Cheat Codes
To enable cheats in the game You'll have to use a text editor to edit the ".ini" file in the ""documents and settingsall usersapplication dataubisofttom clancy's splinter cell chaos theoryprofiles" folder. Please create a backup copy of the file before doing anything and make sure you don't use the "default" profile! Now, bind one of the following codes to a function key as indicated, then press the selected key during gameplay to toggle the corresponding cheat function.
summon echeloningredient.ewallmine - Spawn wallmine
summon echeloningredient.eflashbang - Spawn flashbang
summon echeloningredient.efraggrenade - Spawn frag grenade
summon echeloningredient.esmokegrenade - Spawn smoke grenade
summon echeloningredient.estickycamera - Spawn sticky camera
summon echeloningredient.estickyshocker - Spawn sticky shocker
summon echeloningredient.eringairfoilround - Spawn airfoil round
fly - Flight mode
ammo - Get ammunition
health - Get health
invisible - Invisible to NPCs
invincible - Invincibility
For example, if you make the following changes to the file, you'll be able to use [F2], [F3] and [F4] keys while playing for invisibility, invincibility and getting ammo.
North Korean UAVs
North Korean UAVs are tough to take down so they are better to be avoided. However, if you went with a kit with a sniper attachment, you can take them out with one well placed shot (anywhere on the body).
Choke Hold To Fireman's Carry
Hold the [Left Trigger] while grabbing an enemy to choke hold him, then immediately put his body on your spy's shoulder for a fireman's carry.
Knife To The Back To Fireman's Carry
Hold the [Right Trigger] to engage a knife attack on an enemy from the back; your spy needs to be standing to bring the corpse into a fireman's carry.
Catching Shetland
Have your sniper zoomed-in on the guard. When there is a fight, shoot, run, and catch Shetland. Then, end the mission.
Unlock Elite Mode
Beat story mode and Elite mode is unlocked. In Elite mode you have no ammo for your weapon and only your knife to kill.
Stick Camera Reuse
Sticky cameras may be reused in almost any mode as long as they are not destroyed by gunfire or did not use their gas attack.
Stun Punch To Fireman's Carry
While your spy (mainly Fisher) is standing and adjacent behind an enemy, hold the [Left Trigger] to deliver a non-lethal punch that transitions to the fireman's carry. Note, that this move will still cause mission failure if the person is to be kept awake or alive for an objective.
Easter Egg: Prince of Persia
During Stage 5, while infiltrating Displace International, Fisher will be able to come across two guards talking about another great UbiSoft hit the Prince of Persia Warrior Within. It is the small cafe next to a laser filled hallway, past a keypad locked door. A second way to access the room is through a vent, but about half the conversation is muffled due to Fisher being stuck inside a vent.
100% rating
In order to get a 100% rating on any mission, you must complete the level with the following statistics. It is unknown at this time if there is a reward for getting a 100% rating on every mission:
Enemies killed: 0
Times Identified as intruder: 0
Alarms sounded: 0
Civilians killed: 0
Bodies Found: 0

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