Destiny 2 Dawning Recipes guide thanks to Eva Levante.

Destiny 2 Dawning Recipes – All Holiday Oven Recipes in The Dawning 2018

Destiny 2‘s The Dawning event is now live, and it brings a number of exciting holiday activities with it. As with last year’s Dawning event, players will have the chance to cook special baked goods thanks to Eva Levante. Levante and her special holiday oven return from last year, and can be found in the bazaar area of the Tower. This guide includes all the Destiny 2 Dawning recipes and who to deliver the items to.

Each baked good requires a number of items to bake, including the all important Essence of Dawning. Once baked, players will be able to deliver the goods to characters throughout the game. Below you will find all of the Destiny 2 Dawning recipes

Destiny 2 Dawning Recipes – Holiday Oven Ingredient List

Every baked good requires Essence of Dawning, and as such we’ll leave that out of the list for you. Just know that it is required to bake anything. The ingredients must be baked in Eva Levante’s oven after being collected.

  • Alkane Dragee Cookies: Chitin Powder and Ether Cane
  • Candy Dead Ghosts: Ether Cane and Flash of Inspiration
  • Burnt Edge Transits: Any two ingredients that don’t otherwise combine
  • Chocolate Ship Cookies: Cabal Oil and Null Taste
  • Dark Chocolate Motes: Taken Butter and Null Taste
  • Elksni Birdseed: Ether Cane and Personal Touch
  • Gentleman’s Shortbread: Ether Cane and Perfect Taste
  • Gjallardoodles: Ether Cane and Delicious Explosion
  • Ill-Fortune Cookies: Dark Ether Cane and Impossible Heat
  • Infinite Forest Cake: Vex Milk and Impossible Heat
  • Javelin Mooncake: Chitin Powder and Sharp Flavor
  • Strange Cookies: Taken Butter and Electric Flavor
  • Radiolarian Pudding: Vex Milk and Electric Flavor
  • Telemetry Tapioca: Vex Milk and Bullet Spray
  • Traveler Donut Holes: Cabal Oil and Flash of Inspiration
  • Vanilla Blades: Cabal Oil and Sharp Flavor

There may be more recipes as well, and we will update this list if more are found.

Destiny 2 Dawning Recipes – Where to get Ingredients

Now you must be asking yourself, “How do I get these things?” and “Where to find Sharp Flavor?” Well, we have the answers for you. Below you’ll find where to find all the Destiny 2 Dawning recipes ingredients.

  • Bullet Spray: Fire your gun, a lot
  • Cabal Oil: Cabal Kills
  • Chitin Powder: Hive Kills
  • Dark Ether Cane: Scorn Kills
  • Delicious Explosion: Explosive Kills
  • Electric Flavor: Arc Kills
  • Ether Cane: Fallen Kills
  • Flash of Inspiration: Create Orbs of Light
  • Impossible Heat: Solar Kills
  • Perfect Taste: Precision Kills
  • Personal Taste: Melee Kills
  • Sharp Flavor: Sword Kills
  • Taken Butter: Taken Kills
  • Vex Milk: Vex Kills

Let’s not forget the all important Essence of Dawning, which is earned through completing activities. Patrols, Public Events, and Nightfalls will all garner some Essence of Dawning upon completion.

Destiny 2 Dawning Recipes – Who to Deliver Baked Goods To

All of the baked goods you make are for certain characters in Destiny 2. Read on to find out exactly who gets what, or make your own guesses and run around the Tower for a bit.

  • Alkane Dragee Cookies: Sloane
  • Candy Dead Ghosts: Spider
  • Burnt Edge Transits: Rahool
  • Chocolate Ship Cookies: Amanda Holliday
  • Dark Chocolate Motes: The Drifter
  • Elksni Birdseed: Hawthorne
  • Gentleman’s Shortbread: Devrim Kay
  • Gjallardoodles: Zavala
  • Ill-Fortune Cookies: Petra Venj
  • Infinite Forest Cake: Failsafe
  • Javelin Mooncake: Ana Bray
  • Radiolarian Pudding: Asher Mir
  • Strange Cookies: Xur
  • Telemetry Tapioca: Banshee-44
  • Traveler Donut Holes: Ikora
  • Vanilla Blades: Shaxx

Baking can give you rewards as well, so we recommend you hopping on Destiny 2 and enjoy the Dawning. The Dawning is live through January 1 on PS4, PC, and Xbox One.

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