Resident Evil 2 Chess Puzzle Solution Chess Piece Order

Resident Evil 2 Chess Puzzle Solution | Chess Plug puzzle order

The chess piece puzzle in Resident Evil 2 remake blocks your way to the Garbage Room and must be solved to proceed further in the game. Getting all six chess pieces is just part of solving the chess plug puzzle. You still have to get them in the right order.

Adding complication to the chess piece puzzle is the fact that the solution is different between the 1st and 2nd run scenarios. We’ll tell you how to find the chess puzzle solution in Resident Evil 2 regardless of which scenario you’re playing.

Resident Evil 2 Chess Piece Puzzle Solution – 1st run

Resident Evil 2 Chess Puzzle Clue 1st Run

Once you’ve returned to the Monitor Room after collecting all the chess pieces, you’re ready to solve the chess puzzle. There are two sets of clues you can find that will tell you how to find the solution.

The first and most important clue is on the bulletin board near the chess piece sockets.

It reads:

Pretty sure the rook and knight are on the same wall, and the bishop and queen aren’t next to each other. The queen and rook were opposite each other, too.
  • If you look at the sockets, you’ll notice two of them have markings showing which pieces go in them. Both the Knight and the Pawn sockets are marked, so you know those chess pieces stay where they are.
  • Because you know for sure where the Knight chess piece goes, you also now know which wall the Rook goes on.
  • Since the Rook and the Queen are opposite, you also know that the Queen must go on the wall with the Pawn.
  • Since the Pawn is inserted into one end, we can deduce that the Bishop can’t be on this wall because it would be next to the Queen no matter where you put it.
  • The Rook and Queen have to be across from one another. We know the Queen can’t go across from the Knight, and the Pawn is in the other end of the slots on the north wall. Therefore, we know the Queen must fit into the middle slot on the north wall.
  • Since we know where the Queen goes, we also know that the Rook must fit into the middle slot on the south wall.
  • The Bishop can’t be next to the Queen, so it must go in the last empty space on the north wall.
  • Finally, with one spot left open, we slot the King in next to the Queen.

So, now that we’ve thought it out we have which pieces fit on which wall:

Resident Evil 2 Chess Puzzle Solution 1st Run

  • North Wall Chess Pieces: King, Queen, Pawn
  • South Wall Chess Pieces: Bishop, Rook, Knight

Once you put the Chess Plugs into their sockets in this order, the room heading to the Garbage Room will unlock.

Resident Evil 2 remake Guides and Walkthrough

Resident Evil 2 Chess Piece Puzzle Solution – 2nd run

Resident Evil 2 Chess Puzzle Clue 2nd Run

The solution to the Resident Evil 2 2nd run chess piece puzzle is a little tougher than the first. The written clue is a bit more cryptic for one:

The rook’s next to the knight, but not facing the queen. The king ain’t next to the queen, but facing the knight, right at the end, and the knight ain’t where the case marking says.

So, once again you have to use the process of elimination to figure out the solution to the chess piece puzzle.

  • For starters, we know that any piece other than the Knight Plug goes in the socket labeled for the Knight.
  • We also know that the King can’t be across from the socket labeled for the Knight since the Knight chess piece doesn’t go there.
  • We can also deduce that the Pawn stays in the slot labeled for it since the note didn’t mention it.
  • We also know that the King is at the end of one of the rows and the Knight is across from it.
  • The King can’t go across from the Pawn, and the Knight can’t go in the Knight slot, so we know that the King must go in the third socket on the south wall.
  • The Knight must go into the first socket on the north wall across from the King.
  • The Rook must go next to the Knight in the middle slot on the north wall.
  • The Queen can’t face the Rook, so it must go in the first socket in the south wall.
  • The Bishop goes in the remaining middle socket on the south wall.

So, the solution to the 2nd run chess puzzle is:

Resident Evil 2 Chess Puzzle Solution 2nd Run

  • North Wall Chess Pieces: Knight, Rook, Pawn
  • South Wall Chess Pieces: Queen, Bishop, King

Once you’ve entered the chess pieces into the sockets in this order, the door will unlock!

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