Apex Legends battle pass and microtransactions

Apex Legends battle pass and micro-transactions

Apex Legends, the Titanfall universe battle royale game, earlier today. The free-to-play first-person shooter features a battle pass like similar battle royale games and a range of cosmetic micro-transactions. The Apex Legends battle pass and micro-transactions are entirely cosmetic in nature.

Respawn Entertainment revealed and released Apex Legends earlier today. As a free-to-play battle royale title, the game features a number of monetization schemes familiar to fans of the genre. The game has several types of currency, with Apex Coins being the real-world currency used to purchase items.

Apex Legends battle pass | what’s in the battle pass

The first season of Apex Legends is expected to kick off in March alongside the game’s battle pass. Respawn Entertainment has said the Apex Legends battle pass will grant access to exclusive cosmetic items through gameplay. The themed seasons will bring new content to the game with new weapons, skins, voice lines, and Legends.

Not much is known of the battle pass, as it is not currently available for purchase. Similar battle passes in Fortnite and Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout are around $10, so expect a close price for Apex Legends.

Apex Legends micro-transactions | what can you buy

Apex Legends‘ store focuses on three distinct currencies: crafting metals, Legend Tokens, and Apex Coins. Apex Coins are the game’s real-world currency, which can be used to buy loot boxes, Legends, and legendary character skins.

The game’s Apex Coins are available in $9.99, $19.99, $39.99, $59.99, and $99.99 packs. The cheapest pack is for 1000 coins, then 2150, 4350, 6700, and 11500 respectively. A single cosmetic loot box includes a number of items and is purchaseable for 100 Apex Coins. The two Legends currently up for purchase are 750 coins each, and several legendary featured skins are 1800 coins.

The game also has a starter pack available for $4.99 and a $29.99 founder’s pack. The founder’s pack includes several exclusive skins for characters and weapons alike.

Apex Legends store | how to earn in-game currencies

In-game currencies in Apex Legends can be earned in a number of ways.

Apex Legends crafting metals are dropped in Apex Packs (loot boxes) that can then be used to craft cosmetic items.

Legend Tokens are earned by increasing your level through earning experience. These can be used to unlock skins for characters and weapons, along with unlocking new characters.

Apex Coins are only available through by spending real-world money and are used to purchase Apex Legends loot boxes, cosmetic items, and new characters.

Apex Legends is available for free on PS4, Xbox One, and PC through EA’s Origin launcher.

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