Mirage in Apex Legends

How to unlock Caustic and Mirage in Apex Legends

Have you noticed the two locked characters in Apex Legends? If you want all eight Legends it’s clear you’re going to have to do something to get them. Unfortunately, there’s only two ways to unlock Caustic and Mirage in Apex Legends, which we’ll detail for you below: the long way and the easy, slightly more expensive way.

How to unlock Caustic and Mirage in Apex Legends

To unlock Caustic and Mirage in Apex Legends you either need to have a combined total of 1500 Apex Coins (as both Legends cost 750 Apex Coins apiece) or have performed well enough in matches to have earned a whopping 24,000 Legend Tokens, which is the reddish currency on display at the top right-hand corner of your screen in the main menu.

We’ll get to Apex Coins (and how much you’ll need to shell out) in just a moment. For those who want to go purely free-to-play, you’ll want to know about the Legend Tokens. While it’s a bit of a thankless task, it is entirely possible to get enough Legend Tokens via leveling up during the course of playing. Getting 12,000 Legend Tokens to unlock either Caustic or Mirage, though, will likely take 12-15 hours of pretty solid play. Certainly doable, but a tough ask nonetheless.

If you’ve done either of them, simply go to the Legends tab on the main menu and press Triangle/Y over the new Legend you wish to unlock.

How much does it cost to unlock Caustic and Mirage?

Here come the microtransactions. Love them or loathe them, they’re an essential part of a game like Apex Legends. Each of Caustic or Mirage cost 750 Apex Coins to unlock, but I may as well be speaking gibberish because, after all, how much is that in real-world currency?

As of writing, the minimum amount of Apex Coins you can buy through the in-game store is 1000. In the U.S. that’ll set you back $9.99 and in the U.K. it’s £7.99. Buying two lots of them will give you enough (and change) to unlock Caustic and Mirage.

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