apex legends 105 error

Apex Legends 105 Error | How to fix

The game has been relatively bug-free, but an Apex Legends 105 error just doesn’t want to go away. The error message (which reads: “Oops something went wrong. Please try again later. (105)”) is something that can crop up from time to time without warning and then go again just as quickly. Here’s how to fix the 105 error in Apex Legends. But, just so you’re warned, you’re gonna need your EA account login details handy. Yes, it’s one of those fixes. Gulp.

What is the Apex Legends 105 error?

Players are finding that, upon booting up Apex Legends on Xbox One and PS4, they’re being met by an incredibly specific error code, with a message that only says: Oops something went wrong. Please try again later. (105)

If you get that, you won’t be able to play Apex Legends, and you’ll also be destined to be stuck on the main menu for eternity. But we can’t be having that now, can we?

How to fix the Apex Legends 105 error

This isn’t something you can remedy via your console. Instead, as per the EA Help Twitter account, you’re going to need to head to the EA site and click the “Log in” button.

Instead of logging in via your EA account details on the main input page, you’re going to want to look just below it. There you’ll see tiny buttons for PSN and Xbox Live respectively. Click on either one and log in with your PSN ID or Gamertag details, making sure you’re using your correct email.

You’ll then get a notification asking you to link your PSN ID or Gamertag to your EA account. Do so, and then head back on to Apex Legends on your chosen platform. You should, with a quick restart, now be free to play the battle royale.

Don’t have an EA account? All you have to do is create one and then follow the steps above.

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