Apex Legends Recruit mode

Apex Legends Recruit Mode | What is the new game mode?

Apex Legends features only a three-player squad mode as of writing, but it looks as though this is set to change thanks to the Apex Legends Recruit mode. We could see a couple of new modes added to the hugely popular battle royale game. What is the recently leaked Recruit mode in Apex Legends?

Thanks to a datamine from RealApexLeaks, it seems as though a whole host of new content and modes could be on the way to Apex Legends. We’ve already covered the supposedly leaked Survival mode. Now, it’s time to take a look at what is Apex Legends Recruit mode? Read on to find out all there is to know about the leaked new mode.

Apex Legends Recruit mode

Apex Legedns Recruit mode

Unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of information available to us as to exactly what Recruit mode is. We can make a few educated guesses thanks to RealApexLeaks data mining efforts.

It appears as though Recruit mode will likely be a 20 v 20 game mode. With three teams facing off against each other at any time maximum. This would make sense as it keeps the game’s 60 player limit. Interestingly, it seems as though Recruit mode is a solo playlist. Yes, you will be in a team of 20 players, but it won’t work quite the same as it does when you’re paired with two other players.

The biggest trick up Recruit mode’s sleeves, however, is that it seems as though you will be able to recruit downed players from other teams. It appears as though if you down an enemy and revive them within 30 seconds that they will be added (recruited) to your team and fight alongside you. The last team standing will supposedly win the match.

If Recruit mode does actually make its way into Apex Legends, it sounds as though it will offer a refreshing twist on the standard battle royale formula. Time to play the waiting game.

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