Qlione Evolve Trophies


Qlione 1 Trophies


Trophy Description
Completion (Bronze) Complete all stages.
Conception (Bronze) Complete Stage 2 in under 130 seconds.
Consolidation (Silver) Create an energy orb worth at least 10 lives.
Continuation (Bronze) Complete Stage 6 in under 230 seconds.
Destruction (Silver) Destroy 5000 enemy parts.
Equalia (Silver) Finish the game with at least 20 lives left.
Evolvia (Gold) Finish the game without using any continues.
Fusion (Silver) Fuse 5000 orbs.
Quicklione (Silver) Finish the game in under 2000 seconds.
Transportation (Bronze) Complete Stage 4 in under 270 seconds.

Qlione 2 Trophies

Trophy Description
Cell Division (Bronze) Evolve 5 times.
Corpse Flower (Bronze) Evolve to Rafflesia.
Das Medusenhaupt (Bronze) Evolve to Medusa.
Evolutionary Chart (Gold) Play as every form in one game.
Fast Mutation (Silver) Beat the game in 1000 seconds or less.
Inherited Traits (Gold) Finish the game in the Clione form.
Mikami Petal (Silver) Evolve to God Hand.
New Generation (Silver) Beat the game.
On the Origin of Species (Bronze) Evolve to every form on the Red Item Evolutionary Path.
Protein Rich (Silver) Evolve to Orochi.
Tree of Life (Bronze) Evolve to every form on the Green Item Evolutionary Path.

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