Hit the crystal in front of you, and then glide across to the new platform on the west side of the room. Hit the crystal nearby and quickly jump to the next platform to the north as it rises. Hit the blue crystal here to make a bomb plant appear in the centre of the area. Jump across to it and use it to destroy the two red crystals. Return to the western platforms and double jump up into the new hole in the wall. Use the handholds in the room here to climb up and jump across to the rope, shimmy above the door and drop down into the next area to find the second crystal sword. Turn around and hit the two blue crystals in the lava to exit back to the previous area. Hit the switch here and head to the far eastern platform to hit the blue crystal. This time, glide to the platform in the centre with the bomb and then to the raised platform to the left of the switch, enter the alcove here that was until recently blocked by a red crystal. Open the blue soul chest here and then hit the crystal to create a staircase out of the pit, climb all the way back up to the top using the rock columns and head back to the previous room. Give a second statue a sword and head on through the door that unlocks. As you enter, the door will lock and you will see the treasure chest in front of you disappear. A group of demon soldiers will spawn. Kill them all and the door will unlock and the treasure chest will reappear. Open it for Beholder's Key. Look behind a pillar on the side of the room for a chest containing a wrath shard. Exit to the previous area with the statues and climb back into the room precluding this one. Make your way around to the locked door and use the key. Once inside kill the duskwings and jump to the handhold on the pillar to the right, work your way around this and jump to the next pillar and then wall beyond. Drop down and open the door at the end of the hallway here. In the next room, move War forward until you see a quick scene introducing a boss fight. --------------------------------- Boss: The Jailor --------------------------------- This guy is fairly inactive, but has a few nasty moves in his repertoire you should be aware of: >>> Summon: This guy will summon demon soldiers to attack you at irregular intervals, kill them before re-focusing on the boss. >>> Melee: If you get too close to him he will hit you, and it will hurt. Maintain a good distance from him at all times. >>> Rage: After you have damaged the jailor, he will fly into a rage. He will move quite quickly, sweeping the cage along the ground and slamming his cage on the ground. Stay as far away from him as possible whilst he is in this mode. Strategy: To damage this guy you will need to use your cross blade and lock onto the yellow sores on his body and hit them all. After you have damaged him sufficiently, he will fall to the ground, close in on him and attack him with your sword until he recovers. As he recovers, the sores will become red, this indicates he is angry and will go into a rage. Avoid him whilst this is happening. When he summons demon soldiers, be sure to destroy them before you resume attacking the boss. After he has been knocked down and hit enough times, you will be able to use the finisher move to kill his face off. -------------------------------- Once the Jailor has been defeated, the door behind him will open to reveal an elevator. Jump on and use the switch to ride it down. Exit into the room below. To the right is a red crystal to the left is an inert bomb plant and in front of you is a pool of lava. Enter the room and turn around to find the lit torch. Notice all the other unlit torches in the area? If you light all of these and a treasure chest will appear containing the enhancement Blood Thirst. Target the lit one first and light the rest with the cross blade. When that's done, pick up the bomb and toss it at the red crystal to your right and hit it with a flaming cross blade to blow it up. Throw another bomb at the crystal at the far end of the lava pool. Enter the room behind the first crystal you blew up and fight off the poison demon and the demon soldiers. Pick up the blue soul chest in here and then jump over the lava pool to the room on the other side. Use the handholds on the wall here to traverse the pit and jump down activate the switch, to raise a rock bridge and blow up the bomb on the crystal here. Enter the room behind the crystal and activate the switch on the right. Return up the lift and to the room before the Jailor. Activate the switches on either side of the platform overlooking the lava pit below. This will raise two platforms and unlock a door at the far end. Jump across the platforms and through the open door at the end. Target the two crystals with the cross blade and head through the open door. Drop down into the circular area to fight for the sword at the far end of the area. First up you will square off against an iron giant and some demon soldiers, next a poison demon with demon soldiers. Once these bad guys are dead, pick up the sword and as you turn around you will encounter two iron giants at once. This can be really tough as you need to be aware of what both are doing at the same time, attack one, and after it attacks hit the other. Try to draw them away from one another so you don't get slammed from behind by one of them whilst wailing on the other. When they are dead, the platform will raise allowing you to exit. Backtrack all the way to the room with the three angel statues and give the last one the third crystal sword. As you insert the sword, the platform will rise up into the courtyard above and a door will open. Before heading through the indicated door, perform a quick 180 degree turn and find the stone block you pushed into the corner earlier. Jump on this and up to the balcony above, turn to the left to see a door with a demonic plant guarding it. Hit the plant with your newly acquired cross blade to enter. Look on the balcony here for the second piece of Abyssal Armour. Jump down to the floor and open the two chests for a wrath core and blue souls. Return to the courtyard and enter the now open door in front of the three angel statues. Climb the spiral staircase all the way to the top to face off against the boss of the area, Queen Tiamat. -------------------------------- Boss: Queen Tiamat -------------------------------- The battle with the bat queen Tiamat has three phases: >>> Phase 1: During the first phase of the fight, Tiamat will take to the sky. She will fly around the outside of the area and shoot fireballs at you. You can avoid these with a quick dash. After every three fireballs, Tiamat will sit still for a few seconds, take this opportunity to pick up one of the inert bombs in the area and stick it to her. Then use the cross blade to target the fires nearby and then the bomb on the boss. When it explodes, she will fall onto the rooftop. At this point, you should run up and inflict as much damage as possible before she recovers. >>> Phase 2: During phase 2, Tiamat will fly around the outside of the rooftop and swoop in to hit you, side step this to dodge. After three swoops, she will pause as in phase 1. Take the opportunity to stick her with a bomb and then detonate it with a flaming cross blade. >>> Phase 3: Tiamat will land on the rooftop and begin stalking around the tower, do not get too close to her or she will hit you with a wide reaching swipe of her claws or will jump into the air and attempt to slam down on you. If you stay too far away, she will fire a set of four fireballs at you. Dodge all of these attacks and wait for Tiamat to charge at you. As she does, you will see the action button pop up, mash this button to punch her across the area - run over and hack away, but don't get carried away though as she will recover quickly. When you have caused enough damage, she will falter allowing you to put some serious hurt on her. Repeat this until she is down for the count. -------------------------------- When Tiamat has done her dash, a scene will play showing her demise. You will be rewarded with a Heart of the Chosen and a Life stone (which will increase your health by one bar). Use the portal that appears to port outside and watch a quick scene. Afterwards you can now use any Vulgrim point as a quick travel hub between areas by choosing the Serpent Holes option when you visit him. Do so now and return to the Scalding Gallow. -------------------------------- Scalding Gallow -------------------------------- Scalding Gallow As you return, you will enter a story scene with Samael who will take the heart and tell you where you need to go next. You will also be rewarded with a new ability - Chaos form. =============================================================================== Search for Ulthane [ACT06] =============================================================================== When you regain control of War, head down the ramp and as you do look at the building in front of you. You should be able to see a red crystal inside. On closer inspection you will see that the crystal has a bomb growth on it. Hit this with your cross blade to bring down the pillar to create a ramp. Climb to the top and open the chest for the third piece of Abyssal Armour. Head in the general direction of the Vulgrim point in this region and you will come across some red crystals blocking the way to the left. There is an inert bomb on the crystal so you will have to use the nearby flaming gas pipe to light it with your cross blade. When the crystal is no more, head inside. Follow the tunnel down and to the right until your exits are sealed and you need to fight and destroy all the enemies to proceed. Enter the room here and jump onto the stationary fan blade. Run over and jump to the fan blade to the left and enter the small room here. Kill the demon soldiers guarding the area, and then activate the switch to put the fan in motion. You will need to ride the blade around and hop off when you can reach the doorway on the west side of the room. Jump off and follow the pathway killing the demonic welcoming party and checking the small alcove on the left for a blue soul chest. Exit into the Drowned Pass. -------------------------------- Drowned pass -------------------------------- In the Drowned pass, dive into the water and check out the small tunnel behind the waterfall at the north side of the area for Artefact: Soldier. Check out the most north eastern tunnel on the map and dive under the water to reach this area. Kill all the demonic soldiers and the shadow casters here. Open the chest here for the fourth piece of Abyssal Armour, look behind the rocks around the opposite side of the pool here for a chest full of blue souls. Looking at the map there are two buildings in the water, swim into the northernmost building and up the stairs to find a second Artefact: Soldier, return to the surface of the water and you should find an entrance to the northernmost structure. Look inside here for a blue soul chest. Head to the south of the area and find the gatekeeper here. Use the Earth caller in front of it to bring it to life and have a quick chat. Like the previous gatekeeper he will send you into the shadow realm to complete another 4 shadow challenge arenas. As before the locations of the portals to take you to each of the challenges are indicated by vertical orange beams of light. Head to each and complete the challenges. -------------------------------- Shadow Challenge Arena 5 Challenge: Defend the undead soldiers Strategy: You will need to defend the undead soldiers for 5 minutes against increasingly difficult types of enemies. You will need to keep enemy demonic soldiers, fire golems and blue dragons away from your buddies. To ensure your success, do not leave the side of your allies. Cruising off to take down a few enemies solo only serves to isolate your allies, making them more likely to receive damage. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Shadow Challenge Arena 6 Challenge: Defeat 15 enemies with environmental objects Strategy: You will face off against groups of demonic soldiers sprinkled with the occasional poison demon. Use the cars around the area to inflict damage on the enemies. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Shadow Challenge Arena 7 Challenge: Kill 30 enemies with Chaos form Strategy: Immediately use chaos form as you start the fight and kill as many enemies as possible. When you run out of time, eliminate enemies with finishers to help recharge your chaos meter. When full unleash it again. Continue until you have killed the required number. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Shadow Challenge Arena 8 Challenge: Kill 5 enemies with counter attacks Strategy: Hit an enemy until the action button appears above its head, then wait for the enemy to try and attack you. Hit the block button at the right time to counter attack and kill them. -------------------------------- After completing the four challenges, return to the gatekeeper and use the Earthcaller to wake it up again. Have a quick chat and it will award you with the fifth piece of the Abyssal Armour set. The gate keeper will then depart allowing you to enter the tunnel behind. Head inside and jump into the water; follow the path killing any demon fish in your way. Surface at the other end, jump out and climb the demonic growth nearby watching out for the exploding growths that appear (use the dash button to move away quickly). At the top jump to the rope and cross the chasm below. Drop down when you reach the platform opposite and enter the tunnel on the left for a new Vulgrim location and the right here to exit into Anvil's Ford. =============================================================================== Ulthane and Anvil's Ford [ACT07] =============================================================================== -------------------------------- Anvil's Ford -------------------------------- As you enter the clearing, look for the hammer sitting on the ground in the centre. Use this to watch a quick scene before a boss fight: -------------------------------- Boss: Uthane -------------------------------- To beat Ulthane, simply pop your Chaos form and beat him into submission. After Ulthane has taken the required amount of damage the fight will end. -------------------------------- o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o >> INFO: Note: Save the game here as you will get to an attempt a missable achievement/trophy. A counter will make an appearance on the top of the screen during the next section, if you kill more angels than Ulthane you will be awarded the achievement/trophy. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Another scene will play - angels come to get you - fight them off and follow Ulthane. He can break down the blue crystals everywhere - follow him through two doors and after a third fight Ulthane will toss you across a gap into a nearby building. Fight off the angels here to open the sealed door. Use the green soul chest here if you need to recover some health before moving on. Drop down the hole (ignore the second green chest for now) and head to the far end of the room, pick up one of the bombs here and throw it at the bombs on the opposite side of the gap in front of you this will bring the bridge down for Ulthane to cross. As the bridge drops, an angel will fly past and break down the wall of the room here - kill him and exit. Note you can pick up his big gun for a bit of fun in the next area. Make your way out of the building and down the path here, use your gun to take down angels as fast as you can. There are a lot of them and if they get close to you can do a lot of damage, so if you run out of health, return to the building and grab the chest we left in the small room after the drop earlier. Cruise down to the ruins here and around the corner. Clear the area. When you are almost done a short clip will show a pair of gun angels coming in. When they are dead you can rejoin Uthane, before you do however climb the demonic growth nearby for a blue soul chest. Before jumping down, look to the north, there is another section of demonic growth on the wall, use it to climb down and under the structure we fought off the angels in before to find a chest containing a wrath shard. Return to Ulthane. Follow him and he will bust open a blue crystal for you to reveal another green chest – use it to recover your health. Follow him to the top of the ramp here to find another locked door. If you have killed more angels than Ulthane you will be awarded the achievement/trophy now. You will be awarded a new enhancement – Combat Lore (speeds up xp gain and increases armour). Head through the gate as Ulthane opens it to fight another boss: -------------------------------- Boss: Uriel -------------------------------- Uriel's Moves: >>> Charge: Uriel will charge across the ground to hit you. As she performs this attack you can easily side dash to avoid it. >>> Spin Drop: If you get too close for too long she will jump into the air and drop to the ground with a shockwave. Dash out of the way to prevent taking damage. Strategy: You will fight Uriel with Ulthane at your side, so he will add to your damage output. Uriel is relatively easy and can be taken down by simply utilising a hit and run attack tactic. If you start to lose a bit of health, there is a green chest in the middle of the area. -------------------------------- When she has had enough, watch the scene and Ulthane will open the door to the next area. Head through the door and drop down the hole. Follow the water around the bend, keeping an eye out for a blue soul treasure chest behind a waterfall on the right and another one on the left as you exit the cave into the man-made tunnel; continue following the set path until you exit into the Hollows. =============================================================================== The Griever of the Hollows [ACT08] =============================================================================== -------------------------------- The Hollows -------------------------------- Head out the right had door and into the courtyard for a boss encounter: -------------------------------- Boss Fight: The Griever -------------------------------- The Griever will fire laser beams at war which you will need to dodge. When safe, pick up the angelic gun on the ground nearby and nail the boss in the face. When he fires the laser again, drop the gun and dodge, then pick up the gun and fire away once again. Repeat until the Griever high tails it out of there. -------------------------------- The boss will bail, knocking down the clock at the far end of the room. Check out the blue soul chest behind the clock's base at the back of the room, and head through the door on the left and up the stairs for another blue soul chest. Head out the door here and onto the balcony to find another blue soul chest at the far end. Drop down and enter the door on the other side of the room. Pick up the health from the green chest here and continue down the hallway. Use the demon growth to navigate War across the pit and use the door to the left. You will see a short scene as you enter and jump down to the flooded room below. Dispatch the green duskwings. Pick up one of the inert bombs and toss it onto the red crystal on the balcony over to the left. Dive under water and check out the north western most tunnel to find demon growth leading up to a platform above. At the top, use the action button on the generator here to light up the gas pipe in front of you. From here you should be able to see another gas pipe to the left, so using your cross blade, target the flame first, then the next gas pipe – let it go to light them both up. Jump back down to the platform with the bomb plant and repeat the same task to light up the gas pipe next to the platform with the red crystal on it. Climb back up the demon growth to the generator and use the rope nearby to cross to the other side of the room, use the next rope to slide down to the platform with the red crystal. Use the fire here to detonate the bomb using the cross blade and enter the door behind. Head down the stairs and when you see the blue crystal in front of you drop down onto a ledge to the left – look here for another blue soul chest. Then jump down into the water below. Kill the demon fish here and dive down to find Artefact: Soldier. Resurface and use the black and yellow striped scaffolding to climb out. Continue through the door next to the blue crystal and enter a large fan room. Kill the three spiny minions here to unlock the door and continue to the next room. As you enter turn right, a demon seal will pop up in the distance and three more of the spiny minion creatures will attack you. As they are defeated, several more will replace them from the various pipes around the room and after taking out 5-6 of them, a blue dragon will bust out of a wall to join the party. Behind the broken wall you will find a green soul chest to replenish your health after or during combat. Once the room is clear of bad guys, the seal will vanish. Look on the opposite side of the room from the broken wall with the green chest inside to see another broken wall to the right, head inside and open the chest for the sixth piece of the Abyssal Armour. Make your way to the end of the room and jump in the water. Dive down kill the demon fish and swim to the end of the tunnel. Surface here and jump out of the water to find a locked door and another pool of water nearby. We need a key for the door, and there is only one place to go! Bellyflop into the second pool, you will see a platform in front of you, ignore it for now and dive to the very bottom. Continue down the tunnel – take the first right and swim to the surface, jump out and open the chest for Enhancement – Reaper. Jump back in the water and continue down the passage, take the second left and exit the pool into the room. Collect the chest to the right for a Wrath Shard and open the blue soul chest on the opposite side of the room before activate the nearby switch and motoring back to where we first entered the water. Now we can access the upper area of the tunnels – Kill the demon fish and grab the treasure chest in the room at the end for the Beholder's Key. Return to the locked door. Open it and mosey on through. You will find yourself in a large circular room with a central area populated by blue crystals and another demon chest. There is also a chest at the back of the room from where you entered and another locked door on the right hand balcony. Cruise down the steps and destroy the lock on the demon statue to obtain the tremor gauntlet. Charging this item will allow you to break down those pesky blue crystals we have been seeing around the place. Good Stuff! Not long after you pick it up a greater dragon will appear and attack you, and as you fight it, a large group of skeletal soldiers and spiny minions will appear and join the fray. Eliminate these and a small clip will play before a second almost identical battle will occur. If you haven't used it yet and are in need of a health boost – open the green chest at the back of the room. After the second group has been dealt with, use your newly acquired power to destroy the blue crystals and climb up to the chest. Open it for the Beholder's Key, then jump down, head across the room and use the demon growth to climb up and open the locked blue door. After entering the new area, use your gauntlet on the crystals to the left and dive into the pool of water. Follow the passage to the end and climb out into a large room. A quick scene will show you where to go. On the ground floor, at there are two short tunnels containing a chest of health and a yellow soul chest for wrath abilities if you need to replenish either. When you are ready to go, set sail for the stairs in the south-western part of the room. Head up and following the tutorial, punch the object here down to the floor below. Push it onto the platform in front of you and use the lever nearby to raise the platform. To the left are another two raised platforms. Move the object up and between the railings on the first platform and then grab and punch it across to the second. Again move the block into position that will not be blocked by railings. Jump on it then jump across the gap to the third platform, use the switch here to lower it. Jump back to the second platform and punch the block across to the third, jump back over to join it. Use the button to raise the lift again. To the south of the third lift you should see a small open room containing Artefact: Soldier. Jump over to grab it and then jump back. Push the block as far as possible to the north and use it to jump up to the platform above. Use the gauntlet on the blue crystals and enter the tunnel. Follow the tunnel around, fighting off the little green locust demons as you go. Exit the tunnel and use the cross blade to pick off the green locust demons on the platform in the distance. When they are dead, use the rope to traverse the gap and enter another tunnel on the opposite side. As you work your way along here watch for debris falling from the ceiling – this is your cue to move quickly! As the griever will be dropping her big claws through the roof onto your unprotected head if you take too long. You will encounter some spiny minions which you can fight off as you make your way to the end. Reaching the end of the tunnel, the Griever will rip the roof off and escape again, leaving you with a few more spiny minions and a couple of flame throwing ones to boot. Kill them and enter the tunnel to the left. You will be back near the start again! Kill the green locusts and drop down to the ledge on your right. Destroy the blue crystal here to drain the water from the next room. The water will have filled the big hole in the middle of the room you are currently in and with the raised water level; you should pick up the chest that was across the room which was previously out of reach for a map to the area. Exit through the space the blue crystal was previously occupying. After entering the large area which was until recently filled with water, you should head straight to the opposite side and destroy the blue crystal here. Climb either of the sets of stairs here and activate the generator. This will move a rail platform and the flatbed that was on it from the east side of the room to the west. Drop down and pull the flatbed off of the platform and into the vacant tunnel to the north. Next, grab the big train to the south and pull it onto the moveable platform, head back up and hit the switch again to move the train over to the east. Push it into the tunnel to the north and use it to reach the demon growth on the right hand wall. Climb up to the next area. Destroy the blue crystal blocking the entrance, use the growth to climb back across the gap and exit through the door here back out into the first room you encountered the Griever. Kill the wraith and a second will appear flanked by some demonic soldiers. Then a third with three soldiers and a spiny minion, once they are all dead head through the door on the east side of the room, cruise up the stairs to the balcony and destroy the blue crystal here. Head down the hallway and drop into the water here. There are two platforms here that will rise when the crystal controlling them is struck with your sword. We want to get on the one at the far side of the room. To use it, line War up with it, swing the sword and then quickly double jump up to the platform to grab it before it ascends. Then jump and glide across the gap to the door. Head on through. The next room has a red crystal at the far end and a fired up gas pipe with two others in close proximity, light them all up using the cross blade. Look behind the trains to the right of the red crystal for a life stone shard, then head down the tunnel opposite, kill the goons that appear and look in the alcove to the left to find a locked door and an inert bomb plant. Grab a bomb andrReturn to the previous area, stick the bomb to the red crystal and use the cross blade in the flames to detonate it. Follow the unblocked passage up the stairs and through the door. As you enter, look to the right for a blue soul chest. Turn to the left and kill all the green locust demons flying around. This room has a small bridge across a pool of water in the middle of the room. Suspicious right? There is a pipe down here that contains an Artefact: Champion. But the water level is not high enough to reach it. Don't worry, we'll be back soon! Vault up the wall at the back of the area, continue through the next room and exit out on to a balcony. On the opposite side of the room you will see a chest out of reach, jump down into the water and dive, swim through the tunnel to the left and surface. Climb up the nearby wall and use the shadow flight ability on the blue geyser here, climb to the top and exit into the next room. Head up the platforms to the left and destroy the blue crystal here, continue along to the platform opposite the entrance to the room. Use the gauntlet to destroy the crystals here to uncover an inert bomb plant. Pick it up and toss it at the red crystal on the opposite side of the room. Open the blue soul chest nearby. Still on the chest platform, move to the ledge closest to the entrance and look up to the left – you will see a flaming gas pipe, use your cross blade to target this and then look up to the right to see an unlit pipe. Light it up then swim back to the entrance. Climb the platforms to the left and use the new flaming pipe to light the final one next to the entrance. Once lit, use it to destroy the bomb and use the wall ledges to jump up and over to the raised ledge to the right. Destroy the blue crystal here and return to the entrance. Hit the switch, this will open a pair of door, raising the water level in the previous room and allowing you to jump down into it. Swim across and grab the chest containing the Beholder's key. Backtrack to the room with the bridge over the small pool of water, now that the water level is higher Jump in the water, dive down and into the right hand pipe on the opposite wall from the entrance, when you reach the dead end, swim upwards to enter a small hidden room for Artefact: Champion. Resurface, and backtrack further until you reach the locked blue door. Entering this door you will see a quick scene showing the annihilation of a train car. To prevent this from happening to War, head down the tunnel to the left and get behind the train. Push it forward until it is grabbed; wait for the tentacle of death to finish its work then duck past it. In a small room on the left you will find a green soul chest if you need a bit of health. When ready, head into the tunnel opposite. As you enter the first big room here two greater blue dragons will appear and will be backed up by a tonne of demonic soldiers and a good number of spiny minions. If you have chaos form, now would be a good time to use it! Once the creatures are all dead, head into the right-hand tunnel and cruise along to the end – jump up to grab the chest containing Hoard seeker – a trinket that shows you where all the chests are on the map. On the way back out to the main room, look to your left for a blue soul chest. Throw a cross blade at the demonic plant above it and grab the chest quickly before it recovers. Return to the site of your previous conquest. Enter the remaining tunnel and turn left. Kill the wraith and the demonic soldiers here before picking up the green chest for the health should you need it. Move into the next room and activate the switch. Head back to the entrance and make your way to the right this time, jump into the water, swim to the end and exit the following tunnel into another open area. As you enter you will receive a quick scene showing you where you need to go. Jump down into the room below, move forward, ignoring the alley on the left for now (we'll be coming back shortly) head into the pipe on the left. Destroying the blue crystal here will raise the water level in the room. Swim back to the alley we ignored earlier and dive under it and then make your way to the surface inside. Jump out of the water onto the platform and exit through the hole in the wall. Jump across the gap and use the wall ledges climb up and to the right. Before destroying the blue crystal on the ledge here, you should first jump across the gap to find chest containing a wrath shard. Pop back and destroy the crystal. With the water at its highest level make your way to the far side of the room, duck into the small room to the right for a green health chest, and destroy any green duskwings in the vicinity. Climb up the nearby wall and follow the tunnel to the end, drop down into the boss chamber. -------------------------------- Boss Fight: The Griever -------------------------------- Attacks: >>> Laser beams: the laser beams tracking back and forward across the room trying to get you. This is easily avoided. >>> Summon: After taking damage, the Griever will summon a swarm of locusts to attack you. Stay back and kill them all before resuming your assault on the boss. >>> Cave-in: After wounding her twice, the Griever will stand still and stomp its feet which will cause bits and pieces of rock to fall from the ceiling. Whilst it does this be sure to keep moving and using your fast dodge to avoid the falling debris. Strategy: The boss will perform the same usual attack as before – the laser beams tracking back and forward across the room trying to get you. This is easily avoided. Whilst staying away from the beam, destroy all the blue crystals in the room. Retreat back into the starting tunnel and push the flatbed out into the boss area – this will protect you from the laser fire so don't worry about taking damage. When close enough use the gauntlet to punch it. The flatbed will fly off and hit the boss wounding it. Move to the right side of the room to avoid getting smacked by the flatbed when the boss kicks it away. Repeat this process several times until it drops to the floor. Quickly run in and use your gauntlet to destroy the blue crystal on its chest. Alternate Strategy (from Ruins_Rider): This requires you to have a fully charged chaos meter. As per the above strategy, break all the crystals and then grab the train and charge your gauntlet and hit it into the Griever. Then when you break the ice off its chest, before it gets up run back and grab the car and hit it back into the Griever a second time. Quickly run to the Griever and go into chaos form, just keep on hitting it with the sword combos and before you know it, she'll be dead -------------------------------- This will make it angry and the boss will summon a swarm of the green demon duskwings to attack you, return to the back of the train to clear them out. During this stage, the boss will gain a new ability. It will stand still and stop its feet which will cause bits and pieces of rock to fall from the ceiling. Whilst it does this be sure to keep moving and using your fast dodge to avoid the falling debris. Continue to use the train as a weapon to weaken the boss and when it falters use your best combos and weapons to damage the weak spot on its chest. When it's had enough a scene will play to let you know you have won. You will be rewarded with a life stone and a Heart of the Chosen. Use the portal to exit and have a quick chat with Ulthane; he will give you Mercy – a pistol. Exit from Ulthane's forge and follow the yellow beacon to the tunnel. Enter and talk to Vulgrim here – upgrade whatever you please then use the serpent hole to travel to the Scalding Gallows. =============================================================================== The Road to the Ashlands [ACT09] =============================================================================== -------------------------------- Scalding Gallow -------------------------------- Make your way back to Samael and after a quick chat introducing you to your next objective he will grant you a new power – the ability to use chronospheres. Check out the map and head to the northernmost part of the area. Use the tremor gauntlet to destroy the blue crystal blocking your path and find and enter the small tunnel to the left. Look to the left as you enter to find a blue soul chest, and then continue down the tunnel to the right. When you reach the large tunnel, you will see that further progression is halted by a big gate. Head into the small side room here and use the switch to open the gate. Hit the glowing object nearby (Chronospere) with your cross blade – this will slow down time. Run out and through the gate before it lowers again. In the next area you will fight a red golem, kill him and against the back wall you will find another blue soul chest. Exit the large tunnel through the passage to the right nearby. At the top of the stairs open the blue soul chest here then do a 180 degree turn. Climb up the wall here and jump over to the pipe behind you. Once on the pipe, look in the small dead end to the right to find Artefact: Soldier, before continuing along the pipe in the opposite direction until you exit into The Dry Road. -------------------------------- The Dry Road -------------------------------- Move down the slope hill and round the corner destroying all the duskwings and zombies that get in your way. As you move towards the fork in the road you will see a quick scene introducing phantom guard angels. Fight off a group of five or so to continue. Look on a ledge behind the ruins to your left to find Artefact: Soldier and drop down the ledge nearby to find a blue soul chest. Follow the ledge around until you find the ramp leading back up. From the start of the ramp, face the cliff and you should see a small cave on the other side. Double jump and glide across to find a Vulgrim location. You can return to the previous area by using the supplied demonic growth. Turn left at the crossroad here and cruise under the bridge and into the tunnel beyond. Continue forward and kill the greater dragon that comes to get you and any zombies shambling around before proceeding. After rounding the corner you should see a crate floating in the air being held there by a demonic plant on the ceiling. Hit the plant with your cross-blade then run up and jump to hang on to the top of the box. As the plant regenerates, it will lift the box up and War with it. Move around the edge and glide across to the platform to the north, open the chest here for Enhancement – Carnage. Jump back down to the road and use the same tactic to jump across to the platform on the south of the tunnel. From here grab one of the bomb flowers and stick it to the red crystal across the gap. Drop down to the small ledge below and jump across the gap to grab the handholds. Follow the wall all the way to the end and jump into the small tunnel here. Follow it to the end. You will exit into a large room above a pit. There is demonic growth on the wall to the far left and right and three demonic plants hanging from the ceiling above a rope we will need to use to traverse the room. Hit the demonic plant directly in front of you and jump to the rope, move to the right and climb the growth here to find a blue soul chest. Hop back down to the small entrance area. Now lock on all three demonic plants with your cross blade and whilst they are stunned, jump to the rope and use the fast climb (dash) to cruise under them to the left. Navigate your way across the demonic growth here and drop down into the tunnel opposite the entry point. Exit this tunnel through the broken area to the left. Make your way behind the hole here to find a blue crystal – take it out and open the chest here for a life stone shard. From the hole, head up the stairs in front of you to the left and head into the side room to find another Vulgrim location. Exit, and continue along the road to the north until you reach the Ash Lands. =============================================================================== Worm Hunter [ACT10] =============================================================================== -------------------------------- Ash Lands -------------------------------- Upon exiting the tunnel you will see a short scene introducing the ash worms, these things will eat you in seconds if you head into the sand so we need to stay on solid ground and only head across sand if a chronosphere has been activated. Speaking of chromospheres, hit the one floating above to your right and head across the sand to the rocky pathway in front. At the top float across the gap to the next rocky area and kill the phantom guard angels. Collect the blue soul chest and descent the ramp into a tunnel. Drop down the cliff here and make your way outside. A quick scene will show you the next safe platform and where to find the chronosphere. Look for the wooden platform near the tunnel entrance and follow it up and around the back of a wooden structure, past the open doorway. At the end of the path, climb the demon growth and pick up the blue soul chest here, then drop down and enter the wooden building. Use the demonic growth inside to traverse the gap, use the switch at the far end to lower the chronosphere then return to the cave entrance. Hit the chronosphere and run across to the rocky platform to the west. Follow this platform until the sand worm jumps up and destroys a piece of it. Jump across the newly formed gap. Make your way along the path here and after dispatching the demons that slide in from the building to the right, drop down to the area below the building and use the demonic growth on the wall to climb up. To the right of the entrance is another climbable spot, so head up here and hit the switch to lower a chronosphere into the room below. Drop down and enter the building, to the left you will see more demonic growth and nearby, the liberated chronosphere. On the roof is a big spinning blade which is currently preventing you from using the growth on the ceiling. Hit the chronosphere to slow it down, and then use the demonic growth to climb the wall, cruise across the ceiling and land safely on the opposite side. Jump across the gap to yet another section of demonic growth and climb up to the next rocky outcrop. At the top cross the bridge, there are two circular wooden buildings in this next area. Make your way to the far one and use the shadow flight geyser to reach the platform. Inside you will see a red crystal on the floor on the opposite side from the entrance. Find the demon growth around the left side of the building and climb it. As you reach the room at the top you will be attacked by a group of demon soldiers. Once they are all dead, locate the bombs and the chronosphere here. Hit the chronosphere, grab a bomb and jump down to the ground, toss the bomb on the red crystals to destroy them. Return to the room with the chronosphere and use the button to lower it. Drop down to the previous platform and enter the structure. Much like the previous structure you will need to hit the chronosphere, and then utilise the demon growth on the right of the room to traverse the roof and land on the higher platform whilst avoiding the spinning blade of death. Climb the nearby demonic growth and you will find yourself on a platform that bridges the two structures in the area. Before crossing the bridge look around the side area opposite where you climbed up from for a chest containing rage. Cross the bridge to the second building. In here throw the switch to lower the chronosphere and repeat the same process as the previous two buildings. Hit the chronosphere, climb the growth, avoid the fan, land on the higher platform. Exit to the walkway outside and climb to the top of the building, hit the switch here, the drill at the bottom of the platform will be raised, giving you access to a cave system underneath – drop to the ground and down the hole to continue. You will land in a large pool of water. Dive to the bottom and look for Artefact: Soldier along the west wall. If you re-surface, you should be able to see another Artefact on a ledge above the pool (this is the big one, Artefact: Overlord) which we cannot access just yet. Find the path leading out of the water and enter the large highway tunnel. Look to the roof and you will see several demonic plants to be wary of. Destroy the crystal to the left of the entrance and drag the crate beneath the first demonic plant. Drop down off the platform here for a blue soul chest, and then hit the plant with your cross blade so it drop s the block. Use this opportunity to jump and hang onto the edge of the crate. As the plant lifts the crate up, get War to float across to the blue crystal nearby. Destroy the crystal here to uncover a chronosphere. Before using it return to the ledge and look to the left you should be able to see a small tunnel to the left of the entrance with two demonic plants above it. Use the chronosphere and quickly make your way across the room and into the tunnel. From the entrance to the tunnel look out to the main area and upwards, you will see a red crystal hanging from the roof. This is our next target. Enter the room and find the chronosphere tucked away behind the corner. Activate it, grab one of the nearby bombs, run outside and stick the explosive to the crystal on the roof. This will cause a small cave in and drop a platform you can utilise to access a tunnel above. Before heading inside, continue along the ledge to the left and use the shadow flight geyser to reach the raised area here. Open the chest for a life stone shard. Return to the raised tunnel and jump into the water behind. At the far end of the water, climb the demonic growth to re-enter the desert area. When you reach the top, do a 180 degree turn to see a blue soul chest on a wooden platform behind the pit here. Grab it, and then continue up the stone ramp into the cave. As you enter a Minotaur will appear, and summon a good number of demonic soldiers and a pair of wraiths to attack you. Fend them off and once they are all destroyed, the Minotaur, a group of demon soldiers and a pair of wraiths will all take you on at once. If you have your chaos form ready, now would be a good time to use it and if you get a little low on health, please note the green soul chest near the back of the room. Once the baddies are eliminated, climb the stone ramp, enter the tunnel and follow the defined path. Once you enter the next cave, a cave in will occur, blocking your exit out, so continue down the ramp and exit into a large open area. Inside there is a sand worm patrolling the area and a number of wooden structures, sitting on the surface of the sand which will help us to traverse the area. You need to wait until the worm is a good distance away before jumping into the sand and wading to the nearest structure. Look at your map; we need to make our way to the eastern side of the area and to the green door using the conveniently placed towers to do so. Easy! When you reach the cave on the other side, grab the blue soul chest in front of you and continue into the next open area. As you enter, the exit will be sealed and you will need to fight off first a group of demonic soldiers, and then a Minotaur and a large demon gunner. Move a bit further into the room to find a green health chest and a yellow wrath chest if you need to replenish your supplies of either during or after the fight. Grab the demons' fracture cannon and continue up the ramp close to the entrance, kill the enemies that come to get you and use the fracture cannon on the demon gunner on the ledge above and slightly to the right of the wooden walkway. Once he is dead, step onto the bridge and look to the right to see another sniper on a ledge above the walkway - use the gun to kill this one too before continuing. About halfway across the second bridge a Minotaur and group of demon soldiers will come to attack you, retreat back a bit and use your fracture cannon on them as they squeeze together to cross the bridge. When they are dead continue on. In the next area, drop down to grab one of the two green soul chests if you need a bit of health. As you approach it a short movie clip will play and you will be stuck on the small platform here trying to kill a demon gunner, kill him and a swarm of demon soldiers will appear, finally when they are dead a minotaur and gunner will appear together. When they are all dead, another short clip will play showing three gunners spawning across the gap. Luckily, one of the demon gunners we killed dropped his fracture cannon so pick it up and take each of the gunners on the opposing side of the chasm out in turn. As the gunners bite the dust, a bridge nearby will drop giving a nice big group of demon soldiers and a Minotaur access to your current location. Luckily they all bottle up together on the bridge making the fracture cannon a wonderful choice to easily dispose of the baddies before they can even cross. When you are sure nothing more is on the way, pick up a green chest if you need it before crossing the bridge and continuing up the ramp (there is another green chest half way up the ramp if you had previously used the other two and still need a pick me up). As you climb the ramp, more demon soldiers will slide across ropes to approach you from both directions above and below so take care of them and continue to the top. Jump across the gap here for a quick scene. After the scene, head out through the open door into an arena of sorts. During a quick scene a demon will bang a gong and summon an abyssal rider. Do enough damage to him and group of demons will jump down from the various platforms around the place to join him in attacking you. Kill them all and another of the side tunnels will open releasing two abyssal riders and a group of demon soldiers. Several hatches on the arena floor will also open and start spouting flames – you would do well to avoid these as they can do a nasty bit of damage if you get to cosy with them. Next up a pair of bladed demons will jump down to get you with another group of demon soldiers. Defeat them to face the boss. -------------------------------- Boss: Arena Master -------------------------------- Phase 1: He will attack you on horseback charging you and firing off blue flares that can do a lot of damage if they hit you. Attack him with the cross blade and swords when he gets close enough and when he is stunned take full advantage of the opportunity by unleashing a barrage of melee attacks on him. Use a finisher to knock him off his mount and watch the short scene. Phase 2: He will come at you in the same way as a Minotaur or an iron giant and has a similar set of moves, but does significantly more damage than either. If you just attack the arena master normally, he will just block and counter attack just about everything and do tonnes of damage. The best bet for beating this guy is to stay at his maximum attack range and lure him into performing one of his big attacks. If you are far enough away you can dash out of the way to avoid it. His attacks usually leave him vunerable for a few seconds while he recovers. Dash in and attack him then - but only 2-3 hits and then retreat again. If possible try to kite him around in a circle to keep him from cornering you. Once you get the hang of the above strategy, just keep repeating it until he drops. When you have done enough you will see a short scene. -------------------------------- The Arena Master's horse will now come and attack you intermittently, try and attack it if you wish, but after taking a few blows from it, another quick scene will play and you will obtain War's trusty steed - Ruin. Following the scene, the remainder of the demons from the observation areas above will jump down to attack you. Fend them all off and a large gate will open. Ride through here and jump off the horse to collect the blue soul chest to the left, then jump back on board Ruin and follow the tunnel until you reach the small sandy room with the sand worm patrolling the area. The good news is Ruin is fast enough to outrun the sand worms, the bad news is the room will become locked once you enter and you will need to kill the big guy here to continue. To do this, wait for it to emerge from the sand and use your pistol to shoot the glowing part in its mouth as it chases you and using ruins dash move to stay away from the monsters jaws. Sometimes it will submerge and charge at you with spikes sticking above ground, this can be easily avoided with a quick dash to the side. Continue peppering away at the sand worm's mouth with the pistol until it is dead. Exit through the gate that opens. Follow the tunnel and drop down when required. Pick up one of the fracture cannons on the ground here and prepare to fight. A large group of demon soldiers will appear at the far end of the room and charge towards you, whilst several more will drop down from beams and platforms above. Whilst killing the first wave, a demon gunner will also jump down to join in on their assault. Once they are all dead, a second wave will appear and charge at you, this time a Minotaur will accompany them and several demon gunners will sit up on ledges and shoot at you if you venture too far away from where you dropped into the area. The fracture cannon should make short work of everything, and when the coast is clear move up slightly and kill the gunners on the balconies. Hold onto the gun as you work your way through the next area. On entering a bladed demon will appear from further down the tunnel to the right and several more demon soldiers will hop down and come your way. In this first large area, there is a central pillar with a structure atop it (previously occupied by the demon gunners). To the right of this you will find a green chest if you need to recover War's health. Move around the back of the pillar until you can see down the next tunnel as you do a group of 4-5 demon soldiers will notice you and start rolling your way. Take them out, then focus your fire on the two other demon gunners you should be able to make out in the distance. When they are all dead, continue around the pillar and look to the left for a blue soul chest. Continue down the tunnel here and as you approach the overpass a bladed demon, a Minotaur and a few more demon soldiers will jump up in front of you. Once again, if you still have the fracture cannon, these guys are a push over, simply fire away at them as you walk backwards. Once they are dead, make your way to the cliff and jump down into the water below. Dive under and look around the right side of the pool for Artefact: Soldier. Dive under the pillar of rock blocking access to the next area and surface on the other side. Jump out of the pool and follow the tunnel killing all the enemies who get in your way. When you spot a side room to the right of the main tunnel, head inside to unlock another Vulgrim location. Exit and grab the green chest for health nearby if you need it before heading outside to meet the Stygian. As you exit, a scene will play and when you regain control you will need to deal with a small army of demon soldiers. Jump on Ruin and mow through them with the sword. Once enough of them have fallen, the Stygian will break free to take you on. -------------------------------- Boss: Stygian -------------------------------- Runs around with face cover on – dodge him, when he surfaces and roams around freely ride up beside him and use your sword to knock off the mask. He will summon smaller worms, just avoid them and shoot when they surface. Without the mask he is the same as the first you encountered, when he opens hims mouth, shoot the glowy bit He will submerge and come close to you and move very quicly to try and come up beneath you, keep the horse moving and bosst when necessary. When hes had enough, the ‘finish him ‘ button will appear. Go and finish him off. -------------------------------- For defeating the Stygian you will be given the Heart of the Chosen and a Life stone. Before leaving the area, look behind the tower the Stygian was being held captive in to find a blue soul chest. Return to the Vulgrim location nearby and use the serpent hole to return to the Scalding Gallow. Make your way to Samael and give him the heart, he will tell you where you need to head next and give you a quick rundown of the next boss monster and her lair. He will also grant you a new power for Ruin – the Soul Bridge. Head back to Vulgrim and use the serpent hole to cruise back to the Ash Lands. =============================================================================== The Iron Canopy [ACT11] =============================================================================== -------------------------------- The Ashlands -------------------------------- Now that we have arrived in the Ash Lands once more, we can explore a little bit due to the presence of our buddy Ruin. After exiting the tunnel, first head to the East to find a small stone area complete with a blue soul chest. Return to the entrance area and make your way around the various pieces of walls, ruins and rocks to the north eastern section of the map. Look out for a blue crystal beneath the walkways that led to the entrance to the arena. Blow this up and head inside for a wrath shard. From here look a little further to the south to see a raised platform with a shadow flight geyser in front of it, use this and climb the demon growth at the top to find an Artefact: Soldier. You should return here later and use the grappling points near the end of this platform to access the top of the first building you found in the Ashlands. Here you will find the final piece of the Abyssal Armour set. Look at your map, we need to go to the rocky area that sort of resembles the number "2" climb this and float across to the next area. At the end of the long rock platform here you will find the soul bridge. Jump on Ruin and enter the portal between the glowing pillars to activate the bridge to reach the other side of the chasm here. Follow the passage along here until you see a scene. -------------------------------- Iron Canopy -------------------------------- When you regain control, you will be in a completely different area and tied up in a spider web. Follow the on-screen button prompt to break out and drop to the floor. Exit the room here and follow the wall around to the left until you find a blue soul chest. Cross the small bridge nearby and dispatch the spiders on the opposite side. Press the use button on the spider web here to enter the next room. Turn left and destroy the crystal, drag the block as far as possible towards the entrance to position it below the rope, then kill the smaller spiders – just hit one and the rest will come running. Next, jump up on the block and if you try to cross the rope the big spider in the middle of the room will object. Before you do decide to cross, toss your cross blade at the chronosphere on the left of the room. Jump up onto the rope and use the dash button to cross the rope before the timer wears off. Drop down the hole at the end. Exit into the street here and follow it around the corner and up the hill. Cross the narrow bridge here. After it collapses, continue south along the road, killing the zombie angels. Look for a destructible wooden all along the left side of the area, and knock it down to find a chest behind it containina a wrathstone shard. Run to the end and use the web on the left to enter the next area. Look to the right for two horizontal girders sticking into the room, we need to jump from the second one down to the platform below with the blue crystal. Destroy the two egg sacs here (one next to the crystal and one hanging from a beam above the area) and kill any spiders that emerge. Check out the nearby alcove for a blue soul chest, then bust open the crystal to reveal a switch. Hit the switch to raise a chronosphere from below. Do a quick 180 degree turn and find the hand holds on a support column to return to where we jumped down from. Now straight ahead is a second support column with handholds on it, so scale that one too. Turn right and destroy all the spiders and egg sacs in the area. Move to where you can target the chronosphere with your cross-blade, hit it and then jump across to the dangling platform supported by a strand of web. Quickly run to the other side and jump off into the alcove to open the chest for a map. Return to where we threw the cross blade at the chronosphere, again jump down to the beam suspended by the web and stand on the side closest to you. Wait until the opposite end rises sufficiently to reach the alcove above the chest that contained the map and then hit the chronosphere to slow down time, run up and jump into the room before the time lapses. Open the chest here for the Beholder's key. Return to the entrance and exit the area. When outside, return to where the bridge collapsed and look to the wall on the left to see a demon growth, follow it round the corner to find the locked door that our Beholder's key fits. Enter the room here. The majority of the room is made up of a strong spider web making up the floor, if you step on this a big spider underneath the floor will come to track you down, so try not to stay in the one spot for long. To the right as you enter you should see a block. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o >> INFO: Note: this room provides a simple and easy way to earn the "Devastator" achievement/trophy. Jump onto the block and throw cross blades at each of the groups of small spiders around the room. When they all gather around the base of the block, jump down next to them and use the Blade Geyser attack. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Move the block under the demonic plant and grab the edge as it is lifted up. Jump to the right side of the room for a chest containing a wrath shard. Return to the platform below and drop down the gap in the corner to reach a ledge just above the lower level. You will need to use the hand hold here to make your way to the right so you can jump across to the other raised platform here. Problem is the big spider is in your way. Climb back up to the top layer and hit the plant holding the block with your cross blade. This will cause it to drop the stone block it is holding and the impact will knock the spider down to the ground. Quickly return down the hole and shimmy across the ledge before the spider recovers. Jump over to the platform and climb the stairs here till you exit into the street. Cruise onward until you see a quick scene introducing a new green variety of demon soldiers, dispatch the lot of them that appear and any spiders who get involved. Once the room is clear of hostiles, head up the steps at the back of the area. At the highest point you can reach (the stairs are broken) look slightly to the right to see an artefact on top of a small building below. Double jump and glide over here to pick up Artefact: Soldier. Return to the ground and open the web nearby to move on. In the next room, drop down the gap in front of you and drag the bomb carrying block onto the elevator to the left of the entrance. Use the demonic growth to exit the pit and return to the start to activate the switch. Move the bomb block off the lift and punch it across the gap. Move it onto the elevator here next to the demonic growth wall. If you haven't already, use bombs from the block to destroy the bomb growths on the demonic growth wall and any spiders still lurking around the area. Next climb the wall, being careful to swing your sword when in range of the demon arms that pop out. At the top pull the switch to bring the block with the bombs up to you. Use the bomb on the red crystal nearby and use the spider web that is reveal to enter the next area. Upon entry, the doors will seal and an iron giant will appear along with several green demon soldiers when they are dead, a flaming gholen will jump down and attack you. Kill it and then look in the door to the left of the entrance for a blue soul chest before heading through the main portal across the room. Cruise through this next room, killing the spiders if you wish before exiting the other side and climbing the demon growth to the left. Exit to the road. To your right you will see the locked boss door, we will be coming back here later! But for now, jump down to the left and grab the green chest if you need a health boost and then make your way up the narrow web bridge. Open the door at the top. As you enter you will be greeted by a locked door, so move to your right, down the hallway about halfway across it will collapse and dump you in a room filled with aggressive small spiders, finish them off and exit to the main room. Go down the stairs and into the room on the left, destroy the demon chest in here to unlock the abyssal chain (like a hook shot from Zelda!). Following the short scene, you will be attacked by the giant spider on the roof. Use the abyssal chain on the spider to remove its shell and then attack it like a normal enemy. When it is dead, you will see the seal to the boss chamber briefly giving you a clue as to how to open it. That's right, we need to backtrack and kill the rest of the large spiders! On the north side of this room, on the right is a small room containing a yellow wrath chest, use this if required along with the green chest in the previous room. Look up and use the blue grappling hook to swing up to the higher level. Use the demonic grow to climb up and jump up to the ledge above. Follow it around and jump down into the room below. You should see two demonic plants on the roof to the right of the room. Look to the wall opposite this to find demonic growth. Climb here and swing across the gap to find a chronosphere. Before touching it, look up and to the left to find a red grapple point, head up here and open the chest for the seventh piece of the Abyssal Armour set. Drop back down and activate the chronosphere, then swing across the gap and then g across the room into the alcove behind the demon plants before the time speeds up again. Here you will find the beholders key and there is also a green chest to the left if required. Return to the main room and use the key on the door. Turn left and jump and glide across the gap – use the abyssal chain towards the end to hit the grapple point. Drop down and open the blue soul chest. Drop down the gap and retrace your steps back through the now unlocked door and through the spider web to exit the area. Use the grapple points to cross the chasm and enter the door next to the boss seal. Drop down the pit here and into the next room. As you enter the second large spider will drop from the roof and attack you, this one is heavily defended by a seemingly unlimited number of small spiders so you will need to lock him on in order to use the abyssal chain on him. If possible use chaos form once the spiders shell is off to finish him and his pets off in a hurry. When he is down for the count, exit through the door. Proceed through the small tunnel and destroy all the little spiders in the next room, head through the left door here to find a blue soul chest (if you didn't collect it earlier, then look up and use the grapple point above to access a ledge containing Artefact: Champion. Drop down here and use the elevator to head back down to the lower floor, exit through the spider web on the opposite side of the gap. Upon exiting the room fend off the spiders, then climb the metal staircase nearby, at the top, turn around to face the building and look up to find a grapple point, head up here to find a green chest, a blue soul chest and Hoard seeker (lets you see all the chests on your map). Return to the road and continue past the web we used to enter and turn left into the stairs a little further down the road. Inside you will see the third large spider on the roof. Hit it with your abyssal chain to bring it down to the floor. Remove its shell with the abyssal chain and as you do a group of green demon soldiers will appear to help the spider out. Once defeated, head through the door down the bottom here for a shortcut back to the top of the room. Exit the door here. Use the red grapple points here to cross the gap, enter the webbed door to the right. As you enter, defend yourself against all the aggressive baby spiders before pulling the big boy down with the abyssal chain, he will fall through the floor into another room below. Jump down to join him. Kill him and grab the green chest nearby and head on into the large circular chamber next door. -------------------------------- Boss: Giant Crystal Spider -------------------------------- This boss will stay in the centre of the circular room here and will rotate around to keep you in her line of sight. She has a few nasty moves: >>> Charge: after taking damage she will charge at you, dash to the side when you see her coming to avoid taking damage. >>> Ground pound: The crystal spider will jump in the air and slam into the ground doing some nasty damage if you have your feet on the floor. To avoid copping a hit to your health bar, double jump as she lands. Strategy: During various points of the fight, the spider will rear back and appear to be sucking in the air in front of her. When she does this, you will need to target one of the cocooned bodies littering the roof of the room with your abyssal chain to grab it and then throw it at the spider. She will then be distracted for a few seconds. The first time this happens, run around behind her and use the tremor gauntlet to destroy the blue crystal on her back. This will reveal her weak spot. Now simply avoid all of her attacks and toss a body at her when she breaths in to have a few free whacks. When she has taken enough, use a finisher to end the fight. -------------------------------- After the scene showing the beats demise, the final seal on the Silitha’s chamber will be removed, clearing the path to the final confrontation in this area. Exit through the door provided and drop down to the tunnel below, follow it up to the next room until you see a shadow caster appear, open the chest to the left if you are keen for a bit of vitality before following the monster up the tunnel. In the next room, kill the shadow caster, then a green demon squad with a shadow caster and then a pair of greater dragons. When everything is dead continue onward, vault up to the passage above and when you reach the cliff, use the shadow flight geyser to lift you up, but instead of moving forwards, hold back to pilot War to a secret area above the tunnel you were just in for a chest containing a legendary enhancement – War’s Glory (increases combat prowess). From here double jump towards the cliff and chain the first grapple point, swing off to the next, then take a couple of swings to get enough height to double jump onto the shadow flight geyser. At the top of the geyser, grapple the next point and then just continue to grapple all the way across to the demon growth on the far wall. Drop down and continue up the tunnel into the next room. Here the doors will be sealed and you will have to fight 2 iron giants, some phantom guard angels and a large number of baby spiders. Once all of those are dealt with, a fire golem will drop in to pay you a visit, defeat them all to continue. Exit the door and use the grapple points to head across the gap here, follow the ledge around and open the door to the boss’s lair. Make your way down the left hand passageway and jump to the demon growth when able. Drop off the roof and grapple across the two points to the demonic growth on the far wall, climb to the top and open the green chest for a quick health top up before heading through the nearby door to confront Silitha. -------------------------------- Boss: Silitha -------------------------------- >>> Teleport Charge: Silitha will teleport quickly around the room before appearing to charge you. If she hits you she can link it into a melee combo which will cause huge amounts of damage. Try to monitor her position in the room at all times to prevent being ambushed. >>> Body drop: After taking a bit of damage, she can leap into the air and drop on you, dash out of the way to avoid this. Strategy: Silitha is a very easy boss and will spend the fight teleporting around the room and trying to catch you off guard with a charge or melee attack. Monitor her position and when she stops moving for a second or two, hit her with the abyssal chain. You will be drawn to her, so perform an aerial combo attack. Repeat the process until she collapses, at this point get physical with her and dish out as much damage as you can. When she recovers perform the same process. When she has taken enough damage, she will retreat to the roof. Several grapple points will appear around her. Use one of these to fly up to the roof of the room, then grapple onto Silitha herself to finish the fight. -------------------------------- You will receive the final Heart of the Chosen for Samael and a Life stone. If you activate the floating crystal nearby using the cross blade, then switch to your abyssal chain and grapple the point on the bottom of it, you can ride the platform back up to the boss chamber. Jump into the hole in the ground and land on the next level down to find a blue soul chest, head around to the opposite side of this area to find Artefact: Soldier hidden behind some rocks. Return to the bottom floor and exit through the door. Grapple across the pit here and jump back on Ruin, ride all the way back to the soul bridge and ride back to the Ash Lands. Return to the nearest Vulgrim location and use the Serpent Hole to travel to the Scalding Gallow. Return to Samael. After a quick scene, he will open a portal for you. Open it and make your way to the other side to reach The Black Throne. =============================================================================== The Black Throne: Part 1 [ACT12] =============================================================================== -------------------------------- The Black Throne -------------------------------- Head through the door directly in front of you and stand on the symbol on the floor to generate a bridge. Follow this across the zone and enter through the door on the far side. After a quick scene introducing Azrael, you will need to head through the door on the right side of the room. Another quick scene will show you where to go in the room. Hit the crystal in front of you and the wall will rise, creating an opening to the right. Run through here and use your cross blade on the crystal on the wall opposite, re-enter the first room and use the crystal again to open the left passage, then cruise through the two open doors and before heading through the third, turn right and hit the crystal here, go through the now open doorway here and jump across the gap for the blue soul chest, return to the previous platform and look up. Use the grapple point here to cross the gap and climb the stairs. At the top of the stairs make your way to the ledge overlooking the room below and hit the crystal below and to the left of your position to open the door next to you. Follow this passage around until you reach the end on another balcony overlooking the same room. This time hit the other crystal located nearby on the opposite wall to open another door. Backtrack to the top of the stairs and head through here and exit the room into the next area. As you enter, both exits will seal up and you will need to defeat the wraith to continue. At the top of the stairs you will see two switches. Pull the one on the left to rotate several platforms in front of you. Doing so will reveal some grapple points. Pull the second switch to flip over another two platforms. The one closest to you will have a crystal on it which controls another platform further down the chain. You will need to hit the crystal until the platform it controls in the distance has its grapple point facing upwards, then pull the right hand switch again to have them both drop their grapple points downwards. Once the way across is complete, head across the gap to the other side. To either side of the door here are treasure chests – one containing green souls and one yellow if you need to replenish your health before the next area. When you are ready to do so, head through the door. As you enter, the door will lock. Look to your left and right to find a green soul chest and a blue soul chest. Grab these and jump down into the room below. Dropping to the floor here triggers several waves of enemies you will need to eliminate. The waves will start with a pack of red angels, followed by a group of spiked minions and a greater dragon, the third and final wave sees a wraith and another flock of red angels. Once these have been defeated, the floor will open beneath you giving you access to a demon chest. Open it for a new item, the Voidwalker (a teleportation gun like in Portal). Unfortunately you cannot use these everywhere, but you can use them on the round, glowing orange symbols you can see on the walls everywhere. When you regain control look up to an alcove on a ledge above, opposite the entrance. Use the voidwalker on this then jump back into the hole and activate another on the ground here to teleport up to the ledge. Continue down the tunnel here and activate the symbol on the right and at the dead end, use a charged up voidwalker shot on the symbol on the floor here. Jump through the first portal to be launched up to the platform above. Pick up the blue soul chest here and do a 180 degree turn. Activate the symbol on the wall across the gap, and then jump down and through the other activated portal here to arrive on the ledge. Stand on the orange panel on the floor here to raise the nearby portal. Cruise to the end of the hall here and activate the next portal next to the bomb plant. Through the portal you will see a red crystal, toss the bomb through here and when the crystal is dust, jump through and glide across to the ledge it was blocking. As you enter the next room, look up and to the left to see a portal symbol on a balcony above. Use the floor symbol to create a bridge, cross this but turn to activate the symbol as you cross. Activate the symbol on the ground when you reach the other side and return back the way you came, drop down the shaft in the previous hallway and enter the second activated portal. Use the orange symbol on the floor to cruise across to the other side of the room and open the chest here for the Legendary Enchantment – Fury’s Embrace. Activate the symbol and continue across the platform, but when able jump down and glide across to the passage opposite our original entry point. Use the two shadow flight geysers here to reach the platform above and as you enter the room, the doors will lock behind you. Open the chests to your right (one green, one yellow), then use the voidwalker on the door that just closed and a charged voidwalker portal on the symbol on the floor nearby. At the top of the shaft, exit into the large open area. -------------------------------- Boss: Tower Guardian -------------------------------- Attacks: >>> Overhead smash: The boss will slam his chain down into the ground. This will cause a significant amount of damage if it hits you, so be sure to dash at the last second to avoid it. >>> Whirlwind: When the boss takes damage, it will stand up and swing its chain around in circles quite quickly. This can be quite painful, so try to keep a lot of room between War and the Guardian. Strategy: Look to the ground to see several large portal pads, drop two of these on any one pad with the second being a charged super portal. Wait for the boss to do the overhead smash. Following the attack, the boss will become immobilised for a few moments, use this opportunity to drop through the portal and glide over to land on his head. Use the action button to damage him. He will falter, so head in and smash him a few times until he regains his footing. After he regains his footing, your portals will disappear and he will start his whirlwind attack, stay away from him until it stops. Then repeat the process until you can hit the action button to win the day. -------------------------------- After he dies, a blue beam of energy will shoot out from the building in front of you. Our task now is to lead the beam of light all the way back to Azrael's Prison. Head back down to the previous area and look up the shaft, the blue light is hitting a teleport pad, put your first portal here, and then use the voidwalker to put another portal on the back of the locked door here. The blue beam will come through and open the next door for you. At the end of the tunnel here, you will need to repeat the process and get the blue beam to come through the portal to activate the lift. Hit the switch to descend. When you reach the bottom, the blue beam will be hitting a portal symbol right in front of you and just next to it is a second. Activate both of these to open the door to the previous area. Move through the door here. Upon exiting you will see all of the exits become sealed and you will have to fight to unlock them. The first group of enemy combatants consists of two ghostly wraiths, next up will be a greater dragon, following this will be a final wave made up of a wraith and a group of red angels. When the fight is over, activate the portal the blue beam is hitting and then grapple across to the other side of the chasm. Look up above the grapple points to see a second portal pad, activate this top open the door ahead. As you enter this next room, as per usual, you will need to activate the portal pad being hit by the blue beam, drop down to the area below and work your way around the walls to activate it and then do the same for the the second pad (it is on the wall opposite the first, just below the grapple point). You will see that the beam passes through the hole in the first wall here. So we need to line up the second two walls also to allow the beam to pass through. Head back to where we dropped down from the area above and activate the crystal here, move through the door that opens and hit the crystal to the left. This should align the holes in the walls, giving you access to the next area. Before exiting however, look to the north just before the exit to see a teleported pad. Activate this, then turn and look at the closest raiseable wall, you should see a second pad on the back of this. Use a charged voidwalker portal on the second pad and use the crystal nearby to raise it as high as it will go. Step through the portal on the ground floor and you will be propelled into a small alcove above the area with a chest containing the map for the area. Drop down and exit through the door. =============================================================================== The Black Throne: Part 2 [ACT13] =============================================================================== After a quick scene the room containing Azrael will change dramatically. Head to the north side of the area and have a look around to find two portal pads adorning the walls here. Get onto the highest of the three ledges here using the voidwalker and the various orange pads and create a charged portal using the teleport symbol on the ground nearby, walk through and float up to the higher platform. Facing away from the locked door you will see the rotating cylinder of rock. Wait for the lowest section of the rock to reach your position and double jump on to it. Climb to the very top of the rotating structure and jump across to the unlocked door to on the east side of the room. Follow the hallway to the end and activate the elevator here. As you do demon soldiers will spawn into the lift with you so you will have something to do in the minute or so the elevator takes to reach the top. Once it stops and the enemies are all dead, the seal will vanish allowing you to get into the hallway beyond. When you reach the main room, you will see a rock bridge moving around the area slowly. When it is closest to the right of the room, jump on it and follow it until you reach the first solid platform here defend yourself from the blue duskwings before using your voidwalker to activate the portal on the other rock pillar nearby and the second on the other side of the pit near the exit. Wait for the floating path to make another round of the room and follow it all the way around and through the portal. When you exit onto the balcony, slay any remaining duskwings. Before entering the door here, from the balcony look slightly to the left of the exit door to see a teleport pad in a small alcove above the room. Activate this then double jump into the nearby portal to find a chest containing a wrath shard and a switch which will open a nearby door and let you jump back onto the roaming rock path again. Re-activate the portal on the stone pillar in the middle of the room and the portal next to the exit. Pop out the door to continue. In the subsequent area there is a giant chasm with two giant rotating blocks in it. Both of these blocks have teleport pads attached to them so this is our ticket across. When the first block reaches the platform closest to you, activate the portal on it, then turn to the right and activate the portal on the wall here. Wait until the two blocks come together in the middle and you will be able to see the teleport pad on the second block, fire your voidwalker through the portal to activate this and jump through when the block reaches the far end of the chasm. The area will seal up and you will now need to face off against another couple of waves of baddies to proceed. First up you will encounter a Minotaur with a few demon soldiers in tow, following this will be a ghost wraith or two before finally spitting out one more Minotaur for you to vanquish. Note there are two green chests to the left of this area and a yellow chest to the right if you need to restock at any point during this encounter. When you have stomped their collective ass into oblivion, cruise through the door here. Head down the stairs and open the chest here, a short clip will play showing parts of the floor falling away before you are attacked by a group of spined minions. Kill them and a group of demon soldiers and a ghost wraith will appear, if you are quick you can run to them as they spawn and use a blade geyser to send a few of them into the holes in the floor for a quick insta-kill. Climb the stairs for another quick clip. Three hanging platforms will appear in the centre of the room and two blocks will spawn on the circular ledge. This puzzle can be quite tricky so have a read below before attempting it. First you need to fire a portal to the top of the lowest hanging platform, next drag one of the blocks to the teleport pads on the main level, activate it and push the block through. This will bring the platform down. Dismiss your portals and fire a new one just beneath the box on the lowest platform here. Jump on top of the lowered platform and chill out next to the purple chain. From here you should see the highest of the three platforms to your left. Fire the second portal to the top of this platform to drop the block onto it. The platform you are on now will start to rise, look to the right and shoot a portal into the roof of the middle platform and when you are at the highest point, fire a portal beneath the block on the highest platform before quickly jump on top of it. This will take you to the top. At the top here, replenish your health and wrath using the chests provided and open the door. Use the shadow flight geyser here to reach the platform above. Follow the tunnel around until you see a blue crystal, smash it open and grab the Hoard seeker trinket from the chest inside. Activate the portal on the floor and head to the top of the stairs nearby, look upwards to see another portal pad up here activate it and step on through. Jump up to the nearby ledge and open the chest for a life stone shard. Drop down and continue along the tunnel until you reach the next shadow flight geyser, above it is a portal pad. Activate this and then use the voidwalker to create a charged portal on the ground next to where we destroyed the blue crystal. Cruise through the portal and fly on up. Glide over to the southern ledge for a blue soul chest, then make your way to the northern ledge and follow the passage here. -------------------------------- Boss: Tower Guardian -------------------------------- Attacks: >>> Overhead smash: The boss will slam his chain down into the ground. This will cause a significant amount of damage if it hits you, so be sure to dash at the last second to avoid it. >>> Whirlwind: When the boss takes damage, it will stand up and swing its chain around in circles quite quickly. This can be quite painful, so try to keep a lot of room between War and the Guardian. Strategy: Look to the ground to see several large portal pads which are protected by a portal nullifying metal grate. To utilise these pads, you will first need to lure the Guardian into performing an overhead smash attack on the grates to destroy them. Once the pads are freely usable, repeat the strategy as before. You need to create two portals on any one pad with the second being a charged super portal. Wait for the boss to do the overhead smash. Following the attack, the boss will become immobilised for a few moments, use this opportunity to drop through the portal and glide over to land on his head. Use the action button to damage him. He will falter, so head in and smash him a few times until he regains his footing. After he gets up again, your portals will disappear and he will start his whirlwind attack, stay away from him until it stops. Then repeat the process until you can hit the action button to win the day. -------------------------------- As with the previous boss, we will now have to bring the beam of blue light all the way back to Azarael. Return to the elevator and use a portal on the pad behind the beam. Ride it back down and use the second portal on the pad here. This will light up all the mirrors in the next room. Head down the stairs and pick up the green chest here if you need a bit of health. The three mirrors down the bottom do not line up with those above, luckily they have crystals beneath them, so pull out your cross-blade and lock on and hit all three simultaneously to activate the nearby switch, use the elevator here to ride down. As you step off the lift, you will see a wall open on the far side of the room. The blue beam will hit the portal pad here, remember its location. Jump down into the room with the three suspended platforms and the two blocks. Return to the floor and using the voidwalker, you will need to place the two boxes on the highest and lowest platforms – this should line up the mirrors on the bottom of the middle/high platform. Jump onto the top of the lowest platform and then into the highest one, from here look up to see the blue beam. Activate the pad it is touching, and then return to the spot where the blocks were and activate the teleport pad on the eastern side of the room to shine the blue beam through and onto the mirrors to open the door. Head outside. Use the voidwalker to activate the teleport pad on the rotating column closest to you, then head right and activate the portal here. When the two columns meet in the middle, fire through the portal and activate the second columns teleport pad. Return to the entrance and once more activate the first column’s teleporter, wait for them to join in the middle to see the door unlock. When the first spinning blocks returns to you again, dismiss the portal, then use the pad on the right to create another portal and jump out of the teleporter on the opposite pillar to float down to the other side of the chasm. Enter the door here. As you enter this room, several mirrors will rise up and the grapple points on the east side of the room will become useable. Use these to grab the blue soul chest on top of the column here and continue to the opposite side. To the right of this area is a teleport pad, activate this, and then activate the second pad on the stone column in the middle of the room. Use the grapple to jump back on top of the stone column with the chest. When the moving path appears next to the portal on the column, jump down and throw your cross blade at the closest crystal, then jump through the portal. Rush back to the main area and use your cross blade to lock on and hit the two crystals nearby, next target and activate the portal pad on the far wall, then return and re-activate the portal to the right behind you to activate the lift a little further down the corridor. Take the lift down and exit into Azrael’s prison chamber. From here, jump onto the rotating rock walls and look around the edge of the room for a small alcove with a bomb plant in it. When you see this jump down and land on the platform. Look up and find the very top piece of the rotating structure, there is a red crystal attached to it. When you are able, pick up the bomb and stick it. When the bomb explodes it will reveal a portal pad. Activate this, then jump to the floor and activate a second portal pad within the stone cylinder. When the blue beam makes its way through the top portal, a scene will play. =============================================================================== The Black Throne: Part 3 [ACT14] =============================================================================== After the scene, the room will once again change. Now make your way to the south western comer of the room to find a new alcove containing some voidwalker symbols. Activate the portal on the wall then use a charged portal on the floor below it. Jump into the wall portal to launch up to the platform above. Repeat the same process a second time, and at the top turn right and enter the door here. To the left as you enter is a blue soul chest. Activate the portal pad next to this, and then look for the one on the roof at the back of the room, head through this and float to the nearby platform to pick up Artefact: Soldier. Drop back to the floor and banish your portals. Activate the portal near the chest again, and then turn around – this next area consists of a canyon populated by spiky death pillars. Wait for the first one to rise and you will see a portal pad on one of the pillars a little further into the room. Activate this and turn back to the first, don’t enter it yet. Charge up a super portal and when you see the next portal pass by within the portal activate it. The portal here will now have disappeared, reactivate it and wait until there is a clear path in front of it before jumping in and being propelled to the far ledge. The next room is a large circular one. Jump down to see a large red crystal in the middle of the area. Activate the nearby portal pad, then look out the door, you should see a rotating, floating stone block. Wait for the pad on it to become visible then activate it. Wait for it to turn and face the bomb plant before jumping through and gliding across the gap. Activate the teleporter here and use the abyssal chain to grab the bomb from the stone column, wait for the portal on the rotating stone block to face a bunch of red crystals before tossing the bomb through to remove the obstacle. Jump through after it to find a chest containing the eighth piece of the Abyssal Armour set. Using your voidwalker, return to the room with the large red crystal in the centre and re-activate the portal, activate the one on the stone pillar again and head over to the platform with the bomb nearby. This time, dismiss the portal on the spinning block and activate the other portal nearby. Use the chain to grab the bomb, toss it through the portal here and watch the quick scene. Return to the top of the stairs and plant a super portal on the pad on the pillar in the centre of the room, jump back to the floor and enter the portal here to launch up to a small alcove here containing a Beholder’s Key. Return back to the opposite side of the chasm with the spike pits and exit to Azrael’s prison. Move to the edge and wait for the lowest section of the rotating rock wall to reach you, double jump up onto it and climb until you reach the highest point. Look out for the blue locked door, and when you see it jump across to the platform before it and open the door. Once inside, activate the elevator killing all the demonic soldiers and green demon soldiers that spawn. When you reach the top, exit the elevator and use the switch nearby. Enter the door here and cross the bridge to the central platform. Defend yourself against a few forced enemy encounters. First up take down the green demon soldiers along with a poison demon and then take down the shielded Iron Giant. There is a yellow/green chest here if you need them. When they are all dead exit the room through the door on the west side of the room. Like the previous room with the rotating blocks over the abyss you will need to target the portal pad on the first column with the portal gun, then activate the symbol on the wall nearby, this time charge up a super portal and tag the second column with it through the original portal. Then re-establish the portal on the wall when it disappears. Now wait for the portal to face the other side of the chasm – red crystals! Look up to the left to find a bomb plant so use your chain to grab one and toss it through when the crystals are visible to destroy them. Jump through the next time the platform on the opposite side of the cliff is visible and you will land on a small platform, ride this over to the other side and jump off. As with our previous dealings with the similar area on the previous two towers, as you land you will be trapped with all the exits sealed off. Time for defence mode! This time you will need to take out a poison demon and Iron giant combination team, followed by a small army of demonic soldiers and topped off with a pair of shield toting Iron giants. Use the chests nearby to rejuvenate War if the need arises and then when everything is calm once more, enter the door. Look below the switch as you enter the door to find a blue soul chest and check out the bottom of the pool of water to the northeast to find Artefact: Soldier. Jump out and create a portal on the pad here, activate the crystal on the left wall to lower it. Now head to the south west corner of the room and create a portal on the pad here. This will drain the other pool and allow you to swim across the gap in front of you. Pull this switch, and then return to the start. Use the switch here until the voidwalker pad on the central structure is facing the gate leading to the side room to the south. Then create a super portal on this central pad and use one of the other portal pads nearby to propel War over the gate and into the room here. Activate the switch and ride the elevator to the top. Exit the room to face the final Tower Guardian. -------------------------------- Boss: Tower Guardian -------------------------------- Attacks: >>> Overhead smash: The boss will slam his chain down into the ground. This will cause a significant amount of damage if it hits you, so be sure to dash at the last second to avoid it. >>> Whirlwind: When the boss takes damage, it will stand up and swing its chain around in circles quite quickly. This can be quite painful, so try to keep a lot of room between War and the Guardian. Strategy: Look to the sides of the room to see a set of three portals on either side. Create one bottom portal and activate the high portals. Draw the boss to the sides of the room and then wait for him to perform his overhead smash. Following the attack, the boss will become immobilised for a few moments, use this opportunity to run through the ground portal and exit from the top. Upon exiting the elevated portal, pilot War over to land on his head. Use the action button to damage him. He will falter, so head in and smash him a few times until he regains his footing. After he gets up again, your portals will disappear and he will start his whirlwind attack, stay away from him until it stops. Then repeat the process until you can hit the action button to win the day. Alternate Strategy (Connor Rowland) If you place a portal on one of the ground pads and a charged portal on one of the pads higher up on the wall you don't have to wait for the guardian to do an overhead attack before you can attack it. You just have to wait for it to get close to the wall and then you can use the portal to get on its head. And if your fast enough you can set up the portals right after you attack it and get back on its head just as it finishes its whirlwind attack. -------------------------------- Once he is dead, the final beam of blue light will be released, return to the elevator and place a portal on the first pad it touches, and then a second on the pad to your right. This will open the door, banish the portal to your left and head down the tunnel at the end, create a portal here to activate the lift. Ride the lift down. As you leave the lift a bunch of mirrors will appear and reflect the blue beam. Look to your right and hit the closest crystal with the cross blade to open the next door. The next area is identical to the way we completed the similar room earlier. As before, you need to place a portal on the pad on the first stone pillar with the void walker, turn right and activate the portal here, look through and activate the portal on the second column, return and shoot the first column 1 more time. Then wait for the blue beam to unlock the door on the far side before banishing the portal on the first column and activating the portal on the right once more to jump through to the other side. Enter the door. As you enter a floating lift will lower, a bridge will appear and so will a shadow flight geyser. Jump over to the shadow geyser and pick up the green chest here if you need some health, continue to the right and use the two portal pads here to launch War to the next platform above. Exit to the ledge here and grab the blue soul chest. Plant a super portal on top of the floating stone and use another portal to launch up to grab Artefact: Champion. Drop back down and plant portals on both pads on the sides of the floating rock. Head across the stone bridge leading towards another portal pad, and turn left to find a chronosphere. Activate it before running back to the centre, hitting the crystal on the floating rock and then sprinting to the gate and locking on both crystals and hitting them with the cross blade simultaneously. It might take a bit of practice, and will probably take a couple of tries but it’s far from impossible. Hit the crystals and then roll through the gate to use the lift inside to go back down. Exit back into the room with Azael. Wait for the rock walls to rotate around your way before popping a portal on the pad that passes closest to you. Then jump down and put a second portal on the pad inside the rock cylinder. Following the scene, a circular staircase will lower, head on downwards, grabbing the health chest here and open the door. Jump on the lift and ride it all the way down to the bottom of the area to face off against Straga. -------------------------------- Boss: Straga -------------------------------- Attacks: >>> Summon: Straga will summon small groups of enemies periodically throughout the fight (usually after he has just taken damage). Whilst you fight these guys off, watch out for Straga's occasional punch attack which you should be able to dodge with a quick dash. Kill all the enemies to resume battling the boss. >>> Hammer Sweep: Straga will drop his hammer on one side of the area and drag it across the floor to the other side. To avoid this, double jump over it. >>> Hammer Slam: The boss will also hit the arena floor from time to time, just dash to the side to avoid becoming a pancake. Strategy: On the floor of the area you should see a pair of large portal pads. Place a portal on one of these and avoid Straga's attacks until he stops to take a breather. At this point, fire a second portal onto the voidwalker symbol on the side of his hammer. When he moves it back behind his head, jump through the portal to land on his shoulders, run over and use the action button on the red circular weak spot on his back. This will cause him to fall onto the stage below. Motor up to his face and slash it to pieces. After taking damage, Straga is liable to summon enemies to help him out, you will need to eliminate these guys whilst avoiding the occasional attack from Straga himself. When they are dead, avoid the boss’s attacks and when possible to do so repeat the process of portaling up to his neck and slashing his face to pieces until he bites the dust. -------------------------------- You will receive a life stone and following a scene will be teleported to a brand new region. =============================================================================== Eden [ACT15] =============================================================================== -------------------------------- Eden -------------------------------- Move forward into the first big circular platform. After a quick scene you will be rewarded with the Mask of Shadows. Put it on to engage in a boss fight, against yourself! -------------------------------- Boss: Shadow War -------------------------------- Attacks: >>> Uppercut: Shadow War likes to try and launch you into the air with an uppercut before laying into you with an aerial combo or two. Just try to dash away from him when you see it coming. >>> Slice and dice: He will also throw a few fairly standard melee attacks at you and try to combo them together. Just block or dash to avoid these. >>> Overhead slam: He will do an overhead slam occasionally, dash to the side to avoid it. >>> Chaos Form: After he has taken quite a bit of damage, he will enter chaos form. Strategy: You can handle Shadow War as you would any regular tough sword wielding baddie. Run in and use hit and run manoeuvres to dish out some damage and after a few hacks, leave the attack range quick enough to avoid all of his moves. Watch out for the overhead smash, this attack is easy to avoid, but it also renders him immobile for a very brief period of time and this is perhaps the best time to launch a combo on him. After you have done sufficient damage to him, he will transform into chaos form. As he does, you should likewise transform and attack him until he falls. -------------------------------- When he's had enough a scene will show. Put on the mask and head back to the start to find a hidden blue soul chest, and then return to where you fought the shadow War and cross the bridge here. Turn left and rather than climbing the stairs, enter the water to the right. On the closest rocky island you will find a blue soul chest, in the top north eastern corner of the water, look behind the waterfall for the ninth Abyssal Armour piece. Exit the waterfall and turn left to find another blue soul chest. Return to the stairs and watch your map as you climb, when you see a little black square to your left on your map, jump off the bridge and look underneath for a chest containing a wrath shard. Return to the stairs and climb to the top. Continue forward until you see a scene. When you regain control, find the body nearby and press the action button to remove the sword, after another quick scene return across the invisible bridge to Azrael. After another story clip, Azrael will open a portal back to the real world, if you have not picked up all the treasures around Eden yet, I suggest you do so now as you will be unable to return here once you enter the portal. Once you have plundered enough, head through the portal. =============================================================================== The Ultimate Weapon [ACT16] =============================================================================== -------------------------------- Leviathan's Drift -------------------------------- Now you are given a new task - finding the 7 pieces of the Armageddon blade and taking them to Ulthane. Put your mask of shadows on and cross the invisible bridge in front of you to find the first piece of the Armageddon blade. Head to the nearest Vulgrim location and use the serpent hole to travel to Anvil's Ford to talk with Ulthane. You will also notice on the map some new Shiny additions bouncing around – each of these golden icons indicates the location of one of the Armageddon Blade Shards. After a quick chat with Ulthane, we're off to find the remaining 6 blade shards. Let’s return to Vulgrim and use the serpent holes to get where we need to go, starting with the Drowned Pass. -------------------------------- 1. Drowned pass -------------------------------- If you arrive via the serpent hole you will see the shard sitting on top of the building to your left. Jump into the water and swim to the far building, head up to the top floor and put on the mask of shadow, you will be able to see an invisible grapple point. Use the chain to get up a bit higher and make your way across to the next rooftop to claim the shard. -------------------------------- 2. The Crossroads -------------------------------- From the Vulgrim location, put your mask on and look to the southwest to see an invisible shadow flight geyser. Use it to access the platform above, follow this to the left and use the next invisible geyser to jump across to grapple point dangling in the air here to swing onto the next building. Use the invisible geyser here to access the upper balcony. Follow this to the end to pick up the 3rd piece of the sword. -------------------------------- 3. The Choking Grounds -------------------------------- Make your way to where you met the gatekeeper in this area. Just before on the left is a small hole in the side of the road. Drop down here and use the shadow flight geyser to reach the second level. Then use the demonic growth to go up further, finally move to the pile of debris in the corner and use your abyssal chain to attach to the demonic growth through the hole in the ceiling above. Use the mask of shadows and locate the invisible shadow flight geyser here to reach the rooftop, then simply waltz on over and grab shard no. 4. -------------------------------- 4. The Broken Stair -------------------------------- Fight through the building, across the highway and into the building where you hi-jacked the holy beast earlier. On the roof of this building you will find the fifth piece of the Armageddon Blade. -------------------------------- 5. The Dry Road -------------------------------- Head out from the Vulgrim location across the gap and up the demon growth. Head up the hill in front for a short scene and a boss encounter. -------------------------------- Boss: Uriel -------------------------------- Attacks: >>> Charge: Uriel will charge across the ground to hit you. As she performs this attack you can easily side dash to avoid it. >>> Spin drop: If you get too close for too long she will jump into the air and drop to the ground with a shockwave. Dash out of the way to prevent taking damage. >>> Throwing blades: If you get to far away from Uriel, she will throw swords at you, along the ground, usually in groups of 4-5. These can be avoided by dashing at an opportune moment. >>> Sword Rain: After taking a bit of damage, Uriel will take to the sky and summon heavenly swords to fall around the area. This lasts for about 15 seconds and you will need to watch out for blue glowing sections of ground which indicate a sword on the way. Keep moving to avoid the attack. Strategy: As before, your best bet is to treat her like any other heavily armoured bad guy. Get in close, take a few good swings (don’t get greedy), then back away to dodge her retaliatory attacks. After taking a bit of damage, she will fly into the air and summon falling swords to come and get you, look out for the glowing blue sections of ground as this is where swords are scheduled to fall. Continue to move around the area until the sword rain stops, and then rejoin your assault on her. When you have done enough a short scene will play. -------------------------------- Once the boss fight has drawn to its conclusion, look behind the ruin to the right to find the next piece of the sword. -------------------------------- 6. The Ash Lands -------------------------------- From the Vulgrim location, exit the tunnel and head right. Follow the wall until you reach a rocky platform with climbable ledges on it. Cruise on up and at the top you will see a fork, the top is blocked by red crystals, so head to the left. Put on your mask of shadows to see some invisible bomb plants up on the wall to the left of the crystals here. Use your abyssal chain to grab one and toss it at the red crystals. Follow the path all the way to the top (leave your mask on to be sure to see the grapple point) and you will find the final piece. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o >> INFO: Before we head back to Ulthane, now that we have all of War’s abilities, it is a very good time to head around the world and find all those nasty collectibles, unlock our additional health/wrath bars and find ourselves the Abyssal armour set. Check out the Lifestone guide [LFSTN], Wrathstone guide [WRstn] and the Abyssal Armor Piece guide o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o When you have everything or you feel sufficiently ready, head back through a Serpent Hole to Anvil’s Ford and enter Ulthanes Forge. Talk to him and after a short story scene you will be rewarded with the Armageddon Blade. =============================================================================== Destroy the Destroyer [ACT17] =============================================================================== Use the nearest Vulgrim location and return to Azrael in Leviathan’s Drift. Talk to Azrael to fight the Destroyer. -------------------------------- Boss: The Destroyer -------------------------------- Phase 1: During phase 1, the destroyer appears in dragon form, he will run around the circular area here, swinging with his arms and charging at you when he gets the chance. You need to jump on ruin and chase after him. When possible hit him a few times from horseback which will cause him to fall over. Quickly run over and slice up his belly until he recovers. Jump back on Ruin. After taking a little damage, the destroyer will do a ground pound attack to try and squish you. When he flies up, continue using your dash button until he lands to avoid the drop damage. Repeat the previous process until he charges straight at you and you see the action button occur. Hit it to watch a scene. Phase 2: In the second phase of the fight, the destroyer will transform into his angel form and will prowl around the area on two legs. He has a big sword that he uses effectively to dish out large, circular horizontal slashes, an overhead slam and the boss can also throw energy along the ground. Everything can be avoided, but timing is a big issue against this guy as the rand of his attacks are quite large. To defeat him, you need to keep running in and hitting him before retreating. Once enough damage has been done, you will enter a quick sword duel. Simply mash the button indicated in the centre of the screen. If you win, this will cause a good deal of damage to him. After taking damage here, he will float outside the arena and throw large chunks of rock at you, dash to the sides to dodge the attacks. After he lands on the platform again, he will pick up a few new moves, a teleport which helps him ambush you if you are not careful and an uppercut swing which will result in a devastating aerial combo if it connects. To win you just need to repeat the aforementioned steps and avoid his attacks whilst wailing on him. Once you have won three blade duels, you will get to watch the ending. -------------------------------- Congratulations you completed Darksiders! =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************************** ****************************** *** ABYSSAL ARMOUR LOCATIONS *** [ABYAR] ****************************** *************************** -------------------------------- 1. Scalding Gallow -------------------------------- After freeing Samael from his prison, head to the vullgrim location along the road nearby. In the back corner of this room, you will see a missing part of the wall. In front of you, you will see Samael's stomping grounds. Look below the prison and you should be able to make aout a small rocky path below. Use your newly acquired shadowflight ability to jump and glide down to the path, follow it to the top to find the first piece of the Abyssal Armour Set. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 2. Twilight Cathedral -------------------------------- After riding the platform with the three statues up to the courtyard in front of the boss door, turn around and use the block you pushed into the corner earlier to access the above balcony. At the top, turn to the left and use your cross blade to stun the demonic plant above the door. Enter the room and look on the far side of the balcony for a chest containing the second piece. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 3. Scalding Gallow -------------------------------- At the bottom of the ramp leading to Samael's prison, you should see a ruined building in front of you. On a column to the left you should be able to make out a red crystal with a bomb plant mounted on it. Use your cross blade to hit the bomb and detonate it. This will create a small ramp, allowing you access to the chest containing the third piece of the set. Note: you can actually acquire this piece first by picking up a nearby car or street sign and throwing it at the bomb to set it off (Thanks to sdunphy and Domonic (ggp694) for the tip). -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 4. Drowned Pass -------------------------------- Jump into the water, dive under and find the most noth eastern tunnel here. Swim through this and surface into the cave at the far end. Defeat all the enemies and then pick up the fourth piece of the armor set from the nearby chest. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 5. Drowned Pass -------------------------------- You will be awarded the fifth piece of Abyssal Armour when talking to the gatekeeper after completing the four shadow challenge arenas in the area. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 6. The Hollow -------------------------------- When you enter the first large tunnel area in the hollows and the doors all get sealed off. You will have to fight a group of spined minions and a greater dragon. Look back down the tunnel to see where the dragon burst through the wall to find an alcove containing the sixth piece. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 7. Iron Canopy -------------------------------- After fighting the first big spider, you will arrive in a room with the locked blue door at the far end. To the left of this is a climbable wall, at the top grapple across the gap to find a chronosphere. Do not activate this yet, instead look up and to the left to find another cheeky grapple point. Use the chain to pull yourself up here and open the chest for Abyssal Armour piece number 7. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 8. The Black Throne -------------------------------- In the Black Throne's third tower. When you reach the bottom of the long downwards spiralling staircase with large red crystal in the middle of the area. Activate the nearby portal pad, then look out the door, you should see a rotating, floating stone block. Wait for the pad on it to become visible then activate it. Wait for it to turn and face the bomb plant before jumping through and gliding across the gap. Activate the teleporter here and use the abyssal chain to grab the bomb from the stone column, wait for the portal on the rotating stone block to face a bunch of red crystals before tossing the bomb through to remove the obstacle. Jump through after it to find a chest containing the eighth piece of the Abyssal Armour set. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 9. Eden -------------------------------- Go to the very eastern side of the map hidden and in a small passageway behind the waterfall, you will find the ninth piece of the Abyssal Armour. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 10. The Ashlands -------------------------------- The final piece of the Abyssal Armour set is hidden on top of the first building you encountered in the Ashlands. To get to it, you will need to ride Ruin around the back to find a large raised rocky area, to get on this, follow the rocky wall around until you find a shadow flight geyser. Use this to access the ledge above. Run to the far end and use the abyssal chain on the grappling points here to reach the top of the building. Open the chest here for your prize. -------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************* *************************** *** ENHANCEMENT LOCATIONS *** [ENHNC] *************************** ************************ Enhancements are handy little trinkets you can find lying across the game world. There are 12 of these bad boys each have thier own unique bonuses. Once acquired, you can assign one enhancement to each weapon you own, allowing you a total of three enhancements at any one time (two at the end of the game as the Armageddon Sword cannot be enhanced). There are 8 standard enhancements and a further 4 legendary enhancements named after the four horseman - Death. Fury, Strife and War. Here are the bonuses for each of the 12 enhancements and the locations in which you can find them. -------------------------------- Standard Enhancements -------------------------------- ------------- Weapon Master -------------------------------- Bonus: 1. Boosts weapon damage Location: Vulgrim Description: You can purchase this enhancement from Vulgrim for 1000 blue souls ---- Bane -------------------------------- Bonus: 1. War regenerates Wrath over time Location: Vulgrim Description: You can purchase this enhancement from Vulgrim for 5000 blue souls ------- Ravager -------------------------------- Bonus: 1. Always receive souls when destroying environmental objects 2. Increases damage done by environmental weapons (cars etc) Location: The Choking Grounds. Description: You will receive this for entering and defeating the four shadow challenge arenas in the area (story related, you can’t miss it). ----------- Bloodthirst -------------------------------- Bonus: 1. Converts damage to enemies into health Location: Twilight Cathedral Description: In the area following the Jailor, light all the torches in the room, including the oddly placed one on the left of the area near the bomb plant. This will spawn a chest containing the bloodthirst enhancement. ----------- Combat Lore -------------------------------- Bonus: 1. Increases weapon experience from killing enemies 2. Increases War’s armor Location: Anvil's Ford Description: Recieved as a reward from Ulthane if you defeat him during the angel killing competition (This can be missed!). ------ Reaper -------------------------------- Bonus: 1. Increases souls acquired from enemies; extra when attached to the scythe Location: The Hollows Descriotion: When you reach the first locked blue door, dive into the second pool (not the one you came in from!), you will see a platform in front of you, ignore it for now and dive to the very bottom. Continue down the tunnel – take the first right and swim to the surface, jump out and open the chest for Enhancement – Reaper. -------- Hellfire -------------------------------- Bonus: 1. Increased weapon damage, chance of additional fire damage Location: The Crossroads Description: Return to the Crossroads once you have acquired the Tremor Gauntlet. From the Vulgrim location, follow the road to the North, at the end look to the left to see a blue crystal. Use the gauntlet to destroy this to find the enhancement in a chest within. ------- Carnage -------------------------------- Bonus: 1. Increases chaos generated by the sword, chaos generation enabled for all weapons Location: The Dry Road Description: On the way to the Ash lands, before you reach the first giant pit, you will see a demonic plant on the ceiling holding up a stone block. Knock it down and grab onto the side. Jump across to the left hand balcony and open the chest here for the enhancement. -------------------------------- Legendary Enhancements -------------------------------- ----------- War's Glory -------------------------------- Bonus: 1. Drastically increases chaos generated from the sword 2. Drastically increases chaos generated from all weapons 3. Drastically increases weapon experience gained 4. Drastically increases the length of Chaos form 5. Drastically increases weapon damage Location: Iron Canopy Description: After you defeat the large crystal spider and you cruise through a few rooms, you will reach a massive ravine that you will need to traverse using the provided shadow flight geysers and grapple points. Before making your way across to the other side, jump to the first shadow flight geyser and use it to lift you up, but instead of moving forwards, hold back to pilot War to a secret area above the tunnel you were just in for a chest containing a legendary enhancement – War’s Glory. Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. -------------- Fury's Embrace -------------------------------- Bonus: 1. Every attack generates wrath on contact with enemies 2. Increases Wrath Power damage 3. Reveals all world maps and items 4. Bonus wrath awarded on killing blows Location: The Black Throne, first tower Description: After encountering Azrael for the first time, continue through the first tower until you enter the large room with the bridge that appears when you stand on the orange symbol on the floor. As you enter this room, look up and to the left to see a portal symbol on a balcony above. Use the floor symbol to create a bridge, cross this but turn to activate the symbol as you cross. Activate the symbol on the ground when you reach the other side and return back the way you came, drop down the shaft in the previous hallway and enter the second activated portal. Use the orange symbol on the floor to cruise across to the other side of the room and open the chest here for the Legendary Enchantment – Fury’s Embrace. Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. ---------------- Death's Blessing -------------------------------- Bonus: 1. Converts weapon damage to health 2. Drastically increases weapon damage 3. Drastically increases the number of souls acquired from enemies/environment 4. Bonus soul rewards when equipped to the scythe Location: Scalding Gallow (Road to the Ashlands) Description: Return to the road to the Ashlands once you have the voidwalker in your possession. Enter the tunnel and cruise into the room with the first chronosphere. Use the voidwalker on the portal pad here, then pop the chronosphere, hit the switch to open the door and run through. Upon entering, turn around and you will see a second voidwalker pad on the back of the gate. Shoot a second portal here. Open the gate again using the nearby switch and return to the chronosphere room. This time, open the gate, hit the chronosphere and run through the portal to find the chest. ----------------- Strife's Offering -------------------------------- Bonus: 1. Increases weapon damage 2. Generates wrath on killing blows 3. Generates chaos on killing blows 4. Drastically increases projectile damage (pistol, cross blade) 5. Increased defence against projectile damage Location: The Ashlands Description: Once you have the abyssal chain, return to the cave beneath the third building in the area (drop down the hole where you raised the drill). Continue on until you find the room with 7 or so demonic plants hanging from the roof. On the far right of the room from the entry way you will find this in a chest. You will have to grapple using the abyssal chain to reach it. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************** ************************* *** LIFESTONE LOCATIONS *** [LFSTN] ************************* ********************** You will be rewarded with a full lifestone for defeating each of the major bosses: Tiamat, The Griever, Sygian, Silitha and Straga. The rest of the lifestones have been broken into shards and scattered in chests throughout the world map. Four of these shards will yeild an additional lifestone. There are 16 shards, which when collected, will give War four more health bars. With all the shards and full lifestones collected, War can have the maximum 10 health bars. Here are the locations of all things Lifestone related. -------------------------------- Full Lifestones -------------------------------- 1. Twilight Cathedral - Defeat Bat Queen Tiamat at in the Twilight Cathedral. 2. The Hollow - Defeat the Griever at the end of the Hollows. 3. Leviathan's Pass - Defeat Stygian in the Ashlands. 4. Iron Canopy - Defeat Silitha in the Iron Canopy. 5. The Black Throne - Defeat Straga beneath the Black Throne. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Lifestone Shards -------------------------------- The Crossroads Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the building behind Vulgrim, look in the pool to the left of the main room to find an underwater tunnel. Swim to the end and open the chest for the shard. The Choking Grounds Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: Destroy all the Gravestones in the area surrounding the Vulgrim point to spawn a chest containing the next shard. The Choking Grounds Note: This lifestone shard requires backtracking. You will need to return to the Choking Grounds once you have acquired the tremor gauntlet. Location: Return to the Choking Grounds once you have acquired the tremor gauntlet. Inside the small building to the left of where the gatekeeper was situated, climb to the second floor and destroy the blue crystal here to find the chest containing the life stone shard. The Broken Stair Note: This is coveterd in the above walkthrough. Location: In the cave complex containing the Vulgrim location. Look for a pool of water nearby, dive into the underwater tunnel and open the chest at the far end. The Broken Stair Note: This is covered by the above walkthrough. Location: Jump to the first section of the raised highway and at the top of the ramp, look in the opposite direction from where we need to go to find a chest containing the lifestone piece. Twilight Cathedral Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the second courtyard you enter, grab the bomb growth and throw it through the window on the wall opposite. Blow up the crystal here and look behind it for the chest. Drowned Pass Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: There is a raisable platform on the west side of the lake. Swim over and hit the crystal with your blade to raise the platform, then head up the nearby ramp and jump to the platform and then across to the ledge opposite to grab the chest. Drowned Pass Note: This lifestone shard requires backtracking. You will need to return to the Drowned Pass once you have acquired the abyssal chain. Location: Warp to the Vulgrim point. Nearby you will see a set of grapple points. Use your abyssal chain to cross the gap here to find the shard. The Hollows Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the train tunnel containing the locked blue door, look behind the two trains to the right of the red crystal to find a chest housing this life stone shard. The Dry Road Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: After fist entering the area, follow the road until you reach a crossroads. Look to the left on a ledge to find the chest. The Dry Road Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: When you exit into the tunnel following the room with the three demonic plants hanging above the rope. Climb the ramp and look over the hole in the wall you entered from, there is a blue crystal here. Head over and bust it down to find the chest. The Ashlands Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: After dropping down the drill hole, continue on a little further until you enter a room with a bunch of hanging demonic plants. Facing the rooms exit, look to the right to see a shadow flight geyser. Use this to land on the raised platform nearby and open the chest. The Black Throne Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the Black Throne's second tower. After exiting the room with the three suspended platforms and the two stone blocks. Use the shadow flight geyser here to reach the platform above. Follow the tunnel around until you see a blue crystal, smash it open and grab the Hoard seeker trinket from the chest inside. Activate the portal on the floor and head to the top of the stairs nearby, look upwards to see another portal pad up here - activate it and step on through. Jump up to the nearby ledge and open the chest for a life stone shard. Serpent Hole Note: This lifestone shard requires backtracking. You will need to return to this particular serpent hole once you have acquired the Mask of Shadows. Location: Visit Vulgrim and use the serpent hole to fast travel to the Twilight Cathedral. Before exiting the portal, put on the mask of Shadows and look nearby for an invisible shadow flight geyser. Follow the path until you reach the chest. Vulgrim Note: Follow the walkthrough for the artefacts here - [ARTFT] Location: Bring Vulgrim all 20 soldier artefacts and he will reward you with a life stone shard. Vulgrim Note: Follow the walkthrough for the artefacts here - [ARTFT] Location: Bring Vulgrim all 6 champion artefacts and he will reward you with a life stone shard. -------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************ ************************** *** WRATHSTONE LOCATIONS *** [WRSTN] ************************** *********************** Aquiring a wrath core enables War to increase wrath meter. Similarly to the lifestones above, each wrath core has been broken into four pieces and you will find these strewn across the world map. Collecting four wrath shards will create a wrath core, which will increase the amount of wrath War can accumulate by a single bar. There are three complete wrath cores to be found, along with 20 wrath shards. Collecting all of these will net War the maximum number of wrath bars - 10. Here are the locations of each of the wrath cores/shards: -------------------------------- Wrath Cores -------------------------------- Vulgrim - You can purchase a Wrath core from Vulgrim for 10,000 blue souls Vulgrim Note: Follow the walkthrough for the artefacts here - [ARTFT] Location: Bring Vulgrim the Overlord artefact and he will reward you with a wrath core. Twilight Cathedral Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: After riding the platform with the three statues up to the courtyard in front of the boss door, turn around and use the block you pushed into the corner earlier to access the above balcony. At the top, turn to the left and use your cross blade to stun the demonic plant above the door. Enter the room and drop down to the floor below. Grab the chest for a wrath core. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Wrathstone Shards -------------------------------- Vulgrim - You can purchase a Wrath shard from Vulgrim for 2,500 blue souls The Crossroads Note: This wrathstone shard requires backtracking. You will need to return to The Crossroads once you have acquired the Abyssal Chain. Location: Inside the building behind the Vulgrim location. After entering the main room, look for a broken shelf on the right side of the room. Run to the end of the platform and you should be able to see some grapple points. Use these to swing across to the far wall and enter a small hallway with the wrath shard inside. Scalding Gallow Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: Inside the same building as Vulgrim, look for the demon growth and climb to the second level to find the chest containing the shard. Scalding Gallow Note: This wrathstone shard requires backtracking. You will need to return to The Scalding Gallows once you have acquired the Abyssal Chain, the Voidwalker and the Shadowflight ability. Location: On the road to the Drowned Pass. When you first enter, look to the left, fire off a portal at the pad on the roof here, head to the fan section use your abyssal chain to cross the gap at the south of the room and use the shadowflight geyser to reach the platform with the champion artefact. On the roof here is the second pad, activate this, then drop down and use the geyser to fly up and through the portal. When you exit, pick up the nearby chest for the wrath shard. The Choking Grounds Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: Before you reach the gatekeeper, look in the hole in the wall to the left. Head up to the second floor of the building to find the chest here. Twilight Cathedral Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: Head to the room with the three statues that require crystal swords. Once two of the three swords have been recovered, a third door will open. Head through here and fight off the enemies to spawn a chest containing the Beholder's key. Look in an alcove on the side of the room to find a chest containing a wrath shard. Drowned Pass Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: Swim under the north western tunnel and follow it to the end. Destroy the crystal to grab the chest. Drowned Pass Note: This wrathstone shard requires backtracking. You will need to return to The path between the Drowned Pass and Anvil's Ford once you have acquired the tremor gauntlet. Location: Enter the tunnel behind the gatekeeper. As you do look to the right for a blue crystal. Destroy this, then explore an alcove to the left a little further down to find a chest with the wrath shard. Anvil's Ford Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: During the contest with Ulthane, you will reach a set of ruins. As you do a quick scene will play showing pair of angel gunners swooping in to attack. Kill them and look to the left to find demon growth. Climb to the top and find a second instance of demon growth nearby. Use this to descend down to an area beneath the main building here to find the chest. Anvil's Ford Note: This wrathstone shard requires backtracking. You will need to return to Anvil's Ford once you have acquired the abyssal chain. Location: On the west side of the map you will see a block of land not connected to the main area. Return here when you have the abyssal chain and use the grapple points here to cross the gap and claim the chest. The Hollows Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: Next to the switch you need to activate to turn off the fan in the set of underwater tunnels. You would have to try very hard to miss picking this up during your first run through. The Hollows Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the large open room before the boss. You will need to raise the water to proceed onwards. When you reach the ledge With the blue crystal you need to destroy to raise the water a second time, Do a quick 180 degree turn and float across the gap to open the chest for a wrath shard. The Ashlands Note: This wrathstone shard requires backtracking. You will need to return to The Ashlands once you have acquired Ruin. Location: Once you have Ruin, ride to the northern area of the map beneath the entrance to the arena area. Nearby you should be able to see a cave with a blue crystal inside. Destroy this and head inside for the shard. The Dry Road Note: This wrathstone shard requires backtracking. You will need to return to the road between the Dry Road and The Ashlands once you have acquired the abyssal chain. Location: In the passage leading from the Dry Road to the Ashlands. When you reach the room with the three demonic plants hanging above the rope in the centre of the room. Move out onto the entrance ledge, and look straight up and to the right to see a grapple point. Latch on to this and explore the small room here for another wrath shard. Iron Canopy Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the room with the spiderweb for a floor and a stone block to push, move the block under the demonic plant and grab the edge as it is lifted up. Jump to the right side of the room for a chest containing a wrath shard. Iron Canopy Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: Just to the left after the first bridge collapses behind you. Look for a destructible wooden wall to the left, behind this you will find a wrath shard chest. The Black Throne Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the second tower of The Black Throne. It can be found in the room with the two stone blocks floating in the centre and the moving stone walkway that cuts laps around the room. Once you have made it to the other side, before entering the door here, from the balcony look slightly to the left of the exit door to see a teleport pad in a small alcove above the room. Activate this then double jump into the nearby portal to find a chest containing a wrath shard Eden Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: Underneath the stairs leading to the tree of knowledge. Serpent Hole Note: This can be acquired, the first time you use the serpent hole to travel to the Dry Roads. Location: Visit Vulgrim and use the serpent hole to fast travel to the Dry Road. When you port in, turn around to see a chest behind you. open this for a wrath shard. Serpent Hole Note: This wrathstone shard requires backtracking. You will need to return to this particular (to Anvil's Ford) serpent hole once you have acquired the Abyssal Chain. Location: Visit Vulgrim and use the serpent hole to fast travel to Anvil's Ford. About halfway through the area, look to the left for a grapple point. Use the abyssal chain to cross the grapple points here to the chest for the shard. -------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************** ************************ *** ARTEFACT LOCATIONS *** [ARTFT] ************************ ********************* Throughout Darksiders you will find floating, green demonic artifacts. These can be collected and traded to Vulgrim for various amounts of blue souls. There are 20 soldier artifacts which are worth 1000 blue souls each, there are a further 6 champion artefacts which are worth 2,500 blue souls each and there is one Overlord artefact which is worth 5,000 blue souls. Finding all of the artifacts not only gives you the achievement/trophy "World Raider," but collecting the all of each type will yeild a special reward from Vulgrim. Here are the locations of all the artefacts: -------------------------------- Soldier Artefacts -------------------------------- The Crossroads Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: On the north western side of the map, there is a set of stairs leading down to a small cave. Dive under the water and you will see it on the right. The Crossroads Note: You require the Shadowflight ability to get this artefact Location: In the building behind Vulgrim, enter the large room. On the right is a broken shelf which will allow you to climb up to the ledge. Nearby you will see a broken bridge with the artefact on the opposite side. Jump across the gap and pick it up. Scalding Gallow Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the passageway between the Scalding Gallow and the Ashlands. After you use the chronosphere to go through the gate, continue until you jump into a large pipe. Look in the opposite direction from where the pipe leads to find a dead end with the artefact sitting in front. The Choking Grounds Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: Follow the small set of stairs just north of the Vulgrim location down into a circular room. Defeat the enemies here and grab the artefact near the back wall. The Choking Grounds Note: You require the Mask of Shadows to get this artefact Location: Just south of the Vulgrim location you will see three large concrete blocks, you can grab and drag the middle on backwards to find a hidden stairway leading down. Put on your mask of shadow to see the artefact. The Broken Stair Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: After entering the area, climb the ramp here and drop down onto the ledge to the right. Follow the passage here to the end to find the artefact. Twilight Cathedral Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: After dropping down the first hole in the ground, cross the gaps and look for the demon growth at the far end of the tunnel from where you entered. Behind it is the artefact. Climb to the top and glide across to nab it. Twilight Cathedral Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: On the platform next to the red crystal in the big rotating bridge room. Drowned Pass Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: As you enter the area, drop into the water below and look behind the waterfall to your rear to find the artefact. Drowned Pass Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. location: In the centre of the map you will find two sunken buildings. Dive down and find the door into the northernmost building. Swim up to the second floor to find the artefact. The Hollow Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: After the first large room with the inert bomb, the flaming gas pipe puzzle and the two ropes you need to use to cross the area you will arrive at a walkway with a blue crystal in front of you, the passage to the next area on the right and a large pool of water to the left. Dive in here to grab the artefact. The Hollow Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the room with the puzzle revolving around moving the stone block across the three raisable platforms. Look in a small alcove to the right of the third platform. The Dry Road Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: From the vulgrim location, exit the cave and jump across the gap. Climb the demonic growth and at the top turn immediately to the right. You should see the artefact sitting on a ledge. The Ashlands Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: After jumping down the hole after stopping the drill, you will land in a big pool of water, swim to the bottom to find the artefact. The Ashlands Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. location: In the first pool of water after you have defeated the sand worm mini-boss. the Ashlands Note: You require Ruin and the shadowflight ability to get this artefact Location: Look at your map, you will see a large rock platform behind the first building you went through in the Ashlands. Ride Ruin around the back of this and you will find a shadow flight geyser, use this to reach the platform and climb the demon growth nearby to find the Artefact. Iron Canopy Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: After exiting the room with the spiderweb for the floor, you will enter a small alleyway. At the end you will see a set of broken metal stairs. Climb as high as you can up these and float across to grab the artefact on top of a small building nearby. Iron Canopy Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: After defeating Silitha, hang around for a few moments. If you activate the floating crystal nearby using the cross blade, then switch to your abyssal chain and grapple the point on the bottom of it, you can ride the platform back up to the boss chamber. Jump into the hole in the ground and land on the next level down to find a blue soul chest, head around to the opposite side of this area to find Artefact: Soldier hidden behind some rocks. The Black Throne Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the third tower. After Azael's Prison changes a second time, enter the next room you can access. To the left as you enter is a blue soul chest. Activate the portal pad next to this, and then look for the one on the roof at the back of the room, head through this and float to the nearby platform to pick up Artefact: Soldier. The Black Throne Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the third tower. In the room following the big chasm, check out the bottom of the pool of water to the northeast to find Artefact: Soldier -------------------------------- If you hand in all the soldier artefacts to Vulgrim and you will be rewarded with a lifestone shard. -------------------------------- Champion Artefacts -------------------------------- Scalding Gallow Note: You will need the abyssal chain for this artefact. Location: In the passage leading to the drowned pass. In the fan section, look at your map to see a small open section to the south east side of the area. Jump on the fan, ride it around and then jump into the gap here. Use the grapple to pull yourself across, then use the nearby shadow flight geyser to reach the platform above. The Choking Grounds Note: You will need the Tremor Gauntlet for this artefact. Location: Behind the gatekeeper in the passage on the way to the Broken Stair, you reach a spot where you have to use the shadow flight ability to cross a gap – there are two geysers here for you to do this. Instead jump down and use the gauntlet to destroy the blue crystal here. Twilight Cathedral Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: After using bomb plants for the first time to destroy the red crystal, head inside and use the shadow flight geyser here to fly up to the artefact. The Hollow Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the small room with the bridge over a narrow pool of water (In the next room after this, you will need to flood the area to access the Beholder's Key). Once the next rooms are flooded, you can jump in the water beneath the small bridge and dive down and into the right hand pipe on the opposite wall, when you reach the dead end, swim upwards to enter a small hidden room for the Artefact. Iron Canopy Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the room following your encounter with the second of the four lage spiders, you will see two doors on the wall opposite. Enter the left door for a blue soul chest, then look straight up to see a grapple point, use your abyssal chain to get up to the platform next to it for the artefact. The Black Throne Note: This is covered in the above walkthrough. Location: In the third tower. After defeating the tower guardian and making your way back to Azrael's Prison. The artefact is in the final room before exiting to meet Azrael. As you enter a floating lift will lower, a bridge will appear and so will a shadow flight geyser. Jump over to the shadow geyser and continue to the right. Use the two portal pads here to launch War to the next platform above. Exit to the ledge here and grab the blue soul chest. Plant a super portal on top of the floating stone and use another portal to launch up to grab Artefact: Champion. -------------------------------- If you hand in all the champion artefacts to Vulgrim and you will be rewarded with a lifestone shard. -------------------------------- Overlord Artefact -------------------------------- The Ashlands Note: You will need the abyssal chain for this artefact. location: Make your way to the top of the third tower in the area (where you pulled the switch to stop the drill when running through the Ashlands the first time). This building happens to be adjacent to another. Use the abyssal chain on the grappling hooks nearby to swing over to the roof of the next building. Use the switch here to raise the drill below. Jump down and into the hole to land on a ledge above a pool of water. In front of you will be the Overlord Artefact. -------------------------------- If you hand in the Overlord artefact to Vulgrim and you will be rewarded with a Wrath Core. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************** ************************* *** SECRETS *** [SCRTS] ************************* ********************** -------------------------------- Cheats -------------------------------- Code: "The Hollow Lord" Effect: Unlocks the Harvester Scythe -------------------------------- Top Hat Zombie -------------------------------- A secret bad guy with a top hat, a cane and a proper english accent will appear in several areas around the game world. Defeating this guy will yeild 2000 blue souls. He can be found in the following locations: 1. Twilight Cathedral Once you have the abyssal chain, use the serpent hole to travel to the Twilight Cathedral. Looking at the front door, look across to your left to find a grapple point above the pool of lava below. Swing across here and enter the cave to fight the top hat zombie. 2. Anvil's Ford Once you have the abyssal chain, use the serpent hole to travel to Anvil's Ford. Look at the map and look for a small island to the west of the map, just a short distance from the main area. Cruise over here and you will find a grapple hook to swing across. Before you have a chance to though, you will be attacked by the top hat zombie. 3. The Choking Grounds In the area near the Vulgrim point with the three large concrete blocks. You will be able to move the central block, head down the stairs and you will encounter the top hat zombie. 4. Drowned Pass From where the gatekeeper was located, swim directly to the east across the water and enter the cave just above the water here (you would have completed a shadow arena challenge in here earlier). Inside you will be confronted by the top hat zombie. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************** ************************* ***ACHIEVEMENTS/TROPHIES*** [ACHMT] ************************* ********************** =============================================================================== Story Progression Achievements/Trophies =============================================================================== There are 22 story related achievements/trophies and as long as you complete the main storyline you can not miss any of these. Here's a list of said achievements/trophies: Death Dealer Description: Meet Vulgrim To Move A Mountain Description: Collect the Earthcaller Prison Break Description: Free Samael from his prison Chasm Jumper Description: Gain the Shadowflight Ability Elemental Thief Description: Collect the Crossblade Like A Bat Outta Hell Description: Defeat Tiamat Don't Make Me Angry Description: Collect the Chaos Form Ability One Tough Cookie Description: Meet Ulthane Tremor Bringer Description: Collect the Tremor Gauntlet Rocked Your Face Off Description: Defeat The Griever An Old Friend Description: Collect Mercy Time Lapse Description: Gain the Chronomancer Ability Reunited Description: Obtain Ruin Ashes to Ashes Description: Defeat The Stygian Reach Out And Touch Somebody Description: Collect the Abyssal Chain One Mean Mother Description: Defeat Silitha Into the Void Description: Collect the Voidwalker Payback's A B**** Description: Defeat Straga Sight Beyond Sight Description: Collect the Mask of Shadows Ultimate Blade Description: Forge the Armageddon Blade The Final Challenger? Description: Defeat The Destroyer =============================================================================== Game Completion Achievements/Trophies =============================================================================== These three achievements will unlock once you complete the game on the specified difficulty. Please note if you do complete the game on the Apocalyptic dificulty, it will also unlock the achievements/trophies for the lesser difficulties. If you do one run through the game on the Apocalyptic difficulty you can earn all three at once. You Call This Easy? Description: COMPLETE the game on EASY difficulty Balance Restored Description: COMPLETE the game on NORMAL difficulty The True Horseman Description: COMPLETE the game on APOCALYPTIC difficulty =============================================================================== Combat Achievement/Trophies =============================================================================== These achievements are combat related and most will be earned without trying as you head through the campaign. There are several . There are also some others that require a little more attention, but none of them are too difficult. Slayer Description: Kill 666 Demons How to: You need to kill 666 demons, you should earn this milestone at some point around the end of the Hollows and will definitely earn it before the end of the game. River of Blood Description: Shed 3000 gallons of Demon blood How to: Just continue to kill demons, you will earn this before you complete the game. To speed up the process use War's finisher attacks - they tend to spill a lot more blood than a standard kill. Horseman Description: Kill 150 Demons on Horseback How to: Once you have aquired Ruin, you will be able to swing your sword at enemies from horseback. Just kill 150 baddies whilst mounted to unlock the achievement/trophy. Improvised Kills Description: Kill 150 enemies with items from the environment How to: Use environmental objects to kill 150 enemies. These can include cars, tables and other pick up and tossable objects. You can also pick up objects such as fence pailings to use as weapons. Once you have killed the specified amount, this bad boy will unlock. Devastator Description: Kill 10 enemies with one Blade Geyser wrath attack How to: Kill 10 enemies simultaneously with a single blade geyser attack. You should attempt to do this against a crowd of weaker enemies such as the zombies or the spider hatchlings in the Iron Canopy. The easiest spot to do this is in a room close to the start of the Iron Canopy. The room required is the one whose floor consists of a spider web and there is a stone block that can be moved around. Jump onto the block and throw cross blades at each of the groups of small spiders around the room to make them aggressive. When they all gather together around the base of the block, jump down next to them and use the Blade Geyser attack. High Flier Description: Kill 5 duskbats without touching the ground How to: Dusk bats are weak and can be instantly killed with a double jump and finisher attack. You need to find a group of five or more and once you have action-killed the first bat, double jump towards the next one and hit the action button to start the next finisher. Continue to double jump between the bats until you have hit five. The best place to attempt this is in the shadow arena challenge that challenges you to eliminate enemies by action button finishers only, or hanging around outside the Twilight Cathedral. =============================================================================== Collectibles Achievements/Trophies =============================================================================== Battle Hardened Description: Max out all weapons and unlock all combat moves How to: Purchase all weapons, wrath powers and combat moves from Vulgrim to earn this achievement/trophy (you DO NOT need to fully upgrade your wrath powers to obtain this). Full Power Description: Collect the maximum amount of lifestones How to: Max out War's health bars to 10. You can do this by finding all the life stones and life stone shards scattered around the world. To do so follow the Life stone locations guide above [LFSTN]. Wrath of War Description: Collect the maximum amount of wrath cores How to: Max out War's wrath bars to 10. You can do this by finding all the wrath cores and wrath stone shards scattered around the world. To do so follow the Wrath core locations guide above [WRSTN]. World Raider Description: Collect all 27 Artefacts How to: Find all the artefacts in the world. You can find the locations above in the Artefact Locations section [ARTFT]. Legendary Form Description: Collect the Abyssal Armor Set How to: Find all the pieces of abyssal armor in the world. You can find the locations above in the Abyssal Armor Locations section [ABYAR]. Wrath Machine Description: Collect all the Wrath Powers How to: Purchase all four wrath powers from Vulgrim. Reaper Description: Collect the Scythe How to: Purchase the Scythe weapon from Vulgrim. Treasure Hunter Description: Search 150 Caskets How to: You will find treasure chests throughout the destroyed city. Open 150 of these to unlock the achievement/trophy. BFA Description: Unlocked EVERYTHING How to: Unlock all the other achievements/trophies and this one will unlock too. =============================================================================== Misc Achievements/Trophies =============================================================================== Aerial Predator Description: Kill 160 enemies while on the angelic beast How to: On your way to the Twilight Cathedral, you will reach a point where War will hijack an angelic beast. Save the game here! This achievement/ trophy requires you to kill 160 enemies during the subsequent flying sequence and this can prove quite difficult. If you miss it the first time, reload your game and keep trying until you get it. Dark Rider Description: Ride for 100 miles How to: Jump on Ruin and ride, and ride and ride. After 100 miles, this bad boy will unlock. Open Air Parking Description: Destroy a helicopter during the apocalypse with a vehicle How to: Cruise through the apocalypse until you see the gatekeeper fall onto the road. At this point, quickly grab a car nearby and look up and towards the gatekeeper, you will see a helicopter coming your way, nail this with the car for the achievement/trophy Who's Counting? Description: Defeat more angels than Ulthane How to: After you meet Ulthane and the counter appears at the top of the screen, save the game. This is where we will attempt another missable achievement/trophy. During the next section of the game, you will travel with Ulthane around the next area. If you can manage to kill more angels that Ulthane does in this time, you will earn this trophy/achievement. If you can't beat him the first time, reload and try again until successful. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************* *********************** *** SPECIAL THANKS *** [THNKS] *********************** ******************** I would like to thank the following people/entities: - GameFAQs for always being there when I needed help and for accepting my FAQ. - Vigil ganes for making an awesome game. - My fiancee Kumiko, who has been incredibly patient and understanding. - And everybody who has taken the time to read my FAQs so far. Contributers: - Jeremiah Dunaway for a correction to the acquiring of the Champion Artifact in the Hollows. - Chris (griffins900) for an alternate strategy to get the Abyssal Armour in the Twilight Cathedral. - KungFuJoe for an easier alternate strategy to defeat the Phantom general. - Ruins_Rider for an alternate strategy to beat the Griever. - CesarKing for the location of the Bloodthirst enhancement. - Connor Rowland for an alternate strategy to defeat the 3rd Tower Guardian. - Asa Wiggins and Kristian Pronovost for alerting me to an encouraging me to write a section about the 'top hat zombie' - Sdunphy and Domonic (dgp694) for an alternate way to acquire the 3rd abyssal armor piece. - Sqwunk for the location of the Death's Blessing Enhancement. - Armando (mocho28) for an idea to improve the general layout of the collectibles sections. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************* *********************** *** Contact *** [CNTCT] *********************** ******************* If you feel the need to contact me you can reach me at sokkus[at]hotmail[dot]com. Please include "Darksiders Guide" in the subject line. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************* ************************* *** About Me *** [INTRD] ************************* ********************* Im 25, Australian and live with my lovely fiancee. I have been thrice been named as the world sexiest hugging machine. I write game guides as a hobby in my spare time and have thouroughly enjoyed writing each and every one. If you enjoy this guide, please feel free to send me an email with any suggestions or corrections and check out some of my other guides: - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 FAQ/Walkthrough - Call of Duty: World at War FAQ/Walkthrough - Fable 2 FAQ/Walkthrough - Gears of War 2 FAQ/Walkthrough - Halo 3 Skull Guide - Halo 3: ODST FAQ/Walkthrough - Resident Evil 5 FAQ/Walkthrough or check out more of my guides and reviews at Ratedg4gamer.com. Thanks for reading! Enjoy! =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************* *********************** *** VERSION HISTORY *** [VERHI] *********************** ******************* Version 2.0 The guide currently contains: - Full Walkthrough to the Darksiders Campaign - Completed Achievement guide - Completed Artefact Location Section - Completed Wrathstone Location Section - Completed Lifestone Location section - Completed Abyssal Armor location guide - Completed Enhancement locations guide - Added a Secrets section - Started hints & tips section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.5 The guide currently contains: - Full Walkthrough to the Darksiders Campaign - Completed Achievement guide - Completed Artefact Location Section - Completed Wrathstone Location Section - Completed Lifestone Location section - Started hints & tips section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 The guide currently contains: - Full Walkthrough to the Darksiders Campaign - Started Achievement Section - Started Artefact Location Section - Started Wrathstone Location Section - Started Lifestone Location section - Started hints & tips section
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