Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets Hints and Tips

Hints and Tips

Hints/Glitches Summary
Ron's Bed If you go to all the beds including Harry's, and then go to Ron's bed you'll notice his bed covers are different.
Lost Badge Location Found on the Broom Flying Field, towards Hagrid's Hut and the Whomping Willow.  Inside the flying court.
Bertie Botts Bean Bag (200 Bean Capacity) Gather every item for the students around Hogwarts (not the Notice Board). You have to actually find the people. The final person will give you a key to the confiscated items room. In there are six Wizards cards and the biggest Bertie Bots Bean Bag.
Easy Wizard Cards Go to the Burrow and Diagon Alley and look for Wizard Card Chests.  Then go to Neville's games, especially Broom Racing, to get Wizard Cards.

Note: You will have to pay Beans to participate in Broom Racing and Gnome Tossing, Gnome Dunking is free.

In Ron's barn at the very beginning is a card on top of the rafters. To get it, you need to climb the chicken coop outside.
Extra Beans At The Burrow Hit the trash can by the Weasleys house in the beginning. Hit as many times as you like, but you have to wait till the lids shake violently until casting.
How To Defeat The Basilisk!!! After riddle calls forth the basilisk run and grab the sword that Fawks brings to you. Be careful not to get to close to the basilisk and conserve your health. The basilisk will go in and out of two pipes often so wait till after it emerges from the pipe and target his head with the sword. Shortly after he will raise his head and scatter poison out of his mouth. Try to avoid being hit by the poison. While his head's still in the air, aim, charge the sword by holding, Circle, Triangle, or Square, and fire. While shooting use you're left joystick to move the swords magic beam to a little above the black marking on the underside of his neck and hold it there for a little while. If done right it will take about 1/4 of its life and the sword will be knocked from your hands and onto one of the three stones surrounding you. Avoid the basilisk and the falling rocks, retrieve the sword and repeat the process.
Lost Wizards Hat This can be found in a small patch of trees towards the Quiddich Court.
Free Sickles In Diagon Alley Once you have collected your Standard Book of Spells from Diagon Alley, cast Flippendo to break the barrels and you'll find Sickles.  This will enable you to buy other things in the shops.
Last Minute Points On the Last day of term, if you're short a few points from getting the house cup try finding something for the notice board or do the flying exam again (if you didn't get the top grade) Madame Hootch will give you a few more points if you beat your old score.
Defeating The Giant Mother Spider 2 While fighting it, you may notice little sacks being dropped and suspended by webbing. Shoot them down with Flapendo and collect health and Bean power ups from Hedwig.

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