Cheat Codes
Press [F10] during game play, then type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
snowstorm - Snow after some time
t2000 - Terminator 2 skin texture
iamawimpforthis - 100 Bullets
getintomybelly - All Weapons
dark - Darker graphics
hellfreezeover - Disable enemy AI
gibnplenty - Dismemberment mode
bighead - Big Head mode
blank - Black, hot pink, and gray objects
sunofgod - Charge Radiance Emitter
instantcrash - Crash game
mediumrare - Crossbow
flameonastick - Flaming ammunition
givemefaith - Full health
thedogfarted - Gas Mask
itisdarknow - Darker color scheme
goodtimesman - Dynamite
combatisscary - Easy combat
isuck - Easy difficulty
puzzlesarescary - Easy puzzles
smileynomore - Elephant Gun
burnyourassoff - Flamethrower
irule - Hard difficulty
iworkforgod - Invincibility
nod3d - Invisibility
vampbeware - Lith Bullets
demonbeware -Mercy Bullets
recharge -Recharge flashlight battery
bigstickofdeath -Shotgun
wwbeware - Silver Bullets
time - Slow down or speed up time
meetmypaltommy - Tommygun
thunderstorm - Weather is raining
icansee - Night Vision Goggles
![Star Wars Outlaws Review 1](
Explore the galaxy in the franchise's first open-world game.